THEATERS .MOTION PICTURES PART IV SIX PAGES PART IV SIX PAGES --.-'-'-'--H As We Were Saying. By Heywood Broun iSM HE trouble with a good many musical shows is that they are con- ¦^ij caived in too altruistic a spirit. "I know this is terrible stuff," ¿»/ the v/riter of tho libretto is just as likely to say, "'but it will hand the dear old public a laugh." More than that, the players through a lot of stunts out of which they derive not an ;" pleasure, just to amuse the audience. "Shuffle Along," the negro tow iv playing at the Sixty-third Street Theater, is not a bit like We don't suppose the members of the cast and chorus actually privilege of appearing in the performance, but there is every is nothing in the world which they would rather do. all terribly glad to be up on the stage singing and dancing. Their professional, but the spirit is amateur. The combination is irresis'.: A Pride That Laughs at Yale's No musical show in town boasts such rousing and hilarious team¬ work. Even a Yale crew could well be proud of such an esprit de corps. They would die for "Shuffle Along," each last one of them, and so great k the frenzy and vigor of some of the dancing that one wonders that '¦¦¦¦¦¦y don't. The person looking for a new school of entertainment will not find it in "Shuffle Along." There arc occasional snatches of music which comes from deeper jungles than Broadway. In the choral work and in the of a male quartet there is the hint of primititve power. Dancing ernes hack to some of its essentials. But on the whole "Shuffle Along" follows Broadway models. The African contribution is not large. Most the music íb lively and agree- able, but not much of it is new. The book could be rewritten for any :air of German dialect comedians. It is a pretty good book at that. There is an idea, although the development is not always.skillful. Now and again a worth-while line appears. We liked, for instance, the retort of the newly elected Mayor to the man who asked for the appointment tl Chief of Police on the ground that it had been promised to him before election : "If you haven't got sense enough not to believe an election promise you haven't got sense enough to be Chief of Police." A Show Worth the Seeing Our greatest disappointment lay in the voices of the principals. We ¡>eard no voice in any of the solo numbers of distinctive quality. Miller and Lyles, who carry the bulk of the comedy, are excellent, and Eubie Blake at the piano is a performer of unusual merit. In addition to play¬ ing the two chief rôles, Miller and Lyles wrote the book and Sissle and Blake did the music. "Shuffle Along" is well worth your attention. Hawaiian Festival Dances for ^Greenwich Village Follies" i</V¥OST people go to the Ha- ¿íl w'aiian Islands for a com¬ plete change of climate, scenery and environment," says Ada forman, the dancer, "but the trip 1 have just made to this land °* alluring attractions had nothing do with picturesque groves of cocoanut palms, forests of ferns and the smooth white bathing beaches. It Was t0 study the native folk dances of the Hawaiian« and gather at first hand Uw id(..a3 for a dunce creation I have «flevised for the new "Greenwich Village *o!lie3." The few days I spent in Honolulu wade me realize how little of the old native life one can see in that city. ^he younger generation in Honolulu h»s really discarded the native dances *b<1 now aspires to the modern jasz and the shimmy. One is impressed by *fe fact in Honolulu of the passing of ~8 old Hawaiians in some such fash- l°n as our American Indians. I could help but wish the younger genera¬ ron would refrain from the modern ""ported dances and ^reserve the sira- Dll«ty of their ancestors. "l got in contact with some old Ha¬ sans on Maui Island and had an in- *it*t»on to be present at one of the **tive festivals where one sees only the .W Hawaiian folk dances. "Th» Uatinl took place at sunrise in a scene of gorgeousness unexcelled anywhere. The dances began in an environment of happiness reflected in the simple childish nature of the par¬ ticipants. The dancers were not the young men and women, but the blithe¬ some grandparents. There was, of course, an absence of technique, but there was a touch of the grotesque which gave charm to the dances and lifted them out of the commonplace. Here one caught the real atmosphere of the old Hawaiian dances. There was a story or legend back of each dance. This projected an impression so vivid that it held your attention and you could really follow the story with de¬ light. The grotesque beauty and sinu¬ ous grace of these evolutions have the spirit of joy