THE.ONLY AVTERNOO. TWII' VOL. 5. JT0.2SO iHiF JFFIHO : FEIipiSl > Seizure of Numerous Import- ' ant Documents is Reported A . as Result of Searcti of Ai- leged Sinn Fein Centeft OFFICIAL DESTRUCTION ; IS CARRIED OUT IN CORK . yUJWOn, (A^^Atlesrd Sinn Feio | r^Bttri lit tftif eltr wvei- taiijotici lu ' ( ■ImBUMpon# 7ild» br Sfotlwxl Yard « dct«HTM Ul« lut; Blgtt, BlVf tbfl * nally n both the J Kmi end ani W «t end,' OBUbiy In i B«rtw«lCT,' ftunibw y/ PtddlBgtoB, I - atepliAO.r, SuUiaB and HaavHl, yitiM j - mldfdi u d It'll lUted r numbrr of Imiwrtut docDmnlt«'vor^ ieiswl. nr ‘ I.oes) [aporturr attuJird to t rtld nr nn'A foarsU i? bouce In ColvUto TVr- III nuT, Bs7«int«r,'wbirh woi <hnr<iui;h1y ii-tirchfd for fctfor*. CROWK FOBCBB 'OAZS 0 02E .S m p iH O S ITHDBB 0BDSB8 P f •' CORK, IreUnd, (/Ph-TJic fint o/fi ' c-inl dtrlniptloa for attneki on rrown totffn in Cork eltn ibrp nurlinl lair WM enforced in tiili ^nn wnt carrlpd ' un^thi* norsiiiir, when ttro houtn in > WtwJilngton i t w l , where tw o mcnil>er» of the wjrtl In»h conil*huUty were Marked on flaJordny 1«M. wer^ de- ilnirrd by mijUUry force., Tlie mlUtarr ftuUiorltlf* fttwtl »rcw«\ M. forpfd wtre fired on 8nliir<by from ilz ,.r,i Imuu-i In Wuhlnf^on ntnet nnd that .. “ thv twa w m ” ww for ds- ______ _, (ed COMMnTBB o r ONE HUNDRED |','i PEATTS PBELIMINABY BBPOHI W\amN(iTON. (JPi~ K "prciW Icri itmry report to cntiUin rotirluxlon* anj < reromrnoniitione’’ i« Ijeinjf prol»ro.l Uy tlib rommiuUn of Connltet <<’» <’nr Hundred {nveitlRntin^ eoiidlMonf it> Irrlnad and will bi- luucd nn.ii'rll i'y vsnu nnntmntcd toAnv »>.v the romnU The rejwri will ' Iir hiuied' on '"'i ^tnti-mfnli mftdc V personii \rtirf have T"! nnnenicA before the fommwiWn. 11 tt#'* ron - .iihl, hut the bearing* w lIItrrtoflaoM '"J ' -JrtdrfJnlrlv nod nnv'new farti ilm!- nm, - ()pc<\ w^ll W included in on np[H'ndlx rhn tc. the'report now being |»ropareil. '"a JEMESSilfli sc ; pipiGEsyM- ^ Pormor Oomptroilor Oooofal ,,„i M e s e s UOO.QOD.DOO lm - M>' properly Paid Out NK\V VOUK yP)-A t lrn»l f lflft.Ml). ,nOfl,.imiiruperly pnld •lil|ibulMfr» l.y ,> ilie 'lIflUed Btatc* uhlpiiihir hcmubwlU III' iII/trloKed t^roiich nn a’lilll nf nr- i-<niiitii nov In protfn'M. (’dnnH K, U. | ,\ha<15e, former rm nplrollir K<'nrriil o.* the iHi/ird, deelarei) -li*re i<i‘1;..v lu-fore , Till- Wnlih «oo(tri'«ilnnnl r<immitto<\ (.'nlniiel Ahftdio fharRcil Ihnl ther. _ lien” In the denlinE* bclwreii tlio ri'thli'hiiq'' Sh'lphiill'llni.' ror|ior»llnn r.nil tlie ’lfoverfimi'tn n» ii r.-^iilt nf thi' -.•oMRcetlon of Cl-nrlM M, K^hn-,.!. ivilh lioth the iMisr*! an-1 th r f(ir|Kirntlnn, ^ "ThlOBi. liaiV brci* done nml nllnw- .•cl.” he t^dflfii'd, ' ‘licfnimp of Mr. , Hrliwnl.’* ,’ onnrcllon whlpli |»rnl.nhh' would not l«> MlnwriV othrr wi«r nn.l iliouRh I •w»«'’MtJ»«i!d-.- M r. flchwnJ. knew prrrnnnlly liollilnc of them,'tlie ' iuniirnee. from Wr. RrhMro»i> <I"‘i' t-i">- li.m KM vf'vftlei\t-«Ami,', ThP atiilll. whlrh • n-lll Inrliirtr n'l -■,l.lphnllJing whirl, hn.l ro.. tTftplii wMli tl'" tt^vrtnmvtvt w ill/oM ‘ 1,00(1,000; hr tr«tiflr.l. r.iltitirl >4inili< |.rr.ll.|rd H «•!!,' th.- 'i/isi. /<‘r ,iHlon Irmktap ■1« . n-rnvity nf vti». Coltinri Al'Silir oxiiliiiiir'l tim* hin ,l.«rce» dirt tinl iiirlii<li' I'-r ^'iW rhw i I'.irporailon alonr, I'lil . vnrnm^ "hip ^ 'sriU throiighoiil thr miintry. Women to Delicer- Vote by Airplane OMAHA. Ntl),,. (ff>— C ‘ ne» thot will earry Mre. H. !!,• , erler o'f Lineoln. dclrgnto from tho Nebraska rlcdoral eolleRC. nnd ^ Mm, Draper Smith nf Omaha, nltor- nato, tfl'TVAihingtoo, ti.'doHv.T tbe Al eicht elretornl vote* of.Ihe ilste, left Ak-8ar-Ben field' at ' 10:41 thin Tnnmiog fnr 1/neoIn, where thr offlrial atnrt of the trip will At l>i- mnde. Mra. Wherirt irill enter one of tlto'^rancR al Uacclti and return to Omnha, where Mr*. > Smith will cnler the leeood onr. I Hdr to Throne of Japan to Visit V; S. iJ’ . --------- ------------------------ .1." .TOKIO. HUoWtn. v,l I'fir flnpitreni to tl.p throne of In .'■’i>nn, will vl*lt Amrrica nftrr hi* ''rotms/d Slip tn, LoB'ioB and othei gil •Kiironern nflpUnlr next iprlnjr. pri '^'*11 the A*ahl Shlmhnn of Oitaka. tin Thr fTown pt'nrr rnajr bo apcom- |ir nnnled nn his trip to'the Oeeldmt' vii hv AdmirnI /Toirn nnd n number of tilhoT nroinitienl' Japaneae leaA^m. i.1< It 1* reported. no m PAPER INlDABO C M FA Nebraska Women Use I Airplane to Deliver < Presidential Vote-^ OMAHA, Neb,, {/P>-Mr». II. H. i Whroler of lilnrotn nnd U n. Dra- I tier Hmitli of Omaha, oleetoraJ col- i " IrRo di'lesate anil aUernoio respec- i tlvcly, left here Ihl* altemoon on i an airplane flight to Wa*I.lnKton- ' to ilrllver the *tatp'» fight repuh- Hcan-olrctoral vot«* at Iho national eupital. They plan tn make.their firrt itop at Pea Molnc*, la. ^ Army Bolds Out Hope \ to Father of Eletien] enilting literature cant a llltle rav I of lunihlbe Into the life ^ O w k farmer in' Mluouri with 11 Hi children to aupport ou OO.arre* Ii ,of “ run down” lud. Noting ed- pi ueatlonal feature* of army life. B , tbe UI*»ouriu wrot<> Adjuluf 'fr Oeneral Harri* for «pceltl Mrmlt- !l». aion to eall*t tbe lecond.oldoit of im nine aom and a pair of twin*, all tat iujt under ajca. TUt bar* " a » ‘ th large for their afM u d . will grade ; m up well to tho average coualrv , boya Ift lookt aad-.iateUlRtnf*,^' ifllilT : iiiBirspn Fronoh Parllamoat Hearo Now ' Promlor Boad Coolaratlon ' nn bf IntonUona ‘‘i I*AI{I8, (yR-Arimiile Brland'a new miniitry made K* liow W ore parlia- ment today, and the new. premier ,roa^ *** the eahlnet’* ileflamtlon of polify, M. Orland and I’hlUppi- M'rlhi-lot, jjen- Ih i-rnl wrrct.iry m t!-r Kri'iii'l; , fjjrelpi offifo, rnl until ^fi.T rm-inlRUl flnUU- ing tho dprlnrnllot). tvhirli 'wn* mihml* ’ led thi* morning finnl apjirovnl ta the wTioli- nililiirt. Tlilo mpi-lliig wm . la-hl nl the- Ely,ei- imlnc- nml wo* nn. J" (ler the ehnlnnnn*hlp..>f I'rr.idpril Mil- I’* ' lerand, , ' Il win fiirrr.iNt thnt the devlnrntlo't •*' would Iip o f ron"i<iiTiililp length, nt- t<’mptli\u t»..civr, -ot f«r n» pniiBlble; Al Ihnt ll;;hl onthe foreign i>olli-y of M Krnnrc thr rrfnani of wliirh liroaglit he ftl«y the ilownfaM i.f the I^ycuc* mV mli»trntior.. DeUU* nf the di.mrrti.' Ti -pnllpy III III. pnmiird were iiliw given rotali\»ral.V nllention. t' ••XT: nrlnnd wa* raid tnd»y-|n hnv.. n mnjnrlly of Bppmxlmnl..!y -Ifin In the _ ehnrnber. the rndientii nlniu- w ithhold:^' Ing apprnvfti unlll thrv fn' llie tiiini- |, ' tty al work. _________ SCANS LIQUOR PERMITS,, ProhlblUoQ Oonunlaaioner B«<]iUnt AP'Sn proval of Applications b r Agent | ht W.\HIII.\(rfn).V, f/D -'T.i I..-M.I. tl..,.|<-'i I'l.lirv of Iil.liiie I>r Iii|iinr irnnilx, I'ro.jgi lilMtloi. roiiinii>ii..i>xr Kr»i>.rr din-'.'-l |.d,tiw|(.v tliiil III! ii|*.li,.ni!,.i.' fi.r iii-v.' li (..■mill* or r.-n.' nf ..hi prrn.iu t..;m ..'II llfiiior at wholr-nie nr ii. u».- >Ijn J" • '.n mi.niifnrtfir'" of nli.i.’ii,l|r pr<.|.iirp- tlnn* mii«l Iip m.iin.ved l.v *l/ili' i IIk '- ii* lor* nnd «u|H'rvl«liig fi-ili.rnl prohil.;- ir tion ngont*. w IfeKiiIntii'U" ri-aultiii.{ •iinilnr :n«- w provnl nf np|dirn‘i'i.i» fnr" frtr :i’ retnll driiu'l'i"!' .'il'o ’•.ill h,-4 «iiip.| -i n'i'ii. Mr. Kranw'r Miiimui.,*'!,' , .• I'’ PITTSBtmOH, Pa., (/P)— j of Pittsburghers, to develop ind being, orgaiilrod horo by membe lion. - Tho, Palestine activities announced that industries to l barffh corporation include gl brick and machinery. LONDON. (/P)— A Berlin c counter has ooourrcd at Brogi tween an armed mob and plebls ing lasted sovoral hours, the t occurred on both sides. BABOELONA, Spain. (/P)- to lynch a syndicalist agitator arrested on a cbargo of attem of a steel plant- OiWl guards repeatedly upon .the cro.wd to,; .lence. ANTi-ALIEN.LAND BILL ' H PROPOSED FOR OREGON , Attomejr Oeneral Approrea Ueasurel Uodeled After Oalifomla .Law Fnt i to.I*glti4tare } . . h s,\i.i;M .,nr.-,, ............ ... imt:. i, n’irn Inn.l l-ill, i» nfter'llu.' h f..riih l'n>v. Wll! Iiitr.>.liin.| In thi. Irgi»- Intiirv t-ln v .' 't1»' Wll ^'n* >'xat»liv^l [ I." Atloriii.v ni-iiiTii' ''nil Winhip whn di'p'dnl Ihnl It* t.rnv's:..... wpr.- fully J T,HWn ihp prmrtllH'i.iiiM ]ni«vT. n( the " 1rui«latur.>. J Thi' bill prnhlblli.. fluv Alirn 'nnt ell. ' gillie tn rltlipnriilp frmn i.wnlnif * ' i.rojHTly in the «tn’p nnd j.rovide* for '' the e^^eheatment In Hie xlnte of nny p properly, iSltr lo which 1. *rpuris1 in violation of the provininnn of the net. TcrMina not cliffiblc lo ritironihlp arr «Uo prevented fnim ocji^ng a* giiardl- no* for minora - -• s >CARRYING THE FVLL l LLS - -'V. rW lK I’ALLS. nUBO. TEUS B iiSBn iiis ^ liLyKUPN : iitPM* Reijbinte ol the International ! .lilercantiie Marine Company ii Head to Charges of Senator : Jo'hes Enlivens Session ^ jv WABHINOTON, tfpj-Chargei by : Henator Joaei o'f Waibin|(loQ that -the - Interontlonal UereaotUc Marine'eom' Al pany-uperatod ‘‘In the Intoreit of the tic Britiih gQveruaont '.and Britlih fu 'trads” brought a fbarp njolader from fei !l’. A. fi i'ra«lla. nrraldtnt of tlio toaj- "0 I pany, and created a lively dUeunlon thi <at the opeaiag avisloa here today of *ei !the anaual conroBtion of tbe National vii : ^lerehant Marine aasoeUtlon. To nppott hU daifu Senator : JooM nld in afeot of tbs lUp- . ping board In K«v Toilc Olty « to , : fonrurty w u la tl* «nslo7 of tl« ‘2 Ibtffsatloaal U e iii^ e Marina ' had oppo^ establUbnuit of an , Aaisrleaa «U:ps4sis U u ' betvtea ' N«w Toifc «Bd Sngland on tJu troand that It Tonld "lojun tlia foi boatnan of BrtUib Unn'' fron tri ' KawYork.'’ ,_ -Ilf ' Mr. Franklin aaked who the man wal »» mill Senator Jonea aald be thought bit "nuino waa Mr. Androwa." . ‘-We Mvct hod a man by that t'”’ . name," declared Mr. Franklin, and ;j£ n*ked for further iuformallon'ai to tho ', wnator'a tbargn. ' Renntor Jonei aaked. to be excused, «.ylrig ho wa* compelled to return to the «.-nate for the regular sewlon. m n k lls Picks Up Oanntlet' , Henator Ranidell of Loulalan, who . jiresIJrd, then recognized Mr Frnaklin , lo reply to tho charge*. ' , “ It I* manifeitly unfair nnd un- juKl,” Mr. fVnnklln saiil, “ for a mom- ^{i , her of the senate of the ifiilted State* vni tu maki' Mie.h ehafi;e»* BRainut the In- t.'rni.tinnNl Mripnnllli- iiinriiie. The )„■|wi.y ix Aflierirun, None but m ; A)nf»itnn» It on U» Ixiai.l of dlieetora. of ’ >'incty.nini' per cpnt of Its «li>eli la nil hel/l l.y Aniprlrnns.’' TOLEDOIS PJIEPARING TO - TO INSTALL SOUi> KITCHENS J I •— ' *t/i iCmertencT, lAbor Oo&olulo&ti Aa. i,,, j -nouncos Plant for TeedUig Thoa- lai : laudj of Viumiiloyed nn I'Ol.KIK). 0.. (/p)—l ’rrimri.rliiin> fnr the liialnlliitlii.. i.f i. irnnj. kilrhi-.i whiTp Ihnutnmix of Tnh'di, iinemplnye.l • iniiy 111 ' fed. werp miiilr lodny nnd mny lhnvi'^l(i,lH' put inln uik- nlmont Imnip \ jillnlely, il wn* i.iinnnneril by .Inli.i It p. (.W ell, who hnii been ft]i]iuliitpil t-nn.r. • Igi'iipv Inhor mnimlMionrr. . ' .1 Tii.lnv Mhtp ivi're prew:n| nl the sn- ' ' I lill .(.,rvipi. -ri.d.'rntioii nenrly' 2^00 ,;itii.|i ........... . hr.'»kfnit .nml |.?rndini; I fi.r iiiiiiii'dint.- work. *’ ; r Siimi- of i|i|. niiplimtilH nn ninny . ,1- 11 rliildrp.1 ;.t hnmr minlilr to ron- ) . iriliiiti' to thi'ir iiwii Mii>]iiirt.- it wn* jn Mid. Sn......... . th.. mrn I'nii.i' with .t^ • wnrn.i.ut .luii,.*_aad rlutluui: sa rnggod nl r :i> ti> pxpi...', tI.Pm lo th ' ndd. The ^li I .i.ii.iiit rri'piiilv ii|i)>riiprmlnl ♦•J.'i.Oflil w«rV for MU' we»\. mI .. ...... ......................... ' fij I WS Events n : me — A million dollar .corporation industrial lines in Palestine, is ibers of tho'Zionists organlia* 03 committeo of. the Zionists .in O'be developed by tho Pitts- i'.'' glass, foundries,, limestone, Im 'I ____ till n dispatch reports that an on- ogutBchutz, upper SUosia, b&- nr': biscito sono poUco. The fight* e report adds, and casualtloa N( I’ an (P)— An angry mob attem pted tor todoy when tho man was ompting to kill tho proprietor r..< rds wero compelled to chargo to. save the prisoner from vio- iia HARDING PACKS'His TRUNK ll I ' Pl I rrtsldonVelect Prepares for Long Ab wnco from Hia How -Toiro "" 01 . _____ i MAltlON, 0,. (;p)-i*n'"idi'n{clerl ” ilniiiliig piiri(ed his trunk lodnv for a long nh..i'.ir.. from hU l.i.m.- tn’.vn. He !' IfiivpB tnnigl,! for hi* vnenlioli trip to i. ' HI* arlivp proprietorship of the Mn- ^ J finn Rtnr whose gulJini; Influrnro he II hn* iM'en for thirty', wns relln- „ r)ulshed Innt night wlijn 'hr ntepped down voluntarily ‘na .m&UIvnl’ «M (io _ Hnnllng P uI.IIsIIIdk eompnnv. At the I, InsiMenee of hi* fellow.‘ilnekhDhlef*, (imevet, iie-ntetptti th( clalnaaB^y of tho bnnrd of diroctor* of the com- Is y pnnv. nn honoriir>- positlnn.^ ' m n ------- -- , ' ft I. IDAHO WBATHBB ' w e Tonight nnd Prldaf W r north oi I- portion prohnbly tnow soiilh por- m lionj eolder lonight south jwrtion. tl S . ' . ,L DAY LEASED WIRE i DAIL CTOSDAY, JANUABY 20, 19a, Asks Legis Publi(^ Representative Store Introduces Bill to St; COUNTY UNIT SCHOOL IS REVIVED BY EDUCj -DOIBB (SflWal to Tlie tiin Ahollshment of the stnle pulillp i.tlli. Ull tlen eommlaaion and trnnsrer of its III funellon* to diitdct eourti would bp ef. fecteil hy enactment of home bill No. •0 IntToflneed in the lower house, of thp Idaho Icgl>lat4ire lodar hr Ilepre. •entativo Jay A- Slorer of Aia. I’r.' « viidon IS mado In'Ihe bill for apwal from deel*iona of the diitriet courts in sueh ratei to the statr lupreme j Opinion |n preUy evenlv divided in Irgiilallve eirele* as to whether the ' menmire la npproved hv Ihe ndminlstrn- the tlun or not. i„ BariTW Oomty Dnlt PUa ' ...... I’foiKiwil.. for h-gislntivi' provlgion A«« for eoniolidntloD of nil Ihe sehool dU- . un Irieln bl enejj^unty under the juris- illetioH of n eoimtv hoard nf edurJitiai> nre revi\pd hy house Idll Xo. 71 in. * '‘'1'' tfodiieed hy fhe house eommiltee om i'diii-i.tinn._ A Idll doslgjied for this pur- pose wns defeated In the Inwcr hous.! twp yoart aifo. UndiT I'rovlslnns of tiff present, hill, Ihe. eoi.niv hoard , edurntlon wou,W ronsUl duriag th« '‘*"1' first yenr nf the eon«fllld#ted di*lriet Ilf r, memhent. *ir heing elprled fron. each of Ihe i<l* dlstrlets j«{t» whSfli the roiinlv would he illvldeil. fluhseijuent- h the honrd would he innilr up of six memlien. otvp being tlr'IeS from enrl, f'’"' eub.dlvision. ron f’ins" ,\ inilPl>endi.|it "phool dlslrlet* ■ftiMil'l lip ' MiemTdril from Ineiuslon Aw within the ronsiilldnted dislriet union "'■'I voti-d it. l.v .iinioritv nf electora within • flph The ^iinly board would III' i.|ii|ii.weti'd tn lovy n niaiimiim of nny Ifl mlllN tnx. exeepi iiimn disponialloii ‘'*1^' of llip ulnle bonrd when Ihe iimtl to ■ micht hr rnlM'd tn l.'i mills. ' ^^n1 Aaka I-n d for Veteran*. Hoii«e iiipninrlnl No. '.1. liit.Toilu'.'V'j rluj fo^-'TiTTIpiTrwt.tnfTmXnTeniim'nnir-iiH Wnliter i» nddresaed to frderni goveri. ■ < menl nfflplitls nnd nsks for grnni to th.'ifi,.,' stnt^' of ■ ’iO.OOO acres of pulilie lands tu . be, sold nild the proreeds used for. rn-'fn»| Inrgrment nt the soldiers' hnme at f„ii noise, ... . " Swiator J. H. Seam of Twlr FaUi, cbalnnas of the senate fl- Atacft coQtsiSttM. today lnfon&«A - the aenato that bla comislttee waa at work now opott th# appwprU- '- _ tlona bUU t*7lng to do witii ex- it'"' penaea of attto cbarlUhle and the penal iDitiCutiont and that aa toon ' aa agreeiiiBDt npo Btheae measures evi- waa reached In the committee, thoy '"I'l wtmld be rtported. to the senate. ,ewi ApproprlaUona for state expentet i would be Uken up later, he taid. |iinl Hoiinle joint tMolutbii No. * wns in-i„„, trodurud tndny hy the eommittee «!• ,|,p. Ktnie nffalrs. providing for siibml/sioii'...,, nl IW «ext Kenerel elfftioiv «f (v fo«., . ntiliitionnl iinieadment lo provide fnr.,,.. the fixing liv the legiklnlnre nf »nl.i..,, fiTle* of stnle offltW»'wV.\el» now nre ,,,,, fixed l.y-‘’thp ri.n<i1lliillo!i Bennti' jnlnl memnriai ,Nn. n. IntrO') p,., •lured by Senntor'K W . 1* nddresseAi ti> eiiiigri’fH nnd reqiiesli^ ndopllnn nf the MrCiimlier bill proridlng for the .j,,, monlhlv pnyment of i>ensi«ns to war vetprnns. - Wonld Abolish Tax-' • [|,e- Abolishmcnl of (he slni- 2 mill* ro .id • tnx pa*ned in Ifll* lo rnlre »l,(''00,0/'n ^ n vcftt for hlRhway work, ti proposed ■in’sennte^blll N'o. Ofi inirodured ,todny; hv Ihp flnnnre eommittee. .Indnr»e.; ' A nicnt nt the Iftrt ReMral eleetlon of,tou' Ihe onn,finn Sinlr roail bond issue It thn hi'ld tl. hnve removed the neress^lly for,int. tlie piilleetlnn of.thi. tnx thSAenr. ' ___ B<'iini<ir King introdneed a bill pro-.— viding for inereaalng Ihe annnal sal-J C nrie- of dlslfiet iudi-e* frnm »1M)(V l o ^ ^ J.'inon nnd nf snpremr eourt justires ftnm i.'finn tl. »r.nno, I Ue is the niithnr nl"i> nf smntp lull, No. M. Introdiirrd lodny, providing fo.- aniendm-nl of the slnte iii.iirnnre InWhj lo prohiliit lieeoring of life Insnrnnee. ngenti to deal in renl estnto execp!. ' iifKin “liowlntr "f nt lrn«t one yenr s f.i|, r..«ld. n,-.' within tl.p slide. ; f„p ro r FRrm Name Register. ifM ‘ Henate hill N". fin l>v Srnnlor ^V. ' ’•’.•mi ("nrk provide, fnr Tegl"frn.llnn of farm iinme* in the offlre* of li.e atnip de- , j-nrtuient nf ngrieultiiri' ....... payment of fpp nnd nmke-' use of n r.'gi" fjf. tered nnme by nnntlier person n m l'l’-' pirnnnr. , , . • , tlu' .V,'n,,ti.r nilrhrl't wo"l'l requin,- rnl- li'Ptiou liv Ihe "tnte piil.lir welfare H;-, - . .-rltii.-i' of Ih-eii'"' fee from wild- , . ,.i-,t sinn-s, ........ Ini', nnd other slmS ^ iin .-xlilM'Inus. nnd Intrndiired tennl.' ‘ I,ill V,. n fnr this t-'irpo.i-. • - fipnnt.'i Tlininp«nn nf Minidnkn, ni.r " ’ 'W* th e of the ,Vmerta« fl;i't " 11,. rk»ml»r. ».kM ....I r.' 'I' • eeh-ed Ihe cnnsent of the senrtte tn ," ‘ ’ pnTplwM- two fln^s f«T dlsplsv lir*theMv' - 1 " ‘ FAEMEE8 AND; LABOB TO ' j*'! '' AtTEMD SEflSIOK IN lOWA^'''^ ^ «I3 M0INEa, la., (ff^^AiointleB.Url • Islnllvo eommittee composed of repre-|pu sentatives of farmeta nnd Inbijr wns;m( formed Hore yetlerday afle'rtioon nndlsr- will meet each week duringJhe lession nt of the Ugislature. P. ^ Garber, Leon, pi mnolwr of tbr.Fnrta'en' ITnlon, hradi th the eommittee. - ' tif REPORT OF TBE ASS .Y. Ni slafure to j Itilities Coi rey of Ada Cojunty to Transfer Jiiri U 5t^e Courts *L DISTRICT PLAN CATION COMMITTEE iiiisiifflisiiisrs “ ■tii|i[iMn I Seorolary ot Lnbor BepUej to J.»^on’j, Attack Opon Bii , ® AssU t&at - '' trici WABHINOTON, (flV A defcnae Mta' the |«licy of the departmenl of laboi the >n denting with radical aliens and a Pny. ........ imJnrsj'ment of the .'work of ley A««i.tniil .Hierelnry Louia P. post io Iwjd) lurrybg wit-ihnt i«llcy wai made to- .ena •Iny hy Serreiary Wilson in a alateaent prop replying to ab alta«k on'Poat by tW w u pxeeiitive rnmmlttee of the American L.'ginn, Till' iperelnfv 'i nfitemettt w u tranj- ^ inilieit by Joseph TnraulfT, aeerfltiur i)f till, president, to CO|loneI, i-halrrann of tho leglon't exetatWa , J* rommllle.', It wns,designed a* a replv tin lo a formal refjuest for the dUml**al' «i ftf I’oit whleh wat prrsented'at the’ o4 White House Inst Oefober l.y the ej.j .. i<utlvp eommltlee In pursnnnee of a' resolwtloiv adopted al the last nnnua^Jl® " ponrenlimi of tho legion. twee “ Louis P. Post il onp of the truest jq Amcrlrftni T have evrr eomo in eontact^ . with.” raid fierretury Uliisnn.'* |ta l^ !” « ' ment. “ He is n thornugh hellever in'trlct liemnrrney. Tie has no svmpnihy wilh trTct nny nllrn nr Anirrlenrt whn Iwlle'vfs in, nil e n'dvoeates, or tenrhes Ihe iise of force'the to ovcrthrnw Ihe government of tho'to’ai Ifnlled filnles. He han, however, a: profound l.rilef In and reverence fori > rnn.flfiition of the United State*, In-l ' 0» c]ujUn{uliiai-P*Ti.»Uekrr»vMw^f> Its Iiwt. amendment. Ir -t "He- hs«. therefore. fnlthM Ir ear- jjiai; ripd mil fhe inslmetlon* gi\-en hr me'joun fls «eerrlnrr of lalior enneernlng depor-J tn'lnn rn«p«. They arr In aiihstnnfe a* ((,1^, fol'nws: .pi “ N’l. I'pf'on shall ho arrested e*eeplli„j, ...'IIM effldnvil lissed upon In fo r-'W II,nil... nml M l.f, . I “ Nn cersnns. when ftneited. shall, «, be hrld Inpommunlrado. 1 /' “ Fvi-rv i.«'r«r'o nrrestpd.slioll be en- filed v-iun-pl tnwedlfttplv w « r inir Inker. Intn rut'odv. “ Thpv xhnll h- mnfronted with'the '""I" evMenee nn.l sh'»M i>e pnrmllted tn fnr.| i.lih l..stimnnv nod he heard in Iheir own hehnlf. ‘'Fte..'*lvo I'nil »lin»l nnl b f ri' *' finlrcd. / I ' “ Tl.P»>) .nf.".-iir«rd. of .Aiiierlnin lll.-V .* .r tr Vnvlif' >.epn i.rnvided. if tl ii.lVl- Ihen «hn»rn hv «he e.videnre that nnv; t. ,.r-.,t«nld.' imdi'r (hr sn-enllrd ....... '-f «'ill .Ipnort him ...... lill' ...... - ..... ipllnn 'ff wn wonh! luvridl.i.' ..nprnv. We wHl cli ......... I -Ii'-nni- l'"-ni...- hp at I'.- ....... ,-i-.»'..-.l i.r hecninf he ti sii«- wi nri-fpd of l.pln?, n 'red.' • Wr hove no th iiiifl.ortiv *11 dll S', under thr in'v. Mr. or j»o.t 1,-', fnl.iifiillv rnrried nut Ihesr , th iintriirilnin. nnd I nm sntisfied rank- a ntnonir the nl.’esl nnd best adminlsirn- fo live officers In, the governmrnf serv. ___ ____ ____ 'ii [NDXramALEBLATIONBOOTOT PBOPOBBD TO TBlAfl BESalON ' AlfRTIN, Te*., (ffV-Oreation of a Tl routt 'IndusUUl telaUoM, tlmlltfJ tn pi Iho Kantna Inw, wat proposed in a bill le. Introduced in Ihe Toia* senate tqday. rc Senate Commiti Bqrah*s Naval WAHIMNdTON, (/p) — Senator Bo- of ] rn h ’-< resolution proposing negotiations wlii f..r rp'lurllnn 'of tinvftl bulhllpg by tho rni|p(! fll;ite>, Orent Hrlfaln nnd Jnp. ^t.ii nil WllH fjH-rlcd fnvornhly today by the ing hi'iinie fnroign relations comn.llt>-o. leni 1.1 lipii of the orlginnl proposal that ngr< tlip look tn a rcduclioiv of fifty |ipr rent in- fulnre building for (Iw- th(s ewnmlllM'ptoposed that llip iiPKiitinlions provldo for tuch rp- „ii, diirtions ns can be agreed, upon. ' Nl. Tpfotii vote was taken on the Bo j nilr ti-solutlnn, but that offered by Si-imtur Walsh, dcniofrnt, Montana, .Iin.|«isihg lhat .the United Btates have j,,,. nil Amprieaij rcpretenlalivo participate • I w ith-the dlA.iminment commission of the Lrngi'e of Nallons wat defeate.i .. H to .1 nn n straight pifrly alignment. .Ns approved the llorah resolulion * i rends: - j "Resolrpd, by the senate and houae l«i{ n-p'fv*ptttat‘Vf»ji{ the United fitalesj^^j l<)f Amrrirn, in congress a.s*embled, thatina, Ithe president of the United Statra isl^fa rrniiested, if not incompatible wSlb tiiej. i Ipuhlle Inlerests, to advise the goVCrn.jnil ; merits of Orent Britain and Japan, re-.Ua Ispprlively, lhat this government will, «Jn nt onre take-np. directly with their doi pivrrnmcnts and witboat waltin^'iipon Mi the action of any othfr aatioB tbe qoos-, tbi linn of naval ditannaaent, with & rl*wjelei fSOCIATED PRESS 3W S = ^ PMOB n V B OBRt»' Abolish mmission MTIISiCT I l ii Bill CBESMilE udloiarv. Committee, Reports' ' lUeasure Comlilnlnir' Twin t o s , Jerome, Minidoka and Cassia Counties In District BOISE, fSpeeU 'tO'-ne Newi]~ nation of the eleveslii jujlelol dll- let to inclade Twin W it, Jerome, :inldokii ani C&ttlft tautU*, u& ot le twelfth Jodlelal dUtrlct to Inelod* ayette, Washington, Adaas u d Tal- y counties, aeaate bill No. M, ea. . >dying Ibe agreefflont reached in the mate Judlelao* commlt^e o& im r a l oposed dlvlsiont of Judicial dittricts, u today TtpoTted to the M ate. Dedadngj.^t nBaf affla^tid by thli cuann w u & B«tt« o( lav ^nedUta neoMdty, Smator J.- B. - Seavar of Twla Falii^ aaked for u d X«0«l'(ed U lB lB O U tfi&Mbt t« the biU on tha Mnat« oU ndir fcr early action. Zt was ordK*d prtot- ed. - - Although the mcatnre as r ^ r te d la the nntura of a eoDpromiae u be- recn tho several propotali' contained a number of hitli' hoklag; toward ' 0 diviaion o^ tho fonrth judicial dia- : Ict out of, which tbo elev'anlh dl*' fct would" be created, It ombodli'i in 1 eateotlnl rctpecla the proTla|oo|.of e bill Introduced by 8eoator,r6cftver-' 'attain Ihla'purpote. '' ,'' PrOTldw ^ U w ,, thut district whleh wesld io^Sa' laliic, C'nmu Oooding' and Liaeoln' luntlof, Elmore eounty under p^ria-, ns of thla blH, beinff atlMhed tp lie , lird dlitrlet. .- The seeond of the fourth diitrkC-- .. idgcs would be transferred to tber new atriet-and upther Judge appointed to ' islat him. The prnposud twelfth ditlrict ia inH- - I nut uf the |>res4'nt a<-vcnlh dlitrirt hieh, n(ler,llip enaetmcnt of Ihis'bill, ould be eoiii](oscd of Canyon and '.Oem mnties, .. The bill provides lhat thero ahall ba I'o judgvi in the third, fifth, eighth.', id eleventh dislrlct*, wth one in oach . ** ■the tewalnlng cijilit districla. Cicfc to the Brow ' Breaks Leg of Mule iro.vTsviTM, Al.., claim of Joseph Jones lu hoapllal attarhct tJial no had “ lome bean” waa borno out today wben hin alorr that ho hod heon kicked by r mule on tho head and tbat aa a result tho animM was lying belplcM with a broken leg, was lavcstlg&ied nnd found to be true, Jones said hit wny «un blneked by a stray mult and be ramie n threatening, gcMure to frighten il away, rt refused to ■sUmpede, bowever, meeting ibo aManil witb A Well directed kirk to the brow. The mule's leg wa* broken'iii two C nees- I t wn* prononnced a help- . K erlpplo and shnt. Jone* will reeovor. Uee Indorses [Cut Proposal t promptly entering Inlo a treaty by! hlrh the nnvol building programs o f neh of s.-ii.J ■j>ovcrnmral*,.to-wit: thal f (iri'iitJlHtain, Japan nnd the TTnited, t.-ites, shnll bp reduced annuaUy dn^ , . ng Ihc next five year* to m li an ox- .‘nt nml uioirsiich terms at may bo- greed upon. • - “ Bectlnn 1 .’. Thnt thla propo*ltlon la uggested by tho congress of tho Unit- li Hlntcs to accomplish imino’diately a , iibslontial reduction of the naval nr- rinmcnl*-of-the world". Chnirmon Ixntfjp said l( wa. imm.!.'- .|p to s.-ty whpn Ihe rvsulniion ei'uld Ijr itoiighl* iiefute tWMfiiate. tmt ttiat I,.*' io|K'd it wniild I.P M.'dn enrlv dntr. -TIiP .■ommiltpp 'fiijailv .ipelded l.JV .nilt the propnspd Bfgoihtjnns lo Ih'T llnlti'd .‘^tnti'i, (irenl. Drilnin and il.i lat- _ . '■ Thr. I'limiiiiili'P »lrufk'Uut Ihp pre- imble of the Ilornh •»etoluliou wbleh' Icelnrcd that a J<pane*o or(lHnl ho.l c»ld thnt.Japan coold nnt consenf t'j ' javal rcductieh wilhout aetioa bv tfa-.- [Inlted Btates.'. ' ' Anotler ameadment made wna l4 the ' minor pbraaoology to lim it tho n e g o - Llationi to .nartl dlstmatneal and ex- Un'da ail eonildemtlon of, vUlla^. rcs - ' loeUoa Thif .waa tho intention of '. Mnator Berah, hut'«un« meabota felt lhat (h* orlgioo) .iMgtiag* was. not; ileu. ' '






