Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching...I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight...

Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2015 Mirela Ben-Chen and Ligang Liu (Guest Editors) Volume 34 (2015), Number 5 Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching Itay Kezurer Shahar Z. Kovalsky Ronen Basri Yaron Lipman Weizmann Institute of Science Figure 1: Consistent Collection Matching. Results of the proposed one-stage procedure for finding consistent correspondences between shapes in a collection showing strong variability and non-rigid deformations. Abstract Establishing point correspondences between shapes is extremely challenging as it involves both finding sets of semantically persistent feature points, as well as their combinatorial matching. We focus on the latter and consider the Quadratic Assignment Matching (QAM) model. We suggest a novel convex relaxation for this NP-hard problem that builds upon a rank-one reformulation of the problem in a higher dimension, followed by relaxation into a semidefinite program (SDP). Our method is shown to be a certain hybrid of the popular spectral and doubly- stochastic relaxations of QAM and in particular we prove that it is tighter than both. Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed relaxation is extremely tight: in the majority of our experiments it achieved the certified global optimum solution for the problem, while other relaxations tend to produce sub- optimal solutions. This, however, comes at the price of solving an SDP in a higher dimension. Our approach is further generalized to the problem of Consistent Collection Matching (CCM), where we solve the QAM on a collection of shapes while simultaneously incorporating a global consistency constraint. Lastly, we demonstrate an application to metric learning of collections of shapes. 1. Introduction Establishing correspondences between shapes is a funda- mental problem in computer graphics and related fields. It is a key ingredient in algorithms aiming at shape analysis and understanding. Many different approaches have been suggested for both the formulation and computation of the extremely challeng- ing shape correspondence problem. One common approach aims at finding a set of meaningful pairs of corresponding equal contributors points between two shapes, which in turn poses two main difficulties: (1) finding good candidate points on general shapes; and (2) the combinatorial problem of matching these candidates. We focus on the latter. Given a set of feature points, a popular model for formu- lating the point correspondence problem is the Quadratic As- signment Matching (QAM) [BBM05, BBK06, FS06], max X Πn [X ] T W [X ] where [X ] R n 2 ×1 denotes the column-stack vector of X , and Πn denotes the set of n × n permutation matrices. c 2015 The Author(s) Computer Graphics Forum c 2015 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Transcript of Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching...I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight...

Page 1: Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching...I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching Notably, this problem is NP-hard and is considered

Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2015Mirela Ben-Chen and Ligang Liu(Guest Editors)

Volume 34 (2015), Number 5

Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching

Itay Kezurer† Shahar Z. Kovalsky† Ronen Basri Yaron Lipman

Weizmann Institute of Science

Figure 1: Consistent Collection Matching. Results of the proposed one-stage procedure for finding consistent correspondencesbetween shapes in a collection showing strong variability and non-rigid deformations.

AbstractEstablishing point correspondences between shapes is extremely challenging as it involves both finding sets ofsemantically persistent feature points, as well as their combinatorial matching. We focus on the latter and considerthe Quadratic Assignment Matching (QAM) model. We suggest a novel convex relaxation for this NP-hard problemthat builds upon a rank-one reformulation of the problem in a higher dimension, followed by relaxation into asemidefinite program (SDP). Our method is shown to be a certain hybrid of the popular spectral and doubly-stochastic relaxations of QAM and in particular we prove that it is tighter than both.Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed relaxation is extremely tight: in the majority of our experimentsit achieved the certified global optimum solution for the problem, while other relaxations tend to produce sub-optimal solutions. This, however, comes at the price of solving an SDP in a higher dimension.Our approach is further generalized to the problem of Consistent Collection Matching (CCM), where we solvethe QAM on a collection of shapes while simultaneously incorporating a global consistency constraint. Lastly, wedemonstrate an application to metric learning of collections of shapes.

1. Introduction

Establishing correspondences between shapes is a funda-mental problem in computer graphics and related fields. Itis a key ingredient in algorithms aiming at shape analysisand understanding.

Many different approaches have been suggested for boththe formulation and computation of the extremely challeng-ing shape correspondence problem. One common approachaims at finding a set of meaningful pairs of corresponding

† equal contributors

points between two shapes, which in turn poses two maindifficulties: (1) finding good candidate points on generalshapes; and (2) the combinatorial problem of matching thesecandidates. We focus on the latter.

Given a set of feature points, a popular model for formu-lating the point correspondence problem is the Quadratic As-signment Matching (QAM) [BBM05, BBK06, FS06],


[X ]T W [X ]

where [X ] ∈ Rn2×1 denotes the column-stack vector of X ,and Πn denotes the set of n×n permutation matrices.

c© 2015 The Author(s)Computer Graphics Forum c© 2015 The Eurographics Association and JohnWiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Page 2: Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching...I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching Notably, this problem is NP-hard and is considered

I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching

Notably, this problem is NP-hard and is considered to belarge scale for n ≥ 16 and generally intractable for n ≥ 30[ZKRW98,LdABN∗07]. As such, different approaches havebeen suggested in computer graphics and computer visionto produce tractable algorithms for approximating its solu-tion. Among these, the spectral and doubly-stochastic relax-ations have stood out and became standard [LH05, Mem07,SLZ∗13, FHJB13, ABK14].

In this paper we suggest a novel convex relaxation to theQAM problem that is provably better than both spectral anddoubly-stochastic relaxations. It is achieved by a rank-onereformulation of the problem in a higher dimension, fol-lowed by relaxation into a semidefinite program (SDP).

Experiments show that the proposed convex relaxationusually achieves an integral solution and therefore globallyoptimal, while other relaxations often tend to produce sub-optimal solutions. On the other hand, since our approach re-quires solving an SDP in a rather high dimension, compu-tation times are significantly higher than for simpler relax-ation alternatives. Nevertheless, the method is suitable forcomputing coarse sets of point correspondences in reason-able times, often with a certificate of global optimality.

Going beyond pairwise matching, we generalize ourframework to the problem of Consistent Collection Match-ing (CCM). Thereby, computing a point correspondencesacross an entire collection of shapes in a single-step al-gorithm, which simultaneously enforces a global consis-tency criterion. This is in contrast to previous techniquesthat tackle the CCM problem in two steps: first, indepen-dently matching many or all pairs of shapes in the collection,and second, combining all pairwise information in a glob-ally consistent manner [NBCW∗11,SW12,KLM∗12,HG13,HWG14]. The power of the proposed CCM framework isdemonstrated in Figure 1, where coarse correspondences areestablished over a collection of octopus shapes taken fromthe SHREC dataset [GBP07]; the correspondences, illus-trated by colored spheres, further induce a continuous mapbetween shapes, visualized by coloring their surfaces; seeSection 5 for additional details. Lastly, we demonstrate anapplication to metric learning, whereby the CCM frameworknaturally induces a metric on the shape space.