which is the element un¬ derlying all old Hawaiian folk dances and is in vivid contrast to the crude imitation of the vulgar modern dances given by the young people in Honolulu. "I ßpent the entire day at Haleakala, and I learned many dances and also familiarized myself with the legends on which they are based, and I think! my trip to the festival day celebration on Haleakala has given me an oppor¬ tunity to create a new dance such as has never before been seen in New York, and which I will give for the first time in the 'Greenwich Village Follies' of 1921.»» j Al Woods Takes All Seven Veils Off the Future By A. H. Woods rfS&l. good prophet begins with the ÜL bird in the hand before he goes to the bushes. In other words, he tells you what's going to happen before he whacks the bushes for revela- tions of what might happen. In the language of Elijah, that's me, all over. Having now donned the skullcap and spangled robes of the seer, polished the crystal and adjusted the spectacles, I make the following announcement: On August 1, at the Republic The- ater, I will present a small and price¬ less bijou yclept "Getting Gertie's Garter," a fetching fable of innocent amours scented with new-mown hay. The principal narrators will be Hazel Dawn, Walter Jones, Dorothy Mackaye and Adele Rowland. There will be about a dozen others in costly robes and costlier disrobe, thereby assuring a prosperous season for a small but choice group of thespian artists, pro¬ vided the critics run true to form, and the public remains as heedless as usual of the solemn admonitions of the learned journalists. "Back Pay" Has No Relation to Equity Contract On August 29 at the Eltinge Theater there being still, in spite of the huge success by that time scored of "Get¬ ting Gertie's Garter," a vast number of footlight artists unemployed and in soak, I will proceed to diminish their number by presenting Miss Fannie Hurst's moving story christened "Back Pay" and having no connection, à priori or otherwise, in epite of its title, with an Equity contract. Miss Helen MacKellar, in the grandeur of a star, will head the employed in this production. Still dismayed by the roving bands of hungry actors looking for work, I will further silence the raven by pro¬ jecting a play with tuneful numbers called "The Pink Slip" at the Central Theater on September 6. Messrs. Bert Williams and Harry Fox will be the chief beneficiaries of the managerial largesse in this instance, but they will be ably supported by a large number of salaried co-workers. In spite of its title, "The Pink Slip" will not appeal t: those who think what I think they think when they read it. This clas3 is having "Getting Gertie's Garter" pioduced for their espeeial benefit. With these three ventures prosper¬ ously launched and turning away thousands of buyers at each perform¬ ance, I may go further and insure work (CoattniMd «MB p**9 ¦**> # ê>tage (^oôétp .$ í The clang of closing shutters was .heard again last night in the theatri¬ cal district, when the Belmont, Colum¬ bia, Eltinge, Harris and Forty-eighth Street theaters simultaneously shut up shop upon the withdrawal of "John Ferguson," "Peek-a-Boo," "Ladies' Night," "Sun-Kist," and "The Broken Wing," respectively. "Peek-a-Boo" will offer fresh oppor¬ tunities to those who have not yet seen it when it returns as the opening attraction of the Columbia Theater's regular season, on September 5. Until then the burlesque house will take a vacation, duing which period the the¬ ater will be redecorated. "Sun-Kist'' will go back to the Coast, whence it came, with fresh laurels and new friends, added during its New York sojourn. This production, which has played New York for two months, reversed the usual order of things the¬ atrical by beginning in California and working its way to the Ea3t. One of the original features of the "Sun-Kist" production, which has been made by Miss Fanchon and her brother, Marco, is the fact that in addition to being the chief dancer in the organization this versatile lady is also the author of the words and music of the revue, de- signer of all the scenery and costumes and stage manager on top of all the rest. Louis Chalif is to build a miniature theater, seating about four hundred persons, on the fifth floor of the Chalif Studio Building, opposite Carnegie Hall, where he will present his own pupils in aesthetic, folk, classical and mod¬ ern dances. He will also endeavor to encourage young dancers who are seek¬ ing a professional career but who have neither place nor opportunity to ex¬ hibit themselves and their talents. Mr. Chalif is most desirous of