There is NO VIRUS! copy · 2021. 1. 12. · These ‘vested interests’, such as Bill Gates, are...

THERE IS NO VIRUS! what if . . . it’s a lie? “Prove me wrong, and I will buy you a house”

Transcript of There is NO VIRUS! copy · 2021. 1. 12. · These ‘vested interests’, such as Bill Gates, are...


    what if . . . it’s a lie? “Prove me wrong, and I will buy you a house”

  • WHAT IF IT’S A LIE? This article goes a good way to demonstrate that ‘contagion’ is not real, that ‘germs’ do not and cannot transfer from one person to another, that humans do not ‘catch’ disease, and hence, by default, COVID-19 cannot therefore be a transmittable disease, let alone a ‘pandemic’. It is a fact that ‘Germ THEORY’ to this day, remains entirely unproven, so in simple terms, THERE IS NO VIRUS. As I say, prove me wrong, and I will buy you a house.

    I do not go into detail as to where the ‘alleged’ virus originated, who got it first, or whether it is a new strain or even a biological weapon of some kind, as this article deems all of these as irrelevant ‘red-herring’ cover-ups. This is about discounting the ‘virus’ theory, and its accompanying ‘pandemic’ story, in its entirety.

    What this article suggests, with good and strong evidence, is that COVID-19 is a fallacy, a lie of epic proportion, the created-design of those with ‘vested interests’ in vaccines and the digital tagging of the World’s population in order to gain tyrannical control over us all, and to then implement a pre-planned agenda of population control.

    These ‘vested interests’, such as Bill Gates, are using false information care of corrupted science, delivered through controlled mainstream media, to instil the fear necessary to have us concede to their vaccines, which are seemingly pointless, toxic, and dangerous.

    Our future existence and freedoms are being determined by our collective acceptance of a made-up THEORY, one promoted by a handful of unfathomably wealthy and devious monsters. We have all been infected with their lies, NOT with germs. We are not witnessing a contagious virus, we are witnessing a virus ‘story’; a STING of World-record-breaking proportion, involving inhumane criminals. What is happening to us is VERY WRONG! Seemingly, you are not worth the truth . . .


    In 2005, a German man, Dr Stefan Lanka PhD (AKA very clever), a biologist who studied virology, molecular biology, ecology and marine biology, was interviewed by the German newspaper, Faktuell. During the interview, which was a discussion about bird flu and vaccines, Dr Lanka stated that:

    “in the course of my studies, I and others have not been able to find proof of the existence of disease-causing viruses anywhere.”

    Dr Lanka, along with other medical professionals, had asked the German authorities to simply produce proof of pathogenic viruses. You would have thought this quite easy eh? But, as he relayed in the Faktuell interview, the actual outcome, in his words, was that “the health authorities are no longer maintaining that any virus whatsoever purportedly causing a disease has ever been proven to exist.”

    Before I wrote this, when I shared something negative about vaccines, an old pal of mine suggested that I go look for some ‘real’ science. So, I felt it only right to open up this piece with quotes from a man with ‘PhD’ to his name, the very highest achievement in medicine. So, Professor Lanka to you and me. He states that not one virus has ever been proved to be the cause of one disease. Fairly straightforward. Fairly clear.

    A crucial fact here is that the ‘presence’ of a virus in the body is not determined directly, but only through the detection of antibodies, those that the body is ‘alleged’ to have produced against the virus; there is NO TEST that is able to directly detect the presence of a ‘whole virus’. Please research this some more if you don’t believe it, as the real purpose and function within the human body of these particles of genetic material are UNKNOWN, hence the ‘claim’ that they cause disease remains entirely UNPROVEN. So why are our World’s most-trusted medical ‘experts’ telling us otherwise?! And how on God’s Earth are they getting away with it?

    Following on from the above interview, Dr Lanka (PhD!!!) was then interviewed again, this time in 2016, on the Progressive Radio Network. He discussed a challenge that he had put out a few years previously, which was a financial reward he put on offer for anyone who could produce genuine scientific proof of the existence of the measles virus. The purpose of his challenge was to expose the fallacy of the claim that measles is caused by a virus. He obviously had plenty of confidence in his refuting of the Germ Theory ‘claim’ regarding measles. And, in response to Lanka’s bold challenge, in 2015, a German doctor produced six published papers that he considered as sufficient evidence. Dr Lanka claimed that these papers did not provide the evidence required, and hence refused to pay out the other doctor’s claim. The case then went to court, and Dr Lanka lost, with the court ruling that these six papers did give the required evidence. This court ruling was widely covered in the media at the time.

    However, Dr Lanka soon took the case to the appeal court, where the initial ruling was then overturned, as the papers produced were shown NOT to demonstrate proof of the existence of the measles virus. This second ruling in favour of Dr Lanka was - of course - completely ignored by the media, who at the time, most ironically, were reporting on several outbreaks of measles. So much for World-class journalism! Much the same as almost every single piece of mainstream ‘news’ that we are witnessing right now. If it doesn’t fit the ‘official’ story, then it’s of no interest to any of the highly-viewed news outlets.

    Just as I am doing here, Dr Lanka PhD urges people to investigate for themselves if there is any genuine evidence of ‘disease-causing viruses’. Any and all investigations of this nature have failed to unearth any original papers that conclusively prove that ANY virus is the cause of ANY disease.


    If you wish to take up the challenge and get yourself a new house, then it seems that the following three vital questions need to be asked of those organisations claiming that Virus A causes Disease B:

    1. Is there an electron micrograph of the pure and fully-characterised virus?

    2. What is the name of the primary specialist peer-reviewed paper in which the virus is illustrated and

    its full genetic information described?

    3. What is the name of the primary publication that provides proof that a particular virus is the sole

    cause of a particular disease?

    A computer rendering of a coronavirus, apparently showing the characteristic “crown-like” glycoprotein spikes that inspired their name. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes COVID-19, belongs to this virus group (image courtesy of CDC).

    From my investigations, it seems very clear to me that all experiments to prove that viruses cause disease have failed. Don’t be so fast in looking online for that dream-house just yet, as my thinking is that you will be wasting your time. That said, I wish you good-luck in your attempts to find the needle in this most sinister of haystacks. In all honesty though, it’s probably best you look elsewhere, use your time more wisely, follow the money behind those who claim themselves as ‘experts’ on the subject of the health of the whole World. These are the people who still have us all believing that specific germs cause specific diseases. In your present REAL-WORLD experience, SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19.

    But what choice do we have . . . other than to go along with the story?

    Well, here’s one choice. It’s another VERY DIFFERENT story. Another choice that will take you one-hour or so to read about. When I wrote it, in its original format, it typed out to roughly twenty or so pages of A4. I reckon on 3 to 4 minutes per page to read it, so 60 to 90 minutes maximum to hear about a whole new narrative. A VERY important and strongly-evidenced one too! Please take the time to read it.


    If you are reading this around the time that I write it, late April 2020, then there is a high probability that you are living under some form of enforced-lockdown. More than a third of the World’s 7.8 billion people are living under a differing range of ‘stay-at-home’ restrictions. An estimated 2.9 million of us have been tested positive for ‘infection’, which only represents a very very small 0.0004% of the World population, and those ‘designated’ as COVID-19 deaths are circa 200,000, which is a minuscule 0.000025% of us.

    In comparison to these COVID-19 ‘official’ death numbers, and to put overall World-wide health-effects into perspective, if you Google the question; How many people die each year in the World?, the Wikipedia-linked response given is “Of the roughly 150,000 people who DIE EVERY DAY across the globe, about two thirds - 100,000 per day - die of age related causes.” The total ‘official’ COVID-19 numbers do not even equate to more than two days of old people dying.

    We are going through unprecedented times with the COVID-19 crisis, and regardless of what your thoughts are on what is truly going on, it is patently clear that the World is being hit VERY hard. It also seems to be either the only thing that we DO want to talk or hear about, or the only thing that we do NOT want to talk or hear about. On this issue, just as with many others before - see politics, religion, immigration, guns, abortion, drugs, etc - we are divided, yet again.

