Their Learning, Their Future Their...

A digitally driven K-8 reading and math learning experience singularly focused on the needs of the individual learner Their Learning, Their Future Their WAY

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A digitally driven K-8 reading and math learning experience singularly focused on the needs of the individual learner

Their Learning, Their Future


Who we serve


At Pearson Digital Learning, we know that generations of tomorrow’s leaders

are counting on you, and we will not let you or your students down. We are always

learning, trying new ideas, and researching new ways to make education more

relevant, more engaging, and more meaningful for today’s learners.

With more than 40 years in the educational technology industry and over six million

students inspired by our programs, we dedicate our experience, our people, and our

passion to creating dynamic educational software programs like SuccessMaker that

prepare learners today for the world they will build tomorrow.

My future looks different than yours did at my age. I will likely have at least five different careers in my lifetime, some of which don’t even exist yet. I will use tools that haven’t been invented yet to help solve problems that aren’t even on the horizon today. I will use technology in new ways to share my knowledge, collaborate with others, and shape the world around me. And I rely on you to prepare me.

Amanda, real SuccessMaker user

ContentsSucceSSMaker iS educational Software Singularly focuSed on you

Ask any group of students how they like to learn and you won’t hear “we” in the response. You’ll hear things like “I like games,” or “I don’t like to read.” Ask a group of educators what their biggest challenges are, and you’ll get a variety of responses. How do we know? We’ve been asking learners and educators for nearly 40 years what’s important to each of them and we built our program around it.

Today, SuccessMaker is educational software that differentiates and personalizes K-8 reading and math instruction better than any other program on the market. Every aspect of SuccessMaker is singularly focused on the individual needs and desires of real students and educators.

Nearly 40 years of ResultsSuccessMaker has impacted the lives of students in tens of thousands of schools and districts amassing volumes of success stories. The latest chapters are still being written.

Differentiation on DemandSuccessMaker is designed to evaluate, support, and challenge learners in the way that’s right for them based on actual performance. This deep differentiation allows you to serve students of all levels in an environment that empowers each of them to be successful.

Comprehensive CurriculumSuccessMaker is a complete K-8 curriculum solution offering content to support core reading and math instruction for grades K through 8 in one comprehensive program.

Real-world ImplementationWith your schedule, your technology and your staff in mind, SuccessMaker is designed to work in the real world, not just an ideal one, offering flexibledeployment and extended learning.






“The implementation of SuccessMaker has allowed us to monitor student performance on an individual basis at every school, at every grade level. It has enabled us to look at data individually for students and target specific instruction to help those students meet learning gaps they may have in language arts or in math. It has enabled our teachers to use this data to form flex groups, to bring students in, and to give them additional help and assistance as an intervention. This has helped us to achieve those performance benchmarks that we certainly want for all of our students on both the academic performance index and AYP.”

Dr. George CameronFormer SuperintendentNational School District

National City, California

“We made a great choice in purchasing the software and implementing the program at our most challenging Title I schools. The software coupled with quality classroom instruction has helped all of our Title I schools meet and exceed standards. The results speak for themselves.”

David BrisenoFederal Programs Director

Clovis Municipal School DistrictClovis, New Mexico

“We considered and finally selected [the SuccessMaker program] to address our students’ needs, to supplement our math curriculum and our other curriculum primarily because of the alignment we saw between the coursework, the courseware and the Colorado content standards, as well as the defined district K-12 math curriculum.”

John BrainardDirector of Math, Data and Assessment (retired)

Pueblo School District 60Pueblo, Colorado

nearly 40 yearS of reSultSBecause SuccessMaker users are so active in the process of developing our programs, they’re always enthusiastic to share the outstanding results they achieve using them. Across a nearly 40-year program lineage, SuccessMaker has individualized learning for millions of students with implementations in tens of thousands of schools and districts across the country. Many of these customers have shared their awe-inspiring, uplifting and sometimes tear-jerking stories of success. Here are just a few of the SuccessMaker success stories that speak to the power of the program to uncover and nurture each learner’s true potential.


