Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think...


Transcript of Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think...

Page 1: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and


Page 2: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

Steph: Hello, everyone. This is Steph Tuss. It is my delight to be your moderator today for the second call in Subconscious Success with David Neagle. It’s the top of the hour, and I think we’re ready to get started. David, can you hear me?

David: I can hear you, Steph. How are you today?

Steph: I’m good, thanks. How are you?

David I’m doing very well. Let’s jump in. Today we are talking about “If everything is already here, why don’t you have it yet?” That is a damn good question.

It’s an interesting thing that the universe literally already created everything that we could possibly need, want or desire in our life before we were even born.

It doesn’t hold anything back. Everything is already here. All the knowledge is already here. It is ready to come flowing into our life as long as we will adjust a few things within ourselves in order to allow that to happen.

People are always asking me, “Why is it so difficult for me to get the things that I really desire in my life?”

There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and to understand why we don’t have something in our life, we have to start to understand something that I call a blind spot.

A blind spot is where we literally have a paradigm, which is nothing more than a habitual way of thinking, feeling and acting, that is running underneath the surface, so to speak, in our subconscious mind. It literally causes us not to see the good that we desire.

The question is: “How in the heck is that possible, and how does it happen?”

We have to look at how we’re raised as individuals and all the beliefs that we have been given. Let’s talk about money for a moment. Let’s say that you’re raised middle class, working class or even professional class. This has a tendency to fall into that category also.

If a person has not experienced large amounts of money flowing into their life with relative ease, which is not something that is difficult, they have no

Page 3: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

experience with it. If they have no experience with it, they have no internal frame of reference around that idea or concept.

They do have an internal frame of reference about it being hard or difficult, there not being enough or there being lack in their life. They live a life that is based upon the idea of survival.

If that’s the case, then that’s what their mind is actually programmed to see. What I mean by “programmed to see” is that the mind is viewing the world through our five senses, and our predominant sense is sight. We are literally seeing through our eyes with cells of recognition in our brain that tell us how to perceive what it is that we see.

If we don’t have an internal frame of reference around things coming into our life easily, we have an internal frame of reference around things coming into our life in a difficult way. You don’t have both. You either have one or the other.

When we have an internal frame of reference of things coming into our life in a difficult way, that creates what we call a subconscious blind spot.

It’s not that the thing that you desire is not there. It’s that you literally, in a physical sense, cannot actually see it. You may think to yourself, “How is that even possible? The truth is that it is extremely possible.

Our brain is constantly filling in the gaps that we observe every single day of our life. Your eyes can’t possibly take in and register everything that you see on a daily basis.

Wherever you are right now, you are probably focused visually on one or two things, yet there are all different kinds of things that are in your field of vision.

Unless you change your focus, your mental paradigm filters those things out. It says, “Those things are not important for you to focus on right now. Here’s what’s important for you to focus on.” Then you draw your attention to whatever those things are.

If a person is attempting to raise their income in their life, their mind is already programmed with what to focus on. The internal mechanism that is engaged in that process is probably something close to the idea of survival, safety and security.

Page 4: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

What keeps us safe and secure? What keeps us in survival mode? What do we have urgency around at that time in our life, whatever it might be?

It could be family, friends, responsibilities at work, responsibilities at home or something that has gone wrong. Maybe a pipe broke, you’ve got a flat tire or the dog needs to go to the vet. Our mind is focused on all of these different things.

We get this idea that we want to raise our income, but not only are we not programmed to see it, but our mind is completely filled with 100 other things that we’re supposed to focus on. We literally create a visual blind spot, and we actually can’t see an opportunity in order to do that.

There are some other things that I’d like you to write down that also create a blind spot. We’re going to go through a few of them today.

One of them is resistance. Resistance is when there’s something in our life that we need to change and, for whatever reason, we’re not willing to change it.

There could be a myriad of reasons why we wouldn’t want to change something. It’s too painful. We don’t accept 100% responsibility for our own situation. We have a tendency to blame and not look inside and say, “What can I change inside of myself to change this situation?”