stimulating a wide general interest in the higher forms of dancing, and it is with these ideas in mind that he has planned his little theater wherein he hopes to help many an embryonic artist unfold his wings. Elsie Ferguson will make another return to the legitimate stage this fall, when Sam H. Harris will present her in Zoe Akins'3, "The Varying Shore." Miss Ferguson's last stage ap¬ pearance here was in Arnold Bennett's "Sacred and Profane Love," more than a year ago. Since then she has been - (Continued on pac« three) Scat's i^ftatjn j5eto iorfe Cfteaterfi AMBASSADOR."Dumbells" in "Biff! Bing! Bang!" BOOTH."The Green Goddess." Arllss In melodrama. CENTURY."The Last Waltz." Musical comedy, with Eleanor Painter. CO*IAN."Two Little Girls in Blue." A musical comedy. FORTY-EIGHTH STREET.-"The Broken Wing." Comedy in Mexico. FULTON."Liliom." Theater Guild production. GAIETY."LightninV Frank Bacon in comedy of Reno's divorce industry. Í.ARRICK."Mr. Pirn Passes By." A. A. Miine comedy. GLOBE."Ziegfeld Follies of 1921." KLAW."Nice People." Francine Larvimore in Rachel Crothers's comedy. LITTLE."The First Year." Frank Craven in his own comedy. MOROSCO."The Bat." Thrilling mystery play. NEW AMSTERDAM."Sally." Ziegfeld's musical comedy production. SELWYN--"Snapshots of 1921." Nora Bayes, Lew Fields, De Wolf Hopper. SÍXTY-THIRD STREET."Shuffle Along." All-colored melange. SHLBERT."Just Married." A farce comedy. THIRTY-NINTH STREET."The Ghost Between." Arthur Byron in comedy. TIMES SQUARE."The Broadway/Whirl." Musical comedy. Richard Carle, Blanche Ring. ' WINTER GARDEN."The Whir! of New York." 1921 version of "The Belle New York," v ! A Slump in Stage Twins, Says Mears Of ^Broadway Whirl' .-. 3F YOU are twins, petite, young, at¬ tractive, good dancers and singers, and want to share honors modest¬ ly with such stars as Richard Carle, Blanche Ring, Charles Winninger, Wmona Winter and Jay Gould, call on John Henry Mears, producer of "The Broadway Whirl," at the Times Square Theater. If you can't call phone or write, for there's a hearty reception waiting for the right pair of girls. Mears has been looking for them a long time. You don't have to be real twins, so long as you look enough alike. Nor do you require stage experience, for if you have the talent you'll get all the schooling necessary. The fact is that there are two per¬ fectly good new rôles in "The Broad¬ way Whirl" waiting to be filled and two good salaries still unpaid because there seem no suitable applicants. Of course, Mr. Mears has tried the theatrical agencies, but maybe he is a little fastidious. When "The Broad- way Whirl" went into rehearsal several months ago, instead of taking girls from the choruses of other shows Mr. Mears advertised in the daily papers, just as he would have advertised for a j cook or a secretary. From several hun- dreda he selected the present score of beauties of the ensemble. Of these twenty, Mr. Mear3 now reveals, four- <Continued on page six) At the Hippodrome The Hippodrome to-day enters the third week of its motion picture policy, presenting upon one bill two feature pictures, in addition to the usual edu¬ cational, topical and comedy numbers and a full program of orchestral and organ music. The new foreign picture, "Tradition," a tale of two worlds, based upon Der Tod and die Liebe, by Paul Otto and George Jacob, is presented for the first time in America, and the Malcolm Strauss photodrama, "The Twice-Born Woman," is continued. The j music program is arranged by Edward Howe, who has written the musical set- tings for both pictures and who also directs the orchestra. Frederick Kings- iey gives a short organ recital at each performance, preceding the overture and Norka Rouskay, a South American daneer who is making her first appear¬ ance in the north, does some interpre¬ tative dances. Through the Telescope A Glimpse of the Early Theatrical Sea¬ son; "Back to Methuselah" Promised WIN oases in the desert of July, the "Scandals of 1921" and Zieg- feld's "Midnight Frolic" are to be reached by the caravan on July 18 and 20, respectively, while the promised theatrical season is suspended like a mirage in the nebulous sapphire of August and September. The only definite points of reference by the guides to that promised land are "Getting Gertie's Garter," at the Republic on August 1, which Al Woods says is without blush or blemish ; "Tangerine," with Julia Sander¬ son, at the Casino, on August 8; "The Poppy God," a Chinese tragedy, at the Hudson, and "Back Pay," at the Eltinge, both on August 29. Mr. Woods's "The Pink Slip," at the Central on September 6, is the