tiGer micronutrient enhanced sulPhur · 2017. 1. 12. · tiGer® micronutrient enhanced sulPhur:...

BETTER PRECISION Use the TIGER ® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur Application Rate Guide (backside) to help determine recommended amounts and rates. TIGER ® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur pastilles are of similar size and density as other macronutrient particles. This makes for easy and consistent calibration of application equipment and improved placement accuracy for site specific programs. Traditional Boron Application: Ulexite Tiger Boron 2% is the first-ever combination of boron and sulphur into a homogeneous pastille that contains minimal fillers and 82% total plant nutrients. The uniform pastille provides up to seven times more spatial distribution compared with traditional forms of boron such as Ulexite. Traditional Boron Application: Ulexite IMPROVED SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION The uniform size and shape of TIGER ® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur pastilles dramatically improves spatial distribution. In a typical spread pattern, there are more TIGER ® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur pastilles per square foot versus granules of varying sizes used by other micronutrient manufacturers. More TIGER ® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur pastilles mean more feeding zones for plant roots. More feeding opportunities improve nitrogen fixation, plant metabolism, root strength and yield potential. Tiger Boron 2% increases the amount of boron and sulphur in the soil solution mix for easier absorption by root hairs. This enhances opportunities for improved nitrogen fixation, pollen viability, plant metabolism, root strength & greater yields. Break yield barriers with TIGER ® MICRONUTRIENT ENHANCED SULPHUR TIGER ® MICRONUTRIENT ENHANCED SULPHUR: THE KEY TO UNLOCKING YIELDS Your crops need sulphur. Now you can get sulphur with the added benefit of essential micronutrients with TIGER ® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur products. Successful growers understand extra bushels count. They know sulphur and micronutrient deficiencies prevent higher yields. The challenge is applying the right quantities precisely and then converting them into plant available forms. Innovate | Excel | Perform THE TIGER ® ZONE The nutritional benefits of sulphur are well documented in a wide variety of crops. When soil microbes oxidize sulphur contained in TIGER ® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur, they produce a sulfuric acid zone throughout the growing season. This acid creates a soil solution rich in easily absorbable sulfate forms, minimizing issues with loss or tie-up that can occur with other micronutrient products. These water soluble sulfates disperse more broadly along with the sulphur within the soil solution and reach more roots. TIGER ® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur Products on Potatoes Sulphur and Micronutrient Application Rate (lbs/ac) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 75 150 150 Copper & Fe 150 Mn 150 Zn 150 Zn&Mn 150 Copper, Fe Zn&Mn 300 600 Yield (cwt/ac) Cull US#2 US#1 See how TIGER ® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur products dramatically increased potato yield and quality in the chart above. Source: Dr. Bryan Hopkins, University of Idaho, 2006 Quality Grades www.tigersul.com www.gotboron.com www.bakerbro.com

Transcript of tiGer micronutrient enhanced sulPhur · 2017. 1. 12. · tiGer® micronutrient enhanced sulPhur:...

Page 1: tiGer micronutrient enhanced sulPhur · 2017. 1. 12. · tiGer® micronutrient enhanced sulPhur: the Key to unlocKinG yields Your crops need sulphur. Now you can get sulphur with

Better PrecisionUse the TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur Application Rate Guide (backside) to help determine recommended amounts and rates.

TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur pastilles are of similar size and density as other macronutrient particles.

This makes for easy and consistent calibration of application equipment and improved placement accuracy for site specific programs.

maximize yield potential withinnovative sulphur boron pastilles

Boron is an essential micronutrient that is often at less than optimal levels, even in soils that test adequate. Sulphur, often called the fourth macronutrient, is integral for protein synthesis, chlorophyll transport and nitrogen utilization.

Now full service ag retailers and their customers can get both nutrients together. TIGER® Boron 2% is the first-ever product that combines sulphur and boron in an application- friendly homogeneous pastille for more uniform spatialdistribution of sulphur and boron together. Greater spatial distribution of this unique sulphur and boron combination can lead to increased absorption of boron by root hairs and improved plant health. Also, the new pastille dramaticallyreduces the amount of filler and fines because sulphur is the carrier agent for the boron.

maKinG the Case For boronBoron is essential for nitrogen fixation as it regulates oxygen

in legume nodules. Boron also plays a structural role in cell walldevelopment and maintenance. It is vital for reproductive healthincluding pollen tube growth and pollen germination in all crops.Nutrient uptake is slowed in boron-deficient plants.

