THIRTY · 11/6/2016  · seven brides for seven brothers, but rather seven grooms for one bride....


Transcript of THIRTY · 11/6/2016  · seven brides for seven brothers, but rather seven grooms for one bride....

Page 1: THIRTY · 11/6/2016  · seven brides for seven brothers, but rather seven grooms for one bride. The question that is posed to the Lord is who will this woman be the bride of in heaven
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“…He is not God of the dead but of the living, for to

Him all are alive.” - St. Luke

One of the last plays that I attended was out west, several years ago, in Colorado, where the local towns-folk put on the well-known 1954 production of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. The play takes place back in the 1850’s, out west in the Oregon Territory. I remember enjoying it on two counts: first, the play was so wholesome and heart-warming; secondly, there were so many funny lines in the play. In short, it is ultimately about seven single brothers who eventually find seven brides in a rather unconventional way.

The play came back into my mind as I was reviewing the scriptures for this 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. For just as the brothers largely march into town and terrorize this sleepy community by kidnapping these local women and taking them back to the mountain for their brides; so too in the first reading from the Book of Maccabees. For SEVEN brothers and their mother are also taken captive, in this case by the king. But, unlike the women of this famous play who must park themselves in their mountain home because winter sets in (sending the men to live in the barn with the livestock, including the pigs), in the First Reading, the seven brothers and their mother are tortured for their refusal to eat pork. Yet both stories have a happy ending. In the play, the kidnapped women fall in love with their captors and marry in a multiple ceremony, living happily-ever-after. The Good News of the First Reading is that, even though the seven brothers and their mother are tortured and put to death, their martyrdom for their beliefs will result in them living happily-ever-after in heaven.

The Gospel from St. Luke makes no mention of “mean torture”, but rather a “mental teaser” through a question for the Lord. Again, this theological riddle of sorts, involves, not seven brides for seven brothers, but rather seven grooms for one bride. The question that is posed to the Lord is who will this woman be the bride of in heaven as she was married to seven different men? The Good News is that while marriage may bring happiness and joy in our earthly existence, heaven is not about the joy of marriage, but rather the joy of the Messiah. We will live happily-ever-after in heaven not

because we are married to some person, but rather that we will be in the presence of the Messiah.

I do want you to take special note at the distinct theological and linguistic similarity with both this reading from the Book of Maccabees and the Gospel from St. Luke. Both begin their tales of “mean torture” and a “mental teaser” by mentioning very specifically, the number “7”. For the first reading speaks about SEVEN brothers, while the gospel mentions SEVEN grooms.

“Seven” was an extremely sacred number for the Jewish people. Seven represented creation, good fortune and blessing. Besides the fact that God created the world and rested in the span of seven days; there are also seven laws of Noah, as well as seven Jewish patriarchs. There are several Jewish holidays that are seven days long. The Land of Israel was allowed to lie fallow one year in seven. The Menorah that we still see today at Hanukkah has seven branches. For the Jew, there are seven days of mourning after a person dies. In chapter 4 of Zechariah, he describes a strange heavenly stone that has seven eyes. Recall that the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites encircle the city seven times. Have I convinced you yet that seven is a very important number to the Jews?

So, when these two readings from the Old and New Testament talk about seven brothers and one mother and later seven grooms for one bride, we can conclude only one Good News point. These are holy and powerful passages of scripture that we must pay close attention to. For both these readings are addressing that how we live our life on earth will be very different from our life in heaven. The sufferings of our life for the sake of God will be replaced with salvation, as in the case of the First Reading. The sweet relationships of life such as marriage will be replaced with an even sweeter, eternal relationship with the Savior Himself.

In the spirit of the Jewish people, may we always hold sacred the 7th day, the day of rest, namely Sunday itself, so that our lives may end happily-ever-after in the Kingdom. May we as brides and grooms, brothers and sisters, boys and girls, live our life on earth in holiness, so that when we come to that holy, seventh day of our life, that day of rest in death, we might be welcomed by the one that had been tortured through the cross and is today the bride-groom of heaven, namely Jesus Christ! Please pray in this month of November for the Poor Souls, our dearly departed who are resting in the sleep of death. May they rest in peace! Amen.

