Thermophysiologic Comfort

J. GERAK, M. MARÈIÈ: Assessment of thermophysiological wear comfort of clothing systems, Tekstil 57 (10) 497-505 (2008.) 497 Assessment of thermophysiological wear comfort of clothing systems Prof. Jelka Gerak, PhD Prof. Milan Marèiè, PhD University of Maribor Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory for Clothing Engineering, Physiology and Construction of Garments Maribor, Slovenia e-mail: [email protected] UDK 677.017.881:536.24 Received February 15, 2008 Original scientific paper The comfort of clothing systems plays an important role within the domains of sport, daily routine and, in particular, work clothing, business clothing, as well as of military clothing. Only optimal comfort will enable the wearer to work ef- ficiently over long periods of time and help to protect the body from dangerous local cooling or from imminent overheating. Since the problem of ensuring opti- mal clothing comfort is a complex one, the contribution presents the brief survey of past related work, and some models developed for the evaluation of human thermal regulation, together with the new approach to predicting clothing ther- mophysiological comfort, based on current advances in science of heat balance modelling, human biometeorology and weather conditions. Keywords: clothing, clothing system, human body, thermophysiological comfort, human biometeorology, models of human thermoregulation 1. Introduction Comfort is defined as freedom from pain, freedom from discomfort. It is a neutral state. Thermal comfort is that condition of mind which ex- presses satisfaction with the thermal environment. From the physiologi- cal point of view, thermal comfort occurs when there is a thermal equi- librium between the human body and the environment. From this point of view the cloth- ing quality is not reflected only through fulfilling aesthetic and functional requirements, but also as a feeling of comfort in wearing, as a physiological response of the wearers body to a particular article of clothing. Clothing systems with optimised heat and moisture trans- port are of highest importance, es- pecially if the human body needs to be protected against external, detri- mental influences, such as heat, cold, wind and weather. In most cases, a compromise needs to be found, taking into account require- ments of both protection and phy- siology. Considering the complexity of the problem of assessing thermophysi- ological wear comfort of clothing systems, the requirements of ther- mal physiological clothing comfort and a short survey of the past relat- ed work and some models devel- oped for the evaluation of human thermal regulation will be shown within this contribution. 2. Thermophysiological comfort Comfort that is felt by wearing clothing is a decisive criterion for the evaluation of the quality of par- ticular clothing in usage. Clothing must provide certain heat isolation, high degree of wet permeability and good ventilation in order to main- tain optimal thermoregulation of the human body. The result of the bal- anced interactions within the man- clothing-environment system is expressed by the comfort that is felt while wearing the clothing. From the point of view of thermo- physiology, clothing can be seen as a »quasi physiological system«, which impacts thermoregulation of the body of its wearer in such a manner that he/she feels comforta- ble under various weather condi- tions and at various levels of phy- sical activity [1, 2]. The feeling of comfort is in this context a complex subjective perception, e.g. a psy- chological condition, while comfort in wearing clothing is expressed as the result of a balanced process of heat transfer among the body, cloth- ing and environment. Human body constantly generates heat from the metabolism of food and muscle activity and loses this heat to the environment. A balance must be maintained between the rates of heat production and heat loss. Heat production and heat loss as heat exchange between human body and environment are de- scribed using the following equa- tion of heat balance [3]:

Transcript of Thermophysiologic Comfort

Page 1: Thermophysiologic Comfort

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