We could be in resistance because we’re afraid of how other people are going to react if we change. It could be an overarching feeling of fear if we were actually to change something.

Those are some of the ideas about what we could be in resistance about. The truth is that there is a lot more, but that gives you a basic flavor of what you could be resisting in your life.

Another thing is that we’re not willing to let go in order to grow. There’s an old saying in the industry and in AA. It says, “Let go and let God.”

What that basically means is that, when we’re willing to let go of whatever it is that we’re holding on to that gives us safety and security, then we can allow the universe or we can allow God to come into our life and give us the direction to heal what we need to heal on the inside so that we have the ability to see what we need to see on the outside.

Page 5: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

Until we heal what we need to heal on the inside, all we see on the outside is what’s wrong, what’s being done to us, how we’re a victim, why the money is not there, why the opportunity is not there or why we can’t do something. Immediately, it puts us into being resistant, or it puts us into what we call being defensive.

When we’re in resistance to changing something, the next stage is that we go into defending the position that we’re in, and the defense that we’re in keeps us from accepting responsibility for ourselves.

The next thing would be not being able to think according to truth. When I say “not being able,” I don’t mean that you’re not able at all. You’re just not able from the paradigm that you’ve been taught to think with currently.

I’m going to go backward. I’m going to work my way back up to the blind spot and see if I can’t draw you a roadmap as to what it is that this looks like.

One of the questions that we received from last week’s call was:  “If there is an abundance out in the universe, why is it not good enough for me to just ask for abundance to keep coming into my life? Why do I need to be specific?”

Yes, there is an abundance in the universe. Let’s say you’re thirsty, and you want a glass of water. There’s an abundance of water on the planet. Do you want all of the oceans to come flowing into your house at the same time? No, it would kill you. It wouldn’t be productive.

When you want a glass of water, you need a glass of water. That’s what you need to be abundantly healthy in that moment.

It’s the same thing for money. When we’re specific, we’re giving a very specific directive to the universe as to what it is that we want to be, do or have in our life.

If we just say “abundance,” the abundance is already here. It doesn’t need to send you anything, because it’s already here.

Consistency is what we’re looking for. In order to do that, we need to be able to think truth. The truth is that we have to be very specific about what it is that we want.

Page 6: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

Money itself is a tool, a tool to be used for something. It’s very difficult to wrap our mind around any kind of concept when it comes to just the idea of abundance.

It’s like infinity. How do you conceptualize infinity? You can’t really conceptualize infinity, nor can we really conceptualize abundance.

It’s more of a knowing that it’s there, but there’s no framework around it in a productive sense that we can actually use in a tangible way. It’s just a knowing that we’ll never run out.

Whatever we ask for, we need to ask for specifically. This is thinking in truth.

When a person says, “Why can’t I just have an abundance of everything?” what they’re really saying is, “I’m afraid to ask for something specific. I’m afraid to get focused on what I need to do. I don’t want to have to take responsibility. I don’t want to have to look at my fears. I don’t want to have to change anything on the inside.”

When they’re doing that, where are they coming from? They’re coming from this idea of a blind spot. There’s something that they currently don’t see inside themselves that is keeping them from getting the good that they desire.

If you look at yourself based on the Law of Vibration, the Law of Vibration allows us to think in frequencies. Whatever frequency we’re thinking on is going to attract the same frequency of thought to our minds.

I want you to hear this very specifically, because there’s a tremendous amount of misunderstanding out there in the teaching, coaching and spiritual world when it comes to this very specific Law of Vibration.

The idea came from a misunderstanding about the Law of Attraction, which has a lot to do with the Law of Vibration. If we’re in a very specific vibration, we will attract to us the equivalent of that vibration. What we don’t understand is how the Law of Polarity plays into that law.

When we talk about some of the greatest people that have walked the planet, like Buddha, Krishna, Christ and people like Martin Luther King, I think we would all agree that they were probably operating from an extremely high level of vibration, understanding and awareness. Yet a lot of these people were killed for their beliefs.