Rev. Paul van de Crommert, Pastor

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Adult $5,901.53 Electronic Giving $2,158.25 Junior $61.85 Plate $252.68 November Fest Raffle Tickets $2,169.00 November Fest Meal Tickets $464.00 World Mission Collection $155.00 Archdiocese for the Military Services $16.00 Diocesan Mission Coop $2,859.44 All Saints $1,111.00 Faith Formation Tuition $145.00 Faith Formation Pizza Donations $53.00 Votive Light Monies $67.00 Rental Income $400.00

Grand Total $15,813.75

Our weekly goal is set at $13,000.00 | Page 3

Stewardship of Gratitude


Again this week we had another excellent week of stewardship. Thank you for your extra generous spirit towards the work of the missions. God is greatly pleased when we reach out to our brothers and sisters who are in deep physical need.

Thank you to all of you who took the time in spiritual stewardship to attend one of the three Masses for the Holy Day of Obligation this past Monday evening and Tuesday. This too is a great mark of faith as we honor the saints who have such a tremendous power to intercede on our behalf to Almighty God.

The stewardship push is on for the Festival which is NEXT WEEKEND! We have already taken in, before expenses, more than $11,500.00 in revenue! This is a good stewardship sign that we have the makings of another great festival! We really welcome you THIS WEEK (if you have not already done so) to purchase your MEAL TICKETS, RAFFLE TICKETS, BRING QUALITY USED AND CRAFT ITEMS, BAKED GOODS, ETC. TO THE PARISH OFFICE OR ON SATURDAY MORNING AS WE ARE SETTING UP! Let’s have an even greater festival than last year! Thank you for your gifts!!!

Holy Father’s Nov. Universal Intention “That the countries which take in a great number of

displaced persons and refugees may find support for their efforts which show solidarity.”

Welcome to Holy Rosary

We welcome this week to Holy Rosary two new households to our growing parish family. Please welcome with me Mark and Julie Frahm from North Mankato who registered this week. Mark is employed as a technician and Julie is employed as a typesetter. We are so happy that you are with us! Welcome!

We also welcome to Holy Rosary Anne Doyle. Ann is from Mankato and is retired. We are equally happy that you are with us and part of our growing parish family!

Are you New to the area or would like to join Holy Rosary parish? It is now easier than ever and you can do it from the convenience of home. Just go to & download the registration forms to fill out. You can also simply send us your contact information via an easy-to-use form and we will mail you a hard copy of those forms. Come join our growing Holy Rosary parish family!


“ … First and foremost, as a Catholic, I want to vote in a way that defends the right to life for all people, especially the unborn and the vulnerable, since this is the most foundational of human rights. Additionally, I want to vote for candidates who will protect our religious liberty, which has been undermined by the current administration and seems to be likely to be further undermined by an explicit anti-Catholic bias seen in this campaign…”

-Bishop Andrew Cozzens Auxiliary Bishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis The Catholic Spirit – October 27, 2016

Baptism Blessings

Our prayers and best wishes go out to Jeremy and Sarah Goettl on the occasion of Baptism of their son, “Jasen Richard”, who was baptized following this weekend’s Saturday night Mass. May this newborn’s Baptism be the beginning of a life-long relationship with Christ and His bride the Church! May God bless you on this most joyful occasion!

Happy 90th Birthday! Our prayers and best wishes go out to Anne Doyle on

the occasion of her 90th year of life. Anne recently joined our parish and her son, Preston, is a Deacon, serving presently in the Waseca area. This weekend we will honor Anne with a special blessing at the close of Mass. We are grateful to Deacon Preston for his presence and for assisting at the Mass as we honor his mother. Anne, may God bless you with many more years of health, holiness and happiness! God bless you!