    Considering that we are all under house-arrest and listening to so much bad news and tragedy, surely it’s a better time than any to call into question the information that we are being fed, daily, repeatedly, and relentlessly. Is what we are being told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Is it even close to the truth? No doubt Dr Lanka will be calling BULLSHIT on it all, just as should all others in the medical profession who see precisely what Dr Lanka sees, or even if they are in any minute amount of doubt on this MEDICAL DEBATE of UNPARALLELLED PROPORTION. Do they ‘believe’ it to be true, or do they KNOW it to be true? The more medical professionals that see sense and come forward with this information, the better for all of us.


    And for all the World’s policemen and military men, I would encourage you to turn your guns (and your questioning) the other way. The real enemy is not the people you swore an oath to protect, its the ones giving you the orders; those above those above those above you. Carrying out of the work of monsters is no longer cool. If the Police have ever desired true respect, then that opportunity is right here, right now. They should be out investigating the biggest crime in human history, arresting the suspects, and not giving out fines for lockdown offences to innocent victims in this whole charade.

    Same for the soldiers of the World too, as killing people isn’t only done with the likes of guns and bombs. Wherever you show your faces on our streets, it is never seen as protection, it is always seen as intimidation. Maybe consider why you are doing so much obeying when there is no REAL justifiable war anywhere, and those you obey are tyrannical monsters who care none for you and your family. Dare I mention how poorly ex-military are treated by most nations? See the light, switch it on, turn your guns.


    There are many of those among us, seemingly billions, who believe that there is a ‘contagion’ in our midst, one that can get any one of us at any time, anyone can carry or catch it, and it is reportedly now showing less and less prejudice, as apparently, according to many recent mainstream news reports, it can even kill the young and the healthy now too. This camp, the many who take all of this to be indisputable fact, is what I refer to here as the ‘believers’. These are typically those who have full faith in the mainstream news, those convinced of the KILLER VIRUS narrative, taking all advice offered by their government and the likes of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and America’s Centre for Disease Control (CDC) as 100% truthful, putting all isolation and social-distancing ‘guidance’ from ‘experts’ to best practice . . . TV on, mask on, gloves on.

    And then there are those of us, the ‘non-believers’, who can make no sense of the reasoning behind such drastic lockdown measures, even if based solely on the ‘official’ pandemic statistics. There are a growing number of us who do not accept that there is a killer disease, and certainly not one that we are all ‘catching’ from each-other . . . TV off, mask off, gloves off.

    For example again on statistics, looking at the ‘official’ numbers, the country of Mauritius has a population of circa 1.3 million, and only 10 deaths. This number of dead against the number of live bodies is only 0.00007%, yet the country has been on strict lockdown for well over a month now. Also, as at time of writing, India has seen 779 deaths among a population of over 1.3 billion (one thousand times that of Mauritius), which is a death rate of 0.0000006%. They are also on lockdown, starting with a 21 day ‘stay-at-home’ government-enforce stint commencing on April 23rd. Many countries have taken lockdown rules to ridiculous extremes, with special mention here to President Duterte of The Philippines, who has been quoted as saying that those who violate the nation’s new quarantine laws will be SHOT! Makes you wonder whether any such killings would be labelled as COVID-19 deaths?!

    In an attempt to avoid misguided policemen, hefty fines, and being shot at, I have been busy . . .

    I have been at home researching the COVID-19 situation since lockdowns began. I have been using my government-gifted spare time to scour the Internet and to read as many books as quickly and as attentively as I can. I must add here that I have not only been looking for proof of COVID-19 as being a fabricated story, but I have also been taking an equal measure of time to try and back up the theory that it is a very real and worrying thing in and of itself too. Sadly for me, this latter element includes keeping up to speed with as much mainstream media as possible, and reading news articles and watching videos supporting the official narrative. I say ‘sadly’ here, as it is genuinely tiring and stressful listening to the non-stop ‘party-line’ on it all; FEAR! FEAR! FEAR!

    Let me assure you that my intentions are all good. All I ask is that you take the time to check out this very credible alternative narrative, just as I did. I for one, firmly believe it to be true. So, consider the countless hours that you have already spent following the official ‘story’ of made-up nonsense, and take a little peek at the more credible flip-side. It might well affect your life more than you could imagine. Who knows, you might take more time out to learn more, you may well change your views, and you might then do something directly beneficial for you and your loved ones too.


    I am a genuinely concerned citizen. In fact, I am one of many many many concerned citizens in the World right now. However, my concerns now are in no way related to ‘catching’ a disease from any of you reading this, or ANYONE in the World for that matter, but more so my concerns are about our uncertain and rapidly-changing future. What kind of World will we and our children be subject to in 10 years or so if we continue down this COVID-19 path? Will it be a socially-distanced, vaccine-certified, ‘One-World’, medical-tyranny existence for us all?

    So, as I say, my intent here is not to simply rubbish the official narrative, but to investigate it, to put it to some measure of truth-litmus-testing, and to evaluate for myself what to do for me and my family given all my new findings. As a father and a husband, I can no longer hold myself back from knowing more, to finding out what’s really going on. Do I sit on my backside and do the square-root of nothing, waiting for a bunch of muppets to tell me what to do, or do I actually do something else; something positive to try and make a difference, particularly for my loved ones? What to do? . . .


    I choose doing over sitting. That’s MY choice. Thankfully I still have that choice, and I write this hoping that you read, hear and act in your own way upon these words from a non-believer, as with no exaggeration, this rapidly escalating situation could very well be a matter of life and death, for me, for you, and for literally billions of others across the World. Please take it, and me, seriously. You may well NOT see the headline ‘THERE IS NO VIRUS’ as believable at first, but please, please, keep reading, keep looking into it. When the penny drops, so too will your jaw.

    And please keep a more open mind than you ever have before too, seeing things for what they are as very best you can, with logic applied, go find a rat where you smell one, put the pieces together, join the dots, and recognise that in these most strange of times that ignorance is a billion miles from being bliss. None of us should be remaining uninformed, none of our rights to freedom of speech or access to information should be restricted. None of them. Consider the things in your life that you now no longer have, and consider the ease at which you have surrendered them all, and also consider too that you have conceded to an authority you have rarely trusted in the past. I wonder what a consensus would show right now on the issues of trust in all of our World’s governments? Would you tick the “I TRUST THEM 100%’ box? Of course not, only the truly ignorant and uninformed would do that.

    Today, more so than ever, what with our currently awful World situation, knowledge is absolutely, totally and utterly, King. It is not hard to see that it is our collective and ever-increasing ignorance - cunningly put there by design - that appears to be the real pandemic. Ignorance has steadily worked its way to becoming a permanent human condition, one that is negatively affecting all of our futures. With regards to COVID-19 and the future of our species, doing nothing achieves nothing, and knowing nothing leaves you helpless.

    I do not mean that if you don’t believe me - that there is no COVID-19 - that you are ignorant. What I am suggesting here, with the focus on ignorance, is that it would be ignorant not to consider this very bold and controversial statement as the truth that exists for many other beings just like me. So, all I ask is that you read on with a lesser ignorance than that you started with a few minutes ago. That’s what I really mean here; surrender to a more open mind, and keep on going down that path. If anything, it’s unquestionably good for your long-term health.


    To most everyone this sounds utterly crazy at first, of course it does, but after much researching of many experts on the matter - as with the example of Dr Lanka PhD above - I can personally do nothing else than conclude that there is NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF OF THE GERM THEORY, the one that says we can ‘catch’ things from each-other. I have found no proof whatsoever, and many of those in the field of medicine, those who have themselves professionally researched the matter, inform me that I will never find any. Apparently, it’s super-tough to find that which does not exist. I have now realised that never has there been any proof of such contagions. Simple as that. So, therefore, COVID-19 does not exist.


    When you say that fast, and recall that there is no proof that we can ‘catch’ things, it sounds ridiculous. But read that paragraph above again, and see that It has NEVER BEEN EVIDENCED. Hence the reason it is called Germ THEORY, and not Germ FACT. I think if it were proven it would actually be called The LAW of Germs? Not sure? Anyway . . . wholly irrelevant because it’s just a theory.

