
THE USE OF V IMPRO (A Classroom Actio Tersono Subm WALISONGO S VIDEO CRITIC AS A MEDIUM OF TEAC OVE STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITIN ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT on Research with Students of X1-1 at SMA o Batang in the Academic Year of 2010 – 20 THESIS mitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requiremen for Gaining the Degree of Bachelor In English Language Education By Nur Zaenah Student Number: 73411018 EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC SEMARANG 2011 CHING TO NG A Wahid Hayim 011) nt C STUDIES

Transcript of Thesis

Page 1: Thesis



(A Classroom Action Research with

Tersono Batang

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement





lassroom Action Research with Students of X1-1 at SMA Wahid Hayim

Tersono Batang in the Academic Year of 2010 – 2011


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for Gaining the Degree of Bachelor

In English Language Education


Nur Zaenah

Student Number: 73411018







SMA Wahid Hayim


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement


Page 2: Thesis

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Advisor I

Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum.

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Dear Sir,

Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah

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After correcting it to whatever extent necessary, we state that the final project

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: Nur Zaenah

Reg Number : 073411018

: English





(A classroom Action Research with Students of

XI-1 of SMA Wahid Hasyim Tersono Batang in

the Academic Year of 2010-2011)

is ready to be submitted to join last examination.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Semarang, 3 March

Advisor II

Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum. Dr. H. Ruswan

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Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah

State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN Walisongo Semarang)

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(A classroom Action Research with Students of

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3 March 2011

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FAKULTAS TARBIYAH Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus II Ngaliyan Telp.7601295 Fax. 7615387 Semarang 50185


Thesis with the following identification:




(A classroom Action Research with Students of XI-1

of SMA Wahid Hasyim Tersono Batang in the

Academic Year of 2010-2011)

Name of Student : Nur Zaenah

Student Number : 073411018

Department : Tadris

Filed of Study : English Language Education

had been ratified by the board of examiner of education Faculty of Walisongo

State Institute for Islamic Studies and can be received as one of any requirement

for gaining the Bachelor Degree in English Language Education on:

Semarang, 20 June 2011


Chair Person, Secretary

H.Mursid, M. Ag Siti Tarwiyah, M. Hum

NIP.19670305 200112 1 001 NIP. 19721108 199903 2 002

Examiner I, Examiner II,

Dra. Hj. Siti Mariam, M. Pd Samsul Ma’arif, M. Ag

NIP.19650727 199203 2 002 NIP.19741030 200212 1 002

Advisor I, Advisor II,

Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum. Dr. H. Ruswan , M.A

NIP. 19721108 199903 2 002 NIP. 19680424 199303 1 004

Page 4: Thesis



Title : The Use of Video Critic As A Medium of Teaching To

Improve Students’ Ability in Writing Analytical exposition

Text (A Classroom Action Research with Students of X1-1

of SMA Wahid Hayim Tersono Batang in The Academic

Year of 2010 – 2011).

Writer : Nur Zaenah

Student Number : 073411018

Key words: Video critic, improve, students’ ability, writing, analytical


Teaching writing for Senior High School is not an easy job. To teach

writing, teacher seldom uses certain methods to teach writing. Moreover, the

teaching writing is generally felt boring and even confusing for learners

because it needs more analytical ability. It is the task for the teacher to

encourage their students to learn to write in the target language. But the

problems are different character and competencies students can also be a

barrier which may be faced by teacher when he or she teaches in classroom.

From this case the researcher intends to conduct the research applying a

learning method which is expected to be helpful and beneficial for students as

well teachers.

The objectives of this study are to identify the extent to which video

critic contribute to the development of the ability in writing an analytical

exposition text of the eleventh grade students of SMA Wahid Hasyim Tersono

Batang in the academic year of 2010/2011 and to identify the extent to which

video critic contribute to the development of the positive attitudes in writing

analytical exposition text of the eleventh grade students of SMA Wahid

Hayim Tersono Batang in the academic year 2010/2011.

The subjects of this study were the students of X1 social 1 of SMA

Wahid Hasyim Tersono Batang in the academic year of 2010/2011. The

number of the subjects was 38 students. This research was a classroom action

research. The process of this research was conducted in three stages,

including, pre cycle, cycle 1, and cycle 2. Cycle 1 was planed after conducting

pre cycle. Cycle 2 was conducted based on the reflection results of cycle 1.

The data were collected through observation and test during the teaching

learning process in pre cycle, cycle 1 and cycle 2. The data were analyzed

using quantitative descriptive analysis.

This research founds a significant difference in the achievement of

students’ writing before and after being treated by using video critic healthy.

The average of the students’ result in pre-cycle was 62. 21, in the cycle one

test were 71. 21, in cycle two test were 76. 42, and in the post-cycle was 77.

34. It proved that the result of the post-cycle was better than the standard score

of KTSP (2006) standard that is 65. The non-test analysis shows that the

students’ positive attitude in writing analytical exposition text increased. The

Page 5: Thesis


students were more attracted, more active, and more interested in studying

when they used video critics compared to when they did not use house media.

They responded the lesson well and enjoyed the whole of the lesson.

Page 6: Thesis



I am, the student with the following identity:

Name : Nur Zaenah

Student Number : 073411018

Department : English Language Education

certify that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for

the content of this thesis. Other writers’ opinions or findings included in the thesis

are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, 10 June 2011

The Writer,


Student Number: 073411018

Page 7: Thesis



The thesis is dedicated to:

� My beloved father and mother

� My beloved brother and sisters

� All my big family

Page 8: Thesis



First and foremost, I would like to express gratitude to Allah SWT, the

Almighty God for the blessing, kindness, and inspiration in lending me to

accomplish the final project. Without Him, I couldn’t stay patient and in control in

writing this final project from the first page to the last page.

Shalawat and salam for the Prophet Muhammad who brings us from

darkness to the brightness.

I realize that I cannot complete this final project without the help of others.

Many people have helped me during the writing this final project and it would be

impossible to mention of all them. I wish, however, to give my sincerest gratitude

and appreciation to:

1. Dr. Suja’i, M.Ag. as the Dean of Tarbiyah faculty

2. Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum as the Head of English Department.

3. Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum as the first advisor and Dr. H. Ruswan, M.A as the

second advisor for their patience in providing careful guidance, helpful

corrections, very good advice as well as suggestion and encouragement during

the consultation.

4. Lectures in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty for valuable knowledge,

guidance, and advices during the years of my study.

5. Library official who always give good service related with the references in

this thesis so that the writer could done this thesis well.

6. Drs. Aminudin as the headmaster of SMA Wahid Hasyim Tersono who had

allowed me to carry out the research in his school. Yudha Priyono, S. pd, as

the English teacher of XI social 1 who had helped me in conducting the

research in their school, and the students of SMA Wahid Hasyim grade XIth

social 1, thanks for the cooperation, and also the school administration staff.

7. My dearest inspiration M.Arief taufiqurrahman, SE and Saiful Anam who

gives me pray and motivation to finish this my thesis.

8. My best friends Dian, Ani, Rina, Harist.

9. My entire friends TBI 07 especially TBI A.

10. All members of my boarding house, Perumahan Bank Niaga c9 Mrs. Diah,

mb luluk, Arifiyani, ila, ika, umi, isti.

Page 9: Thesis



TITLE ................................................................................................................... i

ADVISOR APPROVAL ...................................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION .................................................................................................. iii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iv

THESIS STATEMENT ....................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................... …. viii

LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................... ……………. … ix


A. The Background of the Study ................................................ 1

B. Reason for Choosing the Topic ............................................... 3

C. Research Question ................................................................... 4

D. Objectives of the Study .......................................................... 4

E. Significance of the Study ........................................................ 4

F. Scope of the Study ................................................................. 5

G. Definition of Key Term…………………………………….. 5


A. Theoretical Review ................................................................. 7

1. Media ………………………………………………….. 7

a. Definition of Media .................................................... 7

b. The Classification of Media ........................................ 7

c. The Roles of Using Media in Teaching Learning ....... 8

2. Writing………………….. ................................................ 9

a. The Definition of Writing ........................................... 9

b. Writing Process ........................................................... 9

c. Text………………………………………………....... 12

a. The Definition of Text ......................................………. 12

b. The Types of Text. ........................................................ 13

Page 10: Thesis


4. Genre…………………………………………………… .. 14

a. The Definition of Genre ............................................. 14

b. The Kinds of Genre .................................................... 14

5. Analytical exposition Text……………………………… .. 15

a. The Definition of Analytical exposition .................... 16

b. The Social Function of Analytical exposition ........... 16

c. The Generic Structure of Analytical exposition . ..... 16

d. The Significant Lexicogrammatical ........................... 17

6. Video Critic……………………………………………. .... 18

a. The Definition of Video Critic ................................... 18

b. The Advantages of Using Video Critic

in Teaching Writing .................................................. 18

B. Previous Research ................................................................... 19


A. Setting of the Study ................................................................ 21

B. Participant of the Study .......................................................... 21

C. Research Design ...................................................................... 21

D. Research Procedure ................................................................. 24

E. Scoring Technique .................................................................. 25

F. AchievementsLevel……………………………………… 28

G. Technique of Data Collection ................................................ 28

H. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................... 30


A. Writing Test .......................................................................... 31

1. The Data Analysis of Pre-cycle Finding ................ 31

2. The Data Analysis of Cycle 1 Finding…………….34

3. The Data Analysis of Cycle 2 …………………… 38

B. Discussion of Research Finding ............................................ 45

1. The comparison pre cycle and cycle 1 .................. 45

2. The comparison cycle 1 and cycle 2…………….. 46

3. The comparison pre cycle and all cycle……… ..... 47

Page 11: Thesis



A. Conclusion ....................................................................... 48

B. Suggestions ..................................................................... 49



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Appendix 1 List of Students

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan Cycle 1

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan Cycle 2

Appendix 4 Writing Test

Appendix 5 The Observation of Teacher’ Performance in Cycle 1

Appendix 6 The Observation of Teacher’ Performence in Cycle 2

Appendix 7 The Observation of Students’ Activeness in Cycle 1

Appendix 8 The Precentages of Student’s Observation in Cycle 1

Appendix 9 The Observation of Students’ Activeness in Cycle 2

Appendix 10 The Precentages of Student’s Observation in Cycle 2

Appendix 11 The Pictures of Student’s Activity in the Classroom

Appendix 12 students worksheet

Page 13: Thesis




A. Background of the Study

English is an international language used as a means of communication

both oral and written in most countries in the world. People use English in order

to make international contacts and to cooperate among people in different

countries in the world. Therefore, it is very important for us to learn English. In

addition, we need to learn and to practice the language as much as possible in

order to use English correctly.

