tile.loc.gov · 2016. 2. 13. · THE NEW WHOLE NO. 8883. MORNING YORKHERAT.J) «> EDITION.FRIDAY,...

THE NEW WHOLE NO. 8883. MORNING YORK HERAT. J) «> EDITION.FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1861. PRIOR CW ) CRN". THE REVOLUTION. IMPORTANT JE*3 IM Td£ mm Preparationj tor an Attar-: on Ft *t Si.aitex. * Seizure of tha Sa annah' F its t>y the Governor oi '! MEETING OF THE FLQRIIA CON' .iTit'fi Debate on the Crisis ;ii t?ie , Senate. Speeches of Senators Baker and Douglas. f1 the crittcngen nact proposition. THE WAR FEELING TP PRiLADELPHil, >t Ac., &C, &.. .v^frv. ivN, Jao. j, i'fl. Intelligence wad r xt vci la^t night Uut .. «- . ter * now besieged; Ur.t all Maj i ¦!. «4>mmunic«tk>DB are cut off; that 1 ;ri Moi* trie han tieen completely rop-.ircd, a. to'? gum remowrted, au>l everytb.ag e; >a rowlm-vis loop- n .* ftre on Major Anderson. N-w batteries aru .na er'C^ed mouikI twin by the Beoeneion-MB, and every day his danger and tbo di.ficu-ties cf reir.forc.ni{ him are Increased. Hih frc^t- u- pp. >diou-. for reinforcements, end even tho teais und t:a> rs «'i hiewifa having failed to moyo tho rrtfrident, hi determined never again to now hia repeat, but wfB pcrith, if he must, ia tb,. fort, tils men bavo boicd themselves by an oiith to stand auci per!- h w Ui li m. H is beyo»d a doubt that a combination 's fonn.ng to take forcible poi-sossion of tho f>overcn.;ut at Wishing ton on or before tho 4th of ^arch, but tho pre m tiino u net yet determined. The above is from sources which lf,avo co dcub» of ts reliability. Senator Toombs receised a despatch tbifi :norr :rom Governor Brown, of Georgia, stating that ho had rdered tbe Georgia troops to occupy Fort l'ulatki, to prevent tho federal troops from taking it until the meeting u their Convention. Neither FortJa kson uor the arsenal had tM^-n taken, and the Governor gavo no intimat.ou that ho kitended to take them. Tho Governor issued the order to occupy Fort Pulaski for tbo reason (hit ho had learned th-« tho adm.nitration liad given orders to reinforce aU ?»>« forW in tho South. Other fortt have undoubtedly been taken for tbe «me reason Tho President, it is understood, did fk'40 such an order, but it was afterwards revoked. I to Pro.- ident al-o received a despatch announcing the occuj it.on of fbrt Pulaski by the Georgia troep^. The Oib.nqt were evened at an early hour thi- morning, *l ! ndo.Mcdly had the subject under consideration. Senator Toombs received late th s evet >».; «.«>!.. from Macon and other portions of Georgia, to tho et'.e- that the majorities favorable to section were i ve to one. He has no doubt the -tale has gout largely 'or .u. K.5Ce8l*iOP. Lieutenant Underwood one of tbo on valine cutter taken by the South <krol.ua author,t» h arrived here. He had an nterview with tho !. r try of tbe Treasury, and detailed ta him u 1 .1 ' fa. t c> Mated with that transaction. lie uius t' it Gipta.ti Ctote misled tho officers. Lieutenant l\ ref :sed t > havo anything to do with the transaction, and de ..a r.r.b U> serve under Coste. Governor Morgan's message, commending a tth« rt an won as Northern line of railway to the Paeihc, :< w ... received here by the Southwest, as the h t . v le. of an enlarged nationality of spirit on tho par. o. tho North. . .. Me morials are pouring into Congress term the or hern States, signed by men of all political part.es, pray in.; Ouogressto submit Mr. Crittenden's resolutions as an amendment to the constitution. Senator Bigier yr< so it- ed a large number this morning, and n\ ressed tl.e opm ion that Pennsylvania would sanction the measure; tli it his state would concede any thing for peace, except the Union, that she would never yield. There is a rapidly vMtwing sentiment throughout the North favorable to Nir. Orktenden a plan of adjustment, and letters are p wring in urging tho republicans to accept it. A large number of leading and influential gentlemen from New York city arrived hero th.s morning, among them Uoyd Aspinwall, Moses Taylor, A. A. low, K. li. «^een, Moses Odell and Emanuel B. Hart. Th y aio auiious to save the I'nion. it is now settled that Mr. Seward has l.een oflered a po miUon u, Mr. tincoin's Cabinet. The post assigned to htm te iiiat Of Secretary of State. He ia disposed to decline -t but his friends insist that be shall accept. It has aroused theanti f"ward element, and from present a«»oarane«. bwb< fair to be afpretty tight. The foUawinf address to the people of the mite I States, a movement of Senator Bigier and John Cochrane. o( New York. has been signed by Mr. Crittenden and many other members of Congress. The propositions are those introduced Into the Senate by Mr. Crittenden. The ob- M«t m to get ihe approval of the people in order tbnt the p,,.v«.ed amendments may lie pass,>d, by a vote of two ihuiM as amendments to the constitution . Your citv is in imminent !>eril. The reder.il ''nion » in orocw ol disruption Without your aid ton*ress can ao little to avert the impending calamity. Ibt SJT Committee of Tho teen have rei«rted '. ir ntmliiv to liirree upon any -m iHrmia>ent b< i ween the North and south Th. House sdJusUj thirty three have arrived at no -atistact >ry ' "m n, ! r Umiiwhile the work of dissolution I- na.viug "STSitk fWrfrtrul rtrdc-, an<t mutual exasperation country. rhe undrrsigti«d. iet«n-w>ut- ,, ,,^-tion ot our common country, in tii. -«¦ mliappy in roundina*. hsvr deemed 1 n»r HI V mi .op-d .iircctly to you. We li*w uwon to Ik'IK -e that the following proposed aiurtnd^ L to Uie '.oustitutloti :tp.i -ed by a two third;-vote rfl onai"'*' tiit raiitted '.> tto-ee ftiurtus of the Sti.te-. Vould ltfiv tho etle i to aiiuy promptly and |H-nn»iioutl> ut itLit L ijfiff AiHMit skivcry . linii ro-t'iu\)li U '' *l VatcittU will betwv^u tho h'L. V. therciore e,,mostly and .r^nfv re,..m IT,' Us.i. with »- Idtle delay as possible, you mires I your ludgtn^t on the r»;V «d -uaen i- Vou can host lei! bo* this can be d eie, IThAihi r bv wvbiic in etin/-. conventions »f .U-i.-gatuin<. v.hoin > 1 .J . vv.N l! '.»« bui rt all, He m^lcotii«prooipiiy. vnJ m Mieb l.u-m m to it tnu^i » ^ . }|i> ^ # l f0 ' «T^Il£Kuv2 to Cotw' - nt.y govern tbe,. .ot ions V .una M«?uuwbile. wa eu.louver to .uaiutam Mr Bnghatn's bill. rep>rte I bjr Dim om t e Jndicinr; fon.m.tt today provides, whenever bv Tr .< tfclawl ilohat notion,, ,on ..nat.«a or n IiiMCs <»f persons. « shad o come imp " tloable in th . ,tSg»mtflhe IT-iden., VCUte the reven .e Nvv tud collett bedutie. e| .np.rt» in tb- ord.nirv viay. i vhsll fce law ul h,m to direct the C torn Ho i- for mich distTiC. I" be 'vlabli-lied and t. 1>t in J»TM cure place with;n son® P°" "* k,lb'n rtiatri't, either on liO1' <>¦' "" "'i'* inv Vl ,ad in lUw . a-e <t should be the duty of th OoHector to reside St *w:h pVd aud tl.sie dotam all ve.cels and car^ arr.vior wltbia the di ict until the dtitie- itnpoaed .hi the carg by law »iiat! J«'d in Cash, anything rticl.iwaol the I no d S! aes V> the contrary uotwith raiding; end in am it caact H stuUl be tinlawhrt to like tbe vessel or cargo from the cuXe4y of the prater olB cer of the oustome by a pioceas from som" (\.urt of U»o l aito'V States and in easo any attempt ?U*I! b< made to lake such ve*»el or r»rfo by any fore, or c mhinntion or iwombha- ->r arsons loogie%| to be .vereome bv tbe offieers of the customs it shall and may lawful for the F'ritldeot or aucb pet so# or per-otm at t.. ' v< tnpowered «"cr tho purpose, to employ .ri <. ju-al forces or militia o:' th® Unl- ii t , u.y bo d^. rued boc ?aiy for tho purpose if pr .>£ th rtmoralof vljseJ or o^rgoaud pr. ai. oi iLe ca items mrefcuning tboca.:- Ivi.j m. W-Kinnr.Tow, J&o. 3, 1801. V, »»». v. k 11 i-vsa into a state of con«<de- '.it > .r i \< si<j ipoo U.o fcrnval of .he Yc*. 'h 1 teaming tbo iuportant i' ?....» thiit ! r»> .1 U»U u>* carded the < .-... Ceair ..¦!>..... rrx'd th"ir -. 'Onm- u: .vf red r.d vv i Uiark-: ' f COB- ., .1 th-t < :: n ti. d i it-a ip ir ., i ... w hurt . »iU I bed i i tue <. ! .'< r tr.i u \ no ! * .ml. As b" . mc kti«.v.a t the . i»: '.iui...tiod rr.in -:n. t.cis.tor «uv.- tv but few » .t* ': here r.ltl '.oca! nc vl'oitt .. . the <:..L> .i t :. Ci u' >n' r, i .i.ews- H .. i: N it.i i.ul, .od by .? wow-! < p.- -.» all caper to pror ure y i'f Th.' < tri ; of th' Ooinmis- the tie 1. o of con v ! iti..n in illi »:> lostto-u-ght -i h" nou ry severy¬ where board, "Wbat tepw >1 0 1're lUcnt noxt now th th*1 .. h".s ».< o w 'town." It wa>. not the return oi' the a* omin .i> .. thu' > haic'l tae r mm«r e.f, but ita rot' ru <mo«i »u1 th® uecV'ratioii 'bat ilw i*" l< tit i" d to 1* "<l it I'.rtber rimit'.n i tin wuh t -\ v t:.- < bjoct of t'.wir nais- ion. Ttf .>." |ucn ta c.' it .r . tun l the pott of Mr. Hi.-., 'an v. .: l.o to I i' .. }-h>iMo..t on >t .<r.-.r- likopr'i ... < £ .it Chartoafe «u.l wtc i th-jO bloners j- J.trn anu r»*ikt® th'vir tfr»n(Uic- o the < Wnv^n- tun that t:..i pi t ui.ndw 11 >i'i ' tori.oly t"..»iu> d, a::<i reiwr ha<l to txtr-mom< r-sot'bcif.t'.ljty, Uw.-<j is butl tfledf bt a. ong tboso r wt.;. ho torn rflf II.. « m ; ..ID '. Xh' .' t ou of tho Pr> ?lent \ ' !'i*d prompt u th nei".' ity of tho c rotiu it rcc*»ivcs tho cn- d< ii. lt oi' «verjbody l on, ;io it :oicm.ttod ricvoc-ibly to diusohitioo. 1ti re <i n . n tab lev® tho ' I'SuMti »v 1 follow up 'he c< r«9 bo has ho onergeti- ".llly iaiti.'iU'd, a id regardless i.t "i tt.ri Us of tbo r*s- -'om iti' prooeed at onoo to ;u .in tho ntcrtetsof tbo girrarsimrot n tLo .nn^rcw: i u y rcg ' n, and T.ndlcalo 'b'' honor of the natitcal !!ag ad tho ri';htu of tb<5 fede¬ ral Union. Tho feature at tho Capitol 'o day wa« tho epoeeh of Ju<Ue nouirlao, *hofollowed -^ooator Baker, of Ore«;;n. Tho "t.ittlo Giant" was never abettor voice, h<"^lth or spirits, and his speech wan almost Webetcriwi in its power, tof ic and eloquence, be rcpub. cans do not like ii, bei auie ho laid tho present troubles at tho doors of thA politicians of tilo.r party, ind the Her^snionisle do not n" ah favorably of it, because ho d>'i;'ed tb® r.ght of Ptcets enj but tlie great nia: <>f tho middle men, tho centre and heart ar.U ti ,.n dep r. lenco of tho country in the hr'er <>] danger, applaud t as ono of the greatest i. 11 de. vered in the -Wiato t ineo tho days of Henry Clay. Tin fttHerie wtre ag in rowUod to-;uffocatton,al- tbough the weather wan stormy and disagreeablfl. Co!. T!n ..r'n concluding remarV s wore happy and ac ceptable t< hifi Mile of tho lioueo. >1 ieh »r>:- h'ef di.ne io the tra'lo of the country by the transit.. of bo^us dwpatehes hi o-o to v'.w York. Yo«t»>ri! oi ..«. '^ravUed ti. i prominent party m \* v '; ic '~i¦ in.- n. rd accept'd Mr. i ritifiiu- pr"!« iton e .i irrcm io line, tt>" ques¬ tion of . .4 i.e<l di." tl> ' ol.ople, and a iarr.o , ha. o of &t'*k w;.; mad® mi the strength of tho anroun ^ment; hut Mr. S ward beirm t.' ^s'i nlied to for the purpose of ascer.uiiiiin>; tho f.ir.i. iij. ui tuo r.-por*. had to send a positive jontra- d 'tK'.i of it, and also to declare, for tbo fortieth time, th ho toid no ojrpr-jniiso to otfer, aod nosp cob to make at th i t.mo. Them p no like biod that tvo Senate will oon£rm the if »n of Mrintj ro an<' Hector of tho port of Charles¬ ton. The Southert < n v. i!l not caccent to it. Iln i*i iient i r oeiving r"ugr.Uulat.cns on ¦til n..u'i i, ai it fiora ail parties, for th i -:tand !)¦. Ii.ih t:it r in uefeii.0 of tho I'mon, and ,n r ii to r tognine, in an otll ial ca|ia<ity, a ( omnn- in* -i. it .n ut be admitted, l.o^e <v, t the most of the-a eong'a'- I'ation .> came r. n. i"i,.r r 'i ;>. rto inimi'it) to tho policy of the !'re r lt-n yol'h if i tii'-r friends now t>kmd oool ly nl«.«i Att no General tan'onV- presence gives uev/ vigor audit' 'p iifcii tor<' to tke t^abim t councils. l' 1... tl.'eat'mug letters have been *'nt to paities in Ui«iVi. o v of Hi»n r'SFerry, tho positive nssaraaco of Mr. Sit* i'.ndf one of the j are. f who hie«l John Brown, is gii"n. Citi/fi- in W ~l,.n't. o .»re 1 arl'ul tiiat a plot . \iatK for th* burn, of tho city, lhe frequency of incendiary ore-', an* ti.*-d>-r *r< is one of last Wednesday morning, w 11 ch iv il .< ave a pap on l'« luisylvania avenue not likely to be il.Ii.* dtiitoly illl' d, k:vo color to the appreher.-ion. Reports from ih«' V'rih aro pouring in, affording en aonrav o" ut t" lb*' government to protee.t the public property and defend iho il: :i tty of tbo Union at all hazard" WJAHBI< T<<*, .1MB. .1, I)X'I. 1 lr> t I n utetiart T'rderwocd, seuontl in command or the reven ie < «ttor Aiken, s«i/.eii by the secessionists at Charleston, arrived here th.rt morning, and reported to the Secretary <>f tho Treasury. l.i< utenant f'nderwood .-UiifH that Captain G'sto, tho oommaudor of tho cutter, was an avowed see< nionist soi.-.d time before SouthCaro ma decided to go »<>', ar.il agreed when the State deck rod herself out of the I n ion to resign and turn tho vessel over to him, Lieut. I'mliirwood, but instead cf do iliK bo he visited Fort .-ntutor before Major Anderson look possession of it, and examined it for several hours, and finally placed tlx- cutter in such a position as to leave her at low water high and dry on land. While she was thus Situated the secer«iOBiaU took possession of her. Captain Cnste being ."till in command, and i.ieutonaut I'nderwood, being his subordinate, was of course powerle s to act. Captain Cocite then informal I.iewtenant rnd'TW<H>d thai his services would not be required there any longer, and be pro<eed<d imme¬ diately to this city, ami to day reported the above facte to Secretary Thomas. The ronstunt rumors that Secretary Tlioma® intends to resign is based up <n the undented exertion that he i< frongiy in favor of the richl of secession, and th.a hiv Urst a-sistjuit, .Mr. Clayton, is also a secessionist. The latter is said to bo tho author of the sere^-nion editorials in the CvndQutirm newspaper Tb< seoes-iotiists denounce Senator Maker's maiden poerJi as a failure, while the I nioti men, * Ithout regard to |*i ly. mt«- in pronoun, .n it a h-Mllisnt and 're¬ fill answer to Senator Honjamiu *)veeh in favor of the right of a Satat<- to secede Mr. Imugtas' -jx-ech to day .oniinii 'd my d<-imteh u> the Mor n> two week- siu< .<'. that h would upoort Mr Crittenden - plan for in adjtt«tnenl ' l>Min bv private leti<¦ iv thut in. <»1ort is m.»kia< by I tie merchant" of lfc> t >n to » twenty :i«<¦ tiio' ^und dollars, to be presented to Goverr *r \ i* Bank-,ft' n .it.i e li.rn io foreji i h. in. <gi"Tieut wl.h th* Ooa t>.< t'.nli<h< .in<i on*, a.i" n polite fli i.- -. t<> k<- }rirt of frosrsmm* t*> induce him to t-»k» pi«ci r Ml tl- 'III. i'.lb :?<.« Wlir1. t ,0-e n loiut L>< rt 'ii<ve il h>' w >uld la';# It Id 1b..¦> r<r<i' .< t. I im .-tiilof the op,a r,t, i.ti.ideou Well- « i'.i:m<<t. it. * .11 roprn-ut New Lnglanii in tli--. d rur nont o' the government Am.<jj(, it'ior .<./ .I ,< <i< M l.inc -in I'ro-n Vow hamate! fur < pie <. in li|« i abn«d is t lurle- Kt uit'is Adam <:«lelt<-i Iilio |><<a« Illinois, . 'din p< w.ivne it . pul4. in- i. - I!<. ,r laHtien t prow u p.ate n tile l iiiti,.. |,>! > i. .1 nj,l «t I) -.