    To me, Germ Theory is much the same as the THEORY of gravity. I am not saying here that gravity does not exist, yet, in reality, no one has ever actually proven that gravity exists either. GRAVITY IS ALSO UNPROVEN. Ask any Astrophysicist, any scientist, or anyone at all, if what I say here is the case or not. Ask them where the irrefutable evidence is. They don’t have ANY! They all think it’s there, some kind of force they label as gravity, but they do not understand it fully enough to evidence it as scientific fact. They all admit this quite openly too. They admit that this theory of theirs has not been proven. As with Germ Theory, feel free to prove to me that gravity exists and I will buy you a house. Tell me about an apple falling onto some dude’s head, and I will crawl into a corner, roll my eyes, and let out an enormous sigh of despair.

    So, when you look at Germ THEORY in the same way as gravity, the much-ingrained FACT that we all believe we can catch things form each-other needs a good looking at, and properly too. The Germ THEORY is the one thing in our present situation that needs some serious investigation, as it forms the backbone and the VERY REAL HEADLINE of our current life stories. Without contagious germs, there is no disease called COVID-19, and hence no reason whatsoever to keep us all indoors whilst we watch the World and our future lives crumble to shit around us.

    In fact, it seems that there are no infectious diseases of any kind whatsoever, yet the ONLY reason that we are all locked up in the confines of our own homes, is germs, lots of really teeny-tiny little buggers, apparently plaguing us all with deadly infection. This is the THEORY that has us all in a state of continual fear of death, which, in fairness, on any other ‘normal’ day, would be a perfectly justifiable reason to stay indoors . . .


    Before you read on, just take a moment to consider what I am relaying to you here. No germs means no COVID-19. So, if that be true, then what the hell is going on?! Makes my heart miss a beat every time I think of this as being the BIGGEST LIE TOLD TO MANKIND. Surely what I am saying cannot be true, it has to be beyond all reason to think that this whole scenario has been resting on just this one untruth:

    GERMS = COVID-19

    Even the likes of the World Health Organisation cannot evidence the existence of infectious germs, those able to jump onto surfaces, or indeed from one person to another. No one has, EVER. As I say, theory, not fact! Hopefully you are getting there with the Germ Theory pitch? I am repeating myself as much as I can, as this is how most humans absorb the things that they believe to be true. Say it once and it’s gone, but put it there on repeat and it’s soon in there. Tell me, tell me, tell me again . . . got it.

    It is many generations of World-wide indoctrination from the teachings and beliefs of ‘super-germ’ medical scientists that have made us believe Germ Theory as Germ FACT. These scientists have been unduly respected as the great innovators and discoverers, and now, they are being unduly revered as the saviours of our universal health. This germ belief, regardless of how deep it runs, or how many billions believe it, is all entirely FALSE. And you, or anyone else, irrespective of your experience or qualifications, have never proven otherwise.

    Our indoctrination has affirmed the germ belief, and now it is a ‘thing’ for us all; it’s real, it’s true, it exists. And lately, it has gone so far beyond our beliefs, now having infected our faith too. They have had us slowly and surely believe in the HIGHLY-CONTAGIOUS VIRUS story over many decades. We BELIEVE that we can ‘catch’ viruses from each-other, which, by default, enforces our FAITH in those who guide us as how not to ‘catch’ them. Our prayers now sit not with God, but with the scientists who are going to get us out of this mess. Science has been playing God. And if you believe in God, and you have faith in his being, then let’s hope he turns up on the scene real soon, because if not, we are all in some deep shit. Our faith in the beliefs and the teachings of these false prophets has put us all where are are now . . . LOCKED UP!

  • COMPLY OR DIE . . .

    We can’t even pray together, yet we only have ourselves to blame after all, as we have believed them, most all of us, on mass. You must surely have heard science being referred to as a religion? Well, you can guarantee that right now it’s the one with the most believers. It’s not a game of ‘Simon Says’ any more, it’s ‘Science Says’; science says there’s a virus, science says stay in, science says you must have a vaccine, science says the needle is your only hope of freedom. Science even says you’ll die, and the government, taking advice solely from ‘science’, says comply. So, in essence, it’s COMPLY OR DIE. And, of course, you comply! So, as you can see, Science is very much our New-World master.

    My use of God here is purely to express how such deep belief, and such trusting faith, come from such powerful and repetitive messages. Without clear sight of God, many believe, but without clear sight of a virus, we ALL believe. And instantly too, seemingly overnight. But how possible when Germ THEORY remains nothing more than an unproven notion?! The current World-wide mainstream media narrative being inflicted upon humanity is this horrifically terrifying story of a CONTAGIOUS PANDEMIC, one of unparalleled destruction, one that can strike anyone at any time, what many refer to as . . .


    But it’s not so silent when you take even just a short time to look into it. A keyboard, an internet connection and some basic browsing skills can soon direct you towards Dr Anthony Fauci. This character is Donald Trump’s primary advisor on infectious diseases. If you don’t know this man enough to recognise him in the street by now, then you are way way way too tuned out from what’s going on outside. He has been the Director of America’s National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for some 40 years, having now ‘served’ under six Presidents, directly advising each and every one of them. It is the NIAID and even more so the World Health Organisation (WHO) that are those advising numerous World governments. Dr Fauci, in a keynote speech he gave at Georgetown University in America, only three years ago in 2017, gave ADVANCE WARNING to us all. These below were his EXACT words:

    “If there is one message that I want to leave with you today - based on my experience - is that there is NO QUESTION that there will be a challenge for the coming Administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious disease in the sense of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, but also that THERE WILL BE A “SURPRISE OUTBREAK”.


    In this statement, Fauci was quite obviously predicting a future pandemic that we would all see and experience during Donald Trump’s upcoming presidency. He said this LOUD AND CLEAR! There was nothing silent about that statement. And, precisely as he predicted, here we are! Don’t you find that odd? Is this not the very strangest of coincidences?! Does this man have access to an unbelievably effective crystal-ball or a space-time-bending time-machine of some kind?

    If what Dr Fauci said was just coincidence, that we would see a SURPRISE OUTBREAK, then a) why are we all so surprised, b) why is the World so entirely unprepared - particularly him and his colleagues, and c) if he did NOT have prior knowledge of such a thing, then what could possibly possess anyone - particularly him, in his prominent position of such immense public trust - to make such a wicked and panic-causing statement?! If his was just a hunch, then why not keep it to himself, tell those he needed to tell, and work behind the scenes on a seriously good plan towards being fully prepared. If he knew it as 100% FACT, which I suggest that he did, then that’s either, a) sick and twisted, b) dereliction of duty, and/or c) just plain stupid to blurt it out.

    And there’s more of this amazing fortune-teller insight from another prominent and highly-revered time-travelling figurehead too. These words of even more accurate ‘guess-work’ from a man called Barack Obama. You may have heard of him? This is what he said 5 years before this Coronavirus outbreak:

    “There may, and LIKELY WILL, come a time in which we have both an AIRBORNE DISEASE, and is DEADLY. And in order for us to deal with that effectively, we have to put in place an infrastructure - not just here at home, but globally - that allows us to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly. So, if and when a new strain of flu, like the Spanish flu, crops up FIVE YEARS FROM NOW [2019], or a decade from now [2024], we’ve made the investment, and we’re further along to be able to catch it”.

    When President Obama referred to the Spanish Flu, he was talking of a supposed infectious-disease pandemic that occurred shortly after the First World War, some 100 years ago, with varied estimates of casualties being anywhere from 10 million to 100 million people. Their counting of the dead was obviously not so accurate back then!

    So, why the prediction in such recent years that we would soon face a similar virus ‘killing-spree’ like the Spanish Flu? Why now the prediction, and why predicted to be within a specific five-year range? How could ANYONE possibly predict THAT?! Many loved Obama, but really, truthfully, can he, or anyone for that matter, really see into the future? I think not, but I also think that these give-away tales from Fauci and Obama go some way to opening up the can of nasty little worms that is COVID-19. Not only was this scenario known to be coming, it was planned, and these two characters, among many others, are in-the-know. You, however, are not.

    After a great deal of my own research, to me, my opinion is now firmly that we are witnessing the beginnings of medical control over the World’s population. We are being primed to concede to vaccines, and the likes of Obama and Fauci have simply been participating in the priming. This is the end-game, the ‘control-by-vaccine’ one. It’s just too obvious to not be the case. Those offering the vaccines and the advice to take them are at the forefront of why you are stuck at home waiting for them to save you from your ‘doing-nothing’ and completely powerless existence. They have you right where they want you, as what they need to finish the plan off is a needle in your arm.