‘’Language is the system of sounds and words used by humans to express

their thoughts and feelings”.1 The mean language is an important thing in order to

communicate in the society because through language people can express their

wishes, feelings and ideas. However, the problems appear when people from

different countries with different cultures and backgrounds meet and speak

different languages. They do not understand each other. Therefore, they have to

master international languages used by most people in the world.

In language, the purpose of teaching English is to master four skills:

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. “Writing is frequently useful as

preparation for some other activity”.2 It is a process of discovering and organizing

ideas, putting them on papers, and revising them. By writing, we can express our

ideas well; however, to get our meaning strong, interesting, and clear for the

reader, this skill must be improved by practicing a lot. Because writing has many

contributions for our life, we can make a habit of writing to develop this skill.

1AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (New York: Oxford University Press.

1995), p. 473. 2 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2004), p. 33.

Page 14: Thesis


In this modern world, the functions of English are to communicate in

many fields, obtain science, appliance to construct interpersonally, and assess

information.3 People begin to realize the importance of using English as a means

of communication because communication among people in the world is

becoming more and more urgent.

People learn English for several purposes includes developing ability

to communicate in the form of oral and write, growing awareness

concerning reality that English as one of foreign language to become

especial appliance learn, and developing the understanding of each

other relevant between cultures, language and extend cultural


Knowing that English is quite significant for Indonesia in the future, the

government always makes efforts to improve the quality of English teaching, such

as making a new curriculum. English writing has many contributions to our life;

we can make a habit of writing to develop this skill. However, many students still

have difficulties in writing because of the lack of ideas, vocabulary, grammar, and

ability to make sentences in a good arrangement.

Recently, many Indonesians keep trying to develop their English by taking

either formal or informal courses especially in English writing because it cannot

be taught; it takes continual practice.

Realizing that writing skill is very important for English learners in addition

to the other skills, it is essential for the students to develop their writing skills in

English. Allah decrees in the holy Qur’an:

“Who taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know”. (QS. Al-

‘Alaq: 4-5).5

3 Depdiknas, Kurikulum 2004 Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, (Jakarta:

Depdiknas, 2004), p. 9. 4Depdiknas, Kurikulum 2004 Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, p. 9.

5 Mahmud Y. Zayid, The Quran, (Lebanon: Dar Al-Choura, 1980), 1

st Ed., p. 457.

Page 15: Thesis


From the verse above, we know that writing has an important role in

human life. Allah explained in the verse that Allah taught human by pen. By

writing the people will get some information. That is why human being needs to

learn how to write correctly.

Many students feel that writing is a boring activity. Therefore, teaching

learning process of writing should be varied to make students feel fun during the

process. In language learning, students need more than instruction and command

from their teacher. This is challenge for the teacher to be able to motivate the

students to pay attention. Hamalik says that “media can be used to motivate

students in learning”6. The teachers’ creativity in using teaching aid will increase

the probability that the students will learn more and the knowledge will retain

better in their mind. The writer hopes that by using such kind of teaching aid, our

students will not be bored and learn English with full of motivation. A good

teacher has some media and he will select the most effective one in order the

learners to be more interested in the lesson. There are many media which can help

that teachers make the students attracted to join the lesson.

Video critic is including in teaching media. It can use as medium of

students’ creativity. Therefore, the writer want to use video critic as an alternative

medium to improve students’ ability in learning English, especially to improve

their ability in writing analytical exposition text. The writer will introduce the

media to students of SMA Wahid Hasyim Batang by conducting a research in title

“The Use of Video Critic as Medium of Teaching to Improve Students’ Ability in

Writing Analytical Exposition text (A Classroom Action Research with Grade11th

Students of SMA Wahid Hasyim Batang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011).

6. O Hamalik, Media Pendidikan, (Jakarta: DEPDIKBUD, 1993). P. 18.

Page 16: Thesis


B. Reasons for choosing the topic

The writer chooses this research topic for at least the following reasons:

1. Writing is an important skill, but many students feel that writing is difficult

and boring. In teaching writing, teacher can use some media to support

teaching and learning process. Analytical exposition text is one of genre in

writing. Students can persuade by presenting arguments to analyze or explain

“how” or why”. Thus, analytical exposition text hoped will be the beginning

for students to like writing.

2. The use of video critic as medium are thought to be able to stimulate students’

ability in learning writing, especially in writing analytical exposition text.

C. Research Questions

The research questions of this study can be formulated as follow:

1. How is the implementation of using video critic in improving students’ ability

in writing analytical exposition text?

2. How is the improvement of students’ ability in writing analytical exposition

text after being taught by using video critic?

D. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are:

1. To describe the implementation of using video critic in improving students’

ability in writing analytical exposition text.

2. To identify the improvement of students’ ability in writing analytical

exposition text after being taught by using video critic.

E. Pedagogical Significance

The result of conducting this study is useful for teacher, students, school,

readers, and writer.

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1. Teacher

The result of this study may show the teacher that video critic can be an

interesting media in teaching writing analytical exposition text. It will become

a good stimulant to improve students’ ability in writing.

2. Students

The result of this study may motivate students to improve their interest in

learning writing, especially in writing analytical exposition text.

3. School

The school will make a right decision to use some media for supporting

teaching and learning process, especially to use video critic in writing class.

4. Readers

The readers can get more information and knowledge from this research.

5. Writer

The writer will get information about the implementation of using video critic

in improving students’ ability in writing analytical exposition text and the

improvement of students’ ability in writing analytical exposition text after

being taught by using video critic.

F. Scope of The Study

To limit the scope of the research and to analyze the problems, the findings of

the research should be limited by the following factors:

1. This research is limited only on the teaching writing especially in analytical

exposition text using video critic in 11th grade students of SMA Wahid

Hasyim Tersono Batang.

2. The instructional material will be confined to a number of units taken from a

guide book.

3. The problems that might come up during the implementation of teaching

writing especially in analytical exposition text by using video critic in 11th

grade SMA Wahid Hasyim Tersono Batang.

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G. Definition of the Key Term

In order to avoid mistakes and misunderstanding in term and contents of

the topic of this study, the writer explains each term as follows:

1. Video critic

Video critic is medium video worksheets for teaching a variety of

language skills.7

2. Improve

Based on Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, “improve is make or

become better, make good use of something”.8 In this study, improve means a

process to increase the students’ ability in writing analytical exposition text,

so that become well.

3. Students’ Ability

Students’ Ability has many meanings, they are the students’ power or

capacity to do or act in any relation, the students’ competence in any field of

action, the students’ talent to do something well.9 Based on Webster New

World Dictionary, “Student is one who studies or investigates; one who is


4. Writing

Writing is one of skills; it is both physical and cognitive activity in

which the writer is required to produce a number of variables that consist of

7, Retrieved: August 29, 2010

8A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of Current English (New York : Oxford

University Press, 1987),p. 427. 9 A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of Current English, p.2.

10 David B. Guralnik, Webster New World Dictionary of the American Language, (NY:

Warner Books, 1984), p. 593.

Page 19: Thesis


word, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and so on, in order to make

possible transmission of messages.11

5. Analytical exposition text

Analytical exposition text is a text that has social function to persuade

the readers or listeners that something is the case.12

So writing analytical

exposition text here is the activity to express ideas, opinions and feelings in a


11 Cambridge, Dictionary of American English, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

2000), p. 1006. 12 Rudi Hartono, Genres of Text, (Semarang: UNNES, 2005), p.6

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The use of Video Critic As A Medium of Teaching to Improve

Students’ Ability in Writing Analytical Exposition Text

A. Theoretical Review

1. Media

a. Definition of Media.

Media is the plural form of medium. According to Celce Murcia

”Media are tools or physical things used by the teacher to motivate the

students by bringing a slice of real life into the classroom and

presenting language in its more complete communication complex.1

The writer can say that media is important in teaching and learning

English. On the one hand, media help the teacher to deliver the

material being taught easier. On the other hand, the students can

understand the material easily. Moreover, media is a good way to

engage the students in learning English.

b. Classification of Media

Kemp, which is cited by Arsyad, states that media can be

classified into eight groups.2 Those groups are:

1. Printed Media

Printed media consist of materials, which is prepared on

papers. The materials will be used for instructional and

informational purposes.

2. Display Media

Most of display media are used by instructor to transmit

the massage or information in front of small class or audience.

1 M. Celce and Murcia Elite Olstain, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language.

(USA: Thomson Learning, 2001) p.142. 2 Azhar Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: PT. Grapindo Persada, 2003) p. 37.

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These categories include chalkboard, flip chart, cloth broad,

and bulletin board. Chalkboard is the simplest of display

media. Chalkboard is always found in the classroom. With

good planning from teacher like using colors chalk, chalkboard

can be an effective media in teaching and learning process. Flip

chart is an advantageous display media if it is used to present

visual information such as chart, diagram, and others. Bulletin

board is usually used to present three dimensions of visual. It

will be placed in the strategic place where every people can see


3. Overhead transparencies or projector (OHP)

Transparencies are popular form of instructional media.

Overhead transparencies are a visual form of word, sign,

picture, or chart which is prepared to be projected in a screen or

wall by a projector. Overhead Transparencies are designed to

be used in front of class where all students can see.

The advantages of overhead transparencies are:

a. OHP can reach a large group.

b. Teacher can face students directly because OHP can be

placed in front of class. So, teacher is able to control

students and manage activity in the class.

c. It has an ability to bring colors.

4. Audio Tape Recording

Audio material is an economical way to provide certain

type of informational and instructional content. Recording may

be prepared for group or individual. Audio tape recording is

closely related with the students’ skill especially in listening.

Audio tape recording has some advantages, like:

a. The operating system is very easy.

b. It can record an event that can be used later.