> Seizure of Numerous Import- ' ant Documents is Reported A

. as Result of Searcti of Ai- leged Sinn Fein Centeft


yUJWOn, (A ^^A tlesrd Sinn Feio |r^Bttri lit tftif e l t r wvei- taiijotici lu ' (■ImBUMpon# 7 ild» b r Sfotlwxl Yard «dct«HTM U l« lu t ; B lg tt, BlVf tbfl *nally n both the J

■ Km i end a n i W « t end ,' OBUbiy In iB«rtw«lCT,' f tu n ib w y / PtddlBgtoB, I

- atepliAO.r, S uU iaB and H aavH l, yitiM j- m ldfdi u d I t ' l l lU te d r numbrr of

Im iw rtu t docDmnlt«'vor^ ieiswl. n r ‘ I.oes) [ a p o r tu r r a ttu J ird to t r tld n r nn 'A fo a rsU i? bouce In ColvUto TVr- III nuT, Bs7«in t« r,'w b irh woi <hnr<iui;h1y ii-tirchfd fo r fctfor*.


•' CORK, IreU nd, (/Ph-TJic f i n t o/fi ' c-inl dtrln ip tloa f o r a ttnek i on rrown

totffn in Cork e l tn i b r p nurlin l lair WM enforced in tii li ^nn w nt carrlpd

' un^ th i* norsiiiir, when ttro hou tn in > WtwJilngton i t w l , where two mcnil>er» of the w jr tl In»h conil*huUty were M arked on flaJordny 1«M. wer^ de- iln i r rd by mijUUry force.,

Tlie mlUtarr ftuUiorltlf* fttw tl »rcw«\ M. forpfd w tre fired on 8nliir<by from ilz ,.r,i Imuu-i In W uhlnf^on n tnet nnd that . . “ thv twa w m ” w w for ds-

______ _, (ed

• COMMnTBB o r ONE HUNDRED |','i P E A T T S PBELIMINABY BBPOHIW \am N (iT O N . (JPi~ K " p rc iW Icri

itmry report to cntiUin rotirluxlon* a n j < reromrnoniitione’’ i« Ijeinjf prol»ro.lUy tlib rom m iuU n of C o n n lte t <<’» <’nr Hundred {nveitlRntin^ eoiidlMonfit> Irrlnad and will bi- luucd nn .ii'rll i'y vsnu nnntmntcd toAnv »>.v the romnU

The rejwri will ' Iir hiuied' on '" 'i^tnti-mfnli mftdc V personii \rtirf have T"! nnnenicA before the fommwiWn. 11 tt#'* ron

- .iihl, hu t the bearing* w lI I t r r to f la o M '"J ' -JrtdrfJnlrlv nod nnv 'new fa r ti i lm !- nm,- ()pc<\ w ll W included in on np[H'ndlx rhn

tc. th e 're port now being |»ropareil. '" a

JEMESSilfli sc ; pipiGEsyM-

^ P o r m o r O o m p tr o i lo r O o o o fa l ,,„i M e s e s UOO.QOD.DOO lm - M>'

p r o p e r ly P a id O u t

NK\V VOUK y P )-A t lrn»l f lflft.Ml). ,nOfl,.imiiruperly pnld •lil|ibulMfr» l.y ,> ilie 'lIflUed Btatc* uhlpiiihir hcmubwlU III' iII/trloKed t^roiich nn a’lilll n f nr- i-<niiitii nov In protfn'M. (’dnnH K, U. | ,\ha<15e, former rm nplrollir K<'nrriil o.* „ the iHi/ird, deelarei) -li*re i<i‘1;..v lu-fore , Till- Wnlih «oo(tri'«ilnnnl r<immitto<\

(.'nlniiel Ahftdio fharRcil Ihnl ther. _

lien” In the denlinE* bclwreii tlio ri'th li'h iiq '' Sh'lphiill'llni.' ror|ior»llnn r.nil tl ie ’lfoverfimi'tn n» ii r.-^iilt nf thi'

-.•oMRcetlon of Cl-nrlM M, K^hn-,.!. ivilh lioth the iMisr*! an-1 th r f(ir|Kirntlnn, ^

"ThlOBi. liaiV brci* done nml nllnw- • .•cl.” he t^dflfii'd, ' ‘ licfnimp of Mr. , Hrliwnl.’* , ’ onnrcllon whlpli |»rnl.nhh' would not l«> MlnwriV o thrr wi«r nn.l iliouRh I •w»«'’MtJ»«i!d-.- Mr. flchwnJ. knew prrrnnnlly liollilnc o f them ,'tlie ' iuniirnee. from Wr. RrhMro»i> <I"‘i' t-i">- li.m KM v f ' v f t l e i \ t - « A m i , ' ,

ThP atiilll. whlrh • n-lll Inrliirtr n'l -■ ,l.lphnllJing whirl, hn.l ro..

tTftplii wMli tl '" tt^vrtnmvtvt w ill/oM‘ 1,00(1,000; h r tr«tiflr.l. r.iltitirl >4inili< • |.r r .l l . |rd H «•!!,' th.- 'i/isi. /<‘r,iHlon Irmktap ■ 1« . n-rnvity nf vti».

Coltinri Al'Silir oxiiliiiiir'l tim* hin ,l.«rce» dirt tinl iiirlii<li' I'-r ^ 'iW rhw i I'.irporailon alonr, I'lil . vnrnm^ "hip

^ 's r iU throiighoiil thr miintry.

Women to Delicer-Vote by Airplane

OMAHA. Ntl),,. (ff>—

C‘ ne» thot will earry Mre. H. !!,• ,erler o'f Lineoln. dclrgnto from

tho N ebraska rlcdora l eolleRC. nnd ^ Mm, Draper Smith nf Omaha, nltor- • nato, tfl'TVAihingtoo, ti.'doHv.T tbe Al eicht elretornl vote* o f .Ih e ils te, le ft Ak-8ar-Ben field ' at ' 10:41 thin Tnnmiog fnr 1/neoIn, where th r offlrial atn rt of the t r ip will At l>i- mnde. Mra. W herirt irill enter one of tlto'^rancR a l U acclti and return to Omnha, where Mr*.

> Smith will cnler the leeood onr. I

H dr to Throne ofJapan to Visit V; S. iJ’

. --------- ------------------------ .1.".TOKIO. HUoWtn. v,l

I'fir flnpitreni to tl.p throne of In .'■’i>nn, will vl*lt Amrrica n f tr r hi*''rotms/d Slip tn, LoB'ioB and o thei gil•Kiironern nflpUnlr next iprlnjr. pri' '*11 the A*ahl Shlmhnn of Oitaka. tinT hr fTown p t 'n r r rnajr bo apcom- |irnnnled nn his tr ip to 'th e Oeeldmt' vii hv AdmirnI /Toirn nnd n number oftilhoT nroinitienl' Japaneae leaA^m. i.1<It 1* reported. no


M FANebraska Women Use I

Airplane to Deliver <■ Presidential Vote-OMAHA, Neb,, {/P>-Mr». II. H. i

Whroler o f lilnrotn nnd U n . Dra- I tier Hmitli o f Omaha, oleetoraJ col- i

" IrRo di'lesate anil aUernoio respec- i tlvcly, left here Ihl* altem oon on i an airplane flight to Wa*I.lnKton- ' to ilrllver the *tatp'» figh t repuh- Hcan-olrctoral vot«* at Iho national eupital. They plan tn m ake.their f ir rt i t op a t Pea Molnc*, la . ^

Army Bolds Out Hope \ to Father of Eletien]

en ilting literature cant a llltle rav Io f lunihlbe Into the life ^O w k farmer in ' M luouri with 11 Hi children to aupport ou OO.arre* Ii

,o f “ run down” l u d . Noting ed- pi ueatlonal feature* of army life. B

, tbe U I*»ouriu wrot<> A d ju lu f 'f rOeneral Harri* for «pceltl Mrmlt- !l».aion to eall*t tbe lecond.oldoit of imnine aom and a pair o f twin*, all ta tiu j t under ajca. TUt bar* " a » ‘ thlarge for the ir afM u d . will grade ; mup well to tho average coualrv , boya Ift lookt aad-.iateUlRtnf*,^'

■ i f l l i l T :iiiBirspnFronoh Parllam oat Hearo N ow '

Prom lor B oad C oolaratlon ' nn bf IntonUona ‘‘i

I*AI{I8, (yR-Arim iile Brland'a new miniitry made K* liow W o re parlia- ment today, and the new. premier ,roa^ *** the eahlnet’* ileflamtlon of polify,M. Orland and I’hlUppi- M'rlhi-lot, jjen- Ih i-rnl w rrct.iry m t!-r Kri'iii'l; , fjjrelpi offifo, rnl until ^ fi.T rm-inlRUl flnUU- ing tho dprlnrnllot). tvhirli 'wn* mihml* ’ led thi* morning finnl apjirovnl ta the wTioli- n ililiirt. Tlilo mpi-lliig w m . la-hl nl the- Ely,ei- imlnc- nml wo* nn. J" (ler the ehnlnnnn*hlp..>f I'rr.idpril Mil- I’*' lerand, , '

Il win fiirrr.iNt thnt the devlnrntlo't •*' would Iip o f ron"i<iiTiililp length, nt- t<’mptli\u t» ..c iv r, -ot f«r n» pniiBlble; Al Ihnt ll;;hl onthe foreign i>olli-y of M Krnnrc th r rrfnani o f wliirh liroaglit he f t l« y the ilownfaM i.f the I^ycuc* mV m li»trntior.. DeUU* nf the di.mrrti.' Ti -pnllpy III III. pnmiird were iiliw given rotali\»ral.V nllention. t' ••XT: nrlnnd wa* raid tnd»y-|n hnv.. n

mnjnrlly of Bppmxlmnl..!y -Ifin In the _ ehnrnber. the rndientii nlniu- w ithho ld :^ ' Ing apprnvfti unlll thrv fn ' llie tiiini- |, ' t ty al work. _________

SCANS LIQUOR PERMITS,,ProhlblUoQ Oonunlaaioner B«<]iUnt A P'Sn ■ proval of Applications b r Agent | ht

W.\HIII.\(rfn).V, f/D -'T .i I..-M.I. tl..,.|<-'i I'l.lirv o f Iil.liiie I>r Iii|iinr irnn ilx , I'ro.jgi lilMtloi. roiiinii>ii..i>xr Kr»i>.rr din-'.'-l |.d,tiw|(.v tliiil III! ii|*.li,.ni!,.i.' fi.r iii-v.' li (..■mill* or r.-n.' nf ..hi p rrn .iu t..;m ..'II llfiiior a t wholr-nie nr ii. u».- >Ijn J" • '.n mi.niifnrtfir'" of nli.i.’ii,l|r pr<.|.iirp- tlnn* mii«l Iip m.iin.ved l.v *l/ili' iIIk '- ii* lor* nnd «u|H'rvl«liig fi-ili.rnl prohil.;- ir tion ngont*. w

IfeKiiIntii'U" ri-aultiii.{ •iinilnr :n«- w provnl nf np|dirn‘i'i.i» fnr" frtr :i’ retnll driiu'l'i"!' .'il'o ’•.ill h,-4 «iiip.| -i n'i 'ii. Mr. Kranw'r Miiimui.,*'!,' , .• I'’

PITTSBtmOH, Pa., (/P)— j o f Pittsburghers, to develop ind being, orgaiilrod horo by membe

lion . - Tho, Palestine a ctiv ities announced th a t industries to l barffh corporation include gl brick and machinery.

LONDON. (/P)— A Berlin c counter h as ooourrcd a t Brogi tw een an armed mob and plebls ing la sted sovoral hours, the t occurred on both sides.

BABOELONA, Spain. (/P)- to lynch a synd ica list agitator arrested on a cbargo of attem o f a s te e l p la n t - OiWl guards repeatedly upon .the cro.wd to,;



Attomejr Oeneral Approrea Ueasurel Uodeled A fter Oalifomla .Law F n t i

to .I* g lti4ta re }. . ‘ • h

s,\i.i;M .,nr.-,, ............ ... imt:. i,n’irn Inn.l l-ill, i» n fter'llu .' h f..riih l'n>v. Wll! Iiitr.>.liin.| In thi. Irgi»- Intiirv t- ln v . ' 't1»' Wll ^'n* >'xat»liv^l [ I." Atloriii.v ni-iiiTii' ''nil Winhip whn di'p'dnl Ihnl It* t.rnv's:..... wpr.- fully J T,HWn ihp prmrtllH'i.iiiM ]ni«vT. n( the " 1rui«latur.>. • J

Thi' bill prnhlblli.. fluv Alirn 'nnt ell. ' gillie tn rltlipnriilp frmn i.wnlnif *' i.rojHTly in the «tn’p nnd j.rovide* for '' the e^^eheatment In Hie xlnte of nny p properly, iSltr lo which 1. *rpuris1 in ‘ violation of the provininnn of the net.

TcrMina not cliffiblc lo ritiron ih lp arr «Uo prevented fnim ocji^ng a* giiardl- no* for minora • ■

- - • s


lLLS- -'V . rW lK I ’ALLS. n U B O . T E U S

BiiSBniiis ^liLyKUPN: iitPM*Reijbinte ol the International

! .lilercantiie Marine Company ii Head to Charges of Senator : Jo'hes Enlivens Session ^

jv WABHINOTON, tfp j-C harge i by : Henator Joaei o'f Waibin|(loQ th a t -the - Interontlonal UereaotUc M arine'eom ' Al pany-uperatod ‘‘ In the Intoreit o f the tic Britiih gQveruaont '.and B ritlih fu

't r a d s ” brought a fbarp n jo lader from fei ! l ’. A. fi i 'r a « l la . nrra ld tn t of tlio toaj- "0 I pany, and created a lively dUeunlon thi <at the opeaiag avisloa here today of *ei ! the anaual conroBtion of tbe National vii : ^lerehant Marine aasoeUtlon.

To n p p o tt hU d a i fu Senator : JooM n ld i n a fe o t of tb s lUp- . ping board In K «v Toilc Olty « t o ,: fonrurty w u la t l * «nslo7 of t l« ‘2

Ib tf fsa tlo a a l U e i i i ^ e Marina ' had o p p o ^ estab lU bnuit of an

, A aisrleaa «U:ps4sis U u ' b e tv tea ' N«w Toifc «Bd Sngland on tJu

troand th a t I t Tonld " lo ju n tlia foi boatnan of BrtU ib U n n '' f ro n tri

' K aw Y o rk .'’ ,_ -Ilf' Mr. Franklin aaked who the man wal »» mill Senator Jonea aald be thought b it "nuino waa Mr. Androwa."

. ‘-We M vct hod a man by th a t t'”’ . nam e," declared Mr. Franklin, and ;j£

n*ked for further iuform allon 'ai to tho ' , w nator'a tb a rg n . ’

' Renntor Jonei aaked. to be excused,■ «.ylrig ho wa* compelled to return to

the «.-nate for the regular sewlon.m n k l l s Picks Up O anntlet' ,

Henator Ranidell o f Loulalan, who . jiresIJrd, then recognized Mr Frnaklin , lo reply to tho charge*. ' ,

“ It I* manifeitly unfair nnd un- juKl,” Mr. fVnnklln saiil, “ for a mom- ^{i

, her of the senate of the ifiilted State* vni tu maki' Mie.h ehafi;e»* BRainut the In- t.'rni.tinnNl Mripnnllli- iiinriiie. The )„■|wi.y ix Aflierirun, None but m

; A)nf»itnn» It on U» Ixiai.l of dlieetora. of ’ >'incty.nini' per cpnt of Its «li>eli la nil

hel/l l.y Aniprlrnns.’ '


I •— ' *t/iiCm ertencT, lAbor O o&olulo&ti A a. i,,, j -nouncos P lan t fo r TeedUig Thoa- lai : laud j of Viumiiloyed nn

I'Ol.KIK). 0 .. (/p)—l ’rrimri.rliiin> fnr the liialnlliitlii.. i.f i. irnnj. kilrhi-.i ‘ whiTp Ihnutnmix of Tnh'di, iinemplnye.l

• iniiy 111' fed. werp miiilr lodny nnd mny lhnvi'^l(i,lH' put inln uik- nlmont Imnip \ jillnlely, il wn* i.iinnnneril by .Inli.i It

p. (.W ell, who hnii been ft]i]iuliitpil t-nn.r.• Igi'iipv Inhor mnimlMionrr. . ' .1 Tii.lnv Mhtp ivi're prew:n| nl the sn- ' ' I lill .(.,rvipi. -ri.d.'rntioii nenrly' 2^00 ,;itii.|i ........... . hr.'»kfnit .nml |.?rndini;I fi.r iiiiiiii'dint.- work. *’ ; r Siimi- of i|i|. niiplimtilH nn ninny. ,1- 11 rliildrp.1 ;.t hnmr minlilr to ron- ). iriliiiti' to thi'ir iiwii Mii>]iiirt.- it wn* jn

Mid. Sn.......... th.. mrn I'nii.i' w ith .t^• wnrn.i.ut .luii,.*_aad rlutluui: sa rnggod nlr :i> ti> pxpi...', tI.Pm lo th ' ndd. The ^li I .i.ii.iiit rri'piiilv ii|i)>riiprmlnl ♦•J.'i.Oflil

w«rV for MU' we»\. m I.. ...... ......................... ' — fij

■ I

WS Events n:me

— A m il lio n d o lla r .c o rp o r a t io n in d u s t r i a l l in e s in P a l e s t i n e , is i b e r s o f t h o 'Z io n i s t s o r g a n l i a *0 3 c o m m it t e o o f . th e Z io n is t s .in O 'b e d e v e lo p e d b y th o P i t t s - i'.'' g la s s , f o u n d r i e s , , l im e s to n e ,

Im'I____ tilln d is p a t c h r e p o r t s t h a t a n on - o g u tB c h u tz , u p p e r S U o sia , b&- nr': b is c i to s o n o poU co. T h e f ig h t* e r e p o r t a d d s , a n d c a s u a l t lo a •

N(I’ an

(P)— A n a n g r y m o b a t t e m p te d t o r t o d o y w h e n th o m a n w a s o m p tin g to k i l l t h o p r o p r i e to r r..< r d s w e r o c o m p e lle d to c h a r g o to . s a v e th e p r i s o n e r f r o m v io -

• • iia


I rrtsldonV elect Prepares for Long Abwnco from Hia How -Toiro ""

01 . _____i MAltlON, 0,. (;p )-i*n '"idi'n{clerl ” ilniiiliig piiri(ed his trunk lodnv for a long nh..i'.ir.. from hU l.i.m.- tn’.vn. He

!' IfiivpB tnnigl,! for hi* vnenlioli trip to i. '

HI* arlivp proprietorship of the Mn- ^ J finn Rtnr whose gulJini; Influrnro heII hn* iM'en for thirty ', wns relln- „ r)ulshed Innt night wlijn 'h r ntepped

down voluntarily ‘na .m&UIvnl’ «M (io _ Hnnllng P uI.IIsIIIdk eompnnv. At the

I, InsiMenee of hi* fellow.‘ilnekhDhlef*, (im evet, i ie -n te tp tti th ( c la ln a a B ^ yof tho bnnrd of diroctor* of the com- Is

y pnnv. nn honoriir>- positlnn.^ ' mn ■ ------- -- — , ' ftI. IDAHO WBATHBB ' we Tonight nnd P r ld a f W r north oiI- portion prohnbly tnow soiilh por- m

lionj eolder lonight south jwrtion. tl

S . ' .



Asks Legis Publi(^

Representative Store Introduces Bill to St;


-DOIBB (SflW al to Tlie t i i nAhollshment o f the stnle pulillp i.tlli. Ull tlen eommlaaion and trnnsrer o f its I II funellon* to d iitd c t eourti would bp ef. fecteil hy enactment of home bill No.• 0 IntToflneed in the lower house, of thp Idaho Icgl>lat4ire lodar h r Ilepre. •entativo Jay A- Slorer o f A ia. I’r .' « viidon IS mado In 'Ih e bill for apw al from deel*iona of the diitriet courtsin sueh ra te i to the s ta tr lupreme j

Opinion |n preUy evenlv divided in Irgiilallve eirele* as to whether the ' menmire la npproved hv Ihe ndminlstrn- the tlun or not. i„

BariTW Oomty D nlt P U a ' ......I’foiKiwil.. for h-gislntivi' provlgion A««

for eoniolidntloD of nil Ihe sehool dU- . un Irieln bl e n e j j^ u n ty under the juris- illetioH of n eoimtv hoard nf edurJitiai> nre revi\pd hy house Idll Xo. 71 in. *'‘'1'' tfodiieed hy fhe house eommiltee om i'diii-i.tinn._ A Idll doslgjied for this pur- pose wns defeated In the Inwcr hous.! twp yoart aifo. UndiT I'rovlslnns of tiff present, hill, Ihe. eoi.niv hoard , edurntlon wou,W ronsUl duriag th« '‘*"1' first yenr n f the eon«fllld#ted di*lriet Ilf r, memhent. * ir heing elprled fron. ■ each of Ihe i<l* dlstrlets j«{t» whSfli the roiinlv would he illvldeil. fluhseijuent- h the honrd would he innilr up of six memlien. otvp being tlr 'Ie S from enrl, f'’"' eub.dlvision. ron

f’ins" ,\ inilPl>endi.|it "phool dlslrlet* “ ■ftiMil'l lip ' MiemTdril from Ineiuslon Aw within the ronsiilldnted dislriet union "'■'I voti-d it. l.v .iinioritv nf electora w ithin• flph The ^ iin ly board wouldIII' i.|ii|ii.weti'd tn lovy n niaiimiim of nny Ifl mlllN tnx. exeepi iiimn disponialloii ‘'*1 ' of llip ulnle bonrd when Ihe iimtl to ■ micht hr rnlM'd tn l.'i mills. ' ^ n1

Aaka I - n d for Veteran*.Hoii«e iiipninrlnl No. '.1. liit.Toilu'.'V'j rluj

fo^-'T iTTIpiTrw t.tnfTmX nTeniim 'nnir-iiH Wnliter i» nddresaed to frderni goveri. ■ <• menl nfflplitls nnd nsks for grnni to th.'ifi,.,' stnt^' of ■’iO.OOO acres o f pulilie lands tu . be, sold nild the proreeds used for. rn-'fn»| Inrgrment nt the soldiers' hnme a t f„ii noise, . . . . "

Swiator J. H. S e a m of Tw lr FaUi, cbalnnas o f the senate fl- Atacft coQtsiSttM. today lnfon&«A - the aenato th a t bla comislttee waa a t work now opott th# appwprU- '- _ tlona bUU t*7 lng to do w itii ex- i t '" ' penaea of a ttto cbarlUhle and the penal iDitiCutiont and th a t aa toon ' aa agreeiiiBDt npo Btheae measures evi- waa reached In the committee, thoy '" I ' l wtmld be rtported . to the senate. ,ewi ApproprlaUona for sta te expentet i would be U ken up later, he taid. |iin l Hoiinle joint tM olutbii No. * wns in - i„ „ ,

trodurud tndny hy the eommittee «!• ,|,p. Ktnie nffalrs. providing for siibm l/sioii'...,, nl IW «ext Kenerel elfftioiv «f (v fo « ., . ntiliitionnl iinieadment lo provide f n r.,,.. the fixing liv the legiklnlnre nf » n l.i..,, fiTle* of stnle offltW»'wV.\el» now nre ,,,,, fixed l.y-‘’thp ri.n<i1lliillo!i

Bennti' jnlnl memnriai ,Nn. n. IntrO') p,., •lured by S en n to r 'K W . 1* nddresseAi ti> eiiiigri’fH nnd reqiiesli^ ndopllnn nf the MrCiimlier bill proridlng for the .j,,, monlhlv pnyment of i>ensi«ns to war vetprnns. - ■

Wonld Abolish T ax - ' • [|,e- Abolishmcnl o f (he slni- 2 mill* r o . i d •

tnx pa*ned in Ifll* lo rnlre »l,(''00,0/'n ^ n vcftt for hlRhway work, t i proposed ■in’sennte^blll N'o. Ofi inirodured ,todny; hv Ihp flnnnre eommittee. .Indnr»e .; ' A nicnt n t the Iftrt ReMral eleetlon of,tou ' Ihe onn,finn Sinlr roail bond issue It thn hi'ld tl. hnve removed the neress^lly fo r,in t.tlie piilleetlnn o f .th i . tnx th S A e n r. ' ___

B<'iini<ir King introdneed a bill p ro -.— viding for inereaalng Ihe annnal sal-J C nrie- of dlslfiet iudi-e* frnm »1M)(V l o ^ ^ J.'inon nnd nf snpremr eourt justires ftnm i.'finn tl. »r.nno, I

Ue is the niithnr nl"i> nf smntp lull,No. M. Introdiirrd lodny, providing fo.- • aniendm-nl of the slnte iii.iirnnre InWhj lo prohiliit lieeoring of life Insnrnnee. ngenti to deal in renl estnto execp!. ' iifKin “liowlntr " f nt lrn«t one yenr s f.i|, r..«ld. n,-.' within tl.p slide. ; f„p

ro r FRrm Name Register. ifM ‘ Henate hill N". fin l>v Srnnlor ^V. ' ’•’.•mi ("nrk provide, fnr Tegl"frn.llnn of farm iinme* in the offlre* of li.e atnip de- ,

■ j-nrtuient nf ngrieultiiri' ....... paymentof fpp nnd nmke-' use o f n r.'g i" fjf. tered nnme by nnntlier person n m l 'l ’-' pirnnnr. , , . • , tlu'

.V,'n,,ti.r n ilrh r l't wo"l'l requin,- rnl- li'Ptiou liv Ihe "tnte piil.lir welfare H;-, - . .- r l t ii .- i ' of Ih-eii'"' fee from wild- ,

. ,.i-,t sinn-s, ........ Ini', nnd other slmS iin .-xlilM'Inus. nnd Intrndiired tennl.'