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The Week Ahead Sunday, November 6: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

10:45 am - 4:30 pm – Confirmation Retreat for 11th Grade at Ss. Peter & Paul 3:30 pm – Sacrament of Confession at Ss. Peter & Paul (Fr. Paul attends)

Monday, November 7: Weekday 8:05 am – Rosary 8:30 am – Mass - Don Ledwein† & Tom Ledwein† 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm – Boy Scouts Spaghetti Dinner (Social Hall) 6:30 pm – CCW Social - Cookie Jars (School Cafeteria)

Tuesday, November 8: Weekday

7:00 am – Mass at Ss. Peter & Paul 8:15 am – Mass at St. John the Baptist 12:05 pm – Mass at St. Joseph the Worker

Wednesday, November 9: The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

8:05 am – Rosary 8:30 am – Mass - Margaret Wittry† 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm – Sewing Group (Lower Level PC) 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm – Youth Choir Practice 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm – Holy Rosary Choir Practice

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm – Grades 1-6 Rel. Ed. Classes 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm – Youth Group 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm – Grades 7-11 Rel. Ed. Classes

Thursday, November 10: Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

8:05 am – Rosary 8:30 am – Mass - Susan Zenk† 10:15 am – Holy Communion Service at Pathstone 4:30 pm – Loyola Trustees Meeting at Good Counsel (Fr. Paul attends)

Friday, November 11: Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop

8:05 am – Rosary 8:30 am – Mass - Emma Klan 9:15 am – Parishioners’ Breakfast at the Perkins Restaurant (1123 Range St) - *All are invited

Saturday, November 12: St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr 4:30 pm – Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:30 pm – Rosary 5:00 pm – Mass - Mel Ulrich†

Sunday, November 13: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time NOVEMBER FEST! 7:30 am – Rosary 8:00 am – Mass - People of the Parish 9:30 am – Rosary 10:00 am – Folk Mass (Cedar Creek Gospel Band) - Walter Enzenauer† (Nursery, Pre-K, and CLW during the 10:00 am Mass)

November Fest - Nov. 13th! Can you believe it? Next

Sunday is our annual Festival! We have the makings of another great day. Can you pray with me that we will be having a day like we have been having? Has this been a beautiful fall or what?!!! We want 72 degrees and sunshine! Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!!! (*Please note the change that there will be an 8:00 am Mass the day of the festival!)

1.) Dinner Tickets: We are approaching the 2/3rds mark for dinner tickets, or around almost 400 tickets that have been PRE-SOLD! That is PHENOMENAL! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Take a moment to buy your tickets early this week as we have to turn in the numbers for those preparing the food. At this point we are planning for at least 600! If our sales are strong this weekend, we might bump it up to 650 or maybe a bit higher! Thank you to all of you who have already bought tickets!

2.) Fall Raffle Ticket: We believe that our Raffle Tickets are coming in stronger than last year. It looks as though our bin is already 1/3rd full. Please know that you can turn in your tickets all the way up to the drawing at 3:00 pm! $20.00 is no money for many of us! Yet the top 5 prizes in cash and prizes is valued beyond $2,000.00! Come on! Take a chance for a good cause! Oh yes! “Good Luck!”

3.) Games: We are adding an indoor bounce house for the kids to enjoy as well as more carnival style games this year. If you are able to donate any fresh baked cookies for our “Cookie Walk”, it would be greatly appreciated. Please drop off donations labeled “Cookie Walk” to the Parish Office on Friday the 11th or to the Bakery room on Saturday the 12th.

4.) Volunteers Needed: If you have not yet signed up to work a shift at the festival, please consider doing so. We have needs in all areas including set up and clean up. To volunteer, please use the sign up sheets located at the back of church or you may email Rachel Helget at [email protected].

5.) Canned Good/Produce/Crafts/Quality Used Items: For our Attic Treasures area, we are looking for new, gently used, vintage and antique items (*however, we cannot accept any appliance that uses electricity due to insurance reasons). We are also in need of canned goods, produce, and handmade craft items for our country store. If you have questions about donating, please call Maxine Davis at 387-7634. Donations can be dropped off at the Parish Office. Please see the CCW announcement in this bulletin about a fun and unique opportunity to help stock the Country Store.

