TIK - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduCO.,. - - &;; '-.! &,, &-----,,...-!) etc.,: '!!-& ' Coast a &...

If V . . . I I,' J . : r A .. . .... . " ' .6 f 'k r ' - - Ay a? , i HONOLULU, , HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1(5, 1885. PRICE 5 CENTS. &&vtttiftmui gusiness cDar&s. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. G. W? M AQ A R LA NE & CO., SALMON ! SALMON ! - H. HAOKFELD & CO . , GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. t - v n BANNDfeA W. MAKKTEKS. . '. P OPJrEKRKLT ED." HOFFSOHLAEGEE' & CO., Importers $: Commission Mercliauts. Honolulu, H. I. H-t- f CLAOS SPBSOKBLr- - - - K. a. IRWIS. QM: . ... V WM. 6. IRWIN & Co., FACTORS nul CoinmlMHiou SlIOAlt Honolulu U. I. tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., Importer nnl M IioleMale Jenler iu Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Good3. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu, II. I, 13tf-w- ti A. S. CLEGH0RH & Co., Wholenale nul Iletall Importerttaud V- - Conoral rlorchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Hts. 15-- tf MAOFAELANE & C0-- , WHOLESALE DEAEEUS AND UE9). In WINKS and LIQUORS. - No. 12 Kaabnmauu Street, v" HONOI.TIL.TT. 19-- U M. S. Grmbaum & Co., IVPOBTEKS OF General afercliauaJste and Commis sion Mereliants, Honolulu, II. I. No. 124 California street, San Francisco Cal. 104-Jyl-- ly J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., ' Houolulu. II.I. THE DAILY t fioiffii'al Advertiser. PUBLISH1 Except Sundays. doming ,00 ,.a vr-ar.- .aSonth.,, 3 00 three nionins. " f'SSS 5S r Cab; TvmtisVb, one year .rf.l'.!)TtlW p C. A. (including v toflri"Wy Advance. OF JAPAN. Z7lgatlon nd Col- - .14. Tatal1nrrv. . ....lon 1 f doners to the ew Sve. with their cats rjrrtWrae iu o; --- 5 . jJPB, i2ricultur arts and m- - X,t country. l'erhaps the. 7tatemeiit in tins uiono-ftrfxhic- h introduces the men-- . in ;pan. We all I f : mie im of a chain of ol- - f Suins. which cover a large por-fSSS- e. but the entire arable 'SSpIre is olHdally put atonly K tban one half the rXstate of New York-a- nd this Ck and thoroughly cultivated population of 7.000,000-- Sa of trance. ,ifiseof the principal crops, and 200,000,000 bushels are j oe ivrj&j, but among other leading i wheat, barley, beans, pota-Qjrcue,:- cotton; and nearly ikltural work is denominated ; j,'' from the fact that iilor t generally used, to raise Upind keep the land in the finest two or three crops a vear ilcdonthe same land Artificial a ii general, being necessary over a In one-hal- of" the cultivab'e ' ;a!ltiifreiucntly the case that the viUlreafrom streams from twenty sales distant Steam plows ami i Eichiuei naturally lind little employ men t here, "and all agri-!n- l iaiplen'ents are of the most pnm-Tii- 3 total numbf - of horned hsUlj.O'JO, and of horses 1,605,-- i food of. all kinds ii cheap and .nearly all the buildings being iia, and wood constituting the :4fueL The area of forest land is Vine times as great as that under jaae industries, although in many U4i origin may be traced back to iisid Corta, have changed some-jiirtce- nt years, but they have not I ia sufficiently developed to be asiau a rule in what we call manu-'- j establishments. They are toad-acte- in small workshops, iibly tae aid of a primitive water Ah making, and the manufacture jjufctlain, paper, pigments and rA constituting a large portion of i all kinds of ores and minerals t in Japan, but mining andme-,;-l!.aIthoug- h practiced to some extent f ffijnes, do cot take the prominence fdbeeipccted, when we remem- - jooe of the most exquisite speci-laamere- d iron and bronze work i'fead in important collections of Japanese art-iJO- jeirs ago. The government, extending aid to these and to W ipdustries, iu a spirit as in- - s it ii liberal, good evidences of CI??" n the extensive dis-- j ajJapan at New Orleans. I of Kkllway Trains. I'ew York World. f? 'Wishmen" have written ond criticising its statements Cfttc speed of English railway interning that their Irishmen, jTu Dutchmen averaged fifty -s- omc claiming a mile actual tIme Sen in ,railway time-table- s may be as Si5 il Is; interesting iLeed of the "Flying KPii't' miles Vr hour from the gQ station at 11:45 a. !toM?? ...1 0 - miIes I. Pr . nour, but tu. --f "d it is only, an .,"g Cross at 10 a. m. ax::,avcrcly station.,. Edin- - Mf- - i P-- m-.a- average Wrn J,110- - Its-firs- t dash ,VS-Grantham- . 105 es. X " from Grantham to ?e Smiles are run ' tt,nute8 an average of VA"., After this spurt its i'froi? vUts for lhe remaining iVffM to Kdinburgh. sh,maaW averages only SSfor,the short run. A ?l I hour ?don & Brighton 50 t?4 10 minutes, or 43 Ha,.. ,f 400 miles at 44 of 11 iftm01 Only inferior as a 41 between but inferior to hich leaves reaches the Q( mtlan in t..r or sir AiLSU rates speed are rad'. andstories SJ11 icomotive en- - :cfder oath that would ldceof their British J tw iarSfStioa or tree-plantin- g SdSt0!1 cuttins w." corresnAn iUiS subject is i-- etii- -. 1181 abletoshnw t secured Vv ; ea 'whpT uU'Oy gold S. L. BTANLKY. JOUK 81RUANCK. Spruanco, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, 410 Front St., San Frnclseo. .7tf Aw JOHN UTSCHIG, Fashionable Boot Maker, No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, C4il. Will fill orders In his line at the shortest possible notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to call on MR. UTSCH1G before going elsewhere. ti'2 lAw i?ulton Iron Works, HINCKLEY, SPIERS' & HAYES, - - Of San Frauciseo. All kinds of Machiuery and Boilers. Specialties ICE AND REFRIGERATING MACHINER , CORLISS ENGINES, BABCOCK fe WlUflX BOILERS. DEANE AIU. VACUUM AM STEAM PUMPS, LLEWELLYN HEATERS, ETC., ETC. S. IP. Taylor & Co., AgenU South Coast Taper Mills. Proprietors ' Pioneer and San Geronlmo Paper Mills. STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. 441 and 418 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal 108 Jyio ly YOSJEMITE ROLLER FLOUR. The undersigned beg leave to aunounce that they are now manufacturing FAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR, By the ENTIRE ROLLER PROCESS, and are prepared to fill orders, guarantlng complete satis- faction. Our flours have gained an enviable repu- tation on the Pacific Coast, and among bakers and general connumers ' are more popular that any-othe- r. Address orders to SPLIVALO & FORMA N, No 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal. 107-oct- 'J A. L HALL & SOIST Coniinission Merchants, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. 123-au26-- iy Dunham, Carrigan & Co. HAiEBWAEE, IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS, San Francisco, Cal. i?2-ao28.- iy ( Deinine: Palmer Milling Co., OF THE CAPITOL MILLS, PROPRIETORS 204 Davis street, San Francisco Manufacturers of and Dealeisln Flour, Grains o. all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Cornmealf Ground and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Cora, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Meal, Hominy, Etc., Etc. ly Y0L0 HILLS, NE. Corner ' Mission and Main Nlr. i, MAN , FRANCISCO, Cal. Unix & Flftsemdnn, iitiietort. Dealers In all kin Ji of OP.A IN f" Mniinfanuri-r- s Of MILL FEED. FAMILY FLOL'K, Vi.M.H OI ALL KINDS, PEARL BAPl.iiV, f5Pi.IT ITAS. HOMINY, FARINA, ETC.. I ll', F'-o- 1 ls called' to our celebrated NORMAL NUTRIMENT for babies, nursing mothers and convalescents, highly recommended by leading physicians for Us excellent nursing qualities; war- ranted to keep In any climate. Orders will be promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. . 125-au26- EZj ASK FOR Goodyear's Unbber Goods, RUBBER HOSE, . . PACKING CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Goodyear Rubber Co. R. H. PEASE, JR., AUssin. H. M. RUNYON, 126-no- v2 San Francisco. Chas. Oppenheimer & Co., Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AIJB SHOES. Salesroom, 113 Battery Street. Factory, Corner Drummand Washington Streets. 120se22 SAN FRANCISCO. KLINES CO., Importers of HATS and CAPS. Nos. 2 and 29 Battery Street, S. E. Cor. of line, 121a22-- S SAN FRANCISCO. 1 BUSI2IECS 1 COLLEGE, r ml lM.f 1 I ' II 24 rott Street. Klt Kmtbt, Sam Wrawuitc. Cal. ' (Send for Circular.) The Full Business Course includes Single anl Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to ail departments ot business; Commercial Arithmetic: Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; Butiineg Correspondence; Lectures oh Law; Bnslness Forms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Busi- ness Practice In Wholesale, and Retail Mercban dJtong, Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail reading, Express Business. Brokerage, and Bank- ing ; English Branches, Inclnding Reading, apell-ia- r, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan. gn&ges, eanulstiDg of practical Instruction in French, German and Spanish. Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman, ship, Higher Mathematics, i5urveylnr, Naviga. Hon, Civil Engineering, Assiylng, Sliort-Han- d, Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, et;. For fall Information address, E. P. HEAtD CO., 10323 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal,' , Ex. W. H. DIMOND. A Fine Lot of Red Fish. FOR SALE BY; Castle fc Coolce. 80-- tt Benson, Smith & Co., JOBBING AND RETAIL DliTJG-G-IST- S PROPRIETORS OF THE Maile Coloa'ne, .11.1 AND 115 FORT STREET. 63-e- pt 27 . UKIOH FEED CO., . Queen fc Edinburgh Streets, WHO LKS A LK A RKTAII. Dealers U, II AY AND pUAlSr, Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. iMlaud Ortlers Solicited. 91lf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. IiOUlM. SIo. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of liook. News, Flat and l,aiei -- nier. mndr Boards. Twines, Ete. - ' RESIDENT AGENT, SOS LeidesdorfT Street.! Telenbone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. N. B.SpeciaI Attention siyen to w nwir rtatif raets. ' 53 HAW TELEPHONE 55 PHTBB PEI Sfp L PLANING MILL. r. I "1 ' Alakea, near Queen St. C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FI1IISII ALWAtS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Split. BTJEGESS, 84 III hit Street. Honolulu CARPENTER AND BUILDER. All kinds of jobbing attended .to. BAGGAGE AND GENBBAL EXPRtuSS. Dravine and Steamer Freight carefully and nromptly handled. - Soda Water, Ginger Ale and TahlU Lemonade, Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best in the market. 84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS. 99 nov28 JOHN COOK, Carpenter, No. 31 Alatea St., WIM attend and contract for all kinds of work In his line. REMOVING. RAISING or REPAIRING old or new buildings. Work to be paid for when complete. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Charges as low as the lowest In the town. Post Office box 135. 70-sept- GASOLINE ! ft A SOT, 7, t I3T TEN GALLON J RU 21 S , Ex MEN DOT A, for sale by Castle & Cooke. 87-- tt BANKING NOTICE. The undersigned have formed a co- -, partnership under the firm name of CiiAUs Spbeckels & Co., for the purpose of carrying on a Bank of Savings and Deposits, and for trans- acting a general Banking and Ex- change business at Honolulu, and such other place iu the Hawaiian Kingdom as may be deemed advisable. Claus Spreckels. . Wm.G. Jbwin.. Honolulu, April 15, 1885. ....... Referring-to- - theaboverwe beg to inform the business . public that our Banking establish ment.will be opened for the transaction of business on Monday, May the 4th, when we will be prepared to receive deposits in our Savings Bank. Wo will also be prepared to make loans, discount approved notes, and purchase exchange at best market rates. We will receive deposits on open account, make collections and cou-du- ct a general Banking and Ex- change business. Our arrangements have been com pleted, so that we can draw exchange on the principal parts of the world. 77-t- f, Claus Spbeckels & Co. JBnrr fc Finck, The Leading Fashionable Tailors OP SAJT FBAWCISCO. No. 620 Market St., . Opposite Talaoe Hotel. Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they nAAtriititf Lnitsit . further Island Datronaere. and A VDJ- -t V. are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and the finest stock of latest roods constaniiy on nauu. 61 tf&w BRICKS! BRICKS! Ex. W. H. DIMOND. 39 OOO Cal ifornia Hard Bricks. FOR SALE BY Castle fc Cooke. 79tf WM. McCANDLESS, No. a Queen Street, FISH MAEKET. DEALER IN CHOICE3I Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc. Co rr llv on a Khinnlnv Orders carafullv attended to. lire Stock furnished to vessels at short 'notice, and vegetables of all kiflds supplied to order. 102 tl Metropolitan Market . ; . . . . , ' KING ST UK FT, G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR. Cboieeat KXeata from Finest Xlerd Families" and. shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE fcud at the - 'V- - Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl- y chilled Immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colema- n Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all its JaSey properties, and is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN , FRESHLY-KILLE- D MEAT. . ; ..-- t ,., 14Mi . ii CAPITAL sio.ooo.ooo UNLIMITED LIABIL1T . fi i r M i m A l it Innuraifce' oi all description Ilir" ' be effected at Moderate Rates of Pr rel um, oy me untiereignei r . WM. O. IRWIN & CO. 83-dJk- Managers for JTaw. Islands TTNI03XT . Fire and Marine Insurance Co. it Of New Zealand; ; 1 CAPITAL, 810,000.000 Having- - Established an Agency at for the Hawaiian Islands, the un dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions . Losses promptly adjusted !' payable. 82-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN fe CO. CREATE WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 XX 313 .A. DO Ol'PICE, 50 WALL STREET, NEW YORK fllbe above Company having: estab. 1 hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write " : t . MARINE TIK , . ON , Merchandise, Freights. Treasure Commissions, and Hulls. At current Rates. , WFil. C. IRWIN & CO., Managers for Hawaiian Islands SUP ViFIREii OpFIBp OF LOXDOS. ! ESTABLISHED . 1 17.10. ; . .. i - ' J t. . i i ' EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,599,316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. ' ; The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lOd&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. C. O. J3EROEK, QEKERAL AGENCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE 0., Assets ..::...V....':C.....-..:..:.- : ....fco,ooo,ooo CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, (Limited). Capital..'.......... :.l?i.!Ai .5 10,000 ,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND 1 NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. Fibe and Marine. Combined Capital........; $20,000,000 nARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Assets 14,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fibe and Ma bine. Capital 200,ooo MACNEALE & URBAN S-I- F S! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of litchell, Vance & Co. C. O. BEEGER, 100 my29 HONOLULU, H. I. Notice to' the Public. ttt TAKE PLEASURE INANNOUNCING W to the pnhlic that, in addition .to our PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, we will open an Ice, Qreara JParlor, Which has been fitted to suit the requirements of our first-clas-s trade), on SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH. Our Creams will be of SUPERIOR QUALITY only, being made of Genuine Cream, a supply of wnicb we have secured from the Wood lawn Dairy. From samples furnished us. we are able to guarantee the best quality of Ice Cream. The following assortment of Ice Creams and Sherberta will be furnished on our opening day, SATUR- DAY, APRIL 25TH: ICE .CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate, Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace. SHERBERTS-Prang- e,. Strawberry. f , tir, oi'di nronarpd to furnish Ice Cream to narties, dinners, etc., and to customers at their homes. Our Parlors will be orven every day and . Tom MuniiAv Parties desirine Ice rrpamon Sunday must give their orders for the same on Saturdays Deiore a uimj .a. Cream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sunday mornings, packed so as to keep hard eight hours. z' . .Horn tt mihlift natrnnafire in this line of our business, and thanking the public for their liberal xavors iu iue Fui-- t " respectiuuy, MEIiLER & HALBE, 141-U- w 'Llncola BlockKing.street Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.y HONOLULU, H. I. Sole Asfnls for this Favorite Brand of CHAM r AGrN JE.: 56tfW 4f!m?.T)0N KOUGE" ritLL AND 9 B tin....... ...vwVJ JI0RM1Q(!: a 423 -- C& g. w. macfarlane & co., Cor. Fortlft Queen Sto., HONOLULU, H I. Role Aerents forjtliis Favorite Brand oi CHAMPAGNE. 55 tt fe W JLi. H.TOUSSAXNT. Wishes to announce to the TRAVELING PUBLIC that he will open on Saturday, June 6, 1885, An Elegant Sample Parlor at HILO, where every thing in the line of LIQUORS WILL BE KEPT IN STOCK. None but the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept. Also, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCY UK! in K.H servea in Dess aif iv. 144 dtf&w t i if ; ; XO. T FOK.T STREET. . i e I Opposite Wilder ft Co.'s . J. Noite, Propr. OPKX YOU 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M FIEST-CLAS- S LCXCHES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA W4TEE, G1XCER ALE,, Cigars and Tobaccos OF, BEST, BRANDS, , Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from ' the Manufacturers ,nd a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers 6 BILLIARDS will find an Elegant USWICS I CO, BILLIARD TAILS on the Premises. The Pioprletor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally i who may desire a VUNCIX. A SMOKE, OB A GAME OF dXXlABDS. II. J. NOIitE. 26-- tf 65 t THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, '1 Wo. BO ii a ii ii Street. vPPsite Holllster & Co. llonolnlu, H. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf ALVIN H. KASESIAN, book: binder, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer. Bookbinding of all descriptions nexitly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Duilding, 27 tf MERCHANT STBEET. All accounts for Advertising and Job Printlug at the Pacific Commercial Aw wrtiNer Office will from this date be presented for pay. ment monthly. Honolulu, March 2, 1S85. " FRANK GERTZ, FyImporter and Manufacturer J Of all Descriptions of BO TS- - B H O E S CrOrders from the other Islands solicited. . ' . 5 U t No, 114 Fort St., Honolulu. 20-tfw- tf w WENNElt & 00. - 92 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. JWatclies, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, : And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold x Plate. Elegant Solid Silver Tear Set. Suitable for Presentation. ', ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repair ins: in all its brandies. Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. - United Chinese Society fTVt6Tlci: brvTEL' I TJIATV AT the annual meeting oi tne uoara oi huskcs of the Chunj Wa Wool Koon. (United Chinese Society) held on Saturday, the 5th instant, the following members were elected officers of the above-nam- ed Society for the ensuing year: President...-...- - C. Alee Vice President Goo Kim Secretary M Cheung Assistant Secretary.'. i.-.- .-- ... -- C Winam Treasurer..'. ;....I.'...J....;.-.- '... Cbong Assistant Treasurer i31 Quon LI CnEUNG, Secretary U. C. S. Honolulu, September 7, 1385. I63sel5 3