‘ I,ill V,. n fnr this t-'irpo.i-. • -fipnnt.'i Tlininp«nn nf Minidnkn, ni.r "

’ 'W* the of the ,Vmerta« fl;i't "11,. rk»ml»r. ».kM ....I r.' 'I '

• eeh-ed Ihe cnnsent o f the senrtte tn , " ‘ ’ pnTplwM- two fln^s f«T dlsplsv lir*theMv' -

1 "

‘ FAEMEE8 AND; LABOB TO ' j*'! '' A tTEM D SEflSIOK IN lOW A^'''^

« I 3 M 0IN Ea, la ., ( ff^ ^ A io in tle B .U rl• Islnllvo eommittee composed of repre-|pu

sentatives of farmeta nnd Inbijr w ns;m( formed Hore yetlerday afle'rtioon nndlsr- will meet each week du ringJhe lession nt o f the Ugislature. P. ^ Garber, Leon, p i mnolwr of tb r .F n r ta 'e n ' ITnlon, h rad i th the eommittee. - ' ‘ tif


.Y . Nislafure to j Itilities Coirey of Ada Cojunty to Transfer Jiiri U 5t^e Courts


iiiisiifflisiiisrs “■tii|i[iMn I

Seorolary o t Lnbor BepU ej to J.»^on’j, A ttack Opon B i i , ® AssUt&at - ''

triciWABHINOTON, ( f lV A defcnae Mta'

the |« licy of the departmenl o f laboi the >n denting with radical aliens and a Pny......... imJnrsj'ment o f the .'work of leyA««i.tniil .Hierelnry Louia P. post io Iwjd) lu rry b g w it-ihnt i«llcy w ai made to- .ena •Iny hy Serreiary Wilson in a a la teaen t prop replying to ab alta«k on 'P oat by tW w u pxeeiitive rnmmlttee of the American L.'ginn,

Till' iperelnfv ' i nfitemettt w u tran j- ^ inilieit by Joseph TnraulfT, aeerfltiur i)f till, president, to CO|loneI L ind .ar, B« i-halrrann of tho leg lon 't exetatWa , J* rommllle.', It wns,designed a* a replv tin lo a formal refjuest for the dUml**al' « i ftf I’o it whleh w at p r rs e n te d 'a t th e ’ o4 White House Inst Oefober l.y the e j . j .. i<utlvp eommltlee In pursnnnee of a ' resolwtloiv adopted a l the last nnnua^Jl® " ponrenlimi of tho legion. twee

“ Louis P. Post il onp of the truest jq Amcrlrftni T have evrr eomo in eontact^ . w ith.” raid fierretury Uliisnn.'* | t a l ^ ! ” « ' ment. “ He is n thornugh hellever in 'tr lc t liemnrrney. Tie has no svmpnihy w ilh trTct nny nllrn nr Anirrlenrt whn Iwlle'vfs in, nil e n'dvoeates, or tenrhes Ihe iise of force'the to ovcrthrnw Ihe government o f th o 'to ’ai Ifnlled filnles. He han, however, a: profound l.rilef In and reverence fori > rnn.flfiition of the United State*, In-l ' 0» c ]u jU n{ u liia i-P *T i.»U ekrr»vM w ^f>Its Iiwt. amendment. Ir -t

" H e - hs«. therefore. fn lth M Ir ear- jjiai; ripd mil fhe inslmetlon* gi\-en h r m e'joun fls «eerrlnrr of lalior enneernlng depor-J tn 'lnn rn«p«. They arr In aiihstnnfe a* ((,1 , fol'nws: .pi

“ N’l. I'pf'on shall ho arrested e * e e p lli„ j, ...'IIM .r . ir . . effldnvil lissed upon I n f o r - 'W II,nil... nml M l.f , . I

“ Nn cersnns. when ftne ited . shall, « , be hrld Inpommunlrado. 1 / '

“ Fvi-rv i.«'r«r'o nrrestpd.slioll be en- f ile d v-iun-pl tnwedlfttplv w « r inir Inker. Intn rut'odv.

“ Thpv xhnll h - mnfronted w ith 'the '""I" evMenee nn.l sh'»M i>e pnrmllted tn fnr.| i.lih l..stimnnv nod he heard in Iheir own hehnlf.

‘ 'F te ..'* lvo I'nil »lin»l nnl b f ri' *' finlrcd. / I '

“ Tl.P»>) .nf.".-iir«rd. of .Aiiierlnin l l l .-V .* . r t r Vnvlif' >.epn i.rnvided. i f tl i i . lV l - Ihen «hn»rn hv «he e.videnre that nnv;

t. ,.r-.,t«nld.' imdi'r (hr sn-enllrd....... '-f «'ill .Ipnort him

...... l i l l '...... - ..... ipllnn 'ff wn wonh!• luvridl.i.' ..nprnv. We wHl cli

......... I -Ii'-nni- l'"-ni...- hp a tI'.- ....... ,-i-.»'..-.l i.r hecninf he ti sii«- winri-fpd of l.pln?, n 'r e d . ' • Wr hove no th iiiifl.ortiv *11 dll S', under th r in'v. Mr. or j»o.t 1,-', fnl.iifiillv rnrried nut Ihesr , th iintriirilnin. nnd I nm sntisfied rank- a ntnonir the nl.’esl nnd best adminlsirn- fo live officers In, the governmrnf serv.

___ ____ ____ 'ii[ND X ramA LEBLA TIO N BO O TOT

PBOPOBBD TO T B lA fl BESalON' AlfRTIN, Te*., (ffV-Oreation of a Tlrou tt 'IndusUUl telaUoM, tlmlltfJ tn piIho Kantna Inw, w at proposed in a bill le.Introduced in Ihe Toia* senate tqday. rc

Senate Commiti Bqrah*s NavalWAHIMNdTON, (/p) — Senator Bo- of ]

rnh ’-< resolution proposing negotiations wlii f..r rp'lurllnn 'of tinvftl bulhllpg by tho rni|p(! fll;ite>, Orent Hrlfaln nnd Jnp. ^t.ii nil WllH fjH-rlcd fnvornhly today by the ing hi'iinie fnroign relations comn.llt>-o. leni

1.1 lipii o f the orlginnl proposal tha t ngr< tlip look tn a rcduclioiv of fifty |ipr rent in- fulnre building for (Iw- th(s ewnmlllM'ptoposed tha t llip iiPKiitinlions provldo for tuch rp- „ ii, diirtions ns can be agreed, upon.' Nl. Tpfotii vote was taken on the Bo j

nilr ti-solutlnn, but tha t offered by Si-imtur Walsh, dcniofrnt, Montana, .Iin.|«isihg lhat .the United B tates have j,,,. nil Amprieaij rcpretenlalivo participate • I w ith -th e dlA.iminment commission of the Lrngi'e of Nallons w at defeate.i ..H to .1 nn n straight pifrly alignment.

.Ns approved the llorah resolulion * i rends: -j "R esolrpd, by the senate and houae l«i{ n-p'fv*ptttat‘Vf»ji{ the United fitalesj^^j l<)f Amrrirn, in congress a.s*embled, th a tin a , I the president of th e United S tatra isl^fa

rrniiested, if not incompatible wSlb tiiej. i Ipuhlle Inlerests, to advise the goVCrn.jnil ; merits of Orent Britain and Japan , re-.U a Ispprlively, lhat this government will, «Jn n t onre take-np . directly with their doi pivrrnm cnts and w itboat waltin^'iipon Mi the action of any o th fr aatioB tbe qoos-, tbi linn of naval ditannaaent, with & rl*wjelei


3 W S = PMOB n V B OBRt»'

AbolishmmissionMTIISiCT Ilii Bill CBESMilE

udloiarv. Committee, Reports' ' lUeasure Comlilnlnir' Twin to s , Jerome, Minidoka and Cassia Counties In District

BOISE, fSpeeU 'tO '-ne N ew i]~ nation of the eleveslii jujlelol dll- let to inclade Twin W it , Jerome, :inldokii an i C&ttlft tautU * , u & ot le twelfth Jodlelal dUtrlct to Inelod* ayette, Washington, A daas u d Tal- y counties, aeaate bill No. M, e a . . >dying Ibe agreefflont reached in the mate Judlelao* commlt^e o& im r a l oposed dlvlsiont of Judicial dittricts, u today TtpoTted to the M ate .

D e d a d n g j.^ t n B a f affla^tid by thli c u a n n w u & B « t t « o( lav ^nedUta neoMdty, Smator J.- B . - Seavar o f Twla Falii^ aaked for u d X«0«l'(ed UlBlBOU tfi&Mbt t« the biU on tha Mnat« o U n d ir fcr early action. Zt was ordK*d prtot- ■ ed. - “ -

Although the mcatnre as r ^ r te d la the nntura of a eoDpromiae u be-

recn tho several propotali' contained a number o f hitli' hoklag; toward '

0 diviaion o tho fonrth judicial dia- :Ict out of, which tbo elev'anlh dl*' fct would" be created, It ombodli'i in1 eateotlnl rctpecla the proTla|oo|.ofe bill Introduced by 8eoator,r6cftver-' 'attain Ihla'purpote. ''

,'' PrOTldw ^ U w ,,

thut district whleh w esld io ^ S a ' laliic, C'nmu Oooding' and Liaeoln' luntlof, Elmore eounty under p^ria-, ns of thla blH, beinff atlMhed tp l i e , lird dlitrlet. .-The seeond of the fourth diitrkC -- .. idgcs would be transferred to tber new atriet-and upther Judge appointed t o ' islat him.The prnposud twelfth ditlrict ia in H - - I nut uf the |>res4'nt a<-vcnlh dlitrirt hieh, n(ler,llip enaetmcnt of Ihis'bill, ould be eoiii](oscd of Canyon and '.Oem mnties, ..The bill provides lhat thero ahall ba I'o judgvi in the third, fifth , eighth.', id eleventh dislrlct*, wth one in oach . ** ■ the tewalnlng cijilit districla. ■

Cicfc to the Brow ' Breaks Leg of Muleiro .v T sv iT M , A l..,

claim of Joseph Jones lu hoapllal attarhct tJial no had “ lome bean” waa borno out today wben hin alorr that ho hod heon kicked by r mule on tho head and tbat aa a result tho animM was lying belplcM with a broken leg, was lavcstlg&ied nnd found to be true,

Jones said hit wny «un blneked by a stray mult and be ramie n threatening, gcMure to frighten il away, rt refused to ■ sUmpede, bowever, meeting ibo aManil witb A Well directed kirk to the brow.The mule's leg wa* broken'iii two

Cnees- I t wn* prononnced a help- .K erlpplo and shnt. Jone* will


Uee Indorses [Cut Proposalt promptly entering Inlo a treaty by! hlrh the nnvol building programs o f neh of s.-ii.J ■j>ovcrnmral*,.to-wit: thal f (iri'iitJlHtain, Japan nnd the TTnited, t.-ites, shnll bp reduced annuaUy dn^ , . ng Ihc next five year* to m l i an ox- .‘nt nml uioirsiich terms at may bo- greed upon. • -“ Bectlnn 1.’. Thnt thla propo*ltlon la

uggested by tho congress o f tho Unit- li Hlntcs to accomplish imino’diately a , iibslontial reduction of the naval nr- rinmcnl*-of-the world".

Chnirmon Ixntfjp said l( wa. imm.!.'- .|p to s.-ty whpn Ihe rvsulniion ei'uld Ijr itoiighl* iiefute tWMfiiate. tmt ttiat I,.*' io|K'd it wniild I.P M.'dn enrlv dntr.-TIiP .■ommiltpp 'fiijailv .ipelded l.JV .nilt the propnspd Bfgoihtjnns lo Ih'T llnlti'd .‘ tnti'i, (irenl. Drilnin and il.i lat- ■ _ . '■

Thr. I'limiiiiili'P »lrufk'Uut Ihp pre- imble of the Ilornh •»etoluliou wbleh' Icelnrcd that a J<pane*o or(lHnl ho.l c»ld thnt.Japan coold nnt consenf t'j ' javal rcductieh wilhout aetioa bv tfa-.- [Inlted Btates.'. ' '

Anotler ameadment made wna l4 the ' minor pbraaoology to limit tho n e g o - Llationi to .nartl dlstm atneal and ex- Un'da ail eonildemtlon of, vU lla^ . rcs - ' loeUoa Thif .waa tho intention o f '. Mnator Berah, hut'«un« meabota fe lt lhat (h* orlgioo) .iMgtiag* was. not; ile u . ' ■ '


' TWO ^

H S lS iyP O N -;

m i m iI S I M B :

' - t

K n iv e s a re B e in g S h a rp e n e d in I

' L o w e r H ouse o f Id a h o L e g ls - 1

la tu r e P re p a ra to ry to G e n e r - ;

a l A t ta c k o n B u d g e t . |

L E A D E R S D C T E iM IN E D IN ■


BOISE : (8 p « W lo T l . N t » . ) - J K n ivc i m'p b«lti(( »harprncd in tho t lower honto of tbe IcgUlalure th li wook p re p tr ^ r jr to a irenera] u ra u lt ua the Ebudget tubmiit«d hy OoverDor DavU.

Lesdert In the lower houw appear to •bo determined la thelr’ e ffp rti lo efono- - n l u andt (be ftilu ro o f tbo goronior ^ to. trim doiTD appropriation! i t expeeted to .rc flili in direct action on tho iiort of l ie JfjrWilow.

. OperaUag Exponon n ijb s r k: . Tho appropriation# recomnicndcd by ll the governor for tlie oiwrnting ox m p«nM» flf Iho state ai>veremenl iSuilnp. T the biennium of 1021 and 1^22 and /o r h t&e'penal and charitalle'iniLitutlom - I ete higher by approximAtcly |(K),00(J o tfaao wero tho apfirojiriatiuu* o f lniilli< yolra ago fo r tbe »anie i>urpoic».

In hla taemgo be ciniincd to effect i i a aavlnir or better than KOQ.m, but m the onlr uv in g t mado are found ' io ol nppropriatioDt o f IDIO fur lotdiera’ ro- ei lie f .the Oem Irrlfration <IUtriet„ aew 'buildiagi at ths state lunitariuin nt Nampa, and for o'ther l-ke purpoiee. D Tbe n in n in f ezpenm o f the ila to sov> ei emment would coat more thi» biennlup than laat i f h ii recommendattoni are

FmeFiYoa can save from $ 8 .0 0 U h at b y a e loo tlog 'it from c hatB.


Stetson Hats 't9.00, n o , tl2 .00 to IU .00


, , ..$6.85Tnplnrtlnj B0« B«V Bd«*, «X tn qoality aad p lu r N n tz li OndM.



Suits and (iSOM, $55.00 and

$3Consists o f odd s ite s In tbo f i

, good assortm ent to s e lec t fron

Arrow Starched Collars

-~15cEaeh—Boy yonr colUn o n r


Cloth Hats

r o m tt ly pdoed to 13^ . 8om«Urga iUei, n lU b ls fo r I a iUm ’

o u ^ taata.

■__ 29 Pain

Khaki Bib Overalls .......... . - - ^ U 5 ~ '

StnaU iltiis, 31, 32 u d 33 m is t , t. weMur*.

> - ■ , . f ia ja t r i . ••

JersSi) Gloves .; ^ i s c - \^ ] ' \ ^


aeeoptcd and acted upon by tho legij- lature.. Tho claim laid to savingi I t n'patdi'd K prcmatur*, for olher appropriallon* aro bclijg a jked for i n tho legislaluro which threaten to run th r ,total up to a fiR onujrtll iti’ keeping w ith tho npjiro- ]irlatlona of two yeara oRo.

Onta o&w DlMatl»factlon I I t baa now become jreaerally knowr

among the membera of ihe-lpRialaturo 1 tb a t aDpropriationn. b e W atked for by 9 thfr edueotW al department are to bu

trimmed. Al least the RTun will be cut materially by tho gov-

n ernor, and -this ii eauain^ d im tU fa r- tion among'mvmberg of the legiilatnro

* from tbose eountiea where (tato edu- . cnllonal Inititutloni aro lorated. They

hnd expeeted redaction in the operat- , ing I'zpeiuiei of tbe ita te government

—cutd.find tha t the governor, hoi ree- Drtihicndpil bimwuiei for ihe ‘H'part-

■ mcnt« ts n wholo.( IIouM leaden ore frank ln tbelr ai-

; lertion* tha t heavy reductionii. will b« made in llie npiiropriationi nnd new npprojirlntlon blUi may bo written in

~ which tbo Buggratlonn of the governar0 will bo dltroganled to a greal extn it.

J EIGHTY-FIVE PER CENT ; OF OREGOlf WOOL DNSOLD’’ anwcn Mart: T lw E icep t la Oa«# b f J Forced Lh)nUatloa. Baker B u k - f e n I>ecUre

iiAKRli, Ore., {IP)—Approximnlelv «.■: |ier cent of the l3,0no.0to |>ouiid

' in^f) OrcRon wool crop ia ye t unwld. ncnirding lo fompllatloni ma«le here.

• Tvn }iet e rttl of tbe elltv \t nliU In the r bolide of the grower*, it in eatimaled,

IS ]>er eent luu been mM nnd 7r> per J eeftt ha t been *ent lo vnriou*' warc- >11101111011 throughout tho ita te .

Acrohling to Daker banker*., there ia nbiwluli'Iv no mnrkel for wool nnr w llem in Ihe market, ami iiri-iumnbly oil grower* are marking time cxrept in onaea nf forced ilqulilntion.

Stock buttermilk le per gallon, Bring your container!, sterling Cream­ery.—

C laidfled Ada m c h u p - a l f M t in ;

» s i nelt Hate

1 to 1 6 .0 0 in bnying th a t spring X onr stock of standard made

' i H ,

Soft Dress Hatst0.oo, r .o o .'ia o o , 110.00 '

T alo u

$3.95ra AU good StylM aad-Oolors. B li«» . 6 9 -i to 7 S-8. ' ,


Here Is an oppo the above makes. 'Ti ing fitted from our


Overcoatend $60.00 Values

30fiso a t m ak es'o f clothing.' A


460 p& in

f in e Lisle Hose —3 Pairs $1.00-

AU colon, foim trly priced a t 60c


Flannel Shirts - 4 3 J 5 -

A U 'sixw aad colors fom urty priced a t >9.00.

126 f a in

Heavy Work Sox —15c A P a ir -

rormexJy w ld . i t 2Sc' y

i i d P i W

Canvas Gloves. ■ ' 8 p a in f o r ' •

^ - 2 5 c - \ .


Charming **Princes8 Ptled



I 9mI^ ‘' T T ^ T T • r t T M T f r n I 1

:nt J f

i vtefe’Wlied, - er ^

;; Lungmotor Revives '■ I K C h U d ^ lled D eifd ]

' H0I6E, Idnlio , (/P)—A fter having ! boen pronounred dead by atleiulinc

n. pbyileiana, the one-year-old ion of Mr. { snd Un. William ^Vhltc, member «f 1tbe Bolso firo departmenl. wni twire

« . revived nnd restored to life Ihrouph t

g 0HereV

W s baTo dsdded to clean on t onr'i ftm iabinga.

In marking oor stock for th is flnt: lo tne r pri«es haa b w a ltnsott«D,aii lOT w ith the IdM o f disposing e f onr i regardless o f tba loss to ns.

l a listing thOM good* I t 1* no t poss la the stock, b a t oTirTthlng is lis te d ., B m y purchase m ids a t these and yoQ can rapply your aeeda w ith ti thBse goods fo r a g reat deal less thaa the 168100.

A* we have alvays featored the t<* the added adTantige of htiylag only h:

Bead oTor the Itam l listed cartfoUy need and take adTaatage of these

S u i t e a iWKWIRE, SOCIETY BRA portunity to supply yourc The price will be satisfofti ir stock of thesk goods.


Suite and ($35.00, $40.00 and

$19.C onsists o f odd size s in heavy w orsted s an’d flome light weigb ? 6 0 .0 0 . ' >


Thermo Worsted Sweatirs -$ 2 J 9 5 -

Sliavl coU ui, good qiu lity . For- merty priced s t t7.60


Men’s Caps ■: —95c E a c h -

A ll sixes, fonaedgr prtced a t 13 to IW O

tnGtotl, V "rop better


P at” and Her Baby Son IA new and charmiog portrait Ol Lady I

Patric ia B an iay and her baby son, Alexander. Princeaa P a t, who U the daughter Of tbo Doke o f Oonnaoght, , was the f i n t royal'lady in maay y e a n to wed a coDnossr. Her husbaad U Oonmander Alexander B a a u y , B. N., ^

I aod brother ot the Earl of Oalhousle.

m ' h.

ii1 ' - • '- /A /w ^

uae of the fire departmenti iBOgmo- t'.tor. The child n ine red from pneu- ir

Jl mnnia and onco in tho White home aii'l jn ngnia in a hoipitol the lungmotor wax hiuaed a fle r tho baby had alopped breath- lai°S- Doctors attending tbo «o h ex- l-l

^ prc»* loud praiio for tho work doao |"by the motor, opi-rated by Tire Chief j"Poiter, and expreu confideom tha t '

:h the child will completely recover. tn

) u tW e Go ^mr stock of m an 's elothiag. hats aiki

R ntl selling a ll thooght o f costa and J, and w e have pdoed th*ee goods ao inr stock In th s sborte it time p ^ b l e .

postfhle f o t 't u to Biantten e re ry tU a i i o « as low tcootdlngly u bese prices Is an la r t s ta u s t fo r yoii. ix tiie kaowledgv th a t y tn ara baylag than t h ^ ean be bought fo r U ter la

t letter g n d e t o f mea's-wear yon h a r s 'J high <*’■— iTMiwv«ti.<ri« tiiijilly and make a lis t o f th* things yon ' price*. ^ 1

Lnd Ov€u m , AND L. SYSTEM ir clothing needs with a suit ttory and it is simply a gue

Overcoatetd $45.00 Values

).75y w eigh ts and m ediam w eight light sn its form erly priced to C


148 Pairs

Fine Cashmere • Hose

-^ O c A P a ir -AU colors.. Porm stly priced a t

75c to ILOO ^ p a ir__

69 .

Blue Chambray .? f Shirt8^^5c-^j!

. S l te t 'l4 1 -a to l7 . r o r n ^ 0 .priced to t lA ) - . ■ - .




MEWml i PH iD ii'S — .

Am erican H in t Expert Under­ta k es D irection of F irst o:

Onrrency Factory

eUANOirAT, firat tlep In ’an oirfon .toward uniformity in . Chin- cae currency wlu, be undertaken by tlip Oc building here of China'e f lr tt national .i, mint. The work will be dlroclcil by an American mint expert, Clifford Ilew ltt of Philadelphia, whoie lervireli ^7

- have- been loaned to a i n a by the Uni- P/' tr^V Blate* and who come here a abort '■'

• tlnie ngo to begin ,h b dullea. Mr.• Hew itt installed the new mini al Mn-

iiila, tlio f l n t Mtabliihed !iv lht.P h itip "1pinet. ■ I

I t la expected tha t tbe completion of the now (^ in e ie m int will put an ond . to Ihe, eonglomerato »y»l«rm of cot- reney of a ll kinda and valuca whirh ban long beoj> a drag ou the pommer- riot progreas o f Oilna- 7 '

While the U exiean dollar. Introduced ■‘‘‘ iuto China from the Philipplnei,'hax eome to be the common unit o( value the vnrlout tuehani, governor* and ofher offJelal* o f prorlnee* fcare Issaed coins tha t are deolt wilh commereially ol value* based on the <]uantlty ot V*" Ihi-lr silver content. The Chineao loel in which 'government fundi and cui- torn* ordinarily nre reckoned l i not 4 coin n t all. b u t a tUvcr slug of a given weight and fineneti. differing in .valne poi and 'w eight in the different provinfCfT Iia

Thn Shanglial- m int is In roat abou. ria *2,000.000 a nd -be ono of the largest "1 in the ' world, rivalling in aize nnd out- in Iiut the m int at Philadelphia. J t is to At havo ft- espaeity of 500,000 lilvcr dol- om larK’A day wiUi a dallv enoaumption of cm 14 ton* of silver in addition to boier m ctali uited a* alloyii. Mr. ITrwitl f bopei to have tbo plant comnletod and Drl in operation w ithin two yean . erj

Be il the originator of many of the . m ichinei and proeessci in ure ia the 1

P r i (Men’s Winter ITo clean np onr stock of fine Ua ranged tb e better grades in tn


U n i o n S u i t s . 196.00, >6.e0, r.00 and t7.eo I3J


$3.25[Biclndlni Lewis, WUsoa Bros., Zncl

and 'Wright's Boff and Ony tons i ttotoas. _ laos.


'it or coat o t one of uestion of your be-


Suite and O$75.00, $m.m and $i

$40ConsiBts o f the cream of onr stocl o f any s a lt or o vercoat in stock.

SUk S o n Collars —35cEach^

Large esleetlea, In slsee 14; IS, 8ii 16 1-S and 17

87 . -

^.Flannel Shirts B

Oxford gray colon; fonaarly Con ., priced at tlOO t« 84.00

l?a Pain

Union Special Gauntlets

^ 5 c A P a ir -^The best leathn faotd -giore'tc

^ ■ ■-

~ S U k .S h ir ts»l&.M'iad-|20.00 VaiiiM • -

.- $ 10.00- -

Am/.rii.iiH BiiotSi. ha ria g boen ia the serrieo ot tbe UnlKd S ta te s govers- inent fo r 2* y«M»- Do was boUder of tbo American Tnlnt*. a t D enver 'and puiadolphla. - . i

Jay Gould B e a ti ’Jack Soutar in

Tennis ContestsObampion Sm ashes W a y to a

Great H cto ry — Throe,Games in Fonr

I'H ILA D BLPniA Pa-, — Jay . Oould. natioaal asd open eourt teani> champion, won three ou t' of the four set* p layedjretterday in the bU » set challenge match for the nilloDal eham- p io n ^ p against Jack S o u ta r 'o f the t'hilnileliihla Uoeouet club. The score, wero S'S, 6-2, &-0, .C-4. The re a a ln in j ^ (cl* will be played Friday. Oould J need* only two moro sot* lo reta in tbi- tirie while Soutar m uit w ta 'f o u r - lo ' iH-come cluimpion.

Gould’s podlion-play was nearlr per­fect, HI* wonderful cbaoge o f . par*- baffled-Sontar throughout.. ,

Save in the third set, whieh b« won. thu breaka went agnlntl Soutar as eon- liilen tly a t they favored . him in hU match with ''l* n n fh " F a in la st S a tu r­day. But it wa* the iteadlaoss ot Oould’a striking Ihnt gave him the-ad- vantagc. His *ofl. cut *hotr to th<- Inmbour came off a t weird angles, ito IHiMlblo f or flontar to re tara .

UOSOOW BASKBTBEB8 A B £ b b b v b d w i t s . SPBOIAI. UBNU

MOSCOW. Idoho. OPJ-'A'splrant* lo poiltion* on the UnfveM ty of Idaho baaketball team are being served ip '- rial grub * r a var*ity tr a b in g table," I have nlway* been a firm boUever in the Ubie training prineip le," aa li, Athletic Director Thomat Kelly, " f am very sure Ibat theee basketeors of oun will thrive pn (heir apeclal meala.”

Btoek biittennUk le.-.per, g^lon.Bring yoor eootalaers. Bteillng Ore*m- wy.—*dT.________ ' ■ .


c e sQniprt SuitsTnion B aits w e h ave ar- (VFo lo t i for qniok seO«

Union Suits1S.M, 84.00. 84.60 and'8IUI0

V a ls ti '

$2.35aclod lng .flns gradee of ceV I ia heavy w«icht*"aad I t e -I.

s ■ ■

Overcoate$85.00 Values

}ick. Inolu4os yonr choioe

TSoft Collars —25c Each—

Sixes 13 1-8 to 17. Fo tm fdy priced 36o

71 Fair* ,

Blue Bib Overalls - $ 1 .4 5 -

«ffipl»te a n o its e a t of t f « a 31 to '43 w aist

34 P a in

Khaki anta S 2 * 1 5 ^

ood m ig h t , well made panta, i i • ■ n » « ^ aU slses

46 P a in

Leafher Work Gloves

'83A >T alou


s E i i E n n■[TOBOi

Indlonfi in Oonferenoo, Dodde ' Upon ProBSisg Claim to Bea<

• erratioQ Orant ' • ______ T c i

WEWOKA. Okla.. « eoiifflr-• «nce of SonlDoIo lo d la n i held h e n re- '

eontly a dedilon w ai rcoehod wherflby asanr Seai&ote Ind lan i now llvlog Is N: 8cffllnol« eonstj will n o re to Mexico two o sx t luauDflr to U to upon a rcM rraU oolrhui a lb tt«d tb e a in 18S9 by tho U exieaa’ Dpm

, gOTernnent, I f elalma to (be Und eao not be etUbUabed. and

Lonia P . B nw n, chief of tho Somln- o let aod MB of fonner Governor J . T. 1|**" Drown, w ith a: ddcRatlon of fourteen

' S e o iu ls leaders, have left U erh o C ltj to eoBfer with Prealdent Obregon and ta k bU decision oa ths claim.