5. Slide Series and Film Strips

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Slides are a form of projected media, which are easy to

prepare. The slide size is 35 mm with 2x2 inch of frame. The

frame is made from cardboard or plastic. Slides series and

filmstrips frequently serve as the starting effort in a media

production program.

6. Multi Image Presentation

Combination of visual materials can be effective when

used for specific purposes. Two or more pictures are projected

simultaneously on one or more screens for group viewing.

7. Video and Motion Picture

Video and film are both “media of motion” in a frame,

where the frame is projected by a projector lens mechanically.

Video and film can be more effective than the other

instructional media for relating one idea to another, building a

continuity of thought, creating dramatic impact.

c. The Roles of Using Media in Teaching-Learning Process.

Media play important roles in teaching learning process. The

followings are the brief explanation on the roles of media:

1. To serve as an important motivator in the language teaching


2. To provide the students with content, meaning and guidance

3. To lend authenticity to the classroom situation

4. To provide the teacher with a way of addressing the needs of

both visual auditory learners.3

3 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Pearson Education,

2001), p.214.

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2. Writing

a. Definition of Writing

“Writing is functional communication, making learners possible

to create imagined worlds of their own design.”4 It means that, through

writing, learners can express thought, feeling, ideas, experiences, etc to

convey a specific purpose. The purpose of writing is to give some


Meyers said that writing is an action.5 This means that when we

first write something down, we have already been thinking about what

we are going to say and we are going to say it. Then after you have

finished writing, we read over what we have written and make changes

and corrections.

b. Writing Process

Writing is a never one-step action. And there are many steps of

writing process, those are;

1) Prewriting

“Prewriting is the thinking, talking, reading and writing you

do about your topic before you write a first draft. Prewriting is a way

of warming up your brain before you write, just as you warm up

your body before you exercise”.6

In prewriting step, you gather ideas to write about. Take

notes is one of way to gather ideas. There are several ways to warm

up before you write.

4 Richard Kern, Literacy and Language Teaching, (New York: Oxford University Press,

2000), p. 172. 5 Alan Meyers, Gateways to Academic Writing: Effective Sentences, Paragraphs, and

Essays, (New York: Pearson Education, Inc, 2005), p. 2. 6 Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, Ready to Write, (New York: Pearson Education,

Inc, 2003), 3rd Ed., p. 41.

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a) Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a prewriting activity in which you come

up with a list of idea about a topic on your own or in small groups

with your classmates. You write down quickly a list of ideas that

come to your mind as you are thinking about general subject or a

specific topic. Follow these brainstorming steps:

(1).Write down your general subject or specific topic.

(2). Make a list of everything that comes to your mind about it.

(3). Use words, phrases, and sentences. Do not worry about the

order of ideas, mechanics, grammar, or spelling.

(4).Just keeps writing down whatever comes to your mind until

you run out of ideas. Because you are only brainstorming, do

not be concerned if you repeat several ideas.7

b) Clustering

Clustering is another prewriting technique. It is a visual

way of showing how your ideas are connected using circles and

lines. The steps are;

(1). Write your topic in the center of a blank piece of paper and

draw a circle around it.

(2).Write any ideas that come into your mind about the topic in

circles around the main circle.

(3).Connect those ideas to the center word with a line.

(4).Think about each of your new ideas, and then connect them.

(5).Repeat this process until you runs out of ideas.8

7 Ann Hogue and Alice Oshima, Introduction to Academic Writing, (New York: Pearson

Education, Inc, 1997), 2nd Ed., p. 68.

8 Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, Ready to write, p. 42-43.

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2) Writing

After you have finished in prewriting, you can continue to the

next step (writing). As you write, the first draft on your paragraph,

use the ideas you generated from prewriting as a guide. As you

write, remember to:

a) Begin with a topic sentence that states the main ideas, includes

several sentences that support the main idea.

b) Stick the topic does not include information that does not directly

support the main idea.

c) Arrange the sentences so that the other ideas make sense.

d) Use signal words to help the reader understand how the ideas in

your paragraph are connected.

3) Revising

It is almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on the

first try, so it needs to be revised. The steps are:

a) Add new ideas to support the topic.

b) Cross out sentences that do not support the topic.

c) Change the order of the sentences.

d) Using the following checklist to revise your paragraph.

(1).Make sure you have a topic sentence.

(2).Cross out sentences that do not relate to the main idea.

(3).Check to see if the sentences are in the right order.

(4).Add new ideas if they support the topic sentences.

Page 26: Thesis


(5).Make sure you have included signal words to help guide the


(6).Check the punctuations, spelling and grammar.9

3. Text

a. Definition of Text

In general, text is an article we often read. We know that human

beings are different from other creatures. We live in a world of words.

When these words are put together to communicate a meaning, a piece

of text is created. They will think to express their expression. We can

say that human need to express their own in many ways that can be

understood by others. Human can use a text as one of the ways to

express their own.

“A text is any stretch of language which is held together

cohesively through meaning”.10 It means that when we use language to

write, we are creating and constructing a text. When we read, we are

interpreting texts. Moreover, when we talk and listen, we are also

creating and interpreting texts.

Halliday and Hasan said that a text is a social exchange of

meanings.11 It means that the sentence may have different meaning

according to the context. For example: I am buying a drink for every

body here, and the mean of that sentence is one drink for all or one

drink for each. Therefore, if we are a teacher, we must be able to

develop students’ abilities to exchange the meanings in different points

of sentence.

9Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, Ready to write, p. 44. 10 Susan Feez and Helen Joyce, Text-Based Syllabus Design, (Sydney: Macquarie

University, 2002), p. 4. 11 M.A.K. Halliday, & Ruqaiya Hasan, Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of

Language in Social-Semiotic Perspective, (Hongkong: Oxford University Press, 1984) p. 11.

Page 27: Thesis


b. Types of Text

There are two main categories of text. They are literary and

factual. Within these are various text types. Each text type has a

common way of using language.

1) Literary text

Literary text is a text that appeals to our emotions and

imaginations. Literary text can make laugh or cry, think about our

own life or consider our beliefs. Literary text includes aboriginal

dreaming stories, movie scripts, limericks, fairy tales, plays, novels,

song lyrics, mimes and soap operas. Media text such as films,

videos, television shows and CDs can fall in this category.

There are three main text types in this category: narrative,

poetic and dramatic.12

2) Factual text

Factual text is a text that presents information or ideas and

aim to show, tell or persuade the audience. This text includes

advertisement, announcement, internet website, current affairs

shows, debates, recipes, reports and instructions. The main text types

in this category are recount, response, explanation, discussion,

information report, exposition and procedure.13

4. Genre

a. Definition of Genre

“Genre is used to refer to particular text-types, not to traditional

varieties of literature. It is a type or kind of text, defined in terms of its

social purposes; also the level of context dealing with social


12 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, (South Yarra: Macmillan

Education Australia, 1997), p. 1. 13Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, p. 3.

14 Rudi Hartono, Genres of Text, (Semarang: UNNES, 2005), p. 4.

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The meaning of the genres intended is that students are able to

understand the concept and they would be able to identify a kind of

texts that students will have to write.

b. Kinds of Genre

There are fifteen types of genre text, they are:

1) Narrative is a kind of genre used to amuse, to entertain and to deal

with actual or various experiences in different ways.

2) News story is a factual text which informs reader’s events of the day

which are considered newsworthy or important.

3) Exemplum is a kind of genre used to deal with incidents that are in

some respects out of the usual, point to some general values in the

cultural context.

4) Anecdote is a kind of genre used to share with others an account of

an unusual or amusing incident.

5) Recount is a kind of genre used to retell events for the purpose of

informing or entertaining.

6) Spoof is a kind of genre used to retell an event with a humorous


7) Procedure is a kind of genre used to describe how something is

accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.

8) Explanation is a kind of genre used to explain the processes involved

in the formation or workings of natural or socio-cultural phenomena.

9) Report is a kind of genre used to describe the way things are, with

reference to arrange or natural, manmade and social phenomena in

our environment.

10) Analytical exposition is a kind of genre used to persuade the reader

or listener to take action on some matter.

Page 29: Thesis


11) Hortatory exposition is a kind of genre used to persuade the reader

or listener that something should or should not be the case.

12) Discussion is a kind of genre used to present (at least) two points

of view about an issue.

13) Description is a kind of genre used to describe a particular person,

place or thing.

14) Review is a kind of genre used to critique an art work or event for a

public audience.

15) Commentary is a kind of genre used to explain the processes

involved in the information (evolution) of a social-cultural

phenomenon, as though a natural phenomenon.15

5. Analytical exposition

There are many references to define what recount is, such as;

definition, social function, generic structure and significant

lexicogrammatical features or language features.

a. Definition of Analytical exposition

“An exposition text is a piece of text that presents one side of an

issue.”16 The purpose of an exposition text is to persuade the readers or

listeners by presenting one side of an argument.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that an analytical

exposition text is a spoken or written text, which is used to persuade

other people about their ideas.

b. Social Function of Analytical exposition.

“The social function of analytical exposition text is to persuade

the reader or listener that something is the case”.17

15Rudi Hartono, Genres of Text, p.7

16 Blanchard, Karen and Cristine Root, Ready to write, (USA: Longman, 2003) 3

rd Ed.,

p.69. 17 Rudi Hartono, Genres of Text, (Semarang: UNNES, 2005), p. 6.

Page 30: Thesis


It means that the purpose of analytical exposition is to invite the

readers to aware with something occurs in our environment.

c. Generic Structure of Analytical exposition

There are some steps for constructing a written analytical

exposition, they are;

1).Thesis : Introducing the topic and showing speaker or

writer’s position; outlines of the arguments are


2).Arguments : It consist of point and elaboration

3).Conclusion : Reiteration (restatement), restates speaker or

writer’s position.

d. Significant Lexicogrammatical or Language Feature of analytical


The significant lexicogrammatical or language features of

analytical exposition are:

1) Using simple present tense to state the general statements of fact, to

express habitual or everyday activity, to indicate a situation that

exists right now.

2) Using relational processes and internal conjunction to construct the


3) Focusing on generic human and non-human participant.

4) Using reasoning clause through causal conjunction and

nominalization.18 Below is the example of analytical exposition text.

Why Hats Should Be Worn in the Playground

Students should always wear hats in the school playground to

protect their skin and eyes. (THESIS)

18 Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, (Sydney: Gerd

Stabler, 1994), p. 212.

