THIS 7ISVIIX1 DAI Confed ra'e Court at Nashville has...

THIS 01 7ISVIIX1 DAI J VOLUME XXX11 LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 161 NUMBER 15 LOUISVILLE JOURNAL PIA1 OFJICE MJlLBiK, GSSES 5IK23I, THIRD AlfD FOVfiTH. MOKU'TfoaTe--D!- ly, delivered In ally, by mai1, bi idncte B OT Jirintry daily I Oy 00 Wtekly, tn advance, single eoty 1 J la "tub of five ot ovr IW Wttemittaiiawi by mail la reentered letters at oar 4T8 OF ADVWRTfBINO IN THB !'MfmLLB JOURNAL FOB REGULAR AD v ERTlflJfKo. VStqaare, Changeable iwWy, tt lonaro $V 00 lo do S rime f ryeet, por iiQanm.. WOO do do It time do do 100 00 Bacb additional square, one-hal-f the above price. Advertisement published et interna1: $1 for first ln- - "Woo and tfu wnit for each sabeequent one. Announcing caudidates, $1 per week (or each nam. Yuri w aAvertivara yy quarterly, 'ail otheri in ad- - 8tal ertate end tteambcat advertisements, shHfV and oomatintcafefa aalea. patent madleiue, theatrical, sjftraa, or similar advertising, not publuhed by the yer. Advertisement for charitable instltntioua, fire eompa- - ttniea, ward, and other pablic meeting, and inch Ilka, Editorial notice and oommanleationi. Inserted In oolumiM and ii)t:idod to promote private Intor-(- , 90 cents p line these cuiy uuerted at the dUcre- - .i of the ftdltoi. No own man I cations will tw naHried onleM accom- - & by the rwl nice of the author. teamb"at advoiluienieiita lb cvutm for the flnrt Inser-- I "xi and la eents for each ontiuojuiu; ecn chxago oosidered a new adverttavmeiit. Advertisement inserted only In the Evening Ba!letln ill be charged bah the above prices; ii Inserted to Daily Journal and cuntinnod, afVr Crt insertion, iu the Evaa- - HuMitia, h the above prices. utvtjrtUemeot kept ioo the iui do oi the Journal re barged an extra prtra. AnvstiTiRUiQ Katsa In Wtvklv ,oumfil Each wmre 1 ) llnea or leva), first insertion 1 00 C tch continuance. SO Written notiw- mart bf given to take oat and stop ad verttwmfotB of yearly advertlaerv bofore the year othervipe we shall chtrjw till done-N- contract of yariy advertirementi r1M be O'aeoo-Bae- fl wltboat prvioni notice to 119, nor wi!l any thai tee made for Irw than one year at the yei!y ratea. KEW3 F0M THE RKBEL ETATE3. W hav received additional tilea cf Southern fipera. Our dates from K ash villa ar.d Bowling lireen are to the 5th icst., from K'ebmcnd and to the same date, and from New Or- leans to the 8d. We make pome Interesting es tracts: The RrcxviHe (Tenn.) Register of the t.h eiy: 'iarrett Hall, formerly of Morgan county, Tenn., lut who for tome mootbs has been with the East Tenoetwfe Lincoln troops in Kan tacky, was arrett- ed in tha couoty on Mooday last, aod brought trj this c!y by Confeierate troops. Wenndersta'd hat, when arrested, he was acting In the capaci- ty of a recrniiloR otiicer for Lincoln's army in Kentucky. He U represented as a det psrate man. and in making the arrest he was shot by one of the Confederate party, bn, we understand, not severely wounded Considerable corioaity was man! esled by lite citiztna ou his arrival every- body wanting to get a peep at the "mule." He was lodged in the city jail. A bill was presen ed in the Teneesaee LegUU-tur- e on the 4th, requesting the Judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts, Chancellorz, and Justices of the Peace, not to hold their courts, during the continuance of the war, for the trial of C3BB8 wherein debts and money are Involved. The Rev. Leroy M. Lee, of the M. E. Charch, has been stricken, with appoplexy. Gov. Letclnr, of Va., in an official statement, says the amount expended by the State of Vir- ginia for war purpose?, biace her secesafoD, ex- ceeds six millions of dollars, and that every de- mand against her has been considered and dis- posed of; and that every do mane1 allowed has been paid on presentation at the Treasury. A correspondent of the Columbus (Ga ) Sun communicates the foil awing particulars of a heart- rending accident that occurred rtcsntly in Da1 county, Alabama: On the eight in qneslion, Mr. John Vann and wife wont to Mr. John Bsverett'f", leaving tluir children, five in number, at home. UariDg their abience the honae caught lire and burned them tip. Mr. Vann had built a room at the rear end ct the bouse with n door leading out except through to the front, aod the children were in that room, aod perhaps asleep until the house was burned so r that they could not get out. Their hearts and be nee were feuc'i, two at the door which led into the room, two others in a corner, as far from the fire as they could get, and the infant about three years old, who was in bed where the bod was burnt. Mr. Jamw B itton, Jr., Representative in the Legislature from Graen county, East Tennessee, has been arretted on a charge'of disloyalty to the rebel Government. As an evidence cf the existence of a strong Union feeling in seme portions of the Southern Confederacy, we clip the following from the Nash- ville Union and Anvrxda of the or.U inet.: The Confed ra'e Court at Nashville has had a number of prisoners beore it ia the last four or five dvn. ihy were cnietly from the counties cf Carlcr, Ha&iilroc, 5rid'ey, and McNairy. Some twenty of thoie from a:t Tennessee tor k the oath of allegiance and enlisted in the Con- federate milltiry service. Soma of them have Uft for Columbus and othtr points. A portion of them were discharged and others were to Knoxville for further proof. Six were yosterdy brought in by the Depu'y Marshal uuder procsi from the Confede- rate Court. Thev were arrested bv a force de tailed by Un. Kouben Davis, from Co:iaib, They are charged with instigating a treasonab'e reeistanea to the Confederate laws by military force, and more e pacially lesistacco to the enlistment proclamation of Gov. Harris. It seems that their UnionL-- assumed a new phase These iMsee were contir.aed on affidavit nntil Tuesday, the 10. h inst , bv the Assistant Dntrict AttoVnev, T. B. Childress, Esq ( Inordor to obtain proof for the Confederate Government. They were put nnder heavy bonds to appear on the 10th inst., with repectabU friends of the Confedeate States as thtir sureties. General Edward Sparrow and J. T. Bemmea, Efq , have been chosen as Senators to tlw Con- federate Congress from Louisiana. Col. Robert Looney has been made President cf the Court Martial at Knoxvllle, Tenn., to try the bridge burners, of which Court Major J. T. Campbell is tho Judge Advocate. On the Sd inst., the 8. C. Legislature electod R. W. Barnwell and Jas. L. Orr as Senators in tbe rebel Congress from that State. The Richmond correspondent of the KashvtUe Union and American, nnder date of November 30, saye: It may interfst your readers to know that Gen. Stuart, who com minds tbe advanced forc3 at Manassas, and w ho ii only 8 veirs of age, is tbe tt)n- - of CoiooeJ (iow lirigader Gntrai) St. Geo. Cooke, of the regular Yankee army. Gen. Cooke has anctler who is a eorpeon in tho Confederate army, and aeon in command of one of the heavy batteries on the Potomac. He is tbe uncle of ohn f'jter Cooke, the novelist, who is a 6ergejnt io a howitzer com- pany at Leefburg. Gen Stuart's command con- sists of 10,000 men 3,500 cavalry and 12,501) in- fantry. Hts cuvalry have been of im mouse f ce to the army ia doing courier, vidette, nrtd sentinel duty. Thy have bagged not a few Yankee?, to. twenty-si- of their captives hav- ing arrived here As to the duin4 of the invisible and inaHlible CongroFS, I have nothing to gay, preferring to leave that to your "Confederate." Perhaps I cnoldpump something out of our Congressmen if 1 were to tn( but 1 am afraid to associate much with thorn not because my pocket would he pkkL for there is nothing in it, no more than in a Congressman's heart, but because I should cartainly acquire a taste lor bid whisky. The bast way to meet a duger Is to face it, and not pull a face ss long ai your arm and as blank as th dibj rity of prizes ia a lottery office Why, that's the way the "young men who live in n tores" in this city are d ing, j jsl because the militia are going to be called out to be drafted The Virginia Legislature met at Richmond on Monday week. The Richmond Dispatch of the '2d Fays: Tbe Federals continue to make incursions in the county of Fairfax, whenever they think there is an opportunity of committing a moan outrage without danger of immediate retaliation. Last Wed net d at, a large body of their Civalrv the village of Dranesvillf, anrf made pria mera of Sf reral citiibns, including Mr. Car- per, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Day and hi Eon. The Federal Colonel's horse was shot by Mr. T. Cole- man, who was cmceiled in the buhas; but he was afterwards discovered, tired upoa, and mor- tally woundud. We clip the following from a Nashville paper: At the annual mooting of the stovfchul lers of the EaBt Tennessee and Virginia Kiilroad Com- pany, in Kuoxviila, on Thursday, a reetlu'.ion was adopted, pensioning Keelan, t ho defender ot the bridge at Strawberry Plains, in Kutst-in- at followf: $25 per month for one vrar from the date of his wounds, and thereafter i5 por month for the term of hU life. If he recover?, and h able to resume bis po t as watchman of the bridge, he U to retain his situation at bis f.rour salary, ii addition to bio pension. Tbe Directors of the Richmond, Fredericktburr, and Potomac Rail- road Company hava donated $100 to the Keslan fund. We are informed that laborers are being hired, through the (i lartermaster s ofHc. for the imme- diate cons' ruction of a railroad from Manaisas to Centreville. As it is estimated that the woik will require two months for He completion a strong indication 13 sfforded of the intention of cur forces to winter in the region cf tbe Potomac. fiichmond Examiner, Nov. 3, Ia the Tecnesree Legislature, ou the 4th in?l , the fjlluwing were cfiored as amendments to the bill to protect the properly vt married women, and are now awaiting aciion: "lie it macUd, 'IhU In all elections every unmaniej woman, being the owner o taxable property, shall be en'ivled to vote a1? male citizen?, and every married woman bavins sfpa f lite prontrtr, w;)f. btoi xpay be i;;?uivect, ?b ;ll in like manner be entitled to vot, and her b . band shall be disfranchised. 'Be it Jurther (nacted. That all women, of ralever age, rank, profession, or degree, wheth- -' virgin mid, or widow, that shall impose upon, stduce, or betray into matrimony tny male sub- ject in the Confederate Statea of America by the means of rcents, paints, cosmetic?, washes, arti- ficial teeth, false hair, Spanith wto ir .m stays, big s boas, or bolstered hips, hall be dee ned guilty of a misdemeanor, and urou conviction shall be fined the sum of 100 and imprisoned at the discretion of the court trying the cause." It will be seen by the following from the Hous- ton (Texas) Telegraph of the 19th nit. that Trx-- ai claims her original boundaries; A bill has been introduced into tbe Senatorial branch of the Legislature by John T. Huconrt, Laq., restoring tbe original boundaries cf the State. It dec! area that Texas iilded assent to the settlement of her boundary because the ques- tion was linked with the series of meararts com- posing the compromise of 1800, and f r tbe take of peace and tbe preservation of the Urinn; that tbe foiled States cas been guilty of bad faith in h 11 the questions embraced in the compromise of 1860, resulting in tbe dismemberment of that Union, for tbe Sbke of which Texas was willing to sacri- fice her Immense territory; that, finally, the Uni- ted States has broken and violated her part of the compact, and therefore it ie annulled and can- celled. The bill then reasserts ti'le to the boun-- d tries, embracing New Mexico, &c, and author-ire- s tbe Government to take mititarv p'Gsaseion. 1 he Telegraph's correspondent says the bill meets with much favor and will probably pass. A Southern pjptr cays: The amount of Sea Island cat ton made in the Confederacy and all the d cotton of the world ia made in the Confederate States is about forty tbou'and-- bales, raised (n the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, arid Florida. It wculd be a liberal calculation to allow one half of this to South Carolina, acd a still more liberal one to state one third of this amount as likely to fall into the bands of tb enemy one fourth or live thousand bales wculd be found to far exceed the fact. This at IfloO por bale would be only $750,000, inntead of tbe sundry millions over wbicu tbe Northern paptrs, eppecially those of tbe great, liberal city of New York, have betn crowing eo loudly. We learn that the Government has determined not to give arms to volunteers for twelve month?, as long as it has troops offered fur the war to a number greater than can now be armed. Where volunterrs are enlisted for the war, the Govern- ment will supply them with arms in proportion to the several States tendering suc vdunteers. Richmond Examiner ', A'tw. UO. We collate the following telegraphic despatches: Richmond, Dec. 4, via Nvto Orleans. The bridge over Lick creek, on tbe East Tennessee road, has been rebuilt, and trains are pissing over it. Other points are rapidly being com- pleted. There is now a very slight detention of mails and passengers. Richmond, Dec. 4. Congress passed yesterday, unanimously, and the President signed the following: Be t Resvlved by the Congress of Ikt Cowffirr-a- tt Mates, That the thanks of the people of the Confederate States are eminently due, and are hereby tendered, to Mjor General Sterling Price and the Missouri army under his command, for the gallant conduct they have displayed through- out tneir service in tbe present war, especially for the skill, fortitude, ard courage by which tbey gained the brilliant achievement at Lexing- ton, Missouri, resulting, on the 20th day of Sep- tember last, in the reduction of thit town and theiurrender of the entire Federal army there emploved. Rbchmmd, Ltec. 4. The Norfolk Day Book this morning intimates that Gen. Scott will soon be ia tbe South, after the mode of Ma?on and Slidell In the North. Richmond, Dec. 5, via Sew Orleans The Ex- aminer this morning says a despatch from a relia- ble source received in cihcial quarters, states t hat the fl til la recently Concentrated at Old Point Cjmfort has pasted up the Potomac. It is doubt- less that an attack ou Evanport and Centreville is contempl-tt- d. Savannak, Dec. 5. The Republican fays a party of Confederates visited Tybee bland Wednesday night and burnt the Light House. The Federal vesseU commenced a tierce shelling on the bland, hut tbe Confederates retreated un- hurt. From 16 to 18 vesscli were in tbe roads yeptwdav afternoon, apparently old whalers. Rfchnvjndy Ike. 6. 1 be correspondents of the New Orleans Delta and Picayune and Charleston Courier arrived this afternoon from M&na&as. They report no immediate prospect of an engage ment at Mara'sas. In Congroe- to day, Howell Cobb return 1 in the Chair as President. Wm. M. Cook and Thos. W. Freeman, members from Missouri, and A. B. Bradford, in pities of Judge Clayton, of took their seats. Other business done iu secret session. The Electoral College of Tennessee met at Nashville on the 4th and cast the vote of tbe State fur Jeff. Davis and Alex. Stevens for Pres- ident and Vice President. The Nashville Union and American cays of Gen. Price: We do not credit the rumrr that comes from Richmond that this able and ecergotic leader, so far more nearly Me hero of the war than any other man, is to be fvirtnslly supeie ded by th appointment of a new fledged M-j- General over hii head. Such an act of the Administration would exciie great dissatisfaction, not to eiy indignation in the country. We give the Prefi-d- the highest credit for sagacity, but the vir- tual removal of Gen. Price would shake that faith which we love to cherish in hU wisdom. Hence we do not for one moment credit the report. Colonel D. Ledbetter issued th following pro- clamation to the people of East Teuneseee from Gren iile on the 30th inst : So long as the quastion of Union or disunion was debatable, eo long rcu did well to debate it and vote on it. You had a clear right to vote for the Uhion, but when secession wai estaldiehed by the voice of the people, yon did ill to distract tt e country by angry word and insurrootionarv tu mult. In doing this yon commit the highe3t crime known to ihe laws. Out of tbe Southern Conftd iracy no people pos sess such elements cf prosperity and happiness as tnoseot iaat iennessee. ihe Southern market which you have hitherto er jived only in compe tition with a ho't of eager Northern rivals will now be shared Uh a few States of the Confeder-c- y equally fortunate, politically and geographi- cally. Every product cf your agriculture and workshops will now find a prompt sale at high prices, and so long as cotton grows on Confederate soil, so long will the money which it brines Bow from the South through all your channels of trade. At this moment yon might be at war with the United States or any other foreign nation, and yet not differ a tenth of the evils which pursue yon in this domestic strife. No man's life or property is safe no woman or child can sleep in quiet. You are deluded by peltish demagogues woo take care of their own personal safety. Ion are citisns of Tennessee, and your State one of tbe Confederate States. So long as you are up in arms agahst these States can you lock for anything but the inva- sion of your homes and the wasting of ycur sub- stance. This condition of things must be ended. The Government commands the peac and sends troops enough to enforce the order. I proclaim that every man who comes in promptly and de- livers up his arms will be pardoned on taking the oath f allegiance. All men taken in arms against the Government wid be transported to the military prison at Tuscaloosa, and be con- fined there daring tbe war. Brkl;e-burne- rs and destroyers of railroad tracks are excepted from among