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 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

If we are coming from a blind spot or a place of not really understanding how to think correctly about things, then we only look at one side of something and we can’t see the other side of it.

The Law of Vibration alone is not going to just bring something good into your life. What it will do, however, is allow you to think at a completely different level.

It’s like this. Whatever room you’re sitting in right now probably has 50 or 60 different radio stations all playing at the same time, all broadcasting a different message.

Picture one of the old radios that has a dial tuner on it. You want to listen to a rock station. Let’s say the rock station is 95.5 in the city that you’re in. If you dialed it to 95.5, you would instantly hear rock music.

What’s even more interesting and fascinating about that is that you didn’t bring the music into the room. The music was already in the room. It just allowed you to harmonize that frequency with a speaker that allowed it to amplify so that you could actually hear it. The music is already in the room.

The other 50 broadcasting stations are also in the room. They’re all in the same room at the same time, but you can’t hear them because the dial on the radio is not tuned into that frequency.

Our brain operates very similar to that. Everything that we possibly want and how to get it is already here, but if our mind is not tuned into the right frequency, we literally can’t think the thoughts accurately in order to be able to get the thing that we want.

Here’s why that is. If we cannot think truth, then we’re thinking on the wrong frequency. If were not thinking truth, what are we thinking? We’re thinking a lie. We’re thinking something that is non-truth.

Non-truth is also a frequency. It will allow us to think thoughts that harmonize with that frequency, and our subconscious mind is already programmed to tell our conscious mind how to think.

If you were raised by individuals that were not thinking truth, meaning they were thinking non-truth, they taught you how to think in a non-truth way. You think in a non-truth way. All that does is create a blind spot for you to go through for the rest of your life.

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 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

People have trouble with money, business, relationships and their health. They have trouble with all different kinds of things.

When you read literature that says that the truth is love, health, healthy relationships, an abundance of money and that the universe operates in an easy way, yet you’re not experiencing those things, it’s because your subconscious mind is telling your conscious mind how to think.

Your conscious mind is then perceiving your world through your senses based on how it’s being told to think, and it’s programmed with an inaccurate way of thinking.

All of the things that you desire are basically in the same room that you’re in, so to speak, because that’s what the truth is. You’re not harmonizing with them, because you don’t understand how to change the frequency of your thinking to accurate thinking in order to be able to get what it is that you want.

Let’s move up to the next topic. The next topic is not being willing to let go of something in order to grow.

The first thing that we have to understand that we need to let go of, or at least be open to letting go of, is the current way that we’re thinking.

If we’re willing to let that go, what does it do? It automatically begins to change the frequency to something that’s more open that allows us to think the thoughts that we want to think for our life so that we can bring into our life more thoughts that then tell us how to get what it is that we want in our life.

However, for most people, the fact of their life is that they’re not willing to let go of how they think, because how they think is so wrapped up in the security that surrounds them in their life.

They only know one way of living, bringing money in or interacting with other individuals. They’re not willing to change those ideas.

If they’re not willing to change those ideas, they can’t accept a different idea that will allow them to harmonize with the things that they want so that they bring it in. What does this do? It creates a blind spot so they cannot see the thing that they want in their life.

Let me go to this quote that I was telling you about that’s in Think and Grow Rich. He says, “There’s a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it.”

Page 9: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

If you think about the first sentence in this quote, the important point is he’s saying that there is a difference. These two things, wishing for something or wanting something in your life that is different than you currently have and your ability to be able to receive it, are actually different. There’s a difference between wishing for a thing and actually being ready to receive it.

He says, “No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it.”

When he talks about belief and says, “Until a person believes that they can acquire it,” a belief is something that is happening first and foremost on a subconscious level.

Maybe you have a belief that you can’t have it or shouldn’t have it, there’s no way for you to get it, you’re not good enough to have it, it would make your parents wrong if you had it, there’s not enough in order for you to get it or it’s too difficult for you to get it.

I could go on and on with this as far as beliefs about why you can’t have something. That belief will cause that reality to reappear in your life over and over again, and, of course, you won’t have it.

