They Are With Us - Lorna Adams

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  • 7/31/2019 They Are With Us - Lorna Adams




    Advice from Spirit on Changing Your Life

    Lorna Adams

  • 7/31/2019 They Are With Us - Lorna Adams


    Copyright 2010 Lorna Adams

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 1456331744ISBN-13: 9781456331740

    E- Book ISBN: 978-1-43927-731-7LCCN: 2010916678

  • 7/31/2019 They Are With Us - Lorna Adams


  • 7/31/2019 They Are With Us - Lorna Adams




    s book covers so many areas of life that affect all of us. So who could benefit from reading this book?

    would say anyone who is interested in learning why we are here. What is my path? How do I get back on track? How do I connect with

    es? What is the point of this life? The list goes on and on.

    truly believe we are all one. That is we come from the same place and will return to that place when this life is over. I speak to so many

    are faced with difficult life lessons. Many are suffering, confused, angry you name it. This book can help you find your way and wer some very old questions. Questions youve been asking yourself for a very long time.

    Keep in mind that most spirit guides are no nonsense and get right to the point. I have found over the years spirit guides are NOT big on

    They are kind, loving understanding and have only our best interest at heart! They also have a wonderful sense of humor so go ah

    h along with them. A good laugh at life or even yourself can help smooth out the rough spots in life.

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    nt think I would have taken the writing of this book so seriously without the support of my wonderful husband Mike. He has always pushe

    direction of sharing this ability I have although I never really thought I would, simply for the fact that I was not sure this was my path!

    also have to thank my brother Ron who moved to the desert of New Mexico from wonderful and very green Virginia! He has been a w

    ration in all areas of this work and a genius webmaster as well!

    Of course my guides have been the biggest influence as well as my sister Susie and my good friend Kim Carson. I thank my spirit g

    as friends and family for their constant guidance, love and belief in me and this ability I have been blessed with. I look forward to c

    ning and service to assist those we can together.

    Many thanks to our friend and photographer Ray Baird as well as the talented staff of Create Space that helped us launch this venture. Y

    he best!

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    hen I was about 14 years old, I began writing down my dreams right when I woke up and other messages I would receive while sleepin

    nning I would get a few words and sometimes sentences. Often they made no sense to me, but I knew somehow, later on, they woul

    would come in the middle of the night so I would keep a pad and a pen next to my bed and force myself to wake up when I receive

    ken messages.

    nstinctively I knew they were from my spirit guides. How? I can only describe it as a deep inner knowing. The next day I would try and

    I had written. It was about this time I asked my spirit guides if I could type the information they were passing on since my handwriting

    e like chicken scratch! They gave me the o.k. and thats when I started using a portable typewriter. I still have notebooks full of those

    started back in the 1970s.

    A few years later, when a close family friend suddenly died, I realized I could communicate with him in my head as I put it. I could sim

    questions and he would respond. To preserve these communications, I would type both sides of our conversation.

    Over the years this ability has changed and strengthened. I now use my ability to speak and receive guidance for people including m

    hic readings. This process is called automatic writing and has been around for thousands of years. Its kind of like taking dictation

    r side! Even after all these years I still find my guides accuracy and the process itself, amazing. Often times the guides will speak to

    res. I see them in my mind very clearly - giving life to the words a picture is worth a thousand words!

    have always been fascinated with the other side, but never really considered myself psychic. I know that must sound odd, but commu

    the other side and my guides was just something that I could do.

    For those that come to me for a psychic reading, being able to communicate with someone that has passed over, especially a s

    ghter, brings a great deal of closure and peace to those grieving. Parents are relieved to know that there really is no such thing as deat

    ave lost are never far from us but rather, beyond the veil most of us cannot see. They are living happily with no pain only love and happin

    Before writing and offering psychic readings full time I had a few different careers. I spent 23 years on the radio in various size market

    early 90s I had grown tired of the broadcasting business. With the help of some friends I switched to the horse business much to the su

    about everyone I knew! Later on I managed a large horse operation and then taught horseback riding for many years. I have two hors

    ment who are convinced they are retired! Not much time to ride these days.

    gives me a great deal of pleasure and fulfillment offering psychic readings and connecting with those that have passed. I am grate

    sed. Thank you for picking up this book. I hope you enjoy it and find it to be a useful tool in your life or perhaps in someone elses life.

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  • 7/31/2019 They Are With Us - Lorna Adams




    ank you for picking up this book today, if you have, then it will and does hold some bits of knowledge that you are needing. That, and p

    puzzle, called your life, that you need to help you clarify your path at this time.

    We have chosen this one here (Lorna Adams) since she is an old pro shall we say when it comes to taking down what we have to say o

    to it as Automatic Writing.

    So WHO are we you ask? A very good question indeed! We are a group of guides and survivors of many times past. We no longer ch

    e to earth in the body form since we feel we have wrapped up our work there and now we work from this side if you will. You should al

    Heaven and we mean whatever that means to YOU is not as far away as you think!

    We are a group of many who have come together (we call ourselves Redbone) so as to hopefully advance your knowledge of the pla

    t is happening to it and how this too will affect your lives in the coming years. No, this is not doom and gloom, a secretive pact - none

    sense. We very simply wish to convey to you and others that the Earth is evolving, changing and moving forward. And as it does so w

    e are many books written on this very subject yes, but this one deals with you, your life and the impact you can make on others around y

    planet too!

    This series of words (this book) we have formed here on these pages are meant to help guide you to what it is that makes you whole, ha

    ent with your life there on earth as you have chosen it. Our main goals are as follows: That you and all others lead a life that includes a

    eart. We want you to know that love never leaves you, you can and you will take it with you. This life on earth is short although at times ess. We fully understand that aspect. That too, is why we have compiled this book. We want you to get the most out of this life, the mo

    ove that surrounds you even if you are unaware of it!

    This book, even though it is not a novel by any means, can help you to bridge the gap or gaps you feel exist in your life. There is informat

    will benefit you and others that pick it up as well. Is it the begin and end all? Certainly not, just another piece of this puzzle we call life, w

    f learning lessons to be taught and taken in. We hope you enjoy it and pass it on when you are done to someone who could use a goo

    e as to what in their life is missing or lacking. We thank you for your openness and willingness to learn and are grateful for the oppor

    ak to you.

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    ve been a friend of Lorna Adams since we worked together in Detroit back in 1993. At the time she was the morning drive air persona

    or market radio station. That was a time when it was rare to find a woman carrying a show. I have lived all over this country, met thous

    ple, interviewed countless celebrities, but when it comes to someone who really matters, someone who makes a difference in this wor

    ms is this person. She was and always will be an original. Over the years we have grown closer and I am very proud to call her my friend

    kind of person you can always call if you need an encouraging word or an honest opinion no matter what time of the day or night. Lorn

    s have always brought me comfort. She is honest, real and down to earth. What you see is what you get! That is what everyone love

    she truly cares about others and her goal is to help. At a time in our world with so many changes and uncertainty I am blessed to call Lod. This book is filled with easy to read, spirit guided words of wisdom. The writing flows, is easy to read and understand. Each time y

    book you will find something new. Or does it just seem that way? Either way you will find that Lorna cares about people and this worl

    o yourself a favor and invite Lorna Adams into your world and she will be able to shed a little light on it. Enjoy the read

    by Kim Carson

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    pter One: Living in the now

    pter Two: Living this life

    pter Three : Making things Right

    pter Four: Living As if

    pter Five: The fork in the road

    pter Six: Staking your claim (finding your own gold!)

    pter Seven: Create a new past

    pter Eight: Making a go of it in Our World

    pter Nine: See the world any way you choose

    pter Ten: Telling the Truth

    pter Eleven: Calling the shots

    pter Twelve: Resolving what you can and letting the rest go

    pter Thirteen: Taking the easier way out

    pter Fourteen: Creating a well rounded life

    pter Fifteen: Where do you fit in?

    pter Sixteen: Changes, Changes Everywhere!

