Thy Kingdom Come - Spring 2011

Welcome to Seminary Education By Prof. Jeffrey H. Pulse Y ears ago, in my childhood, I remember the day when I discovered my father’s watch laying on the table. Being the curious sort, I wondered what exactly made this watch tick. Simply wondering would not suffice—I took the watch apart. Piece by piece I dismantled the watch until I had a rather fascinating array of little wheels, cogs, springs and tiny screws. It was all very interesting to my young mind and I did learn much about the inner workings of a watch, however, I had absolutely no idea how to reassemble the pile of pieces. All the pieces of the watch were present—every piece proved to be an integral part for the watch to work—but a pile of pieces does not a watch make. Unassembled, the watch was interesting from a mechanical point of view, yet totally useless from a practical standpoint. Welcome to seminary education! The seminary is a place where the mechanism, that is theology, history, biblical languages and doctrine, is taken apart to see what makes it tick. From the parsing of verbs to the proper distinction of Law and Gospel to the historical realities of the Reformation, the “Theological Timepiece” is taken apart one piece at a time. Each part is examined under the microscope of Lutheranism—each part is turned this way and then that in order to observe it from every angle—what makes this stuff tick. What then? If we were to leave it at that we would be left with no more than a pile of interesting pieces that, in and of themselves, are completely useless. An imperfect verb with a genitive ending means continued on next page A Newsletter for Collegiate Men Interested in the Holy Ministry. Thy Kingdom Come Spring 2011 The seminary is a place where the mechanism, that is theology, history, biblical languages and doctrine, is taken apart to see what makes it tick. IN THIS ISSUE: Welcome to Seminary Education Mountain Tops in Valleys Below Christ Academy 2011 June 19–July 2


A Newsletter for Collegiate Men Interested in the Holy Ministry

Transcript of Thy Kingdom Come - Spring 2011

Page 1: Thy Kingdom Come - Spring 2011

WelcometoSeminary Education

By Prof. Jeffrey H. Pulse

Years ago, in my childhood, I rememberthe day when I discovered my father’swatch laying on the table. Being the

curious sort, I wondered what exactly madethis watch tick. Simply wondering would notsuffice—I took the watch apart. Piece by pieceI dismantled the watch until I had a ratherfascinating array of little wheels, cogs, springsand tiny screws. It was all very interesting tomy young mind and I did learn much about theinner workings of a watch,however, I had absolutely noidea how to reassemble thepile of pieces.

All the pieces of the watchwere present—every pieceproved to be an integral partfor the watch to work—but apile of pieces does not a watchmake. Unassembled, the watchwas interesting from amechanical point of view, yettotally useless from a practical

standpoint.Welcome to seminary education! The

seminary is a place where the mechanism, thatis theology, history, biblical languages anddoctrine, is taken apart to see what makes ittick. From the parsing of verbs to the properdistinction of Law and Gospel to the historicalrealities of the Reformation, the “TheologicalTimepiece” is taken apart one piece at a time.Each part is examined under the microscope of

Lutheranism—each part isturned this way and then thatin order to observe it fromevery angle—what makes thisstuff tick. What then?

If we were to leave it atthat we would be left with nomore than a pile of interestingpieces that, in and ofthemselves, are completelyuseless. An imperfect verbwith a genitive ending means

continued on next page

A Newsletter for Collegiate Men Interested in the Holy Ministry.


Spring 2011

The seminary is a placewhere the mechanism,

that is theology,history, biblicallanguages and

doctrine, is taken apartto see whatmakes it tick.

IN THISISSUE:Welcome toSeminary Education

Mountain Tops inValleys Below

Christ Academy 2011June 19–July 2

Page 2: Thy Kingdom Come - Spring 2011


Rev. Andrew YeagerEditor

[email protected]

Jayne SheaferManaging Editor

[email protected]

Trudy BehningCopy Editor

Colleen BartzschGraphic Designer

Thy Kingdom Come is publishedby Concordia Theological

Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana.No portion of this publication maybe reproduced without the written

consent of the editor.Copyright 2011.