Transcript of TIK - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduCO.,. - - &;; '-.! &,, &-----,,...-!) etc.,: '!!-& ' Coast a &...

Page 1: TIK - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduCO.,. - - &;; '-.! &,, &-----,,...-!) etc.,: '!!-& ' Coast a & Co, &, &. & & &, &, &..--:-.;;.-.. M., ' & Co.,: ";: Co. &. '. '.?..' ".): &; & &


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.. . .... ." '.6 f 'k r ' - -

Ay a?




&&vtttiftmuigusiness cDar&s.



- H. HAOKFELD & CO . ,



ED." HOFFSOHLAEGEE' & CO.,Importers $: Commission Mercliauts.

Honolulu, H. I. H-t- f


QM: . ...V

WM. 6. IRWIN & Co.,FACTORS nul CoinmlMHiouSlIOAlt Honolulu U. I. tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,Importer nnl M IioleMale Jenler iuBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-ing and Fancy Good3. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street.

Honolulu, II. I, 13tf-w- ti

A. S. CLEGH0RH & Co.,Wholenale nul IletallImporterttaud

V-- Conoral rlorchandise,

Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Hts. 15-- tf



- No. 12 Kaabnmauu Street,v" HONOI.TIL.TT. 19-- U

M. S. Grmbaum & Co.,IVPOBTEKS OF

General afercliauaJste and Commission Mereliants, Honolulu, II. I.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco Cal.104-Jyl-- ly

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., ' Houolulu. II.I.


t fioiffii'al Advertiser.


Except Sundays.doming

,00,.a vr-ar.-.aSonth.,, 3 00

three nionins. "f'SSS 5Sr Cab;TvmtisVb, one year.rf.l'.!)TtlW p C. A. (including


toflri"Wy Advance.


Z7lgatlon nd Col--.14. Tatal1nrrv.

. ....lon 1

f doners to the ewSve. with their catsrjrrtWrae iu o; --- 5 .jJPB, i2ricultur arts and m- -

X,t country. l'erhaps the.7tatemeiit in tins uiono-ftrfxhic- h

introduces the men-- .

in ;pan. We allI f : mie im of a chain of ol- -

f Suins. which cover a large por-fSSS- e.

but the entire arable'SSpIre is olHdally put atonlyK tban one half therXstate of New York-a- nd this

Ck and thoroughly cultivatedpopulation of 7.000,000-- Sa

of trance.,ifiseof the principal crops, and

200,000,000 bushels arej oeivrj&j, but among other leading

i wheat, barley, beans, pota-Qjrcue,:-

cotton; and nearlyikltural work is denominated

; j,'' from the fact thatiilor t generally used, to raiseUpind keep the land in the finest

two or three crops a vearilcdonthe same land Artificiala ii general, being necessary over

a In one-hal- of" the cultivab'e' ;a!ltiifreiucntly the case that theviUlreafrom streams from twenty

sales distant Steam plows amii Eichiuei naturally lind little

employ men t here, "and all agri-!n- l

iaiplen'ents are of the most pnm-Tii- 3

total numbf - of hornedhsUlj.O'JO, and of horses 1,605,-- i

food of. all kinds ii cheap and.nearly all the buildings beingiia, and wood constituting the:4fueL The area of forest land is

Vine times as great as that under

jaae industries, although in manyU4i origin may be traced back toiisid Corta, have changed some-jiirtce- nt

years, but they have notI ia sufficiently developed to beasiau a rule in what we call manu-'- j

establishments. They aretoad-acte- in small workshops,

iibly tae aid of a primitive waterAh making, and the manufacturejjufctlain, paper, pigments andrA constituting a large portion of

i all kinds of ores and mineralst in Japan, but mining andme-,;-l!.aIthoug- h

practiced to some extentf ffijnes, do cot take the prominencefdbeeipccted, when we remem- -

jooe of the most exquisite speci-laamere- d

iron and bronze worki'fead in important collections

of Japanese art-iJO-

jeirs ago. The government,extending aid to these and toW ipdustries, iu a spirit as in- -

s it ii liberal, good evidences ofCI??" n the extensive dis-- j

ajJapan at New Orleans.I of Kkllway Trains.

I'ew York World.f? 'Wishmen" have written

ond criticising its statementsCfttc speed of English railwayinterning that their Irishmen,jTu Dutchmen averaged fifty

-s-omc claiming a mileactual tIme Sen in,railway time-table- s may be asSi5 il Is; interesting

iLeed of the "FlyingKPii't' miles Vr hour from thegQ station at 11:45 a.

!toM?? ...10


I. Pr .nour, buttu. --f "d it is only, an

.,"g Cross at 10 a. m.ax::,avcrcly station.,. Edin- -

Mf-- i P-- m-.a- averageWrn J,110- - Its-firs- t dash

,VS-Grantham- . 105 es.X " from Grantham to?e Smiles are run' tt,nute8 an average ofVA"., After this spurt its

i'froi?vUts for lhe remainingiVffM to Kdinburgh.sh,maaW averages only

SSfor,the short run. A?l I hour ?don & Brighton 50

t?4 10 minutes, or 43Ha,.. ,f 400 miles at 44 of11iftm01 Only inferior as a

41 betweenbut inferior to

hich leavesreaches the

Q( mtlan int..r or sirAiLSU rates speed are

rad'. andstoriesSJ11 icomotive en--

:cfder oath that wouldldceof their BritishJ tw

iarSfStioa or tree-plantin-g

SdSt0!1 cuttins

w." corresnAn iUiS subject is

i-- etii- -.1181 abletoshnw

t secured Vv ;

ea 'whpT uU'Oy gold


Spruanco, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front St., San Frnclseo..7tf Aw

JOHN UTSCHIG,Fashionable Boot Maker,

No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, C4il.

Will fill orders In his line at the shortest possiblenotice. Planters will find it te their advantage tocall on MR. UTSCH1G before going elsewhere.

ti'2 lAw

i?ulton Iron Works,HINCKLEY, SPIERS' & HAYES,

- - Of San Frauciseo.All kinds of Machiuery and Boilers. SpecialtiesICE AND REFRIGERATING MACHINER ,


S. IP. Taylor & Co.,AgenU South Coast Taper Mills. Proprietors' Pioneer and San Geronlmo Paper Mills.


Manufacturers and Dealers.

441 and 418 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal108 Jyio ly


The undersigned beg leave to aunounce thatthey are now manufacturing

FAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR,By the ENTIRE ROLLER PROCESS, and areprepared to fill orders, guarantlng complete satis-faction. Our flours have gained an enviable repu-tation on the Pacific Coast, and among bakers andgeneral connumers ' are more popular that any-othe-r.

Address orders toSPLIVALO & FORMA N,

No 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal.107-oct-'J


Coniinission Merchants,


Dunham, Carrigan & Co.


San Francisco, Cal.i?2-ao28.- iy


Deinine: Palmer Milling Co.,

OF THE CAPITOL MILLS,PROPRIETORS204 Davis street, San FranciscoManufacturers of and Dealeisln Flour, Grains o.all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, CornmealfGround and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat,Cracked Cora, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Meal,Hominy, Etc., Etc. ly

Y0L0 HILLS,NE. Corner ' Mission and Main Nlr. i, MAN


Unix & Flftsemdnn, iitiietort.Dealers In all kin Ji of OP.A IN f" Mniinfanuri-r- s


ls called' to our celebrated NORMALNUTRIMENT for babies, nursing mothers andconvalescents, highly recommended by leadingphysicians for Us excellent nursing qualities; war-

ranted to keep In any climate. Orders will bepromptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed.



Goodyear's Unbber Goods,RUBBER HOSE,


Goodyear Rubber Co.R. H. PEASE, JR., AUssin.H. M. RUNYON,

126-no- v2 San Francisco.

Chas. Oppenheimer & Co.,Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale

Dealers In

BOOTS AIJB SHOES.Salesroom, 113 Battery Street. Factory, CornerDrummand Washington Streets.


