€¦ · Web viewThe morning after the Teleseminar I got a phone...

How to Create a Successful and Profitable Training Business WEBINAR NOTES WEEK 7 How Get Clients To Come To You Why It’s Important …. A quick story on why I quickly realised this was going to be important to building my business. A few years ago I ran my first ever Webinar, back in the days when it was called a Teleseminar ….. on How to Get Clients and Corporate Business. The morning after the Teleseminar I got a phone call from a lady called Sarah Cashin. I recognised her name as someone who was on my list – she had been getting my newsletters and emails etc – but I had never had any personal contact with her. She told me that she had listened to the Teleseminar last night, she had really enjoyed it and found it really useful. We chatted about this for a while. Then she said ‘Well, the reason for my call is that I’m hoping to persuade you to come and run a Workshop for us’. It turned out that she worked for the Academy of Executive Coaches, a leading coach training provider and she had been looking for someone to come and run a workshop for their newly qualified coaches on how to set up a business. I said to her that my workshop was really for trainers but she said it didn’t matter as the principles of setting up a coaching practice are the © The Trainers Training Company 2015 Page 1

Transcript of€¦ · Web viewThe morning after the Teleseminar I got a phone...

How to Create a Successful and Profitable Training Business


How Get Clients To Come To You

Why It’s Important …. A quick story on why I quickly realised this was going to be important to building my business. A few years ago I ran my first ever Webinar, back in the days when it was called a Teleseminar ….. on How to Get Clients and Corporate Business.

The morning after the Teleseminar I got a phone call from a lady called Sarah Cashin. I recognised her name as someone who was on my list – she had been getting my newsletters and emails etc – but I had never had any personal contact with her. She told me that she had listened to the Teleseminar last night, she had really enjoyed it and found it really useful. We chatted about this for a while.

Then she said ‘Well, the reason for my call is that I’m hoping to persuade you to come and run a Workshop for us’.

It turned out that she worked for the Academy of Executive Coaches, a leading coach training provider and she had been looking for someone to come and run a workshop for their newly qualified coaches on how to set up a business.

I said to her that my workshop was really for trainers but she said it didn’t matter as the principles of setting up a coaching practice are the same as setting up a training business. I was obviously delighted and said I would love to run the workshop for her organisation.

Now the reason I’m telling you this is that it’s a brilliant example of getting clients to come to you.

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So far we have concentrated on targeting our customers and clients, seeking them out and marketing our services to them. But this week I want to look at things from the other perspective – how to get clients to seek you out. The more times this happens, the more successful your business is going to be and the less stressful it will be for you when clients just magically appear!

So what I’m going to cover is:

Why clients will come to you The best way to get referrals, recommendations and

introductions Why clients buy solutions and how you can convince them

you have what they need How to get recognised as an expert How to build your profile and get known for what you do

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Why Would Clients Come To You?

Firstly, let’s look at some reasons why clients would come to you and actively seek you out.

1. You understand their business

Earlier on in the programme I talked about the things that buyers of training look for in training providers. And one of those things was credibility within the business. If you’re a trainer and you go and run a programme in an organisation and you don’t really understand the business you are just laying yourself open to the charge of ‘Well you don’t really know what it’s like’ or ‘That wouldn’t work here because….’, you know the kind of thing delegates like to say!

I think one of the reasons why I was able to get so much work from insurance companies was because having worked in insurance myself I actually knew what an underwriter was and what a broker did – and I could talk their language. If you really understand the business of your client you are in with a much better chance of getting the work. So that’s why it’s important to specialise, to think carefully about your target market and to choose an area in which you feel competent and comfortable in operating.

2. You have been referred or recommended

When you need a plumber or a builder and you don’t know anyone who could do the job what do you do? You ask one of your friends or neighbours if they know anyone. The same principle applies in the business world. When a buyer of training needs someone to run a programme for them and they don’t know anyone themselves who could do it – they ask other people. © The Trainers Training Company 2015 Page 3

I personally have got a lot of work over the years through recommendations and referrals, particularly from other freelance trainers.

