Three Day Road Multimedia Presentation (ENG4UV)

Three Day Road Joseph Boyden By: Emily Swan


This is my ISP multimedia presentation for Three Day Road! There are videos and background music; adjust your volume. Hope you enjoy :) Emily If videos do not work, here are the links: Movie Trailer: Residential School:

Transcript of Three Day Road Multimedia Presentation (ENG4UV)

  • 1. Three Day Road Joseph Boyden By: Emily Swan

2. Movie Trailer Link In the link, the trailer starts at 3:42*Adjust your volume* 3. Lead Thesis Statement Throughout the history of mankind it is clear that heroic acts of duty can be tragic and destructive. The heroic act of killing results only in destructive consequences. 4. Niska becomes socially isolated. Xavier develops an addiction to morphine. Elijah becomes mentally ill. 5. Topic Sentence Niska is a Windigo killer and she becomes isolated from her native community and the white mans society. Point 1 I allowed you to watch, Little One, because one day I will be gone and you might have to do the same (Boyden 45). I live on what the land would give and slowly [become] wild like the animals around [them] (Boyden 93). Niska is watching her dad kill two people, a mother and her baby. Her father is taken away by the police and she deals with her conflicts with society directly going against what is expected of her and leaves with her mother to live in the bush. Proof As a child Niska was obliged to become a Windigo killer. She watches her father kill a mother and child and she is forcibly taken to the residential schools. Niska rebels against the institution. She escapes the school with the help of her mother and is isolated from her tribe. Comment 6. Residential School Residential School Link*Adjust your volume* 7. Point 2 I squeezed my thighs around him and kept twisting so that his eyes began to bulge. The man holding his arms strained against his strength, cursing and breathing hard. From the way the Windigo writhed and flopped, I knew that the old man too was holding on for his life (Boyden 244). I hide well during the day, but when the sound of it reaches my ears I have no choice but to walk among them. They stare and point and talk about me as if they've not seen one of me before (Boyden 3). Niska is now known as a murder because she took the cannibals life. As a result, of her heroic act of killing, she is left isolated from society. Proof Niskas duty is to kill a Windigo by herself, after she is shunned by society. Comment Conclusion Niska must live the life of a loner and is isolated from both her native and white mans society. 8. Topic Sentence Xavier has little choice and to survive the war; he must kill his best friend. I must finish this. I have become what you are, Niska (Boyden 370). Point 1 Xavier returns home for the war effort addicted to morphine to escape reality. Proof Comment Xavier is heartbroken, he killed one of his own and now he must ignore reality only by taking morphine. 9. Point 2 Xavier is in active duty and loses his leg to an explosion. Proof The reality of war is the soldiers, like Xavier, will face adversity and suffer a loss of limb. Treatment can become a dependency and Xavier was no exception and became addicted to the cure. The heroic act of killing was made more difficult when Xavier had to face the problem of killing his best friend and so, he tried to escape the reality by taking a mind altering substance. Comment When I first realized Id lost my leg, I stared at the wound for days, watched as blood seeped through the white bandage, life leaking out of me in a trickle (Boyden 221). Conclusion 10. Topic Sentence Elijah has developed an insatiable thirst for blood to prove his skills for killing and gaining the respect of others. Point 1 Weve been in the trenches for only five months in their time, but Elijahs killed five men for every month that has passed. He is Whiskeyjack the Indian and Whiskeyjack the killer (Boyden 142). Elijah has lost his sense of duty and its purpose and now do not find he is killing for killing sake as his own motivation. Proof Elijah finds that he receives commendations and words of encouragement each time he kills. Comment 11. Point 2 "Elijah looks down at the soldier he has just dispatched He turns the dead man on his stomach and removes his sharpened skinning knife from its sheath and pulls the mans hair back and removes his scalp with careful motions as simply as he would remove the skin from a pike. He places the hair in his kit bag, assuring himself that just as some other Indians consider it a sign of honour in battle, this counting coup and taking scalps, he will too" (Boyden 210). Elijah has become the top killer and now has Windigo like tendency and is appears ready to eat the flesh of his kills. Proof Elijah has turned to scalping his kills and he has gone too far beyond what is seen to be humane and reasonable. Comment Conclusion Heroic acts of killing once again manifest negative consequences on the Elijahs life. 12. Restate Thesis The use of heroic acts of killing have demonstrated a negative and destructive impact on the lives of Niska, Xavier and Elijah. Heroic acts of killing did no good for Niska, it brought her to a residential school, which isolated her from her tribe, and then isolated her from white mans society. Xavier had a drug addiction because a heroic act of killing his best friend, to save himself and others from a Windigo, and from the heroic act of killing in the war resulted in a loss of limb. Elijah forgot the purpose of killing as a war hero and saw the war as a competitive game, then lost his mind by starting to scalp his victims to gain respect of the other soldiers. The Key Points 13. Concluding Statement Heroic acts of duty can be tragic and destructive and until humans find a better way to solve conflict history will repeat. 14. Boyden, Joseph. Three day road: a novel. New York: Viking, 2005. Print. Chlipala, Thomas. "Life of Pi- Seminar." Elearning Ontario. N.p., 13 July 2014. Web. 23 July 2014. . "Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 July 2014. . "Rhythm of the Heart - Native American - Buffalo - Plains - Sioux. YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 23 July 2014. . "Three Day Road - Official Fake Trailer with interview and bloopers. "Witness to murder at Indian Residential School." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 23 July 2014. . 15. This is my ISP multimedia presentation for Three Day Road! There are videos and background music; adjust your volume. Hope you enjoy Emily If videos do not work, here are the links: Movie Trailer: Residential School: