
The Perm Days is the newspaper for foreign guests of Perm region and english-speaking Perm and Perm region citizens Our partners: SEPTEMBER 2008 №8(16) PERM PROJECTS IN SOCHI At the VII forum of investment projects in Sochi ten projects of Perm krai are to be presented BUSINESS FIRM COUNT. TRADITIONALLY IN AUGUST REGIONAL ENTERPRISES ASSESS LOSSES AND PROFITS 3 OVERVIEW OF THE INITIATION INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN PERM KRAI 4 PERM REGION SPECULATES ON REDUCED TAX RATES FOR ENTERPRISES 4 THE MOTOVILIKHINSKIE ZAVODY CORP HAS BEEN LICENSED BY API STANDARD 4 ACRON RESERVES PLANS FOR VERKHNEKAMIE RECLAIMING 4 PRIKAMIE REVIVES SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY 5 VSMPO AVISMA SETS SUBSIDIARY IN UKRAINE 5 REAL ESTATE. EXPERT OPINION BY SERGEY BUGALEVICH 5 CZECHS INTEREST IN A SKI RESORT IN THE CITY OF KIZEL 5 TO THE PERM AIRPORT IS TO BE CREATED 8 INVESTMENTS IN REGIONAL AGRICULTURE PROVE TO BE EFFECTIVE 8 BANKRUPTCIES, DEBTS AND PRIVATIONS 8 PERM HONEY UNLOCKS GREAT POTENTIAL 8 INVESTMENT ATTRACTING INVESTMENT 6 INVESTMENT CLIMATE IN THE REGION FOR INVESTORS OF ALL SCALES 6 «ПЕРМСКИЕ ДНИ» на русском языке Главные Цифры PROEstatE 2008 1 ОБЪЯвлениЯ. инвестиЦии 1 ОБЪЯвлениЯ. ПрОДаЖа 2 инвестиЦиОнный ПОтенЦиал Перми. известные ПерсОны ПермскОГО краЯ ОБ услОвиЯх ПОвышениЯ интереса заПаДных инвестОрОв к ОБЪектам Перми 2 Бизнес-карта 3 ДОБрО ПОЖалОвать в HiltOn GaRdEn inn 4 ОфиЦиальнОе Пришествие «WOndERHall» 4 TRAGEDY IN PERM Pilots drew aside the falling plane from a residential area Региональная газета Пермского края Пермские дни WEALTH&HEALTH LONG SUMMER WITH THE DEMIDKOVO RESORT! 9 PERM EXTREME PARK IS TO BECOME A MULTI-FUNCTIONAL SPORT COMPLEX OPERATING ALL YEAR ROUND 9 GOLD OF PRIKAMYE. YOUNG SPORTSMEN FETCH GOLD MEDALS TO RUSSIA 9 MEDALS OF PERM SPORTSMEN 9 CULTURE UNCELEBRATED WORKS OF GRAND MASTERS 10 THE NEW EXHIBITION OF VICTOR KUZIN 10 ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION OF VYACHESLAV SMIRNOV 10 IN THE BACKGROUND OF ORDZHONIKIDZE STREET 11 Fate oF Pasternak’s house IS IN HANDS OF BUREAUCRATS 11 RECIEPT FROM A CHIEF-COOK 11 last Page. Perm krai – the region OF CULTURE. OSA 12 Abdullaev Raffig 20.06.1960 (Azerbaijan) Afonasenkov 09.04.1984 Aleksandrova Ekaterina 01.02.1970 Atlan Eric (France) Azizov Mammadali 14.03.1958г. (Azer- baijan) Badirov Anvar 26.12.1951 (Azerbaijan) Beresneva Olga 02.08.1983г. Birlovskaya Natalia 12.03.1971 Bolotov Vladislav 16.06.1962 Brjuhanova Lyudmila 13.03.1959 Demenev Oleg 26.07.1967 Efremov Dmitry 24.03.1973 (Ukraine) Fung Fung 30.08.1982 (China) Golomonzin Mikhail Golub Vadim 21.06.1972 (Ukraine) Ignatyev Alexandr 18.04.1971 Ivanova Olga 03.08.1974 Izhboldin Sergey 22.10.1971 Dzjalalov Akif 18.09.1949 (Azerbaijan) Karakulov Sergey 29.06.1977 Kachapuridze Vladimir 12.05.1976 Kochak Levent Nuri 30.10.1954 (Turkey) Kuzmichev Oleg 04.05.1972 Kuznetsova Yana 17.06.1999 Kutmanov Ilya 27.06.1973 Lapteva Svetlana 19.04.1979 Lozinsky Vladimir 24.02.1972 Lyzov Alexandr 03.07.1981 Lyzova Maria 19.02.1984 Maksimenko Julia Safonova Maria 23.05.1985 Martinacco Tomaso (Italy) Medvedev Maxim 14.01.1976 Medvedev Gjuzel 04.10.1973 Medvedeva Tatyana 09.01.1968 Mirzaeva Nurida 10.01.1986 (Azerbaijan) Mishko Petr of 10.06.1983 Nahumov Ifraim 16.10.1972 Nahumov Golda o 09.03.1984 Nahumov Ilya 08.05.2001 Nahumova Eva of 03.11.2003 Noskova Elizaveta of 12.06.1951 Novozhilov Sergey 17.06.1972 (Ukraine) Nikulin Vadim 04.10.1974 (Ukraine) Oparin Alexey 31.05.2980 Osmanov Tagi of 09.06.1994 Petrova Olga of 14.06.1961 Plesser Maxim of 18.06.1982 Pogodin Vladimir of 05.07.1951 Polygalov Dmitry of 03.11.1954 Popov Nikolay 11.09.1975 (Ukraine) Popova M. of 10.06.1985 Redkin Vadim Safiev Ismagil 13.02.1976 (Azerbaijan) Sankin Evgeny of 15.06.1958 Sankina Lyudmila 25.09.1955г. Senkevich Sergey of 17.02.1981 Sevastyanova Ksenia 23.01.1986 Shabanov Agil 02.01.1967 (Azerbaijan) Shambereva Olga of 26.08.1975 Shlejkova Elena of 03.11.1970 Simonova Galina of 26.10.1975 Sobek Christian 15.04.1973 (Germany) Solodnikova Elena Spivak Alexander of 27.06.2002 Spivak Anna of 03.06.1976 Spivak Jakov of 28.07.1976 Svetlakova Irina of 18.08.1984 Tarasova Marina of 21.07.1962 Tarasova Yana of 31.12.1981 Taymetov Babir 25.07.1982 (USA) Trofimov Alexander 27.06.1963 Ustinova Sofia of 13.01.1980 Jashmanov Oleg of 09.02.1967 Jashmanov Semen 30.07.2004 Jashmanov Mark Olegovich – the baby of 11 months Yudin Sergey of 03.05.1967 Yudina Valeria 06.06.2005 Jugas Lyudmila 08.12.1957 Zalazaeva Olga 22.11.1980 Chetyrkina Elena Troshev Gennady14.03.1947 The crew: The aircraft commander – Medvedev Rodion Mikhajlovich 2nd pilot – Allaberdin Rustam Rafailovich Stewards: 3. Shirokova A.D. 4. Noritsina T.V. 5. Jakovleva A.J. 6. Kuchma O.V. Engine failure caused an Aeroflot Boeing 737-500 plane crash in Russia on Sunday which killed all 88 people on board. The Boeing-737-500 was traveling from Moscow when it went down on the outskirts of the city of Perm around 3:15 a.m. local time. Eighty-two passengers, including seven chil- dren, and six crew were on board. The crash destroyed a section of railway and shut down part of the Trans-Siberian railway. The plane, operated by a division of Aeroflot, was on its approach to land when it crashed into an un- populated area of the city, just a few hundred yards from residential buildings Names of our relatives, friends, children and parents from this flight: Perm regional newspaper


BUsiness WealTh&healTh attracting inVestment 6 inVestment climate in tHe region For inVestors oF all scales 6 long summer WitH tHe demidKoVo resort! 9 perm extreme parK is to become a multi-Functional sport complex operating all year round 9 gold oF priKamye. young sportsmen FetcH gold medals to russia 9 medals oF perm sportsmen 9 Our partners: «ПЕРМСКИЕ ДНИ» на русском языке Stewards: 3. Shirokova A.D. 4. Noritsina T.V. 5. Jakovleva A.J. 6. Kuchma O.V.

Transcript of the_perm_days-16

Page 1: the_perm_days-16

T h e P e r m D a y s i s t h e n e w s p a p e r f o r f o r e i g n g u e s t s o f P e r m r e g i o n a n d e n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g P e r m a n d P e r m r e g i o n c i t i z e n s

Our partners:

SEPTEMBER 2008 №8(16)

Perm ProjecTs in sochiAt the VII forum of investment projects in Sochi ten projects

of Perm krai are to be presented

BUsinessFirm count. traditionally in august regional enterprises assess losses and proFits 3oVerVieW oF tHe initiation industrial enterprises in perm Krai 4perm region speculates on reduced tax rates For enterprises 4tHe motoViliKHinsKie zaVody corp Has been licensed by api standard 4acron reserVes plans For VerKHneKamie reclaiming 4priKamie reViVes sHipbuilding industry 5Vsmpo aVisma sets subsidiary in uKraine 5real estate. expert opinion by sergey bugaleVicH 5czecHs interest in a sKi resort in tHe city oF Kizel 5to tHe perm airport is to be created 8inVestments in regional agriculture proVe to be eFFectiVe 8banKruptcies, debts and priVations 8perm Honey unlocKs great potential 8

invesTmenTattracting inVestment 6inVestment climate in tHe region For inVestors oF all scales 6

«ПЕРМСКИЕ ДНИ» на русском языкеГлавные Цифры PROEstatE 2008 1

ОБЪЯвлениЯ. инвестиЦии 1

ОБЪЯвлениЯ. ПрОДаЖа 2

инвестиЦиОнный ПОтенЦиал Перми. известные ПерсОны ПермскОГО краЯ ОБ услОвиЯх ПОвышениЯ интереса заПаДных инвестОрОв к ОБЪектам Перми 2

Бизнес-карта 3

ДОБрО ПОЖалОвать в HiltOn GaRdEn inn 4

ОфиЦиальнОе Пришествие «WOndERHall» 4

TrAgedy In PermPilots drew aside the falling plane from a residential area

Ре г и о н а л ь н а я га з е та П е р м с к о го к р а я

Пермские дни

WealTh&healThlong summer WitH tHe demidKoVo resort! 9perm extreme parK is to become a multi-Functional sport complex operating all year round 9gold oF priKamye. young sportsmen FetcH gold medals to russia 9medals oF perm sportsmen 9

cUlTUreuncelebrated WorKs oF grand masters 10tHe neW exHibition oF Victor Kuzin 10anniVersary exHibition oF VyacHeslaV smirnoV 10in tHe bacKground oF ordzHoniKidze street 11Fate oF Pasternak’s house is in Hands oF bureaucrats 11reciept From a cHieF-cooK 11last Page. Perm krai – the region oF culture. osa 12

Abdullaev Raffig 20.06.1960 (Azerbaijan) Afonasenkov 09.04.1984Aleksandrova Ekaterina 01.02.1970Atlan Eric (France) Azizov Mammadali 14.03.1958г. (Azer-baijan) Badirov Anvar 26.12.1951 (Azerbaijan) Beresneva Olga 02.08.1983г. Birlovskaya Natalia 12.03.1971 Bolotov Vladislav 16.06.1962 Brjuhanova Lyudmila 13.03.1959 Demenev Oleg 26.07.1967 Efremov Dmitry 24.03.1973 (Ukraine) Fung Fung 30.08.1982 (China) Golomonzin Mikhail Golub Vadim 21.06.1972 (Ukraine) Ignatyev Alexandr 18.04.1971 Ivanova Olga 03.08.1974 Izhboldin Sergey 22.10.1971 Dzjalalov Akif 18.09.1949 (Azerbaijan) Karakulov Sergey 29.06.1977 Kachapuridze Vladimir 12.05.1976 Kochak Levent Nuri 30.10.1954 (Turkey) Kuzmichev Oleg 04.05.1972 Kuznetsova Yana 17.06.1999 Kutmanov Ilya 27.06.1973 Lapteva Svetlana 19.04.1979 Lozinsky Vladimir 24.02.1972 Lyzov Alexandr 03.07.1981Lyzova Maria 19.02.1984 Maksimenko Julia Safonova Maria 23.05.1985