    pter Seventeen: So who am I now?

    pter Eighteen: How to begin the rest of your life

    pter Nineteen: So what are the rules anyway?

    pter Twenty: Suggestion of Rules

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  • 7/31/2019 They Are With Us - Lorna Adams


    Chapter One


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    his time, to begin this story of history and what has taken place, we will first begin with what a lot of you would call the past, although, f

    pective, the past as in the NOW is all happening and occurring at the same time. It is just that your vision, from this earths perspectiv

    what we will call a sort of tunnel vision. You can only see or perceive what is known as the past. As for the now, well that is where we live

    are wise you would choose this living in the NOW as well. For the NOW is the only place where time exists.

    f you willingly choose to live in what we will call the NOW perspective, a few different things will happen. This includes events in your life

    ge your life for the better. For living in the NOW is the only real way to really experience it! Let me try and create a kind of example fo

    o better emphasize this. If I, were on that earth and said to you - I will buy this car from you tomorrow, and then the next day came and I d

    t are some of the ruminations you would suffer? Disappointment? Frustration? Anger? All of these feelings can be avoided by livin

    If I told you that this mans promised check was no good - what then would be your reaction? Relief? Joy? Thank God! What I am t

    mplify is this: If we choose on a minute by minute basis to live in the NOW - we choose to trust where our lives are going, we choo

    ent within our conversations, with ourselves and the people in our lives.

    Now lets move on to another area that we feel is most lacking in a great deal of you - and that is the feelings and empathy for ones fel

    e has been some kind of transformation that has taken place over the past 20 years and it has not been an improvement. You have ho

    ple now more than ever before. War in certain parts of the planet, fighting, a troubled environment, all of these issues come from th

    e: From fear, we are afraid. That fear place is also saying well, what can I do? I am only one person!!! Well, we are here to tell you, your

    e up of millions of like minded people just like you-- so the answer is - you can do a lot! It may not seem like it but imagine the chang

    d and should take place if each and every one of you took responsibility for his or her little part of the world. We know there are some of

    e doing just this - but there needs to be more.

    you think to yourself, Oh thats THEIR problem. Let them deal with it. Then who will be there for YOU to help with your prob

    For now, I will get off that soap box and we will move on.. only to return to the same at some time. I would like to exemplify your life, you

    g this life. You have been blessed with a few examples once again. We use these examples in the hopes of being able to clarify our t

    the process in which this takes place. If you are a man or a women and you say to yourself why am I here what is my greater purpose? W

    pposed to do with this life I have been given? If you are asking yourself these questions then you yourselves know, deep in your heart

    not on the right path! And this we know you can feel way down deep on the inside of your being. We say to you to search - yes that is one

    oneself as you would say BUT to really figure out WHY you are here - why YOU chose to come here again and again. That answer

    p within you and here we will give you the key so to speak, to unlock those desires and better yet a real purpose for being. So many pe

    g in their lives not really living their lives until the day or days come that they know they will come to an end! What we are suggestin

    e commitment to living long before your dying days arrive. That way you will have been sure to get every drop of goodness out of this lif

    did not, it was not due to a lack of trying.

    nts to remember: Being in the now A common if not overly used term, yes! But a great concept to remember as we rush ar

    daily lives forgetting to stop, breath and be grateful. Its much harder to do than it sounds but it will help you to be present

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    Chapter Two


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    about now, you are asking yourself those trying questions, or putting up the inevitable roadblocks that all humans seem to come up w

    dont want to do something or are afraid of the work or what loss this change will entail. That too, is normal and we are not here to beat

    eing or having what is a normal human response. We say, as some of you probably already know: these feelings can be over ridd

    ably should be when it comes to change, having faith and moving on from this place you now feel stuck or trapped in. If you are not stu

    s good, there are still skills, advantages to these strategies that can be incorporated for a life that includes living in the now, reaching

    ng what it is that you feel gives you a greater purpose and so on.

    f you have entered this life and thought to yourself well, I am here, now what! Dont feel alone either. We all have felt this kind

    erience at some time. So, when it comes to a true purpose in life, the giving back, the doing, the kind of work that leaves you satisfied a

    e day, what makes you think you cant have it or get it? One of the most common place feelings is I am not worthy.why me? Im just.f

    k. We say, if not YOU then who? Someone with better hair? A better family?

    There are no and we mean NO restrictions when it comes to achieving-but there seem to be many restrictions when it comes to


    grets: Throw them away if you can. Or keep them around To be reminded of them so as to not repeat the same. Too many re

    can weigh you down and kill you.

    Now that we are sounding a bit like a self help book, let me stop there and say, if you dont help YOURSELF then who will? So in tha

    are here to guide you, hold your hand, give you a push in the right direction and allow you the feelings and the sense of purpose that yight to feel as a part of this planet. So many of you do not. DO not what? Do not feel as if you fit in, dont deserve it, do not feel as tho

    attain it and so on.

    We are here to dispel these false beliefs and rumors in hopes of allowing all of you to live a fuller life. A life that contains all the stuff of fa

    admiration, purpose, a deeper knowing and so forth. As we go on with this text you will begin to feel differently, see the world differe

    self as well. For they are one - you see yourself as you see the world and the two are highly interconnected. There can be NO separatio

    You feel like life has passed you by, and the world will be seen through those eyes of, well what about me? When is it my turn you ask?

    ose to see the world filled with an abundance of good things and good people, and then it too shall reflect back to you and say - you are w

    is a basket and a bushel of good things just for you! The world, or more importantly, the universe is like that! So allow this book to h

    rporate YOU into the world and better yet, bring the world to YOU in such a way that you will feel fulfilled, purposeful, alive and awake too

    have not happened in a very long, long time.

    ife has many things to offerhow many times have you heard this or been told this? Perhaps when you were younger you may have he

    more often for when we are young, or just starting out there seem to be so many opportunities! Your life you are told is like an oyster.ssibilities.but then there seems to come a point in time when this seems to fade into the background of daily life, of paying bills, of t

    e enough money to get that old broken car fixed - again. This seems to be a turning point in many peoples lives as if there is no going b

    ms they once had begin to fade and die for good. Then you seem to be left with what is - what you have somehow perhaps unkn

    ted!! A family unplanned, a mate you would not have chosen 5 or 10 years ago and so onyou say WHAT HAPPENED? How did I

    place? A lot of people do not ask how can I get out but rather surrender when they should not. Feeling as though (here it comes again)

    hy. Its too late, Im in too deep, it will take too much time, upset the apple cart.on and on and on it goes.

    So now what? Run away? Drop everything? Abandon your life as you know it? No, within this framework that you have mastered you m

    easily find a way to re-work it so it works for you and not against you. It takes time, patience and perseverance too.

    eryone needs to feel like they matter. Do your best at thanking people for what they do no matter how small. A little bit of p

    and appreciation goes a long way.

    The point we are trying to make is this: To live this life, not simply sleepwalk through it asking, Is it over yet? There are 360 million pcountry and 360 million different ways to live this life you have been given. Is it easy to change? No. Is it easy to live the life you are livi

    ? No, but its familiar like an old house robe that has a few holes in it - Its ugly but it works. Or does it? Arent there better robes out th

    not so torn, used up and lifeless? Yes is the answer to that and to your life as well. You can make it anything you want to..but you hav


    At what point do you think you said to yourself this is good enough? Was it after high school? When you decided college was kind of bo

    b would be better? Was it when you got married and said well at least hes got a job? We have all done this at some point in our liv

    rence is to what degree? How many holes does YOUR house robe have in it?

    We are not suggesting you throw everything away and start over, we are suggesting a kind of re-doing, a cleaning up of your life. Why?

    and your life purpose. That is the bottom line, that is the goal to live a life that you can be proud of. To sleep at night and say job we

    ther it be working at what some would call a menial job or if youre the CEO of a large institution. We are all in the same boat and t

    ms to be sinking! It has a lot of holes in it and were not sure how many more people it can hold or how much more water it can take on!