those pardonable. Tbey will be tried by drum-hea- d court martial and be hanged on tbe spot. We clip the following from the Knoxville (Tenn ) Register of the Gi Inst.: A gentleman just arrived from Scott ountv, Tennessee, informs ua that on Sunday morning last a Laid of Lincolnitee from Kentucky, assist ed by a number of Tories of that countv, entered the village of lltintsville and seized the persons of John L. smith, John Carlm, Calvin Smith, Sterling Smith, Joe Smith, and live others, whose names we could not procure, and immediately started with them to Kentucky as prisoners of war. .at ths same lime taking about a dozen head of horses. Their only crime was that thev were secessionists. John L. Smith isCieikand Master of the Chancery Court at Huntsville, at leist seventy years of age, and is respected bv all who know him in tbe very highest degree, and the others abducted are equally esteemed. Tbe party from whom we derived this inform tioo, Mr. Wm. Anderson, was likewise captured by the marauders, but made his escape. He says ae could not ascertain the precis number of tbe enemy. He saw about forty or fifty, but they represented their number at eoveral ha do ret Tney were piloted in by the somewhat notorious Ji ha W. bmita, who waa released by tbe Con reaerate court at isasuvitie, some Iijij sine?, upon his taking the oath of allegiance. He was assisted in this infamou raid by other tory residenU of Scott county, among whom was Kiley Cecil, another individual who was released by Mapr FulkerBon, at Jamestown, last summer, upoa making the strongest promises of good towjrJ the Confederate States. Mi-- r General Geo. B. Crittenden and staff ar- rived in our city on Sunday, acd are making their Het.'i.)uarters at the Lamar H'juse. Gen. Crit- tenden iy in command of Last Tennessee ard Lastern Kentucky. Gen. C.'has boen for ths last .hree months in command of tho 7th brigade, d corpp, of the army of the Potomac. On his pro- motion to a Mj jr Generalship, he was at ooue crane'erred to Kentucky, bis native Slate, as a legitimate sphere for bis future military career. i he personal staff of Gen. Crittenden is as fol- lows: A. S. Cunningham, Maior J. F. Brewer, M.bjor Gilos M. Hillyer, Captain H. J. Thornton, Captain W. W. liute. All these gen- tlemen, with the exception of Major Brewer, are it the Lamir House. Major Brewer, who i3 aarter master, is expected daily. We learn that Capt. W. L. Blanchard, former- ly of Marion county, K.y., ac:ornpanie. General Crittenden, with the view of raising immediate ly a company of mounted men, to tervo for the war and to act as a body guard for the General. Lieut. Charlton H. Morgn, of Lexington, Ky., now in this city, will, we also liaro, be omtiiU-loue- d as F.rjt Lieut mant of the company. He his boon f.r some time back an aid of General Elzey, on the Marianas line, and fa a competent oihesr. Under d'4tQ of iiw Z a Ka?hvil! paper has the following corr impendence from Bowling Green, Ky.: Information of an official character has reached here that G&n. Z)l!icon;r with a large force has retired from Cumberland Gap, aod is at Burks-vill- on the north bank of the Cumberland river, a be at 120 miles coutneaU of this place. Gen. Geo. B. Ctittenden has assumed command of the remaining forces at Cumberland Gap, numbering in addition to Ute reinforcements a larger army than that of tbe late commandant. Tbe statement as to the whereabouts of General Zollicotfer will, it is believed, be found correct, as gentlemen direct from Barren county report his pickets as having advanced thirty miles from BurksviMe. A gentleman direct from Meade county states that the Lincolnite., with the exception of a few Homo Guards, have vacated that locality. Hon. C. Reed, of the Legislature from Made county, was arrested a few days since while endeavoring to make bis way to our lines. Not wishing to be lodged in Jtil, a proposition wa made to bis captors that if he were released $1X) would be piven them; the terms were agreed upon and Mr. Reed permitted to depart unmo- lested. Legislation la tbe right direction was taken by the Council of the Provision 1 Government yes- terday in regard to the purchase and stle of Tennessee money. The act, which ii passed and goes into immediate operation, proviie for the levying of a tax of $J5 per week upon all brokers engaged in the thieving business of making a livelihood from tbe necessities of the people and times. Thifi laudable move will have the desired effect of closing the innumerable moneyed butcher shops here, and place opoa an equality all South- ern moneys, and at the some time raise its value to an approximation of its real worth. It is understood that the price of pork will be regulated by the Council, ard fixed at seven dol- lars and fifty cents per hundred. Information from Franklin, of a reliable char- acter, has it that in the recent encounter, in which it was reported several men were burnt to death, none lost their lives in that manner. Bell, who at the time was shot in the thigh, has since died of his wound, whilo three in number made their escape. 53fAGgust Beimon. H is said, intends to dis- pose of bis American real estate and take up his retidenc in Europe. He domes being the owner of the lob-icc- lately coofiwrited in Richmond, and supposed to belong to him. Amtng tbe latest arrests by the New York police is that of George Cowee, clerk in a dry good house. He had embezzled $8,000 worth of velve's, silks, etc , and spent the proceeds in riot- ous living. rHr rhe Rt. Hot. M. J. Spalding, D. D., flishop of Louisville, will deliver a Itcture on Sunday evening, U'.h instant, in the Catholic Church of Prink f rt. Subject: "Civilization and the Catholic Church historically considered." tfjpThe Udies of the Clarke county (Ky ) Sol- diers' Aid Society will give a supper at the court- house, in Winchester, on Tuesday evening next, the 17ih inst , for the purpose of raising fundi fcr the benefit of the volunteers now in the field. Handsome Donation. It will be seen by tte following note from Mrs. N. B. Smith that tbe Ladies' Soldiera' Aid Society has received a very valuable donation f:om some unknown parlies in Philadelphia. It will prove a valuable addition to the stock of material new in the hands of tbe Society, and will not ba long io finding its way to the eoldien now in the field: LonsviLLE, Dec. 11, 1861. A few days since I received, through a firm in this cttv, nineteen piecos f076 yardf) of twilled grty flannel, to be made up by the ladies of this city for the Cnion troops: in tbe State of Ken tucky. 1ms valuable present came from a few gentle men of Philadelphia, friends of the firm who re ceived and handed it over. Tbe names of the donors are unknown to me. They may rest as- sured that tbe ladies of Louisville will speedily make their handsome gift available to the ccm-for- t of the men in the camps and hospitals of the State. NANNEffE B. SMITH, President Soldiers' Relief Association. The RintKL Army The New York Herald has revised and republished its statement of the organization and dimensions of the rebel ar my. It is due the Herald's news enterprise to say, that when this document was originally published, it made a ten?ation in Richmond, and the letter-write- congregated there declared thut suspicions were afl at that seme one in the War cfh.e had played the traitor. The Herald says: Tthi statement phows that the rebel have in the field four hundred and fifty regiments, wbkb, reducing ifle average strength of a regi- ment to eight hundred men which is probably about ths nearest approximation to the truth gives an agre-it- force of 360.000 men. Love at First Si":it. A Boston loiter in the R Chester Union giv-i- & pretty bit of go3eip con- cerning the first mooting betweea Miss Hinckley, the prima donna, and Signor Suaini, her husband: It seems the)' met at Boston in the fulfilment of a professional engagement there. Within an hour after the first interview I do not know whether it was a rehearsal or on tbe evening of exhibition tbey were walking behind the scenes encircled in h other's arras. It was evidently a cace) of love ot firt sight. They are just as romantica'ly enarrored cow. I was liumg on Thursday in the country, end met them returning cityward in a hack, in an attitude and with glances soth as oaly lovers usually assume and bestow. Susini is a pretty fellow, twenty years (.Her than she, 1 should think. ( For the Louhwllle JouroaLJ Lagiune, Kr., Dec. 9, 1861. In one of the Cincinnati pa pern of a recent date I find the following: A Pnoi'HFv. Qm of the meet striking inatances of tbe fulfilment of prophecy, says the Boston Christian Advocate, was pointed out to us lately by an eminent Biptist divine. It occurs In the cUb, lO.h, and gist verses of Uag;ai, chap Iv: ' Behold, there shall be rsbellionn the South, a relellioQ of strong men aod archers, of chariots and bright shield::; and the blast of tbe trumpet shall awaken the land, and tbe nations shall be astonished thereat. "And lo, benold, becicse of the bio of tbe South, her roignty men stall be as babes, her giites shall bedestruved utterly, saith the Lord, yea utterly destroyed' ehall be her gates, and her rice fields shall be wasted and her slaves set free. 41 And behold, great ehlpi from the North hall dev ur h:r prid ard a storm from tho West shall lay waste her babita'ion. Yea, saith the Lord, and her domiaion will be broken." . Now if that viviiiA can find Chapter 71", or any such prvphtrg as tbe above in Haggai, his fiible mnst be a new edition. It will not do for these eminent Divines to know so much. TRUTH. For the Louisville Jonrnal. VISITING OUH CITY HOSPITALS. It has been represented to the pnb ic by some very curiom p;ople that tbe military hospitals in this town were kept in a terrible condition, and that the comfort of the men was not calculated to facilitate their recovery. Allow me to inform some of these very anxious people that the med- ical crbceis of this deserve great credit. They have used every exertion to pro- mote the welfars of the sick, have established hospitals with greit care, considering the short time allotted to them. Of course a hospital which was formerly used as a factory, or something similar, which bid to be cleared out in all haste in order to afford shelter to our men, cannot look as comfortable and cheerful as a hospital which had been prepared or estab i&hed months before, but this is by no means owing to bad manage- ment. The sick themselves do not seem to think that they are badly treated, as they erjoy at least a cnmfor'able bed and nourishing food. Should tbe many ladies, however, who are daily visiting the hospital, and criticising everything, be willing to do something for the relief and com- fort cf our sick soldierp, let them appoint commit- tees, say uix ladies to each hospital, and receive such delicacies as may bs contributed for that purpose, visit tbe hospitals under tbe direction of the surgeon, administer it themselves to such as the doctor may point out lo them. Bdt as to all other unnecessary visiting in no?pitais, allow me to Btate to the ladies, that, although their inten tions are very their presence is nevertbeb 33 unhealthy, as the sick need iet more than any- thing el.-e- , which is impossible for them to have whsu a hospital is crowded by visitors. A VOLUNTEER Camp Hamilton Por-E- , Dae. 8, 18bl Mrs. Hamilton Popa In obedience to special order published at dress parade tois evening, 1 becomes my duty to ten der to yon and to the ladies of tbe Fifth Ward the tharki of the regiment for tbe very liberal dona- tion cf clothing mad 4 to them through you. The gift was most seasonable, and will conduce greatly to their comfort and health while engaged in the noble work which the volunteer soldiery of Kentucky are cow conducting for the preservation of their homes and liberties. Very respectfully, W. P. M DOW ELL. Adj't 15th Reg. Ky. Volunteers. HosriTAL 4!rH Rudiment.) December 11, 1861. To the Ltidies of Jefersonville : The crticers and men cf the 40th Indiana, beg, through me, to tender their heartfelt tbai.ks to you for your kindness and attention to the sick of our rgi'nM whilst quartered in vour cit). C. D. PEARSON. Surgeon 40. h regimen One if the aids of Prince Napoleon ha puh- - lished a Eucchict account, of the urganizvion of the federal army, ris thinks Its composition is Kiialmrous to that of tbe Frenb army, aod that it, 19 an attempt to co ia a row wel-:- i T."h. A FREE GIFT. TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. WHAT THE FEDERAL TROOPS ARE FIGHTING TO SUSTAIN. HOW OUR SOLDIERS SHOULD BE PREPARED TO FIGHT. ' It U a elugular fact that a large majority of the people of the United States are unacquainted with the great importance of the eau?e for which the soldiers of the Union are fighting. Let every man and woman through- out the United State carefully read and study the Con- stitution of the United State, they will become con- vinced of the hollueee of our eauso and of the wicked-nee- e of thoee who ere itrlvlng to overthrow tbla grand palladium of freedom. We truly believe, that, had the reading of the Consti- tution been adopted ae a dally lesson in every school throughout the United Stateis the doctrines of secession and 8tates rights would never have attained the poelUon of a political question; nor would the country have been called upon to mourn for the unfortunate wrangling and mirteonrtructtons that have arleu, and which to manj of our statesmen have lost their time In attempting its interpretation. Millions of our citizens have never thoroughly studied the Constitution, and, even at the present time, when it is the datj of every citizen of this country to Inform himself of tho rights aud privileges secured to him, un- der Its protecting arm, it is not In one household in fire hundred. In view, therefore, of correcting this great oversight, and to furnish every man, woman, and child throughout the United States with the means of study- ing this great palladium of liberty, and to protect ua against future false doctrines and political disasters, DK3. BAD WAY A (X. present to the American public, free of charge, the Con- stitution of the United States of America, neatly bound, together with au improved Almanac for the year 12, called "lor Kad way's Constitutional Almauac" As soon as practicable. Dr Kadway'a agents. In every vtUag and town throughout the Union, will be furnished with a supply for free circulation. A copy of the same will be eut to all who will Inclose a etatup for tbe payment of postage. DKUGOIST3, BOOKSELLERS NEWSDEALERS THROUGHOUT TUlfi COUNTRY, PB3IKOU8 OF AIDING US IN DISTRIBUTING TO THK PEOPLE rHK CONSTITUTIONAL ALMANAC. ARE INV1 1'V.V TO SEND IN THKIR OKDEliS. NO CUAK'JE WILL BE MADE FOR THtS SAME. We altio Invite the people of ihe Cant J as, British Provinces, aud, in fact, all who can read the English lan- guage throughout thu world, to acoept as gtiti from us our Constitutional Almanac WE WILL SEND TO ANY ONE WHO IB WILL ING TO PAY THE POSTAOE ON IT A COPY; OR, IF TUB CITIZENS OF ANY TOWN OR VILLAGE WILL ACCEPT FROM luU TO 6:0 COPIES, WE WILL FURNISH THfcM FREE OF CHARGE, BEING CON- VINCED THAT IF OUR FORK Hi N FRIENDS WILL CAREFULLY READ THE CONSTITUTION, THEY WILL BECOME SATISFIED THAT OUR PEOPLE, IN SUPPORTING OUR GOVERNMENT IN WIPING OUT THIS FOUL BLOT OF SEC ESS-IO- FROM OUR ESCUTCHEON, ARE NOT ONLY RIGHT, BUT ARE ESTABLISHING ON A SOUND BASIS THE FREE- DOM OF THE PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORXD. BADWAY ft CO., S3 JOHN STREET, Now York. HOW OUR SOLDIERS SHOULD BE PREPARED TO FIGHT. HEALTH AND DISCIPLINE. Health and discipline are the mott important ele-- meuts In an army to insure success. Discipline withoat health will prove as Ineffectual as shot without powder. Health la the propelling force of tbe army, and Li the symbol 01 victory. It ls therefore, of the greatest Importance that the system of medication beet adapted for the proteetiou cf soldiers against eickoees, as well as that known to be the most epeedy and titfettual In restoring the elck to health, without to professional prejudice, be adopted. This is 00 time for medical martinete to quibble at ut professional dignity. All the dlgulty the profession can briDg to bear will neither prevent lickncss among the troops nor cure those atillcted. Our armies, to be mc- - ccsefiU, m ist be kept tn a healthy conditio!!; end the most sure means 01 securing this ddolderatum is through the remedial power? of RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF, which has already proved itself In over tilty regiments, now at the seat of war noar Wauhiugtoo, to be a posi- tive preventive agaiuBt eickueBs in the form of CHILLS AND FKVE8, FEVI'R AND A GUT?, BILIOUS FEVER, TYPHOID FEVER, IHAKRH'EA, DYSENTERY, SMALL POX, MEASLES, and other malarious and infectious diseases. in mind, w say, that RADWAY'S READY RE LIES will protect the troops exposed to thee diseases against attacks Now, it ia conceded by all the medical men iu our army tin they have no reliable means to prevent attacks ot thse disease?; neither have they aoy poeitive a'aurance of curing the e.tck; but, on the coutrary, the majotity of the sick, seized with feverend ague, typhoid, billoue, and other feors, either die or linger aloug, until they are reduced to mere wrecks and king skeletons. Experience has eetablitshf d the fact that the treatment of calomel, quinine; and mercury in cases of fever and ague, typhoid fever, aud other fevers of this class. Is more injurious In camus than in private practice. When we take iuto consideration that canvas walls and exposure to heavy dewt aud tho malaria from pools of water and damp grounds, prove but a poor shel- ter for the sick, we may readily conjecture t?st the penalties of mercurial and quise treat mftnt wjtl, lo the majority of case., be exhibited ia the form of rheu- matism, neuralgia, pains and stlffuees tn tbe joints, en- gorgement