Theory of Human Becoming by Rosemarie Rizzo Parse

Theory of Human Becoming



Transcript of Theory of Human Becoming by Rosemarie Rizzo Parse

  • Theory of Human Becoming
  • Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
  • The Parse theory of human becoming guides nurses in their practice to focus on quality of life as it is described and lived (Karen & Melnechenko, 1995). The human becoming theory of nursing presents an alternative to both the conventional bio-medical approach and the bio-psycho-social-spiritual (but still normative) approach of most other theories of nursing.(ICPS)
  • The human becoming theory posits quality of life from each person's own perspective as the goal of nursing practice.(ICPS) Rosemarie Rizzo Parse first published the theory in 1981 as the "Man-living-health" theory (ICPS) The name was officially changed to "the human becoming theory" in 1992 to remove the term "man," after the change in the dictionary definition of the word from its former meaning of "humankind."
  • ABOUT THE THEORIST Educated at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh MSN and Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh Published her theory of nursing, Man Living-Healthin 1981 Name changed toTheory of Human Becomingin 1992 Editor and Founder,Nursing Science Quarterly Has published eight books and hundreds of articles about Human Becoming Theory Professor and Niehoff Chair at Loyola University, Chicago
  • Man-Living-Health - unique theory of nursing presented by Parse (1981) - synthesized principles and concepts from Rogers, and concepts and tenets from existential phenomenology
  • Purpose: - posit an idea of nursing rooted in the human sciences as an alternative to ideas grounded in the natural sciences. Natural Sciences - nursing as having to do with the quantification of man and illness rather than the qualification of mans total experience with health.
  • World-views of Nursing Totality Paradigm Simultaniety Paradigm Man Posited as a total summative being whose nature is a combination of bio- psycho-social- spiritual aspects. More than and different from the sum of the parts An open being free to choose in mutual rhythmical interchange with the environment Gives meaning to situations and is responsible for choices in moving beyond what is Experiencing the what was, is, and will be all at once
  • Environment External and internal stimuli surrounding man Nursing Applied Science - drawing knowledge from all other sciences Basic Science - with its own body of distinct knowledge 1992 - Parse changed the name of her theory of Man- Living Health to the theory of Human Becoming
  • Basis for Assumptions Rogers three major principle: helicy complimentarity (now called integrality) resonancy Rogers four major concepts: energy field openness pattern organization
  • Tenets and concepts of exixtential-phenomenological thought: intentionality human subjectivity coconstitution coexistence situated freedom
  • ASSUMPTIONS Parses (1981) original nine assumptions Parses latest revision (1998) Basis 1. Man is coexisting while coconstitu-ting rhythmical patterns with the environment. 1. The human is coexisting while coconstitu-ting rhythmical patterns with the universe. Pattern and organization Coconstitution Coexistence
  • 2. Man is an open being, freely choosing meaning in situation, bearing responsibility for decisions. 2. The human is open, freely choosing meaning in situation, bearing responsibility for decisions. Energy field Openness Situated freedom 3. Man is a living unity continuously coconstitu-ting patterns of relating. 3. The human is unitary continuously coconstitu-ting patterns of relating. Energy field Pattern and organization Coconstitution
  • 4. Man is transcending multidimensionalit y with the possibles. 4. The human is transcending multidimensionalit y with the possibles. Openness Four dimensiona- lity Situated freedom 5. Health is an open process of becoming, experienced by man. 5. Becoming is unitary human- living-health Openness Coconstitution Situated freedom
  • 6. Health is a rhythmically coconstituting process of the man- environment interrelationship. 6. Becoming is a rhythmically coconstituting process of the human- universe process. Pattern and organization Four dimensiona- lity Coconstitution 7. Health is mans pattern of relating value priorities. 7. Becoming is the humans pattern of relating value priorities. Openness Pattern and organization Situated freedom
  • 8. Health is an intersubjective process of transcending with the possibles. 8. Becoming is an intersubjective process of transcending with the possibles. Openness Coexistence Situated freedom 9. Health is unitary mans negentropic unfolding 9. Becoming is unitary humans emerging. Energy field Four dimensiona- lity Coexistence
  • The original nine assumptions are further synthesized into three assumptions on human becoming (1992) Human becoming is freely choosing personal meaning in situations in the intersubjective process of relating value priorities. Human becoming cocreating rhythmical patterns of relating in open interchange with the universe. Human becoming is cotranscending multidimensionally with the unfolding possibilities.
  • Parse (1987) cites the following distinctives of her theory: The belief that humans are more and different then the sum of their parts. Human beings evolve mutually with the environment Human beings cocreate personal health by choosing meaning in situations Human beings convey meanings that are personal values, which reflect their dreams and hope.
  • PRINCIPLES Three main themes: Meaning - refers to the linguistic and imagined content of something and the interpretation that one gives to something. Rhythmicity - refers to the fast paced, paradoxical patterning of the human- universe mutual process. Transcedence - described as reaching beyond with possibles-the hopes and dreams seen in multidimensional experience