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    Many people are tuned in to this sinking feeling at this time. You may not hear them say it but they are thinking it. Weve all seen that se

    y guy on the street corner with the big sign that says the end is near. Ever wonder if hes right? Sure you say, but the end of WHA

    et? Doubtful. Or the end of a way of life? This certain way in which we treat one another, with such carelessness. Who will know the dif one can see one will know. Heres the catch: YOU will know and that makes all the difference in the world, yo


    houghts are things. Be careful of what you think and the words you speak. They have power and energy. They are as alive as


    action is a key word than what is the opposite? No action of course. But what action to take is another common place to be or at leas

    gh you are stuck. The what ifs can be overwhelming to say the least. We would like for you to contemplate the following situation and s

    would do: there is a man on a street corner and as you can easily see he is having a hard time getting across the street - so what to d

    watch and say poor thing? Say, This stupid old man is going to make me late if I miss the light. Or, may we suggest you get out of help him along? How would this impact the world? His world ? Your day? The real question is how would you feel about yourself?

    er? More giving in a Universal sense?

    So again, here we are coming back to the way we choose to treat one another. Whats the big deal you say- well we would have to reply

    UGE deal. And somewhere way deep inside you know it is - we all do - its a kind of radar that most of us are born with.

    ve takes care and commitment. Keep this in mind, for Love goes on forever.

    nts to remember: A few of the goals of our spirit guides are to help you navigate this life and help you achieve the lessons y

    e to learn. They are here to remind all of us that life can be filled with joy and love. We are not only here to take but to help

    give back.

    nd too good to be true? Keep reading.

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    Chapter Three


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    ese topics that we choose to bring up here today, on this piece of paper are of course all universal themes to human life and probably

    ell. There are many of the same threads that run through all of us, that is why it is called the human race after all. We all come and retu

    e place even if you believe differently. It is your right to have any kind of belief system you choose - THAT is free will and that is what ma

    rent from anyone else. Sort of a contradiction too - we are all the same we say in one breath and in the next terribly unique to o

    es..So which one is really you, you ask? Both are correct and both are wrong too. Hows that for confusion!

    You see, each of us as you have guessed by now, is living a life we ourselves have chosen but we are also attuned to the universal min

    fferent from just your mind - out there somewhere by itself. We ask you to take for example a baseball game or a car accident. How

    yone there seems to see and perhaps feel something different as they watch these events unfold in front of their very own eyes? How

    This is what we mean by individual and all in the same boat. The two concepts can and do co-exist at some point in time at the same

    Do not allow your home to be filled with chaos and disorder. The outside will soon come to reflect or mirror the inside

    We each have our own filter in which we see the world through. This individual kind of view gives each one of us a different world view

    se a different view of the events that unfold in our everyday lives as well. So what do we do with all these different views and viewpoi

    most part these differences alone do not make up who we are .BUT it is what or how we react to these differences that make us

    ain choices, certain paths and people in our lives. THAT is the big difference. It is in the choosing, in so many different areas of our l

    e up our lives. It is those smaller choices in our daily lives that make up who we are. Combine them all and this gives us a much bigge

    ho we are and what we will do with the time we are given here. Remember the old man having a hard time crossing the street? Take

    ent and multiply it by 1000. We make these small decisions, seemingly unimportant decisions all the time. Most of the time withoing - thats part of the problem.

    This, your life, is like a blanket being knitted row by row by you and no one else. What will yours look like at the end of your life? So, wha

    ng is I should do more good things for others? Be of service? No, that is not what I am saying - yet. Those actions taken are, of cour

    to carry out as we all know, our common sense tells us that. Lets get back to your life, your purpose why are you here? Why did you ch

    e here and be a part of this planet anyway? Was it to complete something you had forgotten the last time around? Was it or is it to impr

    at? I am sure at one time or another, each of us, in our own way, has said to ourselves or those around us. Why am I here anyway? wh

    t of my existence on this Earth? That is something we can help you with or at least begin to help you find your way.

    you are in the habit of treating others with disrespect or in an unkind way, you are hurting yourself and creating a circle. In s

    way, at some time someone will do the same to you. Its Universal Law.

    ets talk about the universal mind for a minute. What is it in the first place? There is a level of consciousness called the universal mind tarticipate in whether we are aware of it or not. This kind of wave or level of consciousness exists on a different plane than does thi

    h. If you can picture a kind of layer in the sky. Almost like that layer of smog that sits over the city of Los Angeles. Have you ever flown into

    have then you know what we are talking about. As the plane begins to descend, it must go through this thick layer of brown ugly air. Y

    to yourself you should be able to feel the thickness of this smog, as if the plane will have trouble moving through it! The universal min

    ayer although it is not brown and it is not smog!! To further explain this - let me say this, we all have thoughts of course and thoughts

    w are THINGS. If you were unaware of this we will come back to this exciting thought! So, here we all are in this world, all

    ghts.ever wonder where all that energy goes?? Just look up its there that universal consciousness. That layer of millions and m

    erful thoughts. Your thoughts.

    Have you ever had certain plans but had told no one of the plans? Perhaps you were planning on making a move to a new city since yo

    ed a new job. But you hadnt told anyone yet. But for some strange reason 3 people in one day asked you if you were planning to

    cked, you think, did I say something accidentally? Can they read my mind? Well kind of - it is the universal mind and we are all connecte

    we said whether you know it or not! So, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Can I opt out? The universal consciousness or universal mall it just is. If you are human and on this planet you are a part of it. Even if you dont believe in it!

    nts to remember: We are all connected. Do unto others? Absolutely. Some call it karma, what comes around goes around

    e it its true. Be responsible in all things you do and how you live your life, you will not regret it and youll sleep better

    wing you have done your best.

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    Chapter Four


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    e tricky part about living as if, is the AS IF part! And by that we mean; This planet, this earth, this life here is an illusion - is it not? If n

    is it? Often you can hear others say there are many more wondrous planets and timelines in which to exist. You can see all of this r

    e days in your media. Have a look at the kind of television shows that are now being aired. Compare TV programs like Fringe on

    work to Howdy Doody. Or Medium and the Ghost Whisperer. As you can see its as if many lifetimes have passed or we have surged for

    ades to get to this point. The more common discussion of aliens, aliens mixed with the human race etcThis kind of programming an

    of thoughts would not have been allowed or considered crazy and outlandish a very short time ago.

    So this, in part, is what we are speaking of and that again is the universal mind or the universal consciousness. Do you ever wonde

    e ideas come from? I can tell you that once again those of you on earth are in many ways working and thinking as one. Consider for a u will, the lack of any kind of border. I am referring to this ongoing war between the United States and Mexico. What is this energy that

    constant conflict and killings? How could the universal mind be at work here? Well there are a few things to consider and one of them i

    re of course. Put up a wall and you will find someone, if not many who want to and WILL get over it. First of all that is at work. SO in ma

    the USA putting up this wall, that in of itself creates the energy that says I will overcome this obstacle that you think is impenetrable. S

    gates you say? No, that is not what we are saying either but cannot we find a way, a middle ground that works for both sides? Must w

    ing a wall that only becomes even more of a mental, physical and heart blockage for those on each side? We speak of the resentm

    er energy which is so strong it could and is tearing people apart.

    Your children have tape recorders in their heads. Not everything you say to them will be recalled. But I promise you, the nega

    harsh or mean things you say will stick with them for a lifetime.

