THK PACIFIC xjv 11 X XX I afsws:a, XX VJ

CO trr it THK PACIFIC xoTici; fOMMEnn.VL ADVKItTISEIl. TO ADVERTISERS AND Si I5SC RIHERs. paiHi-"- Erjr Thnrwdity Meraiig. I. 0:.;iii iries. f v, ral ;.. an 1 n riei or unlcatu 1. intended ...,:v ; . '.n.-:.- t an in In : !e...l"-- 1 n. . u! Wcfcr.- - .l -- rTZrr fsrwsrded Oforeirnr ,untrir-- s will v7 SOperann j as a Irerfs-im-ii- ts . Km' vts the Amwiran pelage an.! the 'XI ux- - of forward- - j A crt - 11. ts d .pi iy,sl in 1 .r -i type usual, are .1 I. 0 i . . e" .'..eH II "' . n?ir.f ' rtuMV.iti A!tl-I!rf.i- r Imhh . , . ject to h'-a- ii- -. -- '.nn:'-. "K. '.-- n tir.. will hiv- - I . S'ab-- s i- - -- Uk stamp, on them ! ty fir the Cninierrisl A..vei'brr tod Adv.-.- . " will V"'n'."!-- ' .n'Ti-- m p"i.i.-- - oemg collect.! .n -- r- ovva''ie 'xtueiiiToi F rin ilrr,whi i.r- - f--f it.csn havt-thei- r IT No trai 1 ..;ii a lvcrti. incuts will inwrt'd ri r- -' ".r ird'",I through the II iwaiian mails. rAir. II. r tASerS , ir waira AiviRn-zict:- Ts ii l be i bu.-,;- d. CT C.irTrsnon.'.en.-- e fr.ira ait parts of Pacific will avlsa Isf very Accei-.:aI-".-- advertisement (flr-- t iiis- r'i -- r line. . . .10 . .,r,,i-l- t ns carl, tn- - (wli exceeding ot S (. per annum .... J5 Set. Oo. 11 X wX XX VJ X X COMMEUC1AL PRINTING OFFICE. F,B- - ( Each pyaMir additional alwny. hie.; in a Ivan ' e. - TJJ iucts. xjv XX v I afsws:a, i HOOK PLAIN AND .llIt AND FANCY PRINTING ''' 'c'lir'- - 10 lines, spa.?.-.- ) Srst ituwrtioa.fl 00 SI CK AS s " Eacq itt'wvi-n- ! i ...-rt- i. n io cl. BiVK. PILLS OF EXCIIAXrtF, crTttr A5sn.riL will be chTri.J at t following rates, CA rI.i(it VS. HILIOF I.ADINil. payable at the end f faeh ipiarter . i I'll.L 1IKA.I-- . CONSI LsR m.AN'KS, CIR'TI.ARS. BLANK iare, 'or the srxiee of 2- lins.) tr quarter... $ & 00 DEKDS. 8ne q AI CTtOX llll l., HAND Bin's, urh 'acliimn, p-- r quarter f 12 Gu PAMPIILin- irfone-- t SHOP BILLS "f aeoro.i, per column f & 00 ace-h-:f IT VISITING. prSIN ESS AND ADDRESS CARPS lwinUd column, per ojarier. ................ ......'J7 JO fir a wfcote or a Yanke Csr.l Press," in the highest s'yle of Ihe art. i - & Advertiser. PrKI.sil!KI U KKKM I!V t six iniLi.tiis ii;k vnmm. Coiiimerfiial IlK.MtV M. Will 1 .KV. i HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JULY VX ISoX I VOL.. V, No. o. WlliILK . 21T, For T. :in rh- - NI on. H F'T the Commercial Advertiser. TbP Tnlliinc Kahili A Fablk. rp frequent separators bten Hawaiian married people itarrasin '"'- - The rn'.t tr vi-- .I r.iu-- 3 ar-.- - made a reason la an fcyUfcedssatlsSed pary f r forsaking husband rr wife, and I Ineraaiany retaoratranee, the Uinr.tinsr reply Is. "Th-r- e is no gjainft it." The want .f Some legislation is perhaps the ehieta" " theeil i increa'lns;. The following line e ntta expriii-f- t tne f imi.lint of th'.? who f- -l lnjiiret y i ve f tSmr W- - ul I our leziilal.jri mifht, tijc Bi tarir wUlm. n-- r:e on;e ny f the t!1. A Ii!?le tm! in a pri:;c"-!- i a!I, S.irrin'!rl cour.ier tut arI tall ; But the noM- -t vinl ram; them ill. Wan that of the ehill o der. Tie anctra! tain he cuM pmu Vy tell H') th bn?e-hcr?- -i r-- and the faint-heart- feil Aad a betrr Irn he ha.1 ! ari.e.l aa well. To lot nrd not to ear. little ear l he f.'rthe Catterer's lip. Ar.d te of the m cii!r(r wi'ie to tip ; So roan.t the halts hi yoane trip A free little prince walk. He jaiJ, acl hy, I "hall rule atron? men. The l ir ! h-- H be my ubj- - t:'l then When he waeI the liyal Kahili airaln, Aail the fratheri to He aw that (vli or? hail chanreil to a bir l. S he h--M ht breatr. ror seareMy tirred. Fur "nolIe Pri'iee hrold r each worj Of rience rheir ulgerM r. H." . Then he ai-- to tfe leader, Precr.t your plea. " Yoar IViral HU-hn- liten to me. Bird! of itranee hare f,nn.! our tre , And In our nti they dwell. ,J? "?jl.fie a erpent nre these straic bird, fi tter, cr iak rri-n- t liinsr wrds ; They mo our n: llk Tn jin l.rl, fhey are n"t like the ham;l- dove. And when we return to cur henv to rest. We Sod aotne Mnlie U r'Kie fr..m the m t , la rain we it. and try our best To win. by the Liw of love.' He had arareety ceaneil, when a tiny f .rm. Bent H'W by 'rrhinp fnr mary a worm. Am!, chilled a rtf i hcrterlnt from the storm All the littlr ones at home. Spoke freMy, Prince, our partner ktray, Thry return r.nt to u by niyht or day Our Prince dit care' th-- y alway say, An.1 they l.nve u to aerre alone. "And then :f onr father jret 'ile. and torn. By the h'm-'- v toil we bare d ily borne. They tire of our and turn in scorn. And ancrily bid n dpart. We know they have found a hnndvitner bin!, Bnt blow be to a. If we utrr a word, Aod no friend is near his aid to afTrd, ?o we die of a broken heart. TTj othT bird Ixar.l. and th. y all said "aye," With a I " k which meant hth a tnuzh and cry, r.)f thy saw by th ar In the Prince's eye That thrir funw had won th . ft Ch- -r e:ithee-- d op to th chll I Kmc" 't : "Kind Priori, yrir t;m-l- y aid we enr-at- . To relre onr wronjs as is jnt and meet, F'r this your pr.iy. The Pnn'e mp'il, Lit'te u'jet dear. Your 'case i a deii-a:- e on-- ' ch ar. But you hII fiml I've an ear 1 1 h-- ar I brnr nrw the sword In va.rn. I'll be a ror to ths who moIf, With terat swssiort IH treat the r ; So bird arnl bir now fly It your And never acaio lie twain." C. V.l It I KTV. The way toconJ.-m- laj traits, bj practic-in- it jcrvo.1 one. The zre-- t rlirTernce between men, the great an J insignificant, is energy. Two centuries ajfi not one jrsou in a hun-Jre- wore atockinH. A HI. lecriblng nn man, sajs, He never smiles but he f.tlj of it." In fvprus) anJ Ei5JI'ft hyJrt;phobi has neTer been known to occur. It entiiyate! that tliere are foar iniilions of female nuil-take- n in the UniteJ Stntes. In tbe? tlegenemte J iy, character is weighed with a ca.--h b il tnce." There i- - a man in town s: knowing that people who don't know their own tuiu.lj come tu bi:u fur in- formation on the wiibject. Ik-n'- t yoi mean to anrrr, my dear ;r !" No. my der w'ulow. I'd rather lose all the ribs lre p.t t!an t.k another." "Mr inksttnil i sifa'iimerT," s the schnol- - Tuvur s.iii when he flun'l it nailed to the desk he j tnel. If wni:i.i coM t:".5s oat of th two corners of her ini.u'.h at the same tiui", t litre Would te a grxxl deal a'd on btii "Got try U-- e nt your cnl the table, Jone?" . No but I have K"t the tiext tning to it." What's thai.'" " A cevere cuIJ." J.icU. did you carry that mnbroll.i home I borrowed jeterd iy ?" N ) lather, yt.u have often told me in lay up siiucttiii.z r a rainy day." That exemplary in in, Uri-ha- Yonnjf, says : I believe nun cn steal, and b jnr':riel in the act." This uit a Youm; d. cfrine, l u' a very old one. Put no djx-ndeiic- on (jo'''"- - If you have preat talent, ibdmtry wilt improve thora; if you have but B.iderate abilitie. indutry wilt fupply their dfi eiency. Nctbine i. ilctiie'l to weil ilirecte-- l labor ; nothing worth havi:.g is to I' t tl.iir.e-- without it. N'eter l e c i.'t down by tr:2rs. If a spider breaks lis web Twenty time's, twenty limes will be mend it. Mike up your minds to do n, thir.x. and you will do it. Fear cot if Ir. ui.'e crue upon you; keep up your pints though the d iy ir.ay e a ilark one. Whatever jo i d , lo it willinz'y. A lxy that is whippeil at !ehod r.e-.e- r Iearr.s his s well. A man is conne'ifl to wi tk cares not how badly it in perf rr;i. t !! who pulls t tT his coat cheerfully, strips np hi sWves in earntf, and sings while he works, is tie man for u. Wit.i is) Hk ? The ty is now living who will be President in 1'.hi. Of his precise residence we are not informed; but hi pe be is carefully qualifying himself ry cultivating only jjisxl purposes. A GrSTLf:w Whoever is courteous, honest, frank, sincere, tru'y honorable, generous, ard candid, isa true whether rich, learned, or a labor- er. Bys. remeii.Vr this: and th it to have such quali- ties in math)- d, they must be swvured in btiyhovl. A country e lit .ranni unee, in the following terms, that he his ecie payments: "If any man wants to see ; ir, and appreciate one of the uses to which brickbats maybe p rverted, let bitn :!i cur vicinity with an account. P. S We keep a pile nf tricks in our sanctum, atd carry one in our hat." Spit.-r- L H Our spiritual health depends not alone or mainly on our circuinf ance. but upon the spirit and etate f 'ir su!s There is no lawful situation on eirth in which a true Christian has not been enabled t pre-erv- the tone of spiritual feeling uaii. jure !, and to keep himself in the love of . Ia the c-rt- '..f the and in ar' house-b- ol I tii. trie rij:-ur- s i'f want and the seductions ef afn lerire in hn Iy retire-- i enf. and in the busy Ei'Thir.e in the tluib of he.tiih, and aniid the liDii rs of disease in the urd t of youth, and under the chul of a2 in times uf revival, and in times "f declen;.-- n tiki's Kncch h tve still walked with God. an i ha.1 their in heaven. Not that evry situation is favorable to the liTe an ! of reliiori in the au! we know full well that there are potions in lite in which it is very hard f ,r a man to enter in o the king lom of heaven bur what we ilo say tb:s. tht there are no circum- stances o unravorible but that they may over- come, and hy the wcr of diii.e grace turne-- J into tri. Oxi:rKTKi:.iiituiM UF chat, 27 C. HREWFR CO., liT-t- f .Vlarket Wharf. IKON SI'IKKS WIRK. &.c. C'i'sT IRON M'lKK. AWOKTEII S1ZKS. iron d y it) ii-- Jit received er Syrea" tur aale by C. BREW ER ir CO- -, I -- tr Market W barf. vra-- v. p. i:vi;ki:tt, II .iiolaiu, u.i:.u. II. I. 53-t- r J. I'. COL11I UN. ATJCTXOWB iJ 1TL , tii-t- r K:ia)an:.tiiu -- :rv l, li .n .laij, oi.u. HAWAIIAN FI.OI K COMPANY, lf-- lf A. I". EVEilLTT. r.r ai. I Ae f. ii. i.i:yvi:hs, luratwr and buU.lir. St. Hotiolula. loi-t- f n. OIKOND. II. DIJIOS1) sV SON, Importer, and dealers i: hardware, twin', ci'.i and irenr ,1 II KMC V KOHINSON'S Wine. Spirit an i CitTir Store, C harlton Whrf, Honolulu. tf F. VOS BOLT. tu. c. Ht.i t a Von iioi.t.v m:r K, Oeri?niI f,'mnii-.i- HonoinUi. O.iUu. S. I. 105-t- f alkx. J. :aktvici;ht, Commission Mer.lmiit and Ueu'jnil ihii'i.iu Anei.t, II notulu, Oahu. II. I. lUa-t- f count kv ICHOI) KS, W'holeaale in Wines and Spirits, Ale and I'orter near the I'ost OiBc. Honolulu. 4J-t- f ,:i:oic;k IIOWI Lumber Merchant Yard ou tiimi 1 1 or.-- 8 SriKt, N w !:,-lui- pi in ide. II. 1IACKI KI,I A: CO. General C.mniisi..n A.eotj, and .sliip . Honolulu, Oahu, I. 10 If tl. O. II ALU laiKrter and Ieil r in Hani" are. Dry Taints, Oil, aod general M-r- ch i i, corner of Eon and KiiiK str-- s ts. I'lb t OEORf. E CLARK. Dealer in Dry r"' E.inry liois, H. t. l sfr.Tt Nmt.n.u and M.iun ikea street. Iloiioiulu, I. 11 tf JOHN THOMAS V ATKIIIIOUSK. Imjorf.-r- , Whole-al- " and Uetail r in General Merchandise, Honolulu, and .Maui. 41-t- f r.xoHsa.t. r MOS.SMAX, JK .11 OSS .MAN ,V SON, Bakers, Gr-ee- r and lieaiera in Dry ioc!s,Nuuaiiu street. Hon oluiu, Oahu. . I. 1- -" tf W. N. LA on, Imp.rter and ISal.r iti 1Iakiv(ahk. CmRaT. Mk' Hanks' T m.u and Ini'Li. jikxt. Fort stree-t- . Hono- lulu. 10.0-- tf j anion, :kken sV CO., Commission ants Fire-l'is- ,f Duildin-.'- , Cjue-.-i- i str t i Honolulu. April 1 lu5-t- f j v. risciiKit, Cahinet Maker and French I'.'lisher, II tel Street, opposite the ijoi.-niiiieii- t Hou-- e. 41 tf A. S. ,V .M. CICIN II ACM, Imr-'rte-rs arid Wholal- - Deal r in Ciothinir. Hat. Cap. lS''t and ;r d every variety of (ientieiu' ii's huiei i..r Funn- - ui:l' i,.m. St re, corner oi fr: aim streei, II .iiolulu, I ihu. ll.s-t- f J. II. WOOO, ManufHcturer. I:nt"rt.-- and lh al. r in Do a an I he-- of every de r.I.ti ill. S'l'-- - Fill lilll', T'lllip. S' le Ritri'i'.. Il'ine-ss- , an.i l.tte::t Ci-'f- . O.sit. 11 and Dark Trunks. ah-- -s, Spam-.i- r Olovi-s- . Foil . and M:isks. Ulack ins. Iirushes, ll wri, Xr. .Ve. I'.rics store, corner of F'1 and Merchant sis . II molulu. II- - I. tf it. r. snow, General Commission Mercliant, II .n.ilulu, Oahu, Haw. Islands. A'.ITNT F Reirular Line of II -- .t .n an I II 'r"luh; Tiu-ket- Sale ol Cotf.-- from I"' Sale ( Krotlier A; Co s Yellow Metal. New Fncland R s.fiiiL' Company. CHAS. B. BlsHuF. sa. a. ALi'Uien IJISIIOP .V CO.. Bankers. Olfce in the cast c rner of "Makce's Bl.ick," on Kaahuuiami sirct, Hon .lulu. Draw ISios of l.xetianiie on .Messrs. liaisscLi., Ml .Tt h Co.. New York. HesRV . I'll R' F. E-- q , h'st"ti. M.-r- . M'.roan. St isf .V i'o.. Stu Francisco, Will reo-iv- e d-- e, ts. discount Srst-cla- 'msuiess pai-- T. and attend P , ec. lU-- tf Y. A. ALHItlCII. Importer and !enler in O.n-r- tl Merchandise; Cummis-io- n Aent for the Sa"e of Suirar. Molasses ami Collee. and other Isiafid Fr.-luc- e. Aient 1 the. Lint B Blah T ATlox. Con aiitninents of all kinds of 'a i l l'r luce solicited. Orders for Merchandise promptly att'-nde- to. 10'3-- l( a L. a. CASTLE. A f. i. CooHK. castm: ,v 'ooiiK, Im; s and W l,..l.-sl- e and k- - il deV; r in t the old taod. cro-- r of the Kin a:i I S. lesd Streets, near Hie I ir. More- - 'loireh. Alo at the Store f.nierlv .s-- c tpie.1 hv C. II- - N.di in Km sir. . t, Chai L Aei.t Dr. Jayuc' s. "'-- " l. N. ri.ITNKH. Continnesi his o! 1 business at the n.-- l. re in Mak.-e- s n-- w fire .r'f l.uildiii.'. al the st.u.d ivu.usl hv Dr. Hoffmann, corner of yueen and Kaahiima-- u t Chron..meiers rat. I Ly ati..:;s of the sun and stars with a trnit intruraer.t a Ija-l.- -l to the meridian of Honolulu. Bar: icuUr attention :,,. to fine watch repairn.L'. Mailt and .piadrant c!as. s s lvere.1 and a.liu-- t. d. Charts ar-- naut.eil coi::.mi iy on hand and f r s ii- -. 44 If KITSON ,V IIAKT. Success. irs to Mr. ry R ..'.inson. Wholesale Win. and Spirit ll. ii lula. II I , un.L-- r th- - Room of A. .1. art- - wn.-h- t and at the f..t of Kaahumai u s!r-.- -t. oj-t- f : ; t; EIIRI. E C.SIIJEUS. ilano'acturer and dealer in T.a. She. t Inci. and C'op.-- ware. KaaJiumana stn-- t. opit.-J- . ". spal.liiii:' II : i. H. S'itul.i-- r Baker. Tin and ' H- - r nm.p. c TuLs, and sfi"S.-- r Bat., T.n an 1 .:nc Rooting, and a of Tir ware. Slop work rvvul' l with ntii" and dipat'-I- i tf IT A I sV- - aii r.i:, A nt. forth- - Mi.-i- r Biai.'.iti "i "f Aik". at I'apakoa, and Iwo, at Bui . lido; IniH.rters a-- i l M li"i.-ai- - a.i l l.eiau i- - ."-- er in Clu'ia li -- .1 ; have hand, f T sal", at their etab merits ..u Kiti- - tre.-t- . Honolulu, an I at L.haiiia, Vain Saar, M "U. , yr.ip. . e. and a Ure aad varie.1 assortin.-r- t f ir inerch in-li- Honolulu. Au,.n.t Ii. ls.'.7. b9-- ? II. PITMAN, SII I P CII AND LEU. IMPORTER. AND DEALER IX i KNEE, t LM ERCII ANDI5E, Hilo. 1 1 ii X. B. advanced on B.lls. 19-- tf ii. w skvi:i:a.n( i:, Ship Chandler and Commission Merchant, lloiinlulu, ?. I REFERS TO Captain II. F. fvow. Honolulu. MerS. D C. WATtKMAf .V Co.. - Williams Havrv, - New lnlm. M. R: it Jt M..H1ULL. - Sen Frinc.sco Swift .tc A i.Ltv. - - New Hrvar Bkikce, B ton. tl w sll Kit CE will continue the Mi:p Chandlery ar Commission Business at the nil stand. .v.-r- oi Ship Chandlery an I M. rchan.1...- required by shipping, will be kept on hand aud sale at low rat-- 14 J. '. SPALIHM'. Im..T ir..l C..mmis-io- n H ii"!u Oahu. S. I. Ar-- nt W m. Thirur C R- -t ii at. l sandwich Packet.. AOENT Foil NrrTrsa I'o.. - lUej' n. 1TARLR SirtTT InsI RANCS. Co.. ' " M " " - Wa-m..- T' " - Alliake 44 N. K. Mm-at- . " ... SAI in Mak-n- " 44 Salem. XT Se re in R biti"n Co ' fir-- t T'- -( '!' 17.'i tf C. A. X II. I'. BOOR. IMI'UKTrKS AI COMMISSI-I- MFIK'HANTS, lioNoLM.l', oaiiv. sam-w- ii Islands. REFER TO Gt,,R0 F. PrB pr. E. , Bhi'.adelphia. Elisiia Ha-k- l. F.j ,- New ie.if. rd. Messrs. Rkad. liAKt-s-- A: C ., - B 't.n. Hitpn. Barht A C ... N' Y- rk. f rihictht. Cl ARK A: Ci. Pan Fran. BAto.R.V Li3ii'KNFii:ii.iFa f in Francisco loi--tf A. P. K V K II KTT. COMMISSI') N MCUC II ANT , J anion's new hi i i.i street, Il"ti.-l-:lu- II. I. P.FFKKENCKS Messrs. i?.' Jt T,rPA. - K. D Hs'.itu K ' '., " B-- vk. Kt.TH 1 1 1 L, II n l i'u. July 1. if TIIO.MAS SPENI EIt. Shin Chandler. l"-- al. r in Merchan l .. and Comml-iio- n j Hon .iuhi. Oih.i.S. I. k.-- ps cns'.ai.tlj en tMiid i an rseii.r a rtnient of every nption of p.. 1. I'lir.dLy ! .:-- i" and other-- . Shippmir furnished witii all kind ( .-ri i ic, J at the shortest at the v.-r- lowest n. 1. .et prict . i yr .i olley axvaiicxu lor utiti v.i.. a. tut nmci., 1 . -- . lffetf 1K. A. .N. CLAltKi:, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. 0::.'-- - ntrxt 'l r.r to V fowl's l! re. M rciianl street. itlii-.- - Ji .ur fr :n y A. M., to it IK. J. .MOTT SMITH, OfE-- e rorr,r of F.,r-- . and II jf-- rxre-.- s. ly WILLIAM III' mpiii:i:y Notary ri:l:i?. o.TVe a'. t!.e II uv, u;i stairs l'S-t- f j. v. A I'STIX. Arr-iRNE- .ND t"rNEI.OR AT LAV., OfT.r in Honolulu House. ovr tiie I'ot G:Sce. O.Vtf i.. Mrcrbbv, Attorri v at Lax. OiTt : r, with C. C. Ilnrr:, E-- 141-- tf I'.. IIOIF.MANN. Phyalrin a:id HurBCon, Makee'a HI k, cor.ier Queen a:nl Ka-humau- str.. t. 1 -- if t'HAs. r. criLLor, 31. i . Late Sur.-o- 1'i it state Navy, (onuHr Physician to sifk Anierier.T an. I general pr.ictiti.-ner- OiTire. corner KaatiUira'ni urid Merehant s.reeta, and residence lit lr. W.r Mn-- i m. Hotel sire t. M.-di- il and Snrica' a h ice in English, French, 5;anih, and Italian. OSio." hour from 11 j.. M. to 2 P. M.; at otaer huurs inquiro t Ins nce. tf CIL.MAN & CO., ; fchip than ikr nod I'ealers in Genera! Mrrchandie ! LA II A IN V, M.U'I, II. I. Ship ui p'ie I with Oo-- facilities storage. Cash furnished for hills of 63-l- y J. 'VOItTII. Dealer in fieneml Men'haiitiise, Hilo, Hawaii. h'hips supplied witli at the y'ion. t r'.'ao nable tern.s Kiil of t.( hariire watit' ii. 'f IIOLLI'S V CO., hip Chandlers and I'.inimis-io- t: and Dealers in fl-- n- ral Merchandise, Lihaina. Maui. Whal.-r- fu: '.shed with nsTUit.s at the shortest notice, in exchange for u'o'sig or hilis. 34-- tf S. N. KMKKSON, Waialua, Oahu. Dealer in O. ncral Merchandise, d untry Tro dure sueli as torn, Iteaus. Eau.iua.s, llutt. r, V. Jtc. s;;-- tf I.. IS'.' 'LS. B. II. ST AN LET. INfJOLS A STANLEY, ACCOl'N TAN r A N" i CON VEVANCEKS, Hosoi.i'Ll". . D. Averages aili isted, IVotest exten led. I. D 'uincnts with ii" line and toininerfial Hooka Oltell. .1 an 1 Clo-- e and Custo.n H"Us- - ISrok'Taeedonc; Ac- - couot in i up and Collections faithfully att'.-n-le- to. rT-;;i- n D. C. W4TKKM IN. johs f. Fore. D. C. WATERMAN Jt CO.. tO M MISS lO.V MKHCHA. TS. Especial attention paid to the s of the Whaling Fleet. Iy the furnisi.iiiit of funds, purchase and sale of Exchanre, Oil, Door, lieneril Merchandise, and the privurin f Freight REFERENCES. M rs. Naa- - .vLAu. .la., a: Co., N lie If .rd W. (. K. I'ot-r- . Ej., d . Mo;: . as, M it: .V I ., San Francisco. MrRt Kii ."c Mt iii'.M.i.. do. 105-- tf rKKDKIIU'K L. HANKS. HUWAKIl r. ADAMS riCKH'K I.. HANKS sV: CO., Coni'niss: m and Shipping Merchant. Honolulu, Hawaiian slati.l. REFER TO Messrs. M. Re.-- i MtitKil.L, - - Pan Francisco. Ohisn-i.i- .. Minu KS At C, - - New York. Sum Al ius, ... New II dford. ( in. S' riiKK .v. Co., - - ltoston. Idly SIIKKWI.X PK' K. f iia. HRKwta, : ;. JJItKNVKK CO., Cumiuissiou r.nd Sliippin? Merchants ll 'ii'l-aUi- , Oahu, II. REKI.R TO Jauil Es.p, t Bst"n. t'HAULlS ltRS.WI.ll. I.sij., ) Mfs-i:- . M. Ki i k .V MKi'.r.n.L, ) San Frauciso. I'HIS W 'l.' oTT llH'loKS, Es.p, J Mi-- h. Wm. IT-T- ,v Co., - lloiu-koiiit- . MkmRj. I'Kt-LK- Ill'BBI.LL & Co.. Manila. loS-t- f NVILCOX, RKMIAKDS& CO., Ship Chandlers. Dealers in Oeneral Merchandise, and Commis (.Ion Meielntlit. Honolulu, II. I. Keep c .at u.-'.- on h i id a full supply of every description of in. rrhaii'lisc re)uin-- Ly wtnle ships and others. Money advanced at ih." lowest rates. R- -f .rences : Mesrs. Swift Hits, - - New Bedford. " ClIIKOV, Al.t rt So, " Wn.rox, 44 WM. (jl. FoRI., 44 Mi ssrs. Tit 'M fe Co., - " Wf.-- T. N 1loWLAM, E. , - " FaiorsirK Bakkkr. E., - 4' M'-ss- U'. I'll LI li s a; Sons., - " Mr VMV A. I'lUHI'K. Ks'., - Boston. Messrs. Bt rLcn. Sisk .V Co., - " Cmas. W. BuooKs. - San Francisco. Mism-s- . Iokoa v. Stonf A; C'., - - Williams A: llivi-xs- , . New London. 175--tf C. A. William- - : C ., - Honolulu. INSURANCE CAFIDS F LO K i: N S ST A P K N 11 0 It ST. Au--nt f..r the Bremen and Dr n Board of I'nderwritere. All av. claims icain-- t the sai l I nderwriters, in or aLojt liiis Kiiiitdoi.i, will have to lie certiti.-- e him. lf I'lli: NOUTIIEItN ASSI KA NCE COM PA- - 1 ny, (eTaLii.,h's 1 ;;.) For Fire and Life Assurance at Iciuc and aoroad. Cnuimi ci.2"!).-;; , vii.i- -. The undersiL:., d has le-- app unte.1 Airctit for the Sandwich li. C. J.n l i. f. at lion- - lulu. AC'ENT FOR THE N'csw Vorl lloiiril of I" mlrr vv r ilcr. The tak- - leave t., notify Merchants, Ship Masters, Ac, that he has l.n duly appointed as A? nt for the N w York Hoard "f I nderwri:. rs. ALEX. J. CARTWRIOIIT. ai; knt ioie Tin: Liverpool I'mlerwriti'r AooiatioTi. The u!id. ri.-i.- -l Iieirs leave to notifv M"p !.arit, Ship 'Vll'T and ip master, tliat he ha ihe apiutnient ! fi.ENT at tl.. for t! .- - LI ERBOoL LNDER U K ITER'S ASSOCIATION. loa-;- t R. C. J ANION. FiiT InMiranfC Nolicr. THE NOUTIIEItN ASSi'UANCK CO. rlIE 1'NIEKSH;NEI s to notify to those par 2 t,e wh" have insur..l in th.- - oiliec wo."len Luildini; or th ir content within the irecincLs of ll iiiolula. that in corie -- ii"r.ce I cri-ct- i ei if'" and hi'h -n b:i-- line c!oe tosreth.-- in narrow . u more risks on iim-h- er coiist-u.t.oi- is n tl.c t own an I th.e already t ak'-- will U"t le rem wed on the f their terms. j R. C. JANION. (52--tf Aj.nt fr the Assuranee Co. AI'KNT FOlt LLOYD'S ! ! The un 1" a.- - to n iffy t' Ship wr..-- r anil j S' a.'n ist.-rs- . that I " has received the apTMiintin-t- it ot i AGENT at th.-s- Islands f r LLOYD'S I.oNI'i.N. 105-;- f R C. JANION. II M It I It ( II- - It KK M K N FHU: INSURANCE COMPANY nn: CNTEK4k;neI ' ns of the iibov I pai.y. ar- - T- -. pared to' iks acalnt fire in ai.d ut II .ii .u: i. F'-- particulars apply at the i f!".- - MELCHERS CO uln. Oet. 11. 157. s- -t t i i E. HOFFSC III.AEEER A. ST A PEN II OUST A units tor I hf PVRIS ANI I5 RI K.Al'X IMA MPS OF UNPKK-WRITKR.- S. AVIS AC I" I" It LIC. Ls ?"iissi;ti''s, 'lyirit 'tt' rii'tinno Aironts rmr les Asireurs ,e Paris i t .lo P.-i- lor.ux, le puMic en ct les Caj -t iiiies.lo i;:ivire ruarchaii'ls fmn ;a:s, rjui ririti'i.t le iK.rts do co jvytiume, en p irticulicr, quo i.'Ois ti us ic c is I'sv iries, (jul riuraicnt lion ! iti. cos pririsTOs, i'.s .levrottt. fiire cont iter et les l itis 'lovnut our. iur ili-- or lours ns l,- - .lits nssureurs. 51-- tf ED Hi'FFSi H LA E t ER 4: ST ADEN IIoRST. .!iit IN ri ivcd. vx " IIcio." OlDKEIl OREfiON ItAC ON, r...i I'r. 1.11 I het-e- . Jetc V .1 C l' -- . o, lart - b". n.-- Raiil.s. e Ida D. Rogers," to Sa I ra:.c:-- c . F r sac; I " 201 .in SAM SAV uV. PAPLll llAN-ilMiS- . i;oi:iKi:, .vc. 4 - I Ii I KIM, I. A1IKIMI . i,. 1WII l,.i r. is a r:.-- borb r. The above invoice was sehcbd eprely f r this market ly J. F. B. Mars! ad. Es'4.. an I i the st and Lest assortment ever iini ttc.l.-n- d wi.l be told at luw rat-- s hy H. LEWF.KS. IU tf Fort Stret. :tUi " ,"t- -l Urs roil s.vli: on iu:m TIIK CllTTACE SOW OfCl PiF.n hv Air. liu.T.---- . i:.-.- t !'.' w I.. O. H ill. o:i t:. r a 1. i veri.r..-.-- : r I".iae j. it . given. tor Wrms i api.iv to J"?. O CAiif 1. Sh(;; to Lvl or lor S;i!e. IN ilorr.h STREET. NEXT TO J. s, C arj . liitr', -- tl JAM0N, CM EN & CO. dwellim: liOI'Si: TO I.l'.T ! !.V Hi', li ET A N IA STREET. O.N MOD- - .nit- - - r:i.-- . A'.j iv " ta -tf V.-- . I.. UlltES. I'O ii s v i r oit m: ask. a cor N T li V RESIDENCE. I 0NP a'l.l ir.n t jf land ul K.. situated in IVarl r I.i ' a. Apply to (21.5-lf- ) W. L. I.IU.K.N. KOO.MS TO I.T.T ! TWO ROOMS OVER THE STORE OI- - p - the Uoyul Hut. I. Apply to 2Uo-"- A. cLKiiht.ux. TO I.I.T r THE LARUE AND COM MOIMOI'S ' Dweiiioz 11 ::s." recently oceupied ! Ju!e4 Du.toit, Ktj. "id. E..r particulars, apple to W. K. SNiiDGRAS.-?- , 'JO'J-l'i- ii or J. W. AI STIN. FOR SALE OR LEASE! STORE AND IllTLDINU EO MTHE Ijv " Dr. Ford. Apply DK SMITH. D i,ti-- t. 1 O LET : THE ROOMS RECENTLY OCCITMED 0y '. A. Taner as a sail loft, ou Kaalmmafii street. For nns, pi-a- appiv to .K. . CARTER. Camtni rcial A.lverri-erHM.c- e. i TO LET ! I A STORK TO LET IN Niiiinuu Street. stati.l ttecupie-- hy A. s. I lechorn. in Nuuaii'i Mr- et. le i ov Ivio,' Sirv.-t- . as a Retail More ; is titled with lias fixtures, and h is a spacious yard in the rear, and in ev.-r- respect vr.-l- l adapted to the retail for particuiais, apply to O'li-i- in A. S. ( LK.iill )11N. TO LET ! FIRE-F'IOO- F V REIOCSE. REST. lian li' -- t an I safest storeroom ia losrri. The f lMiil !:a' in the r ar of Dr. Melvil'ton's store, tiinir a sp is, first an seeond storv. the wlio1- h"iin: liie onv. in. nt an 1 saf plae- - for stora'.'e. li.-n- t reasona-Appl- yt . (l'.f.'-t- f; T. C. IIKL'CK. TO LET ! ,TL?-- - THE LO TO N MEitC IIANT sriiF.ET. hetwee.i r'al-'tei- ( h jd.d .1. II. Slrallss". A ' . U"0'1 huil'lini.' lot or place for storage. Appiv to l'.UMl T. C. IIEI CK. TO LET! AT L 11 A I V A THE HAWAIIAN U,"'K I. Ul I I.DlM.i, telv hy T. I.. Merrill. PoSrfeS: iou giveu ininie liarely Rent Apple to Til. C. HEI CK. TJO-t- f A A''ii f r - H- - Aathon. C'oIaVe I'EaiiiaSioti t'ov ttzilc ! . THE CI LEHK TED 2TITC().Hll COrCKK PLANTATION, AT IIANALKI. K Al AI, Is offered fT sal". Th'- - Land of the r.antati 'ii comprises nn- wards of 1 ."( Arrrs, a-- 1 ha- - upon it ;o.oo ois. ,- - Trf-- . The land is w.-i- l alapl- - I to tti cultivation of ii'-- cane n UlielicUll.t' 111.1 will he sold ov Fee Simple Titl". For full particulars and tei'ios of ooirre . 10 -tf It. F. NOW. Vai!.a!i;i!si!n LoU rntllE INOEIISICNEO II AVIMJ II E E.N S ai.i"iulcd ti'.-ei- lor the ale and leas e of the NViiikitlioliiltl Lots! Iieirs to call the att otion of Merchants. Ship i Iwnors, Speculators and others t- this tin. Iy situated tract of Ian 1 which is noiv off-r- ill l"ts at reduced rates and on lilvial and convenient I erm. I'laii mav he s"n and ali parti.-ul-ir- s rned Ly application to the at Rol..-r- t ". .lauioii's Fir -- pro .f Biiildniirs. N. B. Earlv ai plicati ei should !e mad" IT choice Lots. V. L. liREEN, Airent for the Sale of Waikahaluiu Lots. Honolulu. Oct. tl, ls.iS. 1- -1 -- tf F2:a::w:si "iioTr:. S-- k THE l .MIEKSKJ.VEIL D1XR1XB TO . retire Iroin Liiiii.s. .itl'-.-- to sell out his entire estah .iliL, m verv favora' 1 The central and convenient situation of ihe spacii us pr iiiisi s are well known, and also the r. -- p eta - p i;r ..naire the ht-- l ha enjoyed durine the last twelve ye ar. The inventory is complete and will hut little renovation. The lease of the premi-e- s is also re- - tm walde und'-- r favoraLle terms. For further particulars, apply to -l- l' VICTOR CII.VNCEEEL. TIIK MOST DI'.SlP.AIlI.r Rrsidfuce in flonululu for v- -s THE INDERSKiXED OFFERS erfyj l..r sale his ilw ioi.-- and or iin-es on lnH .Irw.f 5, JtCtfL The premises arc amorii; the le and central iu Honolulu. The main huil Uii contains a Parlor. Dininc. room, il-.- room, 2 chil lren's sleeping rooms, Pantry, And Lath room. There are also two cott-ii.'-- on Iho premises, one containing two sleeping and dres-i- n apartia nt ; and tiie other one sle. pirii: room and a apai:inrit. There arc also a ox'!, house, two ' r.ins, wash house, wood house, sta-- , camaj-e- fowl hou-- e, etc., etc. The premis.-- s ai-- e suppiie 1 w i:h valley water, and also a Lrick capihleof contaoiini; lau Larr Is ..f wan r. witli force pump, which adds to the of the huil iiiiL's. Titlk. Royal " patent from His Maj Kain-hain-- ha lit. I b'.'Jra Apply to H. M. WHITNEY. I10N0H LI AMI'HdTVPK & IA( t fa A : V E It R EOT V I' ES. A M 15 II O T V 1 ES. 1 and BlloloiiRAPH-t- : in the Inchest perfection of the Art. (Di.t-t- f ) F. BIN 1'T. I i I A.TIICi:4TVE'i: AIiLi!KV flMIE ("MlERSIflNED would call the attkntio.v of M ot his Friend and the Public to ! i Ro..m, over the 4 I'aci'ic Coinni'-rci.i- l Advertiser." I'rititine Olhce, (next tithe i Bi t o;!icej where he is t ikin- - Bictur.s which, I .r tlegiiuce of s: 'e and softr.e-- s i tone, chit- t be ' Beimf in constant receipt of New si.k. Chemicals. A;c, he is prepared to take Pvture- - w;:h ail the latest improvements. J r Pictures taken on Glass. P.ip.-r- . Patent Leather, India RuLUt, Ate. ai.d warramed to tn,. eot:re sat:s.';ic:i-ii- . N . li The Public are iti :ted to call and ll'-t- f W. F. HOW LA Nl Artist. l 13. lVI.JaIA.llS Will LD RESPEi'TKt" ELY INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND THE PI BI.IC III AT HE HAS OPKNED A NEW FURNITURE VAREROOM, on !i'oct, NEARLY CSir OPPOSITE I ' K. O. Hall's J.. I Storr- - TIEIIE HE OFFERS FOR SAI ,E AX a ..rim. nt .1 r ( I I HE. ot Koa an I rr.aho-.-an- e.--i t. r tsl-.- -- , p, K-- :i"il pine d niTic. s. le a'. l i". .let tables. Bla.-- s wa.ioit d-- aiid e r wl atiiots. 5 anl 0 -- helves. l'a;n:e ehan.b- r ett-- . c .::i:.-t.- . war'!ro,es, saii.9. K ..i and pin- - a a .: ,iu of 1... r.r m I'tr- -- -, as !'oU'l- - Hil l s'n.'le :ta. U- l is. firun. elbl- - I lie! k- a Side I" arls. N'f.A nn;: S' tt. e s, ict'-man- . A VARIETY OF P. litiir.r, oth.ce ar: "hir ir. -- pri- j '.'li lirs. r1,:! !re::s cabs, Chillr c.irr. .!.:T. r. r.t pa'.:--rn- A L' '. Ftaruiturr of firiv Oe.cTiplioii .Made nml li t- - pa i red. French po.ishmi.. Vsrnis'..!rc. l"ph at And turuiri, lone w.rli n"" ness i'i N. Or - from tie er islan l pr niptly attended to. 1." Xulicc to Ias!cr. A; Owners oi' Whale Ship. - THE I'NDERsii; NED REfi LEAVE t ai.ii 'iin'-- e t m ot ( and the puhhc " ' .n t'i it t'vy h iv- - -- uc d in lea:!':: from the Fr- - i" ii i 'V- -r iin-i- .t at Tahiti, tic- - railway a'l down preu.i-'-- s. inclu ln.; or-1; us- -- . et ' , e'c. a:: are prepared to r- - pas with dispatch and at I"W- -r rates than at any ether t iu, the Pacific. OWEN A. U'JOL'INO, T.i-- Shipwrights. JOHN H. HANKS. E$piun&Je, ou Caj t. Er.W!." t'reu.: ii. is. hum a:v. I PAINTER, (.LAZIER. OILDF.R AND PArEK HAXUKR. j s':op in Kinp str-e- t, next to lufjir 215-24- 1 Ya IT !?. raiHE IN OERSti; N ED 15 E LEAVE T , S state th-.- t ti,.-- haie t.,kvii tV t., p M I" A M" T . NEAR THE W1IAKF. lately .v-pi- -i ly Mr. A. Itl KOK- -j MKlsTElt, where th w f.l In h.ippy t aiuial to ai:y orders in their line. Ity a strict att.-r.t- i u to "it-n- o thty ho to merit i ii eo:it;nuatu.:i t:.j '.t.iui.u-- " ?j i.xT.iKv b:t iffi-- on tl:.-i- , l'r..l.-.-.r- . 210-2i- E. II. At i!. T.nintth. .JATfli: ls)C ItVtO!, M A NT' FA CT I' R ER AND DEALER IN Tiit. Shvvi Iron k rppiT Ware. K AAIIL'MANr Sl'ilEET, H N0I.l Lt, H. I. S.iir.mer Pakers. Tin and Copja-- Dumps. D ithinc Tul s, Foot and Shower Hath-- . Tin and Z:ne It oi.fin... and a eei.eral s frtmei.t of Tm are, . Ship Work i ir mill vviili N;iIii-- anil 2s-l- y Df:ilch. TIIO.TI AS, ZSH n 3 o ii TiJTl'Ll CALL THE AT 'E. N'T I ON OF the pul li.- - to his stivk i f ni ateri:'.'.: , cop-i.-ti- id Hawaiian and American Lime, 1)i:ik., Cement, t ike l lay. . Ei::e Rkkk-- , I'lasti r of Paris. j Cai.hoknia Sand, 1 1 EKM A N TlIFS, j Try Pots. ' TRY WORK ' repaired at 1 .m-- t rates. CiM I'oSITloX and GR WEL RomFINU out on luiililiinrs and warranted ticht. ty llr.h-r- to Ik; left at the Lime House, or lit the store of 1. i C. Jones, jr.. Fort street, between Merchant and King streets. JOo-li- I. : YI S V AO 55 TO A, Corner of Ilcthel and Kins streets, AND j F0KT ST.,TW0 DOORS l!ELvW DR. JEDD'S DRVG STORE, A KK .M ni riiKiMiii-.i- i i if r. x j.. CT. e. u'.e i. u orders in itieir line lroinptly and at i rpi Vii.V rat Thankful for past .atranai'e, they confi.leiitly rely inon their ol.l customers lor a continuance of their favors, urd ttust that their endeavors to pleas.-- , and extreme loir r.l'-- of charges, j insure to them a fair share of business in their line. j X. R. New and second hati 1 casks an shook always on i hau l, which they will nt the lowest market rates. Tj7 Sin C. 22. Y IIj -- j SAUK, Cahi'.itt KaKiT a;i Turner. j fBH E !.: STAXl). HOTEL STREET, NEAR C toe coin r 'f r ort. r . f .11 kio Is made and repaired. On hand and I r sale. HEADY MADE FERN ITI RE. Koa j Hoard. .Lest and Plan; Cedar, Black Walnut and Cherry Boards: Uos.-wot.- l a, id Mah-van- Veiie. rioir. A lar'. rt ei'-n- t of vi;l- Mouidin.:, nn l larc" sii!-- ' (ilass. A v ire ty of R - kin- -. Ditiinsr. Ollipe aud Children's Clmim. j l'olished Collins ou hand a; 1 mai. to order. lis-l- y j S. JOHNSON. H. JLLI.N. .lOSIA'SO.V Af'lal'aX. is. ('lr.iillfli'-w- ' ,1 IIIIK'I'V S A" I :!lfll'Trf :l!i(4r. . Fort Sircet. tifiir Corner of Hotel Mreel. TJTS KSI'ECTI'I LLV INFOKM THE I'l'H 1 wV lie that they are prepared to execute any wotk in the aliove hue, and hop.- - to merit a share of puolic paTronaitc. Koa, Bine and Trimmed Collins always on hand and made to ; order. Cy" .lohhiiiK done on reasonable terras. Blans and speciflca- - tioiis ilrawn to order. 1'tf BLACKSMITH SHOB. ON TIIE NEW ESPLANADE, r ISI'KEI'AREIMII howokiv . I of all kinds iu first rate style at prices to A. J f suit the tun. s. Is'w" If? SHU, C ART, CARIUACE, and nil : other work in this line, will he d ine with a neatness and lis- - patch not to be excelled. iy Horse shoeing, and all other Business in the Farrier's de partmeiit, promptly attended to. 192-t- f Cooperin JAMES A. BURDirk I IN REMOVINO IIISBCSINESS j to his new CO.U'ERAOE on the Esplanade, i Fort street, takes this opportunity of return- - l.ij (loins lii bi friends and the i lie in I .r the supi-'- rl and .ron j which they have been pleased to trrant him for the past ten years, and hopes that by attention to busi- - j ness and promptness in the execution of all orders intrusted to liiii.. he wiil merit a continuance oi their favors. j He has on hand for sale upwards cf lOOO hlil. ofCnslis of all 175-l- y MAfHIXE- f AKPEXTER'S SHOP. 1 MHE IXIlERMfiNEIl WOI I.I) INFORM his friends an the public that en the otli inst. he will re sume his former business a a mlLDLTw AMI IIOL'SR CARPEXTEK, At the stan 1 hitherto ied Lv M r. Watson it on the Swin ton Premises, Kins street. With every facility for dome all branches of JW oocl "NN7" o x- - It tc the bct advantaif, he respectfully solicits a share of public patronaire. Havinir the servie.-- of a first rate workman, li" will a'.-- ., add Cntiitirt Mn Kf "i5. T urn ins ami Cnr ri:i o Work to his r.;h.-- r business. 1 j- - Stuff sawed and planed by machinery for carpenters and others. c. II. r:R X. B. General lumber Lusiiicss wiil be Conduct' 1 as hereto-- I fore on the Fort Street where the lie.,' st':k will be sold on the m- st terms. loVtf Tiio.-iirsoA- tV Ai:viiafji':, ULAUKSMITHS, OPPOSITE THE CCSTOJI HOUSE, TIIE A ROVE IIAVIXf; I lit C II A SE I tt e pr.inis. s tormeriy i ieii ny n. .'iinv,, V are now prepared to execute Ship, Carnane ana i. art -- r AVork. on the sli'.rt'-- t notice and most rea sonahle terms, and hot..- bv striet attention M business t- m-- nt a share of the public patnuiace heretofore so liberally bestowed, loo-t- f Notice to the Public! THE I N I) E llSIi; NED. havimr every facility al hand in the fhape of Tt MISER ASH M AC HIS EH Y, inform the put that he is rr. 1. .red to mamifacture ' II .. .. .. .. .. .1 11 VnLr. and deliver t'.eni at any port in the kin lorn at very reduce I' price. All work mail.-o- t ire' n.-- r materials ami in trie mo-- i thonmirh and workman like manner. i nt y ...kes uclivcred in ir one 1 r mplete, at 4 50 ' r p:e.-e- . F y-v-i, IK- - is also ready to contract for the j uttinjr up of SUILDIUGS . very ;t 1 laro'.-- h the materials or otherwise parties may he is readv to ci'strnet B.-- i p a prai- ti a! Millwricht. wati:h WIIKHI.S. SAW MILLS. t IIOllSL POWEItS, Or anvthine in that line of bus ness, as cheap, as the st. TWO Se .f circular saws u hand to put up for th'-s- that want. One tubular water whf- - 1 on ha:n irty inches in diameter. warranted to cive fall Having enaited a practical Cabinet Maker, I cm ready to manufacture Koa or other Furniture fn -- h"rtt notice, rr Ail ord- -r promptly att. n led to. WILLIAM 11. WRD1HT. Kauai. Man h 1".. 100. JiMj-ffm Wool. fioat Skins. Hiclos, lallow, Composilion, 0d Copper. AT THE HIGH EST RATES IJCRCHASED J- - C- - PALDINO. cider vinegar: a it r els pcre cider vinegar, per Washington All-to- n, ' f, r sale by JoS-t- t rr .,Tt V mil E. 0. HALL. ti::r5. riidirHritrr'! Notice. rMIE CNDERSIGNED. HAVING KEEN M survty.-- for the "New erk B ard oi" I rider-wri- ts rs." taes this iiuth.-- i of inf rnon sl.ip-- n asters that he is ala-ay- ready at the shcrttst notice to atu l.d to any husini s requnx-- l ei h.m ill that capacil v. S. C. WOOPRCFF. of Qjo u's Road and Pctiir.j;. r Stna-t- . Honckoti Nov. u. U r, li5j. l7-l- y .11 v. J O II . A I. KX . II A T II Si AVS, COMMISSI C N M K li CHANT, ( i item's I'liK-r- . Sv.lnci. IT Reference to W. L. l!tKS. Honolulu. S. I. liU-C- m KAAA-AV- A, .1 A l'A ! JOHN ALLMAND. Jr.. A. CO.. HAVE ,'Stuhiished th -- mselv. s in Japan f r the purjswe of carryiiii; ou a lietienil toniiiiissiiin Dusinev. They have .1 a Line of I'ackets Sau Francist'o and Katiaeaiva, te.uchinc at oluiu on their way to Kanaka iva. The Lark Rov-r- . t!i pi.un'er of the line, will leave au Francisco about the 1st of April lor Kiuajtawa. REFERENCES : Wm. T. CoLkman i: Co San Francisco. Maconouav .V I'O ' " KissKi L it Co., China. M. F. oiv Honolulu. ItW-- ly iIONUOM Is NEW ZEALAND. WILLI AMBUTLER, GEXERALMEUCHANT& CUSTOM HOUSF. AGENT .Monontii, J B AS MADE A It R A XG EM ENTS TO K EEP S coiistanllv on hand a lar.-- e and well veUi ted stock of SALT PROVISIONS. BREAD, FLOCK, GUULTTAES CLOTHINd, SIMP CHANDLERY, and everything rcquir.'d for a complete outfit. Xj" Eresii supplies, potat.K.-s- , and fiivwoo.1, all furnished at the shortest notice. Mononui lies in the south-eas- t iart of Lanristan or Douhtless Ray, ami ia in latitude 115 !;-'-. ti mill. S , and longitude 173 (leg. 3s no.i. E. IS'J-t- f HAK0DADI, JAPAN. POTATOES TT'OTATOES ! T.fti" 1'IIT'LS OF IRISH POTATOES now iu store houses. ALSO, Ileef, Pork, "read, Ac. lss-t- f 1 or sale I y EsTIlA & CO., Hakodadi, Japan. a. k. win a i: Ac vo., MERCHANTS, COMMISSION AC.F.NTS & AI CTIONEERS Al.iiron, New Zmlaiml. CHIPS SIT'l'LIEH WITH POTATOES and st.res of every Reiereltceg ; Capt. Q. II. S.TLE. ship Milo. " A. Baii.ii:k. ship Benjamin Tucker. .1.11 AiMiv, slop Ooethe. " Smith, ship E. F. Mason. " HlSDKS. ship Metacm. " Oscar dk i;kam.-aii;- e, ship Nil. " Daiimanpaiutz, ship Oen. d'HautpooL ' Lkkaste, ship Caulainconrt. tf Virvi's of Honolulu ! A LL PERSONS VISITINf; OH II EM 1)1 NO j on these Islands, should not fail to send a set of (V. II. ISu r:;t'i Views of Honolulu to their friends aLroad, as they will convey Ly far a iK'tter idea of the Scenery, Hahits, customs, etc., of this place, than any works or prints ever pub lished. To he had of E. Bl'ROKSS, HH-- tf Fort street. VON HOLT & HEUCK WAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM MOM E I and offer for sale at reasonable prices, wholesale or retail o elepant styles and I est made ladies1 saddles, cornpiete with saddle cloth, bridle, etc.. Gents' saddles, bridles, bits, spurs, etc., A select assortment ot ladies' cloth eapers, Batenl leath'-- raiu-rs- , for lacing and with elastics, Shoes and Iipers, Children's calf, patent leather, cloth, etc., hoots and shoes. Gents suiierior calf Liots and sho-s- , slippers, etc.. Fine meaiuo half hose, black silk handkerchiefs, Pieces black crae, fine white all wool flannel, Blue and pink flannel, Irish linens, An assortment of feather dusters, Fine "juKhanis, small and lari;e plaiis. Colored cassimere and blue and red flannel shirts, A few pieces of prints, choice patterns for dressing gowns. Silk and fine white merino undershirts, Black silk and cotton velvet, Suoerior bla' k cloth coats, pants, etc. Anil numerous other article. jao-t- f v. aioir aV ai e:i c e OFFER FOR SALE. IN il" ANTITIES TO SCIT, THE FOL LOWINO CHOICE ASSORTMENT OI" T i ri vTL or . ii cl OO X JCST RECEIVED BER ( i HEATHER BELL !" 1 M) MOST t A It EFl LEV SELECTED X for this Market by Mr. I. II. Arthon, viz. . ill cases, (l.r Im ittles each.) pure Hollands tiln, 00 " (15 Isitt'es each.) " " Imported di rect from Schiedam, the very Lest article in the market, 25 cases best Martells brandy, Mantetty'a ale and porter in quarts aud pints, cases 4 and d z. u each. Ilrst Ilriiml ALE! iu piula. Cases 8 dozen each, at reasonable prices. 156--tf It A KK ELS ONLY (IF THAT EXCELL- ENT lO PORK, raised and packed bv Mr. K. W. Meyer, Molokai a choice article f.,r amily and (.abtn table beinu milk-f.-- fresh, aud a superior article. For sale at Vos HOLT 4- - HE1 CK S. SATINS. Jlc 1711 N E m ACK.WH1TE A NI IJLCE SATINS, Iveis. etc.. eiU lor r. sses, black lasim?. Cloth and checked pantaloon sunT. For sale l y icij-t- f von holt a-- hei ck. HAWAIIAN FLOCK. tVr. MtESII HAWAIIAN FLOCK. I0. CORN i m.-al- , do wheat meal Constantly on hat ! and for sale hy 1' YON HOLT it IIEICK. shirts. FEW DOZEN OF SCPEKIOR MADE A 'hiH-- , all linen. Also, p.x.l ctton, with linen iHisoma, etc.. with and narrow folds. F'-- sale bv 192 tf VON 11 U LT & HKCCK. IIAIRV PORK. EST DAIRY PORK. JEST RECEIVED and for sale by f VON HOLT 4 IIEI CK. ItR N DIES. &r. ASES FINE Hit ANDY. SHERRY AND whisky. On hand and lor sale bv J'-- tf oN HOLT 4 HEECK. ItLAN KETS, iir. EST DENIMS. BLANKETS. FLANNEL shirrs merino anib-rshirt- anddniwers. playine car-is- etc. rsaiet v fEU-tt- y VON HoI.T 4- 11 EI CK. THE ECLEC TIC .MAGAZINE AN ItE ri'RNISHED It EC. I" LA R L Y TO c bae niimix-r- s from January,, supplied. The Er I f r t if s is a nioiiihiy maazioe, of li pace, double columns, has no .nie-ri.- 'r in literary merit or artistic emlellish- - mer.ts. Each number is with one or two mexr.otint plates, by Sartain. The variety, richness, and affluence of the Erlictic articles in all the ih .artra'-r-t- of literature and popu-la- r seience. iMith and entertaining, stamp it as the Lest ma.'ar.ine pabli-he- Apply to L'Ml-l- m H. M. WHITNEY. HOSPITAL NOTICE ! mIE DISPENSARY ATTACHED TO TIIE 3 li 0:1 K11.0 Sire, t, will r. open ev.-r- day fr-'- 7i until 9, A. M., the of medicines to sick and indigent Hawaiiar.s. Per order-- . J. W. AUSTIN, 16T tf Secretary. STORY PAPERS. IMIE NEW YORK LEDGER AND TIIE I WELCOME (iUESr, ts tii publish J weekly, contain the choicest serial literature to be obtain 1. Price il a year. Back numlers froru January 7, 1'X). supplied. Apply to ool-l- II- - M. WHITNEY. CARDKN SEEDS! TCRESH GARDEN SEEDS. CONST A NTLY ..n han I and for sale at the Royal Hawaiian A ricultura.1 'iocicty's Gardn. 190 tf ciias. wcicxirr ruooss, . riiw ipi, tmuD r. ball, j. CHAS. AV. BROOKS & CO., SHIPT1XG AND fomiiiLssioii Merchants 123 Sansomt street, San Frnncico, Cnl. fj ARTiri LAU ATTENTION" GIVEN' TO the Purchase. Shi!mrnt and Sale of Merchandise ; to and Trsnshipment of Horn Is : the Charterinf and pale of Vessel ; the Supplying of Whaleships t and lbs Negotiation of Exchange. Evrhimsp on Honolulu in Sum If. anil. ADVANCE MAlK OX CONSIGNMENTS. REFER TO B. F. Ssow, Ksq , Honolulu. Jas. HrvsawKi i, Boston. C. Bhkwir Jt to., Hknrv A. 1'niH'k-- , " J S Walk kit. I H ts. limn KK, " H. II u kmi i & Co., " THAYKa, Brh.ham b FtRLD, BlENl. PirUAN, H i". B.U'n. St TTOM Si Cl . New York. SwilT At Ai.lks. New Bedford. P. C. M Kl RR. 1. c. msshi 1 ic i:i 1:1: sV iie:i:i:ii,im ToiiiHiissioii ileiTlinnls ANI Al'CTIO.VCKRS, AGENTS OF THE Rrjfular Diaalt'h Linrof lltHluln I'nrkrl.. J "f All freiirht arriving In transitu fi- - the Sandwich Island., will te received and forwarded by the " Retrular Dispatch IJne"' FKKK Or COVMISSION. Particular atu 111 ion paid to forwarding and transhipment of merchandise, sale ..f whaleineu's bills, and other .vchnape. In- surance of merch iiidiie and sins-i- o under open policies, sappv mH whaleships, churteiiui; ships, etc. 4 3 ami 4 5 CIifornli alre-rt- . RRFKR TO : Captain B. F. Snow. Mesrs. f. Bin ah A- - Co., J ItoDoluuKi A. P. Evkrrtt, Esq., J B. Pitman, Esj., - . Hilo. UO-t- f 2sSrw vamp tr 3 St? il $.T1LT0 . b I ci' --O- w - v '4. ,' r'" Grocer' aYiI- -c '. s li -- aoi- tlni. . ..t toe" J. C. SPALDING. SOLE AGENT FOR TIIE SANDWICH ISLANDS. JAS. PATRICK CO., ;io-C- m Sole Agents for Cahfornis- - 131 SANSOMK JSTItEKT, SAN FRANCISCO, 4 Ci ENTS FOR JAMES CONNOR & SON'S. t. V. S. Typ; Foundry, H'.d Dealers in all kinds of Print- - in? Materials. 17" Printers will find it to their advantaKe to call on vis before purchnsinp. 113-- ly M. C. MONSARKAT. JAUIca ALKOS. .TIO.NAKIMT Ac AIIOA', GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Snn Francisco, Cnliiomin. ' id or in, m Yauciiaver't Ia. REFER TO i Bank of tiir Rkpi blic, - - New York, 17. S. A. Messrs. Ooriiom, Bhcck t: McAtlifk, 44 44 RoHKRT C. Janiov, Esu., Livero.l, Orent Britain. Messrs. Janios, Crkk if Co., - Honolulu, II. I. A. J. Cahtwriuht. ., 44 44 196-t- f 8 OKIFFITTS MORI1AS. C. B. HATHA WAT. K. r. BTONB MORGAN, STOXK & CO., Commission and Forwarding; Merchants, 8an Tranciseo, Cal References, T. S. Hathaway Messrs. T. t A. K. Nye, & Swift it Berry, New Bedford, Messrs. Orinnell Mlnturn & Co., New York, John M. Forties Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per- kins k Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterrnan Esq. Hon olulu. tf .1 . D . P A 1 1 T 13 It , (LATH O'MSARA k PAISTBa,) Dralrr in TYPE, PRESSES, PP.LXTIXG MATE-TERIA- L, PAPER, CARDS, And Printer's Stock generally, 1 32 ('In v si rrrl, nrar Sansomr, Saa Fraraelassa). 1U7 iy I. I. All Till K Ac S( IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS, ALL OF WHICH WILL HE SOLD ON' the most reas mable terms, and at the lowest prices. Warehouse, com- -r of Davis and Washington nil, San Franciaoo 1 j" Order promptly executed. fT REFER TO : A. J. Caktwkioht, Esq,.,. ............... Honolulu. BARRY & PATTEN, IMPORTF.ttS, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALER IH W1XES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, cfc. 1IO Monljoiarrr at., Snn Frs nritro. 6fl-- ly ia. vi;isTi;i: Ac co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN 13 randios, w xx o si AND ljiqiiory of every Description. 101 FROST STREET, Between Washington and 115 tf SAN FRANCISCO SAA FltAACISCO COKUAGE FACTO It V. pORDAGE OF EVER V SIZE MAXl'FAC Tt'RED to order. Constantly on hand, a aire aa . ortrrentof M JSIEA ASU HEMP HOPE, (all aiaea). Bale Rojie, Tow Line, Uskuui, &c., for sale hy TCBB8 At CO., ln7-l- y 139, Front Street, Snn Franciaoo. SA.1II.. V. WOOIIItUFF, I PC II A NDLER, STOREKEEPER AND SII ES EUAL AdEST- - Ooods bought and sold oo com mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice1 Corner of Qi kkn's Roaii and Pottisokr kTbekt, llfnkns J XT Refers to THOMAS A. J. CABTWtlltiBT, J. C; Spaldi.v;. Honolulu, Sandwichlslands. 104-- ly Ex fiirent Republic, Cioocl Hope, TELEGRAPH. REWARD, II. OCEAN and REPORTER . Fifty hilea assorted Du k.ft-- 0 10 Fifteen bales light and heavy Bear buck. Ten bah Funnels, assorted. Twelve cases Canton Flannels, brown and bleached. Ten cases Kentucky Jeans. Fifteen case e.. Twelve rases i2, 4x4 ami 4x2 Apron Checka. Twenty cases I.!. ached shirtings, all widths. Seventy-fir- e cases favorite brands Print. Twenty raes Denims. Fifty cases Tickings- - Twenty bales blue, red and gray Blankets. Also, a full assortment of Iloiisr-Furnishi- ntc Good a. Comprising Linen Table Damasks, bleached and browD ; stjer Table Cover-- ; pillow-cas- e Linef : Linen Sheetings; Quilts, 10-- 4. 11-- 4, -4. assorted ipi ilities ; Towellings, NaPkina. Dia- ler, ii .vli'-s- ; white family BlankeH ; embossed velvet Table and Piano Covers ; Li. aeh-- d Sh.s-tiiigs- , evtra fine. Also, via Isihmu a full line Hosiery, Oloves, Delainea. Organdies, Dawns, Rolx-s- , Jackonetts, French Muslins. 'ainbric, Irish Linen, etc. And a general assortment of FANCY and STAPLE DRY OOODS. suite! to th? Spring Trade. Also, ex Oracle, Eliwi. Denmark, trC., c , Velvet Medallion CarpeU ; Rfusaels and 1 hree-Pl- y Carp-t- s ; Ingrains, Hemps, English and Ameri can Druggets. Table Oil Cloths. Oreen Bai7rs, VI mdow btiad'- - and Hollands Brocatelle and Demasks. Baper Hangings and Borders. Agency of Jewett's celebrated 5- -4 tB 24-- 4. Invoices very low-- p. iced Flower Oil Cloth, now ending, and for sale, at low rates, by FRANK BAKER, 110 and 112 Clay Street, 135 and 137 Merchant Street, 21S-C-m San Francisco, California. EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE FOR SALE. rjIGHT EXCH A XG EON CII AS. WOLCOTT 5 BROOKS, San Francisco, for ale, in unit to suit, by J.B. WALKER. EXCHANGE. ON SAX FRANCISCO, IX EXCHANGE 192T8 VON HOLT nKTTCKU. ) i I . I I 8 : r ; I ' i i V ' f I '