-* , (. to <. tu "to 'i;cu> dc^jaton h-o-n ., v. t: .<>. evepii.,i< i.M'fer not to interfere with ih'1 wn- In«-11 s. .. ii""iii s 4'4btfx't ii'il<~. they arc consulted. )i ,- oj,., two Unit Setuitm Trumbull is urging Mr. Judd » f<». < p'a< in i - f'uhuii't, while it ;* < fai t that not' v N »^e other prmaiie nt lllinoiaib- hor> itid-j houae areoppo*o« to the s«.|#*tion of * ra4*in-< ..'tii<r frna VIlBOlS. Mr. Tonml* will n plv 0< Mr. Baker in tb< ¦V.nat<' on Mindsy. and <t is <v*peOted bv the r<'pnblUiia» that Mi 1 o-ieuden will answer Mi Toombs. 1 h* House f'oaiaiiitee oi Tbu ty three wei« in avasion today, but after a hi ief discus-ion on Mr Voisoa'a pro positiaa. sdiouini ii without couiinf to any cnochision It is a positive fa*it that Mr. I<aicoln, in a l«tt«r to S"«!itoi f-meron, mfoi me.| him tha< he -hoi.Id «end W- fftimeron'lj name to t|t^ v>ui>ita i >% ¦'' I'll of .'ttonh m il fm in IliaOkhinet, bat did a'-i -t'^ V ty wuut ltie position won' t t»\ rut mi.; ..>jd :lit»t in. k''* be that of Se<, rcuary of tbe ry. I'm re « Kt!ic doubt that Mr. i Junerorrs recent v< 1 to yprmgtiekl ban tlx oil the TYeasurybhip aa histfo-' Hmisw It n evidently th-i settled opium of the beat re¬ publicans here that Senator S'wurd L.tw lw:i tenil'red tbe pofet of Secretary of State aid that be will accept t. <>eneral Scott b>ui received uuls from uuu y e|n.b.»cao Senators rjid representatives. WiWDMOTOs, Ji.n. 3,1861. It S be."Ted from what kiidwo b<o that .n the Courn* ol .. few dnyr tbo iterts.it Peon >jIa ind Key West; i ort Morgan- Alabama Un- i«it..t M.-p Island, near the nx'Utii "1 Lake B'.rgne, together with the Aiseaal at Baton Kou«e; and Vort Johi. <on on the Gap- Koar riv<-r, * ill be seised ard garrisoned t>y the troops oi ibe speo- ti\ States c which th<y 1»*». ihe rxim-b Carolina Cou isaiouers con .dered the ab ru| te-« mixtion by tbo President of their b wine> s w i!L hi u as grossly ii wultin^; to toemselv (a and tbo State. They treat it us r. declaration o!' wir,ai> n tbis pint the\ tell ahi* city thus morning for Kosth Gaiolina. It is a. 1 ti»> President yesterday r<!. rued their note w tiiou 00111(4 ,t. 'be motion wut> ir. de to-day in tbo S< iiate to k'° info x«< ntmi Marion on tbe nomination of Mr. Mclntiro fo Cbikrt< of the in tbe ue.Ubirhood of Charles ion harbor, ilt .s a ret,dent oi'York -ounty, Penney 1. van ... The oikr.vtr.g reso'uions we re adopted to day a* «*t pre:.ive of tbo views nd ;'eeiingB o. ibo Committee of Ihirty three, ihe resolutiona wee otiered by Mr. Br.-i- tow, of Kentucky . riC:ved, That we rocogniao aUvery as now existing ,u fifteen of the United Stag's by the uragea and la*s of ihofe States, and we roeogume no authority, le- ?fc ly or otberwiK«. outaide of a state w here it no exist*, to interfere with slaves or slavery iu roch ^tites, in d!s regard of tbo rights of their owners or tbe jieaao of society. Resolved, That we recoguisc tbe juatice and propriety of a faithful execution of the constitution aud "all ' laws made in pursuance thereof, including tboae on tlio sub¬ ject of fugitive Klaven, as fugitive* from service or labor, and uiaoountenaace all molis or hiudrancea to tbo exe :u tiun of Koch uw, ui.d that the citiMn/i of each State shall bo Entitled to all the prhilige* and immunities of the citizens of the set oral SUtes. Resolved, 'lhat wo recognise no mich couftictinR ele¬ ments ;n iw tompcwitiou, or sufti lent cause I'rom any- source for a dissolution of this government; tlmt we -were not sent bere to destroy, but to sustain auJ harmo¬ nize tbo inatitutions of the country, and to m<i that -iual justice is done to all )«rta ol' the name, and Anally to perpetuate itrs exietcnce on term'-: of e/pmiity and justice to alt the ataUM. Representative P'.gb, of AUb.vm ., leit for borne to day. Private despatches to tieorgi.ins say the iuoicaiiuna are that tbe ntraight out secessionists have succeeded, and that Senator Toou:be is eiocted a delegate to the State Convention. VRWrYHVTH CO\GHKH9. ir>.*NP IrktHION. StMM. WA<miNtHWt, JlUl. 3, 1 Mi 1. The gaiter .t-3 t»nd «obb:- s wore agiiiti erowrt<*l. A message from the House, informing the Senate of the pnet-nge <f the Indian Appropria(ion bill, was received. THW CHrTTKMiKX Mr. ltfc.'KR, (ojtp.) of r*., presented memorial*, numer¬ ously signed by the cttuenn of 1'hiladc'phui, asking the lieoate to pass the Crittenden resolutions, also the pro¬ ceedings of tbe paWlo at Hurrlslidrg. He said meetings had been held in several m that State, all breath¬ ing the spirit ef loyal devotion to tbe whole country, ai»l nil expressing a desire to have the Cr lttcndeu resolutions passed If Congress would ottty give th© t>eopl>- an oppor- tunity, they would embrace it, and their friends at the South would discover that the people were prepared to meet their complaints in a spirit of conciliation au.l khid " Sr. OBrmOHiKN offers! the following resolutions- Whereas, the Unionism danger, and it i* difficult, If net iinDOaaible for Congress to concur by this requisite majority, no ax to enable It to take such measure*, to r»" ommeud l In¬ states su.-h amendments to the constitution, a* an: necessary tu avert the danger. , , , Where** inar>in**t an emergeneV the opinion ant! jiids nt ol tb* ^ple ought to be h«-ard Therriore That provision hi- raad«* by law without delay for tiikim/ tb«' ieniworthe peuplo, and autmiitting to th' tn u»»- following resolution:. Kesolved by the senate and lloise i | Iteproiicr.tattvos oi the United States ot America in <'nnnri'« assembled, tw> tlunl of l>o<h hoirae-i concurring, That the following a*lcles au are hereby, proposed and submitted as amendments to the coiiHtltutlon of the I luted States, which shall be viii 1(1 lo all Intent^ and iiui'isises a* part of gaideonstitutiou, when ratilied l.v convention*of three fourth* of the several State*:. Art 1 lnalltneteiritory of the United states now held oi heremter acquired, situate North of latitude thirty in do give* and thirtv minutes, slavery or involuntary servitude e*. put a* a punishm* nt for crime, Is prohibited, while sucn territory "hall remain under Territorial government. In.ill t he territory South of said line oi latitude slaven of the uricaii race hereby re. .gniJed a" existing, mid shall not l«. inlorler ,4l w Mil by Congiess; but shall be prole. led as property h> all the departments of th. Tei rltoital government during If con tinnnnee- and when any TeiTltory north or southot said line w Hum sui h boundaries as Coogress ma> prescribe, shalloon tain the population requisite for a member oi t ongiess, ac eoidin to the then federal rati.iof rcj.reseutinn ..f the p<-.»ple or the ttnited SUM« 1, It shall, if its form of government lie republican lie admitted inf. the t'nlon on an equal footing w ith the original States, with or without slavery, as the on sttuition of such new Slate may provide Art 2 Congress shall have no power to abolish sla verv in places under Us delusive jurlwU' tion, and situ,.;, wItliin the limits of States that permit the holding ol sl.iv. \rt tTongress shall have no power to alsillsh slavery within the District of < olumbia. so lone as it exists in tin ml joining States of Virginia and Maryland, or either, nor with ..ut th"consent of the Inhabitants, nor w about Justcuupeu sation llrst made to su. h owner* of slaves as do not .usant to such abolishment. Nor shall U ingress at any time prohibit oDieerS of the federal government or memners of i oiiRr-ss, whose duties require them to be in said District, from hi nut lug with them their slaves and holding thorn, as ste-h, durinu the time their duties may require thom to remain re, and afterwards taking thein from the District. Art 4 Congress shtll have no power lo prohibit or ulnde. the transportation of slaves from one Stat.- m ..noib- .. or to a Territory In which slaves are by law p. rrnHt 'd to b. h- t«l. w hether" that transportation ts by land, navuable rivers oi by the aca. t 'Art 6 That, in addition to th#» prorfmona of tli«* thud para giauh of the second action ot the fourth articl ot tin eonsti tution of the United States. Congress shall have power to t>.o> ide by law. and it shall b- it« duty so Ui provide, ust the United state* shall pay to the owner who shall apply for it. the full value of his fugitive slave. In all esses, when the Marshal, or other oiticer, whow- duty it »u to arrest said fugitive, was prevented run so doiu'i by violence or intimidation, or when, after arre«t, sal I fugt live was r. S. ued by force, »nd ihe owner thereby prevented and obstructed in the pursuit of his remedy tor Ihe re coveiv of his fugitive slave, under the said latlse 01 the eenstttutton and Ihe laws made In puruano- thereot \ud In all such eases, when the I nltod states shall pay loi su. h fugitive, they shall have tl# tight in 'heir .un nam.. to sue the county in which Slid violence, intimidation ot resi'Ue was committed, and to recover from it, wi'h In iere and damages, the amount paid by thi in to- .r fugitive Mace. And the said comity, after it has |w.d said amount to tbe United State*, im.y, for its indemnity >u. and r<-.-over from the w rong do rs, or i*».ui.-r*, by whom the owner was pr« wnted from tbe r'-em. ry et his iiigiUv. .. in like manner as the owner him-elf might huv. sued and r.- f°Art'd No flltur'. amendnn nt ot the c-jn-titution si. 11 aft. t tbe Ave preeedlnc articles, nor the third paragraph ot tin second section of the ilr«t articl. of the consdiutl ii nor tie third paragraph of tin? aecond » rtw»n ot lourtii .him i- ot said consiiiutt.il, aud no am. tidni'-ui shall Is made to the on ? titution which will authorise or give to < on:-r any pow.j to ab<dUh or interfere with slavery In any ot t he s ales by whose laws it Is or may lie allow, d or is rmiu. l Ane whereas, gin.., b.-stdes those caa . of rtU».-..-l.m en bruced In the foregoing ami ¦dnient* pr»|s*. d to "I lion oi the United States, there are otiiers whir', come ivlthin lli#. jiirlsiiietlon of Coiigr." S, and may !». remo>lied y its ,< gi-Utlve power: atid when a«, It |s lb.' desire ol Uongr. e I«r as Its power wrtll ettend, to remove all Just .rth< popular di*eontent and agitation wbi.-h no\» di-ttirbill.- ». » of the country, and ihreoten the Maidlily ol it-in-tit it on- ' l 'lies -ve.l by lh« Senat-a'nl Mou-« " R.-pi . Iitativ ... the United siat Ameilea in t'ongr a-.mbl...|. In r llie uws now in lore*-loeihe reeov. rji o maltlve slaves .re tn su t imrsnaneeot ihe plain md nuuid-itory peovMoe Of t',.- .on-ttluli.'u. ..no li-.ve t*. n saneuon.-d » vait.; ande nat. utlonal hy the Jndnmetit ol thesupirm. < -nrt ot Ui* fiutrd t»ai tin' Mavi-h....din. 1 ir;#^f iV r ithf .I'.o^rnincrand m u»n «.» lb and tM -if'not 11. b. >.-p- ,..e«t "I ... n.oditieo ornhaotpsl as to b- . He n > st. that l iw- Oisim to te mail" foi m'rr ol-h.o. III .hose ah., attempt b, o ib< slave V ..to. .| .-*s 'i" am Ini d»o .*defeat the «.. » .'Viit'iii "J nuU * fba Ma- aws . f «.«. .ft «- «' " ., - .' 11 sru Ii la It*', ileal >i. .a-.e-'l- n.nc>- o u .i« e.jtuse a..I.<l»- eiecuto". *»l an; >t sr.- iv i *' v ld by ia.. i'l»" | i.ivi- 'or. .. " " (bi'edHta'e Tet lbo»e Stnl. tw< *".' * '.»> .. n." given etjior 'a> uractl. es jitit teo ma- i»r a t i.av obst tllf duo a.» tvation i Ijouaisss fed #«p« .'tBliv :Jie sot' :t» 'l.v. nv slave «gd bavO thereb> on'rih-lt-. oi'1 1 and -t ¦«iit1'T~ now prevad.ag. '*>. «". ". 1' p »«e'it .e.lloos.l'imture, " o >'...a< .< oi 'l". ellv iiid w>«ieslly t<» re. o*. im.i'd 'tiet- til" -*«er..t HKtfes whlefc hate eijre <.! '. '' it »»w Oi '-iHafiaMoi's. «ji th« n «.».' M«^v»'.nt tn« ii«a UM'i »*r nfrr« i*te<l u h »?i tu .>¦ |i >*?***< ;rt>ai itu ..«| Ot tti. .ghUf .|^^ ei:| . n tr ' gati^i. bJiiS-e l and »7tj, eommool} «alM i.e I .»'v m if* f ... if. te- f sgseniicd t" -aeke 'he e- Ii i tlt!t#i< . -I.T, m.iU..|ied ta »he eighth sretmn .: t - in equal III ii- ¦¦'. a the ca«e. decld. .1 by hltn. * he he his Se si n-. lafHWW.'f "t '.fsinst the .-lattnati. Ami to avoid ini -.st- sti ijeiioit be Inate jiuse ot ih Ifth section .d s«M a«t, which ui ihoii/e. the person boidi f < warrsnt kn-ihe a'rej* is-Ltios ol a t ugitiv. s.gve io summon to ti.> "d the p (..n-i'..ttis und which de«lares* to i»» the dtoy .t all I'l* n*to«'*i-i MmtnitseMnoiVm, ouglit tobf "" amend' s- |oe»pre*<ly linn' the ..uthontt and duty in ease- in who ih«i. h*ll be lT'ismo.*, oi ilaiuteroi r>«is<ance or resen- t. It.at tbe laws f..i the *upiireaji<si ol the Atiicai slive lis.«t. <nd espeitally those piohlbi'ing t.he imuona'Nvi t ?lav. - i».to the Uniied States, ought to be mud- etfectiml. sod ouah to be thoroughly c«e»u'ed. ml all further ensetm m- n.m> sari to those ends might to be pr .niplly mm. Mi (VrtUKKW -nd soDetliiug must be tw It would Ik m open shame to Hie government if rttitt be alltv. i-dto », it ie oil the country 'fhe sacrifice lo lio made V on,p*rativeiy wortlOess. TV l«c:ice su I (if' t) * grt at 'Wttnlry wore never purchased so e#eg|ilv Ho wmmCi a|ipeai With ronfid. a 10 the people Tlli y Imiv.'Uie'tr-!>** inlorei<l in ibo .."rntnent IF tyv'i oonlidm -, {Jjrt t^e r>;op! wo-'lrt ,Ti, ladvit e SetaiCH IV UK. . ''KK, 0I» O.M-fN. Th» resolutions wro i.ud ov , .it-d llio . busiljen of yOMt* rilay hllttll up. Mr. B kks, (rep.) of reaamod in remarks He said he was of tltf upmn'ii that d<-< 'isSiou OB ail poinfe of difference wan us* ful. He was willing to meet all just cause 01' 'imipUiia a a fair and honora- i.ir wu). Uo i wnteudi U that uio attack ou the inen of the North tor action in r< i;tiJ to tk» territories was unjust, for ni* 11 of all lassos in the North »..!<. vod "lavery tho cr.w.iuof local law Hequotod fr> m Ceu. Ca*sJ "i^. h at Ik troit, iU against the so-called itoctrino of .t|iuil!iy. A)-o from tho speech of Sen.it.or Hunter before the Breckinridge <"ub at CbuvotteaviUe, admitting that 'Ik* opinion of the Sooth in ref»ird to slavery had changed, and that her opinion lii'ainst lb-' repeal of Uw Mis, sot i i (Xiinproui!.-e (1 .or it'- exten¬ sion o* the -system. Mr. Bi'vna , (opp.) of v.i., s-k! be .. v.* Im.tted that tho South thought Congr.rs t..i I t\ ri^lit to ... -strict slavery ut tho T> nitories Mr. Baxkh siud lie uuder :..o-i 'it*, tyutlon'.en m 'he other rsi«&K, "ine lime in tl. nr lis ¦<>,». o u fax . es¬ tablishing u line Ik w«>a freedom and r\. -Mr. Bia'Jjimw, lopp.) of Ui., t". id be hud .-ver ad untied thai f'oui; s li.ui any p ¦*<.;; i-id . ¦< la very from Oi> rerrtton Th So .tli 'i ul be-u ill ITu* of o\ tending fie Mum .-»'.» line m>. .. n att-r »t '.ompa.merely. nr. Bakkk thought we couki do nothing a* a mitfor ->f ionipa<t v i: u would \ iolato t!\e outitution. li« tho'i):lit .' ebe senator i'roiu I* ii-«ina believe.; 10 ''on¬ sen nee iliai . ouj/p sa luiil no right to e\ iiulo r-l».. erv, I 0 niiu>t have violated his o»th wl n hi voted for sin h ox elusion. Mr. Bkvuwn said I'oiip-e- n. ch |<ow>>r uuior the CODhtitutMNl. Mr.Bahuc >-*h1 an act ot'C^iun->»#s icre I. Tin law wa« made under oath, .mil ifUt* «?