Martinacco Tomaso (Italy) Medvedev Maxim 14.01.1976 Medvedev Gjuzel 04.10.1973 Medvedeva Tatyana 09.01.1968 Mirzaeva Nurida 10.01.1986 (Azerbaijan) Mishko Petr of 10.06.1983 Nahumov Ifraim 16.10.1972 Nahumov Golda o 09.03.1984Nahumov Ilya 08.05.2001 Nahumova Eva of 03.11.2003 Noskova Elizaveta of 12.06.1951 Novozhilov Sergey 17.06.1972 (Ukraine) Nikulin Vadim 04.10.1974 (Ukraine) Oparin Alexey 31.05.2980 Osmanov Tagi of 09.06.1994 Petrova Olga of 14.06.1961 Plesser Maxim of 18.06.1982 Pogodin Vladimir of 05.07.1951 Polygalov Dmitry of 03.11.1954 Popov Nikolay 11.09.1975 (Ukraine) Popova M. of 10.06.1985 Redkin Vadim Safiev Ismagil 13.02.1976 (Azerbaijan) Sankin Evgeny of 15.06.1958 Sankina Lyudmila 25.09.1955г. Senkevich Sergey of 17.02.1981 Sevastyanova Ksenia 23.01.1986 Shabanov Agil 02.01.1967 (Azerbaijan) Shambereva Olga of 26.08.1975 Shlejkova Elena of 03.11.1970 Simonova Galina of 26.10.1975 Sobek Christian 15.04.1973 (Germany)

Solodnikova Elena Spivak Alexander of 27.06.2002 Spivak Anna of 03.06.1976 Spivak Jakov of 28.07.1976 Svetlakova Irina of 18.08.1984 Tarasova Marina of 21.07.1962 Tarasova Yana of 31.12.1981 Taymetov Babir 25.07.1982 (USA) Trofimov Alexander 27.06.1963 Ustinova Sofia of 13.01.1980 Jashmanov Oleg of 09.02.1967 Jashmanov Semen 30.07.2004 Jashmanov Mark Olegovich – the baby of 11 months Yudin Sergey of 03.05.1967 Yudina Valeria 06.06.2005 Jugas Lyudmila 08.12.1957 Zalazaeva Olga 22.11.1980 Chetyrkina Elena Troshev Gennady14.03.1947

The crew: The aircraft commander – Medvedev Rodion Mikhajlovich2nd pilot – Allaberdin Rustam Rafailovich

Stewards:3. Shirokova A.D.4. Noritsina T.V.5. Jakovleva A.J.6. Kuchma O.V.

engine failure caused an aeroflot boeing 737-500 plane crash in russia on sunday which killed all 88 people on board.

the boeing-737-500 was traveling from moscow when it went down on the outskirts of the city of perm around 3:15 a.m. local time. eighty-two passengers, including seven chil-dren, and six crew were on board. the crash

destroyed a section of railway and shut down part of the trans-siberian railway. the plane, operated by a division of aeroflot, was on its approach to land when it crashed into an un-populated area of the city, just a few hundred yards from residential buildings

names of our relatives, friends, children and parents from this flight:

P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

Page 2: the_perm_days-16

SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r


the newspaper is registered in the Federal service of supervision under mass-media and protection of cultural heritage. licence pi #Fs77-29867 of october, 10th, 2007. postal address: 25/b, 253, parkovy blvd., perm, russia, 614097. e-mail: [email protected]. establisher: elena moukhamadeeva (aljona mouse) tel. + 7 922 64 64 644. publisher: perm intermedia group, ltd. director: elena moukhamadeeva (aljona mouse) ([email protected]). chief executive: oksana nikiforova ([email protected]). brand manager: sergey shalamov

([email protected]), tel.: +7 908 255 45 23. authors: alyona Maus, larisa Viktorova. Переводчики: alexandra Vinnichuk, anna shilova, svetlana Grenaderova. acting editor: sergey serdykov. сorrector: Peter Hulme (Bachelor of arts in English literature (Cambridge), Bachelor of science in Psychology (london), Master od science in Clinical Psychology (surrey)). the editors do not share the responsibility for the content of promotional and advertising materials. no part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in written form of the editors. the editors may not share the authors’ point of view. the editors reserve the right to themselves for reduction of publications texts without change of their sense, and also for placing of promotional

materials at own discretion if another situation is not stipulated by contracts. manuscripts and letters are not reviewed and not sent back. Circulation: 8 500 copies. Printing #2115: “novaya tipografiya-Perm”. address: 35, 1905 st., Perm, russia, 614014.

abashev Vladimir ......... 11

acron ............................... 4

andriyaki sergey .......... 10

azot ................................. 3

baklakova ekaterina ...... 9

beleckaya lyudmila ..... 11

beraton ............................ 8

berezniki soda ................ 3


mikhail ............................ 9

borovik evgenyi ............. 9

bugalevich sergey .......... 5

chisovoy metallurgic

works ............................... 4

Halogen........................... 3

Kamkabel ........................ 3

Kamkabel ........................ 4

Kostin ivan...................... 4

Kotelnikov Vladimir ....... 9

Krasnokamsk factory

of metal grids ................. 3


taisiya ............................. 9

Kronospan ..................... 4

Kuzin Victor ................. 10

lenin V.i. ...................... 11

lysenko sergey ............ 12

metafrax .......................... 3

morion ............................ 8


zavody ......................... 3, 4

nytva corporation ......... 3

oleg burtsev ................... 4

pasternak boris ............. 11

perm airlines

company ......................... 8

perm intrmedia

group ............................. 5

richbrokerservice. ......... 8

romanov sergey ........... 12

rosplit ............................. 4

shubin igor ..................... 8

silvinit ............................. 3

smirnov Vyacheslav ..... 10

solikamsk magnesium

plant ................................ 3

solikamskbumprom ........ 3

souyz ingeneric .............. 5

sverdlov y.m. ............... 11

sylvinit ............................ 5

telta ................................ 3

united metallurgical

company ......................... 4

uralalmaz ........................ 8

uralkali ........................... 3

Valishina alexandra ....... 9


shipbuilding complex..... 5

Vishera papermill ........... 8

Аvisma ............................. 5


News iN RUssiARostov

Klondike’s $1bn plan to be #1 in Russia DIY

Kaliningrad-based diy-hypermarket chain Klondyke has announced $1bn plans to open 50 diy-hypermarkets in russia’s largest cities by 2013.

each 15,000-square-meter hyper-market would have 17 point-of-sale terminals and 250 parking spots, the firm said.

currently the company owns three hypermarkets in Kaliningrad.

under plans, the first $17m store outside Kaliningrad is to be opened in rostov-on-don in october this year, followed by a december opening of a store in novosibirsk.


Rosatom plans $1.5bn min-ing cluster

state-run corporation rosatom has announced plans to create a $1.5bn economic cluster for silica extraction and mining in Krasnoyarsk region ceo sergey Kirienko said the full-production circle cluster, carrying out operations from mining silica sand to production of solar battery and microchip, would be built at the site of a semiconductor silica plant in zhe-leznogorsk.

the company’s current capacity is only 200 tons of polysilicon a year. the new cluster will push it up to 3-4,000 tons.


UMMC unveils plan for sec-ond $600m steel plant

urals mining and metallurgic com-pany (ummc) has announced $600m plans to build a metallurgic plant in Bashkortostan’s Yanaul town to pro-

duce mill bars. the company’s Ceo andrey Kozitsin said $200m would be spent on the plant’s equipment.

the plant’s projected annual capac-ity is 550,000 tons of products.

construction is scheduled to begin in 2010 and last two years.

earlier marchmont has reported ummC’s plans to build a similar plant in tyumen region


Tolmachevo to be Russia’s #3 airport?

novosibirsk international airport tolmachevo is to receive an addi-tional $11.8m in subsidies from federal coffers to complete construction of a second runway, the region’s governor Viktor tolokonsky announced today.

completion of its second runway will allow tolmachevo to become russia’s third largest air hub after moscow and st petersburg, the governor added.

the runway is to be completed in 2009.


Merkuriy plans $48m fizzy factory

soft drinks and water producer merkuriy, based in the republic of Karachayevo-cherkesiya, is to invest $48m to build a plant to produce drinking and mineral water, news agency ria novosti reported today.

over 80% of the cost will be fi-nanced by sberbank’s north Caucasus branch.

the new plant, with the projected annual capacity of 14 million water bottles per month, will enable the company to double production capaci-ties.

timeframes for the project are yet to be announced.


Tomsk plans $5bn JSC for cottage housing

the tomsk regional administration has developed a $5bn program aimed at building low-rise cottages in the region, sources in the administration reported earlier today.

to attract private investment the region plans to set up a joint-stock company with authorized capital made up of land sites owned by the state.

all in all, regional authorities have identified for future construction in and around tomsk 50 land sites, which are collectively capable of accommo-dating 25,000 individual cottages.

the first sites to develop are located near the villages of anikino, rodiono-vo, svetly, takhtamyshevo, Kolarovo, Kluchi and sosnovka. their total acre-age is 1,500 hectares. it is planned to build around 10,000 cottages on these sites.

the first seven sites will have been prepared for auction by the end of september.


Tyumen’s $31.7m industrial park lures Germany’s Knauf

the tyumen regional administra-tion’s planned $31.7m investment to build an industrial park project next to the village of bogandinsky in tyumen region has already brought success with the announcement that Knauf, germany’s leading insulation firm, has agreed to build a plant there, sources in the governor’s office said today.

the local government will supply the 300-hectare site with all engineering infrastructure required, including gas supply, a substation, a motorway, etc.

long-term, authorities envision an industrial hub there with hi-tech en-vironment-friendly companies will be turning out high-end products.

a number of other russian and inter-national companies have aso expressed interest in this investment site, offi-cials say.

all preparatory work is to be com-pleted by the middle of next spring.


NLMK funds Maneely deal with $1.5-2bn Eurobond

the novolipetsk steel company (nmlK) has announced plans to float $1.5-$2bn eurobonds, interfax reports.

merrill lynch, societe generale and deutsche bank have been selected as bonds managers.

the funds will be used to refinance part of $3.6bn deal to buy american pipe manufacturer John maneely com-pany (Jmc).

Unique opportunity for Arab and Russian ●companies Exhibition grounds of the “Crocus Expo”, one of ●the largest exhibition centers in RussiaProduction and Services of key Arab and Russian ●companiesNew projects for cooperation ●Establishment of contacts and opprtunities for ●interactionSubstantial work and leisure program ●


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Moscow, “Crocus Expo” Exhibition Center, October 22–24, 2008


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Federal Agency of Industry

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Page 3: the_perm_days-16

PAGE �SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

Газета зарегистрирована в федеральной службе по надзору в сфере массовых коммуникаций, связи и охраны культурного наследия. свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации Пи №фс77-29867 от 10 октября 2007 года. адрес: 614097, Пермь, Парковый проспект, 25-253. E-mail: [email protected]. учредитель издания: мухамадеева елена владимировна (алёна маус), тел. +7 922 64 64 644. издатель: OOO «Пермь интермедиа Груп». Директор: мухамадеева елена владимировна (алёна маус) ([email protected]). исполнительный директор: Оксана никифорова ([email protected]) тел. +7 9222 4000 70. Брэнд-менеджер: сергей шаламов ([email protected]), тел. +7 908 255 45 23. авторы: алена маус, лариса викторова. Переводчики: александра винничук, анна шилова, светлана Гренадерова. и.о. редактора: сергей сердюков. корректор: Питер хулм (кандидат английский литературы (кембридж), кандидат психологических наук (лондон), Доктор клинической психологии (суррей). редакция не несёт

ответственность за содержание рекламных материалов. никакая часть из опубликованных материалов не может быть воспроизведена или перепечатана без предварительного письменного разрешения редакции. редакция может не разделять мнение авто-ров. редакция оставляет за собой право сокращать тексты публикаций без изменения их смысла и также право размещения рекламных материалов по собственному усмотрению, если другая ситуация не предусмотрена контрактом. рукописи и письма не

рецензируются и не возвращаются. тираж: 8 500 экземпляров. Печать: ООО «новая типография – Пермь». 614014, Пермь, ул. 1905 года, 35. заказ №2115. При подготовке материалов используются тексты новостных лент:,,,,,,,,,

iNFRAsTRUCTUReWhAT IS The Perm regIon?A region of the Russian Feder-ation. It’s situated at the joint of eastern outskirts of East European Plain and western flanks of Ural mountains. Formed after integration of the Perm oblast and Komi-Permyak Okrug on December, 1st 2005. Administrative town — PermArea — 160 600 sq. m. Population — 2 730 892 peopleFederal district — Volga re-gionEconomic district — UralsTime zone MSK+2 (UTC+5; UTC+6 in summer)

RiversRivers of the Perm region are related to Kama river basin, the major left tributary of Vol-ga river. There are more than 29 thousand rivers in the re-gion, and their total length is more than 90 thousand kilo-meters. Kama river (1805 km) and its left tributary Chuso-vaya river (592 km) are the only two rivers, accounted as big rivers (e.g. longer than 500 km).