    Instil fear, inject poison, impose conditions. Three birds, one stone.


    Before I move on from here, probably best that I go back and explain a little more about my journey towards discovering that viruses do not cause diseases. You may be thinking I didn’t give much information on that part, other than the brilliant Dr Lanka’s narrative of course. So, back to germs and diseases we go . . .

    My Google searching began with typing in the word ‘contagion’. It took me to a few videos on YouTube and several written articles to begin with. I found scientists, academics, professors, those with PHDs and so on, all explaining how disease is spread, or at least how they themselves see it as being spread. But, among this searching I stumbled across a very recent online interview with a man called Dr Andrew Kaufman, an experienced medical man who states categorically, with no doubt whatsoever, that the theory behind germs leaving one human to then go off and infect another is not in any way scientifically proven, and never has it been, so hence why it remains a theory. In a very recent interview online, the very first question put to him was IS THERE A VIRUS? . . . and his very uncomplicated reply was: NO!

    On first hearing this, mindful of what we have all been going through, and of course all that we have been told and learned along the way throughout our lives, I was immensely shocked. I mean, really, anyone would be. No doubt you are? My first thought, quite reasonably, was “utter nonsense, you’re talking shit, just not possible”. We all KNOW that we catch germs from each-other, we all KNOW diseases are spread from person-to-person. We ALL KNOW this to be true. But, here was Dr Kaufman, a life-long medical man, telling us that what we believe to be true, is in fact, utter nonsense. You couldn’t make it up, yet, seemingly, THEY have! The whole story, just made up. Out of thin air. Phoooph!

    On the 29th April, Dr Kaufman was interviewed for an online show called London Real. I have not heard our current crisis explained so well by any one else, so I strongly suggest that if you want to hear what he has to say on the matter of YOUR LIFE, then go to and check it out. All you have to do is register to their site to be able to watch it, no catches.


    In further back up to what Dr Kaufman says on the matter of THERE IS NO VIRUS, a good guy to check out is Jamie Freeman, who can be found at, where you can easily find his piece called “you-cannot-catch-coronavirus-it’s-impossible”.

    Anyway, not satisfied with just hearing this from one or two men - who could themselves very well have been out on day-release from some already deeply-isolated asylum - I started looking for books to read about disease, viruses, contagions etc. I came across many, but to date I have only had time to get my face deeply embedded into two of them, both of which make for mind-blowing reads. Others I am keeping to read later, but also referring across to as and when needs arise. For now, I will focus on just these two. They are certainly more than enough to get you convinced too.

    Before quoting directly from these two books, let me firstly just list a few of the chapter headings from the book WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? These will give you some idea of what these researchers and authors have concluded about vaccines, germs, infectious diseases, and the money-men controlling today’s global health advice:

    Chapter 2: Vaccinations; Ineffective and Dangerous Chapter 3: The Germ Theory; A Deadly Fallacy

    Chapter 4: ‘Infectious Diseases’; Dispelling the Myths Chapter 9: Vested Interests & The Agenda for Control

  • VIRUS MANIA . . .

    This below, is a direct cut and paste of the description of the book VIRUS MANIA, taken from Amazon:

    A daily scan through the news gives the impression that the world is constantly invaded by virus epidemics. The latest headlines [2007] feature the human papillomavirus (HPV) alleged to cause cervical cancer and the avian flu virus H5N1. The public is also continually terrorised by reports about SARS, BSE, hepatitis C, AIDS, Ebola, and polio. However, this virus mayhem ignores very basic scientific facts: the existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents HAVE NEVER BEEN PROVEN. The authors of Virus Mania, journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and doctor of internal medicine Claus Kohnlein, show that these alleged contagious agents, are, in fact, particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs, malnutrition, pesticides and heavy metals.

    The central aim of this book is to steer the discussion back to a real scientific debate and put medicine back on the path of an impartial analysis of the facts. It will put medical experiments, clinical trials, statistics and government policies under the microscope, revealing that the people charged with our health and safety have deviated from this path. To substantiate these statements, the authors cite dozens of highly renowned scientists and present approximately 1,100 pertinent scientific references.

    The topic of this book is of pivotal significance. The pharmaceutical companies and top scientists rake in enormous sums of money by attacking germs and the media boosts its audience ratings and circulations with sensationalised reporting (the coverage of the New York Times and Dre Spiegel are specifically analysed).

    “The primary purpose of commercially-funded clinical research is to maximise financial return on investment, not health”, says John Ambramson of Harvard Medical School. Virus Mania will inform you on how such an environment took root and how to empower yourself for a healthy life.

    So, here below, a few more VERY IMPORTANT cut and pastes from the book WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? I could have included more here, but I have done my best to find those that are both the most relevant and the most important. Emphasis has again been placed here by me to focus on what is being said that most affects us right now:

    Scientists state that the word ‘theory’ does not refer to ‘an idea’, but that it has a much more specific meaning. The first phase of a scientific investigation involves the creation of a general hypothesis, which is a suggested explanation for the subject under investigation. Experiments are then devised and conducted in order to discover more information about and gain a better understanding of the phenomenon under review. The results of these experiments usually lead to the creation of a theory, which is intended to provide a more comprehensive and compelling explanation for the phenomenon than the explanation provided by the hypothesis.

    References by the medical establishment to the ‘germ theory’ would therefore tend to suggest the existence of a number of established facts, which are: that all ‘germs’ have been thoroughly investigated and identified, tested and verified; that their ability to cause disease has been scientifically proven beyond doubt; and that the ‘theory’ furnishes a comprehensive and compelling explanation for ‘germs’ and the mechanisms by which they cause disease.


    It is a fundamental principle that the burden of proof lies with those who propose the theory. Yet in the case of the ‘GERM THEORY’ that ‘PROOF’ DOES NOT EXIST; there is no original scientific evidence that definitely proves that any ‘germ’ causes any specific infectious disease. The ‘germ theory’ has become deeply imbedded not only with modern medicine, but also within the ‘alternative health’ community. The belief in ‘germs’ is so pervasive that virtually all physicians have accepted the ideas contained within the ‘germ theory’.

    So, this suggests that not only have we ‘non-medical’ types believed it, but so too have most all those in medicine too. WOW!


    What these incredibly well-researched books also suggest, very convincingly - unlike the ‘official’ story - is that the reason we all get similar symptoms of ‘disease’ at similar times is due to our toxic environments, Consider the terrible sanitary conditions back in the post-war times of the Spanish flu, when much of the World was in ruins, and where many people lived among open sewage and were eating poorly. Consider the chemicals we consume in modern foods, the pesticides on our fruits and vegetables, the petrochemicals that make up most ALL medicinal drugs AND the countless chemicals that make up most every-day products that we use. Consider too the general pollution in our environment, as well as in our water, and consider too the toxins in the likes of alcohol, tobacco and so on. If you think it through logically, you will see that this actually makes very good sense, whereas germ theory does not.

    The symptoms of what we term a ‘virus’ are simply the body’s reactions to alien toxins that the body wishes to expel. We sneeze, we cough, we run fever, we sweat, we get diarrhoea, and we vomit. All of these result in toxic entities being kicked out of the body. All of these responses and symptoms are induced by something that already exists inside us, and NOT as the result of something that we ‘caught’ from someone else that is buggering us up from the inside-out. Makes perfect sense that our super-complex and amazing bodies can manage toxins in this way, yet . . .

    We have ALL believed in germs, FOREVER, ever since we started watching cartoons

    You have believed in it, I have, and so too has most of the entire population of the World. Had we all have been told and known the above to be true, that germs do not cause ‘infectious’ diseases, then naturally we would have told our respective Governments to piss-off when they told us to self-isolate. I mean, really, I was truly stuck for words for a bit, not quite sure what to say next, what to do, how to react. I have read a fair amount in my life, but NEVER have I been so shocked by any single finding. As I say, do your own research, try and read more, and do your level best to take this time at home to get your face out of that poisonous and repetitive mainstream TV. Germs are NOT real - the ONE thing that can unlock you from your shackles - but you won’t be hearing THAT on the news. So, if we are not victim to germs, and there is no COVID-19, then it obviously begs the questions: What the HELL is going on?! And, WHO has been locking us up, and why?