<'d to prohibit ivory by acert.iiu irw, wh<'n he actually heliuwd CV»ngr<,t't had no rijjht .iod< r .lie count tiit.on t.i puKM such a i.tw. did he not \ >ola«e but ontb when ho rendored sttflb a vutrf lie said ih<< Hnruitor t'roin I/ximinnK, in a dreary nta loipio, complained that tho goverouwat mterfeicd with *lav rv in the South. Mr. Hk\<amin t.iid he did not oompialn of Onnjjre^s, but of the states. Mr. BAkhX wan glad to hear the himpion of slavry admit that COugrexK ho t not int'-rfered, but that I.id eompiamts wi're ol'the st.itoB. How could (lliint.s, for .nntanee, nterfere with sUvery in Virginia^ Mr. Bk\.ia*w saul Fhe notiiii not by bill, but armed men might go to the State of Vir^iu a and ms, i tho t inted States arms anil murder pea et'ul men and try to excito slaves to revolt. A im.ui in Massachusuun found to say it whs right, and Mustachuft'tts elected him (Governor, and thuu endorsed murder. Mbs«,i hu ik bad gent s«<natora here to abutwi and villit'y the South. Mr. H.mikk tu.id that was not a proper sc >po of <lel>.it". Ike admitte d that individuals might steal in slave stnt<.¦.. There were bad inen every where. But this is uo cause oi separation and war. Mr. Bkyjamim gaal that the republican puty ii tend to surround tbe skive States with tree .itatn's, so us to I'orre .'mancipation. Mr. Hahkk argaed thi.t if even that wi re so, il * h no wire for disaolotioo. Mr. Brumpi.I nay decidedly, yes. Mr. lUiaDtaald, No; and proceeded to argue Hut it was a necessity that slavery must be surrounded by frco Stati-a. If slavery is extended it must be against tho sentiment of tbe world. He claimed that the North were only allies of lb« South, and that they were bound to re¬ turn slaves. France, Knghiiid or Russia would not do tbat. If the slaves should revolt tho North would be bound to assist tbe South, and would do it. He argr.od tbat the right of free speech could not bo controlled m a free country, or a free press, which was a greater safeguard to a free country. He would not restrict these to avert civil war, or muiutam slavery. The great principle of free gov-rnment would not be surrendered. Come weal, come woe, slavery shall never bo extended by tho powers of the government of the United States. Ho would not yield one ineb to seuusiou, but there were things which ho would yield, among th> m the rope tl of the I'ersoual Mberty bills, should tbe Supreme Court pronoun them uneon-1itutinaal Mr. Qa.\ had said, and bo would way, yield not one inch or word to seoemiMi. He m'ouI'1 agroe fo make ail the Territories Ktauw now, and 'let tho people decide on slavery, but would never agree to protect slavery in the name ol freedom. IVernng to |iower, In- s.iid, did'nt. it look a lit tin a.-; though because they ha lost the oflicos the south bad got up this robelliou. lie s.ud after all la- had great contldence u the k>) .iHy of the poopie of the South. He bt'ard loyal s'in irn'Mits «:verywh<;re, and could see the clouds breaking, aud ho w.is not without the h»p<i that with time toa&ow tbe fevori. hhoat to ;uii side, tho Union would yet remain sale, iitrusted to the hands of tho people. The senator from l/mlsiaua had said that a State actually had -oee led, ami we inn t ac luovledft Ml mdi'|M'ud< niO irnuke war. He sail be would not acknowledge its indepondem-e. and said ho thought il no very ut range iliing it' a greut government h ul «<>mctime.-> to etUorcc luv, Hoipioted the ordinanc e of lien. Jackson in regard to col ecting th" revenue wbon South i.>roIion once helm', revolted, as an answer to Hie Senator front lx> isiana when ho a.-ked h"A we Would c>|. lect lis revenue ...And itmve all. let the laws lie main¬ tained and tin Uliion preserved He i lortod With the word- nt Webster's speech i»i reply to Ilayne .-I'M Hi" Ml DOI'M Mr. I>>>» topp.) in' 111. asked that ihi'ri'|Hirt or tlx' CimintttH' of ThirMg i«' taken up. Mr. I). proceed cd to address tli« Senate He said no act of his public life ever ;ivo linn -to much pain aa lo vote fur I lie resolution. Hw conmlUw couM nut agree. In oidor in »... the real e>uiM of Uu' MhM h we tn .si go hark of the Int.- elditkw. We .should »8Siimo thai when' \er Congress undertook to «"l on the qutrtloti of ¦* la very didonnl and agitation were sum to follow When Onngreti lei tile question aloue there \\., peaO" He referred to the exeitctnc.ni it the lime th» M.-sourl coanpromixe wax enact d Fbe fearful agitation ot l^jo wa settled by the establishment of the compromise liur. So long ax ih.it adjUKtmeut was carried nut thi re w i pence mul qulilt, Texas wa.' admitted quietly under tlii rule. though lliere wan a. great emit un ty of opinion. But no oiK' nbjef t«td. because ItedtMM iluil line l^a in California and Vew Mexico were acquired. and th. ext.-a vino of the line to the P<o'Uic ti wa-<!. maud. d. I'll' rccordH -Im* that he report* >1. as t liairmao ot the Corn mltlei on Territoi a- it -oluiion toaxtend the line lo tlM Pacific, 'flux wax adopt'd in the senate, but wlieu it was xent to the Hoax* n wa I "iceted by Northern mtes. Tliut opened the Bowl gate i of tbeagit it ion of IMS, which wax niily "ttl*'d by tie compromi-o of llt'iO When we nettle tliix question in ihe Territories, thoo we -linU gettk' it entirely. Hie abolitionists could never hue brought the I ni**n to lie verge of dissolution, but for the faestion in ibe Territory. it wa- a rejection of the extciniion of that line In li4M that reopened the Agitation. The arguments ol Ml!) and lS'JO ware ateil. Tin poxitions oi tin S'*irth and the hooth ware the .un- Ibe pure»t patriot in th*' land were alarmed and Mr. (lay came buck to the >en«te to -I e It' he (Ollld riot hi ilig Ii.icU |i*aee He fouml no trouble with the southern inetnher- but be could lirnl bo support ot this line from the .Vorth The.Miexourl line wan abandoned, bet.tuxe it friend* -aid tlioy could not < arry it oat in good faith. Then they turned lo «i* what n*"it wax be-t l"beiv wa- a de-ire to take the question rat of CoBgress, and secure ibe piare of lb* country At In t it wax decided to leave the que tion lo the i* ipl** of . l». I'errinirlex themselves The reeor*i- show tliat l»- ipfiortod 'ioih compiotni ci and lor the nam a-on- I'" ice lollotvod all over the country. Rut In ls.Vi-4 it b eanie n«ce- .n-y to organise the Territory of Koneaaand Nebraska. The committee. iii forming the bill, determine^ to oarry out the compromise inwimnf 1*50 th'«.<h tb'-v had .11 been in favor of the Mi« oiri comp *un e ih kni t it could be arried OQt. A hue atii cr< w ,mm dutt'ly laixed that b< coniinittei' were rxtLiting xn*-re*l ootn promise. But the bill *iid not in *i» n ibe Mi-^mri otnprniuiBe but ilat give the people (be pow-r Ol sett Urn.' the que 11* in *nr them -he, The histnej of the government iivMed into three parts Before ltSfl) the o inm'iii idm tt' il nuniv Teiritori* -. ImiI all wasfpcace. ah* the .citation 1h»i wa? -ettleil all wax peaixain t iMHW. Sluocthen we have had a i ontiHiml coatrOv erxy and the result ol the late election ha> rontrin*'be -«xiih that it is ibe iivit |K»licv in tb« ilomituiiii (inrty .: tbe North to iuvnd' their eoastltui loaal iglii We imw otae to the ceaaMtaratinO of tit lilt,. wlfth ha- plunged the country into th state ol discord. I! t folly for anv nmn not to nee Am which 4H exint. The rrenlt 01 the reci*nt eieotiaa, iii conoeotloii * lth all the MuiariauceM with which it is -.urrnaaded, liavc led the people« th .-oulh i" form the ionvictici« lh»t it a 11 seii p'«Ih v of the dominant party of t'.e North to in va*!e and di'Mtroy thi lr con-t.t itional r*ght,:, and thev are ready to rnxh, rashly think, into a in horrors of revolution and deomtoa rath* Uj*q I * ibbi.t to whnt thi ythiiil the lBt|ienrlibr which a. y vcr Hum. Tbe senator ' Olv » (Mr. * 4r koowiedfad tb«' MUMaaoa of UitoP eMir.ctin.i in >V- mindx ol Hmitherti ceopl* uai a-l <... in ao much blame th c ih !#.* i . be v. i|>i ia eaan cy. wb»» laid n ari.ptemDtnd rut i. lext tt i. pm ',h. - and i^i'ic.v 'I the repuhitaao pa i> yi i m i a policy wM'h will eot retn re th< ...ap|»ri"i. i * threateas :bem with w»» »"il A. "moo, rsMIter thi ,i»e them <H.i untjr It onuleni a^t. whether t'ie .v-re real *<r bnaittnary, if tbe '*it' era ; oj*i ro t i. to tikf *i pi#aiop whioh w i' 11 e n ii ii i&d jicnrd fore>*'f I "nr«tj*il Mf iB ihi foor sb >akt uava In tindncfl ,*'irt.. '-iV * ia I !> » ..¦. "ilk* tsirty eapital ©**i . >j -xtlfii Hi, lh i *i to ' vletv ¦J this c itry 'I r sin .1 hk i't" ipted mat i) v th- n d< mi« > r a nl»'. tbe . olulK i.l et; >nmd to nqiiiri *luthc um ttrirge In I Mi '.'. -r. !>" tl».i) In ''i' who wail >»o i>o|ter |di aiaxi t . '. . i ve bo ha* rnx ( rri r t.' .. n Ui re*ood V . Iky -'i tli-it p aty. woutd o ku w whether i.i. i*:n or w HI now ay It W crt th« pot »< HMt partv to c<inline iiavery withte ita ineaeut nraita by r!.i m !»* if tbil f i lorn i ."'Ut' «OtT W1 tl« r il t ihe t*'N- v or that patty » 'vi.ludu la/ery* iown t'a Tcr rife oa wi nowp««-»' # r We oi*; h.r #v-- ipure'' WhMHtir, or not. that pMftf art i " »n * mrtiMig fii|titl»c to ta»ir iaaateiR fr«»lii Wici ,.v Mxinta" In ahart, I will « >'(t hua tht twpnrt lui'y c lr^ wtaethw ii n .; he pot* r of tli .t ,»vr.y i , \ et all the power- ©I tb f vral uv uaejit i,u .> n> i onstitutii'ii. accord Ui la their mtnim-i tatKai <¦. thit ¦> atrumeal, to re- aad .( |< . 'h u<t slavery with ^ >cw U' it - i"i.iboh extinct kh State*, old at wet! a* tie« Muru < > wi i *' e'lo Mr. Wa: (rep.) e <Mu. -At ... qinsti ¦ ..i pertiueatl.' awerrte n the .wet a u-»?»>' i. urn. protean lag ti* mekt enxwir. ! L Hithi'ia ' r io , Mr. noci.'jia- <iid hot X(IS XO a|loy'ii»'«.. . r I know too «. " *hat - 'ot vrltl not ''."!») lb *cli » theee intei rogut .- > A, hi »ai'Hvt'Ui* policy and the policy of tb" »rty, i* a* nu'lerttdbc It The harxaeit tii.ruc I have riidi 'the ropatitttaj pi'.v waB that lh't iBteieied to urf th" pnwoi o fovemment with a rle<v ><> the ¦ Minute ¦.At)not.'*u ft' l; very, not only ui ttic rerr»tories hut n 'hi (if the Union. I hltvil <111(1. .LOd h tv< "¦: \ '<. f, nil I woulil rejoice ti"w to correct'.J, 'tut it is ib< policy ot' this ;»irty (.> prohibit "lave ui .01 the rerritories of the United State uMii"d r hereafter acquired, with a iew to wi'rocii 11" the slaves with a cordon of abolition "<t:Ue .1 1. keep slavery confined till tb- number incre*-- he, . the aiutuity of th<> moiI to feed them, and thunf Tr- t'i«r to tlii* of starvation, us a means of ge'tiui' rid ot' th" >' "t slavery in the nans uf h'manii t and tliristi :i'.*.' . have said that in IlllnoiB, in '.he abol tioa portio -t c-r th State, but never Mid a in a lavo State. I haven'w.; been 01 eediogly mild in up akin# of that partv !:¦ sltm holding states. But inasmuch .is I did not -et reel answer from ttie Senator who makes tl " eh against the Northern democracy, I will refer t<> the < rnents of the President elect, arid sue what he says on tin ?object. I'ho republicans have tak-n pains to , h reports of tho debates between Mr. I. n oin iud n>j >11 and I may Hay they are unfair to me, as Mr 'ucoln had an opportunity to corrc t his speeches, and th i ir r truck out many portion:! of my replied. [Mr Iv k then read from Mr. i.ine .in's speech, where he sp< .; the House being divideil against itself, aud th.«t tin mu -t come, and thostatps must all become cue thit^- or the other, Ac., and proceeded.J MTb 'u tho republ' .11 cot .uiittee publish an e tition of Mr. 1 iucoln s speeei . containing sentiments like these, is it surprising U1.1t th" people of the South think he was ;n earnest, and intend «dto carry out the policy which then announced I Hhould not reviM- such rovohltlonar; ments but for the attempt to east the ro Bpoosibllity upon the Northern democracy, olearl intimating that Mr. I'ogh and my-elf were the chief au taors of these misrepresentations. I would like to tint! auy one man on that Hide of the chamber, in the con- fldMice <>f the l'reaident "Icct, who would deny ti-it't vt l>olicy to carry out the very things to which ! haw re¬ ferred. 1 feel bound, however, and take pleasure in saying, that 1 don't believe the Southern State-- ¦ire in .vm- danger, or ought to have .my appr liens ion. tffcit Mr. Lincoln or his party nail doiuiv harm or vender insecure their rights t.> per-on^' <r >{>.¦. y anywhere in this couutry. I have somo faith tli.it .Mr. l.inooln, after having emerged from the surroundings of a 11.Mil country village, and assumed the hitrh re-pi nihilities of administering the law and p'> let ting the rights of a great nation, will -nil- tin parils.it. in the patriot, and abandon the xtreme doctrines, and step forward and avow his willingness t avc the country by repudiating the extreme doctrines of a partv Hut he thai as it tnay, neither he ner h's putty will have power to invade the rights of any Stale iu this t nion. I had hoped, therefore, that the Southern people would ha\o been content to remain in the tun and vindicate their right in the Union uuder the const; tut am, instead of rushing into revolution and preparing themselves to meet whatever consequence imvy follow. This appt eheusiou has become widespreiul, an 1 taken pur t;i-sbiouof the -Southern mind and sunk deep into the South¬ ern heart, and tilled them with the onvietlou that th- r tlrosidcs, their family altars, their domestic institutions, are to be rudely assailed through the machinery of tbe federal government. Tho Senator from Ohm tell-- us be don't blame you Southern Senators for iielieviug these thingn, and yet iusteud of doing tin>se acts which will relieve your apprehensions, nnd ronder it impossi bio that these outrages should be perpetrate!, talks atiuiit force, war, armies and navies. In tbo namo of the Union, who are the disunioni/us? Those who pur¬ sue a line of policy calculated to destroy the I'nion, and refuse to arrest that policy, or disavow that pur- pose, whetuhey so*' that revolution has taken place If such be u<u your policy, why not say so? If you never intend to do what tbe South thiuk is your pur|x»- ..and which you do not blame them for thinkiug.what hum is there in making such amendments to the constitution as will render it impossible for you to do so? Hut w o are told that the Union must he preserved and tho law must be enforced. I agree to that. I am in favor of doing all these things, according to the constitution and the laws. No man will go farther than I to maintain the Union and enforce the laws, to put down rebellion and insurrection, snd to use all the power conferred by the constitution for that purpose. But wo must looic (bo facts in the faco. Wo must take notice 01 those times whose o.xistence cannot he denied. /(itslory teaches us that rebellion often becomes suc.