3. They have a specific need or problem that they know you can solve

It’s a well-known fact that people don’t buy training programmes as such – they buy solutions to problems. So it could be that your buyer of training might need to reduce their staff turnover, find ways of getting technical staff to overcome their fear of selling or resolve a conflict issue that is getting in the way of performance.

Let’s go back to that example of the Academy of Executive Coaches I told you just now. Their problem was that they were providing really high quality coach training and they were producing large numbers of qualified coaches but then failing to provide any back up for them as they were ready to launch their new businesses. This was a very specific problem and they came to me because I was able to convince them – through my marketing materials – that I could solve it.

4. You are an expert/specialist

We’ve already talked about the importance of not trying to be all things to all people and about the fact that you should specialise in a particular area of training, do it well and get known for it. When you have expert status you will find that people immediately think of you in relation to a particular niche. So what happens is that when a client has a

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need for something within your specialist area they will come straight to you and don’t bother to look anywhere else.

5. They have heard about you

You have built your profile to such an extent that people may not have met you or used you but know of you and are aware of what you do. This happens a lot, I find people often saying to me ‘Have you heard of so and so?’ and when they mention their name I find that I have heard of them, that they always seem to be popping up on Twitter or in magazine articles or on people’s blogs. And the more they pop up the more their name and the work that they do gets into your consciousness.

So, there are some very good reasons why clients would come to you and actively seek out your services. Now we need to look at how you actually achieve it.

The Best Way To Get Referrals, Recommendations and Introductions

The fastest way to get into organisations and in front of potential clients is through other people. But where do you get referrals and introductions from?

Existing clients

Past clients

People already working in the organisation you want to work in

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Other freelance trainers

Friends and family

People you have met through social media

So, you know who to get the referrals from but how do you actually go about doing it? I am amazed at how often I see new freelance trainers wasting money on high cost marketing methods while failing to use the power of their existing network. One of the exercises I always get people to do is to make a list of everyone they know.

Who Do You Know?

Get a piece of paper and under the headings I have just given you – Existing Clients, Past Clients and so on just start making a list of names. You will usually find that there are enough opportunities there to keep you going for months!

How could you use your existing clients and past clients? Well, you could ask them for names of people you could contact, other buyers of training in similar industries or people in their network who might be interested in what you do.

You should also ask them for a Testimonial. There are 3 points I want to make about Testimonials:

1. Get a testimonial as soon as you have finished the work. This is the point when the client is at their most delighted with you and you are fresh in their minds.

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2. Have a system for gathering testimonials. It should be an automatic process, something that happens at the end of a piece of work, not something you keep meaning to do but don’t get round to.

3. Make the process easy for the client.

Most people fail to give testimonials not because they don’t want to but because they don’t know what to say or are too busy.

So make it easy for them to say something nice about you! Instead of asking for a blank statement ask 3 specific questions like:

‘What’s the biggest benefit you have experienced through working with me?’

Or you could get a testimonial from them over the phone, ask them these same 3 questions or to say how they have found working with you, write it down and then ask if you could use that as a testimonial.

It saves a lot of time.

How could you use people who are already working within an organisation you want to get into?

You could ask them for an introduction to their HR or Training Manager or whoever is responsible for training in their company.

As I have mentioned to you previously on this programme you really must just do it!

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Don’t be shy about asking for help or let your inner gremlins get in the way! What’s the worst that can happen? The person will say no! But they probably won’t as most people are more than happy to help. Just think about how you would respond if someone asked you!Using this strategy is really the quickest and easiest way in!

How could you use other freelance trainers?

The first thing you have you to do here is to recognise the potential of this strategy. Trainers often view other freelance trainers as the competition and can sometimes be a little wary of making friends with them!