6.) Theme Baskets: Please keep the Silent Auction items coming! Donate a fun theme basket or an individual item. Once again, no donation is too big or too small.

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Prayers and support for all of our sick and injured of Holy Rosary Parish

Our prayers go out to all of the sick and injured in our parish who are at home, in the hospital, nursing homes or assisted-living residences. May God bless them and keep them under His guidance and protection!

For Those Who Are Ill & Special Needs Jo Lindberg, Solomon Francis Blaschko, Gerald Erkel,

Richard Koble, Sr. M. Adelyn Vokal, Dorothy Hiniker, Ruth Gag, Charles Ulman

For Our Families Monday Rodney & Lisa Kobs Tuesday Terry & Roxanne Larsen Wednesday Mick & Jennifer Kruse Thursday David & Cindy Maczkowicz Friday Bruce & Judy Leivermann Saturday Richard & Sheila Lyons Sunday Mike & Jill Martinka

For Those in the Military Nick Blace Matt McGraw William Backes Jared Hiniker Christopher Schmidt Ben Barsness Dana Schiller Jonathan Heintz Daniel Fitterer Mark Hansen Timothy Eick Anna Drummer

Prayer Chain

If you have a short term prayer request or prayer of thanksgiving for our prayer chain to pray for, please call Teresa Kolstad at 327-9810.

Lord, Hear Our Prayers

Home Visitation: If you wish to have yourself or a loved one receive the sacraments, Holy Communion or a personal pastoral visit, please call our coordinator, Lorraine Klaseus at 507-388-4932

This Week’s Readings Mon: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tues: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wed: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Thurs:Fri: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Sat: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Sun: Mal 3:19-20a/2 Thes 3:7-12/Lk 21:5-19

*Our prayer list will be updated regularly. When you submit a name of a loved one for prayer, their name will remain on the prayer list for SIX WEEKS. If you no longer see your loved ones name and would like the parish community to continue to pray for this individual, please call the parish office with your prayer request and their name will again be placed on our prayer list for another six weeks. The CCW “Cookie in a Jar” Night

Mark your calendar for Monday, November 7th at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria for an evening of fun and fellowship making “Cookie in a Jar” creations to help stock our Country Store for November Fest. Then take the recipes home so you can create unique Christmas gifts for your friends and family. We will also be filling jars with candy for the kid’s Jar Raffle game. Your donation of empty plastic containers with lids (ie. peanut butter jars) and assorted candy is welcomed and appreciated. Please come join in the fun on November 7th. We hope to see you there!

Diocesan Second Collection –

Hurricane Matthew (Nov. 20th)

The American Bishops have requested that our Catholic parishes across the country take up a second collection to assist those that have been devastated by Hurricane Matthew in the southern part of the United States. (*The collection was to be taken up on the weekend of October 29-30th; but this was also the weekend of the Diocesan Mission Coop Weekend.) Therefore we will take this collection up following the Fall Festival on the weekend of November 19th-20th, after Holy Communion.

These funds will be used to support the efforts of Catholic Relief Services and Catholic Charities as they reach out to provide humanitarian aid in the form of water, food, shelter, and medical care, as well as to their long-term efforts to restore communities after widespread destruction, and to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for the pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church in the Caribbean and the US. Your support of this collection for the victims of Hurricane Matthew is greatly appreciated.

Thanksgiving Masses

I will be offering TWO Masses for Thanksgiving. Although it is not a Holy Day of Obligation, it is such an important day for us as Catholics; for the word Eucharist means literally “Thanksgiving”. So, even more important than sitting down at a table with family and friends to give thanks, should we not sit down with the Lord in Church to give thanks for the blessings of another year of grace? The first Thanksgiving Mass will be held on the Vigil of Thanksgiving, November 23rd at 5:00 pm and the morning Mass of Thanksgiving will be held at 8:30 am. Please make Mass part of your annual Thanksgiving tradition! We hope to see you there! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Stewardship Corner

Diocesan United Fund (D.U.F.), Diocesan Priest Pension Fund/ Medical, Care Comp Ins, Priest Care Fund, & Audit: Pd. to Date: $30,770.54 DUE: $73,231.32