Even if you start to get it, you won’t have it very long, because then it will be gone. The belief will always take over, and it will control the outcome.

In this quote, Napoleon Hill goes on to say, “The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish.”

If you think about these things as I referred to the radio and the dial on the radio and frequencies, wish would be on one frequency, hope would be on another frequency and belief would be entirely on another frequency.

As a matter of fact, belief would actually be like switching from AM to FM. Not only would it be on a different frequency, it would be on a completely different channel than mere hope or wish.

Most people go through their life with hope or wish, and they go through that because that was about the best somebody could offer them in their life for things to be radically different.

How many times did you hear as a child to wish for something or to make a wish for something? There are all different kinds of stories that back this up.

There’s the whole idea behind Santa Claus, the genie in the bottle and the Tooth Fairy. How many kids did exercises where they wrote wishes down and

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 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

sent them up in a helium balloon? There is the misunderstanding of how prayer works.

There’s no logic at all behind the idea of hope. Although hope will open a door, if we stay within the frame of that door, we never actually move to the next place, which is thinking.

The other thing that hope and wish actually indicate in some way is one of two things, either some kind of magical thinking or the idea of luck.

All of these things, what they really do is take your internal personal power and project them onto something else that is in your universe.

It may be the thing that you don’t like that’s happening in your life or the lack that you’re experiencing. You might be projecting it onto another entity, meaning God, the universe or spirit, and not really understanding that the power in order to bring those things into your life really lies with you.

It is all about taking that belief that you have and changing it with one that is accurate that harmonizes with the thing that you really want in your life.

He goes on to say, “Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, they don’t inspire courage and they don’t inspire belief.”

He’s saying “open-mindedness.” What do we have to be open-minded to? We have to be open to faith, courage and belief. I’m going to tell you in what ways.

There are two kinds of faith. There is blind faith, which is the faith that most people operate by in their life. Everybody has a measure of faith. We’re all born with a measure of faith. We could not grow as children without that measure of faith. We would never attempt to walk or talk. Our body would not grow.

Faith is the belief in an unseen destination and the internal possibility of actually arriving at that destination.

Courage is really the willingness to confront something that you’re either afraid of in your life or that you’re finding painful. We’re all born with a measure of courage.

As we grow as children, that courage is either strengthened or diminished, but as adults, the only thing we can do is to understand that it is our responsibility to strengthen our courage.

Page 11: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

One of the things that people don’t understand is that, without fear, there is no need for courage. People are always saying to me, “How do I make the fear go away so that I can do something?”

The truth is that you don’t make the fear go away, because the fear is coming from an internal program or paradigm that is causing you to believe in something that you cannot see. That’s what fear is.

What’s interesting about that is that faith is the same thing but in a positive direction. Faith is an internal program or paradigm that is also causing you to believe in something that you can’t see.

If we’re going to back away from the things that we want in our life because we’re afraid, or we’re going to go after the things that we want in our life because we’re inspired, both faith and courage, the belief to believe in something that we can’t see, are absolutely essential in order to produce those things in a person’s life.

Fear will cause us to have a blind spot. It will allow us only to see the things that we’re afraid of. We will continue to manifest those things in our life on a regular basis. They will verify the belief system that we have about why we can’t and why we shouldn’t.

It will verify any kind of resistance or defensiveness. It will continue the production of not being able to think the truth, and it will verify every reason that we can come up with as to why we should not let go and let God.

The next sentence says, “Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty.”

Let’s think about this. He’s talking about effort. You might want to write this word down. Write the word “effort” down and look at it.

Everything in our life comes to us through making an effort in one direction or the other. Effort is required for the manifestation of anything, either the good that you want or the bad that you don’t want. Either way, we’re putting out an effort.

What Napoleon Hill is saying is that the effort to create either one of those things in your life is the same. It’s equal.

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 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

That could be difficult to wrap your mind around if you have been raised with the idea that becoming wealthy or increasing your income is hard, getting what you want out of life is hard or that you have to work hard, as in effort, in order to get it.

