Tianjin Soright Technology Product Catalogue

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Transcript of Tianjin Soright Technology Product Catalogue

  • 7/23/2019 Tianjin Soright Technology Product Catalogue


    Tianjin Soright Technology & Development Co.Ltd www.soright-tech.com http://soright.en.alibaba.com

    sorighttechgmail.com sorightcnhotmail.com Cell:!"#-$%!'$"!% Tel:!"#-!-%()"(# S*ype:deliahao

    Product Catalogue

    Item Product Specification or Usage Picture of products

    1Subsurface sucker rod

    pump and fittings

    Standard: API 11AX

    Specification: 28~108,

    !pe: ubing pump, "od pump, Specia# pump

    $omponent: p#unger, barre#, %a#%e and fittings

    2 Sucker rod

    Standard: API 11&

    Specification:1',1(,22,2),28*rade: $,+,,+,-

    !pe: API con%entiona# sucker rod, $orrosion

    resistant sucker rod, ."P sucker rod, Po#is/ed

    sucker rod, -o##o sucker rod, pon! rod etc

    Po#is/ed rod

    Standard: API 11&

    Specification: 22, 2) 28, 2, 8

    3sage: connected it/ pumping unit and sucker

    rod, e##/ead sea#ing

    $/aracter: 415 a specia# sucker rod

    425/ig/er strengt/, /ig/er stee# grade

    t/an sucker rod

  • 7/23/2019 Tianjin Soright Technology Product Catalogue


    Tianjin Soright Technology & Development Co.Ltd www.soright-tech.com http://soright.en.alibaba.com

    sorighttechgmail.com sorightcnhotmail.com Cell:!"#-$%!'$"!% Tel:!"#-!-%()"(# S*ype:deliahao


    Stuffing bo7

    4+oub#e packed

    stuffing bo7 is in


    Specification: 1198 to 1192

    3sed for sea#ing 28, 2, 8 po#is/ed rod

    $/aracter: ;orking terperature is

  • 7/23/2019 Tianjin Soright Technology Product Catalogue


    Tianjin Soright Technology & Development Co.Ltd www.soright-tech.com http://soright.en.alibaba.com

    sorighttechgmail.com sorightcnhotmail.com Cell:!"#-$%!'$"!% Tel:!"#-!-%()"(# S*ype:deliahao

    > ubing crosso%er

    Standard: API )$

    Specification: 1( to 6192

    Stee# grade: )), ?)), @80, 80, P110

    /read t!pe: B3B, 3B

    8 Pup Coint

    Standard: API )$

    Specification: 1( to 198

    !pe: tubing pup Coint, casing pup Coint

    Stee# grade: )), ?)), @80, 80, P110

    ( $oup#ing

    Standard: API )$

    Specification: 1( to 198

    !pe: tubing coup#ing, casing coup#ing

    Stee# grade: )), ?)), @80, 80, P110

    10 /read protector

    Specification: 298 to 20

    Dateria#: p#astic stee#

    3sage: for tubing,casing,dri## pipe

    t/read protection

  • 7/23/2019 Tianjin Soright Technology Product Catalogue


    Tianjin Soright Technology & Development Co.Ltd www.soright-tech.com http://soright.en.alibaba.com

    sorighttechgmail.com sorightcnhotmail.com Cell:!"#-$%!'$"!% Tel:!"#-!-%()"(# S*ype:deliahao

    11-ig/ pressure pipe


    Specification: 1( to 6192

    /read t!pe: B3B, 3B, P

    Pressure rate: '00000psi

    !pe: ee, B#bo, -ammer union

    12ubing anc/or for P$


    Standard: API )$

    Specification: 298 to 6192

    $onnecting t/read t!pe: 3B, B3B

    $/aracter: anc/oring t/e tubing string on t/e a##

    of casing, eas! re#ease

    1 Screen pipe

    Standard: API )$

    Specification: 1( to 20

    Stee# grade: ?)), )), 80, P110

    !pe: Perforated screen pipe, S#otted screen pipe

    3sage: sand contro#

    16 .#oat s/oe and co##ar

    Specification: 6192 to 20

    App#! to difference siEes of casing

    $/aracter: /ig/ temperature resistance

    good #eakproofness

    good dri##abi#it!