Transcript of THK PACIFIC xjv 11 X XX I afsws:a, XX VJ



paiHi-"- Erjr Thnrwdity Meraiig.I. 0:.;iii iries. f v, ral ;.. an 1 n riei or unlcatu 1 .intended ...,:v ; . '.n.-:.- t an in In : !e...l"-- 1 n. . u! Wcfcr.- - .l

--rTZrr fsrwsrded Oforeirnr ,untrir-- s will v7 SOperann j as a Irerfs-im-ii- ts

. Km' vts the Amwiran pelage an.! the 'XI ux-- of forward- - jA crt - 11. ts d .pi iy,sl in 1 .r -i type usual, are .1 I. 0i

. .e".'..eH II"' . n?ir.f 'rtuMV.iti A!tl-I!rf.i- r Imhh. , . ject to h'-a- ii- -. -- '.nn:'-.

"K. '.-- n tir.. will hiv- - I . S'ab-- s i- - -- Uk stamp, on them ! ty fir the Cninierrisl A..vei'brr tod Adv.-.- .

" will V"'n'."!-- ' .n'Ti-- m p"i.i.--- oemg collect.! .n-- r- ovva''ie 'xtueiiiToi

F rin ilrr,whi i.r- - f--f it.csn havt-thei- r IT No trai 1 ..;ii a lvcrti. incuts will inwrt'd ri r- -'

".r ird'",I through the II iwaiian mails. rAir.II. rtASerS , ir waira AiviRn-zict:- Ts ii l be i bu.-,;-d. CT C.irTrsnon.'.en.-- e fr.ira ait parts of Pacific will avlsa

Isf very Accei-.:aI-".--

advertisement (flr-- t iiis- r'i --r line. . . .10 ..,r,,i-l- t

ns carl, tn--



S(.per annum



( EachpyaMir


hie.;in a Ivan



TJJiucts. xjv XX vI afsws:a, i HOOK


AND FANCYPRINTING''' 'c'lir'- - 10 lines, spa.?.-.- ) Srst ituwrtioa.fl 00 SI CK ASs" Eacq itt'wvi-n- ! i ...-rt- i. n io cl. BiVK. PILLS OF EXCIIAXrtF,

crTttr A5sn.riL will be chTri.J at t following rates, CA rI.i(it VS. HILIOF I.ADINil.payable at the end f faeh ipiarter . i I'll.L 1IKA.I-- . CONSI LsR m.AN'KS,

CIR'TI.ARS. BLANKiare, 'or the srxiee of 2- lins.) tr quarter... $ & 00 DEKDS.

8ne q AI CTtOX llll l., HAND Bin's,urh 'acliimn, p--r quarter f 12 Gu PAMPIILin-irfone-- t SHOP BILLS"f aeoro.i, per column f & 00ace-h-:f IT VISITING. prSIN ESS AND ADDRESS CARPS lwinUdcolumn, per ojarier. ................ ......'J7 JOfir a wfcote or a Yanke Csr.l Press," in the highest s'yle of Ihe art.

i -& Advertiser. PrKI.sil!KI U KKKM I!V t six iniLi.tiis ii;k vnmm.Coiiimerfiial IlK.MtV M. Will 1 .KV. i HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JULY VX ISoX I VOL.. V, No. o. WlliILK . 21T,


T.:inrh- -



F'T the Commercial Advertiser.

TbP Tnlliinc Kahili A Fablk.

rp frequent separators bten Hawaiian married peopleitarrasin '"'- - The rn'.t tr vi-- .I r.iu-- 3 ar-.- - made a reason

la anfcyUfcedssatlsSed pary f r forsaking husband rr wife, and I

Ineraaiany retaoratranee, the Uinr.tinsr reply Is. "Th-r- e is nogjainft it." The want .f Some legislation is perhaps the

ehieta" " theeil i increa'lns;. The following line e

ntta expriii-f- t tne f imi.lint of th'.? who f--l lnjiiret yi ve f tSmr W- - ul I our leziilal.jri mifht,tijc

Bi tarir wUlm. n-- r:e on;e ny f the t!1.

A Ii!?le tm! in a pri:;c"-!- i a!I,

S.irrin'!rl cour.ier tut arI tall ;

But the noM- -t vinl ram; them ill.Wan that of the ehill o der.

Tie anctra! tain he cuM pmu Vy tellH') th bn?e-hcr?- -i r-- and the faint-heart- feilAad a betrr Irn he ha.1 ! ari.e.l aa well.

To lot nrd not to ear.

little ear l he f.'rthe Catterer's lip.

Ar.d te of the m cii!r(r wi'ie to tip ;So roan.t the halts hi yoane trip

A free little prince walk.He jaiJ, acl hy, I "hall rule atron? men.The l ir ! h--H be my ubj- - t:'l thenWhen he waeI the liyal Kahili airaln,

Aail the fratheri to

He aw that (vli or? hail chanreil to a bir l.S he h--M ht breatr. ror seareMy tirred.Fur "nolIe Pri'iee hrold r each worj

Of rience rheir ulgerM r. H.". Then he ai-- to tfe leader, Precr.t your plea." Yoar IViral HU-hn- liten to me.

Bird! of itranee hare f,nn.! our tre ,And In our nti they dwell. ,J?

"?jl.fie a erpent nre these straic bird,fi tter, cr iak rri-n- t liinsr wrds ;

They mo our n: llk Tn jin l.rl,fhey are n"t like the ham;l- dove.

And when we return to cur henv to rest.We Sod aotne Mnlie U r'Kie fr..m the m t ,

la rain we it. and try our bestTo win. by the Liw of love.'

He had arareety ceaneil, when a tiny f .rm.Bent H'W by 'rrhinp fnr mary a worm.Am!, chilled a rtf i hcrterlnt from the storm

All the littlr ones at home.Spoke freMy, Prince, our partner ktray,Thry return r.nt to u by niyht or dayOur Prince dit care' th-- y alway say,

An.1 they l.nve u to aerre alone.

"And then :f onr father jret 'ile. and torn.By the h'm-'- v toil we bare d ily borne.They tire of our and turn in scorn.

And ancrily bid n dpart.We know they have found a hnndvitner bin!,Bnt blow be to a. If we utrr a word,Aod no friend is near his aid to afTrd,

?o we die of a broken heart.TTj othT bird Ixar.l. and th. y all said "aye,"With a I " k which meant hth a tnuzh and cry,r.)f thy saw by th ar In the Prince's eye

That thrir funw had won th ft Ch- -r e:ithee-- d op to th chll I Kmc" 't :

"Kind Priori, yrir t;m-l- y aid we enr-at- .

To relre onr wronjs as is jnt and meet,F'r this your pr.iy.

The Pnn'e mp'il, Lit'te u'jet dear.Your 'case i a deii-a:- e on-- ' ch ar.But you hII fiml I've an ear 1 1 h-- ar

I brnr nrw the sword In va.rn.

I'll be a ror to ths who moIf,With terat swssiort IH treat the r ;So bird arnl bir now fly It your

And never acaio lie twain." C.

V.l It I KTV.

The way toconJ.-m- laj traits, bj practic-in- it

jcrvo.1 one.The zre-- t rlirTernce between men, the great an J

insignificant, is energy.Two centuries ajfi not one jrsou in a hun-Jre- wore

atockinH.A HI. lecriblng nn man, sajs, He

never smiles but he f.tlj of it."In fvprus) anJ Ei5JI'ft hyJrt;phobi has neTer been

known to occur.It entiiyate! that tliere are foar iniilions of female

nuil-take- n in the UniteJ Stntes.In tbe? tlegenemte J iy, character is weighed with

a ca.--h b il tnce."There i- - a man in town s: knowing that people who

don't know their own tuiu.lj come tu bi:u fur in-

formation on the wiibject.Ik-n'- t yoi mean to anrrr, my dear ;r !"

No. my der w'ulow. I'd rather lose all the ribs lrep.t t!an t.k another."

"Mr inksttnil i sifa'iimerT," s the schnol- -Tuvur s.iii when he flun'l it nailed to the desk he j

tnel.If wni:i.i coM t:".5s oat of th two corners of her

ini.u'.h at the same tiui", t litre Would te a grxxl deala'd on btii"Got try U-- e nt your cnl the table, Jone?"

. No but I have K"t the tiext tning to it."What's thai.'" " A cevere cuIJ."

J.icU. did you carry that mnbroll.i home Iborrowed jeterd iy ?" N ) lather, yt.u have oftentold me in lay up siiucttiii.z r a rainy day."

That exemplary in in, Uri-ha- Yonnjf, says : Ibelieve nun c n steal, and b jnr':riel in the act."This uit a Youm; d. cfrine, l u' a very old one.

Put no djx-ndeiic- on (jo'''"- - If you have preattalent, ibdmtry wilt improve thora; if you have butB.iderate abilitie. indutry wilt fupply their dfieiency. Nctbine i. ilctiie'l to weil ilirecte--l labor ;nothing worth havi:.g is to I' t tl.iir.e-- without it.

N'eter l e c i.'t down by tr:2rs. If a spider breakslis web Twenty time's, twenty limes will be mend it.Mike up your minds to do n, thir.x. and you will doit. Fear cot if Ir. ui.'e crue upon you; keep up yourpints though the d iy ir.ay e a ilark one.

Whatever jo i d , lo it willinz'y. A lxy that iswhippeil at !ehod r.e-.e- r Iearr.s his s well. Aman is conne'ifl to wi tk cares not how badly itin perf rr;i. t !! who pulls t tT his coat cheerfully,strips np hi sWves in earntf, and sings while heworks, is tie man for u.

Wit.i is) Hk ? The ty is now living who will bePresident in 1'.hi. Of his precise residence we arenot informed; but hi pe be is carefully qualifyinghimself ry cultivating only jjisxl purposes.

A GrSTLf:w Whoever is courteous, honest,frank, sincere, tru'y honorable, generous, ard candid,isa true whether rich, learned, or a labor-er. Bys. remeii.Vr this: and th it to have such quali-ties in math)- d, they must be swvured in btiyhovl.

A country e lit .ranni unee, in the following terms,that he his ecie payments: "If anyman wants to see ; ir, and appreciate one of the usesto which brickbats maybe p rverted, let bitn :!i

cur vicinity with an account.P. S We keep a pile nf tricks in our sanctum,

atd carry one in our hat."Spit.-r- L H Our spiritual health depends

not alone or mainly on our circuinf ance. but uponthe spirit and etate f 'ir su!s There is no lawfulsituation on eirth in which a true Christian has notbeen enabled t pre-erv- the tone of spiritual feelinguaii. jure !, and to keep himself in the love of .

Ia the c-rt- '..f the and in ar' house-b- ol

I tii. trie rij:-ur- s i'f want and the seductionsef afn lerire in hn Iy retire-- i enf. and in the busyEi'Thir.e in the tluib of he.tiih, and aniid theliDii rs of disease in the urd t of youth, and underthe chul of a2 in times uf revival, and in times"f declen;.-- n tiki's Kncch h tve still walked withGod. an i ha.1 their in heaven. Notthat evry situation is favorable to the liTean ! of reliiori in the au! we know full wellthat there are potions in lite in which it is veryhard f ,r a man to enter in o the king lom of heavenbur what we ilo say tb:s. tht there are no circum-stances o unravorible but that they may over-come, and hy the wcr of diii.e grace turne-- J intotri.Oxi:rKTKi:.iiituiM UF chat, 27

C. HREWFR CO.,liT-t- f .Vlarket Wharf.


C'i'sT IRON M'lKK. AWOKTEII S1ZKS.iron d y it) ii-- Jit received er

Syrea" tur aale by C. BREW ER ir CO- -,

I --tr Market W barf.


v. p. i:vi;ki:tt,II .iiolaiu, u.i:.u. II. I.53-t- r


tii-t- r K:ia)an:.tiiu -- :rv l, li .n .laij, oi.u.HAWAIIAN FI.OI K COMPANY,

lf-- lf A. I". EVEilLTT. r.r ai. I Ae

f. ii. i.i:yvi:hs,luratwr and buU.lir. St. Hotiolula. loi-t- f


Importer, and dealers i: hardware, twin', ci'.i and irenr ,1

II KMC V KOHINSON'SWine. Spirit an i CitTir Store, C harlton Whrf, Honolulu.


F. VOS BOLT. tu. c. Ht.i t aVon iioi.t.v m:r K,

Oeri?niI f,'mnii-.i- HonoinUi. O.iUu. S. I. 105-t- f

alkx. J. :aktvici;ht,Commission Mer.lmiit and Ueu'jnil ihii'i.iu Anei.t, II notulu,

Oahu. II. I. lUa-t- f

count kv ICHOI) KS,W'holeaale in Wines and Spirits, Ale and I'orter near

the I'ost OiBc. Honolulu. 4J-t- f

,:i:oic;k IIOWILumber Merchant Yard ou tiimi 1 1 or.--8 SriKt, N w !:,-lui-

pi in ide.

II. 1IACKI KI,I A: CO.General C.mniisi..n A.eotj, and .sliip . Honolulu,

Oahu, I. 10 If

tl. O. II ALUlaiKrter and Ieil r in Hani" are. Dry Taints, Oil, aod

general M-r- ch i i, corner of Eon and KiiiK str-- s ts. I'lb t

OEORf. E CLARK.Dealer in Dry r"' E.inry liois, H. t. l sfr.Tt Nmt.n.u

and M.iun ikea street. Iloiioiulu, I. 11 tf

JOHN THOMAS V ATKIIIIOUSK.Imjorf.-r- , Whole-al- " and Uetail r in General Merchandise,

Honolulu, and .Maui. 41-t-f

r.xoHsa.t. r MOS.SMAX, JK.11 OSS .MAN ,V SON,

Bakers, Gr-ee- r and lieaiera in Dry ioc!s,Nuuaiiu street. Honoluiu, Oahu. . I. 1- -" tf

W. N. LA on,Imp.rter and ISal.r iti 1Iakiv(ahk. CmRaT. Mk' Hanks'

T m.u and Ini'Li. jikxt. Fort stree-t- . Hono-lulu. 10.0-- tf

j anion, :kken sV CO.,Commission ants Fire-l'is- ,f Duildin-.'- , Cjue-.-i- i str t i

Honolulu. April 1 lu5-t- f j

v. risciiKit,Cahinet Maker and French I'.'lisher, II tel Street, opposite the

ijoi.-niiiieii- t Hou-- e. 41 tf

A. S. ,V .M. CICIN II ACM,Imr-'rte-rs arid Wholal- - Deal r in Ciothinir. Hat.

Cap. lS''t and ;r d every variety of (ientieiu' ii'shuiei i..r Funn- - ui:l' i,.m. St re, corner oi fr: aim

streei, II .iiolulu, I ihu. ll.s-t- f

J. II. WOOO,ManufHcturer. I:nt"rt.-- and lh al. r in Do a an I he-- of every

de r.I.ti ill. S'l'-- - Fill lilll', T'lllip. S' le Ritri'i'.. Il'ine-ss- ,

an.i l.tte::t Ci-'f- . O.sit. 11 and DarkTrunks. ah-- -s, Spam-.i- r Olovi-s- . Foil . and M:isks. Ulack

ins. Iirushes, ll wri, Xr. .Ve. I'.rics store, corner ofF'1 and Merchant sis . II molulu. II- - I. tf

it. r. snow,General Commission Mercliant, II .n.ilulu, Oahu, Haw. Islands.


Reirular Line of II --.t .n an I II 'r"luh; Tiu-ket-

Sale ol Cotf.-- from I"'

Sale ( Krotlier A; Co s Yellow Metal.New Fncland R s.fiiiL' Company.

CHAS. B. BlsHuF. sa. a. ALi'Uien

IJISIIOP .V CO..Bankers. Olfce in the cast c rner of "Makce's Bl.ick," on

Kaahuuiami sirct, Hon .lulu.Draw ISios of l.xetianiie on

.Messrs. liaisscLi., Ml .Tt h Co.. New York.HesRV . I'll R' F. E-- q , h'st"ti.

M.-r- . M'.roan. St isf .V i'o.. Stu Francisco,Will reo-iv- e d-- e, ts. discount Srst-cla- 'msuiess pai-- T. and

attend P , ec. lU-- tf

Y. A. ALHItlCII.Importer and !enler in O.n-r- tl Merchandise; Cummis-io- n

Aent for the Sa"e of Suirar. Molasses ami Collee. and otherIsiafid Fr.-luc- e. Aient 1 the. Lint B Blah T ATlox. Conaiitninents of all kinds of 'a i l l'r luce solicited. Ordersfor Merchandise promptly att'-nde- to. 10'3-- l(

a L. a. CASTLE. A f. i. CooHK.

castm: ,v 'ooiiK,Im; s and W l,..l.-sl- e and k- - il deV; r in

t the old taod. cro-- r of the Kin a:i I S. lesdStreets, near Hie I ir. More- - 'loireh. Alo at the Storef.nierlv .s--c tpie.1 hv C. II- - N.di in Km sir. . t,

Chai L Aei.t Dr. Jayuc' s.

"'-- "

l. N. ri.ITNKH.Continnesi his o! 1 business at the n.-- l. re in Mak.-e- s n-- w fire

.r'f l.uildiii.'. al the st.u.d ivu.usl hv Dr.Hoffmann, corner of yueen and Kaahiima-- u t

Chron..meiers rat. I Ly ati..:;s of the sun and starswith a trnit intruraer.t a Ija-l.- -l to themeridian of Honolulu. Bar: icuUr attention :,,. to finewatch repairn.L'. Mailt and .piadrant c!as. s s lvere.1

and a.liu-- t. d. Charts ar-- naut.eil coi::.mi iyon hand and f r s ii- -. 44 If

KITSON ,V IIAKT.Success. irs to Mr. ry R ..'.inson. Wholesale Win. and Spirit

ll. ii lula. II I , un.L-- r th- - Room of A. .1. art- -wn.-h-t and at the f..t of Kaahumai u s!r-.- -t. oj-t- f :


t; EIIRI. E C.SIIJEUS.ilano'acturer and dealer in T.a. She. t Inci. and C'op.-- ware.

KaaJiumana stn-- t. opit.-J- . ". spal.liiii:' II : i. H.S'itul.i-- r Baker. Tin and ' H- - r nm.p. c TuLs,

and sfi"S.-- r Bat., T.n an 1 .:nc Rooting, and aof Tir ware. Slop work rvvul' l with

ntii" and dipat'-I- i tf

IT A I sV-- aii r.i:,A nt. forth-- Mi.-i-r Biai.'.iti "i "f Aik". at I'apakoa, and Iwo,

at Bui . lido; IniH.rters a-- i l M li"i.-ai- - a.i l l.eiau i- - ."-- er

in Clu'ia li -- .1 ; have hand, f T sal", at their etabmerits ..u Kiti- - tre.-t- . Honolulu, an I at L.haiiia, VainSaar, M "U. , yr.ip. . e. and a Ure aadvarie.1 assortin.-r- t f ir inerch in-li-

Honolulu. Au,.n.t Ii. ls.'.7. b9-- ?



Hilo. 1 1 iiX. B. advanced on B.lls. 19-- tf

ii. w skvi:i:a.n( i:,Ship Chandler and Commission Merchant, lloiinlulu, ?. I

REFERS TOCaptain II. F. fvow. Honolulu.MerS. D C. WATtKMAf .V Co.. -

Williams Havrv, - New lnlm.M. R: it Jt M..H1ULL. - Sen Frinc.scoSwift .tc A i.Ltv. - - NewHrvar Bkikce, B ton.

tl w sll Kit CE will continue the Mi:p Chandlery arCommission Business at the nil stand. .v.-r- oiShip Chandlery an I M. rchan.1...- required by shipping, will bekept on hand aud sale at low rat-- 14

J. '. SPALIHM'.Im..T ir..l C..mmis-io- n H ii"!u Oahu. S. I.

Ar-- nt W m. Thirur C R- -t ii at. l sandwichPacket..

AOENT FoilNrrTrsa I'o.. - lUej' n.


M " " -

Wa-m..- T' " -

Alliake 44

N. K. Mm-at- . " ...SAI in Mak-n- " 44 Salem.

XT Se re in R biti"n Co ' fir-- t T'- -( '!' 17.'i tf


lioNoLM.l', oaiiv. sam-w- ii Islands.REFER TO

Gt,,R0 F. PrB pr. E. , Bhi'.adelphia.Elisiia Ha-k- l. F.j , - New ie.if. rd.

Messrs. Rkad. liAKt-s-- A: C ., - B 't.n.Hitpn. Barht A C ... N' Y- rk.f rihictht. Cl ARK A: Ci. Pan Fran.BAto.R.V Li3ii'KNFii:ii.iFa f in Francisco



J anion's new hi i i.i street, Il"ti.-l-:lu- II. I.

P.FFKKENCKSMessrs. i?.' Jt T,rPA. -

K. D Hs'.itu K ' '.," B-- vk. Kt.TH 1 1 1 L,

II n l i'u. July 1. if

TIIO.MAS SPENI EIt.Shin Chandler. l"-- al. r in Merchan l .. and Comml-iio- n


Hon .iuhi. Oih.i.S. I . k.-- ps cns'.ai.tlj en tMiid i

an rseii.r a rtnient of every nption of p.. 1.I'lir.dLy ! .:-- i" and other-- .

Shippmir furnished witii all kind ( .-ri i ic, J

at the shortest at the v.-r- lowest n. 1. .et prict . i

yr .i olley axvaiicxu lor utiti v.i.. a. tut nmci., 1 . -- .


1K. A. .N. CLAltKi:,Surgical and Mechanical Dentist.0::.'--- ntrxt 'l r.r to V fowl's l! re. M rciianl street.

itlii-.- - Ji .ur fr :n y A. M., to itIK. J. .MOTT SMITH,

OfE-- e rorr,r of F.,r-- . and II jf-- rxre-.- s. ly

WILLIAM III' mpiii:i:yNotary ri:l:i?. o.TVe a'. t!.e II uv, u;i stairs l'S-t- f

j. v. A I'STIX.Arr-iRNE- .ND t"rNEI.OR AT LAV.,

OfT.r in Honolulu House. ovr tiie I'ot G:Sce. O.Vtf

i.. Mrcrbbv,Attorri v at Lax. OiTt : r, with C. C. Ilnrr:, E-- 141-- tf

I'.. IIOIF.MANN.Phyalrin a:id HurBCon, Makee'a HI k, cor.ier Queen a:nl Ka-humau-

str.. t. 1 -- if

t'HAs. r. criLLor, 31. i .Late Sur.-o- 1'i it state Navy, (onuHr Physician to sifk

Anierier.T an. I general pr.ictiti.-ner-

OiTire. corner KaatiUira'ni urid Merehant s.reeta, and residencelit lr. W.r Mn-- i m. Hotel sire t.

M.-di- il and Snrica' a h ice in English, French, 5;anih, andItalian.

OSio." hour from 11 j.. M. to 2 P. M.; at otaer huurs inquiro tIns nce. tf

CIL.MAN & CO.,; fchip than ikr nod I'ealers in Genera! Mrrchandie! LA II A I N V, M.U'I, II. I.

Ship ui p'ie I with Oo-- facilities storage. Cashfurnished for hills of 63-l- y

J. 'VOItTII.Dealer in fieneml Men'haiitiise, Hilo, Hawaii. h'hips supplied

witli at the y'ion. t r'.'ao nable tern.sKiil of t.( hariire watit' ii. 'f

IIOLLI'S V CO.,hip Chandlers and I'.inimis-io- t: and Dealers in

fl-- n- ral Merchandise, Lihaina. Maui. Whal.-r- fu: '.shedwith nsTUit.s at the shortest notice, in exchange for u'o'sigor hilis. 34-- tf

S. N. KMKKSON,Waialua, Oahu. Dealer in O. ncral Merchandise, d untry Tro

dure sueli as torn, Iteaus. Eau.iua.s, llutt. r, V. Jtc.s;;-- tf

I.. IS'.' 'LS. B. II. ST A N LET.


. D. Averages aili isted, IVotest exten led. I. D 'uincntswith ii" line and toininerfial Hooka

Oltell. .1 an 1 Clo-- e and Custo.n H"Us- - ISrok'Taeedonc; Ac--couot in i up and Collections faithfully att'.-n-le- to.

rT-;;i- n

D. C. W4TKKM IN. johs f. Fore.D. C. WATERMAN Jt CO..

tO M MISS lO.V MKHCHA. TS.Especial attention paid to the s of the Whaling Fleet. Iy

the furnisi.iiiit of funds, purchase and sale of Exchanre, Oil,Door, lieneril Merchandise, and the privurin f Freight

REFERENCES.M rs. Naa- - .vLAu. .la., a: Co., N lie If .rd

W. (. K. I'ot-r- . Ej., d .

Mo;: . as, M it: .V I ., San Francisco.MrRt Kii ."c Mt iii'.M.i.. do. 105-- tf


riCKH'K I.. HANKS sV: CO.,Coni'niss: m and Shipping Merchant. Honolulu, Hawaiian

slati.l.REFER TO

Messrs. M. Re.-- i MtitKil.L, - - Pan Francisco.Ohisn-i.i- .. Minu KS At C, - - New York.Sum Al ius, ... New II dford.( in. S' riiKK .v. Co., - - ltoston.

IdlySIIKKWI.X PK' K. f iia. HRKwta, :

;. JJItKNVKK CO.,Cumiuissiou r.nd Sliippin? Merchants ll 'ii'l-aUi- , Oahu, II.

REKI.R TOJauil Es.p, t Bst"n.t'HAULlS ltRS.WI.ll. I.sij., )Mfs-i:- . M. Ki i k .V MKi'.r.n.L, ) San Frauciso.I'HIS W 'l.' oTT llH'loKS, Es.p, JMi-- h. Wm. IT-T- ,v Co., - lloiu-koiiit- .

MkmRj. I'Kt-LK- Ill'BBI.LL & Co.. Manila.loS-t- f

NVILCOX, RKMIAKDS& CO.,Ship Chandlers. Dealers in Oeneral Merchandise, and Commis

(.Ion Meielntlit. Honolulu, II. I.Keep c .at u.-'.- on h i id a full supply of every description of

in. rrhaii'lisc re)uin-- Ly wtnle ships and others.Money advanced at ih." lowest rates.

R- -f .rences :

Mesrs. Swift Hits, - - New Bedford." ClIIKOV, Al.t rt So, "

Wn.rox, 44

WM. (jl. FoRI., 44

Mi ssrs. Tit 'M fe Co., - "Wf.-- T. N 1loWLAM, E. , - "FaiorsirK Bakkkr. E., - 4'

M'-ss- U'. I'll LI li s a; Sons., - "Mr VMV A. I'lUHI'K. Ks'., - Boston.

Messrs. Bt rLcn. Sisk .V Co., - "Cmas. W. BuooKs. - San Francisco.

Mism-s- . Iokoa v. Stonf A; C'., - -Williams A: llivi-xs- , . New London.

175--tf C. A. William- - : C ., - Honolulu.


F LO K i: N S ST A P K N 1 1 0 It ST.Au--nt f..r the Bremen and Dr n Board of I'nderwritere. All

av. claims icain-- t the sai l I nderwriters, inor aLojt liiis Kiiiitdoi.i, will have to lie certiti.-- e him.


I'lli: NOUTIIEItN ASSI KA NCE COM PA- -1 ny, (eTaLii.,h's 1 ;;.) For Fire and Life Assurance at

Iciuc and aoroad.Cnuimi ci.2"!).-;;

, vii.i- -.The undersiL:., d has le-- app unte.1 Airctit for the Sandwich

li. C. J.n l i.f. at lion- - lulu.

AC'ENT FOR THEN'csw Vorl lloiiril of I" mlrr vv r ilcr.

The tak- - leave t., notify Merchants, Ship Masters,Ac, that he has l.n duly appointed as A? nt for theN w York Hoard "f I nderwri:. rs.


ai; knt ioie Tin:Liverpool I'mlerwriti'r AooiatioTi.

The u!id. ri.-i.- -l Iieirs leave to notifv M"p !.arit, Ship 'Vll'Tand ip master, tliat he ha ihe apiutnient !

fi.ENT at tl.. for t! .-- LI ERBOoL LNDER



rlIE 1'NIEKSH;NEI s to notify to those par2 t,e wh" have insur..l in th.- - oiliec wo."len Luildini; or

th ir content within the irecincLs of ll iiiolula. that in corie-- ii"r.ce I cri-ct- i ei if'" and hi'h -n

b:i-- line c!oe tosreth.-- in narrow . u more risks on iim-h- er

coiist-u.t.oi- is n tl.c t own an I th.e alreadyt ak'-- will U"t le rem wed on the f their terms. j

R. C. JANION.(52--tf Aj.nt fr the Assuranee Co.


The un 1" a.-- to n iffy t' Ship wr..-- r anil j

S' a.'n ist.-rs- . that I " has received the apTMiintin-t- it ot i

AGENT at th.-s- Islands f r LLOYD'S I.oNI'i.N.105-;- f R C. JANION.

II M It I It ( II- - It K K M K N

FHU: INSURANCE COMPANYnn: CNTEK4k;neI ' ns of the iibovI pai.y. ar-- T--. pared to' iks acalnt fire in ai.dut II .ii .u: i.

F'-- particulars apply at the i f!".- -

MELCHERS uln. Oet. 11. 157. s- -t t i




AVIS AC I" I" It LIC.L s ?"iissi;ti''s, 'lyirit 'tt' rii'tinno Aironts rmr les

Asireurs ,e Paris i t .lo P.-i- lor.ux,le puMic en ct les Caj -t

iiiies.lo i;:ivire ruarchaii'ls fmn ;a:s, rjui ririti'i.tle iK.rts do co jvytiume, en p irticulicr, quo i.'Ois

ti us ic c is I'sv iries, (jul riuraicnt lion ! iti. cospririsTOs, i'.s .levrottt. fiire cont iter etles l itis 'lovnut our. iur ili-- or lours

ns l,- - .lits nssureurs.51-- tf ED Hi'FFSi H LA E t ER 4: ST ADEN IIoRST.

.!iit IN ri ivcd. vx " IIcio."OlDKEIl OREfiON ItAC ON,

r...i I'r. 1.11 I het-e-.

Jetc V .1 C l' -- .

o, lart - b". n.-- Raiil.s. e Ida D. Rogers," to SaI ra:.c:-- c . F r sac; I "

201 .in SAM SAV uV.

PAPLll llAN-ilMiS- . i;oi:iKi:, .vc.4 - I Ii I KIM, I. A1IKIMI .

i,. 1WII l,.i r. is a r:.-- borb r.The above invoice was sehcbd eprely f r this market ly

J. F. B. Mars! ad. Es'4.. an I i the st and Lest assortmentever iini ttc.l.-n- d wi.l be told at luw rat-- s hy

H. LEWF.KS.IU tf Fort Stret.

:tUi " ,"t- -l Urs

roil s.vli: on iu:mTIIK CllTTACE SOW OfCl PiF.nhv Air. liu.T.---- . i:.-.- t !'.' w I.. O. H ill. o:i t:.r a 1. i veri.r..-.-- : r I".iae j. it .

given. tor Wrms i api.iv to J"?. O CAiif 1.

Sh(;; to Lvl or lor S;i!e.IN ilorr.h STREET. NEXT TO J.

s, C arj . liitr',-- tl JAM0N, CM EN & CO.

dwellim: liOI'Si: TO I.l'.T !!.V Hi', li ET A N I A STREET. O.N MOD- -.nit- - - r:i.-- . A'.j iv

" ta-tf V.--

.I.. UlltES.

I'O ii s v i r oit m: ask.a cor N T li V RESIDENCE. I 0NPa'l.l ir.n t jf land ul K.. situated in IVarl r I.i ' a.Apply to (21.5-lf- ) W. L. I.IU.K.N.

KOO.MS TO I.T.T !TWO ROOMS OVER THE STORE OI- -p - the Uoyul Hut. I. Apply to

2Uo-"- A. cLKiiht.ux.

TO I.I.T rTHE LARUE AND COM MOIMOI'S' Dweiiioz 11 ::s." recently oceupied ! Ju!e4 Du.toit, Ktj.

"id. E..r particulars, apple toW. K. SNiiDGRAS.-?- ,

'JO'J-l'i- ii or J. W. A I STIN.


"Dr. Ford. Apply

DK SMITH. D i,ti-- t.

1 O LET :THE ROOMS RECENTLY OCCITMED0y '. A. Taner as a sail loft, ou Kaalmmafii street. For

nns, pi-a- appiv to .K. . CARTER.Camtni rcial A.lverri-erHM.c- e.



A STORK TO LET IN Niiiinuu stati.l ttecupie-- hy A. s. I lechorn. inNuuaii'i Mr- et. le i ov Ivio,' Sirv.-t- . as a Retail More ; is

titled with lias fixtures, and h is a spacious yard in the rear,and in ev.-r- respect vr.-l- l adapted to the retail

for particuiais, apply toO'li-i- in A. S. ( LK.iill )11N.

TO LET !FIRE-F'IOO- F V REIOCSE. REST.lian li' -- t an I safest storeroom ia losrri. The f

lMiil !:a' in the r ar of Dr. Melvil'ton's store, tiinira sp is, first an seeond storv. the wlio1- h"iin: liie

onv. in. nt an 1 saf plae- - for stora'.'e. li.-n- t reasona-Appl- yt

. (l'.f.'-t- f; T. C. IIKL'CK.


hetwee.i r'al-'tei- ( h jd.d .1. II. Slrallss". A '

. U"0'1 huil'lini.' lot or place for storage. Appiv tol'.UMl T. C. IIEI CK.


U,"'K I. Ul I I.DlM.i, telv hy T. I.. Merrill.PoSrfeS: iou giveu ininie liarely Rent

Apple toTil. C. HEI CK.

TJO-t- f A A''ii f r - H- - Aathon.

C'oIaVe I'EaiiiaSioti t'ov ttzilc !. THE CI LEHK TED


Is offered fT sal". Th'- - Land of the r.antati 'ii comprises nn-

wards of 1 ."( Arrrs, a-- 1 ha- - upon it ;o.oo ois. ,- -

Trf-- . The land is w.-i- l alapl- - I to tti cultivation of ii'--

cane n UlielicUll.t' 111.1 will he sold ov FeeSimple Titl". For full particulars and tei'ios of ooirre .

10 -tf It. F. NOW.

Vai!.a!i;i!si!n LoUrntllE INOEIISICNEO II AVIMJ II E E.NS ai.i"iulcd ti'.-ei- lor the ale and leas e of the

NViiikitlioliiltl Lots!Iieirs to call the att otion of Merchants. Ship i Iwnors, Speculatorsand others t- this tin. Iy situated tract of Ian 1 which is noiv off-r-

ill l"ts at reduced rates and on lilvial and convenientI erm.

I'laii mav he s"n and ali parti.-ul-ir- s rned Ly applicationto the at Rol..-r- t ". .lauioii's Fir -- pro .f Biiildniirs.

N. B. Earlv ai plicati ei should !e mad" IT choice Lots.V. L. liREEN,

Airent for the Sale of Waikahaluiu Lots.Honolulu. Oct. tl, ls.iS. 1-


F2:a::w:si"iioTr:.S--k THE l .MIEKSKJ.VEIL D1XR1XB TO

. retire Iroin Liiiii.s. .itl'-.-- to sell out his entire estah.iliL, m verv favora' 1 The central andconvenient situation of ihe spacii us pr iiiisi s are well known,and also the r. -- p eta - p i;r ..naire the ht-- l ha enjoyed durinethe last twelve year. The inventory is complete and will

hut little renovation. The lease of the premi-e- s is also re- -tm walde und'-- r favoraLle terms. For further particulars, applyto -l- l' VICTOR CII.VNCEEEL.

TIIK MOST DI'.SlP.AIlI.rRrsidfuce in flonululu for

v--s THE INDERSKiXED OFFERSerfyj l..r sale his ilw ioi.-- and or iin-es on lnH .Irw.f 5,JtCtfL The premises arc amorii; the le andcentral iu Honolulu. The main huil Uii contains a

Parlor.Dininc. room,

il-.- room,2 chil lren's sleeping rooms,

Pantry,And Lath room.

There are also two cott-ii.'-- on Iho premises, one containingtwo sleeping and dres-i- n apartia nt ; and tiie other onesle. pirii: room and a apai:inrit. There arc also aox'!, house, two ' r.ins, wash house, wood house, sta--

, camaj-e- fowl hou-- e, etc., etc.The premis.-- s ai-- e suppiie 1 w i:h valley water, and also a Lrick

capihleof contaoiini; lau Larr Is ..f wan r. witli forcepump, which adds to the of the huil iiiiL's.

Titlk. Royal" patent from His Maj Kain-hain-- ha lit. I

b'.'Jra Apply to H. M. WHITNEY.


t fa A : V E It R EOT V I' ES. A M 15 II O T V 1 ES.1 and BlloloiiRAPH-t- : in the Inchest perfection ofthe Art. (Di.t-t- f ) F. BIN 1'T. I



A.TIICi:4TVE'i: AIiLi!KVflMIE ("MlERSIflNED would call the attkntio.v of

M ot his Friend and the Public to ! i Ro..m, over the4 I'aci'ic Coinni'-rci.i- l Advertiser." I'rititine Olhce, (next tithe i

Bi t o;!icej where he is t ikin- - Bictur.s which, I .r tlegiiuce ofs: 'e and softr.e-- s i tone, chit- t be '

Beimf in constant receipt of New si.k. Chemicals. A;c, he isprepared to take Pvture- - w;:h ail the latest improvements.

J r Pictures taken on Glass. P.ip.-r- . Patent Leather, IndiaRuLUt, Ate. ai.d warramed to tn,. eot:re sat:s.';ic:i-ii- .

N . li The Public are iti :ted to call and'-t- f W. F. HOW LA N l Artist.






I '

K. O. Hall's J.. I Storr--

TIEIIE HE OFFERS FOR SAI ,E AXa ..rim. nt .1 r ( I I HE. ot

Koa an I rr.aho-.-an- e.--i t. r tsl-.- -- , p,K-- :i"il pine d niTic. s. le a'. l i"..let tables.Bla.-- s wa.ioit d-- aiid e r wl atiiots. 5 anl 0 -- helves.l'a;n:e ehan.b- r ett-- . c .::i:.-t.- . war'!ro,es, saii.9.K ..i and pin- - a a .: ,iu of1... r.r m I'tr- -- -, as

!'oU'l- - Hil l s'n.'le :ta. U- l is.firun. elbl- - I lie! k- a Side I" arls.N'f.A nn;: S' tt. e s, ict'-man- .

A VARIETY OFP. litiir.r, oth.ce ar:"hir ir. -- pri- j '.'li lirs. r1,:! !re::s cabs,

Chillr c.irr. .!.:T. r. r.t pa'.:--rn-

A L' '.Ftaruiturr of firiv Oe.cTiplioii .Made nml

li t- - pa i red.French po.ishmi..

Vsrnis'..!rc.l"ph atAnd turuiri,

lone w.rli n"" ness i'iN. Or - from tie er islan l pr niptly attended to.1."

Xulicc to Ias!cr. A; Owners oi' WhaleShip.

- THE I'NDERsii; NED REfi LEAVEt ai.ii 'iin'-- e t m ot ( and the puhhc

" ' .n t'i it t'vy h iv- - -- uc d in lea:!':: from theFr- - i" ii i 'V- -r iin-i- .t at Tahiti, tic- - railway a'l downpreu.i-'-- s. inclu ln.; or-1; us- -- . et ' , e'c. a:: are preparedto r- - pas with dispatch and at I"W- -r rates than at anyether t iu, the Pacific. OWEN A. U'JOL'INO,

T.i-- Shipwrights.


E$piun&Je, ou Caj t. Er.W!." t'reu.:

ii. is. hum a:v. I


s':op in Kinp str-e- t, next to lufjir 215-24- 1

Ya IT !?.raiHE IN OERSti; N ED 15 E LEAVE T ,

S state th-.- t ti,.-- haie t.,kvii tV t., p M I" A M" T .

NEAR THE W1IAKF. lately .v-pi- -i ly Mr. A. Itl KOK- -j

MKlsTElt, where th w f.l In h.ippy t aiuial to ai:y orders intheir line. Ity a strict att.-r.t- i u to "it-n- o thty ho to merit i

ii eo:it;nuatu.:i t:.j '.t.iui.u-- " ?j i.xT.iKv b:t iffi-- on tl:.-i- ,

l'r..l.-.-.r- .

210-2i- E. II. At i!. T.nintth.


Tiit. Shvvi Iron k rppiT Ware.K AAIIL'MANr Sl'ilEET, H N0I.l Lt, H. I.

S.iir.mer Pakers. Tin and Copja-- Dumps. D ithinc Tul s, Footand Shower Hath-- . Tin and Z:ne It oi.fin... and a

eei.eral s frtmei.t of Tm are, .

Ship Work i ir mill vviili N;iIii-- anil2s-l- y Df:ilch.


the pul li.- - to his stivk i f ni ateri:'.'.: , cop-i.-ti- idHawaiian and American Lime,


t ike l lay. .

Ei::e Rkkk-- ,I'lasti r of Paris. j

Cai.hoknia Sand,1 1 EKM A N TlIFS, j

Try Pots. '

TRY WORK ' repaired at 1 .m-- t rates. CiM I'oSITloX andGR WEL RomFINU out on luiililiinrs and warranted ticht.

ty llr.h-r- to Ik; left at the Lime House, or lit the store of 1. i

C. Jones, jr.. Fort street, between Merchant and King streets.JOo-li-

I. : Y I S V AO 55 TOA,

Corner of Ilcthel and Kins streets,AND j

F0KT ST.,TW0 DOORS l!ELvW DR. JEDD'S DRVG STORE,A K K .M ni riiKiMiii-.i- i i if r. x j..

CT. e. u'.e i. u orders in itieir line lroinptly and at irpiVii.V ratThankful for past .atranai'e, they confi.leiitly rely inon their

ol.l customers lor a continuance of their favors, urd ttust thattheir endeavors to pleas.-- , and extreme loir r.l'-- of charges, j

insure to them a fair share of business in their line. j

X. R. New and second hati 1 casks an shook always on i

hau l, which they will nt the lowest market rates. Tj7 Sin

C. 22. Y IIj -- j SAUK,Cahi'.itt KaKiT a;i Turner. j

fBH E !.: STAXl). HOTEL STREET, NEARC toe coin r 'f r ort.

r . f .11 kio Is made and repaired.On hand and I r sale. HEADY MADE FERN ITI RE. Koa j

Hoard. .Lest and Plan; Cedar, Black Walnut and CherryBoards: Uos.-wot.- l a, id Mah-van- Veiie. rioir.

A lar'. rt ei'-n- t of vi;l- Mouidin.:, nn l larc" sii!-- ' (ilass.A v ire ty of R - kin- -. Ditiinsr. Ollipe aud Children's Clmim. j

l'olished Collins ou hand a; 1 mai. to order. lis-l- y j


.lOSIA'SO.V Af'lal''lr.iillfli'-w- ' ,1IIIIK'I'VS

A" I :!lfll'Trf :l!i(4r..

Fort Sircet. tifiir Corner of Hotel Mreel.TJTS KSI'ECTI'I LLV INFOKM THE I'l'H1 wV lie that they are prepared to execute any wotk in the

aliove hue, and hop.- - to merit a share of puolic paTronaitc.Koa, Bine and Trimmed Collins always on hand and made to ;

order.Cy" .lohhiiiK done on reasonable terras. Blans and speciflca- -

tioiis ilrawn to order. 1'tf


r ISI'KEI'AREIMII howokiv .

I of all kinds iu first rate style at prices to A. Jf suit the tun. s. Is'w"If? SHU, C ART, CARIUACE, and nil :

other work in this line, will he d ine with a neatness and lis- -

patch not to be excelled.iy Horse shoeing, and all other Business in the Farrier's de

partmeiit, promptly attended to. 192-t- f

CooperinJAMES A. BURDirk I


to his new CO.U'ERAOE on the Esplanade, i

Fort street, takes this opportunity of return- -l.ij (loins lii bi friends and the i

lie in I .r the supi-'- rl and .ron j

which they have been pleased to trranthim for the past ten years, and hopes that by attention to busi- - j

ness and promptness in the execution of all orders intrusted toliiii.. he wiil merit a continuance oi their favors. j

He has on hand for sale upwards cf lOOO hlil. ofCnslisof all 175-l- y


MHE IXIlERMfiNEIl WOI I.I) INFORMhis friends an the public that en the otli inst. he will re

sume his former business a a

mlLDLTw AMI IIOL'SR CARPEXTEK,At the stan 1 hitherto ied Lv M r. Watson iton the Swin ton Premises, Kins street. With every facility fordome all branches of

JW oocl "NN7" o x-- Ittc the bct advantaif, he respectfully solicits a share of publicpatronaire.

Havinir the servie.-- of a first rate workman, li" willa'.-- ., add Cntiitirt Mn K f "i5. T urn ins ami Cnrri:i o Work to his r.;h.-- r business.