Let’s flip that over and look at it from the other direction. Think about all the things that you have in your life right now that you don’t want. They are coming to you and you are experiencing them through the exact same effort, except you don’t feel that you’re pushing in any way in order to cause the things that you don’t want in your life to show up. They just seem to keep showing up over and over again.

When we’re talking to ourselves and having an internal conversation or a conversation with a friend, coach or mentor, and we’re saying to ourselves, “Damn, this really seems to be hard. Creating the success that I want in my life is hard. Creating more money is hard. Getting out there and doing the work is hard. Making my relationship fantastic is hard. All of these things seem to be hard,” we’re actually not working with effort, and that’s very important to know.

We’re not working with effort, not the effort that Napoleon Hill is talking about in Think and Grow Rich. Yet most people think that they are.

What they are working with is a different word, and that is the word “struggle.” Write that word down. Struggle is literally a value system that we have been indoctrinated with ever since we were born.

It’s almost like things are not worth it if we don’t have some measure of struggle in our life. Struggle only takes place in one place, and that is in our mind.

You don’t see nature or life struggle. You see people struggle, but when you’re witnessing people struggle, you’re actually looking at an effect, not a cause. The cause is the struggle that they have that is going on in their mind.

If we’re taught that something in life needs to be hard or a struggle, that is a paradigm that we have subconsciously. It is telling our conscious mind how to think about what it is that we’re experiencing.

It’s telling us that it either is hard or should be hard, that we’re struggling or that it is a struggle. Instantaneously, we have a blind spot. We cannot see how it can be easy.

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 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

The truth in life is that life is actually easy. Money, relationships, business and personal growth are actually easy.

If we’re living based on the results and the circumstances that we’re experiencing that it’s hard, it’s a struggle or it’s too much effort, we’re actually thinking incorrectly. We’re being controlled not only by a paradigm but by the blind spot the paradigm will not let us actually see through so that we can see how it easy it is.

What do we need to do in order to move to the next level? We need to think in truth, the truth being that it’s easy. Write that down. The truth is that everything that we want in life is actually easy. That would be the first subconscious paradigm that we need to change about getting what we want.

The second one would be let go and let God. What does that mean? That means that we don’t have to force our way to get something. Napoleon Hill is pointing out that we don’t have to do that, because the same effort is required to get what we don’t want as to get what we do want.

I know that still might be difficult to wrap your mind around, but think about it like this. The same effort that causes a person to be broke or bankrupt, that causes a business to fail or that causes a relationship to fail is the exact same effort that causes a person to be healthy or wealthy, have great relationships and live a happy, productive and healthy life. It’s the exact same effort. The difference is the direction in which it’s being used.

Take a piece of paper and draw an eight- or nine-inch horizontal line on it. On the left side of that horizontal line, put a negative sign. On the right side, put a positive sign. What you’re looking at is a visual representation of the Law of Polarity.

If you put a vertical line right in the middle of that horizontal line, you split that line in half. It takes no more effort to live on one side of the line than it does to live on the other side of the line.

What is it that we need to change in order to move from one side of the line to the other side of the line?

I’ve talked to you about the first two. One is to be able to think truth. I’ve already got you working with a couple of laws that are based in truth in order to do that.

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 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

Letting go and letting God is the idea that you are going to let God show you the direction to move in order to change the effort. If you’re going to change the effort, what do we have to stop doing? We have to stop resisting.

There is a key in order to stop resisting. The key is responsibility. We have to literally be able to take responsibility for everything that we think and feel, every action that we take and every result that we get.

If we have a result in our life that we don’t like, we have to be willing to say, “I caused this. Maybe I don’t know how I caused this yet, but I caused this.” We’re then on a really healthy step of actually taking responsibility for what our outcome currently is.

If your mind wants to flip over to the idea that other people are involved in this, you’re immediately moving into shifting responsibility onto someone else. You’re going into resistance, and the next thing that you’re going to do is defend your position.

When you do that, you can’t let go and let God, and you automatically move back into not thinking correctly again. You’re not thinking truth. You’re thinking in order to hold on to the paradigm.