KLINES CO.,Importers of

HATS and CAPS.Nos. 2 and 29 Battery Street, S. E. Cor. of line,



rml lM.f 1 I ' I I 24 rott Street.Klt Kmtbt,

Sam Wrawuitc. Cal.' (Send for Circular.)

The Full Business Course includes Single anlDouble Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to aildepartments ot business; Commercial Arithmetic:Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; ButiinegCorrespondence; Lectures oh Law; BnslnessForms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Busi-ness Practice In Wholesale, and Retail MercbandJtong, Commission Jobbing, Importing, Railreading, Express Business. Brokerage, and Bank-ing ; English Branches, Inclnding Reading, apell-ia- r,

Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan.gn&ges, eanulstiDg of practical Instruction inFrench, German and Spanish.

Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman,ship, Higher Mathematics, i5urveylnr, Naviga.Hon, Civil Engineering, Assiylng, Sliort-Han- d,

Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, et;.For fall Information address,

E. P. HEAtD CO.,10323 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal,'

, Ex. W. H. DIMOND.

A Fine Lot of Red Fish.


Castle fc Coolce.80-- tt

Benson, Smith & Co.,




Maile Coloa'ne,.11.1 AND 115 FORT STREET.

63-e- pt 27


Queen fc Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers U,

II AY AND pUAlSr,Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

iMlaud Ortlers Solicited.



St. IiOUlM. SIo.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

liook. News,Flat and l,aiei --nier.mndr Boards.

Twines, Ete.


SOS LeidesdorfT Street.!Telenbone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

N. B.SpeciaI Attention siyen tow nwir rtatif raets. ' 53 HAW




I "1 ' Alakea, near Queen St.C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FI1IISII


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Split.

BTJEGESS,84 III hit Street. Honolulu


All kinds of jobbing attended .to.


Dravine and Steamer Freight carefully andnromptly handled. -

Soda Water, Ginger Ale and TahlU Lemonade,Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best in themarket.

84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS.99 nov28


Carpenter, No. 31 Alatea St.,

WIM attend and contract for all kinds of work Inhis line.

REMOVING. RAISING or REPAIRING oldor new buildings.

Work to be paid for when complete.

Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low as the lowest In the town.

Post Office box 135. 70-sept-


ft A SOT, 7, t


Ex MEN DOTA, for sale by

Castle & Cooke.87-- tt


The undersigned have formed a co--,

partnership under the firm name ofCiiAUs Spbeckels & Co., for thepurpose of carrying on a Bank ofSavings and Deposits, and for trans-acting a general Banking and Ex-

change business at Honolulu, andsuch other place iu the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable.

Claus Spreckels.. Wm.G. Jbwin..

Honolulu, April 15, 1885. .......Referring-to- - theaboverwe beg to

inform the business . public that ourBanking establish ment.will be openedfor the transaction of business onMonday, May the 4th, when we willbe prepared to receive deposits in ourSavings Bank.

Wo will also be prepared to makeloans, discount approved notes, andpurchase exchange at best marketrates.

We will receive deposits on openaccount, make collections and cou-du- ct

a general Banking and Ex-

change business.Our arrangements have been com

pleted, so that we can draw exchangeon the principal parts of the world.77-t- f, Claus Spbeckels & Co.

JBnrr fc Finck,The Leading Fashionable Tailors


No. 620 Market St., .Opposite Talaoe Hotel.

Having already a large trade with Honolulu, theynAAtriititf Lnitsit. further Island Datronaere. and

A VDJ--t V.

are prepared to complete orders at one day's no-

tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and thefinest stock of latest roods constaniiy on nauu.

61 tf&w



39 OOO

California Hard Bricks.


Castle fc Cooke.79tf


No. a Queen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc.

Co rr llv on a Khinnlnv Orders carafullv attendedto. lire Stock furnished to vessels at short

'notice, and vegetables of all kiflds supplied toorder. 102 tl

Metropolitan Market

. ; . . . . , '



Cboieeat KXeata from Finest Xlerd

Families" and. shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE fcud at the -'V- -

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl-y

chilled Immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colema- n Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all its JaSey properties,and is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN , FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. . ; ..-- t ,., 14Mi .


CAPITAL sio.ooo.ooo


fi i r M i m A l itInnuraifce' oi all descriptionIlir"' be effected at Moderate Rates of Pr relum, oy me untiereignei r .

WM. O. IRWIN & CO.83-dJk- Managers for JTaw. Islands


Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

i t Of New Zealand; ; 1

CAPITAL, 810,000.000

Having- - Established an Agency atfor the Hawaiian Islands, the un

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against FireIn dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions .

Losses promptly adjusted !' payable.82-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN fe CO.




fllbe above Company having: estab.1 hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa

iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write " : t .

MARINE TIK, . ON ,Merchandise, Freights. Treasure

Commissions, and Hulls.At current Rates. ,

WFil. C. IRWIN & CO.,Managers for Hawaiian Islands


! ESTABLISHED . 1 17.10. ; . ..

i - ' J t..

i i '

EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,599,316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality. ' ;

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOd&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE 0.,Assets ..::...V....':C.....-..:..:.- : ....fco,ooo,ooo


Capital..'.......... :.l?i.!Ai .5 10,000 ,000


SURANCE CO. Fibe and Marine.Combined Capital........; $20,000,000


Assets 14,500,000


Fibe and Mabine.

Capital 200,ooo


S-I-F S!

Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire andBurglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of litchell, Vance & Co.

C. O. BEEGER,100 my29 HONOLULU, H. I.

Notice to' the Public.

ttt TAKE PLEASURE INANNOUNCINGW to the pnhlic that, in addition .to our

PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, wewill open an

Ice, Qreara JParlor,Which has been fitted to suit the requirements

of our first-clas-s trade), on


Our Creams will be of SUPERIOR QUALITYonly, being made of Genuine Cream, a supply ofwnicb we have secured from the Wood lawnDairy. From samples furnished us. we are ableto guarantee the best quality of Ice Cream. Thefollowing assortment of Ice Creams and Sherbertawill be furnished on our opening day, SATUR-DAY, APRIL 25TH:

ICE .CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate,

Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace.

SHERBERTS-Prang- e,. Strawberry.f


tir, oi'di nronarpd to furnish Ice Cream tonarties, dinners, etc., and to customers at theirhomes. Our Parlors will be orven every day and

. Tom MuniiAv Parties desirine Icerrpamon Sunday must give their orders for thesame on Saturdays Deiore a uimj .a.Cream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sundaymornings, packed so as to keep hard eight hours.

z' . .Horn tt mihlift natrnnafire inthis line of our business, and thanking the publicfor their liberal xavors iu iue Fui--t "respectiuuy,

MEIiLER & HALBE,141-U- w 'Llncola BlockKing.street

Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.yHONOLULU, H. I.

Sole Asfnls for this Favorite Brand of

CHAM r AGrN JE.:56tfW

4f!m?.T)0N KOUGE"

ritLL AND9 Btin....... ...vwVJ

JI0RM1Q(!:a 423 --C&

g. w. macfarlane & co.,

Cor. Fortlft Queen Sto.,HONOLULU, H I.

Role Aerents forjtliis Favorite Brand oi

CHAMPAGNE.55 tt fe W


Wishes to announce to the TRAVELINGPUBLIC that he will open on

Saturday, June 6, 1885,

An Elegant Sample Parlor at HILO, where everything in the line of


None but the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept.

Also, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCYUK! in K.H servea in Dess aif iv.

144 dtf&w

t i if; ;


i e I

Opposite Wilder ft Co.'s

. J. Noite, Propr.OPKX YOU 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and TobaccosOF, BEST, BRANDS, ,

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

' the Manufacturers ,nd a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers 6 BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Pioprletor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally i

who may desire aVUNCIX. A SMOKE, OB A GAME OF


II. J. NOIitE.26-- tf

65 t


Manufacturing Jeweler,'1 Wo. BO iia ii ii Street.

vPPsite Holllster & Co.

llonolnlu, H. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf


book: binder,Paper Ruler and Blank Book


Bookbinding of all descriptions nexitly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Duilding,27 tf MERCHANT STBEET.

All accounts for Advertising and Job Printlugat the

Pacific Commercial Aw wrtiNer

Office will from this date be presented for pay.ment monthly.

Honolulu, March 2, 1S85.


FRANK GERTZ,FyImporter and ManufacturerJ

Of all Descriptions of

B O TS- - B H O ESCrOrders from the other Islands solicited. .


5 U t No, 114 Fort St., Honolulu.20-tfw- tf w

WENNElt & 00. -

92 Fort Street,Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade


JWatclies, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks, :

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold x Plate.Elegant Solid Silver Tear Set.

Suitable for Presentation. ' ,ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY

A Specialty.

Repair ins: in all its brandies.Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.


United Chinese Society

fTVt6Tlci: brvTEL' I TJIATV ATthe annual meeting oi tne uoara oi huskcs

of the Chunj Wa Wool Koon. (United ChineseSociety) held on Saturday, the 5th instant, thefollowing members were elected officers of theabove-nam- ed Society for the ensuing year:President...-...- - C. AleeVice President Goo KimSecretary M CheungAssistant Secretary.'. i.-.- .-- ... -- C WinamTreasurer..'. ;....I.'...J....;.-.- '... CbongAssistant Treasurer i31 Quon

LI CnEUNG, Secretary U. C. S.Honolulu, September 7, 1385. I63sel5


Page 2: TIK - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduCO.,. - - &;; '-.! &,, &-----,,...-!) etc.,: '!!-& ' Coast a & Co, &, &. & & &, &, &..--:-.;;.-.. M., ' & Co.,: ";: Co. &. '. '.?..' ".): &; & &


THE DAILY DICTATION. uuuuuuiua.. .mus. tFOREIGN ; gtfmitenaww.. .- .

Pacific Commercial Advertiser

RnkSkatiDYosemiteIS PUBLISHEDMemorial for the Reinstatement of

Mr. Severance from SanFrancisco. GEAID OPENING!EVERY MORNING.

after their appearance in print. Thiswas absolutely the case in the matterof correspondence and articles in aleading New York financial and com-mercial , newspaper, t and generallyalso in the Sad-Francisc-

o press'.. It is with deep1' regret; that we arecompelled to make these comments,because although the removal xf MrSeverance from the San"' FranciscoConsulate was clearly justifiable andproper, we did not think he wouldhave made any future recognitionof his services by the Govern-ment objectionable through sucha gross and flagrant attack upon theconstitutional rights of the King asis embodied in this so-call- ed "me-morial.'' .........

:o:- -

dross Discourtesy to (be Xlnjr AuImplied Threat Etc. :o:- -

i I, m

TEB3IS OF SUBSCBIPTIOX,00Fer annum -- ..f6

. 3 00Six monthi ....-- .

Per month 50c

Payable always InAdvance. mm To-da- y, and Following A

Will be open every afternoon and evening asfollows:


To the publig in general.

Communications from All parts of the Kingdom I

will always be very acceptable.Persons residing In any part of the United States

can remit the amount of subscription due by PostOffice money order.

Matter lnf"-"- d for publication in the editorialcolumns she

Editor Paoxctc Commercial avkbtiskr."Business communications and advertisements

should be addressed simply"P. C. Advertiser."

and not to individuals.



For ladies and their escorts.

The following document appeared in alocal paper yesterday without any official orother authorization. It is' printed in thisplace for general information :

Sax Fbancisco, August 24, 1885.To His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Ha-

waiian Islands :

The undersigned merchants, manufac-turers and others interest U in the Hawaiiantrade with the United States, and particu-larly at the port of San Francisco, beg leareto represent as follows :

H; W. Severance, Esq., has been the Con-

sul of the Hawaiian Government at SanFrancisco for the pin t seventeen years, andin our judgment he has been a most com-

petent, faithful and efficient representative.His former residence at the Islands, and

acquaintance with its people, his long busi-ness experience, his personal and socialstanding and character in this community,combine to fit him eminently for the posi-

tion he has so long occupied.In regard especially to the paramount

Attention is directed to an articleprinted elsewhere from the "Planters'Monthly," in which the action of theGovernment in issuing the circularin regard to contract labor is ap-

proved by the Trustees of the Plant-ers' Labor and Supply Company.They adopt the views originally ex-

pressed by the . Advertiser. Weare gratified at this outcome of what,owing to the action of politicians, atone time threatened to be an embar-rassing situation. At the same timewe never doubted the result whenthe planters took time to consider the

By request of the ladies and gentlemen whotok part in the last Masquerade at YocemiteSkating Rink, preparations are being made tohave another, September 25th, when we will havethe Grand May Pole Dance also. 142 tf

Absolutely Pure,Thispowder nevcrvarle. A marvel or VuJt

strength and wholesomeness. More econonucaltbanthc ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in eom-petiti- ou

with the multitude of Jovtest, shortweightlumorphospbatepowders. SoLDOimriBcans. Boyau BAKisa J'owm Co.. 20S WaU-- a

N. Y.9 d-- f - B


AETIST.Studio: Room 6, Spreckels Block.

HOURS: 3 to 5 p. m. 160 Sm

question. This is not a party issue atall. The interests of the Governmentand planters are identical in regard


Pacific Commercial Advertiser

Is now for sale daily at the Fe'towlnfir Places:

J. Jtf . OAT fc CO Merchant streetT. G. THRUM . Merchant streetCRYSTAL. SODA WORKS Hotel streetN. F. BURdKSS King streetWOLF fe KDWARDS...Cor King and Nuuanu stsC. J. MCCARTHY , Hotel street

Five Cents per Copy. tl .

