Thriller sequences


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Transcript of Thriller sequences

Page 1: Thriller sequences

The girl with the tattoo opening sequence

Many of the shots used in this sequence are close ups

which therefore got the audience more involved in the

sequence, as the close ups gave us the audience a

great view of what was going on. As we were so close

up to what was going on we could relate to the pain

the character was going through. The framing was very

pacific as the main characters/props in the sequence

were always in the centre at all times which would

have grabbed the audience attention toward what the

directors want us to see. The movements from one

frame to another therefore built a lot of tension as the

movement of each frame matched the fast pace of the

music .The way each scene was edited was very

effective as the fast pace of the cutaways always

caused a bit of suspense. Many establishing shots were

used to portray a really disturbing, sinister movie. Such

as when they zoomed in to the character when it was

tied up, that scene did give us the idea that the girl

with the tattoo has been affected psychologically ad

there is no way out. The use of montage was used very

well as all the frames put all together, gave the

sequence a very fast pace, which therefore built up

some form of secrecy.

Page 2: Thriller sequences

The sound used in the sequence was very fast and it

also made the audience think of what was going to

have next. Some form of non-diegetic sound was mixed

in very well with the theme music, which sounded a bit

like a girl’s scream. This could suggest that the girl with

the dragon tattoo may feel trapped or even isolated,

the screams could signify a cry of help. The theme

music in this sequence creates a sense of realism and

also the emotional involvement of the girl’s feelings

towards this tattoo. In the theme music there was a

mix of a voiceover, which helped set out the scene

more clearly in the sequence.

Moving on to the mise en scene, the colour used in the

sequence is black and white all throughout the whole

sequence. This suggest some form of secrecy, they

have many element that suggest torture. Such as the

way they showed a many pair of hand that capture the

head of the character, which suggest control, kidnap or

even murder. The props used in the sequence such as

the match that dropped and cause a fire, this part

shows destruction and also disaster .The facial

expressions of the character when he was tied up was

very disturbing as, this suggested the character was

trapped. The liquid that was splashing everywhere was

a representation of blood, which could suggest a

murder is going to take place.

Page 3: Thriller sequences

Usual suspect

In this opening sequence there are many different

shots were used ,such as a close up of the character

holding the matches just before he drops it .This made

us as an audience feel more involved in the tension

and suspense in the scene . They also used a mid-shot

which gave us a general action of the movie but not so

much of the intimacy. An establishing shot was used to

create the established mood of the two characters just

before one of them was shot. This shot therefore gives

us an audience more knowledge and understanding on

what’s going on. They also use a two shot which shows

he link in the reaction of the two characters ,for

example when the other man was about to get shot

they had a bit of a conversation going on there. The

low angled shot was also used in this in this scene on

the man before he got shot to show the importance of

the other character, this shot also gave the audience a

clue to what was going to happen. The use of pan that

followed the fire was a way to build up tension and

suspense. The use of slow paced editing was used in

some frames such as when the main character was

coming down the stairs this therefore, overshadows

the idea of mystery.

Page 4: Thriller sequences

The theme sound used in this sequence really went

well with the scene because it felt like it was gradually

building up to something mysterious and secretive.

There was also some non-diegetic sound, such as when

the man dropped the matches on the floor and catches

on fire, this sound added more affect to that scene to

build more tension .Some uses of ambient sound was

used and was very well mixed in with the theme song

so it wasn’t as noticeable as it was very realistic .The

sound effects used really got the audience more

emotionally involved in the sequence, as the sound

gave the audience a wider range of understanding.

The colour used in this sequence was very misty, dull,

and mysterious, the colours used were grey, yellow

black and white. All these colours come together to

create the idea of secrecy, suspiciousness and fear. The

location of the sequence is on some abandoned boat

which could suggest murder was going to take place.

The fact that the face of the other man wasn’t shown

suggest his a mysterious, person with many things to