We go back up again to the idea of taking responsibility. When we take responsibility, what we start to do is move into nonresistance. Nonresistance is like changing the dial on the radio station. You’re allowing something else to come in. You’re allowing a new message to come into your thinking.

I remember the first time that I did this. I was a high-school dropout making $20,000 a year. I was driving a forklift. I was working loading trucks for a food company.

I was not thinking truth. I was not letting go and letting God, and I was in complete resistance and denial and defensive as hell about the position that I was actually in.

Once I started to take responsibility for that situation, I literally allowed new thoughts to be able to come into my thinking. When I did this, it was like changing the dial on the radio station.

I’m doing it. I’m the one that’s changing the dial by moving from resistance to nonresistance.

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 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

When I move from nonresistance, I allow my mind to receive a different message. The message says basically the same thing to every person, and it does this in a unique way and the way that you need to hear it. Generally, what it says is, “What am I doing to cause this?”

I think I mentioned this on the last call, but I’m going to mention it again because it’s very important. You cannot start someplace that you’re not. You have to start where you are in order to get where you want to go. If you start where you are, you’re able to change the things where you are.

What does moving into nonresistance do? It allows us to see beyond the blind spot. Resistance is what’s causing the blind spot.

Resistance basically says, “Damn it, I’m not going to see anything but what I’m defending. That’s all I’m going to see, what I’m defending. I have no money. I’m broke. I can’t make sales. I can’t move my business. I can’t change the situation.” We defend it and defend it. All we see is the reality of that experience, the result of what we’re creating.

When we accept responsibility, we move into nonresistance. Nonresistance allows us to be able to see something that we couldn’t see before.

The darnedest thing is it’s just like the radio. The thing that we couldn’t see is right there in the same room. In other words, it’s an opportunity. What is it an opportunity of? It’s an opportunity to change.

If you notice, I didn’t say that you have to work harder or longer. You just have to move from resistance to nonresistance. Nonresistance will allow you to see the opportunity internally, and then it will allow you to see the opportunity externally.

The opportunity internally, like I mentioned on the last call, was for me to change my attitude. When you change your attitude about something, you’re able to see something externally much differently. It allows the blind spot to be removed.

What happens? Letting go and letting God then starts to show you the way to change the situation, because you’re changing yourself.

Remember, if everything is already here, why don’t we have it? It’s because we’re in resistance to actually receiving it. That’s the reason why we don’t have it. If we move into nonresistance, we become open to receiving it.

Page 16: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

This does not mean that we’re not going to have to learn something different. We may have to learn a different way of communicating. We may have to learn to deal with our own painful inner world and change that to something that is about forgiveness and peace so that we can communicate differently.

We may have to come from a place of not trying to get the things that we want but give the very best of ourselves so that the universe can then give the very best of itself back to us.

Whatever it might be, it’s going to allow you to change that paradigm so that the universe can naturally bring to you the good that you desire, which it always does anyway. We just can’t receive it.

Then it’s like you’re standing there with an open hand instead of a closed fist. You allow yourself to receive the things that you actually want to receive in your life.

One of the questions that I would ask you is, “What is it that you’re holding on to emotionally that you need to move from resistance to nonresistance in your life in order to be able to receive?”

When a person is experiencing something painful, am I making it up? If you’re struggling, you’re evaluating something that’s not true. There’s more than one reality to what it is that you’re experiencing, and not just the reality that you’re actually experiencing in your life.

There has to be an opposite side to it. There’s no one side to anything. God created everything as a whole in the universe. There’s no half of something where its totality is just that there’s half. Everything is created as a whole.

We literally begin to move into this place where we can start to see the truth about something. If you’re only experiencing one side of something, you’re not experiencing the whole truth. You’re only experiencing one side.

When we experience one side, we create a story around that one side. When we create a story around that one side, we go into something called rationalization, which is rationalizing lies to our own mind and justification. We justify why that’s our experience.