    Not to mention all the killings. We bring up this US border issue for many reasons. It is a grave example of human nature at its worst. Its

    the terror and the stuff nightmares are made of has taken over. So, if we are to talk about solutions - now what you ask? First the ene

    ativity, the hatred would have to be reduced in order for talks to take place that would not be of emotions but rather of common sen

    mon good for all of those involved. How is that you say? Both sides must be willing to give up getting. Both sides must feel as though

    g treated with respect and honesty. No matter how the details are worked out these feelings must exist on both sides. After all, b

    an, made of the same stuff and will react in somewhat the same fashion. So what does this wall do? Anything? Keep others out or th

    ory has shown your world what walls can do and cannot do. And lets not forget what the wall itself - the mere existence of this wall,

    tes. For it is huge and far reaching. We mean that on every level. This wall to protect or to stop those from crossing does that and s


    magine if you will what one person on one side of this wall feels or imagines when they see this wall? What kind of energy are they pro

    remember, energy and thoughts are things and are alive. So this person on the Mexican side feels anger, hatred, sadness, disappo

    than a human being, I am seen as not to be trusted, others look down on me.on and on.

    Meanwhile what is the person on the US side feeling? I am better than them! They are less than, well show them, we dont want their k

    , they dont belong here, They look different, they eat different foods than us, I dont understand that weird language they speak. Lookry.sound familiar? Answers? There are many. Many different viewpoints, dozens of different agendas on both sides. What we a

    erned with at this point in time is the energy, the substance these emotions are creating all the time. 24 hours a day and 7 days a we

    say, well, you spirit guides are the evolved ones why dont you fix these problems, these global issues we have? It is not our world. I

    d and now is a good time to begin treating it as if it is. There must be a responsibi lity taken for everything. Each one of you is responsib

    - one piece at a time.

    nts to remember: You and your actions matter to everyone and everything about you. Each of us is constantly creating. W

    ? Look inside for the answer; look at your life for the proof.

    ke care of something besides yourself. A person, a pet,a friend who could use a hand. It will make you a better person and y

    like yourself more.

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    Chapter Five


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    hen you were young you, like most kids you probably had a few dreams as to what you wanted to be when you grew up. A Police O

    rinarian, a Fire Fighter. So what happened? Did you find it was too much work, too much time, money - or D all of the above. What or

    eive life when we are young can give us great clues as to how we could look at our lives now. It seems that we have gotten tired, bu

    cal, disbelieving, and sour - you name it. Just look around or look at yourself and notice these emotions. Life can sometimes be a

    erience as we all know - but its how you react to it not IT to you that will make all the difference in the world.

    f your Doctor told you today you have two weeks to live. What would you do? More importantly, how would you feel? Relieved? Scared?

    here should I go first! Hawaii, that cruise I never found the time to take. All of it matters. You make all the choices when it comes to liv

    of life you want to live. This life has been given to you - no excuses - it is yours to do with what you want.

    This also means you can stay where you are and with those that you choose to surround yourself with. Many of us choose mates, par

    n friends who make all the decisions in life for us. That is a great way to never be wrong - but at what price? What we would like to ad

    ime is the way in which you choose to live your life. Many of you act as if there is a great puppeteer in the sky calling all of the shots f

    n in fact you are your own master and creator of this life. How you choose and what you choose is always up to you. There is no such

    g stuck - unless being stuck serves you in some way or many ways. You must realize that you are the artist, the animator, the casting

    so on of this film we will call your life.

    How many episodes are there you ask? That too depends on how you choose to live and what you choose to fill your life with. Take for

    oman who says I have always wanted to live at the beach! It is my dream!! Is it really her dream? Of course you say - she just said it wa

    we ask, is she not living her dream? If a barrel of excuses follows this we know in fact it is not her dream but rather a place - like an uet in which to set aside the big basket of scary things she wants to do with her life. But she said it was HER DREAM!! Well again, we

    e not at the beach right now? Why are you not at YOUR beach right now? And while were at it - What is your version of YOUR beach?

    You decide who gets to be a part of your life choose wisely or you could regret it.

    When (and hopefully you will) you sit back and analyze your life - what does it look like? Is it a rush of maddening decisions made has

    hand the decision making process over to someone that you trust more than yourself? If this is the case, we have great news for you - Y

    back your life and even more importantly trust where it is going. Take the time to analyze your life and see what is missing and wha

    good too. Compare your lists. Study them; take the time to figure out how you feel about all the choices, what seemed like a

    ortunity and so on. By the way, there are no such things as missed chances, missed opportunities. The universe simply does not work th

    you say it was once in a lifetime! If you are the creator of your life and what appears in it, then how can that be? Even more so if yo

    ve it was an opportunity that could only happen only once in a lifetime then it is so. The writer Richard Bach says, Argue for your lim

    they are yours. Now those are truly words to live by. So where is all of this taking us you ask? Hopefully to a better place, a more fulfthat you can be proud of when it is over. Let us address regrets for a few moments. Do you have any? Its a good idea to write them d

    on you can go and correct them. But you say its too late! That time has passed! The great thing about time is that there is no yester

    orrow, only the NOW. So you have plenty of time to turn what you consider a regret into a success.

    Can you look back over your life and see how far you have come? Earlier we spoke of some of the ideas and dreams that you had as

    profession you would like to have, the house you would like to live in etcWe are here to tell you that all of those dreams that you may c

    d can once again come alive and live within you. As a matter of fact they never really went anywhere. They are still a part of you and in

    now. These hopes and dreams are a bit like a life raft - you just have to blow them up, give them life, hope, get them out into the open a

    once again - those lost dreams are alive once again and on their way to becoming a part of your life. They were just hibernating while

    with a life that you thought you should be living - perhaps not the one you really wanted but maybe you felt or feel obligated to a certain

    .Well your dreams are right there, in front of you waiting to come to life once again and be lived by you. If not by you then who?

    nts to remember: You can pretend that you dont have choices. Blame it on those that you have chosen to surround yoursou can take the reins and live this life you have been given.

    ou doubt what comes around goes around, just look around. It happens all the time You just have to notice it. Look at your o


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    Chapter Six


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    me of you reading this book may be a bit angry at this point. Your mind may be fighting back saying well, Ive got responsibilities, kids,

    payment. That is very true for most people yes, but have you ever noticed that some people seem to have it all? We are not talking abou

    you own we are talking about a life lived with joy. Every minute of the day you say? Thats impossible!! Isnt it funny how your mind w

    e with this alternate way to live and hang on to the lousy feelings, the hurt, the pain, the resentment, the sad childhood. Its as if by letti

    go you are somehow dishonoring all the bad stuff. All those feelings are old, familiar and even comfortable. These old feelings y

    nd also may give you a feeling of being filled up on an emotional level. If I empty them out, you say, wont I be empty too? A kind of c

    has grown around you like a pair of loving arms. Only this embrace is one of anger, sadness, hopelessness, lack and a kind of em

    erty.So, let us start from the beginning since we all have to start somewhere. We are here reminding you of all of your power - and the love

    ou. We are not here to fix you for you are not broken. We want to shine the light on a different way of living. Since this is your show, you

    yway you want - and that means good bad - easy - rocky- struggling- flowing - all of the choices are yours and always have been. If thi

    that is o.k. too. Life on earth was not meant to be a cakewalk - at least not all the time! You hear terms like, Life is what you make it

    true - so here we go again you say its all my fault; the ball is in my court etcYou could look at anything that way or you could say, I

    s of wonderful, joyous opportunities and people in my life. I am going to live it to the fullest. The choice is yours and always will be.

    Perhaps you are asking at this point, Well if this book is being channeled by your guides, why are we talking about such plain, daily livi

    ngs? Well that is a very good question. We have chosen this person and this litany for a greater purpose. There are millions of books o

    many topics. But we wanted to reach the widest audience we could with this material. And from where we sit, we see that so many pe

    ggling with everyday issues. There is a great deal of pain and angst on your planet, so we are hoping we can do a few things: disp

    or myths, lighten the burdens you carry and bring more hope to the planet in general. This life you choose, this planet, they are all difficu

    that is not to say impossible or miserable. The word difficult seems to get a bad name, just because a task is difficult does not meld allow it to ruin or run your life. There is another way.

    nts to remember: If Im really in the drivers seat of my life that means I have to look at my mistakes as well! Yes, but you a

    man, we all make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.

    ay in touch with old friends. They know you best and know where you have been and what you have done.And they still lov

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    Chapter Seven


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    ny of you seem to get stuck. Like quicksand, in the past events of your life. This not only is hurtful in most circumstances but this type of

    s up a great deal of time and energy too. If you are looking back over your shoulder you cannot see what is coming NOW. And that is th

    s section. We want to remind you to live, to be and to stay in the now. Animals are a great example of this. Since their worlds are rathe

    e is only the now and the moment they are living. Lorna, who is writing this book for us, owns two horses. As any pet owner knows it wo

    rare if not impossible to look over at your horse or your dog and see them worrying about next week since they have an appointment

    rinarian. Or perhaps they dont like the color of their new collar.

