They Emigrated to the USA Final Lesson Plan

Lesson plan Date: the 30 th of April 2015 Teacher: Stepan Cristina School: Scoala gimnaziala nr. 3 Arpasel Grade: 8th Textbook: Snapshot intermediate Unit: They emigrated to the USA Lesson title: The Story of ‘The Clearances’ Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: - to engage and activate students in using the English language; - to encourage students to use (monolingual)dictionaries; - -to develop intensive reading skills(reading for gist, reading for detailed comprehension); - to develop communicative and receptive competences; Teaching materials: pictures, dictionaries, blackboard Skills: listening; speaking; reading; writing Classs management: pair work; group work; lock step Teaching techniques: Brainstorming; Elicitation; Explanation;


They emigrated to the USA lesson plan

Transcript of They Emigrated to the USA Final Lesson Plan

Page 1: They Emigrated to the USA Final Lesson Plan

Lesson plan

Date: the 30th of April 2015

Teacher: Stepan Cristina

School: Scoala gimnaziala nr. 3 Arpasel

Grade: 8th

Textbook: Snapshot intermediate

Unit: They emigrated to the USA

Lesson title: The Story of ‘The Clearances’

Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- to engage and activate students in using the English language;

- to encourage students to use (monolingual)dictionaries;

- -to develop intensive reading skills(reading for gist, reading for detailed comprehension);

- to develop communicative and receptive competences;

Teaching materials: pictures, dictionaries, blackboard

Skills: listening; speaking; reading; writing

Classs management: pair work; group work; lock step

Teaching techniques:

Brainstorming; Elicitation; Explanation;

Number of students: 10

Anticipated problems: there will be explanation in Romanian ( if needed)

Stages of the new lesson

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Activity 1 - WARMER - GOT IT! ( whole class)

Aims: - to warm students up

Procedure: The Ss are put into groups of four or five, all sitting round a table. The teacher gives

each group a collection of 20 words written on individual cards or pieces of paper. (ex. Words

associated with cooking such as: slice, chop, cut, frying pan, saucepan, dish).The students have

to place the cards face up on the table in front of them so that all of them can be seen. The

teacher reads out the words one by one. The task of each group is to try to snatch the card with

the word on it. When they do this (before another member of the group), they have to hold the

card and shout GOT IT! Each student keeps the cards they have managed to snatch, and so at

the end of the game there is a winner in each group-and an overall winner who has collected the

greatest number of cards.

Interaction: Ss-Ss; Ss- T

Timing: 5 minutes

Skills: Listening; speaking



Aim: - to practice making polite requests , agreeing or refusing them.

Procedure: T. asks the students to form pairs and think that one of them is a passerby asking

another one different things.(carry this bag, move your bike, turn the music down, etc)

Ex. S1: Excuse me, can you move your bike, please?

S2: Yes, of course.

S2: Sorry, I can’t, I am waiting for someone.

Interaction: Ss – Ss; Ss - T

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Timing: 10 minutes

Activity 3 - PRE-reading ( whole class)

Aims: -to create interest and introduce Ss into the topic

Time: 10 min.

Procedure: The teacher asks the students to look at the picture in the textbook. She asks the

students to look at the picture while she writes on the Bb the following questions:

T: What country is this?

Is this a modern picture?

If not, when do you think this happened?

Who are the people?

Are they rich or poor?

What do you think has happened to them?

Ss discuss T’s questions in groups, then report back to the whole class.

Interaction: Ss – Ss, Ss-T


Aims: - to practice reading for specific information

Time: 15min.

Procedure: A) T. asks the students to look upon the sentences in exercise 7 and then she asks

them to read the text with their partners and choose the correct answers. T goes through the

answers with the whole class.

Interaction: Ss – Ss; Ss - T

ACTIVITY V –POST – READING ( group –work)

Aim: - to use the information acquired in creating sentences of their own;

Time: 15min.

Procedure: T asks the students to scan the text, find 5 new words, look up in the dictionaries,

then write the 5 new words down on a piece of paper and hand them to the other group. The

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groups exchange the papers with the new words on them and each group have to make up 5

sentences with the new words, without looking in the dictionary for their meaning.

Simultaneously, the 2 groups write the sentences on the Bb and the group who have managed to

make the most sentences correctly, they win. T checks sentences and corrects them with the

whole class.

Interaction: Ss – Ss; Ss - T



Aim: - to evaluate the Ss. work

- to assign Ss. their homework

Time: 5 min

Procedure: The teacher grades some Ss. T asks the students to answer the questions at exercise

7 c. in their notebooks. (OR T asks the students to choose a small fragment from the text and

change all the adjectives from negative meaning to positive) in order to change the story into a

happy one)!

Interaction: T – Ss