Page 31: Thesis


Firstly, hats protect the skin from sunburn. As we know, lunch and

recess are during the sunniest part of the day. Without hats, student’s skin

would get much burnt and that could cause skin cancer. (ARGUMENT 1)

Secondly, hats can help prevent eye damage from the sun. Even on

cloudy days there can be a lot of glare from the sun. Hats help to prevent

some of the glare so that we do not have to squint and hurt our eyes.


In conclusion, hats should be worn in the playground at all times.


6. Video critic

a. Definition of Video critic

Video critic is medium worksheets for teaching a variety of

language skills20.

Short video extract can be used as one component in a longer

lesson sequence, whether to illustrate the topic, to highlight and

language point, or to settle a class after a noisy activity. Video critic can

enhance stimulation not only because it can provide very telling

feedback when students can watch themselves.

b. The Advantages of Using Video Critic in Teaching Writing

1) There is the obvious but nevertheless very important factor of added

interest provided by a visual stimulus. The added interest increases

learner motivation.

2) Video provides for learners to hear authentic language used in the


3) Video provides practice in listening comprehension.

4) Video effectively stimulates further activity.

To some people video is merely a glorified version of audiotape

and the use of video in class is just listening with pictures. But there

19 Alexander mongot jaya dkk, English revolution (Jepara : El-rahma), P.56.

20 Retrieved: August 29, 2010

Page 32: Thesis


are many reasons why video can add a special, extra dimension to the

learning experience:

1) Seeing language in use

One of the main advantages of video is that students not just hear

language, but they see it too. This greatly aids comprehension, since

for example; general meaning and moods are often conveyed through

expression, gestures and other visual clues.

2) Cross-cultural awareness

Video uniquely allows students to look at far beyond their

classroom. Video is also of great value in giving students a change to

see such things as what kinds of food people eat in other countries

and what they wear.

3) The power of creation

When students use video cameras themselves they are given the

potential to create something memorable and enjoyable.

4) Motivation

For all of the reason so far mentioned, most students show an

increased level of interest when they have a chance to see language

in use as well as hear it and when this is coupled with interesting


B. Previous Research

This research is similar to these two following previous research,

except that, this research will focus on improving students’ ability in writing

analytical exposition text, not on students’ achievement. The two researches

which relevance to this research is as follows:

1. Research entitled: Documentary Photographs as Media in Developing

Student’s Ability in Writing Analytical Exposition text (An action research

to the eleventh graders of SMA N 1 Grobogan in the academic year

21Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Pearson

Education, 2001). P.282.

Page 33: Thesis


2009/2010).22 The result showed that there was a difference in

achievement of students’ writing before and after treating by using

documentary photographs. The average of the students’ result in pre-test

was 62.85, in cycle one test was 72.38, in cycle two test was 76.88, and in

the post test was 77.93.

2. Research entitled: The Student’s Ability in Creating Written Analytical

Exposition text (The case of grade XI students of SMA N 1 Banjarnegara

in the academic year of 2009/2010).23 The objectives of his study were to

know the students’ ability in creating analytical exposition text which they

study in senior high school grade XI. It showed from the result of students’

achievement in post test that increase from pre test. From this thesis, the

researcher found the same in genre, but differ in media.

22 Retno Megayanti, (2201405638) Documentary Photographs as media in developing

students’ ability in writing analytical exposition text (an action research to the eleventh graders of

SMA N 1 Grobogan in the academic year 2009/2010), (Semarang: FPBS UNNES), 2009.

23Wahyu fauzan, (2201405612), The students’ ability in creating written analytical

exposition text (the case of grade XI students of SMA N 1 Banjarnegara in the academic year of

2009/2010), (Semarang: FPBS UNNES), 2009.

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A. Setting of the Study

There are some reasons why the writer chose SMA Wahid Hasyim

Tersono Batang as a research object. First, the writer’s background has bailed

out science in that school. Therefore, the writer has known the ability students

in writing analytical exposition text. Second, research location is near the

writer’s home so it makes easier for the writer to execute research.

B. Participant of the Study

This study was conducted in SMA Wahid Hasyim Tersono in the

academic year of 2010/2011. Because analytical exposition text taught at

eleventh grade, the subjects of study were IPS 1 students of SMA Wahid

Hasyim Tersono, consist of 38 students (16 boys and 22 girls).

C. Research Design

In this study, the writer used classroom action research (CAR). Action

research is a kind of research that is conducted in the classroom by a teacher.

This research can offer new ways and procedures to improve teacher’s

professionalism in the teaching learning process and students’ learning result.

“Action research is a method of professional self-development which

involves the systematic collection and analysis of data related to practice”.1

From the statement above, it can be concluded that action research emerge

caused by the existence of awareness actor activity which feel less satisfied

with his job result. Constituted of awareness alone, actor activity tries to

complete his job, the actor activity conducted work repeatedly, and the process

is controlled seriously for getting a better result.

1 Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, (New York: Cambridge

University Press, 1998), p. 255.

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Action research is the name given to a series of procedures teachers

can engage in, either because they wish to improve aspects of their

teaching, or because they wish to evaluate the success and or

appropriacy of certain activities and procedures.2

By the definition of action research above, it can be concluded that

action research is a series of procedures carried out by a teacher in the

classroom to improve aspects of teaching and to evaluate the success in

appropriateness of certain activities and procedures. Seeing that action research

is significant for the repair of teaching learning process, therefore there are

characteristics of action research. They are:

1. On the job problem oriented

It means that a problem that observed is a real problem emerging from

work world researcher. If researcher is a teacher, hence problems observed

are the problem of school or class.

2. Problem solving oriented

This means that action research is one of trouble-shooting strategies that

exploits real action in the form of process innovative development “tried at

the same time walk" in detect and problem solve.

3. Improvement oriented

The mean of this character is the research affirmation for the

importance of each component from an organizational system to develop


4. Multiple data collection

Multiple data collection is used to fulfill critical approaches principle of

data collections; many ways are generally used to collect the data, including

observation, test, interview, questionnaire, etc. All these ways are focused to

get result validation of research.

2 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice Of English Language Teaching, (England: Longman,

2003), P. 344.

Page 36: Thesis


5. Cyclic

Action research is applied to pass sequences of planning, acting,

observing and reflecting, by cycle which intrinsically explains critical idea

and reflective to effectiveness of action.

6. Collaborative

Collaborative here, it means that a researcher collaborates with other

people, every step of the research, such as planning, acting, observing and

reflecting to improve observation during research process.3

Based on statement above, that one of characteristic action research is

cycle, there are four components in one cycle for doing classroom action

research. They are:

1. Planning

Planning is a plan to conduct treatments or after making sure about the

problem of the research, a researcher needs to prepare before doing an

action research.

2. Acting

This section discusses about the steps and activities that would be taken

by the researcher. It means that a researcher implemented the plan, which is

made in previous phase in the field of research.

3. Observing

In this step, a researcher has to observe all events or activities during

the research. The observation is done during the research in purpose of

getting any data to show students’ condition while research is conducted.

4. Reflecting

Reflecting is the inspection effort on the success or the failure in

reaching the temporary purposes in order to determine the alternative steps

that are probably made to get the final goals of the research.4

This research used action research, therefore; to analysis, the data

would be combining both of qualitative and quantitative approaches.

3 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice Of English Language Teaching, p. 4. 4 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT Asdi

Mahasatya, 2006), p. 98-99.

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“Quantitative research is a research data in the form of numbers and analyze

uses statistic”.5 It means that quantitative research is used to determine how

large a sample size will be needed from a given population in order to achieve

findings with an acceptable degree of accuracy calculate the sample size for a

survey and quantitative research refers to counts and measures of things.

“Qualitative research is a type of investigation in which there is a

substantial subjective element”.6 It means that qualitative research is collecting,

analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and say.

Qualitative research refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions,

characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of things.

D. Research Procedure

Research procedure is something, which have been planned to execute

research with purpose to obtain a data. In this section, the writer conducted

four activities, they are;

1. First activity (Pre-Cycle)

The data collection was started on Monday, November 15th 2010. The

first step, research focused on building the rapport with the English teacher of

SMA Wahid Hasyim Tersono-Batang, in order to build trust and comfort, for

the sake of getting an in-depth data. Researcher is interviewing English

teacher; discussing about what there are the problems of students’ writing

especially in writing analytical exposition text. The second, researcher and

teacher will discuss to arrange an action plan that will be applied in this study.

The following is the schedule of the research:

No. Date Time Task

1. On Monday, November 15th


11.30 a.m. -12.50



2. On Friday, November 19th 2010 07.00 a.m. -08.30 a.m. The First Cycle

3. On , November 22nd 2009 11.30 a.m.-12.50 p.m. The Second Cycle

5 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: CV. Alfabeta,

2008), p. 7. 6 Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, p. 258.

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In this study, the researcher gave test which was focused on writing

analytical exposition text. As mentioned above, there were three times of tests

such as: first test in pre cycle, second test in first cycle, and third test in second

cycle. Each cycle, there were 10-15 sentences in which are arranged by

students. So there were 30-45 sentences in all cycle of tests. From tests above,

it had been given to the students of the SMA Wahid Hasyim Batang, followed

by 38 students, 16 boys and 22 girls.

2. Second activity (1st Cycle)

a. Planning : planning the action related to the student’s result on pre


b. Acting : - showing video related topic.

- explaining analytical exposition text

- giving student’s group assignment to make analytical

exposition text.

c. Observing : observing students’ activity while they were doing the


d. Reflecting : concluding the result of the first cycle.

3. Third activity (2nd Cycle)

a. Planning : planning the action related to the student’s result test.

b. Acting : Reviewing the material about analytical exposition text.

Showing video related topic.

Asking the students to make analytical exposition text.

c. Observing : observing student’s activity while they were doing duty.

d. Reflecting : concluding the result of the second cycle.

E. Scoring Technique

In this study, the writer used rating scale to score or evaluate the

students’ achievement in writing. There are five aspects, which are used as

Page 39: Thesis


consideration in scoring. They are content, organization, vocabulary, language

use (grammar), and mechanics. The scoring guidance is as follows:

Table 2. Score Guidance

Categories Score Criteria

Content 30-27

Excellent to very good: knowledgeable; substantive;

thorough; development of thesis; relevant to assigned



Good to average: some knowledge of subject; adequate

range; limited development of thesis; mostly relevant to

topic, but lacks detail.