only other definite point descried on the northern slope of the year. Of the scores of other prospects the Theater Guild's high resolve to present Shaw's latest play, "Back to Methuselah," is as interesting as any. Their success with his "Heartbreak House" and Moinar's "Liliom" is the warrant for their undertaking. The guild also will revive "The Devil's Disciple," by Shaw, which has not been prominently sponsored here since Richard Mansfield's production. The guild's list may also in-i elude a dramatization of "Potterism," one of Britain's best sellera. . Summary of the i New Season's Prospecta Charles B. Dillingham'a announce¬ ment of Lennox Robinson's "The White Headed Boy," with the original Irish company, is of unusual iaterest. His list embraces "Bulldog Drummond," adapted from the novel of that name, full of thrills and goose-flesh; also Aaron Hoffman's "Two Blocks Away," with Barney Bernard. Here is a summary of other produc¬ tions that New York theatergoers prob¬ ably will see: By David Belasco: "Kikl," a French comedy, with Lenore Ulric; "The Wan¬ dering Jew," an original pageant play already seen in London. By the Shuberts: A dramatization by Harvey O'Higgins and Harriet Ford of "Main Street," by Sinclair Lewis; Cosmo Hamilton's "The Silver Fox,' Louis Evan Shipman's "Fool's Errant,' William Hodge in his own "Beware oi Doga." By John Golden: Frank Craven'i "The Spite Corner," Montague Glass'i "Easy Come, Easy Go," Austin Strong'; "Three Candles," Winchell Smith an< Tom Cushing's "Poor Man's Pudding,' Winchell Smith's "The Wheel?» By the Selwyns: Roi Cooper Me grue's "Honors Are Even," Somerse Maugham'3 "The Circle," with Mrs Leslie Carter, John Drey and A. E Matthews; Edgar Selwyn's "The Lovi Chef,'» "The Poppy God," "The Whit Peacock," a Spanish play, with Olgi Petrova; George V. Hobart's "Sonny, b- - with Emma Dunn; Hubert Osborne'S; "The Puppet Master." "The Hero" Again With Richard Bennett By Sam H. Harris: "The Hero," Emery Pottle's play, tried out success¬ fully last season, then with Grant Mitchell and in September with Rich¬ ard Bennett; William Anthony Ma-» guire's "Six-Cylinder Love," with Ern¬ est Truex; A. E. Thomas's "The Turn in the Road," with Miss Mary Ryan; "St. Ursula," by Edward Sheldon; Zo* Akins's"The Varying Shore," with Elsie Ferguson. By George Broadhurstt A drama¬ tization of "Tarzan of the Apes," film fame. Mr. Broadhurst has four other pieces for which definite ar¬ rangements have not been made. By William Harris: "Blue Beard's Eighth Wife," with Mary Servoss and Edmund Bréese. By George C. Tyler: Eugene G. O'Neill's "The Straw." with Maréalo Gillmore; G. S. Kaufman and Mare Connelly's "Dulcy," with Miss Lynn Fontanne. By Arthur Hopkins: "Daddy Goe» a-Hunting," by Zoe Atkins. By William A. Brady: "Drifting," . play for Alice Brady. By Marc Klaw: "Sonya," from the Polish, with Alfred Lunt. By Charles Frohman, Inc.: Djáñez'a "Blood and Sand," by Tom Cashing, with Otis Skinner. By Brock Pemberton: "Swords." tj Sidney Howard, with Ciare Fames. By Arnold Daly: "The Children'« Tragedy" and Shaw's "Man of Destiny.' By Max Marcin and Guy Bolton: "The Night Cap," a mystery farce. "The White Headed Boy" and The Abbey Theater of Dublin T is doubtful if any activity the coming theatrical season will exceed in interest the advent in America of the Irish Players, repre¬ sentatives of the Abbey Theater, Dub¬ lin, and therefore of the rapidly grow¬ ing British and Irish repertory system, who are to be brought here by Charles Diilingham to present in the Henry Miller Theater Lennox Robinson's com- idy of rural Irish life, "The White Headed Boy." The story of "The White Headed 3oy" is too well known even in Amer- ca to require any extended review. The play was produced in 1915 at the \bbey Theater, where its author also «appens to be manager and therefore i dominant figur* in its policy. The work of Rolg'nson at the Abbey 3 Theater sets one wondering how he ever found time to write a play of any sort, to say nothing of a piece as ob¬ servant and as truly reflective of Irish life as "The White Headed Boy." He began his management of the Abbey Theater three years before the war. Last year the Abbey Theater produced forty-five plays, of which seventeen were new. In snatches of time he wrote a volume of short stories. He attended to numerous outside activities, one of the most important of whiish was his post as librarian of the Camegia Trust in Dublin, a position to which he was recently reflected. Robinson is a native of Cork, the iva of a clergyman and his theatrical ac¬ tivity dates from a visit of the Abbey players to Cork.