1 j-- Stuff sawed and planed by machinery for carpenters and

others. c. II. r:RX. B. General lumber Lusiiicss wiil be Conduct' 1 as hereto-- I

fore on the Fort Street where the lie.,' st':kwill be sold on the m- st terms. loVtf

Tiio.-iirsoA- tV Ai:viiafji':,ULAUKSMITHS,


TIIE A ROVE IIAVIXf; I lit C II A SE Itt e pr.inis. s tormeriy i ieii ny n. .'iinv,,

V are now prepared to execute Ship, Carnane ana i. art--r AVork. on the sli'.rt'-- t notice and most rea sonahle

terms, and hot..- bv striet attention M business t- m-- nt a shareof the public patnuiace heretofore so liberally bestowed, loo-t- f

Notice to the Public!THE I N I) E llSIi; NED.havimr every facility al hand in thefhape of


inform the put that he isrr. 1. .red to mamifacture '

II .. .. .. .. .. .1 1 1 VnLr.and deliver t'.eni at any port in the kin lorn at very reduce I'price. All work mail.-o- t ire' n.-- r materials ami in trie mo-- ithonmirh and workman like manner. i

nt y ...kes uclivcred in irone 1 r mplete, at 4 50 '

r p:e.-e- . Fy-v-i, IK-- is also ready to contract for the j uttinjr up of

SUILDIUGS. very ;t 1 laro'.-- h the materials or otherwiseparties may

he is readv to ci'strnetB.-- i p a prai- ti a! Millwricht.


IIOllSL POWEItS,Or anvthine in that line of bus ness, as cheap, as the st.

TWO Se .f circular saws u hand to put up forth'-s- that want.

One tubular water whf- - 1 on ha:n irty inches in diameter.warranted to cive fall

Having enaited a practical Cabinet Maker, I cm ready to


Koa or other Furniturefn --h"rtt notice, rr Ail ord- -r promptly att. n led to.

WILLIAM 11. WRD1HT.Kauai. Man h 1".. 100. JiMj-ffm

Wool. fioat Skins. Hiclos,

lallow, Composilion,0d Copper.


cider vinegar:a it r els pcre cider vinegar, per

Washington All-to- n, ' f, r sale byJoS-t- t

rr.,Tt V mil

E. 0. HALL.



M survty.-- for the "New erk B ard oi" I rider-wri- ts

rs." taes this iiuth.-- i of inf rnon sl.ip-- n asters that he isala-ay- ready at the shcrttst notice to atu l.d to any husini srequnx-- l ei h.m ill that capacil v.

S. C. of Qjo u's Road and Pctiir.j;. r Stna-t- .

Honckoti Nov. u. U r, li5j. l7-l- y


( i item's I'liK-r-. Sv.lnci.IT Reference to W. L. l!tKS. Honolulu. S. I. liU-C- m

KAAA-AV- A, .1 A l'A !

JOHN ALLMAND. Jr.. A. CO.. HAVE,'Stuhiished th -- mselv. s in Japan f r the purjswe ofcarryiiii; ou a lietienil toniiiiissiiin Dusinev. Theyhave .1 a Line of I'ackets Sau

Francist'o and Katiaeaiva, te.uchinc at oluiu on their way toKanaka iva.

The Lark Rov-r- . t!i pi.un'er of the line, will leave auFrancisco about the 1st of April lor Kiuajtawa.


Wm. T. CoLkman i: Co San Francisco.Maconouav .V I'O ' "KissKi L it Co., China.M. F. oiv Honolulu.

ItW-- ly



J B AS MADE A It R A XG EM ENTS TO K EEPS coiistanllv on hand a lar.--e and well veUi ted stock of




and everything rcquir.'d for a complete outfit.Xj" Eresii supplies, potat.K.-s- , and fiivwoo.1, all furnished at

the shortest notice.Mononui lies in the south-eas- t iart of Lanristan or Douhtless

Ray, ami ia in latitude 115 !;-'-. ti mill. S , and longitude 173 (leg.3s no.i. E. IS'J-t- f


T.fti" 1'IIT'LS OF IRISH POTATOESnow iu store houses.


Pork,"read, Ac.

lss-t- f 1 or sale I y EsTIlA & CO., Hakodadi, Japan.



and st.res of everyReiereltceg ;

Capt. Q. II. S.TLE. ship Milo." A. Baii.ii:k. ship Benjamin Tucker.

.1.11 AiMiv, slop Ooethe." Smith, ship E. F. Mason." HlSDKS. ship Metacm." Oscar dk i;kam.-aii;- e, ship Nil." Daiimanpaiutz, ship Oen. d'HautpooL' Lkkaste, ship Caulainconrt. tf

Virvi's of Honolulu !

A LL PERSONS VISITINf; OH II EM 1)1 NOj on these Islands, should not fail to send a set of (V. II.ISu r:;t'i Views of Honolulu to their friends aLroad,as they will convey Ly far a iK'tter idea of the Scenery, Hahits,customs, etc., of this place, than any works or prints ever published. To he had of E. Bl'ROKSS,

HH-- tf Fort street.

VON HOLT & HEUCKWAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM MOM EI and offer for sale at reasonable prices, wholesale or retail

o elepant styles and I est made ladies1 saddles, cornpietewith saddle cloth, bridle, etc..

Gents' saddles, bridles, bits, spurs, etc.,A select assortment ot ladies' cloth eapers,Batenl leath'-- raiu-rs- , for lacing and with elastics,Shoes and Iipers,Children's calf, patent leather, cloth, etc., hoots and shoes.Gents suiierior calf Liots and sho-s- , slippers, etc..Fine meaiuo half hose, black silk handkerchiefs,Pieces black crae, fine white all wool flannel,Blue and pink flannel, Irish linens,An assortment of feather dusters,Fine "juKhanis, small and lari;e plaiis.Colored cassimere and blue and red flannel shirts,A few pieces of prints, choice patterns for dressing gowns.Silk and fine white merino undershirts,Black silk and cotton velvet,Suoerior bla' k cloth coats, pants, etc.Anil numerous other article. jao-t- f

v. aioir aV ai e:i c e


T i ri vTL or . ii cl O O XJCST RECEIVED BER


X for this Market by Mr. I. II. Arthon, viz. .

ill cases, (l.r Im ittles each.) pure Hollands tiln,00 " (15 Isitt'es each.) " " Imported di

rect from Schiedam, the very Lest article in themarket,

25 cases best Martells brandy,Mantetty'a ale and porter in quarts aud pints, cases 4 and

d z. u each.

Ilrst Ilriiml ALE! iu piula.Cases 8 dozen each, at reasonable prices. 156--tf

It A K K ELS ONLY (IF THAT EXCELL-ENTlO PORK, raised and packed bv Mr. K. W.

Meyer, Molokai a choice article f.,r amily and (.abtn tablebeinu milk-f.-- fresh, aud a superior article. For sale at

Vos HOLT 4- - HE1 CK S.


Iveis. etc.. eiU lor r. sses, black lasim?.Cloth and checked pantaloon sunT. For sale l y

icij-t- f von holt a-- hei ck.HAWAIIAN FLOCK. tVr.


, do wheat meal Constantly on hat ! and for sale hy1' YON HOLT it IIEICK.

shirts.FEW DOZEN OF SCPEKIOR MADEA 'hiH-- , all linen. Also, p.x.l ctton, with linen iHisoma,

etc.. with and narrow folds. F'-- sale bv192 tf VON 1 1 U LT & HKCCK.



ItR N DIES. &r.ASES FINE Hit ANDY. SHERRY ANDwhisky. On hand and lor sale bv

J'-- tf oN HOLT 4 HEECK.

ItLAN KETS, iir.EST DENIMS. BLANKETS. FLANNELshirrs merino anib-rshirt- anddniwers. playine car-is- etc.

rsaiet v fEU-tt- y VON HoI.T 4- 11 EI CK.


bae niimix-r- s from January,, supplied.The Er I f r t if s is a nioiiihiy maazioe, of li pace, double

columns, has no .nie-ri.- 'r in literary merit or artistic emlellish- -mer.ts. Each number is with one or two mexr.otintplates, by Sartain. The variety, richness, and affluence of theErlictic articles in all the ih .artra'-r-t- of literature and popu-la- r

seience. iMith and entertaining, stamp it as theLest ma.'ar.ine pabli-he- Apply to

L'Ml-l- m H. M. WHITNEY.


mIE DISPENSARY ATTACHED TO TIIE3 li 0:1 K11.0 Sire, t, will r. open ev.-r- day

fr-'- 7i until 9, A. M., the of medicines to sickand indigent Hawaiiar.s. Per order-- .

J. W. AUSTIN,16T tf Secretary.

STORY PAPERS.IMIE NEW YORK LEDGER AND TIIEI WELCOME (iUESr, ts tii publish J weekly, contain the

choicest serial literature to be obtain 1. Price il a year. Backnumlers froru January 7, 1'X). supplied. Apply to

ool-l- II- - M. WHITNEY.


..n han I and for sale at the Royal Hawaiian A ricultura.1'iocicty's Gardn. 190 tf

ciias. wcicxirr ruooss, . riiw ipi, tmuD r. ball, j.CHAS. AV. BROOKS & CO.,


fomiiiLssioii Merchants123 Sansomt street, San Frnncico, Cnl.

fjARTiri LAU ATTENTION" GIVEN' TOthe Purchase. Shi!mrnt and Sale of Merchandise ; to

and Trsnshipment of Horn Is : the Charterinf and paleof Vessel ; the Supplying of Whaleships t and lbs Negotiationof Exchange.

Evrhimsp on Honolulu in Sum If. anil.ADVANCE MAlK OX CONSIGNMENTS.

REFER TOB. F. Ssow, Ksq , Honolulu. Jas. HrvsawKi i, Boston.C. Bhkwir Jt to., Hknrv A. 1'niH'k-- , "J S Walk kit. I H ts. limn KK, "H. II u kmi i & Co., " THAYKa, Brh.ham b FtRLD,BlENl. PirUAN, H i". B.U'n.

St TTOM Si Cl . New York.SwilT At Ai.lks. New Bedford.

P. C. M Kl RR. 1. c. msshi 1

ic i:i 1:1: sV iie:i:i:ii,imToiiiHiissioii ileiTlinnls



Rrjfular Diaalt'h Linrof lltHluln I'nrkrl..J "f All freiirht arriving In transitu fi- - the Sandwich Island.,

will te received and forwarded by the " Retrular Dispatch IJne"'FKKK Or COVMISSION.

Particular atu 111 ion paid to forwarding and transhipment ofmerchandise, sale ..f whaleineu's bills, and other .vchnape. In-surance of merch iiidiie and sins-i- o under open policies, sappvmH whaleships, churteiiui; ships, etc.

4 3 ami 4 5 CIifornli alre-rt- .

RRFKR TO :Captain B. F. Snow.Mesrs. f. Bin ah A- - Co., J ItoDoluuKi

A. P. Evkrrtt, Esq., JB. Pitman, Esj., - . Hilo.

UO-t- f

2sSrw vamp tr

3 St? il

$.T1LT0 .bI ci'--O- w

- v'4. ,' r'" Grocer' aYiI- -c

'. s li -- aoi-

tlni. . ..t toe"


JAS. PATRICK CO.,;io-C- m Sole Agents for Cahfornis- -

131 SANSOMK JSTItEKT, SAN FRANCISCO,4 Ci ENTS FOR JAMES CONNOR & SON'S.t. V. S. Typ; Foundry, H'.d Dealers in all kinds of Print- -

in? Materials.17" Printers will find it to their advantaKe to call on vis

before purchnsinp. 113-- ly



Snn Francisco, Cnliiomin.' id or in, m Yauciiaver't Ia.REFER TO i

Bank of tiir Rkpi blic, - - New York, 17. S. A.Messrs. Ooriiom, Bhcck t: McAtlifk, 44 44

RoHKRT C. Janiov, Esu., Livero.l, Orent Britain.Messrs. Janios, Crkk if Co., - Honolulu, II. I.

A. J. Cahtwriuht. ., 44 44 196-t- f


MORGAN, STOXK & CO.,Commission and Forwarding; Merchants, 8an Tranciseo, Cal

References, T. S. Hathaway Messrs. T. t A. K. Nye,& Swift it Berry, New Bedford, Messrs. Orinnell Mlnturn &Co., New York, John M. Forties Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per-kins k Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterrnan Esq. Honolulu. tf

.1 . D . P A 1 1 T 13 It ,(LATH O'MSARA k PAISTBa,)


PAPER, CARDS,And Printer's Stock generally,

1 32 ('In v si rrrl, nrar Sansomr, Saa Fraraelassa).1U7 iy



the most reas mable terms, and at the lowest prices.Warehouse, com- -r of Davis and Washington nil, San Franciaoo

1 j" Order promptly executed. fTREFER TO :

A. J. Caktwkioht, Esq,.,. ............... Honolulu.


W1XES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, cfc.1IO Monljoiarrr at., Snn Frs nritro. 6fl-- ly


13 randios, w xx o siAND

ljiqiiory of every Description.101 FROST STREET,

Between Washington and115 tf SAN FRANCISCO


pORDAGE OF EVER V SIZE MAXl'FACTt'RED to order. Constantly on hand, a aire aa .

ortrrentof M JSIEA ASU HEMP HOPE, (all aiaea). BaleRojie, Tow Line, Uskuui, &c., for sale hy TCBB8 At CO.,

ln7-l- y 139, Front Street, Snn Franciaoo.


mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice1Corner of Qi kkn's Roaii and Pottisokr kTbekt, llfnkns J

XT Refers to THOMAS A. J. CABTWtlltiBT, J. C;Spaldi.v;. Honolulu, Sandwichlslands. 104-- ly

Ex fiirent Republic, Cioocl Hope,TELEGRAPH. REWARD, II.OCEAN and REPORTER . Fifty hilea assorted

Du k.ft--0 10 Fifteen bales light and heavy Bear buck. Tenbah Funnels, assorted. Twelve cases Canton Flannels, brownand bleached. Ten cases Kentucky Jeans. Fifteen case e..

Twelve rases i2, 4x4 ami 4x2 Apron Checka.Twenty cases I.!. ached shirtings, all widths. Seventy-fir- e casesfavorite brands Print. Twenty raes Denims. Fifty casesTickings- - Twenty bales blue, red and gray Blankets. Also, afull assortment of

Iloiisr-Furnishi- ntc Good a.Comprising Linen Table Damasks, bleached and browD ; stjerTable Cover-- ; pillow-cas- e Linef : Linen Sheetings; Quilts,10-- 4. 11-- 4, -4. assorted ipi ilities ; Towellings, NaPkina. Dia-

ler, ii .vli'-s- ; white family BlankeH ; embossed velvet Tableand Piano Covers ; Li. aeh-- d Sh.s-tiiigs- , evtra fine. Also, viaIsihmu a full line Hosiery, Oloves, Delainea. Organdies,Dawns, Rolx-s- , Jackonetts, French Muslins. 'ainbric, IrishLinen, etc. And a general assortment of FANCY and STAPLEDRY OOODS. suite! to th? Spring Trade. Also, ex Oracle,Eliwi. Denmark, trC., c , Velvet Medallion CarpeU ; Rfusaelsand 1 hree-Pl- y Carp-t- s ; Ingrains, Hemps, English and American Druggets. Table Oil Cloths. Oreen Bai7rs, VI mdow btiad'- -and Hollands Brocatelle and Demasks. Baper Hangings andBorders.

Agency of Jewett's celebrated 5- -4 tB 24-- 4.

Invoices very low-- p. iced Flower Oil Cloth, now ending, andfor sale, at low rates, by FRANK BAKER,

110 and 112 Clay Street, 135 and 137 Merchant Street,21S-C-m San Francisco, California.


EXCHANGE FOR SALE.rjIGHT EXCH A XG EON CII AS. WOLCOTT5 BROOKS, San Francisco, for ale, in unit to suit, by J.B. WALKER.



) iI. I


: r

; I' i

i V

' f

I '

c c in rvii r. ci .a. x. .

HrtnCV.iT. J'-- LT 1. ls0.

5rr tVe f xir last oaT, oj V -'--5 alt., the tci--

lowx ha re tvea the pnac'ifme rin arr.s a! andAt thia port :

Ja I Br ? f. hars Grwian. M3 . !ayi frawxj, v J v s 'jr-r-a K Co. i.edinn rtf ;:i J . y r Trti, V :Jfe IA . KJua. B -- . i. 1TJ CI..7, f.--a New

lactic, t C. A. a:iajs - C. Irji-JkJ- f r ai aa,

JT la. Cwmt, K LrFaa. Zi da't P- -tMa.:-o- e p--j wvh wn luaaW k C A. t H. F.

!k4 tn.i r siiiM:i.r ul-- f IfJLM bvk Katii-e- a. IXi. U 4ri f.--xa TirtorU.

T. L, w Jj Jin. 4rm C--

J-- 7 13 Aa. har rut, ? a Saa Frai- -eiar. wwa L C- - A Co.

Tae vrftii awl c, s ttt freijra prts hae been verylew. aa ia aaoal inrnf cr usivr EyxiOia W Lave nowfcars to acy rr ho the N if-he- m feets.

9ur tbe n tlxt lul ira.'.. there hu heen a oar I iuuh i.''m. lb new tar.S taTi-- f for U.M e?rcl on

th aeu T Jje. t uUr tha tar-S- , the chafr,arsthr:

Doty tottJi. cm, aad epics. 1 i yrr cest. orf ton'gr em." oa aaer mere 4rx4ir, l'j per eeci. do.

a ba m li tal ultr Un ckliaLU, ! 'par n-

on wiaea tfe araao. 5 p--r ont duty ad iuef.m oa eider, br, a aad yufjrr, ric9 Ii per crtt jco.'.i!,

10 pT ort.t. d:." HI V 'tTAM Of fWrTJ OrrtCTiplXstk, rr 3ft jr t-- actol, j

Tfc tr:!r 4 fc.! dls::i ky kit ciuvi f .rr', tst I

ha ba tarred i'lto yno by th ir.2ueooe f the .

mirr the isfos tbat it w ctw. iry in order to fdsce j

rereeae avScieat to orr; co ue (tjvcrsseT. Tbe'aiaaoat aoaa-e-jc- ! eatnvucd If UiteiUt.t m.!ct--- j

la, t&jU ery littln iocraae C rerrcte w.U tt 4eriT.I ustirr tar i

Drw t&r?, and that be at lse upr. c U.e (ta: i,r- - :

pent cgf tbr nuvnt of oor j rt. t

la Iml E-r--t jrytAr.r.rj. ty( on ir.y". iJ tirfiT- - la oor last iae Loi4 i'n.! t t--' r.t r.t:n.

Zxebasgv oo ta. Eaet haj bra ia f- -r f--i, J-- t- We ear j

that I be mail bnr aJTir.--i that I". S. Cocj-iU:- e b.r.f of tht ltAftU reia-Uoo- f aspaM a: WalIro 5 r the ui r- - a aj j

fiTeo t ooa-;3- U of orerioua bul. t:x : tLat ?:lsapproprUied fc. that o't bad bn exjis.

Or- - Xornrm. Tbere apa.-- to h eur.M!raMeity la tbe api-ao- o of tfe A TZ.erirn Gvmza Cocsa, .f me cajodre Sn4n Lbe ansber of TemT ua-i- cbartrr. Th lut o.!titers 4ne that tbe tASafa are :

?h;p Mmiaf Lirhx, Johaaoo, V.T doe here July 2aPolyaia. M --r. in rail fr--a 6n tnsCMa Ja'.j 20, '

mar to vxra h--re.

5 !rr Sar, Wle, b. ail frota S. F. aVot AuiM 1. !

Maoelzie, to Sae . V. about the toi of Aaut.kctrie rpari, Caulace, do. iio. do.

Tft Dotice in tba 5e Tork tapers, that a c Ear 1 of Trjsteaf U &aaoo Cofcpasy haa recect benecvd,a appan trtbe Mloirj-- r I

i'ffn linurti Gro C' W,a,am 5trt. New Y rk Mt li. Zi. $

At a mating of tbe PC !;'( -r of th ia Coccpaay, fid .:t

4ay tbe fcalowtsf gmttcea wtre Ircatcra tit the eu:-tc- (yar:

ft. B. Lamar. Thoetaa M. sbepard,Wa. H. Webh. 5i:n, I

June T. basforl, Jame R. Whitirs. jKooart Fort. I t: 1 B-- gsacfort.C S. Manba.L J

And at a tubterjeect mertin cf t:e Tnuteea C. S-- Mirha:iaa ooacanoealT iMlmH Frrr.d-- t ; VrA R. Stacfrol, V ice j

President, acd Uowara MaUier weretarr a34 Treaaarer.Froca 9ev EedSTrl, we learn that Urje teporta of rnl coet.c-we- d,

which teaded to kerp tbe o:I carket It wooidappear by the tlowin (rou aa exchange pafr, azyt fnci otherreliaMe soared of ioawmatwa that cual oil is liirty r. prremry datros to tfe hal;? baiaeM, which aiider freaert j

srwv U, wa:y cMirint ihi. ye,.Oil Tat TV of ew Bdr..rd fcel the

inroad winch are beirf cmvtacU.T noa.e ot-.- n th-- ;r baic-!- e bythe i&trodartioa into u.e Baricrt f larl oii, enal oil, aDd cam-pten- e.

and t"T th pwrpcae of nut r. an endea to ret re oilb U pxilar car. lby bare apr a enmnuttre tomitmrr-.pL- .' i to the aratnt of f .O.Cr, which ta to be ezpadiin purcoaeicc a lamp, reeeotty pateraol, which ia deiiel Ujttbe turaicf of whale oi).


Jfrw BDrr Oit Maaarr. Th fnl Market the pat wkLa been 4ulJ, with ew a. altboosh tlrre i in- -cjoiry ftr whale oJ mac u?artcr:r,--. a; i Ecyl.-s- ordera f r

perm is erjCera hard. In aperm I'tn bbla. hav been 4d J

cn prirate tgrp, nm1rfid to t 1 30 pT paa. , aui i'o jkm. part mfery-e- . at eqaai to f I Zi

aJa ' .TI VLfJ!Ti 'v ; at 4 cntc and bMa. tame I

carro. I Cfrptrr't.) rrl, at i2 : a&l 40 brj . dar. at 4o orrjt.In the Loodoa Dartrt, :n ai. rrra oil waa offer--d at I

iM : pake aontlwrn M ; j m --al b--ld at : cod at Vl. I

At Uarre. in- -. oils were is Um:td demand. lhe only j toa be-.n- ji.OC) kit whale, to arrive y reraela expected inlvtiat f. 54 per SO kil. doty pwiat. Whaiebooe. bat l:ttledoin.bat price are neertb-H- - well aaT'portd. The ooly aie toreport ia a K of SU k.I-- orthweem at 4-- f. per i kib dutypaJ X. B. ilan-iar- May at. its

! Pbate at IIBlnlai, ia Jaly.Jy. m. J dy. b. m.

Fall Vooa.... 2 14 A. New Mot Is 3 M.taat Q carter. .10 Z. A. I Firt(knarteT-.2- 4 7 S A.

LATEST DATES, received at tbia OI

Baa Frori,eo........oc 30 j Losdon, (pa pen)..... May 20 iPat-aoi- .N. U May 10 telerraphic. . May 24 of2 e I r. a. Ipapers; Joce i Par- i- May 20 J

tele Jane 8 llovirkor r ...April 'JOTahiti. Feb. 4 Sydney, N. s. W. ..March 17

Skip Mail.Fca Fa Faasciaco per Frances Jaly 14, fto-da-

t gTBstr pr KatbW en. too.Foa Lawata per NettieFob Karai per Excel, to-d-

F.hi i, Hawaii per KeaaolochL. y.

F.a Hilo per ett Merrill, y.



ARRIVALS.July F5 h O.U1 Feia--, Candar. frnra Hacalei, Kaoai. of

13 Aci bk Yankee, lorett. 14 dayi from San Franeiico,with pwaaei.4rera and mdse to It V Wttrrmu A Co.

IS Scb Maria, Meiteno, ron lahaina with firewood. the14 sa Neaue Merrill, fm Ililo, with ujrar and cv.iasse.17 sea Sokaa! i, Marchant. Ir.fn Koca. with 14 bate the

34 do pnlo, vjjO oraT.. 1400 cocnanala,10u) frt akira. Ac Ac

17 rca scei, tm a oo Kaui, wnb firewood. of


JoZy 13 Sri Kanva. Win or. l tahaina11 tyrhv Maraarec, f,jr porta on Kauai.14 erb Emu iUoke. Oadwxk. tut Koca Tla t--i14 Am fr.jr Ccwca, M'teilan. 1x Pugvt suond.17 ecU Maria. M.ateno. for tahnria


C. 9. JiofK,f-wa-r Leract, Jlnct.Am bark Tacaee, trett.Am bark Frase- - Palmer, Iiy. S)Am vb.p ramurl Kubtrtaen, Tabrr.A cd bark ZVe. Boah.Pr..-i-h hark Karhlern, flint.Haw aclK-- r Man Via. Krjk.Am aceamec Kiiaura, Bata. !

! evenla Ex peeled fraam Fareixa I'arta.j

Am ship Radofra. Bnrlxt, mailed fmm Boaton May 16th. wiLi j

aated carro v C. Brer A Co. :

Am bark Ounce. Scaiia, acnld leave San Fraaciaco for this prrt,about Jaly IS dae Avj. 10 to 14. j And

The rl'ri-- r hip M .nurc Lchx. charrerM bJ Ind at Baker'sIaiaa.1. ia esp-r- rl to leave San Francisco th jabmt the 6th nr ch Jute dae.

Ha hark il W. Wood. GheTk'n. new) saiVd fretn PrrvnApril , with cargo to II. liarkWd A Co. dae Aug. lfr.h ito CO h

II. B M "hip Ca'ypao, Motrrsor. sa.Wl from Pa arr a via toTahiti, .r this prrt. i he


i thatFaow 5a Faactscx ram Tasaaa, JriT 13 : j

J M Smith A Co. 3 hoses. ;

C. Brewer a-- Co. 20 hnxea citrara. 3 pk rs sattptre, 1 J k? 'aalasoo, 1 pkg sperie. ae. --avulre- 1 eaak hams, 20 pkpa brorrv I

I tai & Ahe 14 ri tsdae. 1 pkj sper:- -.

At 19 caara !

Melebera 4-- Co. 10 tle ! HackfeKl a-- Co. 2 pities Kdsc. . FadWilcox, bac harts A Co. 24 k; fatee-m- . 'A. Harria A Co. 2 prka-- s.

H. W. ?eTeraore 10 Pa --aixoc. j inA. P. Crerett 1 bell and fistnrea. 3 raf store,. !

Waliata scott li bosea quahoira. 3 boxes oyster, 1 cask aclaret. 1 caaa hama.

I .For ach. N-t- ie Merrill 1 wheel and fixture and 1 boat. isFred. L. Hants A io-- 2 anchor and chains, 1 pkg s; airs,

2 eaaea yuera, 1 box picture.WeLia. Farv A lVx--' Exjrcsa a case.Jaa. V. Btirdeo 4 raaea. i

Saiauol C. AUec 1 hag tpeci. j

IL Hoix 2 cases i thatD. C. waterman a Co oi jki mdse, 24 bajs pouters. 2i)

IM airr. 2a M ft inmber, jw qr. aaeas n.w.

i rleCastle A Cooke laeava rodse. iVoo Hoit A Henck 2 pkr e. iA t Cartwr.rht 2To sack prortoce, 60 bat-- hay.F. Starnhorst 1 ca--e an.1 2 cbatr. ! noJ. II. Ma'lett 1 cart-Andr-ew

Palter 1 packa.J anion. reen A Co. 27 pes n1e--H.

j theMaaire ft bri and 300 qr sack Soar.

If. Jf acfartane 1 ooxen billiard i


ancvFrom ? per Tackee. July 13 Mr Thotnaa j and

a rem ML-- Aetna. Mr Whipple. Mr Macfartane and sont apt W ia Stoat, Cac Wm Ba'-sje- a. Fr--d L llar.ka. Flerrmann , theTon H jit. Mrs Coilins. 2 children and servant, lionald Wai-- h,

wife and an, S P Carpenter. Mr Kaoolana Grett- -

For 9 Faact-- o per Fracces Palmer. Joty 19 Mr act !

Mrs Poat. Mr and Mr McClay. and a chiMren. Mr and MrPope, eh. Id and serrant. Mrs J M Smith, Wm ei Brash, CaptFUnt, Mr Iiennia. Mr Almon. J H Strao. Mr Cioper. ChaLierby, eo W.kxx. Mr Lew era, C C-r- k, W Gulick, Samuel TAlexander, and la the teerm-- r. do.

CDUTV3L ' bone,For Laaaisa per Krnma Rook e, Jaly 15 Prof Wm D Av-node- r.

O D Ho--i John It. Mi and xtaater lnmond,MiM MaTrina RreU, J Waterheaia. HAP Carter. Mr Atoo-.-.

waistsFront Hawaii per NVuie Merrill, July 1 W C rarke,J jds Marriaon, James BKaett. Ke W P Siiiptnan.

From Hawaii per iiekauloJii. July IT II Macaire. U

Clerfet, Martin Beck, and 81 nal.T. i

For Laaaitia oer Maria, July IT B F Durham, M Rajnee,Mr Halser


F-- t ? i p-- Fra-v- o p:a.. Jury J i- - iu.-- t

j .t. -- j 1 Ya.- -t ; Jtj. il.1T 11 t4 5 j"


I -. thj c :j. Jir 10. of t i--t J h IIu:.c(f LjTerj-- -. --.! ij i- -r Mr b ' J U 1

ti .r Irprai..t 'A t t fi--- t

t y--

' ! .G:s: : ran Frr..Ca' a. Ji;- - 5. f .

: Mr. Kir Sl.i i: j. Pr.-u- r. af'rf f.r a Li-t- r tf

voiaOii: .j.The n;;rr.r fr J-- !y 5:h the Firrn'he A tL:- - iL.rIV-?r- . '.':. --

of uS?r.ipti,ri ha.- - eirlrr-I- . &-r- r-j- tfullvrjL.-t-- l ti for.tiriii zht sara-- . Wehajp v t rv.tlve ar;v cri-r- ? fr o;p.iea Ij fr-warir- -i

f,rr.:n c uttri-.Tisy- - rj j j'-- r jtr.num.

7 ". when to a f.rrliTTi couttrv.

THE PACiriCCommercial Advertiser.


Ti:e rrj'.rt of the Bj&ri of Educa-

tion, jaMLshcl in the last three nuajhers ofthis raj-er- , La doubtl real Fy m-- t ofour r"alrr, thouzh extreaiely ler.gthy. Withall that is sail Ft the Pre-iers- t of the li-ar- we'I j n ar--e, but his on the uF;ect ofteaching the Er.Iuh laaua,re to the Hawaiianrac-- e are v-- ry aj pr rriat--, an 1 cmb-j- y the expe--'

ri?r.--- r of thvi who have devot1 xtujet time andattenti ri to t:.e subject. Yet the report fails toaatisfy t.e i ii .'yncrutle reas-nit-i' of the ovrrn-mer- .t

oJit.r, who would shut up every Hawaiianschool and half the children of the landadrif :, that the xprr:a..Rt of the ui theEnglish linguae iai,;ht h--2 provci to his individual satisfaction a failure. His is f--j ah--eur:J t,at n,j int-HI'- -nt IrS0n Can eriouslv en- -

terrain tne f rop"jeitior.".When an individual proves hims.-I- f to be inca--

pable of c-- ' rajreliending the plain, practical in--!terests of life, and by inept speculations, actuallydoes to every trterpriso withwhich by any chance he b c.ra id- - r.ticd, it isnot surprising that men of ordinary oom!

give little Leed to his utterances up...n aay sub--)ject whi-.-- demands sagacious and manly action.rather than windy platitude?.

Xoverth-'-A- -, since it is jrj-- r 1 ' y the g j- -!

emment jar-- r to rob the nation of its vernacular.and eicco inoreiiVtr the language is V

jj.j u A nuL-a-n. alwav and ev.:rvw!;.,re t.,' " ,t--? ahateil. one Can but l 1 eUTI jUS t know Wi.itgrounds, if any. there may -? f.r assuming apjeiti jn so extraordinary as this.

We are told su'e-tantiall- v tliat ail .ic in- -

structi'jn in Hawaiian should If; relinquish!;that the entire K-- h d tax, with whatovvr additional aid the trvverninent aav be able t j farr.::),"should I? applied f.T t'ie opening and ?uj p rt of

nijij1 sho-jl- s ; and all the chil irc w ho cannotacccmmo.iat.--- d in such Enjrlish schools as it

mav SUlt the l Utp an l abilitv of the govern- -

ment to opa-n- , should Ijo remorselessly ccr.signedthe limbo of ignc ran.-- e and vke.Now the mod'.fty c f the proposition, consider-

ing its origin, is truly refreshing ; and whateverfault may be, none will doubt that it is suff-

iciently definite in its expression. Its author fig-

ures out the entire pecuniary bearings of thequestion most satisfactorily to himself. Toothers, his skill in financiering is quite equal tothat exhibited in his reae-jain- g, whilst as a polit-ical economist, his genius, it must !; acknowl-edged, fairly outdoes itself. The financial phase

the subject need not here be enlarged on, thereport of the President of the Board of Educa-

tion having shelved that as a simple impractica-bility, both present and prospective.

But, looking at the subject in its other aspects,we would fain understand why it is proposed todeny the Hawaiian people quiet of itsown language? Of what crime have thevguilty that they should have thus wrested fromthem the right of speech and thought in theirown mother tongue? Oh, none at all ; but thenthe native is so insufferably barbarous a dialect.Very good. And the ? a miserable scum

creation. Such is the reasoning of the gov-

ernment editor and philanthropist, who "takesresponsibility,' and would even wrench from

pXir Hawaiian his barbarous tongue andplunge him instant-.- r into the overflowing ocean

English civilization and thought, just as wemay suppose the cultivated Chinese might desire

do with the barbarians of Hongkong and otherEnglish speakers in the flowery land. And whynot? Can it be denied that the English is bar-

barous to the ears of the uninitiated? or that theacquisition of that most melliiluous of tongues

Chinese would cp'?n up to the world incon-

ceivably precious stores of wisdom theof indefinite milleniums be fore the creation ?

the Celestials are fullyIt is indeed true that the English : tains vast

stores of learning in every of humanresearch ; yet it Fas never he.n demonstrat. J.

bv our astut" reformer f the g vfrr.m. ntorgan, that the mere p.uttir.g a striiling into hisgrandfather's wig and Fn-ech- - s woul 1 necessarilymake of said stripling a wise or a venerable man.

so, till such proof is aff. rd-d- , we pr f--r to

cnfes our of tus-.-ne- ss to the !aini he laV.ri-ousl- y

puts forth, a-- a p 'litical and social ivd :mon.iint'!v as a matter "I cn veni-nc-- ?. h'OVeVer,

hims-- If, we would modestly recf'mm.nd thatmake his first re formatory experiment upt u t,rfriend of the Emerald It strikes ut- -

they would afford a subject va-tl- y morefitting for initial d. raonstrati'.n. Wipe out thebarbarous jarg'.n of the Irish- - rs : not

mothe rs f then:." who by means of thisnewly p rfces shall r."t have teenmad- - to swear by bl.ssed St. Patrick and drink

wbiky, in his native brogue ' Kb thatin

gem of tiie ocean" with the tre-asu- r s garneredthe Knglish. and sh-.- t- - the wrl-i- , on

scale ,, grand a.-- this, how easv and etf-- ctual. ,

thi concise mvtnod of human culturei. Tais

accomplished, Hawaii nei may hopefully ome in atr- -- v.t.t an

--seriously tnough. it is not a little i

our would-b- e reformer, in filling out hisprogramme, sh-u- ld have left the Hawaiian

them-elv- es out: Is it that, in his lordly-view, they are mere chattels, things, having ,

rights and co - .e. s . f their own to be cf'regarded? Or Would behave it supp.d that cic

people desire to be revolutionized and re- -j Jumodeled after the foreign ideal ? The supposition

this people desire anything of the sort isahjsurd. as all know who have any real aceiuaint--i

with them. Thev cle-av- e to their own wavstheir ewn language. The former wiil. in

course of events, naturally yield, to someextent, to fitter wavs. whilst the latter willexnand and refine to suit their crowinr necessi- - all

..j - ... ' .v

. - j-- -. .-v -

demand precisely as all languages are known toThe strait jacket, with its murderous whale- -tight lacing and e.ther etceteras for tor-



naturally forms into pipe-ster- n

and contracted chests, which acivilization par t irtlitnr p rtscriU-- s for its femalesubjects, would 1 ju't as desirable and just asfeasible fur IlawaiiMr-- s as anv foreign ine-diur- of our

-- r i ai n'A a

It ttu-- t. fi.::i the nature : cms-- , l--f a

i: ) thatlev r jr.;:

r. J Ut-- . j ian in character.I: it t:.-.r- v u I..-S the ia.pra.ctio- -'

&h-i..t- an-- J &ruri:tT c the yr il to Ar:;'.i. irethe iuir.,is that i.Vu!i t--e well-Cviirii-e- r-i

f v rVf-rv :r:-n- -i of tr.e r..-e- . We refer est- -qu-.-s:- i :r..

1 ivli Vn-t.-i-v sr. ate h fr.-- 4j t j o'K)ihiUr-.-- n fr:ta ull :rjear.s ofar.i tLna to hopl---- s ij:njrar;ee and i:lr.tla-a- t cnuen irr'-iiahl- e ruin inY'.zh worli. Tj t--? ure. one wh:, in the facecf all eijerlm:'?, c.yr.triri s- -j 5tr-nu.u- !v thu:Hiwaiiar. shouIJ haT-- ac?.rie--i thrm the

cf vjtivr.a! in: .xUi:i-.- on g.j-A- " liqj:-r- .

ar: i t:.--- v sao i'. I ra;r-.V- -jr W t i.:k aiau-ftae- M" and arn iro-j-- l xaanners in

th- - cha--:-e .'.a.'u. raiht to en:--r i

ar.'f-- r ir.ti an er.t-rpri- se of this bat frhumanity's sake, i: i- - lelievei he will Sr. J few

r- -.

True, he ve.yil 1 continue this p ro-Ce- s-

i.nly til' the d jverr.iaet.t might h- - able topr.'vid- - English schools aeevasi1 le to the mtire

p ulaii-- n, (which wjt:ld be n-- vr) or until thedrcr---as-e of the should have broughtthe number of pupils down to the capacity of theEngli-- h schools originally provide-!- . Which ofth- -t should prove the actual alternative to be,would matter little to him.

Rtpublirau Presidential Xominntiona..Vltho-g- h remov..--i from a participation in the

scenes which will s.Kn agitate the whole Amer-ican every citizen of the United Statesdomiciled in these feels a lively interest inthe result of the Presidential canvass which is

' now , and which promis.--s to surpassevery previous one. who sympathize with

' th- - Republican prty pr jhably f.rm here a minor- -' ity, the majority King admirers ani supp-crter- s

of the Democratic partr.As our read-- r are already aware, the Dem:--

cratic Convention met at Charleston, S. C. inApril. but after a of nine days, broke up.without n. tainatintr Presidential cand'idatt-s- . Andso Fitter is the existii.c the twowing, of that party, that it appears very

wh-tlic- r any f uni .n canbe settled on which will to unito it. evenlong f f x a I "residential canvass. Certainit is that n LFii.ocratic randidate. oth-- r thanr ijghis. can make i v..-- a fair show at the North.And iv.-i- i with hi- - n in.e .n th i'-r- . the re-

sult rjiU- -t Looked on as an uncertainty. Theprobability is, that the Convention at Laltlmore,

has I for President a ons-rvatie of the stamp, of

or Hunter.The result cf the actL-- of th Hep.uLIjcan

Convention at Chiag-- created g:n-r- al sur-pris- -.

Th-r- e is even a of disap ntthat Gov. r i, the acknowledg d leader andchamp L-- of his has l.o-- s- t aside acomparatively unknown man ; and yet the actionof the Convention exhibits a shrewdt;. ssand tact,which on a Sober Second thought, lalist le ac-

knowledged as wis-?- , and may result in the elec- -.

tion by the people of their nominees. Through-out the North the announcement of the nomina-

tion has been with the wildest enthusiasm, and the New York llrald even predictsthat this fall's campaign w iil equal that of 15-5-

when "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" was thewatc-h-wor- which stirred up. the Union. North

. . r 1 If - 1 1 1 -ana sou tn, lust ana est, as it neverbeen stirred. Mr. Douglas, on hearing of thenomination, said that Lincoln Would sweep Iili- -'

nois with 20,''0O majority over any op ponentbut himself, and he doubtless the truth.

There are several causes which tend to makethis fall's campaign one of the most exciting everknown in American ; and among th-- m

we mav state the p revailing desire with the m;Ls. s

for a (henyr, which is evident in all parts of theUnion. Times are hard, and the people associatethe idea of hard times (incorrectly, no doubt)with the ruling administration. Then, too, off-

icial corruption was never to prevalent through-- .out the Union as it now is, causing general dis-

gust with the ruling party, and creating a desirefor s .mc-thin- new in the minds of the peop le,who think no change can 1 f.r the worse. Addto these the fact tha't the candidate selected bythe Republican pmrty is a emmon, d

man, who has never had six months schoolingnor the advantages of a classical education,"who is a hard-fiste- d laboring man, emphaticallyone of the reot le, and svrot athizinjr with them,and it will r- - quire no p rop. hot's eye to foreseethat the tornado which sw. pt from the" a

Ohio to the Mississippi, destroying whole villagesand forests, is nothing compared with the polit-

ical tornado now rising an 1 destined to sweepfrom Maine to Oregon, with a p.jw. r never yetknown in American history. It will Fe

than a up heaving of the lab"rir.gma-sj-- s, who h M th- - balance of p w. r in theUnited Stat- - -, and who, v. r the nom-in- --

may be, it will prove but child's j lay t rc-si- -t

this p."werf'ilAs - to tli-- - Republican 'nndi-lat-- s are com-parativ-- Iv

' new in n," and entirely unknown tothose who have long at thes islands, wegiv-- the f'.llowirg ri- - f sk-tch- .-s of th-t- n, whichwe find in tbe New Y.-r- ('omm'rrial Adf-rtift- r

Mr. Lincoln iwh"e Erst r.irae t.y the way i A- -m, n-.- t Abraham.) is a native of Ker.tucky, hav- -

ing ten txra in Hardin county, m that rn thel'Jtb Februarr, 1?:0. His father iiel when Abramwas but sit years r!d. leaving hi? fatr.iiy , an--

they .xr. after removed to - uthern Indiana. Mr.Lincoln ia emphatically a Fe'.f-mad- e man. He was intarn a firm laborer, a workman in a saw-mil- l, and atcatman rn the Mississippi. At the age cf twentct.e he migrated to IlHr.ois, locating r.ear fprlr.gSelj,tbc Mate capital. Here he worke 1 cn a tarm as fhire man his first year: t be next year be w'. a clerk

a store; then vclur.teert 1 tor the Ulack Hawk war,anl was chosen c r..ain bv his caiMi.T: the nextyear he was an ensuocf ul car.-l- lte f r the Leg's- - ofiarure, t ut was chosen next, an i served fours:.-n- s err.-.n- r.t s an 1 ne I:.y tncreasir greruTV:,r,; Mu.i;t..j .V.T, meantime, and tc k his pace

the bar; wis early ! as a most efectived Convincinz advocate of ""Vi.i,; rrtnclpl'-s- ; was a

Whig ctn li late f. r r..ecte r in ne ,ri v c r ouite everyVte ieut.xU.,.T xt fT(. m l?c6 t j l?oJ inclusive; waschosen to the XXX Ci :zre--s from the central district cf Illinois in liM5. and served to its cl. se, n:-- t a can f. r : an 1 in 1;!.. witb- -

. bledrew rrom cs an i iev tel t.imsc.t to t:ie pr ict.eef bis X until 1 -- :4. He was the candidate to

the V.h'.zsf..r I. . . r. it. r tet.-r- ti.e Leg. s. muresen t.'iat year, but they were not a maj r;ty of the

so he declined and urged his friends to supportdge Trumbull, the candidate i f the Anti-Nebrask- a

who was elected. In the;ga of lr-- his came headed the Fremont elec-

toral ticket of Illinois.Though recently active in polities, Mr. Lincoln has

kept himself singularly free from their corrupting infiueti -e. and it cau te siil ef him. with perfect truth,t'.iat t is 1 itferert pcl:t:Cii oppc-rier.t- have always ac- -

t jkcow.e-Jg-- i tne high integrity, the uEspoited p.ur.tyar.d unwavering b- ntsty of his character. Among

classes in Il.invis, the riqvtt t-- honest oidV. . - - : . V..i:(l,." .....I I --. ,Oa .. .i. . n 1 .. r, T- -I. . .- an i - -e: ia ll IL. .li - j -a uic ...a

bur,e tut dvs.Mr. Lincoln jus-ic- e when it says cfh'.mthat "this rude ies'gtiath n, invented ty uterhLg i p- -uiar instinct, exp resses tr.e entire an J lay

which t'.e heart of the mas--s feels f- r Mr. Lincoln wherever he is known; it declares the p

that his is a nature - f sterlicg stutf. w hich ofmay always relied cn for perfect integrity ar.-- c.

leiity to duty. " To this high perscLa! char-acter, may le a.i le-- J a moderation ar.d cc ls. rvat:vetendency of mind, which will make him acce .e to you

very be--t citi7en. to W h g it: 1 A;:ieri--ri- s as

wrll aa t j Al J L. u. J The Itcvra'L" cCLi2:e a n ia f u".:ra ic? tr S".; i. usterir.2 ?rn The ri: r- - c. e c f Iv.c-crat- j

csy n i Mr. Line:":: worthy c f their c. 1 5it-r.e-

Hon. il.isisii H y.i.:N. the L r V:ce Pr--ii- :,

it f re-i-:- ;t L". - r. T r fr. ni Mi':.e, wc'.'.

c:er an 1 of so.'.-- H t u: a few';:reliefer tba Mr. L:.r.c.!n. hair.jr t-- n Urn in Au-gust uf tr.e siiie ver. He is a '.iwttr, Lut fr thela tweLtj jc-ir- r has tern :d pa t : e r.fe. Fr .trj 1;

j he a a liiert-t-e- : cf the Ieg iature cf ,

ar.i for three cf thtx? rears he i-- the of i:sHcuse cf Ketresc::tati"es. In 1?40 he wis eiec:ea at--e i tr cf C tjjrt. n.z.1 f.r the fvlwireterm. In he was aj-ii- a n:tu.ter cf the St.ireLgiIa:are, an J the text yt-a-r was c.h.rsen to S'.I a cy

tca-vae-- J ly the .irath of John I'airSeU in theL'tiiteJ tes. la he was f.r the fullterm in the rn e Iviv. tnx resign. J cu le'.z

cf Maine :zilS'. In the sirr.e Ccith hew-v- s agaia e'.ec::el the L'. ?. S-Lit-e f r :.x,which cfoe he aocertrd, re? gr.irthe O .c rh:p.lp to tbe tiie cf the passage of tbe ka

t:.i in 1?-S- Mr. HiSi.'.a w a ireahrr cf the I'ea-O-crati-c

TLetce'.rwarJ he gate his support tothe Kepat!:can f which he h is erer siace con-t.a-- eu

a faithfai r.i Jistiruhel ieaier.

Ljt r : ai this a :. r an es- -ter-ie- d aCcv-UC- c f the Ct rvia-.T.i-.- f laviL theccrnrr st.-r.- of the Qu-.t-n'- s II.Tjital. hat thef a.jJresa of oar worth v S.vcrei c, will

t. It iaar.v nob.esentiments, hut tii-:s- ir thir p ar.ip I :i r ar-tt- d

iic-u.ari- are aaior the lUoSt fui ap- -prpriate tjrrwi we have ever Sc-c- ar. I willh- -' cc'pii and adrairc-- d wherever the Eagiish lan-guage is rt:d :



Lariu f the Corner Sionf of Ihr iuffii'Hpiial. Juiir 17. IS60.The Q veen's Hospital, established f.-- the re-

lief and cotuf..rt of the indigent sick, has alreadytaken its place among the prominent institutionsof our Country. Founded, as it mainly was, byindividual charity, its existence bears honorableevid--r.e- e to the fviirg with which this communityregards the necessities of its humbler members atthe time when they are least able to express their

wants. Contrihutkns towards the supp-or- t of ahospital, are declarations of kinder aforethought,and of a long sifted plicv of l:-v- toward thosewho neeu har.ds than their own, to smooththeir restless pillows. The means a: our disposalare not drawn f.rth by the sight of any particu- -

lar se that shocks an! haunts its. We dj noteff-- r up ..ur alms a. a p raver t . ;Jod. that Hewill save us prs .r..iliy from such anguish asw see !- -: re u, but quietly and with unshakennrve we j rovid against misery that needs mustbe. th' ugh we see n. thing of it. In a word,there was nothing spasm--di,- r fitful in the fe.

whi.-- d th S" who a.-i.-t-ed in theestablishment of the Queen's Hospital. Whattheir hearts sugg-sted-

, their judgment recom-mended, and th-- y act.-- because they knew whatpufJ-.iiig--s, so far as human -- knowledge cancalculate, are in St. re. To alleviate these latter,

these mi, ri. s thut are to K- - -- wii. theirand aim, though t!i-- y oven who assisted t affordthe reli.-f- , before that relief could be administered,had thelu-elve- S the p'iile of thisworld's ; and, I.-- t me ask, what noblerlegacy could man devise than to be virtuallypouring oil into the wounded d..h when his ownilesli .ias gone bey...i.d the physician's skill, andturned to dust and ashes? Writhing in theagonies of dissolution, such a benefactor to hisrace might smile to think that some being un-

known tj hira might find one hour's respite fromor even escape a premature deatn. involving

perfiap the death of many others' hopes, bymeans of prescient svmpathy on his part,

Un an occasion such as this, it becomes me, theSovereign of these Islands, to express, in the nameof my people, the sense of gratitude with whichtli 1 i L.r:i i f e-- .. n.l f.V .l i n rr . .f Vi c.ttVi-- . V..l r....lo.-. v v ....o..o.j oo.

.1. . i.., . . tt l c ico i..e Vueeus nospuai i.ave mientlieir hearts and mine. Jnorant as some or tliemare, and still more or less p.ssess.;d of p rejudiees '

which they have inherited, they may fail, for the j

prc-sent-. fully to ap p reciate th that you ;

have rendered th-- m ; but I feel assured that thetime will soon arrive when those prejudices willcease to exist. Already we s-- e passing away themisgivings of those who doubted that a hospitalwould ever !e resorted to by pure Hawaiian.The trial has been made, and it has succeeded,not perhaps to a wish, but beyond our expecta-tions. Th.-refor- e it is, that in the name of theHawaiian people, of humanity, and of that char-ity which levels all ranks and sets all distinctionat naught, I tender my hearty thanks to those

,t .i-l- ewr' Ijave as' )n this enterprise, in tt.e nameof the wretched and miserable, I thank you. Inthe na"'- - of the otherwise sleep less, I pray youmaJ at eas- -' anr in the nan;0 of the dying,

ho die IIlf,rt? puiiiks.-i- y for what you have done,1 desire from the bottom of my heart, that Ion- -Jeitr3 ol 'aI T 'ness may bo in st-- re lor you.

But let in ? vou that so l"nc as sicknessshall, there will be a duty imposed up on us.Charities, like taxes fi.-- the ccmmor.we-a'.t!)- have-t-

le met from time to time. There is no tc:v giv-- sum, and claiming n

for all time to come. You give according to yourmeans for the time ng. When the next callcomes, your capabilities may great r or !- -.

and according to yr.tir ctipmbilities y..ii wiil settlei


with y.nir cor.seience-- . I d- not nvy the manwho would wish (if such a thing wer- - p ossib, ) I

to p ay at one instalment all th- - claims .f hu-

manity. There is s:m.-thir- in ''ii g j

calh--I uj-.- n trom time to time to acknowledge,however str-.i.- .wn health mav be. and


how.-ve- r prosperous our fortunes, that, after all,the destitute and the si-- k are our brothers and ; tsister our I.t happier f jr the tim-U-in- g. hut j

our liability to want and sufTering the same.This it is that makes us human, and metuh-- rs ...f j

the h u m an familv. S .cie-'- mak'-- s distinctions i

broad enough, but strip us of our artificial i

and we are .tie an-- all equally nake.-.- ! ar.d e'juallyexposed to the keen winds want and the t'.r- -


mentsof dis..-as.- . I trust, theref re, and indeed 1

1 conf. , that vou will c ..ntinue sur- -j

p-- rt to this it.stituti.--n- .'

Since the h s ital was in the m-.n-

August las; y-.- ir, s me fifteen t.undrei dif-r-e-nt

case have n treated, lie-- pr n ofliS ha and no d.-u'- t tne.-v- n f

those deaths might have b-- :.-i had thepatients mad.- - earlier ap j lieati n fr relief. Asthe instituti-.- te tter known the sick willd.'ubtiess r-- s- rt to it while th ir mala-ii--- are intr-- incipient stages and t.v-r.-- i re more

of cure. Already however. V"ti have en-

r.e pr-ot- t. Alr-.-ad- v y.'U have theaverage : it or.iv ia a SlightEv-.- n now you mav- - say that, under Divine Provi-dence,


you have been instrumental in saving hu-

man life. There are persons moving among us,perhaps here present, who but for y .ur II.

charity never have lived to s-- e day.But it were needi.-s- s me to detain v u ur-o-

this theme. Your o n hearts that p romp ted youassist wh ile the scheme was still an J.

wiil vou tt re, j ice. and tj furth-- r ex-.--

vour now mat astirat.or.s arecr.wr.ed with suee-s- s : paiti-i-ularly- , will you re-

joice; ran

on this day which sees us met tog-th- er to'

the stone - f a s did building, which t jVours-'lve- s will be an earnest .f the ; the

the lat.r of hive t- - which have t your-selves, wiiile tjn future n, it will be amonument t. your memory, wl.ich wiil p roclalai

f.r many y- - ars to t hawb-vn-, in y jt-.-

fvnerati- n. bei,, fao: r r th- - hnmau rae an

mti: oi" tiif. vi:i:k.The Qrns"? The -- f layir.g

the Comer Stcr.e cf this p'.a.-- e cnTu-.s'i-

lost a; II k A. M. The pr tts-- i .ii i ra.el at the teChurch, aal siarcheJ t.--. the site of the H

pita. Lear I'uach IX wl, accc-- itcj tt the vrissue! last week. Her M ijrstr the Quet-n- ace- -J

iy several laiies. arrive i on the r.ut;l N-f- rethe proccsska. The cote-;.- -, i.ies were ii-ca-- hvprayer in Iliwaiian Ij R;v. M- - A rrust re c g. fwli :elty a Lricf extvaipo-r- ai ess in ty the

The Cvraer Suae was thra la'J r z !- -

the cerernv r.ies uf tbe Ar.c:e:.t OrJer c f Free M:.s:after whieh II. s Majesty a.iie a aiu-ira-i ie aI veryappropriate in F,:i.;n, ipuL.'.ir.ei ir. er

Cvluaa, walch was llstraea to with the t-- stcarke-- attcr.tiv a. Tw; appr.p-ri- :e hycas in v--Watiaa were sacg ty the chotr cf Uev.

Lcwci: Smith's Charoh. AwatCaT btrou that the ladies, of ha a lare aatater were

l preseat, as Weil as most cf the foreigners, were! shie! Je-- i fr.ta the sac. A large croi cf Natives

were j reseat, hut not so maty as wcuii hae at-tci-

J, Ir.i 1 iae a'tiee teeu ivea thetu. We gi-- e

vr tse list yf articles jepcsiteJ ia ti,e C.-rae-

i:ae, which was cf Waiaaae sat: 1 suae, hewa tyMr. L'ua'.ea. The size cf the lower suae was fiaehe; that cfthe upper '2'Ji.Z') iacbes t

A at roty; L.xi.r of ii.i M cief-.y- . I V.

