THIEVES RED BOOSTERS-CROS- Like SOUTH BEND ,iVo? FnJJ! I · Tho i:jd Cro53 ufii.:.--' i j?t 511.2...

THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIME- S vi n o i T, 1. iiü,"i. n r'l!"rr.(i. 5. T. 1 1 r--, THIEVES LOOT RED ; BOOSTERS-CROS- S OFFICE HERE! SOUTH BEND twaraeis dm SHOW ABILITY TO Like JUDGE LIVESTOCK ,iVo? FnJJ! I v TT 'Lr: rruit. JV;T : t g $2 ? siir.Ev am L.w.v,-r.- "- 1 rr r r Ti c market advanced lc in : N". Y. C. W i. T . ra'.r ..i- - 1. f4.-'- - w- - ek. wheat i riay wears JLna 4.-- 0; Is: but corn. c'.os-?- 1- -4 fj C-- Sc : Norfolk ar.d W;ern ar.d oat. l-- 4e lower. i Northern Pacific ... V 1 v CS 3 . 4 4 w Ii 41U STOCKS HEAVY AT CLOSING SESSION riii(.(,o cn'. heat started cn a mcdrate'.y i Pure O undertone due to heavy sales Par.-A- m rlcnn Petroleum ret. 51.14' j Robbers Again Rampant Steal Car on Live of War- ner's Departure. Many Boys Display Expert Knowledge in Demonstra- tion at iS D. U. Farm. j: t No. 2 !ri ir-:tr- 1 1st. N.i .1 .-- ,1 vr'r'ar 1 ' after Monday's close. N Husband and Wife Kiss and Make Up May Live Hap-pil- y Ever After. I 1 V. . . sell- - brought cut S7 I nlxrd, N : esixr.!. III 11 i j S rrtx . n : orderjs h cauaed a fv-tba- w the ! II." - - t " 54 t haves' Features in'b- - Oil: Strongest white. No : u;:- - off rings wero arf-orb:- d PI u c tu a t; c ns ccn : i n ue d Peoples ''..-i- ? , , P:rc- - Arro.v P:ttsurg tv-a- l Rr.y Consolidated Copper Reading Republic ?'eol Reck I.:ar. 1 , readily. 3 ixe-!- , LT. N4 - S v - ; ....'-'- . v" r , , J - , .- - ., . I " v' ' M 1 ' !: V ; - . thp?e .:r.c-- the greater part Dealings on New York Stock Exchange Tuesday. ATS -- V of tho :on. trado .tr ir.ain.v at After playing hide-and-se- k with tho police fcr 2 4 hours, .Mrs. Cather- ine Kaylor, on. a warrant1 sworn out against her Ly h- -r j mother-in-law- . is reconciled with' her husband. Clement Kavlor. ar.d' j 1 : cal. buying cf September llTi 4 3; .. . 2 4 f. South Bend Marler! i iand se'knt: of Deer.iber wero noted, j Rubber j Toward th finish the buying j namely : power improved in the breaks and Ilum"Iy NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Stocks were irregular at tho opening of . c c mm op. l'fd j the young coup'.o with their four- - ran rani agiln. Instead of rrb-I.r- r the church mite liox- - er trip- - rar.i th- - altar of gehlen ornament.-- , a has happened in tbia city in the ;it, ihr- - nf ir.- - th:ivr-- h ive dc- - I.-- v.l now iin-- dien-;'k-1 n.can of a totally unprincipled Ktrenk of IwIe.vinoi. Mo.if'.ay. ii'.;ht it consisted of rob- bing the Pf-- Cros n! u of. the 'jn:'1 currency and ti iPnj t;i cir cf C. L Warr.'.r. 121 i. I r i n f-- . up; the PTt of the- - dopartu.-- e of the War- - i Ti:r iiv'n yi"iif-e.- V.rri aril sr-- pr ' F; . .1 ' . - 'year-cl- d baby boy have kft the city,' .t.v, miuuay üüu iie- - u nie liiiüi ..... presumably for towalac, KY J.VMES IILVI XiJws-TlrrK- -s I 'ami Kidtor. To ascertain their quallflcaticr.a. emtn'o live ocz Judpra were pu: through a series of rigid tefts 3cs-terd- ay at St. Joseph farm of Notre Dame yesterday. Tha contest wa3 conducted by I'rof. C. T Gobble, (.f Purdue, who is regarded as one of the heel authorities cn tho subject la the country. Boys from all sections of tho county were there, and all displayed such a wido jra-s- p of the elemertaiy points of livestock Judging that It was penible to select any group of winners. In view of this fact. It was decided that ajl the contestants would bo eligible to pafa on tho live- - m lour i irn 0.. Mirr.ij;n t ) M1W HAY-rajI- r.?. Hl;; ?, ; l.-- J C-,'- - PT ton. hllFII MAKKML iCcrrertfc' Vt Y,t o. . ito. r : ? TlMOTIir-S.::!- :.; MO . lliiVKK-in-- .!. jv1--- s ; A f. FAT. FA i!4. M'Pan i;n ass--s- r r- -r . becanio known lato Tuesday after- - dealings when transportation.! were , ' " ;"V PT - fcln! subjected to renewed liquidation. ?a '1 kr: admx.S he a more; Trading was slightly more active &rA 5alw today of 20C.00 bushed ?ear,-Rcebu:- k . formation concerrdng tho convtrg-- j and tho session's operation exhiM:-- 1 t0 the aime account. rIot weather Sir.oUlr Oil human mangle. j cd a greater variety of Issues of th ' utIuwt ,vhich was calculated tolgucar ' ylr: Wh. UnUl .centlyimore substantial or dividend-payin- g ture the corn rapidly wa3 a fac- - j Tocco Prodi:- -, 71 r.T family frr Detroit. ' Th car ha 1 juii b-c- (.' rhiu! 1, V Ä V - ,1 - - 1 ...I.V. , i .r. I rt. VFTTIJ (winter 0: .i'.rr) 5: thU development i C..-- I ).i . . . . ier twt. Tiubband's mother, .Mrs. V.. F. Kay- lor, lj:- - Lincoln way W., left her boy in his grandmother's care Sat dication,, liowev. r. of a:.y change of professional sentiment. Oils were the etrcng( st feature?, the foreign division making unmii- - Oats a fairly streng un- dertone bit trade was limited ar.d tht; range of prices narrow. Ship- ping demi.nd was reported slow In 1 X :on urday following a quarrel while she, ( . Texas and Pad Fr.i - n Pad:'. " F. S. Steel i.'omr F. S. S:- -:I Pfd. F. S. Food rv-rp- . i Utah Copper hat. sTi:vr an d rr.rn. O Ts riv!;.r. ;.s: CLOVER SITLD Pay :nr r.l; k? i:'a 2 4 Al.SIKTT CLOVm- -f Plr.ff. J14 A I. TALI A - (N r:!""n t re v.r.' f: NEW COKN Pari: c. 1. ; nW.:.: i stock exhibits or the boys aepari- - takai.lo reponso to rteveiopmcn .1 j thi crain. but country offerixirs de- - US 7 2 l : l' 4i:s i . - line and tho lu" ri iii -- n Lad been g-- n over preparatory for th ttart Tuc-la- y mora:.-.- ?. The thft waa fI!-co- red wlvn Harol I Warner, :i theological tdent at Lvanston u:.I-vr'it- y, XiO-.- v ho:ao on a vacation. wnt to tliH garage an l d.-- " er' i the los. T'l li-.- v. ere notified. Not until th mihi! t the fore- noon Tu-;-ia- y v,jh th- - machi:"." e . It va found in IS. Mirh- - wliich ollered hpe o" an early sc- - c lined. I'KANK C. TOUT. Tr-asjrt- r of tho B!ackrtonf active rncmtrr of tho Chajnber with her belongings, went to the homo of her sLficr, Mrs. Mary Mc-Cra- e, iJO Columbia it. rolicv Liom; Tl-Hi- l. But tho undenying mother lovo asserted itself and on (Monday morn- - tlenient of the controversy with tho the Mexican government. Motors Ixvo Ground. t3f Vanadium Steel Virpinia-Caroli- n i Wnr.ash A Chemical jof Commerce, a hullder and a man who bIicvo3 in tho futuro of S-jut- Motor;, the better grale of e.uip- - ing. according to tho complaint Tiled j mor:t3 ami such specialties as 1 ! Willys Ovcrlir.d j Wool Wef tir.choi:?" Stock Mzrket Selling Priceo At The Close with Pros. Jdlhon Mondr.v after ! n .s'.. aTa n.orcl. A rnLr ar.d an 4'1 rorr-tr- i I.-i1- hy I. n. ?tr.rcn Mill. llMtrnullr h . I'hnn I.. niHN'-lMT- ir? ." pr h ;:!;! OATS-rsT.r- .ff. ; .f..::-M!IHI.IN.- s v.; .rr m -- r r,.r UK A.N IV.:: e, fl..:' jer 10T. n:r.; ';::-.:- . n ::, pr FCKATCH I LCD s. $ir.ö ira WlIHAT-Ve- Tv. purl-.- ? 1.1.' pt Jsl: rl(. pnitp. $1.1.' 7'f -- ;:. nvr: Pij H pr ta..i; i.- - 1:;, fcc pe" fcustel. ment of the interstate fair and that majority decision would be final in awards. A committee of experts will check up the work of tho young judges for comparative purposes. A large circle was formed at tho commencement of tho class Instruc- tion and a fine registered Holstein cow was Ic-- d Into the ring. Prof. Gobble explained that tho five es- sential points to ho remembered in judging dairy cows were: c.iiry tem- perament, mammary de'op:ncnt. blood -- irculation, constitution and caracitv. The hovs were tjld just Harvier 1" I- - j. mous Player.-- , Pullman and Haskell and Barker also hardened, but lost j ground when shorts retvamed their j aggressions, the- - market closing wi:h NEW YORK. Aug. 2:. List qur- - FINED HEAVILY BUT TO FACE AHDERSOM a reactionary tone. Salts amounted i overcoat aro n.I.svins .'in J tho ur chocl inclicationa it hnd Lc-e- drivfn rccklesflly.. It wai not seri- ously rtani3ged. tho poli: reported, and tlu- - V.'amor? plannod to Vcg:n th-i- r journey Tur 5day af iornt-on- . Tho i:jd Cro53 ufii.:.-- ' i j?t 511.2 in noon, the younger Mrs. Kaylor re- turned to where her baby was in keeping, and. when refused to bo given the child, broke through the screen door and took him. away with her. Mrs. Y. Ik Kaylor said that the younger woman, when s.ho left the homo two days before, had de at 2 IM)I.N.rOLIS LITTOriC. INPIANArOLIS. Ind., An;. HO wrr; He T.'Hj; niark. f. 1 top. : ht-avie- . .s;,j.s .v- - h'it innr.x am tat.t.ovt. Correct ! Pa'.ty Ir . V . I.!; jimnn, !!l N. Ulo t. Thon Mala :tl. ITIUI'S- - 4o ; V.fnkl!-.- . 1" . TALLnv.'-ne:i.!'i- -j. Z:; ti.'.an currency. Checks amounting' to j down; .bulk, "V.,'S . CATTLE Ke eil't. l.'.'.: i:.a rket. d;:ll. ."h.. Idwor; otsoi. e 1im vis, Sv '!.'. ; l.- -' t. i, 7. 7."i ; Yr. l bulls. i.deS. ".'.'' 11. SHi:i:ir i:e.ei;)ts. Wd; .irUt. to ."..i..' J.mor; prime ; 5210 vrrn eclzrd hut thrown on me floor when found to bo not r.opro- - Coj)per Stills Fount! in De tatiuns on the stock exchange P. m., today, were: A. P. and s. r American Beet Sugar American Drug Syndicate .... American Can . A Ills Chalmers . American Can Foundry American Lo com olio . Anaconda Copper , American Smelting A. G. W LLLS'A AX- - teen j Papi) Place Ordered Held tlable. The entire ofiico had to 5CO.0GO shares. Apart from the quarterly financial statements of the copper companies, all of which disclosed larger deficit... the day's news bore little direct re- lation to market valuer. July state- ments of earning.- - submitted by 1 1 1 3 railroads wero mixed, tho Union Pa- cific eyftem, however, showing a heavy net gain. Although money continued to flow in from interior sources, cill and timo ratc were unchanged. Rumors of an impending reduction of local rediscounts by the Federal Reserve bank wero discredited in we 1 1 -- in f o r m e d quart r h. lixolianges Improtc. Excepting tlie Belgian rate, which yielded slightly all foreign ex-chang- ea improved. Business in in- ternational remittanetf again cen- - ran?ackcd, records tci.nsr thrown around promiscuously, files overturn- ed and tho desks and drawer eon-tent- H Leins distrihuted over the floor in th utmost cvr.fuj.Ion. Mi.s Irma Collm-- r. U of th belief that the tlWt was commit- ted y men, who in tInif-- r-ic- ,t wlim what relation each point bore to milk producing qualities. Each üi-visl- on of thi3 part of the subject was gone Into at great length and at once aroused the interc5t and en-thusiir- of the class. The difference between a profit- able cow and ono that did net hold out this promi?e was shown by dem- onstration. The question of fecd'.rg was reviewed and foodstuff value3 together with quantities w-a- s mi- nutely analyzed. Points Indicating whether a cow .showed tendencies tc develop beef rather than milk quali rnonrrr markft. GrKrr' . MO N. Main ft. Tlion I. i:. P.CTTKK l'a jir.g, 4"."; i t per p";ri1 E(iGS 1J in sr. ST.r. f"!'!-- ?. p' ritriTS vrf.FTAny t:?-ci- :i? r-- .u Nrl nmrccs. Cr p-- r !; n PiiACIIKS- -S are fnj t;, Jfl'.iaf. Cr-- " per t 'lJ-h- l. WATr.RMI'I.dNiMV CAN Ti:i.H'l'i:S T fur Z' NFAV VO L A l ULO Sclhr g. fiO; pf c 1 ' . . . '4 02 25 2 9 4 .1207; 5.1 fi n '" i . 20 U . 71U . sr. 'i . in .iii:; . K'U . 7 . . 22"m . r.iu o . 21 1 0 1 A. T. and T Baldwin LDcomotivo I', ar.d O Bethlehem Steel T." B. R. T Canadian Pacific Chili Copjtr applying for financial help have hen' CHICAGO LlVETOCK. (Iiv I. h. Hurenu of M irkfl.) CHICAGO. An'. 23. H(;s-Itefipt- s. 2r,oi: i.i.-irkt- . j.'r k-.rr- ; t.ültt. $7':'J-- ; tt. :M': if iv wcU'lit. jj.V.v. '.") ; ! i i; ui w.iciit. .''l:S: !;r(.t f;;r. (aUAO: lull ligtits, Ss.T.'.v'.t.'.Ti ; tivv pykiug s"v., S7'V'7 ".a p.i'ki:ii sons. riu'a. $v7;'-t7- : pLT. CATTI.i; Kt '.Hpts. lO.t-- n : nvirket. to -- ' lmvrr, .!. ci M'-r- Clioic and prir:i, S:.2öy. lo -- ö ; Milium ai.d g'"!, j.'v'j'J.'S ; gucd ai:d "i p. S'.;!h; ivvmnna mid m'"iiü;i'. Put. For i:M: ll'ifn, .V.T.V..- - v .M ; cows, S..."-i- i 7i ; lull, h'i' Z- K iSun-i(-- r and Or. ters: (t t n r!f'-,r- . j't.V; rani-'- r ftcers. $L7Ö f.'VT ; re.-i- l '.tlv.-- s JisLt and haudvwfiigat 1 fet'd-- .tf .S'.'iOi 7.-"'- ; sioek'-- r t'-'r- . SK-j,V7ö- ; ttocker cun and Le!f r, 2.) ra: r.o MUllir Receipts. 1:3.001: ninrkot. z-- by Federal Agents. i... Internal revenue officers hive no- tified tho county prosecuting; attor- ney's office that they wish held up from confiscation two copper stllL. enw of 2 mash capacity and tho other of 25 gallons capacity, and await orders from federal authori- ties at Indianapolis as to their fu- turo disposition, in connection with charges to bo preferred against Al-fon- zo De Papp, Mi?h.iwaka, before tho federal grand jury which will convene in September at tho state's capital. Tho largest amount of ultimate junk copper taken in any recent raid made by tho local police wat brought before Special Judge Lenn Oare in city court Tuesday after- - f. ::r. ; Cuban Care Sugar .. njiv ('An:A(iK--i,.u:n- :, Tc t(V pf-- I ound. swtET on.v-r.iji- rig. 1' clared that sho could not givo the bo; the same care ho would re- ceive If ho remained with hio grand- mother. Tho young mother and her baby-wer- e reported to be at tho South Columbia fL address Monday after- noon and the police went there to look for her. She was not thcro and neighbors directed tho police to one placo and another but she was nc-whe- ro to be found. This was tho state of affairs until tho husband returned homo when he gallantly took the situation in hand, it is said. Tuesday morning ho lo- cated Catherine and reconciliation followed. rroscciitor is Beaton. Thereupon the elder Mrs. Kaylor telephoned the prosecutor to destroy the warrant. "But this is a slate case charging assault and battery," sternly replied Jeilison. "You informed us that you were struck by your daughter-in-law,- " he continued: "We can't drop these ca?es because the man and wife ki5s and mako up. That does not alter our case." "Well, I won't prosecute," came from tho elder Mrs. Kaylor, who hung up. Tho prosecutor was beaten. California. Petroleum Central Leather ( .'in,! f fe.Hrg. " Fnr.T.N AM) CAltr;OT?- - Ntt. trWzt 6; fr 1 i:u h. sr nig. pr pound. TOMATOr- s- 1'arlrr. IZ: p- -r j.2a3 , aided, but refused whn it wan P.-iru-e- that they made a practif o of o-- in from ono city to another at the expon? of fonic Femi-charitab- le Ono sueh, Mia? Collnier reported, whn refused aim?, told the Id C:r('!a officials they would rw th day that they declined to give aid. Tho "meanest thieves1 at tho court houfe. who did their ranackin? be- tween 7 last night and 7 Tuesday morn In er. evidently had an Incentive tered in sterling, franca and gilder,-- , ; Curn Vvn,lnvta other quotations being largely nom- - j rrucible S.cel Inal C.hino Copper Irregularity marked the trading In ' ir;c Common domestic bonds, including Libertie.-- , jr;c pfj cmni:. .iv pfr pouna. IAi;D 17c It,. ULA l'ayl:.g IP fills. lb. I re lot-r- ; I.hujIis (4 L)s. d..vut 5 s' 10.17.; 3 l.ia:t'S, culls and common, 'Vr.u ''7'7 7."; vf .irli-- " wethers. M.iV.j . .w.i. ,v.l.'J.Vii LIVE STOCK. Orr-t- l DUv hv V ijor Loian t., Ml-hiwn- fixing H L iS W r : ß h . n k 1 ( ' t 2 freund; bfr wic'ih.:: up. ties wa3 another interesting phao of the subject which was clearly brought out. Tho necessary part that body conformation had to do with judging merits cf dairy cows was explained by Prof. Gobble, who Insisted that members of tho class remember thifl vital fact. After this preliminary instruction and other fine dairy specimen wa9 "introduced." Cards were passed out and the class were required to judgo tho two animals on the basis which had been laid down. Boys were told to state in writing their opinions of the relative merits of the two cows and assign definite reasons for judgement of superiority of one over the other. This featuro proved one of tho best tests used and served to give tho boya a chance to express rrri . t, tilu !!.. t'-4- li. 71 9 3.ti" : fwe?, ulis and cunti a. f I. ."'. j.$-'- twes, H.i-- r ; feeder lauib? ?1'.'.0'U--'3- most or wnicn recorded additional losses. Foreign issues abo were un- certain, aide from Belgian 8s and the Mexican division, which hard- ened. Total rales (par value) to ruro a larger pot than $11 as a noon as material evidence In tho bunch of kevs belontjin Kto tho Red state's cas against Do I'app, Cross was found In front of the door j charged with unlawful manufacture f ik. (v,,tntv tranrpr. Thr. t h.M v j f liquor. De Papp received a fine Great Northern Oro Great Northern Pfd General Motcra Hide and Leather Common Hide and Heather Pfd Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol International Nickel vr.u, c'ai.m.s i:- - FTFKItS Ilavy. 1: r . . rr fed, I'c; Eter, gras fed, 6c. failed to gain adml.-io- n to that in 1AIAKKET ADVANCES IN etitution. rmcAGo rnonni: CHICAGO. Atf. -- UFT IT. II Pf-reipt- s,".. tiihs: crnnracrv, rtirn. i',7: firsts, r.j packing M.ek, IltS It" ; i pts, t7,a7 .icos; missel, l.tnnus, L,v''i'-"- a; rilinary firsts. L"j r.'iil eb.-ks- . isi; .Uiti.-s- , riiLLSIi Twi:.s, n-- n. l'.i'ilS'v; !.nii'S, l'-- i I1 i : iii? Americas, IT.' '. riSlf. OYSTTKS rorLTTlT. iCorrertcd I!1.t hv W. I. J:atnoo3. 2U V. O'a.htncton mx. riSII Frra r..: h r.r.l Tr-u- t- 5i 4TU t'i 45 12?; CO r.c!2 r.o FUTURE WHEAT PRICE S1"0 Iaror of $200 and costs cr. being found guilty. George Karabaugh repre- sented tho defendant. According to Deputy Pros. Ilam-llambors- ky later In tho day. It was indicated that the government is not through with Do Papp and that the Kelly . rrop. Mliirtr. COc r t round : rda-jh- l pip. -- Oc rT pminl: IVT' h. - Pui:tiPH'j. tellir.g flt - JO' ' longLurus. ,;i It! -- t'1 .i -- ri: ; V-V- 4; Aug -- u. rn erratic AGED RELIGIOUS OF CONGREGATION DIES rr is.; I'-- T rv ; at :;.),; rcur I i market in grain futures, which fluc- tuated irregularly but raplly the and assert differ prosecutor's had been notified ! individual views r!i!'"k- - s:fc?e. I.I Vi: rOFLTRV Türly?. r.: n:s, 'S.: springs, ;.; rooters, 1 Hrdi!ut .Hid Ra'n v., srM'.r.c Itouad Pike, s.i'.l nr ut ."" " s ttaa U it.. .'ir,.-e- . rOTLTIiV. rallied greater part of the da; MRS. BORTELL UNDER PHYSICIANS' CARE that Do Papp w"ll be forced to face Judge Anderson at Indianapolis be 20: dueks. t'. FOTATOi: nejpts, 12.5 cars: .Ter spy Voider. $4; Id.iLo, Celorudo u bites y;'C13 cr, t. Kennecott Copper . Iackawana Steel Lehigh Valley Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper Marine Common .. Marine --P- Missouri Pacific ... Midvale Steel New Haven fore th lat i.s heard of tho mam- - strongly In the final trading on re- ports of local sales of $00,000 bushels of wheat to c.-po- rt this tho 1 9 S C7'; IS: Brother Jarloth of Notre! . moth';nlv ?;hlc,h.h:ivc; v6incc r. I p re LIVH IOVL1RY. TrRKHY? USc. I VC KS 24. UOOTKKS--l.- SPP IN GS ;efsi: ir.. riTTSTU K". LIVKSTOCK. riTTSULJtr,. ia.. Ai:r. 2C. CATTLE Ite.-- f : pt s. 21 srLt : rr.ark t. tteiy; eh-- d o :o.ii. fiX.Vt; fair, 't SC. ; veal calves, ll(rjllX0. served In the pohco morgue until ordT for their confiscation be IJamc University uies in t. Josepir Hospital. DEEP INTEREST IN GULLING IS SHOWN Am ences of opinion. When Prof. Gobble invited ques- tions and suggestions he wan imme- diately bombarded with a series cf queries, which he said was almost staggering. Various phases of sub- ject which he not credit the class with being conversant served a splen- did purpose of common interchange of thought and developed a good many ideas and facts that possibly would not have been included in the prescribed class instruction. The contest Is a part of the gen- eral program of the home workers project extending throughout the oounty under the direction of E. C. Bird, county farm agent. The work is distributed on an organized plan In charge of well qualified assistants. Clem Mochel and Howard Rerick, have given valuable aid in expanding interest in livestock and poultry among boys and girl. In addition to prizes which will be given to the young judges at vhe fair thoroughbred calves will bo awarded by Prof. Felix, in chargo of the dairy S access of Demonstrations Hrothor Jarloth. 76 years old. for 4 4 years a rcl'.geous in tho Ho"v Cross Ordr at N'otro Dame univer- sity, died at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday morning at 7 o'clock fol- lowing an operation for a complica- tion of dl5eaccs. Brother Jarloth. whose nam- be- fore he joined the order was Jerimia OT.rien. was born in Cork. Ireland, and wan connected with the Ave M.aru. a Xctie Dame publication, for a 5coro of years. He Joined the Holy Cross order in IS 77 shortly aft- er his arrival in this country and vra profefed In the year of IS SO. Paves Way for Future Work, Announced. r- I . t ii.-- o plates missing from a Foid sedan aroused tho suspicions of ollicers of the South Bend police department last nii;ht and resulted in a merry cha?e through tho Ktroets of the city and onto the Kdwardsr-bur- g road, where, after turning into a narrow lane, the driver of the flivver leaped from the car and fled in the darkness. The machine, held by the police, is believed to be a stolen car. Officers Dunnlns and That the alue ol culling poultry "rr mi "THE POT which During his length of service. Local Woman Returns to South Bend Following Dis- covery in New York City. Tho condition of Mrs. Hattie Bor-tel- l, 5 42 Lincolnway E., who mado a startling discovery on her viit to New York city Sunday to claim the body of her dead husband. Frank Eugene Bortell, is not considered serious, although she is eaid to be nearir.2" a nervous breakdown. Mrs. Bortell, number one. was amazed to And Mrs. Bortell, Number Two in charge of her hu3band'a remains in the eastern city. The local Mra. Bortell, together with her brother-in-la- w, Charles A. Folsom of Walkerton, had gone to New York upon the receipt of a telegram informing them of Bortell's death. It was upon their arrival in Gotham that the dual life of Borteil was revealed, whri Mis. Bortell. numb.