Page 1: Through the TelescopeTHEATERS.MOTION PICTURES PART IV SIX PAGES PART IV SIX PAGES AsWeWere--.-'-'-'--HSaying. By Heywood Broun ¦^ijiSMHE trouble with a good many musical shows is




As We Were Saying.By Heywood Broun

iSM HE trouble with a good many musical shows is that they are con-

¦^ij caived in too altruistic a spirit. "I know this is terrible stuff,"¿»/ the v/riter of tho libretto is just as likely to say, "'but it will

hand the dear old public a laugh." More than that, the playersthrough a lot of stunts out of which they derive not an

;" pleasure, just to amuse the audience. "Shuffle Along," the negrotow iv playing at the Sixty-third Street Theater, is not a bit like

We don't suppose the members of the cast and chorus actuallyprivilege of appearing in the performance, but there is every

is nothing in the world which they would rather do.all terribly glad to be up on the stage singing and dancing. Their

professional, but the spirit is amateur. The combination isirresis'.:

A Pride That Laughs at Yale'sNo musical show in town boasts such rousing and hilarious team¬

work. Even a Yale crew could well be proud of such an esprit de corps.They would die for "Shuffle Along," each last one of them, and so greatk the frenzy and vigor of some of the dancing that one wonders that'¦¦¦¦¦¦y don't.

The person looking for a new school of entertainment will not find itin "Shuffle Along." There arc occasional snatches of music which comesfrom deeper jungles than Broadway. In the choral work and in the

of a male quartet there is the hint of primititve power. Dancingernes hack to some of its essentials.

But on the whole "Shuffle Along" follows Broadway models. TheAfrican contribution is not large. Most the music íb lively and agree-able, but not much of it is new. The book could be rewritten for any:air of German dialect comedians. It is a pretty good book at that.There is an idea, although the development is not always.skillful. Nowand again a worth-while line appears. We liked, for instance, the retortof the newly elected Mayor to the man who asked for the appointmenttl Chief of Police on the ground that it had been promised to him beforeelection : "If you haven't got sense enough not to believe an electionpromise you haven't got sense enough to be Chief of Police."

A Show Worth the SeeingOur greatest disappointment lay in the voices of the principals. We

¡>eard no voice in any of the solo numbers of distinctive quality. Millerand Lyles, who carry the bulk of the comedy, are excellent, and EubieBlake at the piano is a performer of unusual merit. In addition to play¬ing the two chief rôles, Miller and Lyles wrote the book and Sissle andBlake did the music. "Shuffle Along" is well worth your attention.

Hawaiian Festival Dances for^Greenwich Village Follies"

i</V¥OST people go to the Ha-¿íl w'aiian Islands for a com¬

plete change of climate,scenery and environment," says Adaforman, the dancer, "but the trip1 have just made to this land°* alluring attractions had nothing*° do with picturesque groves ofcocoanut palms, forests of ferns andthe smooth white bathing beaches. ItWas t0 study the native folk dances ofthe Hawaiian« and gather at first handUw id(..a3 for a dunce creation I have«flevised for the new "Greenwich Village*o!lie3."The few days I spent in Honolulu

wade me realize how little of the oldnative life one can see in that city.^he younger generation in Honoluluh»s really discarded the native dances*b<1 now aspires to the modern jaszand the shimmy. One is impressed by*fe fact in Honolulu of the passing of~8 old Hawaiians in some such fash-l°n as our American Indians. I could*« help but wish the younger genera¬ron would refrain from the modern""ported dances and ^reserve the sira-Dll«ty of their ancestors.

"l got in contact with some old Ha¬sans on Maui Island and had an in-*it*t»on to be present at one of the**tive festivals where one sees only the.W Hawaiian folk dances."Th» Uatinl took place at sunrise in

a scene of gorgeousness unexcelledanywhere. The dances began in an

environment of happiness reflected inthe simple childish nature of the par¬ticipants. The dancers were not theyoung men and women, but the blithe¬some grandparents. There was, ofcourse, an absence of technique, butthere was a touch of the grotesquewhich gave charm to the dances andlifted them out of the commonplace.Here one caught the real atmosphere ofthe old Hawaiian dances. There was a

story or legend back of each dance.This projected an impression so vividthat it held your attention and youcould really follow the story with de¬light. The grotesque beauty and sinu¬ous grace of these evolutions have thespirit of joy which is the element un¬

derlying all old Hawaiian folk dancesand is in vivid contrast to the crudeimitation of the vulgar modern dancesgiven by the young people in Honolulu.

"I ßpent the entire day at Haleakala,and I learned many dances and alsofamiliarized myself with the legendson which they are based, and I think!my trip to the festival day celebrationon Haleakala has given me an oppor¬tunity to create a new dance such as

has never before been seen in New

York, and which I will give for the firsttime in the 'Greenwich Village Follies'of 1921.»» j

Al Woods TakesAll Seven Veils

Off the FutureBy A. H. Woods

rfS&l. good prophet begins with theÜL bird in the hand before he goes

to the bushes. In other words,he tells you what's going to happenbefore he whacks the bushes for revela-tions of what might happen.

