THR DISPATCH. DAILY DISPATCH. JLUVSkwil'ibljiiti · aaa thi ii the credit >i-s t qually. Tbs deed...

THR DISPATCH. BY THE D1RPATCH COMPANY. VASII- ISVAIilARl.V ia BDVABf*B. The UAH.* nisl'ATili is i. livered to aub- BCinb«'r- it riFTttt '.Ms |m-> wrrl..]>avahicTo Ihe carrier wi k ix Malled al te ysr annnm : BS for six months: tl.At' for Hine months; 60c. for nih. Thc *l vii vv viki Y DISPATCH ttHptr as¬ ian, or tl l-r liv mon!'.«. The WK.KM 1 IH*P ATCH ai 81 perannum. A HSOLI'TKLY IM RE. Kl!lt nmi V 1 A L, lt K n <i V * AA I, BRR O *' * * aaa L ,; |{() n V A Al. U K OOO YA A I.LL C.lilt K I Iv ll NS \ !,,,,. ii ll A A K K ll N N N *. O UBI' AD KN ll N N \ *} X A K K II N N N ., i.i, HUH A A K h il N SN Ddt. rev oo tr w *x Dim vrrr BRR i- I'" u wu xv XX li M I CK PPP ll ll V, v\ xx \x |i |i ! I fl Li: I p n o vx xv ** va d i) , i: i: .. P 00 V* W DDD 1 fl , I lt K ... no ln-lvl 4 AMIIDATI*. I4IR 4)FFI4 ll. il ix.I. JOctEPB CHRISTIAN, ti Tai, .1 ¦-'.¦, nf tflpi Houri <f Ajnethv,) hen Uv sun. uiicr. tums, ir a CANDIDATE BOB lill* ll 'I *l <>K ATI* in tl .r next V ' l\. tr* ..(¦ IN RI -;*.N*r i«i THE "CLATTER¬ ING card op RANT MIR* I.ANTS, tad BOllettaUoa o*f m.nt cHIbmib, I heret.van- noun. . < * Mm i*. I I. POR lilt: nu *fl OP di IT .. * thc decision D wrath primary to be held on thc 27tl Instant bi . av Rial *fc nhl 1ix bonored with tl l.« .rc l pndgr my tim* Bl i ttl :: nilen -t- "f '-ur Mite, ami .Ut t<itb< furtherance of thetkraxle and con- it-. - I- JOHN A. tl KID rpo THE vin ii:* OF RICHMOND: I In announcing mvsrtf . candi dat* .1 *i op DI I Si, * i ' -i. -iv r. T fait hf -nt vouln tin--.*-. naoflBSl- d, .ti, pr|- Instant, ind pk dge n \*t if. whether nominated ur defeated, lo continua to v!-.' ' ms. VT rt _ I. VV IL] V DWI*. Tu T lil VOT1 RS <T RK IIMON1* I * ii x . a a i - fmauy r ,i * . Din v 11 . "'. ID ll"l *l ", Di LPliATEB.a '1' I . -, i- KU ci '¦¦ i- ctfu'ly. .! Dil s v |,| m ,,i-. 1 tlEREB. ANN"! SCI MY81 ll A- Vi VNDDiX I t..r r. -. L IL ai I'.t'ii II"! -! "i DI 1 I i. VI I ,T-i,.n .d' Hu pta- Hers D-- M. *l'nl*V\ OOO. rpo THE VOTERS OF RI< RMOND: I I fet-i thal i a, lt to tb* nunycltSanwof Rich- who hsvt , th* in In the HOUSE OE DEL EG Cl I - hi aa) lhal ii Itu y i-i ii-, fnl In!n Un ii command. *'f ci ui prlmar) lectkm. tfully. IIH-M \*.i. I \ an*. IMIOICS AMI * I.OTIIII KS. "UN LATOl ( ULA SON, .1 1 I N 1! -j UKI i reancclfnll] Invite tbt Inspection of the mos) i . I* ito* i. i r vu. and wini. .: GOODS ever leen In ibis city. _ 18-eod 1/ A I. I. GOODS. >2| * ll vi:i * i-.. ni. li vhi BON D lo \v. IL li Bl. hard-on .UL. Ml Li ll XN I * IL* tl:. Ka lu tOBTII l-"i .: I i r.'> lu , .i*n il VS'l H"l I i rtt'Ddi. tull line of KALI, and WIN- T fl i: s( 11 i\,, ftc, which will ip made ap In :.--st\ii and al verj moderate prices Kn teed. _ -'¦ lu-' "d'.vx frill: NEW REOCLA riON I'Xl- "ii at . XV ND, IN..I i; * MIL1TAB1 T 017 Rank si . Kn hmoinl Hi Correspondence solicited and nmi liny |s»rt "f tin si*.te. it l*l-.h-...UniAwlin . ri I m. _ rntACTioN. s MU -I"., iv III' KALI. AND WINTER . LOTUS, cnATlV U' '.'-ll D. < lll.VT'H, ash CA88IRHR Bl 11 ING!; _*_81 0P1 M li «. 1 R VIN si i;| 1. ALI. Till NI XX I - \ fl "I I || N* 1. XND 1 N,;|| s.| lUNi-s. * Xl.I. VND IN \MiNi oca ni xx BTOCK. E. IL sPI'M ) | -s"N. ITm bani Tailor*. -vflMTT MOItl 1 I il 'III ssss T I. HHS 8 I ll HHS T Hllllll ll BBSS T ll UH I T ll HHS * T ll lill SSSS xv xx Vf A I V XX xx xv vv AA V V XX XX XX XV A A V V VX VX XV VV A A Y V XX XX XX XX A A A V VX VV A A Y VV WA AY, < l.l.'LTIINl.-IT H*T!AsKH*. W i ni |,atr.-'i- have Leen-|»,.' Hi lr .un.m, i va-atl-.ii 1n Hm iii.-uiitaUi* and al th- aaMBaa. ta asa batatas*, ta Bas ajaaaia8tts*-i lng t-i titre,, s. hiin..- our Mock for fal! nud win¬ ter wtii r fit imii. youth... am! Im-)--,. and a visit to .ah'l.hiucut will convince tin- ino-l -Wt |>li- eal that our stock aud oul .¦¦ unequalled in thi. aflty. VV. will-till ailbert l" "ni rt inarka- bly l-,w |uiti..4iid will w.ii rant ihat tor juice.. are fully *_D \a cent, h-wri than any otb'r chub- HiV-h'tiiw. KAI... nVTTM DATS from fl..Vat'.*_o; MIN'S FALL Hills fron. 86 to |30; lui III- KAl.LMTTS from tl) to fl 18; BOYS' TALL blTTlS from ft to»12. MlHrTT HTOBE. NO. 012 MAIN STREET. IW-s-C-StJ S.-S9L"aSawE DAILY DISPATCH. VOL LXIV. richmond, va., friday MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, \Wl. NO. 70. £..i'1uho.u xlisjuUiit. r'RIOAY.sKUTKMItKH ll, I88S. a#"T Hi a li: l I. All i'N fl I IO- O I-1* A Tl Tl IS LAIC.EU TUAN THE (OM1HNED (TIM LATIa.N OF ALL THE t.lflli; OAII.V VEVVS- PAPEK- OF THE. a ITV. [Enter,.! at tin- NsftMSftS! Bl I IR* Ml s<t-.>ta,l-class mailer, I .ufa- 11 a atilt I Itl-tla.l I. |ftBS. i.,: telciftSiu to the Dlsp-al, h.| W A-ll INA KIN. Sa-pt.-ltlLi-r "21 1 A. M.. Ka.i- tm- Middle AtliUlIU' .-'al.*, sliuhllv v,.linn r, fair weather, followed by Ugbl lai¬ cal rain. during tho ni/ht. vari th|e w Iuds, fit 111 ii ir followed In southern portions bj ri-intr I»:*r«n»i*it r. Fur HM ,w8Uth Atlantic Stat!.*. light local rains, partly <loudv. ihghtl) warmer wt g. titer, mirth t<. xx. st vxim'.s. *!itu.nary or higher barometer. TU wea Hint IBSiaai'AT Rai partly t la ll ililli cloudy, 1 iiEiiMt'METEi: jYaRtRBRAT! fl A. M.. 4 I A. M., 7'2; BOOB, Ti; :; 1». M.. sn; fl ['. M., '.'! ; inidni-Jilit. Tn. .Mt BB lt -Hlpa Tilt WIT', 7.' 4-(i. LOCAL MATTERS. li. A. Itamnny A In.'* Assicniiteiit. Th. Baltimore Sun nf yesterday lui* thc ft.How ini; i-i hilve tu the tinn thal furnhibed th. pumps and win a I* for OUT na vv pump. house: li" nry \. Rsnasay, dolaft bustuessai li. A. Ivi.ii.sty ft Co., machinist, and -liiI - builders, proprietor- a.f the Vukan Steam. I.iiiiiie Wauk*. William :uiil Uuglies -. has i v-ciit. d a .La d of trust lor tl..- ben. iii "f Li* creditors generally, dated September iv The tnttteei named In the ile Will iain Lied, ol Morton, Rei d ft Co., and ( i.iiilu il ind I > 11 jr pt t. The deed provides lor payment ol the t-osti "f t i,c !ri|s|s. lej'ill pref, lt HO. s, ;;nil vvai'f. atf (1)1- I' due for three months or less Luna-, aaa thi ii the credit >i-s t qually. Tbs deed wa. precipitated bj a snit in m. Loni*, brough! by Henry IL llaaelhnrst, arainsl .Mr. Ramsay lor 110.897 lor rent, in wbicb it i* set forth thal tbe eitj of si Louis i* Indebted to Ramsay tm r that ii'iu'iint, aad asks thal thc plaiatilF* claim be |aid ! v the eily OBI ol the IBU! due Ramsay. The ls .ulm.'d In supply, lag pumping engines for th. st. Louis Wilt.t-works. ;ind this roll pul a slop to tbe city's payments to Ramsay, Tbe trus¬ tees are authorized to sell the property, and Mr. Ramsay estimates ii- val largel] exceediuft the .ola!-, unless the plant, machinery, ftc., are -"iii at a sacri¬ fice. Tbs extention "f tbe deed put s atop for ihe present to the work in the estab¬ lishutrent. From Lin to 200 men wereetn- 1 la.veil there. Tiic Maaaart Lust Wlgfas. Owiag to the announcemenl that two IUW falliliil ita . for pill.lia- fitV-.T.Mil. Oisliel und .Mr. CuHriss \\aiil--wiuild lill the vocal numben ol thc pr-ogramme si Hu m>,/ait musicale last night, the hall was .h usi-iv eroRded, The orebestral overture, "Morning, Noon, ami Night" (Suppl was rendered with decided -j.nit. nml was followed hy Mlie. < )i*]u i's (ir-f number, a soprano solo, ** Waiting," (Mil¬ lan!.: .Mila-. Di*h. i lingi with ft ling, poss. ts. - i *w.-at. flexible, blghly-cultlvated voice. which she lines to the best advantage, aad impressed the audience inn*! favorably from tlie beginning- In thi* a* in her second Btimber ihe bad to respond to an In Mr. Ward, bowev. r, the audience wai daUMppolnted. His voice wai husky ami lacked volume, aad there was aa evident effort t" uiak.' np for these defeats by ges¬ ture ami tlliilllatie a Illina Uti ta >ll. 'Fha orchestra, though small, waa wt ll balanced, and gave it* numbers v\ ita pleas- in- effect, especially the sect nu 1 number, N Bade," (Kopplta,] and " I'm ki-li Patrol," (Michaella,) a repetition of which was demanded by tbe audit nee. The trombone (Hr. Equi) lo tbe serenade wai vt rv linc. _ Riverine;, at a UH l-i.loud Hoy. Ashlawn, in Albemarle county, once the *. ai ol President Monroe, noa tbs n-i- dt n-e of Hob. John K. Massey, was the sa-, to yesterda] mornlnaol the marriage ..I Mr.'J. Henri Rice to Mi-* Maggie Lee Massey, only daughter of tbe peutl. man it w bose house the marriage took place. The invited company wa. .mail, and* the Rait* erswere Mr. Arthur! luke, of this city, friend of the -.-ronni, w ith Mi*- Bdge, ol Albemarle, and Mr. Walter Massey, bro¬ ther ol tbe bride, w ii li Mi** liarris, ol ! ll-il'l<ittc*Vlllc. After Ihe marriage n band-tome lunch aras served, and then the bridal parti Ult amid the congratulations ol their friend*; for Farmvllle, tbe resilience ol Mr.Rlee'i j.ill' Ills. Mr. Rice, who is one ol our rising young men, is in the insurance business with hil brother, Mr. \\. D. Rice, a bo Bccompanled him on thi- trip. Thc bride is s young lailv who adds to ber personal ch inn. that of s bright :uid cultivated mind, wboae literal] productions have several times ta. ii s. ,n in public pi lal, I .nat .lol I n a.L ol Nut ure. 11 sti-niay inoniiuj'- thc h'-man. xx liiL- on hi* rouads, lui at Mr. Kdvvard Cuin- lniii*'* a large i.ioek oi' Ice, weighing per¬ haps twenty pound*. Mr. Cummins at tii-st did act tx't'p'e anything peculiar aboul the ice. imt iii a iinie vv hil.- bia attention w -Atilt d io a tsurious loarmation lo tbe centre ol thc block. The rariositj w:i. ia tlu ihapeol a siper vasa' Ulled with flow¬ ers. Nothing could have been niora per- f.-et tihiiithi- represeatattoB. Thc outlines ,| the Vasa- Wire ela-arlv dadilla a|, Up- ¦hading being such :is to bring the entire conformation into bold relief, und tbe Howers with which it wa- filled were as natural a* life. Hun Ired, ol peo¬ ple called i" isa tafte wonderful light, sad in order to preserve ii tiu-wcii-kuown pho¬ tographer, Duli*, fame dowra and pho¬ tographed the pretty picture, giving a ino*t iLit ni;il l'epr.-eiital mn ol ii. Winn the io* melted ii wm louad thal thc space ihowing tbe ibm and dowers wa- simply a vacuum filled with air, which In the process ol heealng itomehoR or other made thc perfect shape alluded to. 4 u pia iii I a,iut I liroHii'N Arront Km I t.t(!. special Orden No. h. issued from ifiji- luelital lii-ailijlia.tcr*. dated Septellll'd' ftOtb, ord' i's the suspension ,,f Hu- arrest ol l nptain Leroy K. Hiown until further 01* al. r*. Now thal Captain BfRRR i* BftRtB in i-ttuunaiiti. Company D will enter with seal Into regular drilling tWO QC tin tc limes a week, in ord.r Ha La- able tn enter into thc competitive airill during tbs Btate Fair. .Last inch! us soon as the antlers suspend- uig the arras* of its Captain wa* read lo Company l> a ci minitta-,- w::s ;,jtj.<>*.iit.-il am! .ant after Captain Btorr, Rho on ia ichinu tiic Artnory w:.s "-reeled With tumultuous applaiisi'. This *a tl lament of the troubls in the eainp of thc company will Lc Joj fully lauil- eu by the regiment Mit. Theatre 1 o.Msli!. Tl.ateli. r, rritniose A Wast vvill lia* at tlu* Theatre to-night, um! it may safelj be sssartart thal n full hon*.' xviii recognize them. No :t.l<li! ional price will be charged, notwithstanding tba I'ipntatloii of tlitvse comedian*. The liertormuncc will be re¬ pealed to-morrow afternoon, when a mati¬ nee will be given, and to-morrow night at the usual hour. DEMOCRATIC DONATIONS. Ul I TIM. «r Tl|| fcTVrl lo-tRIT- tm: or iii |»AKTV. .Wr. Hale, on Account of III Health. B*sss8ajass*B_88 IfaaafoaaBnaaB. A iii<-etiii_ af tin- D.