Three day workshop @jims rohini by mirus solutions

Three Day Workshop JIMS Rohini Summary February 2013 A Mirus

Transcript of Three day workshop @jims rohini by mirus solutions

Three Day Workshop

JIMS Rohini


February 2013

A Mirus Presentation

Demystifying the Job – Sales & Marketing

Understand job content in terms of key deliverables and expectations

Life on a day to day basis

Opportunities & Challenges

Possible growth trajectories

Competencies required to be successful

Do You Have The Key


• Commitment

• SkillsInformatio


• Level of insight

• NetworkingComp


• What you are capable of


• Inherent ability

A goal casually set and lightly taken is freely abandoned at the first obstacle.

You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills

The power of a network can be reduced to it's simplest form in 'I know someone who knows someone who knows someone

Great things never come from comfort zones

Its not who we think we are that holds us back, but who we think we are not

Be curious not judgemental

What is your positioning?


What is my


What do I offer?

Who is my competitio


What makes me different?

What need do I serve?

How is this need


Competency Framework – A Blueprint for



Strategic Functional

Intellectual Operational



PerformanceProblem Solving



Exposure Technical Skills Numerical Skills Academic Qualifications Ability to Self Learn

Communication Skills Confidence & Energy Maturity & Integrity Interpersonal Skills Stress Management

Ownership Eye for Detail Process Oriented Task focused Multi Tasking

Hard Working Result Oriented Solution Oriented Customer Focus Job Skills

Values Environment Compatibility Emotional Quotient Coachibility

Knowledge Analytical Ability Perseverance Negotiation Skills

Memory Ability to correlate Risk Taking Creativity & Innovation Ability to Convince

Strategic Thinking Decision Making Ability to Influence &

Motivate Executive Presence

Discuss the Problem

Ask for Work

Put up with the grunt work

Don’t get scared

Befriend & Network

Jog the extra mile

Adopt a new Mentor

Dealing with the Internship Challenge

Organization Expectations

Foundation Competencies

Functional Competencies

Work Ethic

Aspiration Match

Compensation Fitment

Right Campus & degree pedigree and the appropriate level of scores/grades. A personality fitment and desired levels of exposure

A capacity to Learn, to do the job & effectively discharge the key result areas. Be a cultural match for the organization.Have Scalability, someone who can perform and grow to handle higher degrees of responsibility in the organizationThe right work ethic. Someone who does not require constant supervision, who will abide by the organization’s code of conduct, will be willing to stretch.

Strategic Competencies

Be genuinely interested in the organization, the role and the opportunity it represents. Not motivated by only brand & compensation.

To pay according to capability of the employee and proven achievement of results

Body Language & Grooming

Everything Counts!Make sure the packaging says: I’m professional I’m put-together I’m reliableI’m going to represent your brand, your company, your team, really well if you hire me. And then let the words that come out of your mouth really emphasise those messages.

Putting your best foot forward

Putting your best foot forward

Dress for Success What not wear in Corporates?

Make sure that your socks are long enough so that there’s no exposed leg while you are sitting down!

Tie’s length shorter or longer than the belt Flashy colours Unpolished or dirty shoes Tattoos or ear/body piercing Unkempt hair or spikes Stained, unwashed or torn clothes

Putting your best foot forward

Dress for Success Image Breakers..

Heavy deodorant /perfume Body Odour Bad Breath Flashy or Sporty wrist watch, wrist-bands or such accessories Nails..chipped nail paint Heavy make-up Skin show Tight clothing Rucksack or sling-back bag

Putting your best foot forward

Dress for Success Image Breakers..

Manage your Tics

You’re in a high-stakes situation with a stranger, there is pressure and an imbalanced power structure. Distracting habits need to be controlled.

Putting your best foot forward

Body Posture

Leaning in, slouching, dodgy eyes or staring, any extreme can put you on the pendulum swing from Aggressiveness to Disinterest.

Putting your best foot forward

Physical Gestures

Repeated hand gestures or chopping hand motions distract from your words, while lack of movement points to stiffness & discomfort.

Putting your best foot forward


It’s just nervous energy and a natural desire to appear your best. Fiddling with hair, jewellery…takes the focus away from you.

Putting your best foot forward