- cck fill. Revolution, and the gre .tei t republics and pi outlet monarchies have iound it uecssary to recog¬ nise ihe existence of a government, d>-/"oc(o, in the re bi llion of states and provinc -s. Such was the condit'on Of the Americau colonies for seven years after tlie Decla¬ ration of Independence. At lirst it was rebellion, and rebellion was treason A few months afterward it was 1 evolution and a government tl<J'arto at l'hiladeiphia. Mr, Hancock 1"resilient, and Washington commander of the armies. Rebellion had oeusod and revolution taken its place. Ihe American colonies were in revolt, bin! no vernments tie fadu, and tireul Britain, proud as she was, was compelled to recognise the existing state of facts Ihe laws of nulions and all the laws ol ci\ ihzat 1011 demanded that the government »'«. farto be acknowledged. Hat the laws must be enforced. In our Hjsletu 01 government the laws are to be enforce I by civil authority, agisted by the militia and pontr romil/Unt, when the Marshal is Isted. II the colonies, or 11 State, revolt, the revolution is complete. When th'- federal authorities are cx|>e)lcd. and no one man left to aoiniow ledge allegiance to the United States, how are >011 ,, >iug to enforce the laws then How are you going to do it. in Soir.h Carolina - She has liussod an ordinance of vs siou. I deny her rij{ht to secede, but she has done il. The revolution is complete. Hhu nafl ao human being in her borders to ackaowli'dgu our authority. I'll in i; all wrong, bin how arc you going lo lmlp it ? Vim tell ii w* must enforce the laws, 1 am in favor of that la* must be eafori'iMl according to the constum n ami tin-1- « I'uiler our coastitntioa, laws can oni> Ik- r.i lorood against criminate; and tbofio of uh who are in favo m' ilif coaot itulion and the In ion, muni be careful ih.ii w do not rpetrale the very ihingH which wo deaeuaco a; criminal in acceding Klaten. Anil Mouth Caroltwt iIik not stand alone. Wr are Wild that iievi'ii other t lutes Will follow her, and we have ic-aaoa to apprehend that nevea more states may follow item. The antiwar la, mu i entorce the lawn. My reply t*. you cannot anion: tin- lawn in countries nut iu youi posee^-iina. I deny thai w"- have the right to make war in order to regain piatac*- ion. in ord«-r toenfori o the iw. Ara we pn|inrt)d for war.' 1 do not mean prepared in the aeaae ol having soldier.', nrnm aud munitions; but are we prepared in our tear It lor war with our brethren ' While I altirrn that the oou r111"tloll was intended to Ittrm a perpetual Union.while 1 attii ni the right to uae all lawful means to enforce the l.iw>.yel I will not meditate war. nor tolerate the idea, until alter every etlort .it atUustiufiit ha* been tried and Uiii d, <1 lid nil hope ol the ( ttion i- K< «ie llieii.aud not til1 then will deliberate aud determine wliat course my dot} will require of me. I am for pew e, to n.i\e the liu-n Warm disunion, certain, mevitable, llnal and irieprc.-sible <»ur own very exiataoce forbids war. lb- refarred to ilie purchase ol l/misiana, and said it wu< purcha I'd for the hcneiil ot the whole nkm, and lor tli" safety o! the upper Mississippi in particular Tim po~ he- ion oi thnt river now in more necessary thau It w.ia thfl Wi cuinut expSCt the people ol the interior to .id tnit the right oi a fott-lga Stale taking possession ol that river He also referred to the purchaae of Florida, and the amounts paid, aud asked il' she could *o mi now The President, in his Ms«aage, lirst said wy could uot coerce a Mate to remain in ihe I 'mini,, but .ii a few seutencea be adviaed the a< 'lulsiMob oi Cuhu As if we ehotild pay *:AM) <ioo u90 for Cuba and then the next da> she might aeeede andrcanncx herself to Spain .tad spaln sell her again. He had admitted thatTexas cost una wai with Mexico and ID.UOU llvca. Iu I l»i uaun ot the J ikio .aiLmt Ben from Illinei.-. who foaght tliose hittli» . amst Ihe i^hi of that Mate to seoedo. Mr. Hsitrani.. (Opp.)of Texsa. ueked il the prole* tion ot lVxus wu' ilie only reaaou ol lie- «ar.and il lit. hitrd Mate? juid auyth.uK to iexa- lor the land aud «. did not ai ijuire (Ulil<>rnia from that war. Mr. Ikmiumaid the only can-" of ctniipiainl oi Mexi- co was the annexation it, I'esas, and we ttad ml) paid Ii van Mii O'io WO lor .**iHe barren ind ate d.d uot own. (Iai filter, th aid the i .ii t tutiou wa* intended to he perpatual, and be i'eai«d the ngllt "I s»n- on under Ihe iou. tilutiou. as against tte tael itutiou and i^uimt iiBstii-e and food faith H< -aia thera co'ikl be i.u ,o. meat w.th" i' coercion, It it c mi ,>h iuu«i ti- i d In tln» mode pri'«Tlted b> law flu- ia .e»t a ipie» .on .| Coeri Kta iii a Mali* wter* uo aWtlMtrit\ at toe ledt u gov Kiwi at renine wa v te'<md acngBize a <i vermin ni it' facto, when tb vui-' maintain- iBilvidual sway, ihe man who -ve- the Union, who loves i<> .««. the law "ii! rceii, wu to »ee lebellat'i put tiowu. Ilowdif ' he nit'nil to enlorce th- law n a aaceihug State except h> mtkin< war In hi- opiukm we hut reached the jmiut when i.-um tn w n< iiie^itabla iinlc-. a comprouime. loun led 'in i:once«i ou, au lie i-iati" th* prefeireo 'Mnpiomlse t'l War aud >fit i-».t lo d.-uti.ou. \o r.'inprom -e would b available Whi u loea not airy thi iiuestion "I mavery beyond tlmcio*. Ha aM lie hod Voted Ol tlM' propo- 'l ion of tll' .~ iMlol lroni i\euliH.ky (Mr. « .'itiendi n) aud w.ia r.-ain to von tin it um.i Wliy onniiot tte'republican* «nM en tie- <4iaa#eri t'«nii pi<>iiii->. line They lt»»t le-aie d carae* eueu|^ aa tim he ni ior repealing it, to .. aim oow ii e.-iahi-n it. lie ted lielp. <1 to . -pimri Ihnt tu< a. lie til 1). Wua i otnpelled to abaiinuii He Wa' wtliiag no* lo meet on tei m* of mutual comon fje tut i oitered another pruaeaitioii to leave ih. r* rriti«ie!' in-'a/Miffotiii they have M.INKi mltah tant- I til II I' 1> till' quentinn (hetneelve*; ouii #l».i pravnie.. itr t reawval ot the negroe--, il tin- lerrttoi y cIk»»< t-i i ermn proviacee If the republicana do not muuid to oitarf- re with elavery in the states, why not put in an >eadioaoi totim -u atitution, ao fliei c <nuot .to |i ihi . m a ettie- ment of noroe hort ow It t ici be poripu»ed We are in a utate of retaiutkni li u tamiaeoi war. Hepreferrod compraaiitw He aaii.t mni aatlieuyli the Haaatortoa the otte <We .....-i 'i u.. a to ict i paity. U»t the |a>upl« in ,a i|||i-tlK>h. \o uouht the oi Hi«i >W i' a. >p 11 il to slavery extant k*i hi t u. thieighl the MieaUaaa were tuhmitte i in i . i.- .1 ,'ionn of the-d ilator Irian Keutucky--the* w ni.d ilifj" Mwai lie argued against mikmi w ir a/ ,n-t |o |n-..p|. He finvxthere wa« all eternal .¦'parit,on hni lie » .III'I I ni>t eoneider war till all h ije- aaa im< c, n>re i iw o)her way or re< imiae u<t, lo mi'ic.. th |«4 t a la-cad ing Slate. ex< apt to make w »r and brinz 'te* a' ite within your |toe*('H*ion flrsi and Uteu eniore t'e- lit tflerwai i A war between eighteen ,-t«tei« ».i itf m tela and At teen srx edlng Mates no (be other, la to ¦» a revolitag thin?, for what purpose Ihe wai t t»>* will >1* C^<r tainly B"t lor the parpoae ol pfeaer vt'n! ih H >n I have too much reapeot for gentlemen o tte otlie> sHf of the liamher,collectively and indtvi lu illy tttelieeathara i- one among Itu-m who d « * not Wii >w that *ir ' \ on i annot expei t to exterm ,nate ten millions < )e>ii|tle. ahteti' |ta-"<ionK are excited with Hie 'mliel' that rou aean to invade tliair hom-- and light the 1a im- ia irreclion In their midst Von m hi e\p i taester- 1'iiaaia them or oahjugaio them, or eme, alien you h .va got tired ttf war, to make a tn-at wtth tbeia. x'o miittei whether the war iaat< oni- yen, OpsOVM vi'i*rs, or thirt % years. It must huva an end at *»m ,.e Nmaerar later, both parim-1 wBl become ti ei MXlNTINUll) on KItiHTH PAO 1.1 ARPVA1 OFTO: ftUSs'nAUlSfo'l $8£'> : r. .... u:j TWO DAYS L'l; FROM Err5:? THE TREATY WIT;! GWNA CONFIRM. Intei osting Par ticuiars t s om * the Fveach Commander. THE COOIiE rRASE TO F«r! AUTHORIZED. DENMARK AND THE DUTCHIE'J. Why a British F'-iet Was Ordered the G«ilf of Mexico* AUSTRIA AND VENETIA. TlM' tjiviisii Press om tlio Ptt^idenf's Mewsage. THE LONDOM MO\EY MARKET, ADVANCE IN CCT70N AND BRlADSTUFFS, nt,, & c«, Tli hUui i.-ii p Aufttr&iaetoa, Capt.Hovktey, ft-om nr- pool 22U nn'l Qneenitown on tto cvetnru: of tke -3J ult., arriveU at this port atout talf-pai-l ihr ¦« o'clock yctitcr day moruinf,'. 11 r advlCM arc two lator than it"1 jo proTkroely receiTod. She hr.iiga £1'15,COO ^iorlwg or $845,000 ji rpoe'e. HI-Fa'IK 1.1ST. Bank H. pul.lie, ». Y. Cho-i o. M. Gordon AcCe JM HCO Hulli a. Co .V.C Hi'i <V,0 M. Morgan k son 25,000 r. H. ila'Jory, i < on 1,70'.; I .ml wig, MaixAtCo.. .i,000 <. VW. Ma'i V CX 1,000 Marcell liaitya 4.000 Wal b, Cbrvcr .* WeHHlar k ( > .>,000 Cha«w .. ..1,000 Order ^,000 W,r..Tj.-"U 1,000 Pollw'r, Pottor At Co.. 500 Iiolloor. Potttr k C ooo J. H. French k . .... 1,500 J. Pi'Jot. .8,000 Samuel K. TYacy -14 N'ick< rwn v. <!o .... 1,0(H) K. R. ,tlb<TtH- i'.ou It J Br tick At Co U,'*)0 Uoninga & Petzipic.. ",000 Urown, B Si Cb. 1(1(500 .1. II. Hrower k Co.. I ,«00 Order 9,000 For^iinoi] k (Irtin. ..50,(100 "t'appan A Hurbnck . 628 P.Harnioiiyif.NVp &t 'o ^,000 K. < iiuani .. 2,400 Hewen .v Orowell, Will., tn & »;,. oo 10,000 Bo? ion 1 ,000 ¦ .1 J.G.King'sSonn.N.Y. 1.H06 Total 6165.M4 Tli'' tibugow torched at Qui* n town on lLo i \ eaicg of the 20<b, ami reached Liverpool on the woum# of U»a 21st. The Arago arrived at Southampton on tbee.v'ting of the 21 Mt. In cowieqnenee Of Chn-ttr. h< l'davth< <i»puri<ir*< of tho (ilaagow Iron; IUTorpo* <i i lu> tip u from Scrtti- ampton bad hi'fn postponed U lburp lay tho »7th ult. Ii nnmnuiced ih.it, not*?tb-i,:uid. h; >t, Atiatit .. "»l<s grn|.h ('< niiwiiy have Rental! th"ii* ru i v, tho <».r >ctorj liavi .ili'i' roin«'. :>t 'I < :i *r- uw, to h. y ui ju- dertuking ailoat, m the bopcilii i hh io fotur> u..- ibn capital WHiuired for tin p i < wu <-i rr *iwi n' < //ill be provided. rb"y consider tit" prn ».nu» nedby the c mpony as i«>o vahuibl" t< ' lirhUy ln/owo away. The wciitlM iu England vaj quito coi<! »n<l w.ntry, ami be country « ma covered with n>». iu« placeH to a ci>». -rable ili-i'th Tli" ft»ientl of tie i. i1 r.i '«>t. to* k piaco on the 2lct ult., ai m iumk lif 1! n|^o. < rd (>.'rfonood tlx ri-llgkiw «e vii<* The |*ili b«v»rors were tho Iiimeof N'f'wra-ti", FatIC ir ndi u, - Jum' < Oi " aru, Mi. Mat] *tone. Mr. Oanl*ell nt»l thi Kj»ri of DiiikcU). All tbe repnrU whit'h arr to ,' our co "ypornientt at Vienna tnd lierlin,j 'e .i in ib' .' to the mt n ti !. o! th' two ;.'r '.It (. '1IO'¦ turf r- I dOli'lUMl.tli » tinn in a cri ua i ni« r> . m. nt, .t .or! ng to tin- .-t ipiiLition r .. .!' <>f jv.j with IV'iiiwirk,oi'tlii' "ii tuii. ii ,, b'- (o Uit) twonurhi'> of lln ti'in .i' il Ij '. uboiirg -.'n t. im an teteginl port <>f tb<' r>.»i.i*li moMnk} fNTEUKHTINti FROM ( IIIN \ The lirilii-Ii Foreign 'irtici on Thursday, tbo 'Mh, hunt tin- two lollouing notiilcatmna U> tho iiew«pai«m . Kramn* llcnn. rw«<'. JO, 1*«K). hir John »>an>i>ton v-iter day ibai lord Ki> a. in » iter ot tin Dlh «>i No.i mber, give- information f tbo ruti;.rai|i n ami publication of th« tr< at/* ith Ihini inrt tneieb of the rnij lolVn-tsia. Hl« l^ordibip make* no mention ol the prisoners, but says that be :x ii.dehteu to (in,<T.il Ignatlet! lor the manner in whirb ib.it dhuk-I'T had pronn'ted th«' ob ctof Iiih negotiations. The l>'Ulon Ti*u$ denounces the ra. h course fuf Mr. Park<"-, and charges lorn witli having caused the -*ptur« til the pT)iM>D<'r(. The IjOtidou fiUi>r deletida Mr Parke* rom ibf charge and «*)» the capture reeuJted I'roa no fMlt of fcto. Bj Ike last ?triiB'*'- mr received particular* of tbfl FrrO'b treaty, but in thing had transpired relative to tfce terms obtained by England. Ilf V 'Mtrur publishes the following . A despatch from Huron Croft to tho governmeit of 'fee Kmperor, transmitted from Pekln by way of St Peters burg and dated the Ttb of November. couilrms tbo nev, s of the » .ning of peaoe between tbo brother of tLo toperor anil the Plenipotentiaries of France and of England. ITlc ultimatum of .-"hanghai ban been ao cepted The exchange of tho ratifications of the treaty of Tien tain baa token place. *ixty mlll'-on* of franc are to be paid a* an indemnity to France. 3.760.fiOOl were to be paid down on tbe tO'b Of November. Tho emigration of coolies is permitted by the Chinese fovoinment The churches. oemeter o*, auil th'ir dependencies, wtauh formerly tielongod to the Christians 'brougliout tho empire, will be r< tored to tii#in through tlw medium of tho Mini tor of Fran « The MonUeiir alwi publisher the following . 1 ertaln orsran" Of the English pre** |ier*<«t wth me most inexplk able obstinacy in entortainiag their readers with account* of fabulous spoil with which every French .oldier Will return alter the pretended sack of the In.pc- rlal iwlace of Pekln l"b«- only reply we an give is to pub! -h textual!}' a letter written by general d M nla ban to b s \eellMtcy tl>e Marshal, Mininter of War, dated the miii of iH toher. It will be remembered that tbo am bfln-ail'ir ol France and of hngland entered Hek:n on the .JU I ol «». totter and that tv-aer wax "iifned on tbo jnth . Rn'iMK PlCKI*, Oct. *,tHdO Monmvi nir Moikoui. It wan agreed between t.eni rat tiratit 'iid myoelf to proee to Yuen mtog-Yatii. th» ¦Uttliner re^uletie winch tlM' Kinpcror always ocetifn##, Ami league.- not th of Prkm fh * country Ir «) cut ip by roml«. thicket* that «.. iii ml ti!ant and hi* arm., kit Ibe.t way. and arrfred none, in the even inf. m front nf the palu«e. wh cb wi» ¦" charge of a IVrtar guard IH»piti i loug j0«1 faUguin'.: mareh I ordered tie palace to be occupied at neven o'i luck m tb» even ing. I ltd forcing an entrance I ba<l two otbiera and tottti' -oldii-14 innded. I'lii- Tariaia »va< oated ihn pnlacp entiualeil to iheir care and l<»t ¦"m* men, ob« ¦til io> m i'idarln being killed in eourtyard. I or dered th |«alu. .. t l«' -ei u--' wc« myxof eail> Bill morning, rt m impo^'ible, M. le Marechai, or nie to d scribe to you no* 'ho wonder* m thia Inpb riai hab lation Votldof « ^irope can convey an Idea ofanch Intitrv. I A'" attempt to denoribe it* »plen dor ;ii th* .. ba.«ty Imec 1 xlkull hare the booor to writ* to vur Mreil.m J at greater length by next mail to glv« \ nil » full Jo«rrlpl mo I piaeeii *tr ing pneta at all tlie outlet* of tbo paiaoe, no that n«»»btuf m if lit bo dxtuibel until unr albea arrived, l,i w'io'u I mmicdtateH «"nt inforniation. A few hour* afterward thr> arrived, and a portion of their eavairy having Miitied my column I appointed two Kaw'mh and two 11 eneh olHevr* to sec that nothing was ton.-hod, and that the two irtpii'* should cinlointTy erarci* a atrlct control. lienor il <Irani and !>>rd Kigtu Itavlng arr ved. wo ap- |Miinte<l In eomniitaKmrrt i>f eacli nation to make a <liV i-iCM. >f the lll'i-t|iroii(»U- o'ljtit*. lilting dlvlaioo I recwmiiv I- <1 out ro:mni»<nOi»-ra to»el>'et only objacta of valti* for the sake oi art or nn'iqiijtT I hope to *ead to your Im eilem y. for hi- Mae .«ty th>'Km|ieror, and fbr the groat oUgetion* of lite aoioi uun nt or for the M'i*«uin of \rtiller y «>ine rarecarMgWIeii for Kmnoe. lam at pte'ent awaiting the urrhral of Haron tiroa, alio t* to to n aie bare, Uard KU in bt>«ng here already A <ort «( eonveution ha< taken place lieMfee* Prmoe Hung, Regent "I ihe Ktii|>ire, an the KiigMli Oenaral, id tlni name »i the Iwot.eneral* in < hlof. 1 had o*>otiteii to an armi*t lc< thut Prtnee Hung night come to IVktti to treat be hn* gone -rnnw eight leoguo* off and the I'mpi inr i* in Tartnry 1 bo» o( yon \| lo Mm "chsl t' ^oitse the style of thin