-inoeratie Slate Cm- nutt-.wa- held :it ti..- Exchange Hot* yes¬ terday, vxith nieinliers ppaaeil fruin ev* rv section of the -'nt.-, a* follows: l-Tr-t IHstiict-.liulj:,. h. r. Qttater, Phillp Gibton, T. W, Waller, Warner T. .lillies, \\ \ .[,,.,-. St coBd Di-iriet M. (iii miali. I>r. .1. F. Bryant, J. W, Hnbbard, Joha I>. Odell, Dr. Ooo rai B. Rives. Third I>i*tii* t- EL F. heine, u. li. Cardwell, H. il. Nash, B. A. Haacock, J. M. Hud._in. Fourth l>i*tri"t lt. T. Wil*p,;i, s. F. Coleman, s. p, Arriiii'toii. Fifth l»istrie!-c.(,.H.,limul. L.C. Wal¬ kin*. sixth District.P. A. Kris,.. B.J. Gra- liam. .1. I». Hoi-sl, x, (Titiitn I'litte-tPii, james Bowles, scvt-ntli Di-tricf.J. M. White, Edward Kelifl*. I.i_htli District.Henry Heaton. F. II. Mox,I. T. 1'. Wallace. W.H. F. Lee. Ninth Mistricf.W. F. Rhea. 8. W. Wil¬ li ¦!-. s. * (,ia>iaiii, lt. A. Ayer-. And the following BMmbere ol tbe Bx- cuttve Committee jobs B. Barbour 'chairman;. A. Ful!icr*i)ii. Judge Watt-. A. II. Bowraaa. Mr. ll. sin |pt rd. xviii, i* h,,. ocexeHarj of tin- Executive Committee, was ppu yea- terday elected secretary of tim State < om* initt'-e al-". BCBIHESf T.xt.K. The dal wss sj teal in bearing detailed reports of th--work of the canvass In the a Mini districts, '"unties, and cities of tb* State. Tin-t were tjjenerally calmly made, iniil tbe advantages and disadvantages un¬ der which tin p.'uiv j- operating were thoughtfully considered. There wa- no underra! mir of the power sud wiles of Mil¬ lion*- and iii* "faithful allies" of various deg**** es. li was fruiiUy staterl thal in man] places Wv re Inul been great dL*appolntmen1 al our speakers aol keeping appointments Bude for them by thc committee, bul laatweek there aaa a very decided Improvement In tlii* i"s],cit. aiui it is believed tliat there will be little cana, el complaint ob this Bcoi.¦ in iii" future. Tbe people tara out h. tl," raeetiBgaln large aumhert, and are t?utbt*slaBtlc In tbe <-;nisi- ;ind eoiiiid'Tit ol v Ictory. boi nw orr. From lie southwest tbs tidings were particularly rood. Old-time RrXdJusters are eomia** over In goodlj Bambers, and tbe IhTnoerati" vote will not on iv be irge- lv io -reased from thal diieetion, but by bringing oul the irte rea* rv., v .-t.. The Mabone people ure working haul. lint tti'-y lind thal the truf-!ie;uTeil iiioiiii- taim er- refuse !o !"¦ ii- livered late th- lu.nd- ol' lin- Hi publican party. our reveauc plat k i* \ iv nee. ptahlc out there; that and tbe fact thal revenue- iiicn an- cheekily coiupieuous at Mabone conventions helps a good deaL They un¬ derstand Ilia! Mahon is for Arthur, and tiley AlTlilir lt ii|ipo*c*l t" (be reps dot Ibis odious and oppressive lys- t m. work (speaking and other- a ha- been done in th* Southwest i>v Judge W. !'. Rhea, Hon. J. lt. Richmond, Colonel O'Ferrall, General A. L. Prlde- more, Ruins A, Ayres, Sam. Williams, W. C. Newb* ny. John H. Massey, and tbe T *. and last Hui. liol I- M. lion. Al" Fulkerson, O'Ferrall, Moffctt, and Field xxiii make a thorough canvass "f the Math district. Mit. HACK BR8IORRD, Tin- committee yetterdaj received ad¬ vices from the Democratic Committee of Un- *i\t!i district timi i'i.- Hob. Peyton O. Hale (one ol thefranous live senators who refused to obey Mabone] bad resigned his in iiniivat ion. li" is siitVeiin. nader bis seo- olid stroke of parsjilvsi-: the tir-t, some Hui" before the Lvacbburg Coaventioa, and slight; the other onl* afea days ago, and vcr* severe. Tbe District Committee li .vt- recalli d the < toaventloR to me* I al * anon Courthouse (Millsville) on Septem¬ ber --d to B* iniiiiie b candidate in bis stead. Tie- district i- composed ol Carroll, Grayson, and Floyd. Slr. W. II. Suther¬ land, clerk of < "ai roll < 'ountj < ault, is re¬ garded id a mtv suitable b**tbob for tbe nomination, s. Si. Fnlton.a former mem- in i- ol tli" House, i* also looked upon as a very available niau. Mr. Hal- '* political *ti<n-tli will be all transferred to '.ii- successor in tin nomina¬ tion. x I81T0R8, II..h. George i». Wis", lion. (,. (alni!, ami Mr. W. I*. Drlnkard were among the visitors invited to toe commit* H .-roolll. Mr. Ca',eli. in the course of a cooveraa- timi w Ith -I,me committe* men, (rave a pic¬ ture ol Daaville under the heel "f tbe enemy that ought to bave been beard bj every iakewann otliee-holder, property* bolder, and otb* r dil* n ol RicbmoBd. Judge Rhea, who has made aueh i ("real reputation asaspeaker Lb the Southwest, and xv hos,- fcarlessBI ** and ability lias won lum Un- greatest reaped from friend and foe, ls "lily abOUl twen!y-si\ veal's of age. I lie ls tall and straight and hat s pleaaant expression. He ht tbe couaty judge "f Washington, having succeeded Judge Ward, who r< signed. - natur Heaton, ol London, made i ii in th '-"liiiiiitlee 'asl eVl Bing, atlil ..'av- prool of such ability aad rafoim il a thal the dem ind is quite genera] for bin to take the stump. nm ott t ovixiii h -. Tim i. port from the erg -alsation "f i bb* ciiiet committees was pretty general)* good. Bom* couatlcs (likesomew rd* in Richmond) have don. notbiog; but that i* rather the exception. Thc amount ol work done in th. try iiisiiT- is generally puta tu shame the boasted activity of tlii* B*#tropolis--Bol to speak ol our aeighbor tbe count) of Hen* rico. lll'.AHlM'AltTKltS. The state Committee took tu. action whatever with respect tosttabllshlag bead- quarten hare in Rtcbmoad. They bo doubt thought thal ir they were needed OUT district and cltj committees would at¬ tend D' the matter. Tin- committee adjourned la*t Bight. jit.*;k *ta!'i RR, For BOBM tim*- p8Bt thc state Coiiniiittte h. * advertised II-ui. Waller K. st:i|p|es H. speak in Richmond, len in- it lOOUT OCratic coiniii'tt*-" tp> ti\ tlie time after 801* fereiiee Wit!l Ililli. .Iud_" Staples made a tim- speeeh at fla- lem. If repeated lure it Would do a ..Teat ! deal of -.out. lt is ;i -pi eeh thai w iii recjnlre about one j hour and a half fOf delivery, Mid i* a calm, s,,i.r argument, and powerful ezpomi ot lin- aim* and nd* Ol thc Malioiie paitx. The couunlttee would <hi trail h> secure for Um Judge cither Mo/art Hall ar Hie 'lTieatre. Ont ( HA KT ) II IN ITTHL. The CollltloolstS when they wanted H. get possession Ol Norfolk passed a ebaitsr xx Inch L*ax.' ti" mayor almost unlimited powers, winn tb. y d.-ir.d to pul lbs majoiitx of LsxingtoB under the rule of thc iniiionty the) planucsl lo put till Wm xxTiitt s in ana arard and make two wards IUktl could He curried hy the in ::roe-. Sollie snell sch" BM Us**** will llUVe for lllcli- nioiid if th'-\ siiiicetl in ttiis clccHoii. They could /ern mander the State so _.- to Rivi the Arthur lU-publlcans flkbt out pl teu congressmen, at),l they will be able to redivide the wards of this city so at tu elect a majority of tbe Council. Tho ('nun¬ di will build the new City 11*11.. elect near- ly all the City Hall officials. Potten Com- missioners, A-,-. Tba liatnoanits will bea prcerilu .1 peo- ple lure if Maltopc hs* tin- na-xt Legishv- liir'. I*n't it worth while for mir pe.,; bj Ut make a graal a dort to save mir citv from smh a fat.;' (TTY i oVittllTKK. The City I), ni'.er.alic CtXBRrittM will meat to-niL'ht. Candidates for the LegU- iiuie ;re resTuastsd to t.<. rjres. nt. riisi; in 1IABSIIU.I. WAD Id-T M'.in.-- sTii.'itiNa; BaTRhcRBS ABB kviim - siA.siia CBORR. Last nighl itdi-siiant to a ea'! fi' tin sup. i- Intendentcail.-tt aa enthusiastic Bteetiag "f the Marshall Waul lien, icrats wm held ui Twenty-fifth itraat Fully fire bun* dr. tl j-, titi, ina a wa iv prc m. ami oaring to the kindness' ol Mr. rTsmes Hives the .tami ei'.a-ted xxiis lighted in tin- uio.t tidcftil -lyle. Mr: Cathu called thc nvetinj' t . order, ind lutrodue. sj Mr. I'.. A. II meick, ol ( hestcriichl eoiinty, -.ts the first irpeaker, Mr. Hancock opened in a dirt et at! uk U| mi Hu Republican coborti led hy Maheno, lb- arced iiimieiliitla action. No time (ot waltlnft until tin- iron -roi eolal. Even w bite nan should oobm forward and do hi* iliitvwithout he-itiiuc). lie drew a pic- iiii".d ihe paltry men win. foiiow-td boee- i*m ami tlie true patriots who were seek¬ ing to sink seU ba (luir at I. ni pl- to save vir¬ ginia from disgrace, 'lie- qiiMtlon wis IV'hi'llii idlp- people Would *erve the **! tte >r n sett-imi OS. tl inn-'a r, UiS speech WM full of eneolira_'elili nt. uni wt. listened to with profound attt-n- ion. He ihowed Mah,am's power OVer iii.. .1 icrisiative branches of :. gov. rnme'it. plainly portraying Ids Influence In ail mattera ta these qnar- I-. He deolarod good tiding*fromi verv ni aril r of tin- st.ii", alluding in happy rm. E. the spontaneous uprising In ard From in even aeetlon of the Common- iv ,.a lt li. Mr. Hancock made a fine speech, ind hi- closing .ration wm full of L el¬ li.- an l oratoi v, Mr. -aiiuu I I'.. Witt w isnexl intro.inca!. Il- il- 'lan tl his fi ally t . Richmond, ami .specially to Marshall Ward, where dwelt ii* vt tv I,, -t friends. He reviewed tin* dd issues np.,|i vv hicii tbc D'TtP't ral- h ol . pii!, terming them questions ol a'.ann-,et md debt, snd denomin ited til- presenl i*- -in > a- presented by the Republican party i* Leiiij .lim.!', a!, ,',:ui :i direct outrage ip ui fri' IIP n. IL- reviewed the pretemlons of tin- Ha- anne party, and ihowed thal lim claim lev make io being tbe people's part] was titter!) empty, il- j roved thi- s,i conrlu- ¦ ivilv that lu- deeliirttl if he could not prove tbe Bsnertlon bc nev. r woald a*k tor mother vaaia- in Richmond, lb- kepi hi* promise satisfactorily, and complete!] n:l- Ml tin- idea thal Judge Bond represented unthill" Lui Mahone in bil recent dect- ¦ i".ii about coupe Tin- eoitiinissioner-aif-sali. Lill, in iii! it* luigrant raormity, wm completely plc- tun !. Ile ridiculed tbe ide., of thi- being people's uh a. In pointed, i loquenLand ff lin.- t.-iTiis Mr. W"itt calli tl tiic atten¬ tion a.f hi- hear, is t the width that thc .Berny w.t. nursing against our capital ilty. lacenduirism, outhtwry, ami re- A-iije were in thc scale,and were things io be thought over, Tin-' raaUenRruck it .mr bones, sad .