Thursday, 1/2/14

Thursday, 1/2/14 POD – AP European History 1. Bluebook Review 2. Questions review JOURNAL ENTRY 4-3 none HOMEWORK: Prepare for: 3. Bluebook (tomorrow; snow day is Monday) 4. Superquiz (on Tuesday) 5. SNOW!


Thursday, 1/2/14. POD – AP European History Bluebook Review Questions review JOURNAL ENTRY 4-3 none HOMEWORK: Prepare for: Bluebook (tomorrow; snow day is Monday) Superquiz (on Tuesday) SNOW!. Friday , 1/3/14. POD – AP European History SNOW DAY!! JOURNAL ENTRY 4-4 NO SCHOOL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Thursday, 1/2/14

Page 1: Thursday, 1/2/14

Thursday, 1/2/14POD – AP European History

1. Bluebook Review2. Questions review


HOMEWORK:Prepare for:3. Bluebook (tomorrow; snow day is Monday)4. Superquiz (on Tuesday)5. SNOW!

Page 2: Thursday, 1/2/14

Friday , 1/3/14POD – AP European History



HOMEWORK:Study for bluebook

Page 3: Thursday, 1/2/14
Page 4: Thursday, 1/2/14

Monday, 1/6/14Blue Book Day1. USE PEN ONLY2. Plan essay on inside cover3. Thesis is an “educated” opinion (which you’ll prove)4. Good idea to brainstorm facts to support your thesis,

then divide into two “mini-essays”

EXPECTATION: • Four (or 5) paragraphs (intro, conclusion, two main body)• Four pages of writing (approx.)• MUST analyze all presented facts – use facts ONLY to prove

your thesis correct

2 min time to plan – OUTLINE ONLY NO WRITING35 min time to write


Page 5: Thursday, 1/2/14

Monday, 1/6/14

Blue Book Planning2 min – on inside cover of bluebook

35 min writing time.You’ll get a warning at 30 min.

02: 9:05-9:4004: 11:00 -11:35

Page 6: Thursday, 1/2/14

Tuesday, 1/7/14POD – AP European History

1. Superquiz review


HOMEWORK:Study for superquiz

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Wednesday, 1/8/14POD – AP European History

1. 5-10 min review2. Take superquiz3. Exchange, and Grade superquiz



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Thursday, 1/9/14POD – AP European History

1. Intro NEWS MAGAZINE project2. Explain calendar3. Lesson #1 - Notes on Industrial Revolution


HOMEWORK:4. Review today’s notes5. Read AP study book – this section6. Read p. 686-7017. Rough Draft of Article #1 – Impact of Indust. Rev. on families

Page 9: Thursday, 1/2/14

Friday , 1/10/14POD – AP European History

1. Journal / check homework (article #1 - Impact of Ind. Rev. on families)2. Any questions on News Magazine project3. Finish notes on Industrial Revolution4. Notes on Congress of Vienna

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-1Discuss how the two structures shown [Arch of Triumph in Paris, 1806-1836, and The Crystal Palace in London, 1850-1851] reflect the society and cultures that produced them. (2006b-7)

HOMEWORK:5. Review today’s notes6. Read AP study book – this section7. Read p. 686-7018. Rough Draft of Article #2 – The Congress of Vienna

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Page 11: Thursday, 1/2/14

Monday, 1/13/14POD – AP European History

1. Journal (all first four articles of project to be checked Wednesday)2. Any questions on News Magazine project3. Finish notes on Congress of Vienna

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-2Compare and contrast political liberalism with political conservatism in the first half of the 19th century in Europe. (2003b-5)

HOMEWORK:4. Review today’s notes5. Read AP study book – this section6. Read p. 686-7017. Rough Draft of Article #3 – The last two French Bourbon kings

Page 12: Thursday, 1/2/14

Tuesday, 1/14/14POD – AP European History

1. Journal (all first four articles of project to be checked Wednesday)2. Finish notes on Congress of Vienna; Notes on Revolutions up to 18483. Hand out DQB, time permitting

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-3Analyze the shifts in the European balance of power in the period between 1763 and 1848. (2004b-2)