If you wish to be added to ourmailing list or know of someone

who would be a good candidate forthe Holy Ministry, please contact:

Rev. Thomas ZimmermanConcordia Theological Seminary

6600 N. Clinton StreetFort Wayne, IN 46825

(800) 481-2155

The Admission Staff at ConcordiaTheological Seminary is here to

serve you and answer anyquestions you may have about

becoming a pastor or deaconess.You may contact us via telephone,

web or e-mail at the followingaddresses:

Concordia Theological Seminary(800) 481-2155

Rev. Timothy PulsVice President of Church Relations

and [email protected]

Rev. Steven WagnerAdmission Counselor

[email protected]

Rev. Andrew YeagerAdmission Counselor

[email protected]

Rev. Thomas ZimmermanDirector of Admission

[email protected]

A pile of pieces maybe interesting in anacademic way, butthe properlyassembled, theWord of God, thefunctioningtheology of theChurch and asteadfastconfession are thegreat blessing fromGod, through HisSon, empoweredby the Holy Spirit.

continued from front page


nothing apart from the verse, the text, thenarrative from which it has been extracted. Ahistorical date means very little without thecontext of situation and culture, not tomention what precedes and what follows.Law and Gospel separated from one anotherdo not function in the way in which they areintended. Nothing but a pile of interestingpieces, facts and figures, which do not atheology make.

All of the bits and pieces, facts andfigures, times and dates, demand to bereassembled that the message of God’s Wordmight clearly resound throughout the Church.Welcome to seminary education! While thereis much to be learned by disassembling, thereis even more to be learned from thereconstruction. When all the words areformed into the biblical narrative, thebeautiful Gospel message rings out. When allthe times and dates are taken in context,

God’s work and control in history amazes.When all the doctrines are unified into theirproper places, the fabric of our confessionholds fast in the face of any attack.

Taken together, all these disciplinesprovide the framework for the ministry of theChurch and her confession. A pile of piecesmay be interesting in an academic way, butthe properly assembled, the Word of God, thefunctioning theology of the Church and asteadfast confession are the great blessingfrom God, through His Son, empowered bythe Holy Spirit. Welcome to seminaryeducation!

Prof. Jeffrey H. Pulseserves as an AssociateProfessor of ExegeticalTheology at ConcordiaTheological Seminary,Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Page 3: Thy Kingdom Come - Spring 2011

Moses Meets with the LORD

The Transfiguration of Jesus

Satan Tempts Jesus upon a High Mountain

Jared S. DeBlieck is a first-yearseminarian at Concordia TheologicalSeminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Mountain TopsValleys Below

By Seminarian Jared S. DeBlieck



Page 4: Thy Kingdom Come - Spring 2011

ChristAcademy is a two-week residential program for high-school-aged men of The LutheranChurch—Missouri Synod (LCMS). It is a place where students come to study about Christwho is present in His Word and Sacraments, who died that our sins may be forgiven. While

students experience the life of the seminary, Christ Academy offers these men the opportunity toexplore the possibility of some day becoming a pastor.

Worship: The Centerof the ExperienceStudents are immersed in thedaily prayer life of theseminary. The four daily officesare prayed by professors andstudents alike.

“The worship is what makes mewant to be here five years fromnow.”

“The chapel was beautiful, theliturgy full of life. I really enjoyedsinging as a choir.”

“I have been reminded again andagain how great a sinner I am,but how much greater a Saviorthat Christ is for me.”

Exploring the HolyMinistryThrough a uniquely Lutheranlens, Christ Academy exploresthe many facets of pastoralministry and its application inthe world.

“I would encourage teenagefriends to come, especially if theyare thinking about being pastors.Even if they aren’t, CA is a greatway to learn more aboutLutheran theology and the role ofa pastor.”

“My life is changed because ofChrist Academy. There is nodoubt in my mind that I willattend this seminary.”

Life-Changing StudiesChrist Academy, like ConcordiaTheological Seminary, iscentered on Christ crucifiedwho dwells in His Churchthrough the Means of Grace.Students of Christ Academywill study Exegetical,Systematic, Historical andPractical Theology. The classesare taught by professors fromCTS and professors from ourConcordia University System.

“The classes were fascinating andengaging. The professors madetheology clear and the subjectstaught were all interesting.”

Fun ActivitiesLifelong friendships are made atChrist Academy. Through dormlife and activities such as tripsto Cedar Point and TinCapsbaseball games, flag football,capture the flag and more,students have time forfellowship with others whohave similar goals andaspirations in life.

“I was most influenced by thepresence of my confessionalMissouri Synod Lutheranbrothers.”

“I felt unified with my brothersin mind, spirit and song.”

Join us for Christ Academy:


Page 5: Thy Kingdom Come - Spring 2011

Frequently Asked QuestionsWhere will I stay during ChristAcademy?You will stay in dormitory rooms on theseminary campus, two guys per room.Each room has two closets, two chairs andtwo beds. Bedding and towels will beprovided.

