Think before you eat tuna

Think before you eat tuna I used to eat tuna but now I don’t. Giving up tuna hasn’t affected me. I eat different foods. I don’t miss it at all. This is why I don’t eat tuna: If I eat tuna it’s causing the tuna fish to go extinct and we won’t be able to see the fish or eat them. When your kids grow up to an adult they won’t be able to see or eat tuna. Some people don’t have supermarkets because they live on very small islands that are hard to get there. So they have to catch fish by hand. Every time we buy tuna from the supermarket they get less for their kids. Seabirds can’t get their food if tuna aren’t there because the tuna have to direct the small fish to the surface. So if you take the tuna away the seabirds won’t live and they will go extinct. Tuna are top predators. If you take tuna away the other top predators will take their place. You might get more jelly fish and squid in the ocean. That eat the tuna’s food. Which make’s it even harder for the tuna to survive. Fishing for tuna causes dolphins and whales to die. By catching all the tuna to eat they also scoop up the dolphins and whales. If you eat too much tuna you can get mercury poisoning. Mercury is released into the air when we make paper, burn rubbish and burn coal for electricity. It rains into the sea where small fish eat a little bit. Bigger fish like tuna eat lots of small fish and get a lot of mercury. If we eat too much tuna, we can get very sick. If small kids eat more than one tin a week, they can get sick, according to the NSW Food Authority. Now I have read all of this when I go shopping I just don’t want to see it or buy it. By not eating any tuna I am helping the dolphins, whales, tuna, the people who don’t have supermarkets and me. You can do it too. It’s simple … think before you eat tuna.


I used to eat tuna but now I don’t. Giving up tuna hasn’t affected me. I eat different foods. I don’t miss it at all. If I eat tuna it’s causing the tuna fish to go extinct and we won’t be able to see the fish or eat them. When your kids grow up to an adult they won’t be able to see or eat tuna. Some people don’t have supermarkets because they live on very small islands that are hard to get there. So they have to catch fish by hand. Every time we buy tuna from the supermarket they get less for their kids. Seabirds can’t get their food if tuna aren’t there because the tuna have to direct the small fish to the surface. So if you take the tuna away the seabirds won’t live and they will go extinct. Tuna are top predators. If you take tuna away the other top predators will take their place. You might get more jelly fish and squid in the ocean. That eat the tuna’s food. Which make’s it even harder for the tuna to survive. Fishing for tuna causes dolphins and whales to die. By catching all the tuna to eat they also scoop up the dolphins and whales. If you eat too much tuna you can get mercury poisoning. Mercury is released into the air when we make paper, burn rubbish and burn coal for electricity. It rains into the sea where small fish eat a little bit. Bigger fish like tuna eat lots of small fish and get a lot of mercury. If we eat too much tuna, we can get very sick. If small kids eat more than one tin a week, they can get sick, according to the NSW Food Authority. Now I have read all of this when I go shopping I just don’t want to see it or buy it. By not eating any tuna I am helping the dolphins, whales, tuna, the people who don’t have supermarkets and me. You can do it too. It’s simple ... think before you eat tuna.

Transcript of Think before you eat tuna

Page 1: Think before you eat tuna

Think before you eat tuna

I used to eat tuna but now I don’t. Giving up

tuna hasn’t affected me. I eat different foods. I don’t

miss it at all.

This is why I don’t eat tuna:

If I eat tuna it’s causing the tuna fish to go extinct and we won’t be able to see the fish or eat them. When your kids grow up to an adult they won’t be able to see or eat tuna.

Some people don’t have supermarkets because they live on very small islands that are hard to get there. So they have to catch fish by hand. Every time we buy tuna from the supermarket they get less for their kids.

Seabirds can’t get their food if tuna aren’t there because the tuna have to direct the small fish to the surface. So if you take the tuna away the seabirds won’t live and they will go extinct.

Tuna are top predators. If you take tuna away the other top predators will take their place. You might get more jelly fish and squid in the ocean. That eat the tuna’s food. Which make’s it even harder for the tuna to survive.

Fishing for tuna causes dolphins and whales to die. By catching all the tuna to eat they also scoop up the dolphins and whales.

If you eat too much tuna you can get mercury poisoning. Mercury is released into the air when we make paper, burn rubbish and burn coal for electricity. It rains into the sea where small fish eat a little bit. Bigger fish like tuna eat lots of small fish and get a lot of mercury. If we eat too much tuna, we can get very sick. If small kids eat more than one tin a week, they can get sick, according to the NSW Food Authority.

Now I have read all of this when I go shopping I just don’t want to see it or buy it. By not eating any tuna I am helping the dolphins, whales, tuna, the people who don’t have supermarkets and me.

You can do it too. It’s simple … think before you eat tuna.