MineralsThe Perm region is rich with various minerals. Oil, gas, coal, mineral salts, gold, dia-monds, chromites and brown

hematite, peat, limestone, precious, semi-precious and cap stones, building materi-als are mined in the region.

FloraThe dominant vegetation in the Perm region is conifer-ous forest. They cover 71% of the region territory. The prevalent breeds of trees are spruce and silver fir. Quantity of deciduous trees increases to the south.

FaunaThere are 62 species of mam-mals (more than 30 of them are marketable ones), more than 270 birds species, 39 fish

species, 6 vermigrade spe-cies and 9 amphibian species. Predator animals are repre-sented with common marten and wolves, widely spread all over the region territory. Also there are ermine and weasel; there are badger and otter in the southern regions and wolverine – in the northern regions. There are bears and lynxes in small number. The most diffuse cloven-hoofed mammal in the region is moose deer. Currently the region is conducting works at acclimatization and breed-ing fur-bearing animals such as beaver, raccoon dog, musk beaver, arctic fox, burrow.

FIrm counT Traditionally in august regional enterprises assess losses and profits

The latest Perm Days issue publishes, for the first time, a review of main market players in Perm krai

The Motovilikhinskie zavody Cor-poration

following the results of the second quarter 2008, has received €2.8 million net profit. in comparison with a similar result for the first quarter, this result is increased by 100.25%. the company sales volume in the first half of the year 2008 has reached €14.7bn, which is 13.1% more than the index of the first half of the year 2007.

the favorable conjuncture in the metals market became the key fac-tor for this growth. the direction of oil-field equipment has shown a growth in production and sales also. the sales volume has reached €24.7 million in the first half of the year which 35% exceeds the index of January-June period of 2007.

The Kamkabel Corporationfollowing the results of the second

quarter of 2008 has increased its net profit to €4.476 million, which is 421% more than the index of the first four months (the enterprise net profit in the first quarter of 2008 totaled €859 thousand). net profit growth is related to the growth of production and production sales in connection with the seasonal preva-lence of manufacture.

The Krasnokamsk factory of metal grids Company

in January-June 2008 has a re-duced net profit 3.9 times greater than in the first six months of last year (down to €144 thousand). the factory gain in January-June was reduced by 7.8% (to €4.6 million), total profit – by 28.5%, (to €1.2 mil-lion), profit on sales - by 2.5 times, (€314 thousand), the profit before the taxation – by 3.7 times, (€195 thousand).

The metal factory of the Nytva Corporation

following the results of the second quarter of 2008 has received €2.035 million net profit. in comparison with result of the first quarter, this index is increased by 37% (the nyt-va corporation in the first quarter of 2008 has made €1.5 million net). the net profit gain is connected with the increase in the volume of shipped production – metal for monetary production.

The Solikamskbumprom Corpora-tion

following the results of the second quarter of 2008. has increased its net profit to €2.917 million. the growth is connected with a launch of cellulose production, lye process-ing activity and the price growth of produced newsprint.

The Metafrax Corporation

in the first half-year of 2008 made €122 million, that is 17% above the same index of last year. the gain from commodity output sale totaled €122 million. the essential influence on financial indexes of company’s activity has created the icrease of the prices for raw materials, in particular a carbamide used in the manufacture, and growth of tariffs for rail transportation.

The Azot Public Corporationfollowing the results of the second

quarter 2008 increased its assets value up to €249 million (plus 63% compared with i quarter 2008). the growth happened because of a long-sighted loan to the sum of €82 million. according to the company’s report, the cost price of sold produc-tion has increased by 27.3% to €72 million.

The Berezniki soda factory Corpo-ration

in the second quarter 2008 made €5.1 million net income. at June 30, the receipts totaled €42 million. the gross profit following the results of the second quarter of 2008 was marked about €17.8 million.

The Silvinit Corporationfollowing the results of the

second quarter of 2008, got €221 million net gain (63 more against the first quarter). the accretion to the capital is connected with the growth in prices for enterprise production. For the first half of the year 2008 the gain in comparison with the similar period of 2007 has increased by 145% (€671 million), the net profit has grown by 246 % (€357 million). Following the results of the second quarter 2008 the company has increased the cost of its actives by 25%. the increase in value of its actives is connected with the growth of receivables, pay-ments on which are expected within 12 months.

The Uralkali Public Corporationincreased its net profit in first

six month by 330% and made €349 million. total gain made up €675 million; it is 146 more than the index of 2007. the gross profit has increased by 120.5% and reached €552 million. For the first seven months of this year, the company has produced 3.1 million tonnes of the commodity muriate: it is 6% above the index of the same period of last year.

The Solikamsk Magnesium Plant Corporation

for the first half of the year, has increased its net profit 507 times in

comparison with the similar period of last year to €3.9 million. the company’s common benefit for the six month of 2008 has increased by 31.3% and totaled €42.3 million. the cost price of sold production has gone up by 10% and made €31.7 million.

The Halogen Corporationin January-June, 2008, has

received a dead loss at a rate of €535million against €127 thousand net profit for the year before. the company gain for the accounting period has increased by 25.9% to €32 million, the cost price of sold production by 39,4%, to €27.1 mil-lion. the total profit of Halogen for the first 6 months of 2008 has reduced to €4.8 million; the sale loss amounted to €217 thousand against profit on sales at a rate of €1 million year before.

«the net profit decrease was af-fected by the growth of the cost of raw materials and materials, an increase of tariffs for energy carriers and rail transportation, and the us dollar exchange rate decrease», the company report noted.

The Perm telephone factory “Telta’”Corporation

in the second quarter of 2008 has received a net profit at a rate of €252 thousand (against €2.9 million in 2007). the enterprise gain in the second quarter has made €18.3 million (against €20.4 for all 2007). the total profit of the company following the results of the second quarter has reached €3.6 million (against €3.9 million in 2007). the company plans a modernization, the acquisition of high-efficiency machine tools, and the working out and introduction of new technolo-gies and new telephone sets.

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SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r


BUsiNessPerm regIon SPeculATeS on reduced

TAx rATeS For enTerPrISeSThe project intro-

duced in 2006 concerning the reduction of in-come tax for private enterprises from 24 to 20% should pay off by 2011 if Perm manages to attract ‘big gamblers’.

in 2006 the proj-ect’s losses amount-ed to €94.5 million, however, in the course of its realiza-tion some extra in-come arose. by 2009 this figure is set to reach €167 million.

the project isn’t restricted to a mere tax rates reduc-tion: it presupposes active investments

and profit centers attracting capital through individual business interac-tions and investment ground develop-ment. today such organizations as le de beauté, Vostok-service, russian textile, and ibs are invited to set their head offices in perm. because of an undertaking with the biggest taxpayers in the sphere of socio-economic inputs, the program resulted in recent arrange-ments with the united metallurgi-cal company (omK) €27.8 million (65% of which constitute

the regional share and along with ones pending with the urals instrument-making plant.

it was recently re-ported that the ural mining and metal-lurgical company may come to perm. ummc (yekaterin-

burg) is one of the largest russian con-cerns: 47 enterprises from 11 regions of russia specialized in mining, metallurgy, processing industry, machinery, cable and wire manufacture and building make up its structure.

OLEG BURTSE v, the Perm Krai Legislative Assembly deputy, stated: — Today we are struggling to create favorable conditions for investors. Income tax goes down, and par ticular grounds are avail-able for fur ther reorganization and development. Par tnership with such an industrial giant as UMMC will definitely increase our chances in the eyes of big economic gamblers.


In September the Perm authorities and the German concern, Kronospan, are planning to sign a contract concerning construction a wood chipboard factory in Dobryanka. The Kronospan general director in Egoryevsk, Ardascher Courbancheau, has confirmed that all the crucial documentation will be drawn up by the beginning of September. Preliminary negotiations and the signing of contract letter took place last autumn. Over the last six months specialists worked hard to determine the project site outlines. Courbancheau has reported that all the Kronospan requirements and specifications are being fulfilled. The new factory will occupy 247.11 acres. Kronospan is ready to invest €300 million in the initial production phase. The company is set to deliver 100-200 thousand cubic meters of particle board per year.

GREMYACHINSK vENEER MILL The Limited Society, Rosplit, which — на Rosplit Ltd. which

specializes in veneer manufacturing is scheduled to launch its production process by the end of 2008. The project’s total cost is €27 million. The enterprise is to produce 18 thousand cubic meters of molded glulam plywood and 60 thousand cubic meters of veneer per year. Birch log will serve as a major raw material. Production waste such as chippings, sawdust, and rind will be used as fuel in the boiler.

In the first production phase the veneer mill is to manufacture molded glulam plywood; its startup is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2008 while the plant’s estimated capacity is set to be reached in 2009. In the second phase (March 2009) the mill will turn to veneer production. The new timber enterprise will be located on the machinery plant industrial site. The business plan and the technical, economic and marketing evaluation has already been developed along with the equipment setup and production design. At the moment specialists are busy with production units’ re-equipment. Contracting agencies are occupied with the construction of a hydrothermal timber treatment reservoir, raw material pickup and storage stations, a branch railroad and a finished goods warehouse.


The Finnish company, Vaahto Oy, is planning to install light coated paper production equipment in the Kama paper mill (part of the Closed JSC Investlesprom holding). The contract for equipment packaged supply for the paper machine #7 was signed in Moscow on August 13. Light coated paper release is intended to start at the end of 2009. The contract’s estimated value exceeds € 30 million. The plant’s production capacity reaches 80 tonnes of high-quality light coated paper per year. No Russian enterprise has produced such a kind of paper so far.


The Ural Works for Material and Tooling is planned to open in Gubakha region by the end of the year. The enterprise is located on the machinery plant Zimus industrial site. At the moment engineers are working on the construction and assembly of electric arc furnaces. Roof repairs, as well as the installation of electricity and plumbing are nearly completed. The Limited Society Ural Works for Material and Tooling has already invested € 1.6 million in the project. The first production stage is scheduled to start up in the fourth quarter of 2008. The factory will produce corundum and zirconium A38 crystal grain. The first stage estimated capacity should reach about 1.1-1.3 thousand tonnes of grain per year. Today crystal grain is strongly sought for both in the home and international market. Besides, the region’s actual demand for this kind of product exceeds this index twice with a deficit volume of 2.5-3.0 thousand tonnes per year.


The Kamkabel Plant effectively achieves a technical renovation program. At the moment a new self-supporting insulated conductor production line is initialized. Testing has been successful; the next stage is production chain startup. The second phase is being assembled. The self-supporting insulated conductors’ production equipment has been supplied by the company’s old partner, Austrian Enterprise Rosendahl. In 2005 Kamkabel purchased the RN-K production train for NYM and other similar types of cable tubing. In 2007 the plant used RN-A train for narrow section cable core insulation. Both RN-K and RN-A constituted a single production complex of cable goods for building construction. Today Kamkabel is Russia’s biggest cabling and wiring goods producer. It manufactures 35% of Russian power cable, 20% of shaft and excavator cable, up to 50% of high-temperature aerocable, 15% of crude-oil pump cable and nearly 15% of winding wire.