When we’re doing that, you have to realize that is a clear indication that you are defending the very thing that you say you don’t want to experience, that you want to change, that is too difficult and that you’re struggling with. You’re defending it simultaneously.

Page 17: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

That’s why Napoleon Hill said that it’s really not mere hope or wish, because you are actually doing something systematically to keep the thing that you want away from you.

I’m not saying that you’re conscious of it, and I’m not saying that you actually like it. There is another truth that is behind it, and the truth is that it is serving you in some way. That requires that we dig a little bit deeper.

With all due respect to whatever it is that a person is experiencing in their life, and they may be going through something that is tremendously painful, which I understand, but in some way, if you are in resistance, or are defending your position in whatever that might be, you have to ask yourself, “How is that serving me?”

Let’s ask the question. How would that be serving a person? It would be serving them, basically, in one way. It is protecting them from dealing with something that is a painful issue in their own personal life.

It really has nothing to do with anybody else, although it may have originally been partially caused by someone else, and it was probably caused by someone else many years ago, probably even when you were a child in your life.

Whenever that circumstance or situation happened in your life, what it really did was create a story. Then we begin to operate our entire life based around that story. What we end up with is a sense of certainty.

Don’t confuse this with whether you like it or not. Only understand that it creates a sense of certainty.

People will stay in the same story over and over again because they feel certain that they can deal with it even if they don’t like it. They feel safe because they ultimately know what the outcome is of that on a regular basis because they’ve been living in that story all of their life.

That really is the ultimate blind spot when that story continues to perpetuate throughout a person’s life.

If we follow what I’m prescribing here today, what happens is the strength of that story begins to weaken. The walls around it begin to come down. We actually let go and let God and allow a different truth to be able to come into our awareness.

Page 18: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

Remember, the real truth here is that the only thing we ever really do all of our life is to become more and more aware of our oneness with our creator.

That allows us to be more self-accepting of the power that we really have. It allows us to have the ability to be able to use that power to be fully self-expressed in what it is that we want to do and to become more aware and functional with our purpose.

It’s not to run and hide from the challenges in life, but to understand that every single challenge that we’re presented with in our life is designed to cause us to become more aware of what it is that we are resisting and defending on the inside so that we can become clear on what the story is and bring truth to the story.

People are always saying, “How do I heal a story?” You bring truth to it. That’s how you heal it. Truth encompasses all truth. All the little things that go along with that, whether it’s forgiveness, honesty, making amends, accepting responsibility or taking the correct action, all of that is part of that one, single, solid piece of truth.

It’s not something that is piecemeal where you just accept one piece at a time or say, “I’m only going to do the thing that I’m comfortable doing.” It’s really accepting all of the truth around that story so that we can actually remove the blind spot and see what it is that we truly desire.

The great thing is that, in that moment when the blind spot starts to dissipate and we’re able to see clearly, we can literally change on a dime the outcome that we’re experiencing in our life. We can change it very quickly.

That means that anything that was taken from you in your life can be restored. Anything that you don’t have, you can have. Anything that was difficult can now become easy. Transformations can take place very quickly.

Everything that needs to be done up to that transformation really comes down to your willingness to be able to step into those ideas to be able to do it.

Yes, there is a very real truth that you’re stepping into something that you cannot necessarily physically see, but it is required that you have faith.

It is required that you believe that you’re here for another reason other than suffering, playing it safe or having to constantly protect yourself. You’re really able to step into God’s truth or the universe’s truth for what the purpose is for your life.

Page 19: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

We should be excited and enthusiastic about our life. We should be nonjudgmental in our life. I’m talking about judgmental from a place of condemnation.

If you go back to Byron Katie’s work, we realize that we’re always judging. There’s a difference between judging whether it is something we want or don’t want in our life, but allowing that to be somebody else’s experience, and judging from a place of condemning.

Whatever it is we condemn without, we condemn within. Whatever you put out comes right back to you. Energy always returns to its source of origination. That’s the Law of Cause and Effect.

When energy returns to its source of origination, which is you, because you’re putting it out and it’s coming back to you, that always expresses itself the exact same way.