2. Previous work

Shape correspondences and Quadratic AssignmentMatching. The problem of shape correspondence in thecontext of computer graphics is surveyed in [vKZHCO11].Several studies have formulated the problem of establish-ing correspondences as the optimization of a well-definedquadratic objective. [BBK06, BBK∗10] use a Gromov-Hausdorff framework to define the notion of partial simi-larity between two objects. This framework is also used by[Mem07] for shape comparison; he further describes its re-lation with the quadratic assignment problem and proposes a

sequence of constrained convex problems for its approxima-tion. [BBM05] approximate the solution of QAM by solv-ing a linear assignment problem, followed by local refine-ment. [LH05] rely on the Perron-Frobenius theorem to pro-pose a spectral relaxation, followed by a greedy approach forenforcing integrality and mapping constraints. This spectralrelaxation is used in [FHJB13] for matching graphs repre-senting surfaces, derived from the Morse-Smale complex.[DBKP11] generalize the spectral approach to higher-orderrelations between tuples of points, represented by tensors.The closely related problem of graph matching was formu-lated as a QAM by [ABK14]; they characterize instances forwhich its doubly-stochastic relaxation is exact. The problemof establishing partial correspondences has been discussedin [FS06]; a priority-driven search approach has been pro-posed for large scale shape retrieval.

Quadratic Assignment. The QAM is an instance of thequadratic assignment problem (QAP) which is covered ina large body of literature, see [LdABN∗07] for a survey.Several semidefinite programming relaxations have beensuggested in this context. Most related is the work of[ZKRW98], which also present a certain semidefinite pro-gramming relaxation to a lifted reformulation of the prob-lem; their formulation, however, is different: it does notinclude the properties we use for proving the relation tostandard relaxations, nor does it address the case of sub-permutations.

3. Problem statement

The goal of this paper is to introduce an approach for solv-ing the Quadratic Assignment Matching (QAM). The in-put of the problem is a pair of shapes M1 and M2. Eachshape Mi = {P i,di} consists of a given set of n pointsP i = {pi

1, ..,pin} ⊂Rd , and a distance function d(pi

q,pis) de-

fined between pairs of these points.

Our goal is to establish good partial matching of or-der k between the shapes M1 and M2. We model par-tial matchings, or injective mappings of order k (0 ≤k ≤ n), via the set Π

kn of n× n sub-permutations of rank

k. That is, binary matrices with k ones, and at most asingle one in each row and column. The insetshows an example of a matrix in Π

46. The match-

ing betweenM1 andM2 is represented by a sub-permutation matrix X ∈ Π

kn, wherein p1

q is matched to p2r if

and only if Xqr = 1.

For the case of partial matching, the QAM problem takesthe following matrix form


[X ]T W [X ] (1a)

s.t. X ∈Πkn (1b)

where W ∈Rn2×n2defines a quadratic energy measuring the

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I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching

gain in matchingM1 andM2 by a sub-permutation X . Asbefore, [X ] ∈ Rn2×1 denotes the column-stack vector of X .

A canonical instantiation of the QAM framework canbe obtained by choosing the isometric matching functional,which intuitively aims to match pairs of points that preservedistances [LH05, BBM05, BBK06, FHJB13]. Formally, weset di to be the Euclidean distance (or geodesic in case ofnon-flat geometries) and the cost matrices W to decay pro-portionally to their differences, i.e.,


is) =



∥∥∥ , (2a)

Wqrst = e−|d(p1q,p

1s )−d(p2

r ,p2t )|2/

σ2. (2b)

The QAM problem as formulated in (1) is generally non-convex, both in its objective and constraint. In fact, it isas hard as the quadratic assignment problem (QAP) andtherefore NP-hard. Nonetheless, we propose an effective ap-proach for its approximation.

4. Quadratic assignment matching relaxation

In this section we propose a novel SDP relaxation for theQAM problem (1). It is shown to outperform the popu-lar spectral and doubly-stochastic relaxations for the QAMproblem (e.g., [LH05, ABK14]). In fact, the proposed for-mulation can be viewed as a hybrid of these two standardrelaxations, which further provides a unifying convex inter-pretation of these techniques. See Figure 2 for an illustration.

We develop our convex relaxation to (1) in a few stages:first, we reformulate the problem as an equivalent linearproblem subject to rank-one constraints, which is then re-laxed into a semidefinite program. Then, we discuss its rela-tion to standard QAM relaxations and show it can be furthertightened.

4.1. Lifting and rank-one reformulation

Problem (1) is the maximization of a quadratic objective, notnecessarily concave, over the set of n×n sub-permutation oforder k. In this section, we show it can be lifted to the spaceof n2×n2 matrices. It can then be equivalently reformulatedas the problem of maximizing a linear objective over the setof rank-one matrices. In subsequent section we further ex-ploit its structure and propose an effective algorithm for itsapproximation.

The lifting is done by observing that (1) can equivalentlyrewritten by introducing an auxiliary n2×n2 matrix variableY that obeys Y = [X ] [X ]T . Problem (1) then becomes

maxX ,Y

tr(WY ) (3a)

s.t. Y = [X ] [X ]T (3b)

X ∈Πkn (3c)

QAMDoubly- stocastic (DS)


Spectral (S)

Figure 2: Illustration of QAM relaxation hierarchy. The non-convex QAM problem (1) is illustrated as a star at the center.The intersection of the standard convex doubly-stochasticand non-convex spectral relaxations can be characterizedas a convex SDP (6). Additional constraints yield the tightQAM-SDP relaxation (7).

With the lifting Y , the non-convex permutation constraint(3c) can be replaced by a convex constraint, as the followingproposition asserts,

Proposition 1 Suppose Y = [X ] [X ]T . Then X ∈ Πkn if and

only if the following convex conditions hold,

X ∈ convΠkn (4a)

trY = k (4b)

Here convΠkn is the convex-hull of the sub-permutations

Πkn, characterized by the following linear inequalities and

equality [DM58],

X ≥ 0 (5a)

X1≤ 1 (5b)

XT 1≤ 1 (5c)

1T X1 = k, (5d)

where 1 ∈ Rn×1 denotes the vector of all ones.

