This Week January 29, 2012 FBC TV Program...

Bridge To Tomorrow Receipts $343,605.66 $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 Loan Balance Total Debt The Clarion January 29, 2012 Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM 4:00 PM Worship Spotlight January 29, 2012 9:30 AM Music Celebration Choir Message The Pursuit: Chasing Answers to Life’s Questions “A Man’s Got to Know His Limitations” Ecclesiastes 7-8 Cecil Sanders Preschool 9:30 AM *Schedule Contact For The Week Chalice Thomas - 445-3137 Infants Tina Skipper Margaret McClenny Rachel Bush Tammy Knowles Creepers Buddy & Janice Jones One & Two Year Olds Ron & Sheila Battles Three & Four Year Olds Jerry & Sherryl Baggett Children’s Church Rodney & Maegan Watford FBC TV Program Schedule Comcast Cable - On Demand Sundays: 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM Thursdays:9:00 AM & 7:00 PM This Week’s First Touch Team Ida Deal Knowles & Peggy Marley FBC Staff Cecil Sanders Senior Pastor Mike Wehner Associate Pastor Joel Tucker Minister of Children & Students Tim Gay Minister of Music & Senior Adults Kimberly Grandstaff CDC Director - 693-3599 Richard Kohl Licensed Professional Counselor For an appointment call (334) 794-5467 Judy Trail Church Secretary Carlando Hope Media Secretary Judy Gay Financial Secretary This Week January 29, 2012 Sunday: 8:15 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday School 4:30 PM Student Choir 5:30 PM Intentional Discipleship / Youth / Children Choir / Preschool Monday: 10:30 AM Prime-Time Singers Tuesday: 6:45 AM Women Praying for Schools Wednesday: 6:00 PM Prayer Meeting Celebration Choir, Breaking Point, RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, First Steps The Record Speaks Jan. 22, 2012 Our People Attended 8:15 Sunday School 273 11:00 Sunday School 201 Total Sunday School 474 Worship 547 Wednesday 239 Intentional Discipleship 284 Our People Gave Weekly Need $18,257.67 Budget Received $14,181.28 Over (Under) Budget ($4,076.39) Year-To-Date Budget Required $73,030.68 Budget Received $64,017.24 Over (Under) ($9,013.44) Bridge to Tomorrow Commitments $902,853.12 Giving to Date: $343,605.66 Giving 1-22-2012 $4,203.50 Altar Flowers If you are interested in placing flowers in the Worship Center in honor or memory of a special someone please contact the church office for an open calendar date. New Intentional Discipleship Classes Beginning February 12, 2012 at 5:30 PM Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate A Jerry Bridges Study - Led by Cecil Sanders Have Christians become so preoccupied with the major sins of our society that we have lost sight of our need to deal with our own more subtle sins? Jerry Bridges addresses a dozen clusters of specific “acceptable” sins that we tend to tolerate in ourselves - such as jealousy, anger, pride, unthankfulness, and judgmentalism. Book fee of $10. The Five Love Languages A Gary Chapman Study - Led by Mike Wehner In this study, Dr. Chapman reveals how different people express love in different ways. What speaks love to you may be meaningless to your spouse. This study contains the key to understanding each other’s unique needs. Apply the right principles, learn the right language, and soon you’ll know the profound satisfaction and joy of being able to express your love - and feeling truly loved in return. Book fee of $10. James: Mercy Triumphs A Beth Moore Study - Led by Lillian Mitchell James, Jesus' own brother, started out as a skeptic. See how one glimpse of the resurrected Savior turned an unbeliever into a disciple. Bible scholars compare James to the prophet Amos. In other ways, James more closely resembles the Book of Proverbs than any other New Testament book. Topics in this study include: joy, hardship, faith, reversal of fortunes for rich and poor, wisdom, gifts from above, single-mindedness, the dangers of the tongue, humility, and prayer. Book fee of $10. Faith Lesson: On the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah A Zondervan Study - Led by Johnny Kelly Experience the intricacies of Jesus' last week as you confront the Gates of Hell at Decapolis and walk the road to Jerusalem. Book fee of $5.

Transcript of This Week January 29, 2012 FBC TV Program...