The Chusovoy Metallurgic factory (part of the United Metallurgic Company - OMC) has increased its output volume. Over the last seven months the company produced 270.4 thousand tonnes of finished steel and smelted 304.4 thousand tons of steel increasing last year’s seven months index by 6%.

Acron reSerVeS PlAnS ForVerkhnekAmIe reclAImIng

Avoidance of SPO by Acron due to

unfavorable market conditions will not affect the company’s plans for the reclama-tion of the Talitsky area at the Verkh-nekamsk potassium-magnesium salts de-posit in Perm region.

as it was declared by the company’s press relations ser-vice, “We are going to comply with all commitments to the

state”.llc, Verkhnekamsk

potassium com-pany, the offspring of acron, became one of the winners of the auction that took place this year, in march. the starting cost was €17 mil-lion, the selling price amounted to €463 million.

sylvinite booked reserves (of a+b+c1 category) in the talitsky area were specified in the vol-

ume of 681 million tones. the conditions of the auction forced construction to start on the enterprise not later than 2012. ac-cording to the data of acron, the building of potassium enterprise will require about €1 millard. none of the perm region enterpris-es has yet entertained the company’s sug-gestion, made in the mass media at the end of June, of starting the joint reclamation

of talitsky area. now acron is elaborat-ing the technical and economic grounds for the project.

besides it became known that acron opened its represen-tative office on the premises of the ural research and design institute, galurgia. With its help the company is going to develop the project documentation con-cerning the reclai-mion of the area.

IvAN KOSTIN, the GM of Motovilikhinskie zavody Corp.:— Main actions in modernization of production process fall on 2008-2009 and high results achieved in 2007 showed that MZ has quite large resource for the growth. Changes in the structure of the holding and process organization, the shaping of management team found the issue in the increase of sales volume на issue in the increase of the sales volume.

The moToVIlIkhInSkIe zAVodyhAS been lIcenSed by API STAndArd

The Motovilikhin-skie zavody (MZ)

Corporpation has received confirmation from the American Petroleum Institute (API) that the qual-ity of system drill pipes (7-1 standard) and pump rods (11 B standard) conform to API Spec Q1 require-ments. This specifica-tion of the API sets up additional relative to ISO 9001:2000 re-quirements to sys-tems of quality man-agement of supplying and service agencies for enterprises of oil, petrochemical and gas industries.

the api licence gives mz the right to use an api monogram when producing heavy, semi-heavy and kelly joints as well as pump rods, polished rods, and reducing joints – key descrip-tions of the goods which the holding supplies to oilmen in russia and abroad. it is the third time that mZ‘s system of qual-ity management has received the endorse-ment of an indepen-dent institute. the first time the license was given was in 2001.

it should be noted that the national rate agency (nra) gave mz an individual a high solvency solvency rating, the third level. an a rate implies a high solvency level and means that the com-

pany is able to carry out its credit and debt commitments with-out risk of losing its solvency and financial stability. earlier the nra gave mz a bbb+ rating (i.e. sufficient solvency – first level).

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PAGE �SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r


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VSMPO Avisma placed a stake in foreign assets de-

velopment at minimum risks.

the previous day the titanium holding reported about the Vsmpo titanium ukraine ltd. foundation in dnipropetrovsk. the newborn enterprise will un-dertake the modernization of the closed Jsc Vsmpo pipe Works in nikopol, Vsmpo avisma and the interpipe joint project, leas-ing out new equipment to it. ac-cording to this scheme avisma minimizes risks on the one hand and contributes to the works

development without interpipe share cost increase on the other.

the holding’s main objective is to introduce nikopol pipe works to the airbus and boe-ing aero pipes market, which requires compound production modernization. thus the new company will spend its own funds on foreign equipment leasing it out to Vsmpo pipe Works. Funding works’ mod-ernization through subsidiary enterprise will allow titanium corporation to develop the facility avoiding share capital increase.

VSmPo AVISmA SeTSSubSIdIAry In ukrAIne

PrIkAmIe reVIVeSShIPbuIldIng InduSTry

In the middle of August the first dry-

cargo ship, Solikam-sky 6801, for river-sea navigation, built by the Verkhnekamsk ship-building complex, has been floated.

in 2008 the company is going to construct two other ships, to deliver the leading bulk-container carrier, a modernized push towboat and a barge with cargo carrying capacity of 4 thousand tones, and to resume boat- and powerboat-construction.

in april 2006 the revival of large-capacity vessels building began. at the time they started to lay down a keel for the first out of the six dry-cargo ships. the building owner and the investor in the six ships of the line is the Jsc sylvinit company. the llc Verkhnekamsk shipbuilding complex is charged with the ex-ecution of the project.

the region’s governor paid a visit to the ship before its launch and marked the signing of the second con-tract by the company as a significant event for the region. as he explained, “the whole industry is regenerating and the perm region earlier played a promi-nent part in it. now as the interest in river and

sea boats deepens we will regain our position. it will be a real achieve-ment if the factory suc-cessfully competes with similar russian enter-prises. and as we can see it’s already coming to pass”.

at the present mo-ment Vsc is con-structing the second dry-cargo vessel and preparing a field for

the keel-laying of the third ship. sylvinit’s investments into one of such constructions amount to € 9,5 mil-lion. general-service dry-cargo ships built on the order of sylvinit with the cargo carrying capacity of 6.8 thou-sand tones are rigged with unique foreign navigation systems. the sizes of ships guarantee smooth lock-age in the Volga-Kama basin. in winter the ships of the line will be able to waft both loose goods and containers in the offshore zone. in addition the use of grade heavy fuel oil will allow the reduction of transportation costs

ROSTYAM SABIROv, the GM of Sylvinit Corp.:— Verkhnekamsk shipbuilding complex has guaranteed work for next 4-5 years thanks to the orders of Sylvinit. The mineral company during last ten years has been showing the growth of production volume, naturally, the load of traffic sector goes up and so we try to differentiate our traffics including shipping through our own port on the Kama River. Our own dry cargo ships are to let us increase volumes of shipping by water up to 1 million tonnes of production a year.

The LLC Verkhnekamsk shipbuilding complex (VSC) is the only shipbuilding enterprise in the Urals. It was started in May 2006 on floorspace of the LLC Shipbuilding factory Kama. 943 people are employed by VSC. There are going to be twice as many employees — up to 2 thousand people.

real estateExpert opinion

By Sergey BugalevichThe topic: How many trade centers is Perm able to digest? The analysis of trade and entertain-ment centers in the city.

Commercial real estate is the most attractive and stable investment at all times. Right now, what is happening to this investment tool in Perm?

Now trade and entertainment centers are the most profitable among all commercial areas and it is precisely this fact that explains their swift growth. There is no need to name the main ones in Perm. We should focus on the situation in general. The largest centers in Perm have about 300,000 square meters, 100,000 sq. m. are being built and a further 200,000 sq.m. are to be built (but according to some sources even more is planned). In this way in the next three-five years, the scope of such centers will widen to two-three times as much relative to the present. Notice, we do not take into account all other trade areas of less square footage.

Who occupies the square footage? The mem-bership begins to repeat itself on 30-40% even today. The local and neighbouring retail has tak-en up everything. New stores, new formats and new brands are inactive because of high rent. Big trading networks try to find new lands to put up hypermarkets with their own leaseholders.

What claims are we making here? New effec-tive goods of high quality in a mid-price range are being produced. Based on the information available we can conclude that Perm can effec-tively contain some 300.000 sq.m more of large trade property but with new concepts and goods segment. All the others will begin to struggle for leaseholders and it is better to trust in profes-sionals in this struggle.


a czech company, souyz ingeneric, is interested in building a ski resort. the final decision to go ahead has not been taken yet. However the lot to build on is to be transferred from federal to private ownership .

as long ago as February 2007, the regional authorities spoke of the need to build a new ski resort to attract tourists from the whole of the urals.

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SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r


iNvesTmeNTFor the first time in Perm —the special offer for non-localsFour-room apartment in the well-known governor’s house

Perm Projects in sochiAt VII forum of investment projects in Sochi ten projects

of Perm krai are to be presented

Perm krai are about to present

at VII international investment forum Sochi-2008 more than 10 large projects in sphere of logistics, an infrastructure, a timber industry complex, an agricul-ture with volume of investments not less than €14 bn. The main purpose — to involve investors who can implement these projects in Prikamie.

it is planned, that all projects will be united by the gen-eral name «perm krai – territory of suc-cess». among projects which present our re-gion in sochi are the sports-tourist complex usva in gremjachinsk

area, an aquapark in Kungur, the logistical centre and industrial area in tchaikovsk area. last year at the forum perm krai presented investment projects in building of residential areas and creation of an engi-neering infrastructure of a holiday tourist centre.

the forum starts on september, 18-21th and will be to be-come a large-scale demonstration of investment poten-tial and projects of development of many russian regions. the topic of the main action of the forum – a plenary meeting – sounds as «russian economy: where to invest?». presenta-

tions of the russian regions, exhibitions, circular tables, nego-tiations and signing of agreements are planned. represen-tatives of the gov-ernment, russian ministries and minis-tries of some foreign states, official foreign delegations, repre-sentatives of large international financial institutions, business elite will take part in forum work. by the present moment 30 foreign delega-tions, more than two thousand representa-tives of russian and foreign business, 40 regions of russian Federations have been already regis-tered for participation in the forum.

MARAT BIMATOv, Minister of trade development and enterprise:

What prerequisites are there for the increasing of investment potential in Perm region in the current year?— The krai authorities have set up a new permanent body – the investment office of Perm Krai. The main task of the body is to select the most attrac-tive regional projects for potential in-vestors and also present such projects and information about the favorable business-climate in the region to rep-resentatives of the ruling circles and foreign states. Besides, among the competitive features of the region to attract higher investment there is a high credit rat-ing. (The long-term credit rating of the Moody’ agency).How much can the status of Perm

region satisfy the requirements of comfortable and civilized business keeping? — The «24-20» program which aims to reduce the tax rate on profit for all enterprises of the region from 24 percent (like in other regions of Rus-sia) down to 20 is in effect. There are some real-estate tax benefits. Russian and foreign businesses can use these preferences to create management companies in the krai as centers for profitable trading activity. The relatively low running costs of offices and upkeep of personnel, the high level of specialists in the region and the participation of the authorities in training of personnel are the addi-tional advantages. What are the privileged areas of co-operation with the ministry of trade in the current season?— The main priorities for the ministry are to focus on the development of tourism and on the free enterprise emphasized in council programmes. In addition, other high priorities for the Ministry are such tasks as the progress of the regional branch logistics and commerce.

FOR SALEBuilding, place A parcel, Sverdlovsky district, Uyzhny mini-district

Country, city Russia, Perm

Seller, country Agent, Russia

Purpose, variants of development

Area of low-rise blocks of flatsMain permitted kinds of development the territory:- Single family-houses of 1-4 floors with a parcel;- Blocks of two-flat houses of 1-4 floors with and without a parcel. - Block of flats not higher than 4 floors with and without a parcel.- Offices and bureaus for organizations, companies. - Petrol stationsService: gas, electricity

Area 25 ha

Инфраструктура • 15 minutes from the city center• It is planned to build a shopping center nearby.