HOMEWORK:4. Review today’s notes; study for quiz on lessons 1-35. Read AP study book – this section6. Read DBQ 2001 (Greek Independence)7. Rough Draft of Article #4 – The Second French Revolution (1830)

Page 13: Thursday, 1/2/14

Wednesday, 1/15/14POD – AP European History

1. Quiz (lessons 1-3)2. No Journal today – Article check – first four articles of project3. Finish Lesson #3 notes


HOMEWORK:4. Review today’s notes5. Read AP study book – this section6. Read p. 718-7327. Rough Draft of Article #5 – The Revolutions of 1848

Page 14: Thursday, 1/2/14

Thursday, 1/16/14POD – AP European History

1. Journal2. Finish notes (lesson #3)3. DBQ 2001 (Greek Independence)

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-4Analyze the problems and opportunities associated with the rapid urbanization of western Europe in the 19th century. (2007-4) 4

HOMEWORK:4. check all five articles #1- #55. Review today’s notes6. study for quiz on lessons 1-47. Read AP study book – this section8. Read DBQ 1998 (maybe…)

Page 15: Thursday, 1/2/14

Friday, 1/17/14POD – AP European History

1. Quiz on lesson #3 (just lesson #3)2. Notes on Lesson #4 – Life in Cities3. Check all five articles (25pts)4. DBQ 1998 (time permitting)


HOMEWORK:5. Read p. 732-7456. Rough Draft of Article #6 – Art in the latter 19th century (Realism,

Impressionism, Expressionism)

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Monday, 1/20/14POD – AP European History


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Tuesday, 1/21/14POD – AP European History


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Wednesday, 1/22/14POD – AP European History


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Thursday, 1/23/14POD – AP European History

1. Notes on Lesson #4 – Life in Cities


HOMEWORK:2. Review today’s notes3. Read AP study book – this section

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FRIDAY, 1/24/14POD – AP European History

1. Notes on Lesson #5 – Families, Science, advanced thinking and arts


HOMEWORK:2. Review today’s notes3. Read AP study book – this section4. Rough Draft of Article #10 (10 min)

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Page 22: Thursday, 1/2/14

Monday, 1/27/14POD – AP European History

Half Day: no 04-05

Period 03 only:DBQ 2002 (Urbanization) work today…


HOMEWORK (20-30 min):1. Read p. 732-745 (10 min)2. Rough Draft of Articles #6 (10 min) 3. (and article #10 if you didn’t already do it) (10 min)

Page 23: Thursday, 1/2/14

Tuesday, 1/28/14POD – AP European History

1. Rough Draft of Article #10 due today (checking 6-10 Friday)2. Journal #53. AP Exam sign up4. Program Planning discussion – fill in choices on 3x5 card5. Notes – Lesson #5 – Families, Science, New Thought

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-5Analyze artistic and literary responses to industrialization over the course of the nineteenth century (2009b-5)

HOMEWORK (45 min):6. Review today’s notes; highlight key words (5 min)7. Read AP study book – this section (10 min)8. Read p. 750-758 (prep for tomorrow) (10 min)9. Rough Draft of Article #7 (10 min)10. Study for Quiz on lessons #4-5 (10 min)

Page 24: Thursday, 1/2/14

Program Planning

Choices:AP World / AP USAP Psych / Accl PsychHonors Gov / Honors EconSociology, Intro Psych, Intro EconGender Studies, Current Issues

On 3x5 Card:Put your name, Class #Top Three Choices

Page 25: Thursday, 1/2/14

Wednesday, 1/29/14POD – AP European History

1. Quiz on lessons #4-52. Rough Draft of Article #7 due today (checking 6-10 Friday)3. Journal #7 4. Notes Lesson #6 – Nationalism in France (first part)

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-7Analyze the similarities and differences in the methods used by Cavour and Bismarck to bring about the unification of Italy and of Germany, respectively. (2008b-4)

HOMEWORK (35 min):5. Review today’s notes (5 min)6. Read AP study book – this section (10 min)7. Rough Draft of Articles #8-9 (20 min)