-v. rj one felt a keen and near Interest in them, Was !nra' a freeman who would tonger loubtl IL- arraigned Cameron for his ippointmenl of negro trustee., Once, -.i'd the speaker, tnt* tiovernor wm knownm .the true iirnl the brave," Imt now if had .onie to ihi*. that :i fatlur or brother who bad ;i daughter or brother a ho want, d to ..un a living Lv teaching i" lbs public -hool* would have to appear beftoretbc bod] *"rvan! of the Governor before tiny .auld be -riven employment; and titi* bj reason of Cameron'! owa mi. Mr. I).tv hi L. l'uiliam wm nexl Intro- lui'iai. Mr. l'uiliam hi* a tine presence ind rood voice, and wm lurtened to with profound attention. Ile to ih up the -a luina. aaf the ReMdJuster Legislature whian were stopped by the Famous Five, md ridiculed 'he idea ol Mahonca part) being called tin- people*! parti. Ile called ii pt >u the people to do their .inly, and in pl un. unvarnished hmgiiage pictiu net: ssiiv of earned action, \\<- honored tbe amen who differed with him about tbe | debi «iua-sti"n: but wm i! necesivary for tbem to go with negroes} Sol itali. Aad be did aot believe there were man) white men iii Richmond wno would consent to roch action. Mr. Pulliam wm freqaeatly applauded in Iii* B] etch. Captain M. L. spotswood was thc next *p. aker. He alluded to tin unit] ol fi i im: that setuated ;iU patriot, in the [lend¬ ing fight He ni'-nti'tiii'd the honest ri-1 rain between Madison and Marshall Warda lor the rlaim to being ihe banner ward "f Richmond, ami promised on the put of Madison 'iii* own ward) that tbe race would in- a close one, xii. Spotswood in ferveul language urged prompt and Immediate action, ami closed with tin- rampaiga itv of "This WilV, fl'a tm ll " Mr. James N. Dunlop, in amwer t loud calls,cam< forward, Heslluded briefly io Hie principles of the party, ami urged all to walk aboul our political Zion, . \- aliiim it. l.ulivi'.i k*. and le I *n iv aft. utr inge gods "f a bom we knoa not of. Ile begged bis bearers to leavi Um patt*. ..;' pn sid. nttal theft, itar-route frauds, ami di manner of unconstitutional Illa-:.lilla --. il- wa particularly severe aa tin I alilittii M iik-aml-whitf fiction, w ha to i .-iii infamj upon Richmond .ml ihe entire Shite. He ihowed boa M ibone, i tmeron, and otli rt' Klltiouit-ti were Irv- lng to huh wiih whip-eoi-ii- "i munni the state of Virginia (now overwhelming!) Democratic] t" tbe Ji ggernaul ear of Re. publlconism, Mr. Dunlop ha" many lim p outs ,,f ora¬ tor] in >pa ailing. Mi. john a.i iirtls,coming in tton< ;ij U'iiiai, rm 'ill' d iot, snd, taking tin sfiind, declared thal lu- lia1- told them in Clay Ward Hut Marvii.ll intended lo I, banner ward In the coming election. He -ititi there was ..nlv OBS i--lla'in this a'iin- va**: Wen-we ti be White incn. ,»r were We to hS s|:,\, . ,,I I,lack llltll ililli their I,"..,.' Milln.lie wa. a stn ill iiiiii! iv!..i Iud rnLd p into otter on the b icks of big buck negroes, lb wanted to see the bsbjiu atnd white man roting toretbei lor tba good of tits state, and nit for individual em,,lu- tm nt. Mr. curtis sp,,kc in compttaMRtary terms of Messrs. Spotswood, Dunlop, Kxaus. Christian. Davis, not forgetting in a iiioih *t vvav to COBClude vv ith an illusion to iii- own candid.I'}. Mr. MetSger, in answer to lund calli, appa and and nude a lew pleMiBg remarks. 'i'll.- uit.tinj adjourned in gnat good hlUllta!'. E.VV-VV.Vlii. Al iv ES. A llleetilij' of thi- | ). mo.TatP* clul, tggg held lad algbl at Westham Bonne. Then- wa. presenl a larj. t:limber of voters ,.f thi- Ward and several candidates wboee iiiiuie* hui li' n un iitioiit il in conni dion with tin- nomination L>r the IegtolRm,. Mr. W. V. I'rinkiid made :in iiddre**, .iivim.' Raton*nt* in i' aurd i" ti..- proj;ri-* of the eanit.aijn- which sjave tin- greatest -ali.fa,dion. In' < l>lh WI',! meet Bgal_ ,,. Tuesday ni-rht. SeptemlMr fifth, at BR hag/k, HU Utt I «. Wa - ! Ililli Iloll-f. tUntMOM wini' !'i-viiu'i:.m.' (Tin, This fictive bodi td w.rker* will nieet at Old Mu .Mt Hi'1 "SR STSBlag at - ii'eh,ck. Kv erv Demo, rat in th,- ward should Itt- pra sent ami bec-MM a ineinhcr. Francis M. Ibiykin. EaqH has declin.,1 a call to become ii candida!)' for the Leg*Ula. ture. Colonel John IL Cary has under consideration Btfenl reaplMts from many friends lo announce liiniself m a candidate. IA A I SI II. A Uti \ DK.fl \ Milli. lu*l_e Alkina 'Tills Attention or the l.ruml Jury In flic Hale ot Olneenc vYnrka -. tn <«atiililiii-_ Dem anil I tfielluua I'ublleatlnna. The tnoiitlilv tenn ol tlii* court coat* BMsteld yesterday -.Iml.e Thoma* S. At¬ kin* presidinc. In hi* em-rt-e te the grand mv, anion, other things, Judge Atkin* -ai.i : "Tho brwi vvhieii i desire to esRspa* i-iaiiy to your attention ar. Utiose designed I. suppre** Hu causes ,,f crime. "The *ale of any h..ok or other thin** coBtslnlag o**tseene laagusge, oran* print. picture fi'.'ii rc, or dc-erpti.-n manifestly I teattteg to el-nipt the Bavala ol > nth, la puni*!i il.!" Hy law with iuipruoniii-Tit and Baa, and vet you aaa lind at anv BOWS "BjaRay ia The <-jiy of inchm-did a doses or nore periodic i|s or newspaper* soatalatng picinres and dstcriptioBfl *if that cbasact* r. I trust you xxiii eau**- to caine before you (lie necessary witnesses to stop Hie sale of these peraleloua pubHcstloas. .. Tin- *ale of liquor to minors is carried rm in Hu* .-itv in ..pei, violation of the law. Let's try and sj,,), n,d mal evil. ..Th" hahit of aairyuag <. mealed wea- pom ibonM be Iwoken up hy a siri.-t ea* [Orei-BMBl of the law. "T!l- "-.iiiil'lin.- dins should he *ui|>- Tressed and Ihe -ile of lotterv tickets and li- k. ipili, of policy shops forbidden, by arrying out the law to it* fullest extent. ..The-" olTeneet so nearly Boocan the .veifaie and cbarach r of our yooag people hat l filth it I cannot too stroagly ba* iress their Importance upon your minds, favour lav< stigsUon of other obarges vi-.- aiioiis o| tbete laws may appear, and it .xiii then be yonr doty to Investigate them md pr. si-nt them '" the court. There is another "la** of eas - in which i Strict enforcement of Hu- laxv WOUld >c of great benefll to th" community in- btw agalast libel, a libel is the ma* Iclous publication of any writing, slim, licture, »iii¦_.*-. or other representation ending to d* rame the memorv ol om- who * d' ad. or the r. put ition of one xv!io s livin.'. and t" expose him t" ri li- rule, hatred, or contempt. It punish- iide a* a misdemeanor mi the ground li it such a publication Im- a tendeaey h. listlirl. the pilitlie pea"". Voil Will readily eaUeraea, tina tin- enforcement of I j lii« law WOUld pr-x-n! many of tin-tiu- '"Hiiy sbooUng matches which usually ,.ll..w tins,, publications, .ami geatlemen .voiild *ooii begin to look to tin- law for heir vindi,ali,di Instead of th. *fleld "f' " Til" grand Jury mel ami brough) in the 'ollowing true Lin* of Indictment: Nancy leaper, .'. lonlotisi* asssulting Martha Ann- stead: Joseph Mann, fclonlouslv assault- ii,* George Comba; William Stewart, .us. -''i-takiii::: Samuel Woodson, felo- it..iis.iv euitin .- * ii iries Owi ns ; Richard li"K-. bouse-hi .kin-; Lewis Johnson, urglari: Archer Halstead, f- lonj : W. [I. Clarkson, feloniously euttlnf A. K"-: los. ph ..,,;,,].,,,|, feloniotisll -'eulin, a \¦-i-cii and chain from William Moore; rbomas Elinore, Feloniously assaulting IV. II. Cousins; William Johnson alias .Yillbm Wsllscc, feloniously stealing one fold walch from Frank v. I ufiej Rosa llayo, feloniously assaulting Celia Junes; lani's Russell, felony: James Walker, felo* iv : Robert Walker, borte-straling; Anna Belle Colet, burglary j Martita Gray alias lornella Adams alias Elisa Coles, burgla- v ; .lo- ph I'..,/". fe|oni,,us a-s,ull tuiiaii. carrying concealed weapons, t-. I'. Seurat!) ano Jnalus Wllttamt, charged * Ith felony, not true hills. The grand jury wsa diBcbsrged UH uexl UT-diii -dav. No sp, cul catea were wi for to-da*. I'olicc 4'onrt. 'Fist follOWlag ease* Were 11 i ~ [ I, - ti I of .T-sleida* : Annie Reid (colored), disorderly coaduct .ii tli street, Pined |.. John M. Reiley, disorderly on thc stn et. I-Mlied |6. L. A. LsPrsde, drunk. Fim-d ft Manuel Oreen (colored), disorderly rm In- street and reaistiag Policeman '/.. <;. I.T'inkiii. Fined |10. I.ucx inn (colored), drunk. Beni to j iii for twelve months la defaull ol surety. Allen I* du'' r (colored), disorderly on tbe BreeL Fined |3. Maud Anderson (colored), disorderly md eursing on the streeL 1'im il 1*2.50. * bark's ll. Whyte, charged with selliBK i-oods, wares, sad merebnadJse bj sample iv Itboul a llci n-". \.\ minali rn waived, ind case certified to Hustlnira < 'mi rt. Charles Thomas and Haul Bell (both oloretl), charged with feloniously snooting md wfjundtn Lot Wad.- w Uh a pistol, rbomas sen! on lo tbe Hustings Court. .*.. Il ditch irg* d. .tann - Un.-. Il and Flax -tr Branch (both lim-cd), chsrged with stealing one .-..ld ivatcfa and chain from John Rex, valued al IIB. Both found guilty of petit larceny. ind s.nt lo Jail for sis montha each, willi lalnr. Ru sell appealed to the Hustings olin. Marx Nilson and Francis White ["bmIi charged with Iteiag dlsorderl* ami figntlBg. Both * to j .il In default of surety for their good behavior. Ben, < ..I'-iu- colored), an escaped luna¬ tic. < i.uiMii't. and authorities <.f lunatic as* lum notified. William Johnson [colored), charged a ith stealing 118.70 from H. v%<. Moesta. Too young to lie tried for larceny. Sent to Jail oiion until hi- par. n's m- guardian can i"- found. Surety, BIOG for ti n days. I.aiii-n Banks and Fdiii'.nia Harris (lioth oior..! i! ii*ged with assaull and battery. Ditcbargi d. j.din i urrj .md Monroe Jackson (botb colon -1 charged w [th -te din .- on* ov< r- ooal from William B. Bmltb. Moaroe Jackson guilt] "t* pt til tareen) and *- nt to jail for thirty days frith Labor; John Curn required to fina surety f -r thlrtj days bj tum ol » .tinlin. Kelly, charged vvith stealing one pair "f -boes fri rn Lucj Gu en. Efol guilty. Emanuel U"-* (eotoretl . a vagrant. Dis* cbargi fl. Ned Moselej [colored), cbanred with re- eelviag in hi* p. .-->.*-h.u one coal lupposi *1 to tte stolen. Not guilt*. John Price (colored), charg* d arith as- BBUll and battery. Fined |5 and e.,s|-. Itri.-ls, ami rersMHiula. vp.-. H. A. Brock wa* .lifted aa honor* arv member "f Wyoming H*nton**al aad Geological Society, Wilki*!.aire, Pa., on tl,.- nth Instant. Mr. .1. L Logan, ol Nor York, foi* m,Tiv of (."hiantl 'eouRty, pasted tbrough the cit) y*t*tterday, aad wss warmly greeted bi many friend* her.. The -lie""- "f til" rctllU'Ul :Uld IT"!- gaoization -d the Hsaovar Troop wss mainly due to the indefatigable and iib- Uriae efforts ol thc committee, const-tins of Messrs. T. w . Sydn a*, W. J. Blaford, amii'. A. Taylor. Mr. ii. i tn ni Baldwin, Jr.. "f tin- itv, baa developed nit" an exceUent fr.-e..- painter Soe ol hi- work here done atonr-ide thai ol a painter i-r..u_iit oa Sew l "rk llcits mod faxorahle com- (jg, ,.- iblitbsd I tine reputation fur liim._, uiiiaii*** '*¦ B*aatsjaaBs \ nea >dre of the order ol Kalfbta ol Damon, under the bbrm ol Groodwlll I o*l_e N". ."'. bas been Instituted in Hu* etty by John H. .dams, Grand State Dip- utv The follow log :*r** the offieen for tbe eatulng termi If-asa ¦**«¦¦¦»>. W*<_j *g" liaui Kui.iiD.,n. V. C.j I. L. Johnson, lt. S . J. 1 .".per. F. 8.' A. [rte, \\. 1.: Thomas Eldridge, W. CapLiln; M. Taylor. K II W : P. .L'hnson, L. II. IV.; .s. (irt'cn H ll '.; I)- Rh'hardtson, L. H. C.; H. Bob*nsoo. I. B.| B. Foster, O. S.; Thomas Brown, D. M. - Ac-art***, the River. Brans et nni bari bbrtbb cousRft >t i.Kiintrs nRBTiaot.TftAaBrsaft. xest<erday morning Louisa *mhb, a rol¬ fed woman who IWei on Maury Rreet .ear tbe Richmond sad iRmvllto radr.iad. rai before tbe Follee Court har-;..I Britt .eeping a dlMrdcrt] boiMand .Itdiirhiiur '"' I" "' and quiet ol the n. ....'ii.orhood. e'.er.ti witih .... m-ert examln* il, who tat* iti.-d that the disturbance aas Teated bj 'artus from Li.