Three days grace website analysis

The website uses a small link to allow the audience to log into the website. This will then sent the fans recent updates on the band and there news. This is small in the corner in a white font that contrast to the black, so although it is small it is noticeable to the audience. The colour beneath the large font in the middle moves. This is done to add a creative and artist professional affect. The movement behind the writing is effective as it adds a quirky style to it, separating this band from other bands of this genre.

Transcript of Three days grace website analysis

Page 1: Three days grace website analysis

The website uses a small link to allow the audience to log into the website. This will then sent the fans recent updates on the band and there news. This is small in the corner in a white font that contrast to the black, so although it is small it is noticeable to the audience.

The colour beneath the large font in the middle moves. This is done to add a creative and artist professional affect. The movement behind the writing is effective as it adds a quirky style to it, separating this band from other bands of this genre.

Page 2: Three days grace website analysis

There is small writing at the top of the screen which tells audiences about the recent updates. However, I find it unusual that the information is in small typeset at the top. I feel the website designers did this as the band concentrate on the music rather than ‘gossip’.

The ripping effect along the bottom gives the impression that the band are edgy which is a stereotypical view of bands from this genre.

Page 3: Three days grace website analysis

The central image is of the bands new album which covers most of the website. This also has a link above which allows the audience to buy the album. This is effective as it’s quick and easy for a fan to buy the latest album.

Page 4: Three days grace website analysis

The links at the bottom are in a small typeset and are white, this contrasts to the grey meaning that although the typeset is small the audience are still able to see it easily and select an option without difficulty.

The colour pallet of the website is black, grey and white. These are colours that link to the conventions of my genre and are seen as stereotypical colours.

Page 5: Three days grace website analysis

The small icons at the bottom of the screen allow the audience to access and share the website to social networking sites. This allows the band to reach the target audience through technological convergence. For example, Twitter and Facebook are often on mobiles and are easy to access. This means it more likely to be seen as the sites are easy to get on to.