There are many ways to produce an attractive sketch

Steps in producing an attractive sketch? There are many ways to produce an attractive sketch, but first what is a sketch? A sketch usually refers to a simple and quick drawing that we observe in our surrounding or can also be a form of expressing a personal idea of a subject but not in words, in sketch. A sketch is simple enough to do but producing an attractive sketch requires a few steps like simply identifying the materials required, good preparation, meticulous and critical observation and a simple sketch. Firstly, producing an attractive sketch requires an appropriate identification of materials needed in the sketch before hand. Hence, a good preparation will always win you the race. This is true for most of the things we do in life. Sketching is a spontaneous process that needs no preparation. The first thing we need to prepare is none other than the materials needed in producing and attractive sketch. This may vary depending on the suitability and convenience. A few pencils, a couple of erasers and a sketchpad usually about A4 size should suffice, if you want to produce a sketch while on the move. I find that an A4 size sketchpad would be enough if you plan to sketch while on the move mainly because wiping out an A3 size would draw lots of attention to you and that could be quite hard for you to focus on your sketch. Furthermore, pencils surfs as a great medium for us to draw with. I personally prefer to draw with pencil as it is

Transcript of There are many ways to produce an attractive sketch

Page 1: There are many ways to produce an attractive sketch

Steps in producing an attractive sketch?

There are many ways to produce an attractive sketch, but first what is a sketch? A sketch usually refers to a simple and quick drawing that we observe in our surrounding or can also be a form of expressing a personal idea of a subject but not in words, in sketch. A sketch is simple enough to do but producing an attractive sketch requires a few steps like simply identifying the materials required, good preparation, meticulous and critical observation and a simple sketch.

Firstly, producing an attractive sketch requires an appropriate identification of materials needed in the sketch before hand. Hence, a good preparation will always win you the race. This is true for most of the things we do in life. Sketching is a spontaneous process that needs no preparation. The first thing we need to prepare is none other than the materials needed in producing and attractive sketch. This may vary depending on the suitability and convenience. A few pencils, a couple of erasers and a sketchpad usually about A4 size should suffice, if you want to produce a sketch while on the move. I find that an A4 size sketchpad would be enough if you plan to sketch while on the move mainly because wiping out an A3 size would draw lots of attention to you and that could be quite hard for you to focus on your sketch. Furthermore, pencils surfs as a great medium for us to draw with. I personally prefer to draw with pencil as it is easier to erase my mistakes and it is easy to give the sketch some various tones.

Moving on, the next step is to pick a subject. This may sound easy but it can also be difficult at the same time, reason being there are so many things around us that your subject could literally be anything that catches your eye. It could be a tree you see while sitting at the park, it could be a Starbucks coffee cup that you see across the table or even a torn up soft toy laying on the street, it could literally be anything. This is where observation comes in the picture. Observation is extremely vital as it defines everything you are about to sketch. The slightest error in your observation should change the sketch that you had in mind completely. If you have problems finding a subject to sketch, it is recommended to draw something that you hold an attachment to, as it would be simpler because it can help you be more motivated to sketch and produce an attractive sketch. If sketching something that is moving a bit too difficult, try sketching something simple like a water bottle or a mug on the table. Be sure to observe you subject in different perspective as it could be help in better understanding you subject.

Page 2: There are many ways to produce an attractive sketch

Lastly after all the fundamental work, it is finally time to advance in the most important step, which is to start sketching. This is where people are always stuck as the blank piece of paper staring back at them intimidates them. You shouldn’t allow the blank sheet to frighten you, you have got to take a deep breath and loosen up a bit and let the surrounding inspire you, let nature bring the creative and innovative side of you out. While you start sketching, be sure to trust what your eyes actually see and not what your brain presume it to be. To produce and accurate and attractive sketch, be sure to really observe your subject and not allow your brain to take over, this is because people usually star out fine and when they continue drawing, their brain takes over and it will cause their sketch to be totally different than the actually subject. Still, the most important thing is to not be discouraged by the end result of your sketch if it isn’t as you expect it to be. Remember, a poor drawing shouldn’t be your last drawing. Practice makes prefect and sketching requires lots of it especially if you’re just starting to go into sketching.

So basically, the meat and potatoes of my essay is that in producing an attractive sketch is highly dependent on simply identifying the materials required, good preparation, meticulous observation and a simple sketch. Sketching is a simple and effective way to express ones perspective of something and it is ones way in capturing an image as it is literally seeing the world through the eye of the artist. Sketching are often meant to be done rather than to be showcased. Art is not mean to be awarded and sitting in a gallery but it is mean to express ones self. Therefore, in my opinion everyone should give it a good old college try to sketching, as it is an invaluable tool that helps develop our observations skills.