Annual Diocesan Ministries Appeal (D.M.A.): Rec’d. to Date: $0.00 DUE: $38,768.53

Loyola Catholic School Assessment: Pd. to Date: $25,000.00 DUE: $221,268.00

Total Paid to Date 2016-17: $55,770.54 Apostolate Stewardship 2016-17: $333,267.85

We recently received word from the Diocese of New

Ulm that the stewardship goals have been set for our

parishes for the Annual Diocesan Ministries Appeal. Our

goal has been set at $38,768.53. Eighty percent of this

goal will go towards the needs of the Diocese of New

Ulm to fund their various ministries that will include:

Catholic Charities, 24%; Youth Ministry, 16%; Catholic

Schools, 10.4%; Religious Education and Adult

Formation, 9.6%; Family Life, 8%; Permanent Diaconate,

5.6%; Hispanic Ministry, 4%; Social Concerns, 2.4%.

Please remember that this is a SOFT GOAL. When this

appeal was first started by Bishop Nienstedt, it was a

HARD GOAL. If the total goal was not received by the

faithful, the remainder of the money was taken from the

parish coffers. This is no longer the case. Whatever we

take in, 80% goes to the Diocese and 20% is returned to

the parish for our use. The 20% that will be returned to

us will go towards supporting our Catholic School

stewardship goal. Thank you for your continuous giving!

May God bless you!

Congratulations to the boys cross country team on winning the Section 2A championship and advancing to the State Cross Country meet! The team members are: Landon Javens, Brady Omtvedt, Micah Rentschler, Brett Omtvedt, Mitchell Johnstone, Carter Deichman, Joey Zalusky, Payton Remiger, Evan Skinner, Tyler Cromwell.

The Loyola Catholic School high school theater department will present “Bye Bye Birdie” in the Lower Campus theater, 110 N 5th Street, November 10-12, 7pm and November 13 2pm. Tickets may be purchased in advance in either school office or at the door. Adults: $10, students: $5.

Loyola hosted its first Open House of the school year on Thursday, November 3. The evening included preschool, elementary, intermediate and secondary level information, a glimpse at the daily life of our students in our “a day in the life of a preschooler, kindergartener, 5th grader and 9th grader” series, a key presentation and video, activity information booths, games, refreshments and more! Please mark your calendars for our next Open Houses: January 23 and March 14, 5:30-7:30pm on the Upper Campus, 145 Good Counsel Drive. Come and discover what it means to be part of the Loyola community! We continue to offer Family Tours and Shadow Days on a day convenient to you. Call 507-388-0600 to schedule.

Please join the Loyola High School Choir, and other community Catholic singers in a musical Advent service to be held at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish on Saturday, December 10 at 7:30pm. The intent of the concert is to provide our Catholic community the opportunity to participate in a musical Advent Service in order to prepare our hearts for the message of Christmas!

Annual Ecumenical

Thanksgiving Prayer Service

With the start of November, we also need to start thinking about Thanksgiving, which is only weeks away. On the very first Thanksgiving the pilgrims and the native people gathered to share a common meal, and I suspect some common prayer as well. Recently, the area ministers and I, as pastor, met to make preparations for this year’s annual Ecumenical Service. This year the service will be held (weather permitting) at Messiah Lutheran Church at 1706 Lee Blvd., at 7:00 pm on November 23rd. Last year I preached the event at the Methodist Church on Belgrade. We had a wonderful response of parishioners from Holy Rosary. Hopefully that will be the case this year as well. Please plan to attend.

Holiday Bazaar

St. Ann Catholic Church, Janesville, is having a Holiday Bazaar, on Nov. 12th. From 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at the St. Ann’s Parish Center. They are serving a light breakfast, a bake sale, holiday store, raffles and silent auctions. There will also be ornament decorating for the children.

Friends of San Lucas Annual Gala Join The Friends of San Lucas at their annual gala

Saturday, November 12th at the Verizon Wireless Center. Hurry Tickets are still available! Contact - [email protected] or call 651-454-0981.

