This and That” from Julie Workshop Corner by Paula BrawdyScully's Reel, Road to Lisdoonvarna and,...

Website: OCTOBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013 This and That” from Julie Let me the garden planted this past spring, watered and tended to it. Weeded it for the most part. Watched it grow all summer, then harvested all the splendor and wonder that it pro- vided. Canned and froze everything we couldn't eat right away and just today dug up the rest of the potatoes and pulled out some of the dried up tomato plants.....and it's Fall! Where did the time go? Seems like it just flew by, but in reality it was a long full summer. Got lots of camping in (Coldwater, Evart, Midland + more), jammed all day and night on some weekends, spent time visiting with other musical clubs and friends, and joined in on some of the play dates that the club offers. This summer was awesome!! Can't wait to add more to the list : ) We've had some sadness in our club due to illness and passing, and some recent surgeries of our members and their families. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. A simple smile and a touch on the hand says a lot. October is a great time to practice some of our "minor" tunes.....Jump at the Sun, Golden Keyboard, Blueberry Splash, Cold Frosty Morn, Scully's Reel, Road to Lisdoonvarna and, how about Columbus Stockade Blues in those minor keys! Just in time for Halloween!! We've got lots of coffee to offer at the meetings. If you're so minded, bring some good- ies to go with it! See you in October! Workshop Corner by Paula Brawdy This month we are going to learn a Turlough O'Carolan tune. O'Carolan was a re- nowned blind harpist who lived from 1670 - 1738. He became blind at 18 when he acquired smallpox. He traveled to people's houses and played for them. He composed tunes named for the people of the house he was visiting. He wrote beautiful tunes. "Captain O'Kane" was one of these tunes. It is actually a slow air although I hear people playing it fast in jams. On youtube you will find harpists doing this tune slowly and beautifully. PS. Here is a version on dulcimer by Maggie San- sone, well known hammered dulcimer player. v=1NGE4YlkVG8

Transcript of This and That” from Julie Workshop Corner by Paula BrawdyScully's Reel, Road to Lisdoonvarna and,...

  • Website: OCTOBER 2013OCTOBER 2013OCTOBER 2013OCTOBER 2013

    “This and That” from Julie

    Let me the garden planted this past

    spring, watered and tended to it. Weeded it for

    the most part. Watched it grow all summer, then

    harvested all the splendor and wonder that it pro-

    vided. Canned and froze everything we couldn't

    eat right away and just today dug up the rest of

    the potatoes and pulled out some of the dried up

    tomato plants.....and it's Fall! Where did the time

    go? Seems like it just flew by, but in reality it was

    a long full summer. Got lots of camping in

    (Coldwater, Evart, Midland + more), jammed all

    day and night on some weekends, spent time

    visiting with other musical clubs and friends, and

    joined in on some of the play dates that the club

    offers. This summer was awesome!! Can't wait to

    add more to the list : )

    We've had some sadness in our club due

    to illness and passing, and some recent surgeries

    of our members and their families. Please keep

    them in your thoughts and prayers. A simple

    smile and a touch on the hand says a lot.

    October is a great time to practice some of

    our "minor" tunes.....Jump at the Sun, Golden

    Keyboard, Blueberry Splash, Cold Frosty Morn,

    Scully's Reel, Road to Lisdoonvarna and, how

    about Columbus Stockade Blues in those minor

    keys! Just in time for Halloween!!

    We've got lots of coffee to offer at the

    meetings. If you're so minded, bring some good-

    ies to go with it!

    See you in October!

    Workshop Corner by Paula Brawdy

    This month we are going to

    learn a Turlough O'Carolan

    tune. O'Carolan was a re-

    nowned blind harpist who lived from 1670 -

    1738. He became blind at 18 when he acquired

    smallpox. He traveled to people's houses and

    played for them. He composed tunes named for

    the people of the house he was visiting. He wrote

    beautiful tunes. "Captain O'Kane" was one of

    these tunes. It is actually a slow air although I

    hear people playing it fast in jams. On youtube

    you will find harpists doing this tune slowly and


    PS. Here is a version on dulcimer by Maggie San-

    sone, well known hammered dulcimer player.


  • Upcoming Events Arrive 1/2 hour before performance to set up, blue vests.

    5 Jim Franklin

    22 Linda Brown

    23 Pat Dornton

    24 Joan Weaver

    25 Marilyn Mullins

    26 Ann Wassell

    28 Barb Pohanka


    Oct 5 Ne�le Lake Jam, Montpelier, OH, Contact

    Terry Steinke for informa/on 419-459-4436

    Oct. 5 Old-Time Michigan Fiddlers Contest

    Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 Monday Knights (see below)

    Oct 12 Uncle Carl’s Club Mee6ng, Spring Arbor, doors

    open 12:30 pm

    Oct 26 Maumee Street Jam, Adrian, Contact Marilyn

    Mullens for informa/on 517-270-2554

    UCDC Future Play Dates

    Next play date not un/l December. If you know of some

    place that would like to have our music, send us their

    address and we can mail them out a flyer.