21-17 Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject; little

substance; inadequate development of topic.

16-13 Very poor: does not show knowledge of subject; non-

substantive; not pertinent.

Organization 20-18 Excellent to very good: fluent expression; ideas clearly

stated/ supported; succinct; well-organized; logical

sequencing; cohesive.

17-14 Good to average: somewhat choppy; loosely organized

but main ideas stand out; limited support; logical but

incomplete sequencing.

13-10 Fair to poor: non-fluent; ideas confused or disconnected;

lacks logical sequencing and development.

9-7 Very poor: does not communicate; no organization.

Vocabulary 20-18 Excellent to very good: sophisticated range; effective

word/idiom choice and usage; word from mastery;

appropriate register.

17-14 Good to average: adequate range; occasional errors of

word/idiom form; choice; usage but meaning not


Page 40: Thesis


13-10 Fair to poor: limited range; frequent errors of

word/idiom form, choice, usage; meaning confused or


9-7 Very poor: essentially translation; little knowledge of

English vocabulary, idioms, word form.



25-22 Excellent to very good: effective complex construction;

few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/

function, articles, pronouns, prepositions.

21-18 Good to average: effective but simple constructions;

minor problems in complex constructions; several errors

of agreement, tense, number, word order/ function,

articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning seldom


17-11 Fair to poor: major problems in simple/complex

constructions; frequent errors of negation, agreement,

tense, number, word order/ function, articles, pronouns,

preposition and fragments, run-ons, deletions; meaning

confused or obscured.

10-5 Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence construction

rules; dominated by errors; does not communicate.

Mechanics 5

Excellent to very good: demonstrates mastery of

conventions; few errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing.


Good to average: occasional errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, but meaning

not obscured.


Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing; poor handwriting; meaning


Page 41: Thesis


2 Very poor: no mastery of conventions; dominated by

errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing; handwriting illegible.7

F. Achievement Level

To know whether success or failure a student in writing recount text, to

inform their achievement, the writer made students achievement level which on

the table below;

Table 3. Achievement Level

Test Score Achievement Level

80-100 Excellent

60-79 Good

40-59 Fair

20-39 Poor

0-19 Very Poor8

G. Technique of Data Collection

To collect the data the writer used three instruments: Observation and

Writing test.

1. Observation

“Observation is a perception activity to know how far research

effectiveness of action have reached target”.9

It means that observation is used to monitor student’s activity during

the teaching learning process to get a data. To collect a data through

observation used checklist technique.

7 H. D. Brown, Language assessment (NY: Addison Wesley Longman Inc, 2001), p .

244-246. 8 Martin Parrott, Tasks for Language Teachers: A Resource Book for Training and

Development, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993), p. 237. 9Martin Parrott, Tasks for Language Teachers: A Resource Book for Training and

Development, p. 139.

Page 42: Thesis


“The checklist technique defines certain behaviors or events that can be

checked off as they occur during a lesson”.10 According to Jeffry Glanz,

there are some matters, which must be paid attention in doing observation,

among others are:11

a. The purpose of the observation

b. The activity occurs teaching learning process

c. The social interaction

d. People talk to each other

e. Investigation is focused on individuals, events, setting, and


2. Writing Test

The writer carried out the writing test in this research. Writing test is

used to measure students’ writing ability would be to have them write.12

Writing is an appropriate test for measuring the students’ mastery of the

whole language aspects that have been taught in the teaching learning


There are two kinds of writing test, namely composition test and

objective test of writing.13 In this study, the writer used composition test of

writing. In this assignment, the students are required to compose a short

paragraph of analytical exposition text based on video, which consists of 10-

15 sentences.

10Jeffrey Glanz, Action Research: An Educational Leader’s Guide to School

Improvement, (Norwood: Christopher-Gordon, 1998), p. 142. 11Jeffrey Glanz, Action Research: An Educational Leader’s Guide to School

Improvement, p. 141. 12 David P. Harris, Testing English as a Second Language, (Bombay: Mc Graw-Hill,

1969), p. 69. 13 David P. Harris, Testing English as a Second Language, p. 72.

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H. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Writing Test

Writing test includes pre-cycle test, cycle 1 test and cycle 2 tests. In this

research, the researcher also uses mean formula to know the average of

students’ score and to check students’ improvement in learning analytical

exposition text.

The mean score of the class will be searched by using this

following formula:14




Where: M : The average of student score

∑x : Total score

n : The number of students

14 Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Edisi Revisi), (Jakatta: Bumi

Aksara, 2002) 3 rd

Ed., p. 162.

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In this chapter, the data that have been collected were analyzed and

discussed to know the result of each activity during a research.


1. Pre-cycle

Before conducting this action research, a pre-test was given. The

purpose of pre-cycle was to know the students’ ability in writing analytical

exposition paragraph. Pre-cycle was conducted on Monday, 15 November

2010. They were 38 students who followed the test.

They had to write an analytical exposition paragraph about healthy

theme. The length of paragraph consists of 10-15 sentences. The time

allotment was 35 minutes. The pre-cycle result would be compared to the

students’ test results after treatment to know the improvement of the

students’ ability in writing analytical exposition. The pre-cycle result can be

seen in the table below:

Table 1. Score of Pre-cycle test

NO Name of students Component of writing score score


1 Abdul Kharist 10 13 14 15 13 65

2 Abdul Rohman 11 12 12 11 12 58

3 Agung Restu Putra 12 15 13 15 14 69

4 Agus Santoso 11 13 13 15 12 64

5 Ahmad Syaidur Rozat 12 10 11 11 11 55

6 Ahmad Syukron 14 11 14 12 12 63

7 Ahmad Zaenudin 12 13 10 12 13 60

8 Akhmad Zayid F 11 12 12 11 11 57

Page 45: Thesis


9 Alfiyah 11 12 11 12 12 58

10 Alfiana Rosyida 12 11 12 11 11 57

11 Azizah Fitri


13 12 12 13 13 63

12 Faizaturrohmah 13 13 13 13 13 65

13 Fitriyah 13 14 13 14 14 68

14 Hermawan 12 12 11 12 11 58

15 Hikmatul Munifah 13 14 12 10 11 60

16 Ihsanudin 13 14 13 14 14 68

17 Kuniatin Nuqobah 12 12 11 10 11 56

18 Laili Masfufah 13 14 11 10 14 62

19 Laila Fitriani 14 13 14 14 15 70

20 Lailinatul Muhimmah 14 11 13 12 13 63

21 Lukman Hakim 14 14 13 12 14 67

22 Lutfi Agustina 12 12 11 12 12 59

23 Lutfi Fitriyatul


12 12 12 13 13 62

24 Lutfiyatul Khasanah 12 13 12 14 14 65

25 M. Ali Bagrudin 13 14 13 12 12 64

26 M. Azka Arifian 11 11 11 11 12 56

27 Mohammad Zafik 12 11 11 12 13 59

28 Mohammad Wiwin


13 12 13 13 13 64

29 Mukodimah 15 15 14 14 15 73

30 Nikmatul Fauziyah 13 13 14 14 13 67

31 Nurhayati 12 12 11 13 12 60

32 Octiana Ayu Lestari 6 10 6 6 6 34

Page 46: Thesis


33 Romayasyifah 15 15 15 15 15 75

34 Siti Azizah 12 12 13 12 11 60

35 Suci Pujiati 16 16 17 14 17 80

36 Umi Khoiroh 13 11 12 11 11 58

37 Widiyaningsih 13 14 13 12 12 64

38 Yahwan Hakim 11 11 12 12 12 58

Σ 471 479 468 469 477 2364

Σ x

M =



M =


= 62.21

From the pre-cycle result above can be concluded that the students’

ability in writing analytical exposition text was still poor. Most of the

students were poor in all of those components especially in content,

organization, and grammar.

Most of the students were poor in all of those components especially

in ideas, organization, and grammar. The students’ writing was not coherent

and united. In addition, the content of their essay was lack of ideas.

Although they knew the theory of analytical exposition text well, they failed

to differentiate the use of verb and adjective. An example of their mistake

was found in the sentence, “drug is danger our health”, it had to be “drug

dangers our health”. Then, the students also failed to state the subject in

every clause. For example, “drug can make us addicted. Can cause death”.

It had to be, “drug can make us addicted. It can cause death”.

Consequentially, the students’ grammar was needed to be improved.

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Furthermore, a lot of students ignored the mechanics of writing

including the use of capital letters, periods, and comma on their writing. The

students used inappropriate vocabulary.

Based on the explanation above, the average of students’ result in pre-

cycle was 62.61. According to Martin Parrott, the students’ achievement

level in this pre-cycle was failed. It could be said that treatment was

important to improve students’ writing skill.

2. Cycle 1

In this cycle, the researcher-conducted treatment first before executed

a test. It was conducted on Friday, 19 November 2010. There were 38

students following teaching learning process. Teaching learning process

during treatment was represented in many steps.

a. Planning

1). Choosing the teaching learning materials (health video)

2). Arranging the lesson plan based on the teaching materials

3). Preparing the test Instrument

4). Preparing teaching facilities

5).Preparing students’ attendance list

b. Acting

The first meeting was used to conduct building knowledge of field of

modeling of the text stage. Then the next meeting was used to hold join

construction of text and independent of text construction. In this cycle, I

gave the students treatment, I concerned on the student’s difficulty to build

the ideas in writing analytical exposition essay. Video critic gave them ideas

to build. Therefore, I concerned on some leading question that could help

the students comprehend fully. Basically, they knew the pattern of simple

present tense, tense that use in analytical exposition. However, they failed in

adapting this tense in form of analytical exposition essay. The process of

teaching and learning during the treatment was represented in the learning

stages. There were four stages in the cycle one.

Page 48: Thesis


The first stage was building knowledge of field. Firstly, in the

previous meeting I attached video critic in the classroom. I hope that it

could increase their sense of curiosity. Moreover, it was expected that the

students would get something to inspire their writing.

The next stage was modeling of text. As stated before, the students

had almost understood the theory of analytical exposition. However, they

got difficulties in writing an essay of analytical exposition. Therefore, I

intended to make the students understood, not only the theory but also the

application of the theory. I lead them to discuss their mistake in pre-test.