-- r two, refused to surrender Eortcll's body. Mrs. Bortell and Folsom returned to South Bend early Tuesday morn- ing and Mr.1'. Bortell was taken to her home where ehe has since been under the caro of a physician and a watchful Ulster. Funeral services with masonic ceremonies for Bortell were held In New York Tu?sday night and inter- ment will he in Mount Hope comete-r- y Wednesday. :c fearching Pournc early today wc for the alleged thief. Ollio AYolfY. 72". X. Uddic ft and lirf.-"'- ;t. Joseph farm, anu P...- - C'-r.-ier- , 1411 N. Mi:iml av. t department. demonstrations are appreciated by women, girls and boys of St. Joseph county, is attested by the numerous requests E. C. Bird, county farm aq-ent- , has received for meetings. The series will bo extended as far as practicable and as many addi- tional mcetino'f '111 be arranged a3 time, will permit, it wan announccd yesterdav. The next demonstration will be held Thursday on the farm of Lloyd, located one-ha- lf mile south of the T.imarac church, at 1:30. I. J. Taylor, ono cf the best known poultry men of .northern In- diana will be In charge. White Leg- horn?, Barred Rocks, Wyandottea iml addresses criven'John Van Nets. v. ! t he r.;i mos ! The?e composed the clis: Charles lasted nearly a half century, he was one of the active members of the congregation, who gavu his lif' to th unie:-;t- from alm-'S- t its fant-y- . Th" rntire conqr gatiun w 111 pre-sid- e at the list rites of the aged s Thursday morning at 7:t." o'clock when a rnim mn. will iv cebibrated. Following tho wrl?ii-h- f vi,.l 1..- - ! uried in Holy ro 1 by two nyn nrrited last nizht by .iuers Pinte. Dumborski. Durczak and V.'agonman Sabcrnlak. Both were locked up and will face Jud?o cmaoht in city court this morning on a chargo of drunkeness. Wolff also is charged with driving an auto- - 3 SXOUR old-fashion- ed epicure intitrrd ii on substantial, wholesome dishes flavored to tickle the palate. In Ins cups, too, he was equally discriminating, choosing: drink that offered a rich taste of Nature's choicest grains. Arrow is such a drink brewed and aged to smack of that old-fashion- ed flavor. Drink a glass today, served with a good old-fashion- ed meal, and enjoy th-thoro- ugh gratification of appetite that and other breeds used for demonst The obect of the mc-eti- n APPLEMAN TO JOIN COLUMBUS FACULTY termine by the applicati title methods how to ing hens from good De Grotte. Fred Allen. Harold r. William Myers. C. Proudfit. John Karnhardt, Forest Mott, Clyde Mott, Carroll Kemp, Leroy Grove. Leon Mead, Paul Frederick. Donald Berkely, Paul Steele. Roy Anderson, Chester Biellcr, Raymond Stoncr. Marvin Bauer. Harold Snyder, Silas Ritenour. Frank Jones. Wajme Sisk. Delmer Shirk. Walter Dawson, Ever- ett Mangu, Raymond Starkweather. Raymond Yoder, Leo Brown, Walter Llnsenmicr, Inman Whitmer, Walter Cottreil, Russell Schwartz, Milo Mathews, Albert Shrader, John Hor-vat- h, Howard Rundell, Claude De-Wi- tt, Russell Caldwell, Leo Howclla. Rugene Kizer, Beryle Smith. Eugene Roy, Theodore Rorw, Harold Laird, Stanley Surface, John Mangus, Shel- don Blough. Carl Maurer, Floyd Six, Delbert Newcomer, Clarence Smith. Gerald Magnus. Clarence Heim, Charles Käser. Loren Shearer, Sher-lan- d Wolfe, Richard Whitmer, James Berridge, Richard Elred, Herbert Scharb. other angles of the will be d:.3cufsed. Local Educator to Become A: sistant School Head in Ohio Citv. m obi I while intoxicated. Arthur I. IVrley, cretary anil superintendent of the park board, motored to Detroit Tuesday morning, at which city he will attend tho con- vention of tho National Association of City Park Superintendents. He is ppeotc-- i to return the latter part of tho week. Tho iray Tluä Idnc, running be- tween th cities of Nile?, Buchanan and South Rend, was started Tuc?-.3:i- y by 12. Herring, of Buchanan. It is the plans of the bus lino to givo the cities a two-ho- ur service. The South Fend stations for tho line will be at the Oliver and Jeffer- son hotels. lYcd Howard, TIS Sancoine st,, ch.irge.-- i with aYault and battery by William II. White, was granted a . i 1 A A 1 T --A Girl Says Cops 'Interrupt' HÄNDELSMÄN HERE TO ASSUME DUTIES 'Vacation in South Bi r.Ty Gertrude Tow, colored, tvas fright- - jpt when sho saw an otPicer Kamm & Schellinger Co. Mishawaka, Ind. nrnir 1 t ip Mr In wnih ciir ting With Oliver P. Patten, colored, a., Son of Financier to Aid Father "'" " T I . . 1 . . 1 . 1 ." II. M. Applemnn, formerly voca- tional director in South Rend school.-- , hjs accepted a pi 3: t ion .is asUtar.t euP'Tintendent of schools in Colum- bus. O. Mr. Appleman will ha e charge rf the pre-vocatlon- .il and vo- cational work there, also will organ- ize tho v.'-- department of guid and placement. oi lanen av., so sne jumpeu cut .tna '; Vy in Attending Businc 55 ai.i .iiivu iLi lilU'J UHU i IHO IJlct- - iiJ chin . She was arretted and rh.i-L- '. Interests Here. d with drunkenne. She said she ; continuance until Aug. ou oy juugu r. in Fouth :i had ii" addrej and Ik-n- for a vacation, Oir.acb.t in city court Tue.-day- . The Kiwanls club lachall team b which the po- - üuir.g program In The enlargM J. Henry Handelsman, jr., of on V Columbus schacls includes fou new j v .11 i),av ". i lianrs oasenaii itain the well known millionaire financier. ORPHANS COMPLETE CAMP STAY TONIGHT I j I cn Thursday afternoon, Avg. 25, at 4::;u at L. epcr park Held. Ihe line- - r lice rudely interrupted. Patten v.üs booked fcr drunker ness, though he complained that he had a line job in a local factory iJ was fiS years old. The girl paid shö High srh o! buildings and tt scln 'ls. Industrial work will be organized in nil theso centers. Thi." will c.-m- under t!-.- dt ;art- - t 7. x j k 1 piano manufacturer and showman, who iir leasee of thy Oliver theater and crganier of the Palace theater project in this city, ha? returned to South Br.d from an extensive tour of the Fniied Statt, in which the leading show houses of th"- - ast and west were visited. It was Mr. Han- - . . - t - i: .id i,p::i.iii will .1 - .Mr. j up fcr the Kiwanls club will be: Rockr.o, m; Hr.llas. c; Collnr. lb: jClau-r- . 2b; King r,b; Yena, Is; Ro-- , r.'ine. r.s McMichael, If; L.cntz, cf; j(lter, rf; I'arneman, rs. Hio flamer bath capacity of the ! Y. M. O. A. is now 10.000 baths monthly, ov.dr.g to the installation t w ho H III. KKKPKN Ni m Mr. positi' . s; v "i i which to '. tin:- - A C hi.- - a : delsman's intention to vi. cipal entertainment hou OFFICER'S ARRIVAL it the prin-o- f the gather in.- - Northern Indiana I lard u arc -- v' f a new water heater. According to n order to larger cities formation in Association Plans Convention ; c'y Danner this Just doubles the that hno which would Iii. T Kib sought by the De The NTt::?rn Indiana Retail be of material as assist an 1 to value in hi- - duties his father in the KM! hi rmr'.y capacpy cf 20,000 .th-- - Ihr city plavground dinxtors cn- - catur, Ala., authorities fcr the mur- - I it II. rd .ir Association w;'.! h .tnnu?.l !! ti:.g in "I e r O' his wife, Oliver theat. pofiti J -- .. Lads to Be Returned to Home hv Business Men Who Made Trip Possible. The second group of beys from the Orphans' home, who are spend- ing a three day outing at Camp Lb-erha- rt. Jr , tho Y. M. C. A. employed boys' resort, three milet east of Mishawaka, wdll return to South Bend tonight in automobilen furn- ished by the business men of South Bend and Mishawaka, who provided the little fellows with tho three div outing. The vDit of these lad?, who num- ber 23. will bring the total mark ur to Z0 as 2 5 other. from the horn? s till in tho cuv police, who are oy.-- 1 a picnic Tuesday afternoon at j The Mr. Handclan is ' tody cf the local :io:i h.i.s ' ' Thursday. S. pt. 1. An :r. i:.t ycungcr nown in i well I: South Bend circles. ' waiting for tho arrival of an officer m w 1 1 i th ejr.p l ir srrls camr at Dake i Pleasant near Edward5.bunr. A staff attended N ago Ho is known triaL ldidfllli Ml sity soma time been rxTr.ded by the to hardware dealers cf Luther r. Michi- gan to attend tho conference. Tha association members will be UO.3 of the StuSebaker crprration by Sergt. Rob-Ig- ht on infor- - to business ir.t-- n with whom he has Bibb was arretted come in contact in the transaction ers Saturday meeting was held daring th after- noon in which plans for the city field day festival at Leeper park were dis-cusce- d. Following this, athletic con- test took place. The playgrounds wero closed during the afternoon ow- - piven by Julian Curran, who cf s father'? business, as he and '.- -) 11 er will during th afternoon. .V. din WT1 t said Bibb had killed his own wife the parent have been c:cs?.y asso- - ciited in business during be ?rrved at th- building at 1 o'cl u-- k. trin through the fict - ' t - i almir.ictrat!on followed by a ry. -- Id at the O'.S picnic. and then "stole his spou?e." Bibb, alias Charles Valdrop, 1211 X. Main s:.. is believed to be the for ae week About enjoyed the trip las: same length cf time. ) J , i the last few years. For a period of time Mr.!-ma- n jr., was connected with the A bar. jut uill CO boy--- : hardest" characte to fall into the fHp- - : - ver hotel at which Two Sutli Icnl men. H. A. Pcrsh- - Ir.g and George Beltner. are planning to attend tha Human association convention cf United States, which evening 1 were at the home, so it was decidt 1 to divide the hold two outings. Th ; hands of the loc po.ico for some Kimb.ill Piano Co.. of Chicago. of a.1 OTHER his father :j tho which governing held In Philadelphia from will le Oct. 17 S. G. Chard, chairman cf th North- ern Indiana a ciatl r., will preside. The principal speakers will be G. V. Shelly, of Argo. erc!ary of the Indiana Beta!: Hardware Aas "elation. C W. H!gf.aoT-.- . :ld to 2 0, they announced Tues- - head, fc'ira W. Pickering ia manager of the theater. lads were entertained in much tho same manner a their older associ- ates on this trip, and enjoyed to their full extent, the swimmlnr. boating and other amusements that the location afford. time. He haa fought with every ono of his keepers and at the time of his arret made attempts to "break from th" clutches of the o Ulcers. A detective from the Decatur po-ll- ci department i- - expected to ar-- . rivo to lay to esrort the alleged mur-- j C oinntt rvdal Kollnr Icjistic cap- tains have I'Pfn notified thlf a busi- ness meeting will bo held Friday evening at S o'cloek at tho Orpheuri tiowling alley. Em ml Juladc Tho University of Wisconsin haa a machine which can exert a pressure nf 40, 0?0 pounds on underground roc!. K & S Cherry K&S Root Beer K& S Special Polar Distilled Water dc-re- r back to Alabama DRINKS S23l majuuac.i: Licirs'sirs. Rudolph Street, Jr.. and Iva BadchfelJer. both cf Kalamazoo, Mich. WIIITILV TOWI-XS- Two tablespoons of turpentine put in the water in which you boil your towels will whiten them. During ono period of f?ven yean over S,0öü earthquake shocks were J recorded la Jaiia. ' Try XEIT'S-TIME- S Want Ads Try KEIFS-TIME- S Want Ads