Boron deficiency has been described in scientific literatureas “more extensive than deficiency of any other plantmicronutrient.” Even when boron deficiency is recognized,fixing the problem has been challenging. For example, particlesizes of traditional forms of boron are not always uniform.This can result in uneven application in the field because theparticles settle out during mixing, transport and spreading.

The charts below demonstrate the spatial distribution of the Tiger Boron 2% (yellow) compared to a traditional spatial distribution of boron Ulexite particles (blue).

maKinG the Case For sulphurGreater crop yields demand more sulphur. Our once

sulphur-rich soils are rapidly showing sulphur deficiencies with the advent of low-sulphur fuels and reduced sulphur emissions from power plants.

Tiger Boron 2% is the first-ever combination of boron and sulphur into a homogeneous pastille that contains minimal fillers and 82% total plant nutrients. The uniform pastille provides up to seven times more spatial distribution compared with traditional forms of boron such as Ulexite.

Sulphur is an essential component of two amino acidsmethionine and cysteine which are required for protein synthesis,chlorophyll transport, and nitrogen utilization. Applying nitrogenwithout taking the sulphur balance into account can potentiallyreduce yields and lower grain protein content.

a beneFiCial relationship betweensulphur and boron

Many soils, especially sandy, coarse textured soils are borondeficient. Even soils with high organic matter may have a hiddenboron deficiency where the boron forms are not available to theplant due to high soil pH, soil moisture or calcium levels.

Without sulphur, boron applications on high pH soils may be less effective. High pH soils limit boron uptake; however, sulphur creates micro sites of lower pH to enhance the plant’s ability to utilize all micronutrients more efficiently.

Get two in one–tiGer boron 2% FertilizerTiger Boron 2% fertilizer combines high quality sulphur and

boron in a single homogeneous pastille. The pastille is designedand manufactured to blendwith similar sized particles ofmacro nutrients eliminatingopportunities for segregationduring application.

The uniform pastille size ensures more particles per “fieldapplied surface area” even at a lower application rate comparedto Ulexite. Once in the soil, Tiger Boron 2% pastilles swell andfracture in contact with soil moisture for a more controlledrelease of minute sulphur and boron particles.

Ever smaller sulphur particles provide soil bacteria morefeeding opportunities, which offers plants more nutrient and increases uptake of boron, sulphur, and other essential micro and macronutrients. learn more at www.gotboron.com.

Tiger® Sulphur BreakS The Boron Barrier

Traditional Boron Application: Ulexite

Tiger Boron 2% is the first-ever combination of boron and sulphur into a homogeneous pastille that contains minimal fillers and 82% total plant nutrients. The uniform pastille provides up to seven times more spatial distribution compared with traditional forms of boron such as Ulexite.

Traditional Boron Application: Ulexite

Tiger Boron 2% increases the amount of boron and sulphur in thesoil solution mix for easier absorption by root hairs. This enhancesopportunities for improved nitrogen fixation, pollen viability, plantmetabolism, root strength & greater yields.

TIGER is a registered trademark of Tiger-Sul Products Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc. Copyright ©2012 www.gotboron.com

Tiger Boron 2% is the first-ever combination of boron and sulphur into a homogeneous pastille that contains minimal fillers and 82% total plant nutrients. The uniform pastille provides up to seven times more spatial distribution compared with traditional forms of boron such as Ulexite.

maximize yield potential withinnovative sulphur boron pastilles

Boron is an essential micronutrient that is often at less than optimal levels, even in soils that test adequate. Sulphur, often called the fourth macronutrient, is integral for protein synthesis, chlorophyll transport and nitrogen utilization.

Now full service ag retailers and their customers can get both nutrients together. TIGER® Boron 2% is the first-ever product that combines sulphur and boron in an application- friendly homogeneous pastille for more uniform spatialdistribution of sulphur and boron together. Greater spatial distribution of this unique sulphur and boron combination can lead to increased absorption of boron by root hairs and improved plant health. Also, the new pastille dramaticallyreduces the amount of filler and fines because sulphur is the carrier agent for the boron.

maKinG the Case For boronBoron is essential for nitrogen fixation as it regulates oxygen

in legume nodules. Boron also plays a structural role in cell walldevelopment and maintenance. It is vital for reproductive healthincluding pollen tube growth and pollen germination in all crops.Nutrient uptake is slowed in boron-deficient plants.