Page 26: Thursday, 1/2/14

Thursday, 1/30/14POD – AP European History

1. Rough Draft of Article #8 and #9 due today (checking 6-10 Friday)2. Journal #83. Finish notes Lesson #6 – Unifications of Italy and Germany

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-8Compare and contrast the foreign policy goals and achievements of Metternich (1815-1848) and Bismarck (1862-1890). (2002-7)

HOMEWORK (45 min):4. DBQ work (15 min)5. Rough Draft of Article #13 (10 min)6. Study for quiz on all lessons, so far (Lessons #1-6) (20 min)

Page 27: Thursday, 1/2/14

Friday, 1/31/14POD – AP European History

1. Quiz on lessons #1-62. Rough Draft of Article #13 due today3. Journal #104. check for Articles #6-10 (#13 next week) (25pts)5. DBQ 2012 work (improvement for workers)6. Any questions on Newspaper? (note: your homework)

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-10“In the second half of the 19th century, most European governments were conservative.” To what extent is the quotation above an accurate statement? Use specific examples for at least TWO countries. (2007b-6)

HOMEWORK:7. Final copy of Newspaper due a week from Monday

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Page 29: Thursday, 1/2/14

Monday, 2/3/14POD – AP European History

1. Lesson #7 – Art packet (Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism)2. Check articles, time permitting…


HOMEWORK:3. Review today’s notes4. Read AP study book – this section5. Read p. 759-7776. Rough Draft of Article #15

Page 30: Thursday, 1/2/14

Tuesday, 2/4/14POD – AP European History

1. Lesson #7 – Art packet (Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism)2. Check articles (from Friday (6-10), time permitting…


HOMEWORK:3. Review today’s notes4. Read AP study book – this section5. Read p. 759-7776. Rough Draft of Article #15

Page 31: Thursday, 1/2/14

Monday, 2/10/14POD – AP European History

1. Lesson #7 – Review/finish Art packet 2. Finish lesson # 6 – German Unification3. Discussion: what changed in this century?


HOMEWORK:4. Check HAC – e-mail me if you’re in a panic5. Review today’s notes6. Read AP study book – this section7. Read p. 759-7778. Bring copy of DBQ 2012 to class tomorrow9. Answer these two questions:

1. In what way was Russia so behind other European nations?2. Describe the typical Russian leader.

Page 32: Thursday, 1/2/14

Homework in this format:

Your Name, Class DatePages to have read

Question #1 (underlined)Answer (can be bulleted, or just a couple sentences)

Question #2 (underlined)Answer (can be bulleted, or just a couple sentences)

Page 33: Thursday, 1/2/14

Tuesday, 2/11/14POD – AP European History

1. Journal #92. DBQ on Workers

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-9To what extent did the structure of Russian government and society affect its economic development in the 18th and 19th centuries? (2007b-5)

HOMEWORK:3. Study for Quiz on all lessons 6-74. Read poem on Charge of the Light Brigade5. Questions:

1. What caused the Crimean War?2. Why was this “Charge of the Light Brigade” so ridiculous?

Page 34: Thursday, 1/2/14

Wednesday, 2/12/14POD – AP European History

1. Quiz on all lessons 6-72. Peer grading, DBQ (check for credit)3. Journal #12 (postponed until tomorrow… or the next day we’re here)4. Notes on Eastern Europe (Lesson #8a)

JOURNAL ENTRY NONEHOMEWORK:5. List the five Russian Czars of the 19th Century.

for each, name one major event, one major change, and one evaluative word or phrase you’d associate with him

2. Look up Queen Victoria. Write three descriptive sentences for her.3. Review today’s notes; Read AP study book – this section

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Thursday, 2/13/14


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Tuesday, 2/18/14POD – AP European History

1. Finish notes on Eastern Europe (Lesson #8a)2. Click into vid links in notes


HOMEWORK:3. Review today’s notes; Read AP study book – this section4. If you didn’t do the Victoria homework, do that for Wednesday5. Quiz on all lessons Friday

Page 37: Thursday, 1/2/14

Wednesday, 2/19/14POD – AP European History

1. Journal #5-122. Check homework #3 – Czars and Victoria3. Discuss the first part of the homework on the five Czars (event, change, eval)4. Discuss the second homework question on Victoria (3 descriptive phrases)5. Notes on Western Europe (Lesson #8b)

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-12In the period 1815-1900, political liberalization progressed much further in western Europe than in Russia. Analyze the social and economic reasons for this difference. (2006-6)

HOMEWORK:6. Read p. 782-811 (Imperialism)7. Homework #4 Questions:

1. What did industrialization do to “separate” Europe from the rest of the world?2. What did it seem Europe wanted from the rest of the world?