of the liver. Jaundice, yellow jaundice, pleurisy, coughs, colds, Ac , which will cling to the unfortunate patient for year?. IN DR. RAD WAY'S REMEDIES ttie soldier has a positive preventive agaiast attacks of these diseases. Let every soldier carry a bottle of BAD WAY'S READY RELIEF IN HIS KNAPSACK. And wheu exposed to wet, damp and chilly weathnr, or encamped in malarious district, take a texppoonful. In half a cup of water, as a drink, early In thu morning before eating, and three or four times during the dayt and if on picket or guard duty occadlonallr during the. night, he will escape all sickness, and continue to enjoy good health. lit Radways Ready Relief and Radwey'i Regulating Pills be uacd according to directioap, aud the par tent will scon recover. Dr. Had way 'a Remedies make a pertct cure lucyet 01 H HEUMATTSM, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO. BOMTJCA, HOARSENESS, DIPHTHERIA, INFLUENZA, COt CHS, TOOTUACHK, HEADACDK, eOHB THROAT, DIFFICULT FKOSIED FEF f BREATHING. SWELLINGS OF IliLBLAlNM, THIS JOINTS. PMNd IN 1 HE LEG 3, Ac, Ac CROUP, MEASLES. Bl KNS, SCALDS, STRAINS, BPRAfNS, WOLXDfl. WEAKNESS IN TUEJiPlNE, and In all ease where there Is pain, Rodwas Ready Relief will afford Immediate eae and quickly cure the patient. lOUTE Ul ILIADS. Civilians having frlecdB or relatives In tbe army stiou Id send them a few bottles of K&d 'ay's Ready Re lief and a box of Rad way's Pills. The Government makes no provision for these valuable remedies In tbe medical stores. The Midler depends upon his trleuds for a supply of these Invaluable medicines. A bottle or two of the Ready Relief may cave the life of your soldier friend. ARMY INDORSEMENT. We have received a large of letters from army surgeons, officers, and privates who have derived beoe fit from the use of RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF. Among the great number we have on file we refer to the following: W, H. Tineley. M- - D., Surgeon and Medical Director of the Excel idor Bug de. Geo. B. Siinpdon, M. D., Surgeon Anderson Zouave Regiment. CoL Rinh C. nawkinn, Ninth Rgimfnt N. Y. V. Col. Lyons. Eihtb Regiment, N. Y. 8. M. CoL Georgtf Hall, Secoud Regiment Ex relator Brig- - CoL Walker, Thirty-thir-d Regiment N. Y. V. Col. Tinnelll. McClcllan Rifles. CoL Wul Gates, United States Armv. Major O. V. Davton, Anderson Zouavea. Maj--- r .lain M. Turner, Find Regiment N. Y. V. CoL Wm. Wilson, and hts ouVera through T. W. Melghan, Enq., Wilson's Zouaved, Fort f ickeus. NOT ONE IN THE HOSPITAL. We hav the assurances of ofticT of over nfty regi- ments of the volunteer lorcee that there ha not been a single nan In Uieir regiment win ha need Haowav'i Rkaiy Rkmrf that has bfteu sent to the nor has there, out of the great numhr of eick who have used this Invaluable medicine, a death occurred. IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES. Every famt.y should keep a bottle of Rnw av'bRtaky Rklief to the house. It is a positive prevoutive against sieknean; It wlL in a fev minutes relieve the patie-.- Ironi piin, and will pedily cure the afP.lcWd of the dis-- easvs and complaints it is prescribed lor. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. RADWAVS REGULATING PILLS are the best pille in use. They are the ody pe:fect veg etable p"reative snttitute for calomel known. One three of Rfidway'B Pills will operate quicker than rje to teu ot the conomon drastic rill, rso sickness at stom ach, no griping paina follow their us; they leave the regular and neainiv, iei ino?e wiif nave Det't In the habit of using other pill make a trial of a few doses of Had way's Regulating PU1 (coaUd with gumj Public attention Is directed to RADWAVS RENOVATING BESOLVFNT. IT CURES, WITH ASTONISHING RAPIDITY, Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores. Ulcen. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Kickt-trf- , Scald Head, Sore Leg's Cankers, Glandular Swellings, White Swelllnc, Nod, Pore Etre, Sore Eyes, Strumous D'wharpfP from tbe Ea's. Opthalmla, Itch, Constitutional Dehilitv, Wasting aud Dec!y of the Body, Skin Eruption Piniplee aud rllotvb-e- Tumoiv, Cancerous Aff ctiou, Dyspepsia, Water Brash, Neuralgia, Chrome Kheumttlsm, aud Gout. HUMORS AND SORES OF ALL KINDS, and all diseases entailed from Small Pox, Meatlee, sipelas. Fever aud Ague, Yellow Typhus, and other Fevers, such as Dropay, Deafness, Fits, Lo;s of Memo- ry, Ac. When Infants and young children are atrilctefl wilh Sores ol the Gum- -, Cankers In the . Sore Heads, Ears, and Ejee, either from Worms, Teething, or auy ot Her causes, BADWAVS RENOVATING RESOLVENT will tpedily eradirate evrrv particle of disease, and re invest we cuna wiiu ueaiui. LADIES afflicted with Falling of the Womb, 1 leers of the Womb, Dischargea from the Uterus, and all weak tug discharges, may depend upon a speedy cure by the use of Kadway's KenovatinK Resolvent. in owe of tjhro.ilc Kb uuialinm. Neuralgia, Oout, the Kenolveot. taken In collection witli KkIwav Pil ft Heady Relief, will he found a nutck and thorough cute. NOTICE. Dr. Bud way's Remedies are sold by druggists In every village, town, and city tn tho United St.ites, Canada?, and British Provinces. Pri: rente, iu routs, nud ifii. BADWAY A Ot., No, John crefitt Nw Yn-- P.WnfR, A?Pnt.LouUviUs Jfr, U;U'ii Skiiptt Wok! VANHir We have eeo a curious and ingenious epedmen of handiwork, ex- ecuted Dy Wm. Henry Baldwin. ir a prisoner of war, who wad vuunded at tbe battle of Manet ib. It is a Dipe, madaof mahogany, and rebjy cirved with imitations of leaves and fl while the mouth-piec- e and nvmn'.inKS are wrought of beef bones, polished !;ke tvoiy. Tbe only instruments U6a 1,1 thla estraordif.sry Bpec:m5n of carving were old steel peup. wticii ths prisoner managed topjekup. He hia pretexted it to Dr. Hitn-bolha- Burgeon of the post, as a token of grati- tude for kindness shown him during a long poriod of suffering. Richmond Dispatch. The Kinj; of Dahomey ia making preparations for a fresh immolation in cold blx-- of 2,000 Tho occasion Is "to celebrate the com- mencement of the yam season. n Unating par- ties are out in every quarter to c ipture l be re- quired talo of human boinp,?, i8 the intelligence from the west coast of Africa. A fine child, belonging to a poor man in KUa-loo- county, Ii eland, wa attacked by a pi a short time ao and bo dreadfully mangled that it died before asbhtance could be rendtrtd. The ear and moat of the neck was eaten oil. An Ekffcital Ccre ptn E.vkaob-k- . Take a small piace of cotton batting cr cotton wool, make a depression in tbe centre with the end of the linger, and fill it wHh as much ground pep- per as will rest on a n'vj cent piece gather it into a ball and tie it ut dip the ball into sweet oil, and insert it in the ear, covering ihe latter with cotton wool, aud use a handige or c ip to retain it in its place. A I meat invtant relief is expariecc-.d- , and the application is so gentle that an infant will not be irjured- - by it, but experi- ence relief as wull a3 adul'.s. $0 eaya an ex- change. A Spanish Protectorate. f-- r Spanish America. In political circles, the subject of forming. In Amfrica, a confederation of all the republics of Spanish origin, with Spiin at tbe hoau of if, is now being diweus'td. Sub a measure, it la af- firmed, would podef8 great advantages, both for Spain and thos? little States. Madrid spa?ia. Uniforms far Chaplains. The plain black uni- forms prescribed by military regulations duos not Metise a number of cha' ! jin?, who, boving sported ebouMer-strap- d and gilt button?, are loath to ri- - iDmsh thero. Ihe most, however then who libjr uncbtiuaively fur the spiritual iuterft of tho men do cot tied fault wi n it. Wathnujhn Letitr. Three you nc ladies. Miles. CorsinL Blulhner. and Bigdanow. who attended the leclnres at the University of St. Petersburg, had been arrested. ard one of tham. Bills, tfadalow, wh'pped at the cilices of ths secret police. FTATfur:wT or Tnr Vinr.rtrti Bark T'is ststvrncr.t ot the Banks of Virginia, made up to the 1st of v ct'iher, tKtww tbe loHowlnK agrevate' Capital, cir- - ailatl-- f,,51.'): mcie, rtiU.fWa: dep e -, $11,. .tii,'.; d'aconnts, ln 7Ho,!i7. The clrculatiou has b lneTea.-ie- by kus made to the State aud the Confeder- ate Government. Stehlini EtTe4N,p i Nr- - The NewOr- - fana t;rt"cent ot Novent'r Tld sarg there wai inulrv frf exchange fcterllng his adranc d frime drawers were hotiiinp at )'MK and tome ealts have bteo edectcd at irutu l'2i up to that figure. MEDICAL. No More Private Diseases! ALL THOSE AFFECTED WITH PRIVATE DI8- - FEMALE DISEASES of every will And & rational and upeedy rare by applying to DiL )S. UAMKKMEHL. They will also tind a sure 1KEVEN-TIV- E again t infection by the Syphilitic virus. Neural (da, Rheum atlsca. Gout, Gravel, Sfrofnla, Droiy, Dsspepsia, Torpid Liver, Brohclittis, Diseases of the Skin, etc., will be treated with the greatest suc- cess. Cancers and other Maliffnant Tumors will bo cared without knlfo or caustic by const Itutlooal treatment. aTOfflco southwest corner of Market and Fourteenth tre-t- . .Tpl8 dly C0MESSED BULLETS. United States Mime Musket and Riflo Balls, AVo evry description of EOUiND AND CONICAL BULLETS, TO OOP Fa. LARGE 6IO KS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Oraers fi'led at sight by THOMAS OTIS LEUOTT c CO., Patent Shot nnd Lnl Works, jiil and 63 Water street, nMdSm NEW OKK. For Salo, The anhsciibtT lias Lt bI i Izrr and fat Ml'LUS, 18 banrtrCSi vl '3suak0tni HOG a that wdl average Si WsQi&a JO . MILbi nl" Urn 2V r"lf fr'tri Nf- Hvn. Swords, Sabres, Sashes, Uslts, 8cc. C. XiOBY & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Line, Field, & General Officers', Medical Staff, Pay Depart- ment, Navy, Chaplain, and Cavalry Offieurs U. S. REGULATION SWORDS, BELTS, SASHES, &c, A LAO CAVALRY & ARTILLERY SABRES. BL0DGET, BROWU, & CO., Sole Agents, 83 iieeJtiiitui ettrrec. New York. nil dim CLOTHING AT WAR RATES. FASHION FOK THE POOREST. BRU6LE &c BILLTMAN (fluceefors to Wm. A. Mead & Co.), Nos. 3, 5, and 7 Bowery, corner of Division st. INT IE XV Hav now reafly for Bile a spigot tfck In Parle styles, which they offr fo: ca h at prices to suit the times. Alpo aa eleparit af?oTtnint of UO"as in thn Cu?roni Department, which wld be made to order at the eatue rai. N. HPertl-nla- r attention Paid to MILITARY and POLICE UNIFOtttt& nlHdm FHITLK BILLTM AN. rai'rnB in IUinoia Tarins for CI. 000. THK rilinoif Central Ritlnn.1 Ctinipanv onvrw rich J Prairie Lands adjacent to Its Railroad at $U r JL. acre. A tract of eighty acres will ir.akw a pd, comfortable homestead. The purchaser ciftyb'iyon lon credit, (wjin infcirfst at six per cvnt. ftuinmlly, and If iie has ooe thoiuwifid dullaro In inouey he can, this year, it tho low p Ices of luwlier, contract for a couvenlnt house, fencing, and farming tool. Tlie Conipauy iuu Old over one thousand of euch tracts of land this sea-io-n. It U well known that Chicago eends more grain to market than all the Western Like ports included. This if the best proof of the richness and great value of the Illinois lands. The Illinois Central Railroad was finish- ed lo lb;!, built through a Fpareely settled country. It take! to market thii year upwards of tldrtcen million of tmsiiids of grain, besides cattle, hogs, aud mauy other roducts. For further Information apply by letter or !n person to ind Commlsaioner, Illinois Central Railroad Co., Do Your Own Printing! Cooky's Cabinet Prfating: OGico, esijmed for Small Tr Inters, Stationers, Merchants, Diiigiati, Uroceit, mnfeers. Amateurs, the Army j aod Navy, Ac M. are Ihe impiii$ and ftroiigHst and beat made of any cheap rrnp ever luvenwd, and occupy lew (pace; cau be operaVd by any one, whether printer cr not, a:d are sold at pne s nUherto unheard of. th it is to say at sbout the price of Job Presses now In use. i he Cabinets upon wliich the Fretee etun) are oompoeed of small Casos, noatiy and utrongly put to- gether, and fr compactness and roavenience have nev- er been equaled. Call aod eiamtne, or send for R I ring tize. prices. Ac Bll J. G tOOLkV A CO., 1 t?Tnie- - (rf. N Y. Pissolution. ertirtnership heiytofore existing n tha nndericnedj under the firm ef JACK ft BROTH- ER, Is this day disrolved. J Q. Jack having the out ire iotorst in tlie stock and Is authorized f settle the pftrtiiership businesa and to use tlie name t the tiroi for the purpose, J O. J A 'K, KDVVD W. JACK. Louisville, KyAng. 14, m. notzcb! nndertnied will continue the WHOLF8AI.E GROCKRY and COfttMISSlON hucintrs at thcol? tand. No. iiO Main street, between Third and Fourth, J. Q, JACK. Lonlsvllle, Aug. IT, lPffl.-- dtf Ohnng-- of rino. TBIi&IK8 4 CO, have eeciet(1 W A. OAIL- - with their firm, aod purchaBed the tUnd if SMITH & OMKR, oi south ride of Market utreet, jelow Floyd, whre they will conduct the WHOLK-- ALB ar.d OKOCT.KY aod PE(pTj(jK Connected with their boose th-.- have a good WAOON-YAK- with ample accommodations for lOTaoe, wagone, and olhar vphiclos, and would be gifcd ioaoe their old ftienda. T. HUANK, H. T. HOItl), Jnly IMPo.-d- tf W. A. OAlLFRMTfL Split -- bottom Chairs. WB ARE ACKNNS FOR TTT1! BALC OF y Chairs, and have In store for sale a large Lit of n A, U 8UOTWKLL SOV, JeSadtf Wall street Having Inst returned from Cincinnati. rpre 1 have procured, through tho kiittlnera ot l.l. K. AwuKBftON, one large aud ouo email ei.-'- Piioto-obaf- h of htmeetf, in ftdl uniform, witb tha identical cloak and cat worn by htm at Foil Suipptur durii.g Hie bombardment, I erj no- - ive-l- to funileh bis tileu-i- and artniirerw with rtupli.: itef of each ezo at my Oatfoiv oi at Fi ank M.addeu'3 Bookatore, 3.H Third ti . B. KLALBKIi, R Hive OaU-r- y, Main ftir. InnMl dlvts hetwn Third nd I i BAG8 PACE OTSOFR 1 J 3i gra Fiue-n- t Cli; tug IMEDICAL. Ljite PTfo4wr nf Frole CUniqoe de ile-ilir- Fharutiicy la Fa; in, n Fr Jtciiiiouer of TO M .a FRIKSnS ANO THK ANNO'NCKS to Jv- - tt his time to the cur-l- n of the toll'iwice diae"', viz:, i; Ids, A'hii-A- rif. Drry. Tr:-7e- Liver Coiiir.lR'ut, Pilea, Firtula, KheumAtm, ticr'tuia, Whift; dwelling. Nervous Atfectijn, tavnz aud Ajue, Blf' im t'ompKinra, 4c. Itt. ha m"t with great ?nccea by hts ;uoiie ot treatment of di;e!Ve wh- -r other vsry Piuiunt ph' s'clane t;vf tat'fd to prcihioo ciue. To attisi hie cjuti'ieoce in hi uwn tkili mri, hQ will nud'Ttake ihe cure of all pttivj wi'hauT thwf e the cot of medi'ine, uo lee iintd al-- ' th reit ratiou ol their ht;ith, I)ie"ae of a peai;!ar ctiamctrr h rurauties to radlcsllv in a fow dys with ut or Uriond mi'dicin, Hn iiuts to ail, no matter how Bvcre or loun standing the diea", an effectual cure, or He ryuir-- im pay. Ft mal- s wirh irierutari-tlna- , deMLV , c, otn be permanently re- lieved by lr. V. Invalid iu any Sf'.itiou ot tW coun- try, by addrvslrjg a lettur to him ( and a fee, enu have adrice, aud meiliclue will be pioi nr.ily 'entthein. l f1ii'e'i"Ti'i j doort frcra th comer cf Own and Flocd tre-- -. Louis vi Ic, Ky. Olfloe honis fiOLl b to 13 A. M. aud trota i to 7 P. M. In. A. J. VANiEifcLl':i: rn'i prod wt ever On hi'ndrrfl cer'ificaTea ot ttie p dy cure ot vnnns diseaad. tatl .td Ml dlv X H A Ij X4Q Tjouisvilie MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ON T3H FLAN OF TUB H03TTAL DS3 VKNKRIENS, PAIUS, &'ltii:rj'i& W HBH? tboan aflllcted with any fi'im of Private IisB" c:,n receive , prompt tieatn-ctn- wltlior.t rlk or exposure, viz: dyvbilis. Gonorrhea, rV-- Oteet. Ucer-- , T tT Jy Cani,"ve. Seooudary. ad CotiR!tu- - JTtirf dT:l". Phaser r.f the feld- - j ,(.'. this it is jr- -' jf provi.d ibfct the venereal coi.'plii,it U ai "iHirpl;.- - ir.'lcr the coa'rol of mrdiii!i at is a emcion cM or imt'lo fever: aud, whMa ItiWifticieut P,thzb ftro diilv eemiing iway Llialr ralenti In h'spylccjoias, and .i:g tnr1 : op o!y fiovi tUfir own Incompetency, oreie p(T v.t cutcj ai'O constantly bning effected M tLf! Innrmaj. YOUNO WEN. TAK-f- PAttTIC-LLA- NOTIfTA- .- Dr. U. dT?cU rii.rh of bis tiui? to th) tros.trae!it of the rwHs C4USr-.i- ry a FP'rre bt(i wt:ich rnina both Wr ar"l irdnd. until t in tbn Titif'.rfK-nA- iDdtvidual fr iThr bcieiut'ss or oijtv. Tho el-- ct cf ear'.y or the ezcew of rlpor yearrs am to wiu 'jd debt li tat: the cr.n-t- i! uion, Oesiroy thn yhypical arid mental power, rti!''UQh aud enfebl-- the natural and exheisfc tho vital ol manhood; the pleasures oi Life are the oiijeot of and exieteuw itcti rendered a trm of unceas- ing misery and r;r?t. Such paroon, eperially th'? contemp'fttinp mftrri5iga, flLd lrw uo tima in making 'mmedtat! application, as l)v. H., by his new treatment, is enabled to injure a epeidy ?.r,d pcmreut ewe. DR. HALL'3 A MV.KICAN PKBIOOICAL 1'ILLS,-arti- cle of mhcine lntd?d for theexflusive c of female has ever yot been Introduced that haa slven fntib anlrt-rsa- l as the American Purirtdicsi Pilla. rhy csa be ndied ou in all caews af MenstnutLl Otetme-tlon- Irregularities, Ac, as a sure and safe remedy. Price, per mail, ftl and ne postage tmp. Fa,lent living at a uttJauee cau be euied at home by deciii tioQ cf their diaoaso and iacloitng tnjp. Medicine sent to any direst. OfI'Cfl No, i Jeorson Btrert, batwwn First anfl Second. OOice open from 7 A. fd. to P, M. flWdtf L. HALUM. D. 'HI023 FROPObrS TO TRr.T FISTULA UPON 1;I3 PRINCIPLK OF NO V f rURB NO PAY. Iu ev.r y in?t--- the mo-ie- will be refur.'id if the cure is not Miup!et-- d. TUiy doilara ie the From t wo to eis;tit week- ia ac loa a tiwe as the doe tor require to perform a cure. Scrohila, Bcom)ary SvphiJlr, Files, and all Chronic DiseJiee treateii by r, Ptiro. No charge f;r midciceB or attention If placed under his chase unless a (ure La perlonued. We, the undrwigned, from persinal kaowteJgA, are abl to state that Dr. Price cut certainly ani nriy re- lieve the horrid Otia'tlm or and rortorra a nprdv cure tn bJ! o: thedisa-e-s euum-rate- u above. We have certificate from r'spct-hi- e s to the cui-- enuroei'atd per- formed by Dr Pic. We have uo doubt of his ability to do all he proposes, WILLIAM S. I. MBGOWAN, Late Ebentf of canity, ity. IJVKL II. UOUbAU. an' HaI flvnvitkf SB. 1A PRIVATE MEDICAL TREAT IfeS 01 THS rUTStOLOGlCAL YI0.W 0 MARRIAGE. M Pages aud 1SU Fine ritlu and Ooiorvd I jthographa. ONLY TWKNTY-FIY- GZNTBa W3nt free of postage to all parts of the Unloa.A ON h9 tnflrmitiea cf yoatn and Di'itni-ity- dbtrhMing tho ee dftfo'Iiw of both sexes of all ag-- , cs'ie'ii debility, nervons-nti- , d riwion 01 pint, of toe snicidal o ko. In vol uuIhjv bt u h- - 'xs'tir t. v'ioii aili laspl tude, &c- ecmpria- - TjN" '"f ''hirty eorrtvinrp. It is a tnith--OS- Tr- advleer to th niariMand J fc X.'Nrt.' ecu Umi plating LuairtB. who oitertain secret doubts oi th.