Three Stories 200501200

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Transcript of Three Stories 200501200

  • 8/3/2019 Three Stories 200501200


    The story of Eklavya

    The legend of Eklavya in Mahabharata inspires every that one can turn his dreams into

    reality with ones effort and eagerness to learn. Ekalvyas effort to learn and practice is a

    classic example for self learning with meditative mind without physical appearance of

    Guru which is technologically possible today.

    Ekalvyas story tells that what it matters at the end for accomplishing success is the eager

    to learn more no matter whatever the opportunities are and also if you have opportunity

    use it wisely.

    It is a classic example for the GURU SHISHYA tradition of teaching in India, showing

    profound respect for teachers (Gurus).

    There is a principle called Eklavya ism in Mahabharata which believes in self learning

    and self perfectionism. Eklavya ism, which is a bahva or sentiment, is a philosophy for

    self learning with self meditated mind.

    The story of Ekalavya starts from here:

    Ekalavya, who is shudra(lower) by caste is a bright, enthusiastic and brave boy having

    great desire of learning the art of archery from Dronacharya. He lived near the ashram of

    Drona where pandavas and kauravas are taking lessons in various arts. He had dreamed

    for learning art of archery under Drona but he was not accepted as disciple as he was

    shudra. On coming to know that there is no opportunity for him, he was disappointed.

    Even then Ekalavya is strongly determined for learning archery. There are no boundaries

    for his determination and eagerness for learning. One day Ekalavya installed a clay idol

    of Dronacharya near his house and worshipped it as his Guru. Every day in the morning,

    evening and at night he prayed in front of that idol and took self lessons in bow and

    arrow. He is talented, concentrated and determined in self learning. Soon he had made a

    miracle he acquired very good knowledge in bow and arrow. He became an expert,

    skilled person in art of archery.

    One day, as it happened, Acharya Drona and Arjuna were passing near the hut ofEklavya. It was pleasant and peaceful afternoon and people were taking rest. But the

    tranquility and silence was broken by constant barking of a dog. Eklavya did not like this,

    and therefore, he shut the mouth of the dog with an arrow. Dronacharya and Arjuna were

    surprised to see the dog with his mouth sealed with an arrow.

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    Naturally the curious Arjuna asked his Gurudev as to know who could have done this

    delicate job. Even Dronacharya was amazed and knew the archer must be exceptionally

    skilled artist. They decided to trace this skillful fellow and reached the spot where

    Eklavya was practicing wonders with his bow and arrow in front of the clay image of

    Drona. It took no time for Dronacharya to understand the situation. He realized thatEklavya was superior to Arjuna in some respects.

    Guru Dronacharya loved Arjuna very much and Dronas favorite student is also Arjuna.

    So he gave his word of making Arjuna as the best archer on earth. But on seeing

    Ekalavya, Guru Dronacharya feared that he might not keep his words of making Arjuna

    the best. For a Guru or King keeping the word is much more important then his life. He

    thought for a while and came to a decision of removing Ekalavya from the competition.

    Dronacharya went to see Ekalavya and asked him who his Guru was? Seeing

    Dronacharya he was excited and overjoyed. Ekalavya said that he worshippedDronacharya and he was his Guru. He attributed all his success to Guru Dronacharya.

    Guru Dronacharya was pleased with the dedication and loyalty of Ekalavya but to keep

    his words he had no choice. So he accepted Ekalavya as his disciple and requested for

    Guru Dakshina.

    Ekalavya was overwhelmed to see Dronacharya had accepted him as his disciple. He had

    promised Dronacharya that he will try utmost to give his Guru Dakshina. This is the

    pathetic scene or tragic incident into play.

    Guru Dronacharya said that he was pleased with his respect and loyalty for Guru. But

    Dronacharya demanded a heavy prize from Ekalavya, he asked Ekalavyas right thumb as

    his fees for Guru Dakshina. Everybody there were stunned on listening to Gurus unusual

    and cruel demand. For an archer asking to give his thumb is almost equivalent for asking

    him to give his life.

    But Ekalavya was happy for being his dream fulfilled that is being accepted as disciple of

    Dronacharya. In order to keep his promise without any protest Ekalavya cut off his thumb

    and placed at the feet of Dronacharya. Even Gods praised his great sacrifice. Though it

    had a unhappy ending, because of Ekalavyas sacrifice it became a legend.

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    The story of Rana Shibi

    There are many successive great kings who ruled the kingdom whose capital city in

    Hastinapur. One such great king among descendants of Baratha is Rana Shibi. The king

    Shibi is famous for his truthfulness, justice, kindness and most importantly keeping his

    word. He believed that life is meaningless if not lived according to Dharma. He was even

    ready for sacrificing his life for protecting Dharma. He also believed that whole life is

    centered on upholding the Dharma and righteousness.

    He became famous as protector of unprotected and who would sacrifice himself for

    justice. Even Gods became jealous of his fame so they wanted to test for his self control

    and his ability of upholding Dharma. Indra, the chief of Gods and Agni, the Fire God

    decide to take this ultimate test for strength of his character.

    This story illustrates why Rana Shibi is such a great king and also tells that not onlyweak humans need shelter but also birds, trees and animals required protection.

    One day while the King Shibi was sitting alone on terrace of his palace he saw a dove

    coming towards him. The Dove was trying to escape from clutches of chasing eagle.

    Dove was very frightened and took shelter in the lap of king. Dove said O king save my

    life, I came for your shelter.

    As it is the duty of any King to protect those who came for shelter he vowed dove to

    protect from eagle. The king said to dove that now you can have peace under my shelter.

    The eagle landed in front of King and asked him to leave his prey so that he canovercome his hunger. The king thought that it is also not right by taking its prey away.