Transcript of tile.loc.gov · 2016. 2. 13. · THE NEW WHOLE NO. 8883. MORNING YORKHERAT.J) «> EDITION.FRIDAY,...

Page 1: tile.loc.gov · 2016. 2. 13. · THE NEW WHOLE NO. 8883. MORNING YORKHERAT.J) «> EDITION.FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1861. PRIOR CW ) CRN". THE REVOLUTION. IMPORTANTJE*3IMTd£mm Preparationj






Preparationj tor an Attar-: onFt *t Si.aitex.

* Seizure of tha Sa annah' F its t>y theGovernor oi '!


Debate on the Crisis ;ii t?ie, Senate.

Speeches of Senators Bakerand Douglas.


the crittcngen nact proposition.


.v^frv. ivN, Jao. j, i'fl.Intelligence wad r xt vci la^t night Uut .. «- .

ter * now besieged; Ur.t all Maj i ¦!.

«4>mmunic«tk>DB are cut off; that 1 ;ri Moi*trie han tieen completely rop-.ircd, a. to'?

gum remowrted, au>l everytb.ag e; >a rowlm-vis loop- n .*

ftre on Major Anderson. N-w batteries aru L« .na er'C^edmouikI twin by the Beoeneion-MB, and every dayhis danger and tbo di.ficu-ties cf reir.forc.ni{him are Increased. Hih frc^t- u- pp. >diou-.for reinforcements, end even tho teais und t:a> rs «'i

hiewifa having failed to moyo tho rrtfrident, hidetermined never again to now hia repeat, butwfB pcrith, if he must, ia tb,. fort, tils men bavo boicdthemselves by an oiith to stand auci per!- h w Ui li m.H is beyo»d a doubt that a combination 's fonn.ng to

take forcible poi-sossion of tho f>overcn.;ut at Wishington on or before tho 4th of ^arch, but tho pre m tiino unet yet determined.The above is from sources which lf,avo co dcub» of ts

reliability.Senator Toombs receised a despatch tbifi :norr n« :rom

Governor Brown, of Georgia, stating that ho had rderedtbe Georgia troops to occupy Fort l'ulatki, to prevent thofederal troops from taking it until the meeting u theirConvention. Neither FortJa kson uor the arsenal hadtM^-n taken, and the Governor gavo no intimat.ou that hokitended to take them. Tho Governor issued the orderto occupy Fort Pulaski for tbo reason (hit ho hadlearned th-« tho adm.nitration liad given ordersto reinforce aU ?»>« forW in tho South. Otherfortt have undoubtedly been taken for tbe «me

reason Tho President, it is understood, did fk'40 suchan order, but it was afterwards revoked. I to Pro.- idental-o received a despatch announcing the occuj it.on offbrt Pulaski by the Georgia troep^. The Oib.nqt wereevened at an early hour thi- morning, *l ! ndo.Mcdlyhad the subject under consideration.Senator Toombs received late th s evet >».; «.«>!..

from Macon and other portions of Georgia, to tho et'.e-

that the majorities favorable to section were i ve toone. He has no doubt the -tale has gout largely 'or .u.

K.5Ce8l*iOP.Lieutenant Underwood one of tbo on

valine cutter taken by the South <krol.ua author,t» harrived here. He had an nterview with tho !. r tryof tbe Treasury, and detailed ta him u 1 .1 ' fa. t c>

Mated with that transaction. lie uius t' it Gipta.tiCtote misled tho officers. Lieutenant l\ ref :sed t > havo

anything to do with the transaction, and de ..a r.r.bU> serve under Coste.Governor Morgan's message, commending a tth« rt

an won as Northern line of railway to the Paeihc, :< w ...

received here by the Southwest, as the h t . v le.

of an enlarged nationality of spirit on tho par. o. thoNorth.

. ..

Me morials are pouring into Congress term the or hernStates, signed by men of all political part.es, pray in.;Ouogressto submit Mr. Crittenden's resolutions as an

amendment to the constitution. Senator Bigier yr< so it-ed a large number this morning, and n\ ressed tl.e opmion that Pennsylvania would sanction the measure; tli it

his state would concede any thing for peace, except theUnion, that she would never yield. There is a rapidlyvMtwing sentiment throughout the North favorable to Nir.Orktenden a plan of adjustment, and letters are p wringin urging tho republicans to accept it.A large number of leading and influential gentlemen

from New York city arrived hero th.s morning, amongthem Uoyd Aspinwall, Moses Taylor, A. A. low, K. li.

«^een, Moses Odell and Emanuel B. Hart. Th y aio

auiious to save the I'nion.it is now settled that Mr. Seward has l.een oflered a po

miUon u, Mr. tincoin's Cabinet. The post assigned to htmte iiiat Of Secretary of State. He ia disposed to decline -t

but his friends insist that be shall accept. It has arousedtheanti f"ward element, and from present a«»oarane«.bwb< fair to be afpretty tight.The foUawinf address to the people of the mite I States,

a movement of Senator Bigier and John Cochrane. o(New York. has been signed by Mr. Crittenden and manyother members of Congress. The propositions are thoseintroduced Into the Senate by Mr. Crittenden. The ob-M«t m to get ihe approval of the people in order tbnt the

p,,.v«.ed amendments may lie pass,>d, by a vote of two

ihuiM as amendments to the constitution .

Your citv is in imminent !>eril. The reder.il ''nion »in orocw ol disruption Without your aid ton*ress canao little to avert the impending calamity. IbtSJT Committee of Tho teen have rei«rted'.

ir ntmliiv to liirree upon any-miHrmia>ent b< i ween the North and south Th. HousesdJusUj thirty three have arrived at no -atistact >ry' "m n, ! r Umiiwhile the work of dissolution I- na.viug"STSitk fWrfrtrul rtrdc-, an<t mutual exasperation

country. rhe undrrsigti«d. iet«n-w>ut-,, ,,^-tion ot our common country, in

tii. -«¦ mliappy in roundina*. hsvr deemed1 n»r HI V mi .op-d .iircctly to you. We li*wuwon to Ik'IK -e that the following proposed aiurtnd^L to Uie '.oustitutloti :tp.i -ed by a two third;-voterfl onai"'*' tiit raiitted '.> tto-ee ftiurtus of the Sti.te-.Vould ltfiv tho etle i to aiiuy promptly and |H-nn»iioutl>

ut it Lit L ijfiff AiHMit skivcry . linii ro-t'iu\)li U '' *lVatcittU will betwv^u thoh'L. V. therciore e,,mostly and .r^nfv re,..mIT,' Us.i. with »- Idtle delay as possible, youmires I your ludgtn^t on the r»;V «d -uaen i-Vou can host lei! bo* this can be d eie,IThAihi r bv wvbiic in etin/-. conventions »f .U-i.-gatuin<.v.hoin > 1

.J . vv.N l! '.»« bui rt all, U» Hem^lcotii«prooipiiy. vnJ m Mieb l.u-m m toit tnu^i »^ . }|i> ^ # l f0' «T^Il£Kuv2 to Cotw' - nt.y govern tbe,. .ot ionsV

.una M«?uuwbile. wa eu.louver to .uaiutam

Mr Bnghatn's bill. rep>rte I bjr Dim om t e

Jndicinr; fon.m.tt today provides, whenever bvTr .< tfclawl ilohat notion,, ,on ..nat.«a or nIiiMCs <»f persons. « shad o come imp " tloable in th .

,tSg»mtflhe IT-iden., VCUte the reven .e Nvvtud collett bedutie. e| .np.rt» in tb- ord.nirv viay. ivhsll fce law ul r« h,m to direct the C torn Ho i- formich distTiC. I" be 'vlabli-lied and t. 1>t in J»TMcure place with;n son® P°" "* k,lb'nrtiatri't, either on liO1' <>¦' "" "'i'* inv Vl

,ad in lUw . a-e <t should be the duty of th OoHector toreside St *w:h pVd aud tl.sie dotam all ve.cels and car^arr.vior wltbia the di ict until the dtitie- itnpoaed.hi the carg by law »iiat! b« J«'d in Cash, anythingrticl.iwaol the I no d S! aes V> the contrary uotwithraiding; end in am it caact H stuUl be tinlawhrt to liketbe vessel or cargo from the cuXe4y of the prater olBcer of the oustome by a pioceas from som"(\.urt of U»o l aito'V States and in easo any attempt ?U*I!b< made to lake such ve*»el or r»rfo by any fore, or

c mhinntion or iwombha- ->r arsons loogie%| to be.vereome bv tbe offieers of the customs it shall and may

lawful for the F'ritldeot or aucb pet so# or per-otm at

t.. ' v< tnpowered «"cr tho purpose, to employr¦ .ri <. ju-al forces or militia o:' th® Unl-

ii t , u.y bo d^. rued boc ?aiy for tho purposeif pr .>£ th rtmoralof vljseJ or o^rgoaudpr. ai. oi iLe ca items mrefcuning tboca.:-Ivi.j m.

W-Kinnr.Tow, J&o. 3, 1801.V, »»». v. k 11 i-vsa into a state of con«<de-

'.it > .r i \< si<j ipoo U.o fcrnval of.he Yc*. 'h 1 teaming tbo iuportanti' ?....» thiit ! r»> .1 U»U u>*carded the

< .-... Ceair ..¦!>..... rrx'd th"ir -. 'Onm-u: .vf red r.d vv i Uiark-: ' f COB-

., .1 th-t < :: n ti. d i it-a ipir ., i ... w hurt <¦ . »iU I bed i i tue

<. ! .'< r tr.i u \ no ,« ! * .ml.As b" . mc kti«.v.a t the . i»: '.iui...tiod

rr.in -:n. t.cis.tor «uv.- tv but few» .t* ': here r.ltl '.oca! nc vl'oitt ..

. the<:..L> .i t :. Ci u' >n' r, i .i.ews-

H ,« .. i: N it.i i.ul, .od by .? wow-!< p.- -.» all caper to pror ure y i'f

Th.' < tri ; of th' Ooinmis- the tie 1. o of conv ! iti..n in illi »:> lostto-u-ght -i h" nou ry severy¬where board, "Wbat tepw >1 0 1're lUcnt noxtnow th th*1 .. .« h".s ».< o w 'town." It wa>. notthe return oi' the a* omin .i> .. thu' > haic'l taer mm«r e.f, but ita rot' ru <mo«i »u1 th®uecV'ratioii 'bat ilw i*" l< tit i" d to 1* "<l it I'.rtber

rimit'.n i tin wuh t -\ v t:.- < bjoct of t'.wir nais-ion. Ttf .>." |ucn ta c.' it .r . tun l the pott

of Mr. Hi.-., 'an v. .: l.o to I i' .. }-h>iMo..t on >t .<r.-.r-

likopr'i ... < £ .it Chartoafe «u.l wtc i th-jObloners j- J.trn anu r»*ikt® th'vir tfr»n(Uic- o the < Wnv^n-tun that t:..i pi t ui.ndw 11 >i'i ' tori.oly t"..»iu> d,a::<i reiwr ha<l to txtr-mom< r-sot'bcif.t'.ljty, Uw.-<j isbutl tfledf bt a. ong tboso r wt.;. ho torn rflfII.. « m ; ..ID '.

Xh' .' t ou of tho Pr> ?lent \ ' !'i*d prompt uth nei".' ity of tho c rotiu it rcc*»ivcs tho cn-

d< ii. lt oi' «verjbody l on, ;io it :oicm.ttodricvoc-ibly to diusohitioo. 1ti re <i n . n tab lev® tho' I'SuMti »v 1 follow up 'he c< r«9 bo has ho onergeti-".llly iaiti.'iU'd, a id regardless i.t "i tt.ri Us of tbo r*s-

-'om iti' prooeed at onoo to ;u .in tho ntcrtetsof tbogirrarsimrot n tLo .nn^rcw: i u y rcg ' n, and T.ndlcalo'b'' honor of the natitcal !!ag ad tho ri';htu of tb<5 fede¬ral Union.Tho feature at tho Capitol 'o day wa« tho epoeeh of

Ju<Ue nouirlao, *hofollowed -^ooator Baker, of Ore«;;n.Tho "t.ittlo Giant" was never abettor voice, h<"^lth or

spirits, and his speech wan almost Webetcriwi in itspower, tof ic and eloquence, be rcpub. cans do not likeii, bei auie ho laid tho present troubles at tho doors ofthA politicians of tilo.r party, ind the Her^snionisle donot n" ah favorably of it, because ho d>'i;'ed tb® r.ght ofPtcets enj but tlie great nia: <>f tho middle men, thocentre and heart ar.U ti ,.n dep r. lenco of tho country inthe hr'er <>] danger, applaud t as ono of the greatestp» i. 11 de. vered in the -Wiato t ineo tho days of Henry

Clay. Tin fttHerie wtre ag in rowUod to-;uffocatton,al-tbough the weather wan stormy and disagreeablfl.

Co!. T!n ..r'n concluding remarV s wore happy and ac

ceptable t< hifi Mile of tho lioueo.>1 ieh »r>:- h'ef di.ne io the tra'lo ofthecountry by the

transit.. of bo^us dwpatehes hi o-o to v'.w York.Yo«t»>ri! oi ..«. !¦ '^ravUed ti. i prominent partym \* v '; ic '~i¦ in.- '» n. rd accept'd Mr.i ritifiiu- pr"!« iton e .i irrcm io line, tt>" ques¬tion of . .4 i.e<l di." tl> ' ol.ople,and a iarr.o , ha. o of &t'*k w;.; mad® mi

the strength of tho anroun ^ment; hut Mr. S wardbeirm t.' ^s'i nlied to for the purpose of ascer.uiiiiin>; thof.ir.i. iij. ui tuo r.-por*. had to send a positive jontra-d 'tK'.i of it, and also to declare, for tbo fortieth time,th ho toid no ojrpr-jniiso to otfer, aod nosp cob tomake at th i t.mo.Them p no like biod that tvo Senate will oon£rm the

if »n of Mrintj ro an<' Hector of tho port of Charles¬ton. The Southert < n v. i!l not caccent to it.

Iln i*i iient i r oeiving r"ugr.Uulat.cns on

¦til n..u'i i, ai it fiora ail parties, for th i -:tand!)¦. Ii.ih t:it r in uefeii.0 of tho I'mon, and,n r ii to r tognine, in an otll ial ca|ia<ity,

a ( omnn- in* -i. it .n ut be admitted,l.o^e <v, t the most of the-a eong'a'- I'ation .> came

r. n. i"i,.r r 'i ;>. rto inimi'it) to tho policy of the !'rer lt-n >» yol'h if i tii'-r friends now t>kmd ooolly nl«.«i

Att no General tan'onV- presence gives uev/ vigoraudit' 'p iifcii tor<' to tke t^abim t councils.

l' 1... tl.'eat'mug letters have been *'nt to paities inUi«iVi. o v of Hi»n r'SFerry, tho positive nssaraaco ofMr. Sit* i'.ndf one of the j are. f who hie«l John Brown, isgii"n.

Citi/fi- in W ~l,.n't. o .»re 1 arl'ul tiiat a plot . \iatK forth* burn, of tho city, lhe frequency of incendiaryore-', an* ti.*-d>-r *r< is one of last Wednesday morning,w 11 ch iv il .< ave a pap on l'« luisylvania avenue not likelyto be il.Ii.* dtiitoly illl' d, k:vo color to the appreher.-ion.

Reports from ih«' V'rih aro pouring in, affording en

aonrav o" ut t" lb*' government to protee.t the publicproperty and defend iho il: :i tty of tbo Union at allhazard"

WJAHBI< T<<*, .1MB. .1, I)X'I.1 lr> t I n utetiart T'rderwocd, seuontl in command or the

reven ie < «ttor Aiken, s«i/.eii by the secessionists at

Charleston, arrived here th.rt morning, and reported tothe Secretary <>f tho Treasury. l.i< utenant f'nderwood.-UiifH that Captain G'sto, tho oommaudor of tho cutter,was an avowed see< nionist soi.-.d time before SouthCaroma decided to go »<>', ar.il agreed when the State deck rodherself out of the I nion to resign and turn thovessel over to him, Lieut. I'mliirwood, but instead cf doiliK bo he visited Fort .-ntutor before Major Anderson lookpossession of it, and examined it for several hours, and

finally placed tlx- cutter in such a position as to leaveher at low water high and dry on land. Whileshe was thus Situated the secer«iOBiaU tookpossession of her. Captain Cnste being ."till in command,and i.ieutonaut I'nderwood, being his subordinate, wasof course powerle s to act. Captain Cocite then informalI.iewtenant rnd'TW<H>d thai his services would not be

required there any longer, and be pro<eed<d imme¬

diately to this city, ami to day reported the above facteto Secretary Thomas.The ronstunt rumors that Secretary Tlioma® intends to

resign is based up <n the undented exertion that he i<

frongiy in favor of the richl of secession, and th.a hivUrst a-sistjuit, .Mr. Clayton, is also a secessionist. Thelatter is said to bo tho author of the sere^-nion editorialsin the CvndQutirm newspaper

Tb< seoes-iotiists denounce Senator Maker's maiden

poerJi as a failure, while the I nioti men, * Ithout regardto |*i ly. mt«- in pronoun, .n it a h-Mllisnt and 're¬

fill answer to Senator Honjamiu *)veeh in favor of the

right of a Satat<- to secedeMr. Imugtas' -jx-ech to day .oniinii 'd my d<-imteh u>

the Mor n> two week- siu< .<'. that h would upoort MrCrittenden - plan for in adjtt«tnenl

' l>Min bv private leti<¦ iv thut in. <»1ort is m.»kia< byI tie merchant" of lfc> t >n to » twenty :i«<¦ tiio' ^unddollars, to be presented to Goverr *r \ i* Bank-,ft' n

.it.i e li.rn io foreji i h. in. <gi"Tieut wl.h th*Ooat>.< t'.nli<h< .in<i on*, a.i" n polite fli i.- -. t<> k<-

}rirt of frosrsmm* t*> induce him to t-»k» pi«ci r

Ml tl- 'III. i'.lb :?<.« Wlir1. t ,0-e n loiut L>< rt'ii<ve il h>' w >uld la';# It

Id 1b..¦> r<r<i' .< t. I im .-tiilof the op,a r,t,

i.ti.ideou Well- « i'.i:m<<t. it. * .11 roprn-ut NewLnglanii in tli--. d rur nont o' the government Am.<jj(,it'ior .<./ .I ,< <i< M l.inc -in I'ro-n Vow hamate! fur <

pie <. in li|« i abn«d is t lurle- Kt uit'is Adam<:«lelt<-i Iilio |><<a« Illinois, . 'din

p< w.ivne it . pul4. in- i. - I!<. ,r laHtien t prow u

p.ate n tile l iiiti,.. |,>! > i. .1 nj,l «t I) -.-* , (.

to <. tu "to 'i;cu> dc^jaton h-o-n .,v. t: .<>. evepii.,i< i.M'fer not to interfere with ih'1 wn-

In«-11 s. .. ii""iii s 4'4btfx't ii'il<~. they arc consulted.)i ,- oj,., two Unit Setuitm Trumbull is urging Mr. Judd »

m» f<». < p'a< <¦ in i - f'uhuii't, while it ;* < fai t thatnot' v N »^e other prmaiie nt lllinoiaib- hor> itid-j houaeareoppo*o« to the s«.|#*tion of * ra4*in-< ..'tii<r frnaVIlBOlS.