Cost 1 000 000 Euro

Contacts +79226464644, [email protected]

IGOR SHTENIK, the Head of Kizel municipal region

Concept of the multi-seasonal health resort & tourist center, Parma

The conception of the Parma center sug-gests developing new sites in five steps; each step is of two-three years’ duration. The area includes a mountain zone and an area for infrastructure development. In the

first stage, the focus is on providing for 4.5 thousand people and includes two public centers, 30-35 cottages, 10-14 mini-hotels, restaurants, pubs with game machines, a sport center with a pool and an aquapark and also car parks. It is meant also for winter areas: for children, for sleighing, snowboarding, freestyle skiing and for many other kinds of winter sport. There is to be a skating-rink, a curling field and you can ride snowmobiles. As far as summer sports are concerned there are an amusement park, carting tracks, horse rides, hang glider flights, mountain bikes, golf, fishing, rock climbing and rafting. The volume of investment totals € 528 mil-lion and € 106-140 million at the first stage.For any information regarding the investment support you can call +7 922 64 64 644

InVeSTmenT clImATe In The regIon For InVeSTorS oF All ScAleS

The Ministry of Trade and Business

Development of Perm Region reported that 33 potential investors at regional, federal and international levels had made their re-quests.

companies in-troduced projects on shopping malls,

hypermarkets, enter-tainment centres and water parks sited in the region.

according to the project trading Floors, more than 50 land plots have been allot-ted in the territory of the region in perm, zvezdniy, berezniki, chaikovsky, Krasnoka-msk and other cities.

the project is aimed at raising trade devel-opment investments in perm region. the project execution will allow the population to be provided with quality sales premises to raise the retail sales turnover, to create ad-ditional employment and to attract related industry investments.

We draw to your attention our special autumn offer – a magnificent apart-ment in the well-known Governor’s house.

The site: it is at an intersection of the 25 October, Sibirskaya and Krasno-armeyskaya streets. The most well known governors of Perm krai lived in this house - Gennady Igumnov and Jury Trutnev.

On the third floor of the ten-storied house you are surrounded by the whole epoch of the Post-Soviet period. Hundred twenty three square me-tres. A cosy courtyard, good neighbors and never-ending nostalgia for Rus-sia’ Post-Soviet epoch.

The area – 123 sq. m, in-cluding a habitable 83 sq.m. 3rd floor. Protected territory, parking, furniture, quality furnishings, three loggias and two bathing areas.

Phone contact the seller: +7 922 64 64 644

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Принимая во внимание повышенный интерес наших читателей к вопросу инвестирования, с июльского номера вашему вниманию предлагаются комментарии специалистов, зарекомендовавших себя на пермских, российских и международных рынках творцами финансовых потоков

СЕНТЯБРЬ 2008 №3(8/16)

Ре г и о н а л ь н а я га з е та П е р м с к о го к р а яГ а з е т а д л я г о с т е й П е р м с к о г о к р а я и ж и т е л е й П е р м с к о г о р е г и о н а , о р и е н т и р о в а н ы х н а з а п а д н ы й о б р а з ж и з н и

Пермские дни

Рекордные цифрыуверенность в том, что

со временем PROEstate «станет российским MiPiM» выразили на его открытии губернатор санкт-Петербурга вален-тина матвиенко и министр регионального развития рф Дмитрий козак. По словам губернатора, в этом году PROEstate стал крупнейшей выставкой недвижимости в восточ-ной и северной европе. министр Дмитрий козак был обрадован тем про-грессом, который выставка продемонстрировала по сравнению с прошлым годом.

форум развернулся на площади, в два раза превышающей преды-дущее мероприятие, что составило 8000 кв. метров. уже в июне 2008 года была забронирована основная часть выста-вочных площадей, всего на PROEstate 2008 были представлены 172 стенда. среди экспонентов такие компании как втБ-Деве-лопмент, Группа компаний «Пик», х5 Девелопмент, Главстрой и др.

в мероприятии приняли участие 17 официальных региональных делега-ций из Омска, Перми, новосибирска, калуж-ской области, тверской области, алтайского края, Челябинской область, екатеринбург, краснодар-ский край, ростов-на-Дону, Челябинск, ленинградс-кая области, самарской области, Пензенской

области, а также республи-ки татарстан и республики Башкортостан. всего в форуме участвовали пред-ставители более 40 россий-ских регионов, включая представителей власти и бизнес-сообщества.

Успешное подписание

в рамках PROEstate 2008 Гильдия управляю-щих и девелоперов /ГуД/ подписала кодекс этики европейской ассоциации профессионалов рынка недвижимости /CEPi/. По мнению члена совета CEPi тимо мултанен, «подпи-сание этого договора — за-явление о том, что бизнес в россии ведется откры-то». в рамках реализации программы регионального развития ГуД также были подписаны соглашения с администрациями екате-ринбурга, новосибирска и Омска. Это соглашения со стратегически важными и привлекательными для ин-весторов регионами, ведь цель ГуД — сближение позиций бизнеса и власти.

еще одним результатом форума стало подписание договора между компа-ниями айБи ГруПП и евросиб на сопровожде-ние проекта по строитель-ству здания бизнес-центра на Пулковском шоссе (санкт-Петербург), в части разработки концепции и продвижения будущего офисного здания. Девело-пером и инвестором про-екта выступает компания евросиб.

Деловая программаДеловая программа

PROEstate 2008 включала серию разноплановых масштабных мероприятий (всего 31 мероприятие), каждое из которых можно было назвать полноцен-ным профессиональным событием. в прошлом году деловая программа форума включала 27 мероприятий, 3 презентации российских регионов (в 2008 году – 9 презентаций).

По мнению участников пленарного заседания «как обустроить россию», для стимулирования экономики в россии, в том числе девелоперского биз-неса, необходимо развитие устойчивой финансовой системы, которая сегодня в стране очень слаба. крупные проекты спо-собны кредитовать только несколько банков, поэтому строительная сфера испы-тывает острый дефицит «длинных» денег.

Эксперты о рынкеПадение объемов

строительства в последние годы участники рынка связывают с изменени-ями в законодательстве, в частности, введением новых механизмов взаи-модействия застройщиков и органов власти при распределении земельных участков, отменой долево-го строительства. вместе с тем, участники заседания отметили, что россия в состоянии достичь в бли-жайшем будущем объемов жилищного строительства

в 150-200 млн кв. метров, притом, что сегодня в рос-сии возводится 50-60 млн кв. метров жилья.

региональные участники дискуссии отметили, что успешное инвестицион-ное развитие регионов возможно только при объединении усилий бизнеса и власти, при этом государственные органы должны брать на себя подготовку инженерной инфраструктуры под объ-екты строительства.

в рамках конферен-ции «трансформация городского пространства» неоднократно прозвучало мнение, что иностранные инвесторы ощущают нехватку информации о российском рынке не-движимости. инвесторов, прежде всего, привлека-ют такие моменты, как «стабильная правовая и политическая обстановка в государстве, чей рынок недвижимости состав-ляет интерес, высокая прибыльность, хорошая финансовая среда, а также доступность информации о рынке недвижимости». как считает директор по развитию Kti Finland сату хаапаранта, нехватка именно такой информации в россии является недо-статком, «потенциальным иностранным инвесторам сложно получать данные о сделках на российском рынке недвижимости, об аренде. Для инвесторов это большая проблема».

Главные Цифры Proestate 2008 Второй Международный инвестиционный форум по недвижимости PROEstаte

собрал в Санкт-Петербурге 2908 участников из 40 российских регионов и 21 страны мира и стал крупнейшей выставкой недвижимости

в Восточной и Северной Европе в 2008 году

инвестицииОбъект Инвестиции, последующий выкуп

51% акции завода-производителя (Болгария) – цена акций по запросу

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь

Продавец Разработчик проекта

Назначение Организация производства высокоградусной алкогольной продукции бренди.Разработчики – ведущие европейские специалисты

Стоимость 34 000 000 рублей

Контакты +79226464644, [email protected]

Объект Инвестиции, покупатель на патент

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь

Продавец Разработчик проекта

Назначение Запатентованная разработка «Канатно-веревочная лестница для спасения людей из горящих многоэтажных и высотных жилых домов и зданий при тушении пожаров и других бедствий»

Стоимость 20 млн рублей

Контакты +79226464644, [email protected]

Объект Инвестиции, покупатель на патент

Страна, город Россия, Пермь

Продавец Разработчик проекта

Назначение, Колесо железнодорожное 2ВС, с внутренними амортизаторами, для увеличения грузоподъемности вагона на 100-200 тонн без измене-ния конструкции рельса.

Стоимость 40 млн рублей

Контакты +79226464644, [email protected]

справка Второй Международ-ный инвестиционный форум PROEstate прошел 3-5 сентября 2008 года в Санкт-Петербурге. Ор-ганизаторами меропри-ятия выступили Гильдия Управляющих и Девело-перов и Правительство СПб при поддержке Министерства регио-нального развития РФ, Министерства экономи-ческого развития РФ и Полномочного пред-ставительства Президен-та в СЗФО.




Îêîí÷àíèå íà стр. 2

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Ре г и о н а л ь н а я га з е та П е р м с к о го к р а я

Пермские дни


Объект Земельный участок под с/х назначение

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь, около Камского водохранилища

Продавец, страна, город

Собственник, Россия, Пермь

Назначение, варианты застройки

с/х назначения с возможностью присоединения 10 га

Площадь 10,4 га

Стоимость 4,5 млн рублей

Контакты +79226464644, [email protected]

Главные Цифры Proestate 2008

По итогам конференции «Привлечение инвестиций в регионы. конкуренция за ресурсы» были сделаны следующие выводы: объем инвестиций в российские регионы снижается, при этом борьба за них между субъектами федерации усиливается. По словам председателя комитета по инвестициям и стратеги-ческим проектам админис-трации санкт-Петербурга максима соколова, если раньше в борьбе за круп-ные инвестиции в размере более 25 млрд рублей учас-твовали 3-4 региона, то сей-час в эту гонку включились порядка десятка российс-ких городов. иностранные участники дискуссии полагают, что сегодня в россии недостаточно коммерческой недвижи-мости. в крупных городах практически нет объектов европейской торговли и современных гостиниц.

также в рамках кон-ференции была отмечена такая проблема, как дефи-цит квалифицированных

кадров для управлению недвижимостью в россий-ских регионах.

По мнению участни-ков панельной дискуссии «развитие инфраструктуры: транспортная доступность» транспортная доступ-ность является одним из факторов развития рынка офисной недвижимости, а обеспеченность рабочих мест паркингом — одним из важнейших признаков конкурентоспособности проектов. сегодня строи-тельство крупных бизнес- центров в центре города приведет к транспортному коллапсу. развитие до-

рожно-транспортной сети должно носить опережаю-щий характер, в то время как сейчас многие районы активной застройки, напри-мер, Приморский и крас-носельский — не имеют достаточного транспортного сообщения с центром го-рода. участники дискуссии также выдвинули идеи законодательного запреще-ния бесплатных парковок в центре Петербурга и введения платного въезда в историческую часть города, наряду с развитием магист-ральной сети и обществен-ного транспорта.

на церемонии закрытия

второго международ-ного инвестиционного форума по недвижимос-ти PROEstate 2008 его организаторы и предста-вители Правительства города высоко оценили эффективность меропри-ятия и пригласили всех участников вновь посетить санкт-Петербург в первые дни сентября 2009 года, чтобы вновь обсудить наиболее актуальные вопросы, связанные с раз-витием жилищной сферы, строительства, инвестиций, архитектуры, управления недвижимостью и девелоп-мента.

вЛАДиМиР неЛЮБин, предсе-датель наблюдательного совета «Экопромбанка», президент ООО «Федерация греко-римской борьбы Пермской области»:

— На мой взгляд, Пермь активно нуждается в притоке инвестиций в область спорта. Будучи в Пекине на Па-ралимпийских играх (Paralympics), я еще раз убедился в том, что наши спорт-смены могут составить реальную кон-куренцию американцам и китайцам. Естественно, для этого необходимо произвести ряд изменений. И в первую очередь в нашем сознании — инвалиды имеют право жить полноценной жизнью! Посещать обществен-ные, образовательные и развлекательные места, заниматься спортом, побеждать в Олимпиаде и защищать честь Родины. Инвалиды должны видеть заботу государства на всех этапах своей жизни. Начиная от наличия специальных установок, об-легчающих передвижение по городу, и заканчивая глобальными проектами профессионального и спортивного образования. Го-тов делать, и делаю все, что может облегчить жизнь не толь-ко нашим паралимпийцам, но и действующим спортсменам, ветеранам и, естественно, нашей активной молодежи. Для нее планирую строительство ряда спортивных и всесторонне раз-вивающих объектов. Верю, что это совпадает с интересами прогрессивных российских и западных инвесторов, бизнесменов и меценатов.