“I teach general education language arts and an intervention class. In both we use SuccessMaker. SuccessMaker affords me the opportunity to work with smaller groups, differentiate instruction and give one-on-one assistance while others work on the program. The program generates useful data that guides my instruction in both the intervention class and with the general education students.”

Mary NamethELA and Intervention Teacher

Stout Middle School-Dearborn Public SchoolsDearborn, Michigan

“The standards piece is exciting and also the choices for customizing programs will be very effective for our middle schoolers. I set up a custom course for one of our reading specialists using inference only−she liked the program and the direct skills that it was bringing to the students. We saw tremendous improvement in their grades.”

Lori NestorLab Manager

Lisha Kill Middle SchoolAlbany, New York

Read them for yourself! If you’d like to read one of these amazing stories or one of the many others SuccessMaker users have written, download one now at


“SuccessMaker is really good because it repeats for the students. Our special education students are doing great and they love the program.”

Mrs. SalasIntervention Teacher

Memorial Middle SchoolEdinburg, Texas


differentiation on deMandSuccessMaker was built from start to finish with a single goal in mind—to identify and address individual learning needs quickly and efficiently without sacrificing ultimate engagement for the learner and without creating more work for the teacher. SuccessMaker is uniquely designed to meet the needs of today’s students because it’s the only program with the power to provide a learning experience as unique as each one of them. Here’s how it works:

Start smart with a custom-tailored learning experience that begins as students work through initial embedded assessments designed to quickly and efficiently determine each student’s unique starting place.

Individualize automatically with SuccessMaker’s unique ability to continuously analyze each student’s actual performance and automatically create a personalized path through the curriculum based on his or her personal strengths and challenges. This powerful technology pinpoints the specific areas where a student struggles and focuses on addressing areas of difficulty while advancing students through areas where they show content mastery. The result is a completely personalized experience that’s automatic for every learner making SuccessMaker a great match for students at varying proficiency levels and for a variety of learning needs including Response to Intervention, special education, and English language development.

Lauren, real SuccessMaker user

Interactive features like highlighting and sticky notes in reading activities and choosing how to solve problems in math keep students engaged in learning by giving them an active role.

When a student selects an incorrect answer as in the math sample above, the program responds with help to guide the learner toward the correct answer. Inside reading text passages, learners are helped along by their very own cognitive coach who offers hints and insights to help learners attend to critical points in the text.

SuccessMaker keeps learners working at or beyond grade level appropriately challenged, motivated and engaged.

ON-LeveL aND aDvaNCeD LeaRNeRS

LeaRNeRS ONe yeaR BeLOW GRaDe LeveL

SuccessMaker empowers learners who are just a bit behind with timely intervention and just the right amount of on-the-spot support.

LeaRNeRS MORe ThaN ONe yeaR BeLOW GRaDe LeveL

SuccessMaker supports learners who are struggling with background-building explicit instruction, tutorial intervention, and a data dashboard that keeps them from falling through the cracks.

When learners encounter challenges that initial guided feedback can’t address, SuccessMaker responds with more detailed and granular feedback to guide the learner step-by-step through the concept. This may be followed by pre-requisite instruction. If these remedies don’t resolve the learner’s challenge, the teacher is notified for offline intervention.


SuccessMaker assesses each individual student’s needs effectively and automatically so the starting level is right for each learner from day one.

SuccessMaker zeroes in on language deficiencies to ensure that learners begin instruction in the right spot, even if it’s multiple levels below grade.

SuccessMaker ends the guesswork by quickly and efficiently evaluating specifically where learners struggle and beginning instruction at the appropriate level to facilitate timely intervention.


SucceSSMaker SupportS your Specific inStructional challengeS

Start Strong withdiagnoStic initial placement

Provide each learner with a Personal key to success

Response toInteRventIon

englIsh language leaRneRs

MultIple leaRnIngstyles

Mainstream learners Students with

special needs Advanced learners

SuccessMaker simultaneously individualizes instruction for every learner in the classroom with:

A data-driven learning trajectory that creates each learner’s path through the program based on his or her individual performance.