-'i.tioiiil. Warrant* wa-r.' worn .nit fa.;- rh<*« pu-lits, ami the BMS aa* c iBtinued until thev c mid be brough! afore the I ailirt. PTarrant* agalnsl eighteen apersens rsm isticd yest, ni v for keeping unlicensed .».,'* on their preratai -. ah Democratic voters who have bean i'sialents ,,f the **!)!). alf \ 'ir:: iii ia twelve ioiillt* :iml 'if Um city of M m. 'lister thia. ninth* and have aol retristorcd are uiged i I. av.* their hanns .uni pb BS al real- enc. with Mr. I. W. I'.i'm.iUi'rh. .Jr., cor¬ er of lilli! and Tenth stoats, who w il' Ire them all BaeSSSary information. All Brttea who have ihanu'cd their rsaideaci ince th".v la-t voted ihould leave tte ir or¬ in f.»r traaRfasa arith Un ManRgasaarRnB, The Rsi. i.eoiiidiis Loss, r eaasaseneed -a-ria * of m.. Hafts ob last Tuesday night 1 the FifMi-s'n.t Methodist Church. he*"-iii e:tnj's have been ikurgelyatteaded, nd considerable interest i* being mani- -teii. Thej w ;u be eoatinued during ext Wt k. un-:-;ii Ri-Mon t "intention a,I tl,,- I ni tel Stales. The c'on ga MImIoo I onv. ntloa of th. nib d Stab " .-* ml '-'I iii tin' colon tl apti-f church, M un !n *t. r. ye-attrrdaj toning, The following officers were ¦¦.¦ta for the nsiiin year: PresidenL tv. .1. A. !¦'. ¦-.. t. ol 0 than \ ui-l'rt- d. nt. Rer. w. T. Dixon, ol Nea York; icretary, R. -.. .;. M. Armsietul, of Porfct. louth, va.: \- . n .».-. retary, Ri v. It. !. Count. .. of Memphis, Tenn.j Tree- irer, Rev. R, -; r, .1 Norfolk j I orre- sondlng Secretary, Lev. W. W. Colly. Tbe collection* bj the agent! in the sev« ri st.-ita-- amounted lo ¦¦ Vlr- ini.t ontributi d ?.'!!.sn. md lt nneasas I'.**.o'". The contributloKi fi'-in I lu other laics w> ra- -m.uh r. Tlie entire collections ¦"in Virginl will i' ich -1. 00. The following missionaries were ap* ointe.l bj tbe ( "iiM-nt mi, and a III *aii t Africa bj tbe 1Mb ol in cembei J. H. :> -Kv ind w itt and J. J. I ol. "i Rich- "inl, and II. Kinney, of Missi wippi. Kev. w. w. < oliy, who bm been doing lissionary work In Africa under appoint- u ni by tin < "liva ntion, has return! il. The Convention will mee! igain tbl rorning al 0 o'clock, and will adiourn sin ii to-morrow. Illtlflll p a-'llla.* Bl ie .. I ina -ait (Jallery," N i. BU Main Mun wa,ti., ol ni ii. ij he found none them. Thone desiring lo | ill imd prices low. Antoni's RtrsRlMMl IIMBS ft ala made from tn :i limes lt is w,,- \. .; .ld -t. Trj bo I!' merni, r to t- lepbom ¦;-. Na.. ;',l;, for it piano-tuner from lu ry. Ra- c* .'. Mos. *. M VNM'o. C. "1 VI-! .1 a a,.. V ||il \| ,;. i-a.t. win i "i*: i-i, atari] teal rr. th. ir n-t ,.f !> pr- |. atv e r ila I*,nh* who Live pr - 1. wa nhl U" wi li to xiv. Ila.!,i a al, terip. .and thu* advert lt free ot... t. Tm. ut M vmi for ii.hi.I.-',.i I, rsc) i it-i-.t ad lav i. kv v. Hw i*.x ("¦".. 1.1 bean m -t,.i HS il al V lallla. ben ll t ka., |a ll|, *haak. bey tar. aos Berti nu arrans-rmtnti hywblcb ti >' will ' .I all d. ti. ai I au a "I- all al Li v v. i> wi. ,v . -. aad tupa*) nu . If. t: I..t i I.IVIE- I OK. thi coolest anal M...r narai m-ro oai Pr. p ci .. aaa al. Lad I :\a. Mn v - *.'i -::!... i i 101S M vi "t 1.1 '. v. I»v v fla X". i. eau linda .¦: Baa Cord for in .kin" ii in - and laMbre- ilnt. Br i thu i .' th. b< e i of those- i." ip VV t ll. tl- tri. Pm .1-.. aiot ... - rtaklfl Ional!] ts Cai h vi-i ta Ittt. |"l<- tli/Itl-a-'a lt. s i-. MOX.T I ! in-l-v H ll I'liC-lIV'.-ll"! s. .. te. al. Alt HOV St!.IA, HHS DAT, , li. I IL'Vt VN il EI'EL, fl I*. V| ., bill I ,.. a.iiiaiUN a -"'.. tS M.. farm I'M Ilia VV. li a univ. V. VE. h Old BB larc. ¦ I III < Al IllVil.. Swarthmore < ollegk, 3 ltd; lil dil -1 ft] s I KOBI I Alli 111 Ml. V! il I Ls ia| lill. Ll LU.H.I - i :i.l i Ol I-Ll EST)*. Thirty minute* from flmad ¦' inn,Phil- i.l.'lphl.,. ; n .!. St-I. .lil¬ le, ami Lilia.:-. v. Er. pat.|.ev sa-ln.a,l [.oration cd la.rhcnlUafulnrs*. l\i>:,- Tia- ,'ir.ab ll a\ .',':.. ¦.:< v, ,i comma in c* i.iiitti month -11-11 Mill L ll. 188 I. V| |!\ l .lit ta, lt- ao iii.o--ii.i. r..r catalog BC and lt.I, partleel*l> i hlr.-* i nw ut. il MAGILL, v vt. PraMdei i. -- ¦. ;. ie M Nt Nilli,. US. WALTER HARRISON v. .1! rt -tu i\ -; Bl v:en i xi. (PIANO ie .,'Tii.i: l*r. _, FRED. Il MIL'. Pl I'll- »»l I KAN/. | |s/| ml III .rt Ivl 1 I. .Xiv. Will ll- vu -li M. I.N8TBI T'I'in -it- IH i-i r.iuii:. .ii'la-i* -i Ramos vi.ii a", v P .a p.-aa.W.l: I _ MRS. J. A. -LAY ION', v -t Hoi vi Manor V i'.ai INI, of r lt re... lt ffUl rta - i VIH'AI Mi hil onOI - lulu': lal v..iiititilc.iiious i,*t with Ba- mo* ,t vi I Lr. Mm mb- alane-. CJJ HiOth Thlr-1 a.tis***t. Will bc il "lup.y iltciei.d to. Tfl.-|>ha.iir. No. 'il3. ,c 7-tatl.H** HIM IK tittil OAT*. _aa 111 -HKl.s STRICTLY CHOICE Ol fl I .X\l)(il'NITNK1VlNTr.hOATJ-,.rtiwu Iv J. |>. VI. -tv EfM., lien. I. aa fair SSiW IB l-.ts M suit tay i HA Bi. Ks L. TODD, se 18-1 w Twelfth and lary strevU. lill- f HW .. A I f 'I- r.iw.vtn ur JLUVSkwil'ibljiiti ' CASH -l.XVARIABI-T 1*1 AfiVA.** ? . ')nes.|ii .I-, it'-.,i. * IO ''ic,mn-. !wt» Hiscrt'oii-. .1 " im- «| ian-. I".rec liis.rT.-ns. I kv Dii»-..|t,."ir"*,<|*. itvrtflon-. s I Dn»-i|ii:,r«', i-v-a\ coi MTltoa*. *. B'' la. *|iir.-,i-ne initiifli . I tu* square, two months. I » (I .. , ii..,- Dr.-.m..,|p. os.-I -1 i:i>1 I ATIO-1AL_ A DAME (il LL LAL ME ll \s i:K- It UNI I), md I* r,ii> u- '.'.*.n ii^r CLAB-tr* *N!) |-|l|V ATI l,Ks..ii",*i |S KKBKCH. Ad 1 ..* M -_l-K.sn_T'i:il- V xl ) MIST |',.l S| M II 0Y8' SCHOOL. vtrs. A. II. CAMM. Piinclpnl; Ml*. LOT TIB Pitier. Vn-.-l'rlii, i|>.il; Mi - .Ifl'xxir I. LL KT, AaslttaaL 110 soalh Third «tr<-ct. s Kl* rh Mil KR Mtm ¦for parUralart see el rental at West, J ¦>.*¦< ur 110 *nat Gnat street. *._i-e..di .,-; TOBEPH KH'-NTIIAf. GUARANI F.Fs .I la Dvi-iity le,*nis ti) i.Tft I you In Mi.-' Nl\<- CALIT'LA TIDN-* I" it Titi, rx nillifi-"-«. Jon, dlrtaloa, fract.i.n*. Interest, dlsenu ti ¦! .ilenn. |iniflii'*l Im.i.K lo |>:nr. !i"i|emte. H.^-nest Rlrflim ind n li-. .VIII examine and write np . ..'¦'»* fur bm AL!.-. - e W "!' Si. .1 l-l" - IL V lt .Will advt niKl.t Ie*..'ii* lo lanae /< nttera-tii ll Ladin's*. se 21 -j- . ir\ivi-:usn v nt hool, U \o. no mu: ni i ii,uni btri ii Tlic nineteenth *c*«l"ii nf Hil* selie. sill i . ITICKaHAV. !*e_tenl--*r ''nth. Hu), of cir?,a uar* nf aye P ceil rd or, If well viv,', \unastr, CHARORsrOR THC. *i:s*T<t\ ITctnenlarv Kn-li-li and Matlu-iiiiitL* .188 Ililli- r lai.!Da ..,,! MailiemaUcs.74 . Latin. Dr.iU. fl-Teiali. i ,,-riicoi. t uTi. 14 hsnjfynaa*a *-'-is. ai .Ifni'-.*. s»a |p, ann RssVB twonf those lir.- .fi iii-, n I-i im ra l- mala for tin-tn ird ind fourth. for tWO "I III re '"V. IT III "lie -Hill., film l Ld Ct lull *>f BIO Will DI made froa* I i BRO. I'avin -nt* a* fpiil.m -: [>TJ dollar* (* lu. He .1 v the liane- la I. re. n v, .-inti lilli months from lath -lepteBih* 1888, * iriii'.irs at Hie !N«p*,,'^.re-. I'I"*! X-* H. NORWOOD. Prim inti m Pi-Ira \... 111 i."rt!i y i_ th -i". t RICHMOND SEMINARY, IA No. B 1 v*i i,lt xci *| Hi KT, BU liV|('\D. v x. .loll* ll. POWELL. Puti-1-. Hi t .;. pi -, rot, > , ._. *!,.-..(. r, * I 1 Le cieniiti, session Of lill I'- ll "..I D,. -' I.I fol HONDA! Sept ne cr .jiu,. |s- |. Calala i rv I rift >ri tlii .i g"it. a hy appin si "ii si lin k le- Prim I pal au i i i s. _<*i un;** i lassk vi w I i. I \(.1.1*11 *t 11*04IL, -"in. r nf six". Ill I. i;i s, xii D i | M- i;..l( l>*rn. v- ip.. I.- rn man; * tr, full] tan*, hi Print I pa I ii "I,, I- In il," M "L ,'. ni ,.'¦ '.. li v- -<H lUfl-.'- Hu VIM TV, Du DXX --« IL r*iR IT 1 1 LC VI ss, s, XN|, ^ ,,| Nl, i. \|,|- , rt ill he ri'-iinifd e tl -1 Millie, I ¦¦ U alar-. |TMVi:il*HT *t[|iu,|.. PETERS- I itt itt;, v v. i tie nil"-., nth annual - mund v x. dei er I i-i ii fer I nivi rsiiv ol li. -' .'..- Milli arv n, Sat il lt sdi ml* li meale l>) Paeull ir nf the I"i -.i taB of la lor*. Puj ll r> linly * ie,-, ..'ni. HI mal lille ttlot Kl* i-, I, a- HUI ,',,.: X.. ,rd. rsl, ti limited, | XX HOUISON VI, ix Hi BU ."-'-'III Ilea 1 X! piCHJfOND FEM vii: i\*i I11 i I.. RIITIR iND. V «... li Tr * I il AXB VI vu ii v: I STI The Ihlrty-flrsl an inal .-.nt; thuin allioptfl MuMtvv .Sept* e. .! tl I V' I X V i| .- Xl III H- pion d. ii a ha*.- ' -1 eli mint I len I i lie \ ai loila ',¦ .... i,|iii,' Die I'nlver ll) -v-t, m sud th* it,on I- ie,, -ni, a -, -i L, au) ., "I - ai',. BOARDING DI PARTR1 \ In the Institute 11. >v-1«- ls found eyary* wiUi .-ll thal pertains !¦. iii.- thorn t enltlir. "1 l -lilli' lull..-, ne.| till 'X'tlislVl |tl no! " !r -¦¦ Ure *..nili. atti a* li * ut tin* I* |>.. m. i.i. PRKPARAToRV s( II'iOI.. Bee rnlalnc the lmportaa«i .¦' UnnsaR ara- ¦ii D. th* ii iiiiTnil of Hu- di |, uTii" ll! in Ik. ipeelal effort lo train ipll r silvan mini Into tin- disher bi un lt.*. Cu ,Us c. re ni -1 tl Un --.- nf l.-i i lt I* Impnrtatil thal Hi"-. riropo*ln*;' -I .add |..i-s tniKiuli Uti. tlc'.i aruooL "K mi *.<.. Th* VOCAL di PABTM1 M a-lll h* pr -' I* ' i, r i.v a '.> i, biale.I >¦.-erl sinai i 1-'. nie. ha- !..¦-a, Iii. .ri. ll .-Lil lill. T I..I . I...Iii lu X II ar--1 e. M DI *| vi -, -.. xi,i n- it th- Institute di.m.l- iii- i-i t .,. -1 -i di .... v ..- Bbl* i.. receive pui Islntlw* city lu nm ried lui* I themselves 1 r leach. For eatalnrue r lafoi nation Bprdv hy bibII «i VU-* * xiii li li I MN KU, Prini Prlaelpar lofaee ii-.nrs from D to li v. vi. a KENMORE ! M\ li.*: 1 HM; III *¦.< HOOL, ... v Ri di- vi ,u. ,, ,||< nil i .. - ,L-i it ,|1. ¦ Preps ra-I ,1 i.-r-ID T vu .'in, I lilli,'. sell. *tlit|t ,a !< .' t!tt i nully. , ' trill ul / l»*i.MIM*».\ Bl SINES.** i OL- I t Ll QI WO. I l" I M -.1 .'Pi-' .....-,. ll I I t 'll i.t| _¦-. M. NIC 4 i- S^T. MASTS COLLEGE, i. IRIBALDL GA8T0R <00 v '- i-i by tbt 1 i * 170pa coUeg at. IORI M i-- 1.. WILLIAMS urtu r* *. lin <i. i in fl.-s|,. i -i ru. .DI ^1 |;* f W HOOL 1 "it k' Ol v. **> i .mi - v\d LITTLI ' I RI.! 107 1 v - vi >:., h. V x. ¦mn H KULI. ,,n I" ll .NDOLPH-M \< ON ' cl.I.It.L, li V-HI.ARDS v * h. p.nv.'dan. rm -. .. her BU. *-c Ho died down, aili -' i ie ¦¦ vii ¦. d. 1 ..r ml, in ..I If- r .-.,1 .1 ...... .{tv. .*. VX NM 1 I. D. D.. |"r* "l".t au f>-d tm-' -l * pAXPA llKK M M.I. a* ADBMY. | i'< ll '¦¦.I Will C-..II- ,,,,,.. i, , h:;-i xi.psdx] in .< r*)BI u reacher, iAJil! *M Pill * d-n ..:.- x v - -:. ,te nf tliaR*** \ fl Irs s/oreir* *.ar*appli u> - HOM xv H CABT1 lt. .¦I ta- ,1.-i- Mee HmKin* xv ll. Iii; ii -* idkiL l-Tii: lk>Y8 AND Vol n*. Mi n mm na Bl Pl I viii,.: I mi ..* * l-j l'«rl» aveline. v. »*<* ell . esl Mall --!¦ '. --I at .l.'IIN I Cl . ll *. ll. A Pn. rRAKai Pt uvt vi- -p..vxAFi;« v 01 l; I lula. MISS MAH!!: IMW EN. ll V U 1 H -*' n. will ' I Itu HOS BKITBtlBBB 18. Bt**ela. i ii in vocal' iltur* in I videe-bnii li.-.- rrtnklla street. I suAVRP'.-a VRERICAN K1NDE1U1 VRTEN, N... ti ll. Main Mi tr«.i :. .11 v,;--!. sN^ |,. u. i-riaeipals. Hi, UONOAY.O lilli "ii-n il PRIM D-V ul PAR iv. NI i.e.0,18,18.1 -.-I.^t..:*>..* .; ANOVER .CADENT, i xvi..).:-* ii it i-i-*ioi ri* v x. ..¦.,:. !...! v: i- JONI -. v;. v Tba u .nv-r ati. aat tal stsat* a haiti Bl c- ti miok tam. -it- iii on * i-l t"i' e»u- io-rtM. Iv ll-e-'ttDT BKA< ll MILITARY ACADEMY A BOARDINU- AM) HA) -t-THOOL, Ra U. i,,, i Irsn'sllii sireci. lti, 11ni,.u I, Vb. flu niiiete. nih Beaati.u ooaomeBees THCIt* D*V. st-tlt ii-is r IJ, H-bS.aud xTxsmu Juu.- I'_. 1884. ( ireiiJar* al Hw- l> ..!s--t"re, or upon appUn*,. ti.nU) -». T. BKAeTI, J) ¦'.VW KAsn.ia Principal.