Объект Земельный участок

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь

Продавец, страна, город

Собственник, Россия, Пермь

Назначение, варианты застройки

Под строительство Ж-1, в том числе под коттеджи

Площадь От 25 га

Стоимость 200 тыс. рублей за одну сотку

Контакты +79226464644, [email protected]

Объект Земельный участок с собственным пляжем и береговой линией

Страна, город, местность

Турция, Бодрум, Ялыкавак

Продавец, страна, город

Риэлторская фирма, Турция

Назначение, варианты застройки

Разрешение на постройку домов, отеля, микс, или покупка в единоличное владение для дальнейшего строительства

Площадь 2,6 га

Стоимость 1/3 участка 2 млн евро

Контакты +79226464644, [email protected]

Объект Земельный участок

Страна, город, местность

Россия, Пермь, Свердловский район, микрорайон Южный

Продавец, страна, город

Доверенное лицо, Россия, Пермь

Назначение, варианты застройки

Зона малоэтажной смешанной жилой застройкиОсновные разрешенные виды ис-пользования земельных участков:- отдельно стоящие одноквар-тирные жилые дома 1-4 этажа с участком;- блокированные двухквартирные жилые дома 1-4 этажа с участком и без участка;- многоквартирные дома не выше 4 этажей с участком и без участка;- офисы, конторы различных орга-низаций, фирм, компаний;- автозаправочные станции.Коммуникации: газ, электричество

Площадь 25 га


• 15 минут от центра города• рядом запланировано возведение торгового центра

Стоимость 370 млн руб. (1 млн евро)

Контакты +79226464644, [email protected]

сеРгей ФеДОтОв, руководитель теат-ра «У МОстА»:

— Мне кажется, что инвестиционный потенциал Перми достаточно велик. Куль-турные проекты подразумевают любые формы и проявления. Театры участвуют в гастролях, Пермь узнают по всему миру… Если честно, меня бы порадовал любой ус-тойчивый интерес к возможности обнов-ления здания нашего театра, к географии его гастролей. Европа знает и любит наш

театр. Пора показать, на что мы способны, всему миру. Мы открыты к диалогу.

вЛАДиМиР ПРО-ХОРОв, генеральный директор ООО «те-лекомпания «Рифей-Пермь»:

— Говоря об инвес-тиционном потенци-але Перми и Прикамья, мне бы хотелось отме-тить следующие пред-посылки.

В первую очередь — это изменения в ин-фраструктуре. Про-исходит, например,

качественный скачок в сфере дорожного строи-тельства, и тут же открываются возможности для инвестирующих, например, в малоэтажное строительство или логистические центры, что особенно важно, если учитывать наше географи-ческое положение на границе Европы и Азии.

Еще один характерный момент. В крае появи-лись инвесторы в культуру. Есть план создания совершенно русского искусства в Перми, причем деньги уже вложены: реконструируется здание под этот музей. И это знак. Потому что в «Куль-турный центр» в пустыню не пойдут. А в Перми есть мощный интеллектуальный, культурный кадровый потенциал.

Далее. Пермь становится серьезным медицин-ским центром. А разве это не интересно инвес-торам, ведь вокруг федеральных центров высо-ких технологий можно создавать и серьезные частные центры. Чем мы хуже Израиля в этом смысле, тем более что там работает масса классных специалистов из Перми, кстати, я уже не говорю о таких инфраструктурных момен-тах, как наличие нескольких операторов связи, огромном количестве частных газет и телека-налов.

И есть, на мой взгляд, самое главное — понима-ние властями необходимости инвестиций как ос-новного «оружия» в конкурентной борьбе городов за человеческий, интеллектуальный потенциал.

инвестиЦионный ПотенЦиал Пермиизвестные персоны Пермского края об условиях повышения интереса

западных инвесторов к объектам Перми

Îêîí÷àíèå. Нà÷àлî íà стр. 1

Page 9: the_perm_days-16


ЖИЛОЙ КОМПЛЕКСПермь, ул. Окулова, 18

�Свободная планировка�Двойное панорамное остекление�Подземный паркинг.�Охрана территории и видеонаблюдение�Коммуникации�Удобный подъезд с улиц Свердловской и Окулова�1 и 2 этажи: холл, кафе, ресторан, места отдыха длясемьи или деловой встречи...

Пермь, ул. Куйбышева, 37, ТЦ “алмаз” (вход с ул. большевисТсКая)Тел.: +7 (342) 220-67-07, 236-43-62,, e-mail: [email protected]




Ре г и о н а л ь н а я га з е та П е р м с к о го к р а я

Пермские дни













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представляет:Международный Центр Переводческих Услуг (МЦПУ)

International Interpreting& Translating Service (IITS)

� Абонентное обслуживание компаний или переводчик на аутсорсинг (ведение деловой переписки с зарубежными партне-рами),� Обучение иностранному языку (методика без домашних зада-ний и утомительных правил)� Стенд-атташе (модели-переводчицы для стенда вашей ком-пании на региональной или международной выставке)� Перевод технических текстов� Сопровождение во время зарубежных командировок� Организация культурной и туристической программ по Пер-ми и Прикамью для ваших зарубежных гостей по принципу «от трапа до трапа»� Индивидуальный поиск зарубежного партнера, инвестора.

Контакты: +7-922-64-64-644, + 7 922-24-000-70.E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]: aljona.mouse, ksanka051 ISQ: 403-174-057

С июня этого года центр открыт для корпоратив-

ных клиентов. С сентября «WonderHall» представляет широкой публике принципи-ально новую концепцию отдыха – аналогов такого формата и масштаба в сфере развлечений нет не только в Перми, но и в России.

создание Event&show-центра ев-ропейского уровня в нашем городе стало возможным благодаря сотруд-ничеству корпорации «Перспекти-ва», которая является генеральным инвестором и девелопером проекта, и голландской компании «id&C», входящей в группу компаний «all Events Group».

Коммерческий директор Event&Show-центра Сергей Калмы-ков отмечает: «Уíèêàльíîсть цåí-трà зàêлю÷àåтся в тîм, ÷тî гîстè пîлíîстью пîгружàются в зàрàíåå зàдàííую àтмîсфåру, пåрåíîсятся в другîå èзмåрåíèå, в другîå врåмя, в другую гåîгрàфè÷åсêую тî÷êу

Зåмлè. Чåлîвåê пîлíîстью стèрàåт для сåбя грàíè мåжду жèзíью зà стåíàмè «WonderHall» è тîй жèз-íью, êîтîрую îí прîжèвàåт здåсь è сåй÷àс, íàхîдясь íà мåрîпрèятèè».

в день открытия всем приглашен-ным предоставилась возможность увидеть все залы «WonderHall», со-вершить кругосветное путешествие

за один вечер благодаря участию в грандиозной презентации dinner-шоу «вокруг света». Гости смогли не только познакомиться с нацио-нальными блюдами и напитками, но и погрузиться в атмосферу разных стран и континентов с их самобыт-ными традициями и экзотическими обычаями.

во всех залах действует система «все включено», позволяющая не задумываться о стоимости блюд и напитков.

фееричные шоу, европейский уровень сервиса, уникальные технические возможности здания создают полное ощущение погруже-ния в иную реальность у всех, кто открывает для себя чудесный мир «WonderHall».

По словам главного консультанта по концепции Event&show-центра «WonderHall» рольфа райльхета, новый проект соответствует самым взыскательным потребностям жите-лей и гостей Перми в сфере развле-чений, и предложений, аналогичных «WonderHall», пока на рынке нет.

офиЦиальное Пришествие «Wonderhall»

Еvent&Show-центр «WonderHall» открывает свои двери для широкой публики. Впервые приглашенным гостям предоставляется уникальная возможность увидеть

все этажи «WonderHall», оценить разнообразие стилевых и концептуальных решений в шоу-программе и интерьерах

нОвые тРенингОвые ПРОгРАММы

По фитнес-коучингу Алены МаусТренинги проходят в фитнес-студиях в центре городаЗапись в группы +7-922-64-646-44Возможны индивидуальные программы

…Вместе мы научим ваши деньгиОтжиматься в нужном темпе.




Добро Пожаловать в hilton Garden inn

В Перми открылся первый в России отель Hilton Garden Inn

В столице При-камья поя-

вился первый в России отель Hilton Garden Inn (второй отель международной сети Hilton на территории стра-ны).

на торжествен-ной церемонии было подписано второе франчай-

зинговое согла-шение в рамках продолжения со-трудничества с

хилтон хотелс корпорейшнз по открытию на тер-ритории города

пятизвездочного отеля «хилтон Даблтри».

в настоящее вре-мя ведутся работы по разработке про-екта отеля, которой занимаются немец-кие архитекторы. современный отель категории «5 звезд» вместительностью 210 номеров распо-ложится в центре города.


Ре г и о н а л ь н а я га з е та П е р м с к о го к р а я

Пермские дни

Page 11: the_perm_days-16

SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

Housing project18, okulova street, perm

�Free planning�Double panoramic glass cover�2-level underground parking�territory protection and video-super-vision�services: satellite tV, internet�comfortable driveways from sverd-lovskaya street and okulova street�ground and first floors have a hall, a cafe, a restaurant, chill-outs for family and business meetings.

“almaZ” mall. 37, KuybisheVa street, Perm (a doorway at in bolsheVistsKaya street). tel. +7 (342) 220-67-07, 236-43-62,, e-mail: [email protected]





















Page 12: the_perm_days-16

SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

BUsiNessPAGE 8

InVeSTmenTS In regIonAl AgrIculTure ProVe To be eFFecTIVe

Over 80% of krai agricultural units showed positive six months financial results

The agricultural establishments

of Perm krai dem-onstrated excellent financial results over the first six months of 2008.

With due account for state subsidies, farm units brought in €15 million of profit, exceeding last year’s result by €2.5 million. 80% of local agricultur-al enterprises managed to prove their out-standing financial ef-ficiency. sales revenue

increased by €35000 otherwise by 33% in comparison with the same period last year. profitability inclusive of subsidies remained the same as last year – 12% and 4.4% with-out state backing.

in 2009-2012 the volume of invest-ments in agricultural development should presumably amount to €1.043 billion. as a result the production index should grow by 103.1% while the index of total invest-

ments in the agricul-tural sphere should account for 107.1%. besides, business-men tend to buy up agricultural land and set non-core business in such areas. accord-ing to verified data, the regional authori-ties and entrepreneurs concluded a partner-ship agreement: the krai would purchase agricultural products at fixed prices.

another regional project, perm pota-toes, breathed life

into the agricultural sphere. this brand unites the best potato farms of perm krai. one of the farm man-agers complained that today, when foreign goods dominate the market, promotion of russian brands is a bothersome undertak-ing that eats up time and money. thus the regional authori-ties’ backing is very helpful, and coopera-tion with other farms under a single brand makes the task easier.

Perm honey unlockS greAT PoTenTIAl

Last month Uinskoe village hosted the

honey exhibition, Sa-vour of the Honey”.

the festival that is being held for the third time in a row boosted regional culture, tour-ism and the economy. according to its participants uinskoe land might become the center of ecological tourism in the future. Within the festival

framework organizers presented an agricul-tural franchise in bee breeding. it is based on the idea of the tentorium company to create an easily pro-ducible apiary in perm Krai. the financial plan, which appears to be a four-year fore-cast, specifies gradual apiary development: beginning with 30 and ending up with 500 bee colonies or more. the

technology allows us to get about 80 kilos of tradable honey each year from a single bee colony. thus an aver-age farm apiary con-sisting of 30 colonies should bring about €5.4 thousand revenue.

perm Krai provides excellent facilities for bee breeding devel-opment. today the number of bee colonies in the region amounts to €4.13 thousand. the

majority is located on small farm units, private part-time farms and peasant farm en-terprises, although uin-sky district alone could maintain up to 200 bee colonies. uinskoe origi-nal honey produced by a rare race of black central russian bees excels many sorts of honey from other ural regions both in natural ingredients, content and taste.


