This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’...

is project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MW RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius, 19 March 2012

Transcript of This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’...

Page 1: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

RCBI ‘handover’ meetingLatvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC


RCBI ‘handover’ meetingLatvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC


Vilnius, 19 March 2012

Page 2: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Meeting outlineMeeting outline

• Expectations

• Review of the involvement of PC and what the programme plans to do to facilitate involvement

• Identify what RCBI tools/materials may be needed to help with this including a presentation on some of these, e.g. e-modules + support needed to the end of the project

• Situation at the start of the project (2007) and situation at end. How has it changed

• Review of support from RCBI - what was useful and what could be improved and what might be needed in the future programming phase

• Evaluation and wrap up

Page 3: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH


• Quantitative analysis based on statistics on calls, provided by the programme

• Analysis based on questionnaires:

– Programme – JTS

– Belarus – NCP, CSE

• Input from RCBI Experts

Page 4: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

No. of Belarus applicants calls 1 & 2No. of Belarus applicants calls 1 & 2

Page 5: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

No. of Belarus partners in applications calls 1 & 2No. of Belarus partners in applications calls 1 & 2

Page 6: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

No. of Belarus applicants and partners calls 1 & 2No. of Belarus applicants and partners calls 1 & 2

Page 7: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Success rate Belarus & MS applicants calls 1 & 2Success rate Belarus & MS applicants calls 1 & 2

Page 8: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Budget share Belarus – 1st callBudget share Belarus – 1st call

Page 9: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Involvement of BY organisations in applications - 1Involvement of BY organisations in applications - 1

As Applicants

• Low level of representation (JTS, NCP, CSE)


• Insufficient human and financial capacities to manage EU-funded projects (JTS)

• Lack of administrative capacities and experience in project implementation (e.g. language barriers, co-financing) (JTS, CSE)

• Insufficient experience with EU financing instruments, national approval procedures (NCP)

• Insufficient linguistic skills of BY organisations (NCP)

• Relatively low visibility of ENPI CBC programmes in Belarus (NCP)

• Late launch of LLB programme branch JTS offices in Belarus (NCP)

• Uncertain actual consequences and benefits (financial, political and institutional) (CSE)

Page 10: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Involvement of BY organisations in applications - 2Involvement of BY organisations in applications - 2

As Partners

- Very well represented (JTS); well represented (JTS); not very well represented (NCP, CSE)


• Requirement to have at least one partner from the PC and active position of the partners from the MS (JTS)

• Longstanding cooperation relations with Latvia and Lithuania (JTS)

• Lack of political support from central state (CSE)

• Late launch of LLB programme branch JTS offices in Belarus (NCP)

• Relatively low visibility of CBC programmes in Belarus (NCP)

• Uncertain actual consequences and benefits (financial, political and institutional) (CSE)

• There are opportunities for “easier money” for NGOs (CSE)

• Insufficient experience with EU financing instruments, national approval procedures (NCP)

• Low level of English skills (NCP)

Page 11: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Involvement of BY organisations in awarded projects - 1Involvement of BY organisations in awarded projects - 1

As Applicants

- Low level of representation (JTS, NCP, CSE)


- Lack of administrative (also financial) capacities and experience in project implementation (e.g. language barriers, co-financing) (JTS)

- Low level of involvement at the application stage (NCP)

Page 12: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Involvement of BYorganisations in awarded projects - 2Involvement of BYorganisations in awarded projects - 2

As Partners

• Very well represented (JTS); not very well represented (NCP, CSE)


• Longstanding cooperation relations with Latvia and Lithuania (JTS)

• Requirement to have at least one partner from the PC and active position of the partners from the MS (JTS)

• Low level of involvement at the application stage (NCP)

Page 13: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Main challenges - 1Main challenges - 1

As Applicants

• Acquire more practical experience with EU financing instruments and

national project approval procedure (NCP)

• Understanding of the project management cycle (JTS)

• Lack of experience (JTS)

• To find and involve qualified project developer (CSE)

• Improve linguistic skills (NCP)

• Additional administrative burden on national level (JTS)

• Low level of support from relevant national authorities (JTS)

Page 14: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Main challenges - 2Main challenges - 2