Then I chose one of the video. Knowing that students had never used video

as media before, I gave them some leading question. To help them, I also

used mind map technique. The students were enthusiastic in joining the

discussion. Then, I showed them the way to combine those ideas into a

coherent essay. They identified the generic structure of the text easily.

Having clear with the construction of analytical exposition text, I lead

the students to the next stage that was join construction of text. At first, I

asked every group to choose one of theme based on the video that have been


The last stage was independent construction of text. In this stage I

asked every student to write an analytical exposition essay based on the

video they had watched. The video could be the same, but the essay had to

be varied. The topic was still health. The length of the essay was 10-15

sentences and the time allotment was 40 minutes. Moreover, the result of

cycle one test can be seen in the table below:

Table 2. Score of Cycle 1 test

NO Name of students Component of writing score score


1 Abdul Kharist 14 14 15 15 14 72

2 Abdul Rohman 15 14 15 12 12 68

Page 49: Thesis


3 Agung Restu Putra 16 16 16 16 15 78

4 Agus Santoso 15 16 15 16 15 77

5 Ahmad Syaidur Rozat 11 14 13 13 13 64

6 Ahmad Syukron 15 15 15 13 13 71

7 Ahmad Zaenudin 14 14 13 12 12 65

8 Akhmad Zayid


14 14 13 11 12 64

9 Alfiyah 13 14 13 13 13 66

10 Alfiana Rosyida 14 13 13 13 13 66

11 Azizah Fitri


15 15 14 13 16 73

12 Faizaturrohmah 15 15 15 15 15 75

13 Fitriyah 16 16 16 16 16 80

14 Hermawan 15 13 14 13 13 68

15 Hikmatul Munifah 16 15 14 12 12 69

16 Ihsanudin 16 16 16 15 16 79

17 Kuniatin Nuqobah 14 14 12 12 12 64

18 Laili Masfufah 14 16 13 12 13 68

19 Laila Fitriani 17 16 17 15 16 81

20 Lailinatul Muhimmah 15 13 14 13 14 69

21 Lukman Hakim 16 14 15 13 15 73

22 Lutfi Agustina 14 14 13 13 14 68

23 Lutfi Fitriyatul


15 15 15 14 15 74

24 Lutfiyatul Khasanah 14 15 12 16 15 72

25 M. Ali Bagrudin 16 16 14 14 14 74

26 M. Azka Arifian 14 13 13 12 12 64

Page 50: Thesis


27 Mohammad Zafik 13 13 13 13 14 66

28 Mohammad Wiwin


17 16 14 14 15 76

29 Mukodimah 16 17 16 16 15 80

30 Nikmatul Fauziyah 17 16 15 14 16 78

31 Nurhayati 16 15 13 14 13 71

32 Octiana Ayu Lestari 13 13 12 10 10 58

33 Romayasyifah 16 16 15 17 16 80

34 Siti Azizah 13 13 14 12 12 64

35 Suci Pujiati 17 13 17 15 17 79

36 Umi Khoiroh 14 13 13 13 13 66

37 Widiyaningsih 17 17 15 15 14 74

38 Yahwan Hakim 15 16 14 13 14 72

Σ 567 554 538 518 529 2706

Σ x

M =



M =


= 71.21

Based on the test result, the average of students in treatment (cycle 1)

was 71.21. It increased 9.0 from pre-test and it could be concluded that a

first cycle was successful enough. In first cycle, the writer analyzed that

some students still had difficult in writing analytical exposition. The

students had difficulty in making a paragraph analytical exposition that was

united and coherent and they still had difficult in grammar, word choice, and

Page 51: Thesis


mechanics. Based on the problem above, the teacher conducted cycle 2 in

order to improve the students’ writing analytical exposition.

c. Observing

This observation is the first one done during this research; it was

conducted on Friday, 19 August 2010. In this meeting, all of the students

attended in class. While the teacher showing video critic, they watching to

the video and listening to teacher’s explanation, they did what the teacher

says and none students to be crowded also asked permission to leave the

classroom. In the second activity, there were not students did not pay

attention to the learning process. Yahwan, Umi, Lutfi Agustins, Lukman

Hakim, Muhammad Zafik, and Fitriyah were the students who active in

asking question because they wanted to know more analytical exposition

text. When the teacher gave a task to them, none students did not do the

tasks but they are discipline in doing the task but two of the students were

not active during a lesson, they were: M.wiwin Y and Octiana Ayu Lestari.

These students were also not cooperating with their group although their

teacher had admonished them.

d. Reflecting

1) The teaching that had done by the teacher had not maximal, because in

giving materials was less interesting.

2) The students activity in learning process had not maximal. It was

caused many students did not pay attention to the teacher. It still there

where many students spoke with their friend when teaching learning

process was progress. Beside that, there were many students that did

not understand the instruction that was given by the teacher.

3) Teacher should prepare teaching media well.

4) Teacher should improve students motivation in learning process

especially for students that less attention.

3. cycle 2

a. Planning

1). Choosing the teaching learning materials (health video)

Page 52: Thesis


2). Arranging the lesson plan based on the teaching materials

3). Preparing the test Instrument

4). Preparing teaching facilities

b. Acting

Cycle two took two meetings. The first meeting was on Monday 22

November. The second meeting was on 23 November 2010. Generally, the

procedure of teaching learning activity in this cycle was almost the same as

the previous cycle. The first meeting was used as joint construction of text

and independent of text stages. The main concern on this cycle was on

making the students’ writing more coherent and better than before.

However, I still tried to develop the other components.

In building knowledge of field stage, I explored the students

vocabulary by drilling them some vocabulary used in analytical exposition. I

also used video to inspire the students in varying vocabulary. In the next

stage that was modeling of text, I showed them a video. Then, I asked them

to explore the video on the white board. I wrote their ideas by using mind

map technique.

Move to the next stage, joint construction of text. In this stage, every

student had to write their own essay about the video they had discussed. The

rule was still the same, the time allotment was 40 minutes and the length of

essay was 10-15 sentences.

The result of students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition in

the cycle 2 was shown in the table below:

Table 3. Score of cycle 2 test

NO Name of students Component of writing score Score


1 Abdul Kharist 15 14 15 15 15 74

2 Abdul Rohman 16 16 16 16 15 79

3 Agung Restu Putra 17 17 17 16 15 82

Page 53: Thesis


4 Agus Santoso 17 17 16 16 15 81

5 Ahmad Syaidur Rozat 15 15 15 14 15 74

6 Ahmad Syukron 16 16 15 14 14 75

7 Ahmad Zaenudin 16 16 15 14 14 75

8 Akhmad Zayid


16 16 14 14 14 74

9 Alfiyah 15 15 14 13 14 71

10 Alfiana Rosyida 14 15 14 14 14 71

11 Azizah Fitri


17 16 16 13 16 78

12 Faizaturrohmah 15 16 16 15 15 77

13 Fitriyah 17 16 17 16 15 81

14 Hermawan 15 14 16 13 15 73

15 Hikmatul Munifah 16 17 15 14 14 76

16 Ihsanudin 16 17 17 15 17 82

17 Kuniatin Nuqobah 15 15 14 14 15 73

18 Laili Masfufah 15 16 14 13 14 72

19 Laila Fitriani 17 16 17 15 16 81

20 Lailinatul Muhimmah 16 15 15 14 15 75

21 Lukman Hakim 15 16 14 14 15 74

22 Lutfi Agustina 16 16 14 13 15 74

23 Lutfi Fitriyatul


16 16 16 15 15 78

24 Lutfiyatul Khasanah 15 16 15 16 15 77

25 M. Ali Bagrudin 17 16 14 14 15 76

26 M. Azka Arifian 15 15 14 13 14 71

27 Mohammad Zafik 14 14 14 14 15 71

Page 54: Thesis


28 Mohammad Wiwin


17 16 16 15 16 80

29 Mukodimah 17 18 16 17 16 84

30 Nikmatul Fauziyah 17 17 17 14 17 82

31 Nurhayati 16 16 14 15 13 74

32 Octiana Ayu Lestari 15 15 15 12 13 70

33 Romayasyifah 17 18 16 15 17 83

34 Siti Azizah 14 14 14 13 14 70

35 Suci Pujiati 18 19 19 17 18 91

36 Umi Khoiroh 15 14 14 14 14 71

37 Widiyaningsih 17 17 16 15 15 80

38 Yahwan Hakim 15 16 15 14 14 74

Σ 602 604 581 548 569 2904

Σ x

M =



M =


= 76.42

c. Observing

This observation is the first one done during this research; it was

conducted on Monday, 22 November and Tuesday, 23 November 2010. This

observation was executed while students doing test. In a play, all of the

students attended in class and listened to teacher’s explanation. While doing

test, there were five students did not paying attention to the learning process.

There was one group still crowded and there was six students’ active in asking

questions, two students’ like to be crowded, such as Wiwid and M.Ulin. In this

Page 55: Thesis


activity, there were four students asked permission to leave the classroom but

all of the students discipline in doing the task and none the students were not

active during a lesson also they cooperated in performance a play .

From the statement above, it can be concluded that while executed

observation the writer knew the activity what the students did during teaching

learning process. The writer concluded that class XI IPS 1 of SMA Wahid

Hasyim Tersono Batang belonging to the active and in the law obedient’

students. It was proved while most of the students listened to teacher’s

explanation, active asked the questions, and discipline in doing a task. In the

law obedient’ students, it proved from the attendance list and the students were

not like to be crowded although two of three students still made crowded.

d. Reflecting

Evaluate the steps in teaching learning process, discussed the result of

observation, and assessed the result of students’ understanding for the

improvement of students’ writing analytical exposition text. According to the

researcher, all activities could run well. All of the students were paying

attention to the teacher seriously and interestingly while write the lesson.

From the result above, I concluded that the research proved that the use of

video critics to develop students, ability in writing was significant.

