Things a Girl Want in a Guy

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Transcript of Things a Girl Want in a Guy

  • 8/7/2019 Things a Girl Want in a Guy


    53 Things a girl want in a guy

    1. All girls secretly love a guys who can sing.(MEGA-Turn-On)

    2. Just so you know, girls don't want to smell you from 10, 6, or even 2 feetaway.(lay off the Axe)

    3.Girls HATE players!!!!

    4. Most girls would rather cuddle than makeout (unless they're sluts)

    5.We love it when you put your arm around us at the movies.(especially the

    scary ones)

    6. We don't need you to be Superman. We just need you to be there.

    7. Please, if you really need to talk about your size, use your guy friends, not us.

    8. Pretty much all girls like to talk about something, so feel free to call us.

    9.Bad breath is a major EWWW!

    10. We LOVE suprises, that is , the good ones.

    11. Don't ever try to impress us by cursing or fighing. It doesn't work; you justlook like a jerk.

    12. When you pick on the girl you like, she won't think your interested or cool.

    She'll just think that you're mean. (Ah the logic.. of girls...)

    13. Every girl wants to feel special, even if its just to you.

    14.Being able to make your girl laugh=MAJOR brownie points!

    15. Good hygiene is a must! So go home, put on some deoderant, brush your

    teeth, and please shower every once in a while...

    16. We tend to have good memories, so you should probably think before you

    speak. If you say the wrong thing, it won't be forgotten.

  • 8/7/2019 Things a Girl Want in a Guy


    17.Guitarists=sexy Pianists=sensitive.......and sexy

    18. We absolutly HATE it when you break a promise to us. It completely

    devastates us.

    19.Here's something that girls are tought: When a guy says that you're hot, he's

    looking at your body. When he says that you're pretty, he's looking at your face.

    When he says that you're beautiful, he's looking at your heart. Remember that

    when you complement a girl......

    20. Ask any girl... She'll have no idea what the hell a guy means when he says

    that she's "cute".

    21. We can tell when you aren't listening, and, yeah, it kind of pisses us off. If

    were boring you, at least have the decensy to tell us!

    22. When we say the we're cold, we either want you to come closer or give us

    your jacket. Tip: If you really want to impress your girl, hold her tight and put

    your jacket around her while you're still wearing it. Its amazingly romantic! (as

    long as you don't grope her)

    23. Hugs can mean more than kisses sometimes.

    24. If you wait for the perfect moment, the perfect momnet will pass you by. In

    other words, if you want to ask her out, just do it!

    25. We'd really appreciate it if you didn't hold the things we do during our time

    of the month against us. It isn't exactly our fault, and we aren't being ourselves.

    26. Please don't act like you know how it feels to have a period. You don't.

    27.Please give us the same respect you would to any other human and look us

    in the eyes. (yes we do notice when your eyes wander)

    28.We want the same respect that you give to other guys, but we really don't

    want you to treat us like them...(chest bumbs are never ok)

  • 8/7/2019 Things a Girl Want in a Guy


    29.Never cheat!!! Girls know how to spread news fast so you don't just ruin one

    relationship, you prevent others from happening too.

    30. When you're on a date with a girl, keep your eyes on her face and off other

    girls' bodies. That's just rude.

    31.Not all girls are about money. The one who are give us all a bad name.

    32. It's weird when you take longer to get ready than we do....

    33.If you ask us nicely, we'll usually answer in the same way.

    34. It takes a special kind of stupid to forget birthdays.

    35. Not all women are bad drivers.

    36. Not all women are ditzes.

    37. Anything you say or do with another girl that you don't want us to know is

    considered cheating

    38. When you say you don't like it when we wear makeup, don't just leave it at

    that. It helps to tell us why.

    39. It absolutely floors us when you know our favorite color, shoe size, flower,T.V. show, movie, artist, etc. See, we aren't that hard to please.

    40. This one may seem weird. We love keeping your hoodies/jackets because:

    they remind us of you, they smell like you, and it makes us feel like you're there

    holding us even when you aren't.

    41. NEVER EVER HIT A GIRL!!!!!!!!! Even if she hits you's just wrong.

    42. When you're dating a girl and you introduce her to your friends, you had

    better say that she's your girlfriend.

    43. When it comes to gifts, we'd prefer something that has meaning rather than

    something with a big pricetag.

  • 8/7/2019 Things a Girl Want in a Guy


    44. The best thing that you can be to any girl is her friend. Friendship always

    comes before any good romantic relationship.

    45. Have I metioned that we like respect?

    46. A girl who wants to be the center of your universe isn't very mature or


    47. Usually, when a girl is sarcastically mean to you, it means she's attracted to

    you, but she's afraid that she'll be showing too much.

    48. When you calm a girl down (and believe me, you will need to do tis

    someday), try your hardest to make her laugh, but never make her feel stupid

    for being so worked up in the first place.

    49. If you go through our purse, you probably won't like what you see. So

    please stop.

    50. Keep in mind that pretty much every girl has a group of guys(friends,

    brothers and her Daddy) who will beat the crap out of you if cross the line.

    51. Girls dont like show-offs. Just be yourself we'll like you better that way and

    if a girl dosent like the real you she's not worth your time.

    52. Face it. Girl really aren't impressed when you spend the whole day showing

    off your muscles. not blow us off or u will never do it again(lets just say something bad

    happen to a guy that did that to me...