I have personally got loads of work from other trainers over the years as there are many reasons why people will turn work down and pass it on to someone else. For example, they may not be qualified, it’s too far to travel, lack of availability etc.But to get referrals and introductions from other freelance trainers you need to get to know them in the first place, have lots of trainers in your network. And then you will find that they will start passing you work that they don’t want to or can’t do and that as you get to know them better you can start asking them for introductions and referrals.

How do you get to know other freelance trainers and start building relationships with them?

1. Social media

Now we will be talking more about this in the next Webinar so I won’t go into too much detail here but social media, Twitter, Linked In and Facebook are absolutely fabulous for building relationships with other trainers.

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Finding trainers on Twitter

Use Twitter Directories

In these directories you can search for people by category. It will then pull up that person’s Twitter profile and you can start following them. WefollowTwibs Twellow

Search by hashtags #trainers #training #learning #leadership #NLP etc…

Go to my Trainer Lists and follow who you like!

SharonGaskin/lists/top-trainers – 2/3/4/

See who other trainers are following

Look at other trainer profiles and click on ‘Following’.

Look at who these trainers are interacting with and follow them too

Finding Trainers on Linked In

Use the Advanced Search

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Use People You May Know

As this works on key words and similar profiles there are bound to be many trainers that come up every day.

Find Trainer Groups

Again these will be suggested for you by Linked In.

Or you can use the Groups Directory.

Or see which groups other trainers in your network belong to.

Check email signatures

Most people include Linked In buttons and links in their email signatures. How often do you use them? Don’t miss out on these opportunities to connect!

Finding Trainers on Facebook

Join groups

Many groups will be suggested for you. You are all invited to be members of my Freelance Trainers Business Club!

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Find and ‘Like’ other training business pages

Click on Contact Information on a person’s Linked In profile. If they have their Facebook page listed there you can go and like it,

Check email signatures

2. Offline networking events and groups

There are many networking events and groups being run around the country just for trainers. Have a look in your local area and see if there is one.

Some that I am aware of:

Trainers Exchange run by Nicky Davey of Saltbox Training – Frome

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Trainers Network run by Kay Buckby in Northamptonshire

Yorkshire Trainers Network

Trainer Talk – my event which runs 4 times a year in Leamington, Warwickshire.

And I would definitely recommend that you start your own network if you can’t find anything around. This was something that I did when I first started my training business. I had just moved into an area where I didn’t know anyone, I couldn’t really find any other Trainer Networks in the area and so I decided to start my own. It wasn’t anything fancy to begin with, we just used to meet in the local pub, then eventually more people came on board and we had guest speakers and so on. I would really recommend it as a great way of connecting with other freelance trainers.

How You Can Convince Buyers You Have What They NeedEarlier on in the programme I mentioned that buyers of training buy solutions to problems rather than training programmes as such. But how do you convince potential buyers that you have what they need and are the best person to solve that problem? If you can… you will find that they start coming to you!

Spell out the benefits of working with you

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Spend some time listing the benefits and results that you bring to your clients.

Make sure that you include them in any proposals that you submit as well as displaying them prominently on your website.

Include them in your Linked In profile too, for example 3 Key Things I Do For My Clients.

Demonstrate credibility

Include testimonials in any proposal you submit and display them on your website.

Get as many Linked In recommendations as you can.

Use case studies…. A great way to show what problems you have solved for similar clients and what the outcomes were.

Use videos of you in action as a trainer so potential clients can see what they are getting! Video testimonials are more powerful than written ones too.

Talk their language

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This is much easier to do if it’s an industry that you are familiar with because you have worked in it previously. However, if it’s a new one you can still do a bit of research beforehand to check out industry terms that are used.

Build a relationship

If you work hard at building a relationship with the potential client and keep in touch with them on a regular basis you will find that when they have a need for your services you will be the ‘go-to’ person. If you create these relationships and become the ‘go-to’ person for lots of people you will find that you will always have plenty of work!

How To Get Recognised as An Expert, How To Build Your Profile and Get Known For What You Do

How to Become a ‘Name’

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One of the things that happened to me in the first year of The Trainers Training Company was that the Editor of Training Zone approached me to set up a group on their revamped website. They wanted a group on the site for freelance trainers and she told me that when she was thinking of who she could ask, someone who she considered ‘a champion of freelance trainers’ she thought of me!