Transcript of THIEVES RED BOOSTERS-CROS- Like SOUTH BEND ,iVo? FnJJ! I · Tho i:jd Cro53 ufii.:.--' i j?t 511.2...

Page 1: THIEVES RED BOOSTERS-CROS- Like SOUTH BEND ,iVo? FnJJ! I · Tho i:jd Cro53 ufii.:.--' i j?t 511.2 in noon, the younger Mrs. Kaylor re-turned to where her baby was in keeping, and.


vi n o i T, 1.iiü,"i. n

r'l!"rr.(i. 5. T. 1 1 r--,




v TT

'Lr: rruit. JV;T : t g $2 ?siir.Ev am L.w.v,-r.- "- 1rr

r rTi c market advanced lc in : N". Y. C. W i. T .

ra'.r ..i- -1. f4.-'- -w- - ek.wheat

iriay wears JLna 4.--0; Is:but corn. c'.os-?- 1- -4 fj C-- Sc: Norfolk ar.d W;ern

ar.d oat. l-- 4e lower. i Northern Pacific ...V 1 v

CS 3. 4

4 w



CLOSING SESSIONriii(.(,o cn'.heat started cn a mcdrate'.y i Pure O

undertone due to heavy sales Par.-A- m rlcnn Petroleum ret. 51.14' j

Robbers Again RampantSteal Car on Live of War-

ner's Departure.