The so-called «black-list» is a new phenomenon for the region. We would remind you that the plan to pub-lish information about the arrears of organizations on the web site of the Perm bailiffs has been implemented lately. Top-managers of Perm enterprises believe that any company from this list determined to develop fur-ther will have to pay off its debt if it is not to lose its reputation. Primarily the list is of interest to potential partners, This measure is also intended to urge compa-nies to pay off their liabilities.

The latest Perm Days issue publishes, for the first time, a review of businesses in difficulties on the re-gional market. The targets we are focusing on are ei-ther debtors or businesses which have not performed according to expectations at the current period. In the judgment of the editorial board, such an analytical re-view can help foreign investors to find themselves bet-ter placed in the Prikamye business field.

BERATONThe chemical plant Beraton in Berezniki (Indus-

trial Corporation Guta Group) launched bankruptcy proceedings. According to the general manager, the immediate task of the business is the temporary closedown of production and its preparation for sale. By decision of the court of arbitration, the process of external supervision is in place until 6 February 2009 on the company’s initiative.

vISHERA PAPERMILLThe Vishera paper Company (Severnaya Corpo-

ration Ltd. and Epigon Ltd.) was declared bankrupt in October 2006. This August, the Perm Court of Ar-bitration prolonged the term of production contest on the Vishera Papermill Company for a month. The procedure was prolonged in order to decide the question about bringing in an action by the credi-tors against the owners of the company to make them answerable for subsidiary liability. The debts total about € 4.1 thousand and affect 44 creditors.

URALALMAzUralalmaz Close Corp. (the city of Krasnovish-

ersk, Perm Krai) a part of Ruiz Group of the business-person Lev Levaev was deprived of seven licenses on extraction of gold and reconnaissance of diamonds in Perm Krai. Two licenses were revoked on extrac-tion of gold-placer mines and five on reconnaissance of diamonds. The territorial agency of Perm kray in-formed the licenses were recalled in the end of July because the company did not comply with the con-ditions of the license contract.

RICHBROKERSERvICE CLOSE CORP.RichBrokerService Close Corporation (which

forms part of RichBrokerService Public Corporation) forfeited a market maker license. Repeatd violations of securities laws and counteraction to money laun-dering schemes during the past year were the rea-sons for the annulment of the license. It is reported that quarterly accounts contained incomplete or wrong information and a special official, responsible for observance of the rules and the implementation of programmes of special internal control to prevent laundering, had not been not appointed.

MORION The committee of directors of Morion Public Corpo-

ration made a decision to sell a part of property which was idle and unproductive to repay a credit debt.

Morion is under the burden of credit obligations incurred after a project for the mass production of telematic terminals failed. The total amount of inter-est paid to banks has come nearer to the sum of the debt. At the end of 2007 the management tried to collect the necessary funds to pay off the liabilities by the use of additional emission, but the minority shareholders blocked the idea. So the sale of a part of the unused property in order to keep production is only one effective solution to pay credits off.

A neW APProAch zone To The Perm AIrPorT IS To be creATed

It became clear to The Perm Days in

the meeting to discuss the Bolshoe Savino airport in consulta-tion with the local authorities that we need to eliminate the paid parking place straightaway in order to arrange a free zone for traffic, and to cre-ate a parking zone for buses and taxis. All arrangements are to be completed by the 30th of august.

it was decided that a private operator would be put in charge of solving the problems of reconstructing the aero terminal includ-ing the broadening of the approach roads. meanwhile the bidding process for investment in the organization of

the vehicle service in front of the airport ter-minal has started. the order includes a new scheme for vehicles to approach the airport, the creation of a paid long stay parking area as well as a system for public transport and taxi services.

as long ago as march the perm air-lines company planned to open bidding for the management of the area close to the terminal, but by that time permission to use land had not been granted. the head of the perm territory

department, leonid li, gave his agreement on 18th of august on condition that the area be given in lease on a competitive basis and at a market price. leonid li believes that an operator in the area will have to hold a mo-nopoly because there is no another approach to the airport, and the quality of the service is going to be higher as long as the work of the operator is under the control of perm airlines.

as far as the airport is concerned, some experts incline to believe the investment project on bolshoe savino airport will be implemented so as to increase the investment attractiveness of perm region.

IGOR SHUBIN the mayor of Perm:— The interchange scheme does not suit me. Only the coor-dinated actions of all parties, such as the region of Perm, the territory department, the management of the airport and the Perm authorities, can lead to real positive changes.

Perm Airlines Company has served 486,774 pas-sengers since January, which is 45% more than in the same period last year. The company has carried 242,974 outbound and 240,254 incoming passengers over the eight months. There were 4 259 flights form Bolshoe Savino airport from January to August. The cargo traffic has in-creased by 102%. As many as 42,043 people used the service in August including 24,712 people on international flights; which is 40% more than in last year.

Page 13: the_perm_days-16

SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

weAlTh&heAlThPAGE 9

lonG summer With the demidkovo resort!

It is not possible to change laws of nature but it is feasible to prolong summer with the Demidkovo health resort. You do not have to go far away – it is 40 kilometers away from Perm. Today the Demidkovo resort looks like a small European town where you can comfortably take a rest, recover and restore your vitality at any time of year. Visiting the Demidkovo it seems that all dreams and wishes for holidays come true: comfortable rooms of different categories, lodges for visitors, a spa center, a cultural&entertaining center, a health-improving center, a herbal tea room, our own mineral water, cosy restaurants with cuisines to your taste and friendly staff. In the Demidkovo resort, people have a rest all year round with their families or cheerful friends. People come with children of any age, babies younger than four are free of charge. For parents convenience there is a children’s room with a tutor and family programs by hotel animators.

The whole complex of sports-entertaining services is offered to fans of active leisure: athletic fields, tennis courts, bowling, billiards, a shooting gallery, bicycle and horse walks, excursion and tourist programs to unique places of Prikamye. Swimming pool, sauna, sun deck, gym are available for visitors at any time.

Practical men not only take a rest but make new plans. Several conference halls, a fireplace hall, meeting rooms and cosy restaurants are meant for group of people from 15 to 120 persons. The tradition of business meetings was born in the Demidkovo resort in 2005 when the first Russian Economic Forum took place here. Since then entrepreneurs and industrialists of the region give a preference to the Demidkovo.

The special feature of the resort is different animation activities and ethnic festive holidays such as Christmas, Christ-mastide, the Pancake festival, Midsummer Night, Apple Spas and others.

Having had a rest once in this marvelous place, you fall in love with its nature forever. The patrons say that there is no the best place for family rest, improvement and active sports, than this fine corner on the bank of the Kama River.

Let rest in the Demidkovo resort becomes a good tradition!WELCOME!

The settlement of Polazna, Dobryansky district, Perm krai, Russia.Post code – 618703Tel +7 (342) 210-38-30, 218-18-24.e-mail: [email protected]

gold oF PrIkAmyeYoung sportsmen fetch gold medals to Russia

At the junior European swimming championship

in Serbia the sportsman from Perm krai, Ekaterina Bakla-kova, won three gold medals. There are 24 medals of differ-ent values won by Russia (six gold, seven silver and eleven bronze medals) altogether.

the russian team took second place yielding only to

the british team in the team event. baklakova is the first swimmer from perm krai to be selected for the national team for a long time. she success-fully appeared at the world swimming championship in mexico and won a bronze medal.

in another sport perm sportsman, alexandra Val-ishina, became an absolute

champion in the junior sum-mer biathlon, she won three gold medals at the european championship in bulgaria. there were 16 countries at the tournament and russia was represented by 25 sports-men. now perm sportsmen are getting ready for the world championship in st. moritz (switzerland) from 22nd to 28th of september.

medAlS oF Perm SPorTSmenSkydivers

recently perm skydivers became silver medal win-ners at the world champion-ships in classical skydiving in slovakia. the right to represent their country was given to four top sportsmen; two of them, from the perm aviaclub rosto, are taisiya Krivoshchekova and evgenyi borovik. classical skydiving is the combination of two ex-ercises; it combines acrobatic jumps and jumps for accuracy. after the first jumps including six acrobatic figures in a free fall at a height of 2 200 meters the sportsmen both took silver awards. because of the whole

competition, Krivoshchekova became a bronze medal win-ner and borovik took the sixth position in the world rate of young skydivers.

Advanced aerobaticsthe perm citizens,

mikhail beznadezhnyh and Vladimir Kotelnikov, be-came world champions in advanced aerobatics in the team event in novosibirsk. the pilots were part of the national team to take part in the first world champion-ship in advanced aerobatics on yak-52 planes. in the end the russian team came out the winner, leaving be-hind pilots from litva and belarussia. beznadezhnyh took 4th place and Kotel-nikov 10th in the individual event.

Beauty…it is simple

Perm, sovetskaja str., 48Please call 276 26 56e-mail [email protected] service+7922 64 64 644

B e a u t Y s t u d i o

24 hours

d e j a n e i r o

An unique offer for tourist and businessmen of the city! For foreign guests only! Support: Don’t speak Rus-sian? – Book a translator +7-922-64-64-644 or by e-mail: [email protected]. There are permanent discounts for our regular customers.

Perm exTreme PArk IS To become A mulTI-FuncTIonAl

Initially the new park was intended

to be a prominent concrete maze, a favorite recreation spot for those whose passion is skate boarding, freestyle, parcours, or roller skating.

However accord-ing to the new design planning, the range of services became wider and the configuration of the primary build-ings has changed. the major innovation is the opportunity for all year round operation. it will be possible due to the snap-up hemi-sphere roof.

construction should begin in september. in the 2008 municipal budget €620 thou-sand are set aside to cover the building expenditure; however, the mayor’s office is ready to increase the figure in view of re-cent project changes. the city authorities repeatedly insisted

on extreme park construction in the krai center. Within the framework of twin towns program, the louisville (usa) city mayor Jerry

abramson presented igor shubin the rough draft of the project that later determined the general concept of the park construc-tion.

Page 14: the_perm_days-16

SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r


The Perm State Art Gallery holds a

wonderful collection of Russian drawing and watercolor that was successfully exhibited both in Perm and in Moscow in the Sergey Andriyaki Watercolor School.

the abundance of prominent names is truly fascinating: savra-sov, shishkin, levitan, the brothers Vasnetsov, Kramskoy, Kustodi-yev, serov, nesterov, gerasimov, malyavin, serebryakova, surikov… Visitors were able to dis-cover new dimensions of old masters’ talent. the exhibition featured sketches of prominent paintings: “thaw: early spring” by savrasov, “in the Boulevards” by ma-kovsky, ‘man’s Portrait” by repin performed in a complex watercolor-pastel technique, rare double-faced drawing by lermontov with 13 sketches from his “scenes of stavropoulos life”. one of the water-

colors has an interesting history; it’s the work of the xix century master razmakhnin “the View of Perm”. twenty years ago museum fellow workers recognized it on a photograph; the image was enlarged and exhibited in perm. sev-eral years afterwards the original painting was discovered by chance in one of the st. peters-burg antique shops and purchased for the gal-lery collection.

drawing seems to be one of the easiest art genres; nonetheless, it’s overflowing with hidden meanings, full of signifi-cance. drawing is some-what of a private artistic diary that reflects a master’s intimate feel-ings and thoughts, his creative genius.

everyone who wishes to acquire drawing techniques, who col-lects graphic works, or simply has a passion for painting, should by no means miss it. Water-color, charcoal, graph-ite, pastel, sepia, india

ink – such a variety of techniques is hard to enumerate; besides, every artist has his own particular “handwrit-ing”.

drawings are fragile treasures; they leave the reserve stock just

for a short while on special occasions. this exhibition gives you a rare chance to see over 150 outstanding works from the richest graphic collection of perm state art gallery.