Now I am not telling you this just to blow my own trumpet.

I am telling you this because it it’s an example of how you can get known for what you do, even get recognised as an expert in a very short space of time.

I only really started the Trainers Training Company in March 2009 and by September I was being asked to lead the Training Zone Forum. Which then led on to the following May being asked to speak at their first ever Training Zone conference. What I am really saying is that if I can do it, so can you!

So, just how can you build your profile and get your name out there?

1. Articles

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Writing articles is a fantastic way of showcasing your expertise, getting exposure to people in your target market and driving traffic to your website. There are so many ways you can get your articles published:

- Written publications, newspapers, journals, trade magazines

- Websites

- Ezines

- Article directories

- Newsletters (your own and other people’s)

There is so much space to fill these days that Editors and owners of websites are always looking for good copy. It’s a good idea to get to know an Editor, build a relationship with them and then you can start asking them to suggest subjects for articles.

And if you have a good relationship with an Editor you will find that you are first in the queue when they are looking for someone to write an article.

Get into the habit of writing an article once a week. It doesn’t have to be very long but should be something of value to your target audience, tips, advice, opinions and information.

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If you go onto there is a lot of advice there on the type of topic that appeals to people and the kind of title you should be giving your articles. Things like:

- The To 10 Things You Should Know About xxxx

- The 7 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You …..

- How to …….

Once you have written an article or you have a stock of articles you can use you should submit it to the relevant publication or website.

Paula Gardiner at has lots of good advice and resources on the best way of doing this.

You can also ask other people in your network if they have a newsletter and if they do if you can write an article for it.

The best thing about articles is that they can be used again and again. One article can appear in several places (as long as you are not tied into exclusivity) or publications, you can chop it up and make 3 blog posts out of it or you can put it in your newsletter. The possibilities are endless.

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2. Public speaking

We talked about public speaking in Week 2 and said that if you enjoy doing it really is a fantastic way of getting your name out there. If you enjoy public speaking you could start targeting groups for potential speaking engagements. Put together a standard 45 minute talk and a profile of yourself and have a standard letter of introduction or email that you could send to the Organiser, then follow it up with a phone call. You will know that you’ve really cracked it when people start to approach YOU to speak at events!

3. Write a book

It’s easier now than it has ever been to write a book. And it’s such a great way to position yourself as an expert and demonstrate credibility. You should view writing a book as a marketing tool rather than a money making exercise although if you can make some additional cash too that’s a bonus! I’m very proud to say that several of my clients have written and published books over the last 2 years.

4. Create content

Anyone can self publish these days and set themselves up as an expert – as long as you are providing valuable and useful content of course. You can create any number of Free Reports, Audios, E Books and Videos for very little cost, promote them and give them away on your website.

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5. Contributing to online groups It’s important to join online groups and forums to connect with other people, especially freelance trainers but you should also be using them to build awareness of what you do.

The first and most obvious thing that you should do is to participate regularly and join discussions. I’m always amazed at the number of people who join groups and then never bother to participate. I was reading a blog article recently – which came to me via Twitter – and it was asking the question

‘Why don’t people participate in groups more?’ and it was saying that a lot of the time people don’t because they are worried about being exposed, having their ideas laughed at or people disagreeing with them.

Well, I can understand that.

And if you do feel like this my advice would be to just start small.

You don’t have to say anything wildly controversial or even mind blowingly innovative – you just have to let people know

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that you are there, that you are a real person and that you have something to say.

Once you start to get more confident you can then start participating in discussions where you feel you can really add some value.

So you need to be joining in debates and answering questions on your specialist area. What you are doing here is demonstrating your expertise, so people can get that you know what you are talking about. Also, people start to become more aware of what it is that you do.

You should also start discussions of your own and post questions on subjects that you genuinely need to know about. Not only is this good for raising your profile, the answers you get will be really useful to you.