WEDNESDAY - - September 16th.

to the supply of labor,and its profitableapplication and fair treatment. Wehope the Opposition press will learnto exercise moderation and common



12 and 14 Pine street, San Fr&nciacQ, CalPolice Court.BEFORE POLICE JUSTICE BICKERTON.

Tuesday, September 15th.


Bringing with him from the Coast a fiue assort-

ment of





All of the finest quality and latest desitrs. Call

early and make your selection.

interest of the Hawaiian Kingdom the ne-

gotiation of the treaty of reciprocity withthe United States and its renewal thelabors of Mr. Severance have been intelli-gent, indefatigable and effective in creating,concentrating and formulating publicopinion in favor of the treaty, and thus wethink have commended him to his Govern-ment by singularly useful public service.

It is therefore with extreme surprise andregret that we are informed of his summarydismissal from the place he has occupied.

We have no knowledge of the reason forit, and no wish to question the prerogativeof any Government to select its represent-atives in a foreign country; but without in-

tending any reflexion upon the gentleman

Agents for Kirby's Santa Cruz Tanneries. SoleHarness and all other kinds of leather.

159se8 ly

Light on his airy crest hie slender head.Ilia body tthort, his loins luxuriant Bpiend ;Miiturk on muscle knots L'ia brawny breast,No fear alarms him, no vain shoots molest ;

O'er hi8 riuht shoulder, floating full and fair,rtwetps his thick mane and Hpreads its pomp nf iairSwift worls hi double spine, and earth around '

Kings to his solid hoof that wears the ground Viurm..

AN INSULT TO THE KING. Ah Su, charged with being a commonnuisance, was remanded until the 22d,to give him a chance to obey the order of

nonce.the Board of Health.Ah Wan was charged with assault and

battery on Ah Hung. The defendantlfR. JOSEPH SMITn WILL RUN FORaccused the plaintiff of informing the 1YL Representative for his district, North Ko- - V E N' T XJ il E.

This well-know- n Trottiiiir Stallion is now standiiiL' at tin; pm-nc- .f .

designated to succeed Mr. Severance, we hala, Hawaii. 190-ddtw- tfpolice that he was connected with a lotand futurecannot but feel that the presenttery, and then gave him a good beating.

WENNER & CO.,t ! His Honor sentenced him to three monthsFort street, Honolulu.170 se!7 TO EENT,

"We print in another place a veryextraordinary document, which , waspublished "by request'' yesterday,prefaced by the statement that it"was received in Honolulu by thelast steamer and handed to HisMajesty during the 8th of September,1885.'' We give it tin circulation ofour columns in order that the entirecommunity may have an opportu-nity of reading it, and realizing forthemselves the iudignity attemptedto be put upon the King by certainresidents of San Francisco, in the in-

terest of Mr. W. H. Severance, lateHawaiian Consul at that city. Itpurports to be a memorial to HisMajesty setting forth the merits ofMr. Severance, but it really presumesto ceusure the King for his "summarydismissal" of that gentleman, and

ONE TO FIVE YEARS, THE PREM-- 1ITUiOM situuted at Kalihi, adjoining Mrs. Beck-ley'- s.

The house is 1Sx24, with every accommo-dation. There is about four acres of land fencedin with stone wall. Terms very easy. Apply toDeputy Marshal Dayton, at the Police Station,from whom all particulars can be obtained.

U9t ,


LYONS & LEVEY,Is this day dissolved by mutual -- consent, L. J

imprisonment at hard labor. Costs, $1 20.William Roe and Mrs. W. Roe were

charged with assault and battery on AhSang, All Po and Ah Sen. The latter,in his evidence, stated" that the defend-ants' little girl came to his store on Sun-

day for some eggs. Before she left thestore the mother came along in an in-

toxicated condition and sat down in thestore. All Sen told her to go away, butshe refused, and "said she wanted achicken and some plants. These he re-

fused to let her have. She then told the

LEVEY retiring, and J. LYONS carrying on thebusiness as heretofore, who will assume all liabilities of said firm, and who alone is authorized to

in. G. Irwin & Co.collect all outstanding debts.Signed: J. IYOXS,

L. J. LEVEY.Honolulu, H. I., Sept. 12, 13S5.

"extreme surprise and re--expressesthis was done withoutarret" that OFFER FOR SALE

- - ... umilU'll i

Queen streets, and breeders, horsem on and stock-owner- s. bhouM taLe lv-uucf

opportunity to obtain his blood while they have the chance. He in m l,,, j

feeling nearly as well as he ever did in his life, and moves as lively a.ul In eeikand he is as vigorous as a four-year-o- ld honse.

It does not require a great hom-ina- to discover nuai xmuu nf nfUn,

VENTURE. The ordinary citizen, upon beholding him, will be in.in.wd in.mt.lu.

with his grand make-up- , magniiicent length, and elegant linisli. If Lc U net t!.e nitj:.

horse that ever came to this cot.iiti v , he is sur. iy one of Ihe Kifa..', ttud iurf

former, he towers as far above them ali ... !.e i...-- uhove a Kiicklii.g t'.l: in .tjtiir.

A great deal of importance has lately .ei-- attached tn the valiu- - of W ikibeing kept for stock purpose.., whether he is standard or not, ami te Presiiltut uf

National Association of Trotting Horse. Breeder in America stroiinlv ulyUfi pw, tto patronize stallions that are nt standard bred, and he also ud vixen them to !)not only standard bred, but if possiMo one that is slaudttid hv l.iH own perforate

which is a public record of 2:30, or better, and even more than thin ly the p.tfurtu;of his get also. Now, if this rule w as rigidly applied, it would exclude til ocb fhorses as Electioneer and the sir a of Maud S. and Jay Eye See, etc., for while they L

become greatly renowned by the performances of their get, they never were turf f';formers themselves. j

Now, we will see, for curiosity, how near VENTU11E comes to po8esii tiitw ...

qualifications, namely : Breeding, performances and performances of hi git. J

As to breeding, he i the peer of any horse on earth, and I don't eieept tli rjt'

Hermit, who is the most popular stallion in England, and whofle service lee ii fjW, i

being the sire of three Derby wiuners. !

As to his own performances, he meets the requirements, having t public rwwdi

2:274 2:30 being the standard of admission. !

His get are now just beginning to be appreciated ia California, one of iL(Vengeance) won a good race quite lately in Sacramento, in straight Leatn. BAkiaf

record of 2:34, and is said to be able to trot close to 2:20, when called upon to dun.

.With these facts before us, VENTURE looms up as one of the gn-HM- t tori, u

only on this but in any other country, and the day is past when jieople ill Mitithing but the very best; and while the death of two such great iiumef. n Uo'llBazaar is greatly deplored bv all true horsemen, still it is a great coni.latiu that tt"

is so good a horso as VENTTBE to till their place. j

VESTURE is an aged horse, but he is one year younger than Dictator, tU'fsold only last year in Kentnckv for $25,000, on the strength of his being tiaundj-Ey- e

See. His stud fee is $300." He is also ten years younger than Volunteer (are

Julien), whoso fee is $500. All things taken into consideration, I cannot ee thy U,

TUBE is not as desirable a horse to breed from as any of them, or why liwMworthy of the patronage of the public. Below I will give his pedigree, of lifL lu.-- .

girl to take a chicken, and herself pulledup some plants. When remonstratedwith she threw eggs at the Chinaman.He went to a house close by, and thepolice were telephoned for. On his re-

turn he found the woman's - husband in Sugars.

Notice of Copartnership.The undersigned have this day entered into

under the arm name of

LYONS & ' COHEN,For the purpose of carrying oa business as Auc-tioneers and Commission Merchants, at the oldstand, corner Fort and Queen streets. Hoping foryour kind support, etc., we are. yours respectfully, J. LYONS,

L. L. COHEN.Honolulu, II. I., Sept. 14th, 1S85. 178-se2- 1


interests of the Hawaiian Governmentwould be greatly promoted by retaining Mr.Severance as its representative at this port.

We, therefore, respectfully submit to YourMajesty that it would be highly gratifyingto us, and to the business community of thiscity, who have such intimate commercialrelations with Your Majesty's Kingdom, ifMr. Severance could be reinstated as yonrConsular representative at this port, whichoffice he has held for so many years withequal credit to himself, satisfaction to thecommunity and advantage to the country hehas represented.

It appears to us that such reinstatementisiairly due to Mr. Severance, in view of hiseminent services in the past, while it will begreatly for the advantage of His Majesty'sKingdom to have a representative so ableand intelligent, so well known and univer-sally esteemed at a port with which the greatbulk of the commerce of the Islands withthe United States is transacted.

With such divided opinion as exists in thiscountry in regard to the policy of renewingthe Reciprocity Treaty, and in some veryinfluential, quarters such decided hostilityto. the treaty,, we submit that inorder to maintain it,' the Hawaiian Govern-ment needs all the sympathy and aid fromthe Pacific Coast which can be secured bysuch a popular and efficient Consular repre-sentative as Mr. Severance has proved him-self to be at the port of San Francisco.

We subscribe ourselves:Very Respectively,

Your Obedient Servants,William Alvord, President of Bank of

California;, Parrot t & Co, commission mer-chants; Kittle &, Co.commission merchants;Holbrook, Merrill &. Stetson, stoves, hard-ware, eto; JI Levy & Co, wholesale' grocers;Baker & Hamilton, agricultural implements;Hawley Bros, hardware, etc; Wellmaii, reckA Co, wholesale grocers; Waterhouse & Les-ter, carriage materials; W W Montague &,

Co, stdvdsVinetals, etc; Gep W GiUbs Co,iron importers; Watson &, Co, commissionmerchants; Cunningham, Curtis fc Welch,stationers; S B Welch, stationer; Boot &

communicating to the memorialists"the reason for it.' Then follows animpertinent reference to Consul Gen-eral McKinley, and a threat, veryadroitly expressed, that unless Mr.Severance be reinstated the Reci-procity Treaty would probably be defeated, as it would lack the sympathyand aid of the Pacific Coast. .

It anything were wanting to juslifythe Government in removing Mr.Severance from an office in whichsound judgment and discretion areprerequisites of efficiency, it is to befound in this document, which wepresume was drafted at his own re-

quest, and which waa certainlyhawked around California, Batteryand Front streets for signatures byhimself and his .private 'friends towhose personal solicitation the largearray of names is due. The history

the store with the branch of a tree in hishand. He had attacked the other twocomplainants. Roe afterwards took hiswife away. His honor reprimanded Roeand discharged him. Mrs. Roe was re-

manded until the lGth for judgment.W. T. Macdonald was fined $25 and

$3 20 costs for driving an express wagonwithout a license. . --

1 :-

. ; j ; . -

P. .. M. Lucas , brought up on i remandfor importing opium into the Kingdom,was found guilty, and fined $100 and sen-

tenced to imprisonment at hard laborfor two months. '


Half Barrels,And Boxes.


In Half BarreisAnd 25 pound Boxes.

POWDEREDIn 30-pou-nd Boxes.

GOLDEN C. (COFFEE)In Half Barrels


TO THE ABOVE, I AM NOWREFERRING continue the business of auc-- tloneer, at the store formerly occupied by S. Nott,

Fort street, next to Q. W. Macfarlane & Co., untilmore spacious premises are ready. My first regu-lar cash sale will be held on THURSDAY, 17thSeptember, at 10 a: m. Telephone No. 238.

179-se2- 1 LEWIS J. LEVEY.a comparison with that of any other horse in the country :

" VENTURE, chestnut horse, 16 hands, foaled in 1801 ; Hired by iJ.lmoit.kl


NOTICE.4 T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEi Hilo Sugar Company, held in Honolulu,September 14th, the following ofiicers were re-elected to serve during the ensuing year:President WILLIAM G. IRWINVice-Preside- nt JOHN D SPRECKELSSecretary and Treasurer W. M. GIFFARIAuditor : JOHN A. SCOTT182-sel- 7 W. M. GIFFARD, Secretary H. S. Co.

Fire oil Queen ana Richard Streets.A few minutes after 11 o'clock Tuesday

morning an5 alarm of fire "was given. Itof this precious document through itsvarious transformations is a dubious J proved to be in a large yard at the cor

American Boy, he by Sea Gull, he by imp. Expedition.1st dam, Miss Mostyn, by American Boy, Jr.2d dam, by Ketiher's Gray Medoc.3d dam, imp. Lady Mostyn, by Tcnneirs.4th d im, Ik valid, by Whisker.5th dam, Helen, by tlambletonian.Gtlt dam, Susan, by Overton.7th dam, Drowsy, by Drone.8ih dam, by Old'Eugland.9th dam, by Cullen Arabian.

10th dun., Miss Cade, by Cade..11th ...in. Miss Maiielesri, by son of (ireyhouinl.12t: dam, by I'artiM r.13lh dam. Miss Does, du bv Woodeot L.




POWCHONU.one; and its unauthorized publication,in the absence of the King, assumingthat he received it, is a breach ofofficial propriety which makes a fit

Soap.ting finish to its previous stages.There should only be one opinion

FIRJE NOTICE.Fire Marshal's Ofpick.