    Then King Shibi was in a dilemma of doing justice, upholding Dharma, keeping his

    words and doing the duty of king. The king decided to resolve the issue by offering the

    eagle meat which is same amount as of the dove. The eagle insisted for dove his rightful

    prey. After some time Eagle agreed for taking the equal weight of flesh from his body as

    of the dove. Eagle also demanded for a condition that there should be no tear drops while

    giving the equal weight of flesh.

    The king agreed for the conditions and asked for knives and balance. He kept dove on

    one pan and on the other side of pan he place a large chunk of flesh from his right thigh.

    He kept on adding the flesh from right side of his body. He almost finished adding the

    whole flesh on his right side of his body but strangely always the pan with dove weighed


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    At this point a tear appeared on the left eye of King. The eagle insisted him to give his

    prey back saying that I dont want your unwilling sacrifice your tear in left eye is telling

    that you are unhappy.

    Then king replied with a smile on his face that you are mistaken my friend. The left eye

    is not crying out of grief but this is a tear of joy. If my right part of my body had satisfied

    you the left part of body would not have this great opportunity of sacrifice. It is crying

    out of joy. The king also said that he is very happy in protecting the weak.

    On listening to these words from King Shibi the dove and Eagle disappeared and in their

    places stood Fire God Agni and Indra, the chief of Gods telling him that he had passed

    the ultimate test for upholding justice, Dharma, and duty of true King.

    Ancestors of Pandavas and kauravas

    Santanu, the king of Hastinapur married a beautiful girl named Ganga, who was river of

    Goddess in disguise. She had agreed to marry him on the condition that he had to never

    question her actions. Over the years they had seven children but Ganga had thrown them

    into the river. Santanu was distressed but he did not question her so as to keep his

    promise. Finally eight child was born then he questioned her who she really was and why

    she was doing this? Then Ganga revealed herself and told him that her children were

    cursed to be humans so she had to end their punishment by drowning them into river. She

    left Santanu along with her eight child named as Devarata Santanu had not kept hispromise.

    Devarata is later better known by name called Bhisma which means doer of difficult

    deeds. He received this name after promising that he will never marry or have children.

    He has taken this vow in order of honoring his father wish of marrying Satyavati. She

    agreed to marry on the condition that she would be the mother of king. So Bhisma had

    taken such a difficult vow.

    Over the years santanu had died and half brothers of Bhisma were died in the battle and

    the others became old enough to marry. So Bhisma abducts three sisters and on returning

    to home he comes to know that one of the sisters called Amba has already chosen suitor

    so he allows her to leave. But her suitor does not want her any more so Amba returns to

    Bhisma and asks him to marry. But Bhisma refuses to marry her so as to keep his vow

    taken in honoring his fathers wishes. She takes a vow that she would one day kill him.

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    The importance of vows and promises are seen through out the epic. A vow will become

    truth and must be fulfilled no matter whatever happens. Even lives are sacrificed in

    keeping their words and promises.

    There are no men left besides Bhisma but he had renounced women. So Satyavati decide

    to ask her first born son Vyasa, the poet to give sons to the two princesses.

    He goes to them but they dislike him because he has taken a vow of poverty and he is not

    clean and smells. He explains them that they will bear sons but unfortunately the first son

    will be blind because the first princess closed her eyes on seeing Vyasa. The second son

    is pale because the second princess became pale at his touch. The blind one is called

    Dritarashtra and the pale one is named as Pandu. Vyasa had also a third son named vidura

    by a handmaiden.

    As Dritarashtra was blind he was unfit for becoming king. Vidura is also ruled out

    because he is from a lower caste. So Pandu becomes the king of Hastinapura. One day

    Pandu accidentally shoots a gazelle while hunting in the forest. That gazelle is a Brahmin

    in disguise who curses him that he will die instantly, if he makes loves with either of his

    wives Kunti ad Madri. Knowing that he can never have children he resigns from throne

    and moves into forests along with his wives. Kunti informs Pandu that she has a magic

    power of getting sons descended directly from Gods. By mantras power she can invoke

    God at will and have son by him. She had three sons, first son Yudhishthira son of God

    Dharma, second one Bhima, the strongest of men son of wind God, Arjuna an irresistible

    warrior, the son of Indra. Madri also uses the mantra and gives birth to twins Nakula andSahaDev. These five sons of Pandu are called as Pandavas and considered as heroes of

    Mahabharata. Pandu surrender his passion for Madri though she tries to push him back he

    dies instantly as by curse. So she joins him in the funeral pyre.

    Meanwhile Dritarashtra rules the kingdom and marries Gandhari. When she learns that

    her husband is blind she takes a vow that she will join her husband in the world of

    darkness by covering her eyes with a blindfold. After few years and an abnormal long

    pregnancy Gandhari give birth to one hundred sons called Kauravas. The first born son is

    called Duryodhana. Vidrua says that his first brings hate and destruction into the world.

    He will one day cause the destruction of their race. Vidura urges the king to get rid of

    Duryodhana but he ignores him.

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    Through out the epic it is seen that there are vows taken and trying to keep the promises

    no matter ever happens. But by the end it is also seen that every vow taken results in

    good for someone or protecting justice, truth, Dharma. In this story when Bishma allows

    Amba to go to the one that she loved it can be seen that he respects her wish of making

    choice of the person with whom she has to live for her rest of the life just like now adays. We can also observe revenge, consequences of mistakes and one will definitely

    have to face the consequences as a result of their actions at sometime. We can also see

    that parents love their children and take care no matter whatever happens like when

    vidhura warned Dritarashtra about his first son that will be a threat to race.