  • Principle I Structuring meaning multidimensionally is cocreating reality through the languaging valuing and imaging. Principle II Cocreating rhythmical patterns of relating is living the paradoxical unity of revealing- concealing, and enabling-limiting, while connecting-separating. Principle III Cotranscending with the possibles is powering unique ways of originating in the process of transforming.
  • Principle 1: Structuring meaning multidimensionally is cocreating reality through the languaging of valuing and imaging. Principle 2: Cocreating rhythmical patterns of relating is living the paradoxical unity of revealing- concealing and enabling- limiting while connecting-separating. Principle 3: Cotranscending with the possibles is powering unique ways of originating in the process of transforming. Valuing Enabling-limitingImaging Revealing-concealing Powering Originating Languaging Connecting-separating Transforming Concepts in the squares: Powering emerges with revealing- concealing of imaging. Concepts in the oval: Originating emerges with the enabling-limiting of valuing. Concepts in the triangle: Transforming emerges with the languaging of connecting-separating
  • NURSING PARADIGMS MAN NURSING PARADIGMS MAN - open being who is more than and different from the sum of the parts ENVIRONMENT - everything in the person and his experiences - inseparable, complimentary to and evolving with
  • HEALTH - a synthesis of values, a way of living - mans lived experience as it unfolds negentropically. NURSING - basic science, the practice of which is a performing art. - loving, true presence with the other to promote health and the quality of life.
  • In an editorial in Nursing Science Quarterly, Parse (1989) proposes a set of fundamentals essential for fully practicing the art of nursing. These include the following: Know and use nursing frameworks and theories Be available to others Value the other as a human presence Respect differences in view Own what you believe and be accountable for your action Move on to the new and untested Connect with others Take pride in self Like what you do Recognize the moments of joy in the struggles of living Appreciate mystery and be open to new discoveries Be competent in your chosen area Rest and begin anew
  • PRACTICE APPLICATION Mrs. M, a terminally ill cancer client: Emergent Patterns of Health for Mrs. M Mrs. M Nurse Activities 1. Mrs. M says she does not want to discuss her situation with her family, yet she makes plans to broach the subject with them. Be truly present with Mrs. M as she imagines familiar and unfamiliar ways of engaging with and withdrawing from family during the coming days and week . 2. Mrs. M says that this is the worst time of her life yet she says that she has never enjoyed the natural world so much as now Be with Mrs. M while she imagines aspects of nature that have special meaning for her.
  • CLARITY The relationships are clear and flow with logical precision from the assumptions, to the principles, to the theoretical structures, to the practice dimensions, and to the research methodology. Concepts and relationships become more clear to the reader as ones familiarity with the terminology increases.
  • SIMPLICITY The theory is a complex theory. Parse differentiated the totality and simultaneity paradigms in nursing. She then synthesizes tenets, principles and concepts to create her nine assumptions. The principles of the theory of human becoming are derived from the assumptions, with each principles relating three concepts to each other.
  • GENERAL/GRAND Parses theory of human becoming focuses on the lived experiences of unitary human beings and therefore is applicable to all individuals, families and communities at all times and in all contexts.
  • IMPERICAL PRECISION This theory is based on the work of nurse scientist, Martha Rogers (1970), and existential phenomenology. In synthesizing Rogers principles of helicy, complimentarity (now called integrality), and resonancy and her four concepts of openness, energy field, pattern and organization, and four-dimensionality with the tenets of existential-phenomenological thought.
  • DERIVABLE CONSEQUENCE Critical thinking used by the nurse in true presence with the person is thinking that guides, illuminates, synchronizes rhythms, and mobilizes transcendence together-with the person. It is never judgement or direction that nurse gives to or requires of the person.
  • STRENGTHS logical flow from construction of her assumptions to the deductive derivation of principles, theoretical structures, practice dimensions, and research process focuses on all individuals, not only those defined by societal norms as being ill. assumption about humans freely choosing personal meaning in the process of relating value priorities. differentiates nursing from other disciplines practice - provides guidelines of care and useful administration useful in Education provides research methodologies provides framework to guide inquiry of other theories (grief, hope, laughter, etc.)
  • WEAKNESS lack of articulation with the body of knowledge and psychomotor skills that most nurses and society generally attribute to the practice of professional nursing. research considered to be in a closed circle rarely quantifiable results - Difficult to compare to other research studies, no control group, standardized questions, etc. does not utilize the nursing process/diagnoses degates the idea that each person engages in a unique lived experience not accessible to the novice nurse not applicable to acute, emergent care
  • - END -
  • Prepared by: Maria Neze E. Dalimocon
  • Submitted to: Mrs. Mary Day E. Florano