Proof If X ∈ ΠkN one can verify that (4a) and (4b) hold by

substituting Y = [X ] [X ]T . In the other direction, assume that(4a) and (4b) hold. Then,


X2qr = trY = k = 1T X1 = ∑

qrXqr = ∑

qr|Xqr| ,

that is, ‖[X ]‖2 = ‖[X ]‖1. Combined with 0 ≤ Xqr ≤ 1 thisimplies that Xqr ∈ {0,1}. Since, in addition, X ∈ convΠ


we conclude that X ∈Πkn.

To recap, so far we recasted the QAM problem (1) as theproblem of maximizing a linear cost function (3a) subjectto linear equalities and inequalities, (4a) and (4b), and therank-one constraint (3b).

4.2. SDP relaxation

The next step of our construction is the relaxation of therank-one constraint (3b). We replace Y = [X ] [X ]T with Y �[X ] [X ]T . That is, the constraint that Y − [X ] [X ]T is a positivesemidefinite (PSD) matrix. In turn, we devise the followingoptimization,

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I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching

maxX ,Y

tr (WY ) (6a)

s.t. Y � [X ] [X ]T (6b)

X ∈ convΠkn (6c)

trY = k (6d)

Schur’s complement (see e.g., [BV04]) asserts that Y �[X ] [X ]T can be equivalently realized in semidefinite pro-gramming via the PSD constraint[

Y [X ]

[X ]T 1

]� 0.

By construction (6) is a convex SDP relaxation of theQAM problem (1). In fact, it can be further improved (tight-ened), as we show in Section 4.4. This will be more straight-forward once the relation to other relaxations is clear.

4.3. Relation to spectral and doubly-stochasticrelaxations

Two relaxation approaches to the QAM problem (1) have be-come standard – spectral and doubly-stochastic relaxations(e.g., [ABK14, LH05]). Next, we discuss the close relationof the SDP (6) with these relaxations. In particular, we showthat, in a sense, it is equivalent to their “intersection” andtherefore provably superior to both of them.

The doubly-stochastic approach relaxes the constraint(1b), that X ∈ Π

kn, into its convex-hull X ∈ convΠ

kn. Pro-

vided that W � 0, the problem becomes a convex quadraticprogram [ABK14]. The spectral relaxation replaces X ∈Π

kn with a necessary condition for k sub-permutations that‖X‖2

F = ∑qr X2qr = k. While still not convex, the resulting

problem can be solved by simply taking the top eigenvec-tor of the spectral decomposition of W [LH05]. As we provenext, both these standard relaxations are sub-optimal com-pared to the SDP relaxation (6), as illustrated in Figure 2.

Proposition 2 Both spectral and doubly-stochastic relax-ations for the QAM problem (1) are sub-optimal comparedto the SDP relaxation in (6). In fact, when formulated in thelifted variables, the feasible set of (6) is exactly the intersec-tion of the feasible sets of these relaxations.

To prove this proposition, we first state two lemmas whichprovide a convex characterization of the spectral and doubly-stochastic relaxations. Their proofs can be found in Ap-pendix A.

Consider the spectral relaxation (S), expressed in termsof the lift, and its relaxed counterpart (S′) whereby Y =

[X ] [X ]T is replaced by Y � [X ] [X ]T ,

max trWY

(S) s.t. trY = k

Y = [X ] [X ]T

max trWY

(S′) s.t. trY = k

Y � [X ] [X ]T

Lemma 1 The relaxations (S) and (S′) are equivalent.

Similarly, Consider the doubly-stochastic relaxation(DS), expressed in terms of the lift, and its relaxed coun-terpart (DS′),

max trWY

(DS) s.t. X ∈ convΠkn

Y = [X ] [X ]T

max trWY

(DS′) s.t. X ∈ convΠkn

Y � [X ] [X ]T

Lemma 2 The relaxations (DS) and (DS′) are equivalent.

The proof of Proposition 2 now follows by noticing thatthe feasible set of (6) is the intersection of the feasible setsof (DS′) and (S′). Figure 2 illustrates this intersection (inpurple).

4.4. Tightening the relaxation

Thus far, we have shown that the convex SDP relaxation (6)is as good as both the spectral and doubly-stochastic relax-ations. However, bridging the gap between these two relax-ations in a convex optimization framework enables derivingan even better relaxation.

We propose adding linear equality and inequality con-straints to the SDP relaxation in (6). Any constraints thatare satisfied by the feasible points of the QAM (1) maybe added; namely, constraints which hold for Y = [X ] [X ]T

with X ∈ Πkn. These constraints are guaranteed to improve

(tighten) the relaxation provided that they are not containingthe constraints of (6).

We devise the following convex SDP relaxation to theQAM problem (1), which we denote by QAM-SDP,


tr(WY ) (7a)

s.t. Y � [X ] [X ]T (7b)

X ∈ convΠkn (7c)

trY = k (7d)

Y ≥ 0 (7e)


Yqrst = k2 (7f)

Yqrst ≤

0, if q = s, r 6= t0, if r = t, q 6= smin{Xqr,Xst} , otherwise


Here, the notation Yqrst refers to double indexing of the en-tries of the matrix Y , corresponding to the lift Yqrst = XqrXst .Note that QAM-SDP is a convex relaxation and can beplugged as-is into a semidefinite program (SDP) solver ofchoice. See additional implementation details in Section 7.

It is easy to verify that the additional linear equality andinequality constraints (7e)-(7g) hold for feasible points of

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I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching

the QAM problem (1). Each constraint has an intuitive in-terpretation in terms of permutations. If Y = [X ] [X ]T withX ∈ Π

kn then Y is a binary matrix with k2 ones, which im-

plies (7e) and (7f). To derive (7g), note that since X is apermutation its q’th row has at most one non-zero entry,which entails that Yqrqt = XqrXqt = 0 for r 6= t; a simi-lar argument for columns of X corresponds to the secondcase; otherwise, since X is binary, Yqrst = XqrXst implies thatYqrst ≤min{Xqr,Xst}.

Furthermore, the additional constraints (7e)-(7g) are notimplied by the previous constraints (7b)-(7d). For instance,the latter do not imply that Y is non-negative : suppose n = kand take X to be the n× n constant matrix whose entriesequal 1/n; let u = [1,−1,0, · · · ,0]T and set

Y = [X ][X ]T +n−1

2uuT .