Bridge To Tomorrow Receipts









Loan Balance Total Debt

The Clarion January 29, 2012

Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Worship Spotlight January 29, 2012

9:30 AM Music

Celebration Choir

Message The Pursuit: Chasing Answers to

Life’s Questions “A Man’s Got to Know

His Limitations” Ecclesiastes 7-8 Cecil Sanders


9:30 AM *Schedule Contact For The Week

Chalice Thomas - 445-3137


Tina Skipper Margaret McClenny

Rachel Bush Tammy Knowles

Creepers Buddy & Janice Jones

One & Two Year Olds Ron & Sheila Battles

Three & Four Year Olds Jerry & Sherryl Baggett

Children’s Church Rodney & Maegan Watford

FBC TV Program Schedule Comcast Cable - On Demand Sundays: 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM Thursdays:9:00 AM & 7:00 PM

This Week’s First Touch Team Ida Deal Knowles & Peggy Marley

FBC Staff

Cecil Sanders Senior Pastor

Mike Wehner Associate Pastor

Joel Tucker Minister of Children & Students

Tim Gay Minister of Music & Senior Adults

Kimberly Grandstaff CDC Director - 693-3599

Richard Kohl Licensed Professional Counselor

For an appointment call (334) 794-5467

Judy Trail Church Secretary

Carlando Hope Media Secretary

Judy Gay Financial Secretary

This Week January 29, 2012


8:15 AM Sunday School

9:30 AM Morning Worship

11:00 AM Sunday School

4:30 PM Student Choir

5:30 PM Intentional Discipleship / Youth / Children Choir / Preschool


10:30 AM Prime-Time Singers


6:45 AM Women Praying for Schools


6:00 PM Prayer Meeting

Celebration Choir, Breaking Point, RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, First Steps

The Record Speaks Jan. 22, 2012

Our People Attended

8:15 Sunday School 273

11:00 Sunday School 201

Total Sunday School 474

Worship 547

Wednesday 239

Intentional Discipleship 284

Our People Gave

Weekly Need $18,257.67

Budget Received $14,181.28

Over (Under) Budget ($4,076.39)


Budget Required $73,030.68

Budget Received $64,017.24

Over (Under) ($9,013.44)

Bridge to Tomorrow

Commitments $902,853.12

Giving to Date: $343,605.66

Giving 1-22-2012 $4,203.50

Altar Flowers If you are interested in placing flowers in the Worship Center in

honor or memory of a special someone please contact the church

office for an open calendar date.

New Intentional Discipleship Classes Beginning February 12, 2012 at 5:30 PM

Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate A Jerry Bridges Study - Led by Cecil Sanders

Have Christians become so preoccupied with the major sins of our society that we have lost sight of our need to

deal with our own more subtle sins? Jerry Bridges addresses a dozen clusters of specific “acceptable” sins that we

tend to tolerate in ourselves - such as jealousy, anger, pride, unthankfulness, and judgmentalism. Book fee of $10.

The Five Love Languages A Gary Chapman Study - Led by Mike Wehner

In this study, Dr. Chapman reveals how different people express love in different ways. What speaks love to you

may be meaningless to your spouse. This study contains the key to understanding each other’s unique needs.

Apply the right principles, learn the right language, and soon you’ll know the profound satisfaction and joy of

being able to express your love - and feeling truly loved in return. Book fee of $10.

James: Mercy Triumphs A Beth Moore Study - Led by Lillian Mitchell

James, Jesus' own brother, started out as a skeptic. See how one glimpse of the resurrected Savior turned an

unbeliever into a disciple. Bible scholars compare James to the prophet Amos. In other ways, James more closely

resembles the Book of Proverbs than any other New Testament book. Topics in this study include: joy, hardship,

faith, reversal of fortunes for rich and poor, wisdom, gifts from above, single-mindedness, the dangers of the

tongue, humility, and prayer. Book fee of $10.

Faith Lesson: On the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah A Zondervan Study - Led by Johnny Kelly

Experience the intricacies of Jesus' last week as you confront the Gates of Hell at Decapolis and walk the road to

Jerusalem. Book fee of $5.

FBCH Men’s 19-29 -vs- Mt. Olive Team #2

1/30/12 8:00 PM Location: First Baptist

FBCH Men’s 30 and over -vs- FUMC

1/30/12 6:00 PM Location: Covenant

FBCH Sr. High Boys -vs- FBC, Dothan

1/31/12 7:00 PM Location: Covenant

FBCH Jr. High Boys -vs- Memphis Baptist

2/2/12 7:00 PM Location: FUMC

First Baptist Church Student Ministry

Sunday Sunday School 8:15 AM

Morning Worship Service 9:30AM

Sunday School 11:00 AM

Student Choir 4:30 PM

Intentional Discipleship 5:30 PM

“Thank You!”