    We can learn a great deal from these so called lesser beings - while we refer to them as ascended beings complete with souls. After a

    ou think they come from and who created them? The very same Master that has created you. A great deal of you we see now have a y

    mplify your lives. This is a very good thing for that represents a different kind of focus. We are not saying that wanting things is a bad

    e must be a balance for the words you cant take it with you have never been truer. What we are saying is that there must be a balance

    Your time on earth should not be all about attaining things or living a life of poverty because you think that will help someone else. It will

    s not. Balance is represented by the following: taking good care of ones self, mind, body and spiri t. Helping those that you find in your p

    you can REASONABLY do. Give of your time and of yourself. Be kind and smile at those passing by even if you dont know them. We

    rent ways of thinking when it comes to stuff, material goods that are perhaps not so good. We see so many with enough stuff for four fa

    We see the building of many storage units. More and more of these buildings everywhere! On the other hand, for some time now we are

    ple doing more with less and loving it! Many of you want to get rid of your stuff - and do - and feel as though the weight of the world h

    off of your shoulders in doing so. That is a great feeling and that is why we say - If you have something to get rid of or give away dont g

    orage unit, find someone who is in need and give it to them. It will be a blessing for them and you! For many times it is the giver who g

    t out of those situations. Try it and see.

    a giver, not a taker. People will see you for what you are and not give their friendship or anything else for that matter.No one

    taker except another taker.

    A lot of times living in the now goes hand in hand with getting rid of that stuff you have been carrying around with you in boxes for ye

    s! We hear you say - but some day I may need this. In some cases this not only represents a lack of faith but also fear. Why faith? We

    iving in the present, with your faith of a greater good/God by your side you know you will be more than taken care of, more than prov

    blessed. So enters the fear of this kind of give and take... What if I need this? What if I cant find another one like this? And so on. If you

    all go what would happen? You know this section is meant for you if your stomach is in knots right about now. As we said earlier. The

    r home and living conditions) represent your inside. (How you feel about yourself and your life). So, have a good look around and se

    re at.

    nts to remember: If you are a person with a great deal of stuff even duplicates of the same stuff, you might ask yourself

    drive for acquiring things? What empty spot are you trying to fill? How much is enough?

    Be a good friend. You too will need one yourself someday.

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    Chapter Eight


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    ny times, when you make changes there on Earth, there are many ramifications or a ripple effect that seems to go on and on. If you a

    ake positive changes to your life and in your life, you will need what we like to call a life vest or jacket - Just like the kind you would use

    e ocean! The only difference with our life jacket is that you cannot or will not want to take it off as easily as the kind you use in the wate

    mean by a life jacket in these terms is a way of looking and reacting to and in your life. Wed like to get across to you at this junc

    wing: The life that you choose to live is the one you can also change on a moments notice. The life jacket in these terms is us. Many ti

    you there on earth as if you are living and working and going about your life as if there is not a net beneath you. To protect you, to ke

    We are here to say, you are NEVER without a net. It is just the way things work in that world. You may feel at times as if no one is there

    We are saying you are never alone we are always there. Your angels, your guides and of course your creator.

    So, now that you have been reassured that you are not alone, that you cannot sink, what will you do with this life you have been given? Th

    you cannot fail in our terms. So the question becomes what will you do? Look under your feet and see the net - the safety of the world.

    decisions change? How will your outlook change? Will you be happier? More forceful when it comes to being grateful for all that you ha


    These are good questions to ponder at this time for there is never a better time than NOW. And in the NOW is where things can chan

    energy, your thought processes and so on. Begin to lift up your life and look at it with amazement for it is truly spectacular in all of it

    pes and different forms - As are you - too.

    Money is like an endless blue sky. There is more than enough to go around and if you think there isnt, there wont be.

    So, here you are floating along in this sea of life and you have said to yourself in the past, Why am I here? What is my purpose on thway? Good questions all of them! We are here to remind you that you have come back to this place to learn, to live and to enjoy.

    ldnt I suffer? Is not that the way to become closer to God? Those are completely different ideas that have nothing to do with one ano

    time also, I would like to remind you that your creator does not want you or us for that matter to suffer. How this notion got so twisted

    er know. You are a child of God or as you choose to call your creator. Why must suffering or withholding from yourself be included

    onship? It simply does not belong and suffering has nothing to do with your creator.

    nts to remember: What would you do if you were not afraid? You are never alone and there is no such thing as a mistak

    ning and growing.

    Free will. That is always yours. What you choose to do with it is where things can get complicated.

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    Chapter Nine


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    e word realitycomes to mind here with this title of this portion or chapter. And by that we mean; what IS reality? If you are each living

    reality than what is it? How can it be described? What is the definition of a reality based world? Isnt reality different for each of us? Is

    ndividual way that each of us chooses to see or decipher the world around us? The tricky thing that we see about what you call reality is

    y no such thing! There are millions of different versions of what one would call reality. So, where does that leave us you ask?! Just as yo

    the world through our own vision or our own glasses we see your world totally from a different angle. And that angle is one of Love,

    usion and an ever growing population that has no where to go. Now that we have thrown those words out there allow me to explain.

    This world you live in (which will be completely different for each person) does not take a lot to run. But as we see it, those who are on th

    e taken it over in so many ways that it cannot replenish itself. We are speaking yes of the environment, people in general, greed and all

    hly values many of you hold so dear. So, you ask, what can I do? What is there to do? One of the first things we all can do is take resp

    ur own piece of the planet. Even if that is just your own backyard. Proper disposal is beginning to become an insurmountable issue

    You will probably not take notice of this until it is at your back door. That unfortunately seems to be the way there. This is seemingly w

    pened in the Gulf with this massive out pouring of oil into millions of what were natural habitats. (Speaking of the British Petroleum o

    e of 2010). Talk about ending up in your own backyard! This is a tragedy of monumental proportions and will not be going away any tim

    is it that things in general got so complicated? Unfortunately we find it is human error at its most worst and the sadness that comes f

    s felt all around your world. This spill, we fear is one of many that has happened and a few more are on their way as well. So you say, w

    ? Another good question! The need for doing is almost over whelming, we are very aware of that. One of the things a single person

    et could do would be to clean up their own area. HOW would that help you ask? It comes down to responsibility again and one pers

    e a difference. So if you alone cannot clean up the gulf, clean up what you can. In that way you ARE doing your part, all you can do

    ter need. It is more representational, we realize that. BUT if you have to begin somewhere why not right there in your own backyard.

    ou have time on your hands and have the choice of taking a job you dont really want or volunteering; Choose the latter. You

    so much more by giving away your time and effort.

    There will be many more changes coming in the future (no this is not meant to scare you) and we do mean environmentally as well. Th

    warning lets call it. As your scientists have noted, the climate is drastically changing, pollution in general has changed many v

    urces that you have not been informed about. From ponds to rivers to streams. There are too many to mention. We pass on this info

    n, not to scare you, but as you would say, to give you a heads up on all of these planetary changes. It is time to look inward for many

    say, What can I do? Instead of whats in it for me?

    nts to remember: You matter. Everything you do does matter. There is a ripple effect from all that we do. It may seem like a d

    ocean but just imagine all those drops adding up over time. The next thing you know, great change has taken place.

    Do something about something.

    Is there always litter on your road from careless drivers? Get a group together and clean it up. Its good exercise too.