It follows that the pair (X ,Y ) satisfies (7b)-(7d). However,Y12 = 1

n2 − n−12 is negative for n > 1, thus (7e) fails to

hold. As such, these additional constraints are guaranteed tostrictly tighten the QAM relaxation. This is summarized inthe following proposition.

Proposition 3 The feasible set of the QAM-SDP relaxation(7) is strictly contained within the feasible set of relaxation(6). Therefore, it is strictly contained within the intersectionof the feasible sets of the spectral (S′) and doubly-stochastic(DS′) relaxations.

Although this is not captured in full by Proposition 3, inpractice the QAM-SDP relaxation (7) is far superior to thespectral and doubly-stochastic relaxations. As demonstratedin Section 6, the QAM-SDP relaxation often produces opti-mal or near-optimal results, which may be verified by check-ing that Y = [X ] [X ]T .

5. Consistent collection matching

Instead of matching just pairs of shapes, we may consider theproblem of jointly matching a collection of shapes. As weshow next, the QAM-SDP relaxation developed for match-ing pairs can be used to address this problem. Thus yield-ing an algorithm that combines, in a single optimizationframework, a state-of-art pairwise matching algorithm anda global criterion enforcing compatibility between all pair-wise matches.

Now, the input is a collection of m shapes M1, ..,Mm.The goal is to establish a good set of consistent partialmatchings of order k between all pairs of shapes

(Mi,M j


represented by sub-permutations X i j ∈Πkn.

A set of sub-permutations {X i j} ⊂ Πkn is consistent if it

allows coloring a subset of k points in each shape such thatX i j relates points of the same color for any pair of shapesMi and M j, see for example the colored spheres in Fig-ure 1. More formally, consistency allows well-defined la-beling of the points of each shape in the set; inferring la-

bels from one shape to all others via X i j is independent ofthe choice of a reference shape. The notion of consistencyfor permutations and functional maps was suggested and de-fined in [NBCW∗11,HG13,HWG14]. It can be algebraicallyexpressed as the transitivity relation X i jX j` = X i`, for alli, j, `.

5.1. Single-step consistent collection matching

Algorithms for matching a collection of shapes typicallyoperate in two stages: first, matching many or all pairs ofshapes in the collection, and second, combining all pair-wise information by using a global principle, e.g., by im-posing map consistency. Examples include the works of[NBCW∗11,SW12,KLM∗12,HG13,HWG14]. However, al-tering correspondences to achieve global consistency mayoften lead to suboptimal matches.

We propose a single optimization step, in which pairwisematches are optimized in an inherent globally consistentmanner. We formulate the problem of consistent collectionmatching (CCM) as the following global optimization prob-lem,

max{X i j}

∑i, j[X i j]TW i j[X i j] (8a)

s.t. X i j ∈Πkn (8b)

{X i j} are consistent (8c)

where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ m. W i j ∈ Rn2×n2defines a quadratic en-

ergy measuring the gain in matchingMi andM j by a sub-permutation X i j. It aims at establishing correspondences be-tween all pairs of shapes, while respecting a global consis-tency requirement (8c).

5.2. Convex SDP relaxation.

Huang and Guibas [HG13] showed that a necessary and suf-ficient condition for the set {X i j} of permutations is that theblock matrix containing all pairwise permutations,

X =

X11 X12 . . . X1m

X21 X22 . . . X2m


. . ....

Xm1 Xm2 . . . Xmm


satisfies X � 0. We generalize their result to the case whereX comprises sub-permutations {X i j} ⊂ Π

kn. More specifi-

cally, in Appendix C we prove the following proposition.

Proposition 4 Assume that X has sub-permutation blocks,X i j ∈Π

kn. Then {X i j} are consistent if and only if X� 0.

Comparing Proposition 4 to the sample selection ofHuang and Guibas in [HG13] reveals two differences: first,our formulation does not require fixing the subset of k pointsto be matched, for any of the shapes. Rather, this subset

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is chosen automatically. Secondly, the linear constraints intheir Proposition 2 seem unnecessary.

The CCM problem (8) is a generalization of the QAM(1) to the to the setting of collections. We therefore plug-inthe QAM-SDP relaxation (7) into the CCM framework, aswell as replace the consistency constraint (8c) with the PSDconstraint X� 0. This leads to the CCM-SDP, the proposedrelaxation of the CCM problem:

maxX,Y ∑

i, jtr(

W i jY i j)



X i j,Y i j)∈ Ck ∀i < j (10b)

X ii ∈ D∩ convΠkn ∀i (10c)

X� 0 (10d)

where Ck is the set defined by the convex SDP constraints(7b)-(7g), with k indicating the sub-permutation order. X ii isthe mapping of the shapeMi onto itself, and is therefore adiagonal matrix (denoted by D) that is also in convΠ

kn. In-

tuitively, the non-zero values on the diagonal of X ii identifythe subset of k points in shapeMi that are matched. Lastly,Y = {Y i j} is the set of all lifted sub-permutations betweeneach pair of shapesMi andM j.

As demonstrated in Section 6, the CCM-SDP relaxationoften produces optimal or near-optimal results. Optimalitycan be verified by checking that Y i j = [X i j][X i j]T for all i, j.In this case, a consistent set of sub-permutations can be read-ily extracted from Y or X. Appendix D details a projectionscheme onto the space of consistent sub-permutations, ad-dressing cases in which the optimization yields sub-optimalresults.

6. Experimental results

We have experimented with our convex QAM-SDP andCCM-SDP relaxations for matching sets of points withinpairs and collections of shapes originating from synthetic,computer graphics and computational anatomy datasets. Inall cases, the suggested convex relaxations proved to be ex-tremely tight, in the sense that very often they returned thecertified globally optimal solution to these challenging opti-mization problems.

6.1. Synthetic evaluation of QAM-SDP for pairwisematching

We have tested the QAM-SDP relaxation independentlyagainst three relaxations of the QAM problem: the spectraland DS relaxations described above, and a straightforwardSDP relaxation, that we name D-SDP. Following a similarderivation to that of [KSSC03], this relaxation is obtainedby directly computing the dual of the binary QAM problem,which also leads to an SDP.