Boron deficiency has been described in scientific literatureas “more extensive than deficiency of any other plantmicronutrient.” Even when boron deficiency is recognized,fixing the problem has been challenging. For example, particlesizes of traditional forms of boron are not always uniform.This can result in uneven application in the field because theparticles settle out during mixing, transport and spreading.

The charts below demonstrate the spatial distribution of the Tiger Boron 2% (yellow) compared to a traditional spatial distribution of boron Ulexite particles (blue).

maKinG the Case For sulphurGreater crop yields demand more sulphur. Our once

sulphur-rich soils are rapidly showing sulphur deficiencies with the advent of low-sulphur fuels and reduced sulphur emissions from power plants.

Tiger Boron 2% is the first-ever combination of boron and sulphur into a homogeneous pastille that contains minimal fillers and 82% total plant nutrients. The uniform pastille provides up to seven times more spatial distribution compared with traditional forms of boron such as Ulexite.

Sulphur is an essential component of two amino acidsmethionine and cysteine which are required for protein synthesis,chlorophyll transport, and nitrogen utilization. Applying nitrogenwithout taking the sulphur balance into account can potentiallyreduce yields and lower grain protein content.

a beneFiCial relationship betweensulphur and boron

Many soils, especially sandy, coarse textured soils are borondeficient. Even soils with high organic matter may have a hiddenboron deficiency where the boron forms are not available to theplant due to high soil pH, soil moisture or calcium levels.

Without sulphur, boron applications on high pH soils may be less effective. High pH soils limit boron uptake; however, sulphur creates micro sites of lower pH to enhance the plant’s ability to utilize all micronutrients more efficiently.

Get two in one–tiGer boron 2% FertilizerTiger Boron 2% fertilizer combines high quality sulphur and

boron in a single homogeneous pastille. The pastille is designedand manufactured to blendwith similar sized particles ofmacro nutrients eliminatingopportunities for segregationduring application.

The uniform pastille size ensures more particles per “fieldapplied surface area” even at a lower application rate comparedto Ulexite. Once in the soil, Tiger Boron 2% pastilles swell andfracture in contact with soil moisture for a more controlledrelease of minute sulphur and boron particles.

Ever smaller sulphur particles provide soil bacteria morefeeding opportunities, which offers plants more nutrient and increases uptake of boron, sulphur, and other essential micro and macronutrients. learn more at www.gotboron.com.

Tiger® Sulphur BreakS The Boron Barrier

Traditional Boron Application: Ulexite

Tiger Boron 2% is the first-ever combination of boron and sulphur into a homogeneous pastille that contains minimal fillers and 82% total plant nutrients. The uniform pastille provides up to seven times more spatial distribution compared with traditional forms of boron such as Ulexite.

Traditional Boron Application: Ulexite

Tiger Boron 2% increases the amount of boron and sulphur in thesoil solution mix for easier absorption by root hairs. This enhancesopportunities for improved nitrogen fixation, pollen viability, plantmetabolism, root strength & greater yields.

TIGER is a registered trademark of Tiger-Sul Products Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc. Copyright ©2012 www.gotboron.com

imProved sPatial distriButionThe uniform size and shape of TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur pastilles dramatically improves spatial distribution.

In a typical spread pattern, there are more TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur pastilles per square foot versus granules of varying sizes used by other micronutrient manufacturers.

More TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur pastilles mean more feeding zones for plant roots.

More feeding opportunities improve nitrogen fixation, plant metabolism, root strength and yield potential. Tiger Boron 2% increases the amount of boron and sulphur in the soil solution

mix for easier absorption by root hairs. This enhances opportunities for improved nitrogen fixation, pollen viability, plant metabolism, root strength & greater yields.

Break yield barriers with tiGer® micronutrient enhanced sulPhur

tiGer® micronutrient enhanced sulPhur: the Key to unlocKinG yields Your crops need sulphur. Now you can get sulphur with the added benefit of essential micronutrients with TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur products.

Successful growers understand extra bushels count. They know sulphur and micronutrient deficiencies prevent higher yields. The challenge is applying the right quantities precisely and then converting them into plant available forms.

Innovate | Excel | Perform

the tiGer® ZoneThe nutritional benefits of sulphur are well documented in a wide variety of crops.

When soil microbes oxidize sulphur contained in TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur, they produce a sulfuric acid zone throughout the growing season.

This acid creates a soil solution rich in easily absorbable sulfate forms, minimizing issues with loss or tie-up that can occur with other micronutrient products.