    My opinion, and that of a growing number among us, is that this COVID-19 pandemic is a control conspiracy of enormous scale, devious and long-term in its planning, and one almost now fully-delivered by those with a twisted agenda and an untold lack of care and compassion for human life. At first reading, if you have heard nothing of this connection before, it sounds intensely far-fetched. It still does to me too, but nonetheless, with my newfound disbelief in Germ Theory, it is now my utmost belief that we are witnessing what many now refer to as a PLANDEMIC.

    If the authors of such books as these that I have quoted from are correct, that there is NO VIRUS, then for what reason have we been told these lies? And far more importantly, WHO has lead us to believe this fabricated nonsense? Why do we hold our faith in our World leaders and governments now where we have never trusted them before? Is it merely because this time it’s our very lives that are at risk? And another question I have for you here is . . . if you were told a few months ago, from the outset of all this lockdown, that you would have to stay isolated for at least 12 months, possibly much longer, until such time as a vaccine were available, would you have conceded to the same story and the same lockdown rules? Would you have complied with such ease? Our restrictions have been fed to us on the drip for this very reason.


    None of the official story makes any sense whatsoever, and neither does the reaction of the general public to what I can now only see as BASELESS, purposely-designed, cruelly-inflicted, ECONOMIC DIVISION and FEAR. Our conformity to rules and regulations based on utter made-up rubbish is unfathomable. As you can see, all of this crap can so easily be debunked. I am no investigative journalist, and you don’t even need access to ANY government department’s deeply-buried secret documents, it’s all available already, although most of it is presently out there waiting; currently classified as ‘general un-knowledge’. We are poorly-informed, we are weak, and dare I say it, we have been programmed to be so. Surely we should at least know of such strong and convincing ‘alternative’ opinions, those given by professionals in the area of utmost importance to our lives right now? No?!

    And COVID-19 is by no means the end of this STORY either, as there is undoubtedly more bad news to come if this PLANDEMIC maintains its pace and current trajectory. But how so, why more negative news to come when it should not even have been news in the first instance? If it is true that infectious germs cannot travel between us, or harm us, and that these researchers and medical book writers are right every step of the way, then why are we looking at such a constant stream of CONTAGION news? Have these authors of the books mentioned above just made all this shit up to confuse us? Are they the real psychopathic liars? Or is there real merit and truth in their words, and therefore absolutely none whatsoever in the official COVID-19 narrative? Look it up, see for yourself. Keep reading on, you will get a good idea as to where to start your searching.

    Here below is just one example of thousands upon thousands of international media headlines with the same or similar narrative, and the same fear-mongering tone. This, below, is the headlines to a recent article (April 2020) from the UK’s Guardian newspaper, who, just like all other mainstream media titles, are endorsing the germ story, of course!, and also inferring that what we have seen and experienced so far is pale in comparison to what lies ahead:

    “Coronavirus: UK lockdown could be indefinite until a vaccine

    is found, warn scientists advising government”. “We are essentially waiting for a vaccine” experts say. “A vaccine is not 5 months away. We know it’s

    at least 12 to 18 months away. So we will have difficult choices to make”.

    What ‘difficult’ choices do these experts have to make? Lockdown or not? Who eats, who starves? Who gets the cure, who doesn’t? Who lives, who dies? Take a moment to consider the tone and the implications of such media headlines. I wish these journalists would give up their ‘jobs’ and practice their ‘profession’. They are bound by a core set of ethical principals, and I see NOT ONE OF THEM adhering to ANY single one of those codes right now. Not one journalist in the mainstream media is honouring his professional code of conduct, NOT ONE. Getting paid to tell lies and maintain the ‘fear-repeat, fear-repeat’ narrative is not a noble existence. In fact, it’s appalling. I hope there are some who have retained enough dignity to do some actual investigation on behalf of their public audience - us human beings - and to question why they only get to report what they are told to report.

    Even if their contagion did exist and it did have some effect on us, then where are the bodies? Where are all these huge numbers of EXTRA people who are supposed to have died because of the alleged virus, where is the sum of all those deaths in addition to all other deaths from all other every-day ‘normal’ causes? Where is the year-on-year rise? Where is the truly visible end-result of all this deadly contagion? Where are the bodies to justify our collective fears? World death figures have shown no indication of such a deadly virus being present among us, certainly not one that’s supposed to be so contagious, non-prejudice, and cable of taking so many of us down so quickly and so easily. Surely we should all be witnessing bodies in the street and a constant flow of ambulances and funeral cars moving through our communities? Yet WE SEE NO SUCH THING.

    Figures also clearly show that countries with LESS lockdown rules have much LOWER DEATH RATES. Fewer people are dying in areas that are NOT LOCKED DOWN! It’s true, look it up, the official numbers show this very clearly. Check out Sweden, compare their current situation with the one that you are enduring. Our ‘trusted’ media will have you believe that these reckless nations are putting the rest of us at risk. How so? Surely, if it were really that bad, the Swedes would all be too DEAD-ALREADY to affect any of the rest of us? We would all be waving goodbye to Sweden with our gloved hands.


    Another incredible example of our weakness to authority and our compliance to senseless regulation is the country of Spain. After not implementing strict early lockdown laws, they are now seemingly bringing themselves ‘back into line’. What follows is a list of their pandemic policy changes after having recently succumbed to external pressures and declared a national State of Emergency. Some of their new laws there include a) travel only for key reasons, b) a specific ban on taking children out for a walk or to see friends or family, c) all bars and restaurants closed, and d) all entertainment venues closed. Yet, quite bizarrely, the very last one on this mainstream media-published list is that MASS TRANSPORT REMAINS OPEN.


    None of these rules make ANY sense, and these are typical of similar rules in many places in the World right now. If we truly were confronting a silent enemy that we could contract when in such close proximity to each-other, then surely mass transport is the VERY WORST of things to leave in place? Consider the dangers of being out in a wide-open space walking your dog against getting onto a bus or a train being in close proximity to dozens of other diseased ‘infectors’. As you can see, it doesn’t take more than a keen eye and an inquisitive mind to seriously bring into question this SUPER-BUG LIE. These ‘expert-advised’ rules make no sense at all, because they come from those with an agenda that has no focus on human health or wellbeing. THEY tell us that WE are the SICK ones, and THEY tell us that WE should all be LOCKED AWAY, right up the point at which WE finally get a NEEDLE IN THE ARM.

    The irony!

    WE SHOULD NOT BE IN LOCKDOWN Not a single one of us. THEY should.

    It should never have started, and it should end as soon as possible. Why the fear and why these militia-style house-arrest regulations, certainly when the lion’s share of those who have tested positive to the freshly made and very misleading tests have shown only mild symptoms, and most deaths are among the old and the vulnerable? WHY?! Could they simply have died due to ‘other’ reasons, just like every other year, yet this year they are ‘designated’ as COVID-19 victims? People die, daily, in big numbers, of many different causes, as there are over 7 billion of us, and one day we all die. It’s not as if there is no one dying of normal and natural causes just because we are all tucked away indoors. All the logic in me tells me that there are probably more deaths occurring during lockdown than at any other time, as many of those who need treatment are not able to get it. Hospitals are ‘apparently’ too busy to treat them.

    Interesting to see now that the media focus is on the young being affected too. In the UK recently, a young man of 18 was reported as having died ‘from’ COVID-19. The hospital where he died released a formal statement informing the media that he had died from a heart condition, yet the media had already sensationalised his death as a COVID-19 one, and then continued to do so for a further week or more beyond the hospital’s very specific ‘non-COVID-19’ statement. How is this honest journalism? Who is responsible for these most misleading stories, and why are they all we hear? Why NOT tell the truth? Why are such things being so distorted? Simple to answer . . .


    The pitch is to steer you away from an ordinary flu or other ‘normal’ causes of death, and to drive your thinking towards a very unique disease with far-reaching consequences. No one young dies from such ailments as seasonal flu, only the old and the weak do. But plenty of the young die from cancer, heart disease, and so on, every single day. Tragic, of course, as death among the young always is, yet true.