From this result, the writer concluded that the students’ achievement in

writing analytical exposition text using video critics as a medium had a

significant improvement and we can look on the graph below:

Page 56: Thesis



Improvement of Students’ Score

In Writing Analytical exposition text


Table 5

Percentages of Observation

No Students’


Pre cycle% Cycle 1 % Cycle 2 %

1 Being enthusiastic in

listening to teachers’

explanation of

analytical exposition





2 Being answering the

teacher question 47 67 76

3 Being serious in

group discussion 26 53 58

4 Being enthusiastic in

watching video















Pre- cycle Cycle 1 Cycle 2


Page 57: Thesis


5 Being enthusiastic in

doing test

100 100 100

Table 6

Score of Students’ Achievement

No Code Pre cycle Cycle 1 Cycle 2

1 A-1 65 72 74

2 A-2 58 68 79

3 A-3 69 78 82

4 A-4 64 77 81

5 A-5 55 64 74

6 A-6 63 71 75

7 A-7 60 65 75

8 A-8 57 64 74

9 A-9 58 66 71

10 A-10 57 66 71

11 A-11 63 73 78

12 A-12 65 75 77

13 A-13 68 80 81

14 A-14 58 68 73

15 A-15 60 69 76

16 A-16 68 79 82

17 A-17 56 64 73

18 A-18 62 68 72

Page 58: Thesis


19 A-19 70 81 81

20 A-20 63 69 75

21 A-21 67 73 74

22 A-22 59 68 74

23 A-23 62 74 78

24 A-24 65 72 77

25 A-25 64 74 76

26 A-26 56 64 71

27 A-27 59 66 71

28 A-28 64 76 80

29 A-29 73 80 84

30 A-30 67 78 82

31 A-31 60 71 74

32 A-32 34 58 70

33 A-33 75 80 83

34 A-34 60 64 70

35 A-35 80 79 91

36 A-36 58 66 71

37 A-37 64 74 80

38 A-38 58 72 74

Σ 2364 2706 2904

Page 59: Thesis


1. The comparison of pre cycle and cycle 1

In pre cycle we can see that students’ activeness were very low. This

can be concluded that there were about 47 % students did not give

participant to teacher’s explanation. It was shown by their attitudes during

the class that most of them were talking to each other while the study in

progress. Even when they were in groups of discussion, they did not show

any enthusiasm in joining the activity. For instance, when teacher pointed

one of them to express their writing in front of class, student who was

pointed would point another student or his/her partner instead. This

repeated over and over until there was someone who did not have a chance

to refuse tried to express this expression.

In contrast, in cycle 1, students’ responds toward speaking were

shown significant improvement. It was resulted that students

activeness/participation in writing activity were 67%. It increased from pre

cycle. Here, 2 students who were pointed to come forward for their group

did not refuse or point another partner to come forward instead.

From the result above, the average students in Pre Cycle were only

62, 21 and Cycle I was 71, 21, the comparison between Pre Cycle and

Cycle I improved 9 %. It meant the use of video critic can improve

students’ achievement in writing

2. The Comparison of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

In cycle 1 we can see that students’ activeness were very low. This

can be concluded that the students did not give attention to teacher’s

explanation. It was shown by their attitudes during the class that most of

them were talking to each other while the study in progress or sleeping.

Even when they were in groups of discussion, they did not show any

enthusiasm in joining the activity. For instance, when teacher pointed

one of them to come forward, student who was pointed would point

another student or his/her partner instead. This repeated over and over

Page 60: Thesis


until there was someone who did not have a chance to refuse tried to

write their writing.

In contrast, in cycle 2, students’ responds toward writing were

shown the improvement. It was resulted that students

activeness/participation in writing activity increased from cycle 1. Here,

4 students who were pointed to come forward for their group did not

refuse or point another partner to come forward instead.

It can be said that the use of video critic as a medium were

effective in improving students’ writing ability and motivated them to be

more active in engaging themselves in writing activity. In short,

students’ were more actively writing; they leaved their laziness and

embarrassment by actively writing.

In addition, their achievement in speaking also increased. Students mean

in cycle I 71, 21, increased up to 76, 42 in cycles II. It was higher than

minimum score that must be reached. Those indicated that video critic

can improve students’ writing ability.

3. The comparison of pre cycle and all cycle

Interpretation takes the result of analysis, makes the interferences

pertinent to the research relation studied and draws conclusion about the

relations. In the best average scores of the pre cycle cycle1 and cycle 2 of

the students was 62, 21, 71, 21, and 76, 42. It shows that cycle 1 scores of

the class (71, 2) is better than (76, 4) the result of the cycle 2 of the class is

higher than cycle 1. Based on the result above, the writer concluded that

the teaching learning activity by using video critic can improve the

students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition text.

Page 61: Thesis




A. Conclusion

Based on the research and observation conducted in this classroom action

research it can be concluded:

1. The research on the use of video critic as a medium to improve student’s

ability in writing analytical exposition text was done in two cycles. In

teaching learning process the researcher showed students video critic. In

this process, she asked them to pay attention and take any notes about the

video. The students had to write who the characters were the problems and

how the video ended. The researcher asked some questions related the

video. Finally, the researcher asked the students to write an analytical

exposition text based on the video.

2. Based on the implementation of video critic in teaching writing, video

critic contributed to the development ability in writing analytical

exposition text of the eleventh grade students of SMA Wahid Hasyim

Tersono in the academic year of 2010/2011. Analysis of pre-cycle, cycle

one and cycle two, show that there is a difference in students’ writing

achievement before and after being treated by using video critic in

teaching analytical exposition text. It can be proved from the average

score of students from each cycle. In the pre-cycle, the average score of

students was 62, 21, in the cycle one test was 71, 21, in cycle two test was

76, 42. It proved that the result of cycle two test was better than the score

of KTSP (2006) standard that is 65. The treatments in fact facilitate the

students to write an analytical exposition text. Therefore, video critics

inspire the students write a coherent and meaningful analytical exposition


Page 62: Thesis


B. Suggestions

In teaching English, the teacher must create fun and enjoyable

atmosphere. The enjoyment is the important thing that hopefully will have

good effects on the education. Because what they dislike, they drop as soon as

possible. In other words, the teacher should make the teaching learning

process enjoyable, because students love to play and learn best when they

enjoy themselves.

From the conclusions above, there are some suggestions in order to

improve writing skill, especially for the teacher, the students, and the reader.

The writer’s suggestions are as follows:

1. For the teachers

a. Teacher is suggested to be creative in teaching writing, because by

giving interesting media or technique, students will have an interest to

learn writing more

b. Teacher should have some strategies and ways to enrich their English

teaching techniques.

2. For the students

The students should not be afraid of making mistake and worried

about their ability in choosing and arranging words to produce sentences

in present tense, because it would make them not to enjoy writing and not

to be confident enough in writing on their own. In writing analytical

exposition text, they should use stages in writing process like prewriting,

writing, and revising, so they could write freely and easily.

Finally, the writer realizes that this paper is far from being perfect, so

that, constructive critics and advice are really expected for the perfection of

the thesis. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful for all teachers. Amin ya robb

al alamin.

Page 63: Thesis


Page 64: Thesis


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year of 2009/2010). Unpublished Thesis. Semarang : FPBS UNNES, 2009.

Feez, Susan and Joyce, Helen, Text-Based Syllabus Design, Sydney: Macquarie

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Gerot, Linda and Wignell, Peter, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, Sydney:

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Guralnik, David B., Webster New World Dictionary of the American Language,

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Page 66: Thesis



No Name Students Code

1 Abdul Kharist A -1

2 Abdul Rohman A -2

3 Agung Restu Putra A -3

4 Agus Santoso A- 4

5 Ahmad Syaidur Rozat A -5

6 Ahmad Syukron A -6

7 Ahmad Zaenudin A -7

8 Akhmad Zayid F A- 8

9 Alfiyah A -9

10 Alfiana Rosyida A-10

11 Azizah Fitri Khasanah A -11

12 Faizaturrohmah A -12

13 Fitriyah A- 13

14 Hermawan A -14

15 Hikmatul Munifah A -15

16 Ihsanudin A -16

17 Kuniatin Nuqobah A- 17

18 Laili Masfufah A- 18

19 Laila Fitriani A -19

20 Lailinatul Muhimmah A -20

21 Lukman Hakim A- 21

22 Lutfi Agustina A-22

23 Lutfi Fitriyatul Amalia A -23

24 Lutfiyatul Khasanah A -24

25 M. Ali Bagrudin A -25

26 M. Azka Arifian A- 26

27 Mohammad Zafik A -27

28 Mohammad Wiwin Y. A -28

29 Mukodimah A -29

30 Nikmatul Fauziyah A- 30

31 Nurhayati A- 31

32 Octiana Ayu Lestari A -32

33 Romayasyifah A -33

34 Siti Azizah A -34

35 Suci Pujiati A- 35

36 Umi Khoiroh A -36

37 Widiyaningsih A 37

38 Yahwan Hakim A -38

Appendix 1

Page 67: Thesis



School : SMA Wahid Hasyim Batang

Subject : English

Class/Semester : X I/ 1

Skill : Writing

Material : Analytical exposition text

Time : 2 X 45 minutes

I. Competency Standard : Expressing meaning in short functional text and

monologue in report, narrative, and analytical

exposition in the context of daily life.

II. Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical stage in essay

written language accurately, fluently and acceptably

in the context of daily life in report texts, narrative

texts, analytical exposition texts.

III. Indicator : - Students are able to use grammar, vocabulary

and punctuation accurately

- Students are able to write an analytical

exposition text.

IV. Source : Th.M.Sudarwati dkk, Look Ahead an English

courses for SMA Grade X1 Jakarta, Erlangga , 2007.

V. Media : Video

Learning Activities :

1. Pre Activities

• Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?

• Teacher checks students attendance.

Appendix 2

Page 68: Thesis


2. Main Activities

a. BKOF (Building Knowledge of the Field)

• Teacher gives introduction about materials by asking some


“Do you know analytical exposition text ?”

“What do you think about analytical exposition text”?

• Students answer the questions orally.

b. MOT (Modelling of the Text)

• Teacher explains students about analytical exposition text (

about the social Function, Generic structure, Lexico

grammatical features)

• Teacher gives an example of analytical exposition text by

using slide of power point.

• Teacher explains to students about the function of video

critic in analytical exposition text.

c. JCOT (Joint Construction of the Text)

• Teacher asks students to watch the video

• Teacher asks students to take a note

• Teacher ask students to decided the topic based on the


d. ICOT (Independent Construction of the Text)

• Teacher asks students to write an analytical exposition

text based on the video show.

