Three Kinds of Christian - Plus Roman Catholic and Lots More

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  • 7/29/2019 Three Kinds of Christian - Plus Roman Catholic and Lots More


    Three kinds of Christian

    Fundamentalist, Liberal and Mystical.(Just a bit about Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox too.)

    . a lesson on Christian beliefs about the Creation story.

    The approach I like to take is that while every individual Christian is different and will have

    their own particular beliefs about Creation, it is helpful to think of three 'clearly different

    categories' of Christian.

    Fundamentalist Christians,

    Liberal Christians and

    Mystical Christians.

    (You can improve on these 'headings' if you like - but they help to give three clear and distinct

    ways in which people may be Christian which can be used in answering any question at GCSEwhich asks for different viewpoints. The differences are -

    Fundamentalist Christians are those who view the Bible as the Word of God and believe that it

    contains literal truth.

    They might argue that since God is

    perfectly Good and

    perfectly Wise and

    perfectly Powerful.

    He does not make mistakes.

    They might say that it may be true that the Bible is

    a collection of different books, written (according to scholars using texturalanalysis)

    bysome 80 different authors - all of them human and capable of making mistakes

    over a period of more than 1,000 years. It may be true that these different books

    were chosen from many more, by a

    council of leading Bishops, all of them fallible

    but, a Fundamentalist Christian might argue, all these people were constantly watched over and

    guided by God's Hand.

    These people were divinely inspired. So all that they wrote, or all that they selected to be in this

    book, is exactly what God wished to be there. If He wished us to have something different in our

    hands today, He would have made it different. We can trust God and we can trust His Word,

    delivered to us in the form of the Bible. And if something from the secular world appears not to

    agree with the Bible, then it must be wrong, as the Bible is the only thing you can actually rely on.

    This approach may sound ridiculous from the outside but it gives Fundamentalist Christians a

    great sense of strength and confidence. They have a firm foundation for their religious lives. And

    they can just get on wholeheartedly with their worship without looking sideways or wasting time

    with questions and doubts.

    Fundamentalist Christians therefore, believe in the Biblical miracles and in the Power of Prayer.

    They may pray with great devotion and faith and experience miracles in their own lives. SomeFundamentalist Churches encourage the exploration of things like Speaking in Tongues and

    mystical experiences of direct relationship with the living Christ. Their own experience of

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    miracles, of prayers fulfilled and the peace which comes from their inner relationship with Jesus

    are proof for them that their faith is true.

    Many Fundamentalist Christians hold exclusivist views. That means that they believe their own

    branch of Christianity is the only correct one and people in other religions are not saved. They may

    be strongly Evangelical as a result. They feel sorry for all the people who have not taken Jesus as

    their Saviour. They want to give them the chance of finding God and going to Heaven when they

    die, so they preach on the street or knock on your door, trying to save your Soul.

    Liberal Christians view the Bible as an important document full of spiritual truth and guidance.

    They believe that it is central to their knowledge of God and Jesus and they should read it regularly

    as part of their worship. But they will also read other books, particularly by scholars who have

    studied the historical time when different books were written and can put them into the context of

    the political and social situation prevailing at the time.

    Many Liberal Christians are scientists or have a very scientific attitude to life which does not

    contradict with their Christianity. They fully accept both the importance of the Creation Story andthe concept of The Big Bang.

    Such Liberal Christians recognise that the genre of many of the stories in Genesis is Oral

    Tradition, the ancient way of recording important information which human societies used before

    the advent of the written word. In Oral Tradition history and wisdom is woven into the form of

    story, song and poetry. This is shared and passed on from the elders of a tribe to the next

    generation. Oral Tradition is full of truth but it is not literal truth or scientific truth. It is poetic

    and symbolic truth. The Genesis story is full of this kind of truth.

    The Big Bang theory is based on scientific observation of the universe. Its not an invention. You

    can encourage students to do project work on the many pieces of evidence for the Big Bang.Evolution is similarly based on real scientific evidence, both from the geological and fossil record

    and from biological studies of DNA.