Many Boys Display ExpertKnowledge in Demonstra-

tion at iS D. U. Farm.j:t No. 2 !ri ir-:tr-

1 1st. N.i .1 .-- ,1 vr'r'ar 1 'after Monday's close.N

Husband and Wife Kiss andMake Up May Live Hap-pil- y

Ever After.I 1 V. . . sell- -brought cut S7

I nlxrd, N : esixr.!. III11 i j S rrtx . n :orderjs h cauaed a fv-tba-w

the! II." - - t " 54t haves' Features in'b- -Oil: Strongest white. No : u;:- -off rings wero arf-orb:- d

PI u c t u a t; c ns c c n : i n u e d

Peoples ''..-i- ?, ,

P:rc- - Arro.vP:ttsurg tv-a- l

Rr.y Consolidated CopperReadingRepublic ?'eolReck I.:ar. 1


readily. 3 ixe-!-, LT. N4 -

S v- ;

....'-'- . v"

r , , J-




I " v' ' M1 '


V ; -


thp?e .:r.c-- the greater partDealings on New York StockExchange Tuesday. ATS -- Vof tho :on. trado .tr ir.ain.v at

After playing hide-and-se- k withtho police fcr 2 4 hours, .Mrs. Cather-ine Kaylor, on. a warrant1sworn out against her Ly h- -r j

mother-in-law- . is reconciled with'her husband. Clement Kavlor. ar.d'

j 1 : cal. buying cf September


4 3;.. .

2 4 f.

South Bend Marler! iiand se'knt: of Deer.iber wero noted, j Rubberj Toward th finish the buying j namely: power improved in the breaks and Ilum"Iy

NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Stockswere irregular at tho opening of

.c c mm op.

l'fdj the young coup'.o with their four- - ran rani agiln. Instead of rrb-I.r- r

the church mite liox- - er trip- -

rar.i th- - altar of gehlen ornament.--,

a has happened in tbia city in the;it, ihr- - nf ir.- - th:ivr-- h ive dc- -

I.-- v.l now iin-- dien-;'k-1 n.can a totally unprincipled

Ktrenk of IwIe.vinoi.Mo.if'.ay. ii'.;ht it consisted of rob-

bing the Pf-- Cros n! u of. the 'jn:'1currency and ti iPnj t;i cir cf C.L Warr.'.r. 121 i. I r i n f--. up;the PTt of the-- dopartu.-- e of the War- -

i Ti:r iiv'n yi"iif-e.- V.rri aril sr-- pr ' F; . .1 '. -'year-cl- d baby boy have kft the city,'.t.v, miuuay üüu iie- - u nie liiiüi .....presumably for towalac,

KY J.VMES IILVIXiJws-TlrrK--s I 'ami Kidtor.

To ascertain their quallflcaticr.a.emtn'o live ocz Judpra were pu:through a series of rigid tefts 3cs-terd- ay

at St. Joseph farm of NotreDame yesterday. Tha contest wa3conducted by I'rof. C. T Gobble, (.f

Purdue, who is regarded as one ofthe heel authorities cn tho subjectla the country.

Boys from all sections of thocounty were there, and all displayedsuch a wido jra-s- p of the elemertaiypoints of livestock Judging that Itwas penible to select any group ofwinners. In view of this fact. Itwas decided that ajl the contestantswould bo eligible to pafa on tho live- -

m lour i irn 0.. Mirr.ij;n t )M1W HAY-rajI- r.?. Hl;; ?, ;

l.-- JC-,'-- PT ton.

hllFII MAKKMLiCcrrertfc' Vt Y,t o. . ito. r : ?

TlMOTIir-S.::!- :.; MO .

lliiVKK-in-- .!. jv1--- s ;

A f. FAT. FA i!4.M'Pan i;n ass--s- r r- -r .

becanio known lato Tuesday after- - dealings when transportation.! were ,' " ;"V

PT - fcln! subjected to renewed liquidation. ?a '1 kr:admx.S he a more; Trading was slightly more active &rA 5alw today of 20C.00 bushed ?ear,-Rcebu:- k .formation concerrdng tho convtrg-- j and tho session's operation exhiM:-- 1 t0 the aime account. rIot weather Sir.oUlr human mangle. j cd a greater variety of Issues of th '

utIuwt ,vhich was calculated tolgucar' ylr: Wh. UnUl .centlyimore substantial or dividend-payin- g ture the corn rapidly wa3 a fac- - j Tocco Prodi:- -, 71r.T family frr Detroit.

'Th car ha 1 juii b-c- (.' rhiu! 1,V Ä V - ,1 - - 1 ...I.V. , i .r. I rt.VFTTIJ (winter 0: .i'.rr) 5:thU development i C..-- I ).i . . . . ier twt.Tiubband's mother, .Mrs. V.. F. Kay-

lor, lj:- - Lincoln way W., left herboy in his grandmother's care Sat

dication,, liowev. r. of a:.y change ofprofessional sentiment.

Oils were the etrcng( st feature?,the foreign division making unmii- -

Oats a fairly streng un-

dertone bit trade was limited ar.dtht; range of prices narrow. Ship-ping demi.nd was reported slow In

1 X

:onurday following a quarrel while she, (

. Texas and PadFr.i - n Pad:'. "

F. S. Steel i.'omrF. S. S:- -:I Pfd.F. S. Food rv-rp- .

i Utah Copper

hat. sTi:vr an d rr.rn.O Ts riv!;.r. ;.s:CLOVER SITLD Pay :nr r.l; k?

i:'a 2 4

Al.SIKTT CLOVm- -f Plr.ff. J14A I. TALI A - (N r:!""n t re v.r.' f:NEW COKN Pari: c. 1. ; nW.:.:

i stock exhibits or the boys aepari- -takai.lo reponso to rteveiopmcn .1 j thi crain. but country offerixirs de- -

US7 2

l :




line and tho lu" ri iii -- n Lad beeng-- n over preparatory for th ttartTuc-la- y mora:.-.-?. The thft waafI!-co- red wlvn Harol I Warner, :itheological tdent at Lvanston u:.I-vr'it- y,

XiO-.-v ho:ao on a vacation.

wnt to tliH garage an l d.-- " er' ithe los. T'l li-.- v. ere notified.

Not until th mihi! t the fore-noon Tu-;-ia- y v,jh th- - machi:"." e

. It va found in IS. Mirh- -

wliich ollered hpe o" an early sc- - c lined.I'KANK C. TOUT.

Tr-asjrt- r of tho B!ackrtonfactive rncmtrr of tho Chajnber

with her belongings, went to thehomo of her sLficr, Mrs. Mary Mc-Cra- e,

iJO Columbia it.rolicv Liom; Tl-Hi- l.

But tho undenying mother lovoasserted itself and on (Monday morn- -

tlenient of the controversy with thothe Mexican government.

Motors Ixvo Ground.t3f

Vanadium SteelVirpinia-Caroli- n i

Wnr.ash AChemicaljof Commerce, a hullder and a man

who bIicvo3 in tho futuro of S-jut- Motor;, the better grale of e.uip- -ing. according to tho complaint Tiled j mor:t3 ami such specialties as 1

! Willys Wool

Wef tir.choi:?"

Stock Mzrket SellingPriceo At The Close

with Pros. Jdlhon Mondr.v after! n .s'.. aTa n.orcl. A rnLr ar.d an 4'1

rorr-tr- i I.-i1- hy I. n. ?tr.rcnMill. llMtrnullr h . I'hnn I..

niHN'-lMT- ir? ." pr h ;:!;!OATS-rsT.r- .ff. ; .f..::-M!IHI.IN.-


v.; .rr m -- r r,.rUK A.N IV.:: e, fl..:' jer 10T.n:r.; ';::-.:- . n ::, prFCKATCH I LCD s. $ir.ö

iraWlIHAT-Ve- Tv. purl-.- ? 1.1.' pt

Jsl: rl(. pnitp. $1.1.' 7'f -- ;:.nvr: Pij H pr ta..i; i.-


1:;, fcc pe" fcustel.

ment of the interstate fair and thatmajority decision would be final inawards. A committee of expertswill check up the work of tho youngjudges for comparative purposes.

A large circle was formed at thocommencement of tho class Instruc-tion and a fine registered Holsteincow was Ic--d Into the ring. Prof.Gobble explained that tho five es-

sential points to ho remembered injudging dairy cows were: c.iiry tem-perament, mammary de'op:ncnt.blood -- irculation, constitution andcaracitv. The hovs were tjld just


I-- j.

mous Player.--, Pullman and Haskelland Barker also hardened, but lost j

ground when shorts retvamed their j

aggressions, the-- market closing wi:h NEW YORK. Aug. 2:. List qur- -


TO FACE AHDERSOMa reactionary tone. Salts amounted i

overcoat aro n.I.svins .'in J tho urchocl inclicationa it hnd Lc-e-

drivfn rccklesflly.. It wai not seri-ously rtani3ged. tho poli: reported,and tlu- - V.'amor? plannod to Vcg:nth-i- r journey Tur 5day af iornt-on- .