In the language of Elijah, that's me,all over.

Having now donned the skullcap andspangled robes of the seer, polishedthe crystal and adjusted the spectacles,I make the following announcement:On August 1, at the Republic The-

ater, I will present a small and price¬less bijou yclept "Getting Gertie'sGarter," a fetching fable of innocentamours scented with new-mown hay.The principal narrators will be HazelDawn, Walter Jones, Dorothy Mackayeand Adele Rowland. There will beabout a dozen others in costly robesand costlier disrobe, thereby assuringa prosperous season for a small butchoice group of thespian artists, pro¬vided the critics run true to form, andthe public remains as heedless as usualof the solemn admonitions of thelearned journalists."Back Pay" Has NoRelation to Equity ContractOn August 29 at the Eltinge Theater

there being still, in spite of the hugesuccess by that time scored of "Get¬ting Gertie's Garter," a vast numberof footlight artists unemployed and insoak, I will proceed to diminish theirnumber by presenting Miss FannieHurst's moving story christened "BackPay" and having no connection, àpriori or otherwise, in epite of itstitle, with an Equity contract. MissHelen MacKellar, in the grandeur ofa star, will head the employed in thisproduction.

Still dismayed by the roving bandsof hungry actors looking for work, Iwill further silence the raven by pro¬jecting a play with tuneful numberscalled "The Pink Slip" at the CentralTheater on September 6. Messrs. BertWilliams and Harry Fox will be thechief beneficiaries of the manageriallargesse in this instance, but they willbe ably supported by a large numberof salaried co-workers. In spite of itstitle, "The Pink Slip" will not appealt: those who think what I think theythink when they read it. This clas3is having "Getting Gertie's Garter"pioduced for their espeeial benefit.With these three ventures prosper¬

ously launched and turning awaythousands of buyers at each perform¬ance, I may go further and insure work

(CoattniMd «MB p**9 ¦**>

# ê>tage (^oôétp .$í

The clang of closing shutters was.heard again last night in the theatri¬cal district, when the Belmont, Colum¬bia, Eltinge, Harris and Forty-eighthStreet theaters simultaneously shutup shop upon the withdrawal of "JohnFerguson," "Peek-a-Boo," "Ladies'Night," "Sun-Kist," and "The BrokenWing," respectively."Peek-a-Boo" will offer fresh oppor¬

tunities to those who have not yetseen it when it returns as the openingattraction of the Columbia Theater'sregular season, on September 5. Untilthen the burlesque house will take avacation, duing which period the the¬ater will be redecorated.

"Sun-Kist'' will go back to the Coast,whence it came, with fresh laurelsand new friends, added during its NewYork sojourn. This production, whichhas played New York for two months,reversed the usual order of things the¬atrical by beginning in California andworking its way to the Ea3t. One ofthe original features of the "Sun-Kist"production, which has been made byMiss Fanchon and her brother, Marco,is the fact that in addition to beingthe chief dancer in the organizationthis versatile lady is also the author ofthe words and music of the revue, de-

signer of all the scenery and costumesand stage manager on top of all therest.

Louis Chalif is to build a miniaturetheater, seating about four hundredpersons, on the fifth floor of the ChalifStudio Building, opposite Carnegie Hall,where he will present his own pupilsin aesthetic, folk, classical and mod¬ern dances. He will also endeavor toencourage young dancers who are seek¬ing a professional career but who haveneither place nor opportunity to ex¬hibit themselves and their talents. Mr.Chalif is most desirous of stimulatinga wide general interest in the higherforms of dancing, and it is with theseideas in mind that he has planned hislittle theater wherein he hopes to helpmany an embryonic artist unfold hiswings.