Access to a variety of tools, manipulatives, and options for solving problems giving them an ownership stake in their learning and helping them to discover their own educational preferences.

SuccessMaker supports English language learners with:

Short, explicit videos and animations introducing concepts to help learners build background.

A host of tools delivered within reading passages, including a hyperlinked glossary with images, audio and video, and a text tracker feature for additional reading support.

SuccessMaker offers a perfect match for Response to Intervention with:

Layers of scaffolded feedback initiated automatically based on performance.

Guiding feedback that escalates to step-by-step tutorials, pre-requisite instruction, and other interventions as needed to provide the minimum amount of assistance required for concept mastery.

Track progress

SuccessMaker reports allow you to:

Simultaneously view class- and individual learner-level progress from the data dashboard.

Track progress across an entire class toward a specific target with the Prescriptive Scheduling Report.

Assign lessons by state standard for additional coverage of skills.

SuccessMaker reports allow you to:

Monitor the areas of difficulty for each individual student.

Create flexible groups for small group reading intervention by viewing common areas of difficulty across a class.

Assign lessons by learning objective to shore up specific skill deficiencies.

SuccessMaker reports allow you to:

Identify opportunities for tier two group intervention by grouping students around common areas of difficulty using the Areas of Difficulty Report.

Communicate learner progress clearly and easily with the Student Performance Report.

Create custom lessons to focus on specific skills for intervention.

Get the data you need to inform decisions! You can see samples of the reports available in SuccessMaker in our demo gallery on


Asmir, real SuccessMaker user


coMprehenSive curriculuMWe understand that reading and math skills are interrelated. After all, students who struggle with reading will likely encounter the same struggles working through a word problem in math. That’s why SuccessMaker offers comprehensive K-8 math and reading curricula in the same program.

SuccessMaker Reading provides strong support for your core instruction with:

Integrated text excerpts from leveled readers, social studies and science texts, and popular core textbooks.

Instruction designed to pre-teach, re-teach, reinforce and enrich core reading instruction.

SuccessMaker Reading provides an approach to reading consistent with today’s best practices with:

In-depth reading lessons in a consistent sequence that begins with a focused instruction video or animation to introduce and explain the concept.

Interactive independent skill practice. Print partners for additional offline practice.

SuccessMaker Reading addresses 21st century learning with:

Text passages that integrate interdisciplinary themes like global awareness and civic, health, and environmental literacy.

Texts highlighting different cultures, historical figures and events, and scientific concepts.

Interactive tools like the highlighter and sticky notes that foster meaningful engagement with text to deepen comprehension.

SuccessMaker Mathematics supports your core math instruction with:

Content across grade levels that addresses Algebraic concepts like functions, relations, variables and patterns.

Multiple problem solving strategies for learners to choose from.

Real-world contexts for solving problems to better prepare learners for real-world math.

SuccessMaker Mathematics delivers best-practice instruction with:

Highly visual exercises that represent mathematical concepts.

Immediate feedback and on-the-spot tutorials to support learners as needed.

SuccessMaker Mathematics addresses 21st century learning with:

A strong emphasis on the development of problem solving skills by requiring learners to reason effectively and think critically to solve problems.

Access to online manipulatives, tools and multiple problem solving methods to encourage self-direction, independence, and effective use of technology.



suppoRtIveof coRe InstRuctIon

focus on21st centuRyleaRnIng

alIgned tostandaRds

The instructional content for both SuccessMaker Reading and SuccessMaker Mathematics was developed after extensive analysis of:

State standards across the country. The Common Core State Standards Initiative. Recommendations of leading educational organizations including the National Reading Panel, the National Institute for

Literacy, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. As standards and recommendations evolve, SuccessMaker is continually updated for curriculum that is always current.

curriculuM catalog at-a-glance

Within the math activities, learners can choose from a variety of online tools and manipulatives for solving problems reinforcing self-direction and critical


Lessons from the Spelling and Grammar instructional strand target development of critical language skills for middle school learners.