Tho i:jd Cro53 ufii.:.-- ' i j?t 511.2 in

noon, the younger Mrs. Kaylor re-turned to where her baby was inkeeping, and. when refused to bogiven the child, broke through thescreen door and took him. away withher. Mrs. Y. Ik Kaylor said thatthe younger woman, when s.ho leftthe homo two days before, had de


wrr;He T.'Hj; niark. f. 1

top. : ht-avie- . .s;,j.s .v- - h'it innr.x am tat.t.ovt.Correct ! Pa'.ty Ir . V . I.!; jimnn, !!l

N. Ulo t. Thon Mala :tl.ITIUI'S- - 4o ; V.fnkl!-.- . 1" .

TALLnv.'-ne:i.!'i- -j. Z:; ti.'.ancurrency. Checks amounting' to j

down; .bulk, "V.,'S .

CATTLE Ke eil't. l.'.'.: i:.a rket. d;:ll.."h.. Idwor; otsoi. e 1im vis, Sv '!.'. ; l.- -' t.

i, 7. 7."i ; Yr. lbulls. i.deS. ".'.'' 11.

SHi:i:ir i:e.ei;)ts. Wd; ."..i..' J.mor; prime ;

5210 vrrn eclzrd hut thrown on mefloor when found to bo not r.opro- - Coj)per Stills Fount! in De

tatiuns on the stock exchangeP. m., today, were:A. P. and s. rAmerican Beet SugarAmerican Drug Syndicate ....American Can .A Ills Chalmers .American Can FoundryAmerican Lo com olio .Anaconda Copper ,

American SmeltingA. G. W


teen j Papi) Place Ordered Heldtlable. The entire ofiico had

to 5CO.0GO shares.Apart from the quarterly financial

statements of the copper companies,all of which disclosed larger deficit...the day's news bore little direct re-

lation to market valuer. July state-ments of earning.- - submitted by 1 1 1 3

railroads wero mixed, tho Union Pa-cific eyftem, however, showing aheavy net gain.

Although money continued toflow in from interior sources, cilland timo ratc were unchanged.Rumors of an impending reductionof local rediscounts by the FederalReserve bank wero discredited inw e 1 1 -- i n fo rm e d quart rh.

lixolianges Improtc.Excepting tlie Belgian rate, which

yielded slightly all foreign ex-chang- ea

improved. Business in in-

ternational remittanetf again cen- -

ran?ackcd, records tci.nsr thrownaround promiscuously, files overturn-ed and tho desks and drawer eon-tent- H

Leins distrihuted over the floorin th utmost cvr.fuj.Ion.

Mi.s Irma Collm-- r. U ofth belief that the tlWt was commit-ted y men, who in tInif-- r-ic- ,t wlim

what relation each point bore tomilk producing qualities. Each üi-visl- on

of thi3 part of the subject wasgone Into at great length and atonce aroused the interc5t and en-thusiir-

of the class.The difference between a profit-

able cow and ono that did net holdout this promi?e was shown by dem-

onstration. The question of fecd'.rgwas reviewed and foodstuff value3together with quantities w-a-s mi-

nutely analyzed. Points Indicatingwhether a cow .showed tendencies tcdevelop beef rather than milk quali

rnonrrr markft.GrKrr' . MO N. Main ft. Tlion I. i:.P.CTTKK l'a jir.g, 4"."; i tper p";ri1

E(iGS 1J in sr. ST.r. f"!'!-- ?. p'ritriTS vrf.FTAny t:?-ci- :i? r-- .u

Nrl nmrccs. Cr p-- r !; nPiiACIIKS- -S are fnj t;, Jfl'.iaf.

Cr-- " per t 'lJ-h- l.

WATr.RMI'I.dNiMVCAN Ti:i.H'l'i:S T fur Z'NFAV VO L A l ULO Sclhr g. fiO; pf

c 1 '

. . . '402

252 9 4

.1207;5.1fi n

'" i. 20 U

. 71U. sr. 'i. in.iii:;. K'U. 7

.. 22"m. r.iu

o. 21

1 0 1

A. T. and TBaldwin LDcomotivoI', ar.d OBethlehem Steel T."B. R. TCanadian PacificChili Copjtr

applying for financial help have hen'

CHICAGO LlVETOCK.(Iiv I. h. Hurenu of M irkfl.)

CHICAGO. An'. 23. H(;s-Itefipt- s.

2r,oi: i.i.-irkt-. j.'r k-.rr- ; t.ültt. $7':'J-- ;

tt. :M': if iv wcU'lit. jj.V.v. '.") ;

! i i; ui w.iciit. .''l:S: !;r(.t f;;r.(aUAO: lull ligtits, Ss.T.'.v'.t.'.Ti ; tivvpykiug s"v., S7'V'7 ".a p.i'ki:iisons. riu'a. $v7;'-t7- : pLT.

CATTI.i; Kt '.Hpts. lO.t-- n : -- ' lmvrr, .!. ci M'-r-

Clioic and prir:i, S:.2öy. lo --ö ; Milium

ai.d g'"!, j.'v'j'J.'S ; gucd ai:d "i p.

S'.;!h; ivvmnna mid m'"iiü;i'.Put. For i:M: ll'ifn, .V.T.V..- - v .M ;

cows, S..."-i- i 7i ; lull, h'i' Z- K iSun-i(-- r

and Or. ters: (t t n r!f'-,r- .

j't.V; rani-'- r ftcers. $L7Ö f.'VT ; re.-i-l

'.tlv.-- s JisLt and haudvwfiigat 1

fet'd-- .tf .S'.'iOi 7.-"'- ; sioek'-- r t'-'r-.

SK-j,V7ö- ; ttocker cun and Le!f r, 2.)ra: r.o

MUllir Receipts. 1:3.001: ninrkot. z--

by Federal Agents.i...

Internal revenue officers hive no-tified tho county prosecuting; attor-ney's office that they wish held upfrom confiscation two copper stllL.enw of 2 mash capacity andtho other of 25 gallons capacity, andawait orders from federal authori-ties at Indianapolis as to their fu-turo disposition, in connection withcharges to bo preferred against Al-fon- zo

De Papp, Mi?h.iwaka, beforetho federal grand jury which willconvene in September at tho state'scapital.

Tho largest amount of ultimatejunk copper taken in any recent raidmade by tho local police watbrought before Special Judge LennOare in city court Tuesday after- -

f. ::r. ;Cuban Care Sugar .. njiv ('An:A(iK--i,.u:n- :, Tct(V pf-- I ound.

swtET on.v-r.iji- rig. 1'

clared that sho could not givo thebo; the same care ho would re-

ceive If ho remained with hio grand-mother.

Tho young mother and her baby-wer- e

reported to be at tho SouthColumbia fL address Monday after-noon and the police went there tolook for her. She was not thcro andneighbors directed tho police to oneplaco and another but she was nc-whe- ro

to be found.This was tho state of affairs until

tho husband returned homo when hegallantly took the situation in hand,it is said. Tuesday morning ho lo-

cated Catherine and reconciliationfollowed.

rroscciitor is Beaton.Thereupon the elder Mrs. Kaylor

telephoned the prosecutor to destroythe warrant.

"But this is a slate case chargingassault and battery," sternly repliedJeilison. "You informed us that youwere struck by your daughter-in-law,- "

he continued: "We can't dropthese ca?es because the man andwife ki5s and mako up. That doesnot alter our case."

"Well, I won't prosecute," camefrom tho elder Mrs. Kaylor, whohung up.

Tho prosecutor was beaten.

California. PetroleumCentral Leather( .'in,! f

fe.Hrg. "Fnr.T.N AM) CAltr;OT?- - Ntt. trWzt

6; fr 1 i:u sr nig. pr pound.TOMATOr- s- 1'arlrr. IZ: p- -r j.2a3 ,

aided, but refused whn it wan P.-iru-e-

that they made a practif o of o-- in

from ono city to another at theexpon? of fonic Femi-charitab- le

Ono sueh, Mia? Collnierreported, whn refused aim?, told theId C:r('!a officials they would rwth day that they declined to giveaid.

Tho "meanest thieves1 at tho courthoufe. who did their ranackin? be-

tween 7 last night and 7 Tuesdaymorn In er. evidently had an Incentive

tered in sterling, franca and gilder,--, ; Curn Vvn,lnvtaother quotations being largely nom- -

j rrucible S.celInal C.hino CopperIrregularity marked the trading In' ir;c Common

domestic bonds, including Libertie.-- , jr;c pfj

cmni:. .iv pfr pouna.IAi;D 17c It,.ULA l'ayl:.g IP fills. lb.

I re lot-r- ; I.hujIis (4 L)s. d..vut 5 s' 10.17.;3 l.ia:t'S, culls and common, 'Vr.u ''7'7 7.";

vf .irli-- " wethers. M.iV.j . .w.i. ,v.l.'J.ViiLIVE STOCK.

Orr-t- l DUv hv V ijorLoian t., Ml-hiwn- fixing

H L i S W r : ß h . n k 1 ( ' t 2freund; bfr wic'ih.:: up.

ties wa3 another interesting phaoof the subject which was clearlybrought out. Tho necessary partthat body conformation had to dowith judging merits cf dairy cowswas explained by Prof. Gobble, whoInsisted that members of tho classremember thifl vital fact.