" - J!lsr!jr.:r.iaeritn.j HiWAi ir. F.Me.

C:j y cf the Lavr rf ih? Kinci- n:.I Co L,;r of the " Commercial AiTerUitr." - 1; y:5ia-.- " "

Hawaa" aJ -- Friod."J.:ft of Off.-rr- -. ar. i TraKee Qaeer.s H ; ;:.J.Cc i y of Charter. By taw;. R-- '.r aad Refutations of yaecr.

H :tal.

Lt of Satoribers to yaeec" Hos; ita!.

Dr. Hcgo STaxGEXWALD. This gentleman, wholeft Honolulu aotae years ago to study medicineand surgery, is expecteJ back by one of the first ves-

sels due. It may not be generally known that f;.ryears before he left here, and while practicing

his Jaguerreaa art, he studied with whatsuccess, will appear from tbe accompanying tcsiizao-nia- l,

from I'r. J. W. F.icharis, cae cf the first physi-

cians in New York t

"Wi;ii p'.Aiire anl pri !e w return to T-- as a a'ocfor iam'itrine H jo star. ;eild. wb rc yc a ei tj u? as a itnt

t ir. lie graduated at the New Y r Mel.clCoi.-e- e in thu cay a year ao, tannc o? f.rr.e of the ..--

oif h:s cia?5. li diploma a- -J cert:?a: wui a;::,thoe honor were well earned : and to ail h.s of.ciai iccj, I

y a i i ir.y ii.i vi.iua! er.J-- rr.ent.The Ni Y.i.--k lo!t( it coe cf the WpaUy crsaaited

Bteuical c!.c--.. cf the state of Sew York acd frnra it crcrnc r.ce-tner- .t,

ten year aj, it assatse-- l and hat taamtat'.eda h.-- h in the of rcedica! Thecla?e f- r fcradaa:i-- havr s fus.ined s

; ar.-- l the M. this so-:- have been to:i- -ti-.- of rubl.c trust ai:d hcor, qu.te arore the cf

sch """- i- the country.My t:f. 'n if a of th: coi;er, disec-nnecte- with

the .i- -; artc:f-:i- f teach:sr. hi siven nie cprn nuitv the!at n'.e or fit year? to rx the'.i'T.s f th" crai ia-.- r s of the obool. 1;. cfthe cia.-r- rt have praduaHy icif roved riurii.c tte ah le fri.U fc.y c--r. wh-;-- 1 tut-iut- of try cenj--rh:p- ) ani a j roudlyexceJK-- att t:..rter.t wa reached y the c. f Ij th:cl - cai of the !;iho-5- t honors was juty asearded to your fr:e--

an i f- i. .w c ut.tryciari H. Sta: cena.-l-In hi r--i n: t .ur cf he ha enriched his store of

a:.! jo t y r!-- at irr from .tais. set. - Is an l;.. m with h.ui n.any evil-t.- cr f ul

.rch i:.t- the- arrx:.a of mf.'.ical an! ; hy:cl it n.-- Am r.c?tother tv.i:.j. ttie ,. lrn;Vo--- Cz Han-- 2

iry. a:.! us-f- us in ur.l jf of the"

Naval Ball. The ball ca board the U. S. ShipLiva-J- , on Thurs-li- evening last, wis a brilliant af-

fair, net excelled by ajay previously given, afloat orashore. Although the night was d irk, so admirablyhi 2 the arrangements teen mide, thit no inconveni-ence was experienced in boating the guests to an I fromthe ship. A double stairway resting on a large cov-

ered scow, rendered access to the vessel very easy.I n board, the decorations were the admiration of all.

A profusion of fias, evergreens and flowers, around,ca every side, and overhead, gave an enchmtmentto the scene that will Ions be remembered. The corn- -

' paty cf guests was large, but not crowded. The ab- -sence cf II is? Majesty and Prince Lot, detained by ill-

ness, was regretted by all. The whole affair wasi conducted with great credit to the officers cf theship, and the occasion formed one of those pleasant

i reunions, which give variety to cur monotonous isl-- jand life. Mrs. Gregg, Mr. C. R. Bishop and Mrs.

I Lieut. Reynolds, acted as la ly managers, an 1 theirj duties were performed with the most admirablegrace, lne Iterant will sail prctaoly next week IjT

j Lahaina, where she will remain f;r some tea d ivsand then rroccel to Hilo, and perhacs return tothis pert.

The Kilatea. The steamer commenced her inter- -island trips on Wednesday, July 13, her first tripbeing to Kauai. She will return cn Saturday orSun-la- morning, and will proceed on Monday orTuesday to Lahaina and Ililo. As scon as practica-ble, a programme, giving the ports to be touched atia her routes, as well as the days of departure fromeach, will be issued. The fares have been place 1

low, for natives, the same ns cn the schooners, andfjr cabin passet:gers, they will be but little higherthan those at present charged ca coasters. Th. sewho have teen long waiting for an opportunity totravel care ft rt ably, can new te gratified. B:thKauai and Hawaii will well repay a visit to all whohave the time to spare for the trips. We give be'e--

a list cfthe steamer's oSeers t

Ctif tnin Win. e;. O'crr and Pilot Creorze .

Ertijirtrtr J. G. Hiok.J.j.i.f-in- t Enginff Iaack South.

The Nettie Merrill. The regularity and prompt-ness with which this fme little vessel makes her tripsto Hilo and back, must be a source of prile to all in-

terested ia inter-islan- d navigation, and indicates a jI

new era in coasting facilities. Her last two tripshave teen rnide in seven and eight d ivs each. Pas-


by her speak of her ar.d her accommo.latier.son'y ia terms cfthe highest praise.

Capsizcn. The schex cer Lihuii'to, on teirghr-.- e

d' wn list week to repair her cop per, accidentallyheeie-- I over too fir, ilel with wa'c-r- . and sank al nz-- :side the wharf. Fv the aid of shears with chainsdrawn under her, she was raised with no grtit difS-- !cilty. an 1 the water p'impe I out of her. Ot; gx,drtb-e- t the accident will be that tiie ve--- e! ha? renclearel of the ri's, and buz- - whi:h always infest oureoa-ter- s.

rFLi'-ior- . t'r. .1. Mott Smith has laid on cur ta- -ie s'-ra- specimens mini'?, which in s:ze, he.auty

aad fJivor we have r.c-ve-r seen ex- eiie-i- The-- rueas- -i

ure from 0 to 11 inches in circumference and we-i-

each ahout eight onnces. The tree wh'ch produce-- !

tb.eo; n that planted and reared w::a so much care bv '", i

Mrs. renhiii.-w- . on the premises formerly occupied i

by the late dpt. P., anl has bcrr.e thi- - season nbc-u- t(

2,ri marz-e-- .


Nf stt Pox. A report reach e 1 town en Mondir,that the snail pox had brckn out at Waialui cR this 1

islan 1, an ! thit there were seven ca'e- - cf it there.Dr. Robert M'Ktbbtn, jr., left f- r that place on Tne-- ;

, te examine whtiier the rerort was true, hiitwi.l prr-tar-.- ::t be back fore to-da-

Salt Mr. Diniel Mccfg-mer- y. cf Pu uVa, hi? re-

cently erect? 1 a wicirni" f r grindins salt. Themill i now in sncce-sf- al cperation, we have receivedfro in hira a sitrple cf the salt turned cut. It is asnr.e as impcrtei ta.-.-.- salt, ana w:.i s:- ininto general use for donie-ti- c purposes.


Ma. IIfci. Our readers will the inte'-lig'--r.t

.lat-anes- who wi here wih the Ft ii

Cjfr s me t) years ag Ey the Yink.rreceived a note from him, datel, Kanagawa,

Japan, accompanied ty a porcelain cup. and a notereminding us that he still remembered us and his

nclulu friends. We are harry to learn that he issuccessfully established as a merchant ia Kanazawt. I

Thank-- . We are under cb!'gat:-- tj Messrs.M'Ruer x Merrill, Messrs. C. W. Dr. ks ,v To. an 1

W. Sullivan, Esq., cf Sin Franois-c--- , for vest fi-- .v.--r in the r.e. line; also tf. dpt. L'-vett- Messrs.dpt. tctt aal F. L. Hanks, fr papers ani memo- -

la.I'irD. Tbe large grey carriage horse rwrp j

dpt. Stott, died a few days ago. while at pasture onother side of tbe He whs oae the Snest

looklt-- g horses we had here. Id.v. Why are the Messrs. Harpers moderate

drinkers, an 1 at the same time shrew 1 business menAn. Because the-- tike Pu week'y ( ) l

1 e'.ve no ered'.t.

" r 'f - '"nd their M a nneme n I.Suar rintliti a


Mr. F.mtos Si?-- : I :a try tna. li ... ...

wihei t a.uke a te'.-.ark-s t igir .'.-:,- v

that a vaiae cf ogi-"- -t -

:'i ;4 si iei with, ut iocreaelng tiI row t r.cfeJ to ex-ria- iacet.t ar.Duut.exposes c t.e p.r

will U ccaSnel tomrseif. 1 r r rva-K-t,-


r a : ' f t ,1i i '' ' &:c;.e at. i i.uhie wiater ciaes.

firther at rrescat wiater cjjUitg cut downbeforeupc-- t .e Iaa-- ce w iter.

arjl - ia' te e cutthe grcuaJ...aal tw. iar.,rs up-.-- a

J.wa, ibeace the uatae.) The sii.g'e mt caaes

arecuitiva-ei- , hu-k- e !, J . aa-- m ie into sugar

te'ore g-- . to w.v..e .e aoui.e v- ---

tO-.-- w the arr. w. an 1 the arr: lecaes tefore the are cut oiiwa. uch "S the o. iuiathat st: ;ar can- -

couatrr, the tt:ag c cpiBisan.t be tr aJe until ti.e cate Las eaei tne arrc-w- ia-

gie winter canes are in u... ,: double winter cacea in OcUber, Novem- -'

ber, andUpc-- the We.t Ic Jia Islands. St. Kitta in particu-- j

lar, the aim and cijeet of the platter is to have as

' nanr ia 'le aai as few double winter cartes as pc.ssi- -

tie for the crop, because it is we.l enouga kdowd.and practically demonstrated, that as scon as the

cane shows the slizbtest sign cf to seed, it has

done making sugir, an! tgan going very fast to de--

cay. Thit if it had been projr!y kusktJ, ripened .

i . . ' . - --. 1 itiaMii.vna V.-.-tllanl cut J)ti i;ore iu ktj, iuc tk n mere than if it hsi n al- -lowed to live on until it had she! the arrow; an--

that the srgir car.e is s-- j rtpeael anl cut down iaother couc-rie- s in and about the same parallel of lat-itu- le

as th'hse is! an Is. even unto the one-ha- lf of theentire crcp. is quite true.

Ia a J Jiticn to the above, there are ether alvan-c.r.-

jent utxn a chanze cf svstem. For in- -

stance, it trom a quarter to cne-na- .i oi me crep a

t removed ia the months of August and September,there wo uli te a clear gain cf a couple of monthsupon the your.g sprouts for the following crcp. Therewcu!i also be a' gain of two months' interest onmc-ne- every year. This is the sum and substance cf,the whole matter; it is not a Utopian with me,for it is as old as the hills, and just as capable cf be- -icg actel upon here as anywhere eise. Some districtswould be more particularly benefited; and as newplantations are about being started, and in thatthere might be more of them, would it not be well todiscover if thev could n .t be rendered more va.cabie?Sarelv the successful practice cf hundre-J- s cf firstclass "sugar estates, and' that w for many years,might te a sife guide to be followed here: but if it iscot, I ana sorry to say that I have no other apologyto effer the public for taking this liberty.

Alex. Penxie. .

SolaB Ect-rps- Tbe great total eclipse cf tbe an,occurred yesterday, (Wednesday.) The limit cftotal observation extended from Oreg-- Territory,through Canada, across the Atlantic, through Spain,and thence to the Red Sea, where it ended. It was

net observable here.

lrnj Jisnisrntrnts.

.McCOLfl.VN" A CAJIPIJELL,MERCHANT T AILe'Rs. Kaahmar.a s r, opposite the

ft. Bar.K. Ca:aiere a: Vt-.:..- - alwavshand. a::.i up in the l- --. :yie. Jl7-- y

SEEDS !ES 1 1 FI.( ) V E R K E 1) S. G A R I) E S EEIi;FR tilt ASS ju- -t received

.ter.j the Seeds i he f. ur.J :

Red an-- Suinr hei.ton? red a'.-- ' r ,u:i J IUdish,

Cal.t-aff-- . Turn:; s.Seet an i raoie Com. Torr-ato- ,

Bear., pea. Oui-:i?- .

Cueuini'er. Carr- - .

Water MuW Ml i:..Eji 1'UD-- ,tVl-r- r,

spiuao-- or Oreen,s-- j iAsh. 5.ue.

s.i!;fy. L:tace,eiaje Orario-e- .

Aljeriba, ic., kc.217-i- h. r. wnrrxKT.


salt ir .m ti.e f'eiri Kiver sa t Work", ccJire andfine. Quantities suit, at the low. ft maraet rates. Also.

l'o:oe, in quantiti- - s to ar.d delivered at shortestnr. WItCuX, KICHARI.S ir CO..21T-3- cj Queen street.

Adfaiiiiistrators Notice.'HIE I'MIERSIGXED HAVING BEEN"

1 du'.y aj4.inted Aamii.:stra:ors on the estate of EdwiaMiner, i .te of t:l,koi. Kast Maui, deceased. reiuet all personshaving dea.and acainst said estate to j.rt?ent the same, andall per-- . n iudeht-.-- to make immediate r.aerr.e-r.t-.

gkouge miner.John

Lflikoi. Ea-.- t MaaL July 9. -0 217-- Administrator? '


An I No. 2 HAVANA SHAPE CIciAF.cJ J ia order. i

A LSO100 Barrels Eel River alinor.. just receiv.i. aud

f. r sale ty21T-2- ra C. BREW ER Sr CO.


A few cloora above Mvnlsoiurry Street,SAN FRANCISCO.


I'ropinetor??, j

(successors to j. j. ita ley,) '

f IAVIM; PURCHASED 1 HE INTEREST;M f.f Mr. Haley in this w!l-know- :i the sj! senben

bee to say to the ell patrons of the house and the public (ren- - '

eraily. that th-- have ma-l- mariV aiterati-.r.- and irut roTernents.and renovate. the h'-- throaehout in the '

rar-s- rnar.n-r- . and have a.iif .l an t PrvateHall f r th entrance i f La.lis ard are detertn tried that in the .

future the house shall p.. ail the reeju.:-i:- r cf a t

A FIRST CLAss HOTEL IN EVliKV PARTICULAR.O'ur Mr. Patten ha D- of th- - house f . r the pan

iwo an-- i r .:er na oe-.-- 5r;tli ijeean '

Stenciers f this Coast f t tiie past eif.-h- t year as Purser, andr.--i r.'aily .'Ters hi servior v, f .miiies ani ethers inVvoiir iu alva:,.-- ..f thir arrival here. !

VT N ' iDvas. f. in T'trtji. C' aches "f tti? Hotel altars-i- T-tf Foster, patten & co. !

Dll ur; sto Ii E !


THE I' N I) E R v I G NED. HAVINGivei l.y the Uir-- I rr.v: ir.-- the Ur.iv-.-

s". i Fur.-- . a r.ew ar.-- l ic.-- flnu. M el ir i tie nd 1 oi le t Ani-'!- -.:i w . :hi:i m.j. Io, ; a

fr- in tr.e ?- - uro ., f.rt rale artici-- : s a i.l be':' at j.r.ces than f. --e.Phy:..-.a- ani others wi--

l hiv. their orl-r- spr-- :iy hiiel at - .i.v:t ry p.r: x-s-.

'Pre, ripiins niad- - up an 1 fr m t!,e best tr.ater.als,particu y fp n. i tuii a great

' n T.' ctur- .

MEi'U INK Hl srs reSli- -I at the chat . . tr. c i: tr.-- -

The f- llowine cor: ; r:-- e a few cf the ar.ctes coi.uin--i in theviz :

A, u re. ia j Kii r'? .rrh'Tea urA dvp- -.Ar.;..- ! A' air. r,l ry c ri ii.Ant jo. . r. rim. h-- ra. Li'iuonce. :.i, as:'l.

Br.!-a:n- bitt-- r. Miriia?. l i. a.ei.- p. cr-- m of n rar.

Can.pi.'r. cherrv pecr,i.ra . of : an i '.crri'.n.c-:- -t rati ccpahir.- -. h.-.- . j.iiis. at'd.

!.v.-- ;!. ci .ij.--r- . I rm sand- - a-- . i 1'. sra-- fExtrac-.- ef a!. i p.n- - rarila.Kxirnct .f ieria i.v, synr.?-- . at'.l. l-s.

Ku.ery p v r. sal:-- . T- p-- w ier, to.i-.- : mirrrr..lriV' extrnc:?. T Oth-pid- ?. tweezer?.

F.u 1 it.l n- -- a. arahif, Th--rr- ee.ra;t. tm!.e.. i

Ilr.ry's . r.r..--, t.:tl.Ha.rdyes.H 1. '!. T.t. :a -- . r..:.i.

ie nan.::.z :rk. h.te ana wax.

Also, Direct from I'aris,LI RIN'S C i:LEn!ATIlI IlXTIiAC TS, C dilerent kinis.

Rt Tuaii-- JEAN M P.IE FARINA COLOGNE,san-- .1 -- re.-::, can i.e. ;u;u'--- p3ie, ;

Burr.-tt- 's ar.1 r.ei-a- l t th waih, t

'.:.:. ir-- - ar.-- l t no .rr-.- i t

1 .iette -- 'ir-- ! r. i:ar.t '.a.r t ru.-ie-,

j IC mk . s. .rf ; t. .. her kus,Hyperi' n fiui i. hair a.-ru- -d. j

C'OSTAR'S RAT POISO?.".New i iv of


Tolu Anodyne. L' niter ait I C'ouh Remedy.21T-e- a E. HOFFMANN. M. 10.



1- - Cents jei- - Foot Ila stLai! or lar.--e 4aar.tit:e. r.t the

NEW Tj IT lYC BER. YARD,op.n e Res.i--c- e f C. P.. Bi.--h p. Evj., Ki:.g ;re-- t.


XJ- - Olflr-- e on Fort slreet. CIC. H. LEWERs.

Brushes ! Brushes !

VINT HRISIIES.Markm hpj-,- -. .

.seam hru'hes.1j.t hrur.he.

SoTuh hrUri'ti-- ?.

Sa--5-fi trurihes.

Whitearaf'i I rcshes.A full niinrtmrnl cf nil size.- sa-- ty : H TV SEVERANCE

Tlif Ruin ll

Mr. EmT"R I'me mr: In year Kt saepeare-- l a lett-- r fr; rn Mr. Aiexari !er Fetinie, cnI wish t j (Jer if A raucb core limp- J -

an-- 1, nr i :u tuy cp.itscn, a n.cre Seeti.met Sol or r:ag tae ju:ce taea Trcm tbWita ii.e i ; . " a ' OX or COr.ta:E-- .

en 1 of the "; rocign, to rtoiv. the Soj-- j

A the j iiee :t t.e Jrawn of tnj eiuroMto the ciatiaerr. A?-- . at tt c'rifjr, c,oU- -

f.r the sue purpose; to th? bvtttaan 1 rray te (F--wl i rf at re.

The abore have :a at Kc'.oa, ttcti E-- Mtai I'ii-tuio- a ;ace arl tn

Brewer P!aLtati a it ca roe an Jer the maatgcf its r.t sujrit.tecleat. The p'.aa wortj

we'.!, ar.I the ) s is ery stnail.It is a iai.ake to sup pose that the planters grwi6j

their wi-- h to erert d.stiiiin? apparatus cpoa the tri.itg Ios sustained ty tbe waste in kiaira:Eg

That wish is rather ua JI up-o- the extretac'mall pre St roaie up-.- n the no. and symp.y

present p rices, which cakes it a matter cf great irn to tbeta to fnl sotae tatthol cf dIspvslLggf

tboe articles.i ao not wisa to oe consuere--a as aiTc-iC- g


manufacture if rum on the plactatior.s. If the Uiailowe-.- l ruw to be made At all, I thick H,nola!awculJ t-- e the proper f.r tbe erecticn of adistillery.

T ' .Vn a ta.. i --i I a - . ' . .r-- i , 1 . . .uui iucic uov.joi, .c

mole cf deposing cf the syrups and moia'ses, aolalso I believe a much more profitable mode; which is

the working over of those article ia vacuum, by which

means a very large prcp-ort.o- may be taaie ictosugar.

Boiling orer the molasses in tbe :pn kettles expxes it to too high a heat, and, consequently, th.smcum h eujjit pi-iu- i i'-.- e., snia.L lasereral c f the Eng!:sb and American refineries theWest Ir. iia molases is boiled ia racuam, an j from40 to 60 per cent, cf a good quality of sugar is thaiobtained. If such an a ci ur.t of sugar can beot-tain-

ed fiom that molasses after undergoing a iong ercyagt, and after fermentation has commenced, hewmuch greater ought to be cur yield here with fresh from the plantation.

I consider that an apparatus capab'e of workingover all the molasses produced at present on tbais'an Is might te pat up in Honolulu f at mattSLVt.Ow.

.My statement as to tae y.e.l lrra . I. rno! assetia the reaneries, is fennded upon !

Ycurs resnectfuli v.Alex. E. McObecob.


Kathleen,WILKINSON, Master,

Will be dispatched the above Prt on or ahont the 10th Auc.Wiil touch at TAHITI if tcSc'ect iadaceiceiit effer. fx

freight or pasife a; piy to21T-- tf A. . CARTWRIGHT.


M cnSideratOe ! .- - by baviric their sheep liausritendan-- by Ic-i:- following tatives and fjreigtiers throughand upjn ti.e.r sheep stati-.ts- . hrery

01x70 IMoti oo S

That all DOOs ayji any cf their Lan.l. known a, theAhuf-ua- o W ni-j- ea. Ouii. 2 M- m.Miaioa. 2 l'auaht. Puukahnanl Aka. will l-- teceiliately shut, cr destrjyed;andfur.her.thatj-ss-.i- l a an 1 wi.l be at ail time, keptahf-u- t tt.eir sh -- t) iar. Is ne.5, pens ar.-- l paths, trthe purj.-s- of

XT A Rear-- will t-- l the heal of every dor killedcpon any of their the--p lanis, d at the LiLue start,Lihue. W aimea, Hawaii.


EXPRESS WACO NS !TWO EIGHT EXPRESSWAeiONs. receivol jer Samuel Robers. n.--

" arai f- .r aie by-- itebi A. V. h tRErT.

Hawaiiiin Soap Works.r-- l"N DERSIUN EI I S PR EPA RED TOI till ail orders f r s--. that he may by thebusiness men of the?-isian.- is. H: eatahiishoent is at Ltleo,11 luluiu. Ary as l a.l orders seuc to hia will t ruended towith dispatch ar.d rauoh r.teajcr.

WM. H. nUDDT. Propnetnr.P. S. soap srrease aiways wanted. Hlft-l- E ("DF.RSIGEI) HAVING BF.EV1 apjxr.te.l the H .n. S. . Hiii-Li-A-- a, Circait

Juiief-..- the ii Juiicial liistrijr, admir.itrator on the estateof the -:e Hei.ry L. limr-ks- , deceased, cf Ivpaiaau. notice Is

herery piven that all jveriarii ho uiy t indeOted to said e,

tc make payment to d. and all l.avinj the said estate, te present theci fer se-tl-

.. ment.3t GlioROK BROOKS.


UndersigTied, (in Bond.)4 f CASES VERY Sl'PERIOR IIOXET--

Tl W s :c.e ll' liiris pin, 5 cases10 quarter cas-- s liaruwcy sherry, (fle.)

6 qrs. ani 5 eighth ca pure llenn.'-ss- . v's hrn!y (dark.)13 eighth casks J. A F. Marteirs trandy,(dark.)

cases Woir s schiedam schrppe,65 brls B"uion an l 1.1 Mnoncahela whisty,&1 half barr-i- s ahistiy.IT co--s W. Washuipt-.n'- s pale Lc.jon iwk brandy,1 1 eighth an 1 1 (r. cask Pii.-.-t- . Castilon A Co.'s pai brandy,10 ca.-- - alcr.h. l. (10 pal: .ns each.)s t.amls pare Jamaica rucj,8 quarter and T eighth rasas P. Rivien braniy,

Mrilt I.iqnr. (ia storr. daty paid.)200 dren J. JefTrey A Co.'s pore India pale ale,

) - K. It. Bv'5.J J. VV. Bri ip-- 's -h'M - l;yas and Bridie's Lcnl.'n

1U- O-25 cases Jaoju-r- a a-- F:!s champagne,

2.') chanione .

25 cases cunant wi:.-e- tf r crr.rr.ur.i-:-- p urj-.-.- s,Cafes Madeira. A sh.rry. rinper in,Cataba wine arxl sachem b.ttTrs.Cases Vriarte sherry, rt wine. Ac. A c.

.IT LOWEST MARKET RATES !1'5ii1., ' c- - -- ?A


,n. N . 1 n. cierel, atii is.::6-i-,- .. H. W. StVKhANCE.

(.rem Tern. kc.CREEN CORN IV TINS. II.MLEN'Jtrys ers. FinEh-- h r e fruits.

Sperm cai4.iles. A.iim nin e car.-he.- ,

rine t i a:i 1 fir as. ai.1 e.

For sale t2:6-1.- 1 II. W. si t EHANCE.


erarker. bostou tans. Car lira F- r . ' v-1-

- ll H. W. shVtr.ANCE.

oitiA;i: coki) A(;i: ii COILS i) ami 12 THREAD Ml- -

a x v.r . i ivrc.a.-e-. rv216 1 li. W. st.V ERA NCE.


F r ai. t vH W. SEVFP.ANCE.

(oniaze.nEMPCriUIMRE. FROM l

:ii.-- :. in j in:h,'att.t.f f.ils. i:.c- -

. s;u;.It th r.e. 9 :.r-r- vl t y 1 f.r-a- d.

Setiinc. 3 ?hr-a- d to 12 thread, w rm'.ir.e.s; ar.y'.. ca.-str.- . cttc-- d heap twice.

F.-- a.- -f"'"-"- ri II. W. SEVERANCE.


3 fu.i sup piy rf ti.-- w ,'., which wili - . i trkt- -- c:-:.- h. w. sev krance.

Crock? iy ! Crockery !

BOWLS. PITCHERS. Ml GS. ( I P Ft AIE5..'mi. to tea :t- c .Cf

s.iii rki- - cei.i.r.s- - up tureen-"- ha.t-- r dih'--. et mi jn-r- sM la-- e t t- her. ,--; r frm.. ar. i U s.

t u.i aci c.:!.e. vefera;-;- d he.sicar t- - w.s, miln fans. Beat ':.". rs. ete. teH. W. SEVERANCE.


Competition !he Life of Trade!NORTH WIT Ll'.MDER


Coiits--j pier Foot !CONsIsTINci OF



For sale t y21o-S- OEORoE G. HOWE- -


Zinc paint.Tins of putty.

Tics of verdijrrls..Tins of chr.--m- e preen.

Tii.s of blu- -,

Cltra n.arineChp tn yellow,

Venetian r-- d in c 1,Fren-- yeliiw it.

Jaoan. turpentine.Vair.isa. paint. his.-.- . F'-- ssle hy2"f-l- 4 1. W. EVFKNCr


TiI2 PACIFICCominerdsil Advertiser.


Si XV ...!


ijsks-- ' ,

- -,

Four Wee!s Later Iroriii

Di'Kori: a.i a.ukisica : j




Republican NcEiinecs for l're-idenc- v.i


Koolutioii in Sicily!T.e ior:te packet Yankee arrive-- cn the tnorn-i- cj

cf the 13th, fourteen iaj p.a.age from SanFrMciwo. bnn2'n5 two mi-- nthlj mails theseof !I.J ? n l Jjie 5 tUe Utter delivered heretfl! 87 lijs frjiu New York.

Welern tht the gu.n clipper .Wurnintt Lijht j

w-- to lei" i" abcut wet-I- t for th.j port, mi l maybrin; U"er n. ut no n;-- 9 Mpccte 1 I'j ter. !

Ic is . l''ia that an arrival Lriti2" us more iiter-t;- nj

new than thi, not inl.v rjircting Americanpolitic but relsil.n. to ItV.ian af iir.

Frxu our Francisco an I Eastern Exchanges,peC'l'ite the following .uuimvy of the news of theautb.broas'ut Ij the :

ft) Califmr-i- a.

Tie Ponj Express his beran I U berenfter t. receive the protection of thefe.ier.1 Government the att.:Ws of In Jims.The Express will run hereit'ter urvy, lesivingSt. J'eph on WetlueliV's an 1 S tlonl iy. ui 1 SnFrwoi-- o oa Tuel ijs u l Fri 1 v. Tuey ci(.nt tored ice tue time t eiht tl tys. By this arranjmntIctrrrsr'tt be ent through from Honolulu to NewTjrlt in Hiirtif day.


w Faisctsco Cirr Rilv?wat. The Mis-io- nj

Di Iurs Rilw7 is steal:Iy and uninter-rup- tc I

lijr, and there is nuw little or no doubt thit it j

w;il b in fanning order by the foarth cf July next. I

Attempted sctcmE. Joseph A. Pnsttrlel toconi-n'tai- ci

le this raornin;. s.iys the Bulletin, by cut-t-nf

bis throat with peukn:f? He w.-v- in a roomtfer the "Aocciou Lunch." lie was found .on!xr the atrempt, and surgieil aid c ilied, themud ts itew-- I u. It wns an ujily gwth, but j

tot a dintforous one. Mr. Iot formerly cun-aa.t-- 'd I

with the Srn of G. B. Vot 6i Co., a mere in --



bj'i- - ta-t- t til l a I rffi business here. erpfcluilywith the ?ndU;J Mind. Afterwards he was inth busioes lj.rnieot of the Ttlrjram, but. givingio'iithit.'ihle cvt Jrttce of ir.a inity, he was committedto the Lucatie Asylum. Kecoverinj hi inf inity,he left 6t the S m lwic!i 11 m Is. Since his return,h b i been subject te !peiLs of flihtiues, and iu onecf thi, attemptel t en 1 his life.

STKAMtRs. The r.icific M iil Steatu-er- sarr hereiifter to run three times a month, starting

from S-i- Knnci-c- o an 1 New Votk on the lit, Utti I

nl 2l of each month. The public travel andt'uiness n doubt will ustin the new arrangement.

5tw Mail AbraS';emi:nts. According to newrlfrfron W.ohinton, receiel by the Sin Francisco i

Putm utter, the p"Mae on letters, and on all transi-ent


newspapers'. niit hereafter l-- e prep ii I by affix-i- s

stamps before depositing them in the office. ThePufma.-fe-r is no lone-- r authorized to receive moneyit tie windows in of p st:ie, anl if he d'es j

, Be will l.e nblied to t ike the trouble of affixing.aips on ea :h letter himavlf. which is more l.ibor j

?ir th letter wrifinz com :u unity can expect that:er to perform, when it is n t his business to do ,


Soaarrrr or Seamen. Several vessels are detain- -tl in Ssn Francis? for want of crews, that indi.rn- -tit-l- article being exceelini!y scarce just now.

Progbs.s or a I'AUirtc Kailboau. The St. Louis j

Rfpublira of tT.'th Msy says, armng ments arecow made to secure the completion of the I'ncifioRiilroad 5o miles farther westward, leiviiig only G'

miles to be done to get to Kans is City."j

United Male.Oar advices from New York are to June 5. The


Pony Express brings brief news three days later.'

KojiiSATioss. The Reiiblican Con-

vention met at Chicago on the ICth of M ly, and nomi-nated Abraham Lincoln of Illinois Ur Priaidiot, andHannibal I! in.!in of M tine for Vice I're-iJtn- t. On :

'the first bl'ot. Gov. Pewanl receivel the largest num-ber of votes, but on the third, Mr. Lincoln wns nomi-aate- d.

The intelligence was conveyed through thekvli(ht. The news spread cannu roared and tl

portrait of Lincoln was csrr"n-- l into the Hall. Theor.e bejtgirs de:riprion. Eleven thousand people

inside and twenty ihouand outside, were yelling and I

hontinx. The enthusiasm was unbounded. SeveralStares had permission to change their votes, and the I

nomination of Lincoln was then made unanimous.The platform adiptel the necessity of theperpetuation of the Republican party; maintains the j

principles promulgated in the Declaration of Indepen-dence,


and embod.ed in the Federal Constitution; ab-hors


all schisms f..r disunion, from whatever sourcethey roar conie; deronices law'ess invasion of anySt.iie or Territory; condemns subserviency f the

to the exactions of a sectional interest; j

adncves rettirn to a rii 1 economy; repudiates thete loem that fh C"nst!rurt;ii of 'ts force carries!ivry into TrHfores; a.Hr3? the norma! condition

of all Terrir.ries to be tril cf freedom; d.-'la-res Kan-f- x

honl 1 be alniittetl an Ier the f..vv Consti.u-ti- 'n; approves f the Homotea 1. Tariff, and i'wiS?

S.:!ny me iure. etc. ; opposes any change in the i

aiturii:xit:..n laws, an I conclu'l. s by inviting theof all citizens however differing cn other


qistinns.There is a ili-ti- nn lerstan ling between the friends '

'f Mr. Seward an J Mr. Lincoln, that the tfrruer shall '

ife the f.rai itlin ol the Catone'. ar.d at his optiontl'er tiie appointment of of Stite or Iinis-t- er I

to' ind. The priramme nio?t pot.uiar. i",that Mr. 1 ha!l a.rcrpt the mi-si.- -n to England,

hen the wh i'e influence of tne government, shouldLincoln be eTect-l- . will I? use 1 to makePresident next tirr.. The nrnee of Mr. Sewirdw:l',it is believed, greatly ai l in bringing alout thisJ?':rSV o'.j.xt.

Thk JtpfE. Thn J.spinee Embi?y arrived atWvhirgton. May 11th, and on the ICth were form-"- y

ruceiveil by the President. The ceremonies were j

of a more thin usually i:nrinz charcater. and werewitnessed by g. eat number of per.ptf. The )eechby the chi-- f Prinje eprc!-e-- I th- - de-i- re of the Ty-t- !t

of J ip-i- to continue on friendly relations with'U govern T.ent. The Pre-idon- t's repone promise-- l

f iltiifal alhe'ence to the treaty, and most cordialfee'injis towards Japan. All the members of theCahiner, Gen. Scott and ( thers were introduce-l- .

At th Ute-- t ! it. they appeared to I gettingof their stay in America. They have requeste 1

th it they m;ght le spare 1 from attending balls crST;-3- j out at ill after d irk. When they heard of thecc: lent to rhe .Vi ?.?. which had teen detailed to

take thera home, but returned with her shaft broken.thought it wis a rue to deii'n them forcibly in

this enantry, and were much alarmed. They arebo iie- - in 1 do not exhibit their former desire toMetric Northern cities. It is poS.-ib-ie their suspicionsil feirs may "eriou-il- interfere with the arrange-

ments mode t ,r their North.Among the magnificent presents to the Japanese

frm the government as well as individuals, the Prej-idr- nt

has directed that there should be struck off asplendid medal at the 1". S. Mint, in Philadelphia, in

of the vi.--'t of the Orientals t this republicThe order and tVe design have been promptly execu-te 1 under the superintendence r f Col. J. R. Snowden.director of the Mint. The medal, which is about the'e of the old Americ in silver dollar, bears a beautt-- Ll

likeness of Mr. Buchanan, and on the reverse anappropriate inscription. Three of these medals havebea struck in go'. J, thirty iu silver, and one hun-dred in cojper.

FvrEs-ir- E ToRsano i.v the West. On Mondayafternoon cfl i- -t week, the 111 ft, a violent and de-structive tornado swept over a large extent of countryalong the Ohio river. It extended from New Albnnyal Ljui-ivill- e to Marietta, being particularly

at Cincinnati, in the vicinity of which manyJ9 ere I t. All the towns along the river suffered"feor less, ho-i-e- s being unro-jf-e l, and buildings

blown down. The steamboats on the river sufferelPafly, and a l.irze fle t of canal boats were sunk, :

a Cincinnati a tvrrifii scene occurred at a schoolRidding where 700 children were assembled, but no

"es were b st. It appears that the breadth of the j

"irr.cane exceed td forty miles, having reached Inde-pendence. Ky., o. th south, aid Preble county,,Ji'o, cn the north. The velocity with which thist'txado trs.velel may Le etimatel from the fact that

, it wm only Uat two hours in going fr..:n Luul-viii- w

, to IVrNwonth, a distance r.j an nir line if cr.ehun-lre-- an 1 .,. n,ilrt When it is Lorne in r.;inl

; torn-.!- ., pursue. the -- nu cities of the river, itwi.l its ppcJ mu-- t h ive Urn iineri-- . !y1 thit ..f toe finest loco:;., me ever run. This

fc.riivlo. in cm-io- n with a'.! which h ive 1 1, rv- -I P';" 1 rt,iry .,, ir, ori axi- - !t

s t 'n: iiz' t es HHI4.W.J, 1 ut .t - ! .t e i :i mil .: jll a!. 1

i a hn.f f 1,1! tr. Ntailv l'y !... 1 to-- i: have l;-- n 1.. y the h'irr;c-i.-:e- .

URElT VtSAL-- Alius S- - V-- riIsiao V. fowler, pr.,.el .J,. vr to the tu . t

lo"V H- - h.I 1 . i:, v u Jen .1.came originally f,--, m Nnl.nrj I .. Ii i-- Ve 4fS'old und Previous to his h I ling . :!:for s..rne l z n Mrr he hi.I l..f. or, . fiv... --

t! ..'. '.liv.y-.-r- s in New Vt rk ; wa- - known, of cour-- c. i It,and very as a nun .,i,i t.. i. i... a

Hix n "PP'-it-te-- J i" his place. F,Jer Laiab-?- or. el an 1 sup M;d to h iv gone to t 'aLa.

At lr.y, eW ior;-- . tn the Cth June, the t.atchUtweri Fl-jr.- t T.mpU anl '.,';,. won l vttitrn. i itue li Ul 2:111

H;cks. the pirate, who rnur I re 1 rpt. B irranltwo boys at New Yotk. was sentenced to be hangedon the lth July. He made a lull confusion,

Some fif'y miles of the Atlantic Cable have beentaken up, to a point exten ling seaward S'ty milesfrom th-- ; hhrre of Trinity 1J ,y. were foundm the cable j i,: where they had been inlicitel Lythe instruments on shore,

Letters receive-- l from Heenan by the .1r,iji,t, sttejthit himself, Mr. Wilkes, of M'.A., Spiritof tt 1 1 ,,'s. and Bd.y Mniligin ! will return in t ie.lj rir. At an alj .urned meeting of the gentlemenhaving the Heenan in tharg", just heldia New York, at Malta Hall, 5l,.'j.i in ca-- h rashanle.1 in. The subscription thrives finely, all overthe county, and the piorpect now i. that 2,r)will be raise-1- .

The political tews in lcates an abandonment of theLnioii party movetnt-nt- , and a pos-ibi- e harmoi.izlrigof the cocSIctiLg rjucsticins which divile the Demo-cracy.

The Territories of the United States will remain nsthey are until tie next session, notwithstanding allthat has be-e- el upou them by the TerritorialCommittees of the two houses. The de-ir- e of certainReooh!. crafts to turn wmntrpr. w.vro.rr.rv W.f.. 4.r..,..I - - " l.lir(;-T.V.-

Iating machine Ct the of emigrant ail com-pim- es

has been the mischievous agency in j roduciLgsuch a lesalt.

Kiiropmu.The steamer Arabia brings London papers to the

JOth May.The Spanish army of Africa Lai enterel Madrid

amid much enthusiasm.Pulltnger, the defaulting Crvshier of the L'nion

Bank, l.xl been sentenced to twenty years penal ser-vi- tu

le.The Gbeat Eastern. The Great Eaxtern is

to shII on ti e 'Jth of June for New York, andthere is no doubt whatever that she wiil sail punctu-ally on the day tixe l. The number of passengers tobe taken out is Limited to first clasj. A largenumber of Lerths have already been taken, and thelin.lte 1 number fixed by the board will, it is expected,be taken iti the course of a few l lys. The time whichthe ve?.el wiil remain at New York wiil depend uponine aruooni oi atiraciion lor vi.-ito- irom wtncu tnecompany hope to derive a large revenrie. In additionto this, negotiations are going on with one of the de-partments of the Government in respect to the char--tering of the ship for the conveyance and laying ofthe submarine cable between Ring-xi- and Singipore

a link which, if supplied, will place Calcutta with- -in HlK il its t.f I.on.lort- -

The t'liiMPioN's Bki.t It.-iil:- i atlast. Bfll't Ltf .f M ly I'Jth announces that ameeting took pace between Say-- s and Hem an at itsoffice, on the lfSth. to discuss measures f--r the ter-mination



d the dispute between them as to theof the Champiotrs t. It was ultimately

agreed that t wo new belts, exact counterparts of the!

One so much covetel, should be made, the amountnecessary for their purchase to v raised by publicsubscription. Each candidate was to head the ':- -t

. . .. . . . . . .r. ml. ft 1 L.. I t i : Tl... I I I ..1.ii i nic urn io w ueia ojr iii ooouiirm. j uci oeii j

will rem an ia of tue proprietor of Belt's i

Lift, to le fought fjr by whoever m y re to thehonor of wearing it. S tyers has tngiged to retirefrom the prize ring.

The CuAMHONMiir. The Morning I'ust" If were cqu il to maintaining the

isays: of champion he ought to have upheld if, ns jI'

lei the public to expect he would .' If. how- - jj

ever, he finds that his arm is permanently inj ired,or that from any other cause it is desirai le he should ;'

give up the beIt, he should have done so at once, andopenly, stating his reasons, and he might have retired Ij

with honor to hiux-e- if and s..tisf.i'tion to his country- - jI

men. As it is at this moment, Heenan is (. ha'npionof England. Sayers retired, and Heenan defendsthe belt against all comers This is tantamount toan acknowledgment of defeat by Siyers. If be had j


made it a little earlier the recede of Enzland lords I

and ladies, tinkers nnd tailors would not have sub-- j

scribel jCo.OOO for the pitted hero f the prize ring." I

GAKtBitil"s Expkihtio.v. Garibaldi's expeditionin behalf of the insurrectionary luoveu.ent in Sicilyhad ejected a landing at Marsala. One of the ves-- jsels Conveying his trt.ops was sunk, and the other '

Captured by two Neapolitan Irigites, but his voluri- -j

teers succedel in reaching shore witii their arms, i

ammunition, ic. They were met by the rr.yul troops,land latest despatches state tint Garibaldi had cap- -turel two of tlie strongest positions on the Inland,and was prepared to attack Palermo. The utmostconsternation prevailed at Naples, and the royalfamily were packing tip their jewelry and other vrilua- -;

bles preparatory to flight. It is stated that the Kingof Naples had apj lied for foreign intervention. Asecond expedition, to reinforce Garibaldi, six tlnm- -! I strong, was fitting out in Sardinia.

The semi-offici- al Paris Le Pay c ntains the fol--lowing Confirmation of Girib.illi's successes:

The accounts from Italy announce that Garibaldi'sexpedition developed itself with extraordinary rapid- -j

ity. At present success appears beyond question,Garibaldi was concentrating the scattered limbs ofinsurrection, and it asserted that he had capturedthe most important positions on the Island. Fromother intelligence it appears that a portion of Gari-baldi's expedition landed in Calabria, and that theinsurrection was threatening Naples.

Latest accounts state that Garibaldi had enteredJ

the city of Palermo and assumed the I'ictatorship. ;

Victory was proclaimed for Garibaldi. It was said !

that he had infan;ry and cavilry. The Neapo- -

Utatis were laying down their arms. Garibaldi hadissued a stirrii.g proclamstion to the people, and raseieij r!:er received w ith great euthusia.-m- . Thisnej however. neeled continuation. It was also saidthat a great panic existed among t lie at Messina.

The King of Naples was greatly alarmed, and hadoflered the pci pie of Sicily a general amnesty, a Yice-- !roy and a separate government; but the iosurgentsha I given tiie proposition no attention.

Iiie King's application to Spain fr aid had been 'refused.

Three Austrian nen-of-w- hive I een sent to Na--!pies, and it said that they would bring away theKing in case of a revolution in the capital.

Th? last steitner from England brings the intelli-gence tint Capt. McClintock is an expeli-- :t!on to pursue the same course opened ly I'r. Kanein which he is supp Tied by the Royal Geographical i

Society, with rtut cifor. I


The Popk's Health. Mysterious and alarmingaccounts lately reached Paris concerning the health .

of the Pipe. It is whispered that h;s Holiness hasteen in the hsbrt of taking small doses of strychnine,much presc-ib- tl y Italian doctors for producing asalutary degree ot itet.tal excitetutnt, repiisite forthe endurance of the increased amount of mental !a-b- vr '

he had to undergo during the la-- t few months. ;

A private letter says that the change iu the appear-ance of Pius IX. is evident to all. H:s heal is bent .

an 1 his eye fixed and dim. In raising his hand tobvtoW his benediction on the pe p e, it whs observedto shake, .as if with palsy. No i- - abt the expectedwithlranal of the French troop-- , an 1 the imminentdinner of a revolution at home an 1 a wir with Sar-dinia, are the main cau-e- s of the Holy Father's dis-quiet u le.

Prince Aifrep unpfr The I'nltelStrcice tijzitU says that Prince Alfred is beingbrought up ;u the service precisely the same as if hewere the son of a private gentleman. He messeswith the midshipmen, keeps his regular watch, dinesocca-ional- ly in the ward-roo- and takes his turn to

the captain. He is treated t y his mess-mates as in all respects, ore of themselves, is called toor ler by the caterer, and runs the same risk of beingmade the subject of a practicil joke as any otheryoung gentleman himself, however. Isiiig generallypretty lorward in the business of playful mischief.Upon one question, that of smoking, trie young princeis sternly denie I the privilege indulge I in ly otherofficers. That growing weakness of the age, mostmischievous in its consequences, particularly whencarried to excess, is pruhibiteJ as far as Prince Al-

fred is concerned, anu upon one occasion, we believe,his Rjyal H.ghnes-- s had his leave stopped fur a fort-night "f r being detected iu the act of 'I!-- . wing acloud.' "

Varnihe ! Vaniilie !

tlAI.ITV VlltMsl. FIKIMHKST f J. I. M'h.iue.v. .. 1 . A.aiil cimatf varnih of tiir--- e Uitl-r.-- .(ii:i,it:.

an l prices, in Ure an 1 rmail iuantit.e. Ai.--c, I'ariif.iiie ir- -

rush, new an l kj;t.'T article.The above are constantly on I.hi..! an 1 f r I y

. A II. f. P' .V Aillliou'j I'.u::.'.i!..

IlXCIIANv'i: ON IIOSTON. I . s.t". fg DRAWN IX SI .MS TOO 3 f U Lfw "lit- - '- - a!e t.v


IKUSK OF KHI'RtsH.XTATlVES.Wriliirailar. Julf 11,

lir .1 of iKt .M;iiute.I '. r- - ra r. I !.a:.!;n ca r.' 't:c tl a! a w te hail

f I.. rLu-- ' . f- r ::.c rt:"ia11 it. II i: I t K -- n.- I.a to a was

'i jr. 1 l.e tl, it j.r i' r t j r ;' it this r.- -II a. I'r . . r.

:i r 'tu I tl.eN a.". c..i.i!i ci:-i.- t -

M r. . i

i T- - in "H . M tt...tI'-'- .r ij 1 for , 1

:. Mr. li o ... :. r- r:e.l t y ...! oa V..? - --Iit :. f Hi rr.- t j e.

K..-- .1 i !.- -.

Mr 1'. i! '..1 f..r t'.r- -t tln.e t- I rot ! f r :..-- rr:- -I T r.- - .o t.n. l:.-r- . lir . r

Mr a .,i i'.:r l.i--- l it to j.r'.v. -! .i.i : - Alur U- i- '!. u.--s. :i 1 0. it.etr;.

Kr. K i.o. u r- lv. Vn: a C. tr.n.ltt.-- e !ij j I to c..t t1- .- it.-i- T' j.aiii y t t.'.c an i CH'iit v.i.--i of

tii- - i. ' -. P -- s- l.K r, ' v Mr. t .e. t!.at cor.. -- rat:

; t: .ti-.-- , I . : -i :.- - 1 t l! :!.- - ::.trt ih-1- wast.I.i'..-- !. T - . ii. !. vr... toi.l 1. ' :i in. u u of Mr. K.iu.a- -

Li i. a n.nrttee of : .t,;. a tl.- - on the t'.ll (Tv ui.:. f. r tr.e r- 'ia :i of the ta I.- r. s t titty c.:.t.-- . w:.ich

m -f : ti .1 ly in. b; - .:.'o-- ! M ?ri.. Kurr.rtl au. P tlai::i ; a. K.ui.ia. 11 i.u, Comniittee

li: i.VL--i r 111K I'it"'!. art to iu:1, r.-- - I:.- - l!".ir. of KaucatiMi to api r priat

15 i r t.t. t .1 f r : ur of - inm ii i! -- r: ;. ni.'l mi : ! m n.a.-l- in I" :.; f r t!. srjj

of f .( !. - w;t- - Ue n up. A t ! ' ill was r.' l qa.te srit- -

iif i ry. r. a.,- - r- f- rr--- ti,- - n.tiii..--- .

or n,'-- .r. f Mr. tir ii. :h- - hp; r pr: it '.-- i b.ii wa Ltk-'- up,in I r:;:,..-;- . - f : hut- -. Mr. II j l in ti e I. n r. the voter f M to rv luce tic- -- .ilry of t!,- - j..vri.e- - of li ivian wasr e i:- -. '!. .i. i the iry :n put I acl; airain to it tortxierfigure.

A l.nzil:u.ion arr'ie on llr- - it rr. t f ?2.t,,si trieoft;.- - li of Ji.t.oi. Mr. bwiiiLrvau u.oti. .r,e.l to relicet. ,:..,., ,.-- t i..,;. Vrrn 7 ; tiiii lJ. Mr. Muh inoveilti to fl.Oi-- in. tiori -, P.. Mr. ol

to j ut it at il.&i. I'er.i:i. wdii li i: sti' n the Com-mit- te

r , i tli.- - II ure a.ljvun.c.1 ti.l lo .':;:Thur. !:-- . July I

Mr. i h;m an of th- - C mru'ttee on Arirulmre,r--p .r:e l "n ti.e luli c petitions li peti:ioi: a'

of liij i. r i - in tafor of if..- - li.strKat.on of; i jet:ti i. that the C- nstittrtion remain a it is.aii.l stv

rai r.:h-- r iHriuion. ttiat thee In.-- laul on the tahie. ati.e mi' reh-rrei- l to in tht;ni l.a.l eili.i r li. t Conic up or ha.lbeen -l . .

1 he sj-- -l. r 1 a cotiiir.uiiicatii n from the N..l..., cviiji:rjoti'-- tr.rti th-- y eoiicurr 1 ii ti.e bill to ai,.-- J ri tr.- -(

r. il iie. r .v i.l.i.jr l .r the exemption of ox earts from the- 'i. is on waif.. A1- -., that th . t to exri.'.j.t seh i f

b:.-f- i !,..:- - mil coll-a:-- . .al teen p)i . J t v ti.eNol -. A;- -., that they e..n. urre.l 1:1 the t ill to!rJ ot the 'n il t '.le. maii.c the pay of the tax collector of thed.-- ii t of lli.o in th- - une pr i.rtion a those of Hon. lula ar. lLahaa.a. Ai.-- ., th-- y ha 1 the Pe Mi-- rs biii onthe table.

Mr. Maiio,. tnov-- 1 to r- -e n.--i -r tiie vote of er lay ont'oinmitt-- e of 1'onf-reiic- e. to confer with the Nobles oil the horseh.L, but ti.e morion a lt.The rues an.l Mr. Vebt- - r a bill irratit-in- ir

t j the s:e..m I ..mpaoy, viz.: That the Leit:.aturevU 'l irrarit the Company the pnilcfc:e of coasting umler theAmerican tin.' for six months. a:.l as an i that at the eu t

ol tint tuue ti.- - li vernir.etit sle.u t have the r.viie-- e of buy-i- i.

if the st-a- in. r at the price of fiOuoO i'iie rules were iu-f- e

n. 1 I, aii'l the bi.l u-- ..l to its fecon.l r--a ln', uii'l wasto a Special l inli.utee. Messrs. Webster, Wiijeruiinu

aiel tir :i w-- re apiiiite..Mr. K im ,.iu uioved that a Committee rf Conference I

; confer with the NolMes on the peddlers bill, whichliiey hale la.'l on th- - table, I ut the motion was lost.

OF TUK DlT.Ti.e a..ropiiat:oii bill aas taken up in'f e of theh lie. Mr. M.iiiini in the Clia r. Mr. C liau.l.erlain tnovcl that

the s.ilaiy of t e cler. ul the Oaverne of Hawaii be jli.UOO f..rtin; two j .r. Mr. K tn.aKau luoi cl that the nniary be il.'joo.A I n.' an. I noisy del.ate en-m- .l, iu which Mr Kam trine, ami after a lo ig time spent in loud t.ii, thean.e:idu,-nt- 4 were o5t, anl l.'ie item, as it. 9:ood originally,pa-e- .l f J.Ooo f..r the t.r.

The item of i.'.O0 Ir ue of Hon ilulu wasoppfw.l by ir. Na:ap.tali.ti. Mr. Kauiakau moved to reducethe aiu to j !.ooo. but the mt...n was lost, and the iti i.i passedas it st' t oi lily.

Mr. V tt r notice of hi intention to inirodaee a ruleof order to Inert the wbr ot inemti-r- s in t'i.n.mrtoe of theVV I. ou the appropriation biii lo two sikccIiis of live minuteseivh.

In r.,muott-- e i f tiie IVholf. Mr. Kipi in the Chair, Mr.Mei'ully a I ol to ex-i- uj t agricultural inipiem-n- ts fromduties. A ft. r a short th-- bill was tahl-d- . The Committee ar ar. ! Mr. I'.eke movel to adjourn, but the niotiunwai I -- t.

In Committee of the Whole, Mr. Nahinu in the Chair, the billto ail w c".aters lo carry lt,tt-- rs without itamps was taken up.This hill was .ts.ed.

In of the W hole, Mr. Nahinu in the Chair, the billto hav- - a protective duly of Uo r cent, on ail Hour was tak-- u

up and supp d by Mr. Ureen, McCully nnd Kuudsi-ii- . Themotion to i ii.;- - thin Im.1 w.u lost, ai. J the i. oiuinittee arose, andti.e lloa.--e adj ourii.l.

I'ridiiy, July I 3.Mr. W'eh-tr- r, the majority of the Sei inl Cininiii-- e on the

of the steam Company for certain privileges, rei.rtel iufavor of the bid Mr. "ireeii, the minority of that Committee,rep rod a.-- iui.--t tiie bill. Ma le the ot the day.