Each relaxation provides an upper-bound p+ to the op-timal value p∗ of the QAM problem. We project the re-laxed result onto Π

kn using linear-programming over the set

of doubly stochastic matrices. (For the D-SDP method weuse the Lagrangian to extract a corresponding primal solu-tion and then project.) This provides a feasible instance Xof the QAM and therefore a lower bound p− to its optimalvalue. Thus, each method provides bounds on the optimalvalue p− ≤ p∗ ≤ p+.

We measure the quality of each relaxation method bycomputing its relative optimality gap, defined by ∆ = (p+−p−)/p− ≥ 0. This indicates the optimality of a solution X ,and in particular, vanishes for the global optimum of theQAM. We further compare the objective value p− of a pro-jected solution of each of the methods to QAM-SDP viathe objective ratio Γ = p−QAM−SDP/p−. Here, Γ > 1, repre-sented as percentage in the figures, implies that QAM-SDPhas achieved higher (i.e., better) objective value.

Evaluation. We evaluated the matching performance ofeach of the methods over random pairs of shapes, gen-erated as follows. We sampled n = 10 points uniformlyat random on a sphere. We deformed the sphere withan increasing level of noise to create a set of 20 shapesM1,M1,M2, ...,M20, as the inset illustrates. We thencomparedM1 to each of the noiseperturbed shapes. We repeated thisexperiment 100 times, for an over-all of 2000 matching experiments.For this experiment we took k = n,corresponding to the case of opti-mization over (full) permutations.

We have considered two instantiations of the QAM prob-lem (1), that is, choices of W :

1. Graph matching functional [ABK14] – relaxation pre-scribed by

[X ]T W [X ] =−∥∥∥XD1−D2X



where D1,D2 are the Euclidean distance matrices ofeach of the two compared shapes, that is, (D1)qr =∥∥∥p1


∥∥∥2, and similarly for D2. The expression for the

corresponding W is provided for completeness in Ap-pendix B.

2. Isometric matching functional – use Eq. (2) to define theQAM objective. We choose σ to be proportional to thestandard deviation of the absolute values of all the pair-wise differences between entries of D1 and D2.

Note that the first case defines a concave quadratic func-tional, as W � 0, and therefore DS is suitable form of re-laxation in this case. For the isometric matching functional,however, W � 0 thus the DS relaxation cannot be directlyemployed. On the other hand, using the spectral relaxationis natural in this case. Since W is entry-wise non-negative

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20 40 60 800






Optimality Gap [%]

% E





100 120 140 160 180 2000





Objective Ratio [%]

Spectral vs. QAM−SDPD−SDP vs. QAM−SDP

min max0






Noise Level



ity G

ap [%



100 200 300 400 500 600 7000






Optimality Gap [%]


100 110 120 130 140 1500





Objective Ratio [%]

% E





min max0






Noise Level


Figure 3: Evaluation of QAM relaxations for pairwisematching. Left – graph matching functional; Right – iso-metric matching functional. First row – average optimalitygaps as a function of perturbation level. Second and thirdrows – distribution of optimality gaps and objective ratios(for medium noise level).

the Perron-Frobenius theorem [HJ90] guarantees that the en-tries of the top eigenvector are all within the interval [0, 1].In both cases we also applied the D-SDP.

Figure 3 summarizes the results of these experimentswhere the left column shows the first instantiation and theright column the second one. The first row shows the aver-age optimality gaps as a function of deformation level (witheach data point representing 100 experiments).

The second and third rows show statistics of 100 experi-ments performed with medium noise level. The second rowshows the histogram of relative optimality gaps of each ofthe methods and the third shows the histogram of the ob-jective ratios of the D-SDP, spectral and doubly-stochasticrelaxations compared to QAM-SDP. (Values over 100% in-dicate that QAM-SDP achieved higher objective in its so-lution.) These experiments demonstrate that the quality ofthe different relaxations deteriorates as the perturbation levelincreases, while QAM-SDP produces optimal results (nearzero optimality gap). This behaviour persists even at veryhigh levels of noise. The histograms of objective ratios in-dicate that the functional value of the different relaxationmethods is equal or higher than the values produced by theQAM-SDP relaxation.

As an additional experiment, we evaluated the perfor-mance of QAM-SDP with a random objective matrix W , atdifferent problem dimensions n = 2, . . . ,15. W was gener-ated by drawing its entries from normal distribution followed

2 4 6 8 10 12 140





Dimension (n)



ity G

ap [%


0 20 40 60 80 1000






Optimality Gap [%]

% E






Figure 4: Evaluation of QAM relaxations for random objec-tives. Left – average optimality gaps vs. problem size (n).Right – distribution of optimality gaps (for n = 10); the D-SDP optimality gaps are concentrated above 100%, illus-trated by the blowup.

by rank projection via SVD; the rank was drawn uniformlyat random between zero to n. We repeated this experiment100 times for each problem dimension n, for an overall of1400 matching experiments. We evaluated the performanceof QAM-SDP and D-SDP. Figure 4 (left) summarizes theresults of this experiment, showing the average optimalitygaps ∆D−SDP and ∆QAM−SDP as a function of problem size n.In this scenario, as the problem size increases, QAM-SDPdoes not achieve zero optimality gap. Nonetheless, it is sig-nificantly superior to D-SDP. This is also demonstrated inFigure 4 (right), which shows the distribution of optimalitygaps for n = 10.

6.2. Matching pairs of shapes

Evaluating the performance of QAM-SDP in a non-syntheticscenario is not straightforward. Existing evaluation proto-cols for shape matching algorithms assume a complete shapematching pipeline, and are not suitable for independentlyevaluating our proposed relaxation for the QAM problemas formulated in Section 4. We therefore used simple pre-and post-processing components to obtain a basic completeshape matching pipeline.

We have experimented with intra-class pairs of shapestaken from the SHREC dataset [GBP07]. For each shapewe automatically generated a sparse set of candidate points.We followed [KLCF10] by taking the local critical points ofthe approximate average geodesic distance (AGD) function,which typically contain a subset of semantically meaning-ful points. We completed a full set of n candidate points byfarthest point sampling. Both n and k were manually cho-sen. We further associate withMi an approximate geodesicdistance di, approximated by computing Dijkstra’s shortestpath length, normalized by the approximate geodesic diame-ter of the shape. We used the isometric matching functional,Eq. (2), to set W .