-i- r pli-- f tcil oonditlnu, and who are CMiscin-o- f having hAaarded tlie Imalth, hftppin, .rtvilts to wht-.- li overv hi'man b.?tng wut'lled Wilh of a Ivwnling School Mlsa. atolkgo Sti.ent, and a Yo:ag IdarrieJ Lady, fullci comauoo find thrililnt' inteiont. Yoims men who ar tviuMod with weakness, by a b.d hibit io youth, (lie ects of oich are 'UzUiehs, p'Uns, sovMMtlma a i inniiig in the cur., weak erne, 'kne of the biick and lower extret'iitiea, couJuion of i(it-j- , lose of urr-ory- with melancncly. runy beun d bv t lie aut liar's NEVr FAKIli A.N! LoN'XiN TtttA1',i?tiNT. We t.i. recni'iv ai'iti mnrh of our time in VlSiTIN Tf FUPOTLAN H 8PI i'Al.. avellhig oiueelvM of tho fuid resjarches of the most skilled and t'.uifons In Knrope ftnciu the CoritinRntBiirb inttu a CtVlAJLK. LK NOIRE, KItJORD, Mo:ciit:rt;AU, ACTON, ad CUKMNO, oi the French and Enrlb hospitals. Onr toar exttndt.-- thn-u- France. Italy, OermaBv, Hol- land, ilug'.-uhl- eri Walna, vi.'ins lit our r."no Uir yvin'.tpd hoetiu.! in Prlc, Locdnn, Rome, Yeuice, Hrwlen, Perlt:i. Ac.. &o. Wa hava been ampiy by tiie additional luiowl-odg- a we dbth acijuiri-- hi the treirm?nt of virions diee?ee to which we have directed our attention. Tnoce who pLvs thenvelvea utider Our crire wiil, whether mate or rnia!, oo? hvi tle fill benei't of the niaoy NFvV ANO FFFlClKN'V KKMF.DIKS which we are enabled to Introduce lrto our praci ice, thpnbllc way vest assured of the same eraL assiduity. SkoRBCY, and attention beijg paid to thotr eowsa. which has eo ns br.t.-- f a, aPhyrtcvn In our FECLTdAft ccparLment ofprUea p ctlom. Mmticcc with fn.1 directions tent to any part of foe United titites or CanadA!. by piti'.-nt- oaimimtcatin thetr eymtntna by lettcn CutliifJ coirwpoud3no itrirtly conuditiiL rJf"j)r. L.'s OlI.ce la ctiU lomttd u oKblL-hod- ; under t!ie nniTia of IU;. LA CKOLX. PV'lo insnre ppfetv to nil letters "THK IA CR- UX AbKDICAL INaTlTuR," 4 No. SI Maiden Luxtn. Ailauy, N. Y. . . ' Zxissoiution Kotico. TITE COPAH NEK HIP begto.oro exirttng nndw I Uio firm f 8. J. HAKrS A Oo, I this dap di;lved by liiutuat consent. ajd 6 J. Uaia U ch'.rg-- d wirh the. settlement of the LUflincNca. 6. I. HA KB, C C, HAltK, LoalevlHe, Oct 13, W. Ii MILLS. SJ. HAP.E will ronhnne ths buslnesa at the old ol: d'f H, liBt'.. HAVANA CIGARS. 1 ((U vnovry.D ClOAttS of the mott fft-- lJv,vUU lctbraud, such El Sol. Pnin.,A ....n.uiiui Cwt vat.tfs, Mw;cr!n, Ii'timtdad, &a Also Ghowiaj aod Smoking- - Tobacco For sale wbolftttJo and retntl t? Fovrn PKYNAPO, 0'29 T..ifc-ct- 1 ys villa iljiel. o KFOfl PUKM MALAGA WiMtor medl chial pur- - pyaoa, Uis sale by FDWT FEYNArX), rt4TTtnt ly.iUvtl!p Co'Pros oons Yirn, aw'rw? rumbers; do wh.te CaTiei CtiAic Co col n d d do; do Wrapp Di Twine; i;i di 8ine d5; Hi'J do Oundlo-Wlfk-- reels . aeeorteili SMI Ihs Trot Lines: U (JtZ'tt Lb do F lo L ! in 4ni bales No 1 li&rt; bi io No, 2 di; In and for sale by id) CARPWCg CO. C. L. S. MATTHEWS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING Aud Produce Doaler NO. IU FOURTH BTKKKT, WKST BIOS, HKT. 02 MAIN AND Ttli4 HIVKR. 1IKN by 1,'J10 jardi Flax and Cottcu aod Tow for p5 C L. 8. MATTHKW8. VM Fourth ot. yTKaW- -) bales prime Wheat juot received and O f,)i talo by r.V, C L g, M ATTHI.WW. i?l Fourth st. HA Y Mm ba'es by choica Timothy for sale tJ c'.oija nl 5 :. L. P. MATTlTP-wa- Hr i?4 Wnl! sL C"ORN by oJsackd prime oid Ear lut and for ul5 C. L. S. M'ATTirEWB, NX 124 Fonrtn st. (ROT."r-'- J5 bbU fluperi:r Croat ja-- t received and for C L. B. MATTHVWa, Ko 14 F0"rh tt r BBLS SOFT SIIKLL AI M NDS; J lu boxei o Irnwrvci; 4 boiL3 iJfli Jinte:. 4 (' Jt da do; Received this day aud ioi Ie r? ,i TKKHY A CO,, 613 Main s. WUODKN WAK14 n ilucke'p: do S do No. 1 Tuba: Jnrt received aud lor .ale by di OARDNFK A CO. WAXK, POK, AND liiiOWMNCL New editious. i3 Jtlue and NATIONAL HlStMS. Grant White rich book up- on and eelettiotia Ironi the liyuina o tiered to tiie fit?mitt-'- OLIVl K WFNDELL UOLMES'd KKW I,. A. C'VItL. SVhOliirB CL!r Yinrg ar; lhi doz'n oiiio Picunir 75 da I't ie ard ret Itackets; fcu do V. to ne-t- s Tubs: ha d ,zi'Q Scrub B:?orup; fcil tlo )1 In dt 8i"kQg ! di ilro. iu d ; i u t' I 7j fo ottr O Sdt'tf, dj T'UegU; me Oite-- ' i&u hr-- t liMi hiktn iinK!t s ''j: h froiH tioruta i do; 2".' Pp""- la to st"" ("i" t " W. HE. STOKES, (SUCCE880B IMPORTER A-iNTT- J DEALEH COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, ed Sadulery W4rehoc59 ISTo. 435 Main St., between ITiflh and Sixth, Lioulsvlllo, V Memhanta and MannfaAtnren would find tt to their Interest to examine my stock ti making their pot, rtuutrm, aod orders from a dtrtance will he attended to as if made in perwon. dpow&warmti MISCELLA1NEOUS. ATTRACTIVE GOODS --A.t Low Prices, IVE desire to red nee our present stock to tlte lowest poee'ble limit before tbe 1st of January, to pre- pare for an entire new assortment next Spring, aod In order to eff ct this we shall ctter special Inducements to our cnstoiueri from now until that date. We ask buyfcra to examine tbe quality and revised prices of our ( hina Dinner tnd Tea Sets. Glassware. Silver and Plated Ware, A&4 other Housekeeping Goods, And especially oar magQlficent assort meul of Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures. We promise satisfaction In a!l c&sea. E. V. HAUGHWOUT & CO., Nos. 490, and 4(U Broad war, comer of Broome stet, NEW FOR A. Parties throughout the country aeudlog orders by mail will receivv prec"ely the same advantages, and their or den be as promptly attended to, as If personal, ly present to rzike the pr.rc.hase. 098 dtjanl ROCKWELL'S COMBINATION UNION CAM? CHEST CPatent Applied ForX 50 axsd f S3 Broadway, If. BOLE AGENTS. Invite ths attention of Army and Navy officers' to this mw and improved Union Camp Oliest, WuVh conpr'ei within the dimensions of Bl Inches length, H iuchue hivadth, and 11 Inches depth, a porta- ble Pant it, CJnaining all tte culinary and mechanical appliances for or lx person; a Dining Table of H by Zl iuch.- - spread, durable enough for the rongbeet war. and a etr.-e- - from its streugth aud coiivaolnt iimpitcit:-'- , pppcilly suited for camp cooking. This combination of PAMliT. ST0FE, AD TABLE, the result of a mxit careful study of tbe necessitie and incidents of ctunpaigidztg and of tbe articles In use by the Jrif of rrT JBnlmn4f w4 jPr commends lt?elf to the American soldier alike by Its a.tnvep.ifMioo, darability. and ampacity. Tii agenta have had in tbir emfjibllshment every camp ch-- of not In ue at home and abroad, and do not h?tit.ittt to prononuoe thl ooe, in thlr Judgment, trranitly upei1or to any known; for the justice of nhtch afsrtlou they court a goueval examination and Th) STOVr?, a" well nn the TAB LB, is so constructed a to be bv Itself, nd can be cued with any army client or tnuik In voiie. i'ricii of L'oion Csjnp Chest $38 and $48; of Tab! te :! tfuS; of oil dtt CLARK'S RESTAURANT. FIB3T OF TUK 8KASON. Quail, Q rouse, Venison, Sholl Oyster, And all other delicacies of the season. W. A. CLARK, Proprietor. tWTaWe P'Hote from 1 to 4 o"clock- - o3 d4tn Camp Equipage. I AM prppired o furnish Begimenr. or Com pan Ie with Camp Slows, Camp Kettle. Plates, Arm Cups m7i and Forks, Spoons, Canteens, Mesa Pans, Cot, Cnuip Siools, Sc on short notice. P. M JONKS, oU blSAJtf Fourth tt . near Ntttonal Hotel. Officers' Camp Chest. TBK most complete article of the kind ever invented. and it. P. M, JONK8, M9 ' 'S"tf Fonrt.h pt.. iai- - Htfll. Preserve the Main STRATT AN iTkATIIAIIlON, Tor Froervir.e, Ktorin?r, and Bmo-tifyi- tbe Hair. JUSTLY CKLBBRATKD AKTIOLB 18 d A In the City or Lowiuvilt.ic, at the tot Drug ritore, and the proprietor cin.lms that it Is superior ua Lianv rp'je's to auy prp;arstion of the kind now Id rw, and warrant that it will give complete mtifactloo ft virtues have been hil!y tasted, and nnmherlea. teatl nonAl can t produced as to its emcaey. i irdr? frin the oountry fLclted. Wlioleeaie orl- - $1 per doim. Retails at 95 emti par bottle. O, Ii. BiivATI AN, Manufaoturer, Juoe-- i dtf Oppositf the Ferfrxmery, Boap Toilet Qoods, Blc JUST RECFIVBD ArJD OPENED A LAHGK 1UAYE of Handkerchief Kxtra-.t- s, Toilet Scape, Bru-he- , and Fancy Ooods, which I am sal Hug at r.w rates. I intend to cater to the wants of my tni-ud- arid patrous In every particular, and trust Obey will continue former favors. O. U. BTKATTAN, Apotbooary, June4 nf Opposite the e, Grayson Springs, Ky, rr,ITE nnderslgned having the entire control of Jame. m. F, ClurkwMi's Interest in this e?thli aliment., will or- -n the same for the reception of visiters ou the 10b ot Jun- -, with a promise to aep a plain end suK'taatlsd Koti'cky Hotf, InrludJng all the beat cnppliaa the country will aifuid, and souciti patronage. Tebmb or Boaotji ...-- 1 9 Do. a week 7 0t' IM. mouth. a ) Children aud servant and half price. H .mes t.t 5i) $ week. )Htt M, P. (TLARKSO?. X OAS Great Sacrifice on LACE 3, EMBROIDERIES, FANCY GOOPS, HOO? SKIRTS, HOSIERY, WIIITE GOOPS, LINEN CAM FRIO, JACONLTand SW1S8 EDGINGS aod INBERT ING3, JACONRT, SWIB9, and LACE FLOUNCING 3, aod In short our entire stock, comprlring tbe moat boao- - t!f-i- diri-n- s aud ftylea, Will bo Sacrificed for Cash. The ladioa will do well to call at once and secure the greatest and most dealrale BARGAINS of the season. OKRUART Ar CANNON, m? 895 Fourth St., opposite Meart HalL HOT SPRINaS. HOT 8PRTNO COUNTY, ARKANSAS. Qotels at Hot airings (Hal? and Proctor Bonaea Ml bavn been bleudod ad improvemeots mado to accommodate neirr i?rrrrtEio vuttorh at ar.y time througout the e.r. lliese wonderful Springs positive Lnuibago, Paralysis, Gout, 8t VIIju's Dance, StorlJity, lrn potency from disease, Venoreal dlseaoea. Mcrcureal ditu Bcrofula and Ol&ndular dueasea, ana ait lonni vi OJkUi uicsfr, R. A. CLAYTON, Froprtetor. Dr. G. W. Lawreno", the Medical examiner of Hot springs, will supply olrcitlaxs to applicants. N. B. MarenrlM. Iodlnn, Sulphar, and other medl eiated vapors fnrnihed when reqnlred- - JanUS diy Srandies & Crawford, CHAIN D2ALEHS, A VB rrmoved to the new Warehouse on the tontn- - K west eorner ol Main and First stroeta. Wo will pay th hlrheit icarket priee for all kinds of 'Jrsin, cnvered at on r store oral any gooa smppiug pjlut on the O o nvr, dtf BRANT BIS A CRAWFORD. Mutual Life Insurance. rVFW RN;F.ANI mVTFAIj LIKE COMPANY. No. :3 State itreet. Boa-ta- In euro live, on the mntual rrinch-le- . Not Accnmnlatlon exceeding H 1 ,SAO.f0, and In-- ereasipg, for the benefit of membrs, preeut and the whole safely and advantageonsly invted. The business conducted exclusively the benetit of the pr rsons tn?orwi. TJie ereator H?k taften cn a life I.'VO'HpV. B irplus distrtbutd among the members esiry fifth year- - from December 1, lr4 setuea in caQ or py aau-ti- - n to potior. Premlcms may be mid qnarterly or whre desired, and amounts not too small. Forms of apvication and pamphlets of the Company and it" repot U to be bd of its agent or at tho office OI the Company, or forwarded by mail, U wrlttvn for poit-pai- DIRECTORBi Marshall P, WUdar, 6owrl Taprin, Charles P. Curtis, Wiliiara B. Keynolda, Thomas A. Dextsr, Gore U. Folger, Charles Hubbard. . W. TbaxttT, Francis C LowelL James Stnrgi". WILLARD PHILLIPS, President. 1irJAJrTi! F. Btxvicm a. Secretary. W. W Mobjuu4d, M. D., Consulting Fhywrian, aufftn dly POWDER T ALL ooallt'es ronftantjy on hand and fot tale by O DA TS & UFKtfD, Agaats for the AaanaacturBn, I.WTTBVTLTJL Sept. V 1&89 XTmntt. Davkj A Bpksd, Agcta of Oriental Powder Co., Loui-vtll- fnfs Wo have been nHng your DJastlng Powdfr and we take oleacure In stating that we tind It eoual if not cuporior to any Powder that have ever nsed. ARTHFH CAMPBELL, BTrperlntendcint for Smith A Smysac, I oordlatrr ecnrnr ta the above and cheerfully raootn- - mend it to tbe public. J. 1. BMi i u. I ennslder the above Powder superior to any we have ever been able to obtain. U. t uaJ a. We take pleasure In rocommonding rour Indian Orien- tal Rifle Powder aa equal if not superior to any we have .Mr Maori. It heiii VHtv rlwnlv and strong. Ihla we asxert altar a thoron WeL-tI- roo J, FRY LA WRKN'jSS, 8. T. HKOWpMt, H A. KNEASTiOt. SAOHAHV L. TAYLOR. 1 .ttf A bti:n. l 3 ca-'- el- or Btd-s- : b d hinnld-T-'- ; Cieon: li' iiar? i.Jsar-cu'ti- ! U:n; to .M'.Ul t. AUCTION SALES. a. . aagrT .jl b. mm AND C rMMi;SION MBKCBNT AUCTTONBBR3 and Wall streets, LonOvlIle, Ky. WUslj advances ma-l- on gods consiguod to at t any amount. Mr- - are at a'l t!ne re sdy to attend to sales 0 Etat. Marshal's or t'Juitable's Sitfa, Houaeljoi Fumitnre, fe.. ou tenna satWaetory to v MISCELLANEOUS. AT WHOLESALE $200,000 Worth of DESIRABLE CLOTHING 25 per Cent. Lees ro XX 1ST OOOT, For Cash. BT DEVLIS, HUDSON, & CO,. BROADVi'AT, CORNER WARREN STREET, L. 8. B. de CP.CTY....01. RAJjY, Agant), TrS atreet, adtolnlan the Jetinial OlBoe 3Scias Ui more an.l tor sa!e in 0,1 ir titles Lu Ito snlt purcliafi-- a fine asortjuent of WINKS aud LKlUOKo, sath as j BOUUICAUX. BOrK(iOR. rOCJMAlM. Bordeaux; pnmard; Bordeaux; DoMdoc Frnt3gttaTi; L'jnel: Et. Kitepha. Voln&y, Lai'iedon. Momlle, Vln da Tokay, Anaagnao, and Gardu.ii. mars dl y ELIAS now, Jr.. S.n.RCPER'8 J. 1ST "A? TTJE MOFT RR INT 1MPP.OVEO SfiuttleSewingMacMne FOR ALL E1NT3 np WORK. PRL T, 875. Warranted the 13st in the rSstrketJ Fine finished, etroug and durable; wheel feed of great power; y imi;lo in ceimtnictjon: cot a wire abont It: all Its parts are most admiralty ani ingenioua-l- y arranged; cannot pnsibly t out of order, bftaute everythiug is permAoeutly uoue so easily un- derstood and ojmU-d- aod sews lb-- n.ost beautiful stch ever beheld, piwrtaaly shko on N'th sides. Tai- lors and all who have seen it pronounce it the best ever sent to UUt vicijii: v. All arc cordially to ezamiue it, T. JOHNSTON, Asi-n- . dly L1'- t srrt- - MARTIN & CUUIIIB UGH COl IPourtli et., Iltve In etore one of tba largtet s'ockj of Staple and Domestic Goods 10 De itrand 11 tue ctty, compriri-j- in put w,ooo yards bleacued cxittons: lu,i'00 YARDS NEW STYLE PR NS; 8,000 YARDS BROWN CANTON FLANXEUS. a,LJ0 YARD 3 BLEACH KD FO DO- - LOOO YARDS REAL M ANOIIR3TER UINQUAMS: ALEXANDER'S AND BAJOC KIDF. HALLARDYALE AND SH AKKR FljANNRLSt LADIES' AND GENTS UN DEI'. WEAK; MOURNING GOODH: CLOAK9 AN SOAAYL8: BF.0 AND CB4DLB BLANfnrfSj ME KINOES AND LAI NFS; HOSIERY In all raiiitlw. riH C4MFT ONLY. "Walker's Ezdiange, THIED BT, BET Y KEN MAIN AND AtARKTT. Received every moi-nin- . VKNT ON, flWOITK DC TT. QCIT-- . WOOI O )CK, fQLiKHl.L i iulL r.d H o bvr Inmnes of f hw iffivei d.ii v a 1 "err d in styl-- L O r Br I lippr. d with ihevfT1" cholct oranns or a, l.iui'MY, Clarj, i atd Aunican Alea and Sorters. JOHN ( AWETM A CO, tf lrh lauib' tanov rrrFrg vrar ,w'Ar?w Our 'txk of Laie' Fur" ! complete, 5;'-- f "'eb-acl:- i every d1 aerlpti'xi irom th-- t rtneit Si Kble tfi Vi r. in:m ne.d t'oify, a d for tii fcUurfwta will fall thtm at low pricea. FRATUl.R A SMI ill, df l&h 4?0M-it- st... hK Four- and KiPh jr DRKB3 HA TH of rh v ty finest material and fir? at very low pricej for :vU FRATUE3 A SMITH, d7 J4b 42 ' Malu't. SOFT HATS AT WAR PRICES can be had fPJ of FItATllEJt A SMITH, JU4T ltliCEPTKD! f PAL Tliread I aco Eiptnftt h0 a yard and opwvdt, t R-- Va1!. v at c " " ieal Lace Col I irs at i"." a piece" Embroidered Undkddcfi at " . Do hilars at) ' Ruffl d tlhrirdte Band' and 8iv- - at 8Cc a piece; inlaats Waies mi J R b:S; FNe Oermii'i Linen Rvbbln Lire.: Fine French EiuU'"dired Cj lur and fur iliser, Al-- o a st nil lt of Fine Frerrb Einbroid red and tolii French GnJpure Lao C'd'arttci, v-- tyr-Al- l of which will be sold vry ow for cash only at CUAKLE3 F. RACMir iiBJ' Cheap Lace flora, nSfi 4h ' st. (otd No. (". NEW BAYT0ZT ALE AT TUX ST.CStARLES It U S T A 17 51 ATi T Fllrh straut, botwewj Nia aod Muket. IU3T RECEIVED A LOT OF WINTER ALE, .1 tb celeJratod maau:aoi'irt;r, J. W, HARRIS, Dr-to- Ohio. I bftre bpo aplntpd aent for Louivin? 3 to above Ale, sjid I wiU kp a l:ui. tock . icae eon t ant you baud, in harr Js, hai, k- -, and JalTand try the Dayton At at the 9T xtiRLK8 GREAT REDU0T10H Lithographs, Gilt Frames. Lookiug-GIasse- s, Walking A fine aafortment, and CS CAPER THAN EVB w.3rfT ffarfce .. nod Third aad S. vV. roar :riei .tid Freen eta At nrjND koveis A.T CRAIG'S: Army Hats; Army Caps OFFICERS' DRR3S UAT OFFICERS' FATIGIB CAPS: BATS AND CAPS FOB LNFANT8Y, 0 AND ARTILLERY. GOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL HAT AI FOR PRIVATES. All the above, and everythiu ft a at and line, on hacd and made to crlar ,.hh rmr''prh "id Mnlnet. GOLD F0S FAPSE BEST AKD CHEAPEST Clirif3tina3 O-iftO- a VOGT & KLINIi BespeetfaUy orTer for Inspection jd Mie ft larf and iplendid :ortiaent of T 2D "W" 3D JLm IOL 1sl9 of workmanship ao l fiahionable strl( Coral, CarU.ncrt, &c. artl"! realty good, Cn, and nnd 0errh'ng U'lf.igh: to oar line, 01 Eurupeau tupoiL, lis, Yo.k ((.tiit aoi Our own make. IlaviDg hvon br conslffnon toCTjOSB OUT i4 tr at any rt'te r.itb ;i ilix;- tot'.iru gocrt, m ow. lug to the hard thnrs. '.! 13 t. LPT NO t.AMl Ct rlTOKR HO Otl tbe store of pr'.r.L'. wb bivit-- fmr Mi-'-i M ttj to eH and esamoe ovr ?rkt r- fib: tneir wajitt and wish. wii! k. .; thu. V piarijieA. Nd I'Ju eacltP prti-i- M -- i i if o- 15 d7 ta r, eox. ' Ma'n ft. liiLI-B'- f? boy. chotce Wit-r- R'erv7: lUtjb-,r- fr Lv