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    Chapter Ten


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    e are going to talk about telling the truth, then we must first ask - whose truth? That is the much bigger and more important question to b

    is time. For in reality (theres that word again!) the truth depends on your reality, your view of the world, your fears your faith and so o

    e issues make your own reality and your own truth - as you see it. If you on Earth are to make the changes that need to be made so a

    Earth a chance to breathe once again, then you will have to change it all. Your reality, your faith, your fears and so on. This is not meant to

    mon on the Mount! Trust me when I say that! What we do want to stress to you is the need for caring. Caring in general, across all term

    old caring. For some reason along the way, the caring part has become minimized to certain locals, certain groups. What I spea

    ain organizations that have made enormous changes FOR THE BETTER! Better for the planet, for all humans and life in general. Gro

    e decided not to kill stray or homeless animals, groups and individuals that have realized that for them, drinking alcohol is not produthy for them - any way you look at it, groups that come together to raise money for those without, groups that offer free legal advice. It

    ps of people that are literally changing and raising the vibration of your planet. So, what makes you think you cant make a di fference

    p if that helps. The truth will set you free they say. Living a truth or within a truth that works for you will leave you with the feeling that

    tly where you belong and doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing on this planet. The truth, your truth. It will be different for eac

    e you are each individuals living out your lives as you see fit. In order to live a life of truth you must first do a few things; some of them a

    ult than others as you might have guessed. Truth goes hand in hand with being honest. Honesty goes hand in hand with being accounta

    f these things have one thing in common. They must come from you - inside of you - you cannot buy them or acquire them. This is what

    who and what you are. IF you listen to that small voice from deep within you, you will hear a voice that perhaps you have not listened to

    Or perhaps you are attuned to it or maybe it is just time to get reacquainted with it! Either way, this truth is part of you and you are one

    your own truth as you speak it and live it each day.

    nts to remember: Everyone and that means you too, has an inner voice. This built in guidance system, some call it that gut

    been given to us for a reason. Listen to that voice. It is part of your built in survival guide. Many times that voice is your spiven a loved one that has passed.

    ou can be honest and kind at the same time. For instance, when getting your hair cut and youre not happy, speak up. You ar

    doing anyone a favor by keeping quiet and then complaining about that person to everyone you meet.

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    Chapter Eleven


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    rder for you to really what we will call , have a handle on your life, that is be IN your life and living it to the fullest YOU must realize that this

    hat you have been given. Therefore YOU are the one who is running it or in control. We see and hear an awful lot of complaining as if y

    e the key to exit these smaller jails you have created for yourselves. We are not trying to blame you BUT, if your life is a full length feat

    ze you are the director, the star, the producer and even your own supporting cast!

    This is yourmovie this lifetime and it is yours alone. If now and again you seem to get hung up in someone elses web - yes like a b

    ers web - pull out your clippers and let yourself go! It really is that easy. Of course at the same time we realize as human beings you havtions and the other baggage to go along with being human. And by baggage we do not mean to be cruel for the Earthly life is not an ea

    What we would like to emphasize here and now - is that YOU are the master of your life. So live it as if you are well aware of this fact. K

    are behind you and beside you and underneath you - here to catch you if you fall. You are not alone, although to you it may seem t

    etimes. Now, since YOU are the director and YOU are doing the hiring of your own so called staff (those people you will allow in your

    must take part in the hiring process! Do not allow anyone to just walk onto your set! (Your life). (Bad marriages, negative or

    onships, abusive employers). Again, if you allow just anyone to come into your life, you dont know what or who youll get.

    When you choose anything think of the long term effects now, not later. This goes for babies, new cars and marriage to

    This one writing this (Lorna) as you may know offers what are most commonly called psychic readings for people. This is when she spe

    spirit guides for advice, direction, clarity etcand many times we hear people that are confused as to how they have arrived at a certa

    eir life. This can and does happen, we understand that, but again you are the holder of the key. You can choose (as many do) to be swemotions and be dragged along as if in a rip tide at the ocean and then bemoan - But why does he treat me this way? Why does he chea

    .As you are aware of dear friends, only you know the reason or make that choice. You really dont even have to know the why just


    And lets speak of the why for a moment if we may. Getting stuck in the why of ANY situation is also very much like having your feet

    ent! Does it matter why you chose this person or that person? Yes of course at some point comes a time to review such things and figu

    BUT if you are in the trenches of a bad ANYTHING - job, relationship, marriage etc.just re-cast your life - (It is your movie and you

    ctor) get out, make changes and then once things settle down you can figure out the why so as to not repeat this pattern. If you are not r

    e on, and that is fine, realize this: asking why helps you to buy time, not do anything about a situation and the continual asking of WHY

    where you are. As I have said, this is fine. You are the one calling the shots. Just be aware of what and where you are in this change proc

    f you take the time to have a good look at your life and where it is going, we would also like you to look around and see some of the c

    have made in the past. You are a very powerful being even if you have not acted upon it in the past. This power you have is still insideng to be tapped. We also hear through Lorna and her readings, a lot of excuses being made. That too is fine. We are not here holdi

    ng and handing out sentences! We are here to add awareness to your life - that is all. See where you are on this map of life. After all

    s given only so much time there on earth so you will want to use this time wisely.

    Getting old is not easy. Be kind. If youre lucky, youll get there too someday.

    f after taking a close look at your life; where you have been, where you are going etc and you do not like what you have observed, do

    e. You can change anything you like. Create a new future for yourself and go and live it. This is where dreams come in! Dreams are w

    ns of how you would like things. And when you spend a great deal of time with them (day dreaming, night dreaming) they will begin to a

    life. As we have talked about earlier; living and acting in your own life as if. This is a very powerful concept and one that can and sh

    y utilized. Again, as we have said. You have the key, this is your movie, you call the shots and you allow only who you want in your life!

    nts to remember: This is your life and you are free to do anything youd like with it! Do not look at those that surround or p

    r life, you are the one that put them there. Dont like them? Change things. You do have the power to do anything you s

    d to.

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    Chapter Twelve


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    ere are many times you will come to a fork in the road or some kind of conclusion that will put you in the power position. That is a posi tio

    will have to make a decision, big or small based on the information you have at hand.

    Many times these decisions you will make will not be the right ones and by that we mean not the decisions that will bring you the greater

    er job and so forth. It is during these times that you may choose to say to yourself; I have no idea what I am doing!! And many times thi

    you feel and there is a bit of truth to it as well. For there will be times in your life (if there have not been already) where a new decision o

    feels wrong. Is it wrong or is it simply new and unfamiliar? This occurrence can happen when you take a new path in your life. That is;

    does not fit you or your life. So you try the new path - it too feels off. We say and loudly, GIVE IT TIME. The newness of everything w


    SO if you are in this kind of decision making process, please try to settle into it and give it and YOU some time to try it on for size and se

    work out. Take a new job or career change for example. No one likes being the new person but someone must and you have

    ewhere! In a situation like this, there will be things you can change and things you must accept if you want to receive the other benef

    So this is where we come to the point of resolving what you can and allowing the rest to fall by the way side. If you insist on making a

    of almost everything you encounter, nothing will have the kind of natural balance it needs. By this we mean if you treat a fender bender th

    you would treat or react to a bad diagnosis from the doctor, how can you know when things are really bad? This example is a bit like cry

    the small stuff. What we say is learn to differentiate between the two and act accordingly. This seems to give a lot of you a great deal o

    sometimes we are not sure why. If you look at the scales of justice lets say they are out of balance and if they are out of balance SO AR

    nce is a very underrated accomplishment in your world. Balance allows you to lay your head on your pillow at night and sleep. We wi

    old saying if we may - dont sweat (worry, ring your hands, and stay awake at night) the small stuff.


    We have very little of it. Get used to it and surrender to what is and what will be.

