This Is Shocking! - Neil Shearing · 2014-03-13 · money isn’t possible… well, actually, it is...

In The Next Few Pages, You’ll See How A BRAND NEW Site Got… 1: Hit By Multiple Search Engine Spiders On The 1 st Day (including Googlebot) 2: Traffic From Google On The 3 rd Day 3: Earned Cash On The 10 th Day! … WITHOUT Spending A Penny On Advertising, WITHOUT Creating A Product, WITHOUT Building A List And WITHOUT Any Promotion From My Existing Sites Or Lists. by Neil and Linda Shearing Scamfree Ltd

Transcript of This Is Shocking! - Neil Shearing · 2014-03-13 · money isn’t possible… well, actually, it is...

In The Next Few Pages, You’ll See How A BRAND NEW Site Got…

1: Hit By Multiple Search Engine Spiders On

The 1st Day (including Googlebot)

2: Traffic From Google On The 3rd Day

3: Earned Cash On The 10th Day!

… WITHOUT Spending A Penny On Advertising, WITHOUT Creating A Product, WITHOUT Building A List And WITHOUT Any Promotion From My Existing Sites Or


by Neil and Linda Shearing Scamfree Ltd


This Is Shocking!

You know what’s shocking? When you discover something that other people don’t believe is possible… when you realize that your discovery is important, and will change the way people think when they hear it. You know what’s doubly shocking? When you make such a discovery by accident… while doing something else. And that’s the story I want to share with you… the story of how I managed to get a brand new website, built on a brand new domain, indexed in Google, getting free organic traffic from Google and, better yet, actually making an affiliate sale and earning a commission… all within 10 days…without using any of my current websites, lists or anything else as leverage… and without spending any money on advertising or even trying to build a list. Sound amazing? I agree. That’s why it was such an exciting discovery. But it’s true. All I used was


a very simple step-by-step system for building websites automatically… … and within 10 days I had made money online! I was originally just building these sites for fun. I wasn’t looking to make affiliate income… that happened by accident. My original goal was just to build sites quickly and automatically… which is good news for you because it means my system is dead simple! ☺ Find out exactly what I did in the next few pages…


It All Happened So Fast!

Most people trying to earn money online want to do it quickly.

And most of them fail horribly, because making fast money isn’t possible… well, actually, it is possible, but only for the “gurus” with their huge email lists. All they have to do is send a mail-out to their lists promoting their latest products and they get some instant sales.

But, for the beginner who’s first starting out, it isn’t possible to make money online quickly… that’s what I’d always told people… don’t believe the hype… build your business slowly.

Boy, was I wrong!

I hate admitting it. Being wrong isn’t nice… especially when you’ve been selling products and making money online for over a decade… but what I’ve discovered, by accident, is so important that I’m willing to say I was 100% wrong. It IS possible to make money online quickly. I discovered how by accident, and I’ll share how I did it in the next few pages…


Making Money From Websites.

OK, here’s the thing you WON’T learn from other Internet marketing “gurus”…

If you have a “Money Site”… a website that you want to earn money from, you will find it very, very hard to get useful links into it. There. That’s a secret you won’t hear from other Internet marketers. They’ll tell you to go and do “article publishing” or “submit to directories” or “exchange links with other webmasters” or “buy high PR links”… Arrgghh!

Promoting your website is so tedious and mind-numbing, it’s no wonder that most people struggle horribly. They get a handful of links and decide that it’s too much work. I even created software, Real Link Finder to help… and I give it away for free!


The software helps you find blog posts where you can leave a quality comment and get a REAL link back to your website.

The software was an instant smash hit. There were over 10,000 downloads from my site in the first four weeks… and that proves my point… people are desperately searching for ways to get links into their sites.

One of the ways I was looking into getting links to my websites was by building other websites myself and linking to my “money sites”. I call these sites “satellite sites”.

I thought that building “satellite sites” might be easier than getting links from other websites. That was what I was doing when I discovered the “10 Day Cash Secret”!

Check out how quickly I made money from one site…


DAY 1: 30th January

Registered a domain, hosted it and started the auto-publish process.

The site got huge Search Engine Spider interest… (the date is the 30th and the spiders are circled)


Day 3: 1st February

First Visitor From Google!

This may be hard to see, even though I’ve cropped the graphic.

The underlined bit shows the actual search phrase the person typed into Google before visiting my site, “Tesco St Veran Wine”. The date, is 1st Feb 2008.

This is from a raw server log file showing the actual search phrase someone typed into Google before they clicked to visit my site…

Which meant that the site had…

Pages In The Google Index!

When I found out someone had visited the site, and the search phrase they used, I checked in Google to see if the site was listed for that phrase… and it was…


All this… and the site was just three days old!


Day 10: 8th February

The First Affiliate Sale… a $255 Purchase! ☺

(the date is in the British format, dd/mm/year, so it’s 9th February 2008) ☺

Amazingly, the site was only 10 days old and it was earning cash!

So that’s my “10 Day Cash System” results. But wait, here’s some recent data…


Day 25: 23rd February

Can you believe this? On day 25 of this website’s life…

The Best Day So Far!

$1,697.31 in Sales!

(and the site isn’t even a month old yet!)

But it gets better on the next page!

Check out the sales recorded in just ONE MONTH

( February 2008)


That’s a total of $3,851.30 in sales… if my math is right. ☺☺☺☺


Sandbox? What Sandbox.

As you can see from my results above, another guru “myth” has been shattered. There is no Google Sandbox… at least for these kinds of low-competition keywords.

That’s information you can take to the bank! ☺

How Was The Site Made?

Actually, the creation of the site is very simple. All I did was get a datafeed from a merchant who sells a lot of products.