Chief Brown ia In potacuion of a copper a ed a i opon which the original trea ty waa made to the tribe , pan tlD g the rtw rratloB to the Indtana, w U ih ho w ni take with Um to offer as proof I^l.^ o f the f r a a t The only question i i OBcertain In th s o ln d s of th s Sealft- ole leaden ia w hether tho neir Mexieiui jq|^ , reg iae will recognize tbe treaties of noiit tbe eld n l« i» i

U tB b a n of ths tribe who will n i- i t a n grata to ICasieo are tboso who ha re Cb. •old their aUotmenti in Bamisols totm- mate ty , fellowlag tbe te n o ra l o f reatile* alder tloes, the Ssalnole chief aald. H aring day. DO honestaadi. they detlro to lira ae*| cording to th slr old ways and castoma. i j r -

The reservation whleh the 6e o l» lo s ,” U d a i a was granted to 'thera adjoins th a t of the Klekapoo Indians i s sorthera Uexico and eonaUts of several thoa-' sands of acres o f fertile soli. Tbe rea-1 erration w u a t one t in e occupied b y ' , the Scndnoles, old l id la a s say, b u t j 'O n many of th e a a oved to Oklahoma a fte r 01 the eivll war when the land w m allot­ted to them. Slavea of the IndUns, who remained In U exlr« when the ir i m u te rs moved into OkUhoma, are stlli: living on this reservation tbe Semin- olfs declare^ j j' *'rk

TO P I A 7 JA P A Jn a B .NKW VOBK,, (/P )-T tic ' C olum blii‘‘'y I ’.!

university laMlmll*team will jJav t)io‘ „ii,rp, Wnwila university train ot tf lk lu Joo t e JnpanH hrro next Biirinjc. i t w a. an-jM , i. nounrrd today. Wneciln, in n I rllrr I'olumblft, requrilcd ii i;amp to ue |i<>inn 1‘livvnl diirinc itn loiir of llic United m<ji m ate* in-M nr anrt .Tiiiir. Thr fnr cw»- i ,„„„ rn icm will play In Clilrnco Mny Ifl In;:il. nnd In Boirton 5fay 2.V Th'r cam e' _ w ith Columbia .prnUably will bp. p lnyri:, ‘ ‘ <'nrly in Jono. J , ' VR

---------- '—- i --------- . . . :,'rn e lBU T8 OBA&mOK TKOTTEB. <-

HAHTPORD, Conn., (yP)-W ord lift' " •■omr from W. JI, Corlirr,'B crrctaiy o f , " ' " " tho NaUonal Trottlnu nMorlntion t h a l . " ' ' ’’’ William C ro tif t‘ of-;t)iiii r lly , . hai f'',"’!" bought Poter U th r rlmmulon 4'year-, «■*>■ nil! tro tting stallion o f 1020. n t Mem romt>; I'liin, 'Tonn. The price la uadenlood t* , P*'”’*'

.havo bo«tfab'ont IlS.OOO. Loal year In’Hovcn rarm Potrr ! ;’» limt mark wan,2:06 1 *. ■ ' r i ;

JONBfl* SELECTION PLEASESNB^V nA V EN , Conn.. W>>-Sali>.far

tion wn* rxprCMccl by th r Tale Newn ,ni.t , tnrlay a t 'th e oclectlon of T. A. D. Jone* wcl'eh n« unlveraltr football r n a ^ for a term to Ri o f yrar*. I t hia tlrrfr will be d»' nmtri vntrrl to ‘ ‘Imlldinjr up n nrw Ynlo ryi- |v rn: ti'm Kiirh na lios been u tterly 1aekin?i ili irr th r iliy-s nf Tnl, C oy." '

OUTLAWS w An T "H O N U a" ! <’H I'lTTSnUROH. Pa.. f/P)-IInn» Wnv-- '

n rr, former “ granil old -Jiiiii of lin»r i liiill” In nmouR the player* tlMlrcd b y ! '”' ' ' ' ’ OforKP Lan-non fnr lil« new rnn tinc ii- ,| y tnl Irnniip, ll wn* Irarnrd h rrr tnday.;

'Wa<jner Inst vrnr m nrlinl llir C’.ir iu -j''" iz'r Trrh Miiad nnd tdav.-d nn nn nil- ',fn r brnrinc hi« nAmr-

BTILL OEINDINO. 8MnilC A O O , (/P) ~ ().il.’rrlt.'r nn.l MI

' K orklrr v.vri- Irmlini: tlii« niorninif wit'i man .V.' jHiini. nftnr SI lioiirN nf HiIIml’ in n flf' ih'c nii-dny liiryrli. rai r n P t b r "Cnli- r\„rlcl Ki'iini. A)l Iramii.biit tw'o hail rovrrrd In^ I indT mllr*. H iii|iH nl 7 oVIork. norniii

» 11 lilmirINVADEItS DETEATED. ____

■ I/INIXIN, (/P)--Th,' Kiiuli-li ..r l.k n trnm whi h i< tiinr'iii.; AunTnlm .«ii J * " frrrd ■» rpvrr*!- in a «i.ri«.i> I'C—flvr r!mmj'l(i:i*lii|i I’ami- llii-ri'. f!n' Aimlr.. I Him Irani xrinnliij; llir’r r ro ii"rdilivt ^ \iflnrles.

•WINS IN AUSTRALIA- “.SVUN'KV, AiiJilrnlin. (/P) • I.'id. j

I.niigi'r nf San Krniirin.ii vi'-i.Tdnv ui.c . tho niinrtrr milr nwlmnilnc rliaiiipiin'J O.lp nf Nrw South Wnli'M. . j • '


Io IptoUu ' bnxinu in West V'irgiula ^ -1Hfta Introducrd In y« li-n tn y ’» *c.*«ii)'i pnf tlio lrf;lRlntiirr. I M I

" Gda Buggies-^Ifs a sad


■ - ^

^ d a y s § p o r


STAGING SCRAProx^fiiokord Loft Alone to Han- Je

dlo DoupBoy-Oarpontier ' i OhampionsUp Oo

NEW YORK. (yp)-W lfhdrowal of c wo of the promoten of tbo 1300,000 . .^ hamplonrhlp bout between Jaeu i )rmpscy and O rorgti Carpontler would lot prevent him. filling their r^aee* nd singing tho bout. T rx Rlrkard. Ihe ,7* hlrd. promoter, desfared today. Wll- ^ iam 'A. Brady annoonrcd lost night ba t he and Charie* B. Corhran of Lon- * “ on, were "IhrouR b” becauso " th n " ontraeta have not b rrn mutually ob. ei ved. ' .

Brady said when his reprcientative ailed a t the Central Union Trust com* any to dopoilt. bU third of the • 100,- t " '00 agreed upon as the prom oters' for- eit fund, he found tha t onlv O x liran 'i i M,183.33 waa thero. He laid the fight- I'” ’, rs had not posted their forfeit money j ! ' ’ ut tha l aA assignment o f Dempsey's ile re it tn Ihe fighl had been de- osited.Rlrkard insidled A e' •rouM 'Try ti» age. the boot Jn ly 2 In Montreal. Cbchrafi'i reported offer to b (jd the „ ateh In London wai given nncn con- " denUon among fight followers to- ['’f _ *1 lain

T P 'n

tatkewsok Win»Point in Battle “

Against Plague '--------- R

brm or S ta r Pitcher of OlantB’ Olnb LeavoB Bed fo r Wheel mui

Obair— ‘It

» n v TOUK. .O T -C kri.l.- M n lhw in, former alnr nllrlier nf th r New nrk fliant*, who fnr wv^n mnnth* hn> ,.LJ ■rn fichtlm r n nin and tuek gam.' ’I'll tiibrreiiln'i* nt Sarnnar lake, srer m,1 vr«trrday. . J '\V>lrnlftyi nwnllird In rnlir*. b r ‘ fl«-rd in nn Invnlid fhnlr and whrrledit nn thp front TwirHi. A* Jii* w lfr t brhlnd .h lm ,> lh unmlhdriir of the „ 'J r t tlin i'^ ih r mprnir'- ri'(rl*irrpd 20 ? 'Inw zrrn, fThrin'v «fild; !" T r l l mv friendu T nm hni.|n- nu.1 1 inw r n (jrl w rll."

PRENOH OHAMP MAT OOMB. ,„ i'i VRW TORK. f/Py-^Mln* Riirann? ■'•nir ■neli’ nf P ranrr. wnrli\'« womnn trn- " 'hnm p'nn. mnv cnrai’ tn tliiu mnn- Tl V nrxl mimmrr In miM’l Mr\. Molln him- iiin><l<'l Mnllor>'. Mr*. Oporer \V lrn(c Irh'm .m nnd o thrr Iradine Amrrlrnn num minlnr nlnvrro. A «nrrial Invltntlnr III h r rxlrndrd fn MIm lynclen In 0 | mprle in lli.''w nm rn’» natlonni rhnn.- rnrp nnnhip*. r'lib

■ — — whi':LOOKS LIK E BtTEMAN. rd I

r i.R A T lA K D .' 0 „ ^/P)—Nrw»paprr • ort wrifprr wrre d 'v ’rtrd on th r rr- ,'» nf |i-r Irn-miind hoiit Innt nIcht •wrnn Cnrl Trrmnlnr of Tlrvrland •t iToi‘ Burraan, rtiirnco bnntatr.-. , •I'eht. nnr w ^ r clvini: th r dcpinlnn .

Biimian nnd an'nthrr ilrrlarinc thr nlr«l a 'd rnw . Thr b{|ni wn« dnii'- (.nntrilrd. '^]

■ KiitlD ICKIE HOLDA OUT. tlmt

rm CA O O . r/P>—nictc ICrrr. dimiiiii- rirr. ••p ulnr uniitlinnir nf tlir Clilr.t^'i iirrirnli'._ 1« tin- fim* linhl.nut o r th i ':ivin, I lr wrote frlrnd* h rrr vr*trr- ' '*i'' h r wnn di»-n<l*fipd b rm iiir t , i-nnlrnrl fnr l?t2l did nnt rnntnii; ''<iti'

in-.rrn»p in IIi- ntt>«-rtrd In* ''onmid im t-p 'trli iihI<'h, -tiinird nn In. *>'C" i’n*r.

SMASHES HWrrrMlNC P.EOOBD MIN.VKAl’Dl.IS,' Mliiu.. ’.in Rnrs nf tlu' lllinniH A. .1'. rli|i]H-<: ,.u ,fifth <if a .... nnd off llir lln.ynrd nirld'ii sw'Ini rrrnr'l ln*l nichl, innk K Ihr ilixlnni-p in fivi' miniilc^ ■* -t .i .V riiiidK- T lir fnrmiT r.'.-ord. Iirld Iir l,v t n iirlf, wn" .' miniilr" .’i -I-.’ »i.rtind« «p<nj

GradeYourSThrrp i i a vaat dlffrrence between Jui

KK n.K A N ED and OBADED GRAIN. 1 rnrp will be In yoor pocket next fall.

Wp positively remove all W ILD OATt lirrrire from w heat This bearlly grad rreasA Ihe yield and ina llty of yonr ero]

tf wo ean gri it a t oaee can do u Ilr gradini! now. Bro us abont U w llhonrde

^ D arro w B ro s . S eedPHONE 6 - ' : : : ; :

id story, mates -


I m


------------------— ~ -s Jl'*

iriingjjewsz r z z i ---------!------------------------

Youth Found Dead ''<1 Boxer is Beld bg ‘S

Salt iJake Police ,froi

Jo tte rs A rrested a f te r binding if < of Thnrm an's Broised' Body [!■“

‘ in a P o o l v at ' — . ' ‘ vie.SALT LAKE CVTT. ‘

"C yclono-L ofty" Jct|pr<, well known T In intermountaln boxlnif r lrrles, is be- aak ing held hy tho polire in eonneotlon 'r , w ith the dealh of a if fo rd Thurman, bar tnn of Ju»tlre a R. Thurtwin of th« 'be "lato iiiprcmr conrtrnnd prominent no- will da ily , whoto body was found In a pool <>f i nl Beck's hni spring* n far here, InM nlifhl.._.IrUet;», who I s a taxi cab driver V ndmltlrd, aerording lo Ihe pnllci-, th a ' tem he look T hurm an.,a rompanlon. an l 8'- two g lrli, to tho spring! last night, won PollowlBg thp di»rovrry o f the l»dy, the Je tte rs and Thurm an's rompanloir and him th r two girl* were taken intn euModv thr for Investifralion. Todny Chief o f De- Anl terllves Beekslead declared tha t Thur man had been ponrhed severelv in th r T fau* and then Ihroivi Into the w atrr. San

» ■— stag

Brief BUsof Sport f,”■ ' ' and

Bill ■Gleason, who backstopped for the; tbe Jerome rlub laat year, is to be re- bom talned as th lrd .itrlng catrher w lih the PIratea Tl

. — — • lagGleason bumeil up 'h e Southern b u

rdahaJeagUB. last year, nnd, allhough Bant only a youagster, ha i-a ll the earmark* ■ ■ of a roming star.

Bolte. Caldwell, Nampa, Twin Falla, Burley. Poratello and Idaho Falla,EIow* lh a r for a baseball Iragur fnr MUlhrrn ,'Idahof

•Ira D em .doesn 't d ppen rlo .hav r had inorV than a common evrry-dny Mirk- lUt In hi* til t agaln it Oualavn, who ^llegra ho I* the mlddlenplght rhnm- [linn grapplrr of Boulh Amerlra.

'T lirrr's^a ronaldrrabV biibliuh in tbp 'a il over Iho etntu* of th r DrmpN'v. r^ rp rn t lr r 'f ig h l tiling.

tlut liiry ihn’u ldn 'l wnrrv, tliprr'Il b»\ figlit even If thr_ pnrtfr<rantt*-*B»^ *» o rrdnrr .thrlr flgnrrii .in p rr rrn rfrm i;'Irat nffrr*.

Sim Sniilp,v. "acrlinmli «acr. nnya: ‘ .Mn'l nn use n-talk in '; yon ran 'I br inin.i fomia o ' n llilrtri nnd xtiil l>r ■* ■oiirlrd bv lilgli m«Miirtv.' ' '

---------■ '-n .-Tlir ^nll Ixikr baarbnll folk* nrr still

iim lini: nliniit Ibr nrlinn of tb r minor rnpir* nuKwinlion. In rnnnlng Bill jiimliT nnd Hnri MnuTirrl.

Of rniirrr It make* a lot o f dlffer- •itrp .whotr .ox l» cnrrd. and th r IW*''ub . rrrtalnly so t an awful goring vhi'n niimlr'r nnd Magcert were remov.'d frnm thnt Hub Innt irnson.

Thr blu ing of tbear mrn dnrlng Ihe a ltr r wrrka of tJip season might hav,- rnn Pnll Lake tb r flng.’ but il dori • mt *rrm i>nulhlr ihnf rveti good" kIiiI:- rinp rnuld have rnpprd witb Ibo B rr litrhrrs fniling mnrr and morr ni tb,' m*nh riin along.

Tbnt >rl|i In (hiba Iml fall roil Bahr tilth nbniil ♦.'id.OflO. W iifH provr« hnt th r hntnrriin brrn ia no bigli finan ■irr.,

Wc,- fidk« mnv Inkr n Ii.l o.' ridr in Ihr way Pctpr Hrrmnn wbnlod

ill tb r liiiiitnmBTicht riintipion naiilrn- lnti» till' »f .limmv \VIMr-nvi.r In l,nn- Inn llir > th rr nicht, bii> <nir inflntinii i j .nc> n bit whrn wr d 'tr.ivor ihnl Ilri- Tinn' niihvrl.rlin'l the tirillinrn litlb- tri'nn I!) 1-2 i.m indr."

Ilni "till linvp lo wnndnr If Wi'di' nil., thnt br l<. in inMifird in tnk ln /•II mrn who nittwrlgh b ln n w nrr nr ii> |KiundR.

.>r»»c niirkrti hn'* b rn i t r rnirnijr.l •V tb r Xi'W Vnrk NnllnnnI- tn nrt na ii 'pniil III'- r.imlnc ypnr nnd hr nbn wilt

SeedGrainJust re-cleaned seed grain and oor

^ I f you sow our kind tha t differ-

ATS. barley, and all light. Inferior raded sesd' wheat will greatly In- srop.

Ilmllrd amount of rlesning and rdsU y.

d a n d S u p p ly Co.

’ (Copyright, IMO, 1)7 H*w S r a :


. ----------


rNEWS, TWIN FALLS,]aprnd itonip jfmr wilb tlie Cllant*, art- Psrr ing as asalilant to Hugh Jrnnlngis wh<. othr I* hhnself. aMltlnnI lo .Inbn UrOraw. a ri|

--------■ I’ho.Tbe 1S)21 style* In bnsoiiall imlfurmH

nru annnunred by John MrOrnw. A; " t'lliouie Ihn Giunln will w rar n wbllo with S p la wide nnvy blue strI|K'. On tb r road plm'thpy wll wear n plain blor grnv. Illuc Unlcitocklngi wil be worn with l.oib nnl kantforma. brllc

/ -------- , HrlrIlprp n rJa»a A ball rlub going elrnr

from N’rw England to Groxgia In train.If the 'repo rt 1* eorrcct. Tbp alnry .ii ~ -that 111.' New llnvon ebnmpinna of th r a M Knilern league will get In- conditli'-i a t Maefln.‘'-whe;o mnjor Irnciip teanm vied ti7 ravel In ■’Spring. .

The I’ltlsburgb elub, It Li onuounred, a*ked waivers on Outfielilrr Jnke Mill rr, wilb tho Inlpntloii nf sending blm bark lo W lrbltn Fnllr a* Srrnni;rd, bti:(he Clnrlnnatl elub held MIIIit m. with the Idea of using bim as jiBymrn; i nf n mlnnr lesguo debt of Its own. |

Wben Ibe New York Nntional* ii* ! tempted to transfer Al l«efovro to tin-’S '. Lout* Cardinals ho announeed hn^ wonld qull baseball i f so rt away frnuii the Giants, so Branch HIrkry tiin ir l ' him bark. - Now rcime* the new* thn I th r QianK will transfer him tn Ra.i' Anionlo. I

The New Vork Giant* n ftrr Irnvin^’ !San Antonio aro to p rorrrd by easy; stages to Mobll£, w hrr« they will sprnd; a week from M arth 27 to April 3, plny-i lug tbe Moblla and Louisville .trnm *' and Ihe Philadelphia A thletlea m . :n ; tbey will resume tho Jaumey uw ard home. ■ a

Thp .Vernon Coast league elub U gn.Ing to the high schools for reeniltr. ll h u signed two Inflelders from lb“Banta Monica high seboot team, named

1 1o f u n i

■ T r shield

w in d c• T i r e s


i l l ' I I I III

■ ' T H I S I S

V I ' - - = ^

B r a A a t m )




S, IDAHO, THURSDAY, JArANUARY 20,1921 ■■■’erry O ’Brien and Fred Ounlber. An. ither youngwer algoed Is Duke Ctom, „„ I riRbt-handed p llrh rr wbn liaili from , ^ 9 ’hoenl* A r i f

■ l.'liff lllankensblp, working oul of Ipkanc, rejwrt* good prngrets. on b li iL. iliins lo nrganlxr n Icngue in the old . „ , i . Jnlon Asjociatlon territory, from'Sp<i. . , ;ano cast Inio Idaho aad .MonUno- Ilr irilevea hr baa Bulle, Great Palls arid Irlrnn ILiird up. He plans a alx-rlub Irrull and Ihprefnrc needs only two Trj w n eltlea___________________ Falls



T h e personal property c

Coiiipany, Bankrupt, wil

highest and be»t b idder, fo

oh Friday, January 2 Ist, I

business, 130 2nd A venue

Idaho. C . ,

lERiiEs 21 Sp e c ia l— the endoied car <

T H O U G H m o d e r a t e i n p r i c e , t h e a q u a l i t y r a r t h r o u g h o u t , a i i d i t

■ t i o n a n d a b u n d a n c e o f p o v ; e r COI m u s u a l c o r a f p r t a n d s a t i s f a c t i o n .

T r u l y , i t i a t h e c lo s e d c a r d e I m t e - 5 ld , s i l v e r - £ a c ^ j e w e le d ’& d a y o l

id o w r e g i i l a t o l s , s i l k r u l e r c u r t a c s a n d c o u n d e s s o t h e r q i o U t y f e a t

M o u n t e d u p o n t h e S t u d e b a k e i S p i h o r s e p o w e r m o t o r , t h i s S e d a n h i r c e f u l n e s s t o m e e t e v e r y e m e r g e n

$ 2 7 5 (Cord Tire Eqnif


k J .A .B A R R m A l1 Phone 56 Masonic

' ! x v M v f l





y' • •

z e b b '

TO p u m n r B A a E a A ix ; '][ .''C L’OLUMBUB. 0., (/P)^IV ofesslbiai acball placers orrcptlng brlbtis to ■ow pam « in Ohio, wonld, If eoavlct*, be Imprisoned froni-one to fivo ■. UB and fined 110,000, ;under a WU jmllted to thu alato lo'glslaturo yei- day. Any person offarlng or giving •Jl a bribe would be eubjeelod to the

fry our Whole Wheat Floor. Twia ' lls Peed t Ice Co. Phone 1 0 1 . ^ t . .



of Tw in Fails A uto

ill be sold to the

for cash, a t 2 P . M.

1921, a t its place of

le Nortli, Tw in Falls,

. J. H A H N . Trustee

L -S ix S e d a nr de luxe

le^FECiAi^SDC Sedan i« its solidity of construc- onibine to make i t a car-

w i t h n u n - p r o o f w i n d - o lo c k , a r t i s t i c c u t - g l a s s

t a i n s a t w in d o w s . C o r d a t a r e s . --------- '

iPEOAL-Sa chassis, w i& ‘ has the ability and n - aicy of service.

5 0n lp p ^ • .inU

.UTO SALES CO.ic Temple Biulding

Y E A R ” ’ —

by B«ok

Hen w i o e . . .TO W?N HJS flH?£ - • ,

3E R S Q t x WM W U S f 'B U S - e e c A o s e .


< w a E H “ W Y ----------- ------ '


PEecYiPiseH . OFIlliEfllLlllSl

I S o g li sh A c t r e s s a o d O lo im a o f F i e ld B e q u e s t f o r B o d ,

I s W e d

NEW YQRK, « V -T h e Bw rlage . • Ppjigy l la n h , Enfjlbh a rtr tw , lo

bert L. JobnaoD, of Now York, neph of the Iato Tom L Joh iuoa . mayor Clovelaod, Ohio, a t Q rwowicL Cot OQ Ja aua ry 5, bec&rae koowu o e n day. Tb» ceremony wa« performed Ju»ti«e at the Feaeo A lbert Meade.

T ilt brido i( conflnfd in a •nnli ' ium h m where *be ri'contlv undom

ao ope ra tion 'fo r npj)cndiclti».'D io w»re»* ratnc to till* roiintr;

fow vreckj 0|p> and (innouuwd. would Iniitltuto V“ga(l prooi'i-Jlu^ obtnin p a rt of tlio fortune ot tho 1 Iffiiry h p jd , ir , o f ChiMRo, on b«1

,o f lier foiJr-ycar-oM »on, Ucnr}' 'th im y U artb.

CillCAQO, m -V c g g y Morih, n ' mcr pliorui* p r l , met Hi-tiry Pi crttndion of-Mftnhnll Pjeld, in Loai A fter I lenrv M ebl’« deatb In J 1017, *lie Inntituted gtiit in the su lor eouH bf Cook county for ponet tlon of the Marahnil f ie ld will.

Aordrflin/r to tho ito ry told by P< Miu-«h *he liad recclvi'd from K( Firfd rvt IpMt ».'SO,000 In eoRh and [ «nt«. IIq w m fartlitr «nUl Ui < iljn ed An ap-pfnient to p v ' ' ‘ff 000. ■.• A formal plalm for thi* la tte r nm< wa» fOcil la ir In in\t) In tbe court o p lB it Henry Fi’pld'* osi The plftlm waa not pontpntcd b r F id .l family, who lel If b r known thpy rpcogniicd I’epKy Mnr*h'* *oi thp rhild o f ITenty Tlnld-

‘Tlie «iiit to fonnlriii' tlii’ wlll o f^ Hiinii Field no oa fo Rive to the ncti ion a . '* h trp . 'h ’Iil* ffreat-RTiindffttl: million* wik« uMUPcewifuJ. B at t derW ons held the child h tlr to tlir <100,000 whUh Hsnry PitlA U ft t ho died lnte»t»t«. _________

Hired Men’s Wage More Than Doublet

in Last Ten YeaWASinNGfPON. P . C.,

ot hired m6n on farma have mora i AtraMtd In, Ibp la*t ten year*, tr i in the la it SO year* and w ere'ri tban foQ'r tim ei b lg l i s r . lu t i th e r m r e io 1B70. Thevi e h u re t , ihown bv iu t j i l lc a of the deptrin

by tbe reonth, wtti board, 'a v e ra ^ d fo r the rout

' aa It whole !a»t year, ton yearr, ajto i e?ora«a ICT.SO w d la 18T0 thoy ^ ♦10.43. •.

Day Utlnr At batvcftt tim e Uat ? averoffcd: M.30 withont board and fttb tr tbnn b a rr e n Ume la.TO. veara a m harroat tima labor waa I

, ♦VR2.an4 a t o tbe r.lban l i t i m k I - • • ♦l.Sfl. In, 3M4 h a rve« time day li

ira« paid 11.13 and non h o rv u t t labor fit fen ls a day. •. ■*

{■ntlfornla nnd Ncvadn farmcrt | tholr labor the hlffbeat priroa for 1< without board, Ibe ftvernfre In H ntatea. 1a<<t year having been (10

. month. Tbe lowcat avorajfe wna...............^ fU iit^ppl wIl6t6 wa* paid.

nvorniTO for the country Of a w Wft* •(V4.05, thft nOTthftn Atla&tlr *1 nvpra^ed V SM , the Sonth Atla

• ibT'TiortTT ea»t ppntral M 170.(10. Iho nortbw fit ecntral f>t *7P.71>, tho loutb pentrnl itaten and the far wMtom Hate* |0 0 .« . F o r harvert time labor wil

b o v d ^^ortb Dakota paid the big ra te w ith <7.40 a day, while a t o Ihan harvrnt time South Dakota the hlRhen rale with *5.00 a dflf

DIALECTS MANY ANO VARIOaneala of tb e Traveling Amer

May Be .Pretty W dl R M O f'.w by H li Speech.

A n r r o y Juat completed abowa S3 lAniQBBM nra Id dally uso la I to rk , no t Including ih rw or fonr k of Bnjllah. Tfiore l« W^bbrow I lllh . lowbrow en tU sb and th« a- rarie ty ; tiealdoK ihc stmnjre. locxpl We cockBcy Ulnd. which gives nil •ODDds the soond of •’Ol." We aaj explicable, for uv havo no rer seen plaided ' cbjr in cennlo N«w Tork nacn lar third I* "thold." bird Is “b M d corM U •Yiilm-.*'

Soaetlme.; iwitii>whcro. th a t cnoD Hon m uii havr> l>rsun—w hether od Bowery or In llnrlcm or t v t s In iin way, nobody mn-nm lo know. Waa I exlaicow In lfW)T The Naw York c ra taro of thtii m does oot seem t Indlcfltc. Tho •onverae of tb* b blacke and i«»enlle atreet Bwect>er tbo mild nnd innofuous llctloo of tl

_ daya reveal nlm nit a Ruoday scl diction. The “eolK*“ haa sw ept < M onbatun since then. I t emoe t thfl tneUloR i>ot ?nd may be port e fo r all we know.

'h ie Dnitod .Slatci la large enoug contain a numlier of dialects u d ready It docs contain Ihcm. ao I coe’ft f tn n lR is pretty well fill gafabed by hla upcrcb. We know, t BDglaad by Iln “lofnoiT iRusb nnd t know na by our “larflng" one. "A .to foBie p a rts of tbo Sontb Is aa j

I laned oa t n lm tat na th e **o" to ’‘bol , vhUo ftlli remaining “oak” la Uai I ehosetta.

- Onr • plarlliua unum. lans^acc truly th a t kind, nnd likely to !».■«

JBort) pluribu* ns the coontry m older.—f i t Loul* Olob(KDcinocnit.

P a s t W orka Its Will.Tba UedliermDcan By (k a r t

cap ita ta) h u for lararfll y e a h dii conalderabl«_datnaji«,lB Qroec* to f r t l t and r ^ e ta b le crops. O riu

Jkpplta, p e a n . peacbcs. aprlcota. pi - u d tomatoea bav« been ospedally

f«ct«d No remedy b as yet b « « i: w e r e d . u d there secnsa to l a x t \ little a t t t o p t to p ro ren t t b t fp if ti tW tp e t t .


, S e c o n d B r i d e - W o u l i

' , - t ) i v o r

Si i i ^ g s pI is

ig o o f - to Al-

yor Coon., i n to ledtde. '(m ltarorwoni

Intie lotob«t)aif r I i M i ^ W l n r f t i r ^

y An-

. n -for Pioi'i,


I''jiftve . Wheti I'leno-Tartcittc, aoUd Ti r 1100, imlnler, wai divorced by-W i first

. io 1919 ho deolond blmtcU tbo amount p ie it man in the world—beeauie be |iff>\)nlo froD. Now thtf aecond M ri. Tai oilale. Mra. Claudia W Ind»r Tnrtoue, haa

>y eti i te n i for a icparatlon, nml Ih vn thn t t i l l [ , uKoln within sight of the ion a* jom ho Idvo*. Tartouo waa ree , „ scwftl wllh a Boptcm® CouTt »ami

fli'vcrnl wceka- ajjo JiTrs.' Tarloue their be iu llfu l New Yorlt-bome

. > took with her ton beautiful blnis. > * * n ^ tho famou* pointer prcienlPd to b

her marriage lo him. Tartouo had ^ -temifa hU wife ." th e no"! ben

g trl'lB Ameciia.”

k s U n t B E H K S T S

e a r s L -----------------— --------- ;----------- --O E M -" L itt le Orphan Annie,"

-•WaBM ‘ amea Wblteomb RlUy; il*a re than Kick In High L lfo” , a comedy tripled tBre.

e 'fno r" n> A H (>-"T he .Mutiny of the IT tlian n o re" , story by Jack London; re», are comody, " A n H ep liaa t'a N irlment o a r e ."- i * ♦ O B P nE U U -*‘Tb? QW In No.

■t*»rlng Prank U ayoj a lio two r s and Seretn Uagaxlne.

‘ OAED o r T H A N S a .It yeat We w lib to extend our moit ili and u t nnd heorlfclt thanka t'o ' -our-' i

Ter. frioodi and acqualntanreci wh< u pnM kindly aaalrted u i In our late loi ifc time Kipeclally do we thank the Ame IT labor Legion and 'a lio all tho differcn It time EanludoBi of Twin Falls fo r the• '* ' nulttaneo ami beautiful floral r t paM inat. A lw Mr. A. Wilton Peek r labor H all'fo t tho bcauUiul sti I IhoM and Mr. U. 0 . Lauterbacb for n ♦107 \ j,a» dono for'u^ -al \hl» time, wm in U rs. Agnci Biihnp F I. Tb'i ■ Mr. Edward FicU,

whole Matthew Biihop,f alAk'i Mr. and M n . T. W. CUlADtlfl n jv Mr. aad Mrs. Ja m e s :

Mftlei ■ ‘»UIo* ■■

g K E S M I N S F E Ito M M Pnm iibed b r t ie Twin Fall! 1

and Abstract Company

ARIED W edaeadar. Junaxrr 10>Peed: W, A. Moore to J . W. Ar

norican WOO, lot 7, block 1, Munyon BuU red Deed: W. H. Thom|i*i.i to N

Channel Lbr. Co,. 1234.27, loti block 58, Twin Falli.

Deodt Pocatello Bee. Trust Co. r * v " ‘ M . 'Pjwho IT80, lot 40, block 8. In Now x » la Palls.;r kind* — ■

Indian Textile Worker*. ‘Y,®” Io North America alone then

foar d ltU nrt aplnnlnj (' , found and some half a doxen typ “ J' w eatlti* In' n»« by the Indian ti

worker*. Alao jhey ha re most I « jjiJog dcrlcci for warping, fo r i ' “bold" for pattern-making, and. l&

tlon. cocntiiM secrcti for dyelni nnnela- „

RthlrnBrotid- Boblns seem a ln o tt-a lw a y s tc

“ “ *“ along when they want to g tt where, tin t now and then they

m to so pretty strong bops tha t covcr• boot- gronnd much faster. Wben Ihej pers of {hey nf{ their head* hl|th as th )f tboae they wero very proud Indeed to i•cbool, n e b a pace.