Mr. Ip'--ii Hii".l to he exem-- d from the Comm.tlee of Claimson !'.. elriim of Noh' ua. The shaker liiouht tiie excuse; wasi..u:hci-:i- t.

lr. Webster read ml- - prov i.lmpr tli.u no memberd,all six aiion the appropriation bill more thau mice, or more than liveninui-- s on each item of ;h..t bid. This rule was opposed by.Messrs. Kainakal and I Ueke. and supsrted by Messrs. Web- -ster, H i.ieiuann, Ureen, Naia,iakai, Main and Kipi. It wascarried, much to th indignation and d.:U5l of Messrs. I'kekcand Kainakarl.

The liiil i n il.ter-t-lail- d pa-e- d.

In t'ommiit'-- of the h le, the bill to provide a protective dutyon wheat iin I was tak- n up. This w is oppn-- by Messrs.Weh-- t. r, Wi b in inn. Dowsett and Kal.iu.a. and supporte.1Mr-'i.l- l y M lireen, (who was the inli o.iucer of this bill,)Knit I n, ChainiK rlayne an 1 McCuliJ . The bill was finally iu- -' 1.1 i O.i.iniitt-- e of the W hole, the bill to pr int privileges to the

(deain-- r A . ! n was tacn up, Mr. llal Pvin in Hie. C hair.Mr. Vi'-- '. r, the introducer ol this bill. uporlcd and explaineilits !. attires. Mr. lireen opposed the bill on the ground that itwas d liio: injustice to the owners of coasters. Messrs. Wide-- Imaim, Ktmakau and McCully sn; the I ill. Ti.e motionto P.y on the table was lost. T to 1', and the bill passed, onenieiu'ier relusin,' u vote, and was ordereil to its third reaJing

Adjourned.Suliirilni. Julr 1 i.

Mr. Maiimi, Cliriirnirin of th- - Committee on the Military, re-- !ported in favor of irivi::(r j Id.ooO f..r the Military for the twoyears, this report was laid on the table, to be taken up whenthat pari of l!:e Approprai.iou liiil cui-- s before tie- - House.Mr. K.uniil.a.i presented a minority rejstrt from the Committeeon claims on the 1 laima of Nohuua made tae su' J- - ct ol Fri-

day.Mr. tiiMwin read f..r the second time the act to prevent niar-ri- -i

people from forsaking each other ; maile the business ofMonday. The bill frraiitin.r privileges to the steamerhiaurii, passed to its third reading and ordered to be en- -.

rossed.r.fsir.- - of nir- - I)r.

Iti Co ntr.'itte- - of the Whole, tiie Appropriation Bill was ta';i nup, Kipi in the Chair. The mil try of the marshal was reducedto J'JooO; the shenrT oi Uahu to 5,000; sh-ri- fT of Maui ; of llmraii and K auai, .o-. as in the originalbid. of prisoners, rf S ,ooo ; jailor of Uahu. t3,in)0. Tliesums f..r the supnirt of tho police wcri deferred tiil inhirmationc uld o' taimsl on th.s subject.

UiitM-Clv- ik .f the market's salary, a lotiil debate ensued,when Mr (ireeu qioved to do away w ith the oflice, as it was apr-- at sh ime that every p-o- r flshennan rriust - conielled to paytiie ti iverntie-u- t for the privilege of selling his fish in this town;t iiat tins othce oppressed tiie jnu r eopIe. is. Wi lcmanii,Webster, Knudsen and ChamW-rliiytie- , oppos-- d this motion.Messrs. Kal ima and tire-- n sp ke in lavorof it. Mr. Kamakaumoved to reduce the salary lo fl.tXit) for the two years, whichmotion was carried.

T.he next item was tlie I'ostmast-r- 'i !iry. Mr. Op-f- mov-- d

to re luce it to I COO an I to rsnse cl-r- sal try to JP-ji- on theground tiie rxp ns s of th-- oiijee should not Ik- - increased,but that the pay of the postmasl. r and that of !.is clerk wa to t

. : . . . .....I 1... M V. I.Ill pr 1 lie ino-.ioi- i wan opposvi i'j t,.-roi-

W idemaiui an l Kuudseu, ar.d supjierted by Mr. McCully andtireen. H- i- question st.ll pending the Committee arose, and thelb n-- e adjourned.

Momlny, July 1 G.Keadii.g ef the luitiutes and prayer.

P TITI...NS.I'r-v- North Koia. that the k i.eana system be revived ; that

tv- r- harlM.r f Ix l iua le-- a port of entrj- - ; that tlie costf off,e t ourt le reduc-- d to on- - dollar. n mot ion or" Mr. itreen, this- t.ti n w is tabled, i r :n lloir-luhi- , th- - c!- -r of the t, he i ppressol tiie eop.e, mixing the pmir peo-

ple pay the privilek-- of llir.g their produce referred to aial Committee.

Pi siv-- ss or tue lur.In Committee of ti.e Who- -, Mr. Karai.ahri in the Chair, the

a bill wa taken up. The item of tiie Postmaster'sR il .r.v was first. Mr. Webster the charge of jla lor atofii f - lir- - oitlce. Hi it it was omcriase.1 by ih- - former I'ostmas- -t. r. " Ir1 wris an unvaiid, tiiat tiie said sola was purchased fromtoe n.ii.-- sni.-- the -t f May. anl l.a i een rem oad to theposiin-nT.-r'- h"U-'- . who had r marked on thisit.--- on S ace-pl- ed th- - ex pi m.r and adtn it ted hism i ur i f lay. 1 his n.i'.dry was put rtt i l ooo. Tie- - aia- -'

ry of ti.e clerk of the Post i (Sice, was tix-- d at j J.oi.O. The re- -'

in.i.ri.n- -' items of this il. partii.eut were . as th y slo-s- l intii- - appropriation bill.

The l'.Mieau of th- - lbi. ri.nier.t Pr- - ss was taken up. Mr.Mah-- move 1 to abolish this department, and that th- - M.tiist- - ri f tr,- - Irit. ri .r do tiie of thrs government by contract.T:.. motion :.s oppo I ly Messrs. I'ow-et- t, K.iu.akau, Web-- I

:. r ar.d Kuud-et- i. by -r Kai nr. i, Nahinu and;,.-i- i. xlr ire.-- tleMi.-l.-t that tiie paying of ti.e e ii- -t

or from the of this tr was aitog-th- er irr- - iru-la- r,

an 1 in pnvat- - ousine- - he sh- ui-- call n swindling. .s. t;, W- b-- an 1 Knu lsen agreed this was irr- - gular, andthou.-- ' it ti. it s .me provision should made in future to preventtin 1'ircct.T fr m thus appropriating the PuM c funds. Hutti.ts-- - thought that the t'olunrtmn ihou'.d be kept upto sh-.-- l 1 th- - g fr.-t- slander. Mr. Wi.l.mann thoughttVlit tii- - p i ot tiirs Iil'.tt.-- prove the rum of this gov- -'

trnrri-ir.- . it d- -- n d upon the hf-- of the I'u.'yn' .tiun. Af.- -r a1 .! g d rissii.n this part of the appropriation I ii' w is referre.1 ton svl-i-- t C.'innnttie, Knu-ls-n- l l.aail--rl.iy- ne arid Kaiama. TheC r - ar.d II "i-- e pr .led too-h-- r I

Mr. N... i; a .kai read a proviilni f r th' i-f ( f konr lj.k:s i I kui-ari.- i r to a -ct . i i.i itioti ncf ."ir. K.iliiakaa the a lj mrued till 9 o'c'..srk

Tuixliir. July 17.Tii- - s'peaker read an invitati-.- from ti.e Trustees of the

,i"- - llo-pit- jl to - II us- - to att.-- l the laying. .f the c.ruer,rTie . f triai II ispltui . tlie il.vr.atioli was accept .i.

Mr. lireen. from the Committee of Claims, real a majority re- -;

j,jrt . ri tiie Claim of Mr. V'houa. the sum of t i.J0 TheC 'intri.-t-.--

- r- - p- rte ! agaiist ti. Cia-.- and rsc. r.iir.end-- 1 thatttre .ti .n e lai I on the table made th" .ui. ess cf -'

div.In C t inirt:--- ; of the Who!". Mr. Kipi in ti.e Chsir. the appro- -

pr ir: u bill was ' ikfi up. rhe t t r.-- m was th- - salary of theM.iir-t- -r of Fore n Ke. iti ei. w'ur'i was ii-- I to jT.oi O f .rth- - t v . years, tin th- - lt-- in of rl-'s-- ) f T th- - Knot's Charge in

. n. a sj- - . ral t . fonril--- - was api-otit.- t" intotv- t xt r.s s ,t th- - ortice an t lt Tie- item f r jt-ar-- ai d stati-na- ry wa cut I wn to $1.0. s. and tr.iti';at;tig totr.e same. Un ti.e m..t:-- I cut down tiie tiary of tiie Mn ist- -r

of to T.oii0. a long ensue 1. The y-- andliars le ins- eaiietl. nuy lo anl aye l.", and this salary was re- -

diced t rJT.OlW. Adj. nri.ed.

N'. (ioods ! Xpw lioods !

milK l"MEKMC:XKI II A S J 1ST KKCKIVKDM by l.vpr- ss fr in N-- w V'.rk direct, and otTers f.r sale very

p.w, at I :, n-- w establishment on Fort stre--t. th foil--wi- r s a-- --

'rTrr.--'-- Fancy O -- sis. rrritri great care for this t.

a Mitioti to th- - large t previously rn ban 1 r

i v- - Iv- -t ribbons. f..- -t ; la lies l.'-s- ' in. 1. air mitts, with and without lingers ;

gauntl-- t mitt. te!titig ribbon, very rii.h;rib'is.ns. aid- - and narrow ; white crape.

Kic-- sas'r. ribs- - 'i.s. only tie of a patvrti iH ack lr.ise',s lac- - edge, black Pusher do do,

v line silk blond lace el., white join blond,s"xiss Igrng ar.d . kid ciuntlets.Alex ,n I r's whit- - ki t gloves. no do ,.,

bill h's-k- and eye, wlr.te and biack ;5utt- -r p- - rcha and ivory crochet

Igi lies' silk elastic Congress heeled gaiter,1'i.rc l.ncu diaper, white cotton -- h t;ng. vard wide.

CKuKiiK CLAUK.il3-Ju- i F' rt street

rr.i- - A lv. r....r )

The Dn lin a J .

Mr. Emtob : Will you oblige me by giving pub-

licity thr. 11:1 VvUr cilun.i.s to a few rtm-r- k

the ' a Society Laii.g its txiiteiicefor the cstenib'. aery lauJable t urpose cf re-- Icl.iiniit.g i.itbri ite frota a life of!. degr:i J:ng j

debauchery to ra j sit ion of reject il-ilit- an 1 mr rallry j

ia n.'iety. F' touch gxl has alreadyfrom the t tTorts t f cembv-r- ii abun 1 ititiy evident, J

for many c:u this day te-t'- fy to the great benefitsthev h:ie derived fr. exitiole and i:;

Rit, how i.;u:h yet to le accoinjilisLe 1. I

we'll J ask each individual r are you takingati active a:.d efr. ciect part in the g.v-- 1 Wc-r- Are

yod enJeuv ring to rescue from misery and

your feilvw man ? Ii you extend tu him a helrit gha:i 1 a n 1 et.ccuragc him in doing right, tr are y. u

resting satisfied with the gcod JcU have already dciie,

anl using no enieavois to extend aletieficial itiSa-enc- e,

wilting mil expecting tiie fal'c-- toseikyouvol intarily ? I hope not, for in such a case yourobject is vain, lio you, when men fall frotu the pathof rectitude, endeavor to reclaita thctu and exert abetieScial infijence over them ? If so, let me say toyou, iu your ell-rt- s fr theof this glorious cause, and do not aban-- n it in Co-nsequence of failures. Take eticournge-tnet- it

from Holy Writ " And if thy brother trespa-- s

against thee seven times in a day, and seven times iua day turn again unto thee, saying, I repent ; thoushalt forgive him."

Having recently arrived at Honolulu, I wasrequested to use my example and influence by enroll-

ing my name as a member of the society. I accord-

ingly atten led one of the weekly meetings fur thatpurpose, but I am srry to say I came as I went. Noopportunity was afforded, the time being occupied bysome members in what appeared to me to be endea-

vors to promote discord. The manner in which sotuccf them acted, made it apparent lo me that orderand kin l!y feeling was not one of the practical rulesof tlie Association. Although direct personal remarksr,eie nut resorted to, yet it seemed that the time andmanner of speaking evinced a desire oa the part ofJit? speakers to obtain that result. This indirectcourse was upheld by some few present, and tiie con-

sequence was that many left the meeting iu disgust.For my own part, my first impressions were very un-

favorable, and I was forcibly struck with the import-ance of unity and forbearance, and of conducting ameeting of this kind with strict regard to friendshipand brotherly love. One of the principle objects oughtto be to uphold each other in manly aud perseveringendeavors to conquer their insatiable appetite fi ranything and everything that can intoxicate. This

can be done, but not ly perseverance in mischief-makin- g.

Let those who desire the best interests ofthe society cling firmly to it, and ue their exampleand exert their utmost influence to attaiu the desiredesult, alwnys remeinberiug the national motto, that' union is strength." A Stbanokr.

New Uiint I'nhi-ultuy- .

Mn. L'ditor Sir: Let no one be led away underthe impression that New Rum is a ' Pure Article,"for there can be nothing more erroneous. Of all themany expedients that have been had recourse to upouthe West India Islands, for improving the tjuality of" Kill levil," none whatever but age nnd a longsea voyage have been found to answer. It has beensent out new, unwholesome and destructive to life,the friend and harbinger of" Yellow Jack," dealingout damnation to every luckless wight drinking it toexcess-- , and it would be the same here if we had lis-tillatio- ti,

although no one might particularly wishfor it. There is no Pure Article " until age or along sea voyage ren lers it drinkable. P.

prm! yio.uts.

NOTK'H Til ALb IMHKKSTKII I.V IIA- -waiiaii History. The und-rsi;:- n- 1, on the JTili June, ISo.i, re-

ceived a from James Jackson Jarvt-s- , dated Florence,Ttli April, Kline , stating '.hat it was his wish to publish anew edition of tlie History of this Kingdom, and reUi-stin- forthat purpa-- e bound volumes of Hawaiian newspapers. Ministe-

rial reports, .xc, from the year ls-t- down to the latest possibledate. All thes-- e if'i have be.-- forwarded to him, exceptingonly the resarts to mi l the proceedings of the present Legisla-

ture. Tlie Intention is to give to the world a true and impartialhistory of this kingdom, from the earliest records down to theprorogation of the Legislature !!-

- in session, illustrated by en-

gravings of Kings Kaiiiehaiii'-h- I., II., III. and IV.. and so faras possible, of all the men who have assist.-- them successivelyn the conduct of public affair., witli a brief bixpraphi.-'a- l noticeof each. Mr. Jarv.-- write to the undersigned cn tlie i'td Feb-

ruary last, from the same city, that it would be necessary to se-

cure to tlie publisher the sale of m or; copies. With thisvi-- w, the undersigned, believing tiie publication of the proposednew edition to be an object of national importance, respectfullysolicits that all parties (Hawaiian; and foreign residents) who

may desire to possess copies thereof, state to l.iui in writing howmany copies each will take, the undersigned having the intentionof, thereafter, giving his personal guarantee lor sucli an amountas will secure the publication of such new edition, in a styleworthy of the literary fame of the author and of this nationwhose historian he is. K. C. WVLLIK.

Kosebank. June US, 1G0. Uli-t- f

a f". A.&.A. M. Lf. Troores di. L'Ockasir Loik.k,

Vte No. l'Zi, under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Coun-o- il

of the Grand Central Lodge of France, working inthe ancient ivcotch Kite, holds its regular moetings on the Wed-

nesday nearest tlie fu!l moon of each month, at tlie old LodgeKo. ni, in King iireet. Visiting brethren respectfully invitedto attend.

August IS. riO-- tf I. C. JO-VK- Secretary.

ii fi vn i.i i.i n i " i.v... ittf.xtion:- -Pi Tlo- - of fl.e tlinvp Pomt.anv art- - horehv notified

TJi that, uft- -r this date, notices will not be issued as hereto- -

' Regular Prills will bo held at the Armory of the Corpson the 21 and 4:)i Friday evenings of each mouth, at 7

Ylock P. M. Pt r nrd- -r r

F. L. JOS US. JOHN II . PPOWN,i irderly Captain.

Ilea 1 'juarters Honolulu Km- -,

lecemhc r .t, lSaJ. 187-t- f


Valuable Heal Et.iU- - al LahainaV HIT I K OK A I,1CKSK FttOM HuN.HV II. All-i- i. l.i.-- J ustu f th-- ' Supr-m- e Court, will

be Sold oil V'I ! lai, the ."illi ibir ol" Srptriu berexit, at 11 oYl'tck. A. 1., on tiie iu I.aliaiiia. .Maui,

the valuable proj-ert- biloiigmg to the estate of thelate John Kiehanl-on- , .1.-- , . used :

1. Hous- - in Lap akin, on the ma kai id-- ' of the mainstreet, adjoining the r- sidence of p. t.-- II. Tnadway.

. Hou-- e lot at 1 uako, unjoining trie residence oi jesseCrowniiiburg.

ii. House i"t in Pas al l. w ith a done h"Uo th recti,4. The laud of Pvi na, the Prot-s'a- t't Church.Ti- i- widow's .lower in the above land will lie released to the


r,-t- d Administrators.

A I .M 1 V I S T R A T O It, S S A I, I :

Of Valuable Heal IMafeat Waikapu,Waihihii Kainaole. Is. of .Maui.

tUMIMNTRATORS OK TIIE K- -T tale ..f tiie li.te J hn wril -- ll a; auction, underlicense fi na the Klisli.i 11. Ali-- n. Chi-- f Justice of ;l f u- -

prem- - ' iurt. .n Ti.ursdav. the 6:!idayot s.-p-t next,at 11 t.'cl.s-k- . A. M., at Waikapu,

1. Ii,: ti. tiiest-a- est i'.e of the live-a-.- -.. T!,e lot containsarn.u acr-- of ex l iand. with a substantial stone d.vellinehouse ari 1 a larg- - i.ew ad'-hi- hous-- - tn ron. The housec- .Trtairi parlor, dit'tnir !eepiiig r.s-ic.- an l kitchen.and u a I u. It in l5i at the expense of $ i.ooO. The houseeormr an- a tine vi-- w of , ur t Haleakaia. and of Kahului audM ala-- ii Bay.

-'. A aluable lot tnakai of the above, of about an acre and aha'.f, con tair-.iii- a large kalo patch.

3. Ki l.t lots of kalo laud.4 Or p.ece of j.asture i. c .Tit'.i'iii.g l. lo-i'- ) - s.

'an umiivid-- d fourth) 20jc ntriiii.i.g t a sui--.;-

am irttric- to tii" Ii oar 1 of Kiu-atiji- i t.r il.oiT :.o.

Immediately after the above,At Wa'.uku. ft Hi US Of KA.O .1MJ Ll'J.AMl.

containing about 1 acr- -. Also at W ailuktt, after ti.e sale ofIan I in that place, the following property at Kam-ioie- , Kula r

une tract f i'lislnrr I.mill cotitaitutig 2 AO nrrr..the larger part being encased I v a ne wail, bight and onef unh s. ci,. i.s if the K AM 'l.K pi'TATn LANK, e .ntiiiniagSJ' acres.

The wi I . rill j :ti in tic and r- - r.- -r d- werin ail of the ove pr- r- - rt.. . KI'WAKM P. P.1 (NK.

TIIo.MAs W. F.V Fit KTT.lo-- A lmitnstrat- rs.

3NTot2.ce 2

A (.ood and Hare OpportuiiityFt.Hl INVEsTMLNT IN A

Xjucrn tivo Xlaisiiicss.rilHK. M'Is('ItIlKU OKKKI1S FOR SAI.K

t. his entire buiti- - at lliio, Hawaii, with or without real es- -t

u- -. or with any part tic "f that might be reuir-- d. Asidefrom t'n- - whaling basin- - , tiie subscriber enjoys a larg-- ; andprofitable trad.--

Tiie sto-'- on hand is coir.parativt!;,- - small, a'. of which is de-

sirai te, and in good order. Hilo has a countryar-un- it, and in tiiis particular, has the ajTantage over otherports of eutry in this kitigl'-in- . Apply t

ilfl-t- f P P1TM N. Hilo


AMEKlt'lN POLITIC IL t'r.l H IN lJ-1- Tl.ed.lfer.ence in the cree ls of the various p. !:ca! partiesrelates to tie quisti. n if silvery, and thefollowing we believe to le a concise ..n l fair sta'.e-cie- nt

of their positions :

The Pe::iocrti!, or that p. rti.'-- i f tho I'cn.iH-rati-c

party knewn as AJministrariv r. !' ci -- its." I

that under the I're l Scott i n t:-- I't.i-t- el

States Supreme t urt, slavery exists as a i ii i.a!institution in the territories ; tii it ti.e C i.t it.t. nguarantees at.d protects it; ard neitht r northe izihahitants cf u territory, have I :ic r'giit t.- pi

silvery ia a territory. ;

'lhe "A'lti-Lcx-omp- ti u l(e::.ocrats," i f wli tn Sena-tor I'- uglas is the leader, lelieve that t'oi.gri hasno right to prohibit slavery i:i theterr.n r:. l a: thatthe people c f a territory have tiie right to tstablish i r ,

abolish it as they pleicM-- .

lhe ,. .'i. ..- ho! 1 tla (.'it.grvss his sjrremeauthority in the territories, at.d can and ought to pu-hi- bit

slavery there; while they reccgtrlze the right ofevery State to establish or abolish slavery as its peo- -pie sha.i decide, and avow their determination tut tointerfere with slavery in the states where it exists.,Their doctrine is that slavery is sectional, not national.That is, that the Constituticti leaves it to the States tosettle each for itself; but that it doss tut establish orcany it into the territories; and that uu !t-- r tlie (

it can only exist ly positive State legis--lation.

The Opt ii! ici P,ir!y, by which name it is desig-nated, particularly in tne Southern States, the opp-onents of the Administration. In the South, it etnhra- - '

ces the old Whigs an 1 Americans; in some parts North,it lias embraced Whigs, Americans, Ant;-Lecc- m tou

anl Republicit-S- . j

The I'-iiu- Party sprang t ut of the excitement at- -tending the John Rro'vn a j.iir. It is. perhaps, iden-tical with the "i pp sitic.n," only it does not embraceany portion cf the Republican strength. Its object,so far avowed, is the conservation of the L'niou.Life Illuttrat.-l- .




Assortment of Merchandise ! j

Dry (lomls.ASKS OTIS DENIMS. It.tLKS WESTERNc State br. wu siieeting, s'i. tucket denims.

Kales F'alls Cu. strip-'.- . Lyman brown drills.llai-- s Kwight O i. brown and blue drills.Cases Mcrriniac prints. ca-- s pink prints.Cases Atn oskcag an l .Massachusetts blue sheetings.Cases Honeycomb and Piquet quilts, cs t.ckings.Cases mixed shirts and draaers, hales crash.Cases denim frocks and pants, striped shirts.Striped scarlet undershirts and drawers.Cases blue, red and prey fiannel shirts, cs blankets.

Groceries.Tierces hauis,

Iloxes sait water and No. 1 soap.Cases of pilot bread, 10U lbs each, in tins.

Cases water cracler. half I rl dried apples.Cases cheese in tins, hail brls olashen butter,

Cas-- a irround pepper, bags whole do,Kag cloves, kegs nutmegs,

KitR tongu-- s and sounds.Cases curry powder, do olives,

Caes green corn and peas, do herring,Co set pie fruits, do table ealt,

Ca'es daily ealt In 2 lb bags,Parrels rice, crises starch,

C iies corn starch.Kegs split peas, cs sab ratus.

Half brls salmon, bales hops.

Suudries.23.600 bricks. llarrels pitch.

Barrels varnish. Hales gunny bags.Crates asst.l white ware Crates bowls.cmckery. Crate boiled linseed oil and

Cases asstd paint. spirits turpentine.Pare extra and No. 1 lead, Zinc white lead.S.ol.ll" bags. Whaling spades.

Candle, Charcoal iroiie, hoes.Wheelbarrows, Axes, plows, ox tows,

Cook stoves, iships cambooses,Nesit baskets, American, Knglish

100 tons Scotch sliut s: am find rings.coal, 60 brls pork. Hide (Hiisoti, whips.

50 cas-- s boots and shoes, cases umbrellas, bales corks, pi.c-toi- l

cloth, boat-spru- davits, spruce 2 inch plank, 'J00 bun-

dle hoop iron, UOU coils cordage, spunyarn, marline,10 bales pump aud rigging leather, twine, ci

ritlo-- powder, colline.. signal halyards, etc.,Altai n In rye nxmrt mcit t of

Olioicc? Fainilv ffroccrics.'216-l- q ' C. ssl'ALKINC.



Bss'lli'tt.f mdse.

f r th- - cityati i country

linde. consistingof prints, muslins,

delaines, denims, mole-skin, toweling, bro. drilling,

blue flannel, hat, b xits and shoes, paper cards, epsom salts,sugar, tubs, leather, whips. carK-- t bags, looking-glasse-

paint oils, glass axe, shovels, lterlin wool, alpaca,In king, plaids, shirting, monkey jackets,

alpaca oats, shirt., coats, pantaloons,otic superior harness, chairs, hose, saddles,

prints, indigo blue, salt, ox hand- -bedspread, chalk, kerchiefs, fans, rice,

riblKins, chicks, hardware, soap,oysters, clam., tobacco, nails,

lobsters, Inns, ink,neck- - sC., tc.


Fort Street, Honolulu,f T iS COXST.tNTLV ON II A N'I. AND OF--KM. fers for sale at the itltH' l.OHLsT MARKET

HA MIS, an assortment of


Hardwauk.Dry Cioopp,


Hoots and Shof.s,ClolhitiK f nil lescrilioiis,

And a var.ety of merchandise too numerous to mention.


milK I NIK.RSIONK.l HAS APPOINTEDI Mr. ' KOIUiK WILLIAMS, to act forbim in the collection

of all outstanding debts and accounts.210.2m E. II. BOYD.


VOW IN FROM TIIEHREWEK. pliititatinn, Makawao, Last Maui, and for sale r.y

214-l- q C. PKKWF.U tr CO.

i'orccliiin, White Granite, andGlasMvare !

E, I'rnurr Kiilnier," from San Krnncisco.a WELL-SEI.FX'TE- D ASSORTMENT OFf. Dinner and Tea Setts, and a largo vi.ri-t- y of other articles.

LS) An aortment of Cut Glassware. For sale at lowprice-- ,. ,y C,. F. Pl-- LI GKR.

op-J- Corner of Qu-c- and Nuuanu rrtreets.

Coj-artner!i-ip otiee.

npHE lMKRSlf;.MlI HAVE TIIIS DAVM entered int.. a Copartner-hi- p f- -r th purpose of transacting

ali 'iieral M-- rc mrile an l sh 'pp!ng under the nameand stvle of ALLHN Jt PUIKILL, t Ka.v.. iiiae. Hawaii.

.V. F. ALLHN,Honolulu, Juy 2. 1500 215 2t WM. 1: UK It ILL.

Jut litceivfii !


rs!1'. a i r ; k,

oitnm Odd Fellow, Hall, Fortjfire-- t.

Wrappinp: Paper.ST RECEIVEO EX S A M I" EIj ROBERT-s..- n.

reams cap straw paper, do cn.wii do ,io,double cap straw pap- r, d . green Jo do.

in hardware pals r, do envelope do,Reams blotting paje-r- . For auk-b-

214-2- "I- - WIIITNF.Y.


A EE KINDS OK GAROEN SKr.l nttr sale nr ih- - Agricultural liar leii and I'r. smith's Prig store.T a tti-- s- will adde-- l const ml y. as th-- y r.p n. tr-s- u ?ee,is ctFlower. H-- rt and new varieties of . nl le from Japan,China. Mexic. etc. All ed '.rf-re- ! r sal- - by the nt.der-sigi.e- d'

ai- - iabella.1. " From II. H-l- iii." and having b-- en tri-- d,

ciiiv be reh- - 1 ..n a g !. Ine uudersi--r.-- .t licitsth- - l patr .nag- - of the I ubl.c, and order fr r.i '.h'-- islands.

215-21- H. H.lLsTKIN.

Dissolution of Copartnership.f IM I E C O I A R T N E Ii s 1 1 1 ! II E U ET O K O It E

K existing K. .1. K Ik an II Mci mi.a. is tin daydiss. Ived by mutual cor.-tit-

. AH outstanding d. i t to I paidt i II. V.. J. Kr l.K,

Honolulu. .Inly 2. lv..'. II. M I" N N A

N. It. Tii- - busin-'s- s will I.-- carri-- d on bv H.Mcttonn - , at the old 210 ot

Kxeeutor's Notice !

A EE IKRMNS I.MIF.BTEDTO THE ES- -f. o.te of ry Macfarlaii". are re.piir-- d to settleimmediately with the Ai! having ar.y din ari-is- p'-a- se presetit tiieni. C. C. HAKKIS,

Solicitor f.rK. C. W YI.LIF..

Honolulu. June 20. lsr'o. 21!-l- Ex-cu-

I'xiTKn rsr.vTi: Co--r- i nr:,Hon. lalu, Jane 0. lsj.

COMPLIANCE Willi TII E E A W S OKtN d states of America, in such cases 1. and inH.V'Tdr.i.c-- with the trea'y s:iputati"i.s between ti.e l"nit--- l

8t,i, and tlii king loin. I do hereby give notice thit Capt. E.H. II s'te-r- a citizen of the l'i.ited stat-s- . died at H i. lulu ontiie 15th of April. lio.

The said tieing a f ir as kn. wn and l av-ing no hir or in triis king 1.'in. I have thisday taken possession of his isooks and . and do hr-b- y

farther give-- notice to ail persons in -i t- -d to said estate f . makeimmediate payment to me, and all those having claim againstivaid estate to present then to me without delay.

THo. D. KuUGHF.KTY,2U...t I . B. lee Consul.

5t MV-- !- 4:'r'---,- :



( LASS Mill SWill be quarter! v frxxu c. nrm rcr.,1 Wharf,

it st ir.. i.t' s ..' M:iri-ti- . Mil) or Juue.l r iti r mitl 1 . iti lit- - r.

F'- - irtiouiars s v. sp.s-ia- a.1.-- . rti rrts daiiypapers ..t the n'V.' morrtl.s

F r ir. -- i t r pa-a;- e t- . r 11 n iu: l. s; p'v toHl.N li A. i lii'.i K.

S...I.- 1- ioi. lsiai: i Pack --. UrTice.

' v o;a:u ri ml Wharf. St n.Aiii-Nls- .

J". F. snow. - - Honolulus.ut 'ii .V c- - - - Niw York.C k snow, - - New Vtedford


ivi:i,i,s, .vi o. s


F. r ti.e ': !y and sate conveyance ' Men-ha- n i e. Coin, Let.ters and valuable parcels, to all parts of

UNITED STATKS. CANADA AND F.L'ROPK.The Agents at Honolulu sell ltill of Kxchange in sums to suit

cnW, ;.s Fargo -t Co.. San Francisco or New York. AlsoWeils. Fargo Co.'s franki I I, i. ilov-rnti- H nt envelopes,w l.ich pas, free over ti.e California arid coast route-- and t'Verthe Atlantic route from San Francisco to New Y'ork.

Commissions and c liecti 'iis promptly au-nd- ed to.0ct. 1. lsotJ-t- f. F. L. HANKS. Agent.


E XL Ji X O 1 f ,On the 5th and 10th of each .Month.

Til 111 1'IRTS 1V THE

id J U I'nited Suite. South Aturrirn."T Canada bmiI Kmopr,CVSNkcTlSU IX SkW VOKK WITH THE l(BI0IS-- i KOPt IX IX


DI ST.COIN A NO 1U LI.IONGULD and insured on lpen Policies, held from the bestInsurance Companies in New York mid London.

Packages, Parcels and Letter forwarded viaPanama and Nicaragua, in charge of sjtecial Messengers.

f secial Expres is made up by us for Panama. . allao. Lima,Valparaiso, and all the principal -- ns of the west coast of SouthAmerica, which is promptly forwarded b the English Steamertleaving Panama on the 14th and 2yth of each month.

JO-- Collections made, and all order pertaining to a legitimateForw arding and Express business, attended to with dispatch.

Principal Office-- .

A. P. EVEKETT, - - - - Honolulu124 Montgomery street, San Fkancisco.

93-- tf

Book and lob Printing.

Cflmmcrcial iibcrtiscr


TABLIsIlMENT has recently to its supply of ma-

chinery, one of RrGGLEs. IMPROVED COMP.1N ATI0N

PRINTING PKEissiErs, capable of printing one thousand sheets

per hour, designed for small jobg of any kind, but more ex-

pressly for

bitjXj-hea'Ij- s,

which can now lie executed in a style of unsurpassed ele-

gance and beauty, on the finest of paier, and at lower prices

than the same can be procured at San F'rancisco or anywhere else

in this ocean.The ollice ii alio supplied with one of the celebrated

capable of printing cards with a beauty bordering on perfection,

which excited the unqualified admiration and amazement of

both their Imperial Highnesses the Japanese Ambassadors,during their visit hero in March last, who condescended to min-

utely examine iu operation, and commanded their artists to

take sketches of this, ami our other presses for tlie informationof the Emperor of Japan.

For Rook-wor- Pamphlets, Tracts, Newspapers, etc., etc., we

are also furnished with one of

Adams' Imperial Book Presses,on which the world-rcnown- Ilarprr's Illuminated PictorialBihle was printed, and which is capable of doing the finestprinting known. In this branch of our business we are prepared

to execute all work, which maybe offered, in Hawaiian, Eng-

lish, or any other language, on the lowest terms.F'or all other kinds of work, ordinary and extraordinary,

from the smallest druggist's lalt-l- s to the most lengthy state ap-

pendices that may be issued from the jM.rtfolio of the Foreign

Office, we hav e the fullest and most complete assortment of Printing Materials ever collected in this kingdom, and the best workmen to be found anywhere in the Pacific Ocean.

To Ir-- brief, we have recently added, at considerable expense,over fifty varieties of new tye to our already extensive collec-

tion, and a larg? assortment of plain and fancy wedding, busi-

ness, ball and other cards and note p ipers, with choice capbill-hea- letter and other papers, or all sizes and colors, largeand small, and are thus prepared, at the shortest notice and onthe lowest terms, to print anything and everything that may Ik

wanted, whetherADDRESS CARI'!,








2ii,:rFeet of as Handsome Lumber

S EVER CAME TO THIS MARKET,now lan Urist from the bark'-ntin- Conjtfif uf ion. consisting of

100 M feet tongued and grooved tioards. 1 and 11 inch.80 M fe- -t 1 inch boarl.

tVJ M assort-- d

12 M 0 -et pickets,10 M laths,

SO M shingles.All of which is for sale in large or small lots, at a price to suit

th- - tini-- s. Call befor- - vou buy. and take a I ok, for they do saythat GEORGE G. HOWE can" sell a little lower than any otherdealer. Ul im


' ' .S ,1 .V V K LRU B E R T $ O X .' ' '

1ST RECEIVED. IN FINE ORDER, AJ small invoice For sale bv'213--4t FKEK. L. HANKS k CO.

.i i s t u ii cn i v i: iiEX

" Samuel noljortson IVTHITE WAX CAXrjLKS, fi'S.

:;olar Sperm do..I'lrf. ;r,..rvn Lead,

l'i'RE Zinc Paint.For sale bv ,21.i-4- tj FRED. L. HANKS CO.

Dissolution of CopartnershiprflllE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFOREI existing between Abel Harr; ar. 1 Fra'iers H. swa.n. doingbusiness un.l- -r the name and style of A. HARRIS Ar CO., oath- - Island "f Hawaii ar.d in Honol-iin- , expire.! by limitationMav ltt. 15C0. ABEL H ARRIS alone will sign in b'lui lation.



K. ing this king bun at an eariy date, and re,U"sts that all par- - j

ties having claim agr.-ns- him. personally or a the )

Agent "f tiie H'i P.av Company, will jT--r- t the same onr t tier 2'i-- ..f Ju'v xr. Also, be ro.jne-j- those who

are in'1-bt- -d to hire, as th'-- Ag-- nt oi the Hiw.n s Bar (to settle tii-- ir 'ts rtnarieliHt-a- at ills otiiee. In default

of payment, such bills and accounts will tie plir-- d in the handsof ti.e Company's Attorney for Collection.

Hanolulu, June 15, 1 ). 21o-t- f JAMES BISSETT.

Consulate NoticePrewfx Cons-lat- z,

Honolnlc. June lrx. J

VOTICE IS HER ERV GIVEN TIIAT THEui.' by virtu.- - of his oiiice, is of the es-

tate of Louis R.Himi'Hfrh. a native of Bremen, lately deceris.-d- .

at Lihue, arnt all parti-- s iridebtetl to thesame to pay tie ir liabilities to the undersigned, a w-- ll a allother h .l ling cliims against the same to pr- - sei.t them itiiinthirty days from date. GUSTAV REINEKS,

214-4- t Eisrriien Consul.

A Ij I. K cV is i: it n iiifj.SrCCESSoKS TO

ricoryio W. Macy,KAW AIHAF:. HAWAII,

Will c the General Merchandise and Shinping businessat the above port, where they are prepared to f,lrm.i, .ijutly celebrated Kawaihae Potatrs, and such other re- -cruits a are required by whale ships at th jhorteat notice,in. on the mivrt reasonable terms. 210-t- f


IIV A. V. I'.V E It I1TT.

AdRiini-trator- s Sale of Heal Kstate !

VIRTI EOK A LICENSE FROM THEHV ui. F,Iiha II Abe i. Chief J usti.-- e of tii- - Supreme Court ,will Ih-- .Id at auction, on the preniio. on Saturday.A usual II. tiie foil-wi- real estate to the estateof tne late John R ciiarlon. deceased.

AT 11 K'Cl.tiCK Kilo land in Maiiao Va'.i. r, f .rmerlyN lor.g-.'i- ta Ksiiiuli, Ivrd-rin- g on lhe stream and cotitsviuing 1

and acresAT 12 OVl.O.'K V luMite I t situated on Punch Bowl

stna-t- . near the c rio-- of lver.tan.a street, wth a nw frame cit-tilg- e

th. reon.AT 1J O CLOCK A store and lot ou Nunann street, x inn

the cv oud a'.ov, K nig street, measuring '".I fett on Nuuanustreet by o0 .-t in depth, the premises at present orcu-pi- el

by J. sVabury.AlS innnediau ly alter the sale of the lot on Nuuanu street,

at th Sales K.k iu of A. P. Everett, one undividcl fourth of alot of lan 1 at Ol vw.a. liana, Maui, adjoining the liana llanta-lio- n.

and extending fr m tiie s-- a to the mountain. Thia I.

contains 211 acres, held un l. r a rd of the land cotnmiMion.Tin- - r riiiiiniiig t!ireo-t"Uit- w.ll le .ld at the same time.

The widow will jo.n in vance of tlie aive property, toher dower. EKWARK P. BOND.

THOMAS W. KVEKETT,Administrators.

A. P. UVEKirrT, Auctioneer. 218--tf

Heal IMate on Merchant streetF0K SALK !

THE PREMISE KNOWN AS THKPull s Head," situated on Merchant surx-t- , near Nuu-

anu. with a ba.k entrnnce from Nuuanu strei-t- . Thsbuilding is t o, with a tine cellar and water from tnp.veiaiinent piH-s-, all in first rate order. Title fee simple.

F. r tonus, &c, apply toooi A. 1. EVERETT.


Whose accounts are if more than

THREE MONTHS STANDIIMC,Are requested to settle before the

lii-fi- t 1 Vi2Tii-.- t Next,Or they will be placet in the hauJs of aa


S)tla Water Founfaiii !WATER FOR FAMILIES I A

SODA(leverage these hot summer da a. Cad at the DrutMore, corner Hotel and F'ort IreeU.

212-o- m J- - M SMITH k CO.



I the Soda Apparatus of Wm. Kinney, would respectfullyiniurm the Public, that he is now prepared to serve them with agenuine article of LEMON AND f A I'.S A I' A R I LL A SODA, illanv quantity and at the lowest rates.

S. B. Any person having Bottle about their preroUes,will confer a favor by unifying the undersigned.

GEORGE C. Mcl.EAN.21I-3i- u N uuanu ttret.

wham: uiIj tN OI'ANTITIES TO M'lT. Forsaleby

212-- tf II- - 1IACKFKLD k CO

SAIai: !

4v A GOOD C A R RI AG E HORSE. SKIT- -.ahle fur heavy orllirht work. or a saddle horve. vrjrquiet, and just the thing for family uae, being-- thor- -

'oughly broken. Also, a goo.1 saddle horse, auttablafor a laily or gentleman to ride. Apply to

GEORGE CLARK.214-3- 1 Fort street.

Globe Coffee Saloon !

THE CN D ERS1G NED HASOPEN- -ed a COFFEE and REFRESHMENT SALOON,on Fort street, nearly opposite O.I.I Fellows' Hall,w here he wiil l happy to meet his friends, and

w ill spare no pains to please The best Oyxlc-- r Mrwa or Choeolalr prenonvl at

a few minutes notice. (2iW-0in- ) F. W. LOBE.



DESCRIPTION' OF CUSTOMEVERY at abort notice, and iu the latest stylo.210-- 4 in

Butler ! Butter !

THE CNDERSIGNED HERE- -EE with inform their customers, and the public in

general, that, having succcedc! In making ar-rangement r the regular supply of FRESH

KEALIA BUTTER from E. Krull's dairy, acknowledged as thebest butter on the islands, we are. now preiiared to furnish constoutly this article. (211-tf- ) T. MOSS MAN k BON.

1LC- 7- A CL,UCOSMOPOLITAN PRI NCI PEES, THATON is to say. High Chiefs and other Hawaiian Gentlemen, or

Foreign Political and Consular Agents, Merchants, ProfessionalGentlemen of all nations ; and whereof, the privileges to be ex-

tended to tlie Officers of all foreign ships-of-wa- r, while In portwith Library and Reading Room, with a large Hall to be avail-able for the Masonic and Odd Fellows' Lodges, for Public Lec-trrr- es

and Meetings, for Dinner Parties, Concert and FancyFairs, with good Cook and other Servants to lni)Krt iu ownwines and other liquors, and to be managed by Trustees, underbydaws, on the model or the most respectable Clubs In othercities of the world.

Gentlemen friendly to such an establishment In thi city, areresttcctfully invited to communicate with

R. C. WYLLIE.Honolulu. June 20. lSrtO. 214-l- to


SMALL IICT CHOICE ASSORTMENTA of Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Children's eutowi madeBoots and Shoes ju9t received per "Samuel KoberUon," andfor sale low at



U-irl- s.


A NI FOR SA LE R V TII E CNDERSIGNED,J Cases assortid prints, new styli-- s ; do do pickles,

Cases assorted jams, do do sauces, do do pasts',Case' olives, pie fruits, confectionery, starch,Blue, vinegar, mustard, oatmeal, enrrie powder,Marking ink. candied peel, Worcester sauce.

Prime York Hams, Hhus. Bcrton Alk,Marzktti's Ale in Mottles,Marzetti's Ale, Double Diamond do.,Superior Dark ISkandv, (Maktell's,)Cases Port Wine, do (Jeneva, do .Sherry,Cases very Superior Champagne, &c.

Samplets uow ready for InpertioQ.2U-"- JAN ION, GREEN CO.

(Jroceries! Family Stores!ER Ac CO. II A V E CONSTANTLYCJ'REW offer for sale.

Ca"fs Roast Turkey and Cukkes,I'a.e-- - I'oi'.i.D do. do.,

Cases Mi stars.Cases FrtESU Apples,

1ases Saleratus,Cases Creen Corn,

Cafes Soup and liouiLLiE,Cases Ivobster-- ,

Cases Peaches,Cases Creen PexS,

Cases Preserved MiATS,

And a gn-a- t variety of Pretwrvrtl VrKetiibIra andFrail.. -1'4 .

I'OIt SALE,RECEIVED PER LATE A RRI VA LSJCST n. the following abortmei.t of Merchaoa M .

Cases blue denims.Cas-- s blea. flannel,Bales bro. cotton.Bales awning strirs, a Dew articl.Bales bro. drillinir.Cases print lawns.Cases sKtteen Idea, twill,Bales printed carpet,Cases ladies' gaiter lin-- d bootsCases men's ruhl-- r tjootf,Cas-- s boys' do do,('& wom'-r.'- do do.Cases charcoal iron.Bbls primeBarrel- - nie pork .

Half bbls ni-- ss i.rk,i'r bbls mess xirk,Bbls mess lteef.Bid navy mess beef,Tierces hams,liarr- - ls vinegar.Half bbls crushetl sugar,Half Uixes miains,Cas- -s lard,Casks pilot bread,

x- - r. . ir l t.. .. .. ,A 1 -- 1 - ll.t? , 1 -.a ew IK.UIU. ai.-.- .i.,, as.-.- , sa,i,

lV5-t- f Apply to o. uim ntnstu jibw nuir.

The .llcrclmntN .llamial !AINING TIIE TARIFF OF 185-t- 0.

C10NT Regulations and Charjo-- s, Treaties withF rance, Flngland. Unite.1 States. Denmark and Bremen, togetherwith an abstract of the Harbor Regulation for the Port ol Houululu and other I'orts of these Islands. FTice, 24 oent. Copieforwarded by mail o the receipt of the price. For sale by

2'im "HITNEY.


tr hedge fences, canplanu bv leiving application at box No. 01, ,'t"0-1-0- ".

The uK'u.UraUie he.lg formed by this plant, U ETeat

rapidity of growth in these Islands, render It the ml'plant ever Infr '.ere



the PAcincCommercial Advertiser.

Ilinmial ICeportOF THE


Li:i;iSI,ATI'KK OF l--

Br eotnmau I vt lb Kir.. ai'l areh!r to theS4b Article cf the Ccr.stitatirn, as intenJe-- J tn theISth Sptefr.Lr. lo3, I he the ti f retett toyea this) rrport on Lis Majesrj's fore:n reiattor..

CcB"i'Ir-.n- g the pra''act :trr"rnc to the in-

terests of the King lom cf ey from vitAVHt, jtaeanbot H to be receive-- 1 with :atere unt.o-;- i nthe abearance fixra the thrice, on tlie -- Ci ultimo,that ;? his M7'i re!nt ion with foreign Powers

re in aa iaicW ao l sati?itorjFew thTr bae la brcuLt to tLt tte, after the

lac.r of siiteeo jeart. will t- -t appear from my Re-

ports to the Le-.'f- cf 15 cowaris tc that cf23. To rer tor rart'cuUrJj to the qnert'.'inwhich Z bte hrk-- I to hiti-- I I"t!ori.v:c"T in rr-- e' r.eyears with the political nu! r tnts i f tteI'eitfl States, Great Britain and Frar.ce.u:t-- f ixeijr,wmiTJ rather tenl tv re.r.en qnesticr, lonz sinceaniicb'y c'oeed, than to cciiey in.lru.a licit .u tothe State.

It has Leu ajree f'-- n the Cmtriiil rer ttFrance ar.d a;yse:f, cur future ctrrertrj ienceto the interest cf the Kitig't atvJ cffrietxlTy ad mnt'ia'.'j a rtlitici.,

th? great Escpire which he rep'esr.. ar. J th!sKicr Iok. bouJ tot te ea.tarraetJ ty rc n. ."Lictu-c-es

tf part disajfree&ents, iiow rcufuiiiy reretter!.This ar!iietit was Ircnfrht a",tt thr. ugh the friet. J-- ly

mediation tf Mr. Alien, the Ci trice '.'.r cf theKicg-io- ci hi Mj-rstj'- a Chief Justice, for wborabcth tf as he eter hal rei? rer"t. at-- l in whoc!er ja'Jzioect, ictegnty. at.'i esiihtecei views inrear--i to the jrr at ts of the King in his foreignrelations, we he eeh ha-- i the utmost cccS lence. IappenJ. Lambere-- l 1 anJ 2. the totes ir.terchcge.lbetween M. Perrin acd tr)j'f, after Mr. Ai'en's Teryaccesofa! Befliatioo, for which, tn him, we are eyaal-l- y

thank.aLAlthough a sufiEcient tirae hes cot elapse ! to ja J re

of ail the practical workings of the n-s- treaty withFrance"e.i on the ".l-t-h Octorr, leoT, jet Ias happy to stVe that, so fir. nothing baa txurre--l

to shake t beirotiS-lenc- of the King's Plenipotentiariesthat that treaty .while heal-.r- ; up ci i sure with France,will, in spite cf sotce detail; which tby ct jectel to,C pet-at- e here in the te cf the Lno!ectcf the Emprcr, tf which matiy emphaticand some practical procfi have ten recoi throughbis Representative, M. Perrin. cn sun iry aiemo oc-

casions.The King's relations with Grvat Uritdin have bten

eminently peaceful, and mutually respectful feinzeMay, 113. The Kinj an-- his GoTrnnjet.t ftreat'.yregretted toe illness ar, J death cf Mr. Nicoia?, towbora H. B. Ls Cooiti.i-ioc- er at 1 CvD?ui GtLerai,General Mii'er, bad committed the charge cf theBritish Legation, wbeo cblige-- J to aivect hiitseif,tecpormri!y, from this Kicg-iorc- . fur the sske of bisown health. It bas pleased God to restore him toraeh mtssare of health anJ strength aa to justifythe hope of bis speedy return to this capital to resurcebis c?ia! dutiesu l.ese were rerformeJ to the en-

tire satiswtion cf the King's Government by Mr.Nicholas, so long as bis health permitted him to doto; and, enbeqsent!y. tiey have teen equally welldischarged by Mr. Green.

Nothing Las corn rred for many years to d'storb theKing's eminently friendly relations with the loitedSta". From the fable which I append. marked No.3, you will see that the shipping and commercial in-

terests in this Kingkm of their citizens preponderateever these of aJl other nations. It is therefore essential t our propr;fy that we should continue, foreser,"o be in the most friendly relations with the j

United States, and that cur mutual commercial inter-course should I pLcel cn the mc-s- t liberal footingcompatible with the fiscal watits cf both nation.The easy and courteous system, established in hisc&cial intercourse with me. by the Honorable JamesW. Borden, as Ccmiisaicner of the United States, isthe best that could beadepted f.r the interests rt bcthaatiuns and tn that g A will that oughtever to subsist betw-e- n them. At th.s moment thereia no question pending betwea him and me, exceptthe opinion of the L'oited States Government, whichbas sciicitel, co the quetioa whether theAmeru-a- n eitijen who aserte-- J thir claim to theprior discovery and ptsseysivn cf the islands of Corn-wall- is


and Kalama, ba.1. cutsefiuentiy, in their ic!-- i

sessicn thereof, to faia Ie--1 the precise requirements - i

of the Act cf .ongrKv, tn the sutject as to give forceand validity to tb-i- r claim of priority. '

The practical effect cf the loth Article cf the Treatywith tb Kingdom cf Sweden and Norway, left inabeyance by mutual agreement, till the relations be-

tween the gmt Power cf Europe should become sopaciEc as to render its exercise feasible, now that I

these relations verge towards universal peace, maysooo Lave as much force as ail the ether at tides cfthat treaty. Upcn this subject recent communicationshave been addressed to Admintl Virgin, the negotia-tor of that treaty, and through him to the Minister cfFcreiga AUairs at Stockholm.

It is to be hoped that treaties will ocn be madewi;h the Empires cf Russia and Japan, an I that un-

der tbetn our commercial relations with the Russiansettlements on the Amoor river, with KamscLatkaaud Sitka, and with the ports cf the Japanese Em-

pire, may hecome of great national importance.Our relations with Vancouver's Island and British

Columbia are likely to increase from year to year.Overtures for treaties cf frien Jship and commerce

with this Kingdom bave been received on the part cfthe Kings of Belzium, Prussia and Holland, as wella.s the Grand Duke of Oidenburs. and. indirectly, onthe part of Spain. These overtures are the best proofsthat can be given cf the esteem in which onr Sove-reign is b!d by his Royal compeers, and cf bis fulladmission within the pa'e cf international law andinto tae augut tamily of free and independent Sov&-re;g- ts

To obtain this result bas teen the great ob-

ject of my life, in this Kingdom, and cf aillb treaties with f.reign Powers offered while Mr. 1

Judi was Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, andcf all those subsequently concluded by myself, sincethose affairs were committed to my charge.

I append, marked No. J, a table showing the ex-

penses cf the Department of Foreign Affair for thetwo years endiDg cn 31st March, and. marked No. 5,ocpy of my letter cf the - nh March l ast to the Minis-ter cf Finance, tendering my estimates of the require-ments of the Department for the two years end. ngCist March. Further I append, market No.6. a list showing all the Diplomatic and ConsularAzent. who have receive! commissions from theKing and with whom, so far as I am able. I Lave toeorre-'po- n 1 with the regularity required under diplo-matic

I cannot ia justice to them, omit repeating what Ihave aaid in preceding reports, that they deservewell cf the Hawaiian nation for their unpaid andvaluable services. I particularly reCo omen J to yourconsideration what I say in the estimates above re-

ferred to (enclosure No 4.) in the special case cf Mr.EUrwdge. the King's Charge in Lima, in connectionvita what I sag zested to the Legislature in my Re-

port for lfoo. arid with the recommendation of H. U.Sl.'s Ccmmissioeer and Consul General in his letterto me cf the 11 December last, cf which I annex ex-

tracts marked No. 7.Appended is a list, markel Nx S. cf Foreign Di--

and Consular Agents, residing in thisS'omaticThe foreign relations of the Kingdom Laving now

been brought to the amicable and satisfactory stateannounced by the King himself in bis gracious speechfrom the throne, the two ether powers cf the: ta:e. byCooperating kyally and cordially with bis Majesty,in ail measures tut the security cf life and property,for the enjoyment of equal liberty, without licentious-ness, to a Li in the Kingl- - ra. f.r the education andmorality cf the people, cf religion pure and nr.uefiied.fcr the pur'.ic bea'.tb. the increase of the .

the encouragement of agriculture, arts and sciences,and of commerce with ail nations, will best enable hisMajesty to elevate Lis nation to that state of prtsper-ity'- u

which, nnder the providence cf God, it U des-tined by its geographical position and its many un-

developed resourcesSpeaking now, with the experience cf sixteen years

ia this Kingdom. I would most renectful'y adi thatnothing will tend more to the stability r.f the King'sthrone, the eSciency of the Government and the jer-tVcti- on

cf the State, (so far an perfection in a y thinghuman is attainable.) than a ttrict and incj riablejJKiTtnr to the division cf powers f recrlbed in the

3-- Article of the Constitution.Gct PKEsEBTE THE KlKO.

K. C. WVLLIE.Difaetjiot or Fokdos ArrAi, June 1?, tO.

No. 6.LIST, .Uphnlxtitally arranzti, of all the Kitz't

Diplomatic an-- Political, Coni'Aar ani Comvxtr-ei- il

.iztntM in Foreign L'ountrie$, riz :

Allan. Geo. Trail. Consul. Oregcn;An thou. L. H., Ctnsul. Copenhagen;Antbcn. Henry. Consul. Bala via, Java; t

Bain, John Watson, Consul, Auckland, New Zea-

land;Blake, Alexander. Consul. Neiafu. Friendly Is;Broad. Wm. S., Consul. Falmouth, England; j

Cbapin, Virgintus P., Commercial Agent. Apia, I

Samoan Islands; absent in the United States;Campbell, T. W.. Consul General, Sylney. N. S.