Transcript of THIS 7ISVIIX1 DAI Confed ra'e Court at Nashville has...

Page 1: THIS 7ISVIIX1 DAI Confed ra'e Court at Nashville has had a number of prisoners beore it ia the last four or five dvn. ihy were cnietly





MOKU'TfoaTe--D!- ly, delivered Inally, by mai1, bi idncte B OT

Jirintry daily I Oy

00Wtekly, tn advance, single eoty 1 J

la "tub of five ot ovr IWWttemittaiiawi by mail la reentered letters at oar


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Advertisement inserted only In the Evening Ba!letlnill be charged bah the above prices; ii Inserted to Daily

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HuMitia, h the above prices.utvtjrtUemeot kept ioo the iui do oi the Journal re

barged an extra prtra.AnvstiTiRUiQ Katsa In Wtvklv ,oumfil Each wmre

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Written notiw- mart bf given to take oat and stop adverttwmfotB of yearly advertlaerv bofore the year

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wltboat prvioni notice to 119, nor wi!l any thai tee

made for Irw than one year at the yei!y ratea.

KEW3 F0M THE RKBEL ETATE3.W hav received additional tilea cf Southern

fipera. Our dates from K ashvilla ar.d Bowlinglireen are to the 5th icst., from K'ebmcnd and

to the same date, and from New Or-

leans to the 8d. We make pome Interesting estracts:

The RrcxviHe (Tenn.) Register of the t.h eiy:'iarrett Hall, formerly of Morgan county, Tenn.,lut who for tome mootbs has been with the EastTenoetwfe Lincoln troops in Kantacky, was arrett-ed in tha couoty on Mooday last, aod broughttrj this c!y by Confeierate troops. Wenndersta'dhat, when arrested, he was acting In the capaci-

ty of a recrniiloR otiicer for Lincoln's army inKentucky. He U represented as a det psrate man.and in making the arrest he was shot by one ofthe Confederate party, bn, we understand, notseverely wounded Considerable corioaity wasman! esled by lite citiztna ou his arrival every-body wanting to get a peep at the "mule." Hewas lodged in the city jail.

A bill was presen ed in the Teneesaee LegUU-tur- e

on the 4th, requesting the Judges of theSupreme and Circuit Courts, Chancellorz, andJustices of the Peace, not to hold their courts,during the continuance of the war, for the trialof C3BB8 wherein debts and money are Involved.

The Rev. Leroy M. Lee, of the M. E. Charch,has been stricken, with appoplexy.

Gov. Letclnr, of Va., in an official statement,says the amount expended by the State of Vir-

ginia for war purpose?, biace her secesafoD, ex-

ceeds six millions of dollars, and that every de-

mand against her has been considered and dis-

posed of; and that every do mane1 allowed has beenpaid on presentation at the Treasury.

A correspondent of the Columbus (Ga ) Suncommunicates the foil awing particulars of a heart-

rending accident that occurred rtcsntly in Da1

county, Alabama:On the eight in qneslion, Mr. John Vann and

wife wont to Mr. John Bsverett'f", leaving tluirchildren, five in number, at home. UariDg theirabience the honae caught lire and burned themtip. Mr. Vann had built a room at the rear endct the bouse with n door leading out exceptthrough to the front, aod the children were inthat room, aod perhaps asleep until the housewas burned so r that they could not get out.Their hearts and be nee were feuc'i, two at thedoor which led into the room, two others in acorner, as far from the fire as they could get, andthe infant about three years old, who was inbed where the bod was burnt.

Mr. Jamw B itton, Jr., Representative in theLegislature from Graen county, East Tennessee,has been arretted on a charge'of disloyalty to therebel Government.

As an evidence cf the existence of a strongUnion feeling in seme portions of the SouthernConfederacy, we clip the following from the Nash-

ville Union and Anvrxda of the or.U inet.:The Confed ra'e Court at Nashville has had a

number of prisoners beore it ia the last four orfive dvn. ihy were cnietly from the countiescf Carlcr, Ha&iilroc, 5rid'ey, and McNairy.

Some twenty of thoie from a:t Tennessee tor kthe oath of allegiance and enlisted in the Con-federate milltiry service. Soma of them haveUft for Columbus and othtr points. A portionof them were discharged and others were

to Knoxville for further proof.Six were yosterdy brought in by the

Depu'y Marshal uuder procsi from the Confede-rate Court. Thev were arrested bv a force detailed by Un. Kouben Davis, from Co:iaib,

They are charged with instigating atreasonab'e reeistanea to the Confederate laws bymilitary force, and more e pacially lesistacco tothe enlistment proclamation of Gov. Harris.

It seems that their UnionL-- assumed a newphase These iMsee were contir.aed on affidavitnntil Tuesday, the 10. h inst , bv the AssistantDntrict AttoVnev, T. B. Childress, Esq ( Inordorto obtain proof for the Confederate Government.They were put nnder heavy bonds to appear onthe 10th inst., with repectabU friends of theConfedeate States as thtir sureties.

General Edward Sparrow and J. T. Bemmea,Efq , have been chosen as Senators to tlw Con-

federate Congress from Louisiana.Col. Robert Looney has been made President cf

the Court Martial at Knoxvllle, Tenn., to try thebridge burners, of which Court Major J. T.Campbell is tho Judge Advocate.

On the Sd inst., the 8. C. Legislature electodR. W. Barnwell and Jas. L. Orr as Senators intbe rebel Congress from that State.

The Richmond correspondent of the KashvtUeUnion and American, nnder date of November30, saye:

It may interfst your readers to know that Gen.Stuart, who com minds tbe advanced forc3 atManassas, and w ho ii only 8 veirs of age, is tbett)n- - of CoiooeJ (iow lirigader Gntrai)St. Geo. Cooke, of the regular Yankee army.Gen. Cooke has anctler who is aeorpeon in tho Confederate army, and aeon incommand of one of the heavy batteries on thePotomac. He is tbe uncle of ohn f'jter Cooke,the novelist, who is a 6ergejnt io a howitzer com-pany at Leefburg. Gen Stuart's command con-sists of 10,000 men 3,500 cavalry and 12,501) in-fantry. Hts cuvalry have been of im mouse f ce

to the army ia doing courier, vidette,nrtd sentinel duty. Thy have bagged not a fewYankee?, to. twenty-si- of their captives hav-ing arrived here

As to the duin4 of the invisible and inaHlibleCongroFS, I have nothing to gay, preferring toleave that to your "Confederate." Perhaps Icnoldpump something out of our Congressmenif 1 were to tn( but 1 am afraid to associatemuch with thorn not because my pocket wouldhe pkkL for there is nothing in it, no more thanin a Congressman's heart, but because I shouldcartainly acquire a taste lor bid whisky.

The bast way to meet a duger Is to face it,and not pull a face ss long ai your arm and asblank as th dibj rity of prizes ia a lottery officeWhy, that's the way the "young men who livein n tores" in this city are d ing, j jsl because themilitia are going to be called out to be drafted

The Virginia Legislature met at Richmond onMonday week. The Richmond Dispatch of the'2d Fays:

Tbe Federals continue to make incursions inthe county of Fairfax, whenever they think thereis an opportunity of committing a moan outragewithout danger of immediate retaliation. LastWed net d at, a large body of their Civalrv

the village of Dranesvillf, anrf madepria mera of Sf reral citiibns, including Mr. Car-per, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Day and hi Eon. TheFederal Colonel's horse was shot by Mr. T. Cole-man, who was cmceiled in the buhas; but hewas afterwards discovered, tired upoa, and mor-tally woundud.

We clip the following from a Nashville paper:At the annual mooting of the stovfchul lers of

the EaBt Tennessee and Virginia Kiilroad Com-pany, in Kuoxviila, on Thursday, a reetlu'.ionwas adopted, pensioning Keelan, t ho defender otthe bridge at Strawberry Plains, in Kutst-in- atfollowf: $25 per month for one vrar from the dateof his wounds, and thereafter i5 por month forthe term of hU life. If he recover?, and h ableto resume bis po t as watchman of the bridge, heU to retain his situation at bis f.rour salary, iiaddition to bio pension. Tbe Directors of theRichmond, Fredericktburr, and Potomac Rail-road Company hava donated $100 to the Keslanfund.

We are informed that laborers are being hired,through the (i lartermaster s ofHc. for the imme-diate cons' ruction of a railroad from Manaisas toCentreville. As it is estimated that the woikwill require two months for He completion astrong indication 13 sfforded of the intention of curforces to winter in the region cf tbe Potomac.

fiichmond Examiner, Nov. 3,Ia the Tecnesree Legislature, ou the 4th in?l ,

the fjlluwing were cfiored as amendments to thebill to protect the properly vt married women,and are now awaiting aciion:

"lie it macUd, 'IhU In all electionsevery unmaniej woman, being the owner otaxable property, shall be en'ivled to vote a1? malecitizen?, and every married woman bavins sfpaf lite prontrtr, w;)f. btoi xpay be i;;?uivect,

?b ;ll in like manner be entitled to vot, and herb . band shall be disfranchised.

'Be it Jurther (nacted. That all women, ofralever age, rank, profession, or degree, wheth- -'

virgin mid, or widow, that shall impose upon,stduce, or betray into matrimony tny male sub-

ject in the Confederate Statea of America by themeans of rcents, paints, cosmetic?, washes, arti-ficial teeth, false hair, Spanith wto ir .m stays,big s boas, or bolstered hips, hall be dee nedguilty of a misdemeanor, and urou convictionshall be fined the sum of 100 and imprisoned atthe discretion of the court trying the cause."

It will be seen by the following from the Hous-

ton (Texas) Telegraph of the 19th nit. that Trx-- ai

claims her original boundaries;A bill has been introduced into tbe Senatorial

branch of the Legislature by John T. Huconrt,Laq., restoring tbe original boundaries cf theState. It dec! area that Texas iilded assent tothe settlement of her boundary because the ques-tion was linked with the series of meararts com-

posing the compromise of 1800, and f r tbe takeof peace and tbe preservation of the Urinn; thattbe foiled States cas been guilty of bad faith in h 11

the questions embraced in the compromise of 1860,resulting in tbe dismemberment of that Union,for tbe Sbke of which Texas was willing to sacri-fice her Immense territory; that, finally, the Uni-

ted States has broken and violated her part ofthe compact, and therefore it ie annulled and can-celled. The bill then reasserts ti'le to the boun-- d

tries, embracing New Mexico, &c, and author-ire- stbe Government to take mititarv p'Gsaseion.

1 he Telegraph's correspondent says the bill meetswith much favor and will probably pass.

A Southern pjptr cays:The amount of Sea Island cat ton made in the

Confederacy and all the d cotton ofthe world ia made in the Confederate States isabout forty tbou'and-- bales, raised (n the coastsof South Carolina, Georgia, arid Florida. Itwculd be a liberal calculation to allow one half ofthis to South Carolina, acd a still more liberalone to state one third of this amount as likely tofall into the bands of tb enemy one fourth orlive thousand bales wculd be found to far exceedthe fact. This at IfloO por bale would be only$750,000, inntead of tbe sundry millions overwbicu tbe Northern paptrs, eppecially those oftbe great, liberal city of New York, have betncrowing eo loudly.

We learn that the Government has determinednot to give arms to volunteers for twelve month?,as long as it has troops offered fur the war to anumber greater than can now be armed. Wherevolunterrs are enlisted for the war, the Govern-ment will supply them with arms in proportionto the several States tendering suc vdunteers.

Richmond Examiner ', A'tw. UO.

We collate the following telegraphic despatches:Richmond, Dec. 4, via Nvto Orleans. The

bridge over Lick creek, on tbe East Tennesseeroad, has been rebuilt, and trains are pissingover it. Other points are rapidly being com-pleted. There is now a very slight detention ofmails and passengers.

Richmond, Dec. 4. Congress passed yesterday,unanimously, and the President signedthe following:

Be t Resvlved by the Congress of Ikt Cowffirr-a- tt

Mates, That the thanks of the people of theConfederate States are eminently due, and arehereby tendered, to Mjor General Sterling Priceand the Missouri army under his command, forthe gallant conduct they have displayed through-out tneir service in tbe present war, especiallyfor the skill, fortitude, ard courage by whichtbey gained the brilliant achievement at Lexing-ton, Missouri, resulting, on the 20th day of Sep-tember last, in the reduction of thit town andtheiurrender of the entire Federal army thereemploved.

Rbchmmd, Ltec. 4. The Norfolk Day Book thismorning intimates that Gen. Scott will soon beia tbe South, after the mode of Ma?on and SlidellIn the North.

Richmond, Dec. 5, via Sew Orleans The Ex-aminer this morning says a despatch from a relia-ble source received in cihcial quarters, states t hatthe fl til la recently Concentrated at Old PointCjmfort has pasted up the Potomac. It is doubt-less that an attack ou Evanport and Centrevilleis contempl-tt- d.

Savannak, Dec. 5. The Republicanfays a party of Confederates visited Tybee blandWednesday night and burnt the Light House.The Federal vesseU commenced a tierce shellingon the bland, hut tbe Confederates retreated un-

hurt. From 16 to 18 vesscli were in tbe roadsyeptwdav afternoon, apparently old whalers.

Rfchnvjndy Ike. 6. 1 be correspondents of theNew Orleans Delta and Picayune and CharlestonCourier arrived this afternoon from M&na&as.They report no immediate prospect of an engagement at Mara'sas.

In Congroe- to day, Howell Cobb return 1 inthe Chair as President. Wm. M. Cook and Thos.W. Freeman, members from Missouri, and A. B.Bradford, in pities of Judge Clayton, of

took their seats. Other business done iu secretsession.

The Electoral College of Tennessee met atNashville on the 4th and cast the vote of tbeState fur Jeff. Davis and Alex. Stevens for Pres-

ident and Vice President.The Nashville Union and American cays of

Gen. Price:We do not credit the rumrr that comes from

Richmond that this able and ecergotic leader, sofar more nearly Me hero of the war than anyother man, is to be fvirtnslly supeie ded by thappointment of a new fledged M-j- General overhii head. Such an act of the Administrationwould exciie great dissatisfaction, not to eiyindignation in the country. We give the Prefi-d-

the highest credit for sagacity, but the vir-tual removal of Gen. Price would shake that faithwhich we love to cherish in hU wisdom. Hencewe do not for one moment credit the report.

Colonel D. Ledbetter issued th following pro-

clamation to the people of East Teuneseee from

Gren iile on the 30th inst :

So long as the quastion of Union or disunionwas debatable, eo long rcu did well to debate itand vote on it. You had a clear right to vote forthe Uhion, but when secession wai estaldiehed bythe voice of the people, yon did ill to distract tt ecountry by angry word and insurrootionarv tumult. In doing this yon commit the highe3tcrime known to ihe laws.

Out of tbe Southern Conftd iracy no people possess such elements cf prosperity and happiness astnoseot iaat iennessee. ihe Southern marketwhich you have hitherto er jived only in competition with a ho't of eager Northern rivals willnow be shared Uh a few States of the Confeder-c- y

equally fortunate, politically and geographi-cally. Every product cf your agriculture andworkshops will now find a prompt sale at highprices, and so long as cotton grows on Confederatesoil, so long will the money which it brines Bowfrom the South through all your channels oftrade.

At this moment yon might be at war with theUnited States or any other foreign nation, andyet not differ a tenth of the evils which pursueyon in this domestic strife. No man's life orproperty is safe no woman or child can sleep inquiet. You are deluded by peltish demagogueswoo take care of their own personal safety. Ionare citisns of Tennessee, and your State one oftbe Confederate States.

So long as you are up in arms agahst theseStates can you lock for anything but the inva-sion of your homes and the wasting of ycur sub-stance. This condition of things must be ended.The Government commands the peac and sendstroops enough to enforce the order. I proclaimthat every man who comes in promptly and de-

livers up his arms will be pardoned on taking theoath f allegiance. All men taken in armsagainst the Government wid be transported tothe military prison at Tuscaloosa, and be con-fined there daring tbe war. Brkl;e-burne- rs anddestroyers of railroad tracks are excepted fromamong those pardonable. Tbey will be tried bydrum-hea- d court martial and be hanged on tbespot.

We clip the following from the Knoxville(Tenn ) Register of the Gi Inst.:

A gentleman just arrived from Scott ountv,Tennessee, informs ua that on Sunday morninglast a Laid of Lincolnitee from Kentucky, assisted by a number of Tories of that countv, enteredthe village of lltintsville and seized the personsof John L. smith, John Carlm, Calvin Smith,Sterling Smith, Joe Smith, and live others, whosenames we could not procure, and immediatelystarted with them to Kentucky as prisoners ofwar. .at ths same lime taking about a dozenhead of horses. Their only crime was that thevwere secessionists. John L. Smith isCieikandMaster of the Chancery Court at Huntsville, atleist seventy years of age, and is respected bv allwho know him in tbe very highest degree, andthe others abducted are equally esteemed.