Transcript of THR DISPATCH. DAILY DISPATCH. JLUVSkwil'ibljiiti · aaa thi ii the credit >i-s t qually. Tbs deed...

Page 1: THR DISPATCH. DAILY DISPATCH. JLUVSkwil'ibljiiti · aaa thi ii the credit >i-s t qually. Tbs deed wa. precipitated bj a snit in m. Loni*, brough! by Henry IL llaaelhnrst, arainsl.Mr.


VASII- ISVAIilARl.V ia BDVABf*B.The UAH.* nisl'ATili is i. livered to aub-

BCinb«'r- it riFTttt '.Ms |m-> wrrl..]>avahicToIhe carrier wi k ix Malled al te ysr annnm : BSfor six months: tl.At' for Hine months; 60c. for

nih.Thc *l vii vv viki Y DISPATCH ttHptr as¬

ian, or tl l-r liv mon!'.«.The WK.KM 1 IH*P ATCH ai 81 perannum.


Kl!lt nmi V 1 A L,lt K n <i V * AA I,BRR O *' * * aaa L,; |{() n V A Al.U K OOO YA A I.LL

C.lilt K I Iv ll NS \ !,,,,.

ii ll A A K K ll N N N *. OUBI' AD KN ll N N \ *}

X A K K II N N N ., i.i,

HUH A A K h il N SN Ddt.

rev oo tr w *x Dim vrrr BRRi- I'" u wu xv XX li M I CKPPP ll ll V, v\ xx \x |i |i ! I fl Li: Ip n o vx xv ** va d i) , i: i: ..

P 00 V* W DDD 1 fl , I lt K ...

no ln-lvl

4 AMIIDATI*. I4IR 4)FFI4 ll.

il ix.I. JOctEPB CHRISTIAN,ti Tai, .1 ¦-'.¦, nf tflpi Houri <f Ajnethv,) hen Uvsun. uiicr. tums, ir a CANDIDATE BOB lill*ll 'I *l <>K ATI* in tl .r next

V ' l\. tr* ..(¦

IN RI -;*.N*r i«i THE "CLATTER¬ING card op RANT MIR* I.ANTS, tad

BOllettaUoa o*f m.nt cHIbmib, I heret.van-noun. . < *Mm i*. I I. POR lilt:nu *fl OP di IT .. * thc decision

D wrath primary to be held on thc 27tlInstant bi . av Rial *fc nhl 1ix bonored with

tl l.« .rc l pndgr my tim*Bl i ttl :: i¦ nilen -t- "f '-ur Mite, ami

.Ut t<itb< furtherance ofthetkraxle and con-it-.

- I- JOHN A. tl KID

rpo THE vin ii:* OF RICHMOND:I In announcing mvsrtf . candidat*

.1 *i op DI I Si, * i' -i. :¦ -iv r. T

faithf -nt vouln tin--.*-. naoflBSl-d, .ti, pr|-

Instant, ind pk dge n \*t if.whether nominated ur defeated, lo continua to

v!-.' ' ms.VT rt



Tu T lil VOT1 RS <T RK IIMON1*I * ii x . a a i - fmauy

r ,i * . Din v 11 . "'.ID ll"l *l ", Di LPliATEB.a '1'

I.-, i- KU ci '¦¦ i- ctfu'ly..! Dil s v |,| m ,,i-.

1 tlEREB. ANN"! SCI MY81 ll A-

Vi VNDDiX I t..r r. -. L IL ai I'.t'ii II"! -! "i

DI 1 I i. VI I '¦ ,T-i,.n .d' Hu pta-

Hers D-- M. *l'nl*V\ OOO.

rpo THE VOTERS OF RI< RMOND: II fet-i thal i a, lt to tb* nunycltSanwof Rich-

who hsvt, th* in In theHOUSE OE DELEG Cl I - hi aa) lhal ii Itu y

i-i ii-, fnl In!nUn ii command. *'f ci ui

prlmar) tfully. IIH-M \*.i. I \ an*.


"UN LATOl ( ULA SON,.11 I N 1! -j UKI i

reancclfnll] Invite tbt Inspection of the mos)i . I* ito* i. i r vu. and wini. .: GOODS ever

leen In ibis city. _18-eod

1/ A I. I. GOODS. >2|* ll vi:i * i-.. ni. li vhi BOND

lo \v. IL li Bl. hard-on .UL.Ml Li ll XN I * IL* tl:.

Ka lu tOBTII l-"i .: I i r.'> lu , .i*nil VS'l H"l I

i rtt'Ddi. tull line of KALI, and WIN-T fl i: s( 11 i\,, ftc, which will ip made ap In

:.--st\ii and al verj moderate prices Knteed.


-'¦ lu-' "d'.vx

frill: NEW REOCLA riON I'Xl-"ii at

. XV ND, IN..I i; *

MIL1TAB1 T Rank si .

Kn hmoinl

HiCorrespondence solicited and nmi

liny |s»rt "f tin si*.te. it l*l-.h-...UniAwlin

. ri I m. _ rntACTioN.s

MU -I"., iv




U' '.'-ll D.

< lll.VT'H,


CA88IRHR Bl 11 ING!;

_*_81 0P1 M li

«. 1

R VIN si i;| 1.

ALI. Till NI XX I - \ fl


I || N* 1. XND 1 N,;|| s.| lUNi-s.

* Xl.I. VND IN \MiNi


ni xx BTOCK.

E. IL sPI'M ) | -s"N.

ITm bani Tailor*.

-vflMTT MOItl

1 I il 'III ssssT I. HHS 8I ll HHST Hllllll ll BBSST ll UH IT ll HHS *

T ll lill SSSS


< l.l.'LTIINl.-IT H*T!AsKH*.

W i ni |,atr.-'i- have Leen-|»,.'

Hi lr .un.m, i va-atl-.ii 1n Hm iii.-uiitaUi* and al

th- aaMBaa. ta asa batatas*, ta Bas ajaaaia8tts*-ilng t-i titre,, s. hiin..- our Mock for fal! nud win¬

ter wtii r fit imii. youth... am! Im-)--,. and a visit to

.ah'l.hiucut will convince tin- ino-l -Wt |>li-

eal that our stock aud oul .¦¦ unequalled

in thi. aflty. VV. will-till ailbert l" "ni rt inarka-

bly l-,w |uiti..4iid will w.ii rant ihat tor juice..

are fully *_D \a cent, h-wri than any otb'r chub-


KAI... nVTTM DATS from fl..Vat'.*_o;

MIN'S FALL Hills fron. 86 to |30;

lui III- KAl.LMTTS from tl) to fl18;

BOYS' TALL blTTlS from ft to»12.





DAILY DISPATCH.VOL LXIV. richmond, va., friday MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, \Wl. NO. 70.

£..i'1uho.u xlisjuUiit.r'RIOAY.sKUTKMItKH ll, I88S.

a#"T Hi a li: l I. All i'N fl I IO- O I-1* A Tl Tl



[Enter,.! at tin- NsftMSftS! Bl I IR*Mls<t-.>ta,l-class mailer,

I .ufa- 11 a atilt I Itl-tla.l I.

|ftBS. i.,: telciftSiu to the Dlsp-al, h.|W A-ll INA KIN. Sa-pt.-ltlLi-r "21 1 A. M..

Ka.i- tm- Middle AtliUlIU' .-'al.*, sliuhllvv,.linn r, fair weather, followed by Ugbl lai¬cal rain. during tho ni/ht. vari th|e w Iuds,fit 111 ii ir followed In southern portions bjri-intr I»:*r«n»i*it r.

Fur HM ,w8Uth Atlantic Stat!.*. light localrains, partly <loudv. ihghtl) warmer wt g.titer, mirth t<. xx. st vxim'.s. *!itu.nary or

higher barometer.

TU wea Hint IBSiaai'AT Rai partlyt la ll ililli cloudy,

1 iiEiiMt'METEi: jYaRtRBRAT! fl A. M.. 4I A. M., 7'2; BOOB, Ti; :; 1». M.. sn; fl ['.M., '.'! ; inidni-Jilit. Tn.

.Mt BB lt -Hlpa Tilt WIT', 7.' 4-(i.

LOCAL A. Itamnny A In.'* Assicniiteiit.Th. Baltimore Sun nf yesterday lui* thc

ft.How ini; i-i hilve tu the tinn thal furnhibedth. pumps and win a I* for OUT na vv

li" nry \. Rsnasay, dolaft bustuessai li.A. Ivi.ii.sty ft Co., machinist, and -liiI -

builders, proprietor- a.f the Vukan Steam.I.iiiiiie Wauk*. William :uiil Uuglies

-. has i v-ciit. d a .La d of trust lortl..- ben. iii "f Li* creditors generally, datedSeptember iv The tnttteei named In the

ile Will iain Lied, ol Morton, Rei dft Co., and ( i.iiilu il ind I > 11 jr pt t. The deedprovides lor payment ol the t-osti "f t i,c!ri|s|s. lej'ill pref, lt HO. s, ;;nil vvai'f. atf (1)1-

I' due for three months or less Luna-,aaa thi ii the credit >i-s t qually. Tbsdeed wa. precipitated bj a snit in m.Loni*, brough! by Henry IL llaaelhnrst,arainsl .Mr. Ramsay lor 110.897 lor rent, inwbicb it i* set forth thal tbe eitj of siLouis i* Indebted to Ramsay tm r thatii'iu'iint, aad asks thal thc plaiatilF* claimbe |aid ! v the eily OBI ol the IBU! dueRamsay. The ls .ulm.'d In supply,lag pumping engines for th. st. LouisWilt.t-works. ;ind this roll pul a slop totbe city's payments to Ramsay, Tbe trus¬tees are authorized to sell the property,and Mr. Ramsay estimates ii- val

largel] exceediuft the .ola!-, unless theplant, machinery, ftc., are -"iii at a sacri¬fice. Tbs extention "f tbe deed put s atopfor ihe present to the work in the estab¬lishutrent. From Lin to 200 men wereetn-1 la.veil there.

Tiic Maaaart Lust Wlgfas.Owiag to the announcemenl that two

IUW falliliil ita . for pill.lia- fitV-.T.Mil.Oisliel und .Mr. CuHriss \\aiil--wiuild lillthe vocal numben ol thc pr-ogramme siHu m>,/ait musicale last night, the hallwas .h usi-iv eroRded, The orebestraloverture, "Morning, Noon, ami Night"(Suppl was rendered with decided -j.nit.nml was followed hy Mlie. < )i*]u i's (ir-fnumber, a soprano solo, ** Waiting," (Mil¬lan!.:

.Mila-. Di*h. i lingi with ft ling, poss. ts. -

i *w.-at. flexible, blghly-cultlvated voice.which she lines to the best advantage, aadimpressed the audience inn*! favorablyfrom tlie beginning- In thi* a* in hersecond Btimber ihe bad to respond to an

In Mr. Ward, bowev. r, the audience wai

daUMppolnted. His voice wai husky amilacked volume, aad there was aa evidenteffort t" uiak.' np for these defeats by ges¬ture ami tlliilllatie a Illina Uti ta >ll.

'Fha orchestra, though small, waa wt llbalanced, and gave it* numbers v\ ita pleas-in- effect, especially the sect nu 1 number,

N Bade," (Kopplta,] and " I'm ki-liPatrol," (Michaella,) a repetition of whichwas demanded by tbe audit nee. Thetrombone (Hr. Equi) lo tbe serenade waivt rv linc.


Riverine;, at a UH l-i.loud Hoy.Ashlawn, in Albemarle county, once the

*. ai ol President Monroe, noa tbs n-i-dt n-e of Hob. John K. Massey, was thesa-, to yesterda] mornlnaol the marriage..I Mr.'J. Henri Rice to Mi-* Maggie LeeMassey, only daughter of tbe peutl. man itw bose house the marriage took place. Theinvited company wa. .mail, and* the Rait*erswere Mr. Arthur! luke, of this city,friend of the -.-ronni, w ith Mi*- Bdge, olAlbemarle, and Mr. Walter Massey, bro¬ther ol tbe bride, w ii li Mi** liarris, ol! ll-il'l<ittc*Vlllc.

After Ihe marriage n band-tome luncharas served, and then the bridal parti Ultamid the congratulations ol their friend*;for Farmvllle, tbe resilience ol Mr.Rlee'ij.ill' Ills.

Mr. Rice, who is one ol our rising youngmen, is in the insurance business with hilbrother, Mr. \\. D. Rice, a bo Bccompanledhim on thi- trip. Thc bride is s younglailv who adds to ber personal ch inn. thatof s bright :uid cultivated mind, wboaeliteral] productions have several timesta. ii s. ,n in public pi lal,

I .nat .lol I n a.L ol Nut ure.

11 sti-niay inoniiuj'- thc h'-man. xx liiL-on hi* rouads, lui at Mr. Kdvvard Cuin-lniii*'* a large i.ioek oi' Ice, weighing per¬haps twenty pound*. Mr. Cummins attii-st did act tx't'p'e anything peculiar aboulthe ice. imt iii a iinie vv hil.- bia attentionw -Atilt d io a tsurious loarmation lo tbecentre ol thc block. The rariositj w:i. iatlu ihapeol a siper vasa' Ulled with flow¬ers. Nothing could have been niora per-f.-et tihiiithi- represeatattoB. Thc outlines,| the Vasa- Wire ela-arlv dadilla a|, Up-¦hading being such :is to bring theentire conformation into bold relief,und tbe Howers with which it wa- filledwere as natural a* life. Hun Ired, ol peo¬ple called i" isa tafte wonderful light, sadin order to preserve ii tiu-wcii-kuown pho¬tographer, Duli*, fame dowra and pho¬tographed the pretty picture, giving a

ino*t iLit ni;il l'epr.-eiital mn ol ii. Winnthe io* melted ii wm louad thal thcspace ihowing tbe ibm and dowers wa-

simply a vacuum filled with air, which Inthe process ol heealng itomehoR or othermade thc perfect shape alluded to.

4 u pia iii I a,iut I liroHii'N ArrontKm I t.t(!.

special Orden No. h. issued from ifiji-luelital lii-ailijlia.tcr*. dated Septellll'd'ftOtb, ord' i's the suspension ,,f Hu- arrest oll nptain Leroy K. Hiown until further 01*al. r*.

Now thal Captain BfRRR i* BftRtB ini-ttuunaiiti. Company D will enter with sealInto regular drilling tWO QC tin tc limes a

week, in ord.r Ha La- able tn enter into thccompetitive airill during tbs Btate Fair..Last inch! us soon as the antlers suspend-uig the arras* of its Captain wa* read loCompany l> a ci minitta-,- w::s ;,jtj.<>*.iit.-ilam! .ant after Captain Btorr, Rho onia ichinu tiic Artnory w:.s "-reeled Withtumultuous applaiisi'.

This *a tl lament of the troubls in theeainp of thc company will Lc Joj fully lauil-eu by the regiment

Mit. Theatre 1 o.Msli!.Tl.ateli. r, rritniose A Wast vvill lia* at

tlu* Theatre to-night, um! it may safelj besssartart thal n full hon*.' xviii recognizethem. No :t.l<li! ional price will be charged,notwithstanding tba I'ipntatloii of tlitvsecomedian*. The liertormuncc will be re¬

pealed to-morrow afternoon, when a mati¬nee will be given, and to-morrow night atthe usual hour.


tm: or iii |»AKTV.