) t over ,

• - - ■ n m - iM to *ft M It. J h e origin of ctrtbqnakes bas

traced to two prtnctpal tbiDugb to o j wbleh ll tectonic, and the m ind ai- ^ojfanle. Tbe former r e fe n to t w that m e n ts lo the earth’s e m i t knon filulD- faoits, possibly cacssd by lha at

w, New log Qf 'tho tntartor of tb« e&rtb 6] nd tbey n o of coollog.‘'Aak" ,

oa fla t- . Philippine Poresta.' 'bake, , xbo forests of the Philippine Maaaa- the greaUai variety of wo<

tbe world. Some of iba bard n ace ll nnexceHed fo^ tKauty and i (.■cono hlllty and a big trodc-l* deveic gro*? In exporting the timber to the 0 .

ml. Stataa. '

T l» color of fruit. U tlio” rMul a r tu t l l chemical action. In wMch TOoHgl cioscd traasfo tocd Into red cr yellow (ii

. to tba nngo or purple coloring matter, irangea, cbeiDlcal action ta k u place best ..p luou the allcrallons between tbe hea ally a 5 day aad tbe cold o t olgbt ar« « n :d l» m arked; to the fall, tbat la to ra be«a w tth tha spring ' clowly folTowli i(a d of » -



uld Free Artist whom One brce Pleased

Tartouo, ■ .has tak- 9 -! Ibc ar-the free- Mree«aily f f

ouu Qome and ' ' '

lad often beantlful

I Hofleity Prevalent In M ina. I ' D on n ty la a preralllog rtr toa an

— - * Dost Cbinam ea Some of tben f i f tb e lr tiatJve lowna and dtles* l< I n " A o t buaineaa unguaiedy fea- go off for an hour or n

Sbopid n ito m e r f arrtT* Id tba m be Kill- ^ Pon; alM p liio l; marked, aolect wbal tbey i

U d leave ibe money for them.

fe- *®” . filr)oular lllriesa.two part -a ir—Oaa of our ope’ta io t* to «)

hoarse. T h o doctor te lls me.' sbe fided, 'tb a t my larynx aro alfecti ffbatever Ihey arc.’ We told ber

; ilncen) waa a elngular affectloD, b a t tii r - many « tc tttlo a might b «

eleural.'^-C orrespondent of tha a

i S ™ »“ ■>«'>»»'"rent nr- the kinda ,oCfer- --------------- --------------------- -—

laiaRtoit ■r all be _ ' '

" U / D I ^ W K IFEB5 -----------------—I* Title I Hundreds

’ ing yesteri PRICE exi

1 Niblcy- ^ ,

2 n titles thathaveincre

.™ ise you, heig to ba

.■rnf. we have n« t Ulte^ or shred- .

1 a f e wFOR'FB

Ihey m n _________ _______________I tbotjgb ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

CHOICE C$195.00 W ilto n R

‘l u S fii'y purchase o f I second I Ro m f i l r n i tu relo mnt- o r more. A n d RI ihrlok" I P r es are the oil . 6i r t t —o r they nave 1

means AN O TH E O N E H U N D R B l

.Inc «t. fu fn ish inB - o f onwood Id d woods.dd.n^ C H IF F O N IE R - '"niw Alwa.vs popular

- $50. Special foi day ....................

MUlt Of jllgbt toV dr o ^ | 6 B la b o o I n la id a r. ^ i s L IN O L E U M ., M a n y P

hea" “ H ondr^odB (r« taoet Y a r d s , p o r U c o o l y a ito say. ( tw o s q u a r e y a r d i

rwing , | 2 . 9 0 .

. H H H H H H H H iH iV "

ii -• ' J b d c y a M a . r k g ^ s

Kcr»^.T<m B oen M u t o l - NEW :y ORK '"®’® *

tivo (n tlie atoek n a r io t today. Be Moed isiuei mode little progress, bo ever, svad gains eliewbeto w ere U rgt

f easeellcd.w hcn mo;iey rates atiffenc Sales approximated 852,000 abaro'i.

Sliipplagrfood, tquSpmont, metal a I m otor ibares provided the i l m I strong features a t the oponlng of I day'a stock m arket. Oalsa rongji I from largo fraetlona to a fnll poi I were mado by A tlantU Oulf, A uerie I Internotional, Cuban-Amerltaa Bng I CalifoTBla Packing, OeBertJ B M ti I ' Amoriean Car, Utah and Cblno 0 I peri, Doich Magneto and 8 lr« n > I CorhuretoL Ooaeral Aiphait also,a< I cd moderately to yeiterdav 'a m b it I tia l g d n wUb SuoAtra Tobacco, K e ! -A ean Petroleum and Central Leath j atig lil 'teaetioni marked tba early de I ings lit Baldwin Locomotive, Aaierh I • T ^ a c e o , Retail Btorta and Cora P r I ucti.I . Jleallzlng sales, Indoced partly "j ■ call m oney 'ariM to seven per cent 1# prcMuro against steels and oquipmei

pccfttpUated tea ttiom of I to almoai jw ints later. The eloiing was IrreV lar, .1 ' U lte rty Bondsi i NEW YOQK, (/P) - Liberty bo , ' closed: 3 > 2 ’s ♦W.8O5 f l r s f . l 's 188.

second 4 's 'I87.0D ; f i n t 4 1-4’s » sMond 4 1-4'* $8T.£t8; t t l n l 4 I- ♦01.02: fourtb 4 1-4’s ♦88.88; V iet 3 3 -4 'i ♦07.24; Victory

: I . Grain anij ProtlsloMOmCAQO,

/ ous atsoTtbns tb a t tbo Argeatiiie ex ; a tax on wheat bad been removed led J deellnes in tbe wheat market today,

a quick rally ensued. The rally ' ‘luo to opinions tb a U b e nppoM ir ' moval bad n o th b g ( with tbo 1

’ • crop. On tho other hand, bears i tended th a t world financial- and «( omic conilltions preciaded any eh odvnnce for grain. OpealBg prl

= = which varied from*l-2e to B l-4e lot wllb Mnreh ♦ITl 3-4 lo 1.78 and I

■ ♦1.02 1-4 to 1.63, wero.followcd by I among turns th a t in somo case* w est a t :bem In ye iten lay ’i finiah.* ' >«•>• ’ , ejjVwquent'yi abaeaco of' e x p o rt ' guarded iopga together witb inSleatloss 0 >r mora. leiuling long was selling did a good 1• mean* to weaken tbe market. Priees d i f goods heavy, 3 1-2 to 4 l-4e net lower, 1 ey w ant Mareh ♦1.(56 8-4 to l.CO and May ♦

1.4 to l.«W 1-2.Com swayed with w heat A fter

enlng 3-Be lower lo l-8o advance,, cludfng May n t 08 5’8e to W 6-80,^ markot aagged all aronnd aad thei

scored iligTit gains, r e c t s ^ Warm w eather likely to soften <( her bis tbo wop nu

mcnt had a ateadyliJg effect la ter prices. Tho eloio wai easy, 1-8 to

8 Cblca. Set lower, w ilh May 08 S-8 to C8 1- , Oata were governed, by the aetloi


s o f SATISFIED' irday. They foui xactly as advertis ,t almost buried,» ’eased the packing lenceforth, quick( made further PE


, Riii? fo r $99.00 w ith ev- o f L iv in g Room o r Bed . re am oun tin ir to $300.00 R EM EM BER, th e Sale

ones you saw yesterday e been cu t again. ,T h is JER S A V IN G o f nearly ;ED D O LLA R S on the oneroofn;

1—A Beauty in Gum. ar a t its Resrular Price Eor F r id a y and Sa tu r- .............;...............$20.90

l l s i r o

VLLS; IDAHO, THURSDA-!—n l 'o f h o r cereals, sta rting • nnebanged ^ h « 13-8e lower, U ay 44 7-6 to 40e, and aft« ‘o 'a 'a o d e r a te general K tbaek reeovem

;Ia jfnlLI<Q«er qootationa on bog* putte<

. Idown provisions. ,Cash <lnoUtlcns

CUiCAOO, (ffV -’ ^btat No. 1 b s j how- | i . s o : No. 2 bard ♦1.76 M to 1.62.

wgely Com No. 2 mixed 65 l>2c} No. » yo taaod .llo"-02 3 4 t o m - 2 e . " '. ■ I Oats No. 2 w blte.45 1-4 to 49 8-4< 7 : No. 3 white 43 to 42 1-2.

. Bya No. 3 ♦1.03. ^Barley 85 to 7«c.

r f to- Timothy seed M-M to C .'Clover seed ♦IB to «0.

P“ “ ‘ Pork nominal.Lard ♦12J0.

” cbp! Ulnnaapo^tla Flonr and Oraln mberg M INNEAPOUB, Minn., (i5>)—H o > add^ SOe lower. I d earload lots family m bitan- onta quoted a t ♦9.A0 to 9-00 a barrel K exi- 08 pound cotton sacki.. B r u ♦S? to '£ latbor. Wheat reeelpls-337 cars, eompari ’ deal- w ith 170 c a n & year age. e rkan Caih No. 1 Northern ♦1.C7 8-4 Ptod- 1.72 3-4; March ♦1.00 3-4; H ay H.Cl

Com No. 3 yellow W to 65c. ly by O all, w hite 38 to 8Pc.3t and Barley CO to 71c,menti, Byo No. 2 '♦1.54 1-2 to l.BS 1-2.noat 4 Fla* No. ,1 ♦1.03 to IJM. _Irregn- Chicago U n s te c k

CHICAGO,- (ff>-CatUe rceeipli 1 ^ . QQO; beef a toen and butehfcr eatUe \ bonai yvcniy lower; practically no early t n

* '"R l *'* M®' loads field fifgher; bulk around 18 f. . ta t COWI and h ilfe n mostly tS.

10 7.25; opening sales eanner and ci ter cows, bologna bails-taiTd cal' ilcady ; fa t bull* lower; 'etocketa a

orrone- fcciicrs wooK to lower, export lloj; receipt* 07,<KW-, faiily m Uvc, led to I to 35c loirot t ia n y « (crd ay ’i overaj

»y. b a t • tDi. ♦lO; bulk to pigs moa ly wasl25e low er;-bu lk ,detlrab le 9fi to 1 led rt-ipoun'd pigs ♦O.SS'to 10. lo 'lO Sl' Sheep -roeeipts 15,000; genera rs eon-;steady on all claiseii ♦10.00 bid ea I e u u - io a .ehoico Iambs; bulk fa t lamba ♦&

sharp to 10.78; nrlmo 00 pound yearling we p i lc e t , , t» 19.10; ba lk f a t ew ii M iS to 6,S

. lo w r,[ Omaha H restoek 'L OMAHA, Neb., - Hog reeel,

15,500; mostly 25 to Me Jower; bu medium and llffht buleheri ♦0.10

^ ^ jP,23; top ♦0.30; bnlk »trong weight • 'r t 'JM -p a c k in g grades ♦8.7fi to 0. ,•

Cattle reeeipta 7,000; beef deers I eho'stock weak to 25a lowor;.top ate

«^»“ ?l^6.75; bulls and veals steady; stock aad fetd tt* weak to 26t lower. '

y ♦1.00 Sheen recripts 8,000; ojwnlng b and aaUa ibeep and lamb* steady;

te r op- eboico ^ambs sold; fedeers steady;. 1 ice, in- feeillng lam ts ♦10.

CHIOAOO, (/P)—BotUr onebanKec „ I Eggs lower; roeoipts 7,554 eai

f ir ita COe; ordinary f ln ta 65 to ff a t mark, essei included 67 to 6Be.

to l-4o unthanged.1 l-2e,tlon of N E W Y O B K , (5 > -E a w .iu g a r 1

rPm) BUYERS atteni md every article ised. They pure ,our delivery sei ig and delivery fc ker service. Anc RICE REDUCTK


Choice Abo f any Table L; ues-up to‘ $45.0 ROOM, su ite on is $200.00 o r mor you have a la rg

'f in is h e s to choo

MATTRESSES es. Special fo r — Bonanza, ro ll mattress, G U A I it.y, sanita tion $18.00 value fo r

N & bI s

AY. JANUARY 20,1921:unchanged early t o d v wit** “

ftw salea 'reported, O nba's 4 M « W and : ircigb t, equal to for taatrlfagal.

Befiaed quiet and ttWhanged a t ♦7.75 fo r 'f in e grnnulatod.,'/ '

f otatoisa* td CtnCAOO, yp)—Pototoaa alaady; rt-

oeipta 2S eari; N ortbera .WUto Bound,7®'’ sacked ♦1.15 to 1.30 e w t; ba lk 6 U 0 to

1.40; Idaho BusaaU ♦UO to l . « .

I tW iM F A l i f l HABKBTfl \ |

O ra ls /Pvtnlihed by tw ia -F a l ls Flour M«i»

Wheat No. 1 -----------------------------.? o ta » M -

Fumiahed by Doyle CcmmW ea i* - .lo u r Wbita ■ ...... :— 3 - ^ «fle .


r r n t ? ;--- " — lisE g g . ____ ^ ^ ----------------::-------- 60* :

. . UT««tock■ Pur»i»bed by Iftdepandast Uta*

O attlfr-Oowi 4@6e5 «® 6 l-*«i veaie@ 10e. . ■& - .

.H o g s -P r in sS lie e p -U o tto a Je j la ab a 6e. Pflultry—Bprlngi 14e; bens I4ej tni-

keya BS«} ftoaa U I-la .18,- H ay

fornlahed by Twin fa lU Cennty

J ' Z 8 (*ai*Ti er b«tlef b*j . la tUcM-

HOUaBW IPB’a QUIDB (Betall PHees) '

. « iF lo u r , Ublb* aaok---------- .^.*4.00CH.26ra'i^lS& gar, 100 Iba ---------------W 5 0 |1 0 J 6” ^ : ' l ' e t o u e . , 100 lbs--------------

S S o jL e ttu ce . buneh

^ 6 ^ Butter (ereamery) -----------,Butter' (ranch) ................- 80®40«Egga (tnneh), dot. -------------- - 6 5 ^ e

:oIpU Chiekeas --------------------iBOsbulk, Bound steak ------------ -i , - ' , 'to to Bacon _________ --------------— L ^ 4 0 « ; •f a n d Baeoa, sU ead----------- -•;

Uam 's and B a a , - - -• ' 90titcera Potk; ebops ''

.Pork roast --------------------------bida 'po rk aaim ga ____________

r; no T-bone s t f iu ----------------; ■;-top Blrbin steak _____________ -------- M«

ic5Fided our open- e and EVERY , chased in quan- irvice—but we ’orce and prom- id listen, folks, [ONS. ■


b s o l u t e l y F r e e

Lam p in the store, va l- .00,. w ith any D IN IN G : n w hich the Sale P rice )re. COME NOW , w h ile .•ge range o f sty les and’ lose fro m .

3 a t Unbelievable P ric - r F i’iday and S a tu rday lledvfrSSS,^ laye r co tton lR A N T E ^D a l to qua l- a , and wear. R egu lar i r ......... ................ $7.90

5 ? 7 5 a o n a ln o L e a t h e r

O h a i r , Massivo,' C o m ­

f o r t a b l e , B o a a t i f n ] . N o w




■ffliErE i l i l

iESIimBSRcMmmendations for Bettsr-

ment of Industry are Set ' Forfli in Detail by Annual

Convention In Salt Lake

SA W :L A K E CITV, U tah, M V -The ^ IUlv-«b:lh uu iua l coavootlon o f tho '

A'fljfoaal O fo m in ' awMlaUoBleoflchded 'tU (etBlona horo 'W o^esday '

Ujp w-flJeeUcn ot F n a k J . Harg., cyfartli of B a lfU k fl, u prerideat, a n d '

* tho adopHoo o f ««o1oUob». iTh#.«»olutltia» in anbatAiiee are n#'

foUowa: . _ ' ,• Thot tho dfldaltm u to tb s coBjtltu- tloaality o f tbo /ederal f a m lobn w t bo obtdned aa w on u pouible.

'T liat tho lOMrre banks U &utho(iu\l to exewlae Ibe greateat.liborolllr to tho •lock r a i a U ^ J ^ t r j - . - ' - • - - -

~ ....A lla Im port DatjrT hat an in u o r i d u i j bo placed un

foroiga mutloB and ' lanb .' |BndorKment of tbo " re ta il diatribu-

tlon o f meat* b y ,the packers ifl ordor|* th a t profiUicring and nabu&Ineaslliio

raotiioda may- u ^ e tia in n to d and the , .public be acrred-at a now nable ]>r1eo.

T hat iniported.joim ia.b& 6 raadod aa.t *ucb. '

T hat a poUtian be filed rfiih tho in- lo rv ta tc ' eoanerco commiuion collinit f o f a rsduetloa ia' llvcttoek a n d ttool freight ratca.

Thnt reiluelioBi'be mado in eoam ii- »<oD chaigta, grazing charge* and yard-

' t b a > ^ u l lb ft tom & ltU e o f ibroe to be naned to earry out these insfrue- tlon*.

T hat the- War finance ?orpo'ratioa act bo a in tn ^ d a t a foncUon in bobail ot producerfMof llveitoek so th a t the breeder o||,tiicejp a n i caiUe may ebUiJiJong tenfl‘;freifft............

E n d o rm e a t .of .tho fc d e r^ Ueensed and bendedrwarehouM aet i t i l l is itn ie -

- tlon td B ttU ' a itaodlng eomaUltee of /ii-fl to aervigo Jor wuebouaiag tadet the a c t and alao fo r p tarketlns and 11- naneioir JB21 isJlp,

r o r " T w th to Patale*’ 'T bat a ta te i de p artao s t

of agriciiltnre be asked to orepare and broadly <l!il.rlbnlo a comptelienaiTe eit- CBlar ^ a t will w t forth Ihe difference bqiweca goods manufactured eOQtalo-

* ing shoddy and gooda aano /ac to rcd of a ll v lr jia wooU

Approval of the work Of tbo U oatana Wool QrOKtn a i»« la tioa la offerlBg

* to the poblie a ll virgin Amerieao wool fabrlt* »a4 p w U lo n -loT UiS^€o^oj«Tf tion io the o o rem c s t o f tb t national

bo ^ lu , •:

Riiqueaia io t tho ta ip e u lo a o^ to r eatry eorrSeo rulct regarding thu tran j ' tee c t p ennitf aad th a t raagit aaei tor sheep be barred to cattle. «

J}(roaiODoda'tloa th a t sta to appoint abcej) commiuioDa to doal w ith prob­lem of seablci.

Bequoat fo r additional eoogreaalonal appropriation for tho predatory animal work of tho blolorical m v oy .

Beeatamendatlon th a t tho . Notional Wool Orowera aswclatioo eo-operaio la

* the fuUeat degree wlUi other ag^- « oultorn] and ]]i'wl(>ek orgsn irstioas in

tho promotion e f be tter na fko tlng tr- rasgements.

< Approvol o f tho United B tatci ahoop experiment station a t Duboia, Idaho.

Jleeoamendatlon th a t wool growera co-operate' elosely with tbo forealry sotflce. .

•; • MdiConteataforO/fleeaNone o f the nominatJona tor ottlce

were conteited. U r. ItogoDbarth wa« cloetad fo r tho eighth cooMCUtlvo tia®

■ by acclamation:W. a Cctltc o f in ino il, was olorted

eaatern viee-preildent on nomlnatian by Koacoo Wood flf 'Wyoming.

Pred Ellenwood of Oalifomla, and Hugh Campbell of Aritonn, wore elect-

■■ od weitero vieo'preaidonta on nomina­tions by W> D. Casdland, of Utab, and Hugh Sproat, o f Idaho. ► ,

f . W. Ifnrsball waa re-elected nation- a1 HcfcUry by th« oioentivo commit­tee.

In tho diseuuions o f tbe day tho ques- tlona of the foreatry aerrico, of the “ Iruth in fab rU a" meaaure, of tbo val' uo of orgnniiation, trnnaportatfciiJ prob- le a s and tbe wages to be paid fo r the nliearlng of.sfleep held tbo a(f«fltioB next to tho eocaidoratioa given th< reaolatlooa.

$ n ik Ma r t claated u o r tp a n u , oa

tboM wtilcb lay c(S>; aod oTovivlpar eoa, o r tlioae whIeb bear Ilring youni

' from an t a which la liatctwd befon « a t tha time It la laid. Tbo «gg*lay. to« ep«c!«a of H tveata tooerally b» lo n j to the coDitrlctln* group, wblcl W l ib t l r p n u by iQUWfiSog i t ; wbUt

. moat all ovorlriiM ront aorpcDta an : »P*clea whlrti tako tholr prey vriQ . tfialr moulha, and <lu not kill by coa

atrtcHng. For Inainncc, Ibo blackanaki ^ ^ io n g a 10 the ew.foylng rroup,.w hili

the cojiiKThcod aiiuki! jirorlucej llvlnj i ’ooag liigtMd fir ,.giK


ReMlon 0 1 Glenes Sals MjbBHMMNRIOI.ImI-

In iT C N DAlfS O N IV '



F re sh

S [T h e T i d e :r- —there are eviden et prosperity is abo\] al —merchants whose

depJefced are Jooli the jobbers fo r nc

ll —ra ilro a d o ff ic ia ls ; on ‘ h u rry in g eastwai 'y - - ments are begrinn /a —m ills are beg inn ir

. bemg p u t back to fa rm s are in grea

t„. —m Tw in F a l s the newed b u ild ng a

. creasing demand ■he -re n e w e d demand:

es o f co tton and c present prices ab

- a l l ’s wel] in th^ .u- States; o n ly th e e f " t im ie to b e b lu e .

:‘w A GOOD P lj

^ , —th is g n' r Womcu’H corwet covere, I

Jig. nvtwle t>f ll very fjooil quo for trujimijjj'H aro of Hliirdy

: I n th inoU erhf'nre^m oi

—this arc.Woiucn'B euvelopo clieinva

nal coverfl, peUicoiita nnd dn Alw) crepe hlooroorH; atrt

“ w)ok. All noatl}’ triniined.

'fa —this grmar- In ihm offering are enveioj

t<in front luid sUp-over st “ P iiovers aiid draw ers; mat era p i n k I w iW o u n d in u f ijin . ’

• —this proiWomen's bluebird crepe g

!leo velope chemise, palticoaO 8ilk Iilooroere; materials (iDd iiaiiwoo):. Some ?ittc trimmed. $3.50 valuoa „

and . . ^

S Other WhitfiZ. ' 'ait- s o ih o p tta in and dovsstalra os ues. v iB (lad n«c ia l 'i t ta ta U u t irtU ks the prtaoyea. val-

T O W E L S .UoD There aro atlll a number of thoi tho cx tro large, heai-y quality Torkl/

towel^ th a t eold for D3c. Chorea K

HUOK’ * A good aiied hemalitehea hack toi

oi o f extra quality buck. Pnney d Con *^Rn worked out in-border. Wortlay. fiOe. Bpeelal 8 f o r ------ —------- Ib*-

Ulch B IL L O W 0 A 8 E 8Downalalra you will find a fn ll il ed pillow case o f ROod n“ Uly ‘u ing. A ease /o r every dhy m

laka BpecliJ, 2 pa ir — ....... ■hllevlng SH E E T S

Pull alzed Utlcn sheets, made o f < s x a trn quality shcetinR. *Bnastlleh( ■ m Ilogular price ia |3.S9. 8(u>

• filxBO. B ji« |al __________ _ I I .

HOPE BI^AOHThe atandord of all good eov

® blcached moslin. Vor nnflerwtiVirta, nl^ht d rcu p s .' The yariL 1

B ED BPBEADSjj Full siied bed.apreaJ made e f I

finest while eottoa w ith attract! dea'lgn carried oul. Begular 13. fipcclal ----- ------ h

- 1


N e w s f oI s T u r n in g

snces th a t th e t id e o f ou t to f lo w tow ards us. se .stocks have' beicorae okm g to the m ills andnew s to c k s ........Is re p o rt th a t buyers are 'a rd ; .tha t f re ig h t ship- in inR to move, m g to operate—labo r is to w o rk -J- products o f -eater demand, here is a prom ise o f re- a o tm ty ; the re is a iv in -

iQ fo r rea l estate, d has s tiffen e d th e p ric -I o f s ilks—in some lines ire beins: w ithd raw n .;hese good o ld U nited! chron ic pessim ists con-^

TO 'i , i

_ i ________ . <

J f lN UNow may all depieted w

o f w h ite underw ear and

sale has been delayed, a

have reached th e ir lowi m ark you, the garm e iiti

so o fte n o ffe red in ‘ ‘8al<

to you;the year 'round.

iroup 7Sc ’ ,I, bloomers aud drawers, Uure u:luality of musiin. Tho The imidy lace und'. embroidery, triminiifjionts wortJi to $125.. 76c .i«

iroup 95cnisc, nigiit gt)wiw, icoraet draw ers of good muslin. t'Oi'Tis itraight clieiniso ot nain- ej) icd. Values to $1.75.. 95c .— . C f J r - I’lubroiiroup $L4SHope chemise, gowns, but- . { w n BtyhB, petticoats, corset °

aaterialE are wWto aod ™ P"’. V « l.a a to $ 2 ,5 0 ... .M .« ,

roup $1.95 n r o . . .e gowns and pajam as, on-lata, princeia. Blips, near . AU oIs are th© best o f crepes Wameiland trimmed, somo lace tical fnJ - ...............................$ 196 PRICE



Boys and GhFor the sinallcr youngsters th

thoie »!ireJ.v Attract you.rklih nunllty sulea. Somo of • eoo welts. Both lilack ond bn

makes as Endicott-Johiifion. 2. Values «p to $6.00.

tow- 1

O ne W e e k O n l y . ,.... f l ----------------------------------------- -- --------

Silk DressesII sU-

OM brand

- • nen' Sprinj: mcxJelfl in silk

)f 01. J'oii will bo

enthuKia-stic over the style,

*l\u\lity, mid wma bo over th t

count two'prices. Thejrwtnr, ,i_ lOe "''>nuerfi.

$ 2 2 . 5 0actlv-e .

r « $ 3 5 . 0 0


j r t h e L cArch Priserver SI

Como ta a ad Jet oa B tjia ta to yon » h A « h Pr e w m r Bhoe i i u » cnsata tt sho* b ak ing th a t baa baoa inaAe i s tbe T te y look good, a n of U A t n c u iiiw t preroQt foo t tn sb Ja i; thef. g in omto:

Speciali;or FVii Women’s CofWday and Saturday we opportunity to buy a ver valne. A coat f ta t 1® doring the remainder of style for season

. And this price is much u vaJoes next season, for tl up to $89i0.: Plash cos opossum,^saMe dyed cont collars and collars bf self

M R Y l m. wardrobes be fu l ly repleni

nd a t prices th a t w il l mak«

, a w a itins ' th e tim e when pi

w e s t p o in ^ w e believe th i

nts in these o ffe r in g s are

ales," These are the k in d <

—girl^ princess slipse are pi-iiiom HlipA for tlic.girlB of i mnsliii is of a good quality witiiout d mingH aro (if Ince and embroidery.nil Nize.s. .$1.00 v a lu e s ......................5 v a lu e s ............................ ..........................

—ffirW mualin gowns•ns for the girls of 4 to 14 years. Mi eijJcndiiJ (jiw lity o t aiuslia. Doth t

ou and 8lii».over etylcs; trimnvings roi(tery, Jieiu«titching. $1.50 viHuea.

—airW combinationsK a re t!ie g irls ’ combination su its wi' pantie combined. I t is a very good i sum mer wear. 3fade o f stou t musli I o f 4 to 14 yearK. Tho usual $1.5(

Ii o f o u r c o m ta go on sale, Tlic wcl •ner Rust Proof Corsela and tho P. &( frontfl. .Our corsettie r is exporionc& CEB REDUCED. ^

ble Sale of J Mldren's ShiGirls jI these slioes u t this* All of tlic«e si I. All of them have /-.wwivnn,.. of them Gooilycar car welt brown calf. Such ^ I 'e re u r

1. Sizes range from run from 2 : The vahies nii

. $ 2 . 9 5 O ne W ee l

W A tK D JO flH O BA high qnaJlty ahoa. Ooodyear well.

in<L H en rily ^ f lre a togive broguo effeet. Theae hare hccti te l lb g for W e rwom-mend thot yon buy theae a U . 17.96

E D W IN OLAPP BEOOOBThoao good looking breguea tha t yon

’ ' have soen in our window. Qennlno Cordovan leather, low heel. There ore bn t fivo pair left. Begular price

J jev TUI they aro goas-------------------------- ---------- -- H 1.0G

OLOTH T 0 > BBDW IfA 'high grado shoe; Goodyear w elt f i r s t qaality k id Iow«ra u d w ft brown fabric upper*. Good raago of aixes. These sboea bavo been reiaU- Ing n t J18.60, Yon in ay have yow

il l s ; mAHO. Thursday

a s t o f J cShoes Trict

tb . l u l l o w ■ r a n pt r a a U iU l , T b o iiw navy, grm,

A refiuJar

i d a y a n d S a t u r d s

o a t s . . . .

e shall ofier to a lim ited nni

ery, handsome coat a t one-i

ill not only give, a lo t of- j ifth fe y e ^ 'h u t 'o n e th a t wi

under the prices tha t w ill

these are t te ve iy coats t f Mats w ith handsoffle coDars <

iney. Goth coatsw ith Inxu ilf materials. Come fo r a look

T E S q if ,inished w ith the handsome

ke buying: a pleasure. Th

prices, in o u r opinion, wou!

:his tim e has,,arrived..- A n

e N O T o f th e cheap quali;

d o f garm ents th a t we o f f

! — Iif a li ages, T lic Burmeiite io/fUs {t d ressing; wliiU; liaiiBte and niiinry. ifade «f Ihc« and miiny trii........ 95c ery. (Jowns, pctticoa........$1.26 p.VO v/ilwes................B —thisfilado ot a Ueiiry crepe dc chine1 the front In the mukiDg of thei gs of Jace, aro niatlo with iho attes-----96c tiimmed with daintyy . values are___ ____ _with w ^ t — ih w I )d rarraent Here are «lk gowns ic islin. For Tlio fabrics are hear :.50 valuM wasUwitins; thetrimii ------- 95c nnd of Inci*. Theso ar

known Pleime examine ^oflo &N.prac- hnd tell us frankly if iced, a l l tlio price. Sturdy mi

ti-innningH. 65c valm

Misses' and loes

Misses’ Shoesshoes are lacct among them oro

clU. 3fc(ijiim heeV extra quality are blacks and browns. .Tho m-2 1-2 to 7, in widths from B to D. nm up to $10.50.

e k O n iy . . $ 4 . 9 5

„ P an try Speciakto ltP iyttago^ajnm iB to th9l> on- TO sta irs Store to g e t tbesa ip td a l po -

cary Itaoa . A h ^ for laai.

96 M. J . B . O O m E.\(. J . B. C ef/e j is packed la vaennm tins. la -a ateol cu t coffee o f n p a ^

,pjj ior blend. Tho pound _______i&o

Ino OBJBOO.Tho IdcRl ahortoalag. I t » jnaa ■»»».

ice ctoble p ro d art th a t h u om ed retr popular. T htea poutsd t i n ___ We

“ i r aFor washing dain ty Uoeaa or wool* cs». .Does a o t a h iin e fabric .'

Hit R fgiilar-I5c. Spccfnl _______ _ lOo

■ T 0 M 4 T 0 S 8The Fawn Brand. A- standard to- mato p a t up la n tomato eoaatry. More m eat i i i n tbo ivertgs.

5^8 • can ---------- Tj -----------lOfl


m m r yM ette Waists! b e s t valut*H o f fe re d t l i i s s e a -

ige o f c o lo rs u n d s ty l e s . T i ie r e I , t a « , w h i t e , b la c k , b lu e . A l l w $7.00 v a l u e ....................$3.95

lay $2S-Muinber of women, an ^third of the former p to u re and service

iviD be in' , very good

Jl prevail for similar that have been selling i of raccoon, Austrafian .wioiis fiir (jjOA n r *ktomorrowV"»'»<«)

I group $2.45i g r o u p a r e m a d e o f p in k a n d in s D o k , s o m o w j t j j t r im m in g s r im t iu 'd w i t h h a n d e m b ro id - l i l ts , e n v e lo p e cheiiiiH e, s li ] is . ............................... : ............. $2.45 •

I group $2.45ae a n d w a s h s a t i n s o r b u s o d u!s6 e u v e litp o c h e m is e w h ic h i t t r a c t i v e b o d ic c - to p a n d a r e ty r ib l io n a a n d la c c s . HOG .............................................. $2 .45 .