    You can easily look at your life right now and see if it is in or out of balance? Is it filled with worry? Chaos? Confusion? Uncertainty? Dram

    of friends on a regular basis. If you say yes to any or all of these conditions, something, somewhere is out of balance. Often times

    ple make the mistake of having many time schedules or routines: thinking that THAT is balance. It can be sometimes, but more often t

    life is filled with trauma like days by running from one thing to the next. When was the last time you sat down and really thought about

    what and who is in it? Or where it is going?

    is always a good thing to take inventory - clean out the unnecessary, the harmful, the useless, the tiresome things and people in your

    eel much better about your life; yourself and you will regain some of the balance we speak of.

    So what can I or should I resolve in my life..A very good question and the obvious areas that need resolution will appear noisily. The

    s needing balance) will most likely be screaming at you loud and clear! Especially when it comes to having certain troublesome peopl

    It is almost laughable BUT when its happening to you, in your life it is not. Especially if you have forgotten that YOU are the one that

    The key to lock them out and the broom to rid yourself of them! So who is your life needs to go? Who is not adding or giving to your lif

    can make a list if you like.






    Treat others as you would like to be treated. If you dont, it will come back around and you wont like it!

    The tricky part about acknowledging who and what is in your life puts you in the position of - NOW WHAT? Make changes? Keep th

    e? This too can be an uncomfortable and confusing time. For when you have taken notice and pointed the finger at someone or som

    life that is not in your best interest, you may be compelled to DO something about it! That can be the difficult part or it could be such a

    e that you can hardly wait to make the changes. Either way, your life will change.

    nts to remember: House cleaning or life cleaning both make most of us feel a great deal better about who we are and wh

    are going! So take a look at your life. Who and what is serving your best interests? Who or what can you eliminate in your

    nd that is not supportive? How about a toxic family member?

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    Chapter Thirteen


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    e term taking the easy way out has a rather negative connotation to it and in this case, the case that we are referring to, it does not. W

    n by taking the easier way out means to imply; why not take the route that best suits your needs, your wants, desires and most of all y

    idual personality? This issue here also would involve being true to you! For if not you than who is there to be true to? For instance; if you

    or daughter of a successful physician, there is the implied pressure that you too must be the same and take the same path.we say wh

    g first and foremost, family tradition, expectations.on and on and on. But we see you and YOUR ambitions, your own callings and th

    d like to paint - pictures, landscapes, faces whatever! Taking that path yes would be the easier path. For you have found or will find that

    ething inside of you already that says hey - this is really to my liking!! This excites me! This person here, Lorna taking down our writing

    hat we speak! (I do since I started out in Jr. College and thought I would be a fantastic graphic designer. Well I had no talent for that BUT when I first walked into the lab for the radio station production facility and the on air studio itself.I was in awe! My heart was b

    dnt wait to get started to learn all that I could. Looking back I would say I found one of my first passions. That was the beginning of a

    er in broadcasting).

    ife is supposed to be exciting, sometimes scary, challenging, heart pounding, fun and enjoyable. We realize this cannot be the case e

    if you are sleepwalking through your life than it is probably not filled with a few of the above feelings and that is not what life is suppose

    r all, why come all this way to this complicated difficult planet and not experience every bit of it you can? If the last time your heart was p

    s due to being chased by a dog than it may be time to change some things in your life. We are saying this with humor and we realize

    e same time we are serious. You only get so much time and before you even realize it its over or at least life as you had known it has c

    matically. SO our words for you are: do not waste this time you have been given.

    you have a good friend or a family member you have not spoken to in many years, pick up the phone or write a letter. Time

    short to waste.

    s funny how as human beings you tend to see things very one dimensional. By that we mean an event or a thing in your life can only happ

    For instance; I will only meet the man of my dreams or my potential mate at work or church. I can only move to that great loft apartmen

    a raise or have the perfect job or the perfect figure and so on and so on.

    We have noticed that you feel much more comfortable by putting things in boxes. Putting limitations of HOW things can come about. Y

    g yourselves a huge disservice when you do this. For although you do have free will at all times, you also seem to have a ver

    ination a great deal of the time. Some of you are too afraid to visualize great, fun things in your lives - You say oh no, thats just nuts

    Ill never (fill in the blank) win the lottery, meet a great guy/gal, go to Hawaii; take a cruise..on and on the list goes.

    Now think for a minute. Why would you not allow yourself to dream such dreams? Why? What kind of feelings come up? You dont wa

    ppointed, let down, get your hopes up. But why not? What have you got to lose?

    A great deal of Life is about taking chances. And that means being vulnerable, scared, uncomfortable, like a fish out of water - but

    le. As we spoke of earlier in this book, the newness does wear off and that goes for just about everything! That is part of life on tha


    We are not suggesting you sell everything you own and open a boutique or restaurant. BUT if this is your dream, we are suggesting you

    CULATED RISK. That means having done your homework, a business plan etc. It sounds like a lot of work and it is. But if this projec

    passion and it excites you then how can it feel like work? That is when the Joy takes over! If you are to take on such a change you mu

    nd as well that a lot of those you are surrounded by, as in your family and friends will not like what you are doing. It is they who may feel

    YOU and it may come out as negative talk against what you are planning. DO not be too hurt or surprised by this. This is what h

    etimes and we know that a lot of you have had this experience at one time or another. I guess you could say its like winning the lottery

    d for a very prestigious position. You have not really changed but your circumstances have greatly. Your life is now so different, that peop

    ou differently than before. When the TRUTH is you have not changed but rather how your friends and family view you has now been tipp

    You are no longer one of them. But instead you are now a rich person in terms of how much money you have in the bank or how

    eive you. You have become a successful person, a person who no longer looks or behaves like them as far as they are concerned that

    e generous and kind to those that work for you. Smile at them, allow them to feel good about the job they are doing. They wi

    good about themselves, do a better job and feel as if they matter because they do.

    nts to remember: Do not put limitations on your life or the way in which wonderful events may come along. Dream b

    nces in life and listen to your inner guidance.

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    Chapter Fourteen


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    hat in the world is a well rounded life you ask? Well, there are a few main or key ingredients you will need to live such a life. Here ar

    e, balance, pride, joy, self esteem, self worth, doing a job well and feeling good about it NO matter what job it is.

    Now from here you can start building the life you want and interchanging certain areas that either do not belong or are somehow out

    aps the structure you are building the new and improved YOU on needs a lift? Where to start? Well, like any good book or story, how

    beginning. Try taking your life and take it apart as you would a kind of puzzle. (You know the kind that is made of inter connecting wood

    you can really have a good look at your own structure. One of the most important parts of putting this puzzle (you and your life) back toge

    ng some kind of order that will bring you more happiness and joy. And that means to enter the process of completely letting go and ge

    e past.does not matter what kind of past or childhood you have had. Happy, sad, traumatic - as far as we are concerned at this point in time,

    ing to restructure YOUR life; the past does not matter and will make no difference on YOUR future. Now I can hear some of you alread

    my past that is what my structure is built on!! Not necessarily. IF we are to live in the NOW, if the past, the present and the now

    pening right now (and they are) then what does the past matter?

    Do not let your old tired history; your old stories tie you emotionally to them forever. It is as if you have created a jail - an emotionally co

    ng jail cell. You have also created the jailor, (you) and an entire story to go along with it! It is time to cut it loose, let it go and create

    cture for you and your life. For some, its scary to let go of the past even though the future and the now is much brighter and much happ

    s at least familiar, and dark and sad and did I say familiar too? You know each time you re-tell that sad story the energy from it stays al

    and our thoughts and especially our words are things and have living energy. So if you tell that story one more time about how you got m

    own and broke your arm or got fired for no reason- you are unintentionally keeping that energy inside you and around you alive. As yo

    e sad or negative memories one more time. Know that you are breathing life into those negative, fear based emotions. They are

    y as when they happened. Even if they happened 20 years ago!! Thats how much energy and power we all have over our thoughts w

    in the NOW. So watch what comes out of your mouth - always! You may regret it more than you know.

    not hold on to a grudge or anger of any kind. It will eat you alive and make you a miserable person that no one wants to be a

    So if you have no past than what is it that you DO have? The Now of course and this life to be lived that you have been honored w

    owledged that change is difficult, some changes more so than others but have you ever noticed that this entire planet, day and night

    ng but constant change? In some large or small way we and the world around us is always changing. I think that is why those that say th

    with the flow - or speak of the concept of Allowing are really closer to a truer understanding of what this Earth journey is all about.