8. Quiz on all lessons on Friday

Page 38: Thursday, 1/2/14

Thursday, 2/20/14POD – AP European History

1. Journal #5-11; check homework #4 2. Discuss homework #4 questions:

1. What did industrialization do to “separate” Europe from the rest of the world?2. What did it seem Europe wanted from the rest of the world?

3. Notes Lesson #9 – Imperialism

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-11Compare and contrast the motives for European overseas expansion during the Age of Discovery (15th and 16th centuries) and during the Age of New Imperialism (19th and early 20th centuries). (1982-1)

HOMEWORK:4. Review today’s notes; Read AP study book – this section5. Time permitting – discuss and plan DBQ 2009 (Imperialism)6. Quiz on all lessons on Friday (tomorrow!)7. Checking articles 11-15 Friday (during DBQ)

Page 39: Thursday, 1/2/14

Friday, 2/21/14POD – AP European History

1. Quiz on all lessons2. Write DBQ 2009 (on Imperialism)3. Check for articles 11-15


HOMEWORK:4. Newspaper due on Monday5. Scantron is Tuesday6. Bluebook is Thursday7. Superquiz #3 is Friday

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Page 41: Thursday, 1/2/14

Monday, 2/24/14POD – AP European History

REVIEW DAY1. Bluebook will be Thursday

Discuss journals, as needed2. Look over your notes – do you have any questions,

confusion, need clarification on anything?3. Lesson by lesson review4. STARBUCKS TONIGHT 4:00-6:00

Newspaper Due Today!

Page 42: Thursday, 1/2/14

Tuesday, 2/25/14POD


DIRECTIONS1. Cell phone out2. Cell phone off3. Cell phone on counter / chalk rack4. Name on packet AND scantron5. Subject: Nineteenth Century (19th)6. Period: this class period


REMINDER #2: SUPERQUIZ #3 2/28/14 (Friday)


Page 43: Thursday, 1/2/14

Test Pacing90 questions50 minutesHalfway point: 25 minutes, 45 questions

PERIOD 02Start: 8:50½ way point: 9:15 – BE ON # 45 BY THIS POINT

PERIOD 04-05Start: 10:52½ way point: 11:17 – BE ON # 45 BY THIS POINT


Page 44: Thursday, 1/2/14

Thursday, 2/27/14Blue Book Day1. USE PEN ONLY2. Plan essay on inside cover3. Thesis is an “educated” opinion (which you’ll prove)4. Good idea to brainstorm facts to support your thesis,

then divide into two “mini-essays”

EXPECTATION: • Four (or 5) paragraphs (intro, conclusion, two main body)• Four pages of writing (approx.)• MUST analyze all presented facts – use facts ONLY to prove

your thesis correct

2 min time to plan – OUTLINE ONLY NO WRITING28 min time to write


Page 45: Thursday, 1/2/14

Blue Book Planning

2 min – plan time - on inside cover of bluebook.28 min writing time.

Suggestion: write down start time and finish times

02: 9:05-9:3504: 11:00 -11:30

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Page 47: Thursday, 1/2/14
Page 48: Thursday, 1/2/14

Slide not usedPOD – AP European History

1. Journal #62. Notes on Lesson #10 - Imperialism

JOURNAL ENTRY 5-6Contrast the ways in which the paintings shown express the artistic and intellectual concerns of the eras in which the works were created. [Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907 and Raphael’s School of Athens, 1511] (2004b-4)

HOMEWORK:3. Review today’s notes4. Read AP study book – this section5. Rough Draft of Article #12