I group $3.95Iq t l i o p o p u la ? e m p i r e s ty l e s ,

iv y c r e p e d e c h in e a n d r ic h n m in g s .o ro o f g o o i^ e t to c ro p e a r o $C.OQ v a lu e s f o r .......$3.96rfe" pantiesSO p a n t i e s f o r t h o U tt le g i r l s i f y o u - c o n ld m a k o ^ h e m f o r o iu s l in , J a c e a n d h e m s t i t c h ^ l u e s ........... ...................... ...........4^

Cottons Are Way Down

Wo feel th a t tba bottom bag b « a reached ia eottoa. Tbaas prleaa ara baaed en Utis m aiket. 8om« t n eo per M at lew. ,

H E W P E B O A L E San Inch Scout Peteales, Ught, d irk and a ad in tt . • Werj good qoaJi^r.

' V M e . 'T h e yatd______BOe

7 B E N 0 E M ATlfeAR 'Ilea) Imported French msdraa. AU k lnd i b f p a lten a , toloia and a liipei.Ideal toe aiileit aod Utenet. $1.00 vM uea .................... ...... : _ 49^

o u n H o m i m E L, A good- qaality oQtlog fh a o e l t t u t> will make extalletti gowna.

and da rk eoJora. J l e yar?^ S0«

-A P f io ir o m o E & uIn nti o f the- deairaMe eheeks, bine, blaek, grey. J o s t tho thing for aproM and homo drtases.’ TTi# y a rd '

' ------------------- ---------1703 o n , cn :.o T H' A new a h i^ e n t o f oil cloth." A lt- patleraa both Ught and ,d u k . Poll' alandard width and qm ^ ly . 1%or yard ■ — - ’ ________ U e

O m O H A M S "Von may U t # yonr ehoice of a a y ' .

1*. of onr gingham, many b d ^ t Ww pa tlem i, and dark eolerei

0 o n fo UOe., Tba y a r d - —— SSe

m D I A H H B A D V> .30 inch Ind ian Head. A pw n la t cot* r. ton material fo r table ^otha, &s> la kiaa, etc: Begolar Offe. - The y i r l » e ------------— ------- -------------

............ rrn ■


TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWSIw utd «T«i7 kfurnooa txMpt Biodaj

Twin r»U i N m PobUthlBS Oo.. tna OB(UbUtt»d 1M4) -

ilO T A. RBA© ...................... PniridwlJOHN C. HABTIIT ......... Tm w ttw

•' M d u ta iu M lU iJkpTS t . i n i ; tx U>» pOMtmot a t Twti ran*. Id4tio. ttstftr th t Aet of lU reh ti n .

SUBftCRIPTION RATKSOoi'TMT .......................................... Wi<I oonlh* ........................................... UI monU>« ........................................... IJI1 tnraib ............................................ M

■: UEIfBEn OF AB80C1ATBD PBB88The AwedAitd PrCM.b nolu*lr»tr M'

tmetf to tha OM tor npatiUcKiUn of «I «««* flUp»tehM tn t iM . to It, w M

fifM » of reitabllearioa of •pMltl flt»p*tcb ft bareto are nM rred.

No retponilbUltr U uniTn*<] for ihi CBf« or uDaotloKed niBOUMripL pbot» cnipht or otbor eeatrl6at»4 mklUr. A r ticlei «ubmllt»d for pnblleaUoa wU n* .UMd or nol ftt tbo dlaeroUoa of (bo odlloi knd no montuerlpt wtll ba rtttimad sn< t o aoeotnpuM b f (ba naeaawry po«t'

'M imbar Aadlt Dsrwtu of CtreuUttosi

. BABTEllN HKPBiaHNTATtVkaiO oom a O trU 0(V. lao.. 171 MidlMt

ford BvUdlnc, Cbtoftfa.

T E B U &STB&'a aO L O O f f iU L B :- A i r * wonld th jit m a t ihotOd do to you,

’ «o TO to ttw n — 31, _ „


, I t mutt be plain to cvfry »tudcn« of legal proeeduro tba t ibo 'iiporatbai (If Uie law lu lim llar criuoa in d iffer' rn t courla o f Uie UoltoiJ State* u e loo uneertoin u d varied to ie«upc” nr« cblef purpoM of law enforeoincat—tlio reduction, if not c^mlnatioa, of crime.

When a mao w u eaaght in Uulfal.. i>n Tbankt^viog; day dranst in tbi< ncl o f commiltiag murder, he w m jironptty Indietod and. plaeod on trial, lie wns convielcd a' few dayr ago of f ir il degree ftmrder u d . i * awaiting ill,- clectrie ebair—all within n few Hi'ck" of the date o f h i i eriino. I t ^•iinont bi> rlijm ed lha l the innn 'ba* lii-en to lila fnr' hnInm lioen (riven all tlio t'nii>'iien'Mary to mnko Iiiu de/nnio' before tlio Inw; liui tluTi- have l.een ntmu of Ibe hmi: delrij’n

: ■ .'^ h f th ; nn- lo enmnjcrn In tin- rdyrtj. fpmiod liy li'chnlrnl oioediiuiii tu llho I'linetioninc .if the Inw.

..^ . .M n n y crini'iiuli dw lare i’n ii l.u/iil- fu l.n u u u er .tliA t . tlie . prolmliiljiini «r eti'aplBR the '|MQU^n\«iti |>rovl<leit the law for their a<-ts nAalnut toelely #fe Rood/niid they profew the witling

ta lake a ehanre with the iIbIhvh wbldi may bn olilained in tlie rmirt^ and Ibe proipecti o f ohtaloinc an early rolewe even if ronvirted and '♦ent tu |iriw n. The promptneM with whlrli the

~ New York m v d e rrr w ni ronvkted of Wn ctSme aTii\ the tea»flft^>W r irtn in ly tbn t ha will rncpivB the Ipt’nl |>enalty therefor ehould have n Rand I’ffeet In retiraining nuiny olherxf rnin the rom- iiilniilun of like rrimeii, The elettric yhair Is not 'on Invitin;; proapcet for .-ven Ihc m oft-desperale eriminnl.

■liiKt hnw mnrb of the reipon^lbltity for the wideipreod eritnn wove reilo upon the clHalory praellpee Jn the cniirU mny never be known, bu t It dfeins plain ibnt delay* in the operrt' linn* nf thn, law have boil Ihc offeet

•of enfoupjflnu Ibe erltnlnnl elemcnl* tn take ehnnei'K nn coeaplnj; tlie penai- lie* nf the law.


One nf lh-‘ createal fnrinm in Hie. ('(ml <if liviujf (o most wnjje enrneri'. Inrp- liiimhrrs of whnm c|o nnt own ilii'ir iinii lioini'i, tlif n-lilii whieh Vrrvail in ino«t cfimmiinilifli. Inrrcni- in;; ili'iniiml fur hi>mei> nml nilvAnrint; rfi«t« nf liiiildJtij,' liavi' ejimeil renti in cron r.iiiidly.

I t i« pnirtii’nlly aKret'il tiy (ier«aa« ivlin Iinvf even n uliclil uliidy i*f rondilion* tim t rcnU will nn( l>« re- diin'il iinlil mnre liomen nre liultl, nndII In juiif ne n-rlalnly a^m'ed that 111 th ' Inilldini; \rill tie done nnlll eon- *triii‘ti(in fiiht'* nre redneed,

With tlie »prinB *en"oti approofhinR. rnntracl«r« nml Imildem nre bo?ominR

I inleretlcil In jmy plKS* that -<rtll btln>; nhout waitmpHnn nf tniildlng, nnt nnV nf hornet, litil nf fi^tnriea and liuatnoM l.lnekm 'of whieh lltlle l;ai been don> •ilni'e ttie beBintilnu of Ihe wnr.

I/iimljrr dealer* mnke,tlii'. claim TKni


. R I G H T N O W !

Ten S i l ^ D ili OrflT—IU rtlit ' 10 4.Mi. Mmtit], JU U I7 19


sa , ' f W I N . F ^ S D A

ys , Charming Chiipei

tn a '


n . '

r ■


Ihi,oto* r



J mart* f l f


5" ■tbome.’ab. u r j r - r . r r ; t : = = :the priee_»_of tbclr producla'h'ave U'en t» VM duced from 2.) to 40 per rent, bul lun iai. ber ia not tbo only mnteriiO nr com of modity tha t enlera Into the rout n

ing ronalruetiou. Other mnterinlK nre re 'cw rpilred. find llu- Hem o f liiiinr' enter

I t lurt^ely inln Ihe building eoal,Iia* Vuw workert In the Imildini; trndi- hn hnve empioymcnl, nni\ imWM;.tJie»i' \

iry [< mnrked reduetlon iii tbe font of eon liut ulnietinn of buiidinjP'i H «‘ew» plnii liyK tbnl unenipioymenl «'lll I'ontinue t.

prevail to n large degree. The publl. is nn a hlrlke nifaiuM bliih prleei, nni IbU .itrikc nppllen iu< I'liiei. In liulldln. linen ns il dne* tn merelinndixe, In

" f veMment* will be mmlo wb.-n jiriee ''V pre Inwi-r. bul nnl before, ety .

Phonograph Records r . Under Scrutiny in Tl.V Zion City Clean-uf

ZIOV. I II . y p > -In Ihe general clent up Ihnt 1» jrning on |n Ihe Clly of Zloi nil *lnu(0 '. profane, eheap vnudovill

nlv Tv'toiA* bave got to R».,i,„ " I f nny of you have theie teeords I

• vour hnme* >-ou nre ainning ngaini Ond.” anid Ovcmoer Vnlivn. “ nnd ‘

om- I lienr nnv lueb nynrd* In Zion llnwIriu (‘’l"

the reenrdu nnd throw Ihem out tl: ' “f window. I t ’n dlnRuiillng-to brnr imn

nf (bene Irniihv record^ «ueh" n* 01 Jn jb '* reenrdn where b r aiveara Com

• on ^ion! I .e l’s tiurn up tbeae r.'i •*'3 ordiil When ynu buy reeord*, biiy rei tbe orda witli "imie «en»c In Ihem l"

| . The next iu line for elean up in Rul I'lilli dexcrrnl'nii, I t hn« cnme I Vnlivn’* .'nrn thnt "nmp ynuiifr'penpl

leet hiive Rniie nutn riding nn the Lnrd Hn.v. n . . remilt in Ihnt V.illva bj t;lven nnleri. Ibal nn tax irnb ' wn* I li-nve Ihe k irn on Snndny e ieept tn g III nnd from ehureh. nr tn “ j;n on f}fi Almlgtity’* erm nda"

Rtvilelilnt; bnek onto Ihe mnller o M’onleii’* dren* nnre mnre, Volivn fjnv wnmini; thnt ,if he allondi. anolhu ,iveitiliiijf nln'te w nien nrp not proper)

*ri‘. dre««('d he will pnl nn hi* lint iind d<ITII P^^l'ieh ’

ACCEPTS IJO PPE'8 TEEMS.Ni;\V .VOIIK. (4^—I-Mi.iinrd Hur

ninn>. llie lli'lclnn riUliiiriln.1. tndnv ne Id liniine.'iL be wmibl nrei'pl Unripe’

liTnu for n eh,imi)‘nn»liii) inntrli. Hni'|i li.iH in iiitrd nil n ronlrnil '.'Ivin;; tli

ia« w iiinrt ibe ii>lM Rnle ie'-i-ip\', •rtlu'Ten ,if II<irenii.n>i \viinfpil the u lnn rr lo n

reive »■) riT ,''ent nml the Imer in |>e .•cnl. The m'lRi;.n «n1<1 he wniii.l ti'n

nd lAi. innlrhe^, nne .if 2(l(in |'i. n lit H I Imlk line nnd one of nnno jKilnl

nl 11.2 Imlk lin e ., “ I wnnl lone unnie ilini will afford a rent l<’kt.” be ia i.1

- Claadfied advertlaing la tho eheaf e»t thing you can buy—tneowred I;

"K the p ro fltt i t n a y bring y o tti,

: | _ m i D A ] Vin'*


, I S I

Y our Gn


jeaux in Other Lands .

^ S ~ ^


p \ - All d reued up and no place lo go Q T heu are a 'few typea o i the haU won I by women of f o re i^ eoanlrica. In thi I upper loft band eomer l i a woman ol I -weaTlng a ilmple b u t aerrUeI able hat. While odd to nn'r eye*, thii I type of hat la, quite the th ing ,fo r tbi I women of Ih t berth . Tbe beaifdrean It ^ tlie conter look* funny, bul It ia quit.

* ' Hip thing wIlIi tho L aoi lo Siotn.. Tt« wnmen there enjoy ihe lr pipe as* well aj the flien. The other illustrntlon ihowi n beauty of Norway wearing a hlgb]} derorntive fla t hcoildreia, worn onty ot occailona.


' Coilntnr'a A rarage Ooea P ast SO Baah re- ,e!a for Becond Ttefl la H litc ry when

,tvr« Total Product Is Largest

WAfiHINOTON*. (/Ph-ini'n n-n* tl.i nde-; j;r,.,it.-«t rnrn y.-nr In Hie liii.iory nf Ib,' ’’ .nunlry nep.irdjnt; l.i ib r rim rd* of llu eon^ di-parliin'nt of ni'ririilliiie. Ile«ii|.'- dniu i sr.iu-inB a re.'nrd. rr.i)i of ,1!.1J,3(17.0I'1 I til t InmlielA. tin- fnrnn-rx enliiblialipil n nee ,},l[j'record for nvurnKe yield per m-re with

„ . 1.10,0 • bujbel*, tliu neeond time in lii> lorv ilinl lln- rnun1r v ’« average vietil

'I'"-! weiil. pnut no bimliek- In- The nr.-» I'lnnted in .-tirn IiikI venr

,u „ , lUl,(101,(1110 n.Te» whieb wn.. i-mn'l •T Ilian llie nn-n plimled In either other >.nr« ’lerelnfnre ninV 1,)IKl,r)t){) nrTea

,M>in|1er than tbe nrea.wlileli prndueeil tbe TirevinuR r.-rrird ernp of 3,124,74f!.'

{ 'iKliiJiinbelK lu 1012, I-nxt venr’* rrO| ' ui.« the third ll. rxi'i-ed n.OOO.OOfi.OO. -1-ni.hel*.

j/w , . Inwn. ll'.- I'nnillry’i. t>reiite»l enn prndueinj: "Inte. mnde' an avernce ol

; Ifl bunliel* 111 Ihe nrr.- fnr Ihe f in t tlm< in It* hi*tury. Tlie biehe*t avernRt

Zion. „p„. vield of nnv *tnte wai tbnl nl Vermont "•ltb 47 biiAlieli.. Maine ir

'Imd Ibe bittbe'l nverngr • nrti dn lnty |.-|,l witb iin 1iii>'ji.-|».' In tbe lon yenr ain*t '].reviiiiii to Mint yenr tbe tilKlip*l nver id lf,n j:e a rrey ield bn* b.'en niude l.y Inme I.f Ihe New Bn^lnnd «lnle». Cnnneell mail, eiit had higheat yU-Id in fix .o f tin . the ten yenr*. MftM.iphiin'it-. in iwi., N'l'' mme Hnm]ii.hlre in nne nnil VrrmnnI me

Old Ma*tnehni-eHa lying in nne.


Rul. ■ ______ ■■ In Presidency of Eropojed Foreign Tradi enplo' Financing Corporation to be Ton’ nrd’a dered Harding '

hn* ------L-.* Ill .VKW voinc. (,?) •fiov.Tiior Wiilinn n gn 1'. (I.' llnrdini; of He-' fclvrnl reiervi Otld will he feinl.Te.1 Hn- pre-Menrx

.if Hie |iri'tini.'d. f.lri'i^ii irnde finmirin; r of ei-rtinrntion, il «'"■ niiep' ‘ lien (Tjivp Wrilii.'«'lrv by .f.ihn Mellnjrh. ehni,' ,lhi>r ninn .if Hie nri.'niii/illloii ..immiil.'e. ^erlv .Vr I'le •.line t'lne. Ihe nr);iini2nlii>r I ,1.;, .ein.liilte.- nlll.oiirrpit |I,:.I Mr. Mp

Ilii-rh litid Iii-eii de.Hii;nnte<t n* i-biiirmnr .of Hll- lietird nf« nf Hie enr 'inr;i1ion «'hieb will hnve a •ra| ol

. #iniM''>H.ii<’0 nml will I’e tirevm liii*i l l i r ' III I , fi'inneli.l nnd ncrletiltiirnl inler • ne 'i> ti tbrniii;hnnt Hn- cnnnlrv. ipe’* Tin- I nrrnrntion wa* ile*'i>ned fn pm. ni'iif mnle foreljrn trnde by fnrin>liiii(; ered'

th - it< iind-r the Kd.’i- nel. nn nniendineiil ■len* 1.1 tiie fi-iVernl re.i-rve sM. vtW rrneee'

ri'. ci.i, i- iriH. <i'nii« for .'ri;:inirnllnr ' |«er^ >*r '»..||p.iTt| unM.tlin...........l l jiriii'o-ed." be sni.^ “ tbi/It 111 ■••KirnHi'ii "bnll nnl in nnv xv.iv inter ilnl» Vre wl*b Hie Im iinr". n f mmnier inie* 'rinl*. II" rhief fnTi'-iinn will In laid. ift make lone lin e Innn*. The enrpnrn

tion will be under tlif *iii>ervi«ion 'Ol icap- the federal re*ervp bnard." /: by l ----------------‘

‘ r iin ii f lrd A di t r a ebeap-<iff*«tlva

N G E R — - ■

First■ ■■ >s


■rocer Has It

' i i l i FliOIISffi

A niiimUnionist Party is Said, to be.

Mal(lng Preparations'for Up­rising. Against Government with Sympatliy of Majority

TEOUCIOALPa . ^ d n t i a , (/p) —I Apprebenalona of ejirltErS^voIullou inII <fic republic of 8alvtulor whicli mav be I uln early Ihia year are eolenained 'licre. I Tlie unlonltt party In tha t eountry ii I reported to be convinced th a t Iho 6nl- H vndnrkn sovcrnment <i oppo«cd lo the [l |-ri.po»cd unlnii nf fivo fVnlml Amerl'I enn rcp)ibl}e»—GuflaemaJa, HbnduJiia;

• Xlraragtia, Coila BJca and Salvador— and to bo making all nreparatlont for an upritiag. I c th i t they are aald to have the aympatiiy o< tb f utiUnlaia of Onatemala, who a -fe w montha ago •iverthrew Eatrada Cabrera aa preil- dent. Ueporta received here sta te Ihot the revolutionary movement in Saivi dor haa tlie moral luppoH of BO per feat o f l ie peopte.

'. A r u j e Xisiftdf ItoT em ntt'irorn ?•>“« of the present apparently, , 1,# wrioui altuatlon In Salvador ia the re _ „» nilt of n aort o f eup d 'e ta t-b y wblrii - u „ . Carlo* Melendex turned over the preal- iiiia *0 brother Jorge, which If

, the to bo uncoiiatlluliount. Follow-X ing ■tbii thp revt^utlonary movemcd

i-'na . undertaken with Arturo Araujo aa Ita leader. Araujo ia a wealthy ,en-

,, glncer and landowner of Salvador u d '*1 ” chief o r fhe repuWiran unloalat j ir ly ; ,

one of the moat prominent men of Cen- tral Amerlra and hai »!m.-uI million*

T of dollnm for the benefit of publie In- I tltu t io u .

■ — To atop the-revolutionary movemcn' Ibc government eondueled n nerie* nf arretla and dupdrtationi- ilonduma r>-

„ ^ fnied to permit arms to paiia thrmigh;LD •

i m m [fi•nl."< ______

Eat LoflB Meat, Also Toko OlasS "Vl' .of Salts Before Eating

'BreoM aat

Ufie neid In n e a t oxeitea the kid- v,.nr neyg, they become overworked, got iin'l "lugglib, iicho, and feel lik o 'lu a p a of thiir lend. Thn urine bctomea cloudy, Ibe ,pj.r» Uaflder 1* irrltatefl, u d you may be ueed obliged to aoek relief two or three 74fl,- llmea during the night. ‘When tho kid- erop lieyii clog . m murt help them flush off i.OO.i tho Iwdy'a utinou* waalo or yoo'II be a

rent aierf iieraon alinrtly. At firat .vm; rnn: feel n dull miacr^' lii tha kidney region,[• ut vnu aaffer froni backache, slek head- time nebe. dizziness, stomach gets sour, the rase longue eoaUd and yon feel rheumaUe I nf twinges when the weather la bad- e In E at leas meat, drink Iota of w ater; nrre niso get from nny pharmacist toor onne- fenr« m «f Jnd Sails; toko a tablespoonfnl itver- in n gtnss o f water before breakiaat for

one a few days and yoor kldneya will Ihon leeH nrt fine. Thla famous sails la .m ade

*'"■ frnm Hie neld of grnpc* and lemon Nc'- juice, romblned with llthla, and haa Hii'I tjpcn goneraUons to c le u clog­

ged kldne.m and allmnlate them to nor- mnt aellvityi tilio to noutrallxe tho oelda

0 ia urine. *n it no longer is a source of ^CE Madder weak-

■Ind Sail* i* inexpenaive, ennaot in- lure; mnke* a delightful offorvcaceat

in, lithin-wnler drink which .uveryone «houtd Inke now and tben to keep the clean nnd active. D niggisti

ilinni ’‘'‘f '' "®y Ihey sell lota of Jnd Salts lo folk* wlin believe In ovortomlnff kid-

eni'v "cy troulitp while it is onlv trouble.— ipin. " 'I '’-here --------------------------------------------------------hni,--

ifinn '

1 ' IT IS N(liter- ■

H"'■j tfie c ircu ii

''"''1 The Coverneetion

K - Theabsen” ■ • 1 ' ■ . ,-cate-ind

partm er“ '•■I stateme;

I - ' . B u t . curi

esse■ , ket,


, Publisheri I are, theI ' m aded i

' . . The'Audi ' O N L Y r

The Bureivertiaeri


.'.I. ■

ita te rritory l o tho rebel forees in Sal- • vador u d eouequenlly the rijvoliilion

failed 'a n d Araujo fled lo Ilonduraa, eaenpiag government troops a«nt aftor

S him by order o f tho president •who de- m udod A raujo' dead or-.&llve.

• Bxpoct Clash UomectaiUy.The leadera of Ihls .revotoHonary

Y movement oro now lo Oiiatemola pre­paring. to again try to overthrow Mo- trndes. I t la belioved here tha t Ibi government .and revolutionary force* will eome to a clash aometlme early IhIr year unleas Ihe United Btotes in

u . tervenea.' Moat of tha foreign element in Bal-

In . vador Is reported lo be In favor of Araujo u d ajralast Mclendca whose

||]{ aentimenta Against the United B talei u d Mexico a rs a mntier ef common

y report. 'M oat o f tho Ihiakiag people of Central America w u t peace and be­lieve i t e u be aecnred 0DI7 by b guar-

~ antee of tbo UnUed Btatea I ta ,

^ m i a AVBRAas o f 4o o o to tb s"*• A MONTH BINOB LABI JULY

nnO A D U a M ont, (/Ph-Levri* Bak- , t ken, govemmenl trapper In thla sec _ j , linn, neetirdlng (0 report*, has killed .gji: u average of 40 coyote* a montb tinee

last .Tiilr. Ilo alao reports tba t wolves are plentiful but tha t it is difficult to

to , • • ' .


hat fiODA •• SPRINGS, Idabo, (/p>-A Ivi railroad has been eonstrne4«d to (bs per pboaphatif- b«d» olgbt miles from bero - u d - « o n , it U erp<ef<d, tU p e o t o f

the crude phomhate rock v il] begin. Tbe roek is lo ne cnsbed u d sold lo

illy /a n n e r t fo r fertUIzer-

Iri. P I R ? T MORTOAOB IKVEBT’ e»l- MEN-TS. AftJiw U ew lm .-»4T .

I, - . ,.9w- C lanifled a d re r t is l i f k , {AmV’ c tl eat tblnff you ««a boy—e se je red ujo U)e profits I t may b r l i f y««.

iwhafsGone?!; lumbagoi,;s r h d o e ilh e w o X ilf f l c u so t.b li* t# th e

tssd trc ti ddn.Kib^ k box b u d h for lo is b i^ conci

: quickly aod you m b r t y o a l l m n t It to ' goqtticU yw toilCD iBCt.

R A m it wiQ g o 'q u td a r t h u you aver bcmd for u d 10 will i o n threat, cbtst

ccluL to&iUlUa. plcnrliy broochllii, B cf^s M iuttthM o ttta 'cad t U k mUety

u d tubduti tU lofUmitotlon M o rs oo st r tocdlM yoa t m bcaid ahkitget itirted.

. . So w t^snSer for days vAlIeutlag alow- BB actlod rem sd le iM btn ifacam aU cp j^ub

eased, n « u n ] ^ buU b«d aad torcnetsand sUftiMU « o d ^ double qolck tlm&

F orcv eiyadieand pala a n d to g e t In- , , finema before It Kets you, s t t B tt/sM u»-W- U ito t, ln th * y r iIo w to -3 0 u J& )-c « n UN t - “ Ib eQ ukkeitP a laK lU e tooE u tb .-ef Bold l>y W. H. W rigbt t Sons ;_________________________________be ~ " , ' . 'ree .... ................................... ...........Id- ' . . .

i N O TtheUe

' B U Y W HERE. YOIer;

S C H E Afor

S O ur prices are chea priees. A l l we ask bei

Z le t us show you the v " ! can make by buy ing yi.V-

I HoosierFurnil, — t w i n FALLS

o p a r t ;'ited States to fu rn ish advei

l ia tio n o f pubh'cations.

ernmenfs only interest in cn w ith second class m ailin,

ence of verification does n id iffe re n ce on the p a r t o f ent as to the correctness len ts :—

u t p a rt ic u la rs o f d is tr ib u t i r ir ig subscrip tions and o ti sentia l to the advertiser w !t, are n o t g iven in statemi ent.

j r g ’ statements to the Post herefore, o f no more val'i; d irep t to the advertiser.

d it Bureau of Circulatit ' re lia b le and'com plete c irc

■eau’s report on The News Si'S on request.


a ^ U B B A N . P A S S BAHK

*• SPOKANE, Wash., Bpo»■ k u o State bank, in an outl.Hng bnsi- '• cess dlatriet,~Waa held up by two uu- C

matked men thla aflemoon trbo forrcd ' tw o b u k employes and a enstomor into

tho roaJt U d escaped in an autome ; y bile w ith a sam esttoa ted a t 11000.

li Olasdfied adTsrtlilBf If th# e h e ^ s* ta t thing 700 c u bBT-«ea«orta by ly Ihe profits It tnay bring yon. n s ' ■ —

b e a d t h b D A ttT N BW ai'- ■ ■' ■ ' ------- :-------:—

il .................. ....


I s i tY o M r H o m e T h e y a r e P l a n -

n in g to R o b ?

B'° n H G lA B S aiid llik T O • r « e v e r jrw h e f f t—

m tc h in g fo u r moTemeati >4ookiDf for tmlocked wm*

p> dowt—waiting for t a op* «T porlunitjr to rob. ,

• Even now. whflc. Toa= f*acy y o u r» eU iecu » ,th e»

may be pU nnug to rob Ifovr botf*. Protect youi- Mlf iMOfVOMMI).

^ N A - I Z E* £ ln a Combiaatk» BesSdeaos

FTotseUoa ’ lalaburacs roa fof losM oceaskiaed by b u i ^

It tUsTM or disboDcat servaalt. bt th t afflout targe or smalL

!♦ Inthtaam eeontrtctyouarela-« cored aiainst loss ftom beld-«ft’

water damage, glasa brcakaft » liahaityforaW dentallajww aad >t . iMsofuaa. .

Let na quote you ralM for this *» . » .p l * p r .U d i » .


; Twin Falls Tills anii Ulistracl Company, Lid.

; Emry Klnil ol IniuraiiM

' I C E !)U C A N B U Y T H E


iaper than others’ sale ■ efore you buy, come in, w onderfu l saving you your fu rn itu re here.

itureCoiiipaii)!..S A N D B U H L — '

f the duties o f th e i iovernm ent o f tW

ertisers w ith data on

circulatoih is in con-ng priv ileges. <

not necessarily indir f the Post O ffice De^ i o f ~ th e 'p u b lish e rs ' ^

ition , m etiiods 'o f se- th e r deta ils th a t are who studies his m ar- ‘ nents to the Govern-

it Offiee Department 'I'ue t ^ n statements

'ions furnishes' the rcu la tion data. '

is will be sent to ad-


D a i l yAdvertisements



(fk m f . l t / M c am N(mp«»«r IrsilttU .)

B w D or woa delighted with tbe e t ^ nilod : > n i t l o u MOf by ber Dance.

"Uow lovely ol Ralpb r the mtus gi^ereij D B r ^ “ilv ravorito flowerl 1 m uit b li to tA ik W m rlg lii» w .y l" h i, a tt

' 8be was sonn carrylDg on in anl- Cleai lU ted cot.veraatIoD s t tbe 7boo« end blm. Bomootilag Ihc most delighted t e m i blm a possible to uxprrsB ber u d y lo g gratl- abe be: tnd« for bla gift. "I ahall keep ihem In my tlwaya," abi* u m n c d , “In memory of Indlcnl my tweniy-flmi LlrtbiJay.” hair.. “All i f t l i c m r — for yos

“AU, I aball not throw one away."^ '_ *»I(J «b ' "W cll^ril i>o around tonlgbi, Good- * by.« ■, , thla Id

Balpb hnDg up the rocoUer and went ooffU fcbla w o.k. He waa >il8o yooDg • ' " “J"' and to Wm any atntement of Eleanor'a, however lexnggm ted, Vraa Intalllble. “S'®*

“If bW Isn't’ the moat fldomblfl," be " ' thoDgiil,,'“ to 'pttimlse 'to- heep thoae *' llowera forever. My dear, iw cct girl 1". *

T hat evening Eleanor woa iiandlng oa tbo p la u s. w slU of fo^BAlpb.•Ne8t> A ml ling Id bef brown curia wa» 9 cam atlon "rma,ai Mlenbi]. tro o . the big vaaefal' oa tbe " ^ ’<0 parlor table, nnd iU colpr na tcbed > tba t of her checlw and h e r bertiflled o ^ ' gandle d i ^ A gentle b rceie was blowing and aa *be waa gating down T n u Q the a r a Bight o f Ralph a « r i w u wafted Into her face. Bhcpuahed It back Impatiently, nnconadoualy dla- ^ * ^ ''8 tnrtlB g & o flower in . her hair.Again a b reetv came and blew tbe ' lock Into ber face. Again she poshed It back and thla tim e tbe rarnsUoD /V * * fell to the groand. . J e

Bnt E leaoor did nbt notlco thla. F a r down the ati«ei ahe aaw the broad “ ™ °“ aboulders o f Ralph ttim lng the comer.In a flash aho had le ft the p l a m and w aaln th9 parlor, She a n a tc h c d t book P' from the table, arranged herBelf car«- fully In tho choir by Ihe window, and ! "* began to read Indu trlon ily .

“Now, he'll thLnk he's canght me nai)* . . i i . . Ping." w a . ber tboDght ' [ J f “

The ^ te p iM n g a f they came up the walk, ba t Blopped anddenly as they , , reached the p ta m . E leanor kep t her „ eyea flxed bn tbe pago while tbi> color c rep t more deeply Into her dicnkB. If be thongbt thol ^ t by Btarlng a t ba r Ibe waa.golni: to make be r look\op, be , 5^ ^ of w u mistaken. A b it of a amlle played ii*. . t a . b . r l l p i . .