Who attends Christ Academy?LCMS high-school-aged men who areinterested in learning about theology andare open to the possibility of preparing forthe Holy Ministry. Admission iscompetitive, based on seniority, ability toparticipate in the Academy for the two fullweeks and short admission essays.

What will I study at ChristAcademy?This year our professors will lecture onsuch topics as: Theology of the Cross,Proper Distinction Between Law andGospel, the Economy of Salvation, Ethicsat the Beginning and End of Life andCatechetics. In addition, professors willhost fireside chats which are an invitingdiscourse on a range of topics in a moreinformal setting.

Do I need books forChrist Academy?Some books will be required.A list will be sent to you whenyou are accepted into theAcademy. All of the bookswill be available in ourbookstore upon arrival. One ofthe following translations ofthe Bible will be required:ESV, KJV, NKJV, RSV, NAS,NIV.

Will there be musicalopportunities?Students will sing in theAcademy choir whichserves at special worshipservices during theAcademy. Students whoplay brass instrumentsmay bring them toparticipate in worhsipservices.

Top 10 Reasons to Come to Christ Academy:1. Worship in Kramer Chapel2. Knowledgeable professors

3. Fellowship with peers4. Capture the Flag5. The food is great

6. Cedar Point7. Games

8. Chanting9. Learning the LSB

10. Evening activities and events

What about sports?There will be opportunities for basketball,soccer and other sports depending upon thecollective interest of the students.Academy-wide games take place in theevenings.

What role does worship play atChrist Academy?A very central role! Daily word and prayerservices such as Matins, Vespers andCompline as well as Holy Communion areoffered each week. Students also help leadworship by participating in the Academychoir.

Might I arrive early or spend anextra night?Yes.

How much will thiscost?$500 covers tuition,room, board andactivity fees. Inaddition, spendingmoney will be neededfor books, some snacksand optional activities.

For more information aboutChrist Academy, please call us at:

1-800-481-2155You can also find informationat the seminary’s Web e-mail:[email protected]

June 19–July 2, 2011


Page 6: Thy Kingdom Come - Spring 2011

For more information please call:

[email protected]

What isChrist Academy:A two week retreat atConcordia TheologicalSeminary, Fort Wayne,Indiana.

Who is ChristAcademy for:High-school-aged youngmen of The LutheranChurch–Missouri Synodwho are (or should be)considering becomingpastors. It is open to thosewho have completed theirfreshman year throughthose who have completedtheir senior year.

What does it cost:$500 is all inclusive(housing, meals, ChristAcademy polo shirt,admission to an amusementpark and other events, etc.)Limited financial aid maybe available at therecommendation of yourpastor.

How do I get there:Please arrange your owntransportation to and fromChrist Academy. We canoffer suggestions forplanning air or rail travel,airport shuttles, carpooling,directions and the like.

June 19–July 2, 2011

Please type or print in ink all information. The form must be completed in every detail.Answer “N/A”for all items that do not apply to you.

You may also download an application online at

Personal Information

Name ________________________________________________________________________________First Middle Last

Permanent Address ____________________________________________________________________Street, Route, Box #

City ________________________________________________ State _______ Zip__________________Phone ( _____ ) _______ – __________ E-mail Address________________________________________

Date of Birth ____ / ____ / _____ Year of High School Graduation_________________

T-Shirt Size__________ Musical Experience ________________________________________________

Do you play an instrument?______ If yes, what instrument(s)? __________________________________

Church Membership Information

Home Congregation ____________________________________________________________________

Church Address ______________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________ State _______ Zip__________________

Church Phone ( _____ ) _______ – __________ Year of Baptism__________________

Year of Confirmation___________________ Years as LCMS Member____________

Pastor’s Name ____________________________________ LCMS District ________________________

“I, (Pastor):________________________________________________, give my recommendation and

approval for (Student):________________________________________ to attend the Christ Academy at

Concordia Theological Seminary. He has shown interest in the Academy and in learning more about

theology and the Holy Ministry.”

Signed: Rev.______________________________________________ Date _______/_______/_______

On a separate sheet of paper, please answer the following questions:(Please mail with application.)1. What does the Gospel mean to you?2. How does the Holy Spirit work in your life?3. Why do you seek to attend Christ Academy?

Please return this form to:Christ Academy RegistrationConcordia Theological Seminary6600 North Clinton StreetFort Wayne, Indiana 46825-4996