3. Post Activities

• Teacher reviews the material.

• Teacher gives suggestion to students to study hard and to

memorize new vocabulary.

• Teacher closes the class.

Page 69: Thesis



The teacher asks students to write an analytical exposition text based on the

video show.

Aspects to be assessed

- content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanic

Page 70: Thesis



School : SMA Wahid Hasyim Batang

Subject : English

Class/Semester : X I/ 1

Skill : Writing

Material : Analytical exposition text

Time : 2 X 45 minutes

VII. Competency Standard : Expressing meaning in short functional text and

monologue in report, narrative, and analytical

exposition in the context of daily life.

VIII. Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical stage in essay

written language accurately, fluently and acceptably

in the context of daily life in report texts, narrative

texts, analytical exposition texts.

IX. Indicator : - Students are able to use grammar, vocabulary

and punctuation accurately

- Students are able to write an analytical

exposition text.

X. Source : Th.M.Sudarwati dkk, Look Ahead an English

courses for SMA Grade X1 Jakarta, Erlangga , 2007.

XI. Media : Video


Learning Activities :

4. Pre Activities

• Teacher opens the class by greetings.

“Good morning students, how are you today?

• Teacher checks students attendance.

Appendix 3

Page 71: Thesis


5. Main Activities

e. BKOF (Building Knowledge of the Field)

• Teacher gives introduction about materials by asking some


“Do you know analytical exposition text ?”

“What do you think about analytical exposition text”?

• Students answer the questions orally.

f. MOT (Modelling of the Text)

• Teacher explains students about analytical exposition text (

about the social Function, Generic structure, Lexico

grammatical features)

• Teacher gives an example of analytical exposition text by

using slide of power point.

• Teacher explains to students about the function of video

critic in analytical exposition text.

g. JCOT (Joint Construction of the Text)

• Teacher asks students to watch the video

• Teacher asks students to take a note

• Teacher ask students to decided the topic based on the


h. ICOT (Independent Construction of the Text)

• Teacher asks students to write an analytical exposition

text based on the video show.

6. Post Activities

• Teacher reviews the material.

• Teacher gives suggestion to students to study hard and to

memorize new vocabulary.

Page 72: Thesis


• Teacher closes the class.


The teacher asks students to write an analytical exposition text based on the

video show.

Aspects to be assessed

- content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanic

Semarang, 29 November 2010

The Researcher,

Nur Zaenah


Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Drs.Aminudin Yudha Priyono, S.Pd.

Page 73: Thesis




� Instructions;

1. Write your name and class on the top of paper.

2. Make a short an analytical exposition text about healthy.

3. The duration of writing is 40 minutes.

4. You have to write at least 15 sentences.

5. If you need, you can open your dictionary.


� Instructions;

1. Write your name and class on the top of paper.

2. Make a short an analytical exposition text about healthy.

3. The duration of writing is 40 minutes.

4. You have to write at least 15 sentences.

5. If you need, you can open your dictionary.


� Instructions;

1. Write your name and class on the top of paper.

2. Make a short an analytical exposition text about healthy.

3. The duration of writing is 40 minutes.

4. You have to write at least 15 sentences.

5. If you need, you can open your dictionary.

Appendix 4

Page 74: Thesis



Cycle : I

Meeting: II

Date : 19 November 2010

No Teacher Ability Indicator Score value


1 Opening the

Lesson • Preparing media in

teaching learning.

• Checking student


• Doing apperception.




2 Developing The


Learning Process

• Giving the students a

chance to participate

in teaching learning by

asking and answering


3 Teacher

Explanation • Teacher explanation



4 Classroom

Management • Applying the mind to

the all groups

• Making all students to

be more active

• Chewing out the

trouble maker




5 Language Use • Using English


• Intonation



6 Media Use • Using media to clear

the explanation

• Using media actively,

creatively, effectively,

and comfortability.



7 Closing the

Lesson • Concluding the lesson V

NB: A: 80-89 B: 70-79 C: 60-69 D: 50=59 E: 40-49

Appendix 5

Page 75: Thesis



Cycle : II

Meeting: III

Date : 22 November 2010

No Teacher Ability Indicator Score value


1 Opening the

Lesson • Preparing media in

teaching learning.

• Checking student


• Doing apperception.




2 Developing The


Learning Process

• Giving the students a

chance to participate

in teaching learning by

asking and answering


3 Teacher

Explanation • Teacher explanation



4 Classroom

Management • Applying the mind to

the all groups

• Making all students to

be more active

• Chewing out the

trouble maker




5 Language Use • Using English


• Intonation



6 Media Use • Using media to clear

the explanation

• Using media actively,

creatively, effectively,

and comfortability.



7 Closing the

Lesson • Concluding the lesson V

NB: A: 80-89 B: 70-79 C: 60-69 D: 50=59 E: 40-49

Appendix 6

Page 76: Thesis



Cycle : I

Meeting: II

Date : 19 November 2010

NO Name of students Student’s Participation


1 Abdul Kharist V V V V

2 Abdul Rohman V V V V V

3 Agung Restu Putra V V V V

4 Agus Santoso V V V V

5 Ahmad Syaidur Rozat V V V

6 Ahmad Syukron V V V V

7 Ahmad Zaenudin V V V V

8 Akhmad Zayid Farokhi V V V V

9 Alfiyah V V V V

10 Alfiana Rosyida V V V V

11 Azizah Fitri Khasanah V V V

12 Faizaturrohmah V V V V

13 Fitriyah V V V V V

14 Hermawan V V V V

15 Hikmatul Munifah V V V V V

16 Ihsanudin V V V V

17 Kuniatin Nuqobah V V V V V

18 Laili Masfufah V V V

19 Laila Fitriani V V V V V

20 Lailinatul Muhimmah V V V V V

21 Lukman Hakim V V V V

22 Lutfi Agustina V V V V

23 Lutfi Fitriyatul Amalia V V V

24 Lutfiyatul Khasanah V V V V V

25 M. Ali Bagrudin V V V V

26 M. Azka Arifian V V V

27 Mohammad Zafik V V V V V

28 Mohammad Wiwin Y. V V V V

29 Mukodimah V V V V

30 Nikmatul Fauziyah V V V V

31 Nurhayati V V V V

32 Octiana Ayu Lestari V V V V

Appendix 7

Page 77: Thesis


33 Romayasyifah V V V V

34 Siti Azizah V V V

35 Suci Pujiati V V V

36 Umi Khoiroh V V V V V

37 Widiyaningsih V V V V V

38 Yahwan Hakim V V V V


A: Being enthusiastic in listening to teachers’ explanation of analytical exposition


B: Being answering the teacher question

C: Being serious in group discussion

D: Being enthusiastic in watching video critic

E: Being enthusiastic in doing test

Page 78: Thesis



Cycle : I

Meeting: II

Date : 19 November 2010

NO Students Participation Total Scale of Score

Students % E G P VP

1 Being enthusiastic in listening to

teachers’ explanation of analytical

exposition text
















2 Being answering the teacher question

3 Being serious in group discussion

4 Being enthusiastic in watching video


5 Being enthusiastic in doing test


E : 85%-100%

G : 69%-84%

P : 63%-68%

VP : < 53%

Appendix 8

Page 79: Thesis



Cycle : II

Meeting: III

Date : 22 November 2010

NO Name of students Students’ participations


1 Abdul Kharist V V V V V

2 Abdul Rohman V V V V V

3 Agung Restu Putra V V V V

4 Agus Santoso V V V V

5 Ahmad Syaidur Rozat V V V V V

6 Ahmad Syukron V V V

7 Ahmad Zaenudin V V V V V

8 Akhmad Zayid Farokhi V V V V V

9 Alfiyah V V V V

10 Alfiana Rosyida V V V V V

11 Azizah Fitri Khasanah V V V V

12 Faizaturrohmah V V V V V

13 Fitriyah V V V V V

14 Hermawan V V V V

15 Hikmatul Munifah V V V V V

16 Ihsanudin V V V V

17 Kuniatin Nuqobah V V V V

18 Laili Masfufah V V V V

19 Laila Fitriani V V V V

20 Lailinatul Muhimmah V V V

21 Lukman Hakim V V V V V

22 Lutfi Agustina V V V V

23 Lutfi Fitriyatul Amalia V V V V V

24 Lutfiyatul Khasanah V V V

25 M. Ali Bagrudin V V V V V

26 M. Azka Arifian V V V

27 Mohammad Zafik V V V V V

28 Mohammad Wiwin Y. V V V V

29 Mukodimah V V V V

30 Nikmatul Fauziyah V V V V

31 Nurhayati V V V V

32 Octiana Ayu Lestari V V V V

Appendix 9

Page 80: Thesis


33 Romayasyifah V V V V

34 Siti Azizah V V V V V

35 Suci Pujiati V V V V

36 Umi Khoiroh V V V V V

37 Widiyaningsih V V V V

38 Yahwan Hakim V V V V


A: Being enthusiastic in listening to teachers’ explanation of analytical exposition


B: Being answering the teacher question

C: Being serious in group discussion

D: Being enthusiastic in watching video critics

E: Being enthusiastic in doing test

Page 81: Thesis



Cycle : II

Meeting: III

Date : 22 November 2010

NO Students Participantion Total Scale of Score

Students % E G P VP

1 Being enthusiastic in listening to

teachers’ explanation of analytical

exposition text
















2 Being answering the teacher question

3 Being serious in group discussion

4 Being enthusiastic in watching video


5 Being enthusiastic in doing test


E : 85%-100%

G : 69%-84%

P : 63%-68%

VP : < 53%


Page 82: Thesis




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Page 86: Thesis


Name : Nur Zaenah

Date of Birth : Batang, July 9th, 1989

Student Number : 73411018

Address : 1. Home

Sembung Rt 02 Rw 04 No.37

Banyuputih Batang

2. Boarding House

Perumahan Bank Niaga Blok C 9

E -mail : [email protected]

Educational Background

1. MI Islamiyah Sembung

2. MTs Nurul Huda Banyuputih

3. MA NU Limpung

4. IAIN Walisongo Semarang

Semarang, 2 June 2011

Nur Zaenah

NIM: 073411018