Honolulu, Sept. 8, ISSo.Parties intending to burn rubbish on their prem-

ises, particularly at night time, are respectfullyasked to notify me. or the watchman at the BellTower, in order that false alarms be preventedand the public undlsturced from its quiet slum-bers. Of late frequent bright lights have beenseen, by the watch at the Tower, which, on in-

quiry, proved to be nothing more than piles ofrubbish left burning through the night. Resi-dents please take notice.

sel4-3- c JAS. W. McGUIRE, Fire Marshal



14th dam, by Crofts Bay Barb. j

15th dam, Desdeiuoiias, dam by Mal lfr. I

16th dam, by Brimmer. f

17th dam, by Dickey Pierson. I

18th dam, Burton Barb. Mare.t

banderson, wholesale grocers; Albert Mauregarding the impropriety of thismethod of approaching the', constitu-tional ruler of this Kingdom; but


cc KjOf grocers; nerman j csaaier, grocer;cutting racking Co; L G Steel & Colwhen an attempt is made by the

citizens of a foreign country to control 0 For any additional particulars, terms, etc., apply

ii-- . i!


s ' .

i i

,t '

. r'ti

1 jl V

.Mv.:ii a vii '

? 3

5 ..'




XII; "


4.t t

) :



i! i

I.I I 4



American Sugar Refinery; A K P Hannon,capitalist; Dudley C Bates, mining secre C. 13. MILES, i'roprj


ner of Queen and Richard streets, nearlyopposite the Yosemite Skating Rink,used by Messrs Geo. AV. Macfarlane &Co. for the storage of machinery, etc.By the brigantine W. G. Irwin, whicharrived on Monday, the above firm re-

ceived fourteen tanks of gasoline, eachcontaining 120 gallons, in a leaking con-

dition. This necessitated the transfer oftheir contents into smaller tanks. Anumber of men were employed at thiswork at the time mentioned. Mr. J.Nott was soldering up the small tanks asfast as they were filled, when he acci-

dentally upset one of them, and its con;tents;, came: in ; contact with. a smalllighted stove used to heat Ids iron. Ina second the flames burst out. Mrs.Singer, of the bakery, with a number ofnatives, did good service with buckets ofwater until the Fire Department arrived.The damage was confined to the charringof a shed, part of a fence and a largegate, and the destruction of nearly ahundred gallons of gasoline.

the appointing power of the Govern-ment, and to review and censure itsexercise in any particular case,

tary; J C Jehnson & Co, wholesale saddlery;Blake, Moffat t k Towne, wholesale paperdealers; Tillman fc Bendel, wholesale

Salmon.CASES l-- fi TINS,




opinion cannot be divided on the sub grocers; Welch & Co, commission merchants;John Taylor & Go, wholesale glassware;


'' v '


Lowest Market Bates,

Hobart, Wood & Co, boots and shoes; Geo C

ject. A more impertinent attempt atforeign dictation and interference inHawaiian affairs has never takenplace. The "memorial" is an insult

Chemically Pure.-ANl-BEf? SOAIMfeie:9Flour. 3 1

cCO as


FAMILY (inquarter sack.BAKER'SJEXTRA (in half sacks).

and be satisfied witli inferior articles, just USC?Snave usea inem lor years, waxe up mi" - j

t. ix a onYa in the Hri i aT' . ft(uu , r xiau 1. 1 a . .ir. v . .. l t .Cases Medium Bread. Vr n;rr Rnjins for washM1,We know that you haveArt Notes.

1 7 . ii-- , .- - - ,.-.- . 4- ii fmm Kf.il'DSl'Oncj i 4! UlCUUDliltL U UI . OCT liIUilUJaiI.Ui .U jt LBy the steamer Mariposa, which sailedyesterday, Jules Tavernier forwarded toGeneral T. B. Van Buren, Englewood, Lime and Cement.New Jersey, another en arming com

A Large Stock of the Most FavoriteBrands of





THISTLE DEW WHISKY.(in caseB and casks,)

PLU.SSOS JBBANBY,(7 and 10 years old,;


Budweiser Lager Beer,

r 1 -- r . . " n.ffiai.T " !' it! T J 1 J. ...11V fill II 1U " " m

Boardman, iEtna Insurance Agent; A BForbes, agent Mutual Life Insurance Com-pany of New York; Bank of British Colum-bia, by C S Alexander; Oliver Eldridge,capitalist; CVS Gibbs, marine adjuster; JS Van Winkle & Co, wholesale iron dealers;Murphy, Grant s Co, wholesale dry goods;Geo C Shreves & Co, jewelers and manu-facturers; Samuel Carsent & Co, books andstationery; W K Vanderslice i Co,, manu-facturing jewelers; B A Swain & Co, whole-sale crockery; E J Coleman, Pacific Trans-fer Company; Rosenbaum Bros, wholesalemerchants; Dutton Jb Partridge, wholesalestationers; W B Wilshare & Co, manu-facturers of safes, etc; Frank Bros,agricultural implements; Spraunce, Stan-ley & Co, wine merchants; R S Floyd,trustee Lick fund; Rankin Bray ton & Co,Pacific Iron Works; L Benchley, PacificRoller Mills; Redington 3c Co, wholesaledruggists; Pacific Jewelry Co, wholesalejewelry; W Cohen & Co, wholesale furnish-ing goods; Hobart Wood & Co, wholesaleboots and shoes; C H Meyer & Bro, whole-sale hatters; Brown Bros, clothing; New-stadd- er

Bros & Co, -- wholesale furnishinggoods; Wm T Coleman Jb Co, commissionmerchants; Hinckley, Spiers A Hayes, Ful-ton Iron Worka; the California InsuranceCo, S S Bromwell Secretary; Hopkins Jb

Bromwell, agents Union Insurance Co ofNew Zealand. '

' icnow you - am not. ou tnougnt inai j uux of , j

position of our island scenery. Theview is taken on the Island of Maui. Inthe foreground are Chinese laborersbusily engaged , irrigating a sugar cane

to the King. Its unauthorized pub-lication for political effect within theKingdom, identifies the small coteriewho procured such publication withit, and renders the insult a deliberateact on their part, although theyskulkbehind an array of San Francisconames, which would carry weight ifthey included the three leading firmsin the Hawaiian trade John D.Spreckels & Brothers, Williams,Diniond & Co., and the OceanicSteamship Company. The absenceof these firm names is a significantfact, which those who have Mr. Sev-erance's case in hand would do wellto take note of.

For the rest, we deny that: anyspecial credit, attaches to Mr. Sever-ance for forming opfnlohj on7 ttiePacific Coast in favor, of the treaty.We say this of knowledge. He readilyfurnished. official statistics publishedin this city, when asked, and also ifrequested by those voluntarily en- -,

gaged in advocating the treaty hawould go through his records andfurnish data, but as to originatinganything to form opinion on the

8q of order, and you have been trying to na jouiWk na lmnurmes nv laKintr an Kinus ui xucuiwv., . m .jMANILA

same time the system has been absorbing poisoA ud

plantation ; the mills of Spreckelsvillebreak the long distance of the fertilevalley, which extends on the one side to

1 your clothes being washed with impure soaps.rl Cleansinc oap v


cally Pure,a.

and it is the only chemically pure floaj' II gthe pretty bay and town of Wailuku,while in the background looms up themountain ranges, giving a sentiment ofgrandeur to a most pleasing landscape.


Reed's Felt Steam Pipemar&ei. it is manuiautureu numthe highest medical authorities as a Pure Soap. g

FOR SAXtE BY A1VI. GROCERS.For which we are the Sole Agents in the Ha-

waiian Islands, are particularly recommended.The artist has treated his subject in hishappiest view. It is full of calm andsweetness, and in marked contrast in and Boiler Covering.

Cteinically Pure AMEER SOAP--'coloring to the daring brilliancy and Town and Country Orders Filledbold conception with which he hashandled his pictures of the Volcano. Promptly, and Satisfaction 50 KEttS BLACK BLASTING POWDER.

25 A" TENTS, (suitable for camp-ing and surveying parties.)Viscount Torie andMr. J. Nakayama left


G. W. MACFABLANE .& C0,AgelFreeth & Peacock.

Coast or in the States he was entirelyinnocent of It. Nine-tenth- s of thearticles written and printed on thesubject were produced wholly inde-

pendent of him, although doubtlesstransmitted to thethey were duly

Government through the Consulate

The regular weekly services at St.Andrew's Cathedral, Bethel Union and Fort-stree- t,

churches will be held this evening atthe usual time. - . J ? : j

Some of the finest butter on these Islandscomes from Ahiumanu Ranch. Lewis & Co.,Hotel street, are agents for it.

yesterday by the Iwalani for Kauai on anofficial risit among the Japanese.

The axle of one of Dodd's 'busses brokelast evening at the corner of Hotel andNuuanu streets. Fortunately no passengerswere in the 'bus at the time. -

Also, a few Iron Wheelbarrows, but TTn1lllll.H14323 Nuuann Btreet, Honolulu, H. 1 .

Telephone No. 46. P. O. Box 363.110Ja24.dt36

little used, will be sold low.113 x

IP. -- 1

, t,


Page 3: TIK - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduCO.,. - - &;; '-.! &,, &-----,,...-!) etc.,: '!!-& ' Coast a & Co, &, &. & & &, &, &..--:-.;;.-.. M., ' & Co.,: ";: Co. &. '. '.?..' ".): &; & &


O'clock this niorniug. She will take 15,000 bricksfor Kealia. i&iifccrttstnunis.Planters' Monthly. j

We have received a copy of the !

Planters' Monthly " for September. I

I4Ill The-steame- r Mariposa sailed at noon of the 15iU

for San Francisco, with 9,011 bags sugar, 2,7i0bagsrice, 2.52S bunches banrnas, 580 hides and 1,197 It contains a great deal of useful matter, j

Among other points it bears unqualified j New York iLife Insurance Co.goat sklus, valued at $72,221 32. .

The brigaatfue Claus Spreckels 'will sail for KanFrancisco as soon as a schooner with sugar forthe Oceanic Company arrives. Hue will takesugar enough to ballast her.

TJe steamer Planter, Captain J. Cameron, sailifrrm San Faanc'isco to day for this place, with 10a

w t ' - N ' OR CfANi ZED I IN: 1 845-4--P U RE LY MUTUAL.

testimony to the superiority of Japaneselabor. I Its treatment of this question;however, merits greater attention thanwe can afford to give it in this issue. Anarticle on "Ramie Prospects" in reply tothe Advertiser's comments last month,is of a cheerful character. " We" are ofthe firm conviction' it says, "thatwithin a very few years ramie will be oneof our chief products. There can be.noquestion of over-producti- on for years to

ons of machinery on board for Koloa, Kauai, in The Company that Originated the Xoii-l'orfciru- re Feature of Life luturauee..r .,wfr!itioni)i'0- - r

HOLLISTEE & CO.: v Have been apixliit-- I agents fr the Hawaiian Islatiiis for







cluding a double effect for the maceration pnx.es.Mr. T. It. Foster will return by her.

DIKD.i turtle into' tins Asset hSuriktti, OverAtiiicul Income-- .

5 i ninilti1- -a.


. 10.000,000.. 14,000,000.. 2,873,389.. 2,257,176

....... ......fe 14 ould request nut WARD At faurauganui, East Coast of SewZealand, August 8th, Cecil C. V. Ward, aged 22years, barrLster- - at law, fourth son of E. ft".Ward, counsellor at law, etc., Honolulu.

I of procunn. come, as the market is so large a: theIncome from Interest in 1884 -Death Losses l"ail In 1884 '.

Excess of Receipts, 610,213 (Larger than any other Company).

leath Losses Iail Here During- - Last Year

.production so small." It is e: ectedTwbcontwct labor.nations to The Board of Immigration Circular. ..38,000Mrinifi;"


Fox't Street.74- - a p 11' St)Nxmaiiu Street.jeimuW7i.acM.iili- -''W .ipsteu 111111 I i

;beseut ortleniiir

THE XIOW YORK LIFE issues every variety of sound Insurance, including Ordinary Life,Limited Payment Life, Endowment Policies, Tontine Investment, and Non-Foifeiti- LimitedTontine Policies. In all of these classes advantageous terms are offered here in particular. -

The Limited Tontine Policies issued by this Company offer greater advantages thanthose offered by any other Company. It is virtually an Endowment Policy, at the ordinary Liferates, uo.l otlcr at the termination of the respective Tontine periods the following options to such ofthe insure 1 i.s have lived and have kept their policies in force :

First To apply the accumulated divideud to the purchase of an annuity on the person whose life isinsured. i

jsti-oii- ' . continue the policy for the original amount, or withdraw in cash the accumulated divi -

dend apportioned by the Company to the policy.Third To withdrawal! cash the entire equity (that is, the reseive and accumulated dividends ai --

portioMed-bv tbe Company to the policy).Fourth Tii convert the entire equity into a paid-u- p policy, without participation m profits.Fifth To convert the enttrt equitv into a Life Annuity upon said person whose life is insured.

that the Kamie Company will soon he ina osition to place fiber on the market.It is also stated that it is of rapid growthand the price asked for roots is not un-

reasonable. One acre well started willsupply all the roots a plantation needs.There is a fair and sensible article on" The Board of Immigration CircularConcerning Immigrant Laborers," whichwe reprint elsewhere. The contract withthe American Kefinery is set forth insubstance; also the abortive negotiationswith Colonel Spreckels. The followingis the vital point of the business :

"The Directors of the American Re-

finery proposed a contract for three yearssaying they would not be justified in in

I iH''lLL possible what

' so that the nec-peu- ts

can be made

f,f Wro.luction of these

"The requirements for a Brandy likely to be of any medical use are all present In that supplied byMessrs. J. E. Pellison & Co. Vide Public Health.

Uncolored, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy.Tifcttled at Cosnae. for Medicinal aud Domestic Uses, as Anal zed.