.Wr. Hale, on Account of III Health.B*sss8ajass*B_88 IfaaafoaaBnaaB.

A iii<-etiii_ af tin- D.-inoeratie Slate Cm-nutt-.wa- held :it ti..- Exchange Hot* yes¬terday, vxith nieinliers ppaaeil fruin ev* rvsection of the -'nt.-, a* follows:

l-Tr-t IHstiict-.liulj:,. h. r. Qttater,Phillp Gibton, T. W, Waller, Warner T..lillies, \\ \ .[,,.,-.

St coBd Di-iriet M. (iii miali. I>r. .1. F.Bryant, J. W, Hnbbard, Joha I>. Odell,Dr. Ooo rai B. Rives.Third I>i*tii* t- EL F. heine, u. li.

Cardwell, H. il. Nash, B. A. Haacock, J.M. Hud._in.

Fourth l>i*tri"t lt. T. Wil*p,;i, s. F.Coleman, s. p, Arriiii'toii.

Fifth l»istrie!-c.(,.H.,limul. L.C. Wal¬kin*.

sixth District.P. A. Kris,.. B.J. Gra-liam. .1. I». Hoi-sl, x, (Titiitn I'litte-tPii, jamesBowles,

scvt-ntli Di-tricf.J. M. White, EdwardKelifl*.

I.i_htli District.Henry Heaton. F. II.Mox,I. T. 1'. Wallace. W.H. F. Lee.Ninth Mistricf.W. F. Rhea. 8. W. Wil¬

li ¦!-. s. * (,ia>iaiii, lt. A. Ayer-.And the following BMmbere ol tbe Bx-

cuttve Committee jobs B. Barbour'chairman;. A. Ful!icr*i)ii. Judge Watt-.A. II. Bowraaa.Mr. ll. sin |pt rd. xviii, i* h,,. ocexeHarj

of tin- Executive Committee, was ppu yea-terday elected secretary of tim State < om*initt'-e al-".


The dal wss sj teal in bearing detailedreports of th--work of the canvass In thea Mini districts, '"unties, and cities of tb*State. Tin-t were tjjenerally calmly made,iniil tbe advantages and disadvantages un¬der which tin p.'uiv j- operating werethoughtfully considered. There wa- nounderra! mir of the power sud wiles of Mil¬lion*- and iii* "faithful allies" of variousdeg**** es.

li was fruiiUy staterl thal in man] placesWv re Inul been great dL*appolntmen1 al ourspeakers aol keeping appointments Budefor them by thc committee, bul laatweekthere aaa a very decided Improvement Intlii* i"s],cit. aiui it is believed tliat therewill be little cana, el complaint ob thisBcoi.¦ in iii" future.Tbe people tara out h. tl," raeetiBgaln

large aumhert, and are t?utbt*slaBtlc In tbe<-;nisi- ;ind eoiiiid'Tit ol v Ictory.

boi nw orr.From lie southwest tbs tidings were

particularly rood. Old-time RrXdJustersare eomia** over In goodlj Bambers, andtbe IhTnoerati" vote will not on iv be irge-lv io -reased from thal diieetion, but bybringing oul the irte rea* rv., v .-t..The Mabone people ure working haul.

lint tti'-y lind thal the truf-!ie;uTeil iiioiiii-

taim er- refuse !o !"¦ ii- livered late th-lu.nd- ol' lin- Hi publican party.our reveauc plat k i* \ iv nee. ptahlc

out there; that and tbe fact thal revenue-iiicn an- cheekily coiupieuous at Maboneconventions helps a good deaL They un¬derstand Ilia! Mahon is for Arthur, andtiley AlTlilir lt ii|ipo*c*l t" (bereps dot Ibis odious and oppressive lys-t m. work (speaking and other-a ha- been done in th* Southwest i>v

Judge W. !'. Rhea, Hon. J. lt. Richmond,Colonel O'Ferrall, General A. L. Prlde-more, Ruins A, Ayres, Sam. Williams,W. C. Newb* ny. John H. Massey, and tbeT *. and last Hui. liol I- M. lion. Al"Fulkerson, O'Ferrall, Moffctt, and Fieldxxiii make a thorough canvass "f the Mathdistrict.

Mit. HACK BR8IORRD,Tin- committee yetterdaj received ad¬

vices from the Democratic Committee ofUn- *i\t!i district timi i'i.- Hob. Peyton O.Hale (one ol thefranous live senators whorefused to obey Mabone] bad resigned hisin iiniivat ion. li" is siitVeiin. nader bis seo-olid stroke of parsjilvsi-: the tir-t, someHui" before the Lvacbburg Coaventioa,and slight; the other onl* afea days ago,and vcr* severe. Tbe District Committeeli .vt- recalli d the < toaventloR to me* I al* anon Courthouse (Millsville) on Septem¬ber --d to B* iniiiiie b candidate in bisstead.

Tie- district i- composed ol Carroll,Grayson, and Floyd. Slr. W. II. Suther¬land, clerk of < "ai roll < 'ountj < ault, is re¬

garded id a mtv suitable b**tbob for tbenomination, s. Si. Fnlton.a former mem-in i- ol tli" House, i* also looked upon as a

very available niau.

Mr. Hal- '* political *ti<n-tli will be alltransferred to '.ii- successor in tin nomina¬tion.

x I81T0R8,II..h. George i». Wis", lion. (,.

(alni!, ami Mr. W. I*. Drlnkard were

among the visitors invited to toe commit*H .-roolll.

Mr. Ca',eli. in the course of a cooveraa-timi w Ith -I,me committe* men, (rave a pic¬ture ol Daaville under the heel "f tbeenemy that ought to bave been beard bjevery iakewann otliee-holder, property*bolder, and otb* r dil* n ol RicbmoBd.Judge Rhea, who has made aueh i ("real

reputation asaspeaker Lb the Southwest,and xv hos,- fcarlessBI ** and ability lias wonlum Un- greatest reaped from friend andfoe, ls "lily abOUl twen!y-si\ veal's of age.

I lie ls tall and straight and hat s pleaaantexpression. He ht tbe couaty judge "f

Washington, having succeeded JudgeWard, who r< signed.

- natur Heaton, ol London, made iii in th '-"liiiiiitlee 'asl eVl Bing, atlil

..'av- prool of such ability aad rafoim il athal the dem ind is quite genera] for bin totake the stump.

nm ott t ovixiii h -.

Tim i. port from the erg -alsation "f i bb*ciiiet committees was pretty general)*good. Bom* couatlcs (likesomew rd* in

Richmond) have don. notbiog; but that i*

rather the exception.Thc amount ol work done in th.

try iiisiiT- is generally puta tu shame theboasted activity of tlii* B*#tropolis--Bol to

speak ol our aeighbor tbe count) of Hen*rico.

lll'.AHlM'AltTKltS.The state Committee took tu. action

whateverwith respect tosttabllshlag bead-quarten hare in Rtcbmoad. They bodoubt thought thal ir they were neededOUT district and cltj committees would at¬tend D' the matter.

Tin- committee adjourned la*t Bight.jit.*;k *ta!'i RR,

For BOBM tim*- p8Bt thc state Coiiniiittteh. * advertised II-ui. Waller K. st:i|p|es H.

speak in Richmond, len in- it lOOUT coiniii'tt*-" tp> ti\ tlie time after 801*fereiiee Wit!l Ililli..Iud_" Staples made a tim- speeeh at fla-

lem. If repeated lure it Would do a ..Teat! deal of -.out.

lt is ;i -pi eeh thai w iii recjnlre about one

j hour and a half fOf delivery, Mid i* a calm,s,,i.r argument, and powerful ezpomi ot

lin- aim* and nd* Ol thc Malioiie paitx.The couunlttee would <hi trail h> securefor Um Judge cither Mo/art Hall ar Hie'lTieatre.


The CollltloolstS when they wanted H.

get possession Ol Norfolk passed a ebaitsrxx Inch L*ax.' ti" mayor almost unlimited

powers, winn tb. y d.-ir.d to pul lbsmajoiitx of LsxingtoB under the rule ofthc iniiionty the) planucsl lo put till WmxxTiitt s in ana arard and make two wards

IUktl could He curried hy the in ::roe-.

Sollie snell sch" BM Us**** will llUVe for lllcli-nioiid if th'-\ siiiicetl in ttiis clccHoii.They could /ern mander the State so _.- toRivi the Arthur lU-publlcans flkbt out plteu congressmen, at),l they will be able toredivide the wards of this city so at tuelect a majority of tbe Council. Tho ('nun¬di will build the new City 11*11.. elect near-

ly all the City Hall officials. Potten Com-missioners, A-,-.Tba liatnoanits will bea prcerilu .1 peo-

ple lure if Maltopc hs* tin- na-xt Legishv-liir'.

I*n't it worth while for mir pe.,; bj Utmake a graal a dort to save mir citv fromsmh a fat.;'

(TTY i oVittllTKK.

The City I), ni'.er.alic CtXBRrittM willmeat to-niL'ht. Candidates for the LegU-iiuie ;re resTuastsd to t.<. rjres. nt.

riisi; in 1IABSIIU.I. WAD Id-TM'.in.-- sTii.'itiNa; BaTRhcRBS ABB kviim -

siA.siia CBORR.Last nighl itdi-siiant to a ea'! fi' tin sup. i-

Intendentcail.-tt aa enthusiastic Bteetiag"f the Marshall Waul lien, icrats wm heldui Twenty-fifth itraat Fully fire bun*dr. tl j-, titi, ina a wa iv prc m. ami oaringto the kindness' ol Mr. rTsmes Hives the.tami ei'.a-ted xxiis lighted in tin- uio.ttidcftil -lyle.Mr: Cathu called thc nvetinj' t . order,

ind lutrodue. sj Mr. I'.. A. II meick, ol( hestcriichl eoiinty, -.ts the first irpeaker,Mr. Hancock opened in a dirt et at! uk U| miHu Republican coborti led hy Maheno, lb-arced iiimieiliitla action. No time (otwaltlnft until tin- iron -roi eolal. Evenw bite nan should oobm forward and do hi*iliitvwithout he-itiiuc). lie drew a pic-iiii".d ihe paltry men win. foiiow-td boee-i*m ami tlie true patriots who were seek¬ingto sink seU ba (luir at I. ni pl- to save vir¬ginia from disgrace, 'lie- qiiMtlon wis

IV'hi'llii idlp- people Would *erve the **! tte>r n sett-imi OS. tl inn-'a r,

UiS speech WM full of eneolira_'elili nt.uni wt. listened to with profound attt-n-ion. He ihowed Mah,am's power OVer

iii.. .1 icrisiative branches of-¦ :. gov. rnme'it. plainly portraying

Ids Influence In ail mattera ta these qnar-I-. He deolarod good tiding*fromi verv

ni aril r of tin- st.ii", alluding in happyrm. E. the spontaneous uprising In ard

From in even aeetlon of the Common-iv ,.a lt li. Mr. Hancock made a fine speech,ind hi- closing .ration wm full of L el¬li.- an l oratoi v,Mr. -aiiuu I I'.. Witt w isnexl intro.inca!.

Il- il- 'lan tl his fi ally t . Richmond, ami.specially to Marshall Ward, where dweltii* vt tv I,, -t friends. He reviewed tin*dd issues np.,|i vv hicii tbc D'TtP't ral- h ol. pii!, terming them questions ol a'.ann-,etmd debt, snd denomin ited til- presenl i*--in > a- presented by the Republican partyi* Leiiij .lim.!', a!, ,',:ui :i direct outrageip ui fri' IIP n.IL- reviewed the pretemlons of tin- Ha-

anne party, and ihowed thal lim claimlev make io being tbe people's part] was

titter!) empty, il- j roved thi- s,i conrlu-¦ ivilv that lu- deeliirttl if he could not

prove tbe Bsnertlon bc nev. r woald a*k tormother vaaia- in Richmond, lb- kepi hi*

promise satisfactorily, and complete!] n:l-Ml tin- idea thal Judge Bond representedunthill" Lui Mahone in bil recent dect-¦ i".ii about coupeTin- eoitiinissioner-aif-sali. Lill, in iii! it*

luigrant raormity, wm completely plc-tun !. Ile ridiculed tbe ide., of thi- beingpeople's uh a. In pointed, i loquenLand

ff lin.- t.-iTiis Mr. W"itt calli tl tiic atten¬tion a.f hi- hear, is t the width that thc

.Berny w.t. nursing against our capitalilty. lacenduirism, outhtwry, ami re-A-iije were in thc scale,and were thingsio be thought over, Tin-' raaUenRruckit .mr bones, sad .-v. rj one felt a

keen and near Interest in them, Was!nra' a freeman who would tongerloubtl IL- arraigned Cameron for his

ippointmenl of negro trustee., Once, -.i'dthe speaker, tnt* tiovernor wm knownm.the true iirnl the brave," Imt now if had.onie to ihi*. that :i fatlur or brother whobad ;i daughter or brother a ho want, d to..un a living Lv teaching i" lbs public-hool* would have to appear beftoretbcbod] *"rvan! of the Governor before tiny.auld be -riven employment; and titi* bjreason of Cameron'! owa mi.Mr. I).tv hi L. l'uiliam wm nexl Intro-

lui'iai. Mr. l'uiliam hi* a tine presenceind rood voice, and wm lurtened to withprofound attention. Ile to ih up the-a luina. aaf the ReMdJuster Legislaturewhian were stopped by the Famous Five,md ridiculed 'he idea ol Mahonca part)being called tin- people*! parti. Ile calledii pt >u the people to do their .inly, and inpl un. unvarnished hmgiiage pictiunet: ssiiv of earned action, \\<- honoredtbe amen who differed with him about tbe |debi «iua-sti"n: but wm i! necesivary fortbem to go with negroes} Sol itali. Aadbe did aot believe there were man) whitemen iii Richmond wno would consent toroch action. Mr. Pulliam wm freqaeatlyapplauded in Iii* B] etch.Captain M. L. spotswood was thc next

*p. aker. He alluded to tin unit] ol fi i

im: that setuated ;iU patriot, in the [lend¬ing fight He ni'-nti'tiii'd the honest ri-1rain between Madison and MarshallWarda lor the rlaim to being ihe bannerward "f Richmond, ami promised on theput of Madison 'iii* own ward) that tberace would in- a close one,

xii. Spotswood in ferveul languageurged prompt and Immediate action, amiclosed with tin- rampaiga itv of "ThisWilV, fl'a tm ll


Mr. James N. Dunlop, in amwer t loud

calls,cam< forward, Heslluded briefly io

Hie principles of the party, ami urged allto walk aboul our political Zion, . \-

aliiim it. l.ulivi'.i k*. and le I *n iv

aft. utr inge gods "f a bom we knoanot of. Ile begged bis bearers to leavi Umpatt*. ..;' pn sid. nttal theft, itar-routefrauds, ami di manner of unconstitutionalIlla-:.lilla --.

il- wa particularly severe aa tin Ialilittii M iik-aml-whitf fiction, w hato i .-iii infamj upon Richmond .ml iheentire Shite. He ihowed boa M ibone,i tmeron, and otli rt' Klltiouit-ti were Irv-lng to huh wiih whip-eoi-ii- "i munni thestate of Virginia (now overwhelming!)Democratic] t" tbe Ji ggernaul ear of Re.publlconism,

Mr. Dunlop ha" many lim p outs ,,f ora¬

tor] in >pa ailing.Mi. john a.i iirtls,coming in tton< ;ij

U'iiiai, rm 'ill' d iot, snd, taking tinsfiind, declared thal lu- lia1- told them in

Clay Ward Hut Marvii.ll intended lo I,

banner ward In the coming election. He-ititi there was ..nlv OBS i--lla'in this a'iin-

va**: Wen-we ti be White incn. ,»r were

We to hS s|:,\, . ,,I I,lack llltll ililli theirI,"..,.' Milln.lie wa. a stn ill iiiiii! iv!..i IudrnLd p into otter on the b icks of big bucknegroes, lb wanted to see the bsbjiu atndwhite man roting toretbei lor tba good oftits state, and nit for individual em,,lu-tm nt.Mr. curtis sp,,kc in compttaMRtary

terms of Messrs. Spotswood, Dunlop,Kxaus. Christian. Davis, not forgetting ina iiioih *t vvav to COBClude vv ith an illusionto iii- own candid.I'}.Mr. MetSger, in answer to lund calli,

appa and and nude a lew pleMiBg remarks.'i'll.- uit.tinj adjourned in gnat good

hlUllta!'.E.VV-VV.Vlii. Al iv ES.