Mr. Tonml* will n plv 0< Mr. Baker in tb< ¦V.nat<' on

Mindsy. and <t is <v*peOted bv the r<'pnblUiia» that Mi1 o-ieuden will answer Mi Toombs.

1 h* House f'oaiaiiitee oi Tbu ty three wei« in avasiontoday, but after a hi ief discus-ion on Mr Voisoa'a propositiaa. sdiouini ii without couiinf to any cnochision

It is a positive fa*it that Mr. I<aicoln, in a l«tt«r toS"«!itoi f-meron, mfoi me.| him tha< he -hoi.Id «end W-fftimeron'lj name to t|t^ v>ui>ita i >% ¦'' I'll of .'ttonhm il fm in IliaOkhinet, bat did a'-i -t'^ V

ty wuut ltie position won' t t»\ rut mi.; ..>jd :lit»t in. k''*be that of Se<, rcuary of tbe ry. I'm re «

Kt!ic doubt that Mr. i Junerorrs recent v< 1 to

yprmgtiekl ban tlx oil the TYeasurybhip aa histfo-' HmiswIt n evidently th-i settled opium of the beat re¬

publicans here that Senator S'wurd L.tw lw:i tenil'redtbe pofet of Secretary of State aid that be will accept t.

<>eneral Scott b>ui received uuls from uuu y e|n.b.»caoSenators rjid representatives.

WiWDMOTOs, Ji.n. 3,1861.It S be."Ted from what kiidwo b<o that .n the

Courn* ol .. few dnyr tbo iterts.it Peon >jIa ind KeyWest; i ort Morgan- Alabama Un- i«it..t M.-p Island, near

the nx'Utii "1 Lake B'.rgne, together with the Aiseaal at

Baton Kou«e; and Vort Johi. <on on the Gap- Koar riv<-r,* ill be seised ard garrisoned t>y the troops oi ibe r« speo-ti\ States c which th<y 1»*».ihe rxim-b Carolina Cou isaiouers con .dered the ab

ru| te-« mixtion by tbo President of their b wine> s

w i!L hi u as grossly ii wultin^; to toemselv (a and tbo State.They treat it us r. declaration o!' wir,ai> n tbis pintthe\ tell ahi* city thus morning for Kosth Gaiolina. It isa. 1 ti»> President yesterday r<!. rued their note w tiiou

00111(4 ,t.'be motion wut> ir. de to-day in tbo S< iiate to k'° info

x«< ntmi Marion on tbe nomination of Mr. Mclntiro foCbikrt< of the in tbe ue.Ubirhood of Charlesion harbor, ilt .s a ret,dent oi'York -ounty, Penney 1.van ...

The oikr.vtr.g reso'uions were adopted to day a* «*t

pre:.ive of tbo views nd ;'eeiingB o. ibo Committee ofIhirty three, ihe resolutiona wee otiered by Mr. Br.-i-

tow, of Kentucky .R« riC:ved, That we rocogniao aUvery as now existing

,u fifteen of the United Stag's by the uragea andla*s of ihofe States, and we roeogume no authority, le-?fc ly or otberwiK«. outaide of a state w here it no exist*,to interfere with slaves or slavery iu roch ^tites, in d!sregard of tbo rights of their owners or tbe jieaao ofsociety.

Resolved, That we recoguisc tbe juatice and proprietyof a faithful execution of the constitution aud "all ' lawsmade in pursuance thereof, including tboae on tlio sub¬ject of fugitive Klaven, as fugitive* from service or labor,and uiaoountenaace all molis or hiudrancea to tbo exe :utiun of Koch uw, ui.d that the citiMn/i of each Stateshall bo Entitled to all the prhilige* and immunities ofthe citizens of the set oral SUtes.Resolved, 'lhat wo recognise no mich couftictinR ele¬

ments ;n iw tompcwitiou, or sufti lent cause I'rom any-source for a dissolution of this government; tlmt we-were not sent bere to destroy, but to sustain auJ harmo¬nize tbo inatitutions of the country, and to m<i that -iualjustice is done to all )«rta ol' the name, and Anally to

perpetuate itrs exietcnce on term'-: of e/pmiity and justiceto alt the ataUM.

Representative P'.gb, of AUb.vm ., leit for borne to

day.Private despatches to tieorgi.ins say the iuoicaiiuna

are that tbe ntraight out secessionists have succeeded,and that Senator Toou:be is eiocted a delegate to the StateConvention.


StMM.WA<miNtHWt, JlUl. 3, 1 Mi 1.

The gaiter .t-3 t»nd «obb:- s wore agiiiti erowrt<*l.A message from the House, informing the Senate of the

pnet-nge <f the Indian Appropria(ion bill, was received.THW CHrTTKMiKX

Mr. ltfc.'KR, (ojtp.) of r*., presented memorial*, numer¬

ously signed by the cttuenn of 1'hiladc'phui, asking thelieoate to pass the Crittenden resolutions, also the pro¬ceedings of tbe paWlo at Hurrlslidrg. He said meetingshad been held in several m that State, all breath¬ing the spirit ef loyal devotion to tbe whole country, ai»lnil expressing a desire to have the Cr lttcndeu resolutionspassed If Congress would ottty give th© t>eopl>- an oppor-tunity, they would embrace it, and their friends at theSouth would discover that the people were prepared tomeet their complaints in a spirit of conciliation au.l khid" Sr. OBrmOHiKN offers! the following resolutions-Whereas, the Unionism danger, and it i* difficult, If net

iinDOaaible for Congress to concur by this requisite majority,no ax to enable It to take such measure*, to r»" ommeud l In¬states su.-h amendments to the constitution, a* an: necessarytu avert the danger. , , ,

Where** inar>in**t an emergeneV the opinion ant! jiidsm« nt ol tb* ^ple ought to be h«-ard Therriore

That provision hi- raad«* by law without delay fortiikim/ tb«' ieniworthe peuplo, and autmiitting to th' tn u»»-following resolution:.Kesolved by the senate and lloise i | Iteproiicr.tattvos oi the

United States ot America in <'nnnri'« assembled, tw> tlunlof l>o<h hoirae-i concurring, That the following a*lcles auare hereby, proposed and submitted as amendments to thecoiiHtltutlon of the I luted States, which shall be viii 1(1 lo allIntent^ and iiui'isises a* part of gaideonstitutiou, when ratiliedl.v convention*of three fourth* of the several State*:.Art 1 lnalltneteiritory of the United states now held oi

heremter acquired, situate North of latitude thirty in dogive* and thirtv minutes, slavery or involuntary servitudee*. put a* a punishm* nt for crime, Is prohibited, while sucnterritory "hall remain under Territorial government. In.ill t heterritory South of said line oi latitude slaven of the uricaiirace hereby re. .gniJed a" existing, mid shall not l«. inlorler,4l w Mil by Congiess; but shall be prole. led as property h> allthe departments of th. Tei rltoital government during If continnnnee- and when any TeiTltory north or southot said linew Hum sui h boundaries as Coogress ma> prescribe, shalloontain the population requisite for a member oi t ongiess, aceoidin to the then federal rati.iof rcj.reseutinn ..f the p<-.»pleor the ttnited SUM« 1, It shall, if its form of government lierepublican lie admitted inf. the t'nlon on an equal footingw ith the original States, with or without slavery, as the onsttuition of such new Slate may provide

Art 2 Congress shall have no power to abolish slaverv in places under Us delusive jurlwU' tion, and situ,.;,wItliin the limits of States that permit the holding ol sl.iv.

\rt tTongress shall have no power to alsillsh slaverywithin the District of < olumbia. so lone as it exists in tin mljoining States of Virginia and Maryland, or either, nor with..ut th"consent of the Inhabitants, nor w about Justcuupeusation llrst made to su. h owner* of slaves as do not .usantto such abolishment. Nor shall U ingress at any time prohibitoDieerS of the federal government or memners of i oiiRr-ss,whose duties require them to be in said District, from hi nutlug with them their slaves and holding thorn, as ste-h, durinuthe time their duties may require thom to remain re, andafterwards taking thein from the District.Art 4 Congress shtll have no power lo prohibit or ulnde.

the transportation of slaves from one Stat.- m ..noib- .. or to aTerritory In which slaves are by law p. rrnHt 'd to b. h- t«l.w hether" that transportation ts by land, navuable rivers oi

by the aca.t'Art 6 That, in addition to th#» prorfmona of tli«* thud para

giauh of the second action ot the fourth articl ot tin eonstitution of the United States. Congress shall have power tot>.o> ide by law. and it shall b- it« duty so Ui provide, ust theUnited state* shall pay to the owner who shall applyfor it. the full value of his fugitive slave. In all esses,when the Marshal, or other oiticer, whow- duty it »uto arrest said fugitive, was prevented run so doiu'iby violence or intimidation, or when, after arre«t, sal I fugtlive was r. S. ued by force, »nd ihe owner thereby preventedand obstructed in the pursuit of his remedy tor Ihe re

coveiv of his fugitive slave, under the said latlse 01 theeenstttutton and Ihe laws made In puruano- thereot \udIn all such eases, when the I nltod states shall pay loisu. h fugitive, they shall have tl# tight in 'heir .un nam..to sue the county in which Slid violence, intimidation otresi'Ue was committed, and to recover from it, wi'h Iniere and damages, the amount paid by thi in to- .rfugitive Mace. And the said comity, after it has |w.d saidamount to tbe United State*, im.y, for its indemnity >u.and r<-.-over from the w rong do rs, or i*».ui.-r*, by whom theowner was pr« wnted from tbe r'-em. ry et his iiigiUv. ..

in like manner as the owner him-elf might huv. sued and r.-

f°Art'd No flltur'. amendnn nt ot the c-jn-titution si. 11 aft. ttbe Ave preeedlnc articles, nor the third paragraph ot tinsecond section of the ilr«t articl. of the consdiutl ii nor tiethird paragraph of tin? aecond » rtw»n ot lourtii .him i- otsaid consiiiutt.il, aud no am. tidni'-ui shall Is made to the on? titution which will authorise or give to < on:-r .« any pow.jto ab<dUh or interfere with slavery In any ot t he s ales bywhose laws it Is or may lie allow, d or is rmiu. lAne whereas, gin.., b.-stdes those caa . of rtU».-..-l.m en

bruced In the foregoing ami ¦dnient* pr»|s*. d to "Ilion oi the United States, there are otiiers whir', come ivlthinlli#. jiirlsiiietlon of Coiigr." S, and may !». remo>lied y its ,<

gi-Utlve power: atid when a«, It |s lb.' desire ol Uongr. eI«r as Its power wrtll ettend, to remove all Just .rth<popular di*eontent and agitation wbi.-h no\» di-ttirbill.- j« ». »

of the country, and ihreoten the Maidlily ol it-in-tit it on-'

l 'lies -ve.l by lh« Senat-a'nl Mou-« " R.-pi . Iitativ... the United siat Ameilea in t'ongr a-.mbl...|. In rllie uws now in lore*-loeihe reeov. rji o maltlve slaves .retn su t imrsnaneeot ihe plain md nuuid-itory peovMoeOf t',.- .on-ttluli.'u. ..no li-.ve t*. n saneuon.-d » vait.;ande nat. utlonal hy the Jndnmetit ol thesupirm. < -nrt otUi* fiutrd t»ai tin' Mavi-h....din. 1 ir;#^fiV r ithf .I'.o^rnincrand m u»n «.» lb and tM

-if'not 11. b. >.-p- ,..e«t "I ... n.oditieo ornhaotpsl as tob- . He n > st. that l iw- Oisim to te mail" foi

m'rr ol-h.o. III .hose ah., attempt b, o ib<slave V ..to. .| .-*s 'i" am Ini d»o .*defeat the «.. » e».'Viit'iii "J nuU *

fba Ma- aws . f «.«. .ft «- «' "

., - .' 11sru Ii la It*', ileal >i. .a-.e-'l- n.nc>- o u .i«

e.jtuse a..I.<l»- eiecuto". *»l an; >t a« sr.- iv i *'

v ld by ia.. i'l»" | i.ivi- 'or. .. " "(bi'edHta'e Tet lbo»e Stnl. tw< *".' * '.»> .. n."

given etjior 'a> uractl. es jitit teo ma- i»r a t i.av

obst tllf duo a.» tvation iIjouaisss fed #«p« .'tBliv :Jie sot' :t» 'l.v. .» nvslave «gd bavO thereb> on'rih-lt-. oi'1 1and -t ¦«iit1'T~ now prevad.ag. '*>. «". ". 1'

p »«e'it .e.lloos.l'imture, " o >'...a< .< oi 'l".ellv iiid w>«ieslly t<» re. o*. im.i'd 'tie t-

til" -*«er..t HKtfes whlefc hate eijre <.! '. ''

it »»w Oi '-iHafiaMoi's. «ji th« n «.».' M«^v»'.nt tn«ii«a UM'i »*r nfrr« i*te<l u h »?i tu .>¦ |i >*?***<

;rt>ai itu ..«| Ot tti. .ghUf .|^^ ei:| . n tr ' gati^i.bJiiS-e l and »7tj, eommool} «alM i.e I .»'v m if*f ... if. te- f sgseniicd s« t" -aeke 'he e- Ii i tlt!t#i<. -I.T, m.iU..|ied ta »he eighth sretmn .: t - in equal IIIii- ¦¦'. a the ca«e. decld. .1 by hltn. * he he his Se si n-.lafHWW.'f "t '.fsinst the .-lattnati. Ami to avoid ini -.st-sti ijeiioit be Inate jiuse ot ih Ifth section .d s«M a«t, whichui ihoii/e. the person boidi f < warrsnt kn-ihe a'rej*is-Ltios ol a t ugitiv. s.gve io summon to ti.> "d the p(..n-i'..ttis und which de«lares* to i»» the dtoy .t allI'l* n*to«'*i-i MmtnitseMnoiVm, ouglit tobf "" amend'

s- |oe»pre*<ly linn' the ..uthontt and duty in ease- in whoih«i. h*ll be lT'ismo.*, oi ilaiuteroi r>«is<ance or resen-

t. It.at tbe laws f..i the *upiireaji<si ol the Atiicai slivelis.«t. <nd espeitally those piohlbi'ing t.he imuona'Nvi t?lav. - i».to the Uniied States, ought to be mud- etfectiml. sodouah to be thoroughly c«e»u'ed. ml all further ensetm m-n.m> sari to those ends might to be pr .niplly mm.

Mi (VrtUKKW -nd soDetliiug must be tw Itwould Ik m open shame to Hie government if rttitt bealltv. i-dto », it ie oil the country 'fhe sacrifice lo liomade V on,p*rativeiy wortlOess. TV l«c:ice su I (if't) * grt at 'Wttnlry wore never purchased so e#eg|ilvHo wmmCi a|ipeai With ronfid. a 10 the people Tlli yImiv.'Uie'tr-!>** inlorei<l in ibo .."rntnent IF tyv'ioonlidm -, {Jjrt t^e r>;op! wo-'lrt ,Ti, ladvit e

SetaiCH IV UK. . ''KK, 0I» O.M-fN.Th» resolutions wro i.ud ov , .it-d llio .

busiljen of yOMt* rilay hllttll up.Mr. B kks, (rep.) of reaamod in remarks

He said he was of tltf upmn'ii that d<-< 'isSiou OB ailpoinfe of difference wan us* ful. He was willing to meetall just cause 01' 'imipUiia a a fair and honora-i.ir wu). Uo iwnteudi U that uio attack ou the inenof the North tor action in r< i;tiJ to tk» territories wasunjust, for ni* 11 of all lassos in the North »..!<. vod"lavery tho cr.w.iuof local law Hequotod fr> m Ceu.Ca*sJ "i^. h at Ik troit, iU against the so-calleditoctrino of .t|iuil!iy. A)-o from tho speech of Sen.it.orHunter before the Breckinridge <"ub at CbuvotteaviUe,admitting that 'Ik* opinion of the Sooth in ref»ird toslavery had changed, and that her opinion lii'ainstlb-' repeal of Uw Mis, sot i i (Xiinproui!.-e (1 .or it'- exten¬sion o* the -system.

Mr. Bi'vna , (opp.) of v.i., s-k! be .. v.* Im.tted thattho South thought Congr.rs t..i I t\ ri^lit to ... -strictslavery ut tho T> nitories

Mr. Baxkh siud lie uuder :..o-i 'it*, tyutlon'.en m 'heother rsi«&K, "ine lime in tl. nr lis ¦<>,». o u fax . es¬

tablishing u line Ik w«>a freedom and r\.-Mr. Bia'Jjimw, lopp.) of Ui., t". id be hud .-ver ad

untied thai f'oui; s li.ui any p ¦*<.;; i-id . ¦< laveryfrom Oi> rerrtton Th So .tli 'i ul be-u ill ITu* of o\

tending fie Mum .-»'.» line m>. .. n att-r »t '.ompa.merely.nr. Bakkk thought we couki do nothing a* a mitfor ->f

ionipa<t v i: u would \ iolato t!\e outitution. li«tho'i):lit .' ebe senator i'roiu I* ii-«ina believe.; 10 ''on¬sen nee iliai . ouj/p sa luiil no right to e\ iiulo r-l».. erv, I 0niiu>t have violated his o»th wl n hi voted for sin h oxelusion.