Elsie Ferguson will make anotherreturn to the legitimate stage this fall,when Sam H. Harris will present herin Zoe Akins'3, "The VaryingShore." Miss Ferguson's last stage ap¬pearance here was in Arnold Bennett's"Sacred and Profane Love," more thana year ago. Since then she has been


(Continued on pac« three)

Scat's i^ftatjn j5eto iorfe CfteaterfiAMBASSADOR."Dumbells" in "Biff! Bing! Bang!"BOOTH."The Green Goddess." Arllss In melodrama.CENTURY."The Last Waltz." Musical comedy, with Eleanor Painter.CO*IAN."Two Little Girls in Blue." A musical comedy.FORTY-EIGHTH STREET.-"The Broken Wing." Comedy in Mexico.FULTON."Liliom." Theater Guild production.GAIETY."LightninV Frank Bacon in comedy of Reno's divorce industry.Í.ARRICK."Mr. Pirn Passes By." A. A. Miine comedy.GLOBE."Ziegfeld Follies of 1921."KLAW."Nice People." Francine Larvimore in Rachel Crothers's comedy.LITTLE."The First Year." Frank Craven in his own comedy.MOROSCO."The Bat." Thrilling mystery play.NEW AMSTERDAM."Sally." Ziegfeld's musical comedy production.SELWYN--"Snapshots of 1921." Nora Bayes, Lew Fields, De Wolf Hopper.SÍXTY-THIRD STREET."Shuffle Along." All-colored melange.SHLBERT."Just Married." A farce comedy.THIRTY-NINTH STREET."The Ghost Between." Arthur Byron in comedy.TIMES SQUARE."The Broadway/Whirl." Musical comedy. Richard Carle,

Blanche Ring. '

WINTER GARDEN."The Whir! of New York." 1921 version of "The Belleoí New York," v

!A Slump in StageTwins, Says MearsOf ^Broadway Whirl'


3F YOU are twins, petite, young, at¬tractive, good dancers and singers,and want to share honors modest¬

ly with such stars as Richard Carle,Blanche Ring, Charles Winninger,Wmona Winter and Jay Gould, call on

John Henry Mears, producer of "TheBroadway Whirl," at the Times SquareTheater. If you can't call phone or

write, for there's a hearty receptionwaiting for the right pair of girls.Mears has been looking for them a

long time. You don't have to be realtwins, so long as you look enough alike.Nor do you require stage experience,for if you have the talent you'll get allthe schooling necessary.The fact is that there are two per¬

fectly good new rôles in "The Broad¬way Whirl" waiting to be filled andtwo good salaries still unpaid becausethere seem no suitable applicants.Of course, Mr. Mears has tried the

theatrical agencies, but maybe he is a

little fastidious. When "The Broad-way Whirl" went into rehearsal severalmonths ago, instead of taking girlsfrom the choruses of other shows Mr.Mears advertised in the daily papers,just as he would have advertised for a jcook or a secretary. From several hun-dreda he selected the present score ofbeauties of the ensemble. Of thesetwenty, Mr. Mear3 now reveals, four-

<Continued on page six)

At the HippodromeThe Hippodrome to-day enters the

third week of its motion picture policy,presenting upon one bill two feature

pictures, in addition to the usual edu¬cational, topical and comedy numbersand a full program of orchestral andorgan music. The new foreign picture,"Tradition," a tale of two worlds, basedupon Der Tod and die Liebe, by PaulOtto and George Jacob, is presentedfor the first time in America, and theMalcolm Strauss photodrama, "TheTwice-Born Woman," is continued. The jmusic program is arranged by EdwardHowe, who has written the musical set-tings for both pictures and who alsodirects the orchestra. Frederick Kings-iey gives a short organ recital at eachperformance, preceding the overtureand Norka Rouskay, a South Americandaneer who is making her first appear¬ance in the north, does some interpre¬tative dances.

Through the TelescopeA Glimpse of the Early Theatrical Sea¬

son; "Back to Methuselah"Promised

WIN oases in the desert of July, the "Scandals of 1921" and Zieg-feld's "Midnight Frolic" are to be reached by the caravan onJuly 18 and 20, respectively, while the promised theatrical seasonis suspended like a mirage in the nebulous sapphire of Augustand September.The only definite points of reference by the guides to that promisedland are "Getting Gertie's Garter," at the Republic on August 1, which AlWoods says is without blush or blemish ; "Tangerine," with Julia Sander¬son, at the Casino, on August 8; "The Poppy God," a Chinese tragedy,at the Hudson, and "Back Pay," at the Eltinge, both on August 29. Mr.Woods's "The Pink Slip," at the Central on September 6, is the onlyother definite point descried on the northern slope of the year.Of the scores of other prospects the Theater Guild's high resolve topresent Shaw's latest play, "Back to Methuselah," is as interesting asany. Their success with his "Heartbreak House" and Moinar's "Liliom"is the warrant for their undertaking. The guild also will revive "TheDevil's Disciple," by Shaw, which has not been prominently sponsoredhere since Richard Mansfield's production. The guild's list may also in-ielude a dramatization of "Potterism," one of Britain's best sellera.