A llleetilij' of thi- | ). mo.TatP* clul, tgggheld lad algbl at Westham Bonne. Then-wa. presenl a larj. t:limber of voters ,.fthi- Ward and several candidates wboeeiiiiuie* hui li' n un iitioiit il in conni dionwith tin- nomination L>r the IegtolRm,.Mr. W. V. I'rinkiid made :in iiddre**,.iivim.' Raton*nt* in i' aurd i" ti..- proj;ri-*of the eanit.aijn- which sjave tin- greatest-ali.fa,dion. In' < l>lh WI',! meet Bgal_ ,,.

Tuesday ni-rht. SeptemlMr fifth, at BR hag/k,HU Utt I «. Wa - ! Ililli Iloll-f.

tUntMOM wini' !'i-viiu'i:.m.' (Tin,

This fictive bodi td w.rker* will nieetat Old Mu .Mt Hi'1 "SR STSBlag at -

ii'eh,ck. Kv erv Demo, rat in th,- wardshould Itt- pra sent ami bec-MM a ineinhcr.

Francis M. Ibiykin. EaqH has declin.,1 a

call to become ii candida!)' for the Leg*Ula.ture. Colonel John IL Cary has underconsideration Btfenl reaplMts from manyfriends lo announce liiniself m a candidate.

IA A I SI II. A Uti \ DK.fl \ Milli.

lu*l_e Alkina 'Tills Attention or thel.ruml Jury In flic Hale ot OlneencvYnrka -. tn <«atiililiii-_ Dem anil

I tfielluua I'ublleatlnna.

The tnoiitlilv tenn ol tlii* court coat*BMsteld yesterday -.Iml.e Thoma* S. At¬kin* presidinc. In hi* em-rt-e tethe grandmv, anion, other things, Judge Atkin*

-ai.i :"Tho brwi vvhieii i desire to esRspa*

i-iaiiy to your attention ar. Utiose designedI. suppre** Hu causes ,,f crime."The *ale of any h..ok or other thin**

coBtslnlag o**tseene laagusge, oran* print.picture fi'.'ii rc, or dc-erpti.-n manifestly Iteattteg to el-nipt the Bavala ol > nth, lapuni*!i il.!" Hy law with iuipruoniii-Tit andBaa, and vet you aaa lind at anv BOWS"BjaRay ia The <-jiy of inchm-did a doses ornore periodic i|s or newspaper* soatalatngpicinres and dstcriptioBfl *if that cbasact* r.I trust you xxiii eau**- to caine before you(lie necessary witnesses to stop Hie sale ofthese peraleloua pubHcstloas.

.. Tin- *ale of liquor to minors is carriedrm in Hu* .-itv in ..pei, violation of the law.Let's try and sj,,), n,d mal evil...Th" hahit of aairyuag <. mealed wea-

pom ibonM be Iwoken up hy a siri.-t ea*[Orei-BMBl of the law."T!l- "-.iiiil'lin.- dins should he *ui|>-

Tressed and Ihe -ile of lotterv tickets andli- k. ipili, of policy shops forbidden, byarrying out the law to it* fullest extent...The-" olTeneet so nearly Boocan the

.veifaie and cbarach r of our yooag peoplehat l filth it I cannot too stroagly ba*iress their Importance upon your minds,favour lav< stigsUon of other obarges vi-.-aiioiis o| tbete laws may appear, and it.xiii then be yonr doty to Investigate themmd pr. si-nt them '" the court.

.¦ There is another "la** of eas - in whichi Strict enforcement of Hu- laxv WOUld>c of great benefll to th" communityin- btw agalast libel, a libel is the ma*Iclous publication of any writing, slim,licture, »iii¦_.*-. or other representationending to d* rame the memorv ol om- who* d' ad. or the r. put ition of one xv!ios livin.'. and t" expose him t" ri li-rule, hatred, or contempt. It i« punish-iide a* a misdemeanor mi the groundli it such a publication Im- a tendeaey h.listlirl. the pilitlie pea"". Voil Will readily

eaUeraea, tina tin- enforcement of I jlii« law WOUld pr-x-n! many of tin-tiu-'"Hiiy sbooUng matches which usually,.ll..w tins,, publications, .ami geatlemen.voiild *ooii begin to look to tin- law forheir vindi,ali,di Instead of th. *fleld "' "

Til" grand Jury mel ami brough) in the'ollowing true Lin* of Indictment: Nancyleaper, .'. lonlotisi* asssulting Martha Ann-stead: Joseph Mann, fclonlouslv assault-ii,* George Comba; William Stewart,.us. -''i-takiii::: Samuel Woodson, felo-

it..iis.iv euitin .- * ii iries Owi ns ; Richardli"K-. bouse-hi .kin-; Lewis Johnson,urglari: Archer Halstead, f- lonj : W.

[I. Clarkson, feloniously euttlnf A. K"-:los. ph ..,,;,,].,,,|, feloniotisll -'eulin, a

\¦-i-cii and chain from William Moore;rbomas Elinore, Feloniously assaultingIV. II. Cousins; William Johnson alias.Yillbm Wsllscc, feloniously stealing onefold walch from Frank v. I ufiej Rosallayo, feloniously assaulting Celia Junes;lani's Russell, felony: James Walker, felo*iv : Robert Walker, borte-straling; AnnaBelle Colet, burglary j Martita Gray aliaslornella Adams alias Elisa Coles, burgla-v ; .lo- ph I'..,/". fe|oni,,us a-s,ull .I-.hutuiiaii. carrying concealed weapons, t-.I'. Seurat!) ano Jnalus Wllttamt, charged* Ith felony, not true hills.The grand jury wsa diBcbsrged UH uexl

UT-diii -dav.No sp, cul catea were wi for to-da*.

I'olicc 4'onrt.'Fist follOWlag ease* Were 11 i ~ [ I, - ti I of

.T-sleida* :

Annie Reid (colored), disorderly coaduct.ii tli street, Pined |..John M. Reiley, disorderly on thc stn et.

I-Mlied |6.L. A. LsPrsde, drunk. Fim-d ftManuel Oreen (colored), disorderly rm

In- street and reaistiag Policeman '/.. <;.I.T'inkiii. Fined |10.

I.ucx inn (colored), drunk. Beni to j iiifor twelve months la defaull ol surety.Allen I* du'' r (colored), disorderly on tbe

BreeL Fined |3.Maud Anderson (colored), disorderly

md eursing on the streeL 1'im il 1*2.50.* bark's ll. Whyte, charged with selliBK

i-oods, wares, sad merebnadJse bj sampleiv Itboul a llci n-". \.\ minali rn waived,ind case certified to Hustlnira < 'mi rt.Charles Thomas and Haul Bell (both

oloretl), charged with feloniously snootingmd wfjundtn Lot Wad.- w Uh a pistol,rbomas sen! on lo tbe Hustings Court..*.. Il ditch irg* d..tann - Un.-. Il and Flax -tr Branch (bothlim-cd), chsrged with stealing one .-..ld

ivatcfa and chain from John Rex, valued alIIB. Both found guilty of petit larceny.ind s.nt lo Jail for sis montha each, willilalnr. Ru sell appealed to the Hustingsolin.Marx Nilson and Francis White ["bmIi

charged with Iteiag dlsorderl*ami figntlBg. Both * to j .il Indefault of surety for their good behavior.

Ben, < ..I'-iu- colored), an escaped luna¬tic. < i.uiMii't. and authorities <.f lunaticas* lum notified.

William Johnson [colored), charged a ithstealing 118.70 from H. v%<. Moesta. Tooyoung to lie tried for larceny. Sent to Jail

oiion until hi- par. n's m- guardiancan i"- found. Surety, BIOG for ti n days.

I.aiii-n Banks and Fdiii'.nia Harris (liothoior..! i! ii*ged with assaull and battery.Ditcbargi d.j.din i urrj .md Monroe Jackson (botb

colon -1 charged w [th -te din .- on* ov< r-ooal from William B. Bmltb. MoaroeJackson guilt] "t* pt til tareen) and *- nt tojail for thirty days frith Labor; John Curnrequired to fina surety f -r thlrtj days bjtum ol

» .tinlin. Kelly, charged vvith stealingone pair "f -boes fri rn Lucj Gu en. Efolguilty.Emanuel U"-* (eotoretl . a vagrant. Dis*cbargi fl.Ned Moselej [colored), cbanred with re-

eelviag in hi* p. .-->.*-h.u one coal lupposi *1to tte stolen. Not guilt*.John Price (colored), charg* d arith as-

BBUll and battery. Fined |5 and e.,s|-.

Itri.-ls, ami rersMHiula.vp.-. H. A. Brock wa* .lifted aa honor*

arv member "f Wyoming H*nton**al aadGeological Society, Wilki*!.aire, Pa., on

tl,.- nth Instant.Mr. .1. L Logan, ol Nor York, foi*

m,Tiv of (."hiantl 'eouRty, pastedtbrough the cit) y*t*tterday, aad wss

warmly greeted bi many friend* her..The -lie""- "f til" rctllU'Ul :Uld IT"!-

gaoization -d the Hsaovar Troop wss

mainly due to the indefatigable and iib-

Uriae efforts ol thc committee, const-tinsof Messrs. T. w . Sydn a*, W. J. Blaford,amii'. A. Taylor.

Mr. ii. i tn ni Baldwin, Jr.. "f tin- itv,

baa developed nit" an exceUent fr.-e..-

painter Soe ol hi- work here doneatonr-ide thai ol a painter i-r..u_iit oa Sew l "rk llcits mod faxorahle com-(jg, ,.- iblitbsd I tine reputation

fur liim._,uiiiaii*** '*¦ B*aatsjaaBs

\ nea >dre of the order ol Kalfbta olDamon, under the bbrm ol GroodwlllI o*l_e N". ."'. bas been Instituted in Hu*

etty by John H. .dams, Grand State Dip-utv The follow log :*r** the offieen for tbeeatulng termi If-asa ¦**«¦¦¦»>. W*<_j *g"liaui Kui.iiD.,n. V. C.j I. L. Johnson, lt.S . J. 1 .".per. F. 8.' A. [rte, \\. 1.:Thomas Eldridge, W. CapLiln; M. Taylor.K II W : P. .L'hnson, L. II. IV.; .s.

(irt'cn H ll '.; I)- Rh'hardtson, L. H.

C.; H. Bob*nsoo. I. B.| B. Foster, O. S.;Thomas Brown, D. M.


Ac-art***, the River.Brans et nni bari bbrtbb cousRft >t

i.Kiintrs nRBTiaot.TftAaBrsaft.xest<erday morning Louisa *mhb, a rol¬fed woman who IWei on Maury Rreet.ear tbe Richmond sad iRmvllto radr.iad.rai before tbe Follee Court har-;..I Britt.eeping a dlMrdcrt] boiMand .Itdiirhiiur'"' I" "' and quiet ol the n. ....'ii.orhood.e'.er.ti witih .... m-ert examln* il, who tat*iti.-d that the disturbance aas Teated bj'artus from Li.-'i.tioiiil. Warrant* wa-r.'worn .nit fa.;- rh<*« pu-lits, ami the BMSaa* c iBtinued until thev c mid be brough!afore the I ailirt.PTarrant* agalnsl eighteen apersens rsm

isticd yest, ni v for keeping unlicensed.».,'* on their preratai -.

ah Democratic voters who have beani'sialents ,,f the **!)!). alf \ 'ir:: iii ia twelveioiillt* :iml 'if Um city of M m. 'lister thia.ninth* and have aol retristorcd are uigedi I. av.* their hanns .uni pb BS al real-enc. with Mr. I. W. I'.i'm.iUi'rh. .Jr., cor¬

er of lilli! and Tenth stoats, who w il'Ire them all BaeSSSary information. AllBrttea who have ihanu'cd their rsaideaciince th".v la-t voted ihould leave tte ir or¬in f.»r traaRfasa arith Un ManRgasaarRnB,The Rsi. i.eoiiidiis Loss, r eaasaseneed-a-ria * of m.. Hafts ob last Tuesday night1 the FifMi-s'n.t Methodist Church.he*"-iii e:tnj's have been ikurgelyatteaded,nd considerable interest i* being mani--teii. Thej w ;u be eoatinued duringext Wt k.

un-:-;ii Ri-Mon t "intention a,I tl,,-I ni tel Stales.

The c'on ga MImIoo I onv. ntloa of th.nib d Stab " .-* ml '-'I iii tin' colon tlapti-f church, M un !n *t. r. ye-attrrdajtoning, The following officers were¦¦.¦ta for the nsiiin year: PresidenLtv. .1. A. !¦'. ¦-.. t. ol 0 than \ ui-l'rt-d. nt. Rer. w. T. Dixon, ol Nea York;icretary, R. -.. .;. M. Armsietul, of Porfct.louth, va.: \- . n .».-. retary, Ri v. It.!. Count. .. of Memphis, Tenn.j Tree-irer, Rev. R, -; r, .1 Norfolk j I orre-sondlng Secretary, Lev. W. W. Colly.Tbe collection* bj the agent! in the sev«ri st.-ita-- amounted lo ¦¦ Vlr-

ini.t ontributi d ?.'!!.sn. md lt nneasasI'.**.o'". The contributloKi fi'-in I lu otherlaics w> ra- -m.uh r. Tlie entire collections¦"in Virginl will i' ich -1. 00.The following missionaries were ap*ointe.l bj tbe ( "iiM-nt mi, and a III *aiit Africa bj tbe 1Mb ol in cembei J. H.:> -Kv ind w itt and J. J. I ol. "i Rich-"inl, and II. Kinney, of Missi wippi.Kev. w. w. < oliy, who bm been doing

lissionary work In Africa under appoint-u ni by tin < "liva ntion, has return! il.The Convention will mee! igain tblrorning al 0 o'clock, and will adiourn sinii to-morrow.