We call the attention of all re:Iers to the following extract from the Analysts Report andOpinions of the Press: ,.'.."Laboratory, Gresham House, 24 Holborn mduct, Loudon, E. C.

rich in ethers; contains a large amount of"This brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably fragranttannin, derived from storing in oak casks, which imparts tonne old brandy one of its valuable medici-

nal propertU-s- , and will be of the greatest value to the physician in those numerous cases where pureFrench brandy is the most useful of all medicines.

. EDMUND R. SOUTHBY, M. R. C. S., F. C. S.

The only two qualities shipped "Seven and Ten Years 6ld" can bo had In oue-doie- n cases.

is'r For full particulars, rates, etc., apply to

c. o.T. UUlAiv.ifjlnter'ior and President

v. ,rea" oi Immigration. General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.14.116 FBEETH & PEACOCK,..office. Am,'--a- , A0' Sole Agents for th Hawaiian Islands.Ul-j- a 2 M!

ill v-- " '

DiiriuKT Kentein- -JfOOIli f ihrV" b.r.IS5 GRAND OPENING!li. M.

43 v. U.D.

. l

IjE"WTS & CO.,Wliolesale and Ketail Grocers,

C7 and C9 Hotel .mrcct. P. O. Pox 297. (ltl and New Tel. 210.

NEW GOODS JUST RECKIVED ON ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California Fish

and a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the eity free ot cl.arge


creasing their works lor one year con-

tracts and proposed to increase its capitalto $1 ,000,000 paid up. The result wasthat contracts were made for a term ofthree years. The sugar is to be purchasedon the basis of Cuban sugars in the NewYork market, less c per pound. - TheRefinery is allowed a fixed rate for refin-ing and the profits of refining are dividedlwtween the refinery and the plantersaccording to the percentage agreed upon,each planter participating in the profitspro rata according to the amount of his


J ,,, morning at 5:12 o'clock,at B:15.3 o'clock.

- r

M3rTo-Da- y, and all Next Week.1.


sugars.TfctsDAY, .September 15.

f.fiilAill. -

Tlie circular issued by the Board of Iinmigratioii on August 10th gave the impressionthat un entire revolution in the labor sys-

tem was contemplated by the Government.The circular was printed in the last "Month-ly," but until further informal. n was re-

ceived concerning the intentions oi he Gov-ernment, it was impossible to comuiVnt in-

telligibly oi at length upon the matter, or tomake any recommendations to planters asto the proper course to pursue.

Immediately upon receiving the circulara meeting of the Trustees of the P. L. & S.Co., and of such other member of the com-pany aa were in town, waa held. The Trus-tees decided to take no action until moredefinite information was received from thePresident of the Hoard of Immigration as tothe meaning and intentions of the Board.A committee was, therefore,- - appointed towait upon the President of the Board forthat purpose. The committee had an inter-view with Mr. Gnlick, and as the result ofthat interview we are enabled to make thefollowing statement:

First The action taken by the Board is atthe earnest solicitation of the Japaneseauthorities, and although, as far as we areinformed, no condition' lias been made tohat effect by Japan, it is possiblo that the

continuance of Japanese immigration mightbe fceriously endangered without some con-cession of the kind.

Second The commissioners or inspectorsare not to be invested with judicial powers,nor is it intended that they shall take theplace of the Courts. The object of their ap-

pointment is to examine into and amicablysettle diflicultics which may arise betweenthe employer and laborers, with the viewof rendering unnecessary, so far as possible,proceedings at law.

There can be no question that the interestsof the Government and of the planters areidentical in this matter, and there seems tob no good reason for 'objecting to the actionof the Government, as above explained. Theless friction there is between planters andlaborers the better it will be for all con-

cerned. The successful working of thescheme will depend upon the character ofthe inspectors. If they are disposed to becaptious and to nurse trifling complaintsinto serious troubles they will be a positiveevil; but if they are fair minded men, desir-ing to facilitate the settlement of differences,as we hope and believe they are aud will be,tha system will be a positive gain and assist-ance to both planters and laborers.

The trustees of the company thereforerecommend that planters cordially co-

operate with the Government in the attemptto prevent misunderstandings, by lendingtbe inspectors every assistance and comply-ing with such reasonable requests andrecommendations as may be made by themconcerning the matters with which theyhave to do. (Planters' Monthly.

The other papers in the " Planters'Monthly," original and selected, will befound well worth perusal, although onsome points it i.s impossible for us toagree with the writers, as for example inthe case of the labortroubles at Paia.



lfave eonliletel ant otrer for sale the following- - Hollers. vi

liPAlll C031P0UND STEHIj I50ILEKS igSffiffa.1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft, x 5 ft. 0 in.

1 Comhination Steel Boiler, 1 2 fL x 4 ft., also

1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 It. x A ft.

ioo-je27-- Apply to Tlie Honolulu Iron Works Co.

Ti KaUAV, September 15.

San Fran- -s(A.!..H.y-nl,- f.rxS"m , .,... fr Maui and Hawaii,

Mr. Ge.,,rKe. Galbraith, a well-know- n resi- -:t . Vr ,;,. for Waimea, Koloa

feS'Ma. H-- akua,

1 . t ntUill

dent 'U Muse Islands fu t!u past thirtyyeatv, lef t by the Mariposa yesterday for avisit tii his native country, Ireland. i


..rv;LU. nil .....l i:ukua. Hawaii;.'Jftfulo,frUi!,

WVir. for Ilanale, Kil-'.JkIu- Ii.

Mi Walanae and Wai- -IH "

Weih'urth, for Hainakua,i i CUae Uou,

Butter! Butter!

MESSRS. LEWIS & CO.,ffbwaUni,i .

Tel. Mc'nhvre cfe Pro.nIMPORTERS AND. DEALKl'.S IN "

Ghribce2?ies I?xovisions and .Feed- -


New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern St.ites and Europe resh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, am! Goods delivered to any pi i t of tliecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postotlice Box No. 115

Telephone No. 2. 70 aDl7



J ways on hand FRESH BUTTER from theAhiumanu Stock Ranch. seKi-l- w

SX.P. fit

:xt--NOTICE.. it, : a . : .1 v cv 1

1 -- ! 4' XA WM. S. WEBSTER,CoriiSTaltiiie: iOii;iiieex.A

-- V

THE ANNUAL MEETINfJ OF THEVT Hutchinson Plantation Company, held inHonolulu. September 14th, the following officerswere to serve during the ensuing year.President WILLIAM ti. IRWINVice-Preside- nt JOHN A. 1U CKSecretary and Treasurer W. M. GIFFARDAuditor , ED. F. HO PEE,83-sel- 7 W. M. OIFFARD, Secretary H. V. Co.


Drawings, Estimates, Surveys of Boilers, Engines and Machinery made out.New and .Second hand Machinery of every description bought aud sold. Planter and others

having such to dispose of, or requiring the same, would do well to coinmunicnte.

The following Second-han- d Machinery, in good order, FOR KALE:

One 4ft x 12ft Multitublar Boiler, one tiin x Sin Portable Engine, one Hln x iUiin Slide Valve Engl'ie,one 6ft Vacuum Pan, with Engine and Pump complete; three ou Galls. Ciai i.'i-r- Iwo Weston Cen-trifugals, one Mill 2ti iM. by 51 in., one Mi II "0 in. by :V2 in. ion d-- w oi:t?4

fEiprti-i- l frum lorelarn 1'ortx.i'jAiwneda (AnisH i Mors:', from San

HTsttiy ol Sydney, II C lXarbom. fromljco.cn i .ute to the Colonies, due Oct

tUupii-T-, f. ')m Liverpool, due J uly 30jiaALiuii- - Inlule, from Glasgow, due

vJlJllarth Davis, F B Benson, from New5BMlon, due October 2530it Hope, b 1$ P Penhallow, from Port

? 34tT, due Sept 5-- 10

firJrtonrtnry Ford, Watson, from PortAug 30th

f $n bark Lovespring, Thompsou, fromfTst,d! Xov 20-- 25

's4l'iiUtn, Davles, from Liverpool, due

jiiiiikn Eessie. from Portland, Oregon,twtJ Hongkong, due Nov 1- -5

jaSXnt LebHuon, Maxwell, from Hong- -

U Mitt to Mexico, due Aug 27-- 30

jiltihip Constance, Doughty, from Esqui- -

' niiii brt? Allie Kowe, J B Holland, fromiH. dae Oc tuber 25 30.

.rfiw Meauier Planter, J Cameron, from'..Hi&aeo, due Octobertm bk c K Bishop, from Bremen, due

Amelia, W Newhall, from 'PortW T. due Sept 2030

uun irfcf Jennie Walker, B Anderson,.SSI.dueXov 110

jArAuiu, McL'ullOAh, from San Francisco,fLha!ai 15

tatit MiukW f Kuss, Peterson, from San.ri Ho, kp.,rt, due sept 20--25

I 'S.iajira!u, Brouh, from the Colonies,pHor.Snii Francisco, due September 27

toUiilmrieu, Hubbard, from San Fran-fwpitmt-

15-- 17



"Louvre of Brussels,"ins friends and the public gener

3' O H N 1ST OTrr,ally that he has moved from the corner of King j

X ". . .T - i .. -ami .Xlakea streets to the more central locauuu u

Fort street, just below Merchant, Where he willopen on M(AN PAY, August :tlst, with an entirenew stock of

To-da-y is the seven ty-ti- fth anniversary of

the independence of the United StatssofMexico.

Mr. John Russel, the well known lawyer,lies seriously ill at his residence in PanoaValley.

The lloyal Hawaiian Band will give amoonlight concert at Emma Square nextThursday night.

Mr. E. Ryan, boat builder, has purchasedthe sloop Sarah for $2H0. U. will put it i.

Jtients Clothing, Furnishing? Clooil. j

Hats. Trunks. Valises, Etc., Etc.. j

Novelties in Ladies' Hats, ltuftchlng, Laces, Em- -

brol.ler'es. Etc.A decHed h:ir iin in Table Linen and Napkin. '

M YA11DS CALHO- - VOll 1.i

147 feir.'s l.m vi:k (ik i!iii ssi:i,s."1mtlliX IN PORT. '

Irwin. i x Turner, from San i

"'SfEili. K M II ii'Vm f run i S in ! tkr'isurk)( ify SVii.keliuan, Ruckus, from. San j


,JK'iut, H D Cutler, trom PortTown- -

.j.yja i ii j ."in'".''

' If Irish Table LinensSHAMH00IPASSES UEBM.

HWAHTCKES.f wJditioi ml D!LXSf.iiM.ri lft hv the

At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumaru St"?f, Honolulu,


Stoves and. Ranges,

Unsurpassed for Quality, Durability andlleauty of Designs.

One IIuiKlreil Years lteputation.MEDALS Relfast, 1844, 170; London, IS5I, 1S?2

and ((.old) 1S70; Paris (Hold). lsG7; Dublin, IsCo,1872; Philadelphia, 1S76.Also, Huckaback and Fancy Towels. fJlass ami

Tea Cloths, Etc.Made of the BEST IRISH and Courtrai Hax:

spun, woven and bleached In Ireland. Patternsare designed by IRISH ARTISTS, who have formany years excelled those of any other country.


The Trisli Liueu Agency.

'btXl, tUe Coust September 15th r1 y. Ho" J"" M Kapeua, Henry

; W kJ, J "strain, Mrs F A Beck-hJ- m

A Kodaiiet and wife, and

iw'. Uliue and Koloa, Kauai, periiTT7'Y;,'tem,'tr Vl O.Nakayama,

li' Pfi' ut Hoa c t'lukou.Kev J B, '"r. C Basse, R C Spalding, Miss

r'a yrv' "s Kwai, A Moore. Judge,.KW'UwCIuff.11 s Tregloau,

j,'81"1 ut)ld luo deck passengers.jT9wi-'lJ- . ,Iaa"' per steamer L.kelike,

wT? ''i1"""" 2), E C Maclar-- fUm..n V.lffuJd' Charles Augustus Hug,

P'tiL u VM. Volney V Ash.m otKd' Mr H Baker, H

Jith... WS A D IVi Iiib-- . C5 J Deer- -

first class or l r.Repair m the steamer Kiuau are so mar

eo tuple i i ii il.al six of the machinists re-

turned ?an Francisco by the Mariposa.T.sv four remaining will finish the wik.

The Liktlike left last evening for windward with a large number or passengers anda full freight list. Owing to the lareamount of freight the vessel was half anhour late in gettiug away from her dock.

The Post Office dispatched by the MariJposa 5,110 letters and 1,917 packages of

papers.' The bulk of this large mail wasonly dropped in the office during the two

hours preceding the closing time. Letterswere taken in at the office up to ten minutesbefore 12 o'clock. A notice was posted on

the window of - the purser's office on theMariposa to the effect that no letters would

be reoeived ihere for points beyond San

Francisco.The Oceanic Company's steamship Mari-Los- a

left her wharf at noon yesterday forSau Francisco. The Royal Hawaiian Bandwas present on tbe wharf and played severalselections previous to the steamer's de-

parture. The passenger list was not as largeas usual, and the vessel did wot carry a verylarge amount of freight. His Excellency J.M. Kapena, Minister of Finance, was a pas- -

Rubber Hose ;fJ l f.. ; r . .. j . . ...

V. V. SPROULL, Manager.lM-t- f

Granite Iron Ware, plain and Nickel-Plate- d ;

Tin Ware, of all kinds;Chandelier3 ;

Lamps and LanternsPumps;

...... 1..11.CU j run uiju jeaa .ripeSheet Lead and Copper :Iron-Ston- e Drain Hpr.