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11th Grade Confirmation Retreat

Thank Please keep our 11th Grade Confirmation Students in your prayers as they are on retreat TODAY (Sunday)! May the Holy Spirit descend upon them and guide their thoughts and actions.

Youth Group

The next gathering for the youth group is Wednesday, Nov. 9th from 6:00 pm - 6:50 pm. Come join the fun and enjoy Walking Tacos for supper! $3 suggested donation.

Upcoming Dates Nov. 9: Class for ALL Grades - Elementary 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm; Jr/Sr High 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Nov. 16: Class for Elementary - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Nov. 23: NO CLASS - Thanksgiving Mass at 5:00 pm Wednesday & 8:30 am Thanksgiving Day at Holy Rosary; Ecumenical Service, Wednesday, Nov. 23rd at 7:00 pm at Messiah Lutheran Church

Nov. 12th - Nov. 13th, 2016

Lectors: 5:00 pm Cindy Gawrych 8:00 am Michelle Fischer 10:00 am Jim Schorn

Eucharistic Ministers: 5:00 pm Brenda Voracek, Jane Younge, Tom & Mary Clare Wyrowski, Pat & *Wanda Hull

8:00 am Cathy Neve, Mary Beth Nygaard, Gene Brandt, Mike Brumm, Craig Amundson, *Margaret Ayers

10:00 am JoAnn Borchert, Darlene Schorn, Curt & Donna Stanke, Ryan Howe, *Rick Gruber

Altar Servers: 5:00 pm Anna Voracek, James Younge, Connor McGraw 8:00 am Braeden Otto, Carson Fischer, Ben Cahalan 10:00 am Matthew Helget, Ben Ellingworth, Spencer Spaude

Presentation of Gifts: 5:00 pm Tom & Mary Clare Wyrowski 8:00 am Roger & Patricia Stierlen 10:00 am John & Donna Wolf

Ushers: 5:00 pm Gary Wintheiser, Paul Stevens, Steve Enderle, Mark Weingartz (Head Usher) 8:00 am Chris Sturm, Bill Cahalan, Paul Harguth, Bill Fasnacht (Head Usher) 10:00 am Doug Helget, Brent Friedrichs, Steve Kaiser, Bob Wegscheid (Head Usher)

Music Ministry: 5:00 pm Faith Kodet/Jeanne Makela 8:00 am Corrine Ort/Jeanne Makela 10:00 am Cedar Creek Gospel Band/Jeanne Makela

Rosary Leaders: 5:00 pm Eileen Wadekamper 8:00 am Sharon Lenz 10:00 am Donna Wolf

Money Counters - Nov. 2016: Bob Manwarren, Renee Amundson, Mary Coleman, Terri Compton

Bulletin Folders - Nov. 2016: Mary Bliss, Maxine Davis, Barb Wegscheid, Rita Townsend, Marge Grausam

Worship Committee - Thank You

A special word of thanks goes out to our wonderful Worship Committee who worked so hard this past Thursday evening to get the sanctuary dressed, for the Fall Season, for our annual Festival, as well as for the great Feast of the Thanksgiving which is quickly approaching. We decorated a little later than last year because last year we struggled with our pumpkins that were trying to change from being garden pumpkins to pumpkin pie due to the warmth of the church. Hopefully that problem will be largely avoided this year! Thank you everyone! You are great!

Holy Day - Thank You

A word of thanks goes out to all of you that made the spiritual sacrifice to attend the Holy Day Mass of Obligation this past Monday evening and Tuesday. If you combined the attendance of all three Masses together, we would have had one really well attended Mass. (The stewardship is also evidence of this reality.) THIS IS SPIRITUAL PROGRESS. It is wonderful to see the attendance for the Holy Days rising with the passing months. You can never go spiritually wrong when we invoke the help and the patronage of the saints. Continue to be messengers to others of the importance of these holy days for our spiritual advancement.

