Timber Tales - Timberhill Place2016... · May 2016 Notes From Robin Timberhill Place ~ 989 NW...

May 2016 Notes From Robin Timberhill Place ~ 989 NW Spruce Avenue ~ Corvallis, Oregon 97330 541-753-1488 email ~ [email protected] Website ~ www.timberhillplace.com Timber Tales May first is considered to be the midpoint to spring. That, along with all of the warm and sunny weather that we’ve had, has all of the flowers in full bloom so, be sure to go outside and enjoy our beautiful Timberhill Place grounds. Doris has been busy preparing the community gardens for planting. If you want a garden spot, be sure to reserve one before all of the spots are gone. The activity department is busy planning a resident salsa garden with the goal of making fresh salsa for your enjoyment throughout the summer. If you like salsa or have a favorite salsa reci- pe that you want to share, this would be a great activity for you. I can’t wait to taste all of the delicious salsa that will be coming our way. I hope that all of you have a great time and have lots of fun with your gardens this summer. If you have questions about the community gardens be sure to speak with Doris from our housekeeping department. On Sunday, May 8, Page and his staff will be preparing a special Mother’s Day lunch for our Timberhill Place Mother’s and their guests. If plan you on having guests be sure to notify the front desk with the number of guests in your party by Monday, May 2. This will allow the din- ing room staff time to arrange seating for everyone. Please notify the front desk as early as pos- sible if you plan to be away for the Mother’s Day noon meal. Our dining room can only accom- modate a certain number of guests and these seats fill up fast. With your advanced notice, we may be able to prevent turning any guests away. Have you met our new bus driver? If not, be sure to introduce yourself to him. His name is Rich Ridge and he is very eager to meet each of you. Rich will be driving on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He comes to us with several years of driving experience and is looking forward to driving you to your destination of choice. Cathy will continue to work her normally scheduled hours. Welcome Rich, we all look forward to getting to know you. The attendance for the Food Committee and the Town Meeting has been very low the last few months. I would like to encourage all of our residents to attend these meetings whenever it is possible. Both of these meetings are open to all Timberhill Place residents, family and staff. Be sure to check your activity calendar for the date and time of these meetings. It’s always good to stay informed on the things that are happening here at Timberhill Place. If you can’t attend these meetings, you will find minutes of each meeting posted on the main bulletin board for your review. I look forward to your suggestions and hope that you will share them with us soon. I wish all of our Timberhill Place Mothers a very happy Mother’s Day. I hope that you can re- lax and let others pamper and do something special for you, because you certainly deserve it on your special day. There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it. ~ Chinese Proverb.

Transcript of Timber Tales - Timberhill Place2016... · May 2016 Notes From Robin Timberhill Place ~ 989 NW...

Page 1: Timber Tales - Timberhill Place2016... · May 2016 Notes From Robin Timberhill Place ~ 989 NW Spruce Avenue ~ Corvallis, Oregon 97330 541-753-1488 email ~ tmbrpl@proaxis.com Website

May 2016 Notes From Robin

Timberhill Place ~ 989 NW Spruce Avenue ~ Corvallis, Oregon 97330 541-753-1488 email ~ [email protected]

Website ~ www.timberhillplace.com

Timber Tales May first is considered to be the midpoint to spring. That, along with all of the warm and sunny weather that we’ve had, has all of the flowers in full bloom so, be sure to go outside and enjoy our beautiful Timberhill Place grounds. Doris has been busy preparing the community gardens for planting. If you want a garden spot, be sure to reserve one before all of the spots are gone. The activity department is busy planning a resident salsa garden with the goal of making fresh salsa for your enjoyment throughout the summer. If you like salsa or have a favorite salsa reci-pe that you want to share, this would be a great activity for you. I can’t wait to taste all of the delicious salsa that will be coming our way. I hope that all of you have a great time and have lots of fun with your gardens this summer. If you have questions about the community gardens be sure to speak with Doris from our housekeeping department. On Sunday, May 8, Page and his staff will be preparing a special Mother’s Day lunch for our Timberhill Place Mother’s and their guests. If plan you on having guests be sure to notify the front desk with the number of guests in your party by Monday, May 2. This will allow the din-ing room staff time to arrange seating for everyone. Please notify the front desk as early as pos-sible if you plan to be away for the Mother’s Day noon meal. Our dining room can only accom-modate a certain number of guests and these seats fill up fast. With your advanced notice, we may be able to prevent turning any guests away. Have you met our new bus driver? If not, be sure to introduce yourself to him. His name is Rich Ridge and he is very eager to meet each of you. Rich will be driving on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He comes to us with several years of driving experience and is looking forward to driving you to your destination of choice. Cathy will continue to work her normally scheduled hours. Welcome Rich, we all look forward to getting to know you. The attendance for the Food Committee and the Town Meeting has been very low the last few months. I would like to encourage all of our residents to attend these meetings whenever it is possible. Both of these meetings are open to all Timberhill Place residents, family and staff. Be sure to check your activity calendar for the date and time of these meetings. It’s always good to stay informed on the things that are happening here at Timberhill Place. If you can’t attend these meetings, you will find minutes of each meeting posted on the main bulletin board for your review. I look forward to your suggestions and hope that you will share them with us soon. I wish all of our Timberhill Place Mothers a very happy Mother’s Day. I hope that you can re-lax and let others pamper and do something special for you, because you certainly deserve it on your special day.