Tbe party from whom we derived this informtioo, Mr. Wm. Anderson, was likewise capturedby the marauders, but made his escape. He saysae could not ascertain the precis number of tbeenemy. He saw about forty or fifty, but theyrepresented their number at eoveral ha do retTney were piloted in by the somewhat notoriousJi ha W. bmita, who waa released by tbe Conreaerate court at isasuvitie, some Iijij sine?,upon his taking the oath of allegiance.

He was assisted in this infamou raid by othertory residenU of Scott county, among whom wasKiley Cecil, another individual who was releasedby Mapr FulkerBon, at Jamestown, last summer,upoa making the strongest promises of good

towjrJ the Confederate States.Mi-- r General Geo. B. Crittenden and staff ar-

rived in our city on Sunday, acd are making theirHet.'i.)uarters at the Lamar H'juse. Gen. Crit-tenden iy in command of Last Tennessee ardLastern Kentucky. Gen. C.'has boen for ths last.hree months in command of tho 7th brigade, dcorpp, of the army of the Potomac. On his pro-

motion to a Mj jr Generalship, he was at oouecrane'erred to Kentucky, bis native Slate, as alegitimate sphere for bis future military career.

i he personal staff of Gen. Crittenden is as fol-

lows: A. S. Cunningham, Maior J. F.Brewer, M.bjor Gilos M. Hillyer, Captain H. J.Thornton, Captain W. W. liute. All these gen-tlemen, with the exception of Major Brewer, areit the Lamir House. Major Brewer, who i3

aarter master, is expected daily.We learn that Capt. W. L. Blanchard, former-

ly of Marion county, K.y., ac:ornpanie. GeneralCrittenden, with the view of raising immediately a company of mounted men, to tervo for thewar and to act as a body guard for the General.

Lieut. Charlton H. Morgn, of Lexington, Ky.,now in this city, will, we also liaro, be omtiiU-loue- d

as F.rjt Lieut mant of the company. Hehis boon f.r some time back an aid of GeneralElzey, on the Marianas line, and fa a competentoihesr.

Under d'4tQ of iiw Z a Ka?hvil! paper

has the following corr impendence from Bowling

Green, Ky.:Information of an official character has reached

here that G&n. Z)l!icon;r with a large force hasretired from Cumberland Gap, aod is at Burks-vill-

on the north bank of the Cumberland river,a be at 120 miles coutneaU of this place. Gen.Geo. B. Ctittenden has assumed command of theremaining forces at Cumberland Gap, numberingin addition to Ute reinforcements a larger armythan that of tbe late commandant.

Tbe statement as to the whereabouts of GeneralZollicotfer will, it is believed, be found correct,as gentlemen direct from Barren county reporthis pickets as having advanced thirty miles fromBurksviMe.

A gentleman direct from Meade county statesthat the Lincolnite., with the exception of a fewHomo Guards, have vacated that locality. Hon.C. Reed, of the Legislature fromMade county, was arrested a few days sincewhile endeavoring to make bis way to our lines.Not wishing to be lodged in Jtil, a propositionwa made to bis captors that if he were released$1X) would be piven them; the terms were agreedupon and Mr. Reed permitted to depart unmo-lested.

Legislation la tbe right direction was taken bythe Council of the Provision 1 Government yes-

terday in regard to the purchase and stle ofTennessee money. The act, which ii passed andgoes into immediate operation, proviie for thelevying of a tax of $J5 per week upon all brokersengaged in the thieving business of making alivelihood from tbe necessities of the people andtimes. Thifi laudable move will have the desiredeffect of closing the innumerable moneyed butchershops here, and place opoa an equality all South-ern moneys, and at the some time raise its valueto an approximation of its real worth.

It is understood that the price of pork will beregulated by the Council, ard fixed at seven dol-

lars and fifty cents per hundred.Information from Franklin, of a reliable char-

acter, has it that in the recent encounter, inwhich it was reported several men were burnt todeath, none lost their lives in that manner. Bell,who at the time was shot in the thigh, has sincedied of his wound, whilo three in number madetheir escape.

53fAGgust Beimon. H is said, intends to dis-

pose of bis American real estate and take up his

retidenc in Europe. He domes being the ownerof the lob-icc- lately coofiwrited in Richmond,and supposed to belong to him.

Amtng tbe latest arrests by the New Yorkpolice is that of George Cowee, clerk in a drygood house. He had embezzled $8,000 worth of

velve's, silks, etc , and spent the proceeds in riot-

ous living.

rHr rhe Rt. Hot. M. J. Spalding, D. D.,flishop of Louisville, will deliver a Itcture on

Sunday evening, U'.h instant, in the CatholicChurch of Prink f rt. Subject: "Civilization andthe Catholic Church historically considered."

tfjpThe Udies of the Clarke county (Ky ) Sol-

diers' Aid Society will give a supper at the court-

house, in Winchester, on Tuesday evening next,the 17ih inst , for the purpose of raising fundi fcrthe benefit of the volunteers now in the field.

Handsome Donation. It will be seen by ttefollowing note from Mrs. N. B. Smith that tbeLadies' Soldiera' Aid Society has received a veryvaluable donation f:om some unknown parlies in

Philadelphia. It will prove a valuable additionto the stock of material new in the hands of tbeSociety, and will not ba long io finding its wayto the eoldien now in the field:

LonsviLLE, Dec. 11, 1861.

A few days since I received, through a firm inthis cttv, nineteen piecos f076 yardf) of twilledgrty flannel, to be made up by the ladies of thiscity for the Cnion troops: in tbe State of Kentucky.

1ms valuable present came from a few gentlemen of Philadelphia, friends of the firm who received and handed it over. Tbe names of thedonors are unknown to me. They may rest as-

sured that tbe ladies of Louisville will speedilymake their handsome gift available to the ccm-for- t

of the men in the camps and hospitals of theState. NANNEffE B. SMITH,

President Soldiers' Relief Association.

The RintKL Army The New York Heraldhas revised and republished its statement of theorganization and dimensions of the rebel army. It is due the Herald's news enterprise tosay, that when this document was originallypublished, it made a ten?ation in Richmond, andthe letter-write- congregated there declaredthut suspicions were afl at that seme one in theWar cfh.e had played the traitor. The Heraldsays:

Tthi statement phows that the rebel have inthe field four hundred and fifty regiments,wbkb, reducing ifle average strength of a regi-ment to eight hundred men which is probablyabout ths nearest approximation to the truthgives an agre-it- force of 360.000 men.

Love at First Si":it. A Boston loiter in theR Chester Union giv-i- & pretty bit of go3eip con-

cerning the first mooting betweea Miss Hinckley,the prima donna, and Signor Suaini, her husband:

It seems the)' met at Boston in the fulfilmentof a professional engagement there. Within anhour after the first interview I do not knowwhether it was a rehearsal or on tbe evening ofexhibition tbey were walking behind the scenesencircled in h other's arras. It was evidentlya cace) of love ot firt sight. They are just asromantica'ly enarrored cow. I was liumg onThursday in the country, end met them returningcityward in a hack, in an attitude and withglances soth as oaly lovers usually assume andbestow. Susini is a pretty fellow, twenty years(.Her than she, 1 should think.

( For the Louhwllle JouroaLJ

Lagiune, Kr., Dec. 9, 1861.

In one of the Cincinnati pa pern of a recentdate I find the following:

A Pnoi'HFv. Qm of the meetstriking inatances of tbe fulfilment of prophecy,says the Boston Christian Advocate, was pointedout to us lately by an eminent Biptist divine.It occurs In the cUb, lO.h, and gist verses ofUag;ai, chap Iv:

' Behold, there shall be rsbellionn the South,a relellioQ of strong men aod archers, of chariotsand bright shield::; and the blast of tbe trumpetshall awaken the land, and tbe nations shall beastonished thereat.

"And lo, benold, becicse of the bio of tbeSouth, her roignty men stall be as babes, hergiites shall bedestruved utterly, saith the Lord,yea utterly destroyed' ehall be her gates, and herrice fields shall be wasted and her slaves set free.

41 And behold, great ehlpi from the North halldev ur h:r prid ard a storm from tho Westshall lay waste her babita'ion. Yea, saith theLord, and her domiaion will be broken." .

Now if that viviiiA can find Chapter 71", or anysuch prvphtrg as tbe above in Haggai, his fiiblemnst be a new edition. It will not do for theseeminent Divines to know so much. TRUTH.

For the Louisville Jonrnal.VISITING OUH CITY HOSPITALS.

It has been represented to the pnb ic by somevery curiom p;ople that tbe military hospitals inthis town were kept in a terrible condition, andthat the comfort of the men was not calculatedto facilitate their recovery. Allow me to informsome of these very anxious people that the med-

ical crbceis of this deserve greatcredit. They have used every exertion to pro-

mote the welfars of the sick, have establishedhospitals with greit care, considering the shorttime allotted to them. Of course a hospital whichwas formerly used as a factory, or somethingsimilar, which bid to be cleared out in all hastein order to afford shelter to our men, cannot lookas comfortable and cheerful as a hospital whichhad been prepared or estab i&hed months before,but this is by no means owing to bad manage-ment. The sick themselves do not seem to thinkthat they are badly treated, as they erjoy at leasta cnmfor'able bed and nourishing food.

Should tbe many ladies, however, who are dailyvisiting the hospital, and criticising everything,be willing to do something for the relief and com-

fort cf our sick soldierp, let them appoint commit-tees, say uix ladies to each hospital, and receivesuch delicacies as may bs contributed for thatpurpose, visit tbe hospitals under tbe direction ofthe surgeon, administer it themselves to such asthe doctor may point out lo them. Bdt as to allother unnecessary visiting in no?pitais, allow meto Btate to the ladies, that, although their intentions are very their presence is nevertbeb 33unhealthy, as the sick need iet more than any-thing el.-e-, which is impossible for them to havewhsu a hospital is crowded by visitors.


Camp Hamilton Por-E- , Dae. 8, 18blMrs. Hamilton Popa

In obedience to special order published at dressparade tois evening, 1 becomes my duty to tender to yon and to the ladies of tbe Fifth Ward thetharki of the regiment for tbe very liberal dona-tion cf clothing mad 4 to them through you.

The gift was most seasonable, and will conducegreatly to their comfort and health while engagedin the noble work which the volunteer soldiery ofKentucky are cow conducting for the preservationof their homes and liberties.

Very respectfully,W. P. M DOW ELL.

Adj't 15th Reg. Ky. Volunteers.

HosriTAL 4!rH Rudiment.)December 11, 1861.

To the Ltidies of Jefersonville :The crticers and men cf the 40th Indiana,

beg, through me, to tender their heartfelt tbai.ksto you for your kindness and attention to thesick of our rgi'nM whilst quartered in vourcit). C. D. PEARSON.

Surgeon 40. h regimen

One if the aids of Prince Napoleon ha puh- -lished a Eucchict account, of the urganizvion ofthe federal army, ris thinks Its composition isKiialmrous to that of tbe Frenb army, aodthat it, 19 an attempt to co ia a row wel-:- i T."h.




It U a elugular fact that a large majority of the peopleof the United States are unacquainted with the greatimportance of the eau?e for which the soldiers of theUnion are fighting. Let every man and woman through-out the United State carefully read and study the Con-

stitution of the United State, they will become con-

vinced of the hollueee of our eauso and of the wicked-nee- e

of thoee who ere itrlvlng to overthrow tbla grandpalladium of freedom.

We truly believe, that, had the reading of the Consti-

tution been adopted ae a dally lesson in every schoolthroughout the United Stateis the doctrines of secessionand 8tates rights would never have attained the poelUonof a political question; nor would the country have beencalled upon to mourn for the unfortunate wrangling andmirteonrtructtons that have arleu, and which to manjof our statesmen have lost their time In attempting itsinterpretation.

Millions of our citizens have never thoroughly studiedthe Constitution, and, even at the present time, when itis the datj of every citizen of this country to Informhimself of tho rights aud privileges secured to him, un-

der Its protecting arm, it is not In one household in firehundred. In view, therefore, of correcting this greatoversight, and to furnish every man, woman, and childthroughout the United States with the means of study-

ing this great palladium of liberty, and to protect uaagainst future false doctrines and political disasters,

DK3. BAD WAY A (X.present to the American public, free of charge, the Con-

stitution of the United States of America, neatly bound,together with au improved Almanac for the year 12,called "lor Kad way's Constitutional Almauac" As soonas practicable. Dr Kadway'a agents. In every vtUag andtown throughout the Union, will be furnished with asupply for free circulation. A copy of the same will be

eut to all who will Inclose a etatup for tbe payment ofpostage.



We altio Invite the people of ihe Cant J as, BritishProvinces, aud, in fact, all who can read the English lan-

guage throughout thu world, to acoept as gtiti from us

our Constitutional AlmanacWE WILL SEND TO ANY ONE WHO IB WILL





HEALTH AND DISCIPLINE.Health and discipline are the mott important ele--

meuts In an army to insure success. Discipline withoathealth will prove as Ineffectual as shot without powder.Health la the propelling force of tbe army, and Li thesymbol 01 victory.

It ls therefore, of the greatest Importance that thesystem of medication beet adapted for the proteetiou cfsoldiers against eickoees, as well as that known to bethe most epeedy and titfettual In restoring the elck to

health, without to professional prejudice, beadopted.

This is 00 time for medical martinete to quibble at utprofessional dignity. All the dlgulty the profession canbriDg to bear will neither prevent lickncss among thetroops nor cure those atillcted. Our armies, to be mc--

ccsefiU, m ist be kept tn a healthy conditio!!; end themost sure means 01 securing this ddolderatum is through

the remedial power? ofRAD WAY'S READY RELIEF,

which has already proved itself In over tilty regiments,now at the seat of war noar Wauhiugtoo, to be a posi-


and other malarious and infectious mind, w say, that RADWAY'S READY RE

LIES will protect the troops exposed to thee diseasesagainst attacks Now, it ia conceded by all the medicalmen iu our army tin they have no reliable means toprevent attacks ot thse disease?; neither have theyaoy poeitive a'aurance of curing the e.tck; but, on thecoutrary, the majotity of the sick, seized with feverendague, typhoid, billoue, and other feors, either die orlinger aloug, until they are reduced to mere wrecks and

king skeletons. Experience has eetablitshf d the fact

that the treatment of calomel, quinine; and mercury incases of fever and ague, typhoid fever, aud other feversof this class. Is more injurious In camus than in privatepractice. When we take iuto consideration that canvaswalls and exposure to heavy dewt aud tho malaria frompools of water and damp grounds, prove but a poor shel-

ter for the sick, we may readily conjecture t?st thepenalties of mercurial and quise treat mftnt wjtl, lothe majority of case., be exhibited ia the form of rheu-

matism, neuralgia, pains and stlffuees tn tbe joints, en-

gorgement of the liver. Jaundice, yellow jaundice,pleurisy, coughs, colds, Ac , which will cling to

the unfortunate patient for year?.IN DR. RAD WAY'S REMEDIES

ttie soldier has a positive preventive agaiast attacks ofthese diseases.

Let every soldier carry a bottle ofBAD WAY'S READY RELIEF

IN HIS KNAPSACK.And wheu exposed to wet, damp and chilly weathnr, orencamped in malarious district, take a texppoonful. Inhalf a cup of water, as a drink, early In thu morningbefore eating, and three or four times during the daytand if on picket or guard duty occadlonallr during the.

night, he will escape all sickness, and continue to enjoygood health.

lit Radways Ready Relief and Radwey'i RegulatingPills be uacd according to directioap, aud the par tentwill scon recover. Dr. Had way 'a Remedies make apertct cure





and In all ease where there Is pain, Rodwas ReadyRelief will afford Immediate eae and quickly cure thepatient.

lOUTE Ul ILIADS.Civilians having frlecdB or relatives In tbe army

stiou Id send them a few bottles of K&d 'ay's Ready Relief and a box of Rad way's Pills. The Governmentmakes no provision for these valuable remedies In tbemedical stores. The Midler depends upon his trleudsfor a supply of these Invaluable medicines. A bottle ortwo of the Ready Relief may cave the life of your soldierfriend.

ARMY INDORSEMENT.We have received a large of letters from army

surgeons, officers, and privates who have derived beoefit from the use of RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF.Among the great number we have on file we refer tothe following:

W, H. Tineley. M- - D., Surgeon and Medical Directorof the Excel idor Bug de.

Geo. B. Siinpdon, M. D., Surgeon Anderson ZouaveRegiment.

CoL Rinh C. nawkinn, Ninth Rgimfnt N. Y. V.Col. Lyons. Eihtb Regiment, N. Y. 8. M.CoL Georgtf Hall, Secoud Regiment Ex relator Brig- -

CoL Walker, Thirty-thir-d Regiment N. Y. V.Col. Tinnelll. McClcllan Rifles.CoL Wul Gates, United States Armv.Major O. V. Davton, Anderson Zouavea.Maj--- r .lain M. Turner, Find Regiment N. Y. V.CoL Wm. Wilson, and hts ouVera through T. W.

Melghan, Enq., Wilson's Zouaved, Fort f ickeus.NOT ONE IN THE HOSPITAL.

We hav the assurances of ofticT of over nfty regi-ments of the volunteer lorcee that there ha not been asingle nan In Uieir regiment win ha need Haowav'iRkaiy Rkmrf that has bfteu sent to the norhas there, out of the great numhr of eick who have usedthis Invaluable medicine, a death occurred.

IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES.Every famt.y should keep a bottle of Rnw av'bRtaky

Rklief to the house. It is a positive prevoutive againstsieknean; It wlL in a fev minutes relieve the patie-.-

Ironi piin, and will pedily cure the afP.lcWd of the dis--easvs and complaints it is prescribed lor.


are the best pille in use. They are the ody pe:fect vegetable p"reative snttitute for calomel known. Onethree of Rfidway'B Pills will operate quicker than rje toteu ot the conomon drastic rill, rso sickness at stomach, no griping paina follow their us; they leave the

regular and neainiv, iei ino?e wiif nave Det'tIn the habit of using other pill make a trial of a fewdoses of Had way's Regulating PU1 (coaUd with gumj

Public attention Is directed to


Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores. Ulcen. Salt Rheum,Erysipelas, Kickt-trf- , Scald Head, Sore Leg's Cankers,Glandular Swellings, White Swelllnc, Nod, PoreEtre, Sore Eyes, Strumous D'wharpfP from tbe Ea's.Opthalmla, Itch, Constitutional Dehilitv, Wasting audDec!y of the Body, Skin Eruption Piniplee aud rllotvb-e-

Tumoiv, Cancerous Aff ctiou, Dyspepsia, WaterBrash, Neuralgia, Chrome Kheumttlsm, aud Gout.

HUMORS AND SORES OF ALL KINDS,and all diseases entailed from Small Pox, Meatlee,sipelas. Fever aud Ague, Yellow Typhus, and otherFevers, such as Dropay, Deafness, Fits, Lo;s of Memo-ry, Ac.