Illtlflll p a-'llla.* Blie .. I ina -ait (Jallery," N i. BU Main

Mun wa,ti., ol ni ii. ij he foundnone them. Thone desiring lo |ill imd prices low.

Antoni's RtrsRlMMl IIMBS ft alamade from tn :i limes lt is w,,- \. .;

.ld -t. Trj bo

I!' merni, r to t- lepbom ¦;-. Na.. ;',l;, forit piano-tuner from lu ry. Ra-c* .'. Mos. *.

M VNM'o. C. "1 VI-! .1 a a,.. V ||il \| ,;.

i-a.t. win i "i*: i-i, atari] teal rr. th. ir n-t ,.f!> pr- |. atv e r ila I*,nh* who Live pr -

1. wa nhl U" wi li to xiv. Ila.!,i a al, terip..and thu* advert lt free ot... t.

Tm. ut M vmi for ii.hi.I.-',.i I, rsc) i it-i-.tad lav i. kv v. Hw i*.x ("¦".. 1.1 bean m -t,.i HS ilal V lallla. ben ll t ka., |a ll|, *haak.

bey tar. aos Berti nu arrans-rmtnti hywblcbti >' will ' .I all d. ti. ai I au lli.sea "I- all al Li v v. i> wi. ,v . -. aad tupa*)nu . If.

t: I..t i


thi coolest anal

M...r narai m-ro oai

Pr. p

ci ..

aaa al.

LadI :\a.


v - *.'i -::!...

i i

101S M vi


1.1 '. v. I»v v flaX". i. eau linda .¦:

Baa Cordfor in .kin" ii in - and laMbre-

ilnt. Br i thu i.' th. b< e i of those-

i." ip VV t ll. tl-


Pm .1-.. aiot ... - rtaklflIonal!] ts Cai h vi-i ta

Ittt. |"l<-

tli/Itl-a-'a lt.

s i-. MOX.T I! in-l-v H ll I'liC-lIV'.-ll"! s. ..

te. al.


, li. I

IL'Vt VN il EI'EL, fl I*. V| ., bill I

,.. a.iiiaiUN a -"'.. tS M.. farm I'MIlia a univ. V. VE. h Old BB


I III < Al IllVil..

Swarthmore < ollegk,3 ltd; lil dil -1 ft] s

I KOBI I Alli 111

Ml. V! il I Ls ia| lill. Ll LU.H.I - i :i.l i OlI-Ll EST)*.

Thirty minute* from flmad ¦' inn,Phil-i.l.'lphl.,. ; n .!. St-I. .lil¬le, ami Lilia.:-. v. Er. pat.|.ev sa-ln.a,l[.oration cd la.rhcnlUafulnrs*. l\i>:,-Tia- ,'ir.ab ll a\ .',':..

¦.:< v, ,i comma in c* i.iiitti month-11-11 Mill L ll. 188 I. V| |!\ l .lit ta, lt- ao

iii.o--ii.i. r..r catalogBC and lt.I, partleel*l>i hlr.-*

i nw ut. il MAGILL, v vt. PraMdei i.-- ¦. ;. ie

MNt Nilli,.

US. WALTER HARRISONv. .1! rt -tu

i\ -; Bl v:en i xi. (PIANOie .,'Tii.i: l*r.


FRED. Il MIL'. Pl I'll- »»l I KAN/.| |s/| ml III .rt Ivl 1 I. .Xiv. Will ll-

vu -li M. I.N8TBI T'I'in -it-

IH i-i r.iuii:.

.ii'la-i* -i Ramosvi.ii a", v P

.a p.-aa.W.l: I_

MRS. J. A. -LAY ION',v -t Hoi vi

Manor V i'.ai INI, of r lt re... lt

ffUl rta - i VIH'AI Mi hil onOI -

lulu': lal v..iiititilc.iiious i,*t with Ba-mo* ,t vi I Lr. Mm mb-alane-. CJJ HiOth Thlr-1 a.tis***t. Will bc il "lup.yiltciei.d to. Tfl.-|>ha.iir. No. 'il3. ,c 7-tatl.H**

HIM IK tittil OAT*.

_aa 111 -HKl.s STRICTLY CHOICEOl fl I .X\l)(il'NITNK1VlNTr.hOATJ-,.rtiwuIv J. |>. VI. -tv EfM., lien. I. aa fair SSiW IBl-.ts M suit tay i HA Bi. Ks L. TODD,se 18-1 w Twelfth and lary strevU.

lill- f HW .. A I f 'I-

r.iw.vtn ur JLUVSkwil'ibljiiti '

CASH -l.XVARIABI-T 1*1 AfiVA.** ? .

')nes.|ii .I-, it'-.,i. * IO''ic,mn-. !wt» Hiscrt'oii-. .1 "im- «| ian-. I".rec liis.rT.-ns. I kv

Dii»-..|t,."ir"*,<|*. itvrtflon-. s IDn»-i|ii:,r«', i-v-a\ coi MTltoa*. *. B''la. *|iir.-,i-ne initiifli . Itu* square, two months. I » (I

.. , ii..,- Dr.-.m..,|p. os.-I

-1i:i>1 I ATIO-1AL_

ADAME (il LLLALME ll \s i:K-It UNI I), md I* r,ii> u- '.'.*.n ii^r

CLAB-tr* *N!) |-|l|V ATI l,Ks..ii",*i |SKKBKCH. Ad 1 ..*

M -_l-K.sn_T'i:il- V xl ) MIST |',.l S|


II0Y8' SCHOOL.vtrs. A. II. CAMM. Piinclpnl; Ml*. LOTTIB

Pitier. Vn-.-l'rlii, i|>.il; Mi - .Ifl'xxir I.LLKT,AaslttaaL 110 soalh Third «tr<-ct. s Kl* rh Mil KRMtm¦for parUralart see elrental at West, J¦>.*¦< ur 110 *nat Gnat street. *._i-e..di .,-;

TOBEPH KH'-NTIIAf. GUARANI F.Fs.I la Dvi-iity le,*nis ti) i.Tft I you In Mi.-'Nl\<- CALIT'LA TIDN-* I" it Titi, rx nillifi-"-«.Jon, dlrtaloa, fract.i.n*. Interest, dlsenuti ¦! .ilenn. |iniflii'*l Im.i.K lo |>:nr.!i"i|emte. H.^-nest Rlrflim ind n li-..VIII examine and write np . ..'¦'»* fur bm

AL!.-. - e W "!' Si. .1 l-l" - ILV lt .Will advt niKl.t Ie*..'ii* lo lanae /< nttera-tiill Ladin's*. se 21 -j- .

ir\ivi-:usn v nt hool,U \o. no mu: ni i ii,uni btri ii

Tlic nineteenth *c*«l"ii nf Hil* selie. sill i .

ITICKaHAV. !*e_tenl--*r ''nth.Hu), of cir?,a uar* nf aye P ceil rd or, If well

viv,', \unastr,CHARORsrOR THC. *i:s*T<t\

ITctnenlarv Kn-li-li and Matlu-iiiiitL* .188Ililli- r lai.!Da ..,,! MailiemaUcs.74. Latin. Dr.iU. fl-Teiali. i ,,-riicoi. t uTi. 14hsnjfynaa*a *-'-is. ai

.Ifni'-.*. s»a |p, ann RssVB twonf those iii-, n I-i im ra l- mala for tin-tn ird ind fourth.for tWO "I III re '"V. IT III "lie -Hill., film l

Ld Ct lull *>f BIO Will DI made froa* I i

BRO.I'avin -nt* a* fpiil.m -: [>TJ dollar* (* lu. He .1 v

the liane- la I. re. n v, .-inti lillimonths from lath -lepteBih* 1888,

* iriii'.irs at Hie !N«p*,,'^.re-.I'I"*! X-* H. NORWOOD. Prim inti

m Pi-Ira \... 111 i."rt!i y i_ th -i". t

RICHMOND SEMINARY,IA No. B 1 v*i i,lt xci *| Hi KT,

BU liV|('\D. v x.

.loll* ll. POWELL. Puti-1-.Hi t .;. pi -, rot, > , ._.*!,.-..(. r, * I

1 Le cieniiti, session Of lill I'- ll "..I D,.-' I.I folHONDA! Sept ne cr .jiu,. |s- |.Calala i rv I rift >ri tlii

.i g"it. a hy appin si "ii si lin kle- Prim Ipal au i i

i s. _<*i un;** i lassk vi wI i. I \(.1.1*11 *t 11*04IL, -"in. r nf six".

Ill I. i;i s, xii D i | M-i;..l( l>*rn. v- ip.. I.- rn man;* tr, full] tan*, hi Print I pa I ii

"I,, I- In il," M "L ,'. ni ,.'¦ '.. li v-

-<H lUfl-.'- Hu VIM TV, Du DXX --« ILr*iR IT 1 1 LC VI ss, s, XN|, ^ ,,| Nl, i. \|,|- ,

rt ill he ri'-iinifd e tl -1 Millie, I ¦¦ Ualar-.

|TMVi:il*HT *t[|iu,|.. PETERS-I itt itt;, v v. i tie nil"-., nth annual -

mund v x. dei er Ii-i ii fer I nivi rsiiv ol li.

-' .'..- Milli arv n, Sat il lt sdi ml* limeale l>) Paeull ir nf the I"i-.i taB of la lor*. Puj ll

r> linly * ie,-, ..'ni. HImallille ttlot Kl* i-, I, a- HUI ,',,.: X.. ,rd. rsl, ti

limited, |XX HOUISON VI, ix Hi

BU ."-'-'III Ilea 1 X!

piCHJfOND FEM vii: i\*i I11 i I..

RIITIR iND. V «...

li Tr * I il AXB VI vu ii v: I STI

The Ihlrty-flrsl an inal .-.nt; thuin

allioptfl MuMtvv .Sept* e. .! tl

I V' I XV i| .- Xl III H-

pion d. ii a ha*.- ' -1 eli mint Ilen I

i lie \ ai loila ',¦ .... i,|iii,'Die I'nlver ll) -v-t, m sud th*it,on I- ie,, -ni, a -, -i L, au) ., "I - ai',.

BOARDING DI PARTR1 \In the Institute 11. >v-1«- ls found eyary* wiUi .-ll thal pertains !¦. iii.- thorn tenltlir. "1 l -lilli' lull..-, ne.| till 'X'tlislVl |tl

no! " !r -¦¦

Ure *..nili. atti a* li * ut tin* I* |>..m. i.i.

PRKPARAToRV s( II'iOI..Bee rnlalnc the lmportaa«i .¦' UnnsaR ara-

¦ii D. th* ii iiiiTnil of Hu- di |, uTii" ll!in Ik. ipeelal effort lo train ipll r silvanmini Into tin- disher bi un lt.*.Cu ,Us c. re ni -1 tl Un --.- nf l.-i i

lt I* Impnrtatil thal Hi"-. riropo*ln*;'-I .add |..i-s tniKiuli Uti. tlc'.i

aruooL "K mi *.<..Th* VOCAL di PABTM1 M a-lll h* pr -' I* '

i, r i.v a '.> i, biale.I >¦.-erl sinai i1-'. nie. ha- !..¦-a, Iii. .ri. ll .-Lil lill. T I..I

. I...Iii lu X II ar--1 e.

M DI *| vi -, -..xi,i n- it th- Institute di.m.l- iii- i-i t

.,. -1 -i ;¦ di .... v

..- Bbl* i.. receive pui Islntlw* city lunmried lui* I

themselves 1 r leach.

For eatalnrue r lafoi nation Bprdv hy bibII «iVU-* * xiii li li I MN KU,

PriniPrlaelpar lofaee ii-.nrs from D to li v. vi.


KENMORE ! M\ li.*: 1 HM; III*¦.< HOOL, ... v Ri di- vi ,u. ,, ,||< nil

i .. - ,L-i it ,|1.¦ Prepsra-I

,1 i.-r-ID T vu .'in, Ililli,'. sell. *tlit|t ,a !< .'

t!tt i nully. , '

trill ul

/ l»*i.MIM*».\ Bl SINES.** i OL-I t Ll QI

WO. I l" I M -.1.'Pi-'

.....-,. ll I I t 'lli.t|

_¦-. M. NIC 4i-


i-i by tbt 1 i* 170pa coUeg at. IORI

M i-- 1.. WILLIAMSurtu r*

*. lin <i.

i in fl.-s|,. i -i ru.


^1 |;* f W HOOL 1 "it k' Ol v. <«**> i .mi - v\d LITTLI ' I RI.!

107 1 v - vi>:., h. V x.

¦mnH KULI.

,,n I"

ll .NDOLPH-M \< ON ' cl.I.It.L,li V-HI.ARDS v *

h. p.nv.'dan. rm-. .. her BU. *-c Ho

died down, aili -' i ie ¦¦ vii¦. d. 1 ..r ml, in

..I If- r .-.,1 .1 .......{tv. .*. VX NM 1 I. D. D.. |"r* "l".t

au f>-d tm-' -l *

pAXPA llKK M M.I. a* ADBMY.| i'< ll '¦¦.I Will C-..II-

,,,,,.. i, , h:;-i xi.psdx] in .< r*)BI u

reacher, iAJil! *M Pill * d-n ..:.- x v -

-:. ,te nf tliaR*** \ fl Irss/oreir* *.ar*appli u>

- HOM xv H CABT1 lt..¦I ta- ,1.-i- Mee

HmKin* xv ll.

Iii; ii b» -* idkiL l-Tii: lk>Y8 ANDVol n*. Mi n mm na Bl Pl I viii,.: I mi ..*

* l-j l'«rl» aveline. v. »*<* ell. esl Mall --!¦ '. --I at

.l.'IIN I Cl . ll *. ll. APn.

rRAKai Pt uvt vi--p..vxAFi;« v

01l; I lula. MISS MAH!!: IMW EN.


V U 1 H -*' n. will '

I Itu HOS BKITBtlBBB 18. Bt**ela.i ii in vocal' iltur* in I videe-bnii li.-.-

rrtnklla street. I suAVRP'.-a

VRERICAN K1NDE1U1 VRTEN,N... ti ll. Main .« Mi tr«.i :. .11

v,;--!. sN^ |,. u. i-riaeipals.Hi, UONOAY.O

lilli "ii-n il PRIM D-V ul PAR iv. NIi.e.0,18,18.1 -.-I.^t..:*>..* .;

ANOVER .CADENT,i xvi..).:-* ii it i-i-*ioi ri* v x.

..¦.,:. !...! v: i- JONI -. v;. v

Tba u .nv-r ati. aat tal stsat* a haiti Bl c-ti miok tam.

-it- iii on * i-l t"i' e»u-io-rtM.Iv ll-e-'ttDT


i,,, i Irsn'sllii sireci. lti, 11ni,.u I, Vb.flu niiiete. nih Beaati.u ooaomeBees THCIt*

D*V. st-tlt ii-is r IJ, H-bS.aud xTxsmu Juu.- I'_.1884.

( ireiiJar* al Hw- l> ..!s--t"re, or upon appUn*,.ti.nU) -». T. BKAeTI,

J) ¦'.VW KAsn.ia Principal.