  • 7/23/2019 Tianjin Soright Technology Product Catalogue


    Tianjin Soright Technology & Development Co.Ltd www.soright-tech.com http://soright.en.alibaba.com

    sorighttechgmail.com sorightcnhotmail.com Cell:!"#-$%!'$"!% Tel:!"#-!-%()"(# S*ype:deliahao

    1) X mas tree

    Standard: API 'A

    $omponent: tubing /ead, tubing /anger, f#ange,

    %a#%e, etc

    3sage: e##/ead pressure contro#, o#i or gas f#o

    rate adCustment

    !pe: sing#eing, dua#ing

    1' $asing centra#iEer

    Standard: API 10+

    Specification: 6 to 20

    p!e: Sing#e bo spring centra#iEer

    +ua# bo spring centra#iEer

    Spira# ro##ing rigid centra#iEer

    Straig/t ro##ing rigid centra#iEer

    1> Sucker rod centra#iEer

    Specification: 96, >98, 1F

    Structure: coup#ing, centra#iEer s#ee%e, sub

    3sage: Set uprig/t t/e sucker rod

    Protect t/e sucker rod iping it/ tubing

    18 ubing

    Standard: API )$

    Specification: 1( to 6192F

    /read: B3B, 3B

    Stee# grade: )), ?)), @80, 80, P110

  • 7/23/2019 Tianjin Soright Technology Product Catalogue


    Tianjin Soright Technology & Development Co.Ltd www.soright-tech.com http://soright.en.alibaba.com

    sorighttechgmail.com sorightcnhotmail.com Cell:!"#-$%!'$"!% Tel:!"#-!-%()"(# S*ype:deliahao

    1( $asing

    Standard: API )$

    Specification: 6192 to 20

    /read: S$, @$, &$

    Stee# grade: )), ?)), @80, 80, P110

    20 /read grease

    $ertification: IS=

    3sage: for tubing9casing #ubrication and sea#ing

    $/aracter: onto7ic



    meta# packer

    Standard: API

    Specification: 2>98, 6192$/aracter: designed for t/erma# production oi#

    e##, good performance of sea# and compensation,

    eas! operation and maintain

    ;orking temperature: >0

    22 $ompensation pipe

    Standard: API

    Specification: 6192

    $/aracter: designed for t/erma# production oi#

    e##, good performance of sea# and compensation

    ;orking termperature: )0

    ;orking pressure: 1>Dpa

    $ompensation distance: 6)m

  • 7/23/2019 Tianjin Soright Technology Product Catalogue


    Tianjin Soright Technology & Development Co.Ltd www.soright-tech.com http://soright.en.alibaba.com

    sorighttechgmail.com sorightcnhotmail.com Cell:!"#-$%!'$"!% Tel:!"#-!-%()"(# S*ype:deliahao

    2/e e#ectric /eating


    Standard: API

    $omponent: sucker rod, e#ectric cab#e, poer

    supp#! unit, fittings

    Da7 /eating dept/: 1800m

    .unction: /eat t/e crude oi#

    reduce t/e oi# %iscosit!

    impro%e oi# f#o abi#it!

    +lease contact ,s i yo, have any ,estion or in,iry



    Company: Tianjin Soright Technology & Development Co., Ltd

    Add: No.1,!nit", the #e$t of %angming 'oad, Dagang (ilfield, Tianjin,


    #e)$ite: -http:**+++.$orighttech.com


    Contact per$on 3mail addre$$ 4o)ile No.

    4r$ 5ao6Delia7 $orighttech8gmail.com or $orightcn8hotmail.com -1/""21-/"