Summary of the iNew Season's Prospecta

Charles B. Dillingham'a announce¬ment of Lennox Robinson's "The WhiteHeaded Boy," with the original Irishcompany, is of unusual iaterest. Hislist embraces "Bulldog Drummond,"adapted from the novel of that name,full of thrills and goose-flesh; alsoAaron Hoffman's "Two Blocks Away,"with Barney Bernard.Here is a summary of other produc¬

tions that New York theatergoers prob¬ably will see:

By David Belasco: "Kikl," a Frenchcomedy, with Lenore Ulric; "The Wan¬dering Jew," an original pageant playalready seen in London.By the Shuberts: A dramatization

by Harvey O'Higgins and Harriet Fordof "Main Street," by Sinclair Lewis;Cosmo Hamilton's "The Silver Fox,'Louis Evan Shipman's "Fool's Errant,'William Hodge in his own "Beware oiDoga."By John Golden: Frank Craven'i

"The Spite Corner," Montague Glass'i"Easy Come, Easy Go," Austin Strong';"Three Candles," Winchell Smith an<Tom Cushing's "Poor Man's Pudding,'Winchell Smith's "The Wheel?»By the Selwyns: Roi Cooper Me

grue's "Honors Are Even," SomerseMaugham'3 "The Circle," with MrsLeslie Carter, John Drey and A. EMatthews; Edgar Selwyn's "The LoviChef,'» "The Poppy God," "The WhitPeacock," a Spanish play, with OlgiPetrova; George V. Hobart's "Sonny,

b- -

with Emma Dunn; Hubert Osborne'S;"The Puppet Master.""The Hero" AgainWith Richard BennettBy Sam H. Harris: "The Hero,"

Emery Pottle's play, tried out success¬fully last season, then with GrantMitchell and in September with Rich¬ard Bennett; William Anthony Ma-»guire's "Six-Cylinder Love," with Ern¬est Truex; A. E. Thomas's "The Turnin the Road," with Miss Mary Ryan;"St. Ursula," by Edward Sheldon; Zo*Akins's"The Varying Shore," with ElsieFerguson.By George Broadhurstt A drama¬

tization of "Tarzan of the Apes," o£film fame. Mr. Broadhurst has fourother pieces for which definite ar¬rangements have not been made.By William Harris: "Blue Beard's

Eighth Wife," with Mary Servoss andEdmund Bréese.By George C. Tyler: Eugene G.

O'Neill's "The Straw." with MaréaloGillmore; G. S. Kaufman and MareConnelly's "Dulcy," with Miss LynnFontanne.By Arthur Hopkins: "Daddy Goe»

a-Hunting," by Zoe Atkins.By William A. Brady: "Drifting," .

play for Alice Brady.By Marc Klaw: "Sonya," from the

Polish, with Alfred Lunt.By Charles Frohman, Inc.: Djáñez'a

"Blood and Sand," by Tom Cashing,with Otis Skinner.By Brock Pemberton: "Swords." tjSidney Howard, with Ciare Fames.By Arnold Daly: "The Children'«

Tragedy" and Shaw's "Man of Destiny.'By Max Marcin and Guy Bolton:

"The Night Cap," a mystery farce.

"The White Headed Boy" andThe Abbey Theater of DublinT is doubtful if any activity oíthe coming theatrical season will

exceed in interest the advent inAmerica of the Irish Players, repre¬sentatives of the Abbey Theater, Dub¬lin, and therefore of the rapidly grow¬ing British and Irish repertory system,who are to be brought here by CharlesDiilingham to present in the HenryMiller Theater Lennox Robinson's com-idy of rural Irish life, "The WhiteHeaded Boy."The story of "The White Headed

3oy" is too well known even in Amer-ca to require any extended review.The play was produced in 1915 at the\bbey Theater, where its author also«appens to be manager and thereforei dominant figur* in its policy.The work of Rolg'nson at the Abbey

3 Theater sets one wondering how heever found time to write a play of anysort, to say nothing of a piece as ob¬servant and as truly reflective of Irishlife as "The White Headed Boy." Hebegan his management of the AbbeyTheater three years before the war.Last year the Abbey Theater producedforty-five plays, of which seventeenwere new. In snatches of time hewrote a volume of short stories. Heattended to numerous outside activities,one of the most important of whiish washis post as librarian of the CamegiaTrust in Dublin, a position to whichhe was recently reflected.Robinson is a native of Cork, the iva

of a clergyman and his theatrical ac¬

tivity dates from a visit of the Abbeyplayers to Cork.