And when you start a discussion and get answers from other people in the group, they are the people that you can then start to follow up with and build a relationship with - as they are the kind of people you would like to have in your network.

When you are participating in groups remember to use your signature to build awareness of what it is that you do and to give people the opportunity to find out more. So always put your name, tag line, website, Twitter and Linked in link so they can follow and connect with you. © The Trainers Training Company 2015 Page 20

One of the best things that you can do to build awareness of what you do is to start your own group on Linked In.

Being a leader of a group has lots of advantages – it builds your profile as people tend to remember the leader of the group, you are in control of the content, you can invite members, you can send group messages and announcements.

However, like all the things we’ve talked about if you want to have a really good group that people talk about and want to join and participate in you have to be prepared to put a lot of work into it. It won’t run itself.

If you don’t put the work in you get an inactive group that’s not particularly attractive to join and it can end up being a bad advert for you – kind of the opposite effect you were hoping for.

6. Social Media

Social networking is a whole topic in itself which we are going to cover next time. Using social networking is really powerful. It’s 6ossible to get known for what you do in a very short space of time if you use the right strategies.

7. Blogging

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Anyone can set up a blog and in particular I would recommend a WordPress blog as it is so simple to use.

If you can use Microsoft Word you can use WordPress.

Blogs are great for getting your name out there, driving traffic to your site, and moving yourself up the search engines.

Again, I find a lot of people are put off blogging because they think it’s going to take too much time or they are not sure what to write, particularly as you know if you are going to have a blog you need to be posting regularly.

Blogging doesn’t have to take much time. Blog posts are NOT articles. 100 words or so is fine. You can also write a batch of blog articles and then schedule them in to appear over several days or weeks. And I find many of the things I write about in my blogs are things that have happened to me in the course of a week, conversations I have had with other freelance trainers, challenges and issues people are experiencing. I keep a note of them and turn them into blog posts.

So how do you get people to read your blog?

Write things that people want to read about and if you are making a note of issues, challenges and real concerns that I have just suggested you should find that isn’t a problem.

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Have an email subscription form on your blog as well as a standard subscribe button. People will be able to sign up and be notified by email every time you post a new blog.

Add a link to your blog in your email signature

Promote it on Twitter, Facebook and Linked In

Leave comments on other people’s blogs with a link to your blog

Submit to search engines and directories

8. Get formally involved in a Group, Organisation or Society

You could volunteer your services and get actively involved in an organisation as a committee member. I mentioned that I was the Chair of Women In Management for 2 years which is part of the Chartered Management Institute. It’s a lot of hard work to get involved in something like this but it really pays dividends in terms of building your profile.

9. Webinars and Podcasts

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Webinars are fantastic for building your profile as well as growing your subscriber list. People really love Webinars and Podcasts as you can listen to them on the move. I have become aware of, started following and subsequently bought products from lots of people who I first came into contact with via a Webinar or Podcast. Creating a podcast is something that is on my list for this year!

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Summary Why would clients come to you? It makes sense to try to get clients to seek you out rather than you feel as if you are continually chasing business. There are 5 good reasons why clients will seek you out rather than the other way round so you need to make sure you are using strategies to attract them.

The best way to get referrals, recommendations and introductions.Before you start spending any money on marketing make sure you are using and tapping into the power of your existing network. Make a list of people you know and don’t be shy about asking for help. Make sure you are getting testimonials from all your clients and start making more of an effort to build links with other freelance trainers.

Why clients buy solutions and how you can convince them you have what they needRemember that your potential clients are looking for solutions to problems. Spell out the benefits of working with you, demonstrate credibility, talk their language and establish yourself as the go-to person for when a need arises

How to get recognised as an expert, build your profile and get known for what you do

One sure way to get clients beating a path to your door is to gain expert status or simply get your name known for what you do. I’ve shown you at least 10 ways that you can do that so

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now it’s up to you to decide on maybe 3 strategies that are going to work for you and take action.

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