(datafeeds are just big files containing all the products a merchant sells along with information for each product such as a picture, a description, the price etc)

You can get datafeeds from Affiliate Networks such as Commission Junction, LinkShare, Share-A-Sale. Here in the UK, I used Tradedoubler.


Different Affiliate Networks handle datafeeds in different ways. Some restrict access to them but most allow you to download them for programs you’re an affiliate for. So all you have to do to get datafeeds is sign up with an Affiliate Network, join a few programs and download their feeds.

The next part is more interesting… turning the datafeed into webpages. I had my coders create some scripts that import everything in the datafeed to a database. Incredibly, the scripts work as a simple plugin for Wordpress.

(Wordpress is the free software you can use to create your own blogs.)

If you use my plugin, you can import a datafeed and Wordpress will create a new page every few hours. It’s amazing. The blog builds itself, one page per product from the datafeed.

(don’t be scared by the words “datafeed” or “database”. When you realize how much time those words can save you, and how much money you could potentially earn from them, you’ll grow to love them) ☺

I’m a huge fan of using “other people’s content”. I have my own blog where I write my own thoughts and comments for fun, but for making money I think you must, must, must leverage other people’s content. The two types of “other people’s content” I love the most are Private Label Rights articles and datafeeds.


(extra tip…

I’ve built a site that received 76,828 visitors in February 2008 just from un-rewritten Private Label Articles.

So there’s another “guru” Myth shattered… that you can’t get traffic from un-rewritten PLR articles because of the duplicate content filter penalty …)

But, here’s one enormous tip…

Try to get your hands on “other people’s content” that isn’t being used by lots of other people. I do that all the time, and I call it semi-exclusive content because it’s not so commonly used that the content is worthless.

The more exclusive the content is, the better. Ideally, for datafeeds, you should only have one main competitor… the merchant themselves. You may have other competitors such as “price comparison sites”, but they usually have hundreds of thousands of pages and reproduce every datafeed they can get their hands on… so if you focus on one


datafeed per website, you’ll have a “theme” whereas the price comparison sites don’t.

Let’s return to my example… the wine site. If you look at the phrase “Tesco St Veran Wine”, you’ll see that there are only 302 results for that phrase, even when it’s typed into Google without quotes…

So I knew, from that information, that very few other people were using the Tesco Wine datafeed… it was “semi exclusive content”.

My site went straight into the search engine results for that phrase as the second site… behind the merchant, Tesco!


I knew that I was almost certain to rank behind the merchant’s site for every other wine they sell.

Judging from the fact that my site made three different sales of wine in one day, when the site was less than a month old, I would say that “semi-exclusive” content works very, very well. ☺

It’s easy to work out if the datafeed you’re thinking of building a site around is “semi exclusive content”. All you have to do is pick a sentence from the description of a product and plug it into Google as a search. Use quotes around the sentence and see how many results are returned.

If you see “price comparison” sites underneath the merchant’s site, you can be fairly sure that you’re site will rank underneath the merchant’s site… and


you should be able to capture traffic for the products being sold. ☺

What Do I Need?

So, to build these sites, and gain free search engine traffic without having to manually create any pages, all you need is:

1: Your own domain name (costs about $7 per year)

2: Webspace. (I recommend Kiosk hosting where I have a dedicated server)

3: Wordpress (available for free)

4: A “semi exclusive” datafeed (available for free)

5: My “10 Day Cash Secret” Plugin

… talk about an easy way to create a money-making website! And you can build as many as you like!

How Was The Site Promoted?

Oh, you’ll love this!

My “10 Day Cash Secret” promotion system is this simple…

1: Add a list of “ping” sites to Wordpress.

2: Configure Wordpress to make it “SEO friendly”.

3: Grab a free blog and make a post.


4: Make a Sitemap and submit it to Google.

5: Grab a free RSS feed and embed it into the blog.

Were you expecting more? Sorry. That’s it. That’s the grand total of work I did to get my site visited, indexed, receiving traffic and making money within 10 days! ☺

In the “10 Days Cash Secret” product, I explain each step in precise detail so you just have to follow along, but don’t worry, each step is nice and simple.

Can you believe such a simple system could generate an affiliate sale within 10 days, and total sales of $3,851.30 within the first month?

The Easiest System Ever?

Let’s just look at what you DON’T have to do with this system…

• No Pay Per Click hassles. ( Have you tried PPC? Man, you need to be a financial wizard to make it work!)

• No products to create ( Good, because creating products is a time-consuming hassle!)

• No difficult links to get ( Only one link was used, from a free website!)


• No content to create ( The datafeed supplies the content)

• No manual webpage building ( My scripts do that, automatically!)

• No listbuilding ( Amazing, huh? Making money without a list!)

It’s funny to think that I discovered this system by accident.

If I had believed all the “gurus”, there’s no way I would’ve even attempted to get free traffic from Google within 10 days.

Heck, I would’ve laughed at anyone saying it was possible to make an affiliate sale at a brand new site hosted on a brand new domain, with only one external link, from free Google traffic within 10 days. It seems unbelievable, but I’ve shown you documented proof.

Now it’s your turn… this report has shown you how it IS possible to make money quickly online. I’ve given you all the information, showing you exactly what I did to build the site and promote the site to make money from a brand new site within 10 days.

If you’d like to get your own copy of “10 Day Cash Secret” and be able to auto-build your own money-spinning sites, just check out this special introductory offer…


“10 Day Cash Secret” launches on Wednesday 5th March at 9am EST The first 278 copies of “10 Day Cash Secret” will be offered at a 50% discount. To get a “jumpstart” email when these copies become available, please click here, or on the picture below…