    As an example, from Lornas life.she once had a friend that had decided to give selling real estate a try. As you would guess, not

    ession to break into. This friend was sick with worry day and night Not making any sales, second guessing what she was doin

    whelming feeling during this time was COMPLETE TERROR! Fear of not making a sale, fear of not being able to do the job, on and on

    one day, her husband who was very supportive of her, said well just quit if its going to drive you completely nuts! So she did. She g

    e a two week notice and the relief was immediate. Not only that, but during those two weeks, ONCE SHE HANDED IT OVER, and ss off of HERSELF - she made 2 sales in that small period of time.

    So what happened here? What is this Universal Law we are talking about? Watching and waiting for water to boil.Paint to dry? Waitin

    ne to ring? It goes on and on. Once we hand it over to our higher self, our higher power, to God to Jesus to our creator, whichever o

    ose to use, wild things begin to happen. You may say, it came from out of the blue! Once we have faith and live by faith, our lives b

    ge for the better.

    So what happened with this friend? Why did she suddenly get 2 home sales in 2 weeks? I would say after she gave her employer her tw

    ce, she was happier, more open to potential buyers, relaxed - not tense -its almost as if she no longer cared if she sold a house or not! S

    By letting her employer know of her plans to quit in two weeks, she did a few things. She gave up, and handed it over.

    Life is NOT unfair. Almost everything evens out in the end.

    You just have to wait and see.

    nts to remember: Do not allow old memories, mistakes and bad choices to define the NOW and the rest of your life. Each d

    opportunity to create something new. A new way of looking at life, a new you too.

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    Chapter Fifteen


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    s is a great question to ask yourself and one that usually comes up for us even as our life begins, when we are small infants. Where and

    n? First of all with your own family. As you grow older the question really never goes away. It continues throughout our lives and it can m

    eak you. As you look around in your own life you will see instances of this very rule, well call it. Think of some of the things you did w

    e younger to fit in. Smoke cigarettes? Date someone you knew was a bad influence; wear certain clothes because it was the style? O

    ould go on and on.

    The thing about fitting in, is that as you get older the degree of things you will try or do in order to fit in may get more dangerous to you

    those around you. It is part of human nature that we acknowledge, that people in general want to fit in. They want to feel as if they are

    ething bigger than they are and that is fine. It just depends which direction you choose to go that determines where you will end up.

    This issue of fitting in will be around you all of your life even as you age. So our advice to you is first of all get used to it, but more imp

    n to like who you are now. That may be a tall order for some. We hear you using all kinds of excuses to put this love of ones self off. I

    weight; I have to have the right job, the right girlfriend, the right dog? There is no right anything. Anything - a job, a dog - a car is right f

    deem it so. Who is to set the standard? Someone better than you? Better looking? Richer? You see how this can (and does) go on and

    re here to say YOU are the one to set the limits, set the margins and the degree of anything. You are unique and individual even if you d

    believe it. Our message to you is one of self acceptance - across the board. That is in ALL areas of your life. And yes we will ad

    your hair color is wrong, even if you parents dont like your husband.

    We can see though, that as many humans age this fitting in issue seems to fade into the background to some point. But as far as thos

    still feel as though you are a teenager waiting to fit in - we say let that GO too. For it is not only a waste of time but of great focus andThis of course goes together with caring about what other people think of you.

    If you lack something in your life anything surrender to that fact and let it go. As soon as you do it will appear in your li

    This is really an issue that boggles our minds here - for what does that have to do with you? If Someone thinks or says to another that

    or that.what do you really lose anyway? Your home, your car your children? Of course not. But again we come back to fitting in and W

    y think about YOURSELF.

    That is going to be the key issue we raise to you now. For THAT determines such a great Deal about your life! For the thoughts you hav

    self determine the following:

    Am I worth it? Do I deserve to be happy? Healthy? Do I really deserve this life or this job that I desire? As you can see, how you truly fe

    self, sets the stage for the rest of your life and how it will play out. There are and will be many times when you will think to yourselves - w

    t I get that job? Or that sale? This is just a part of life we can tell you. But many times there is a greater foundation of issues swirling at tom of your being that may influence the outcome of these things. We want you to be clear about these issues so as to move them out of

    ood! Clear them from your being (old patterns & old issues that do not serve your best interest) so you can move into what is mea


    Dont have any friends?

    Go be a friend to someone who needs one and the two of you can help one another

    nts to remember: How you feel about yourself is very important. Take a good look at yourself and learn to like what you se

    on of yourself will effect your entire world and your vision of it.

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  • 7/31/2019 They Are With Us - Lorna Adams


    Chapter Sixteen


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    we have said earlier in this writing; this planet Earth is all about changes! All the time! There is hardly a day that passes that more chan

    er forming or are in the process of taking place. Much like the clouds that you see pass overhead. Slowly taking on new forms and ree

    omething new. That is what life on earth is all about. There are so many factors for change even in your daily lives that it would be impo

    e them all!

    There is a kind of form or process that does take place that is applied to the act of changes and they are applied to almost every cha

    pens in your lives. There is the newness stage - where a new change has taken hold and feels, acts, and smells brand new. Then we g

    to the newness and the routine of this new change. After that comes a new kind of comfort level and a familiarity that takes a hold. Man

    ending on what the change is, this can stay around for years - but even still as with a marriage or any kind of a partnership it is still enging or perhaps deteriorating. As you stand back and look at the ebb and flow of your own life, you can see how these changes come

    evolve over time. It is not that we necessarily bring them on ourselves but in a way we do. For it is the nature of just being human an

    et that these changes take place. If you have ever asked yourself or the universe in general, WHY CANT THINGS JUST STAY THE

    that my friend is an impossibility for Earth and for you and this life you have chosen. To come to earth and to live is an experience like n

    ou would imagine. Since the constant change and surprises that life has to offer is always on the move you there by are always g

    ce to change, to keep up. You are in many ways forced to keep evolving and changing. There are some people though that fight this

    drag their feet for their entire lives. If you think for a moment you will easily recall one if not more people or friends you have encounte

    made of clay. They are holding onto resentment over the change and simply say, I refuse!! This is the same process for habits as we

    ple take on habits that are not so good for them and then due to a myriad of reasons, they refuse to give them up. This refusal to ch

    eral is a sign of a lack of willingness to grow, to give up. To receive the change in general. Have you encountered a person or a gro

    races all of this change? Can you think of someone right now who is going with the flow of all this change? As you think of this person o

    can automatically tell the difference in their way of being in this life. It is a calmness perhaps - a look in their eyes that exudes love, acc

    a kind of simple joy in this life that they have been given.Now think of someone who is always fighting change.. they tend to be worried, sickly, nervous, full of fear, on edge and even outward

    etimes too. There is a huge difference as you can see between the two. So which one do you want to be? You have the right to chan

    any time you like. And this also means you can change who you are, who you want to be and even yes, who you were! Since this plan

    ut change, know that you can make those changes or not. As usual free will is yours and you can do anything you like! If you were to g

    ng changes, what is the first thing you think you would like to change in your life as it is now? Would it be where you live? How you live

    With whom you live?

    The one thing that change does require at all times is a chance to take on its new form. Just because you have said - o.k. I will chan

    ember, changes, like most everything else on earth does take time. Make sure and give yourself and the change the TIME that it needs

    Many times you are in a hurry - and I know it is difficult sometimes to slow down since it took you awhile to come to the conclusion to

    etimes wed like that to happen over night! Fortunately or unfortunately, changes do take time. And looking back most