W.; absent in England; J

Delano. W. H--. Consul. Coquimbo. Chile; j

Deny. A., Consul. Rouen. France; j

DunUp, Wm. G. Consul, Olympia. W. T.; ;

ridredge. T. R--. Chrg d'Affaira asd CopgulOwBeral. Lima :

Go!er, J. H.. do. do., Hamburg;H:tchcock, C. E., Consul, an Francisco;Hedges, A. S., Consul. FUmsgnte. cg!ani;H'tkir., Many, Charge d'Affairs and Consul

General. London ;Jaci n. II. C,!. Lierp-.I- . England;JarJ-ne- . IaTii, Consul. Hongkong;JarJir.e, Charge d'Aaires and Ccxial

Genera!, Cunton;reviu. G ronsul, Ar;cr, Pm;Lirit;;rTcti, ScLujier. Ciarge J Affiirs ril Consul

General. N-- Vork;M:"i!ier. Jr.o. F., Cocsu!. Bremen;01ieH. G. ., Cot.ul. Biirncn-- ;

Pierce, H-c- ry A . Cvtsal. B-':- L'cite! State;Rhc-l'r- -. Her.ry. Consul, V curia. Vancuver's L. ;Sycicar. W D. , O nul, Crk. Ire-!ni-

iVxt!. J. W.. rcuiar Agnt. rurr.e;M- - Jiiiar. Chas , Charge d"Aa:re aol Ccr.ul

Gt rj f r the Ioipenlent and Tr.bin l'.ijLs.a. yir.ey. N. S. Wai;

.'ii.-t-a-. R. ., Cnsul, Fiiji Iiinii:Thomas. l'il. Charge d'Aftir- - and Consul

l. Va!jra-j- ;

Vi!a!. An'.ii.e, Cotsn!, Pari. France;VjI:, 'har:e. Charge d'Afaires aal Consul

General, Paris. Frat.ce..iPPOL'TME.'TS rcomr.i! tj t:e K'ir.

an ij .'.!. r.z .Vijttty't ajprr-il- u-- . tr t'i"th .IrurU o' the ContUrat iuu :

Ys, Ilerry. I'.. rof:u!, f r Apia. Saroran Is.;Knight. W i..iai. Consul. Illar: Tc n. Tasmania;Frercan, H. W., Consul, Nicho'.ayesk, Amcor


Sff.itii, Augustu, (oc?ul, Hako-lali- . Jarac;P-- C WYLLIE.

FiTtir,5 OrncE, ISth June, lto.No. 8.

LIST, .ilpha'ttlicaUy arraazt , of Forfizn Di-- pi

juta.'ic an I CumuLir Aztnt , Rf tiling; inli'jriolvlu ai-- EU it tfit Kinziom, viz:Bolie, D. F., Vice Consul cf Bremen, Lthaina.

t'.e Iln. J. W., CoinmissiiLtr cf theUnited 5:ates, H noiulu.

CbanJier, A. G , Consul cf the Unitel States, La--La

r. a. (ilavir.g to leave cn account of Lishea'th, has apptintel Mr. Henry Bigelow to actfjr him.)

Everett, A. P., Consul of Chile, Honolulu.Haekfeld, Henry, Consul for Sweien and Norway,

Hnciulu.Heiick, Theo. (., Acting Consul fir Denmark and

Hamburg, Honolulu.Holt, H. Von. Consul for Hanover, Honolulu. (Ab-

sent and Mr. Ileuck acting fur him.)Hofftneyer, S , Consular Agent of France, Lahaina.Meichers, G. C-- , Consul for Bremen aai Lubeck,

(Absent and Mr. Reiner acting forhim.)

Miller, Thorn a, Consul cf the United Stites, Hilo.M:l!er. William, Coroniisic ner and Consul General

cf 11. 15. M., Honolulu. (Absent and WilliamL. Grn performing his duties for him.)

Ferrln, Lu." E.. Consul and Commissioner cf H. I.M. of France, Honolulu.

Pratt, Hon. Abner, Consul of the United Stites,H:r.oiu'.u. (Absent and Mr. Duugherty, as ViceC.nsu! of the United States, acting f. r r.ici.)

Reiners. Gu:ve. Consul of Prussia, Honolulu.Stape hers', F., Consul cf Oldenburg, Honolulu.Varigay,, Chancellor cf the French e,

Honolulu.R. C. WYLLIE.

Foefigx Office. ISth June. 1:50.

just received:Fx FRAMES PAUIER."






IMu- -Genf lemi'iiN I'll rn Mi his: f'ooIs

KVEK IMKKTKI l.VTO THIs MAKKKT.WLich t--- rj'tr.;'.! hy rverr arrival fr. n San Krncjoo,

u of it - tr - r ju.r.


fit of the '.! '.f t.e Il:..:a'j t a- - lr .l ha'.i:.g: l.

aaa hat r r n j --. ! at l."H Hot KJ.--. w.A I atmuch LvHEK KAfh-- - thn U;: rS.r-- l ,n : in i tyear. ' .; zi: arvl ?nr.e arc i if'.iv '.. t call

te f r ir.-T- -. A. r it M S iiRlNBU M.lii-or- a rr--- Ft! ar. 1 J f?.ar.t

Just received per Syren anilOTHER LATE ARRIVALS !

Crackers and Ricmtt.T)OSTOX WATER ( RAt'KERs.If ib-- c o cra- -t r.

H- - ton no.k ira:kr.Bon waf-- r f.ra.1.IVt.ia t:.t-- r

1. avr cntUn,:iXl!.

"ae jamj.

fn:t.Annn'.-a- a p. frasu,- j':o'.r!, j.iau and iuri

- I'urbam muitart," tx-- A; Prrr:n' u.-- -

Fr-n- ch o!irr,- Ciprr- -J- -

Fmh appif . in (rait and tir.a,trawN-rr- r jam,

CraiiVrrr j ira.

Ciiinoa "FearFr hMl&ce-j'i- e mtrau

Tra: kmi vyrap.C'Ttr. in 1 an I 2 9 tina.L.".l y?r. in 1 iZ. 1 2 to "C larc. ui - Rs t:i .S.nJmea. in ar.i i ft t ij

aim'. in - 25 tins,Urvea 1

ir-- n c- rn.( i-- bi rim,Y-- a-t P IfT.

urr .wder.liv-r.- a" oj r,Pc;.;r iT,T cit. Canup,

;V7nr extract.Clar'ae'i atarrh,

" -Oir-r-o

ttl c.Orou--i f.i.iKr. .


Wrar; ha'.ia ham a,: n jffirrar-- 3 fcart,

K:' '.ft.fM an i aooixla.

Fr--- larl. in tlaa.II i f a:ii iarttr aT: n;t'iO;f rri:a cr-a- ia c!.ee,Atr-r:c- an part.rn TT- tarin.

Sundries.C'.;rrar.t. in jart.R.a..:.. :n i Nrart,C itrr;. 'jrifc-- - ar.d &on ln I.?.f: ahe.l a'sj r d.J i aim-'!!-



siar.iivah liivaan 2ur.

r?i-- mr.n 3rai.

kv.--i tiar!-- y.

an i.r.a r- ",

a!aarnr.i.Prarl-: : t p..

' f- -i i

Cv. U'J.brx-'a-

C. -r rr.w.if.;:.a..:. ts tjnp. Ft-- r chaf; tw

lT2n . saVII-OK- .

aDI FELUfHs' HALL. F&rt .rrt

JT.ST UKCKIVHI)From New York. ia Nan Francisco,

4 NO for s i.i: BV THE IMKRIGX.I. I t- -. "!!! FT 1 : 'r F.I.F'jAM a- -

Silk I'mbrrlla utrIn:- - r-- r.t.- - tre

Ft rhp, at A

Paper and StalionervRECEIVED, PER LATE ARRITAL5.JUST jn ct r.::rj rair, eccr-- - v. r t rtv t- -

r.?l!rt ar. i u- - fF .r.e whi; aa-- l Nae rap 1 ! litter pat-r- .

to do do notr paper.'t erf? lrttir aJ C"te paper.

T'.ia aecour.t eurrct aa4F.r.eiop anJ rappire paper,Kei aa--i tiMuc; paper,

-A- L-100.000 eoTel pt. jorreraoeat. and oce tize. of all colorsaod qaautm.

Xy AU crJe--- t iuppliJ. at aa ot a C?ur-- aa can V hal in

iNew Goods! New Goods!

S. O.llilLLhas jv?t r.rrhivr.r peii

I ka. mi in-i- .s fr

ijeji-r- J ; ;j J. (.-:- : j

f.:.atl. erev raL.r.a, ctoa tr,ucr


I vM :

I Tr-ti- . r a


J. R. TAUKK.Mn.lrr.miir. Kiii.i.ovif; wf.i.i, electedJL :r.r :.-- of iKH'.'iiANi-u-r- . . r.:cr, !(: a::!.tion cf U,eput;.- - . r i. t .:..:-- J:

Hardware, Ac.Tim--- aajc;a- - . .i- - : .

Ci.-;-- - fr.r. -- : r.- -. :r. T ! .

A t i.- i ; ;h t f - ia:!!,

.a-r- ,'. : '. (Travy ar.J hi:r ivt,e t .: a.

liT !,- -. . ar.i r'r.J- - '.a."7. ca'.kir.g ta!ta.W:ni&w Ir-- r.

Liiirirv :.: i' a 1 j r. F -- '.K;.a.r.r.i :r-- . I ; r r.i. .

lli;'i ri'X. :b ::;.! ! -- ' f :rot tr.'iV.w r.i. "ct t ar.

Ka'-r-r- -- kr: M-- r tj'.;- - it.V. r -- J -.; its -af - ST. 1 -i. j. T.s,

I. ' 2 ' . . la.t.l'i r... s::i.iv Uc3f..-. :. i r. lvs hoiiera.

. J. .t J. .'.vv-'- iT..ry ax4. - n ri.T-i.- - a:.ot--

Pa4trr ;rr-r- t. aT r.t " xea. tt-,- i.- -- .I. ft- - paff cni 2j t.s:r Pr.-- - lr J- -:. t. v r s:.- -r t:.:rit.:e. ;:letto.Ma:h.n -:... ivrj-- r prtac:et.i.::! :t'-. - ! - r- O'ii-ir-- I. It. n

I' : I. r: -

f.trr.a--- . t rs d-- i.

Ir- 'fi cl.'n.i r- - KEra- - tr -- t ;t'C.

saip ra;-r.. t..L.J J r. cf.r't.war . '!-- . er:cr-i-.- t ar.i rural

r.'.rtit Lit, ii '. t ir- :. t rr.or-- ti

.i r with cr.i.i h:; i;- - -- . r . W tr c!t. c:ybolt'. irir ar.j a. r.i.'.. - s. w ...i ra' -- .

L::i n ra.c. - fcj"".-- '. ti! ia 1 i iir" als. ac:jr-- r.arrir. n:r t'c :;. p:tri ir.awh

piar.c-- f.aal.ra: sni - tj er.Hn:c.rr3'.aia. i a:, i '.vj p. .ra . ha.r. pi;;.t. W. W ..t !'ru-:.-- i.

::.rrai.; ;r.t-- r-


I'rar j.irr.e-- -. t LaVk'urjtr e ctaiii.Ir'i cart t-- trt, C. s. irira ri-- . Oieai tooVt,

pap-r.- h- ta- - ch- - . r.i atour:.f ch:.-- !. tcr-- b.t?. counrerslnat,hriH scrr' eyrt. l.T.i- - tr :uurv.e-y:-i p::is.

ittiai nipple. ei tlrtr.r--r ar.a x rt fim:er chiael.fh.e p:r.cers. I!r.t:i lu-:- rv knivea.

;.f r.3.:?. Mi-.- n' t lir;:::.r. French calf skin.iVrf-o- a nn-- hack !:r.i.- - hat.-W- r kaiics,Iv. rv tar. ! ta le aa-- - -- rt kti:vet.

re:.fh. 0. s. 10. 12. 15. Is an 1 21 inch,Hamo aa4 trMlf a -. s:ri' p:c.

!at;.-s- . ldj-r.w- i.

; unchea,Cixprra' tarr.raer.

Ir.'ti a:. i c-- t jtr Hj.lrr Crj.;.li,.I'luciti r. Lra !a:::p (tain.

21-- , C la-- r an J tapl- -.

KjU-.I- . Mtvare a.J Outlet icrrws.I at,irl tit-- . F:r.un:i:aTatr sa . Ir-- n tacs.

t:rtar,ma oil ihn:p&, I. t.i:-- ,- aUJiei.Cnarcf! r.L. e t

W tr.l carl, ti trip tack.rt.rrap ;rTi. 'i':nr.e-- i spar. p- - atetl n:attra Cha'.k r. pr.cer pa tre;i. m t.-- .n nap.s.lvere.1 cii:l Trace ctain,Stat:' .r.t-r-' ttr.t.- -. Ax'.e j.ulkea.

Sttre.VHpi. liench t.kssht. l'up-r.- t' sheet line,e.r. t'X bow.Uaar -i !.:tem.

Wlai'. c':a. 2ixi4 aad Ir n. c pper and brass wire,Grindstone crar,k an 1 rrU-- r.

H ae piler ar.J -r ler.::r. Mm and :adi-- " ft. iai'.f,Safrtr fitr. pvrc la:"! .att.-'- . ;.:tt'.t.5.Gra ho.k. oval tea :ra. T-- lt itr.ipii itee.iie. teel trap,p.jrtenj'-ar.a.e- . a; cr. i! ' t : ar. i instep stretcher,Spanaakerj" JrT:r.; kr.;v, . P -t c rkcrew,w alte ra.-- 1 ; r. t ...

w r..;.ui nus-- '. r-- at1 ci :in cat'.i.E.

.h-i tal. eye elassea.Lra vc'.i. lea. t..ise ra- -.

Manne ard a . cake a ca.-- t. r. r.i' r t'me.-- - :;. ' il t.'n- -.

and itter fret aw.

Stip a::rer. - a J ar.i ra' : :t r- .- - t ?ta:.d. curainni !. i Tir.i iar.j- -. a: i rarr.aite !. p.

ir-t-ti 1". C I -- ' 1: i.a rubiercr:.t. r' t : aT. r aw- -,

r :1 im t:l Mr ' n. t u:.i- 1 . ' : 1- .- c ..!,.

t i. ..! t i.. '.oli : . ::-- :!a.--- . '. . 1.' ii 1. 1 j .

au i - . t.:.d

kt .V- -

roller t5 it :i!t 1 tr- -

yi.Tr-- tf rt f r.. t

Silver i j::- - r Kt.ii -- -. ) t re ..' j tutDry

I:". ; : rr.i-;- jr- - . cf.-ra- .ho 1 lt-- 4 i : - i . 1' ri r:vt-- r

i. c :rj- - Ku-- K. i : .;- - r. ' t -- n :i.ixk;r..v'j - :: . t if :r-F-r- r.: w r.t..i curtain!. !, a.'. - t . r i: I - . : -.. c! tt.

tt t.te . 1 f i - . . i r.tlK-1- .

It :.i,- -t r ' : . u .t:.. '. t:.r- :a r - -.

elv-.- r;: ! ;. - t. c . .:- - a: 1 ui tWate-.- -l -- : r i - lie-- . i n. C't' .ti d,ttkir..--. ' r. r. 11 .. ..!. '..:i .j- - r. ir'ii:t. ctin'z.I'.er.wn 1 Wh.te t L'.ri.t-- .'U'-.'-


r - 1 .l- - i.i:- - '. .: r c - cr:::. '..:j- -.

K- -l. 1 lue a'. ! ye.: t: it i.- - . 1: ;. iiwii. - '.::. eonl,tt'i.i:.- - atl.l t r a ;:: :: ttr-- a i. '. c. 't tt.r.- i.l.II.M'k rv rr' a?:-.- -. ::. i! ri-- t' r re.f an-- -' .:fdi!'C. lt tr-.- o . n...r

i tiiyct. !.. I.:.-.- - i r.'n t' e.La lie' and rtv ' r'-- and li rk r '.e.

er. Wtoa !. ' far..-- ): . 1:. I.:-- ! iramitlet.l.a.l.-- irei.t' 1 . :. :!?-- ! 1.

I'...t-- . .U . " ( . i !'. t Lraid,CM'. red .".Ml- -. elatic r.i S.r.. Vr-- .. 1 la:-- ,

!r';:!- - i at fr:'.. c r ! at i !.hr .i red-- . m urr.::.? .atlC Cit I .

lier.t-- " uje-- r ra --- trio--. .t'e ::i t.arr.rtr.c edji-- j.":- - V :n. 1 t . J rkirt,

French cr-- t. : tal mt-- . vvli t

Hiack ;i lace .. k: i iroj i. Hay S'at tawl.Florence .:k. Mafa lrf ?! ite i..:ir--.::'n- .- l.'.k rarhe,

" check linen. I.r.en :., Ac.

Catilt: ap. rv.en:-;- olive .:ip. f C !a,Crera tar-i- r. car ! r.i: . f.:.e dairy ait,iTittl ap; -. I'ret n a:. l M"rri:i' yat tTd- - r.B ty;-rri'- .n f ui.l. r vai:..-- . ta: : i!t.Cayenne "pepper, favor::.; extrac-.-. wt:ie wine vinegar.

Itoot and Slioe.Xjii.'i' :'.k C"!;re- - tf-i- -l ! .:- -. p en' Oxf.-.r- tie.Men' Fr- r.ct ri f 1 m-- :. enarnelci slippers.La lies' al.iteat. 1 Idack Uid f'spi-r- r.

pl:in an 1 !-l iirpei '-- l bak:-.- ,LaJie' an 1 mi- - c.lf s.

Atrricnlttirtil Implements, A:c.pi. a, ttre :i-- ; tat. lean, f x yoke".

cd cnt-:- i:..:is. Grant" f .i, rril!,tt heel.arr w an4lHrt. arrvw,Kiell' cat irm c m :ie'.!- - r.

."Iicellaneon.Gla tan 1 larr.t. c' pre- - rve e.

Cut e'.a a'.t !: tr cr.irrnry. olar wick.K."kit:rliirti ;::: n.'.- -. Irim) .

Catard c r. eut ir tt'. !. ra:ard cuf.r- - iir lnr-i-j . par.el 1 r. j'.ai-- l window Man,

tt'md M.n 1. r. t.rc pin, w.i- -t I .rd. water pai!.Cf-- ir ar. 1 paint, d u' ?. market -- ,. m-- . tai.dle.T y pa.:, tat-r- . p.tent ird tr! iitled clothe in.La.!:- - w. r t'a'k-1- . c . or ! ; . ' i m.-m-

Cm r v n.. painted t i wili-.- knife baiketJ,Curled ha.r. t..el K k- -. f-- a:!.--- r p.l'.-.wa- . hairll sth r-- 't be'..:ea.i. 1 ai - n r..-'e walnut wattnd,tt air.ut c- er what-r.-.- t. 5 a"-- 6 .v if.Wair.ut side t. :".- :- rhriir. Grecian chair.Pure wh.t- - le.1. extra wh:te'::?. putty.Iur.pi- lack. r:r-- : f:rter.t:r.e. M...-- vrn!b,Coa.-'- van,;.'1!. furr::ur varr. -- h. ,

P-.- n :a. purt-v- - -- t t.- -. Fr-r.- zir.c,Cbo late r. re yr- f 210Jm

iPtfznrv goods :

W. X. LA DDRECEIVED HV THE ".. MI" EI.HAS HT? rN" a iar-.- aul a. r:rr.i nt of

XI zx ir cl n x-- o !C"t-.- . in I art ...f

Extra 'jnaiity ni. rtice 1 . w:;n white or .la-- k kn ! j ElmCity and tt:-r:- . ! j--r 1 -- '. at.-- crew. city

t-- l:. a, rt.-- .je ; ;.tanl ta;.;- - . ! ho.k.te-- r.. K n i a::d 'a:. it:it c- - m ce. car-

ta, n '.an i. ! x and ct--- t tair ciwtii fTfarr.itar- -. pr-- r a h'e.j uj 1 iuch : extra h c u; .?. t p , f.a-m-- n"

M-r. f pri: j- -. t.iit- - r c?.a r.. wah- a- - 1. -- i:.e t rr ;:.. tr.ark ir z and wt:t--w- ah

I r-:-.-, car;-r-.:-'- r pla-.- e.

a. c n ru:--- f.V. brq e h:ta,Ira Ira-- . !?ii'i pUt-- -l peace

w.-- t !arrp t k.larce t ui'.et rr. uir ; : '

. 40:.: t5.' - ::rw .

;;r.rr i'ivre e - i i

e n t .

t p :h1

- -- rr;. i.: . t .. - a- - l ci -

l--'- t- -a t K -- :.r' c- -.

k -. Tr t 1 r. t : --; :., t:r.r.etltr : rt. t y . - v'i ax .:- - 1 ; . - - ' i. c. - - ! prinrf r i'i-- r; -- t.-ei in r.r. r.a. rte-- 2- -, etc. Aio,

Ploi.XT' Tj vi if :. n . re; Juiiy ir.Ti:e,l. Cilo



i--. t.rt batt rai.:r r. a p:n,

' ri r- - r :. r. .:n ? i:..H- -t I. K 'M -.-

-f-- r.,

I'ora". n.'t tt',--.- p.-'C-- r r..!'e.Mr..s nra 1 :..! butter, t ire,;. : I

P.iVr c,n.t.n.-- . t :.i:Pr-- ie-- err.t r i.:-- ry n.

Hia-- k ernt.r it ry . ) :n.I r.n.- r. a:.i - ar rt cture c rJ.

tt - .: r r r-- ::. .i cior.b i; h - . and eye,

li.vii t i't: ie. .j n;:ty ban.1.I- -y c tt n 1.' e.

La-i:- e' br arri.::ar.te.

.i'i dt3tr,La !;e" ecri.-:-. ete.

ai J rt'i-.i7'.F.'- rar,:--


by the rxrEK: ;Nir.The Carsoe of the I5ritih Rark



Drv toud.o- - tt......

I . pna. a. : a." t. ;.tis T :r-- - r--i id.'... f.,a -- l5.vr,i c.I Uei. Frea-- i U:..s i r.:..j:n

I la.a ar.,i t r. .aa-- . - rr..Tt. r : n

.:. l taiarrc:..-f?- . - :

toricrti i;ar-:.- . r.J.a:.;r-anr- L

T :r- -

LI.NENfi!:;t'.rct.-!-- .r- -: r.c :.a:.

I c (t. a u.--. rr:.j.s. ."uas'.rr.-- a. Kjf

aid acar:-- : r r.r-- - yS. ; ji.a.i-w- a. t .;v.ri a:.- str t r r wr.cttnh-.- f r. st,: t ;,hat. .: hAn : rrtnr tww ; tr. uer.m.

-! f.vt.-e- i. - :;r. i. wh.ttr-- . c.- - i.'s ar.. n h . ivu-- cnJer- -ir:: it--i tc, i: . 4c..

Iliirdware.. -- t !. fat br :ro-:- . a: i.

-;, t..e. cr - cut Li:. ', .. ts. i kr.ivr ar 1 f r.

I l.p- - r.. c. r--. c..r. --e . piate-- i spur.t.-- e . c:r:--:- .t ..---" a.4!-- -.

av.i.j i.--r. s ft . l.'. .a 4 upr :.t aa t h riiontal bam.

J Cut aa -. a-- : 1 ttietal brao tu:t- :.i.Naval Store.

i :J ..;r. Ma:.:. a r ! :t rM t.airlir.?. ri::.:.. .;.jr.y4rT:, i i .

. Hur.lro l.n.-- . t...:i hr.j-- ri i; :r::"..f tarta.l c ir.tas. a:... J.nrT . s:.vf- - :m tar.

j Birr.'. ::.:.. l. p r-. ;a,Bj wav sat. i Ja; rr. . !. - .j Ir. a :t hra- - ca'-:.;r-'j ir .: .

j K; '.patf.s pat-:- .t pacpt. tv vri.c- -l.

A L...j Cast- tar&tnm r. 14 2, Sirj Casa o.4npoai4.vr. -: !

CJroferie-- .j Ca- - Ei.t!:-- h bac-Cas- .re

pi- - fra.ts. jCar.Jiei cntm a:: citr-- 3 uars cicVIrstaiicej, white w:rie n.u-vir- l.

meat an! fct.i-- 5, n.-- ?taj i va. 1, C.'.Ve. cnyer. pepper.

Ground biifcca pepper, c o" I atc-n- t r1 itei t r.t.r y. tch atrxrai, aim-- J. siier-uus- .

Cae in if anu qXirt-.-- r t:r.. .iiai o.i..u aratawny pa-:- -, cnu.-.- .

Yellow aap, lu ttle-- i ":tp.Liquors.

Caaes OiJ T rn Gin. ffi.iur. Fr in Coi'aie Cognac, pie ?herry. t ;ne 1 P irt. Cir.ret.

buTTLKD ALK AND 1VP.TER,IIM Salt A, th is. Yuut i-- r Ale.

Sundries.I tt h.te aa'.twater soa;,. 1 ,;3Tc::r., fctll.ii ad lit .

Scotch b:CUit.j Crate te 1 ear"het;war- -.

Ilarr-- i and

j Iron . tin plites.j Cr .w 1 ar. teneir.i! wire.

awiii chain. L;ver;ixl salt,j tn::h oii.j lilackmith' coal,I ccl,j Green p;iint.j sroir. pans and co:lep.?.I Hoop iron, 1 cae tiperi-- aorted Enili-- h cutiery,j FIFTY T'jN III-- . K. in Wi-i- l la.--.

I -

: P.fCtive.1 per bark SEA X V M P II. from London,j .MAKZETTI 5 ALE AXb POSTER,I And per liarit GO.MCLZ.t. tr m an asc-rtmen- t

j td ENGLISH 'iK'.'CEKIli.-- .And bv f.r--t c nvevance from Et.eUr.i afU-- the Hl'M-- !PIIREY NEI.S.'N, f r which. v. -- l thev w- -r t late, a au-ttf- ul

a.-rtm.-r- .t cf ENGLIslI PIlIMs. inclulir.i pink andj yellow, and 'Cher ?i. ice style.j 17 The itn f t:.e-- e j rmt. a well a of th e

p- -r Har.-.- j hrey N- -: .:.." ar-- entirely Sf . :i"! n .t oriri'Hi ii.e Oi.l I irni rtitt:-;:- . h'.ue.

IriO-t- f JA.M '.N, GilLKN At CO.



sELECTEU i:PRE..-!.- Y F"l: T!:' M KV.K Y.T, ANI FSALL I.V THE '. N".'i KsI j.NElr,

Vi:-.- -; i j in j.irt cfN w :! Pri ::..

W. r.n Law . -I t.burc. VntfHre Chee-- e,


c:Ur er;e,

a.t.'.ie.arj- - t

L:',U'IVer ar. i V r.rr.

c.itt"! ite 1,1,

Perfitrnerr.He-.- " v

i Fencinz tt ii,And a cre.t v?.ri ty rf Er.u'.h (f.-.- l.

XT Sam:..- '.f Prir t. ::: oth- - r G ..ij, c:-.- be t o at the, St. re - if u:l-r-..- -:. :.

J'X-T'.- .tANT 'N, '".KEEN 4- - CO.



Clipper Bark K Yankee ! "M OTHER IATE ARRIVALS SI PE- -

TKT wi.-.- t.ri n embr drreti c i'.ar. rui he,t n. - a id dr -- . r j h'.-C1-.- i. r.'.i-.ll- -. ..;.. . I." X a!y - :Kor.t.t t frtti- - . : ri- t Kin i'r:i. w'.:'.- - dri.French th.-r.- ci .1 . h. :e -- ;i. b;.,

c ma:.::i'.a .c-- -- pf.l laP..a.:k

.. ri'-.i- i t.kts.iv-- t. .r i'!

1 ii!-- i a; : bUc; ra 1-.- ad tr.. ! tl t t -. n 0 . children hat

e mu!-- t . d .ir.i-.- -i t.i '.e :::-- n. towr!:n,Sj; rj..r birl" -- ye .in.j r. f in;, - v- - r,fa'-i- ladies racial.. I md.i.r.

iadn ;r(nl tnritlTtil C'lotlia for Gentlemenand 15oy'a Clothing.

For sale by (.vT-3r- n i H. PIMoNI' ,: SuN.


V sELs. W i cf i r;. r ','i;i'..'y car. ie- - !..t i at Koi-.- at$ j per c r 1 : f - : :" : i :t- - r -- r rr : i . ..t J l per head,and c at at 1 ij head, Aio. fruit and v. i.f various

kini car: - r vur ! at '.- - a'.' .e ."..-- r..

Jjr tt" -- ni aiwav n 1. ii. i at tte in nuantitie. to suitpurchaser. (c4-t- f, GE'jR.jF. CMAUMAN.

At .4. D. (artrishi's Ft-ci-l Store.I7"Resii BICKWHE AT FI.OFR. IX 2;M. lb. ack jat '. anke-- ." an 1 r ale at th

FEED sT'.'RE.a rt street, Ii. ttl street.

KESII C A MFORM A IIOMOW. 3 sIZEiiF! : ft.r family ae in 10 lb. ca. F r tie atTIRE.

tre. t. ar Hotel tr-t- .

R E II C A LI Ft) R VI A K V E F L OF R A MMEAL, pa: up f.r use in 1 J lb. .i-

-. h r aie atFLEH sT'iRE.nenr H "T t.

C A LI FO R X I A FA Ill XA. PI T I PIREII us-.- in pj !t. ac. F.r a.e at tr.eFEEI' sT'JliE.

F t: t - ar 11 1 str. et.

TRFsII CAL1FORX1A RICE F1.01R- -put up for fan..:y use in 1 J it, w c. 1 r :e it the

FEEI' M .KE.Jra F rt 1. n-- ar ii tr-- et.

F RF.II CORX A X D WHEAT MEI.. IX-- o !. tck. t - r i - nt the 1 EE!' .

20 F rt trt. ar 'I -- !


ao- - at the tlKi'rt -- tr r. r.rar H -- :r-e- t.

17RI"H C 4 LI FOR X I A HO hEf; A POT AJL t ani Too: eei We t p- - -. e f r - at the

FEEI' ?r.'F.E.F -t reet. near Hotel sir t.

CALIFORNIA WHITE REAXSFREH . p. r "c r r -- a e : . -l ttl'

F rt : -.- - li t- - .r-- ..'

ki: .S. K nt;s.X! S G A LLOX T.MPTYlOOO:'

Jll-l- T C. LKE EK t C-- .


. t '.. F r .,

PitEtt 5; C .



;:i-i- i C. EHEtt-E- k CO.

iii:kkin;.13 A K It ELS IX GOOD ORDER.150 ALs.

Hi.! .: d hilf M r.--i- ,! i ur Is.Fr ale t v ..11-- 1 , LREM ER

CEMENT.B IRKELs FOR SALE BY300 211-- 1 i . IlREtt ER A CO.

NOTK F !TO RETCRX TO THISEXPECTING! t f ' t '- r I ha-.- pp nte-1

Mr. A. Ln.-.-a ti. a-- -, f.r me ur-i'- rp-- tr Att r'et lur.r.; ct"aence. rtlARLi 1 LaKE.

aba r. A; 21. 10 r"-t-

Siiippiiiir ami Coniiui'',ian Merchant,IIONOLl'Ll". O A III" II. I..

FOR KHl!AI.E. AT THE LOtt'-.- fOFFER1 KATii. the f .. ..: oer--c!.an-.- e :

ttt.te Linen Hantt htte r. wr!


suspenier.Li!'.ej Kid:r.c Gattr.Uet.

Flje F retire.F--

" Ja-'se-

RAVENS Itlir tnr a Cator.

IaSe s:x r.Cut i b'-- t.

M. t te Witerse: Cr rkery tt"ar?.

Crntea Crocliory 7Crio,liay Stte ' G'.as.

Cooking d Pr.y.r.


tr.ed Ar: ie. China Car hr.a Rice.


Eilra Prime Park.U'AF-r- d 'R. CRCSP.ED si GAR. NAVY BREAD. HAMs

G.--ii Pepper.Gr.iCi !utrd.

W'-- r Cracker. 'Metrp-- . iitan Cra.-ketv- .

G.rcer snap,teNts.

Lec:on Cskt.Jar Prune.


i. Jack Knifes, bac .ict. boxe Needle, silver'd '

Bitt. Mea-nn- g Tupes.sOLAR LAMP CHIMNEYS, i'o. LAMP WICKS, No. 14 2.

Roll Hoa I'aper.Padlock. i

pkci A- -. j

Carl1 .

File.Ha.nicutr. ;

Iron llrd.lrad. Onr Cnbiu Tablr.Lv; Copae. Copper Pump. B at Cctapae. IK"r Mau.


Gcnne BaiT. '

j Ejsoa Sa!t.j Eiack Faint, !

i Greea Paint,Madder. ;

Lewis 5: Brother's pare White Lead,P;iciSc Co. Extra White Lei,

i Kez's Lewis ci Brother's Phil, pure Zinc I'ntnt,Cans Lewis i Brcther's Phil, pure Zinc Paint.

Top Sail.Fore sn.

Main Sa7':.studding Sali.


BRUSSELS CARPETING.Oilcloth Carpeliug.

One np. Patent Force Pump, Baltimore Cane- - Chairs,Men' U - t, Las:n c ar., Assorted s'nelf HanJaare

s';s scrapers,BraDd'j tt'hriiint Gun.


One Brown tt'halinp Gun and I.-.-r. one set irn strapCutting Blocks, with chain pendr.t. ! :ncinff Machines. BoatAnchor. Iron superior New Be.if rd tt haleboat.

j OIL CASKS AND SIIOOKS.! Hxp Iron.' Cot'per" Rivet.j Oak Plank, Is. and 1 j inch.Large auorlm'l Manila and Hemp Cordage.

j s:aini stutf,' Cutting Fails.

M hale Line.Try Pot.

Composition Sheathing Nail.Cotupositicn Coptrin Nail,


quart and pint. quart and pints.FETLEVS ALE. pint. BALES CCRLEII HAIR,

Indian Vegetable Bitters Flssence Wormwood,I'herry Ct.rdial, St- ischt.'n Bitter.Hot l'ri-ip- Essence IVpjH-rmint- .

Palta-lta- f hite Straw nats.

Brown Straw Hat.rrah :r-i- Hat.

CUldren's nats.A SMALL ISV. It E c?

SI'PERIOR STEEL EN" ( RAVINGS.T- -tf ic, tc.. v"i '.

FHFSli (.laOCnialES.H V R EC E XT A R R I V A LS. THErf a?!: rtiiariit of ro'.rr;x. s. t tht stt-rt- of iht

IM.der: ;r I, t iz. :

prr-r- -. s imin. r a"'-r-

Fr--h aj ; ! . furry powder,t resh tpa n .. 4rui!d ca-;;- i.

' Fresh tache-- . tlp-.un- bi te. pep-r- ,

Fresh . tt ; d . d...Kasr-l-err- j m. Pimento.Cranr-err- jurn, Gr and clove.stra.vlrrv jam. Ac, i t., i"., Gr.?u:id -- ir "r,Min-r- meat. Cr-:- tartar,sa;-- . s. C.scet av ry. Hixad f nr.Freh r.t:-i:.- s. Fr ti c trrant. in tin.

, Tin water cracker, Tin butter -- :rir crack-r- -, T:- - oyster cr tckers.

T.:. -! cracker. Tin wtr.e cracker.Fr-- h "t -- ters, Fr-- sh lters.

smtlne. Fr-nc- er--- r.

Encl h pi- - fr'.i:, F.t:j'.:-- ii pickle.Erillih sa Eniriish mustard.

Frtirh n'Usturl. Smoked hamsMnoke.1 herrmc. Green Corn,

Bet i i H. I .

Cr.he! and I t'c-xr-. s-- Ac.

X. B Fresh IIand butt r arid fr tin ! cot alwnvs or. M. 1NTYRE.

Paints. Oils. ic.BOILED OIL.CJ t ae spirit turi--nt:ne- ,

K-- c wr.ite lead,Case" putty.

Case black p 'int,Cae imprial jrreer.,

; Cae chrome y. ii .w,Ca- - vtrdij-i- s.

Cae Celestial b!a,Ct'es cpnl varr.i!i.

C.iar-- bright varnish,Kfl French rir.c.

Kef Fr-nc- ve'.l.w,Ketrs red - ad,

Kep enet:an ret!.t .. brti-h.- s. Just r

ceive-- i ;er " Svren""

f..r sale by C. IlREtt ER A CO..l".-t-f tt harf.

SCO A RS.HALF B B LS. E. BOSTON" Xo. 1 CRCSII- -iH ed sucar.

HiUf !bls. Est B"St .n Grmulated Suitar.B .lea Loaf Suirar. E'er sale bv

C. EREWER i CO..l&T-t- f Market ttharf.



1 ik Cart. y Irmed throajhout. Jut received persvren" f. r 'ale bv '. BREWER CO.."lV--tf .VarKrt tt harf.


Pdtttt ER i Ci..ISt-- tf Market Wharf.


3 J 30 lxt comp: :i- -n nu-- :50 kees do

F- -r sale ti C. EREWER k CO.,l'7-- tf Market


tf M.,ret W harf.


Hard Pine race Deck Plar.k.

'lard Pine Rail.Pori4ebv C LKLttER t. CO..'K--l tf Market ttharf.

Siiirar and Molasses.lROM THE BREWER I LA VTATIO X- -

1 C. BilEWER Jk CJ.19-- t.' A cent.

F IRE BRICK. SI' RICE POLES FLAG--ne. ; r a:e ry c. BREW ER 4; CO..f M.-e-; Wharf.


ri.irr.eis nl li:?-- t

' !.il iren's '"a' s,Ch.i.tren's C .rr:..- -, vari-- -i patti-rn- .

F---r a.e by C. BREWER At C.i..

:7-t- f M.Tk -. tt" ;.arf.

COASTER I'O TSICI ED A R AND OAK BOATS OF VARIOCS- z . v .looted f r t:.e coatir f : ra te. J a- -; re--r.vei p--r -s- yr-.'." lor r. bv

C. I: R E V EP. A" C.J..i:-"--tf t rk- -t Wharl


Ka- - 1'J l r! rfssale I y (irjl-tf- ) C. PKEtt ER A co.


II i'.'. : 4 ( umton.F r,a,e rv"i i C. P.REWEP. ,x


DOl BLE AND SIXGLE REED. MAMby s. r. H. tt . su..: .. F r - - v

1 4 C. bRLWLK At CO.


f t BARRELSTl RKS ISLAND su,T.a r a w F-- sait by f Jl 1 1 C. P.REtt PP. f,


250 KEGS EXTRA POWDER. FORsier y Ull-1-,- , C. P.KKtt Eli A Co. ILACK A WAN V COAL.


XAILS.OOO CASKS. a.-r- l sir,, f ,r ,a hyMm w 9 ir r bP.F.tVF.H . In.. M-r- kt Wharf.


C. BREWER & CO.MnrUrl Wtanrl".


lii'.--'er denm..Ce bice dnl'.inr.I. ,; Jewett City .teriiro- -.

Halo bi ie heet:t:i. Hji P K 'en:: : .Ca- - t;.'k-r- !,:rt.- -.

Ca.- - ...Bale ii, sh.rt.Ciini

s b:i.--ij- -.

I'oot. Shot' and Leather.Men' c:-.- i coat brCHr.

Men ca:f i'xt: r-- tn.Men r.r.anuit--i broan.

Men k p br:a andatcnt leatner sewed pe-ir- ed

Men' thick t t.Leather trunk.

Ru't bridle leatherK -- c.n leather.

roeerie.Caes totr.ato khUP,tttea'..Tins extra

TinsBeltn.-nttlur- . " k"rvvn a.Half bb: sucar. honey.

" 1,Barre extraB.,xess. tt .tap. " ?- -?Case saLad .

stove..t.Mi Beauty. N.-- . T. S and Trta-ur- e. cs. . and s,Perfect Treasure. - 3. ..

ships Cmbvoes.hollow ware, Ac

The above favorite brands are with

Xnval Stores, Paints, Ace.

e..'. e.r?.tn twine. Minenu reu.Kelr beeswax. Bick rush.

sheet lea.!. Cae jpint turpentine.Sat: needle. Case K'.lei oil.

Hardware.Ir-r- i shovels. Ear recneil :rn.

tt'taxl-tandie- p.'k'rs. Norway shape.Chatvt-a-l irons. rhet lead.

Axe handle. thvet n.Bra--w:- re e:ve.liand'.txl axe.

tt'r-o- hi pike. Cask cut . Clinch nail.

Ca.-t-te-el shove!, C. s. pade,Sundrie1.

Cases tchacco. Casks coal. H re cfcrt, Oilask shrvk. Bale cork,Ker shtvk and head.

Cordage.Coils pany..rn.

Coils house-lin- e.

Coil marline.Coils Am. seiiicsr.

Ceils P.ussia ratlin?.Coil Ruaaia rop

ALSOT:'in-- e J;:nrer. li6-t-f

Provisions cx " Svren !M


IS3 rovisio n js ,SELECTED EX PR Ess LY FOR THI- - MARKET :






Hide:Goat Skins.

Tallow,Slush !

Old Copper.Old Coiiiponition,

Old Vcllow 3feal.lll'RCHASED AT THE HIGHEST MAR--

BREW EK CO.,19T-t- f Market Wharf.

3ut received per " Svren !"1 JOAT BOARl'S no ice lot.

If o AKs . . Size.libllK? ...l'-wil.i- aii'l sinpjM AsT 11". il - ... . itri-'- s.zt.ULAi KsMlTH s BELLOWS. . .. Iare sire.IRON Pt 'tts .. . Hanson:.- patent.GRlM'sl . Es HKEI.B xKIt :tt"s Pair.te.1 and vamihed.HUMH' Pi t. KET . . . Psual style.NEsTs TCbs ... Extra h'- - txtl.

r e ItC. UREtt F.H CO..

Market Wharf.

Provisions ex "Svren !"RREWER i CO. OFFER FOR SALEc. e foil it provision, selected exprestij for rai

Barrt-- i extra prime p rk.Barrels s jr.. k,

Barr--- ' extra mess beef.Tierce hams.

t'ask superior 'l.tur.Casi. New L'edfo-- i br-ad- .

Ca?ks B'tt'-'- navy bread.Cn bread.

ls"--tf PKI bam-.- s Haxall fiour.

Fancy Coeds !


Velvet do e'i.'ra!-- 1 b,liric 1 tapt-itr- v mat-- , do ru;s

Vclvenio. M :!a rrat.Table ba . stair

cab.Do. cimafi!, different patterns.

r siie bv C. HREtt ER !k CO.,Market Wharf.

sheath i.Nr. paper:TO ARRIVE PER SVREN".lOO? r s.i;e bt C. I.iiEtt F.R i CO..

Market Wharf.


f "11 g COILS, asoru--l size, to order, fr99 9 by C. BREWER A CO..137 Market Wharf.

daily i:xii:cti:d .rMIO ARRIVE I'ER SHIP WASHINGTONJl ALL-li-..

3 sL PERIoil. PIANOFORTES, n the ManuH tory ofcf Haliet 4- - Cuu-sto- F- -r It

C 1E WFU A- - CO.,i?7-t- r Market tt barf.


just received and f--r sale bvC. BREWER CO..

15T-t- f Market tt barf.


lS7-t- f M ..ret tt barf.


C. liRLWKK k CO..Ia7 tf M .rke: tt"harf.


. "bREWEU i CO..lvtf Market Wharf.


i;i;i:wEr jt co.,137- - M.tret tt harf.


i;eri:,r p.l- -t bread. ForC. BREWER i CO.,

1 tf tt harf.


rt Cott .n Iiack,I . s. i Uci Dack. For s.aie bv

1'iT-- tf C. r.REWEi: i CO.. Market Whrf.LAXCE POLES.


is7-t- f Market tt harf.

For Familv Fse !

1 A L F B A II R f : LS C L EAR I1 ORK, quarter j. d j. ;u-- t receiv.-- ! pt-- r "ser- n. a'.d ' r -- ..:- bv

C. BRKWEit A; (.) Market tt harf.

New Kedford Whale Boats !

f'MOOTII BOTTOM - a:. Hp ar ! lapk3 -- irvikil d I r id f.r ai- I

C. BREWER A: CO..Mar net Wharf.

WH ALE LINE. A..-- .

HALE LIN vinT.rn.

Marline.F .r sa bv

C. BREWER At CO.,lC7-t- f Market Wharf

Whitehall BoatJ1 ST RECEIVED p- -r yr"n. ' and f r sale hr

C. ilRE'.VLii A Cn..l- -' Marker. Wharf.


Market tt harf.

CHAMPAGNE CIDER :FEW CASES OF A GOOD ARTICLEist v.r -s- Tr-r..' '.j r a: bv

C. BREWER tr CO..lie-- tf M .met Wharf.

IRON". Jvc.JOILER AN D SHEET IRON f .r saie by

BREW EK At CO.,Market Wharf.

VARN ISH25 C A S ES 'in 3 ind 10 trail, n can' 1 4ua!itT rarnish for forti.ture. carrje. 4c. Just received p' ar.d for bv

U7--- f C. A. it H. F. POOR.


i.FFER FUR SALE THE .VIMj G'. jpj jT. 'AUi.n ei I'Ei;


E A A' V IJ R O W X M i: X!.::-- . ""CXHeavy Am- ?i-h-i N '. cf trunk.Heavy eacle .ii : :n-.- -. a s corn cieiJ,

Cotton urr. i rti'ii. - a,. c4 t mttrOil ch t'i Ch-.i--

l ottoc pant. Prur.-- ,

Jacket, Halt.,shtru. sarwpariiU rfrvp,Grey, blue and scarlet Sa l emon lyrep,


I mra.Appl?.

1 reerre.! rcilk.Enc.ish muttard ,

Cuttt powder.Halibuts,

red lard.I Crush-- d urar in ha!f bi;: Curr-iict.-.

! Kai.n.! Ch"C"!ate,

Salt-- her iri half bb!s.; K idt-r c.

Sttrap;tn;Pain k

c- - and candieC'lilOei

S t H!eW))ii r,:..-e-- . i .tr i - , ... ''. curcoali

lurt wnite leaj. raie Pax twin- -.

Ash cur. !", 17 and ' -t p .ri Ioon and wind.w uh. s, ,.rt-- t its.j A Lsij A large ax-ortmen-t of Hoots and Shoei,j Ct.istii.g a f wi

Men' thick bnx; M-- r,' kip tvu.Men K'-- P Cor.cTe pait- - h.ldren'. and r'u'.h;Me:, . c. f.r,.' mcA fMen's. orra. Crr.- . . r ..... . ra ters. ' - cwiirt,

Men tepj-- d Men s kit- broi-an- .

Mtii Mack , patent t.p Men cai!"j'

Contres paiters, M.r.'s welt calf brcfrac.Men's calf b.,t. Men" pump o!tYouth's kip aiKi calf t iiuattmva,

La.lit' clove kid !i) pr.j Lad.e' cloth kid : p--

, Men toetalin; rubUr lru,Men sandai.Men's ceraiiic oversh.

j Men' calf welt lonji K,; tt' 's metallic am4.!.; w tr,en' metallic orcrh

A large auortuirnl of Iidira Gailrra aaai Slipper..


KOLOA FLAM ATIOV !i cnor1 iogo :





! Lunihcr! Lumhcr !

riMIE I'XDF.RSIGXEI) WOFLO II EHKBTJl give to b: and the publ'C rere-rall- thatj he i to eU et ery dcriptin of tt tt luaibcrk

quantity, t.t by imall I a cheap or che; r ar y otherper. ii in tte market, ln r t! er w. n!s. he want to ell. andW"n"t I beaten. fl.l-tf- , C. H. LEW FIIS


I Lumber. Shingles and Clapboards.' i FEET X. W. LI MBER,TC.Jf .W f J VJr cr,..t:rg of nath and

I B. arj. and scanti ng cf all i:2e,: 100.XJ shir t'.e. e.i. shaved and Eastern,

Pine CUplvarti. and 12 feet,j sprue? .j.,. 4 n,i 5 fri ionp.

R--- w.l C. 12. 11 and 1(3 feetWhite oak. 1. lj and 2 inrbes.

j Sheathinir. i. t and j inch.i NTthwet. .price, yeltr-- pm. white pine, icj And all kind of build:.'-- ' Matt-nai- s wanted in this market,

li-t- f F r sale at west rates ry C. H. LEW EI1S.

Doors. Window Sash. Blinds.OAA DOORS. ASOUTEIJ SIZES, WITHt X." " " not:ida.- -' at.-- i rt --ed f::ei.

5t.i sah a.--, rt.-- s:z-- ."( pair Win w sitsh. a- -- .rt d :.'2J ir Pii::.i- -. w :h an 1 w.rh.'Ut ivel. as d site.

Seit-cte.- ! express! v :. r tl. u.arktt, and f r le low bvI 'T-t- GEORGE C. llOWlif


rMlK rXDEIMOXKI) OFFERS FOR SALEA h: we'i a rte-- i ?t . f

NOliTII AVI-S- LUMU'ER,C.r..t;-- c t f

! Svi I

:tit V A A TLI G

At Ihree rent a fool by h rr r.tail. Aliw, ft

well fWk t.f oitgtr

; IJuildins: Materials at Iteduced Rate.r C. li. LEWER3.



Oeo. 2rXo"Vtre.! .A ( " A f FEET ON E INCH BOARDS,

J V V J V J j.llllll feet lj inch board..I.OIH) feet 1 inch i.ia:.ed h.a.rd,

I 5.IMIO feet T. a: d G boards,H'.OOO feet 3 irch bi,ttt : s.IH.blMP f.-- rt ;x3 scantline,1 O.OOO 5 ft- -t picket.

ON HAND,j' 200.000 feet soanthnc,

1 jd.OOO red it .i sh:t.,i. s.1 inch pine rris, red w ,ding.

w;ni-.- sash ard b:N. B. tjuirk saie and sn.all profit. lM-t- f

Just Kecened." M SHAVED WHITE EASTERNf rF ..:n;i' . wjmi.'.t u to cuter loO iuarti fee, toM.

A rtw l.itof the ftv rite 2 d.

P.r.e 2 feet ;..-- : ie extra thick- -

r.e- -.

U.S -A smiC! l..t of pa- - '-- lt- - in' i- - a.--l , a new and very

u sirur.e art t .e.

With ii rj n.Mirl mrn I of nliilr mid rol'd pniiitI Frsa-l- y C. 11. LEW ER


4 41 a.l s.v . . i

'Ji3 tt md-- w stsh. ai! km2"" ::r !'.';:.;. ..; :r..

Is...r a. ! 1'..:: rtc., c n lete.F- -r .,le at the Ivmsst :i.:vre: ; i i t

. jt LEWER?.

.Makiki Family School.NEW Bl ILDIXG ii as ni:i: frecte- -

j 2 HL an fur: I -- 1 !r rn : h i:. : i:..! art .e bfi the re-i- d n:. ' II ' - ;:t .

1 ttf ils. in !

tion t. th-- e alr-.-i- ly i' - t e r. :ii' 1. can now I

well ao-- t i! ni'tht-- l.i Girl of fr r.i fir- - t e crt d w'; n willI ly l-- rt i:i th-- j rr.lW!.

will i th- - pr f.j Ti-.- ni. r;tl an i : n ft w- - ir? '.f thi pupil, will . T r,t

er-- . an l t t - r.i is, Jc. a in . '

M- 'c ln. t - pri v.. ! j e;-a-- i - : r. ar.d una- -.

sua! s ' as u O r'. . the Truslelof tr.i ! I ave cr r.dian. that c- id- -.i t. her c, i K in e.xct iieii

hand..Tern-- Thr- - ar? p r w ! tt: ticn.F- -r fu thr I'ie ad lr : :.:et w.ih M

Olde:,. liy r ! r f ti e Trust- -. .

"!I s II. 3 Is!! 'P. Secret.?-II nolu'u. May l'Ji.

Fresh Molokai Datier !i


MVFIaS' DAIRYRe iliirly rerriird and rouainntly for ..ale

13 om- J. fTKWARH. G- - r. II tel tre- -

saj;i'T sajt:'s'.iJ!MANUFACTURED AT THE


rMIEFN DF.RSir;ED IS R E A DY TO Fl B"A r.:n t Later r a- - i PrKer. i.--; lr- - '!tIivery r ar E','t" Al. Tilr l.l-- T IMl-'RI- --

SALT, and at a pr.. to Ielv ,:: b.rirrs-- 'app'y t I' AMI NTG 1EF.V.

1 i'"-- tf


t .r s.e bv .

II. M wniTM-i- -


d. ee d per 'irk tta'..--J- . Ai!l--

f- -r sail :o!- -i. "'sPALI'lN- -


C?liiox7ox' TofAi-ls-. a

Licv r R A FTOX a n v.l.a: i cam a eh

I'r. Oldham and hi ti!k.Lei ire .e: t. by Mi- - P,u:;.A lvertur-- s of Wriant Gre-- n.

tt"- -- C- - a- -t . f Afr.ea. by an .:,- - r t.f the V. S. X--T'

Evening's at t'.e M: sc. t- -. I v I e,

Ad-it- e.i Hir. by Miss I'anl e.Great Facts. r p pular iutenti.ns,Hunian:cs.Flore-ic- de Larr,Ethel Trevrr

207-T- it For ale bT H. M. WHlT?'- -



GO"-- -" -V .- V-,- ;. v,w . ' ,v.-- f

4S l"- J r- - ---"in mi

iii.v; u v 1. e. 1 i2

Tin: iMt'incaivi:utiskh.

I. rubli- - Erry rhor.loj .Marniac: I ..: . ;;, ,

5T . ' tnW t..f..rei win he f 7 5.) er i.r... ; ( ,Jt the American irai:e an-- the e .,f f. rwarl-" ; A .0.-- r - - .1 n i i 1 r

f" : At: paper. f..r Arn-- n. an, ;stl: i"'. O '' I . i"t.l. A'.ani J Ft Ltill-ui- , ? i :i f..t ' .mrt.-rc- : : ar.l A.lvr-r-- :

rirtn (..-- .r r "1- -. te...rH.-.-r-

- V.whopref-r it,can Lav-t- h. " N I' .ii. r.r . : . r! :r - i: 'f.l 1: ! fn .-- I tl.rx;;.!- - :u li r ma. Is. i'

. 4T w.ri rt Att w" . . it- - w 11 l nr ne...r. ' ' :! '. :r .t:i hi, j.ur! . ( li.e I n. if.c wilt bti... :i Iv. r:i nv-.- ' -- r r . . .10

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i ilt. lit ;.. r ; l.vr. h ank- -

s r ,.lar.;. f' r th- - p ' '0 I""" : " i . .. S 00. , ,fr .ir.h f a l imn. (nrtr ...Jl 0Ju r Mir-t- f '.l ' oiJumu. Tr r..lujm ...f .'O 00 MI'MMttl.l.o

fJimii. J- -" Urtr ...JiT 60' ,v - ' ' " " l ' ' ' tj li .1 tii art.

Commorefsil Advertiser. 11 KMC V .M. V11HKV. i HOXOLULU, ILVWAIIAX ISLANDS, JULY 10. Vol... v. .No. :;. wiioi v: . Ml.i. yprtian (farts.