    If only someone could just explain all of this to me in a language that I understand, or in a way that I might even begin to accept. Please! We are seemingly terrified of something that is undeniably LESS HARMFUL to us statistically than seasonal flu, certainly in terms of the official numbers to date. You don’t have to be a mathematician or a scientist to see that! This ridiculous World-wide reaction is one resulting from planned World-leadership collusion, or at very least soft-acceptance on the part of our World leaders, and not one of accurate information or logical guidance and common sense. Have none of these countries done any of their own research? Have they all been pressured, blackmailed, or paid-off, to go along with this most wild of tales?


    So why are so many Nation’s elected representatives following the advice of the World Health Organisation (WHO), and their experts? It only takes a short while online to research the WHO and see that they are a corrupted organisation, heavily influenced by private investment, and that they are actually nothing more than vaccine brokers for their private ‘vaccine-invested’ partners. The WHO seemingly have a habit of covering up their inadequacies, and a guilt-free attitude towards promoting the wares of their partners. Those ‘partners’, their REALLY BIG ones, their largest financial contributors, are in bed with WHO for one reason, and one reason only, to promote the implementation of their drugs and their vaccines. Check out a documentary called trustWHO. It was on Netflix last year, but it’s surprisingly not on there now. It has to be bought and viewed online, I think it’s about £5.

    Those partners of the WHO with vaccine patents, such as the coronavirus one that Bill Gates has (100% true, Google it), stand to make trillions of dollars from this COVID-19 ‘scam’. Gates runs a business that makes money at the expense of the health and freedom of mostly all of mankind. His is not a charitable entity concerned with our health or wellbeing. Do NOT get the two confused.


    Whatever is ACTUALLY going on, he is without a shadow of a doubt at the very forefront of it. To start finding the culprits and the depth of this deception, the journey begins with Bill Gates;


    As the man who seems to be fairly well connected in the tech arena, you would imagine that by now he must sense a wave of growing mistrust towards him? He must at least be told what many in the World are saying about him. He cannot possibly be oblivious to this. He has more than enough access to input-information to not only hear these allegations, but also enough output-capacity to defend himself, openly, to the whole World. I see him as someone having a group on his phone called ‘EVERYONE’, with 7 billion names in it. Why then, with allegations against him, does he not come out and explain himself to those accusing him of such terrible things? Why does he not assure us that his intentions are good, and that he is being entirely misunderstood. Why not?

    In among the World’s many varied criminal activities, these businesses - those owned by the likes of Gates, those with substantial equity-interest in the health of the World’s population - are DRUG DEALERS. It’s a very basic and very obvious drug-dealing arrangement. Gates & Co make the drugs, as well as supply all the ‘experts’ that confirm their safety, and the WHO then broker them to the many different nations of the World, who then ‘pay’ for them with tax-payer’s money. His toxic needle is going in your arm, and YOU are paying for it. It’s corruption to the core, just as has any form of lobbying and financial influence in politics been for all time. Money buys politicians, money buys the rules of the land, the rules suit those with the money, money buys more politicians, and then more rules, and so on and so on. As vicious circles go, this one is ‘gold-plated’ obvious. As I say, it’s just so basic, so OBVIOUS.


    Businessmen run the show on Earth, the whole picture. This can no longer be ignored or denied. Money not only makes the World go round, but it often puts it into some fairly hair-raising spins too, this pandemic being the biggest ‘SPIN’ ever. It’s all about money, it’s always about money, and it’s always about money’s agenda. We are witnessing yet another drastic redistribution of the World’s wealth, the BIGGEST ONE EVER in fact. The pushers of the drugs clean up and make a vast fortune, while the rest of mankind is left to pick up the crumbs of the fastest AND biggest economic downturn in the history of life on Earth. That’s the plan, and it will be the outcome too if we all sit and do nothing.

    Staying on the money trail here, even James Bullard, President & CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank in St Louis, America, is openly promoting DAILY TESTING of EVERYONE. It’s out there, in the open (look it up), these money-men now informing us directly themselves that normality will ONLY return when people have ‘badges’ (metaphorically speaking) of some kind to demonstrate their conformity to vaccine regulations. What has human health got to do with bankers all of a sudden? I don’t take health advice from my bank, do you?!

    If you want an injection, and if you want toxic chemicals that demonstrably harm you running through your entire body, then more fool you. They simply do NOT WORK, they are HARMFUL TO ALL OF US. I am now of the firm belief that this has always been by design too. This is no longer just about control of the population, it is about POPULATION CONTROL in tandem with that. Bill Gates, himself the son of a EUGENICIST, has an enormous following, an even more enormous bank balance, and doubly enormous plans to attain some form of digital tracking power, as well as some form of biological influence, over all of us, including YOU. Unless you are in on this PLANDEMIC, this applies to you. You may well have had no choice in the matter, but trust me, it affects you BIG TIME.

    Eugenics, as described on, is “the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics).


    Do people really spend small fortunes on eugenics? Would that money not be better spent in improving the health of the living, and not wasted manufacturing or pre-culling the people of tomorrow?! It’s an appalling thing to be involved in, interfering in what is nature’s responsibility. What’s wrong with us humans just as we are? Yes, we have our shortcomings, of course, none of us are perfect, but are we really that much of a disappointment to the World’s most wealthy and powerful that we need redesigning?! Or is it an issue of food maybe; that we are too many people compared to what there is to eat? Is that it? Is that why they want to depopulate the World? And who is it exactly that they want to depopulate? Which traits are the ones that Gates doesn’t want around any more? If you have a big nose, is that good or bad? If you are black or white? What if you are African? What if you are Indian? Chinese? European? Who is on the hit list, and who gets left living down through future generations in their appalling World of tomorrow? Or is it just a case of scatter-gun genocide until they get it down to a specific number they have in mind?

    Do not for one moment fall under the misconception that this does not apply to you. Gates wants the entire World vaccinated, all 7 billion plus of us, he is VERY CLEAR on that. As further verification of the Bill Gates vaccine situation, overleaf is the direct cut and paste of an article written on 9th April by Robert F Kennedy Junior. To me, thankfully, this is the FIRST time that someone with real credence, from a family embedded in politics, has stepped forward to reveal the truth of what’s really going on among this vaccine madness, detailing the extent of the reach and power of Bill Gates, as well as his designs to either TAG US, KILL US, or PREVENT CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE BEING BORN.


    Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. is an American environmental attorney, author, and opponent of vaccination. Kennedy is a son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former president John F. Kennedy. He is the president of the board of W a t e r k e e p e r A l l i a n c e , a n o n - p r o f i t environmental group that he helped found in 1999.

    From #RobertFKennedyJr‘s Instagram post today, April 9th, 2020:

    #Vaccines, for  #BillGates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including #Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

    Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fuelled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans. Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralysed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialled back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organisation reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

    In 2014, the  #GatesFoundation  funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

    In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

    During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers” Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as “ruthless” and “immoral”.

    In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilising millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.

  • Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

    A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP is killing more Africans than the disease it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children. Gates and the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.

    Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of – hijacking WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development. They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish – that good health only comes in a syringe.

    In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.

    In his recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.


    Gates is akin to a Bond villain. The devious nature of him, the same for the likes of Dr Fauci and their extended psychopathic web, the lengths that they will go to, and the countless people’s lives they will destroy along the way, all meaning NOTHING to them and their kind.

    Back in 2017, Robert Kennedy’s World Mercury Project was joined by the World-famous actor, Robert De Niro - who himself has a son with autism - in a plea to seek anyone who could find proof that vaccines are safe. The offer was (and still is) a reward of $100,000 to anyone who can find a peer-reviewed scientific study demonstrating that ‘thimerosal’ is safe in the amounts contained in vaccines being administered to American children and pregnant women. Thimerosal is a mercury-containing organic compound; an organomercurial. Again, look it up, see what is in these vaccines for yourself. See too if anyone has claimed their $100,000. What would your guess be?


    To add more narrative on the subject of vaccines, below is more cut and paste from the book WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL?:


    “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it” [Mahatma Gandhi]

    Vaccination is widely acclaimed as one of the finest achievements of ‘modern medicine’; a view that is encapsulated by the WHO on the web page entitled Vaccines: a global health success story that keeps us on our toes, which asserts that, “It’s no secret that vaccines are considered one of the greatest global health achievements.” To this statement is added the claim that, “every year they avert an estimated 2-3 million deaths”.


    The quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi that opens this chapter is particularly pertinent to vaccinations, wh ich i s a p rac t i ce based on THEORIES that have NEVER BEEN PROVEN TO BE TRUE. It is for this reason that vaccination must be seen as an ‘error’. It is, however, an error of such a fundamental nature that it cannot be made into ‘truth’ no matter h o w f e r v e n t l y t h e m e d i c a l establishment asserts otherwise.

    The view that vaccination is an error will be viewed as highly controversial; nevertheless, there is an abundance of evidence to demonstrate that, contrary to the claims promulgated by the medical establishment, vaccines are NOT one of the greatest health achievements; they do NOT confer immunity to disease; they DO NOT SAVE LIVES; and, most importantly, t h e y a re N E I T H E R S A F E N O R EFFECTIVE.

    Another good documentary to watch, one that will give you an insight into the scruples of vaccine manufacturers, is ‘TRACE AMOUNTS’. It is not available on Netflix now, although it was before, so now taken down by them, but you can still buy it (cheap investment) on the Trace Amounts web site; which is v e r y e a s y t o r e m e m b e r ;

    The documentary focuses on the use of a substance used in many vaccines called `Thymerosol’. It contains MERCURY, which, to humans, is like kryptonite is to Superman. It’s lethal to us in very very very very small doses.


    Mercury has been present in millions of vaccines given to people across the World for years, new-born babies and pregnant women included. On watching the film TRACE AMOUNTS, if you do not bring into question the concept of having a vaccine in the very near future, then I will be hugely surprised.

    The Mercury levels that are considered as ‘safe’ in tap water by America’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) max-out at 2 parts per billion, which is the equivalent of just two droplets put into an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Then, going up the scale, anything above 200 parts per billion (so still only 200 droplets into that enormous pool) is considered as TOXIC WASTE!

    If you have a mercury thermometer, get rid of it, recycle it safely, and do it VERY quickly. A mercury thermometer contains roughly 0.5 to 1.5 grams of mercury. One gram of this super-toxin will contaminate a 20-acre lake, enough to cause a public advisory notice, one warning of the dangers of eating fish from the lake. See what I mean by mercury being like kryptonite. Under no circumstances do you want to be near this stuff.

    With these two numbers in mind - 2 parts and 200 parts per billion - both clearly demonstrating the toxic dangers of mercury in such TRACE AMOUNTS, it may then come as a surprise to you to hear that the levels of mercury in vaccine shots can reach up to 55,000 parts per billion! This is over 200 times more than the classification for toxic waste. WHAT THE . . . . !!!

    Magnesium-containing Thymerosol was first patented (registered as ‘officially’ owned by them) by the enormous pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly, way way back in 1927. These people have been making vaccines for a very long time. In one ‘human-experiment’ of theirs, they took 22 people who were suffering with specific ‘bacterial meningitis’ infections of the brain. They gave all 22 of them a VERY HIGH DOSE of Thymerosol - a 1% solution (so one part per hundred) - knowing full well that these 1% doses had previously killed ALL the animals in their laboratory. Every last one of these 22 human ‘test-subjects’ took their last breaths in this World very soon after their shot, most of them within one day!

    Eli Lilly’s own report on this piece of ‘valuable research’ was that there were no toxic effects, and that all of their ‘subjects’ had died of meningitis. They also summarised this report by stating that Thymerosol - their drug, under their tests - has “low toxicity towards humans”. Shockingly, this is the only safety study ever carried out for Thymerosol.

    I mean, seriously, what are these people doing? You couldn’t get it more wrong if you tried. What are the people sanctioning the use of such toxins thinking? Who are these reckless fools? Even if there was so little as a one-in-a-billion chance of my kid dying, instantly, from a single injection, then the answer is categorically NO, yet we live in a World where vaccines are MANDATORY for many children in the World, with access to schools being directly dependant upon their vaccine records. No jab, no school.

    Only a few decades ago, there used to be only 1 in 10,000 children who were autistic. Now, in America, there as many as ONE IN SEVENTY. I have seen several different ‘guesstimate’ numbers offered for this ratio, but I have used the number that I found to be the current best case. One autism web site had it estimated as high as ONE IN FIFTY. Regardless of that range, the ratio now is obviously very different to the ONE IN TEN THOUSAND number that it was not too long ago.

    The movie TRACE AMOUNTS explains superbly the fundamental workings of the medical industry and our many differing health organisations. It also highlights, certainly to me anyway, that justice is not being done in medicine, not for us ‘patients’. From what I have learned, from my own research of late, it would seem that health is yet another IMPORTANT element of our lives that has been corrupted, and for a very long time too. The industry seems to be awash with inconsistencies, false reporting, lack of evidence, cover-ups, unethical human testing, general malpractice, poor decision making, and overruling dogmas that are often based on nothing more than theories. Do you know that the third biggest killer of humans in America is the medical health ‘system’. They are responsible for killing a lot of people, including many multiple thousands that die each year from simply taking the drugs exactly as they were prescribed. “I am giving you these, but you may die from them. That ok?”

    The medical industry - same as banking, same as media, same as military, same as politics - operates under the original seed-funding of the super-wealthy. Typically, money for health organisations, hospitals, and medical schools, comes from the ‘foundations’ established by ‘investors’ in the practice of medicine. These seed-funders are often the ones who also go about the business of making all the ‘stuff’ that is used in the practice of medicine; expensive things like equipment, drugs and vaccines.


    These companies who make all of our medical products, are also the same people who have control over those who sanction the use of their poorly-tested products, AND equal power over those who sell or prescribe them. The money at the top pays for the ‘systems’ to remain, solely for them to go unchecked and unquestioned. By way of example . . .

    We go all the way back to 1948, and back also to Thymerosol, when the American Medical Association (AMA) had so many complaints about its use, that they put together a ‘blue-ribbon’ panel - a group of exceptional investigators and analysts - to study, and thereafter, recommend, what the AMA should do in response to this disturbing level of complaints. A man named Dr Frank Engley PhD, a retired Chairman of the Department of Microbiology at the University of Missouri, and a committee member of the AMA’s blue-ribbon study, had the following to say about their findings about Thymerosol:

    “We found out that Thymerosol would be toxic down to not grams, not milligrams, not micrograms, but nanograms, . . . PARTS PER BILLION, which was almost unbelievable. This was published in the American journal, ‘Medical Society, in the New York Academy of Sciences, and in the journal for the Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association . . . . . . and it didn’t make a wave, there wasn’t a ripple, NO ONE SEEMED TO CARE.”

    How are such products as these in general use?!

    So, why is it then, that we are being so obviously over-encouraged to stand to attention and form an orderly queue for these poorly-tested and dangerously-toxic needles to go in us? No place in either my mind or my body in that queue. The ‘sensible’ thing to do is say NO THANK YOU. These appalling pressures come to you care of your government’s ‘expert’ health advisers, those either complicit in the lie, or ignorant of the truth. Much of the information you are uploading to your mind presently is put there to get you a) injected, b) listed, and c) forever located. The poison parts of the vaccine story are the ONLY part that they seem to be omitting, and vehemently denying, from their ‘public information’ propaganda announcements. All this ‘vaccine-negative’ information is ‘out there’, but they choose not to let you see it. Then they can say that all information they censor is for your own benefit; as people like me are putting others like you in danger as a result of our careless and reckless attitudes. Free-thinking is now a sin; a cardinal sin against science. So much for ‘good practice’ from your government, and from their ‘experts’. They tell you it’s true and you cannot question it, deny it, or even so much as speak about it. Again, seems odd?


    Look at it this way; look at vaccines in the same way as you would a holiday. Look at it like you would look at tripadvisor, look at the good and the bad, before you commit, good and bad in equal quantity. There are a lot of damaging comments to be found on tripadvisor. It’s precisely the same for vaccines. Google ‘vaccine risks’, see what’s in them, see what they do to people. There is much doubt about their safety; BIG BIG DOUBT. And, in my opinion, where there is doubt about health effects, such products of doubt should not be rolled-out until those who wish for them to be patented - those most invested in their future commercial success - have tested them on themselves first. I would happily sit back and see how those tests go, after which, we can then make our own judgements on their uses, with choices made both individually, and as a democratic general public too. We get to say what goes in us, not someone else.


    You must have noticed that Bill Gates has fast become the World’s most trusted (and sensationalised) authority on vaccines? Yes? OK, good. In his most recent interview, this one with the Financial Times, carried out over Skype on 9th April, in response to being asked about the trade off in lockdown between human lives and the state of the global economy, he said this:

    “But you don’t have a choice. People act like you have a choice. People don’t feel like going to the stadium when they might get infected. It’s not the government who is saying OK just ignore this disease, people are deeply affected by seeing these deaths, by knowing they could be a part of the transmission chain, and that old people, their parents, their grandparents, could be affected by this. And so you don’t get to ignore what’s going on here. There will be the ability, particularly in rich countries, to open-up if things are done well over the next few months. But for the World at large, normalcy only returns when we have largely vaccinated the entire global population. And, so, although there is a lot of work on testing, a lot of work on drugs that we’re involved with, trying to achieve that ambitious goal - which has never been done - for the vaccine, that rises to the top of the list”.

    So, in summary here to these words from Gates, we have NO CHOICE, and NORMALCY ONLY RETURNS when they have largely VACCINATED THE ENTIRE GLOBAL POPULATION. Very plain to see that vaccinations have risen to THE TOP OF THE LIST. You are on that list too, unless of course you don’t count yourself as among the ‘entire global population’. Trust me, this concerns YOU.

  • WHO’S RUNNING WHO? . . .

    As an aside here, if I were to use the word MANDATORY in a sentence, it would be this: “It is MANDATORY that you know the truths of vaccines, what’s in them, and what the risks are. Obviously you will have to look for this yourself, as the only news you hear is that they are perfectly safe. In fact, you not only hear of the vaccine’s safety, but what also you hear is that not having one is irresponsible. Think of everyone else. WHO would have been putting those thoughts in your mind? And WHO’s running WHO?

    Bill Gates has huge influence over all the key players in the direction of the health of the whole World, and, of course, the promotion of his vaccine agenda. Back in 1999, the Gates Foundation gave an astonishing $750 million to set up GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance. As well as the Gates Foundation, the other ‘core partners’ of GAVI are the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and The World Bank. This Gates fella isn’t just any old mover and shaker, he is up there working with (and influencing) the very biggest of players on the World stage.

    In addition to Gates having major investments in both the World Health Organisation and GAVI, his own business, Microsoft, is also one of four major partners in an Alliance called ID2020. One of the other two partners is GAVI, so again, Gates, in being the main man in two of the four partner businesses, has big influence, if not overriding influence, over what ID2020 does. After all, it’s HIS money.

    But what does ID2020 do exactly?

    ID2020 was established as an Alliance in 2017, with seed-funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, which is yet another family name that often appears in connection with population control. ID2020 says of itself that it is building a new global model for the design, funding, and implementation of digital ID solutions and technologies. Welcome to the new age of digital tattoos, and the very real-life biological and technological warfare against humanity. Your future freedom will depend on your having vaccines AND some form of digital record of them on (or in) your person. Gates is VERY CLEAR on this message, and he is the one guiding all the medical news and advice that we are receiving. And if you think any differently to following his lead, then you are treading on very thin ice. Falling in line is the only way you will be free to travel, free to do the things that you enjoy, and to be with the people you were so used to spending time with before this virus debacle kicked-off.

    We are all led to believe that the brilliant, smart and super-wealthy Bill Gates, together with the World Health Organisation, are doing good work, philanthropy and health-care on steroids, that Gates is the biggest giver of all time, saving us all from an uncertain future death by the use of his life-saving vaccines. After all, it’s what most of us are waiting for in order to get back to normal, certainly if you listen to Gates on the issue, all of us in the dire situation where we have to accept the vaccines to live free. Well, maybe just a little more free than you are now, but not as free as you were before . . .


    According to Gates, there’s really no going back to how things were. Take a look at his very recent interview on UK breakfast TV, where he is now cunningly suggesting that coronavirus vaccine manufacturers (like him) be indemnified against any future claims made against them. He says this indemnity requirement is due to the speed at which they are being expected to prepare such vaccines and get them to market, namely that any vaccine rushed to market may be far from perfect, even harming ‘some’ that are injected with it. So, if vaccine manufacturers get such indemnity from your government, then you will have no claim against him or his company if he makes you sick, sterilises you, paralyses you, or kills you. You will be accepting ALL responsibility when you get your soon-to-be MANDATORY injections, and the only people you can sue - if Gates gets his way - is your government, who, in-turn, working in collaboration with Gates & Co already, will then pay out your claim with taxes previously taken from your pocket. Gates & Co will be free of that burden, and so too of course will your government. YOU are going to be paying for your injection AND it’s consequences.

    Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison has very recently announced that he would like for all of his nation’s citizens to volunteer for their Coronavirus vaccines prior to them being available. He sees it as wise to let it be the choice of the people. But, in the event that not enough come forward voluntarily, then he will make them mandatory anyway. Volunteer to have it, or he’ll make you have it. Pardon my language here, but this is truly un-fucking-believable!!!

    It is a realistic statement to suggest that it could soon be up to these villains as to where your freedoms begin and end. I mean, in reality, you are already victim to it, experiencing it first hand. But if you think for one second that you’re going on a plane, to a sporting event, a cinema, or to a bar or restaurant any time in the future WITHOUT having been vaccinated and digitally tagged, then I think you are supremely naive. This man Gates is running the show, in total control of ALL advice being given to most ALL the governments of the World. HE is the reason you are LOCKED UP.

    Joining the dots yet?


    The World is controlled from beyond governments, by those above them in their self-created capitalist cast-system. These are men with not only far more money than political men and their governments, but they have more money than many countries. These are those men who hold the real-World power, those like Gates, and certainly not those holding that publically-perceived power of the political kind. We all have to question these unfathomably-wealthy villains, we must step out of the fear and call out this all-consuming poison that is now negatively afflicting us all. Robert Kennedy, for one, has made a supremely good start.

    This not only concerns you, but it concerns your loved ones too. What will life ahead look like for you if the swelling masses of people like me are right, and you simply keep calm and carry on, remaining just as you are, sitting idle with billions of others . . . WAITING?! Alternative media is awash with this ‘THERE IS NO VIRUS’ information, yet a great deal of it is being silenced from the masses, those same masses currently addicted to this pandemic and it’s terrifying health consequences care of their television sets and their radios. None of this alternative narrative gets air-time on mainstream media, as health ‘professionals’, caring advisors, and truly uncorrupted and well-informed human beings, NEVER get their voices heard in among the governmental propaganda on this subject. We only ever see constant discussion about what rules should be in force, fresh death statistics, how we should queue at the supermarket, how often we should clean our hands, how far apart we should stand, how great vaccines are, when one for COVID-19 might be ready, and so on and so on.


    Censorship online has NEVER been all that noticeable. But now . . . WOW!!! The ‘officials’ are now having the tech companies pull the plug on ANYTHING that contradicts their ‘official’ story. This extends to friends of Bill Gates that own the likes of Facebook, Youtube and Twitter. They are deciding what people say, see, and hear, with regards the entire COVID-19 story, top to bottom. They are doing this because they are supportive of the PLANDEMIC, and just like their pal Gates, they want you to hear nothing other than what they want you to know. Just as their drug-dealing through the World Health Organisation is, this grossly unreasonable censorship and blatant restriction of our rights to freedom of speech, is all just so obvious. They are ALL involved, Silicon Valley is the cover-up hive.


    Most human beings watching this crap play-out can’t be arsed to consider what else might be going on beyond their own front door. And it just gets worse, as very soon, as it would seem, THEY will be busting through that front door of yours to check on your COVID-19 ‘status’. You’ll be in the middle of a Zoom chat or painting the back bedroom, only to have an unexpected knock on the door from representatives of the WHO, and possibly real soon too. Dr Michael J Ryan, Executive Director of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme, had this to say in a press conference on 30th March:

    “At the moment, in most parts of the World, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that’s actually happening in man