Correspondences generated by our approaches for vari-ous pairs of shapes are presented in Figure 5. Note thatthe QAM-SDP requires no initialization nor employs ad-ditional information regarding the shapes except the dis-tances between the feature points. For the majority of

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Figure 5: Quadratic Assignment Matching. Coarse correspondences found using the QAM-SDP relaxation applied to pairs ofshapes of SHREC 2007 database. A simple procedure was used to find candidate feature points. Correspondences computed withQAM-SDP are visualized by colored spheres. Surface colors visualize dense maps induced by these sparse correspondences.

experiments, QAM-SDP achieved an optimal result, assummarized in the histogram of optimality gaps shown

Optimality Gap [%]0 2 4 6 8%






100in the inset. In particular, our pairmatching experiments comprisedover 7000 QAM-SDP optimiza-tions, of which over 90% achievedthe global optimum for the corre-sponding QAM problem.

For completeness, we further followed the evaluation pro-tocol of [KLF11], indicating the quality of dense vertex-vertex correspondences. It computes the percentage of corre-spondences whose deviations from ground-truth correspon-dences fall within a varying threshold. To this end, we usedpost-processing to induce vertex-vertex correspondences be-tween pairs of models: pairs were bijectively mapped us-ing Tutte’s embedding to the unit disc, with the addi-tional requirement that corresponding points are mappedto each other; then, naive vertex-vertex correspondences

Distance Error0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25







% C







were deduced by search-ing nearest-neighbors in theplane. The surface colors inFigure 5 visualize the ob-tained maps, indeed interpo-lating the colors of the corre-spondences. The inset showscomparable results to thosereported by [KLF11] for thesame categories and pairs ofshapes.

6.3. Synthetic evaluation of CCM-SDP for collectionmatching

Evaluation of randomly generated collections. We evalu-ated the performance of the one-stage CCM-SDP algorithmcompared to two-stage algorithms, that first compute thepairwise matchings X i j :Mi↔M j and then project X ontothe space of consistent sub-permutations. We compared tothe projection method of Huang and Guibas [HG13] (HG),as-well as to the heuristic projection (Proj) described in Ap-pendix D. We feed both methods with X i j computed withour QAM-SDP relaxation, which precisely corresponds tothe pairwise matching component in the CCM-SDP algo-rithm.

For each of three overall noise levels, we generated 500sequences of 10 increasingly deforming shapesM1, ...M10,as described in Section 6.1. We matched n = k = 8 points,and used the isometric matching functional, Eq. (2), to setW i j for every pair of shapesMi andM j.

Figure 6 summarizes the results of this experiment. Thetop row shows the distributions of relative optimality gapsand objective values, obtained with HG and Proj relativeto CCM-SDP. The latter presents far lower optimality gapscompared to other methods. In particular, in more than 70%of the experiments CCM-SDP achieved globally optimal re-sults (zero gap). Moreover, in the majority of experimentsthe single-stage CCM-SDP achieved higher objective value(p−) compared to the two-stage methods.

To further demonstrate the advantage of the single-stageCCM-SDP approach we evaluated the quality of the result-

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0 20 40 60Miss Rate [%]

90 95 100 105 110 115 1200





Objective Ratio [%]

HG vs. CCM−SDPProj vs. CCM−SDP

0 1 2 3 4 50





Optimality Gap [%]

% E





0 20 40 600






Miss Rate [%]

% E





0 20 40 60Miss Rate [%]

Figure 6: Evaluation of CCM relaxations for matching col-lections. Top – distribution of optimality gaps and objec-tive ratios (for high noise level). Bottom – miss-rate statis-tics, for three increasing levels of deformation. HG and Projare initialized with pairwise correspondences computed withQAM-SDP.

ing correspondences. For each collection of 10 shapes wecomputed the ratio of correct matchings, over all pairs ofshapesMi andM j, with respect to the ground-truth label-ing of the points. The bottom of Figure 6 shows the percent-age of experiments whose miss-rate (percentage of pointsincorrectly matched) falls within a varying threshold. Eachgraph summarizes 500 experiments conducted on sequencesof increasingly deformed shapes, at three noise levels. Theinsets illustrate the highest noise level of the data corre-sponding to each graph. In these experiments, the CCM-SDP consistently produces lower miss-rates. The single-stepCCM-SDP relaxation has a significant advantage in scenar-ios involving large shape variability. This advantage lessensat low levels of deformation, as HG and Proj are already ini-tialized with very good initial pairwise matchings providedby the QAM-SDP.

Synthetic evaluation of shape collections. We furtherevaluated the performance of the single-step CCM-SDPcompared to two-step approaches on 2 classes of mod-els from the 3D Warehouse (chairs and planes), for whicha sparse set of ground-truth correspondences is available[KLM∗13].

For each class, we randomly select 10 distinct shapesM1, ...M10. We use the feature points provided with thedatasets, 10 points for chairs and 7 for the planes and bikes.We chose n accordingly. In all cases we took n = k. As be-fore, we used the isometric matching functional, Eq. (2), toset W i j for every pair of shapesMi andM j. We repeatedeach experiment 100 times.

Figure 7 summarizes the results of these experiments. Themiss-rate statistics, distribution of optimality gaps and ob-jective ratios are presented for each class, as previously de-



100 105 110 115 120 125 1300




Objective Ratio [%]

HG vs. CCM−SDPProj vs. CCM−SDP

Optimality Gap [%]

0 2 4 6 8 100



Optimality Gap [%]

95 100 105 1100




Objective Ratio [%]

HG vs. CCM−SDPProj vs. CCM−SDP

0 5 10 15 20 25 300







% E




0 20 40 60 80 100Miss Rate [%]





% E




0 20 40 60 80 100Miss Rate [%]

Figure 7: Evaluation of CCM relaxations for matching col-lections of shapes. For each set (chairs, planes) – miss-ratestatistics, distribution of optimality gaps and objective ratios.HG and Proj are initialized with pairwise correspondencescomputed with QAM-SDP. Representative models from setshow the correspondences established by CCM-SDP.

scribed. In addition, for each class a selection of modelsfrom a typical random collection is presented, overlaid withthe correspondences established by CCM-SDP.

These experiments suggest that establishing pairwise cor-respondences in an inherently consistent manner is prefer-able to two-step alternatives. Intuitively, enforcing consis-tency during the optimization of correspondences betweenpairs has an “error-correction” effect: stable correspon-dences (e.g., for similar shapes) propagate throughout thecollection, eventually disambiguating pairs of weaker rela-tions. Therefore, improving robustness to large variationswithin the collection.

