TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on...

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Transcript of TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on...

Page 1: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the

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TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election

Page 2: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the


About Election 2019



Page 3: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the





Page 4: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the


About Tourism in B.C. TourismisacriticalsectorwithinBC’seconomy.In2017(thelateststatisticsavailable),thetourismindustrygenerated$18.3billioninrevenue,anincreaseof8.4%over2016.Inaddition,tourismcontributedsome$9billiontoprovincialGDPandemployedupwardsof133,000peoplein19,000+businesses.



Page 5: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the



1. Attendororganizeanall-candidatesdebate2. Invitecandidatestoaneventyouarehostingortovisityourbusiness3. Writealettertoyourcandidateswithyourideas4. Callintoradiotalkshowstoexpressyourviewsorquestionacandidateontourism

relatedmatters5. Becomeaspokespersononbehalfofyoursector/businessandmakeyourself

availabletomediatodiscussvarioustourismissues6. Informcandidatesaboutwhatyourbusinessororganizationbringstothe


To Get Started…

- FindyourcandidatesthroughElectionsCanadaatelectionscanada.ca- GetthefactsontheimpactoftourisminBritishColumbiathroughwww.tiabc.ca,

www.destinationbc.caorgo2HR.ca- Findouthowmanytourismjobsareinyourriding- SeewhatthepartieshavetosayaboutBritishColumbia’svisitoreconomy- Compilealistofquestionstoaskcandidatesaboutthetourismindustry- SeewhatTIABCmembersaresayingabouttourismthroughwww.tiabc.ca- Use#BCTourismMattersonTwitterandFacebooktoshowthattourismmatters

How to Engage With Your Local Candidates

Page 6: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the


Tourism Priorities & Questions for Candidates


1. Isyourgovernmentwillingtostreamlinethevisaapplicationprocessforlow-riskcountries?

2. Howcanyourgovernmentensurethatthenewbiometricrequirementsdonothampertourismgrowth?

3. Willyourgovernmentlooktoexpandpre-clearanceoptionsatborderpointsacrossthecountry,andensurethatadequateCATSAinvestmentsaremadetomeetservicelevels?

4. HowwillyourgovernmenthelptheProvincedevelopitstransportationinfrastructure(e.g.airports,highways,ferries)toensuresafe,cost-efficientandconvenientaccesstoallregions,andtohelpmeetthegrowingexpectationsanddemandofresidents,visitorsandtourismoperators?


1. Whatwillyourgovernmentdotoensurethatadventuretourismbusinesses(and


2. Whatwillyourgovernmentdotoensurethatadventuretourismbusinessesaredirectlyinvolvedinbringinginnovativerecoverysolutionstothetable?


1. Willyourgovernmentconsiderre-classifyingcampgroundsasactivebusinessessotheycanqualifyforthesmallbusinesstaxdeduction?

2. Whatassurancescanyourgovernmentprovidetocampgroundownersthatallowthemtoretaintheirlongstandingstatusasactivebusinesses?

Page 7: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the


Tourism Priorities & Questions for Candidates


1. Howwillyourgovernmentimprovetheconsultationprocesstoincludethe

recreationalfishingcommunityinmajordecisionsconcerningconservation?2. Howwillyourgovernmentaddresstheurgencyregardinghabitatprotection,

restoration,improvedstockassessment,andpredatorcontrolconcerns?3. Doyoubelievethattoprotectwildsalmonstockswemustmovetowardaclosed



1. WillyourgovernmentcommittoraisingDestinationCanada’sbasefundinglevelfrom$95millionto$135millionannuallyinorderforCanadatoremaincompetitive,andtocontinuedrivingeconomicresults?

2. WhatwillyourgovernmentdotohelpdevelopandsupportBritishColumbia’sfestivals,events,naturalandhistoricsitestoattractmorevisitorstotheprovince?

3. Whatwillyourgovernmentdotoencouragefurthertourismproductdevelopment(particularlyIndigenousTourism)toensurenew,export-readyexperiencesforvisitorstoallregionsofthecountry?


1. WouldyourgovernmentconsiderremovingGSTontourismproductssoldabroad

tointernationalvisitors?2. Howwouldyourgovernmentreducethesizeablecostsattributedtofees,levies


Page 8: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the


Tourism Priorities & Questions for Candidates


1. WouldyourgovernmentconsidermodernizingtaxlawstocollectGSTandotherrequisitetaxes(e.g.corporateincometax)fromvacationrentalplatformsandhomeownersthatoffershort-termvacationrentalstovisitors?


1. HowwouldyourgovernmentsupportandbuildtourismintooneofCanada’sleadingandsustainableindustries,andelevateitspriorityamongstotherbusinesssectorsvis-à-visinvestmentandpolicy?


1. Whatplandoesyourpartyhavetoreducetherisksassociatedwithman-mademarinecatastrophes?

2. Whatstepswillyourgovernmenttaketopreventhazardouscargospillsandtoenhancecoordinationofspillresponsebetweenfederalandprovincialagencies?

3. Howwillyourgovernmentensurethelong-termsustainabilityofBritishColumbia’s‘super-natural’forests,mountains,landsandwaterways?


1. Wouldyourgovernmentconsiderindustry’slabourneedasthemaindeterminertoaccessallimmigrationstreams,regardlessofskilllevel?

2. Wouldyourgovernmentconsidera‘seasonaltourismworkersprogram’toaddresstheneedforemployeesinthetourismsector?

Page 9: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the


Short-term Vacation Rentals (STVRs)

TIABC believes that operators of short-term vacation rentals should pay corporate income tax, as well as remit GST to the federal government, as do operators of other commercial accommodation providers.

Funding for Destination Canada TIABC believes the need for increased funding for Destination Canada is paramount to maintain industry momentum, remain competitive in the international marketplace, and to ensure long-term funding security for tourism marketing.

Campground Assessments TIABC believes that government should reconsider its assessment of campgrounds as specified investment businesses and instead reclassify campgrounds as active businesses so as to allow these legitimate tourism businesses to qualify for the small business tax deduction.

Pre-clearance TIABC believes that the Government of Canada should implement measures and systems that allow seamless and efficient movement of people and goods across the border with the United States.

TIABC Policy Positions (top-line overview)

Labour TIABC is urging government to consider a Seasonal Tourism Workers Program similar to the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program that allows for exemptions to the TFWP under certain terms and conditions, to help address labour shortages throughout British Columbia.

Page 10: TIABC’s Guide to the 2019 Federal Election · 2 About Election 2019 Canadians go to the polls on October 21st, 2019 to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent them in the



Fishing TIABC maintains that the sport fishery be recognized, consulted and supported by all levels of government in the context of proposed regulation changes that impact recreational fishing operators.

Species at Risk TIABC recognizes the need for suitable caribou habitat and supports ensuring those habitats retain their value for caribou recovery. At the same time the approach taken to recover caribou populations must make make sense for recovery outcomes vis-à-vis ROI.

TIABC Policy Positions (top-line overview)

200 – 948 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1N9 www.tiabc.ca


Alroy Chan, TIABC Chair [email protected] Walt Judas, TIABC CEO [email protected] Laura Plant, TIABC Communications Manager [email protected]