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Echo Food Shelf: Thanksgiving Dinners

ECHO Food Shelf is once again preparing to distribute Thanksgiving dinner baskets to those in need, but they need your help. The baskets would include a turkey or ham, potatoes, vegetables, dressing mix, pie filling, walnuts, cranberries, apples and squash. The baskets will be distributed on the week of November 14th-18th at ECHO. The baskets will cost about $20.00 to prepare and the food shelf is expected to distribute 1,000 – 1,200 baskets.

If you would like to contribute to this important “Corporal Work of Mercy” project in this “Year of Mercy”, you are encouraged to mail or drop off a check to ECHO Food Shelf, PO Box 3212, Mankato, MN 56001, or stop at the food shelf that is located at 1014 South Front Street, Mankato, MN. Please write “Thanksgiving Basket” on your check so that the treasurer knows that this stewardship is for this designated Thanksgiving Day project. Thank you for your consideration! Happy Thanksgiving!

K. of C. Council #5551 News Nov 10 - Planning Meeting

Closing of the Extraordinary Jubilee

Year of Mercy Come celebrate the closing of the extraordinary jubilee

Year of Mercy at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New Ulm, MN on the Solemnity of Christ the King, November 20, 2016. A Holy Hour with Confessions begin at 2:00 pm. Benediction and Reposition will be at 3:15 pm and a Holy Mass with Bishop LeVoir and the Closing of the Holy Doors will be at 3:30 pm.

Earth Conference at

Our Lady of Good Counsel You are invited to participate in the 11th annual Earth

Conference at Our Lady of Good Counsel Conference Center, Mankato MN, on Saturday, Nov. 12th, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm. The theme this year, Story of Seed: Blueprint for Life, will give participants an opportunity to marvel at the mystery of seeds both physical and as metaphor. Because we all depend on food and seed, this is also an opportunity to discover more about the dangers faced by seeds and actions to help them thrive. For further info contact Kathleen Mary Kiemen SSND at kkiemenssnd@yahoo or 651-690-2533.

Calling All Singers! All musicians in the Mankato

parishes are invited to join with other Catholic singers in a musical Advent service to be held at Ss. Peter and Paul parish on Saturday, Dec. 10th at 7:30 pm. The theme for this years concert is 'Savior Of The Nations Come'. Rehearsals are minimal. Talk to your parish music director for more information or contact Bridget Hermer at [email protected] or Lisa Knutson at [email protected]

Advent Retreat

An Ignatian style Advent Retreat is being offered at Ss. Peter & Paul Parish this Advent season. Please join us as we prepare ourselves for the Son of God becoming man and for His second coming in glory. The retreat includes prayerful scripture reading, Ignatian contemplation on the infancy narratives, daily personal prayer and a group prayer meeting Saturday mornings from 10:15 am - 11:15 am, Xavier Hall – Upper Room. The retreat will begin Saturday, November 26th and end Saturday, December 31st. If you would like to register or would like more information, please call the parish office 388-2995 or Frank at 382-9670.

Festive Fall Brunch

St. Joseph the Worker, Mankato, is serving their 29th Annual Festive Fall Brunch on Sunday, November 20th from 8:15 am to 12:00 pm. There will be Ham/Egg Bake, French Toast, Sausage, Biscuits/Gravy, Sweet Rolls/Muffins, Juice/Coffee/Milk. Adults: $7; Children 6-12: $4; 5 and Under: Free. Meals to go are also available! 50% of profits go to their sister parish in Haiti.

Holy Family CCW Annual Sale

On Saturday, November 19th, Holy Family CCW will be hosting their annual Craft, Bake, & Gently Used Toy Sale from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm (also after the Sat. 4:00 pm Mass as well as before and after the Sun. 8:00 am Mass) at the Church of the Holy Family in Silver Lake.

Upcoming Safe Environment Training Upcoming sessions available for you to attend in our area:

Tues. Nov. 15th at 6:00 PM at St. John’s Church For more information please call Cathy at 345-6765

or go to

Year of Mercy Day Retreat Plan to join us at the Schoenstatt Shrine for the Jubilee

Year of Mercy Retreat on Friday, November 11, 2016 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. Talks, Confession, Holy Mass, Holy Year Prayers & Activities. Suggested donation of $15 for the day includes lunch & snacks. Please call Dolores Portz, 388-3554, if interested so we can car pool.