Connie the children and grandchildren and I want to say thank you for such a wonderful day this past Sunday. More importantly we want to say thank you for the gift of God you have been to us for the past fifteen years. In fifteen years our children have grown from being children to having children of their own. We have lived through having teenage, then college, then married children - to the joy of having grandchildren. All of this while under the sheltering wings of your love for us all. We have truly been blessed of God by you. Thank you for the kind words, the prayers and the gracious gift. Thank you Larry Wells, and the Per-sonnel Committee for planning such an affirming event. Thank you John Solomon, deacons, and church family for blessing us with your prayers. Thank you Hostess Committee, for serving us and the church with such a fine reception. Thank you church staff for all the things you did to make it nice for us. Some of the pictures you showed had me stumped for a while as to just where and when they were taken. But they all brought back good memories. Thank you for the love that you show us every day in so many ways. The encouraging smiles. The laughing eyes. The “if there is anything you need call me” and the “just come get it when you want to use it” offers. The firm handshakes and the polite hugs. The faults you overlook and the virtues you imagine. We are humbled by the gift of your love but at the same time so thankful for it. May God continue to bless you for being the people that you are, that make up the Church that is His, that we have the honor of serving you and Him. Our love and thanks, Mike Wehner Family

HAVE YOU REGISTERED? Wired Weekend is approaching fast! The dates for the weekend are February 17 - 19, 2012. Our speaker is Dave Edwards! The band 33 Miles will be leading worship! The cost is $40. Sign-up is in January. We need homes to host groups of 5 - 7 students for the weekend. Please contact Joel Tucker if you can serve as a host home.

January Bible Study - 2012 Studies in Ecclesiastes

5:30 PM Adults Led by: Cecil Sanders

Worship Center Youth Led by: Joel Tucker

Youth Room Cost of books will be $5.00 each.

First Baptist Church

Men’s Retreat

February 10 & 11, 2012

Speaker: Dr. Charles Lewis

Blue Springs Conference Center

Marianna, Florida

Cost: $85.00

Discover FBC Class

If you are new at First Baptist Church or a member and

would like to know more about our beliefs and organization,

please call the church office at 693-3220 and sign up for our

Discover FBC Class, led by Cecil Sanders. This five-week

class begins February 12 in the Church office conference

room during the 11:00 AM Sunday School hour.


On Sunday, February 5, FBC Head-land and the North American Mission Board would like for you to join The Souper Bowl Team. Please consider making a donation to the FBC Food Bank by writing a separate check and placing in the offering plate or your tithe envelope. This money will be used to help buy food to feed the needy in our community.

J.O.Y Ministry


(just older youth)

Swamp Gravy Play Join us for a day of great fun,

delicious food, and wholesome entertainment on (DATE

CHANGE) Saturday, March 24 as we travel to Colquitt,

GA to the Swamp Gravy Play. We will arrive in time to

shop for a while, then enjoy a buffet lunch at the Tarrer Inn.

The church bus will leave FBC at 9:30 AM and return

around 4:00 PM. The cost is $43 per person. There are

a limited amount of tickets available.

Savannah, St. Simon’s Island & Jekyll Island The JOY Ministry is planning a trip to Savannah, St.

Simon’s Island, and Jekyll Island on May 21-24. For those

who are interested, there will be a meeting in Adult I on

Sunday, January 29 at 3:30 PM to discuss the details.

Hope to see you there!

Our next J.O.Y. Ministry Luncheon will be on

Valentines Day - Tuesday, February 14 at 11:00 AM.

In His Steps First Baptist Trip to the Holy Land

November 12-21, 2012

Led by Cecil and Lynn Sanders

Informational Meeting: Sunday, January 29

7:00 PM

Adult One Department

Our G.R.O.W. team will meet on Monday, February 6, at 6:30 PM

in the Church Office Conference Room.

Men’s Fellowship Wednesday, February 1, 2012

6:00 – 7:15 a.m.

FBC Ministry Center

Speaker: Dr. Charles Lewis

Dothan Community Church

Please RSVP to Mark Wilcox (726-0178)

so we’ll have a biscuit and coffee for you!

New Arrival

Zac and Megan Yarbrough an-nounce the birth of their daughter, Reagan Claire Yarbrough on Janu-ary 21, 2012. She weighed 7 lbs.

and 8 ozs. and was 20 inches long. Proud grandpar-ents are Jim and Pam Richardson, Ken Yarbrough, and Wayne and Sandy Armstrong.

Couples Night Out February 13 In celebration of National Week of Marriage the FBC pastoral staff and wives are offering married couples with children the opportunity for a “date night” on Valentine’s Eve. The Gays, Sanders, Tuckers and Wehners will feed and care for your children, infant - 5th grade at the Ministry Center between the hours of 6 – 9 PM. Please call the church office to let us know by Thursday, February 9.

“. . . The Lord will be my light.” Micah 7:8

Change your community, church, nation, and the watching world by joining thousands across the Southern Baptist Convention in praying for spiritual awakening.

January 29 Prayer Emphasis

My World

Prayer Cards available in the Worship Center Foyer.