    But science is not looking any deeper than the physical structure. It cant. Thats what it deals

    with. Science asks What? and How. It does not ask questions such as Why? Or From


    Religion and spirituality are not asking the same questions as science asks. They are not looking at

    the surface, at the physical existence, but exploring what is within and behind the physical world.

    They look at the subtle and elusive truths which give life meaning and direction.

    In the Genesis Story there is a deliberate act of creation, the world has not just come to existenceby chance. There is a Source, a reason, a relationship. And the source is in relationship with all that

    IT creates. IT sees that it is good. And it commands human beings to take special care of the rest

    of the natural world, to be good stewards.

    Science can give us the capacity to do things with the physical world, to mine the minerals and

    chop down the forests, to pollute the waters and the atmosphere but it can say nothing about the

    moral issues, the right and wrong involved in doing these things. There is no Good and Bad in

    science. But in religion and spirituality there is this kind of question and responsibility. So Liberal

    Christians would say that both are important.

    They might say that the two approaches to truth, scientific and religious, are insufficient on theirown. They need each other. Just as we need two eyes to see the world in perspective, we need the

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    subtle wisdom of religion and the factual information of science if we are to live in harmony and


    Some Liberal Christians would suggest that Global Warming is the sort of thing which will

    inevitably happen when human society is driven by materialism and greed, empowered by science

    and without a regard for the spiritual aspect of life. If we ignore the spiritual relationship we share

    with the rest of the planet, the result is likely to be very unpleasant for future generations and could

    quite possibly set our species on the road to extinction.

    Some Liberal Christians have a strongly scientific attitude to life and dont believe in miracles.

    They may look for ways of explaining away many of the miracles recorded in the Bible. Others

    may say that there are many mysteries, many things we dont understand and the Source of

    Creation is not bound by physical laws. Many Liberal Christians do experience a genuine inner

    relationship with Christ and experience miracles in their lives. But because the way that Liberal

    Christians use interpretation in their approach to the Bible, there is a huge variety in belief. Many

    are active in Inter Faith and Ecumenical work (Inter Faith is working with people from different

    religions, Ecumenical work is with people from other Christian denominations. But some LiberalChristians are quite exclusivist and would support efforts to reach out to the secular population and

    try to share the Good News of Christianity with them. But they would tend to do this by holding

    events at their place of worship, rather than preaching on the streets.

    Mystical Christians are those who use the New Testament especially the Gospels to develop

    an intense inner relationship with Jesus. This then guides their lives. They have no problem with

    other religions and recognise that there are many ways of approaching God. Since they would view

    Jesus as one with God, they are following this approach to God. They fully accept all the miracles

    in the Bible because their own understanding of life is not limited by scientific laws. They might

    say that the physical world is a manifestation of the spiritual reality which underlies it and pre-

    existed it. Nothing in the physical world can not be changed if Gods Will is there.

    Mystical Christians would not just study the Gospels but also the works of Christian saints and

    mystics including books such as the Aquarian Gospel and others which give insight into the

    living Christ.

    Mystical Christians are often open to insight from other religions and may practise meditation as

    well as traditional Christian prayer. Some of them accept reincarnation and view the goal of God

    Realisation as the same as what Jesus called Christians to achieve when he commanded them, Be

    Thou Perfect. They often are active in Interfaith and Ecumenical work.

    Many Quakers are Mystical Christians.

    Finally you may like to look at Roman Catholic Christians and explain that within this one

    denomination (as with the other dominations to perhaps a slightly lesser extent) you will find

    Fundamentalist, Liberal and Mystical Christians.

    With the Catholics the difference is that there is a supreme head of the Church in the form of the

    Pope who holds great respect and authority. There are also some interesting differenced in belief

    which are specific to Catholics, such as purgatory.

    Many Roman Catholics are active in Inter Faith and Ecumenical work, and there is a strong

    tradition of Roman Catholic saints and mystics. Then there are the Eastern Orthodox churches and

    many more