After this preliminary instructionand other fine dairy specimen wa9"introduced." Cards were passedout and the class were required tojudgo tho two animals on the basiswhich had been laid down. Boyswere told to state in writing theiropinions of the relative merits of thetwo cows and assign definite reasonsfor judgement of superiority of oneover the other. This featuro provedone of tho best tests used and servedto give tho boya a chance to express

rrri . t,tilu!!..

t'-4- li.71


3.ti" : fwe?, ulis and cunti a. f I.."'. j.$-'-

twes, H.i-- r ; feeder lauib??1'.'.0'U--'3-

most or wnicn recorded additionallosses. Foreign issues abo were un-certain, aide from Belgian 8s andthe Mexican division, which hard-ened. Total rales (par value)

to ruro a larger pot than $11 as a noon as material evidence In thobunch of kevs belontjin Kto tho Red state's cas against Do I'app,Cross was found In front of the door j charged with unlawful manufacture

f ik. (v,,tntv tranrpr. Thr. t h.M v j f liquor. De Papp received a fine

Great Northern OroGreat Northern PfdGeneral MotcraHide and Leather CommonHide and Heather PfdIllinois CentralIndustrial AlcoholInternational Nickel

vr.u, c'ai.m.s i:- -

FTFKItS Ilavy. 1: r . . rrfed, I'c; Eter, gras fed,

6c.failed to gain adml.-io-n to that in


rmcAGo rnonni:CHICAGO. Atf. -- UFT IT. II Pf-reipt- s,".. tiihs: crnnracrv, rtirn. i',7:firsts, r.j packing M.ek,

IltS It" ; i pts, t7,a7 .icos; missel,l.tnnus, L,v''i'-"-a; rilinary firsts. L"j r.'iileb.-ks- . isi; .Uiti.-s- ,

riiLLSIi Twi:.s, n-- n. l'.i'ilS'v;!.nii'S, l'--i I1 i : iii? Americas, IT.' '.

riSlf. OYSTTKS rorLTTlT.iCorrertcd I!1.t hv W. I. J:atnoo3.

2U V. O'a.htncton mx.riSII Frra r..: h r.r.l Tr-u- t-





of $200 and costs cr. being foundguilty. George Karabaugh repre-sented tho defendant.

According to Deputy Pros. Ilam-llambors- ky

later In tho day. It wasindicated that the government is notthrough with Do Papp and that the

Kelly . rrop.Mliirtr. COc r t round : rda-jh- l

pip. -- Oc rT pminl: IVT' h. -Pui:tiPH'j. tellir.g flt -

JO' 'longLurus. ,;i It!-- t'1.i -- ri: ;V-V- 4;Aug -- u. rn erraticAGED RELIGIOUS OF


at :;.),;rcur I i

market in grain futures, which fluc-tuated irregularly but raplly theand assert differprosecutor's had been notified ! individual views r!i!'"k- -

s:fc?e.I.I Vi: rOFLTRV Türly?. r.:

n:s, 'S.: springs, ;.; rooters, 1

Hrdi!ut .Hid Ra'n v., srM'.r.cItouad Pike, s.i'.l nr ut ."" "

s ttaa U it.. .'ir,.-e- .

rOTLTIiV.ralliedgreater part of the da;


PHYSICIANS' CAREthat Do Papp w"ll be forced to faceJudge Anderson at Indianapolis be

20: dueks. t'.FOTATOi: nejpts, 12.5 cars: .Terspy Voider. $4; Id.iLo, Celorudo u bitesy;'C13 cr, t.

Kennecott Copper .

Iackawana SteelLehigh ValleyMexican PetroleumMiami CopperMarine Common ..Marine --P-

Missouri Pacific ...Midvale SteelNew Haven

fore th lat i.s heard of tho mam- -strongly In the final trading on re-

ports of local sales of $00,000bushels of wheat to c.-po- rt thistho

1 9



Brother Jarloth of Notre!.

moth';nlv ?;hlc,h.h:ivc; v6incc

r. I p reLIVH IOVL1RY.

TrRKHY? USc.I VC KS 24.UOOTKKS--l.-SPP IN GS;efsi: ir..

riTTSTU K". LIVKSTOCK.riTTSULJtr,. ia.. Ai:r. 2C. CATTLEIte.--f : pt s. 21 srLt : rr.ark t. tteiy; eh-- d o

:o.ii. fiX.Vt; fair, 't SC. ;veal calves, ll(rjllX0.

served In the pohco morgue untilordT for their confiscation be

IJamc University uies int. Josepir Hospital. DEEP INTEREST IN



ences of opinion.When Prof. Gobble invited ques-

tions and suggestions he wan imme-diately bombarded with a series cfqueries, which he said was almoststaggering. Various phases of sub-ject which he not credit the classwith being conversant served a splen-did purpose of common interchangeof thought and developed a goodmany ideas and facts that possiblywould not have been included in theprescribed class instruction.

The contest Is a part of the gen-

eral program of the home workersproject extending throughout theoounty under the direction of E. C.Bird, county farm agent. The workis distributed on an organized planIn charge of well qualified assistants.Clem Mochel and Howard Rerick,have given valuable aid in expandinginterest in livestock and poultryamong boys and girl.

In addition to prizes which will begiven to the young judges at vhe fairthoroughbred calves will bo awardedby Prof. Felix, in chargo of the dairy

S access of Demonstrations

Hrothor Jarloth. 76 years old. for4 4 years a rcl'.geous in tho Ho"vCross Ordr at N'otro Dame univer-sity, died at St. Joseph's hospitalyesterday morning at 7 o'clock fol-

lowing an operation for a complica-tion of dl5eaccs.

Brother Jarloth. whose nam- be-

fore he joined the order was JerimiaOT.rien. was born in Cork. Ireland,and wan connected with the AveM.aru. a Xctie Dame publication,for a 5coro of years. He Joined theHoly Cross order in IS 77 shortly aft-er his arrival in this country andvra profefed In the year of IS SO.

Paves Way for FutureWork, Announced.



. t ii.--o plates missing from aFoid sedan aroused tho suspicionsof ollicers of the South Bend policedepartment last nii;ht and resultedin a merry cha?e through tho Ktroetsof the city and onto the Kdwardsr-bur- g

road, where, after turning intoa narrow lane, the driver of theflivver leaped from the car and fledin the darkness. The machine, heldby the police, is believed to be astolen car. Officers Dunnlns and

That the alue ol cullingpoultry

"rr mi "THE POTwhichDuring his length of service.

Local Woman Returns toSouth Bend Following Dis-

covery in New York City.

Tho condition of Mrs. Hattie Bor-tel- l,

5 42 Lincolnway E., who mado astartling discovery on her viit toNew York city Sunday to claim thebody of her dead husband. FrankEugene Bortell, is not consideredserious, although she is eaid to benearir.2" a nervous breakdown. Mrs.Bortell, number one. was amazed toAnd Mrs. Bortell, Number Two incharge of her hu3band'a remains inthe eastern city.

The local Mra. Bortell, togetherwith her brother-in-la- w, Charles A.Folsom of Walkerton, had gone toNew York upon the receipt of atelegram informing them of Bortell'sdeath. It was upon their arrival inGotham that the dual life of Borteilwas revealed, whri Mis. Bortell.numb.-- r two, refused to surrenderEortcll's body.

Mrs. Bortell and Folsom returnedto South Bend early Tuesday morn-ing and Mr.1'. Bortell was taken toher home where ehe has since beenunder the caro of a physician and awatchful Ulster.

Funeral services with masonicceremonies for Bortell were held InNew York Tu?sday night and inter-ment will he in Mount Hope comete-r- y


:c fearchingPournc early today wcfor the alleged thief.

Ollio AYolfY. 72". X. Uddic ft andlirf.-"'-;t. Joseph farm, anuP...- - C'-r.-ier-, 1411 N. Mi:iml av. t department.

demonstrations are appreciated bywomen, girls and boys of St. Josephcounty, is attested by the numerousrequests E. C. Bird, county farmaq-ent-

, has received for meetings.The series will bo extended as faras practicable and as many addi-tional mcetino'f '111 be arranged a3time, will permit, it wan announccdyesterdav.

The next demonstration will beheld Thursday on the farm of, located one-ha- lf milesouth of the T.imarac church, at1:30. I. J. Taylor, ono cf the bestknown poultry men of .northern In-

diana will be In charge. White Leg-horn?, Barred Rocks, Wyandottea

iml addresses criven'John Van Nets.v. ! t he r.;i mos! The?e composed the clis: Charles

lasted nearly a half century, he wasone of the active members of thecongregation, who gavu his lif' toth unie:-;t- from alm-'S- t itsfant-y- .

Th" rntire conqr gatiun w 111 pre-sid- e

at the list rites of the aged s

Thursday morning at 7:t."o'clock when a rnim mn. will ivcebibrated. Following tho wrl?ii-h- f

vi,.l 1..-- ! uried in Holy ro


by two nyn nrrited last nizht by.iuers Pinte. Dumborski. Durczak

and V.'agonman Sabcrnlak. Bothwere locked up and will face Jud?ocmaoht in city court this morningon a chargo of drunkeness. Wolffalso is charged with driving an auto- -

3SXOUR old-fashion-

ed epicure intitrrdii on substantial, wholesome dishes

flavored to tickle the palate. In Inscups, too, he was equally discriminating,choosing: drink that offered a rich taste ofNature's choicest grains.

Arrow is such a drink brewed andaged to smack of that old-fashion-


flavor. Drink a glass today, served witha good old-fashion-

ed meal, and enjoy th-thoro- ugh

gratification of appetite that

and other breedsused for demonstThe obect of the mc-eti- n


COLUMBUS FACULTYtermine by the applicatititle methods how toing hens from good

De Grotte. Fred Allen. Harold r.