Mr. Bkvuwn said I'oiip-e- n. >» ch |<ow>>r uuiorthe CODhtitutMNl.Mr.Bahuc >-*h1 an act ot'C^iun->»#s icre I. Tin law

wa« made under oath, .mil ifUt* «?<'d to prohibit ivoryby acert.iiu irw, wh<'n he actually heliuwd CV»ngr<,t't hadno rijjht .iod< r .lie count tiit.on t.i puKM such a i.tw. didhe not \ >ola«e but ontb when ho rendored sttflb a vutrflie said ih<< Hnruitor t'roin I/ximinnK, in a dreary ntaloipio, complained that tho goverouwat mterfeicd with*lav rv in the South.

Mr. Hk\<amin t.iid he did not oompialn of Onnjjre^s,but of the states.

Mr. BAkhX wan glad to hear the himpion of slavryadmit that COugrexK ho t not int'-rfered, but that I.ideompiamts wi're ol'the st.itoB. How could (lliint.s, for.nntanee, nterfere with sUvery in Virginia^Mr. Bk\.ia*w saul Fhe notiiii not by bill, but armed

men might go to the State of Vir^iu a and ms, i thot inted States arms anil murder pea et'ul men and try toexcito slaves to revolt. A im.ui in Massachusuunfound to say it whs right, and Mustachuft'tts elected him(Governor, and thuu endorsed murder. Mbs«,i hu ikbad gent s«<natora here to abutwi and villit'y the South.

Mr. H.mikk tu.id that was not a proper sc >po of <lel>.it".Ike admitte d that individuals might steal in slave stnt<.¦..There were bad inen every where. But this is uo causeoi separation and war.

Mr. Bkyjamim gaal that the republican puty ii tend tosurround tbe skive States with tree .itatn's, so us to I'orre.'mancipation.

Mr. Hahkk argaed thi.t if even that wi re so, il * h nowire for disaolotioo.

Mr. Brumpi.I nay decidedly, yes.Mr. lUiaDtaald, No; and proceeded to argue Hut it was

a necessity that slavery must be surrounded by frcoStati-a. If slavery is extended it must be against thosentiment of tbe world. He claimed that the North wereonly allies of lb« South, and that they were bound to re¬turn slaves. France, Knghiiid or Russia would not dotbat. If the slaves should revolt tho North would bebound to assist tbe South, and would do it. He argr.odtbat the right of free speech could not bo controlled m a

free country, or a free press, which was a greater safeguardto a free country. He would not restrict these to avertcivil war, or muiutam slavery. The great principle offree gov-rnment would not be surrendered. Come weal,come woe, slavery shall never bo extended by tho powersof the government of the United States. Ho would notyield one ineb to seuusiou, but there were things whichho would yield, among th> m the rope tl of the I'ersoualMberty bills, should tbe Supreme Court pronoun themuneon-1itutinaal Mr. Qa.\ had said, and bo would way,yield not one inch or word to seoemiMi. He m'ouI'1agroe fo make ail the Territories Ktauw now, and'let tho people decide on slavery, but h«would never agree to protect slavery in thename ol freedom. IVernng to |iower, In- s.iid,did'nt. it look a lit tin a.-; though because they ha lost theoflicos the south bad got up this robelliou. lie s.ud afterall la- had great contldence u the k>) .iHy of the poopie ofthe South. He bt'ard loyal s'in irn'Mits «:verywh<;re, andcould see the clouds breaking, aud ho w.is not withoutthe h»p<i that with time toa&ow tbe fevori. hhoat to ;uiiside, tho Union would yet remain sale, iitrusted to thehands of tho people. The senator from l/mlsiaua hadsaid that a State actually had -oee led, ami we inn t acluovledft Ml mdi'|M'ud< niO irnuke war. He sail bewould not acknowledge its indepondem-e. and said hothought il no very utrange iliing it' a greut governmenth ul «<>mctime.-> to etUorcc luv, Hoipioted the ordinanc e

of lien. Jackson in regard to col ecting th" revenue wbonSouth i.>roIion once helm', revolted, as an answer to HieSenator front lx> isiana when ho a.-ked h"A we Would c>|.lect lis revenue ...And itmve all. let the laws lie main¬tained and tin Uliion preserved He i lortod With theword- nt Webster's speech i»i reply to Ilayne

.-I'M Hi" Ml DOI'M

Mr. I>>>» topp.) in' 111. asked that ihi'ri'|Hirt ortlx' CimintttH' of ThirMg i«' taken up. Mr. I). proceedcd to address tli« Senate He said no act of his publiclife ever ;ivo linn -to much pain aa lo votefur I lie resolution. Hw conmlUw couM nut agree.In oidor in »... the real e>uiM of Uu' MhM h we

tn .si go hark of the Int.- elditkw. We .should »8Siimothai when' \er Congress undertook to «"l on the qutrtlotiof ¦* la very didonnl and agitation were sum to followWhen Onngreti lei tile question aloue there \\., peaO"He referred to the exeitctnc.ni it the lime th» M.-sourlcoanpromixe wax enact d Fbe fearful agitation ot l^jowa settled by the establishment of the compromise liur.So long ax ih.it adjUKtmeut was carried nut thi re w i

pence mul qulilt, Texas wa.' admitted quietly under tliirule. though lliere wan a. great emit un ty of opinion.But no oiK' nbjef t«td. because ItedtMM iluil line l^a inCalifornia and Vew Mexico were acquired. and th. ext.-avino of the line to the P<o'Uic <« ti wa-<!. maud. d. I'll'rccordH -Im* that he report* >1. as t liairmao ot the Cornmltlei on Territoi a- it r« -oluiion toaxtend the line lo tlMPacific, 'flux wax adopt'd in the senate, but wlieu it wasxent to the Hoax* n wa I "iceted by Northern mtes.Tliut opened the Bowl gate i of tbeagit it ion of IMS, whichwax niily "ttl*'d by tie compromi-o of llt'iO When wenettle tliix question in ihe Territories, thoo we -linUgettk' it entirely. Hie abolitionists could never huebrought the I ni**n to lie verge of dissolution, butfor the faestion in ibe Territory. it wa-a rejection of the extciniion of that lineIn li4M that reopened the Agitation. The arguments olMl!) and lS'JO ware ateil. Tin poxitions oi tin S'*irth

and the hooth ware the .un- Ibe pure»t patriot in th*'land were alarmed and Mr. (lay came buck to the >en«teto -I e It' he (Ollld riot hi ilig Ii.icU |i*aee He fouml notrouble with the southern inetnher- but be could lirnlbo support ot this line from the .Vorth The.Miexourlline wan abandoned, bet.tuxe it friend* -aid tlioy couldnot < arry it oat in good faith. Then they turned lo «i*what n*"it wax be-t l"beiv wa- a de-ire to take thequestion rat of CoBgress, and secure ibe piareof lb* country At In t it wax decided toleave the que tion lo the i* ipl** of . l». I'errinirlexthemselves The reeor*i- show tliat l»- ipfiortod 'ioihcompiotni ci and lor the nam a-on- I'" ice lollotvodall over the country. Rut In ls.Vi-4 it b eanie n«ce- .n-yto organise the Territory of Koneaaand Nebraska. Thecommittee. iii forming the bill, determine^ to oarry outthe compromise inwimnf 1*50 th'«.<h tb'-v had .11been in favor of the Mi« oiri comp *un e ih kni t itcould be arried OQt. A hue atii cr< w i« ,mm dutt'lylaixed that b< coniinittei' were rxtLiting xn*-re*l ootnpromise. But the bill *iid not in *i» n ibe Mi-^mriotnprniuiBe but ilat give the people (bepow-r Ol sett Urn.' the que 11* in *nr them -he,The histnej of the government iivMed intothree parts Before ltSfl) the o inm'iii idm tt' il nunivTeiritori* -. ImiI all wasfpcace. ah* the .citation1h»i wa? -ettleil all wax peaixain t iMHW. Sluocthenwe have had a i ontiHiml coatrOv erxy and the result olthe late election ha> rontrin*'be -«xiih that it is ibeiivit |K»licv in tb« ilomituiiii (inrty .: tbe North toiuvnd' their eoastltui loaal iglii We imw otaeto the ceaaMtaratinO of tit lilt,. wlfth ha-plunged the country into th state ol discord. I! t

folly for anv nmn not to nee Am t» which 4H exint. Therrenlt 01 the reci*nt eieotiaa, iii conoeotloii * lth all theMuiariauceM with which it is -.urrnaaded, liavc led the

people« th .-oulh i" form the ionvictici« lh»t it a11 seii p'«Ih v of the dominant party of t'.e North to inva*!e and di'Mtroy thi lr con-t.t itional r*ght,:, and thevare ready to rnxh, rashly think, into a in horrors ofrevolution and deomtoa rath* Uj*q I * ibbi.t to whntthi ythiiil the lBt|ienrlibr which a. y vcr Hum.Tbe senator ' Olv » (Mr. * 4r koowiedfadtb«' MUMaaoa of UitoP eMir.ctin.i in >V- mindx olHmitherti ceopl* uai a-l <... in ao muchblame th c ih !#.* i . be v. i|>i ia eaan cy. wb»»laid n ari.ptemDtnd rut i. lext tt i. pm ',h. - andi^i'ic.v 'I the repuhitaao pa i> yi i m i a policywM'h will eot retn re th< ...ap|»ri"i. i * threateas:bem with w»» »"il A."moo, rsMIter thi ,i»e them<H.i untjr It onuleni a^t. whether t'ie .v-re real*<r bnaittnary, if tbe '*it' era ; oj*i ro t i. to tikf*i pi#aiop whioh w i' 11 e n ii ii i&d jicnrdfore>*'f I "nr«tj*il Mf iB ihi foor sb >akt uava Intindncfl ,*'irt.. '-iV * ia I *¦ !> » ..¦. "ilk* tsirtyeapital ©**i . >j -xtlfii Hi, lh i *i to

' vletv¦J this c itry 'I r sin .1 hk i't" ipted

mat i) v th- n d< mi« > r a nl»'. tber» . olulK i.l et; >nmd to nqiiiri *luthc um ttrirgeIn I Mi '.'. -r. !>" tl».i) In ''i' who wail >»o i>o|ter|di aiaxi t . '. . i ve bo ha* rnx ( rri r t.' .. nUi re*ood V . Iky -'i tli-it p aty. woutd o ku wwhether i.i. i*:n or w HI now ay It W crt th« pot »<HMt partv to c<inline iiavery withte ita ineaeut nraita byr!.i m !»* if tbil f i lorn i ."'Ut' «OtT W1 tl« r il tihe t*'N- v or that patty » 'vi.ludu la/ery* iown t'a Tcrrife oa wi nowp««-»' # r We oi*; h.r #v--ipure'' WhMHtir, or not. that pMftf art i


»n *

mrtiMig fii|titl»c to ta»ir iaaateiR fr«»lii Wici ,.v

Mxinta" In ahart, I will « >'(t hua tht twpnrt lui'y c

lr^ wtaethw ii n .; he pot* r of tli .t ,»vr.y i , \et all the power- ©I tb f vral uv uaejit i,u .> n>i onstitutii'ii. accord Ui la their mtnim-i tatKai <¦. thit ¦>

atrumeal, to re- aad .( |< . 'h u<tslavery with ^ >cw U' it - i"i.iboh extinct khState*, old at wet! a* tie« Muru < > wi i *' e'lo

Mr. Wa: (rep.) e <Mu. -At ... qinsti ¦ ..i

pertiueatl.' awerrte n the .wet a u-»?»>' i. urn.

protean lag ti* mekt enxwir. ! L *¦ Hithi'ia ' r io ,

Mr. noci.'jia- <iid hot X(IS XO a|loy'ii»'«.. . rI know too «. " *hat - 'ot vrltl not ''."!») lb *cli »

theee intei rogut .- > A, hi »ai'Hvt'Ui* policyand the policy of tb" »rty, i* a* nu'lerttdbcIt The harxaeit tii.ruc I have riidi 'the ropatitttaj pi'.vwaB that lh't iBteieied to urf th" pnwoi o

fovemment with a rle<v ><> the ¦ Minute ¦.At)not.'*u

ft' l; very, not only ui ttic rerr»tories hut n 'hi(if the Union. I hltvil <111(1. .LOd h tv< "¦: \ '<.

f, nil I woulil rejoice ti"w to correct'.J, 'tutit is ib< policy ot' this ;»irty (.> prohibit "laveui .01 the rerritories of the United StateuMii"d r hereafter acquired, with a iew to wi'rocii 11"the slaves with a cordon of abolition "<t:Ue .1 1.

keep slavery confined till tb- number incre*-- he, .

the aiutuity of th<> moiI to feed them, and thunf Tr- t'i«rto tlii* of starvation, us a means of ge'tiui' rid ot' th" >'

"t slavery in the nans uf h'manii t and tliristi :i'.*.' .

have said that in IlllnoiB, in '.he abol tioa portio -t c-r thState, but never Mid a in a lavo State. I haven'w.;been 01 eediogly mild in up akin# of that partv !:¦sltm holding states. But inasmuch .is I did not -etreel answer from ttie Senator who makes tl " ehagainst the Northern democracy, I will refer t<> the <

rnents ofthe President elect, arid sue what he says on tin?object. I'ho republicans have tak-n pains to , hreports of tho debates between Mr. I. n oin iud n>j >11and I may Hay they are unfair to me, as Mr 'ucoln hadan opportunity to corrc t his speeches, and th i ir rtruck out many portion:! of my replied. [Mr Iv kthen read from Mr. i.ine .in's speech, where he sp< .;

the House being divideil against itself, aud th.«t tinmu -t come, and thostatps must all become cue thit^- or

the other, Ac., and proceeded.J MTb 'u tho republ' .11

cot .uiittee publish an e tition of Mr. 1 iucoln s speeei .

containing sentiments like these, is it surprising U1.1t th"people of the South think he was ;n earnest, and intend«dto carry out the policy which h» then announcedI Hhould not reviM- such rovohltlonar;ments but for the attempt to east the ro

Bpoosibllity upon the Northern democracy, olearlintimating that Mr. I'ogh and my-elf were the chief autaors of these misrepresentations. I would like to tint!auy one man on that Hide of the chamber, in the con-fldMice <>f the l'reaident "Icct, who would deny ti-it't vt

l>olicy to carry out the very things to which ! haw re¬

ferred. 1 feel bound, however, and take pleasure insaying, that 1 don't believe the Southern State--¦ire in .vm- danger, or ought to have .my apprliension. tffcit Mr. Lincoln or his party nail doiuiv harmor vender insecure their rights t.> per-on^' <r >{>.¦. yanywhere in this couutry. I have somo faith tli.it .Mr.l.inooln, after having emerged from the surroundingsof a 11.Mil country village, and assumed the hitrhre-pi nihilities of administering the law and p'>let ting the rights of a great nation, will -nil-tin parils.it. in the patriot, and abandon the xtremedoctrines, and step forward and avow his willingness tavc the country by repudiating the extreme doctrinesof a partv Hut he thai as it tnay, neither he ner h'sputty will have power to invade the rights of any Staleiu this t nion. I had hoped, therefore, that the Southernpeople would ha\o been content to remain in the tunand vindicate their right in the Union uuder the const;tutam, instead of rushing into revolution and preparingthemselves to meet whatever consequence imvy follow.This appt eheusiou has become widespreiul, an 1 taken purt;i-sbiouof the -Southern mind and sunk deep into the South¬ern heart, and tilled them with the onvietlou that th- r

tlrosidcs, their family altars, their domestic institutions,are to be rudely assailed through the machinery of tbefederal government. Tho Senator from Ohm tell-- us

be don't blame you Southern Senators for iielieviugthese thingn, and yet iusteud of doing tin>se acts whichwill relieve your apprehensions, nnd ronder it impossibio that these outrages should be perpetrate!, talksatiuiit force, war, armies and navies. In tbo namo ofthe Union, who are the disunioni/us? Those who pur¬sue a line of policy calculated to destroy the I'nion,and refuse to arrest that policy, or disavow that pur-pose, whetuhey so*' that revolution has taken place Ifsuch be u<u your policy, why not say so? If you neverintend to do what tbe South thiuk is your pur|x»- ..andwhich you do not blame them for thinkiug.what humis there in making such amendments to the constitutionas will render it impossible for you to do so? Hut w o

are told that the Union must he preserved and tho lawmust be enforced. I agree to that. I am in favor ofdoing all these things, according to the constitution andthe laws. No man will go farther than I to maintain theUnion and enforce the laws, to put down rebellionand insurrection, snd to use all the power conferred bythe constitution for that purpose. But wo must looic(bo facts in the faco. Wo must take notice 01 thosetimes whose o.xistence cannot he denied. /(itsloryteaches us that rebellion often becomes suc.-cck fill. Revolution, and the gre .tei t republics andpi outlet monarchies have iound it uecssary to recog¬nise ihe existence of a government, d>-/"oc(o, in the re

bi llion of states and provinc -s. Such was the condit'onOf the Americau colonies for seven years after tlie Decla¬ration of Independence. At lirst it was rebellion, andrebellion was treason A few months afterward it was1 evolution and a government tl<J'arto at l'hiladeiphia. Mr,Hancock 1"resilient, and Washington commander of thearmies. Rebellion had oeusod and revolution taken itsplace. Ihe American colonies were in revolt, bin! novernments tie fadu, and tireul Britain, proud as she was,was compelled to recognise the existing state offacts Ihe laws of nulions and all the lawsol ci\ ihzat 1011 demanded that the government »'«. fartobe acknowledged. Hat the laws must be enforced. Inour Hjsletu 01 government the laws are to be enforce I bycivil authority, agisted by the militia and pontr romil/Unt,when the Marshal is r« Isted. II the colonies, or 11 State,revolt, the revolution is complete. When th'- federalauthorities are cx|>e)lcd. and no one man left to aoiniowledge allegiance to the United States, how are >011 ,, >iugto enforce the laws then How are you going to do it. inSoir.h Carolina - She has liussod an ordinance of vssiou. I deny her rij{ht to secede, but she hasdone il. The revolution is complete. Hhu nafl ao humanbeing in her borders to ackaowli'dgu our authority. I'll ini; all wrong, bin how arc you going lo lmlp it ? Vimtell ii w* must enforce the laws, 1 am in favor of thatla* must be eafori'iMl according to the constum n amitin-1- « I'uiler our coastitntioa, laws can oni> Ik- r.i

lorood against criminate; and tbofio of uh who are in favom' ilif coaot itulion and the In ion, muni be careful ih.ii wdo not i« rpetrale the very ihingH which wo deaeuaco a;

criminal in acceding Klaten. Anil Mouth CaroltwtiIik not stand alone. Wr are Wild that iievi'ii other t lutesWill follow her, and we have ic-aaoa to apprehend thatnevea more states may follow item. The antiwar la,mu i entorce the lawn. My reply t*. you cannot anion:tin- lawn in countries nut iu youi posee^-iina. I deny thaiw"- have the right to make war in order to regain piatac*-ion. in ord«-r toenfori o the iw. Ara we pn|inrt)d for war.'