6.4. Matching collections of shapes

Matching collections of SHREC models. We employedthe CCM-SDP framework to establish consistent correspon-dences over a few categories of similar models taken fromthe SHREC 2007 dataset [GBP07], each containing about 20models. We followed the procedure described in Section 6.2for generating feature points and setting W i j for every pair ofshapes. Figures 1 and 8 present sparse consistent correspon-dences automatically established using our approach. Notethat our method succeeds in computing high quality consis-tent correspondences over each of the collections, inspite thepresence of significant shape variability.

Matching collections of anatomical models. We used thedataset of [BLSC∗11], comprising 94 surfaces representing

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I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching

Figure 8: Consistent Collection Matching. Consistent sparse correspondences found using the CCM-SDP relaxation applied totwo classes of SHREC 2007 database are visualized by colored spheres. Surface colors visualize induced dense maps.

high-resolution digitizations of teeth. This is a highly chal-lenging dataset that consists of non-isometric models withlarge shape and feature variations. It is of particular interestin this type of anatomical data to identify consistent land-marks across the collection. This problem directly fits intoour CCM framework that is guaranteed to return consistentlylabeled points.

For this application, we used Euclidean distances for theconstruction of the pairwise functionals W i j. To choosecandidate points, we flattened each model by minimizingthe LSCM functional [LPRM02]; we then chose the localminima of the conformal factor, indicating points of max-imal local shrinkage. As suggested in [BLSC∗11], thesepoints demonstrate good correspondence with morphologi-cally salient points. We completed to a full set of n candidatepoints by farthest point sampling.

We employed the CCM-SDP relaxation to collectionsof 20 models selected from the entire dataset. Figure 9shows the consistent correspondences found by our ap-proach. We further used the results to extrapolate densecorrespondence maps. To this end, we registered the flat-tened versions of pairs of models using thin plate splines,aiming to match the correspondences found by CCM-SDP; then, vertex-vertex correspondences are deduced bynearest-neighbor search. The surface colors in Figure 9

0 0.2 0.4 0.60






Distance Error

% C




visualize the obtained maps. Lastly,in the inset we compare our re-sults against ground truth corre-spondences (human-marked land-marks, provided with the dataset).Note that more than 80% of the

Figure 9: Consistent sparse correspondences computed byCCM-SDP on a collection of 20 surfaces from a dataset ofteeth models [BLSC∗11]. Dense maps, visualized by surfacecolor, are inferred from these correspondences.

ground-truth correspondences were found with distance er-ror smaller than 10% of the diameter.

6.5. Collection metric learning

The CCM framework naturally establishes a metric or anaffinity measure on the shape space {Mi}. In this appli-cation we used the CCM-SDP algorithm to automaticallyproduce an affinity measure on the collection of teeth sur-faces studied in the previous section, and employed mani-

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Figure 10: 3D embedding of the collection obtained byapplying diffusion maps to pairwise affinities provided byour CCM-SDP method. The Euclidean coordinates correlatewith biological classification.

fold learning technique in order to embed it into a lower di-mensional Euclidean space. The Euclidean coordinates cor-related nearly perfectly with ground truth biological classifi-cation.

Specifically, the functional of the CCM problem, (8a), isof the form of a sum ∑i j ai j where

ai j = [X i j]TW i j[X i j]

quantifies the affinity between the modelsMi andM j. In-tuitively, a higher ai j value indicates that better correspon-dences were found (with respect to the problem model W i j).

We computed the affinities associated with our CCM-SDPsolution for the teeth models shown in Figure 9. Then, weused diffusion maps [NLCK05] to find a 3D embedding ofthe collection, realizing the diffusion distances. Figure 10 il-lustrates this embedding; the 3D embedded coordinates ofeach of the models are represented by both their spatial lo-cations as well as their RGB colors.

We further validate the results by comparing to groundtruth classification provided with the data [BLSC∗11]. Fig-ure 11 shows the same models, with the same coloring. Theunderlying color textures indicate the ground truth classifi-cation of the collection according to genus.

7. Implementation details and limitations

We implemented the QAM-SDP and CCM-SDP algorithmsin MATLAB, using YALMIP for the modeling of semidefi-nite programs [L04].

The main limitation of the proposed framework is its com-putational scalability. The number of variables in the QAM-SDP and CCM-SDP relaxations are o(n4) and o(m2n4), re-spectively; thus the problem size scales quadratically withthe number of models m and quartically with the dimen-sion of sub-permutations n. Nevertheless, it provides apolynomial-time approach for approximating an NP-hardproblem, which is considered to be large scale for n≥ 16 andgenerally intractable for n≥ 30 [ZKRW98, LdABN∗07].

Figure 11: Comparison to ground truth classification ofgenus. Models are colored by their 3D embedding. Theground truth classes are indicated by the underlying texture.

As of today, interior point methods are the standard ap-proach for solving SDP with high accuracy. Unfortunately,these are second order methods which tend to scale un-favorably with problem size. We therefore used MOSEK[AA99], an interior point solver, for computing the cer-tified global optimum of relaxations with n ≤ 15 withinacceptable times. We have further experimented with afirst order ADMM solver, SCS [OCPB13], for larger prob-lems. Although first order methods scale well with prob-lem size, they are known to only achieve moderate accu-racy within a reasonable number of iterations; we termi-nated this solver after 5000 iterations. Figure 12 presentsQAM-SDP results obtained using ADMM optimizationfor three pairs of shapes taken from the SHREC dataset.

Dimension (n)5 10 15 20 25 30


e [m







The inset shows typical run-timesfor solving pairwise problems ofvarying dimension, optimized us-ing MOSEK or SCS; timings weremeasured on a 2.50GHz Intel Xeon.

8. Concluding remarks

In this paper, we have considered the combinatorial problemof matching given sets of points, modeled as a Quadratic As-signment Matching (QAM) problem. We have presented anovel convex relaxation for this NP-hard problem that buildsupon a rank-one reformulation of the problem in a higher di-mension. The proposed formulation is shown to be a hybridof the standard spectral and doubly-stochastic relaxations. Inparticular, we prove that it is in fact tighter than both.

Our approach is further generalized to the problem ofConsistent Collection Matching (CCM). We introduce a con-vex relaxation which enables establishing consistent corre-spondences over a collection of shapes, in a single optimiza-

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Figure 12: Quadratic Assignment Matching using ADMMfor a larger number of points (20≤ n≤ 30).

tion. This is in contrast to alternative approaches, which firstestimate pairwise correspondences and then enforce globalconsistency in a second step.