    3 Marc & Ellen Pember

    3 Don & Donna Playford

    16 Jack & Marilyn Mullins

    Prac�ce with Pennye Christmas CD now


    Prac6ce with Pennye 3 CD set of UCDC reper-

    toire to prac/ce with, or choose which tunes you want on

    one CD.

    Contact Pennye at 517-547-7448 or [email protected].

    for more informa/on.

    Hammered Dulcimer Lessons Accep/ng new stu-

    dents. Contact Pennye at 517-547-7448 or

    [email protected].

    UCDC Name Tag: to order, contact Wendy Conklin 517-542-

    2291 or [email protected]

    UCDC Membership Dues:

    $15/family. Please make checks out to UCDC and mail to

    Wendy Conklin, 7186 W. Sterling Rd., Litchfield, MI 49252.

    Covers January thru December 2014.

    Hammered and Mountain Dulcimers for sale - Great

    collec/on of used hammered dulcimers for sale - Lost

    Valleys' 16/15 with cases, 2 Websters with regular tun-

    ing and cases, and several mountain dulcimers,

    McSpaddens, FolkcraF, and a few others. Call Paula

    Brawdy at 616 240 0445 .

    If you have never seen your name listed here, we

    may not have the informa/on. See Wendy.

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Anniversary

    Monday Knights Bean Elementary School

    off of King Road.

    3201 Noble, Spring Arbor, Mi 49283

    Everyone welcome!

    Acoustical Instruments.

    Questions: contact Barb Borton

    517-783-2670 or [email protected]

    18th year of the Monday Night Class.

    Uncle Carl’s Club Who’s Who

    If you go to our website and click on Photo Gallery, check out Who’s Who. If you don’t

    see your picture there, please let us know so that we can include you. This is a place

    where we can learn about you. If you would like to write a liHle something about your-

    self, please send it to Pennye at [email protected]. There are a lot of members


  • We Were a Hit !

    Tomkins Historical play date was Great! We

    had 12 +2 players!!!!!!!! The +2 were visitors that

    went to their cars and brought out their instruments

    and played along. We played from 1:45 - 3:00. Each

    player was given a $5 coupon to spend on lunch.

    There were lots of meals to choose from. We were

    even entertained while eating. We watched as one of

    the steam engine tractors was pulled from the

    swampy area surrounding the tractor pulls. Never a

    dull moment!

    Ya know, I believe all our musical people are

    multi-talented. Especially the ones that were playing

    at Tompkins. We all played a game of "Name that

    Tune" whether we wanted to or not. For some rea-

    son (or another) I was having issues with some of the

    "start ups" . Maybe it was the sun, maybe it was the

    wonderful smells of those Funnel Cakes, maybe it

    was just me! Good grief! I said "Southwind" , start-

    ed it (or I thought I did), got a weird smile from a

    player, couldn't for the life of me figure out what was

    "up" and then it occurred to me........Sophrina! I had

    started the wrong song, BUT to my delight and most

    likely all those around, everyone took my lead (?)

    and played the same song!

    Thank you, Thank you all for being so patient

    with me. Looking forward to the next time : )


  • This tune is available on our website under Tune of the Month.

    Also listed is the midi version, so you can hear the melody. October 2013

  • Workshop Leader

    Paula Brawdy

    [email protected]

    Newsle�er Editor/Music Books

    Pennye Scheiber

    [email protected]

    Web Site Manager

    Karen Turner

    [email protected]


    Barb Borton

    [email protected]

    Marcia Fort

    [email protected]

    Barb Pohanka (bldg. site coordinator)


    Resident Agent, Ann Johnson

    [email protected]

    President, Julie Mester

    405 Territorial St.

    Manchester, MI 48158

    [email protected]

    Vice President, Pennye Scheiber

    15851 Griswold Rd.

    Manitou Beach, MI 49253

    [email protected]

    Secretary, Ramona Hadley

    16297 Ellen Dr.

    Livonia, MI 48154

    [email protected]


    Sunshine Coordinator

    Wendy Conklin

    7186 W. Sterling Rd.

    Litchfield, MI 49252

    [email protected]

    Uncle Carl’s Dulcimer Club

    Pennye Scheiber, Editor

    15851 Griswold Rd.

    Manitou Beach, MI 49253

    October, 2013

    Submission deadline for the next newsle�er is October 20, 2013