The Perm sTaTe arT Gallery PresenTs The exhiBiTion

uncelebrATed WorkS oF grAnd mASTerS

XvIII-XX century applied arts, graphics, and sculptureget rediscovered in Perm State Art Gallery














Address: 614045, Perm, Komsomolsky av., 4Phone.: 212-22-50,


e-mail: [email protected]




the committee of culture under the city administration present a new exhibition in the central exhibition hall. the exhibition shows lyric landscapes in «akvarel» («Watercolor») of the Perm artist Victor kuzin – one of the founders of the perm watercolor school which is famous for its vivid colors, monumental compositions and picturesque effects of plot-ting. there are more than fifty watercolor paintings, many of which are devoted to perm. the city, depicted by Kuzin at different times of year and at different times of day is beauti-ful in all its variations. there are no motifs chosen by accident whether it be a small mod-est yard, an old house or a block of new dis-tricts: everywhere there is beauty to be found, even if its unique charm is not obvious at first sight.

The opening was on the 28th of august. The exhibition lasts until the 28th of September. Address: 10 Komso-molskiy avenue, the Central exhibition hall (bus stations «TCUM» or Sovetskaya str.). Phone: (+7342) 212-86-47.





anniversarY exhiBition of vYacheslav smirnov

The Center of Cultural Tech-

nologies. Supported by the committee of culture under the administration of the city the Artist’s House and the Perm Organization of the United Artists of Russia present the

anniversary exhibi-tion of a famous Perm painter, Vyacheslav Smirnov.

there are about sixty works of dif-ferent creative pe-riods represented. the landscape com-positions and the

works of ethno style incorporate sym-bols of place and time, deep percep-tions that we find in ancient and folk art. the so-called perm beast style compris-es a certain cycle of art search of the master.

The opening is on the 2nd of September. 27 Gorkogo Str, Perm. The exhibition closes on the 22nd of September. The hours of service: every day 11am – 18.30pm, Saturday: 11.00am - 16.00pm, Sunday – day off.

Page 15: the_perm_days-16

SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r


Among the modern stone high-rise

buildings at 142 Ord-zhonikidze Street, deep in a yard, a discreet wooden house had a miraculous escape from time.

more than a hundred years ago it sheltered a secret life. in 1906 a clandestine print works of the perm bolshe-viks was situated here. today it’s a memorial house museum, the first branch of the local History museum, that will celebrate its 40th anniversary this year.

the inauguration of the underground print-ing House museum took place on the 5th of november in 1968 by the decision of the perm city council of working people’s depu-ties, under the active auspices of the national culture trust and the museum staff, with the help of the town’s community, veterans of the party revolutions, and of the civil and the great patriotic wars. the daughter of y.m. sverdlov, Vera yakov-levna, took part in the opening as well, having arrived from moscow.

the underground printing House mu-seum is connected with the revolutionary activ-ity of y.m. sverdlov, the closest associate of V.i. lenin. in may 1906 the shadowy print-ing house of the perm bolsheviks was formed here at his instigation.

the museum is situ-

ated in a small wooden house in the yard. the outhouse formerly belonged to a steam-ship machinist tiunov. He was rarely at home and so that the house wasn’t empty, leased it to lodgers. of course he couldn’t even suspect that crypto-revolutionists would inhabit it and work there. What is more, a police station was situ-ated nearby.

the house museum is quite small, hav-ing three little rooms. From the inner porch you can go to the kitchen-anteroom, then follow through to the parlour and see the reconstructed interior of crypto-revolutionists’ living room with the outfit of a secret print-ing house. it was there where they both lived and worked, producing

leaflets. on the left, by the window, you can see the table covered with the work cloth, an oil-lamp and the samo-var standing on it and an inkpot with a pen nearby. on the wall – the mirror in a wooden frame, at some distance – the cupboard with dishes. by the oppo-site wall – the bed covered with the lively patchwork blanket and the coffer standing by it. in the centre of the room – the typograph-ic outfit with the set programs of the rus-sian social-democratic Workers’ Party. and a pile of printed leaflets. the basement is open…

the picture is exactly the same as at the moment when the underground opera-tives were overtaken by the gendarmerie. even the clock needles

tell the time when the police broke out.

the underground printing House is one of the most unusual museums in perm. it tells us both about the way of life of perm citizens and about the place where our history was made.

do not pass it by. enter into this hospita-ble shelter and you will meet the past here.

By N. RadNova

Address: 614000 Perm, 15 Sibirskaya str.,

Tel: 8(342)212-56-57, 212-54-46

The museum web-site:




A sauce with cream and truffleBoil a lobster for 15 minutes with vegetables and

spices. Peel the vegetables and fry them with butter un-til they are semi-ready. Bring the cream to the boil and add two yolks and one truffle, then salt and pepper. Usu-ally lobster is served with the vegetables and the sauce, got up with lime, kumquat and mushrooms.

The PermsKy Krai mUseUm

In The bAckground oF ordzhonIkIdze STreeT










Boris PasTernaKTo The noBel PriZe aWarDinG anniversary

FATe oF PASTernAk’S houSe IS In hAndS oF bureAucrATS

n the Alexandrovsk land of Perm krai

the local and krai au-thorities cannot decide a fate of the House of Boris Pasternak. The transfer process into the ownership of the municipality has dragged on.

according to Vladimir abashev, the Head of

the uyryatin Fund, the most efficient solution is the transfer of the building to the assets of alexandrovsk council. at the same time, it is necessary to arrange a branch office at the perm local history mu-seum distinct from the memorial part concern-ing Pasternak’s life

as the assistant of

the vice chairman of alexandrovsk council, lyudmila beleckaya, said, the city is ready to incorporate the building into their ownership but with the support of the krai authorities. it is planning to put up the infrastructure to make the museum attractive for tourists.

the issue has been considered by the perm ministry of culture for a long time. the process was delayed as the question about its status and an owner of the house fell on the period when the offi-cials were not nominat-ed. ‘now the problem is being considered,,’ Vladimir abashev said.

Ingredients (per 1 person)

• 1/2 lobster• 20g broccoli• 20g cauliflower• 20g mini-asparagus

• 20g mini-maize• 20g mini-carrot• 10g mushrooms• 5g cress salad• 5g lime• 5g kumquat• 2g truffle

official oPeninG ceremony on 7Th novemBerviP offer +7 908 24 86 510

Page 16: the_perm_days-16

SEPTEMBER 2008P e r m r e g i o n a l n e w s p a p e r

lAsT PAge

CLUB EvENTS:The grand opening of the first Event&Show center in Russia, the WonderHall, and the premiere of the fabulous interactive dinner-show, Around the World.Date: September, 12th (Friday)WonderHall (88 Lenina st., Perm)+7 342 270 03 07The evening party «Clubbin’ Freedom». Special guest – Dj Kolya (Moscow) and also Dj Sasha ALEX, Dj Small. Date: September, 20th (Saturday)Bionica club (5 Gazety Zvezda st., Perm)+7 342 212 17 07DJ GRAD @ House Party + Best music of the best DJsDate: September, 27th (Saturday)MAMA club (66 Kuybisheva st., Perm)+7 342 2 772 113The special guests: Tune Brothers (Germany)Date: September, 27th (Saturday)VETER club (16 Sibirskaya st., Perm)+7 342 276 77 94

PHILHARMONIC:An evening of organ music. The performer – prize-winner of Russian and International competitions, Alexander Udaltcov (Moscow).Date: September, 18th (Thursday), 19-00Organ Concert Hall (51b Lenina st., Perm)+7 342 231 51 00A concert of the Svetlanov State Academic symphon-ic orchestra Date: September, 27th (Saturday), 19-00The Big Hall of Perm krai Philharmonic society (14 Kuy-bisheva st., Perm)+7 342 235 14 92

THEATRE:The opening of the 137th theatre season. Gala concert.Date: September, 15th (Monday),19-00The Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre (25a Kom-munisticheskaya st., Perm)+7 342 212 30 87The opening of the 82th theatre season. The pre-miere: the brilliant comedy, «Squaring the circle». Date: September, 25th (Thursday)‘The Theatre’ Perm Academic Theatre (53 Lenina st., Perm)+7 342 236 10 92“The Lonely West” M. McDonack. Tragicomedy.Date: September, 27th (Sartuday)«U Mosta» Perm theatre (11 Kuybisheva st., Perm)+7 342 237 52 55

PLANETARIUM:The evening Perm sky.Date: September, 28th (Sunday), 14-30The Perm Planetarium (27a Gagarina blvd., Perm)+7 342 260 41 29


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Perm krai – the region of Culture

Programme, conduct-ed with the support of the Ministry of Cul-ture and Mass Com-munications organizes many arrangements events. At the end of August Osa city, as one of cities to win the Center of Culture of Perm krai Competi-tion, welcomed the third congress of the Municipal Unions Council and the VII Festival of Historical Cities.

The congressthere are 18 historical

cities and settlements in Perm krai with its history and heritage. Osa city took part in the programme not by accident. the empress Ekaterina the Great appreciated the importance of the city for the Russian Empire at its true value and established the city emblem in 1783. For the last 417 years of its life Osa was either an outpost of the new Russian eastern territories or a landing pier at the Kama river, or a center of merchant class development or a place where a great number of handicrafts flourished. also Osa was a city of the oilman.

at the third congress of the Municipal Unions Council of Perm krai Osa gathered the governor, Chirkunov, the state duma deputies, representatives of the krai government, legislative and town councils, as well as heads of 363 municipal settlements. the purpose of the congress was to sum up the first three years since the reform of local government had been adopted. it should be noted that the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation designated Perm krai as «the leader for bringing reform into being in Russia».

Participants of the congress have analyzed the results of the transitional period and charted a course of action to settle the problems of development in the local government in Perm krai in 2009.

Revolutionary occasion

«there has not been such a festive occasion in Osa so far!» — at least this is the opinion of the majority of people in Osa. the occasion began when the quests came into the city accompanied by Cossack on horses. next the holiday column marched past the whole city and a bit later a sculpture for couples in love opened up. later a real performance begun in a town square, showing tzar Fedor ioannovich sending the Kaludjenin Brothers to settle new Russian lands. the festival ended with a beauty contest. But after the festival another surprise awaited people, as a special present was the performance of the new Opera by artists of the Moscow theatre. For two evenings on a main square sounded the music of great composers and the voices of superb soloists.

Guests who want to visit Osa could see the cupolas of svyato-troitzkyi cathedral. this orthodox temple, built at the beginning of the 19th century, has a destiny like many other religious buildings. at first there was a protracted period of construction because of the lack of means, an absolute neglect afterwards during the soviet period and at last there has been a hard and long restoration in the new age. this building, quite out of the ordinary in its scale and architecture, is a symbol of the city.

it is hard to imagine Osa without the merchant mansions which adorn the ancient part of the city. Merchant dynasties began to appear in Osa in the second half of the 19th century. the most well-off merchants had stone houses. the city has managed to save 43 relics of the past and now everything that was created reflects the city’s history. Once you arrive in Osa you ought to visit the museum and the memorial complex. it includes memorials of the Great Patriotic War, the Civil war and the Peasant War of 1773-1775. the special city’s pride is a diorama – the seizure of Osa fortress by Pugachev – which is a monumental and historical picture devoted to the Peasant War of 1773-1775. EDITOR’S NOTE





SERGEY LYSENKO, the GM of Moscow theatre the New Opera:— The last time I was in Osa was two years ago, but two days ago I came here again and looked at the city. I did not recognize it! Osa has become a tremen-dous city, the equal of those in Europe. Today’s event – the opening of the sculpture for people in love — moved me to tears. It is difficult to express these feelings in words.

SERGEY ROMANOv, the Head of Osa district:— I would like our citizens to fell strongly that we have a great holiday here. Guests will have gone but the high relief constructed for the Kaludjenin broth-ers, the fragment of a serf wall, the museum exhibi-tion, the sculptural composition of the rhapsody of love, fountain square and many other things will remain. We created a revolution in terms of city improvement, but the main revolution is in people’s minds who want and are ready to make life around them better.


Krasnokamsk city. 10 Sept. The occasion of Tatar culture «Un Yak Yar». Ph. +7-342 (273) 4-41-24Osa city. 19-21 Sept. Russian jazz festival the Fresh Wind. Ph. +7-342 (291) 4-56-74Uinskoe rural settlement. Autumn krai agricultural fair Spring-2008. Ph. +7-342 (259) 2-35-65