It expresses it as your results, circumstances and environment. Your environment is made up of people, places and things.

Let me run back through this before I end the call and then give you this idea that I want you to think about after the call.

It starts with not being able to see the truth. The truth is you are able to see the truth. You want to replace anything that is in your life that is of non-truth with something that is truth.

The first thing that I want you to replace it with is the idea that everything is actually easy. We should be living a life of ease and grace. We all have the ability to do that.

We are not willing to let go and let God in order to grow. To let go and to let God is to really allow God to show you the next step that you personally need to take in order to do an inner transformation to automatically get an outward transformation. God will always point you to the truth if you let God point you to the truth.

The next step is to take responsibility for everything that you’re experiencing in your life so that you can move from resistance to nonresistance and defense to acceptance.

Page 20: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

When you do that, the blind spot begins to be removed. You’re actually able to see the way. Then the path that you need to take actually starts to become clear.

The pre-training reflection for this was “How do you keep what you desire from getting to you?” This is how you do that. The post-training reflection is “What emotional need is being fulfilled by you not getting what it is that you want?”

That’s going to be the homework that you’re actually going to do for yourself when we get off of this call in a few minutes. I want you to really spend some time thinking to yourself about what emotional need you are fulfilling by not doing these steps that I’ve given you.

If the things that you want in your life are not changing, you have a blind spot. You’re resistant and defensive. You’re not willing to let go, and you’re not able to think truth about what it is that you’re experiencing.

That means that you view it as hard or you view it is as blame. Whenever you blame, things become difficult. You give away your power when you blame.

If you’re fulfilling an emotional need by not doing those things, then you have to ask yourself:  “Is it giving me certainty and safety in my life? Is it protecting my ego, or is it that I am actually, in some way, thinking that I am getting love from this experience?”

How is that we would perceive that we’re getting love from this experience? If we do this, then we don’t risk being rejected, even though we may experience rejection in our life.

One of the worst things is that if we’re holding on to something for safety and we remove that, the moment that we begin to do that, we step into what we perceive as being vulnerable.

If we’re vulnerable, what is it at a core level that we’re vulnerable to? We’re vulnerable to the three human needs that every child needs when it’s born. That’s love, security and self-esteem.

We desperately try to hold on to those things even if it’s dysfunctional in our life. The truth behind that is that it’s probably not accurate at all that anybody has ever received perfect love, security and self-esteem since they were born. Our parents were not perfect. The people that raised us were not perfect.

Page 21: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc. 

At some stage in our life, it becomes our responsibility to really love ourselves, be able to be secure in not only who we are but how we can provide for ourselves and step into a place of our own self-acceptance, accepting ourselves lock, stock and barrel. That means all of our greatness and imperfections and absolutely everything that is in between.

When we don’t want to let go of something, what we’re doing is protecting either one or all three of those ideas. That protects the story, which keeps us in resistance. It keeps us defensive, which holds up the blind spot.

It doesn’t allow God to come into our life and point the way. The story points the way so that we can protect the story, and we don’t think truth. We think that it’s actually difficult, and we blame.

Your homework is to ask yourself, “What emotional need is being fulfilled by this?” Then start to make these transformations in your thinking.

Say, “I’m going to change my truth to easy, not hard. I am going to stop blaming, accept responsibility, let go and let God and accept responsibility for everything that I think, feel, do and experience in my life. I’m going to move from resistance to nonresistance and move from defensive to acceptance.”

The blind spot will be removed, you will see the path and all you then have to do is make a decision and step into the way, because the way is always shown.

It’s been absolutely a pleasure doing this second call with you. I’m very much looking forward to the third one. God bless, and have a good day from everybody over at Team Neagle Headquarters.

Take care, everyone. We’ll talk to you soon. Bye for now.


Page 22: Think and Grow Rich · There’s a quote from Think and Grow Rich that says something that I think is pretty interesting. In order for us to get what it is that we truly want and



 Copyright © 2016, David Neagle, Life Is Now, Inc.