Then ihe.ptepa began agala, b o t~ ufQ) |q tbey w ere''receding I Sarprlao he(d tloa of E leanor In her cbalr. Wben she a t contrast laat Jumped t p and ran to tho door jonly Ralph's back w u Halhle na be tn ra in ii turned the comer, \ • aeclarin

"Qe most have forgotten the condy," Rpmt qi aald E leanor a fte r a momcnt’a thoogbt, the pcrs “ tboogh be never b u before." «ho In

T b e oeareat bendy Btore waa thre^ and Mt mlsQlea away. E leanor waited 60. and wl H i a abo Btrollcil ou t l « o tbb alttlng known, room wber* Uie reat of the family of Ibo were. from no

“Didn’t Ralph com er' asked hor. pro. Ilki n o the r. ter, haa

“Detained a l .bnrloesa a t tho l u t fnl hy 1 minute,” said Eleanor, fdgnlng a emprow y a w a “Oueas H I gel my enhroldory."

She w ent op tn her own room and Yo flung, heraelf npon the bed and cried ^ ^qq nnUl she finally dropped Into a trou> ^^ jp t b W Bleep. new Idci

The following afternoon Eleanor ^nung ir went oa t on tho p la u a t^l,^ee the cool the usuj breese on ber hot, aching forehead. Aa cymoon. Bhe atood there a fain t odor waa waft* detotloo ed up to her, aod looking ddwo she Qut U kaw a wlltbd carnation lying -at ber t,p has 1

h rr ao I"Why, tho flower I h a d 'o n last atton. 1

nlgb tl" aho mBrreled, and then the re (he haa ewae a g reat light. *lblllly<:

Ralph bad nol felt very well tha t ever, be mofDlng. H is pride was deeply wound* and con e d That "ahe" ahonld premlae to do fecla. S somMhlng and Ihen dcllbcralely not do develop* IL An a ^ fo l rva llu llon—bla loved one ihc hnsti h lse . In the aficmoon came a (ele* wife, phooe call. I om

“Hello." young ai^ th a t you. lU tp h r ‘ o e n t of■rhioeo honeyed lonea w ero only too Howe'a ramlllnr. "YeaJ' he Mid, Icily.

"Tou didn't come Iasi nlglit." u t thlso Slliiniir, Tlirn. JiiinlU: "W Lr n p tl" Ith# profI

Sns Buggies—Women who cr ' " liijr t/T W HUL 'OU uer ,

* * "

jp L W y V


N e w sunder this hei

U ullueis a t Ilfs' lakt'm inute," aaid 1 f - D . . iph coldly. I B yniere was something like a gasp at f } i i I o tber^nd of the wire, and then the iw er: ‘'Oh,. Ralph. I know that 0 3 sa 't Ul Tell me why yon went ay a fte r yon had come u fa r a s the --------PB." --------1 cannot explain fully here." Oem* Then como oat here now. Never id your work." hy tbiAll right, n i come a t once," he an- jred, tho coldness almost gone from volcc. lie would explain lo her • attltudo/Bod-say goodby-forever.

leanor '.'wiii quietly walling for ' I. “Look." she said.-and showed I a wilted, stcmleas flower which beld In her hand. "See, I bad It

oy hair last nlgbt, like thlB," abe icnied a fresh flower rci'diig In b e r . r. " I t fd l out as 1 waa watching y o t • I fonnd It tbla afternoon. II lhat \ slKinldn'i throw any away. ---------lan’t. I shall keep this one, and

In my hair, and all tbe others cb you see Id the vase therel I j j . iiya keep ray word." *he added/ and (jounty rrroudl,. . I , . , , tSleanor," cried Ralph. Sbe ahooo lowing I a new light In his eyes. She was w it: - ; she wos (allhfol. “Eleanor, I j One s wronged you. Will you forgive weight " len t, on

minute later he hdd her In his .B and sho did not resist him. - J21eanor," said llalph, softly, '‘let's , tr let a- pink A rta llo a cone be* Comuni 5n DS aealn." „urtIon

• I . — for Inw


Ung Places ef Chlnss«-Rui«rs Se ^ ' Jonstrueted as to Reveal Char.

aeter of O ccupana»■ ----- jjj2j

t the.Tung Ling, o r Eastern Tomlis the U ancbus,-nature h u worked i In hand with man to prodore fl By BE nbnlons whole, \vrltes Roy Cliop- , Androna In Asia U agailne. Mobi NOnO- Iho trees about the tombs hove . ^I planted, hut they havo been so .v erly diosen axvi plaeed that they RS If they hB(l grown Just where.'

lataro'B srhcme of things. Ihey ^ ^t: - It to be. There Is nothing g1a^ One 1 r a rtlfld a l'In the appearance of irelght park. one bluthough 'ihe tombs are alike In gen- face, e plan, they are a t-tbo aame time 800 pou

ndlvldoal oa wero the emperora " y«“” jselvea. Each la a snbtle erpres- ’ of-the cbaractar o f the ono who

» beneath the yellow roof. The ) o f Ch'len-Lnng. the artist em per ,Ilea nol for away from th a t 'o f coopile emprcM dowager. Stalely, beau- auction Id i u (Kmplldty, II Is an Indira* for m :

of hia lire and deeds, lo striking Sintei < rast la tho palace built by the cm* a t the I. for her eternal dwelling. Ex* Time) igontly decornted. valnglorloualy seribed irtn« to Ihe uorW Uie rnmiom t upon It. U reprcaenia admirably jcraonall^ of tbe Iroo-wllled m le r i “ 'P In life, held Her place by-forco intrigue and lavish expenditure ^ who , was detennlnod ' to be

m ..cven In death as the greatest bo great. Rut a hundred yeacs now wl\pn Cbten'Lung'a mauaole*

like the painting of ao old mas* D y D haa been mnde even moro beaud* - r r —- iy Ihc lourh of age. that of tho •css will be worn and Inmlshed. ^

CounlyYoona Auther Falls Down. . jiayo thi

young BUlhor adjds mo tho mann* the foll< t of 0 Biory. l ie dnitna he has a to-wit: Idea. Ills "new Wen" Is th is : A , g mBM and woman arc married la isual way, and. during thelr'hon*«n. lovo each other with great j , Uoo. animalst la a yenr ihe yoong roan flnda 2000, ec Its llred of his wife, from ncelng public a M much; from too dose assod* md'ler I . He snpposes. of courao. tha t 'laa not tlreil of him ; Buch a poe- ‘O*/- ly does nnl .'n ter hla mlnd. How* " ' he rusnlves to be a Kjnsro man

confew to his wife Jnst how he founJry, She niM talks frankly, and It County

op« thal the wife Is as tired of Dated insband as tbo bnsband Is o t tbe ISSl-

im fompelled lo report to the _ t author tha t this Is no develop- P r

of a .new fact ln .ll fe .-B . W. .I'a Monthly. ' . uable to

'• ' elaalflecuifled adverjjilng U the ehBa^>lag you eaa b<7 —maaiared by p pav i roflts I t n a y b r la i yw .

cross the atreeim V ( M r M H E T M ur | - o c SYMir s w fn a c y w by

•» U J*/ —


s C l a sead, One Cent p3 y a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r o u t o :

: h e s e p e o ' p l e w h a t y o u h a v e

S3 f o r s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i

•n w rt llo N i t la i i l c i ^ l l ' o n Roln F O RThe two-tblrda rule w u established _ _ _ _ the Democratic aallonal cooventlon p q b Baltimore Id .1852 Uiat ftomlnaied i

idrew Jackson for a ae|ond terra, wired a running m ate w u u r U o Van in. Pi m n o t New Tork. T&b rule has MO pei eo faznoua and toflexlble ever alnce, 21 or S }ugh efforti bave been made to dfr ■oy tl. Bepubllcans operate under a ijo tlly rule. Id the BalUmof;e..cop* tlon i 7 DtlOD Jackson waa nominated oil l£e' u ; i tb 'b a l lo t .- H is running m ate four W estira bcfora had hecn John a Cat* .---------aa of South Carolina. • '

= = ^ = = = = = = = = ' 59lton._,n o s OF B H B R IIT 'a BAIB OF

M IB A Y A J a M A U and ^e, E . Hj Bbennan, Sheriff of Ibe Dty of Twin Falls, State of Idaho, r o i l e takea inlo n y poiMHlou the fol- Ik' alfa l in g deiernied eatray animals, to- lar, sto

. 3 milesno black gelding nbout 8 years old, rome 0: ght nbout 1100 pounds, small wiro sere. 1 . on right front foot Small while 'I on r k h f shoulder, no hrand. , 0 “ , ubllc noUto la hereby given tha t I • ,

sd l the BtM»»crIbed'c«lfay an- ^I i ' i n punuaner of Srtlion SOOO. ' a d a luilrd m a tu trs of Idaho, a t public ‘U tf \> tlon to Ihe highest ami l>esl liiddrr lawful money of the Unitod Stales - UAY tho 4lh day pf March, 1921, a t 523J1-hour (if -i o'clock 1*. U . (Mountain I----------}) a t the ft. W. Qunlli farm, situsl FOR i 1-3 mili-i west of Ihe County inghouM plUl, County of Twin Failn, RUto Phone 4 Idaho. —ated this lOth day of Jniiuury,I _ ' Rome 13

K. ll. SIIEIiMA-X, ®P1Sheriff. 350J3.

BEN J . BROW.V, Deputy. 1 5 b ~


E. R. Sherman, sheriff of tho p o ^ dty o f Twin PalU, fiUte of Idaho, yearling ‘ taken into my i^wueiilon tho fol- oughbroi ng deserlbrtl e itray '^uibnolii, to- B lith

no roan stulllon-past two years old^ FOR I (ht about 800 pounds, no braijd; orela. J blue grav itallion, whito itrip In " r r ^

, 2 years old, nail, weight about pounds, no .brand; ono brown mare, w l ja rs old, pAit, white ita r in fore*1 weight about 800 .pounds, nq

iblle not^ee~is hereby given th s t I REBUtell tho above deieribed eitray aa- S A L & -s In pursuance of Seetlon' SOOO, io ^ a fpiled Statutes of Idaho, a t publle RUhey ‘ion to tho highest and best bidder ley; anj« u h lawfni money of the Halted lo suil;es on the 3rd day of JUreh, 1021, fo r prihe hour of 3:30 p. m. (Moantain months 1 u) a t the Bobert 'Boyl farm de- led aa Iho northeast quarter of theheast quarter (N. E. 1-1 of N. E. " of,Section twenty-one (21), Town-deven (11) south R a n n 17, B.' pOB

and situated six (0) miles south ton. P lhe Knape Foundry, City, o f Twin —I, County of Twin Falls, SU te of l t ) B0. soon fre lied this IBth day of Jaauary, IW l. P- 0 . B<

E .,R .8 H E R ^ N ,^ ^ ■

’■ DEN J . BROWN, Depnty. ^

E8TBAT AMIMAIA bla-boireC. R. Sherman, sheriff of t lu Outieal I

Ily of Twm Foils, State of Idaho, - — ■ this day taken Into my posaession . FOB I

following dMeribecI e>trny animali, bnd-hond It: ■ bailey 0:One blnck mare, 2 years old, no -----------and; one colt a&pnt 3 monlhe FOB 81, no brand. j gb lic noUte Is 1/Weby iriven, Uuii 824 6ecoII sell tho above described estray # als In pursuance w ilh . Bection j . , , compiled Btatutes of Idaho, alIc auction to the higheit and beat ■r for eash, lawful money of theed Btates on the 3rd day of March, ________, n t hour o f 2 o ’clock p. m. (Moun- LOST 10 hour o f 2 o ’clock P. M. (Moun- lamb rae tim e) a t tho William H. Klela oar. Ph<

, situated 1 mile ea it of Uie Knape Iry , o f the City of Twin Falli, .. I ty c f Twin Falls, Stato of Idaho, ted this IDlh day of January


>EN J . BROWN, Depaty. l i t e

la t U -oseless to j m may be I to other* — td r ttt ia e U fa t t e BOABD lf !e i n n t U


D e c te MTH T fc ttm to v ic T t c or i f WHO TRAVEl.5 W KftFEC



; s i f i e dper word per k

; o f e v e r y i i v e h o m e s i n T w i

v e t o s e l l , t r a d e , b a r t e r o r e

i s i t i o n y o u w a n t o r t h e h e l f

OR SALE-REAL ESTATE«11 S iL E C H E il- -O ia naw «»► n bouse wilh baUi aad . garage, ^ ed for eoekiag and beating: eloae ' _

Price 13,600; IlOO eaah, balaooe per month Why pay ren t! Phone

" '■ ^ ^ r o i lm S O B o t I n l i : ID u i t i t e i ' 1>« r t r well Improved , all In enlU ra 11 7 milee from Fort Morgaa, Oolo. 'TJiIra a <i, A adm oa Transfer. 480 Fourth .v - I t •>,, . .i'OR

' __ _ urn, froOR BALE OB T R A D B -For' Twin l-rieea.I cily property, 80 aefes aear Qaon.., ,P. 0 . Dox 187, Twia Falls. POR 1

i ' ' — I D_______. front roiOB BALE->Four room'house, bath Main av

sleeping poreh. Phone 1221R.

OR SALE-Klood 40 aere ranch, a ll galow, '{ilfalfa, good 7-room honse witb .eel- month.BtoBe ebleken honsi and grauarv; Inquire ilies south aad 3 ml1»s wes: t t Je- ------------ ;e oa gravel ro |d ; price s200 pei ^ '^B!. Thos. Vipbam, J ‘Mitie. Idahr.. per wee'

DB BALE>^Two roon honsej pnee - - l;.eash MOO, balanee monthly pa> PORD ts. IS2 Vaa Boren St., Pelden Rule, furnace

) SALE-MISCELUNEOUSA v lx i r ^ I J M V i l l " d e l iv e r . T e l E *

------------------------------- ------------------ 1. FOB .DR BALB-Eleetrle roaire. West- nex t to ouse automatic; never lieen used. •

)R SA L B -N . W. arcening and dlUonj I e Beauty apples, also small Jo n v IU .. apples, a tfipaekm an’a. Telephone j

h ______________i _ L _ _ modltles.)B SA LE-Oarden hose, boys' b i' - - ■■■ ■5,, sewing machine, vuit do th ing P ^ B 331 Third ave. W. -

)B BALB-Eleven Buff Leghorn 'ling bens aad one cockerel; th o r POBbred and heavy laying itra ln . 773 r»'«» totl ave. E., Twin Falls.__________ Atatloaer

)R 8A L B -W hlte W yandotte cock-' ® J . T. Bainbridge. Phone 604JB.

SALE-UndBrvrood ty p e i^ le r ^stand.- CaU 784-J. . . . .

>B BALB-;Oood hay; delivered for A. Waoman, Bt. 8. winter.

• a U lI/P TyPBWBITBBS F O B ‘ i ^ Y o n caa save one-balf by buy- j . i a factoiy-rebnilt typew riter, from ey “ The i j p e w r i t e r ^ * ’ of B u^ y o B any make m m |2< up on terms Qtb Ave.

n il; gnaranleed oae year.'’ W rite — -----prices. Maeblaea n n te d two FOB B

Jis applied i f purchased.

m S A li-M a je sU e range; prae ly new; a bargala. 831 Third ave.

>B B A L S - ^ r e U - l l O per toa. WANT Phoas 014W or 12061L dose la,

........... ....... • • ■ the r; 11|)B SA L & ~ ^(ruIar DiUeh goaU; « u t or i

fresh; well broke. Phone «MR. and grou . Box 7S4. between

IB 6A L B~eptel*i selected~Beed to e i Pbone eWB. P . 0 . Box

. . ___________ Addre.ea :IB BALE O H EA P^ie-gaag* de»* w . w r a rrded shotgun. laqnlre DstIb!al Oo. ~___________ ___________ ________

IB flALB-Beasoaable ptieee, eoe- tand bags, euitable ' for poUloee,7 or w h ^ m WaQ e t

B SA L B -B lw eles, trleydes, tire i u , ,tceeesories. W erner's B eptlr Shop, ________lecoad s t E. WANT

I ■ ... vQodsra 1 B BA L B -O altoi oil e a « with


- LOSTST OR STBAYBD-12 H am pjhlri W ANT rams; ear tag witb name In left Phoae ClflJl. S e S T e l

MISCELUNEOUS J .* ™E Ikow m od . p p H Phon. «10J£. S ered town. ^

T O BTX)BAaB~Not • garages "«3.fi0 a moaUi. Warberg T ranile. ■ - ‘ ad Bpi

* __________________ .h lc h h.ssiflsd Ads are eheaiH-eifeeUTe. P<ua

vCopjright,lM O ,bTH <

! CUiWO LtCY .W M iE ^ T H E FAJflV•£CT cotrrncL w p ic / i t e s p l a n e t a r yI piESCNCE CFA ««VS7N9( |» CONdTAJ

" W«H

M ^ ‘ r

■ m ^ ^ L ’ i

M Km r.


l A d JInsertion, and Ww i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e N e w :

• e x c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o t

i i p y o u n e e d ^ h e C e i i t P e r

FOR RENT PlS H E N i ^ M o d e r r '" c o t^ WAN!

Phono 078M. ,M0 Main N . Phone 7'

>B R B N T - i’uialahed bedroom. W AM PojJar a v e . ' • • perieaced

IR REN T-Room , w ith furnace ^ 0., Ni ha th adjoining, close in ; gentle- w a n t p r e f e r ^ ; |3 J 0 per week. 804

l_ave. H._______________________ Msllloti:

iB R E N T -fllseping rooms, a ed - front, ek>se in. A t reasonable '

a. The Oxford, 420 U aln N. WANT

'R "M N f^ T h re e ifiao unfnmiBhod ‘rooms for ligbl housekeepmg. 446 ‘avo. W. Pnono 271B. • WANT

O E N r ^ i S ' i m ' i T o V n ' b i i i , , 2^ , 'f, good surroundluRi,' |30 per h. House, located a t 200 Jackion. ro a t 241 Jackson-

B B E N T - Trozt bed room, |8 "w A N T »eefc- 703 2nd Ave. N. Phone B bgaw n

B K S i : : 5 K r r e W i i U . b .tli u id . m i s ee h e a t 1060 Shoshoae E. ' ’ b e '^ 'tra li

B ~ E E N T - P r o n t room, furnaeu next to batb, always bot w ater; v , .

jman preferred. 633 Seventh E, Phone'862W.

B . BEN T-Boom , fnmaee hea‘„ to b a U i. 236 F lfm ave. E.

B B E N T -A good five room houw •ublUoas, Jeeping po re^ in 'South Park ad. qdred . j ij Im m e d ^ t^ is e s s lo D . Phon- PenuylT i

3 B E N T -6 to rage for all e W . ' lea. Twia lU ls Dehydrating Co. t q q

nery Co. Phone M7.

I B E N T -F ro n t bedroom; 110 a r " ^ ” “I. 703 Second N. PhonMBOJ. g ||( }

I B B N T -yum lihed room; gea- D «UJ preferred. laquire 2M E l^ tb -------------

Phoae 66U.

1 B B N T -flew ing m a e h la 7 1 « ^ 5 o wr. Phone 878U. inet wo:

i BENT—B eon la modem home;lo b a tt. iSO B lx tt a re . B. _ _________

} B E N T -N ew n eae ra briek atortuage bmWlag. Bee- B xebang»-------- -— •r Co., 118 a M ala f l t Pbons M. OEOEIBE ■ I I Pbons INTED MISCELUNEOUS =NTED—Two nnfuralrhed rooma; 1 3 f la , by 'businesa woman and ffli>- *

ligh t honsekeeping privilege; -----------)r souUi exposure, use of porch Toundi)' perm anent Phone 641, en Ig and 1 o'eloek- JO H K W.

M T E D -M JM 10 »MM » tu io 4 ^ ° » n d ^ m g a g e on valuabls forty, a g m m - x as X, eare Newa. ' _ _ _ _

NTED->CattIe, to f e e i ' Phone

■ B. u . w o:

N TED -W om au wanU work bytir. Telephone 8gOV ^

NTED—Boardera aad roomers in * a home. 847 Fmirth W. Phone

^ _________________ _ _ _ • * TrustNTZD — l o waab yonr elettee N atnre '* W ater Softeasr. Twla H B teaa U aa d ry . Phoae 788. --------

N T E D .— Tonr raxor blades to ~ — ^a. W e n e r 'i Bepair Shop, 223 DS. O IUI BU E. tor. H;

tlfii QiNTED — Ealsomiatag proi»tl>BsUmates eheerfally BlTca. Hna b b o bBemlUer, Twin PremM’ NOTIOB Shop. 288 Uaia Ave. N. Phosf

. - H ^ .e o -— l ag uhder

NSW Pen WIpsr. * LudlomCagllahmaD has lovtnted a peti Coun'CvDBtsUDg'oFa g la u cop fliled I* 'sponge saturated wlUi glycerin, ,has ^ preeerrallTe <effect od ^***“ ''

N * w B r» Ite ta t* s) .

IflV tWEEK W(TH 7 * j T « MhMNTIIRY in A N 5 M b 5 |0 N WK LEisuqELy CiiTANTLY MilfTINC BWM m NEC1 TO t o w - '

r ‘ ' ■ ',■■■

' § M im . - - 'W m . ^

K 1

JARY 20,1921' I

; a s m

P a g eVORTH ITlv s , D a i l y . T e l l a l l

) m s f o r r e n t , h o u s -

i r W o r d — P h o n e 3 2 '

POSITION WANTEDNTED—W ork ' by the ho'ur.,

778W. ^

NTED—Ladv • etenographer, ei- ced law, railroad, lusuraace, cor- ja work, ete-, Oesirci poslUos.News o f f l ^

NTED—Respeelable woman w ilf of 0 years, wants honsekeeplof' n: dean, and good oook; glvs irtlculars in firat letter. Mrs. M. ea, Rupert, Idaho.

NTED—Praetleal nurse want*- '''* coaflaement .cases s p e ^ l y eare Newa. • • .■''Z

'iTED—PotiUoa mm wstehauu. i refereaees.’ Address^ W. M: ews.

HELP WANTED •JT E IR H nA -iJuB >t»jr v s it ra a .9B Oti$. • - •

1<P W A N T E D " ia the "reeoa- in fo f bnllJ»ess./'_ B n t 'If 'm u s t alaed hBlp." Now is the-lime .Uiat tralaJag a t the Oregg fiusi- oUege. 2 2 f W est Mala, Twia Idaho.. New classes Jaauaiy 8 ,'

ESUAN >^or C lfars : 'fravsllag and expeasee, or commlssloi

rawing te eo n a l; m u t be aeUv* as, easrgelie; r^erenees rt

A. L aadaiark A Co., D<a*S)

“ toT rade

* BIOHANOE^^WUl* u i T Im^ ’ SalaoB laad In exchaaga oa

im modem bonae b Twin Falls. , ieals, 188 EUghtt a re . E . '

TRADE—tiood car for re«i property. Address Box 675,

isissflicm .GLASS

) W O L A S & ^ i B i ~ ^ ^ e £ - ivork. U o o s 'sB h ep . Phoae fl.


' r 5 5 T O ^ ^ n p h « n o i r i i o g MI Coy______________________


S"~TSjSSm ''oaSjSj.> 848.

- I ■■ I ' . •«

r o f o i i J l o i i a l

AITOBHETSE r.'o B A H A lC ^ U im rT B u T *

Bldf. Phoae '

- B. w m u u ^ u i ^ ~

I a K Z U A -B e y d BuUdlif.

B T f t 8W B B Z S 7 — A t to a a n r. Praetlee ia aU eourta .' T i in .Idaho.

rOLTB — U w jir , I t a i - r Idaho D ep a rtae a t Store, Twla Idaho.

D S — U w y er. r n U y o r s ^ s e ^ itioa D e p a r te e a t Offleet —■ s 0 a ad 7, o rs r T w ia Fall! B iak « t Co.. Twb fU la , Idaho.



ZiBBBT TELFOSD-^Sdroprae- Hydro aad E U etre n M t c ^Opposite Pe rriae HoteL ^


» 'pa rtae rsb ip herejofore exist* er t t e B aa» aad style of Bowr* . im, doing bnaiaess ia the Olty uaty of Twin Fails, Slate of J th ir day dissolved by mutual

January 16Ui, 1921.OEOBGB HOWE,

_ a. R.-LUDLOM.

by M t

ITIVE LADV WHOcc^ars Acftos^E O T R A L -




B o a t

i l M i l l F l i l F 'KGiiisiiniiiiLocal Institation Would Have ; S la te M ake Provision for

Tobercnlosifl Sufferers

T lif propositiou' of tlis jnimrilliitc fOMlroetlon of Jpn*l .onp fuhertuln ■il lanllorlutn 'la tlio ntnlo of Wnlii wftl bco rlily ; endiirwd ly tlio Twin i 'a lls lUttarj^ q(ali n l tlje 'rciculnr WciI' n y d a y liiM h»n of tlie club hold tO' day. Tim wBtl«r w w prMcnlcd (o the m om bfn by D t. .Qcorfrt* H. Caldwell, rrprcicntluK th e ^ c n l rha|>ler of tho ilaJ C ruu, wbo poinUd out briefly tbr u rg«ai n e td of tutW »a bvilUulinn; Dr. (.'harlfi Beotl a lu ipokij In f tvo r n( Uio tnovo jwintlnp but tliot a t iiut(tora now ita ad lubweuloiU jiaUcnt. In Wftbo.’muiit R tt alon;r m b n t thoyTan o t a o v e It. lomo oHifr «ln»r 5f \lioy doftro 'to KO Into n. »iuillnrluin. A >cw>-

•— lutlon leltlnjr forth tbe cnddncrarnt u f tbft (tub WOI ndoplnf.

Tn view of tbe.vUU tu Twin ralli* of l>r. Darker, wba vrllJ rSvu n mTlcii of W tu rw in tbo cfly -on' Monday nejl, n rx t wook'a nm U ai; o f tho dub will bti held U onday ia ttrad of Wpdnotday.

Dr. Barker rom ri to Twin F^lli un­der tlio auiplco« of tho elub nad b li foe- tur«i are freo. Re Is a wnrM author- H f upon (lie care o f rhiMrrn, (ho dii- l i r i o f parrnta (owardi tb rlr ebiMrrn aad- klndrod t tA iw ti ftnd blr.Tiiilt heio U looked f o r w d to irilh koen inter

■ T l s i i' . j n m . ™ m s e

Twin YaUb H an Arraigned on n ire e Oharges of Torgify in

Bftlt L i^ e Tribsual

M, M. Vflager, who" w m returnc-1 frum thin plaoe Sunday to Salt Lake (I. stand tria l, Ifc fronted by three' »ep-

fbarw * «if foTRery in the Balt T.nkr cotirl*. aceordinj: lo word rcach' init th is rIty fram>tbci Utah capital.

The wim- ad»lroi indlw lo tbnt Yea* V'-T hn* ftlKUdy t>ppe»Ttd la .to u i l {bt ■irrntininu'nt. b u t aikoO for titne Ib «’lilrli to 'en te r formal plea, layinf^ J(fi ntinrni'v wnnld not bo able t« preient M,.' m ... f„r n few day*. \V. P. Qutli- lip of Twin 7n51* bn* lieen retained m (■(uiniirl, Veafrer wn* ndmlllcd to ball ill n tolnl mim of »20.0'in, of whieb smniint JJO.ftOO Ik 'on one eoont an.)

earlr on . tbo n lbrr twn,' .When iVie lioftflji are funihlied fbr defraiinr.t wi'l lie relrnffil.

Vrnner i> knnWu in Rnit I.nke only f'k r . 11. Kellngif,; inidi’r wblpli nnhio t>e I*. iillPKed to bave iitfempted to d r frniid fhe .D e irrtl .N'ntionnl bank- nf

b r ;tnrBna of forced Mrttft- \'<n*ni or rhoekw- fT fw a* am.»tfd In

Twin FnlU Inte ln>l week on order* frnm S.iH Ix»ke ileloellvp* and was taken lu rk In Ihnl rtiv on fliindav hy r i ty ni.teetivo R. H. flrfiROr.


PttTdeal BnlMing U p ProcM i t t the 8 ^ 1 * SsocMds In irot»bIt


Ye*tcfilay tlio memhrm of the fiflt. loid pixlh iT-i'le nutrilinn I’lnx* iif Ibe lllrkel irbool wen< Mrved their noon liiiirhrcin by lhn &[ornln&i«id(' rlub. Tbn liul'e* BPrvinif were: Meidomei V. W. K rribnrr. J. C. MfKlnley, 0 . Peter*, Vrnnk MrCormirk anil flpbnelJor, Ten­der. Ihii nutrition fcbetne ran ied o«« l>v MIk* lirrlhn 0 . Wilnon, lebool«i-, wviTiil of tho nii'mlierji of tho I'TnM hnve made mnlerial (piin in

; nrlKht jiinr.. tlie_(i]ienla(r of the Mbool. Till" tiKint twlaliU- exatn^iivn h c ; iv tr r t . n n-4 ivnind* i;nin; Ullaire Mill­er, .1 l - t pfluudu; l.«wenn Plemiii(f'2 !1-1 I'oiindii.

MrmlKT* of till- Wnabiniilon ifhooi tiiiltilioQ c l w rtrelveii iuncbeon vr>- irrdny served by the B)uc L ikw Bn'ule. vard club. Tbo rommtttre w u <om-

......... J 'o -ed .nf Mrmlnmr*-.r. W. Ilnmi, andJ. A. Cnni))MI, .. flnndwlrhej. roeon, Mvokifs'finil nppWs were on . Ibe iiirnu-

In Ibl* eln.M-nolnbte Rninn in weljib' hnve been mnde bv Unrirnrrl Jobn*on,< 1-.4 pound'*: fiteeUe Taylor aad Arrbie Hayer, 3 1-4 iwundn earb in lix wreka,


Oonntr OommlBlonert D «dils to U trk 'T im s In Salmon Case AvalUng .


Tn ni,. tiuiner o( tbo Salmnn river • >.c'lll.-r* In* lie.irfii;', <i|M-nrd unoffirinl-

ly liy the I'i'iinlv roniinl*<Inner». Iho I'linrd, nfIrr ‘rn'herlnj: nonir sMifnt dnin on the mlijoi'i of ref’inde, di'eldeil. ^rMl'|.1(lv ofli\ionn not l i prorced fur­ther iinlil tbi- (Niiiimi of Ihe atlornry tenernt i« re.fivi-il, Tbi» i» expce'eil iinitu'dintc’l ' . Tin* ^eltbtH ankinjj re- fmnl nr,. rb » , ).v .ir.Ier of Ihralnte lnnd eruiiMi(««ifini*r linil Ibe stale Ifliid bonrd. bnve been rxclmled frnr. the flfllmon river irfijpiHon projecl on

•a.Toiint of .Imrlnp- of w.-vlrr flnw.


Reporl from ^fIlrrtn, Wyo,. a t thv Mi'l"» of .Tftrk'^n tnke rrsrrro lr. show*

' ' tVe foViiwing roT)ilitloT>»;.Tnrk«nn lake ftom gi': A rrcPl.