Page 9: THIRTY · 11/6/2016  · seven brides for seven brothers, but rather seven grooms for one bride. The question that is posed to the Lord is who will this woman be the bride of in heaven


Volunteers Needed

The Mankato Newspaper Reading Project is seeking volunteers to read the Mankato Free Press live over the Radio Talking Book Network from 7-8:00 p.m. for the blind and vision impaired. Volunteers are scheduled once a month to read individually or with a friend/spouse. Contact Caroline McGowan at 507-317-3711 to set up your reading assessment. If this opportunity is not for you, please pass this along to someone you know who has a pleasing voice.

Worldwide Marriage

Encounter Weekend

You've celebrated a few anniversaries... maybe MANY. You've been through some ups and downs and you have learned a lot about each other. But what if there's more to your marriage than you've ever realized? Experience a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and discover the beauty of your relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Feb 17-19, 2017 in Windom, MN and April 21-23, 2017 in Hutchinson, MN. Early registration is highly recommended. For more info visit our website at: or contact Miki at [email protected] or 507-227-8229.

This past week the 2016 Diocesan Ministries Appeal packets have been mailed to all homes in the diocese. This year’s theme is, “A Legacy of Faith; A Future of Hope.” The DMA offers us an opportunity to do our part to support the ministries that help to build the Church right here in the Diocese of New Ulm. The Diocese helps provide the ministries and service that no single parish could provide. Each one of us has been blessed by God’s generosity and for that reason we have a spiritual need and desire to return some of that blessing back to God. If you are able, please consider becoming a member or continuing a membership in the Bishop’s Guild for those who contribute $1,000 or more to the DMA.

From the Mankato Serra Club

THE EUCHARIST SHOULD BE THE HEART of every vocational journey: it is here that the love of God touches us in Christ's sacrifice, the perfect expression of love, and it is here that we learn ever anew how to live according to the 'high standard' of God's love. Scripture, prayer and the Eucharist are the precious treasure enabling us to grasp the beauty of a life spent fully in service of the Kingdom. -Pope Benedict XVI. The Mankato Serra Club works to affirm and promote religious vocations and meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month for more information call 507-696-8119.

National Vocations Awareness

On this Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time we begin National Vocation Awareness Week. Let us celebrate all who have given their lives in service to the Church by renewing our own baptismal commitment to serve the Lord. Please consider your call to serve God in your particular vocation. Hopefully some of you will hear a call to priesthood, diaconate or religious life and will be open to that possibility. If you would like assistance, please contact the Mankato Serra Club, Dick Ariens, 507-696-8119.

Lost Keys Did you attend the Anointing Mass and accidentally

pick up a set of keys that aren’t yours? If you did, please call Cathy at 345-6765 and she will get them to their rightful owner. Thanks for your help!

Archdiocese for the Military Services

This week we will support our parishioners and their families who serve or have served this nation with distinction as members of the U.S. military. The Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA will provide the Gospel, the sacraments and other forms of spiritual support to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces wherever they serve and to veterans who are in VA medical centers. Please prayerfully consider a generous contribution to this special triennial collection approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2012 and last taken in 2013.

4th Annual Turkey Bingo

Benefiting Loyola Teachers

Come win your Thanksgiving Turkey! Enjoy playing bingo, a raffle, and concessions at St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church in Mankato on Saturday, November 19th after Mass (about 6:15 pm). All proceeds will go to Loyola Catholic School teachers for use in their classrooms. In addition, a $1,000 matching grant will be provided by Catholic United Financial to Loyola Catholic School. The event is sponsored by Mankato Holy Family Catholic United Financial Council #17.

Spaghetti Dinner

Boy Scout Troop 29 is hosting its “all you can eat” Spaghetti Dinner on Monday, Nov. 7th, from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm in Holy Rosary Church’s Lower Social Hall. Adults: $6; 12 & Under: $2; Seniors: $4; Preschool: Free; Family (4 tickets): $20. Take out is also available!