- iicjr. li niiiuii. aimiiau(3 about l it) deck pas- -

5Wf SPORTS.i rfuih ,,. " fit steainsuip --Marinosji.

T.. "HI, lru.i.i .t-- V 1 TT'f hulrobags sugar; FJiCo, 3,5'""uga


Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St.,Casth fe Cooke.

n ri. un Bros. 350 bars suzar aud Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Slieet Iron Work,:V- - .bags I; . r I . rat' Chung, 200

Brewer &T.'? ' 0 ougs rice; ci 's, iU,,Ti K"t ftkius; M W McC

Off ALL KINDS, ATTENDE, 10.seuger, on his way as Special Commissioner, ..j, Koai stilus aiiuV iP": 6'J6 buZhB to the-Louisvil- Exhibition.

Jts bstuauas; It Ocrke, 105

Will attend and contract for all kinds of work inhis line.

REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRING oldor new buildings. .

Work to be paid for when complete. :

Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low as the lowest in the town.

iofctu4(, 'tor A Co. 60 bunchesC buMPhl0 "ches aHanas; E h A Variety of House Furnishing Goods, too various tdtnentfou. 71-o- cl

'Sr,oanii.- ul,ils; 11 oavia fc CoKw.-T- '

u .'hoiig, 13 boxes betel1,,ec sugar caue; Wells

iw' iUi..int W."P'-S- 3 matter and out Post OtHce box 135.


To-Da- y, and all Next Week.

gold and tpj silver.32 ; foreign value,

H Pu. ...v "1U -- OTEJ4.tHlV u .

'drw " bas d cleaniiiij1 "wmtii.u.

.1U,U.. . GASOLINE!.tn.. . "ecu iiauieu in to


Tuesday, September 15th.C. W. Ashford vs. the assignees of

Kennedy & Co., bankrupts, assumpsitfor $100. This case was heard on Mon-

day, and this morning the Court ren-

dered an oral decision in favor of plain-

tiff for the amount claimed.8. J. Levey and W. II. Aldrich, doing

business as grocers in Honolulu underthe firm name oi S. J. Levey & Co., bothappeared before tho Court and filed theirpetition, alleging themselves' insolvent.The Court adjudged them bankrupts,and ordered the Marshal to take posses-

sion of all the property of said bankrupts,and to sell the perishable goods ; atauction. Monday, Heptenber 2lst, wasset as the day for proving claims andelecting assignees. The liabilities are$26,900 44; assets, $11,078 73. Estimatedetock on hand and fixtures, $10,000,

i-- l 'or orders.

rh ul. ia until 5 p. m.

VW ,r,,'lw 'edwood posts, etc.

: Vj 4.1 Six titI "' I V. 'fNOTICE.fef Likelike, Sentemh-- P i



Ex MENDOTA, for sale by

Castle & Cooke.

ryMlE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BOUGHT a h r--1 m n a l urna bankrupt, all persons-ar-e hereby notified to pavICZT brought "0 bags ricek--

, aU'0lihu. September Htb.I 'wr.U w,

U this evening foraaJUler ioaa of hcavy


The Michigan Portrait Co.,

Producers of the Finest Grades of India Ink.Water Color. Crayon and Pastel Portraits. Headquarters at King Bros., Hotel street,

sai.i u.?ns m, . v . v.tne same 10 ine'"i'i-.:sr:;;i.-

' authorised to collect the same for us.s YEE HOP, -


Honolulu, September 8, 13S5. 166seJ3 SATl JOSE, CAU .U..-S:A-t'

444 Jttmfc" kee for87rtlM POBtpooed tJU 8

Page 4: TIK - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduCO.,. - - &;; '-.! &,, &-----,,...-!) etc.,: '!!-& ' Coast a & Co, &, &. & & &, &, &..--:-.;;.-.. M., ' & Co.,: ";: Co. &. '. '.?..' ".): &; & &






W. MeCHESNET- & mA" r iSteam Navigation Oo.


May 8tli Per Mariposa, 1,754 papuMilages ;

Hay 22d Per Alameda, 1,922 PniTo Arrive Per Consnelo, 332 Packages



"Will be Sold at the Lowest Mnvket

M. "W. McOhesney & Son


G10SSE0 UBiis. 'f

2I31 MAIN ST., r J I ft W t I ' - 1 II I ml I. ii ft



Ex. " MEND0TA," and Other Late Anfva)'

. . . . . ...... ........ .I7t. V ..I - C !.. i...... f .iuin. ..it. I V 1 T

Merctjumiisi, MiitaMi

Plantations, Country Stores and Faniife


Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oi! in the murkt-t- . Vulcau ami Eltriclti


The Kind or People Who Call for It Ob-serrati- ons

of a Physician now theSeductive liqnor Is


Wheeling Register.A well dressed stranger of middle age,

wearing a haggard, care-wor- n look on hisrather handsome countenance, walkedinto a popular Market street sample-room- .

Ile bore the indescribable air of a manwho had "put in the night," and exhib-ited a restless iospatience in waiting onthe pleasure of the bar-tende- r. His orderwhen given was almost whispered, ac-

companied by a significant nod. The bar-tender took an ordinary sized flask fromthe shelf behind him. and picking up atiny spiral glass, holding about a dram,carefully rilled it This glass was in turnemptied into an ordinary wine-glas- s filledwith water. On the top of the compounda greenish sediment accumulated,which was carefully removed with aspoon. The beverage was then handedto the customer, who eagerly gulped itdown, and paying the charges left theroom. In answer to a question from areporter, the bar-tende- r said the drink wasabsinthe, a French liquor, which israpidly growing into popularity in thiscountry.

In answer to a query, as to the amountdrank in Wheeling, the bar-tend- er an-swered that the calls for either that par-ticular beverage, or any other fancy drinkof & kindred nature, were comparativelyfew; straight drinks having a tenaciousgrip on the appetites of the greaterportion of our- - Wheeling peopla"We fill an occasional order forabsinthe for theatrical people andfast women, the exalting quality of thestrong stimulant making it excessivelypopular among all reckless classes of so-ciety. I know of a number of ladies inWheeling who daily make use of thestimulant, and who, in order to deceiveoutsiders, drink alternately at severalsample-room- s. There is a strong fascina-- .

tion about the drink, and when a persongets into the habit of drinking it dailyhe rarely breaks off. The gentleman whojust left the room is a jewelry drummerfrom New York, and for the past few dayshas paid me two or three visits a day,always drinking the same beveragaHe told me he had first begun to use thedrug eighteen months ago, having it pre-scribed by a physician for dvspepsia, but,forming the habit from daify use of thestimulant, he had gradually increased theamount till he had become a slave to thepractice. He said he had attempted onseveral occasions to break off from thehabit, ' but had been forced back by ex-cessive nervousness, giddiness, loss of ap-petite and sleep. He added that he knewthe drug would cause his death in time,but that he could not refrain from its use.

Later in the day the reporter met aprominent young physician, and findinghim at leisure secured the following in-formation in reference to the origin ofthe liquor:' Absinthe is prepared bypounding the leaves and flowering tops ofvarious species of wormwood along withangelica root, sweet flag-ro- ot afid star-anis- e

fruit, and macerating therein al-

cohol. After soaking for eight days thecompound is distilled, yielding an emer-ald color liquor, to which a quantity ofanise oil is added. The liquor thusformed constitutes the genuine Frenchabsinthe.

An inferior quality of absintheis made with other herba and es-sential oils, while the adultera-tions practiced are numerous and de-leterious. In the adulterated llauor thegreen color is usually produced By tu-meric and indigo, but blue vitriol is oftencommonly used The varieties especiallynoted in commerce are divided into twoclasses, the common and the Swiss, thelatter being genuina The chief seat ofits manufacture is in the canton Neuf- -

chatel in Switzerland. The liquor ischiefly consumed in France, but there isalso large quantities exported to thiscountry. In addition to the larcre Quantities manufactured in France for homeconsumption, the amount imported fromSwitzerland averages 2,000,000 gallonsyearly.

The drinking of absinthe was introduced into France during the Algerianwar, 184-1-47- . The soldiers were advisedto mix absinthe with their wine as afebrifuga On their return they...brought

JaI- - il 11 V.tli f T 1 Twim ixiexu luu iiuuit oi urut&uig ii waiuuis now so widely disseminated in Frenchsociety, and with such disastrous conse-quences that the custom is justly consid-ered a great national .cviL The appetiteis often formed by prescriptions given byphysicians, as the drug is often given as atonic for flatulent dyspepsia; but in myopinion there is as little danger of a manforming the habit, if he is possessed ofordinary self:control, as that if a pre-scription of brandy should cause him tobecome an , habitual drunkard. Thepowerful nature of the stimulant is such.that excessive drinking will prove farmore deleterious than 4-h- use of brandyor strong whiskies.

Koast Ilorse In England.Liverpool Courier.

There are many people who prefer horseto beef, but, as it is a point in dispute, apractical step for solving the doubt is being ia&en in iuancnesier. a nunaredhorses are slaughtered in that city everyweek, 'and cut up and sold as "butcher'smeat " The trade i$ carried on in poordistricts, where the steaks Jind ready purchasers at prices ranging from 5 pence to8 pence per pound There can be nopretense for saying that the flesh of ahealthy horse is not fit for human food.There are epicures who prefer it to thechoicest bfef, but it has been their raregood fortune to get ua dainty dishwhich does not ordinarily come into themarket

An Honest Criticism.Springfield Republican.

They werediscusslng the probable posi-tion of the afri of the Venus de Milo ata house on Stile street the other evening,when the girl, who' had beenthoughtfully gazing at the statuette whichhad given rise to the discussion, eagerlypresented her theory: "I don't think tha;she was giving an apple or pulling abow. I think she was taking a bath. "

The Negro Aphorism Pilloried.Norristown Herald. "

No. "Ginger," we don't want any or!giual "negro aphorisms. " We understamthe combination for their production afollows: "De pore nigger doah get hshins barked in de crush at de fo' dollaopery. " 2..

Carbolic Acid for- - Ants.To destroy ant colonies, cmde carbo

acid, diluted with .water, is recommendAdd one pound of the acid to two quaof water, and pour a half pint or so isa hole made in the mound with, a stick.

In the early days of the war of rebel-lion Nathaniel Kimball, of York county.Pennsylvania, a brick manufacturer, con-tracted a debt of 80 cents.tTo pay it heproduced- - from his pocket a varnishedbrick, inscribed " Good for 75 cents Na-thaniel Kimball, T and "apumpkln seed,marked "Good for 5 cents N. KimbalL nThis currency wa3 accepted. The brickis still in existence and Kimball is ready

.rf ieeni II' Dut toe present owner, whopaid $1.25 for it viU not sell it



The llroad-Bottoin- ed Shoo at the Bot-

toms of the MischiefSecret of

the Corn-Doct- or Trade-Ab- out

Biff Feet.

(Louisville Courier-Journa- l.

"Come in, " said a voice as a reporter,after passing up a narrow flight of stairs,knocked at a small door on which wa3pasted a large card bearing the sign:

Dr , Practical Chiropodist, Cures( orns, Bunions, Ingrowing Toenails andAll other Ailments of the Feet LadlesTreated at Their Residences. n

The intruder pushed open the door andentered. The doctor was reposinglanguidly in an easy chair by the wiu-dow- ,

inhaling the cool afternoon breeze,while he slowly swept a large palm-lea- f

Ian in front of his face. A table neary was covered with little phials,

bearing different kinds of labels, and sev-

eral queer looking little iron instruments- ere lving by their side, A short distance from the table was a chair some-thing like that used by dentists, but withan, unusually broad foot rest, covered witha piece of bright Brussels carpeting.

" This is just the time when I can talkto you ; business is so dull, w said the chi-ropodist, as he gave a more than usuallyvigorous sweep of the fan and thought-fully crossed one leg over the other, whilehe gazed for a few moments in a deep

the toe of his boot "TTes.business is dull with everybody, and withour profession especially. n

u Why with you in particular, doctor?""How can you ask me? Look at that

shoe you have on. The tip is broad andgive3 ample room for the toes. It doesnot cramp them like a visa The changein fashion has almost ruined the chi-ropodist's profession I call it such bo-caus- e

its devotees must be a man of tactand skill as it has-take- n away the largerpart of our business. n

The doctor leaned further back in hischair with a deep sigh of disgust, andlooked mournfully across the street at ayoung man walking rapidly and firmlyon a pair of broad-bottome- d shoes. Fora few moments he did not deign to speak,and the reporter refrained from disturb-ing hi3 retrospective silence.

Yes, " he resumed, " we reaped a richharvest during the four or five precedingyears. Everybody had corns and bun-ions on the feet I won't except the la-

dies, who, to tell the truth, suffered morethan the other sex. Our best businesscomes" from them, a3 we are usuallycalled to their residences, and of course,under those circumstances, charge more.There was one lady who, during the spike-to- e

mania, had a standing call for myservices three times a week at $2. 50 avisit. I suppose I ought " not to growl,as I made money then, and should endurethe present dull times contentedly.

"1 am not joking in what I tell you, "continued the gentleman, more briskly,"but it is all the solid truth. There areonly a few persons in our profession inthis city, and we did a fine business untilnarrow shoes went out of fashion. Mosttroubles of the feet date from that source.As fashions' do not change simultaneouslyall over the country, but beginning in theeast spread slowly west, I think I willhave to adopt the policy of keepjpg onthe edga When the sharp toes go west Igo with them. Thus J keep in the centerof trade, and manage to overcome the ex-pense that constant removing entails uponme. I have had my establishment in anumber of cities. "

You have practiced your business inseveral cities, doctor, and are an experton the subject of feet The ladies of tillscity claim to have the smallest pedal ex-

tremities in the country. Can you decidethe long vexed question?"