These water soluble sulfates disperse more broadly along with the sulphur within the soil solution and reach more roots.

TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur Products on Potatoes

Sulphur and Micronutrient Application Rate (lbs/ac)










00 75 150 150

Copper& Fe




150Copper, Fe


300 600





See how TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur products dramatically increased potato yield and quality in the chart above.

Source: Dr. Bryan Hopkins, University of Idaho, 2006


www.tigersul.com www.gotboron.com www.bakerbro.com

Page 2: tiGer micronutrient enhanced sulPhur · 2017. 1. 12. · tiGer® micronutrient enhanced sulPhur: the Key to unlocKinG yields Your crops need sulphur. Now you can get sulphur with

Zinc required lb/ac 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 TIGER® Zn 18% to apply lb/ac 2.8 5.6 8.3 11.1 13.9 16.7 19.4 22.2 25.0 27.8 30.6 33.3 36.1 38.9 41.7 44.4 47.2 50.0 Sulphur also delivered lb/ac 1.8 3.6 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.3 18.1 19.9 21.7 23.5 25.3 27.1 28.9 30.7 32.5

TIGER® Zn 4% to apply lb/ac 12.5 25 37.5 50 62.5 75 87.5 100 112.5 125 Sulphur also delivered lb/ac 10.5 21 31.5 42 52.5 63 73.5 84 94.5 105

Boron required lb/ac 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 TIGER® B 2% lb/ac to apply 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 75.0 100.0Sulphur also delivered lb/ac 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 60.0 80.0

manganese required lb/ac 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00TIGER® Mn 15% to apply lb/ac 1.7 3.3 5.0 6.7 8.3 10.0 11.7 13.3 15.0 16.7 18.3 20.0 21.7 23.3 25.0 26.7 28.3 30.0 31.7 33.3Sulphur also delivered lb/ac 1.1 2.1 3.2 4.2 5.3 6.3 7.4 8.4 9.5 10.5 11.6 12.6 13.7 14.7 15.8 16.8 17.9 18.9 20.0 21.0

copper required lb/ac 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 TIGER® Cu 12% to apply lb/ac 2.1 4.2 6.3 8.3 10.4 12.5 14.6 16.7 18.8 20.8 22.9 25.0 27.1 29.2 31.3 33.3 35.4 37.5 39.6 41.7 Sulphur also delivered lb/ac 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 21.0 22.5 24.0 25.5 27.0 28.5 30.0

TIGER® Cu 7% to apply lb/ac 3.6 7.1 10.7 14.3 17.9 21.4 25.0 28.6 32.1 35.7 39.3 42.9 46.4 50.0 Sulphur also delivered lb/ac 2.9 5.7 8.6 11.4 14.3 17.1 20.0 22.9 25.7 28.6 31.4 34.3 37.1 40.0

iron required lb/ac 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 TIGER® Fe 22% to apply lb/ac 2.3 4.5 6.8 9.1 11.4 13.6 15.9 18.2 20.5 22.7 25.0 27.3 29.5 31.8 34.1 36.4 38.6 40.9 43.2 45.5 Sulphur also delivered lb/ac 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.0 6.3 7.5 8.8 10.0 11.3 12.5 13.8 15.0 16.3 17.5 18.8 20.0 21.3 22.5 23.8 25.0













Tiger-Sul Products (Canada) Co.6444 42nd Street SE Calgary, Alberta Canada T2C 2V11-877-299-3399403-279-2616 Phone Direct

contact information

Tiger-Sul Products LLC.25 Byrne Drive, P.O. Box 5, Hwy 31 West Industrial ParkAtmore, Alabama USA 36504251-202-3850 Phone Direct

Corporate Headquarters 2 Corporate Drive, Suite 545 Shelton, CT 06484, USA 203-682-9200 (phone)

www.tigersul.com www.gotboron.com Copyright © 2013 TS0051112



tiGer® micronutrient enhanced sulPhur aPPlication rate Guide Use this rate guide to determine the pounds per acre of TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur you should apply based on the pounds per acre of raw micronutrients your crop requires. dark Blue indicates the pounds per acre of raw micronutrient required for various crops.

orange indicates the pounds per acre of TIGER® Micronutrient Enhanced Sulphur that are needed to achieve the pounds per acre of raw micronutrients required. yellow indicates the pounds per acre of nutritional sulphur that your crop will receive.

contact us for custom formulated crop mixes.