William Myers. C. Proudfit.John Karnhardt, Forest Mott, ClydeMott, Carroll Kemp, Leroy Grove.Leon Mead, Paul Frederick. DonaldBerkely, Paul Steele. Roy Anderson,Chester Biellcr, Raymond Stoncr.Marvin Bauer. Harold Snyder, SilasRitenour. Frank Jones. Wajme Sisk.Delmer Shirk. Walter Dawson, Ever-ett Mangu, Raymond Starkweather.Raymond Yoder, Leo Brown, WalterLlnsenmicr, Inman Whitmer, WalterCottreil, Russell Schwartz, MiloMathews, Albert Shrader, John Hor-vat- h,

Howard Rundell, Claude De-Wi- tt,

Russell Caldwell, Leo Howclla.Rugene Kizer, Beryle Smith. EugeneRoy, Theodore Rorw, Harold Laird,Stanley Surface, John Mangus, Shel-don Blough. Carl Maurer, Floyd Six,Delbert Newcomer, Clarence Smith.Gerald Magnus. Clarence Heim,Charles Käser. Loren Shearer, Sher-lan- d

Wolfe, Richard Whitmer, JamesBerridge, Richard Elred, HerbertScharb.

other angles of thewill be d:.3cufsed.

Local Educator to Become A:

sistant School Head inOhio Citv.

m obi I while intoxicated.Arthur I. IVrley, cretary anil

superintendent of the park board,motored to Detroit Tuesday morning,at which city he will attend tho con-

vention of tho National Associationof City Park Superintendents. Heis ppeotc--i to return the latter partof tho week.

Tho iray Tluä Idnc, running be-

tween th cities of Nile?, Buchananand South Rend, was started Tuc?-.3:i- y

by 12. Herring, of Buchanan.It is the plans of the bus lino togivo the cities a two-ho- ur service.The South Fend stations for tholine will be at the Oliver and Jeffer-son hotels.

lYcd Howard, TIS Sancoine st,,ch.irge.-- i with aYault and battery byWilliam II. White, was granted a

. i 1 A A 1 T - - A

Girl Says Cops 'Interrupt'HÄNDELSMÄN HERE

TO ASSUME DUTIES'Vacation in South Bi

r.TyGertrude Tow, colored, tvas fright- - jpt

when sho saw an otPicer Kamm & Schellinger Co.Mishawaka, Ind.

nrnir 1 t ip Mr In wnih ciirting With Oliver P. Patten, colored, a.,Son of Financier to Aid Father "'"" T I . . 1 . . 1 . 1 ."

II. M. Applemnn, formerly voca-

tional director in South Rend school.--,hjs accepted a pi 3: t ion .is asUtar.teuP'Tintendent of schools in Colum-bus. O. Mr. Appleman will ha e

charge rf the pre-vocatlon- .il and vo-

cational work there, also will organ-ize tho v.'-- department of guid ir.eeand placement.

oi lanen av., so sne jumpeu cut .tna '; Vyin Attending Businc 55 ai.i .iiivu iLi lilU'J UHU i IHO IJlct- - iiJchin . She was arretted and rh.i-L- '.Interests Here.

d with drunkenne. She said she; continuance until Aug. ou oy juugur. in Fouth :ihad ii" addrej and

Ik-n- for a vacation,Oir.acb.t in city court Tue.-day- .

The Kiwanls club lachall teamb which the po- -üuir.g program InThe enlargM J. Henry Handelsman, jr., ofon VColumbus schacls includes fou new j v .11 i),av ". i lianrs oasenaii itain the well known millionaire financier.


CAMP STAY TONIGHT I j Icn Thursday afternoon, Avg. 25, at4::;u at L. epcr park Held. Ihe line- - r

lice rudely interrupted.Patten v.üs booked fcr drunker

ness, though he complained that hehad a line job in a local factory iJwas fiS years old. The girl paid shö

High srh o! buildings and tt

scln 'ls. Industrial workwill be organized in nil theso centers.Thi." will c.-m- under t!-.- dt ;art- -

t7. xj k 1

piano manufacturer and showman,who iir leasee of thy Oliver theaterand crganier of the Palace theaterproject in this city, ha? returned toSouth Br.d from an extensive tourof the Fniied Statt, in which theleading show houses of th"- - ast andwest were visited. It was Mr. Han- -

. . - t - i: .id i,p::i.iii will .1 -.Mr.

j up fcr the Kiwanls club will be:Rockr.o, m; Hr.llas. c; Collnr. lb:

jClau-r- . 2b; King r,b; Yena, Is; Ro-- ,r.'ine. r.s McMichael, If; L.cntz, cf;

j(lter, rf; I'arneman, rs.Hio flamer bath capacity of the

! Y. M. O. A. is now 10.000 bathsmonthly, ov.dr.g to the installation

t who H III. KKKPKN Ni mMr.

positi'. s; v " i i

whichto '.

tin:- -

A C hi.-- a :

delsman's intention to vi.cipal entertainment hou OFFICER'S ARRIVALit the prin-o- f

thegather in.- -

Northern Indiana Ilard u arc -- v'f a new water heater. According to n order tolarger citiesformation inAssociation Plans Convention ; c'y Danner this Just doubles the that hno which would Iii. TKib sought by the DeThe NTt::?rn Indiana Retail be of materialas assist an 1 to

value in hi- - dutieshis father in the KM!hirmr'.y capacpy cf 20,000

.th-- -

Ihr city plavground dinxtors cn- -catur, Ala., authorities fcr the mur- -I itII. rd .ir Association w;'.! h

.tnnu?.l !! ti:.g in "I e r O' his wife,Oliver theat. pofiti J --..

Lads to Be Returned to Homehv Business Men Who Made

Trip Possible.

The second group of beys fromthe Orphans' home, who are spend-ing a three day outing at Camp Lb-erha- rt.

Jr , tho Y. M. C. A. employedboys' resort, three milet east ofMishawaka, wdll return to SouthBend tonight in automobilen furn-ished by the business men of SouthBend and Mishawaka, who providedthe little fellows with tho three divouting.

The vDit of these lad?, who num-ber 23. will bring the total mark urto Z0 as 2 5 other. from the horn?

s till in tho cuvpolice, who areoy.-- 1 a picnic Tuesday afternoon at j The Mr. Handclan is

' tody cf the local:io:i h.i.s ' 'Thursday. S. pt. 1. An :r. i:.t ycungcrnown ini well I: South Bend circles. ' waiting for tho arrival of an officer m w 1 1 ith ejr.p l ir srrls camr at Dake i

Pleasant near Edward5.bunr. A staff attended Nago Ho is known triaL ldidfllli Mlsity soma time

been rxTr.ded by the tohardware dealers cf Luther r. Michi-gan to attend tho conference.

Tha association members will beUO.3 of the StuSebaker crprration

by Sergt. Rob-Ig- ht

on infor- -to business ir.t--n with whom he has Bibb was arrettedcome in contact in the transaction ers Saturday

meeting was held daring th after-noon in which plans for the city fieldday festival at Leeper park were dis-cusce- d.

Following this, athletic con-test took place. The playgroundswero closed during the afternoon ow- -

piven by Julian Curran, whocf s father'? business, as he and '.- -)11er willduring th afternoon. .V. din WT1 tsaid Bibb had killed his own wifethe parent have been c:cs?.y asso- -

ciited in business duringbe ?rrved at th-building at 1 o'cl u-- k.

trin through the fict- 't -


almir.ictrat!onfollowed by ary.-- Id at the O'.S

picnic.and then "stole his spou?e."

Bibb, alias Charles Valdrop, 1211X. Main s:.. is believed to be thefor aeweek

Aboutenjoyed the trip las:same length cf time. ) J , i

the last few years.For a period of time Mr.!-ma- n

jr., was connected with theA bar. jut uill CO boy--- : hardest" characte to fall into the fHp--: -ver hotel at which

Two Sutli Icnl men. H. A. Pcrsh- -Ir.g and George Beltner. are planningto attend tha Human associationconvention cf United States, which

evening 1were at the home, so it was decidt 1

to divide the hold two outings. Th ;hands of the loc po.ico for someKimb.ill Piano Co.. of Chicago. of a.1 OTHERhis father :j thowhich governing

held In Philadelphia fromwill leOct. 17

S. G. Chard, chairman cf th North-ern Indiana a ciatl r., will preside.The principal speakers will be G. V.Shelly, of Argo. erc!ary of theIndiana Beta!: Hardware Aas " C W. H!gf.aoT-.- . :ld

to 2 0, they announced Tues- -head,

fc'ira W. Pickering ia manager ofthe theater.

lads were entertained in much thosame manner a their older associ-ates on this trip, and enjoyed totheir full extent, the swimmlnr.boating and other amusements thatthe location afford.

time. He haa fought with every onoof his keepers and at the time of hisarret made attempts to "break fromth" clutches of the o Ulcers.

A detective from the Decatur po-ll- ci

department i- - expected to ar--.rivo to lay to esrort the alleged mur-- j

C oinntt rvdal Kollnr Icjistic cap-tains have I'Pfn notified thlf a busi-ness meeting will bo held Fridayevening at S o'cloek at tho Orpheuritiowling alley.


Tho University of Wisconsin haa amachine which can exert a pressurenf 40, 0?0 pounds on undergroundroc!.

K & S Cherry K&S Root BeerK & S Special Polar Distilled Waterdc-re- r back to Alabama DRINKS

S23lmajuuac.i: Licirs'sirs.

Rudolph Street, Jr.. and IvaBadchfelJer. both cf Kalamazoo,Mich.


Two tablespoons of turpentine putin the water in which you boil yourtowels will whiten them.

During ono period of f?ven yeanover S,0öü earthquake shocks were J

recorded la Jaiia. 'Try XEIT'S-TIME- S Want Ads Try KEIFS-TIME- S Want Ads