The middle school level non-fiction text passage Women Who Made a Difference comes from the core text reading program Scott Foresman

Reading Street.

Text passages include a variety of non-fiction selections covering interdisciplinary science and social studies topics like the sample above

which highlights renowned conservationist, Dr. J. Michael Fay.

This elementary level direct instruction segment uses the scientific concept of evaporation to support a reading lesson.

See the program in action! You can see math and reading video clips for all grade levels in our demo gallery on




Phonological AwarenessConcepts of Print




ComprehensionNEW! Spelling and Grammar

Data AnalysisNumber Sense and Operations

Probability and DiscreteMathematics

Patterns, Algebra and FunctionsGeometry


real-world iMpleMentation

When implementation guidelines don’t match classroom reality, even the best-designed programs won’t get used. Your schedule is tight, ramp-up time is short, bandwidth and IT infrastructure may be limited, but the stakes are still high. You need a program that will work in the world you live in, not just a perfect one. We’ll work with you to design an implementation plan that delivers measurable achievement gains within the limitations of your schedule. And because instruction, practice, reading passages, and assessment are all integrated into the program experience, you don’t have to worry about juggling multiple program components.

Additional options like before- and after-school labs and district-supported home access can expand the reach of your implementation and provide opportunities for extended learning. SuccessMaker also offers the flexibility to scale your implementation to meet your technology needs as they change.


Actual SuccessMaker lab

Home Access can easily be enabled through a web server located within the District Data Center.

A single server solution supports up to 1,000 users* and implementations can easily be scaled to support more than 1,000 users. Our engineering team will partner with you to develop an implementation plan that will meet your individual school or district needs.

*Low bandwidth connection between individual school sites and theDistrict Data Center may require additional hardware.

App Server

District Data center

School SiteS

Home Users

System requirements are available at


Web Server

deployMent Model for a diStrict-Supported hoMe acceSS Solution

We’LL STaND By yOuR SIDeFor us, every new SuccessMaker implementation is the beginning of a long-term relationship. To keep that relationship strong, we offer best-in-class training, professional consulting services, and outstanding technical support to ensure that SuccessMaker isn’t just a piece of software on your computer—it’s a solution to your challenges. And like our programs, our services are completely focused on your unique needs offering a wide variety of options for getting the support you need.


We’re at your service! If you’d like to learn more about our programs and services and see a sample online training module, visit

We support you from the start with a team of technical implementation

specialists that partner with you to assess your site infrastructure and

develop an implementation plan that’s right for you.

We emphasize expertise with stringent qualification requirements for

our service and support staff and a focus on specific areas of expertise to

ensure that we can quickly find the answers you’re looking for.

Our training and professional development are singularly focused

on you with a wide variety of training resources and delivery formats

including our latest innovation,, a self-paced

training website providing instant access to on-demand modules and live,

interactive web sessions.

We’re there when you call with support agents ready to assist you by

phone, email and even by online chat.

We’re building a community around you with Community Connection,

our online customer community site that delivers program information,

news, downloads, customer support and more all in one place.

At Pearson Digital Learning, we are united in one purpose—to consistently deliver a learning experience that is singularly focused on the needs of the individual learner from kindergarten through graduation and beyond. Our people approach this mission with the expertise, creativity and passion of educators because over eighty percent of them have worked in education themselves.

Your goals are our goals and the entire Pearson Digital Learning family will rally behind you every step of the way. We stand behind the power of our programs, services, support, consulting, training and development to create your one-of-a-kind educational solution and we promise that, when implemented with commitment and fidelity, your solution will yield measurable positive results.

James, real SuccessMaker user


Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved. SuccessMaker is a registered trademark, in the U.S. and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). 101413


Kyle, real SuccessMaker user