There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.

~ Chinese Proverb.

Page 2: Timber Tales - Timberhill Place2016... · May 2016 Notes From Robin Timberhill Place ~ 989 NW Spruce Avenue ~ Corvallis, Oregon 97330 541-753-1488 email ~ tmbrpl@proaxis.com Website

Resident Birthdays

May 29…… Rosemary H

Staff Birthdays May 5……....Ashley W May 10…….….Megan May 18……….Debbie May 24…..…….Karen May 29 …..……..Page

Timberhill Place Team Leaders Executive Director……………...……..Robin Bemrose Director of Office/Marketing……...……Debbie Vergo Director of Nursing……………….…...Lorraine Dobra Director of Resident Care…………..………Judy King Director of Activities……………....Ashley Wiedeman Director of Food Service …………..... Page Hundemer Director of Housekeeping………..…Doris Blum-Etzel Director of Maintenance………..………...Ed Klinkner

Timberhill Place Van Service Schedule

Sat & Sun: No Transportation Service Monday: 9 a.m. – 12:00 Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 12:00 & 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wednesday: 1 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Thursday: 9 a.m. - 12:00 Friday: 9 a.m. - 12:00 Holidays: No Transportation Service

Van Service may be cancelled due to weather.

Medical Notes

By Lorraine Dobra R.N.

Balancing Act

Do you get dizzy when you stand up? Turn your head? Bend over? This may be caused by postural low blood pressure. When you change position, your body must adjust your blood pressure. As you get older (55+) your body needs more time to make this adjust-ment because the arteries that carry your blood may be less elastic and smaller in di-ameter. There are several ways to decrease episodes of dizziness from postural low blood pres-sure and improve your balance. Increase your lower body strength. You can do this by standing up and sitting down in a chair while holding onto the arm rests several times a day. Before you stand up, flex feet and lower legs a few times and open and close your fists. Have something to hold onto while you stand. Then, once standing count to 3 before you start to walk. This gives your blood ves-sels time to make the blood pressure adjust-ment you need when changing positions. Other helpful hints are to stay hydrated. Drink fluids even if you are not thirsty. Re-member if you are dehydrated you will often need to use the bathroom more because the concentrated urine will irritate the lining of your bladder sending urgency signals to your brain. Speak to your Doctor about reviewing your medicines. Some medicines such as water pills or blood pressure pills can cause dizziness. Also ask your Doctor to test you for low Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and anemia. Don’t forget!! First thing in the morning: sit up in bed, then move to the edge of bed and sit for a count of 3, then slowly stand up. When you turn your head or turn your body, hold on to something. This will help prevent a fall. From Center for Disease Control website: healthyag-ing.org.cdc

Page 3: Timber Tales - Timberhill Place2016... · May 2016 Notes From Robin Timberhill Place ~ 989 NW Spruce Avenue ~ Corvallis, Oregon 97330 541-753-1488 email ~ tmbrpl@proaxis.com Website

Resident of the Month June is the resident of the month! She was born in Fort Sill, Okla-homa in the month of June. Growing up June describes herself as an “army brat”. Her father was in active duty all throughout her child-hood years. She attended several schools and graduated High School in Oklahoma. She married young to her first husband, but he sadly passed away. They had three wonderful boys together—William, Ro-land and Richard. Later on in life she met her second husband Ralph. Ralph was an English and History teacher at the school that her chil-dren attended. He caught her attention and they spent 26 wonderful years together. June has four grandchildren and four great grandchil-dren.

For 26 years she had a career in bookkeeping for Truax and says “they were a really good 26 years”. June loved her job. When it was time for her to retire she was able to do a lot more of what her passion is—cooking. She absolutely loves to cook. It is her favorite thing to do and although she really loves her home here at Timberhill Place and the food, cooking is one thing she misses being able to do. Another thing she really enjoyed in her retirement was traveling. Her favorite place that she has ever visited was the Holy Land in Jerusalem. Her favorite past times are reading, enjoying some of the activities at THP like exercise, spelling bee and social hour. But most of all she loves getting out and meeting new people and socializing. She is very much a people person and we all adore her sweet bubbly per-sonality. Her church is also a big part of her life. Everyone is so happy to have her here at Timberhill Place and thank you June for brighten-ing up our days and for being our Resident of the Month!!