On Jnil, S. 1021................. ......... yfl.W'lflnn'ie .UU- venr ncn ................ 8.1,73(1W erk rmlinK Jnn . ^ fi,CKi

■ Pniiie week n, Tnnr neo..... ....... - M M.Prrfipilftllotit ' Inch

. Week ondlnir Jan- R. IM l........... l.O-iSame, week a year ajro - .... ....... . 0,0'1rro m Sepl. 1 to Jan . fl. 1021_-Xr #'l-* T o r « m e ^>orio4 ft year t|ro-------- T.U

SloVk ^n tte^8^k Je twr » Iloa,, B ritig jo o f e « t« ln e r t.-8 t*rth if (W in -

~ _ 3 “


[■ A U Aboar

IIII ■ ■g n lHa RKK. •

- ^

Into / uln- . (Inijo

'"‘o i W i M / r ^ 9

mmVm'Oil. A w m B ' w J f a Rthe K ” ( P B itbr

r o f ^tor* H


boy %'■cso-lent

, of Llifise:-------------------------------------, of IM ' ■ ^l " l »

"ti A ko Shop L o ks to Troy Laundry

loj; in Bowling Bow?i!li W M h e e U e a P U o U p O o m m a n d < !' lo g L e a d A g a i i a t O lo th M

S t o r e B o w l e n •

Dy a marirfn of 211 polola the Tro • Unndry bowling leam of. tho Coning

rinl Itow lbn leaguo, last nighl dnfeal n |p rd the 'A lec Clothes *bop <|ulntrt. Th LL total srorc waa: Troy. 2M0; Aim, 20Si J L The ^Kures fo r earh bowler nro:

Troy—Van Meter, MAj'AVrlelit. U rson , m -, Moore, -IflO; Cubll, IV .

AIro—Lewis, 491; Oliver, 147; IIi 1 i-nk, .m i; Roni'brcftk. M2; Hill,

By round* the Troy fcoVe wnn: F irr 770; aejftnd.'TSS; tb>rd, "TR. AUiv-

. . Kirsl, 700; loeond, 7S3j ibird, OSfl- , 1 TJip arediilo o f |Jav for n r i l wee

»»«‘ ‘s; Monday, Idaho nrpnftm enl *loi «p-l«Knins| Troy laundry:, Tuesday. Air J jl t KkjikjJ*.. WednoMlny. SVurrewh' ngainit Mnraulry*.


. V ia Dorothy V oliey Will D ince B a _ fo r ( M d r » d ln « O hirtty

b^ l •’" f 'th y Vi.1key, dNllii;;iii"brilnrifpr who'nr* bi're iit-(he Ijiv .m

SD.1 (ft); Ihentcr. wllh Uie I.ndii'i’ (.•ohiinti: hen "^ ''ii‘*ffn. ^londny nijjhl, I

I >ali\ to be une of tbe miiM 'inli-rr<i)ln dnnrer* |.re*enlcd fo th r Amrrirnn jiiil

nlv **'■•Thl' orrhof.lrn roiiu'* la'fe iiitder Ih

nu'-plrm of Ibl- Amorirnu I*'«ion, a i ' tbo priiru'dii derived from tbe enlR,

If,, inlnment, a fte r exponnes aro defravn' win be applied oo the T/Hemrr Dijjei

ffg ('lilld Keedins fund. Tbo orrht'Stra. ani neeomiwinylne oalosiRl*, are blehfv rer

hy ommenUrd ns enlertninem.M ils Volkev will cive four differru

xtyles o f danrlnif. inrliidlnir nii**iai ballrt, O rrrlan Imllel, a r mmiitir ballr by Plbiillii*. rnird "T lie Spirll o

lU Ko**'/' lind 0 riiinantie. ira«edv. n< *'* ranjrrd by PnvloWa. the grente«t diitire

of tbrni nil. All nf th r.e »rill b.. uivr t te wilb full' orrhe*trnl nrrpmiinnimeiil

When reeenllv intrrvirwed MIm Vol key Mid:

“ 11nni.|ni' In mo I* Ibe iiiom ln-niil fib ful method bv which nm- mny e*]ire« Ibe i'nd inler|irot. thrftnirb tniwle.'tbi- jov' )on ll". »nrniu* nnd ttnurdle* c( life, rhn “ The jrround, wnrk ofilftoH ng bo \V. iH'en laki-n frnm lhi>'iib»e>i a:id Hiineln :rs, nf nni'ii'nt,Oreek". Thl* mifflil be tertr !fn- ed ' ‘nri'ciiiii leeliniqne.'' whirh » i[un' oiu Kivd t« crvnle »nil K »fr''V . .‘'Tklnt ool <liiiii-e«. nrrordlni; fo o n f» own ind tho vidiinllly. • . ;

In - “ Tli|i itfiHpiin; iina ofion mjI}0l. frri-d frnm » tilrk o f croundwork o ink urirttllfie 'nnd .ro rrre t lini'n, Iml 'it n':ill- unv* hn« I..... . my aim to do nil (bnlJl-1 rnn tn deui{mHrafi> •the eln«*i(* dane

in il* moM jiorferl form.001 “ When properly danecd, ihere ,1 ;r>- i.ntbii'i’ inrire lirnii'ifnl nnd prareh: ilr- Ibnn tforlo* inlrrpreted IhrniiKb th >ni- dnnre-"ind , ,Tifki‘f« nro on ».ib- nf ^^llj••»lle nbn' on. m 11,10 eaeh .,'

ub' WARRANT FOR STEVTNS. on, Al iho inslnnee of the rhief nf poll., hie th'.re wn* iasned Ibis liioriiinL' n rrnr k«, n inl for the nrre«f n f I.rMer \V. Stev

en>. who la arruned nf drivliiii n b rnv siilniiioliili- tivcr roment curb*, mrkini

' nml sidewalk* in Ibr v lfin 'lv o f Tlilrc IP nvrntie .i.iilb nnd Third Hln-.-!, P i.

offriide In «aid fo havo In'eii enmmillri Inal oittbl. The enr i'nt 'lu rk in fli anfl anil of n front (jnnlen-

Mary. *hnM I brhiL' iin'rc ..thoae (MKpelleaf Sure, 'lon’l fnfi:et

i ! i ' .

JJ -_,.ZM^iiamng

lie ‘


le^ ' ■ - * nA_ ; W H t U d t e '.O o M


ard for Normal

InilSGBK •' liu DBS «Mg Oflwdd wilaon Say* P ap er wai

Signed as Sngar Oompanj Trustee Only

Answi'rln^ the eomplalnt filed b j thi feat- IiI“ho Co-operative Beet GuRtr compaoy Th" In-which juupaont 1* demanded on u

20Si'. allejfod personal tiromlsaory note fo : Il.'j0,000 Oswald Wilson, fo tnorly prei

laenV. of the . to n jp w , den^c t'th a t h ‘T- over c>vo aueli. perionnl note, aad, Ij

” '*• Ihe flllnp of a crosa complaint, nsk thn t'th e original complnini be dismlsi

w . r i . ‘ ' i | n1 ''^ " (Jbarnu lodired by the company In th ''' . romplnint filed ir. tbo distrlet eour "!*■*''' wimo weeks ap>: nllctfra tha t tbe defend

nnl slirned nnd preoented lo the c«n ■' I'uiiy a promiiwiry nolo fo r the amoua

iinmt'd in tcuarantce of payment fo idinre* of *ioek In Iho eonci'rii. Th rumpniiy also rliilms (bnl the note rc mnin* unpaid.

FRft tt'i’’dvfen^Kvt alaleI that he did make find, deliver to tb jeoiiipniiy a nnle fnr .fho amount men

H tr* tiuned, bul not a* an individual, as al le)(i-d by tho runpnny. In admiflinj the exr'ruHna of *lbo note Mr. Wilsni

laboi. |,xjiii,inH (lint tbo nolo wns jflveli unile lih e naaiiiiiplion tbnl the signer was ti

'] ' i ' l l i r i-on*ldetod n friislee nf fhe itorl '* fnr tho rompnnv, the ifirk -lie in sj de

. ^ lix 'ri'd If h lm .a i a- a.-ilei agent, lb •“ further explains thnt- « t the .timo Ihi ,1 , note wus made be wnn employed by tbi ■J*i '■'"’"1'''"'^ "" snleiman in Miehlffan, aai

Ifouna VtAl unUsA mow alocli -wm *\jI> ivei\ *xen sold ihi

necurlllei held could .not bo offiployoi ^ 1 in tbo construction of a faetory build

Inir nl Filer. ITo nnnounret tha t ti remove tb ii situation bo gavo the noti na trustee for Ihe eompany, tak ing suf

uinu firli-nl stock, lo mei't the deficit In thi nil,.* "nb-s under the rcquircmenti ,o f thi

of Mlrhii^an Kliio Bky law.

IJ"" Night Marauders •'■I'l- Use Auto Jack to

, Steal Back Tireniili- — -i>rea-< Atidaoitf H arks Operations ol

Thieves Back of Economy b»i •• .'Storo

"■Inj; --------- .*‘f"’ Aiidn.'ily nf ji iflii"|>i.'ii(itin 'irdr;'I '" '' iiinrlii'il tl...... ... of thinves wh/

niyhi pnrrolnod n lire mniinfrd oi in i'i 'in delivery in irk wheel belonging to tb,

. : Ernnomy grnrery. nn Mnin nvenfle en*» ''"^••The friirli ivnr te/* hfiinrlini; In Ihe nl

‘ ""ili 'V jif the renr o f'll ie More when Imai• tie.M «va* rnnrludi-d for H e dav.. in .i

' t'oallion whirh mnde il enailv dl'>''emll,v the nrm rnnta o f Ibe bnllilillf

, Th,- ...... .. lifird Ihe iiiorbine with ;!ioi«tln>; jnr.k nnd removed nne nf lb Imelr tire*. Ko irni-e of vnndnl* o' f,ro|>.-rfe bae been found.

JOHNSON A B E E aiE D . .'On elinrge of beliife ' drunk l>arni

.lohii«on n'n* nrretleil by l^olire Of^^rri Krnnk Unm ln*t lOijbt ninl lodtfcd i.

„-n'r. file inniity jail,- .lohn*iiii'_K eondltion li Ui.V- ""I'l 'n h'*'"'* ""■nvi- ''T vl r .1 of il pb.v»lc’:in were reitlilreii kinv' -V-jKinot jiltended him ilnrin; 1,i„ t Ih.- Tlila mnrniiiv' ‘he defend T.„l mil w a. r.'ten»e.l on bnll o f to .-.i.

Itird '"'<ir f‘'r trlnl, ilnie for ivlileb hn* nol t) , I ....I w-t li'-.Ihe miinb'Ipnl niaciatm 'e

COOKED FOOD SALB,• .'I Till' lietri'knbK will In.i.I ;i ,o,.ki- Xet. fi'i'il -nl- on S;iriir,lnv nl the Mnje^fl'’

jg Monday

(T A B T O O

p if f lS lis FimsHniEssT a r m H a n d , E m p lo y e d b y A e-

o Q se d , T o lls B r a m a t i o 8 to r y o f A b e l S h o o t in g

Opening the defense a ttorneys fo r TI. F. Baraecyer, aceusod of tho an rd e r of J . It. Abel, thla morning preieated John Slnimnns, a ranch hand employed by Uie

' ncrused n t the tim d.of tbo killing north of Filer on April S3, 10SO. -Siaao iis, wb« testified today for tijc f lis t U ae linco Bamsoyer f ln 't cim e bpfore the publls gaxo, claimed to havo beea pres­ent during all o f tho quarrel between Abel an dfiaaseycr, aad waa an eye wit- ness^he deelarei, to tlie ahootins.

fliminons ’waa no t tbo firs t witaets tiresenled th ii morning fo r the defease. In fact, five p e n o n t were called to tha stand to g ive 'lestiB ony in thU hard- fought eoae Those p reeedb^ Binmoat were B. A. Beynolda, & PUer baslnea man; D. W. Olllia, F iler c ity clerk; 0 .

IJ. Childs, an elevator operator a t Puer} s a . i l l . a .F r v n e t ^ r a . U a l» l QmalL

- I All testified a l to''aoDO qaeition of n o i t 'n r less gravity eonneeted w ith the eete. .Slmmona told of Ihe meeting between Abel and Baoaeyer near a headgate,

i C r n s A of the quarrel th a t led to tlie J j ) [ , shooUng. He related th a l Bamaeyer

jibo t only when Abel td ranced tofrard {him io A th reatening mannc^ with «

w a s heavy ditch shovel apraiaed aa i f to ;y inflict bodily h a m on Bamaeyer.

The enae ihould go to the Jury, aome llmo tomorroir.

r th e ' ------- *

r S '|> c ia J N o Hprei'! ---------------- ■ , --------- if

J ^ “ | . Bdife/l hT Mrt, E. n WIillaBs Teliphono

Mr*. C. H. Burton, and Mm. John I . f f <*ostcUo entcftalneA— a t a neromi “ *“®,bridge Innrlioon a t Ihe Coalrllo homi' ® “J*,nn Sovenlh nnrih, Wedtirsdnv nflor- ” “ “’,noon- Tho gueat* wore «ente<l a t smnll

Inblr* hnvinif deoorallon* of pink and loual v,-hUe fRTjiMion*. «»nrtlo »Hrk* rniitnin-

in? pink randic* and pink nut bn*keti. The «ni„ j)ia,o ,an ls . which were Inler ii«cd

« «■ n« lalUe*, wern nl*o derorated In pink . In Ihe bridge game* Mr*. Ororge P.

ilalea Lw.po1i\ won f ln t prUe nnd Mrs. Tl. a > the Lhvering second. Tlioik' inviled were mea-'Me»dnme* J . 0 . T lm rw . M- C. Wnr-'. is al- A. P . Brninr, L Clo*, 0 . K.'T^npold. fling T. A Reed. 0 . W. fihrniit. T.vdln Hovd 'ilsnn Tvi-ogb. I,- 0. 'trim , .T, 'F . (’ouehlin. ■mler nm rlm Rulle*. F- C. Tyiverinir, W. H. U lo nreenhow. .f. 8 ..-Rii«*ell. T. O, Rovd. itork M. 0 . Connver. Tl- R .Robier. H. B f ilc- .loliiiton, Wi'nilell Allen. A. 1.. Rfono,

Ho K. I- Maevii-nr. E. nollincaworth, .T. , the I’nii' 'lohii*fnn. E, R. Willinm*. F- V’,

the ' I ’r i er Rrlrfou. Mnrv Kellv, ,„ d Mnv Mlekelwnlto, Willei Hanee 8 r.. J. Wb- 'f- J"Tin Tnylor. Th-*

I t h e ' " “ ' ' fril in aen'ing. by ovod Chnrle* nnd Mri^ P. J . Coatelln -llj.'M r* -, y. M o rv .ind Mr». Freemflii ■t to '^> "- ' ______

.° u f / Mr*. M. MeElwnln ntid Mr*. Zrnai I the <'nterfninod a t the homo of tho

•I,. Inflrr iil n one o ’rloek luneheon on Wediiosdny eompllwenling Mr*. A, N

. Siirnmio wbo is plnnning lo leave noon il'nr f-nllfornin. Cover* wore laid for ] l l of th r nbl’tlmo frienda of Mr*. •‘4|irflgup- Pollnwiiig lunehron Ihe nfr*

- lernonn wn* *pent aoelall.v. ri* g ) — — —

I Mrr. H. K. YnnCott enlerlnloed the , . Hnrionny r|iil, yestonlnv nflernoon a t ' 01 „„ flixiii nvoniio en*t. Thfly tnflernoiin. wn* spent wUh brldgn nnd

i:\lra. V. It. (’0* won Ihn elnb prlre. and I .Mm. \V. T- li«-*llo, the gnert prire. Nin,'

. , ]rliib niembi'm were presenl nnd Mrs. ■"'"I.K, y. A*linry nnd Mra. W. T. Le*)iv ’’■‘ in v re ^uent*. Tbe Kustes* BMliteu ' ' ? "iliv her .iiie r , Mr*. II. F» }|ii*lcd, *rr ■e.l ’ ‘7 ,.telieinua refreahnieni* nf the elom- 9' e"nl'l ‘ gnmoo.

. Ctlntiw F.vaim vntertaSned a t n illn- ?,:iirr [inrty nl hi* 'home nn Addlmn a'''-

I'lT.’ ■''’'I . "H ‘Tuesday evrnlng, in hon ' or of h i. hvel/lli blrthdny. After 1. ’ Ih roiirto • dinner the evening wns

. wllii Bnmt*. TVio*e present were ” I.nui* Hnl|,n, Havird Rnrrefl. T/>ni* nnn

,.liibn Reniou. 'K dw iti Peias. Edwnfd I Ilornibronk, Ronnld R i.e. Lnwrenr,- |ll.i ll nnd TTnlmiin Orny,

>nrnr, -------fleer; Mr*. K, Herb«l •'nlerfniiied nt n pro d i.i i're»*ive “ .ino“ |m rly ln*t eveninc #t in i« her hnme on .Mnin- nveniie toulh. A

tho iiildniglil *n[)|H'r wo* served lo ihe fnl- Ireii.'biu'ln;; t’ursf*. Mr. nnd Mr*, .)• C. irin.j Clarke. Mr. nnd Mr*. Rlrhard Rakke. ’end- Mr*, .N'ellie Phelp* nnd Mrs. Elsie 1 .■>i'-| Rnmbo.

nol, — -'e 1 , Tlie Ninth Avenno clnb wn» enlrr

[mined by Mr*, fl, P . M iller n t her homr [on Fourth nvenne north. Wedneidnv

like- nflernoon. A fler a .*hort bnsinras »e»- r^tl'''aion n spelling ranteb wn* beld, Mrs

l(*. n . Crist roeolving Iho priie, Tho ^ ^ if iil lo w ln i; mrnilter* were present: Mcf-

t ilamr* C, P . Weaver, Irene Kellopg. C, [I.. Ilnwoni W. T. Comb*. C. II, Crist, III. E. n iii’he«;-0 enrj'0 t) , TTnrwnrd. K. IF. Miller, P . J, Bp.vh.-T-- S, Tnrker. lMr», Emmn T, Rnlrd rni* ;i gnr«t of jlh e eliiK

' Tlie Mls*e* KveJyu nnd .TI«?.et V le k ■- ■ I.n|erlnini-d 2,'5 of (heir friend* on Wed-

I'eidnv eveninir nf Ib rlr horn" nl -I-'il .ii'fferaiin «'rref. Tlio de^-ornlioiin were III pink nnd while. Ibe snme eolor* be- /iii; fUTTird •''Hi In tbe dajnlv tefte ib i|ienf* aerved, M ns'r, ghnie* nnd dnn'; iti'j were en.jnyed-

; Mr. nnd Mrs- E ; .T. Osfrnnder enter- tnined Inst overilnElnt iMntiet tiit> foi- inw'i'tf I’liei.t*:: Me««r*, nnd Me<dnmo* I.'. K. llnotb, Ornrce R- Ensley. W. - K. N’l't.iii nnd R. A. Rrnd, Mrs, n n rrr .F - .Mlr'rt. nnd Mr, A rthur J . Poave.v. Pink

" ■ ■■tiniftllona wero used a s .a rrnterpie^e (nr |he-tflbIo nnd tbe even 'ng wns spent nl rnrds. Tfic dinner wn* (lie second Ilf n »erles, mcmbefi b f Iho L ^cheon

— ; eliib'Tifiviiig T«)ea'entertained a t a din­ner on Fridny evening la tt .

•' M n, Eldim D mrken ehtertnlned tho R. R| M. O, eluU W ednesiby afteraonn

• at her home on T hird avenno nortli. Five hundred war enjoyed followed by, a soelnl hour and refreshmrnta. Those present were: Mrs. A. Brlvogel. Mrs

- '

Coming Weather 55 w m Be Colder :

Predicter SayaT . h e l u l n l g l i . h , , .

f I cd a dw[w.W oa to M otlnue tho Iteady deelino th a t was

s la r cd tho night prior. I f prt- d ic tion, prove out tho docline wlll .ronlinuo toaigi.t. '

■of Y w terdfty'a • top U m w ralure ohn ^ i . \ W tt 24 last nlgh^’l'roli- ^ e ably inow fonlght nnd Friday:

MS Ilsu!^’ • ime ____________

M l« Lillian Johnson. Mra- P . i ’ lets Brntkon w u n guest o f the dub . s«e, ' ■ ; ,th t Tomorrow evening ions and daugli- ird- te r . o f M w n a will bo fcue.U a t thn on* first dflaclng en lerta lom iat given lia- ,e a der (ho aumlcea of the Matonle organ-

ler} In Masonic temple nnd la-.eched- ,tlL 'oM lnulng ' .tolort The cofflmitieo In chargeote. % Mnifttsed of U r. and Mrs. J . N. « » M ' ^ lIolllngtwortK»te, ? !'• “ “KU* C. Ware, Mr. a n itlie 0 " , “ d Mm. E'1irer ?• ^h® P“^‘/ »olelvtrd o f (he younger le t and ^ cieh Is perm itted to invito one guest.

^ C- T.“ i r ; i l l meet Fridaym o Mra; James M.

Wflll A good program has been prr- pttred and tho hev. 0 . W. T o n a / o f (ho Baptist, ehtireh will i:ivo a tnlk. Mrs. Finrb and M n . W hittington will assist Iho hosteu in entertaining.

J o c a l g r e - v r t i o j

S I". Mf- u i l M n . A. C.Hahn n son. .Tanuary r ^ ^ .4 2 2 'R lx th

nmi' nvo east. \lor- ~ t

"‘‘'i Ouett from Idaho ra ll s -M m . V. RZ I’UKmlre of Idabo P a lti-ts a jw « t at

nn* In |hl* rlly .

\ U w nted to W td -A lieen iw w d by the counly elerk In Abram Ooetznrr. nged 21, nnd Mnr ra re t Woins, IK. bnth resldrnt* of Twin

olii: ,

151'f To Confer D eS o w -T V in FnU* eom- ‘jy- mnnderr. No- 0(1. tonigbi will hold 1.

eoMvorflllon fnr Ihe purro*e of eon- r ' ^^ 'r 'ne llrd Oro*« nnd Temple'degrees,

ino, *" promptir nt 7: 11j ' o'elocV.

Program Planned—The' Wnr Mother- will mee* ou ,Fridnv nflernoon a t 2:^0 In fhe I’re*bvterlnn ehureh parlor*,

bv P ' ’'''’ " " interesllng program.llii til', business m erlins and .i

1nr«e nllendnnef*'{* hop rd 'fo f.'

Eetliui* PotftloB—Howard Wertr.- bnuuher leff- dn rin r Ihe week for Au- rnrrt; Tll.. »vhere. with his brother. (3arl,

*"•’ he will engage In business. Mr. Wert* ?? I'*iucher hn* Tieen connerted wifb

Skaggs itorc nt Poeatello some ' t W .

for • U d g e M tt tla g Friday—Tbe Rovr.l N'elphbora will hold their regular meet-

''''■ InjT JYldftv evening nl 8 o'eloek. There «'ill l.e i.i«l«llntlnn of offireT* ao.T eaMj member I* orlvilepeil In 1iflni» one

the cnesl.a t ------ ------

rhfl VacrnlM«a In itia te—Fnur enndldnleV nnd v,-ere «»krn «ver tb e flevlfivis pnlb* tTini ntid Iptv] In memberrbln In fhe Ordor of in,' M.neeobeea Insl lik h t . Pinna irere dii.- frs. tm V d nnd nrrangemeni* mnde for n i)iv snriftl prnrrnm lo rover fhe remninim' -tea «rei(« r,f i|ie toeini *eri»nn,

9' Olos Tmpmvlng—Rennrts from thf hnme of I., Clns today Indlmte n mnrV- ed imnrovement In ' Ihe rnndlfinn fl' Mr- rio«, who U In n lornl hosnifiil. where n f'-w dnvs nm nn emfrrenev r ry n fn ti wna iN'rfnrffl'd for remnvnt of

” the niipendlr.

A»t#T'»»nr T-o»<sl*Hva M »*ting-Rnfij f'- " Twin T^ll* nrneim onrr.

nnd i.realdent of fhe Tdnhn ftlnte Chire- o rnrllr n X ln l in n . 1* In Rnlse for .n f<.w i\»vs. ITe iNllepded tbe *»*■•?&« of the lecUlnlore Tiios<lnv. looklnir a fte r

„l pronnaed leirialnHon affretinff the“ *la'r ebirotirsrfie orgna to tj^ n .

C. Hbortbmid B opoiten Orgaolro—Al ;ke, Rolse rerently Ihe Idaho *horthnnd re lule porter* formed n stnte nnsoHnflnn, TI

M. Rmnnin. lornl dislriel enurt renorl er. vpi* nnmed nn n pnblie'fv 'omm't-

Ifl Ire. W. O rr Chnnmnn. n’ Twin Fnll* nt- imr l"rvev. «n* mnde nn bnnnrnry member Iny nf Ihe n<aoelntlnn.!IC«- • ■'Irs Rih'« rlii*,i5i(*ct»—T»i,' K lnc'* P"»- rho Tlib'e rln*« held it* n'larterlv a' [« • e=nl •'nd.''iiaineas meetint' on T*ies,1e''

C, e>en**>fr In the r u i r l ^ nf the Mefl'e- 1*1, ,fl«f -w.liiir'h, O fflrer. fnr the eomle'f

T'- veiT w-,.'e elected nnd tlie.h«<lnrM tx’o <ef. „.nde onl Tlie m^n nf the eln«

of »nnV eh;ir”e o f Ibe 'nr'-ll tirn'TTSm for l1,-‘ evoninu ftiid.-/nneliidrd il wllb a delightful o « le r fe-ia*.

lek • - ' , « • . •Pherl^f Cor-lnr«s P a le -i 'I ’eriff K.,Rr

t'i'erin.Di n.'lu led l>v IVtiu'v U ,/C Vnn Anadrln. veMefdiiv londorteil .1 i l i r r l f f . anie nt the R. I‘ofpr*on T'lnee, \i<oti»beas» of KlmWrly. The nnrtlnn. «b lrli wn* In s.itl*fv n morl- I'age, brniioht .|122-(.7-’>. Llve*fofk nnd fnrm mnehinery were aold. The Twin

'*■(''a Rnnk 4’ Trii»; rnmponv held the , njortgape. 5-

V Oholr D irector E ng tg ed -T h e n r s i L •' RaplitI fbureb hn* engaged W. Y- Ar-

thur, now of Bnker, Ore.. to bn\o ehnrgo of the miislrnl n rtiv llieno f Ihe

, ,j local ehnreh. d u r in g 'th e eoming yenr.The direefor 1s expeeted (0 tirrive In

II- . Twin IW ls to take np (he work Pebrii ttiy Tie U wpttteA <0 b« a WB«irk"i of ab ilitv and waa aasoeiated with Ram

Jt,. Jones, revivalist, for inmo time prior to the la tte r ’a death.

- ft. * Ibe Btoek ta tta rm Q k Je , w r g»«n, esc Briag yoor oontatatTt. B titlb j-O reau- [ r i try .—td v .



' 'S H trlau who O onet B e r r U oadar, i t WeU UenUonod u -« I i tc ta n r -

All lectures delivered here next Mon­day bv Dr. CbM lti E . Barker, eminent Rotorfon, will be given in tho high school auditorium. This rnnouncemeai is officially mado by Hal 0 . Blue, prtt-i idcnl o f th r Twin Pallc Botary- club.Tlio new nnnngeuient is made nece*-' rary bv reason of the faet tha t-tho U - vsrlng theater, expected to be used

. for till' night meeting; will bo oceunled by au iiudlenre hearing tbo Laajfi* S .itnp^ny orchestra, bero under ~he

'« iiusplcet of ihe Ameriean Legion. sa Dr- Barker cotnet to Twin Polls high

ly recommended os a Icetnrrr on al- -,i most any lubject, but most ospeelolly ,V on the question of ‘ 'a ir lh o o d ’- and •

“ B oyhoo l” He will nddro* high tehool iluden ts al D ir"rlnek morning, mothers at.!! lo the aftonM m

l '' oad fa th e n a t fl In the e v m ln j. Tp '• the morning and evening the high

sehool band will give p r o g r ta t o f u n d eI,., appropriate t o ' t l r oeeaslonr and In tho J , nfternonn Ihe Q lrls' Canto club will

1* ^ .n rtn i ir ig the nppearanoe of Dr.»• Bnrker nt Jefferson Cltyi Mo., recent- .I ly, tbe Dallv (Tnpllal o f that- place basI I tbe following eulogiitle eotament:J , "U nder the .w up lee t of tho t t j t i r r ;;J rlub. Dr. Barker delivered three mt»-

(erful adifrcsiei ye tterda r in /e ffe r- , ton City—one to U e high aehool ttu-

denlt, onothiT to the wotnea e f Ihe d ty - la t i e ofteTOOoa; u d t k « a t n lfW to

i ? t i e men of the city. The aoditneei “ • were all large » d w eft trem M donily r ; I s i p r m d with the w o ad trM w a^ l i L which Dr. Barker drlvet home tlu» ^ a t

tn i l la o t life .”

t J

0. W. Tenney of Ooodlng la a T jrir -0 Palls T. B. Mltehell ts n Haxelton visitor

In Twin Pall*.0 . -R- Montellh of Mootpeller_i* -i *

„ bnsinesi visitor ia Twin Palla. i . I>- Byrd of Burley lilunong Ihe out

o f town viiitors In Twin Palli.M ra Hugo .Tordan Is in the eity *

from Shoshone for a brief v itlt.. Dr. Prank Dwighf o f Filer wa* n

v isitor In Ttrin Palls Wednesday.D, K. Etiglebrigbt -waa a vlnllor In

, Twin Pnlls ftom R ier, yertorday." K. D otr of Pocatello i i traneaetinc

- bustncM in Twin Falls and vioinify.J . W. Newman is In tko c ity from

Shoshone attending to biirlnesi Intor-

"■ George P. Dnvsll of Oakley was ntnong the Wednesday arrivals In (hi'.

W. Q; Rrnjamin-nnd fw H y of Hn- ^ nclton ro is te re d in Twin Fall* We<l-

" '" flr 'A . F. MeCln*kev flf Bubl wn* in Tw 'n Pnili ve*U'»divv ptofew lonal • buslnes*. ■ ■

A. fl n n nmpi\(!. tjie tnanv Pller ‘residenl* wji'’..® " .1" bnsineas-, A. D. PoWoek wnn In tbe rlly from

“• Hnnaen yesterday Inolcing a fte r butl* ness affair".

AimOTmOHMSNT.' Mrs. Prank B. Bell will accept pupl's

fil in voJro: extensive training under ex '!• eellent leanheri! throe y e a n poet g rad ­er unto work;>'tong eiperience a t toaeher ■b of vouo a n ' i . p « 8- '304 t lb Ave. E. ne Telephone WflW .-adv.

Notlee Is hereby’Blvcn lha t on Janu- " nry 21>. 1021. ^ e bnr lowc ana w uh nf eoil le ft In pasture 00 llio T. C. Lnnder* k farm, 1 1'2 miles *outhefl*l of the citv

of Twin Pnllt will bn lold-.for pnsturu bill n t r.uo's nucflon grounda.—adv.

Block "bntterm llk J r .per ...............'if. Bring your container*. S terling O rn m . V. ery.—« il» _______ •'

II. E vrry where Pop Corn Cr.isprt«e>.--ndv.

. Claaalfied adverliilng, Is .thfl e h e ^ ___est thing yoa ean boy-^Beatufod 'b y the profit* t t . o y tir in j jou

Moil Orders rcceivc our prompt

1t M f l l p r C L K A M lN O -C O .er W | v BH«MDWR« • twaeatAt

: SUPEJIIOR :, to ony Pop Corn '

* Confcction on liic' •R. tnorkel— /' . .

POP CORN.CBISPETTES ^. A ll Stores 5 c ' ' . ■




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