This began in 1846 over a dispute about the boundary between the U.S. and another country. It...

This began in 1846 over a dispute about the boundary between the U.S. and another country. It ultimately led to greater tensions between slave and free states because the U.S. gained more land as a result of this event. Mexican War

Transcript of This began in 1846 over a dispute about the boundary between the U.S. and another country. It...

This began in 1846 over a dispute about the

boundary between the U.S. and another country.

It ultimately led to greater tensions between

slave and free states because the U.S. gained more land as a result of

this event. Mexican War

This president started the Mexican War by sending

troops to defend the southern border between the

U.S. and Mexico at the Rio Grande River. It was also believed that he wanted to

gain the rest of the Southwest from Mexico

through war. James K. Polk

When California wanted to enter the Union as a

free state, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster proposed

5 bills, in which two favored the North and two favored the South. These series of laws were known

as the ________________________.

Compromise of 1850

This act allowed the people living within the states to decide if their

state would possess slavery or not.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Free-Soil and pro-slavery groups battled it out in

Kansas over whether the state would be free or slave. Due to these bloody encounters,

Kansas was given this nickname.

Bleeding Kansas

This man was responsible for helping pass the

Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Stephen Douglas

As a result of this case, it was determined that slaves

have no rights and that congress has not power or authority to limit slavery in

western territories.

Dred Scott Case

Who was the Chief Supreme Court Justice

who delivered the ruling in Scott v. Sanford?

Roger Taney

In 1859, an abolitionist tried to take over a weapons arsenal in

Virginia in order to lead a slave rebellion in the

South. This event was known as ______________.

John Brown’s Raid

Following this election, 7 states seceded from the

Union forming the Confederate States of

America. Jefferson Davis was named their first

president. Election of 1860

In 1861, the Confederates demanded that Union

forces leave this fort near the city of Charleston,

South Carolina.

Fort Sumter

After Fort Sumter, Abraham Lincoln called

for volunteers to put down the rebellion. As a result

several states seceded, name two.

Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee

Identify two advantages the South had during the

Civil War.

Military LeadershipDefensive War

Fighting on their own turf

Identify 2 advantages the North had prior to the

Civil War. Bigger Population

More MoneyMore Factories

More Transportation Networks

Established Army and Navy

When this exploded it fired bullets into

oncoming soldiers. It led to many deaths and

casualties during the Civil War.


This plan was created by General Winfield Scott to help

defeat the south during the Civil War. It called for a naval blockade of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. It also involved the Union slowly constricted

the movement of goods in and out of the South.

Anaconda Plan

One of the Union’s war strategies before the war was to invade the capital

of the Confederacy. Name the capital of the

Confederacy during the Civil War.


During this battle, General Thomas Jackson held his

ground like a “Stonewall” as Union troops marched on Confederate troops, near

Manassas, Virginia. In the end the Confederates upset

the Union forces and let everyone know the war would

be much longer than expected

1st Battle of Bull Run

These two ships marked the 1st time iron-clad ships met on the high seas in military history. Ultimately, both ships retreated from each

other and there was no clear victor when they battled it

out. Monitor v. Merrimack

Led by General Ulysses S. Grant in 1862, the Union

was able to defeat the Confederates in this two day battle in which the

Union gained access to a major railway center in

Corinth, Mississippi, as a result.

Battle of Shiloh

During this battle, the Confederacy changed its

war strategy and attacked the Union at Sharpsburg Maryland. During this

battle many men lost their lives and it was known as

the bloodiest battles fought at its time.

Battle of Antietam

Because of low numbers and a need for soldiers,

the Union and Confederacy initiated

this , which was forced military service if your name or birth date was



One of the strategies the Confederacy hoped to use during the Civil War was to gain this from foreign countries, in which they

would be acknowledged as an independent nation.


Evidence that the Civil War congress was one of

the most active congresses in U.S. history

can be seen by the passage of these two acts.

Homestead ActPacific Railroad Act

This was a term used for a northern democrat who did not support the Civil



Prior to the Emancipation Proclamation, many slaves were seized as this, which is property seized by an enemy during a time of

war. Contraband

Because not everyone supported the war and Lincoln was afraid of losing border states to the Confederacy, the government placed cities in states such as

Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland, under this, which was government under military rule.

Martial Law

Lincoln and the federal government suspended

this, which gave a suspect accused of a crime the right to a trial by jury.

Habeas Corpus

In 1862, Lincoln passed this, which only freed slaves in areas under

rebellion. Slaves living in border states were still

property of their owners.

Emancipation Proclamation

This group of all black soldiers was led by

Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. They gained

recognition and popularity for their

courage at Fort Wagner.

54th Massachusetts Infantry

This was noted as the turning point in the Civil War , in which the Union finally defeated General Robert E. Lee. It began because the Confederacy was looking for supplies, recognition, and a way to

end the war quickly. Battle of Gettysburg

On day 2 of the battle of Gettysburg, the

Confederacy launched an attack on the southern

end of the Union forces at this point, which was held

by Joshua Chamberlain and the 20th Maine.

Little Round Top

On day 3 of the Civil War, the Confederates

launched a desperate attempt attack on the

heart of the Union forces. This 15,000, 1 mile long

line of infantry was known as _____________________, which was ultimately a

failure. Pickett’s Charge

After this siege, the Confederacy was split into

two and the Union controlled the Mississippi


Siege of Vicksburg

This speech given by Abraham Lincoln was

made in order to remind the nation why we were fighting the war and to

commemorate the fallen soldier of Gettysburg.

Gettysburg Address

At the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania,

and Cold Harbor, Northern newspapers

criticized Grant because _________________.

The Union had over 64K causalities.

The capture of this city helped Lincoln win the election of 1864 and ultimately hurt the

south’s effort to mobilize for the Civil War.

Capture of Atlanta

The destruction of railroads, crops, and factories as Sherman

made his way to Savannah was called


Sherman’s March to the Sea

What two cities did Sherman demolish in

South Carolina?

Charleston and Columbia

This abolished slavery throughout the nation.

13th amendment

This was the location where Lee surrendered to

Grant ending the Civil War.

Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia