There Is A Time And Place For All Healing Approaches


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Transcript of There Is A Time And Place For All Healing Approaches

Page 1: There Is A Time And Place For All Healing Approaches

People suffering with chronic pain typically find themselves in their primary care physician's (PCP) office.

Primary care doctors are generalists. They know a little bit about a wide array of medical topics. However, they aren't

well trained in the diagnosis & management of chronic neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) pain. Subsequently most cases which go to primary care end up undiagnosed or

misdiagnosed. Worse, the well-intentioned yet untrained physician writes prescription after prescription for pain

killers, muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories. None of these pharmaceuticals actually fix the cause of the

problem. But they offer temporary relief.

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What's worse, more problem comes into play after the patient has been taking these drugs for years on end. Not only are their problems getting progressively worse, but now they have yet another set of problems. The drugs

they're taking are wreaking havoc on their gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and brain. This then leads them to take

more drugs to counteract the effect of the first types of drugs they're taking. People who take Cox2 inhibitors for

joint pain may also end up with cardiovascular disease caused directly by the medications. Some of these

problems include complete blockage of critical blood vessels (such as the carotid arteries or coronary

arteries), resulting in strokes and heart attacks. (This is why Vioxx & Bextra were pulled from the market).

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The part that amazes me the most is these M.D.'s (and D.O.'s) know about the risks. They know that all drugs are

toxic, all of them have side effects and all of them have adverse interactions with other drugs. They know

natural, non-drug therapies exist. And yet they stubbornly refused to refer their patients to these natural

practitioners. Perhaps it's outside their comfort zone. Or perhaps they naively bought into the anti-alternative

propaganda that was spearheaded by the big pharmaceutical companies (who hate competition).

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Regardless, there are 100% natural, safe and very effective treatments available for chronic musculoskeletal problems

(such as pain in the back, neck, shoulders, arms, hips, knees, feet &

ankles, etc.). Therapies such as chiropractic, physical therapy modalities, active care

rehabilitation, acupuncture, massage therapy, changing your diet, supplements, wearing corrective custom

orthotics (in your shoes) and even mental/emotional/psychological approaches for managing

stress all should be considered.

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It should also be noted, you don't have to get permission from your primary care doctor to try any of these

treatments. He doesn't own you, nor can he block you from going to anyone. It's your body and your money. My advice is to get involved and informed. Read all you can about alternative treatments. Try them out and see for

yourself if they work. Not all therapies work 100% of the time for 100% of the population. Each of us are a bit

different, and that's what accounts for why certain things work for some people and other things work for other

people. There is a time and place for all healing approaches.

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