HjIc Aliaolelo o ka ToeikoLoin.

l'oakahi, lulai 9.Halavrai i ka hora 10.Hcluhelu ia ka moolelo, apono ia, pule a

Ft:Heluhelu mai o Kamakau he palapala hoo- -

pii, e noi mai ana;e kau ole ia i auhau kuikawa,e hoopau ia ka .Makeke,e hiki no i kela kanaka keia kanaka ke

maaoauwa,e pau ka auhau ana mai o ke Aupuni i

ka Pakeke-wa- i.

e hoopau ia ke koina o na Ahahookolo-- !kolo no na hihia lawehala.

Haawi ia na pauku i na Komite.Heluhelu hou rnai o Kamakau he palapala

hoopii mai kekahi poe rnakuahine, e noi maiana, e kokua ia ke kula o na wahine hoohi-k- i.

H.iawi ia i ke Kornite no ke Aopalapala.Heluhelu rnai o Aholo he palapala hoopii

mai Lahaina, c noi mai ana, e ae ia ke kuaiana i ke Kama no me ka palapala ae ole, a i

ole ia, i eiua dala ka uku. iluawi ia i keKomite no na liana Hou.

Heluhelu mai ka Lunahoomalu he pala-pala hoopii mai Waialua, e noi mai ana;

1 e hoemi ia ka uku o n. Kuhina a mena Luna Aupuni, '--

2 e pili ana i na koina no na pa aupuni.Ha;ivi ia i na Komite.

Heluhelu mai o Kamakau he palapala hoo-pii mai HonuauU, e noi mai ana, e hookohuia i Lunakan;wai Apana no Honuaula. Haa-w- i

ia i ke Komite no na Ahahookolokolo.2 E hopu ia a hoohnna ia ka mea ilihune

i aie i ka hai. Waiho ia ma ka papa.3 C hoopau ia ka auhau o na iio kua pu-k- a.

"aiho ia keia ma ka papa.--1 E kau ia i Kanawai maluna o na ma-ku- a

i hookuu i ka lakou mau kaikama-hin- e

c holo haukae wale ma na kulana-kauhal- e.

Haawi ia keia i ke Komitedo na Ahahookolokolo.

Heluhelu mai o Ukeke he palapala hoopiimai ko Koo'auloa, e noi mai ana, e hoonoaia ke kai mai Hawaii a Niihau.

Hoihoi ia aku i ka Luna nana i hoopukamai, no ka raea, rne he mea la ua kaawaleke poo o ka hoopii, a ua kaawale na inoa makekahi palapala okoa.

Heluhelu mai o Kaulia he palapala hoopiimai Kau, e noi mai ana, e ae ole ia ka puhirama ma Hawaii nei. Haawi ia i ke Komi-te no ka Mahiai.

Hoike mai o Baluina ke Komite no keAopalapala, no ka palapala hoopii, e noi maiana, e lilo ke Ku'a Nui ma lli'o na ke Au-puni e malarna. Hoapono ke Komite i keiamanao.

All ke noi a K.ilama. ua haawi ia keiahoike i ke Komite o ka Hale i keia Ia.

Hapni ia na hana i hoop-ine- ia. Lilo kaHale i Komite e noonoo i ka Bila Kalaiwai-wa- i.

Noho o Kip: ma ka noho Lunahoomalu.Heluhelu ia ka hoike a ke Komite Waiwai. j

Heluhelu ia a hooholo ia na haawina; pe- - j

nei: j

iNo ka hanohano Alii. j

No ka Moi, - 32,000 j

ka Ma Kiekie ka Haku o Ha- - ;

Will, - . zs,uuuka ilea Kiekie L. Kamehameha, S.000

" ka Moi Wahine, .... --1.000ke Kakauolelo o ka Moi, - - 2,000

" ke Kakauolelo o ka Ahakuka- -

malu, 1,000keia lilo keia lilo, - . - 100

iYb ka Oihana Kalaiaina.No ko Kakauolelo mua, - - 1.000

elua, - - 2,600" " ekolu. (kapa ia,)" ka mea kiai a me ka halihali leta, GOO

" ke 1,200ar.a aina, --- ---

" ke Kiaaina o Oahu, - - - 4,000Alaui. - - - 2,500Kauai. - - - 2,000

" 1,600Hawaii, - -Hoopau ia ke Komite, apono ia ka hana.Heluhelu ekolu ia ka bila e pili ana i ka

auhau Uaa. a hooholo loa ia.Heluhelu ekolu ia ka bila e hoopau ai ka j

auhau pili kino o na keiki e hele ana i na ;

Kula Kiekie a mc na Kula Nui, a ua hooho-lo loa ia.

Heluhelu ekolu ia ka bila e hoomaopopo aii La hopu ana i na lawehala, hooholo Io.i ia.

Heluhelu ekolu ia a hooholo loa ia ka bilae hoololi ai ka Pauku f0'J o ke Kanawi Ki-wil- a,

oil ka uku o ka Luna Auhau o Hilo.Ala ke noi a Ukeke, ua hoopanee ia ka

hana apopo hora 10.Poalun, Ialai IO.

Halawai i ka hora 10.Heluhelu ia ka moolelo, apono ia, pule a

pau.Ala ks noi a Wepa, ua kapae ia na rula, a

na ae ia ia ia e hoopuka mai i palapala hoo-pii mai ka wahine kane make a ka Luna Le-ta niamun, e koi mai ana no kekahi koenatiu o kana kane i haule wahi ana, ma kekope ia ana o ka Bila Kalaiwaiwai o kelam.ikahiki.

Ala ke noi a Wepa, ua haawi ia keia meaI k? Komite no na clala koi ana.

Ala ke noi a Kahulanui, ua hooholo ia, ekauoha ia ke Komite no na dala koi ana, ehoike i ka Ia apopo no ka hoopii a No-hcu- a.

e koi ana no na dala S125 62.Hoike mai o Alahoe ke Komite Wae, i ka

M e pili nna i ka halihali ana i na leta,e hoopau i ka hoopai ke lawe kekahi i kaleta me ka hoailona ole.

Ala ke noi a Wepa. ua haawi i i keia bilai ke Komite o ka Hale i ka la apopo.

Houe mai o Gerina Komite Wae i haa-wi ia e nonr.oo i ka bila e auhau ana i 20tapah-iner- i ka dute maluna o ka palaoa a me

berena.Ala ke noi a Kipi, ua haawi ia keia bila i

ke Komite o ka Hale i ka la apopo.Hapai ia na hana i hoopanee ia. Lilo ka

Hale i Komite e noonoo i ka Bila Kalaiwai-w- i.

Noho o Ukeke mi ka noho Lunahoo-cal- u.

la ke noi a Wepa, ui hooholo ia, e noo-noo hou ia ka uku o ke Kakauolelo mua o kaOihana Kalaiaina, a ua hooholo ia.

o ke Kakauolelo mua, - - - 5,000Ala ke noi a Caluina, ua hapai hou ia ka

noonoo ana i ka haawina no ke Kakauoleloelua.

Ala ke noi a Gerina, ua hooholo iaNo ke 2.600Kakauolelo elua. - - -Ala ke noi a Wepa. ua hooholo ia, e noo-

noo hou i ka uku o ka mea kiai a halihalileta.

Ala ke noi a Kamakau, ua hooholo iaNo ka mea kiai a halihali leta, - - 832

Ala ke noi a Wepa, ua hanai hou ianoonoo ana i ka uku o ke Kiaainj o Oahu.aua huoaolo ia

So ke Kiaaina o Oahu, - - - o.OOO:M i ke noi a epa, ua hapai ia ka noonoo

ana i ka uku o ke aaaiua o .iaua, a uahooholo ia

No ke Kiaaina o Maui, ... 3,000Ala ke noi a Nahinu, ua hoopau ia ke Ko

mite, apono ia na nanaAla ke noi a Ukeke, ua hoopanee ia ka

hana apopo hora 10.Poakolu, Iula II.

Halawai i ka hora 10.Heluhelu ia ka moolelo, apono ia, '

HoUe mai ke kahuna nule. ua nalanal iae o Kekuanaoa i na hoahanau o kona kiha-pa- i

e pule aku i ke Akua no kana keiki, oL. Kamehameha, ua mai loa, pule ke kahu-na no ka mea mai, a pau.


Hoike mai o Kamaleua ke Komite no kaAhahookolokolo, no ka hoopii e noi mai ana,e hoonoho ia i Lunakanawai Apana no Ho- -

i f : AI i. 1- - . :

nuauia, .tiaui. .iauao kg iomue e waino ,

la hoopu ma ka papa, apono i.x ka noike.Hoike mai o Biluina kekahi Komite Wae

he bila no ka haalele kane haalele wahine.Heluhelu mua ia a haawi ia i ka unuhi

olelo.Heluhelu mai o Naiapaakai he bila Kana-

wai e wehe ai i ka pilikia o kekahi poe Ko-nohi- ki

i loaa i ka mahele aina mai ka AloiKamehameha III mai.

Ala ke noi a Wepa, ua haawi ia i ka una- -hi olelo. i

Ala ke noi a Kaakua i hoololi ia. ua hoo- -holo ia e koho ia i Komite Wae e imi a hoo- -

halike i na hua olelo like ole o ka olelo Ha-- '

w,ni. me ka olelo Britanii. o ka Pauku 239a me ka Pauku 100-- o ke Kanawai Kiwilu,a me na Pauku e ae a lakou i ike ai he

ku pono ole. '

Ala ke noi a Kamakau, ua hooholo ia, ekoho ia i Komite e kuka me ka Hale Aha- -'

olelo Alii, no ka b:la e hoemi i ka auhau Iioi hoopanee loa ia e ka Hale Ahaolelo Alii. I

Ua koho ia e ka Lunahoomalu o Kamale-na- ,Barenaba, Hopu, Kamakau, Kauiia. j

Ha piii ia na hana i hoopanee ia. ;

Lilo ka Hale i Komite e noonoo i ka BilaKalaiwaiwai. Noho o Hopu ma ka noho ft

Lunahoomalu.Ala ke noi a Wepa, ua hapai ion ia ka C

noonoo ana i ka Haawina no ke Kiaaina oHawaii, a ua hooholo ia ;

No ke Kiaaina o Hawaii, - - - 2,000No ke Kakauolelo o ke Kiaaina o

Oahu, S00No ke kakauolelo o ke Kiaaina o Maui. S00

" Kauai, GOO

Hoopau ia ke Komite, apono ia na han-- .

Ala ke noi a Ukeke, ua hoopanee ia kahana apopo hora 10.

I'oalia, lulai 12.Halawai i ka hora 10.Heluhelu ia ka moolelo, apono ia, pule a


P3": .Hoike mai o Uarcnaba ke Komite no ka

Alahiai, a me ka han lima, no na palapalahoopii i haawi ia ia lakou, eia na hoopii :


E hookapu i ke Kolea ma na wahi kanu r.Huita, e hoonoa mawaho,

E hoole ana i ka hoololi o ke Kumukana-wa- i.

E kue ana i ke puhi a me ke kuai ana i

ka rama,E noi ana e hoonoa ia ka rama,E ana hou ia na Kuleana,No ka auhau ana maluna o ka awa,E hoopau ia na Auhhu, koe ka Auhau Ku-

la a me ke Alanui,E waiho ia na Pa Aupuni i na Lunakana

wai Apana, j

E hoihoi ia ka Auhau Holoholona iloko o j

ka Auhau waiwai lewa, j

E hoopai ia na holohokna hehi loi i elima j

dala.E kuai ia na mea kuai ma Hawaii nei ma

ke kau paona. j

Ala ka noonoo ana o ke Komite, manao la- - j

kou e waiho ia keia mau mea a pau ma kapapa. No ka mea, u.t hana ia no kekahi, he :

ku pono ole kekahi. a ua pono no na Kana- - j

xvai e waiho nei. Apono ia ka hoike a ke 'S

Komite. i

Ala ke noi a Naiapaakai, ua haawi ia na ;

pauku hoopii i olelo ia maluna e pili ana i kaAuhau Lio. i ke Komite kuka me ke Komiteo ka H ilc Ahaolelo Alii no ka bila Auhau i

Lio.Heluhelu mai ka Lumhooinalu he man ;

p.i!.pala mai ka Hale Ahaolelo Alii, e hoike '

ana. tn koho mai lakou i Komite c hui maime ke Komite o keia hale no ka bila e hoe-


ana i ka auhau lio. j

Eia ka poe Komite, Limaikaika, liihopa,Green-- , Ya!c n me Hopakini. '

Eia hoi, ua hoopanee loa lakou i ka bila ehookuu i na keiki ma na Kula Kiekie, a me i

na Kula nui. j

Eia hoi, ua hooholo loa lakou i ka bila e SAM

hoololi ana i ka Pauku ',09, oia ka b:la e pili

ana i ka uku o ka Lunaauhau o Hilo; a o Imp

ka bila e pili ana i ka auhau kaa, ua hooho-

lo loa ia e lakou.Eia hoi, ua waiho lakou ma ka papa i ka

bila e ae an3 i ka maauamva.Kanae ia na rula, a hoopuka mai o Wepa

he bila e pili ana i ka "Mok'.i Ahi," e ae anaia ia e holo pi!i ami. me ke kau o.e o kaHae Hawaii.

Kapae ia n:i rula, a heluhelu elua ia make poo.

.Ma ke noi a Wepa. ua haawi ia i ka unu-

hi o'eb a me kekahi Komite Wae, o Wepa.DvA'sett, tlerina.

Koho mai Ka Lunahoomalu he Komite e

imi ana a hooponnprmo i ka unuhi ana o keKanawai Kiwiia, o Dowsett, WiJemana, Ka-lam- a.

Hapai ia na hana i hoopanee ia. Liio nahale 1 Komite e noonoo i ka B:ia Kalaiwai-

wai. Noho o Manini ma ka noho Lunahoo-malu.

Heluhelu ia a hooholo ia aku ; penei :

No ke kakauolelo o ke Kiaaina olli- -

uaii. -'-UUONo ka Oihana Kinai ahi o Honolulu. 3.000Ma ke noi a Kamaiena, ua hoopau ia ke

Komite, apono ia.Kapae ia na rula, a hoolaha mat o epi

he ru'.a hou e hiki ai e hooholo i ka 15. la Ka-

laiwaiwai. .

Lilo k.a hale i Komite e noonoo i ka .Ma-ka- le

bila e koku.. i ka mahiai ana, ma k a

hoopau ana i ka dute maluna o kekahi mau

mea. Noho o Kipi ma ka noho Lunahooma-

lu. Heluhelu ia ka bila.Ma ke noi a Kal;irna, ua waiho ia keia

bila ma ka papa. Hoopau ia ke Komite,

apono ia.Lilo ku Hale i Komite no ka bila e hoonoa

ka i kela rnca koia mta ka halihnli leta me kahoailona pi I ole. Noho o Nahin'i ma kanoho Lunahoomalu. Holuhelu ia a hooholoia ka bila. Pau ke Komite, apono ia.

Lilo ka Hale i Komite e nnor:oo i ka bilae kau ana i dute 20 hapahaneri maluna o kapalaoa a me ka percna. Noho o Nuiiinu maka noho Lunahoomalu. Heluhelu ia ka bila,a hoopaanaa loihi ia.

ehewehe o Genoa l ke ano o keia bslaHe mea e hiki ai i ka poe mahiai ke kuai i

ka lakou man mea kanu me ka noho oie. Ikeia manawa e noho nei, ua nui ka palaoamaikai i hooulu ia ma Hawaii nei, a o keiabila, he rnea ia e hiki ole i ko Kalipouia poeke hooili nui mi a kuai hoopoho i ka lakoumau mea ai maanei. a polio ka poe mahiai.

Kokua o Alakale i ka bila.Kue o Wcpa a me Wulemana. Alanao o

Wepa, he mea keia e auhau i kekahi poe ekokua aku i kekahi, he like ole.

.Manao o Wepi. e waiho ia keia bila maka nana Ua hoole ia keia manao..' r' r tyin ke noi a v epa, ua noopanee ia na

I TTInoonoo ana 1 keia nila 1 ke rvornite o ka tiaiei ka la apopo. Pau ke Komite, apono ia.

Ala ke noi a Nahinu, ua hoopanee ia kahana apopo hora 10.


Il noUlu. Oalr.l. II. I.

j. r. coLiscr.x,l.tjo j?:r o ntiz: isi rs. ,K.titliumMiU trv l, II moiulu, O.iliu.

11 1 V A 1 1 A X FLOl'R COMPAXV,l.W-- tf A. V. KVEUETT, TrmisuriT an.l Aeent.

t ii. u:u i:its,Liiin'i-- aril hu material, Kurt St. Honolulu. 105-t- f


If. DI.MOXO & SOX,Iu.prtT(i an ! lit hardware, paint?, oiln an3 crieral

li-t- f

IIE.VUY ko in x sox'sWine. rpirit an.l Cigr 5tore, Charlton Wharf. Honolulu.lSi-t- f


neral Commission Honolulu, Oahu. P. I. 105-t- f

ALEX. J. CAltTWItKMIT,aiin.ission Merchat.t an 1 (leneral Shipping Acei.t, Honolulu,

Oahu. II. I. 105-t- f

GODFKE V KIIOIIKS,Wholesale Pealer in Wines and Spirits, Ale and Pi rter, near

the l Oliice. lloii'.lulu. 4'J-t- f

:i:oit;E c;. iioavi:i.mnher M rchant Var.l on Couht lloisE Sji-Aiti- New

plan ade.

II. HACKIT.I.n o.Oenenl C .tnmission Ap.-nts- . and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu,

I ahu, 1. 105-t- f

E. O. II A I.E.tiitrtrar.l P- akr in Hardware. Pry i.l. Paints. Oils. and

ei:i-ra- Merchandihe, corner of Fo.--t and Kui sirecu. 105 t

geor;e ci.akiv.Dealer in Pry an l Fancy Goods, Hotel street between Nuuanu

and Maur.akea streets. Hoiiohilu, S. I. 11 tf


Iiniiorter. Wholesale and Ketail peaJer in Oeneral Merchandise.Honolulu, and Lahaii.a, .Maui.


Bakers, Grocers an.l Iiealers in Pry Goods, Nuuanu street, Honlulu, oahu, S. I. 1J7 tf

v. x. i. vnn.Importer an.l Peal-- r in Habpwakk, Cttlf.rv, Mermsirs'

T....LS Mild Ai.KlLl LTCTIAI. 1 H rl.f.M t.VTS, Fort street. Hono-lulu. 105-- tf

JAMOX, CKF.KN .,C'iiTTimis-i-- Merchants Firc-Pio- Iluildings. Hueen street.

1 .11 u. April 1. liJ. 105-t- f

V. FISCIIKK,Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, opposite the

Government House. 41 tf

a. s. a. M. s. :ui.xi:ArM,Impr-rter- and Wholes lie Pealers in Fashionable Clothinc, Hats,

Caps, Hoots and every variety of Gentlemen'sSmierior Furiwshiia: Gols. Ston'. corner of Fort andMerchant streets, Honolulu, Oahu. 119-t- f

J. II. WOOD,Mamifactur-- r, Importer and in li-- J an-- Shoes of every

description. Shoe Fin.lines, Pump. Harness, i

. . . . c.if .1 II.,.. ......4.i it iL- - si-;..-.nil'l I iHIU t. , - - -

Trunks, Valis.-- . Spirrr.J Gloves, Foil, an.l Masks, Blackin lir ihes, II JSi--

. A:e. lirick Sh'H- - store, corner of; an-- l MerchHiit sts.. Honolulu. H. I. tf

h. r. SNOW,neral Commission Merchant. Honolulu, Oahu, Haw. Islands.

A'.KNT r.iRLine i f R h! n an 1 II i.o!-i!- Packets.

Sale ol C. fr.-t- th-- nib Plantation.Sale f C-.s-- llr .thers .V Co s Yellow Metal.New lloo tin;; Company.

rHX- - mi. a. ALbRirnYf&?i.4n i - ro,

Bankers. O.Tie- - in the east corner of "Ma':ee lilOCif , on i

Hi thum-Am- i slreet, Honolulu. I -Praw Bills of Kxchan-- e on .

i...srs. Gkiwi.i u. Mi .ti'Rn' .V Co , Nerv York. .

Hf.XRY A. PlKH K, K.-- a , - B isroTl.M l: ;a. St ni: .V ., - Sin i

receive ts. iiseoent first-cla- bustn"S pa;er, anl '

attend to coilectinc. etc. 112-- tf

XV. A. A III) UK' II, '

'Importer anl P- - at- r in r:l : Commission i

Am-n- t f t ihe ofSiik-ar-. Molass.-- s and Coffee, and otherPro.'.:;re. f rtheLiHtc Pi.A vtatms. ("n

sUtunenis ol all kinds of Ilar..-- solicited. Orders '

for Merchandise promptly atiended to. 105-t- f


CASTLF. A; COOK T,.rter and Wholesale and Retail General Mer- - j

ch:.-- i lise. at the o! 1 stand. correT of the Kinp anl Schooltr. . ', the 1 ir.--e Stotv Alo at the Store

f. mii-riy occ ii'ied by C. II. in Kmc str-e- t. opposite the Seanians Chapel. A-- nrs for Pr. Jaynes Me.n-cine- s.

Idb-l- f

I. .X. FMT.XKIt.Continues his old business at the new store ia Makee's new fire

pro. f at the stand occupied" Pr.II cori:'-- of yu.-e- and Kaahuma-'- streets.

Cl.ronorr eters rate 1 by obrvatio:- - of the sun and starswith a trai-.- accurately adjusted to themerii'.iun of 11 .i...-:i- Particular attet.ti n piv.-- to firewatch Sextant and ipiadrant classes .'.v.-r-d

k:, i adjusted. Chaits an 1 nautical ir.strui.iei.ts lyon hr. 1 an.l f r ale. 44-- tf

K1TSOX --V IIAItT,Success to Mr 11. ..rv R s n. Wh-- sle Wine and Spirit

Merchants. H. I un.l- r the K m of A. J Cart- -wruht an 1 at the f- t of K ta um mu oJ-t- f

fiEORt;E C.SIDERS.Mani-.'acture- a"..l in Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper ware.

k.iah'.ini.inu str--t- . ! pos-.t- J. C Spa'. !it.-'- : 11 m !u. II.a.ll:l. r 1. ii. r. 1 .n and Copper Iv.i. s. I ith.rii ;

F- -d and Si. ow.t Tin an 1 i:.c R anderal a s .riin.-n- t . f t.r ware. Snip w execute hneatt.- - - and at. ii.

I TAI sV A II E E.Agents f.r th Micar Plan".t i..t.- - of Aiko. at P.i akoa. and I o,

at Pu!o, Hilo: Inijf-r-er- an 1 A ho'-sa- le i 1 ail I'eal-a- ters ill t'hina G ; hav,- - o:. hand, f r sal their a!

ineT.ts on K-.- t - str.i t. Hoiiolur:. and at Lahauia. .Viuisuirar. MoU.s. -- . .p. r- - . C :fee. and a lar-- atidvan- - d assorttr.. :.: f neral

H molula. 1J. ls;. i?-l- v

!. 1MT.MAX,v I'liANiiLKi: .


Hilo. Ilntvnii.N. It M- ley advancl on Whalers B.1U. ls-t- f

ii. v. si:vEit.xci:,Ship Chan lr n 1 C inrr.;si ,n t, Honolulu. . I

REFERS TOC ; t .:i U. F. Sv. w. Honolulu.!!!(. D C. Uiihvk A: Co.,

Wit ,v Havfx. New Lnndun.M. Ri San Franc. s.-- o

Swift v. Allah. New Bcif ,.1.11 KNHT Pktlli c. Boston, Fre

H. W. SE FRANCE w.d c ntinue the Ship Chandlery andCommission Business at the O.J star d. Xverv d soription cf toship Chat.d!ery an.l Merchandise require.1 by hlj.pia-- . will bekept on Laud and for sale at u,w rates.

Ml 1:

run s vii: ok ki:ntrut: corr.uJK xow itcci riKPlr. lljiir.. I., x: K. .. II til. t.'.r a I. i wa.- r I.i! I wi. liiim-- i tt.' n

V A !'.-- na r:;-- . r u.t.o .

Shop (o Let in' Tor SaN.IN IIOTKI, STRl'.r.T. XEXT TO J.jlrwun's. A t.ll ! suit ! r liutchcf!. 'rt:'I.vni.T.1 -- tTns ni'ltrrn:. Aii:vt

.ii-t- f J A N ION, GUKHN i CO.

mvKi.MNc iiorsi: to i.i.tSTRKET, (IX .MOI- -3. ;U rn.. t;


roit sam: ok leask,A (Ol XTIIV KKMIIKXIK. I I S 1 1 VOND

Ml ai: 1 ti f la ml ut Lv:i, i!n i'.t-- url Uiv. r l.-.-- o n.Ar.;.:yi (JM-f"- ) W. 1.. (JKKK.V

KOO.MS TO LI'T !TWO KOOMS OVKK Til K STORE 01- -m , t!..- -

"11 Aj-i.i- to

J'".-:i!- u A. CI.KtllloKN.

j TO i.r.T ittv THE I. 1 lit l E AMI COMM(l!)I(l'S

IuvllKiir y icctj'ieii by Ju.t-- j I u lt it, Ls.(.F-- to

i W. K. SNonr.R.v?.i JOO-Gi- u or J. W. AffTIX.

FOR SALE OR r.ESE!THE STORE AM) 11111.1)1X0 EOH- -i.t rlv .l iv I'r. r.l. A1 to

"-'r:i 1K. SMITH. P MtUt.


THE ROOMS KETEXTLV (ICtTPIEIlA. r as a sail loft, on Knahumanu str ct. For

. t to JOS. O. OAUfKR.J'i U: f mnm-rvia- i !(..

TO LKT !A STORE TO LEI' IX Xiiiiiinn Stanl reo.-iitl- ly A. S. iaN uu.tim MP'd, I:nj Siri;' t. as a i tt. re ; ii

tif.e l with ua- - tlxturen. an l has a spari us yur.l in the rear,an.l in ev.-r- .reil a.lapici to the retail

parti. uiur-- , applv toU'-.i- m A. S. CLKiHOiiN.


-J ImiMin j in the r nr of lr. MeKiMin' gtor.-- , eontainioj.'a ip.ici ns trt un.l se oi,l tlie whole iHriup themo-i- i c nveni.-n- t an 1 safest pl.i---- for je. Kent reaona-W- e.

Apply to (19J-tf- ) T. C. IIEL'CK.


t;X$ len's Co .p.-- i ,n.e ami J. II. Strauss'. A- K'Xnl huil lim; lot or place lor storage. Applv to

l'Jtf-i- f T. C. HEI CK.

to m: T !AT L ! I A 1 X" A THE HAWAIIAX

IIoTKL ULILI'ING, ly oec.ipied hy T. L. Merritt.Possession civeu iinm-.l- i uelv- - Kent reasonable.

Applv toIII. C. HKI CK,

IDO-t- f Acent for L. H. Anthon.

Codec I'lanlalioaj for Sale !THE CKLKltRATED


IsoTere l for snle. The La:j.l of th; Plantation comprises up-- iwards of 1 OjO Acre, nnd h- -. up n it ."). !)() 'ofiVTrrra. The land is well ada: te I to the cultivation ofcane. Th-- ' estate is U'lencuii.iier. d. an-- will be s il.l by FeeSimple Title. For full particulars ,u l terms of sale, impi-r- of

10!l-- lf F. !Ni)V.

AVniIt:il?:i!u!u Widerrj-tH- IXDF.RSICVF.D IIAVIXfi EE EX

M. appointed aitent t the sale lease ul lhV;iiUaliaIn';i Lots !

Ul'9 to call the att 'titi-.- of Ship wn-- r, s peculatorsand others to this finely situated tract of land which is nowfered in lots at reduced rates and on literal anderms.

Plans may Ie s en and all particulars 1 arn"d by applicationto the iindersii.-:ii-.-l at C. Fire-pro- llaildings.

X. It. Lar.v ai'Ulicatiou should be made choie-- Lots.W. I.. GKF.KX,

A for Sale of Waikahalulu 1stHonolulu. Oct. 21, ISj-j- . 1. tf

Ai THE r.M)F.liS(.Ei). DK.SIUIXCTOr tire rrom basine.-s-, od rs to II out his entire estab

l.L, on v. ry f.iv.ii-.i- ' le t nils. The c- - andsituation of th? epaii" us pr nus.-- are well known,

and also the resp-cta'.- le patron ij:e the hot 1 has enjoyed duriiiffst twelve years. The inv-tito- ry is cmpl. te an.l will re-

quire but bttle renovation. The ! are of tie- - preu is- -s is also r"-t- n.

wable und- r f iv..rable terms. For furth-- r pa tieulars. applyto (ilil-lm- VK.'TOU CIIANCLKr'.L.

Tin: most ii:siKAii.i:Kesidence tn Hoiiolul'.i far Sale !

THE IXI)Ei:S!(.XEI) OFFERStor sal- - his dwehitiir and promises on Fort street.The premises are am-in- the most desirable and

centr .l in Honolulu. The mam building contains aParlor,

Pininj; rom,lied room,

2 children's sl eping rooms,Pauley,

And bath room.. ...itniu.u- -

two roms an I : apartment : arid the other onernn and a dr---!- i.partm-nt- . There are also n

ciK.k hous.-- , two s- - rvants' phmhs. wash houe, house, sta-ble, carriage, fowl h aw, etc., el.-- .

The pr mies are sapplie 1 wi!h valley water, and also a brickcistern, capable f containitnr 15o birr -- Is of water, with force ofpump, whi.'h adds t" the sivuri' v of the buildits.

Titi.l. itoval patent frvm His Iaj.-s:- Kane hann ha III.lSJ-J- Apply to H. M. WHITNEY.

HONOM LI'AMr.noTvri: & dacitkkre AN U.KRY!

At, A M TJ R OT V P ES. on

and I'liOl'. ill A I'llS t.iKen in the highest perfection ofti,,. it. (lnj-t- f ) F. BINI'T.


a .?5 it n trv v v i: ii!i i, s: K V

rHIE rXIE:iS!(;XEI) would c.iltle ittcxtmj offl of his Friends an 1 the Public to his Konis, over thePacific Comm. rcia! A Ivertis r." Pristine oilice, (next to the

Pus: t);Iice) where he is taking which, f.T elegance ofstxle and cf tor. , car.': t he ec-ll- - !.

in constant receipt of Ne-- St , Clu'i.ncals. fcc., he is willprepared to take Pictures with all the latest improvements.

IT Pictures taken on Gia-- s. Paper, Patent Leather, IndiaRul.S r, .M, and warrant. it to l ive entire sa':sractio...

N .1. The Public are invited to call and evm.ine specimens.11). tf W. F. 1MM LAND Artis-- .





ircot,NEARLY orrosiTE

11 ..I!, t). Hall!, ore. Ox17 V and

HERE HE OFF I:ks FOR SALK AX th'as- - rtment t'VR Mil A' J. c :.::in tK .a an I ir.ah.-i- mv c-n- r t

K a aed pi-.- ilim: an-- table111 wah.ut ,1 c r r wh". 1 rt shPain'.e I rh in-.- r slrmsK" l and pie-- t -'

... .! r i .

u'-l- a:; 1 c.tta.-- - b 1st-

Sj-- rii; l.e - a:, 1 s,; toa si - Is.fas. ou:io- :tte-- . ;:-- U'..ll:s, t ...tstools. i W

A AI.1L1 V oFR - k:re. dit.irc. an pari, r :.

t'h.'dr- i.'s ; rr.e r !..'. !r-- e it.- -, Or

Children's crri-- t .1: rent p itti-ri.--

th-A I.- --

. j

Furnilurr of ii-i- t Dt-xrip- t in InIc iimlRrairtil.

Fret.v. h p.irt..-...r.--

And turaine,D w. Li: ss a'i 1 .

N. B r t pr mi a' tended to.1 n

Noticr (o MiiMi 0w wi s of WhaleSiiips.

THE l"XDERSlf;XED HEfi LEVE. t a'ir. uie t . . rs o whal-- s. Ips. an.l the public I. in C"!i-r.- i. ti. .t :h- y jj I in as'.:. frni the

:i U. ver'.in-n- t it Tahiti, th- - rai'way a'.d hvavi!: d wnpretr. .Ses. inriu ii:. st treh-.use- . etc.. .. at. 1 ar-- - n .e prepared

with d!spa::li and at wer rates than ut ai:yother port It. th-- : Pacisc. OWEN .t U Ji.'DlNG. Shipwright.149-t- ! t


els. rncll iail lc. j ... I. i'rt :

.11. 1. IS All V.paixtki:, (ii.A.iF.i;. .ii.I)!:r ani iwrrii

llAXGK! K rr-- -- trirt, r.ovt ii r: :itlKi.! lur. i. '.;.S-J4- 1

TIASlla'SS.'Iiie rxiir.iMGXKn ia: we r

A (hat ti.-- f::t l:.heii l! ' i on M I' AM'M-.A- TlIK WIIAUF. l:.:.-!- 1 I v Mr. A. HI K' K- -

j MKI.-fK;-:, u.'nn- - th- v wi.i te l.l ' t. :ny onK-r- s inti:t-i- r l.r.c. l.y .i :ric; Att..-:iri-- . r:;i:i( ss t;i. y to i:i :i A t:w i -- '.r.a.i.;; J I'd n!l t!ir;rI .i. r.

JM-Jii- . V. II. Jt KOELKi:X. TlnMiiit!..

.i.viii-:- l:!iv(M),MAM TU Tt REll ANr DEAI.EU IX

ii Ti;;. Shvvt lum k Copper Ware.KA All I'M A N I SriiEET. H INOIA U", II. I.

Sun.ti;t-- I'aker?. Tin ar..I Coi r l'uir.p. Iiathimr Tul?, Footan.l l.ath. Tin an.l .:io Ko.-nn- ni.-- a

j (jer.eral uf Tin W are, Ac.i Ship Work rtiTtilrd with n and20ly li.i:)lrll.

U i: O 55 U K T 15 O 15 A S ,3 7Z n fs o 11 .

on,l CALL THE ATTENTION OFthe puhii.-- to his :ock "f mat-.-r-al- con.-irf.n-g of

Hawaiian and Amkrican Lime,Ukicks.

(.'eiient,Fir.r Clay,


Plaster of Pauis.California Sand,

German Tiles,Tr" Pots.

TRY WORK? at lovret rates. C0MIMSIT1ON andCIUVKL K'loFIN"! put on lunl.iins nn warr.inteil tht.

XT Ur.ler? to le t ft at ti.e L.:ue House, or ut the store of P.C. .loses, jr., F.rt s:reet, Merchant an.i Kin; ttreets.


.:W5 A: a'OKTOX,Coopers mid tinnircrsL

Coruer of Ilethel and King Streets,AND


... ......r-- v. ....tir ...v.. ...j...,.

W reasonable rates. iCThankful for past oatr onap-e- . they confidently rely upon th.-i-

oltl customers for a coiiti.iuar.i:e-- their favors an 1 trust thattheir endeavors to please, and extreme low r of charges, willins'ire to them a fair share of business in their line.

N. IL New and sec ml h:.n 1 casks and shooks always onhand, which they will l at tile lowest market rates. 197-S-

Cabinet Maker and Turner.rM!E )LI STA XI), 1IOTKL STREET, XEAR

. the corner f tort.Furniture of a'.l kinds made and repaired.On hand and sale. liKAPV MAIK FPRXITfRE. Koa

.List and Plank: Cedar, lilac It Walnut and Cherryloa:'-is- and Mahoirauy Veueermc.

A laru'e assortmciil of Gils Moulding, lart'e sized Ghis.A variety of Uockini. 1'init.i:, Ollioe and Children's Chairs.Polished Collins on halt 5 and . to order. loS-l- y

n. A I.LFN.

.yossrvsorv As


Carpenters, Joiners & 'nderlakers,Fori Slrr-el- nrnr Corner of Hotel Sircl.

B T ESPECTFl'LLY IXFORM THE I'l ll- -B . lie th.--.t th-- y are prepared to execute any work in the

above line, and hope to merit a share of public patronage.Koa. Pine and Trimraed Collins always on hand and made to

order.I 7-- Jobbinir done on rcas uiahle terms. Plans and specifh-a-t- i

ms drawn to order. lS --tf


( ol all kinus in nisi ra.e si ic a- - pin es rj yr--.

t uit ttle tunes.I f i ' m CAUT, CARRIAGE, and all

other work in this line, will be done with a neatness and dis-patch not to be excelled.

XT llors? shoeins;, and all other business in the Farrier's depaitment, promptly alb nded to. lyj-t- f

Coopering !


IX REMOVING IIISIU SIXKSS!to his new COOPERAGE on ihe Esplanade,

fi VWOP Forts,trei-t- , takes this opportunity of return- -VSkiJJ'i2'l ins his sincere thanks to his frien Is and th

ic in ceneral. for the supitort and patron

him f.r the past ten years, and hopes that by attention to busi-

ness and promptness in the execution of all orders intrusted tohim, he will merit a continuance of their favors.

lie has on hand for sale upwards of I OOO bbl. of Cn!iirill sorts and sixes. 175-l- y

3iu!iixi: cakpenter's SHOP.

rsiiE i:xi)Ei:sif;xEi vofia informfi his friends and the public that on the 6lh i:i-- t. he will resuiue his f..rm.-- business as a

nui Li) eh and norr: carpenter,the stand hitherto occupied by Messis. Watson Leonard,the Swinton Premises, Kins street. With every facility for

doing all branches of

ood W o x li.the best advantac- -, he respectfully solicits a share of puolio

itrotiaire.Having secured the services o a firsl rat will

also ail CaliiiKl MaUiiiu. 1 urniii :iml a i -rinv Work to his other lulll-- .

1 j- - Stall sawed and planed by luaciitnery f.T c.u s andothers.

C. H. LF.WF.RS.X. P. General lurob-- r busin"ss will be conducted as hereto-

fore on the Fort tireei Preini.-.-- a, where the best selected stockbe sold on the most reasonable term. VVJ-t- f



the ? formerly oy M. M. Matrhtu ..

APw pr- - j.artd to execute Ship . Carnaire and Cartrk. on the shortest notice an-- most r as .ns'.l-- -

tenns, and hope hy tr;.-- t attention to bui-.e- s to merit a sharethe public patronage heretofore so liberally 105-t- f

Notice to the Public?THE F X i E R SIGNED.having every facility at hand in t!.eshape of

Tl.VSER jyD MAC ISEiV,t would inform the pu c that he is- to mauufa.-im--

nml Horse Carts. WajoiK nnii Ox Voltesdeliver them at ar,v i.ort in the kinedm nt very reduced

pr.c.-s- . All w.-r- m:i - cf the h.t rii androujh an l W'ir'!-:- niann- r.

ox v k- -s liver-r- in Honolulu, ironel cm pi t 50

i.50 re: np

ETJIIiDIWGSa:: 1 :u."i's'r t'.e mat-ril- ls

, , ...i pa pr.i ti-- ti Mtl'.wrir'.t. . is r--a lv t


anythin? in th it lin- - of I". as c as ti.e cheapestTwo ts of .'irjuiar :i an 1 to put up ft

thrit w u:t .

on.- tuteii-.- water whe--- l ... h itid. thirty inches in dian-- .

w.irrrtTit' d trive full sut;'.ellav n- -

e:i.-ii--- a pra- .1 Cabinet M.i er. I am ready to

Koa or other Furniturethe liortes; notice. IT Ail attended to. fr

WILLIAM IL WRIGHT. andKoi .a. Kauai. Mtrch 10. l'IO. Ji. -- im

Vn.l. (iloal Skinv. Hid'lililOVY, t'oKipoHion. TOld Copper.



VVash.t.g.on Aiistoi.,'" for sale byE O HALL.

tertian (i:;ros.

I ndrr rif it's Notk v.".Ii: I'MtrUMCNED, in vim; HKKXI p.ii:i-- l sunfj-- f.r the "No V k Iv .trii t n.ier-:- !:

r." t. t!u ts.-- :h -- I f iiifvi . it Ko i

r.i.v ;i: ti.- sir rt i. ;:.-' : V 1 ui;t:t': ! ! ii:ln ill t!.:it c.:-;.o:- .

K :u: 1 l'.'tl.r.ji r f:r,- -, N .' r, KrA l.'T-l- v

.11 r. .ioux a i, kx . .11 at as a:,I'OMMI SS 1 U X M K U (.'HA X T ,

iin-- t il I'lju-o- . yt:ic.X7' R'f.Tonoo ti W. I.. Ukkkn. II- :!r.. I. Hv4-6- m

Si A A'Ai A 1VA,JOHX ALLI A XI). Jr.. &. HI.. HAVEt stal-!:he.- th.-n.s- i Iv.-- in Japan I r the purjose ofcarrying''!) a ie:i.-ra- 1 o:r,io:!-;o- i.e.ine. I heyhave es:Ht,:-.?he.- l a Line of Pae... t letw-- San

Francisco an.i Kan.;, toucl.i: .g at ll .tiolulu cn th-'i- .iy toK a:. ijZaw a.

The t.ark Rover. th piot:er of tie line, willFrancijco alx-u- t ti.e of April K anaaw i.


W. T. Coleman i Co., San Francisco.Matospkav .v Co.,KfxShLl A: Co. F. Snow Honolulu.

MONUOXl I. NEW ZEALAND.williaisFbutler,


W WAS MADE A R R A XU E.MEXTS TO KEEPK B constat. tiv on hand a large and well stock of




SHIP CHANDLERY,anl everything required for a comphte outfit.

XT" I n sh supplies, potatoes, and firewood, all furnished atthe shortest

Moneonui lies in the umithsst part of Lanristanor DoulitlcMBay, and is in latitude 35 de. 0 mill. S , find longitude 173 defr.33 mm. L. l!!l-t- f


TOGO now in store houses.ALSO,


Rread, &c.lS!!-t- f F.sTRA & CO., Hakoladi. Japan.


Aliaroa, w Zrnluud.SITI'LIF.O WITH POTATOESSHIPS of every description.

References :

Capt. G. H. Soi le, ship Miio.A. TlAr.BER, ship Benjamin Tucker.J. II At sTiN, ship

" Smith, ship E. F'. Mason.u Ilistus, slop M. tacom." Oscar de Ghasp-.uusk- ., ship Nil.

Pa km an DA kit?., ship Gen. d'Hautpool.' Ledastk, ship Caulaincourt. 171 tf

Views ol" Honolulu !

PERSONS VISITIX OR RKSIOIXGALL these Islands, should not fail to send a set of (.. .IJiirjri. Vi.'W of Honolulu to their frieuds abroad,as they will convey by far a idea of the Scenery, Habits,Customs, etc., of this place, than any works or prints ever pulllished. To be had of K. U I' KG ESS,

lis-- tf Fort street.

VON HOLT & HEUCKn and offer for sale at reasonable prices. or retail

o elegant styles anil best made ladies saddles, completewith saddle cloth, bridle, etc..

Gents' saddles, bridles, bits, spurs, etc.,A select assortment ot ladies' cloth palters,Pat- - nt leath- r piitcrs, for lacing and with elastics,Shoes arid slippers.Children's calf, pat-- nt leather, cloth, etc., boots and shoes,

s superior calf boots and sho- - s. slippers, etc..Fine meaino half hose, black silk handkerchief-;- ,

Pieces black crape, fine white all wool tlannel.Blue and pink flannel. Irish linens,An assortment of feather dusti rs,Fine fiiiiRlianis, small and larire plai Is,Colored cassimi-r- and blue and red flannel shirts,A few pieces of prints, choice patterns for dressing gowns,

and fine white merino undershirt?.Black silk an.l c tton vi lvei,Suwrior bla- - k cloth coats, pants, etc.And numerous other articles. 196-t- f



T . i kz xx ij i' ft ex. xx cl 23 o o x" . i



Ji for this Market by Mr. L. H. Art hou, viz. :

V) ens s, (15 bottles each.) pure I (iin,SO (15 each.) " " imported di

rect fr-r- Schiedam, the very beH article in themarket,

25 cases ru st Mart- - lls randy,Marzetty's ale and porter in quarts and pints, rates 4 and

dozen each.j

ItcHl Rrmiil AI.F,: in ii:its.Cases 8 tlczcn each, at reas-.nabl- pi ic. s. IS6-t- f


ISA R II ELS OXLV OF TH AT EXCEL10 LENT PORK, raised and packed ly Mr. 11. W.Molokai R choice attir-- for Family and Cabin 'iable

beinc iniU-f- - rl, fiL-s- had a superior article. For sale atla0-t- f Vox IIOLT 4- - HLLCK'S.

SATI XS, X c.IXE BLACK. XV II IT E A XI I1LFE SATINS,eive;. etc.. i.ia.-- silK tor in ses, l.i.ek tasting.

loth ami checked pantaloon s:u:Ts. F'-- bylUi-t- f VoN HoLT tf HEI CK.

1 1 A XX A 1 1 A X FLO 1' II. Si. o.HAWAIIAX F LO I'R. DO. CORX

k ni-- iio wheat tueal constantly on h-- d and for sale hyKi.'-t- f VON HOLT HEICK.


All linen. A!-- go cotton, with linen !ioonis.ia.l and narrow fol h For sale bv

12 tf VoN HOLT HEUCK. ';


r sale bvUJ-t- f VON IIOLT k HEUCK.

UR AX DIES, A--.-.

FIXE 15RAXDY. SHERRY AXDCASES On hand and for sale byj.U-t- f VoN IIOLT & HEI CK.


3 shirts. merino in lershirts and dnwer, play init car is. etc.For sale bv flii tt i ON ID LT & HKICK.


the f : c li:ct i c ?i ai; a zi x kIX HE FFRXISIIED R EG I" LA R LV TOC siloset t!.o Price ifj ;i year.

jlt:.c-T- i; r.niri'.ei-- from .iarjuari-- . lsrio, eupphed.

e JcVrfC, as a monthly ii.aL-azin- of 144 jeiires, doubleColumns, has no sue-rio- r in literary merit or artistic emlieliish-ni-nt- s.

Each iiumlw-- is emlwilished with one or two mezzotintplates, by Sartain. The variety, richness, an 1 alll.i-n- ce ,f theEclirtr articles in all th- - departments of literature and opu-l- ar

b .th instructive an i .i: -, stamp it as thebe-- t iiia.-iizi.i- u l.ubhshed. Apply to



rjBMI E DISPENSA RY ATTACH ED TO THEM 4oe-r.'- s H' on Kinp Street, will he i pen every day.m 7j until t. A. M .. f r the di of medicines to kick for

indiceiit Ilawaiiat'.s. Per rJer :

J. AUSTIN.101-- tf Secretary.


WELCOME Gl ESI'. Is ia pnhli-he- d weekly, contain theII'.. rjTv.r'- - to he obtained. Price $4 a year. Back

nauile-r-s January 7, lsOu. supphed. Applv to204-ln- i II M. WHITNEY.


GARDEN" SEEDS. COXSTAXTLVFRESHand for sale at the Royal Hawa.ian AgriculturalSocjetv's iiarden.

im ii.wi'mi-- .


190 tf



foiiiHHssiot! .llorcliaiits3

1'23 Sauome Street. Sun I'ruiu-ist'o- , V il.

SJVUTiril.lU A TT EXT IO V OIVEXTOin. in a:il SiU- of liH:iilix- - ; t

'r.Kiie aii-- l Tr:sl,ii-iii,-ii- ..t ; the rti.irt.rmir an.ll i iyin of W Ii.iU-!- i j an.l the

of Kc!

Evrt.Mtiii: on IIoiioIiiIk in Sum ait.ADVANCES A1ADK OX COXHGNMKXTv.

UEFLU TOH F. Snow, Kn , Ilon. lu'n. Jas. 11; NF LLI . Cuia.' . .t - " I. Hknky A. Pi :n.J S. AVaI.IlKR, HAS. 11KF K.

i H. Hum hp .v Co. TiIatkk, Hkiuiiav FiKin,HiNj. Pitman. 11 !o.

rtro.v Jk Co . Sew York.:i2-- tf . T A Ai ik, New lie.lf..r.l.

1. I. M lirtH. J. C. MKKKI1.I.

hoiii i:ii a. iii:i:hii,i,,Tommission Merchantsj ANDi ai tio.s:i;i:s.

AitENTS OF THERegular I)ipatrh Linrof Housluln l'arkrta.

IT All freight arriving in trHiisitu for thtf Sandwich IfUndu,wiil he nveircl and fora-arde- ty the Kcptilar !4iie"FRI K OF OIMMI-- V.

I'articular attention paid to fonr ardinir and trannhiptpent otmerchandise, aale of whalemen's hiils. an.l other exchange,

uf an l spie uti.r open policies, auppviug whalcthips, chartering ships, etc.

4 3 iiml 4 5 Ciilifornin atrrrt.KCFFR TO :

Captain IL F. Snow,.Messrs. C. Bucwek 4 Co.. llonoluug;

A. 1. KvERcrT, Fjsq., SIL Pitman, Khj., lldj.

120 tf

j qiN 1

. belr. end01"""In, superior 01


JAS. PATRICK CO.,213-6- m Sole Agents for California.

WJI. FAlTliKEK A: SO.,131 SAXSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO,ACJEXTS FOR JAMES FOXXOR K. SOXS.jX. V. S. Type Foundry, Dealers in all kinds of I'rint-in- j;

.Materials.XT Printers will find it to their advantage to call on ua

before purchasing. 113-- ly



Snn FrnnciM-o- , Fnlifornia.Virlorin, Vauc.Hrrr'.I.iREFER TO:

Bank ok tub Kr.ri'BLir, - . New York, V. S. A.Messrs. Gordon, BiircK McAn.iFF, " "

Kobkrt C. Jasidn, FIsq., Liverpool, Great Britain.Messrs. Janios, Gukkn - Co., - Honolulu, II. I.

A. J. Caktwrhiht. Esq., " 19QA.t


MOIMZIX, STOXE & CO..Commission an.l Forwarding Slerchants, San Francisco, Cat

References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. At A. R. Nye,At Swift & Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinned Minium &Co., New Vork, John M. Forle-- s Esq., Boston, Per-kins Ac Smith, New Indoii, lauiel C. Esq. Itoucilulu. tf

coT. IS . ! A I IV 'V H K ,(l.ATK ('KARA &. PAIXTKK,)


F.R IA L, PAPER, CARDS,And Printer's Stock generally,

132 Claf .lrrrl,rar Snnnoiiio.Snn Franriars,ltf7-l- y


IMI'LEMEN IS OF ALL KINDS,OF WHICH WILL HE SOLI ONVLL most reas m ,01-- ; and at the l.urest prices.

Warehouse. corner of Iiavis and Washington su, San FranciscoXT Orders promj,ly titcutrd. X3l


A. J. C'AitTwiiir.Br, Esq., Honolulu.



lit! Monlsm''y at.. Sun Frmirisro. Cft-- ly


33 r a u cl i o s , "CV7" 1 ia o mAND

liiquorv of every Iecritioii.101 FfiO.T STREET,

Between Washir. :ton and Merchant.115 tf SAN FRANCISCO


riOKDACK OF F.VERV SIZE MA.M'FA C'- - TCItF.D to or br. Constantlv on hand, i argc assortmentof MA It, A AMU HEMP HOPE, fall siz-s- ). RaleRope, Tow Line, Oakum, kc. for sale by 1 L BBS & CO.,

1 j7-l- y 139. Front Street. San


(;t' V EH.4E AdLMT. Gls bou.'ht and sold on commission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest untie 'Comer of yttoN's Roaij and PoTTiN'.F.k sthfet, Honukonff '

XT Refer to Thomas Spkv.-f.h- A. 1. CARTWRinirr. J. t!JSpAI.DIXfi. Sandwiehls'.ands. 104--ly

xrent I'epiililic, iiootl Hope,TELEtiRAPH. REYNARD, II.OCEAX ..i.l REPoltTEIl : Fifty bales assorted

Duck, 6- -0 10. Fifteen bales ht and heavy llar Ihirk. Tenhai.-- " Flannels, Twelve cases Canton Flannels, brownand bleach1 d. Ten ca? s K ntui ky Jeans. Fifteen cases

Twelve caws 22. ii and 4x2 Apron Checks.Twenty caa.-- s bleached all widths. castsfavor. te bran Is Print. Twenty ca- s Denims. Fifty raseTicl.ines. Twenty hales b iue, red and gray Blankets. Also, afull assortment of

lloiisr-F'uriii.lii- iis Goorla.Comprisiiu: Lin'-- Tahle Dama'ks. bleached and brown ; superTa'de Cov-rs- ; pillow-cas- e Linens; Linen Quilts,10-- 1. 114. 1 J--l. ipi .iiti'-- ; ToWvllini'S. Nal'kins. Diaper, ii'.vlies; wfiire iniinkeis : eruteiss i veivei iiiiidand Piano ( overs; l extra fine. Also, visIsthmus a fill line Hosiery, Gloves, Delain.-s- . Onranjies,Dawm. KoIh-s- , Jackonetts, French Muslins. Cambrics, IrishLinens, etc. And a pcnetal assortment of FANCY and STA PLKDRV Go.JDs, suit-- 1 to th- - Spring Tridc Also, ex Oracle,Eliza. Denmark. 4-- c . Velvet Medallion Carpets ; Brusselsand Three-Pl- Carpets ; Incrains. , English and Amiri-ca- n

Dru-et- s. Table Oil Cloths. Green Baizers, Window Shadesand Hollands Brocatel'.e and Dcmasks. Paper Iianinga andBorders.

of Jew.-tt'- s celebnted ft--4 24-- 4.

Invoices very d Flower Oil Cloths, now ending, ndsale, at I iw rates, by FRANK BAKER.

110 and 112 Clay Street, 1155 and 137 Merchant Street,215-3- in San Francisco, California.


EXCHAXGE FOR SALE.IG HT EX C II A XC E OX C II AS. WOLCOTTtIRi H.tKS, San Francisco, for sale. In sums lo su.i, oy

lvl-t- f J. S. WALKER.


iJ sums to suitl2-t- f VON HOrT tr HEUCK1?.


f Iu


i i


THE PACiriOCommercial Advertiser.

True Folifene--- .


"Any tablecloths, toweling, or linen hanJ-LercLie- fs

to day, ma'am " a linen ix-J-I- er

in his rich Irif-- brogue, a he stood bendi-ng- twneath the weight of his heavy pack before the door of a neat little cottaee incountry.

I believe I am weil supplied with linen,Lut won't 3'ou wal in and lay aside yourpack, and rest awhile ? Vou look tired; "thatis a neavy icaa to cany, and it is quite adistance to the nearest house. Take a seatby the fire, won't y-- a ?" was the reply in alow, sweet voice, and Mrs. Lee placed a chairbefore the plowing grate.

A nan ! it's a comfort sure to rest in sucha place, good woman, but I'il clane my faitfirst they're no fit for a lady's carpet ;"and Paddy turned to the scarper ar.d mat,and went rigorously to work to remove themud from his creat coarse boots. That's alittle nater!" he ejeculated, as, havingcleansed them to his satisfaction, he tip-to-ea

across the carpet, and seating- himself uponthe edge of his chair, held his red freckledhands near the cheerful blaze.