The physician laughed in a rather un-easy manner and shrugged .his shoulders,while he hesitated a few moments beforehe spoke.

wOf course you are not going to printmy name in all this? If you do, I cannot say a word more. Well, since youpromise, I can tell you that chiropodistsconsider Louisville the best business townin the country The ladies wear thetightest shoes, and more of them are af-flicted with corns than in any other cityin the Union. Louisville women are vainof their feet, and their shoes are invaria-bly a size or two too smalL The ladiesof Baltimore have the Smallest extremitiesand Louisville cornea next New Orleansranks third. . For big feet, go to .Chicago,Philadelphia and; Boston. Chicago can,however, beat the other two. " '

What the English Think of-Us- .

London Cor. New York Times.The proposition that "English do not

like Americans" is true, and it is not true.Some Englishmen like some Americans,and treat them civilly in England, butmany Englishmen will accept home hos-pitalities and club favors in New Yorkwhich they do not intend to return . inLondon. The secret of it is simplythis: the higher class .in Eng-land whose society is worth enjoying regard us as a purely commer-cial people, with the instincts of com-merce, and no matter how much we mayaffect English sports, part our hair in themiddle, intone and mlhce our words, asour would-b- e New York swells now do,we are for the mo3t part regarded by thenobility and gentry of England as traders,with peculiar manners ana want of breed-ing. Of our general - intelligence andsmartness they have no doubt, but thebest circles in England demand other qual-ities than these as a passport for crossingtheir thresholds

A Clever Idea.Foreign Letter.

A new London hotel has room closetswith double doors, one opening into thesleeping compartments and the other intothe hall, through which guests pass theirboots to have them blacked instead of set-ting them out at the door, where theylook bad and are in danger of beingstolen. The idea is clever enough tohave been suggested by an American.

Gain Both Ways.Hotel Mail.

44 We encourage the interchange of vis-its with the patrons of other resorts, " saidthe proprietor of a leading summer hotel;when our people are away for the daythey pay for the dinners they don't have,and when their friends return the callthey pay for the dinners they do have, sowe gain both ways.

The Austrian Way.;Chicago Herald. ' '

Austria is just' now in the midst of apolitical campaign, and tfie Vienna shop-keepers, not so accumtoined to nuisancesas Americans, have posted in their shopwindows a notice, "To canvassers- - Wepray you not to worry us any isiore aboutthe elections. n .

Custer's last Fight..Chicago Times: .

A large painting representing Custer'slast fight with the-Indian- s, the work of aVirginia artist, was the chief work of : artcaiiirii.utcd.by the south to the New Or-han- s

exhibition,!. V . ' ; .

'so In a Hollow Treelu Oregon a man has made a comfort

ub'e house by shingling over the stunij.ct a hollow tir tree. The room is nine bten feet, with a door and window.

f;r.mK-- r V. VOLKEY V.ASBTOBD. A8Hjroaii


ADVOCATES, ETC.Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Post-offic- e.

' 90-n- 20

BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W ANDCECIL .Public, CampbeU's Block, Merchantstreet. 20

"A. ROSA,AT LAW AND NOTARYATTORNEY with the Attorney General, A1U

olani Hale, Honolulu , H. I. 67 mr26-12-t- f




Kcal Kfetatc In any i;rt of theBought, Sold aud LtMsed on CommissionLoans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn.

STO. 27 MEUt'lIANT STIIEET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. lfi-- tf


IN FOWLER'S YARD, 61 AND 63 HOTELThe only one dollar house in Hono-

lulu. Rooms per night, 25 cents; rooms perweek, fl. 89-n- l8



Board by the week or month, 21 meal tickets,?! 00.

Single meals 25 cents, in the large dining room.In the private dining room, 35 cents.

EVERYTHING CLEAN AND NEAT,And meals expeditiously served up.

175sel2tf GEORGE CAVENAGH, Manager.


thing neat and clean. The table always suppliedwith the best the market affords. Board perweek $4 50, payable in advance. Single meals,25 cents, 128-sep- HOP LEE, Proprietor.

Mks. Robt. Love. Fked. Johnsox.

LOYE'SSteam Bakery,


ROASTED AND GROUND. OR.COFFEE Ship Bread executed at short notice.Old bread , rebaked. Every description of plainand fancy bread and biscuits. Fresh Butter,Island orders promptly attended to.

COFFEE SALOON AND CHOP HOUSE inconnection. Cool, airy room. Attentive waiters.Everything first-clas- s, at reasonable rates.

. ;, 94.UO20

Steam Candy FactoryAND" BAKERY.

F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

Hotel street. 78 tf Telephone 74


Family Bntcliei?CITY MARKET,

Nuuanu street, opposite Queen Emma Premises.

Families supplied on 'most reasonable terms,Corned Beef and Pickled Tongues always on hand,Cambridge Sausages fresh every day. Meat delivered to any part of th&.city and: suburbs.



We have received a consignment of the mostw Economical and Valuable Feed for all.'

kinds of ' Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer in use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nutritlve matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 lbs. oi this meal is equal to 300 ts. of oats,or 31S lbs. of corn, or to 707 lbs. of wheat bran.

! For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, ar Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

. . ":' our usual supply of the best kinds of

Hay, Oafs, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

LAINE & CO,- 18 tf

mm MEAL !



The undersigned are now prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt

San Franciseo:

The following is a report of the compo-

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-

sis: ; - .

W& tcF 8.10 per centOrganic Matter. 29.18 "Silicions Matter 4.65 "Lime 31.70Phosphoric Acid.... 23.11,"Oxide of Iron. . . ; . . .85 "Carbonic Acid 1.89 "Alkali Salts -.- 52 "


r Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.

Orders Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. GL Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Island!.



General Business uicesOF- -


P. O. ROX 315. TELEPHONE 172.

(EstHblilel 1879.;

The following various branc hes of business will

enable the public on the Islands and from abroadto gain general information on all matters in thefollowing departments:

Real Estate DepartmentBuys and sells Real Estate m all parts of the

Kingdom.Values Real Estate and Property in city and

suburbs.Rents and leases Houses, Cottages, Rooms and

Lands.Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing and

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legal papers of every nature Searches

Titles, Records, Etc.

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment in all branches of industry

connected wiih the Islands.

General Business MattersKeep Rooks and Accounts, collect Rills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire and Life insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with the Islands coming from abroad fillyanswered.

Custom iiouse Broktr.Merchants wiil hiui this Department a special

bent-rl- l to them, a.s i attend to entering goodsthrough power ol Attorney and delivering thesanit-a- t a small commission.

Sttlifititt Ai iit for tit.- - ".MUTUAL LIFEINSUUANOK COMPANY OT NEW YORK,"the Invest, f, t.iHUst ttiiil .soundest InsuranceCompany in tlu world.

AUKNT for theGreat Burliuirtou itallw ny lloute,

In America. Travelers journeying by rail inAmerica will tinrt this route the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACESLEEPING CARS and gcSd meals along the trip,polite attention from employees aud reason.able fare no route can ex-- el this. AIR. C. KMILLER. m3' Chief Clerk, specially attends tothis Department, and for information, guidebooks,maps, etc , he will extend every courtesy.

AGENT for theHonolulu ICoyal Opera lfoiie.

Managers ot first-clas- s eompanies abroad willaddress me for terms, etc.

DEPARTMEM TS.Real Instate Broker.

Custom House ISroker.Money Iii-oke- r.

Fire and Ut'e Insurauee Agent.Employment Agent,

llailroal Agent autllileueral ltnslneHH Agent


J. E. WISEMAN,84myG-8- 6 HONOLULU, If. I



I :f',t:','rn-t!'i- ''' .!' ..HHnH.i.T-y- S

lit.: fcCSiif .rleseaoliB 1 7I'5 t tm t r3?l, J

.1 a&M'i

The most artistie ITnrierlit Pianos ever Droduct!.0

both for quality of tone and wonderful and elasticactions. The coming upright pianos of the worldSend for Illustrated catalogue, description andprices to


Pacific Coast Agents,

23 and 25 Fifth Street. . SAN FRANCISCO.59 tfAw






WARRANTEDTbe Best ami most Inrable Hail Dnrk

IN THE WORLD.For Sale in Honolulu


Made from the Very Best

Hard "Wove Cotton Duck.



DRIVING BELT,Ifeither Heat or Dampness affects

them.They do not Stretch.

Stronger than leather.Better than Rubber,


For Solo in Honolulu.. 2--tf



BATES .Commander

Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.


CAMERON - Commander

Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawiiiwill,Koloa, Eleele and Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawiliwlli every Saturday at 4 p. m., ariiving atHonolulu every Sunday at & a. m.


Will run regularly to Ilamoa, Maui, and Kukui-bael- e,

Honokaa and Paanhau, Hawaii.


Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,Oahu, and Ilanalei and Kilauea. Kauai, Return-ng- ,

leaves Ilanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. m., andtouching at Waialua aud Wahinae Wednesdays,and arriving at Honolulu same day at 4 p. ni.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. Ena, -- ecretary.



'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDAWill leave Honolulu and !aii Francisco on the

FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.

PASSENGERS may have their names bookedin advance by applying at the office of the Agents.

PASSENGERS by this line are-- hereby notifiedthat they will be allowed 250 pounds of baggageFREE by the Overland Railway when travelingEast.

EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip. $lia.Good to return by any of the Company's steamerswithin ninety days.

MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by thisline will be received free of charge, In the Com-pany's 'new warehouse, and receipts issued forsame. Insurance on merchandise in the ware-house will be at owners' risk.

WILLI A31 13. IRWIN A CO..24-- tf



Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

For San FranciscoAustralia...... ...... . On or about September 27th

For Auckland and Syuiaoy:City of Sydney- - On or about October 3d

"23-tfw- tf i



(King, Commanaer),

Leaves Honolulu as per following 'schedule,touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena, Mahu-kona- ,

KawaihaeLaupahoehoe. Hilo &nd Keaubou:- Commencing on MONDAY, October 12th, andthence on the first Monday followin the arrivalof the "Alameda" and 'Mariposa," on tke 8thand 22d of each month: '

The steamer KInau will make the J VOLCANOTRIP, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morn-ing, giving tourists two days and two nights atthe VOLCANO HOUSE.

When the 8th and 22d of the month fall onMonday, the Kfnau will leave that day.


The Klnau will arrive id Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips., !On Hilo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays; and return Saturdaymorning. ,'V'

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKlnau at Mahukona.

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia andPaanbau on down trips" from Hilo for Passengerstf a sunal is made from the share.



(Davies, commander)

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 4 p. m. torKaunakakal,Kahulul, every week; Huelo, Hana

and Kipahulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at the aboveporta, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Weisbarth, Commander),

,will ifitTe reguuiriy lur rwuuauiOokala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupaboehoe, Haka-la- u

and Onomea.


lMcGregor, Commanded.

Leaves Honolulu each. Monday at 5 p. m. forr.nniiiriir.i iTamitn iitirns. Lahaina. Moannl.

Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu and Kalaupapa. Re-

turning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

ran-- - 41 II, Ka rMTmnslhlp tCVT

any freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live fetocK, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAMTj. U. WILDExS, rresiaenwS. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Port and Queen streets,159-- ly ilar 80

sen Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm ami Cylinder Oil, AU auy Ct.injHC!

Plumbago, etc., Galvanized and Plain Cut and Wrought Iron Nails, GukuiiztJ (

rugated Iron, Plain Iron and Uasket Fence Wire, Plaiu aud Perforutfd Shiii;

Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire Cloths, Centrifugal Euller fyrik

Blake Pump Company Patent Rubber Valves aud Springs, I. E. E.inch to 2 inch, 3 and 4 ply. Steam Packing, round, square aud U,

styles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Rams, Jack Screws, Paris Stel Iireakiug Plot- - IU

boss plow yet; ilolisse . Furrowing and Breaking Plows, al! sizes, Cultivator, Hw

Hoes, Gang Plows, Planters' Hoes, our own make, inch Ooose ScvkLn-'- j

Planters Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, Unsh Scythes, IVed ('u(Cane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn Mwwtis,

Curt Axles, Fairbank's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, all sizes, Auk, Huk'

Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick 'Axes, Horso Shoes, Machine BolU, ftH iw

leugths, a full aud superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders' Hardware a full t'.

Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., Planes of all

Badey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, Hammers, etc.. PaR-M- :

and Glass. . I

White Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Uoiled and Raw Oil, Ynl.utnie's W'jTurpentine, Patent .Dryers, a large variety of small paints in Oils, CbmuMier.G

Lamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inks, Tin and lloliow Ware, Jlfclwj

BLUE DENIMS. 8. 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates. I

FINE RED SALMON, in barrels.




New joolt KxieoleI por Steainsliilf AlMiiiel' - - j


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8(i tr



0' I

Successor to Dlllliisrhnm A o. ami


Double Furrow


Ught Steel Plos.

tf 61 i






A full assortment of TINWARE at low prices. LA. j

OILS. CENTRIFUGAL BELTING, a very suirior artirle




ITimlDer and CJDWARF rain1' dffl6J'

Blinds. All kinds of BtJI1 toDoors. Sash and h 6urerrSTEEI JArorrntP Trnn. Portland Cement;more.

: '. t