Experiments show that these relaxations are extremelytight, often producing guaranteed optimal solution for theQAM and CCM problem, far better than existing ap-proaches. Thus, providing a well performing polynomial-time approximation for a notoriously hard problem. This,however, comes at the cost of a solving an SDP in a higherdimension, which limits the scalability of the approach. Theproperties of the proposed approach, as well as the unifiedconvex perspective is provides, offer a contribution that goesbeyond the practical limitations dictated by current evolvingoptimization technology.

Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by theEuropean Research Council (ERC Starting Grant, grant No.307754 "SurfComp"), the Israel Science Foundation (grantNo. 1284/12 and 1265/14) and the I-CORE program of theIsrael PBC and ISF (Grant No. 4/11). The authors would liketo thank Amit Singer for useful discussions and the anony-mous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.


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A. Convex representation of standard relaxations

Proof of Lemma 1 To prove the equivalence of (S′) and(S) we show that the maximizer of (S′) is smaller or equalto the maximizer of (S). Denote by µ1 the top eigenvalueof W . In turn, note that kµ1 is exactly the optimal objectivevalue of (S). Let u1,u2, ...,un2 and λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ ... ≥ λn2 bethe eigenvectors and eigenvalues of Y . Then,

trWY = ∑`

λ`uT` Wu` ≤ µ1 ∑


λ` = kµ1,

where we used the fact that maxu:‖u‖2=1 uTWu = µ1, andthat ∑` λ` = trY = k. �

Proof of Lemma 2 Since (DS′) is a relaxation of (DS) itis enough to show that the maximizer of (DS′) is smalleror equal to the maximizer of (DS). Indeed, for W � 0,where the (DS) relaxation is well posed, the constraintY − [X ] [X ]T � 0 implies that trWY ≤ trW [X ] [X ]T . �

B. Graph matching functional

Recall that [AXB] =(

BT ⊗A)[X ], where ⊗ is the Kro-

necker product of matrices. Therefore, for a permutation ma-trix X we have

[X ]T W [X ] =−∥∥∥XD1−D2X




W =−(

D1T⊗ I− I⊗D2

)T (D1T⊗ I− I⊗D2


C. Consistency constraint

We prove Proposition 4. We make use of a Schur comple-ment (with a singular block) formulated below for complete-ness (see, e.g., [BV04] , p. 651).

The direction ’⇒’ follows the fact that consistency im-plies that for all i, j, X i1X1 j = X i j and therefore, by con-

struction, X =[X11 X12 . . .X1m

]T [X11 X12 . . .X1m

]� 0.

To prove the other direction ’⇐’ assume that X� 0. First,we observe that its diagonal blocks X`` are diagonal; oth-erwise, since X`` = (X``)T ∈ Π

kn, it has a principal minor[

0 11 0

]in contradiction to X� 0.

Next, we need to show that X i j = X i`X` j for all i, j and`. Without loss of generality, it suffices to show that X i j =X i1X1 j . To this end, we Partition X as follows

X =

[X11 X1,2:m

(X1,2:m)T X2:m,2:m

]� 0, (11)

with the notation

Xq:r,s:t =

Xq,s · · · Xq,t

.... . .

...X r,s · · · X r,t

.Schur’s complement then implies that

X2:m,2:m− (X1,2:m)T (X11)†X1,2:m � 0 (12)

X1,2:m ∈ R(



where (X11)† is the pseudo-inverse of X11, and R(



notes the column space of the matrix X11.

Since X11 is diagonal with {0,1} entries we have(X11)† = X11. Eq. (13) entails that X11X1` = X1`, for ` =2, . . . ,m. Combining these we obtain

(X1`)T (X11)†X1` = (X1`)T X11X1` = (X1`)T X1` = Q`,

for every ` = 2, . . . ,m, where Q` is a diagonal matrix withexactly k ones on its diagonal. For the `’th diagonal block of(12) we have

X``−Q` � 0. (14)

c© 2015 The Author(s)Computer Graphics Forum c© 2015 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Page 14: Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching...I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching Notably, this problem is NP-hard and is considered

I. Kezurer, S.Z. Kovalsky, R. Basri and Y. Lipman / Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching

Since X`` is diagonal as well as in Πkn, it also has exactly k

ones on its diagonal. The only case Eq. (14) can hold is ifX`` = Q`. Thus, the left-hand-side in (12) is a PSD matrixwhose diagonal blocks are all zeros, which implies it mustbe the zero matrix. In turn, (12) and (13) reduce to

X2:m,2:m = (X1,2:m)T X1,2:m,

whose blocks entail that X i j =X i1X1 j for i, j = 2, . . . ,m. Thecase where i = 1 or j = 1 can be easily verified to hold using(13), which completes the proof. �

Lemma 3 (Schur complement with a singular block) Let

X =

[A B


]be a symmetric matrix. Then,

X � 0 ⇐⇒ A� 0 , B ∈ R(A) , C−BT A†B� 0.

D. Projection on the set of consistent sub-permutations.

When the optimization of (10) returns near- or sub-optimalsolution we project the resulting Y onto the space of consis-tent sub-permutations, according to the following procedure:

1. Factorize Y i j – use eigen-decomposition to compute thebest rank-one factorization of Y i j; that is, find

[X i j]


best approximates Y i j ≈[X i j][

X i j]T

. The sign ambigu-

ity in[X i j]

is resolved by majority voting. The diagonal

blocks X ii are taken directly from the optimization out-put. Combine the resulting X i j to form a new matrix X.

2. Factorize X – use eigen-decomposition to compute thebest rank-k factorization of X; that is, find U ∈ Rmn×k

such that X≈UUT . To resolve the ambiguity in this fac-torization, we use the fact that we know that each of then×k blocks of U should reside in Π

kn×k , the set of rectan-

gular n×k sub-permutation matrices of order k. Let U1 bethe k× k matrix obtained by taking the k rows of largestnorm out of the n first rows of U . Then set V =UU−1

1 .3. Project onto sub-permutations – form a matrix V by pro-

jecting each n× k block of V onto Πkn×k. The projection

is done using linear programming. As numerical errorssometimes prevent perfect integer solutions, few steps ofbranch and bound are guaranteed to provide the globallyoptimal integer solution at almost no extra computationaleffort. The final consistent sub-permutations are the n×nblocks of X = VV T .

c© 2015 The Author(s)Computer Graphics Forum c© 2015 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.