A Mother…

When you’re a child she walks before you,

To set an example. When you’re a teenager she

walks behind you, To be there should you need

her. When you’re an adult she walks

beside you, So that as two friends you can

enjoy life together…

On Memorial Day Weekend there will be a Memorial Table for you to display

pictures of your loved ones who have passed away. The table will be set up Friday, May 27 and will

remain until Tuesday, May 31. If you need any assis-

tance please as a staff person and they will be happy to

help you.

Page 4: Timber Tales - Timberhill Place2016... · May 2016 Notes From Robin Timberhill Place ~ 989 NW Spruce Avenue ~ Corvallis, Oregon 97330 541-753-1488 email ~ tmbrpl@proaxis.com Website

Activity Highlights

Lunch Out to Novak’s Thursday, May 5th

The van loads at 11:30 so don’t miss this chance to enjoy some delicious

Hungarian Food and don’t forget to sign up

in the outing book.

Spring Trip to the Coast Thursday, May 19

We will be heading to Newport to enjoy lunch out at Georgie’s

This will be fun trip so sign up early in the outing book!

Nature Walk

Do you enjoy getting out and

enjoying all that nature has to offer? If so, join us as we go for a nature walk on Thursday,

May 5th we will meet in the lobby at 10:00am and set off for a walk to enjoy spring-

time in the neighborhood!

Outing to the Iris Fields Thursday, May 12

The van will load at 11:00am Come enjoy an extravaganza of color and beauty! Sign up in

the outing book.

Mother’s Day Party Friday, May 6 at 2:30 in the DR

Special music with Steven You don’t have to be a mom to come as long as you have a

mom or know a mom you are


Games, Games & More Games

We have lots of new games on the calendar, too many to list here so

check out the activity cal-endar & come have some

fun with us!

Fact or Fiction

Fridays at 4:00 in the lobby Do you believe everything you hear? Or are you a skeptic at heart? Either way come join us on Friday after-

noons for this fun new activity.

Page 5: Timber Tales - Timberhill Place2016... · May 2016 Notes From Robin Timberhill Place ~ 989 NW Spruce Avenue ~ Corvallis, Oregon 97330 541-753-1488 email ~ tmbrpl@proaxis.com Website

Employee of the Quarter

New Residents

Vanessa has been selected by the residents as Employee of the Quarter for April, May and June. She has worked at Timberhill Place for nearly a year as a Caregiver/Hospitality Aid. She was born in Corvallis and grew up here and in Clarks Point, Alaska. She spent her summers in Alaska with her mother’s family who are Alas-kan Eskimo and Tlingit. She still tries to go there as often as she can. Vanessa has started her higher education at LBCC and plans to continue soon. She hopes to someday work as a school psychologist. She is married and is the mother of two children. Payton is 8 and goes to Wilson Elementary and Lyllyan is 4 and goes to preschool at OSU. Vanessa’s favorite things are spending time with her kids, reading, cro-cheting and scrapbooking. She also likes the beach and says that her fa-

vorite beach is at Clarks Point, but she will settle for Newport when she is in Oregon. Her philosophy for life is, “Live for today, for yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.”

Please welcome Shirley Pearson our other new resident. Shirley is in apart-ment #209. Shirley says she led a very happy life growing up with her fam-ily in North Powder and although she was adopted, she was every bit her parent’s child as if she were blood. Shirley’s late husband, Louis was a military pilot so she has lived in all parts of the world. One place was China which she loved. Here and Louis had three wonderful children Renae, Jim and Pete. She also has two grand-children. A graduate of University of Oregon, Shirley earned a master’s degree in

Special Education. After which she went to teach in California and Pendleton, OR. Presently, she likes to spend time with her cats and is anxious to meet new people and check out some of the activities we have here at Timberhill Place. Let’s make her feel at home with a warm greeting!

Please welcome new resident Trudy. Trudy has recently moved to Tim-berhill Place to apartment #216. One of the things she likes about her new apartment is being able to hang her favorite paintings by two family friends. One of which is a mural of Trudy. Trudy has moved here from Boca Raton, FL. She has three sons Steven, Rick and Bob as well as six grandchildren. She also has a niece Pam that visits often and is very important to her. Trudy grew up in Manhattan, NY and worked in advertising. She is of Jewish faith and the most important thing in her life has always been her family and her husband Jerry of 40+ years.

Exercise class is one of her favorite activities here at Timberhill Place as well as socializing and meeting new people. Trudy is definitely a people person so stop and say Hello!

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Timberhill Place Mission Statement We are dedicated to supporting the individuality, dignity and well being of our seniors within a caring, homelike environment.

Timberhill Place 989 NW Spruce Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330

Timber Tales is published monthly for residents, their families and friends of Timberhill Place. We make every effort to provide quality care and a home-like atmosphere. If you have suggestions,

concerns or have contributions to our newsletter we invite you to submit them to the Administrator. For more information on Timberhill Place, please call us at 541-753-1488 or email ~ [email protected]