There was a look of quiet happiness in hislarge blue eyes as he sat gazing dreaminiyinu the glowing coals, and, as if intuitiveiyknowing the thoughts of his hostess, he sa:das if replying to her query, "I'se thinking ofmy mother and Bridget the darlings, and ofhow they would bless ye ma'am, could theyknow of your kindness to the stranger ia thiscountry; it's the first time my heart has beenwarmed by such words this many a dayGod bless ye, ma'am ! And out flew the gaycolored cotton handkerchief, and Paddywrenched and pulled his red nose as if thatalone was the cause of the mist before hiseyes and ended his discipline by remarkingapologetically, "This is a bad" sason forcowlds, ma'am !" and immediately turned toopen his pack. 44 So ye're wishing for noth-ing in my line this morning !"

Xc, I do not wish to purchase."44 But will ye plase to let rr.e give this fine

little girl a hankerchief ? I want to lavesomething wid ye."

44 Jl&ry, would you like a handkerchief?I will get ene of those small ones for vou, ifyoa wish. You may hand me my purse fromthe work-box- ." i

44 Plase, ma'am, if you'll be so good as notto pay me, I'd be obliged if you'd let me giveit to her; iodide I would, so here it is, lit-tle one. And so your name is 3Iary ? Ah !

but it is the swatest name intirely. Godbless ye, child, aid make ye like yer mother,and it's Dennis O'Brady that'll n:ver forgetthe like of this house. Gcod day." Witha low bow he shouldered his burden and de-

parted.44 Well, Mrs. Lee, if you don't beat all!"

Now, who in the world but you would haveever thought of making so much of an Irishpedlef I" exclaimed Susan Minor in a nasaltone, as she waxed her thread, and went onwith her sewing.

44 1 am sure I only did as I should wish tobe done by. I merely gave him a place torest a few mcnm s by my fire ; he lookedtired and cold, and, if it had been the righttime of day for a meal, I should have takenit for granted that he was hungry and offeredhim something to eat. Vou would not ex-pect me to shut the door in his face 1 hope.I only treated with comtnoa politeness."

44 Ha! ha! politeness to a pedler! Whatan idea ! why don't you know that half thefolks when he stops will almost turn him outof the house ?

Ye-?-, I know that people have strongideas about pedlers, and often treat themwith rudeness and therefore I take all themore care to be kind to them. I have neverlost anything by being kind to any one."

44 Vou certainly did net this morning. Iguess Mary thinks it pays don't you, sis ?"

44 Why, Susy ! you know mamma let himgive me the handkerchief because it pleasedhim so much to do it. I know she did notexpect him to."

Honest Dennis had more real refinementthai many who make more pretensions, mvdaughter ; you must keep his gift and re-member that a warvi heart prompted by gen-erous, delicate feelings, bestowed it uponyou. I admired him for giving it to pay mefor what he felt so grateful for. Come here,my dear, and jump upon my knee, while I tella little reminiscence of my childhood.

"One sultry day in August, my littlebrother and I were playing with our dollsand bits of broken crockery in the old loghouse chamber when our mother called usdown, and. pointing down the road, said,4 Children do yon see those travelers restingthemselves in the shade yonder V We looked, and there beneath a sprcadi-i- g maple satthe men fanning themselves with their hats,and wiping their heated faces with theirhandkerchiefs, and seeming very much over-come with fatigue and heat, for'it was in thehottest part of the day. 4 Now, I want daughter, said mother, 4 to go to the "welland draw up a bucket of cold water, and A

Charlie you may get your little hat, and Iwill fill this little covered tin pail with wa-ter and you may take it to thos poor tiredmen. I know they will he glad of a coolingdraught.

"The water was soon ready, and littlebrother trudged off among the stumps andlogs, for our clearing was a new one. Wesaw them drink, and turn water into eachother's bands, with which they bathed theirglowing faces. We knew they were re-

freshed, and that the little act of kindness Mn.000andwas appreciated, and I am sure my mother rT

was amply repaid when little brother re-turned


all glowitig with animation, and

rnted out, 4 Oh mamma I am so warm, butrare for that. Oh you don't know

how glad they were, and here is a piece of I A?rtpaper the tallest man gave to me to give to I

you; there is some writing on it. Our dearmother's eyes glistened as she read, 4 Inas-much a-- ye have done it unto one of the least T'of these my brethren, ye have done it unto honte

me. The next day was Sunday and we all Therode over in the ox cart to the school house Islands.

at 4 the corner. A stranger arose in thedesk ; he was a tall man. and we all at oncerecognized in him one of the weary travelers Thewho had so gratefully received the content?of our little tin pail the day before. His j

13tfsubject was 4 Christian Charity,' and his eyewandered over the congregation, till it rest- - j

ed on little Charlie, and then glanced for a(


Themoment at our mother as he gave out histext. And whosoever shall give to drinkunto one of these little ones a cup of coldwater only, in the name of a disciple, verilyI say unto you, he shall in no wise lose hisreward."

"I have never forgotten that lesson, mychild, and I want you to remember thatkindness costs the givsr nothing, and oftenconfers a greater blessing upon the recipi-ents than untold wealth could bring. Agentle word, warms the heart of both giverand receiver; remember this my child, andyou will be happier yourself, and bestowhappiness upon others."

" Well, I do say," put in Susan, "that'sas good as a sermon ! I do jast wish thatsome folks I've sewed for afore now. could

hfar you jT'.-ac- up that doctrine. I guesstnere wouMn t be quite so in.inv sor- - sootsin i'ju 3 uairs, n everv&ojv was likevou. .Mrs. hv I've fr.'-l- tKit

jI'v been working for," sit down to the table

( and eat a hot rr.eal and never ask the poorJ traveler who sat by the fire to sit up and take) a mouthful and he woulin't get a chancej to tret warm, either, unless he beared theprm.ege, anJ i ve seen p.enty ol idks shutthe door in a pedler's face, but you don'tlose anything bv vour wav of doirirr thinr-- .

j I know, and when I have a house of mv ownj I'm eoing to try and be jast like you."

44 Lon t take such an impenect standard foryour model, Su.-y,-" said Mrs. Lee. blushing.

"I am sure I never thought of apattern of goodness. 1 mean to do all 1 canto ren l;r the path of life a pleasant one, formyself and fellow travelers, and one of ,nvmottoes i;

Be always polite, and true pclirer.ess issimple khir.ess cf heart!" irW Grower.



san fra:ciscoClot hiii" Emporium!



EVER IMPORTED l.VTO THIS MARKET.WhU.h h repr.:h'i tr hctt arrival from San

a the war.t if tae trade

rjMIEE COOPS ARE ALL SELECTED BVoc ,; trsi. r.v ;3;u Friar: v.. :;n a krw-,l- .

elrc oftbe wr.u .f tr ; jia niN.ic xrA the Cm,ma mi.m n pcrrru t LOtv flul Kfcs, will r pofa tmach LOW ER RATE? t!. ru,l in th. rr.rkrt ia jt

4 " f t iis-;t(- i. A. A M.!,i'i-O- ci Orrvrr Mrchi.t tret-ts- .

Jast received per Syren andOTHER LATEARRIVALS !

Crackers and Bicnit.DOSTOX WATER CRACKERS,A Hot c rc-r.

L''.' o men fTiC.Tf,

ii jiir.rr r.r.S. i. rr cr.irir.

Anuntri Er.g.uli bi ui:.Cae (ioodt. Satd,

pie fruit.AiE-rica- a fruita, ,

p:cki, j.iEtj an.: (,arta I

Durtiam rnu'Lri,Lra 4 Prrrin' mux--

Fr rrh ohr-- s,- caj-r- r.


rr-t-h. pp;r. ia irait nd tim,5'.rat-rrr- y jam,Kupherry j itn.CranberryFesw:h ia syrup.

J:iiC :

I'tart - "Iicc-pi- e tceu

Pure hony.True kmon fjrup.Oyvr. ia 1 nd 2 Tt t!as,

ia 1 anl 2 !bC lair.?, ia 2 t:r..?arJin. in j and i ft tic&&lmnn. in 2 !i tins,Gre-r- n pea.tipf-- corn,Carb.Craro tartar,

i"rrata.t Po.l?r,

HtrrtHi,Curry pf.wder.Cayr.aeIVpper una,T 4b:o Ca'sap,Flarncg extracts,Groan-- i pepper.Clarke orn atarch,Oiweeo " --

Grouad f pices,Wtite p;cca.GruiiJid izer.

Provisions.Yorkshire bams."Westphalia hacs.Eo:oa ceir-co-rl hazai,Kits tor.gjrt aiidOodfth.Freh larj. in tina.Half and quarter barrels mew porkCalifornia cream cheese.American purse,Orvtoa sine ked bacon,

Sundries.Curruits. in jars.Raisins, ia i boxes,Citrra. oranse and lemon p-- e

Sft shell almonds,almftMis,

Filhertn.Loaf urr,Crul.ed soirar,LiM l.n,a sur.Brown u?ar,fwb Hiwai.aa flour,

" whieat meil," rorn m-J- ,

SXCh 0.'ltmrrjU,FearJ barlry.Carina rice,Mccaroni,V tmiiic:iii.P--arl sasu,S( !;t a.V tiir pepper,Ch-fla-

Yeikiw vap,Bth bnck.Cidrr rineffar,IVUr oil.

f1"'!! I'laod syrup. For sale ch-- p hvm S. SAVIKE.

FELLOWS HALL, Fort street

JUST P.IX'EIVEI)From . h York, via San Fanci-cp- ,

Ml FOR SALE BV THE I M E RIf; V--- 4"-

e.. nne.f the CH'"-ICha- an I y.nsT ELEGANTtnertsf Ladi s 1 G?:,tk-tner.'- sa.--. Silk I mbfrllna ererimp-rte-- i into the

2m F r sal? Cheap, at A. . CLEGH0KN"5.

Paper and Stationery,fCvr REC EIVED. PER LATE ARRIVALS,

sopp'y of wr.tin rr-rr-. ovr fortyand sire r(Fid white and Mo- - np paper,d' d do IettT paperdo do do n'-t- e paper.

Gilt edce !ttr ard cote j 3jt.Thin aco-ur- t currert an I letter paperEtT.y pe and wrapj-- 5 pa;-er- .

Red and white blctticg paper.ALSO

enrelopes, letter, and note sae, of al! colo rsExtra

All cri"ra supp.ii--- l. at as low a grure as ran b had in Citynr'et. Apr yto (2CT-2ai- 3 H. M. WHITNEY.

FI.DHF.XS ST A PPVlKinwTBr-m- n and Dresden Brd o t'ndrrwrTters. Allaverage claitr ac-in- th aid I nHew-ri'.e- .

T wnit this KiKaT-imn- will have to be certified before

NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO MP.4- -ny. Ivid ) For Fire and Life Asuraor ataa-- s.ji-l- .

Capital ii.i jii.ibii.Mfriimunders sued has beea appointed Aient f. r tne SandwichR C J ANION,


w Vork Board mf I lers jme-- tak- -. ktare to notify Mer-han- t. Ship Masters,- ...a. n- - na n.'y appoirtel a Arnt theNew Vork B ari cf Inderwrifrs.


W' ENT FtTR TH ELiverpool I'nderwri ter'a Aociation.ondersiiTieAl bers leave to notify Merchant. Ship owner,

"'P masters, tnax ne ha received the ppr.i3anrt of XT!Und, r the LIVERPwL VNDER



rjMIE UNDERSIGNED b-- to n t.fv to those parM. ties who hate insurer! in th--s orhce worsen building crtheir c nt-r- .t within the precinct of H that in ci.nsesequence t: erection of U.-v-e and hih w..irnbuoJii..-- Ck sp V in street, co ui- - re na on t.m-b- er

c.fucii"i.i 111 tt.e P wd w ill be taken, and those alreadytaken w ill not he rent wrd on th expiraii. a f their terms

P.. C. JANIOX,Aa-er- .t f.T the Northern Assarasca- Co.

11 )iniRiai.BnEMi:.FIRE INSURaANCE III .....m.-r-- k . ...- .nmM .. n'. or me Company, are 1 re oared to insure r.Jk tri u;i tre ia andrJUl H.i.lulu.

F.r pwrtii-uiar-s apply at the officeMELCHER.-- " Co. .Hooiaulii. 0.1 11.15? es tf 20

New Goods! New Goods!E . 0."HALL



. MHe . rrpefu..y :

Hardware, Ac.Turned sauc-p- -. Tif J .r - i.

Caree-nte- r fr-r-. iir;'.r d.i.

ML.-- -. tfuaried rii lantTti.Ai; . r.ur.d spades,ii.-.z- i istt. r. -- et 'Ail.- -.

h-- r'. r.i.--s .n r cj tir l iff,lly :r i: : i.- m I

WmJ !:r,. Ir :!ro-.- ,Luu:i-cr- .:' pr.:... I .tc

'i- - - '&.'!. La.: : r- - r.m.::v.u: t.-.- .

t.-irr-r t...i.a 6cr cnA. iv,r r.-- r

L..-.i- r. ni . Limp.I'r-- ss I -.;.

Pri.--l ,:..- -t --it:..r.sAw!. c; ii: ..'..atiri. 5. i. iturv

' Pa-tr- y ;.'--r-- . r.,. r- - -- . '.'r h- -: l - :,-- ..

I. R. ; u- -c .1 j t.r ; It K,..r tr-ei- rr,V ne iv y c Iter t.'. .c. t.!-t- t.Mach::.e -- ..vr. it pa:. Pepper ?f.tiUi--i- ; -- ! ;r., C:..i'i I. E.! cvcs,

Irt,r.I'M. CZ--.i-

:r r.s. c:.rc-- l

furrier. Ir.j cxti,t Ir-f- j cU.;. vr. t

P.fis sr:re It;s-.- . t n- - n--

'I) ?t.;- - ..r.ijr. fc.::. i o - r. o:. t.

a"'-- ' rtrm ri.--. .t ir. i rural

r:!:'.t U:o! K-k-t. (rn-- i a.vl ir- n u.,r.' tit- - d -- T with crar.i :i:-- s. Ir ck tr cityi bo'.u. larr- - and i- -i.l n:.i !es. w .j pp--r wne'h' o tab.iatj-.r- . ri. br.d auj sa-li.-- r awl. sci.Tsharpen. r. war-ir,- t bv k. siicks. ;.ad trsich

j.a-.-- s, hatvli-- .i staw r:a::.. rritEe1daci. tiirt and shavirz scrjn,rranib. ha:r. pa.r.t. W. w . clue, asd br.:.s. :.thr-- a 1. pa.av-rda-r- .

hF rt

;r r.,.iTay harres-- , choline r.. I r chak..Ir .r crt Nx-- s, c. s rri-:- j n. n;rat?ari papr. sh r pu:.ths. andC' rr. r C";-r:- iron bt.Lrs crrw eyrt. bras rtCjf..o pir.s. 'Cu:t:aj r..;;.'-- . m imer ani sx-.r-t tinner chisels,th pincers. Hr.ti.h :re a-- - ktiim.Steel .Jj.r r..., la u" bi.wkir.;. ! wh calf skias,

ac-- t tack ha a he butcher kr.ives,Iv-r- hiiie u.!.;- - aad .It-.- .r.ive.?crew wrench- -. 6. s, I j. 1, 15. 1 j snJ jj ;ac.hiHrrie aa-- tril buc.i . crub pic.s.Mattors, 1J w..

C' pers" hamrr-TS- . p-- rs dr.-- . ers,Ir n an ' r.eets, Hi chain.Plarr.b b '.s. lamp chairs.Jewelers' r and ie. Clasp and ire and mi:! Gin. .et scrt ws,

t'itarl hi-'- Pr.tsnnia teapot.Tit-- suw Iron tar'.s.

Britinr.iA "il I. imps. Lvl:-- s SA.J 11,Ch irc iil ir- - r.s. Scythe sf-ties-, j

W ,! cards, l- - rr.p tacis. j

stirrat ir"r., T i i.fct spurs, I

mr. tn-- s Cha.k line. I

neeit. pr.-4-.- t : ::re plun-- s,j

Akir.i bri.lwl-- . Jij I n siiap.Silr-- r -- I Call le..ia. Trace chains, (

twine, Aa'.e pullie.le iich ho. ks.


Sheet liliC,b.iW.

hi:i:- ri.. !Win-lo- f.a. and jv, Ir .pp..: an i bras re.Gr.ndst":.e crr.i ar..l r ri.


H"use pi;-r- r an i - r lerinc, - II HLi i id J

safety p."rcelain slate. .11! anr.l -- p:Ttr.r,!i.OriL-- i k. oval tea tra . iiteilt-s- . sttel traps. I

rm.-- pa;-r- . IS , t an i ir.siep streuLers,Siiurmkers driw.r. k:.ive. P cn-t c-


White rui 1 f- - lcip p.i-e- 'k.n.i:h- - hnmiers. . aaier. cir- s, I

Ehanieled !u-- f t, c! the lir.e Ci'inr-s-, i

Marble wash-N-wl- s. steel eye clases.Bra swivels, lead pipe, h rasps. !

Minn 4 ar.d alurin cake pans, i

Hr.tar.n a tnh.e - r hoces.Iron lui.l- - s;jous. oil stones. ,

Chain and shutter bolts.Sh-e- shears, fret saws.Ship aacers. bead and ra' Mt pUr.s. j,t stai.ds. curtain

bands. Britannia swmif !anp. an 1 camafe whips,French wtth basitv. Udi s" India rubber

back combs, ripping saws, turniru sws, n.ecno-randu- tn jan 1 p- - s.'iie baip i s. bungc riii'.' pui-ch- s.--i - cloths, ,

CharcoV, tin, ; j14 an-- 14i". Manilacr place. 0. i'. IJar. i 15 ihread. 1 j, ;

2 and Jj incn: ctt na is andc.-- l l chisels, far-

riers knives, planes.Silver table ar.d r . pure com:"silver ta' le and dert f r.s. ' pure Coin ;'Sliver batter knivt 3. pure c in ;"' butchers knives.

Iry f'ood.Cases Illinois mixtures, cotton Can:. els. .ro. cottons,

-l and t lea. he 1 sheetln.-- . Pearl river,Tickin?, r'il carp-t;n.- -, Russia diaper. Pi.en napkins.Hoy's cott..nades. fun.iture prints, worsted curtain loops,French all w.. plaid, twiiil .;rab cloth.White and colored Sewitia- - aitk. c.-- l r- -1 tffela ritiiKc,

r:bti:.s, white sa:.n an-- tujeta r:bl: s,Vtlv- -t rinbon. narrow came aii ! plaid do. i

Watered belt ribbon. P.rk's spo.l c--. it on. Coat's do do,Wickinjt. brwn li i, . Sc-tr- diaper, French chintz,Brown and wh.te table dam3'c. lineu huckal uck. i

All wol deUiii j- r caiobric, check crinoline. !

Red, blue and yeiiow Camel. Iri-- h ,i:.en. i.?

W hite and bp.wn ii:.en threa 1. wh.te c- f..-- thread.Rlack bon.baiii.e. oil silk, dark j nnt. rich cijhmere.Carpet hindinsr. -.i tnarkirp canvas.French dimity, ladies' Li?ic h se, U y's br iwn hese.Ladies' and ir,.e-- " t r wn and op n w- rk .

Men and b-- y's fan,-- y-- !: la.iie' Lisle gauntlet,Ladle, w' and children" Li.-l- e Kloves.

Coloreil frit-e- . t cott- - v.. braid,Colored zir lies, elastic rit.Njr. r.i! thr-a- d lace,Marseihe-- braii at.d fruiire, C4.rd and t,ia?-e.s-

Briwn veils, c liars, silk eVistlc cord.Gents' superi r rubf-e- r braces, d iaantlets.Cambric edL'incs. chain is skiu. la.:ies ho- ped skirts,French c.rsets, silk head Ret, velvet riNs,Black slik lace ed.-intr- kid pay St.ite shawl.Florence silk, blaek dress si.k, wh.te m.r-eiik- silk ruches.Boy's check linen, linen taj .fp a biize.m.raviaa

CJroceries, A-c-.

Castile soap, chemical ohv- - m;ip. S. C. sc-!- a.

Cream tartar, s ileratus. card mat. he-- , fine dairy salt,I'ned appies. Preston and yent pcwdeV,B le's hyper; n fiuid. eocoaine, tabie sjlt.Cayenne pepper, fiavoriny extracts, white wine vinerar.

I!oots and Shoes.Ladies silk Coi.rrss heeled U-t- , men" Oxford ties.Men's French calf sewe 1 hoot, ni-n- 's eriaaieled shppers,La.iie' white and black kid :ijp.-p-La-ii- (lain an-- heeb-- 1 slipi-.- -i s and buskins.Ladies and mis.s' calf ewed buskins. Implements, Ac.Eacle plow, three :r- -: handcarts, or

vT--e aad grain mills. Grant's fan mill.".w handcarts,

Rossell's cx- -t ip-- r.-t- rs. AIisrellaneon.

GUss car. I lamp- -. cls.s p d.-h-

( i.t ir'.ass salt !! irs. .Ur chimn-ys- . f. lar wick,Kockir stum s;.itt ns. h r..-i-r 2 s .ar lumj-s-("astarl ri . cut c f !et. W. L ci:arl cups.' -- rea.! lamp, pane! - rs. window aa!i.Wind w r!!inc pin. wnh N.;ird. wat-- r pails,'eilar and painted tuNs. mxrkf t basket, m-- p handles,

T y ffir patent and whittled clothes pin.I..!i-- s wor bik- - ts. c- 1 t- - p.-i-i . f ir.-- br-- n.s.i - ra Ir- - c. cvere 1 pn.i ted wir kn.!-bask- et.

'andCurled hair, tow-- 1 ack. pli'.ws. ha r k;n!I rh t double and ni:le walnut waslistands,Wali.ut O' what-n- - ts. i and 6 shelf.Walnut s.d- - what-not- s. o.ik ofE.-- e cha:r. Grcian chair, I

Pure hit-- lea l, extra white lexd. whit. nr. putty,I.tmprlack. spir ts Mick erat-i--1 varm-- h,

Coach van ish. farnitur-.- - tirxi-h- , raw um-- r, !

I ni-s.a-a pun-.i-- stone. French zinc.Chocolate fire pr...f pa nt. n10-3r- a



AV. X LA DPHECEiVED BV THE uKtMrrt..'BE hr?o" a lars- - and assortment of

X n r cl --wjvr n, x o :Consisting ;n part ofquarry mortice l cs. with white cr dark kn-)- b ; Flm the

and Wetrn dx.r locks, brass hir.-- s and screw, cutIts. as rted sii ; hooks ani tap-- , wardrobe hook,"Evurch- - ns. h:ne-- s and fasts, t c ruice. ptltcur-l- a

c bnds. br- - box ar.d ch-- st l k. ha.r c.oth furfurniture, leather beltinc. cuttaperrha hvdrant h .se,

to 1 thch ; extra h se ; linc. l. se pipes, tia-rr.--

. fi halter chairs, washbra-d- s, ine twine, scrub, nsrkin and white-

wash carpenter-- ' panelS""". cr ttii ir.ati-- 1 race bits.Irn brv-s-. Iiwt's plat-- brsces

with hits, lamp h k. orascrews.!,, bullet,Jur. r.inple. 40

esiit.s rei.ows.rrwlocks. brass

nettinir. shoe

white ci.a.s,rrlrtir bi'.a-.oe- s.

b"r sh- e na Is. cof-fee rr.i '. cr-- t n b.bhs,

st--- chts-'ls- . s.e-.-

bells. leRt'-- squ-i-- rs. ch.rr.-.a- lr r.s. r. ur-- e lair. 1 1.-- . . t risesr if. r. co tt r. lir--- . fr.. rr,s strd c

-r machine t- - a pn- -Kr.;vs. tr-n.- h p.i; s. Fr-n- par.s.

inr. hay f rks at. 1 rr.n s. scjthes andnat-.e- . ys" ax- . ,

axl-- s aad sprinr. -. v.-.-.-- ei ia tars. na..s. as rte t etc. Also.Knsle PIov, assoned sizes.

Ti ail of which attet. tivti is respertfxiy invited. 211--



IEARL VEST BUTTONS. OXt utter... rut ter ha.r j .1,Pearl dres buttons wiLh shanksfct I. R. dressl: c mhs.C ral butt,. r.s. Wee.n'. ,j-:- .J r.eelles.Marseille hra. ! and fr.r.i- -

Jet butt r.s. laarseilie tas-i-ls- . IPaper can.l black craj-- -. Ha.fFrench ecir-r.-- lery n. For

B.a.-- k err.hro.i-r- y . la. p.r...Cr.n.oa an-- pi .ure cr.1.

Watore-- b--lt . asst,! coiora,1 biil h-- ks aryj eye.

B.a. b, dimity hand.Boy's ottt- - n' r wn

P.;? brill. ai.te.Coi'd duter.' Mr. A.La-- r e c rset. rte.

-- - M J LTCL'RKwX t. h. ' r. .trr,--t at

or SaleBY TI1K rr-El:!G'EP- .

The Cargoes of the I?ritih Hark- -



Lice cott.;tis. white c::tra, su;.rfr.e wh :e c rftor.,.aasorted pnrui. two b.ur p r:?. Tztir rr--i aiyell : ppca. Turkey red cl :' .

Freac.i lawns. tuork;3. brti.,:;.pJiQ a:i atacy s..ks. :crcr-j- i

forr. rr :ire prist, cttn hert;r.j.haadkrrchief. pni;td d haiidkrci.W.a.eacjencs ta.ri-keret:e- :.

Tur-key red J j.,



decins. r; i:r.? hau.cotton ua:fre:.s. s..t

uc:bre;.a. scw;r.c cxt.jE. biuean J fcrc-- sh.rts. ri: t j c.-.:s-

alpaca cca. m r.rtt;c. h::en bn use.Bl tick. I 1l a.-;-d rti bmr.iets. njiv wippers.meria. alparas. j..a tcure.i. sut-ri- re and ccrcock-th- . ladies straw ha:. r r . ot:.. rj half sriir,.-- si.i,men's !t hit. ! haadkerch.efs. airr:i- - tweed tr-- .','saepheri's pia-- i. twilled iar.ri, pla.n tl.e Sat.ti. wh.'.c

trev v .en wmr;rrs. tnet.'s uader- -shirt., cation rcHi?rr.r.c, printed mus..:-.- . sc., Ac . Ac. Ac.

Hard ware.' --i.. i T r ! ir r.. a'.i. tl: - ..r :r- r. . vtd.jvies, sh-- vels. t: - s . c.-.-'4 cat l .r.a dTea.r aw. as- - rte-- l Ucs. :ives and f.r

. .. p-- u s, sci.-!-'. rs, cirii-rr--. p.ited spurs.

Pitchers steels, adze- -.

'at ir":i p ts. 1 c.i-er- a:.vll.Irn bardies. ft i.T.c. m 4 aj- - r cht an 1 i u bars.C . per rivet. brs a:t t .1.-- s. ...- -. i.--i: s.Cut calls, asstd metal trace t uf.or--.

Naval Stores.Ta.-re- d r:pe. astd slits. r pe.; haieime. rat.:t.e. spuyarr.. a rt i lite. VU. spirit? vf torr- - :tine.

.i Ca'Vas. assnl ha.-r-- ls M ch-i:- n tar.Barrel pifh, sh-- ; scrapers, sewn aim.B wax. sand pap-- -- ehain h oiIron an i bras cres. caulking :

Red.-at- latent rr s. Sy heel,A LS-.t- .

Case iheat.-on-z t;;-r,l- l-i. J SO 1.,Ca comjos.t.on :... assorted s.;e.J roceries.

Cas.-- s English fac. n. do do ham, cs Chr :re ci.ees.Cases pi; fra .e and i.:ns. a- -; iCandied and citP-- p-- el. caes j ick'.es.Sauce, white itc mr.a.--. mustard. Capers,Preserve.! meats and case maccaroni.V era.ic-ll- i. tai .rGrournl biacat pej-;--r-

, CaS- -s patent prr ats.Patent barley. Sc. u-- altnor-ds- saleratit,C'as-- s sardines, in half and quarter tins, salad oii.Malaatawr.y paste, ste.u--.n- candles,Yellow soap, mottled

Liqnor.Cases Gr.eva, OH T:m Gm. Sc-:-- Whisky. Br. wn C- --

Pale Pale Sherry, Fine L'l i Port, Claret.BOTTLE ALE AND PORTER,

Hhls 51:' Ale. hhls. Younger Ale.Sundries.

White saltwater s .p, perfan-er- faie jewel.-v- Sad lies.

biscuits.Crate ass rte 1 earthenware.

llacs and twn.Assorted iron.

Ipm p..ts. tin r'.ates.frow h- -.

K wire.Sinai, ehai'i. Liver;--- -i salt,

tr.-li-- h lv ;;ed oil.I'Ucksmiths cos!,

Ste-i- COa!,Green paint.t gar pans and cooler?,

H p irn. 1 sup-ri- or a rted Emrlish cutlery,FIITY TONS RICE, in tuO-l- n ba-- s.

AL5. -

Reived bark SEA X V M P II. from L-n-d- n,MARZETTI-- s ALE ANI POltlEU,

And per bark CO.MELZA. from London, an ass- - rttnentcf ENGLIfU "'KuCERIES.

,bv ,V,e fir4t fr in En.-'.ar.- d after the IIPIIKEY NELSON, f- r whir-h- . ve-- -l thev w-- r- t-- lap- - a toj.t:', assortment cf ENGLIMI PRINTS, pmk aadyellows, and othrr styi-- s.

rr The of these prints, as w-- ii as of thoseper Nelson," are entirely su. and not r,,r,-,- l orborrow.-- ! from he old designs of rther h- u- -s

l'si-t- f J ANION. GREEN 4 CO.


"X1 Ij S3 3NT , '



Cor.-istic- g iu tart ofBeautiful New Styles of Prints,

Victoria Lawns. ?

Coburcs. 1 Wiltshire Cheese,Murine White Soap,

Oran.-- e Shirtincs,2 inch Ea?,;iri-- ,



LiquorsBeer and Porter,

Uils,White Lea-1-


Fencine Wire,And a ?reat variety of E:.b i G.isis.

TT S.ijnples of Prints, and other G is, can seen at thestore or the uadrrsicned2Q0-Z- :a J A N 1 U GREEN CO.



Clipper Bark"ttY nkee !M

4ND OTHER LATE ARRIVALS SIPEm. ri r white tarlto-- i en.-- c liar-- , ru. ,,t heniile t.rts and dres-- e ra hoodCIju is. elegant r:M- - r.s, . new style :Bonnet

. .frame, surv'ri- r craj-e- . white do.rreacn ci,::i- - .. . lace I

Blae tr.act.i.a l.,.-- stttel luce, .r ,i

Plak velvet", ha .1 .T:r.--- 1 an-- blac'x ra Ir.-a- ca :.. ti:.el wo..!,Pitt-rr.- s f r satr- -. children's htriiindte tsu!tn. ta'-l- ht.en. towtlir.,S bin;' eye djp r. piar r. t-- n,

Table covers, ladies" radians, silk bin-litt- .

nri a at real varifly of C'lolha for (.inllrmrnand Loy'a C'lolhing.

Porsaleby (JCC-o- II. PIMOND SON.

TO CAPTAIITSOF WIIAI.F.MIII'S AND OTHER VES.SEL--v .f superi r ..unlitv con ha.i at K..;..a

... h b-- ef at 4 ' :. r "1 t .heeo t.t ...v..frratsat fl head. A fruts a. 1 veetaHe, ,.f vanru.s can be pr-- ur-.- i at the a'--- v riime-- l port.

Xf W.-.-- l always n har.4 at ih- - betrh in t u:t 1purchasers. ii-tf- ; OEORi.E it HARM AN.


It 1. D. Caitnri.trhfs Feed More.V."i

FRESH BUCKWHE AT FLOl'R. IN 23just received p-- r ' Yank--e,- " an 1 t le at theFEEP S l'i T.E.

2)S-C- rt street, rear Hot: street.

IRESH CALIFORNI A HOMOXV. .1family use in 10 lb. For si!" nt th- -

FEET' STORE.-tn 'rt trer, near II it-- 1 street. j

1?5FVl CALIFORNIA RYE FLOUR AND ' tput up ! r faroi'y uc :n !'" '- 'aoks For sale atFEEI ST"RE,

For. street, near Hotel street.

fRESII CALIFORNIA FARINA. PUT I Pus-- t in lo lb. sicks. Far sale nt the

FEED 5T..RE,:'"e-2- reet, near Hotel str-tt- .

FRESH CALIFORNIA RICE FLO UR- -family ue in ij li-- . sa ks. t r .,

FEE I' ?1 )RE.F rt t----, rear ii t FfT'RESH CORN AND WHEAT MEAL. IX;.- sacks. r ia. e at the FEEli.-roR- E.


FEEIir.ear ;

FRF.SH CALIFORNIA "BODEGA POTAT :m swe-r- t ( ru.- - at t

I EE I r.T. RE.205-2- ; Fort street. Lear Hotel str.-e-t.

R ESI 1 CA LIFORNT A WHITE BEANS cnd Bivc . receded per - Ccttic ;" f r .t t- - e

FEE I- -20-2- rt ?T-e- t. Ibt. , siree


kecs. suit-abl- e f-- r F r a,e I t211-i- q C. BREWER' CO.


oritrs r ';.r-S-j i .

-ii C. BREWER s -' tj- -


and Cha na. Fwir Sa.e I v.11-1- - BREWER 4 Co


bf do, hall 'k-r- el. s t.,r.-ie- ? ar,J s.,urj(s4 1sale bv 11- - C. BREWEK 4- - CU. .


211-- 1 4 c. LttETAEF 4 CO.


i l v tr.e 1st . f t.vt. -r ext. I Lav. appv.ntedA cna to a.--t f ,t u.- - un -r -r of AttT-.- j dur.r.K u.j


-- Lair.. Ar.i.1 :i ;.,CHAKL. Lake.

flu.jf f

5 N h . "

iiv w 4 .

, Shippinp: anil ('ommiiun .Mt rdianl.HONOLI LI". OAIH . 11. 1..

OFFER FOR FlHl SALE. AT TX1F.KATt. ir rtmeat


tf -ChATxiv-- e :

White Uacn Handkerchief,.V;..u-- T. weLi.c.

Blae Fianr.t.1 suit.Eiue Trills,

Mispei-rs- .Ladies Ui.'.nc Giut-.:l-u- .

Biue Bur-.irc- .

H v' Ja."'iie:."KAVEXs rt'vK.

Fritann-- Casters.Tat-i- r .

I. ut ii 'V h.te Wattr p. :.

Stt. .r.kerr Ware.

Crntcs CroclioryBay State Lanterns. K ies GLi-- s,

CooLiat; Seem,Crem-ia.- i t'ape-r-

C"OL'NGi TE ..

Tried Arples. China Kve. Car.-l.r- Kicr.FROM TITCi'MhS PLANTATIOX.Extra Friiur Pork.

LC'AF iu.K, CRl'SHED Sl'G AS. NAVY Bull AD, II A MS Pepr-- r.Ground Must art.

Water Crackers.Metr p- .l;a- - I'rackerv.

trir.cer Snap.Jumble.

Lemon Cake.Jars Prunes.

.MAPS OF TIIK I'MTKD STATI'S.Picket Knives. Jack Knives, b.vrs Shot, botes Needles. SUver'd

Bitts. Measuring Tapes.SOLAR LAMP CHIMNEY, Po. LAMP WICKS, Nos. 14 2.

Rolls H .tise Pap-- r.Padlocks,

Pick Axe.Carpet Tacks.

Assorted File.HandcuJi,

Iran Brdilrnd. One Cabin Table.Lar-- e Compasses, Cojper Pumps. B at Compasses. Doer Mats.


Gunny RaS.Eps--- Salts.

Black Paint,Green Paint,

Mailer.Lewi Brother's pure White Led,PaciSe Co. Extra White Leai,Keg's Lewis & Brother's Phil, pure Zinc Paict,Cans Lewis & Brother's Phil, pure Zinc Paint.

Top Sail.Fore Sails.

Main Sails,Studding Satis.


BRUSSELS CARPETING.Oilcloth Carpeting.

One sun. Patent Force Pump, I Baltimore Cane-se- at Chairs.Mens" Bo..'.. I Lastinc Gaiters.Brogatu Ass.Tte.1 SI. Hard are.

Ships Srrapers,crane s naimg Guns.


J Harpoons,One Brown's Whalin Gan and Ir"rs. one set iron strapCuttmj B!..-s-, with chain pendants. Minc-n- Machines. Boat

Anchors, Iron Rowlock, super!, r New Bedford Whak boats.OIL CASKS A.ND S1IOOKS.

H p Iron.Cooper's Rivets.Oak Plank, li. and 1J inch.

Lnrs norlint Manila aud Ileiup Cordace.Seuitie Staff,

Cuttinsr Falis,Whale Line.

Try Pots.Composition Sheathirc Nails.

Comp 'S tl- a Coppering Nails,K-- cs Cut Nail.

M ARZETTTS PORTER, SALTS BURTON ALE,quarts and pints, quarts and pints.

FETLEY'S ALE, pints, BALLS CURLED HAIR,Indian Veeeta'-l- Bitters, Essence Wormwood,Cherry Cordial, Sbmhton's Bitter.II Props, EfSence Peppermint.

Pains-le- af Hats.White Straw nats.

Brown Straw Hats,I'rub Straw Hsu.

Children's nats.a small invoice or



ON SALE. BY" RECENT A R R I VA LS. TII Echoice assortment of Groceries, at the store of the

undersicned, viz.:Preserves, summer savory.Fresh apples. CurryFresh fUinces, Ground cassis.Fresh peaches, Ground black pep;"?r,Fresh pears. hole do do,Raspt-err- j im, Pimento,Cranerry jam. Ground cloves.Strawberry jam, Ate, ate 4c., Ground eineer.Mince meata. Cream tartar,Saee. S. C. sia,Sweet savory, Ha.xail fiour.Fresh raisins. Fresh currants, in tins.

Tins water crackers, Tins butter crackers.Tin suf ar crarkers. Tins oyster crackers,

T.ns soda crackers, T.ns wine crackers.Fresh oysters. Fresh lobsters.

Sar dines. French capers.Enelish pie fruits, Er.i;'.i-- h pickles.tjlish sauces. English mustard.

rrench uiu-t-r- Smuked hams'hernnc. Green corn,

Best Oolotip tea. Hops,Crushed and loaf suitur. S ap, 4c.

N. B Fresh I iland butter and ground colT-.-- alw-av- r. lv H. MclNTYRE.

Paints. Oils. kc.riASES BOILED I L.V,'' C .me.

Kes white lead,Ca-- S putty.

Cas-- black piiint,Ca-e- s imperial pret-n- ,

C.ises chrome yellow,Cases verdicr.s,

Ca-- Celestial blue.Cases copal varnish.

Caes briitht varnish,Kecs French Tine,

Kecs French J eilote.Kees red - ad,

s VenetianCases br ishe. Just re- - '1ceived per " Svr-Ti-" for sale by B HEWER A Ci.,

H'd-t- f Market Wharf.


e.i uirar.Half bbls. -t Bwton Granulated fuear.B aes Loaf Suyr. For sale bv

C. BREWER it CO..K'T-t- f H ket Wharf.


1 x Cart, strongly irr.nel throut-- ut. Juet per aifor sale bv C. ER ,t Of .Varaet Whi A HR ELS OI IS HOOKS fr sale by Vr r t t. brewer & Co.. I

Market Wharf.

E LLO W M ETA L.CtIM Ior I T i.ysii.J CASES YELLOW M ETA L, aborted sires9 9 30 nan?;

10 kcs do rio.For sale by C. BREWER ,t CO., 1

IST-- tf Mark- -t Whar.



OAK PLANK, ir.A PLA NK.f Hrd i'ine P!ai.k,Sprure P Pla-.k- .

Hard Pine Raiii. 1For saie by Br.EWER CO.,

Market Wharf.

Saprar and .Molasses.rROM THE BREWER PLANTATIONfor sale by c. BREWER A CO.

l'.'- -t A cent.

IRE BRICK. SPRUCE POLES. FLAGatones, . ale bv c. EKKH Eli A: CO ,15 :-- tf Mar-ie- t Wharf.


ar. I Ru5v.--t Leatheriren ? Car

Ch.idrea-- Carnages, vaxi-Fo- r us patterns. ,,.sale by --'. BREWER A-- CO..

Mark-- t Wta f.

COASTER BOATS!EDAR AND OAK BOAT OF VARIOUSs 1 s. evp -- s.y selected f r the c- astir.c trade. Just re--d - n" tor sa. ry

C. BREWER A CO .l"-t-f Market W.-.a--f.Fl PAINT.

A I NT. Ac. wFje Sand,

Kaoiin. 10 brls of each.Firs...ely (131-t- f; C. BREWER 4 Co.


,'---1 . fancy case, 7 OCTAVEStl :. liaii.t 4 Cuntstcn. JlSTBREWER 4 CO.


DOUBLE AND SINGLE REED. SOI y s. I'. 4 II. W. iaoih. i r s. .rC i.f.LWEK 4 C..

SALT!sfW. Av Vfr ssuet.y (ill-:.- C. bi.EWER

POWDER250 KEGS EXTRA POWD.-.- H. r.rt v C. ERE-VrE- 4 Co.


j C. EREWER 4 CO.N A I LS. 251 f I - ASKS, atrtvd sixes, f r sale bvPPFWER A ti... et TL


C. BREWER So CO.MarUl Uharl

EE 11 tan sale the FOLEOW

lri Ca Kue .IrUlif.c, llc Manchf!-- r dctums,! TR 1 e Mw 'tte::uii' !lt-- s Jetett City detiuas,

Cii-K- hick rv I .o v. r-- s

R ".bo-hol bait. Ctksrs pan;..Be rt burl.i; . Ca5-- s rep.Ra shir.,

Hoots. Shoes ucd Leather.Ilea pe?o.d c At brx.pas.

Men s cairoxfcrd ti.-s- .

lien's enr...aieled t r -- ".,Men's kip bnvai-s- .

.Veil's patent ienther shoes, ewed and peggedMen's thick boots, trail..Kuset rruile leather

Bipciup leauher

tiroceries.Tins extra cern meal. Cafes u niato ketchup,Tins Belmont f " ftreea pea,Half bbls crashed sac r. " h ney,Barrel extra vinegar. lobster,Boxes S W. soap. clams.CaJcs salad cream. black pepper.

Stoves.Bo.tor. Beauty. No T, s and 9.

' Home Treasure, No. T aad 5,Per&x--t Treasure, No. T.

Ships Cam booses.The above favorite brands are complete, with hollow ware.

Naval Stores, Paints, ic.Barrels ce-t- t n ta me. Mineral red.Kecs N?ewax. Black varnish.Sheet lea.1. Cases spirits turpentine,isaii needles. Cases oil,

Hard ware.Ir-.-- shovels. Bars rer.ed iron.

Wood-haadle- d pekers, Norway shapes.Charcel irons. lead.

Axe handles. "Sheet tune.Handled axes. Brass-wir- e seives,

Wroucht spikes. Casks cut nail.Iron r.vets. Clinch nails,

Cast-ste- el shovels. C. S. spades,

Sand ries.Cas ?s tobacco. Casks coal. Horse cart.Solar Oil-ca- shocks. Bales corks.

Kegs shook and heads.Cordage.

Coil 1 spuryarn.Coiis hcKise-lin- e.

Coils marline.Coils Am. seising,

Coiis Russia ratline.Cons Rusa.a bolt rop"

ALSOOne Tilbury Jumper, 196-- tf

Provisions ex " Svren !


: X o 7-- isio 2ZL s ,







Hide?(.oaf Skin"


Old Copper.GIil Cocjpoiiion.


C. BREWER i Co.,107-t- f Market Wharf.

Just received per Svren !'1Y0AT BOARDS, Choice lot.

... Selected sires.BLOCKS ...Is.ut le a.'.d singjM AsT IMxjps .. . . Var. us sites.BLACKSMITH'S BELLOWS . . . I.arje s:i e.IRON PLOWS . . . IUns :nie's patent.GKINK-TONE- S . . . Mounted.WHEELKARKOWS . . . Painted and vamihe.i.PAINJEU Bl tKEIS . . .1 sua! style.NEsTS TLBS ... Extra hooped,

For sal e bvC. BREWER & CO.,

tf Market Wharf.

Provisions e "Svren !"C BREWER A. CO. OFFER FOR SALEJ tne folkwing provisions, itltcted txprtstiy for Itnmarifi -

Barrels extra prime pork.Barreis mess prk.

Barrels extra mess beef,Ti-rc- hams.

Casks superior flour.Casks New Bedford br"ad.

Caks Boston navy bread.Cask Boston pilot bread.

356-- tf liX) barrels Haiail flour.

Fancv (oodiJIST RECEIVED PER SYREN, from Boston,

Ottomans.Velvet do, enameled hacs,

Doric d j. tap-str- y do.Wool mats, do nt-- '.

Velvet do. Manila mats.Tah baize, stair overing.

Children's cabs, !Lj. carnages, diSrrent patterrs.F r ale by c. BREWER 4 CO ,


Market Wharf.j


1 Osf. HOIXS TO ARRIVE HER SVREX. !V7 VJ For sie by C. BREWEK & CO..Market Wharf.


MA NIL A CORDAGE.650OILS sizes, ma le to orxler. for sale

C. BREWER CO..1.7-- tf Market Wharf.


3 SCPERloR PIANOFORTES, fr ra the Manufactc-r- r ofcf H illet 4- - Cumston. For sale by i

C BREWER w CO..lT-t- f . Market Wharf.


just receive.1 and for sale bvA . BREWER k CO.,


THREE o 1- - CUTTING FALLS f"r sale hvC. LREWER ll., "

l.T-t- f Market Wharf.


w C. BREWER A CO.,l.: tr Market Wharf."

HOUSE PAPER.ARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHOIttern and borders. i ,r s.i,- - byC. "BREWER A CO..etf Market Wharf.



iJT-t- f Market Wharf. I




p:l-- bread. For i

.. , C. BREWER fY).. j

Marl et arf. ofi

RAVEN'S Dl CK. A--c.

HIT AND HEAVY R A VEX'S DUCK,rt n Uact.C. S. P ..- ; iuo,--. Fir sale b Og

lT-;- f C. BREWER A CO., larkct Wharf.


;f Wharf.

F'or Fa mil v Fse !

HALF BARRELS CLEAR PORK, qua: do.ju-- t rrCe.vp.j per " Syren." ar.d f r sale j

, C. BREWER A jMarket V

New Bedford WhaJe Uoals !

S.-Iouil-l HOTTOM w '.ale laphcarl do. lapstreak d received per ?yr 1. and for sCe


C. BREWER i CO . IM Wharf.

WH .L LINE, Ar. I"HALE LIN E.Ka:..n.


For sale bei:-:--tf

C. BREWER CO.,Market Wharf

Whilc-hai- l Uoat- -

RECEIVED per .hip 5vre: and f r sale byl.T-t- f

C EREWER 4 CO .Market Wharf.


Maraet W harfCHAMPAGNE Cl7rErT;CASES OF 4 flllilti ARTICLEreceived p--r "Syren- .- For sal bv

t. BRtWER 4- - CO.,Market Wharf. I

IRON. Jkc.OILER A, a ebv

l.-- .tfC EK EWER 4" CO ,

. . Maraet Wharf.

VARNISH 1C SES i and 10 gallon ca be?'n.'sh f s) quality var.r fu 're. carriafv. A.- - Justand f- r sle bv received p

C A 4 H F P.

5 rrJic"-iv- iir 1 ii

OFFER Flit ALU TiiL EuLLt. I.v s,.,,,1XG A 1.112 V ED J LI:

" SYHE.N I FROM IKiSTON,I E A V V liltllW A mex-- s

sheetillCS. nooLEx! Heavy Am-.-k- .! N.-t- A trta ks,j Heavy earle ' ases o ni ir..j '.ia of butt r.'j Oil ciith carptl.t.t, he-

C.-tt- . n pa:.ts. I'ruiM ,Jackets, H.n .

Shira. S irMipari.laI Grey, blue and scar.e; .' Ln.,i, syri.I shirt, yunK-- f


j Pears.Plums.

! Apples,j Preserved, n:i:,; English custard,i Curry powder,J Halibuts,' Ce rtnel lard.

Crushed su?ar in half b! !, ,j Currants.! Raisins.J

j Salted hemnf in hslf bfc),Ki.ider' cortiial. '

faraaparilla,Pain kill, r,

j L i. and caiidje ', tattneal.

fait aater stiap.Pate lit t harrxsil

Whitirs in half barrels, boiled linseed r.:l,Pure white la i, t al--- s fiax twine.Ash oar. 16. IT ar.d 1 feet lor.LK.H.-r- and Window ass.irt.d Sirs.

j ALSOj A large assortment of Hoot and Short' Consutln; as fallows

Men's thick hocts. Men" kip N.,i Men's tl ve p p Congress gait- - Children's and Tooth's boK.! ers. Men's c.inred, astd, Cocgnw

Men s opera Cocrress paiters. ca ters.j Men's ster pel - Men's kip brivans,I Men's fclaca cloth, patent tip Men's calf

Conre paitrr. Men's we it calf brf act,j Men's calf boc.t. Men's pump - l f at brtan,j Youth's kip and calf br.far.s,I Ladies' clove kid sltppers.

Ladies' cioth kid .. per,j Men' tce-alli- c nib(r !:-- ,

Meo" c.eta.iic sandals.Men over .

I Men' calf t loof boot.; Women's metallic snda!s.

Women's metallic overshos' A larjf aaaorlment of Ladies Gaiter mn4l Mippers. IBHf




l?-t- f H. HACKFELD it CO.



notice to .. ar.d the pu'-iK- : centrally, thathe is prepared to seli ti n of North Mett lumber to

, quantity. or by Tnil as cheap cr cheaper than ar.y otherper-T- . in the mara-- t. In other w.Tiis. he war's to sell and

i won't be beaten. (IS-l-t- C. II. LEW ERS..- -- .iii - ' -j

i Lnmber, Shinurles and Clapboards,

400.000 f roukU and piinrdand scaiiiiinc of all :ies,

lOO.OOO'-s- . sw-i- . -- have- ce.lar and Eastern,i Pine Ciapioacis. 4. f. and 12 feet tone,j Spruce d ., 4 at.d 6 f et K.c,! Red wool . Mi.e;.. 6. li H at.d 11 feet long,

White oak. 1. lj an ! 2 it ches.! Sheathing, t. J and i inch.j Fi.T-r- Northwest, sjuce. yellow pme. white pine, 4c,i And all ki.-.d-s of buit-iiti- Materuls actel in tl..s mrkt.'

13H-t- f For sale at rates by C. Ii. LEWERS.

j Doors, Window Sash. Blinds.' fkf OOORS. ASSORTED SIZES, WITHU J W mould. ucs an-- raised panel.

5--i Sash sue,i S00 pair Window sash, assorted sizes.

25j pair Bunds, with and without swivel, as d ises.i Selected eipressly for thi market, an for ale low be

UT-t- f tiEOKGE O. HOWE.


M. his well ass rted st--- cfi NOllTII AVKST LOIIJER,j Consisting of

2x1 I

Ult f C A --V T L I . G ,

!2C JAtlhrre rrnl.n foot, by wholtsale or retail. Also,well assorted stock of other

Building .Materials at Reduced Rates.-tf C. II LEWERS.



SO i FEET ONE INCH HOARDS.J J f f 5.000 feet It inch board,,' 5.0M feet 1 inch planed boards,1 .. feet T. and yi. hvards,1 O.OOO feet 3 irch batten..HI.KI U feet 2x3 loch scctiinc,1 O.OOO 5 feet pickets.

ON HAND,200.000 feet ass sr.tlicc,1 ." O.OOO red w,x.i shir

1 inch fir. hoards, red w.-.- l

JJoora. w sash and bonds.N. B. tjuick salts ani n.ali pr;hts. lS4-t- f

Jut Received.flf M SHAVED WHITE EASTERN-, warranteU to cover KK) S'i aare feet to

. e i .

A new lot of tt f- vrte s:dl .cPine cispboard t loi.c and 7 t i.hes wide extra thick- -


A small lot of pane le.1 ceL.r.r brards. j irca, a new and veryarticle.

With nn naaorlmrnt pfnhiir anrirelM paint.J'"'-:- - For f by T. H. LF.WER5.

noons, window sasiiVblindsTBa LATF: ARRIVAL- S-av . ail sire ar 1 kinaJ ir.-- l w ail s

1 r,ir Blind, a:! s;re.12 Ots Its and Blinds. eocipie-.e- .

t sa.e at the . . a e : carket p: ces. v13-- tf ;. H. LEWERS.

Makiki Fa mil y School.NEW BI If.DING HAS BEEN I P.rCTED

1 i :r th-- . rm - ar.d articles co; trihuteil bythe residents II -- ii. lu.u. s th; t il- - ut f.f;e. n : uj il. in addi-c- u

n to th'-i- s !y ir. the sch i.;irr:t I. d w bewen d.

Girl- - of fr rt: to f are at.d w o willr- '' s'-'- in th- - e 'r r. i - c- rr.pleted.fii! have the preference.

The tn and j hvsica as the nie .ta! tr:nir; ( thePi;-:- : atv'r.-- l t. T boo'S- -keepers, and cirr th-- h iastrv use!'a'.re. will

ihe a r- - f th-- j i j iei,. ri,-- . priiH- - has ba i arl una-i.- e

sul suoo- as a teacher . f Hin i.r.s ; ai.l Trusteesthis sch - 1 iv- e ;: t "i.ur a.:rir.; par ts and ffuardians. that - n lei to h' care, m excelienthand.T- rm. Thr-- : ar Pr r k, f r b- - ari a- - t'n.F- r farther inf rte '.. r. ! a '. !r-- s. or c Lfer wuh Milea. By cr i- - r ; the Tru.t..

CI! ? R. BI!I 1'. Secretary.II n i sin. Mav 25. 'opj-lrn- )

Fresh Molok.ii Butter !


mvlRs dairy: I

Re.-ninrl- y receiveriniid ron.inmlT for male byiilf!u' J. STEWART, ir cer. Ii street.

salt: salt: salt:MANUFACTURED AT THE

I V Is O A S A I T WOK :I "HE I V'U.rsu. xf.d is in:., d v to fur- -

tu.i to liuvn-r- s and Packer, ain th- - Unrest i.u-.- tii.e.r t vlAL T j THE PEjT I M P 1KTF.D..t.....j.,i1..ctu llcfy C ortipriitiosi ! lor terms"t- - O tj iiAMH. v.iT,t..riiv14 'T Puulcj Work 1.


li-- tt ' H. M. WHITMT- -


. received per bark Vji(i.r.t--r- . A 1st .n" -

for sale i v 1-q j. c srALriN'a.

nooifij! hooks!BV EXPRESS, PER

Oli-ppo- r Totax-1-- . -5-LTrt-ia.lda.oo."

UCY CR AFTOX a novel.d L- ss an-- culn a novell'r. Ol.lhaui and his talks.xisure McEfr.n. by Miss Putt,

Adventures of Veri'ant Green.w et Cot f AfricA, bv an oti.-e-r of the V.Evenir.fs at the Mi.-- n cvpe. bv Uos- -.Ad. pte-- l H-- -r, by Mis Pardoe".

reit Facts, or inventunsHiunarucs.Florence de Lscv,Ethel Tree-c-r

S. Navy.

X'RIt er sie t r H l WIIITNEV