1 do not mean prepared in the aeaae ol having soldier.',nrnm aud munitions; but are we prepared in our tear Itlor war with our brethren ' While I altirrn that the oour111"tloll was intended to Ittrm a perpetual Union.while1 attii ni the right to uae all lawful means to enforce thel.iw>.yel I will not meditate war. nor tolerate the idea,until alter every etlort .it atUustiufiit ha* been tried andUiii d, <1 lid nil hope ol the ( ttion i- K< «ie llieii.aud not til1then will deliberate aud determine wliat course mydot} will require of me. I am for pew e, to n.i\e theliu-n Warm disunion, certain, mevitable, llnal andirieprc.-sible <»ur own very exiataoce forbids war.lb- refarred to ilie purchase ol l/misiana, and said it wu<

purcha I'd for the hcneiil ot the whole nkm, and lor tli"safety o! the upper Mississippi in particular Tim po~he- ion oi thnt river now in more necessary thau It w.ia

thfl Wi cuinut expSCt the people ol the interior to .idtnit the right oi a fott-lga Stale taking possession ol thatriver He also referred to the purchaae of Florida,and the amounts paid, aud asked il' shecould *o mi now The President, in his Ms«aage, lirstsaid wy could uot coerce a Mate to remain in ihe I 'mini,,but .ii a few seutencea be adviaed the a< 'lulsiMob oiCuhu As if we ehotild pay *:AM) <ioo u90 for Cuba andthen the next da> she might aeeede andrcanncx herself toSpain .tad spaln sell her again. He had admitted thatTexascost una wai with Mexico and ID.UOU llvca. Iu I l»i uaunot the J ikio .aiLmt Ben from Illinei.-. who foaght tliosehittli» . amst Ihe i^hi of that Mate to seoedo.

Mr. Hsitrani.. (Opp.)of Texsa. ueked il the prole* tionot lVxus wu' ilie only reaaou ol lie- «ar.and il lit. hitrdMate? juid auyth.uK to iexa- lor the land aud«. did not ai ijuire (Ulil<>rnia from that war.

Mr. Ikmiumaid the only can-" of ctniipiainl oi Mexi-co was the annexation it, I'esas, and we ttad ml) paidIi van Mii O'io WO lor .**iHe barren ind ate d.d uot own.(Iai filter, th aid the i .ii t tutiou wa* intended tohe perpatual, and be i'eai«d the ngllt "I s»n- on underIhe iou. tilutiou. as against tte tael itutiou and i^uimtiiBstii-e and food faith H< -aia thera co'ikl be i.u ,o.meat w.th" i' coercion, It it c mi ,>h iuu«i ti- i d In tln»mode pri'«Tlted b> law flu- ia .e»t a ipie» .on .|Coeri Kta iii a Mali* wter* uo aWtlMtrit\ at toe ledt u

gov Kiwi at renine wa v te'<md t» acngBize a <ivermin ni it' facto, when tb vui-' maintain- iBilvidualsway, ihe man who -ve- the Union, who loves i<> .««.the law "ii! rceii, wu to »ee lebellat'i put tiowu.Ilowdif ' he nit'nil to enlorce th- law n a aaceihugState except h> mtkin< war In hi- opiukm we hutreached the jmiut when i.-um tn w n< iiie^itabla iinlc-.a comprouime. loun led 'in i:once«i ou, au lie i-iati" th*prefeireo 'Mnpiomlse t'l War aud >fit i-».t lo d.-uti.ou.\o r.'inprom -e would b available Whi u loea not airythi iiuestion "I mavery beyond tlmcio*. Ha aM lie hodVoted Ol tlM' propo- 'l ion of tll' .~ iMlol lroni i\euliH.ky(Mr. « .'itiendi n) aud w.ia r.-ain to von tin it um.iWliy onniiot tte'republican* «nM en tie- <4iaa#eri t'«niipi<>iiii->. line They lt»»t le-aie d carae* eueu|^ aa timhe ni ior repealing it, to .. aim oow ii e.-iahi-nit. lie ted lielp. <1 to . -pimri Ihnt tu< a. lie til 1).Wua i otnpelled to abaiinuii He Wa' wtliiag no* lomeet on tei m* of mutual comon fje tut i oiteredanother pruaeaitioii to leave ih. r* rriti«ie!' in-'a/Miffotiiithey have M.INKi mltah tant- I til II I' 1> till' quentinn(hetneelve*; ouii #l».i pravnie.. itr t reawval ot thenegroe--, il tin- lerrttoi y cIk»»< t-i i ermn proviacee Ifthe republicana do not muuid to oitarf- re with elaveryin the states, why not put in an >eadioaoi totim -u

atitution, ao fliei c <nuot .to |i ihi . m a ettie-ment of noroe hort ow It t ici be poripu»ed Weare in a utate of retaiutkni li u tamiaeoi war.Hepreferrod compraaiitw He aaii.t mni aatlieuylithe Haaatortoa the otte <We .....-i 'i u.. a to ict i

paity. U»t the |a>upl« in ,a i|||i-tlK>h. \ououht the oi Hi«i >W i' a. >p 11 ilto slavery extant k*i hi t u. thieighl theMieaUaaa were tuhmitte i in i . i.- .1 ,'ionnof the-d ilator Irian Keutucky--the* w ni.d ilifj" Mwailie argued against mikmi w ir a/ ,n-t |o |n-..p|.He finvxthere wa« all eternal .¦'parit,on hni lie » .III'I Ini>t eoneider war till all h ije- aaa im< c, n>re i iwo)her way or re< imiae u<t, lo mi'ic.. th |«4 t a la-cading Slate. ex< apt to make w »r and brinz 'te* a' ite withinyour |toe*('H*ion flrsi and Uteu eniore t'e- lit tflerwai i

A war between eighteen ,-t«tei« ».i itf m tela and Atteen srx edlng Mates no (be other, la to ¦» a revolitagthin?, for what purpose i» Ihe wai t t»>* will >1* C^<rtainly B"t lor the parpoae ol pfeaer vt'n! ih H >n I havetoo much reapeot for gentlemen o tte otlie> sHf of theliamher,collectively and indtvi lu illy tttelieeathara i-

one among Itu-m who d « * not Wii >w that *ir '

\ on i annot expei t to exterm ,nate ten millions < )e>ii|tle.ahteti' |ta-"<ionK are excited with Hie 'mliel' that rouaean to invade tliair hom-- and light the 1a im- iairreclion In their midst Von m hi e\p i taester-

1'iiaaia them or oahjugaio them, or eme, alien youh .va got tired ttf war, to make a tn-at wtth tbeia.x'o miittei whether the war iaat< oni- yen, OpsOVMvi'i*rs, or thirt % years. It must huva an end at *»m

,.e Nmaerar later, both parim-1 wBl become ti ei


ARPVA1 OFTO: ftUSs'nAUlSfo'l

$8£'> : r. .... u:j



Intei osting Par ticuiars t s om* the Fveach Commander.



Why a British F'-iet Was Orderedf» the G«ilf of Mexico*


TlM' tjiviisii Press om tlioPtt^idenf's Mewsage.



Tli hUui i.-ii p Aufttr&iaetoa, Capt.Hovktey, ft-om nr-pool 22U nn'l Qneenitown on tto cvetnru: of tke -3J ult.,arriveU at this port atout talf-pai-l ihr ¦« o'clock yctitcrday moruinf,'. 11 r advlCM arc two lator than it"1 joproTkroely receiTod. She hr.iiga £1'15,COO ^iorlwg or

$845,000 ji rpoe'e.HI-Fa'IK 1.1ST.

Bank H. pul.lie, ». Y. Cho-i o. M. Gordon AcCe JM HCOHulli a. Co .V.C Hi'i<V,0M. Morgan k son 25,000 r. H. ila'Jory, i < on 1,70'.;I .ml wig, MaixAtCo.. .i,000 <. VW. Ma'i V CX 1,000Marcell liaitya 4.000 Wal b, Cbrvcr .*WeHHlar k ( > .>,000 Cha«w .. ..1,000Order ^,000 W,r..Tj.-"U 1,000Pollw'r, Pottor At Co.. 500 Iiolloor. Potttr k C oooJ. H. French k . '«.... 1,500 J. Pi'Jot. .8,000Samuel K. TYacy -14 N'ick< rwn v. <!o .... 1,0(H)K. R. ,tlb<TtH- i'.ou It J Brtick At Co U,'*)0Uoninga & Petzipic.. ",000 Urown, B Si Cb. 1(1(500.1. II. Hrower k Co.. I ,«00 Order 9,000For^iinoi] k (Irtin. ..50,(100 "t'appan A Hurbnck . 628P.Harnioiiyif.NVp &t 'o ^,000 K. < iiuani .. 2,400Hewen .v Orowell, Will., tn & »;,. oo 10,000

Bo? ion 1 ,000 ¦ .1

J.G.King'sSonn.N.Y. 1.H06 Total 6165.M4Tli'' tibugow torched at Qui* n town on lLo i \ eaicg of

the 20<b, ami reached Liverpool on the woum# of U»a21st.The Arago arrived at Southampton on tbee.v'ting of

the 21 Mt.In cowieqnenee Of Chn-ttr. h< l'davth< <i»puri<ir*< of

tho (ilaagow Iron; IUTorpo* <i i lu> tip m« u from Scrtti-ampton bad hi'fn postponed U lburp lay tho »7th ult.

Ii nnmnuiced ih.it, not*?tb-i,:uid. h; >t, Atiatit .. "»l<s

grn|.h ('< niiwiiy have Rental! th"ii* ru i v, tho <».r >ctorjliavi .ili'i' roin«'. :>t 'I < :i *r- uw, to h. y ui ju-

dertuking ailoat, m the bopcilii i hh io fotur> u..- ibn

capital WHiuired for tin p i < wu <-i rr *iwi n' < //ill beprovided. rb"y consider tit" prn ».nu» nedby thec mpony as i«>o vahuibl" t< ' lirhUy ln/owo away.The wciitlM iu England vaj quito coi<! »n<l w.ntry, amibe country « ma covered with n>». iu« placeH to a

ci>». -rable ili-i'thTli" ft»ientl of tie i. i1 r.i '«>t. to* k piaco on the

2lct ult., ai m iumk lif 1! n|^o. < rd (>.'rfonoodtlx ri-llgkiw «e vii<* The |*ili b«v»rors were tho IiimeofN'f'wra-ti", FatIC ir ndi u, - Jum' < Oi " aru, Mi. Mat]*tone. Mr. Oanl*ell nt»l thi Kj»ri of DiiikcU).

All tbe repnrU whit'h arr to ,' our co "ypornienttat Vienna tnd lierlin,j 'e .i in ib' .' to the mt n

ti !. o! th' two ;.'r '.It (. '1IO'¦ turf r- I dOli'lUMl.tli »

tinn in a cri ua i ni« r> . m. nt, .t .or! ngto tin- .-t ipiiLition r .. .!' <>f jv.j withIV'iiiwirk,oi'tlii' "ii tuii. ii ,, b'- (o Uit)twonurhi'> of lln ti'in .i' il Ij '. uboiirg -.'n t. im an

teteginl port <>f tb<' r>.»i.i*li moMnk}

fNTEUKHTINti FROM ( IIIN \The lirilii-Ii Foreign 'irtici on Thursday, tbo 'Mh, i»

hunt tin- two lollouing notiilcatmna U> tho iiew«pai«m .Kramn* llcnn. rw«<'. JO, 1*«K).

hir John »>an>i>ton r« v-iterday ibai lord Ki> a. in» l» iter ot tin Dlh «>i No.i mber, give- information f tboruti;.rai|i n ami publication of th« tr< at/* ith Ihini inrttneieb of the rnij lolVn-tsia. Hl« l^ordibip make* nomention ol the prisoners, but says that be :x ii.dehteu to(in,<T.il Ignatlet! lor the manner in whirb ib.it dhuk-I'Thad pronn'ted th«' ob ctof Iiih negotiations.The l>'Ulon Ti*u$ denounces the ra. h course fuf Mr.

Park<"-, and charges lorn witli having caused the -*ptur«til the pT)iM>D<'r(. The IjOtidou fiUi>r deletida Mr Parke*rom ibf charge and «*)» the capture reeuJted I'roa nofMlt of fcto.

Bj Ike last ?triiB'*'- mr received particular* of tbflFrrO'b treaty, but in thing had transpired relative to tfceterms obtained by England.Ilf V 'Mtrur publishes the following .A despatch from Huron Croft to tho governmeit of 'fee

Kmperor, transmitted from Pekln by way of St Petersburg and dated the Ttb of November. couilrms tbo nev, sof the » .ning of peaoe between tbo brother of tLotoperor anil the Plenipotentiaries of France and ofEngland. ITlc ultimatum of .-"hanghai ban been aocepted The exchange of tho ratifications of thetreaty of Tien tain baa token place. *ixty mlll'-on*of franc are to be paid a* an indemnity toFrance. 3.760.fiOOl were to be paid down on tbe tO'b OfNovember. Tho emigration of coolies is permitted bythe Chinese fovoinment The churches. oemeter o*, auilth'ir dependencies, wtauh formerly tielongod to theChristians 'brougliout tho empire, will be r< tored totii#in through tlw medium of tho Mini tor of Fran «

The MonUeiir alwi publisher the following .1 ertaln orsran" Of the English pre** |ier*<«t wth me

most inexplk able obstinacy in entortainiag their readerswith account* of fabulous spoil with which every French.oldier Will return alter the pretended sack of the In.pc-rlal iwlace of Pekln l"b«- only reply we an give is topub! -h textual!}' a letter written by general d M nlaban to b s \eellMtcy tl>e Marshal, Mininter of War, datedthe miii of iH toher. It will be remembered that tbo ambfln-ail'ir ol France and of hngland entered Hek:n on the.JU I ol «». totter and that tv-aer wax "iifned on tbo jnth .

Rn'iMK PlCKI*, Oct. *,tHdOMonmvi nir Moikoui. It wan agreed between t.eni rat

tiratit 'iid myoelf to proee to Yuen mtog-Yatii. th»¦Uttliner re^uletie winch tlM' Kinpcror always ocetifn##,Ami league.- not th of Prkm

fh * country Ir «) cut ip by roml«. thicket* that«.. iii ml ti!ant and hi* arm., kit Ibe.t way. and arrfrednone, in the even inf. m front nf the palu«e. wh cb wi» ¦"charge of a IVrtar guard

IH»piti i loug j0«1 faUguin'.: mareh I ordered tiepalace to be occupied at neven o'i luck m tb» evening. I ltd forcing an entrance I ba<l two otbiera andtottti' -oldii-14 v» innded. I'lii- Tariaia »va< oated ihnpnlacp entiualeil to iheir care and l<»t ¦"m* men, ob«¦til io> m i'idarln being killed in eourtyard. I ordered th |«alu. .. t l«' -ei u--' wc« myxofeail> Bill morning, rt m impo^'ible, M. le Marechai,or nie to d scribe to you no* 'ho wonder* m thia Inpbriai hab lation Votldof « ^irope can convey an Ideaofanch Intitrv. I A'" attempt to denoribe it* »plendor ;ii th* .. ba.«ty Imec 1 xlkull hare the booor to writ*to vur Mreil.m J at greater length by next mail to glv«\ nil » full Jo«rrlpl mo

I piaeeii *tr ing pneta at all tlie outlet* of tbo paiaoe, nothat n«»»btuf m iflit bo dxtuibel until unr albea arrived,l,i w'io'u I mmicdtateH «"nt inforniation. A few hour*afterward thr> arrived, and a portion of their eavairyhaving Miitied my column I appointed two Kaw'mh andtwo 11 eneh olHevr* to sec that nothing was ton.-hod, andthat the two irtpii'* should cinlointTy erarci* a atrlctcontrol.

lienor il <Irani and !>>rd Kigtu Itavlng arr ved. wo ap-|Miinte<l In eomniitaKmrrt i>f eacli nation to make a<liV i-iCM. >f the lll'i-t|iroii(»U- o'ljtit*. lilting dlvlaioo Irecwmiiv I- <1 out ro:mni»<nOi»-ra to»el>'et only objacta ofvalti* for the sake oi art or nn'iqiijtT I hope to *ead toyour Im eilem y. for hi- Mae .«ty th>'Km|ieror, and fbrthe groat oUgetion* of lite aoioi uun nt or for theM'i*«uin of \rtiller y «>ine rarecarMgWIeii for Kmnoe.lam at pte'ent awaiting the urrhral of Haron tiroa,

alio t* to to n aie bare, Uard KU in bt>«ng here already A<ort «( eonveution ha< taken place lieMfee* Prmoe Hung,Regent "I ihe Ktii|>ire, an the KiigMli Oenaral, id tlniname »i the Iwot.eneral* in < hlof.

1 had o*>otiteii to an armi*t lc< thut Prtnee Hung nightcome to IVktti to treat be hn* gone -rnnw eight leoguo*off and the I'mpi inr i* in Tartnry

1 bo» o( yon \| lo Mm "chsl t' ^oitse the style of thin