Third Grade. I am going to read aloud an article about totem poles and how they have been made over...

The Talking Cloth Third Grade

Transcript of Third Grade. I am going to read aloud an article about totem poles and how they have been made over...

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  • Third Grade
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  • I am going to read aloud an article about totem poles and how they have been made over centuries. Do you know any ways to tell stories without words?
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  • What must a tree be like to be chosen to become a storytelling tree? What details show that totem-pole carving today is different than it was in the past? What details show that raising a totem pole long ago was hard work?
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  • Its time for... These are words... We use them for... Vocabulary Words we want to know Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!
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  • collector: a person who gathers things or has a collection.
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  • collection: a group of objects with something in common
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  • flourish: a dramatic waving motion; a showy way of doing something
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  • royalty: members of a royal family, such as, kings, queens, princess, and princes.
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  • embroidered: decorate by sewing designs with thread or yarn.
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  • symbols: designs that stand for other things or ideas
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  • wealth: plenty of money or other valuable things
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  • Put into your own words the important ideas or details in a story. Remember: it helps to ask yourself questions in your head. (ex. Who is the main character?)
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  • Details are important to a story because: give information about story characters and setting. help readers understand what a character is thinking or feeling. give a story a particular mood or feeling. Some details can be found in the illustrations, as well as, the text.
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  • Aunt Phoebe a collector of life Theres no place in her house to be bored. She tells Amber stories and gives her mocha to drink. Daddy says she lives in a junk pile. Listen to The Talking Cloth
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  • adinkr a cloth It runs like a white river across the floor. Its made by the Ashanti people. Only royalty used to wear it. Its made out of silk and feels smooth.
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  • We are Finished
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  • Its time for... These are words... We use them for... Vocabulary Words we want to know Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!
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  • We will be going over your vocabulary words from The Talking Cloth.
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  • collector: a person who gathers things or has a collection.
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  • collection: a group of objects with something in common
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  • Name details about Aunt Phoebes appearance on pg. 219. What do these details say about the kind of person she is? In your group list the decorative or art objects illustrated on pgs. 218-219.
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  • A contraction is a shortened form of two words. When youre older, you can have the talking cloth.
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  • Take turns reading the sentence to your number partner. Then write the contraction and the two words that make up the contraction. Hes listening now. We arent going yet. Theyre already late. Youll carry the cloth.
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  • heshe iswasntwas notwerewe areIllI will
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  • Choral read The Talking Cloth
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  • When you are Finished
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Its time for... These are words... We use them for... Vocabulary Words we want to know Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!
  • Slide 34
  • We will be going over your vocabulary words from The Talking Cloth.
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  • flourish: a dramatic waving motion; a showy way of doing something
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  • royalty: members of a royal family, such as, kings, queens, princess, and princes.
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  • Reread pgs. 195-196 in The Talking Cloth. What details help you understand why Aunt Phoebe calls the cloth a talking cloth?
  • Slide 38
  • Adinkra Cloth Color of the Cloth What it means whitejoy
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  • 1. he + is = ___________ 2. she + will = ___________ 3. was + not = ____________ 4. they + are = __________ 5. I + will = ____________
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  • 1. _________ + __________ = its 2. _________ + __________ = youre 3. _________ + __________ = hasnt 4. _________ + __________ = isnt 5. _________ + __________ = were Partner read The Talking Cloth
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  • When you are Finished
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  • Slide 44
  • Its time for... These are words... We use them for... Vocabulary Words we want to know Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!
  • Slide 45
  • embroidered: decorate by sewing designs with thread or yarn.
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  • symbols: designs that stand for other things or ideas
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  • wealth: plenty of money or other valuable things
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  • Which words in these sentences are plural nouns? The ruins of an ancient Greek stadium gave Pierre de Coubertin the idea for the Olympic. An athlete trains for years to win a metal. The first U.S. female Olympic star, Babe Didrikson, entered three track and field events.
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  • Which words in these sentences are singular nouns? Judges awarded medals to the winners of each contest. Hockey was first played in the 1920 games.
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  • Play Jeopardy Group read
  • Slide 52
  • When you are Finished
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  • After you finish your Weekly Skills Test: 1. Make sure your name, date, and assignment are written clearly on the top left of the paper. 2. Turn your test paper to me and put your answer key in the reading basket. 3. Read your chapter book.