When Infants and young children are atrilctefl wilhSores ol the Gum- -, Cankers In the . Sore Heads,Ears, and Ejee, either from Worms, Teething, or auyot Her causes,

BADWAVS RENOVATING RESOLVENTwill tpedily eradirate evrrv particle of disease, and reinvest we cuna wiiu ueaiui.

LADIESafflicted with Falling of the Womb, 1 leers of the Womb,Dischargea from the Uterus, and all weaktug discharges, may depend upon a speedy cure by theuse of Kadway's KenovatinK Resolvent.

in owe of tjhro.ilc Kb uuialinm. Neuralgia, Oout, theKenolveot. taken In collection witli KkIwav Pil ft

Heady Relief, will he found a nutck and thorough cute.NOTICE.

Dr. Bud way's Remedies are sold by druggists In everyvillage, town, and city tn tho United St.ites, Canada?,and British Provinces. Pri: rente, iu routs, nud ifii.

BADWAY A Ot.,No, John crefitt Nw Yn--

P.WnfR, A?Pnt.LouUviUs Jfr,U;U'ii

Skiiptt Wok! VANHir We have eeo acurious and ingenious epedmen of handiwork, ex-ecuted Dy Wm. Henry Baldwin. ir a prisoner ofwar, who wad vuunded at tbe battle of Manet ib.It is a Dipe, madaof mahogany, and rebjy cirvedwith imitations of leaves and fl while themouth-piec- e and nvmn'.inKS are wrought of beefbones, polished !;ke tvoiy. Tbe only instrumentsU6a 1,1 thla estraordif.sry Bpec:m5n of carvingwere old steel peup. wticii ths prisoner managedtopjekup. He hia pretexted it to Dr. Hitn-bolha-

Burgeon of the post, as a token of grati-tude for kindness shown him during a long poriodof suffering. Richmond Dispatch.

The Kinj; of Dahomey ia making preparationsfor a fresh immolation in cold blx-- of 2,000

Tho occasion Is "to celebrate the com-mencement of the yam season. n Unating par-ties are out in every quarter to c ipture l be re-quired talo of human boinp,?, i8 the intelligencefrom the west coast of Africa.

A fine child, belonging to a poor man in KUa-loo-

county, Ii eland, wa attacked by a pi ashort time ao and bo dreadfully mangled that itdied before asbhtance could be rendtrtd. The earand moat of the neck was eaten oil.

An Ekffcital Ccre ptn E.vkaob-k- . Takea small piace of cotton batting cr cotton wool,make a depression in tbe centre with the end ofthe linger, and fill it wHh as much ground pep-per as will rest on a n'vj cent piece gather itinto a ball and tie it ut dip the ball into sweetoil, and insert it in the ear, covering ihe latterwith cotton wool, aud use a handige or c ip toretain it in its place. A I meat invtant relief isexpariecc-.d- , and the application is so gentle thatan infant will not be irjured- - by it, but experi-ence relief as wull a3 adul'.s. $0 eaya an ex-change.

A Spanish Protectorate. f--r Spanish America.In political circles, the subject of forming. InAmfrica, a confederation of all the republics ofSpanish origin, with Spiin at tbe hoau of if, isnow being diweus'td. Sub a measure, it la af-

firmed, would podef8 great advantages, both forSpain and thos? little States. Madrid spa?ia.

Uniforms far Chaplains. The plain black uni-

forms prescribed by military regulations duos notMetise a number of cha' ! jin?, who, boving sportedebouMer-strap- d and gilt button?, are loath to ri- -iDmsh thero. Ihe most, however then who

libjr uncbtiuaively fur the spiritual iuterft oftho men do cot tied fault wi n it.

Wathnujhn Letitr.

Three you nc ladies. Miles. CorsinL Blulhner.and Bigdanow. who attended the leclnres at theUniversity of St. Petersburg, had been arrested.ard one of tham. Bills, tfadalow, wh'pped at thecilices of ths secret police.

FTATfur:wT or Tnr Vinr.rtrti Bark T'is ststvrncr.tot the Banks of Virginia, made up to the 1st of v ct'iher,

tKtww tbe loHowlnK agrevate' Capital, cir- -ailatl-- f,,51.'): mcie, rtiU.fWa: dep e -, $11,..tii,'.; d'aconnts, ln 7Ho,!i7. The clrculatiou has b

lneTea.-ie- by kus made to the State aud the Confeder-ate Government.

Stehlini EtTe4N,p i Nr- - The NewOr- -

fana t;rt"cent ot Novent'r Tld sarg there wai inulrvfrf exchange fcterllng his adranc d frimedrawers were hotiiinp at )'MK and tome ealts have bteoedectcd at irutu l'2i up to that figure.



FEMALE DISEASES of every will And &

rational and upeedy rare by applying to DiL )S.UAMKKMEHL. They will also tind a sure 1KEVEN-TIV- E

again t infection by the Syphilitic virus.Neural (da, Rheum atlsca. Gout, Gravel, Sfrofnla,

Droiy, Dsspepsia, Torpid Liver, Brohclittis, Diseasesof the Skin, etc., will be treated with the greatest suc-cess.

Cancers and other Maliffnant Tumorswill bo cared without knlfo or caustic by const Itutlooaltreatment.

aTOfflco southwest corner of Market and Fourteenthtre-t- . .Tpl8 dly


United States Mime Musketand Riflo Balls,

AVo evry description of


LARGE 6IO KS CONSTANTLY ON HAND.Oraers fi'led at sight by

THOMAS OTIS LEUOTT c CO.,Patent Shot nnd Lnl Works,

jiil and 63 Water street,nMdSm NEW OKK.

For Salo,The anhsciibtT lias Lt bI i

Izrr and fat Ml'LUS, 18 banrtrCSi vl'3suak0tni HOG a that wdl average Si WsQi&a

JO . MILbinl" Urn 2V r"lf fr'tri Nf- Hvn.

Swords, Sabres, Sashes,Uslts, 8cc.


Line, Field, & GeneralOfficers', Medical Staff, Pay Depart-

ment, Navy, Chaplain, andCavalry Offieurs




BL0DGET, BROWU, & CO., Sole Agents,83 iieeJtiiitui ettrrec. New York.

nil dim


BRU6LE &c BILLTMAN(fluceefors to Wm. A. Mead & Co.),

Nos. 3, 5, and 7 Bowery, corner of Division st.INT IE XV

Hav now reafly for Bile a spigot tfck

In Parle styles, which they offr fo: ca h at prices to suitthe times.

Alpo aa eleparit af?oTtnint of UO"as in thn Cu?roniDepartment, which wld be made to order at the eatuerai.

N. HPertl-nla- r attention Paid to MILITARY andPOLICE UNIFOtttt&


rai'rnB in IUinoia Tarins for CI. 000.THK rilinoif Central Ritlnn.1 Ctinipanv onvrw rich

J Prairie Lands adjacent to Its Railroad at $U r

JL. acre. A tract of eighty acres will ir.akw a pd,comfortable homestead. The purchaser ciftyb'iyon

lon credit, (wjin infcirfst at six per cvnt. ftuinmlly, andIf iie has ooe thoiuwifid dullaro In inouey he can, this year,it tho low p Ices of luwlier, contract for a couvenlnthouse, fencing, and farming tool. Tlie Conipauy iuuOld over one thousand of euch tracts of land this sea-io-n.

It U well known that Chicago eends more grain tomarket than all the Western Like ports included. Thisif the best proof of the richness and great value of theIllinois lands. The Illinois Central Railroad was finish-ed lo lb;!, built through a Fpareely settled country. Ittake! to market thii year upwards of tldrtcen million oftmsiiids of grain, besides cattle, hogs, aud mauy otherroducts.For further Information apply by letter or !n person

to ind Commlsaioner, Illinois Central Railroad Co.,

Do Your Own Printing!Cooky's Cabinet Prfating: OGico,

esijmed for Small Tr Inters, Stationers, Merchants,Diiigiati, Uroceit, mnfeers. Amateurs, the Army j

aod Navy, Ac

M. are Ihe impiii$ and ftroiigHst and beat made ofany cheap rrnp ever luvenwd, and occupy lew (pace;cau be operaVd by any one, whether printer cr not, a:dare sold at pne s nUherto unheard of. th it is to say atsbout the price of Job Presses now Inuse. i he Cabinets upon wliich the Fretee etun) areoompoeed of small Casos, noatiy and utrongly put to-gether, and fr compactness and roavenience have nev-er been equaled. Call aod eiamtne, or send for

R I ring tize. prices. AcBll J. G tOOLkV A CO., 1 t?Tnie-- (rf. N Y.

Pissolution.ertirtnership heiytofore existing n tha

nndericnedj under the firm ef JACK ft BROTH-ER, Is this day disrolved. J Q. Jack havingthe out ire iotorst in tlie stock and Is authorizedf settle the pftrtiiership businesa and to use tlie namet the tiroi for the purpose, J O. J A 'K,

KDVVD W. JACK.Louisville, KyAng. 14, m.

notzcb!nndertnied will continue the WHOLF8AI.E

GROCKRY and COfttMISSlON hucintrs at thcol?tand. No. iiO Main street, between Third and Fourth,

J. Q, JACK.Lonlsvllle, Aug. IT, lPffl.-- dtf

Ohnng-- of rino.TBIi&IK8 4 CO, have eeciet(1 W A. OAIL- -

with their firm, aod purchaBed the tUndif SMITH & OMKR, oi south ride of Market utreet,jelow Floyd, whre they will conduct the WHOLK--ALB ar.d OKOCT.KY aod PE(pTj(jK

Connected with their boose th-.- have a goodWAOON-YAK- with ample accommodations forlOTaoe, wagone, and olhar vphiclos, and would be gifcdioaoe their old ftienda. T. HUANK,

H. T. HOItl),Jnly IMPo.-d- tf W. A. OAlLFRMTfL

Split -- bottom Chairs.WB ARE ACKNNS FOR TTT1! BALC OF y

Chairs, andhave In store for sale a large Lit of n

A, U 8UOTWKLL SOV,JeSadtf Wall street

Having Inst returned from Cincinnati. rpre1 have procured, through tho kiittlnera ot l.l.

K. AwuKBftON, one large aud ouo email ei.-'- Piioto-obaf- hof htmeetf, in ftdl uniform, witb tha identical

cloak and cat worn by htm at Foil Suipptur durii.g Hiebombardment, I erj no- -

ive-l- to funileh bis tileu-i-and artniirerw with rtupli.: itef of each ezo at my Oatfoivoi at Fi ank M.addeu'3 Bookatore, 3.H Third ti .

B. KLALBKIi,R Hive OaU-r- y, Main ftir.InnMl dlvts hetwn Third nd

I i BAG8 PACE OTSOFR1 J 3i gra Fiue-n- t Cli; tug


Ljite PTfo4wr nf Frole CUniqoe de ile-ilir-

Fharutiicy la Fa; in, n Fr Jtciiiiouer ofTO M .a FRIKSnS ANO THKANNO'NCKS to Jv-- tt his time to the cur-l- n

of the toll'iwice diae"',, i; Ids, A'hii-A- rif. Drry. Tr:-7e- Liver

Coiiir.lR'ut, Pilea, Firtula, KheumAtm, ticr'tuia,Whift; dwelling. Nervous Atfectijn, tavnz aud Ajue,Blf' im t'ompKinra, 4c.

Itt. ha m"t with great ?nccea by hts;uoiie ot treatment of di;e!Ve wh- -r other vsry

Piuiunt ph' s'clane t;vf tat'fd to prcihioo ciue. Toattisi hie cjuti'ieoce in hi uwn tkili mri, hQ willnud'Ttake ihe cure of all pttivj wi'hauT thwf e

the cot of medi'ine, uo lee iintd al--

' th reit ratiou ol their ht;ith,I)ie"ae of a peai;!ar ctiamctrr h rurauties to

radlcsllv in a fow dys with ut orUriond mi'dicin, Hn iiuts to ail, no matter howBvcre or loun standing the diea", an effectual cure, orHe ryuir-- im pay. Ft mal- s wirh irierutari-tlna- ,

deMLV , c, otn be permanently re-

lieved by lr. V. Invalid iu any Sf'.itiou ot tW coun-try, by addrvslrjg a lettur to him ( and

a fee, enu have adrice, aud meiliclue will bepioi nr.ily 'entthein.

l f1ii'e'i"Ti'i j doort frcra th comer cf Own andFlocd tre-- -. Louis vi Ic, Ky. Olfloe honis fiOLl b to 13

A. M. aud trota i to 7 P. M.In. A. J. VANiEifcLl':i: rn'i prod wt ever On hi'ndrrfl

cer'ificaTea ot ttie p dy cure ot vnnns diseaad. Ml dlv

X H A Ij X4QTjouisvilie



&'ltii:rj'i& W HBH? tboan aflllcted with anyfi'im of Private IisB" c:,n receive

, prompt tieatn-ctn- wltlior.t rlk orexposure, viz: dyvbilis. Gonorrhea,

rV-- Oteet. Ucer-- , TtT Jy Cani,"ve. Seooudary. ad CotiR!tu- -

JTtirf dT:l". Phaser r.f the feld- -j ,(.'. this it is

jr- -' jf provi.d ibfct the venereal coi.'plii,itU ai "iHirpl;.- - ir.'lcr the coa'rol ofmrdiii!i at is a emcion cM orimt'lo fever: aud, whMa ItiWifticieut

P,thzb ftro diilv eemiing iway Llialrralenti In h'spylccjoias, and .i:g

tnr1 : op o!y fiovi tUfir own Incompetency, oreiep(T v.t cutcj ai'O constantly bning effected M

tLf! Innrmaj.YOUNO WEN. TAK-f- PAttTIC-LLA- NOTIfTA-.-

Dr. U. dT?cU rii.rh of bis tiui? to th) tros.trae!it ofthe rwHs C4USr-.i- ry a FP'rre bt(i wt:ich rnina bothWr ar"l irdnd. until t in tbn Titif'.rfK-nA- iDdtvidual friThr bcieiut'ss or oijtv. Tho el-- ct cf ear'.y

or the ezcew of rlpor yearrs am to wiu 'jddebt li tat: the cr.n-t- i! uion, Oesiroy thn yhypical aridmental power, rti!''UQh aud enfebl-- the natural

and exheisfc tho vital ol manhood; thepleasures oi Life are the oiijeot of

and exieteuw itcti rendered a trm of unceas-ing misery and r;r?t. Such paroon, eperially th'?contemp'fttinp mftrri5iga, flLd lrw uo tima in making'mmedtat! application, as l)v. H., by his new treatment,is enabled to injure a epeidy ?.r,d pcmreut ewe.


of mhcine lntd?d for theexflusive c offemale has ever yot been Introduced that haa slven fntibanlrt-rsa- l as the American Purirtdicsi Pilla.rhy csa be ndied ou in all caews af MenstnutLl Otetme-tlon-

Irregularities, Ac, as a sure and safe remedy.Price, per mail, ftl and ne postage tmp.

Fa,lent living at a uttJauee cau be euied at home deciii tioQ cf their diaoaso and iacloitngtnjp.

Medicine sent to any direst.OfI'Cfl No, i Jeorson Btrert, batwwn First anfl

Second. OOice open from 7 A. fd. to P, M.flWdtf L. HALUM. D.


V f rURB NO PAY. Iu ev.r y in?t---

the mo-ie- will be refur.'id if thecure is not Miup!et-- d. TUiy doilara ie the

From t wo to eis;tit week- ia ac loa a tiwe as the doetor require to perform a cure.

Scrohila, Bcom)ary SvphiJlr, Files, and all ChronicDiseJiee treateii by r, Ptiro.

No charge f;r midciceB or attention If placed underhis chase unless a (ure La perlonued.

We, the undrwigned, from persinal kaowteJgA, areabl to state that Dr. Price cut certainly ani nriy re-

lieve the horrid Otia'tlm orand rortorra a nprdv cure tn bJ! o: thedisa-e-s euum-rate- u

above. We have certificate from r'spct-hi- e

s to the cui-- enuroei'atd per-formed by Dr Pic. We have uo doubt of his abilityto do all he proposes,

WILLIAM S. I. MBGOWAN,Late Ebentf of canity, ity.

IJVKL II.' HaI flvnvitkf


rUTStOLOGlCAL YI0.W 0 MARRIAGE.M Pages aud 1SU Fine ritlu and Ooiorvd I jthographa.

ONLY TWKNTY-FIY- GZNTBaW3nt free of postage to all parts of the Unloa.A

ON h9 tnflrmitiea cf yoatnand Di'itni-ity- dbtrhMing tho eedftfo'Iiw of both sexes of allag-- , cs'ie'ii debility, nervons-nti- ,

d riwion 01 pint,of toe snicidalo ko. In vol uuIhjv bt u h--

'xs'tir t. v'ioii aili laspl tude, &c- ecmpria- -

TjN" '"f ''hirty eorrtvinrp. It is a tnith--OS-

Tr- advleer to th niariMandJ fc X.'Nrt.' ecu Umi plating LuairtB.

who oitertain secret doubts oi th.-i- r pli-- f tcil oonditlnu,and who are CMiscin-o- f having hAaarded tlie Imalth,hftppin, .rtvilts to wht-.- li overv hi'man b.?tng

wut'lled Wilh of a Ivwnling School Mlsa.atolkgo Sti.ent, and a Yo:ag IdarrieJ Lady, fullcicomauoo find thrililnt' inteiont.

Yoims men who ar tviuMod with weakness,by a b.d hibit io youth, (lie ects of oich

are 'UzUiehs, p'Uns, sovMMtlma a i inniiigin the cur., weak erne, 'kne of the biick and lowerextret'iitiea, couJuion of i(it-j- , lose of urr-ory- withmelancncly. runy beun d bv t lie aut liar's NEVr FAKIliA.N! LoN'XiN TtttA1',i?tiNT.

We t.i. recni'iv ai'iti mnrh of our timein VlSiTIN Tf FUPOTLAN H 8PI i'Al..avellhig oiueelvM of tho fuid resjarchesof the most skilled and t'.uifons InKnrope ftnciu the CoritinRntBiirb inttu a CtVlAJLK.LK NOIRE, KItJORD, Mo:ciit:rt;AU, ACTON, adCUKMNO, oi the French and Enrlb hospitals. Onrtoar exttndt.-- thn-u- France. Italy, OermaBv, Hol-land, ilug'.-uhl- eri Walna, vi.'inslit our r."no Uir yvin'.tpd hoetiu.! in Prlc, Locdnn,Rome, Yeuice, Hrwlen, Perlt:i. Ac.. &o. Wahava been ampiy by tiie additional luiowl-odg- a

we dbth acijuiri-- hi the treirm?nt of virionsdiee?ee to which we have directed our attention.Tnoce who pLvs thenvelvea utider Our crire wiil,whether mate or rnia!, oo? hvi tle fill benei'tof the niaoy NFvV ANO FFFlClKN'V KKMF.DIKSwhich we are enabled to Introduce lrto our praci ice,thpnbllc way vest assured of the same eraL assiduity.SkoRBCY, and attention beijg paid to thotr eowsa.which has eo ns br.t.-- f a,aPhyrtcvn In our FECLTdAft ccparLment ofprUea

p ctlom.Mmticcc with fn.1 directions tent to any part of foe

United titites or CanadA!. by piti'.-nt- oaimimtcatinthetr eymtntna by lettcn CutliifJ coirwpoud3noitrirtly conuditiiL

rJf"j)r. L.'s OlI.ce la ctiU lomttd u oKblL-hod- ; undert!ie nniTia of IU;. LA CKOLX.