As Partners

• Understanding of the programme rules (JTS)

• Acquire more practical experience with EU financing instruments and national project approval procedure (NCP)

• Improve linguistic skills (NCP)

• Additional administrative burden on national level (JTS)

• Low motivation due to a complicated project approval procedure in Belarus (JTS)

• Lack of own funds for co-financing (JTS)

• Undeveloped constructive contacts (CSE)

Page 15: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Disadvantage issueDisadvantage issue

Disadvantage (3)

No disadvantage (1)


• See challenges above (JTS)

• Lack of PC’s “ownership” in programme JMAs (NCP)

• Weaker regulatory convergence between PCs and the EU (NCP, CSE)

Page 16: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

Balanced participation?Balanced participation?

• A balanced distribution of funds among participating countries is very important (1)

• Equal treatment of all applicants is more important than balanced participation (1)

• Balanced participation is extremely important for programme success (2)


- Due to the nature of the programme (CBC) all the projects should involve partners from MS and PC seeking to achieve the same objective while implementing the project

- Formal involvement causes disappointment and frustration

Who is responsible for facilitating this?

• JMA/JTS (1)

• Branch offices (2)

• National authorities (2)

Page 17: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

What are you doing to facilitate involvement?What are you doing to facilitate involvement?


• Active JTS and BO position during information campaign

• Active position of the NA in Belarus trying to involve more BY partners

• Partnership of a minimum 1 PC organization (BY) and EU country organization (LV or LT) as a pre-condition

• Equal opportunities and equal treatment for all applicants and beneficiaries

• Extending eligible Programme’s territory in BY by inclusion of adjacent territories

Page 18: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

What are you doing to facilitate involvement?What are you doing to facilitate involvement?


• Coordinate the activity of BY organisations

• Advise on EU financial mechanisms and national project approval procedure

• Contribute to CBC programme visibility events in BY

• Contribute to fair and equal treatment of BY applicants/partners at the JMC and project-selection committee levels

Page 19: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

What can/should you do in the future?What can/should you do in the future?


• To perform active information campaign (e.g. presentation of success stories in media)

• To promote programme on national level

• To ensure equal access to Programme information for all applicants

• To raise administrative capacities of PC organisations (trainings, seminars, partner search forums, consultations)

• Involvement of skilled partners in sharing project preparation and implementation experience

• Use of competent local experts having experience on ground for training sessions is highly appreciated

• To provide assistance through established BO in PC

Page 20: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

What can/should you do in the future?What can/should you do in the future?


• Contribute to the drafting of the next generation ENPI CBC programmes

• Ensure equal treatment of BY organisations

• Encourage more regular participation of JMC members from BY in JMC meetings

• Explore ways of making the national project approval procedure more user-friendly

• Adequate ENPI financing and simplified application procedure


• Participate in programming and programme management, share responsibility and be interested in programme results

Page 21: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

RCBI support to LLB 2007-2011RCBI support to LLB 2007-2011

• Support for programming - contributions from experts from Belarus and other programming experts

• Training on programme management - JMA/JTS/JMC (3)

• Events to support calls for proposals – info seminars (2), project preparation workshop (6), partner search forums (2)

• Support for PC to participate in programme events (11)

• Guide to BY National Requirements for implementing ENPI CBC projects - steps to take when awarded a project

Page 22: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

RCBI materials/tools - 1RCBI materials/tools - 1

• Database of partners and contacts in Belarus

• E support for project management and implementation

• Identifying and developing ENPI CBC projects: Tips from RCBI practice of supporting potential applicants and partners

• RCBI Project Implementation Manual (PIM)

• Guide to national requirements for implementing ENPI CBC projects

Page 23: This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC Programme Vilnius,

This project is funded by the EU And implemented by a consortium led by MWH

RCBI materials/tools - 2RCBI materials/tools - 2

• The clock is ticking: Steps for preparing ENPI CBC project proposals

• ‘Who does What When’ Wheel - Responsibilities and tasks for each programme management structure

• Power point presentations from events – Project Preparation workshops, Partner Search forums, Programme Management and Implementation training

• Reports on PC involvement

• Other support?