PV'lo insnre ppfetv to nil letters"THK IA CR- UX AbKDICAL INaTlTuR,"

4 No. SI Maiden Luxtn. Ailauy, N. Y.. . '

Zxissoiution Kotico.TITE COPAH NEK HIP begto.oro exirttng nndwI Uio firm f 8. J. HAKrS A Oo, I this dap di;lvedby liiutuat consent. ajd 6 J. Uaia U ch'.rg-- d wirh the.settlement of the LUflincNca. 6. I. HA KB,

C C, HAltK,LoalevlHe, Oct 13, W. Ii MILLS.

SJ. HAP.E will ronhnne ths buslnesa at the oldol: d'f H, liBt'..

HAVANA CIGARS.1 ((U vnovry.D ClOAttS of the mott fft--lJv,vUU lctbraud, suchEl Sol. Pnin.,A....n.uiiui

Cwt vat.tfs, Mw;cr!n,Ii'timtdad, &a

Also Ghowiaj aod Smoking- - TobaccoFor sale wbolftttJo and retntl t?

Fovrn PKYNAPO,0'29 T..ifc-ct- 1 ys villa iljiel.

o KFOfl PUKM MALAGA WiMtor medl chial pur- -

pyaoa, Uis sale byFDWT FEYNArX),

rt4TTtnt ly.iUvtl!p

Co'Pros oonsYirn, aw'rw? rumbers;

do wh.te CaTiei CtiAicCo col n d d do;do Wrapp Di Twine;

i;i di 8ine d5;Hi'J do Oundlo-Wlfk--

reels . aeeorteiliSMI Ihs Trot Lines:

U (JtZ'ttLb do F lo L ! in

4ni bales No 1 li&rt;bi io No, 2 di;

In and for sale byid) CARPWCg CO.




1IKNby1,'J10 jardi Flax and Cottcu aod Tow for

p5 C L. 8. MATTHKW8. VM Fourth ot.

yTKaW- -) bales prime Wheat juot received andO f,)i talo by

r.V, C L g, M ATTHI.WW. i?l Fourth st.

HA Y Mm ba'esby

choica Timothy for sale tJ c'.oija

nl 5 :. L. P. MATTlTP-wa- Hr i?4 Wnl! sL

C"ORN byoJsackd prime oid Ear lut and for

ul5 C. L. S. M'ATTirEWB, NX 124 Fonrtn st.

(ROT."r-'- J5 bbU fluperi:r Croat ja-- t received and for

C L. B. MATTHVWa, Ko 14 F0"rh tt

r BBLS SOFT SIIKLL AI M NDS;J lu boxei o Irnwrvci;

4 boiL3 iJfli Jinte:.4 (' Jt da do;

Received this day aud ioi Ie r?,i TKKHY A CO,, 613 Main s.

WUODKN WAK14n ilucke'p:

doS do No. 1 Tuba:

Jnrt received aud lor .ale bydi OARDNFK A CO.

WAXK, POK, AND liiiOWMNCL New editious.i3 Jtlue and

NATIONAL HlStMS. Grant White rich book up-

on and eelettiotia Ironi the liyuina o tiered to tiiefit?mitt-'-


I,. A. C'VItL.

SVhOliirB CL!r Yinrg ar;lhi doz'n oiiio Picunir

75 da I't ie ard ret Itackets;fcu do V.

to ne-t- s Tubs:ha d ,zi'Q Scrub B:?orup;fcil tlo )1In dt 8i"kQg! di ilro. iu d ;

i u t' I7j fo ottr O Sdt'tf,

dj T'UegU;me Oite-- ' i&u hr-- t

liMi hiktn iinK!t s ''j:h froiH tioruta i do;

2".' Pp""-

la to st"" ("i" t "




ISTo. 435 Main St., between ITiflh and Sixth,Lioulsvlllo,V Memhanta and MannfaAtnren would find tt to their Interest to examine my stock ti making their pot,rtuutrm, aod orders from a dtrtance will he attended to as if made in perwon. dpow&warmti



IVE desire to red nee our present stock to tlte lowestpoee'ble limit before tbe 1st of January, to pre-

pare for an entire new assortment next Spring, aod Inorder to eff ct this we shall ctter special Inducementsto our cnstoiueri from now until that date. We askbuyfcra to examine tbe quality and revised prices of our

( hina Dinner tnd Tea Sets.

Glassware. Silver and Plated Ware,A&4 other Housekeeping Goods,

And especially oar magQlficent assort meul of

Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures.We promise satisfaction In a!l c&sea.

E. V. HAUGHWOUT & CO.,Nos. 490, and 4(U Broad war,

comer of Broome stet,NEW FOR A.

Parties throughout the country aeudlog orders bymail will receivv prec"ely the same advantages, andtheir or den be as promptly attended to, as If personal,ly present to rzike the pr.rc.hase. 098 dtjanl


UNION CAM? CHESTCPatent Applied ForX

50 axsd f S3 Broadway, If.BOLE AGENTS.

Invite ths attention of Army and Navy officers'to this mw and improved

Union Camp Oliest,WuVh conpr'ei within the dimensions of Bl Incheslength, H iuchue hivadth, and 11 Inches depth, a porta-ble Pant it, CJnaining all tte culinary and mechanicalappliances for or lx person; a Dining Table of Hby Zl iuch.- - spread, durable enough for the rongbeetwar. and a etr.-e- - from its streugth aud coiivaolntiimpitcit:-'- , pppcilly suited for camp cooking. Thiscombination of

PAMliT. ST0FE, AD TABLE,the result of a mxit careful study of tbe necessitieand incidents of ctunpaigidztg and of tbe articles In useby theJrif of rrT JBnlmn4f w4 jPr

commends lt?elf to the American soldier alike by Itsa.tnvep.ifMioo, darability. and ampacity.

Tii agenta have had in tbir emfjibllshment everycamp ch-- of not In ue at home and abroad, and donot h?tit.ittt to prononuoe thl ooe, in thlr Judgment,trranitly upei1or to any known; for the justice ofnhtch afsrtlou they court a goueval examination and

Th) STOVr?, a" well nn the TAB LB, is so constructeda to be bv Itself, nd can be cued with any armyclient or tnuik In voiie.

i'ricii of L'oion Csjnp Chest $38 and $48; of Tab!te :! tfuS; of oil dtt



Quail, Q rouse, Venison, Sholl Oyster,And all other delicacies of the season.

W. A. CLARK, Proprietor.tWTaWe P'Hote from 1 to 4 o"clock- - o3 d4tn

Camp Equipage.I AM prppired o furnish Begimenr. or Com pan Ie

with Camp Slows, Camp Kettle. Plates, Arm Cupsm7i and Forks, Spoons, Canteens, Mesa Pans, Cot,

Cnuip Siools, Sc on short notice.P. M JONKS,

oU blSAJtf Fourth tt . near Ntttonal Hotel.

Officers' Camp Chest.TBK most complete article of the kind ever invented.

and it. P. M, JONK8,M9 ' 'S"tf Fonrt.h pt.. iai- - Htfll.

Preserve the MainSTRATT AN iTkATIIAIIlON,

Tor Froervir.e, Ktorin?r, and Bmo-tifyi-

tbe Hair.JUSTLY CKLBBRATKD AKTIOLB 18 dA In the City or Lowiuvilt.ic, at the tot

Drug ritore, and the proprietor cin.lms that it Is superioru a Lianv rp'je's to auy prp;arstion of the kind now Idrw, and warrant that it will give complete mtifactlooft virtues have been hil!y tasted, and nnmherlea. teatlnonAl can t produced as to its emcaey.

i irdr? frin the oountry fLclted.Wlioleeaie orl- - $1 per doim. Retails at 95 emti

par bottle. O, Ii. BiivATI AN, Manufaoturer,Juoe-- i dtf Oppositf the

Ferfrxmery, Boap Toilet Qoods, BlcJUST RECFIVBD ArJD OPENED A LAHGK1UAYE of Handkerchief Kxtra-.t- s, Toilet Scape,

Bru-he- , and Fancy Ooods, which I am sal Hug atr.w rates. I intend to cater to the wants of

my tni-ud- arid patrous In every particular, and trustObey will continue former favors.

O. U. BTKATTAN, Apotbooary,June4 nf Opposite the e,

Grayson Springs, Ky,rr,ITE nnderslgned having the entire control of Jame.

m. F, ClurkwMi's Interest in this e?thli aliment., willor- -n the same for the reception of visiters ou the 10bot Jun- -, with a promise to aep a plain end suK'taatlsdKoti'cky Hotf, InrludJng all the beat cnppliaa thecountry will aifuid, and souciti patronage.

Tebmb or Boaotji...-- 1 9

Do. a week 7 0t'IM. mouth. a )

Children aud servant and half price.H .mes t.t 5i) $ week.)Htt M, P. (TLARKSO?.


ING3, JACONRT, SWIB9, and LACE FLOUNCING 3,aod In short our entire stock, comprlring tbe moat boao- -

t!f-i- diri-n- s aud ftylea,

Will bo Sacrificed for Cash.The ladioa will do well to call at once and secure the

greatest and most dealrale BARGAINS of the season.

OKRUART Ar CANNON,m? 895 Fourth St., opposite Meart HalL

HOT SPRINaS.HOT 8PRTNO COUNTY, ARKANSAS.Qotels at Hot airings (Hal? and Proctor Bonaea

Ml bavn been bleudod ad improvemeots mado toaccommodate neirr i?rrrrtEio vuttorh at ar.y timethrougout the e.r. lliese wonderful Springs positive

Lnuibago, Paralysis, Gout, 8t VIIju's Dance,StorlJity, lrn potency from disease, Venoreal dlseaoea.Mcrcureal ditu Bcrofula and Ol&ndular dueasea,ana ait lonni vi OJkUi uicsfr,

R. A. CLAYTON, Froprtetor.Dr. G. W. Lawreno", the Medical examiner of Hot

springs, will supply olrcitlaxs to applicants.N. B. MarenrlM. Iodlnn, Sulphar, and other medl

eiated vapors fnrnihed when reqnlred- - JanUS diy

Srandies & Crawford,CHAIN D2ALEHS,

A VB rrmoved to the new Warehouse on the tontn- -K west eorner ol Main and First stroeta.

Wo will pay th hlrheit icarket priee for all kinds of

'Jrsin, cnvered at on r store oral any gooa smppiugpjlut on the O o nvr,


Mutual Life Insurance.rVFW RN;F.ANI mVTFAIj LIKE

COMPANY. No. :3 State itreet. Boa-ta-

In euro live, on the mntual rrinch-le- .

Not Accnmnlatlon exceeding H 1 ,SAO.f0, and In--ereasipg, for the benefit of membrs, preeut and

the whole safely and advantageonsly invted.The business conducted exclusively the benetit of

the pr rsons tn?orwi.TJie ereator H?k taften cn a life I.'VO'HpV.B irplus distrtbutd among the members esiry fifth

year- - from December 1, lr4 setuea in caQ or py aau-ti- -

n to potior.Premlcms may be mid qnarterly or

whre desired, and amounts not too small.Forms of apvication and pamphlets of the Company

and it" repot U to be bd of its agent or at tho office OI

the Company, or forwarded by mail, U wrlttvn forpoit-pai-

DIRECTORBiMarshall P, WUdar, 6owrl Taprin,Charles P. Curtis, Wiliiara B. Keynolda,Thomas A. Dextsr, Gore U. Folger,Charles Hubbard. . W. TbaxttT,Francis C LowelL James Stnrgi".

WILLARD PHILLIPS, President.1irJAJrTi! F. Btxvicm a. Secretary.W. W Mobjuu4d, M. D., Consulting Fhywrian,aufftn dly

POWDERT ALL ooallt'es ronftantjy on hand and fot tale byO DA TS & UFKtfD, Agaats for the AaanaacturBn,


XTmntt. Davkj A Bpksd, Agcta of Oriental PowderCo., Loui-vtll-

fnfs Wo have been nHng your DJastlng Powdfr andwe take oleacure In stating that we tind It eoual if notcuporior to any Powder that have ever nsed.

ARTHFH CAMPBELL,BTrperlntendcint for Smith A Smysac,

I oordlatrr ecnrnr ta the above and cheerfully raootn- -mend it to tbe public. J. 1. BMi i u.

I ennslder the above Powder superior to any we haveever been able to obtain. U. tuaJ a.

We take pleasure In rocommonding rour Indian Orien-

tal Rifle Powder aa equal if not superior to any we have.Mr Maori. It heiii VHtv rlwnlv and strong. Ihla weasxert altar a thoron WeL-tI- roo


1 .ttf A bti:n.

l 3 ca-'- el- or Btd-s- :b d hinnld-T-'- ;

Cieon:li' iiar? i.Jsar-cu'ti- ! U:n;

to.M'.Ul t.

AUCTION SALES.a. . aagrT .jl b. mm

AND C rMMi;SION MBKCBNTAUCTTONBBR3 and Wall streets, LonOvlIle, Ky.WUslj advances ma-l- on gods consiguod to at t

any amount.Mr- - are at a'l t!ne re sdy to attend to sales 0

Etat. Marshal's or t'Juitable's Sitfa, HouaeljoiFumitnre, fe.. ou tenna satWaetory to v


AT WHOLESALE$200,000 Worth of


25 per Cent. Leesro XX 1ST OOOT,

For Cash.BT



L. 8. B. de CP.CTY....01. RAJjY, Agant),TrS atreet, adtolnlan the Jetinial OlBoe

3Scias Ui more an.l tor sa!e in 0,1 ir titlesLu Ito snlt purcliafi-- a fine asortjuent of

WINKS aud LKlUOKo, sath as j

BOUUICAUX. BOrK(iOR. rOCJMAlM.Bordeaux; pnmard; Bordeaux;DoMdoc Frnt3gttaTi; L'jnel:Et. Kitepha. Voln&y,

Lai'iedon.Momlle, Vln da Tokay, Anaagnao, and Gardu.ii.

mars dl y


SfiuttleSewingMacMneFOR ALL E1NT3 np WORK. PRL T, 875.

Warranted the 13st in the rSstrketJFine finished, etroug and durable; wheel feed of greatpower; y imi;lo in ceimtnictjon: cot a wireabont It: all Its parts are most admiralty ani ingenioua-l- y

arranged; cannot pnsibly t out of order, bftauteeverythiug is permAoeutly uoue so easily un-

derstood and ojmU-d- aod sews lb-- n.ost beautifulstch ever beheld, piwrtaaly shko on N'th sides. Tai-

lors and all who have seen it pronounce it the bestever sent to UUt vicijii: v. All arc cordially

to ezamiue it, T. JOHNSTON, Asi-n- .

dly L1'- t srrt- -


COl IPourtli et.,Iltve In etore one of tba largtet s'ockj of

Staple and Domestic Goods10 De itrand 11 tue ctty, compriri-j- in put

w,ooo yards bleacued cxittons:lu,i'00 YARDS NEW STYLE PR NS;8,000 YARDS BROWN CANTON FLANXEUS.a,LJ0 YARD 3 BLEACH KD FO DO- -





Received every moi-nin- .

VKNT ON, flWOITK DC TT. QCIT-- . WOOI O )CK,fQLiKHl.L i iulL r.d H o bvr Inmnes of f hw

iffivei d.ii v a 1 "err d in styl-- L

O r Br I lippr. d with ihevfT1" cholct oranns ora, l.iui'MY, Clarj, i atd Aunican Alea

and Sorters.JOHN ( AWETM A CO,

tf lrh

lauib' tanov rrrFrg vrar,w'Ar?w Our 'txk of Laie' Fur" ! complete,5;'-- f "'eb-acl:- i every d1 aerlpti'xi irom th-- t rtneitSi Kble tfi Vi r. in:m ne.d t'oify, a d for tiifcUurfwta will fall thtm at low pricea.

FRATUl.R A SMI ill,df l&h 4?0M-it- st... hK Four- and KiPh

jr DRKB3 HA TH of rh v ty finest material andfir? at very low pricej for :vU

FRATUE3 A SMITH,d7 J4b 42 ' Malu't.




f PAL Tliread I aco Eiptnftt h0 a yard and opwvdt,t R-- Va1!. v at c " "

ieal Lace Col I irs at i"." a piece"Embroidered Undkddcfi at " .

Do hilars at) 'Ruffl d tlhrirdte Band' and 8iv- - at 8Cc a piece;

inlaats Waies mi J R b:S;FNe Oermii'i Linen Rvbbln Lire.:Fine French EiuU'"dired Cj lur and fur iliser,

Al-- o a st nil lt ofFine Frerrb Einbroid red and tolii French GnJpure

Lao C'd'arttci, v-- tyr-Al- l

of which will be sold vry ow for cash only atCUAKLE3 F. RACMir iiBJ'

Cheap Lace flora,nSfi 4h ' st. (otd No. (".


ST.CStARLES It U S T A 17 51 ATi TFllrh straut, botwewj Nia aod Muket.

IU3T RECEIVED A LOT OF WINTER ALE,.1 tb celeJratod maau:aoi'irt;r, J. W, HARRIS, Dr-to-

Ohio.I bftre bpo aplntpd aent for Louivin? 3 to

above Ale, sjid I wiU kp a l:ui. tock . icae eont ant you baud, in harrJs, hai, k- -, and

JalTand try the Dayton At at the 9T xtiRLK8


Lithographs,Gilt Frames.

Lookiug-GIasse- s,


A fine aafortment, and CS CAPER THAN EVB

w.3rfT ffarfce .. nod Thirdaad S. vV. roar :riei .tid Freen eta

At nrjND koveis




FOR PRIVATES.All the above, and everythiu ft a at and

line, on hacd and made to crlar

,.hh rmr''prh "id Mnlnet.


Clirif3tina3 O-iftO- a

VOGT & KLINIiBespeetfaUy orTer for Inspection jd Mie ft larf

and iplendid :ortiaent of

T 2D "W" 3D JLm IOL 1sl9of workmanship ao l fiahionable strl(

Coral, CarU.ncrt, &c. artl"! realtygood, Cn, and nnd 0errh'ng U'lf.igh: tooar line, 01 Eurupeau tupoiL, lis, Yo.k ((.tiit aoiOur own make.

IlaviDg hvon br conslffnon toCTjOSB OUTi4 tr at any rt'te r.itb ;i ilix;- tot'.iru gocrt, m ow.

lug to the hard thnrs. '.! 13 t.LPT NO t.AMl Ct rlTOKR HO

Otl tbe store of pr'.r.L'. wb bivit-- fmr Mi-'-i M ttjto eH and esamoe ovr ?rkt r-

fib: tneir wajitt and wish. wii! k. .; thu. V piarijieA.

Nd I'Ju eacltP prti-i- M -- i i if o-

15 d7 ta r, eox. ' Ma'n ft.


f? boy. chotce Wit-r- R'erv7:lUtjb-,r- fr Lv