cr<y,~ *.rr~r*r i. THE EVEN J N<1 STAR. »/" R»h< I rnrrrflia* in Mts«i?»'ppt <*'irn b<'|HiibIi'0QiiA«f«n|)"acti!''nr)il Uau>.j . o'r.iiib T»o p) ihf Irter w t-. t 'J lM^ly in « rivtne fondi'inn fr«ii rh*- pf!> -t= < t'ra- linti fct tile |;«iw!ki f tvohrii'f! jrtj.-rri'N--. JM. ?«« tv pl.-o liroPd tl'f f"»cr tbnt blondimantfs are u? d in j t, tins: Bet its conscripts. and tne latter ha\c a<*op'rri fh-- device o* tft- uecroes, t-.y placing mrpfD'inp. <>nion>, red p>-pp«r, fee., in ih» ir fJicm f. to conceal the ei*nt of their preg- KOif tram Ibc do£e. SrSineeJoLuHrowu has become so popnhtr, M's. John H> ^wt prtstuimes ti> b- r*'n*r over¬ bearing- lfc L:.»biiilffe. Mass., on Fridiy, :-he <rav<! birih to twn aotir. and :i daucht r, and all parries are getting on bravely. tu>~ A countryman named Tyrrell, hailing; In m ( ( niif'riicnt. a lew da\s ago saw th« elf y hant in New York at an expense of 3* 1,000 ii: inoiv y and drafts which pi<.-p,d into the pocket ot a fema!** of Wighted virtue. It^lhey pay S'2uii lor a Sioux tcalp in Min¬ nesota. fcriho Kin? of Holland edits a monthly mngaaine. '1 he Baptists of Philadelphia celebrated th» >r I5«ih anniversary October*7?h. f/" Pl> mouth harbor, Mass., is to be defend¬ ed t-y eight gnus, mounter! on earthworks. A pair oi Loots in Richmond cost *17.5. fT'hK.-Tl BEEF. _ J f. LLTEnS'RpMR, October "tth, 1ST1. denied Proposals w:il he lec-uve.l nnti ta-« 2 -!i f,t October. JStSJ, far fu;nichw<« Fr««h Beef, «»f a gf-.-d and y»b Icsome qua-ilj,f»r t:.e usi of taa li.uia'.t s r! the SoMiers" Ho:ae. for one yur from lit. f November nsx*.the B»e* to be delivered at th* C ctrp Market cn ! uss-lays ih-'.rsday*. and F*-.nruay* of srh week in sunn .^nian*-tti « as may be from tim tr> time required l»y ttu. Secretary an.l Tressurer of tbe 1'oiue and in Quarters. with uu equal proportion of rach.inecka a ad shanks to be in ai cK,*«rK excluded ) I Payment* to b . u-ade monthly, and bind cr rijr required for the faithful compli&nca with the contract. Prop fist* ui'I be erdmr.ed 41 ProB.->R*lsfor Fre*h Beet. Anl Kd;Ui Rfi to BENJ AMi N K I »i-t»r>< S.iTtj"- !'. Pece'*1 y «.ud Treasurer. SoM i-jrs' Hvme. \V arbington U ity. P. C. oe S-td CH1CKEBIKG & SON-J' PIANO TCNKK FOR jfABHf.fOTOH, f> 0 V. L£CK*H CcntiuUeo to «ive hie attea i n and cki 1 t<> th Tucin«and Repalrlajr cf Plr .. rr«*F, Me)o(S< ons ¦' *»tRMi«fe%1 la thuRw^jJ eily mi vie l(-5l. His systeai of Tuning bas'll H * r«C(iT<vl "b* »pprokation of the most eiuisaat Artfu'a wh.'' bar« ri^fted up, *n<l of this aaci-:^l eon'irtfsi ? o jjen-ral Lea*e T°ur r-rdera at JNO ¥. BI Llfi' Fiano Ware Rotmc. 306 PeEB. a*euue. bet an'- 8t>. »c 8-St* rj7 MlJslOAL INSTKUMSNTS 1 MR Cheapeat pl«c« in the Uity to set Mnaiea Ir.str'.jtr.fDU, sur.b as Guitara, V-.olina, Vhitec. Ae- cor<l»< n1, Bwjm, l"atnb-ori»oa. Drum*. *ife« \e i r . U teelLtr with Instruction Books for alltn- ^truL.^, fin* Cinitar ana \ ioton string* id at KOSW iiLL'B Kancy and Military store, SOi g ¦tree*.Bear !4th. [i-ao.Chron 1 se:-4 iiu t_ CON i ictlONKRY! w The BitdtnitDrG, late of Gaatier's cele-W ¥ brsted Confectionery, ha* opened, in tli« ¥ * N< rtbem I.ibertias. on I utre-'t. betvoeo 4ta and vb » CONraUTIONt*rr and 0Y3TEB SA¬ LOON . where Halk and Parties wili r>e forsUhed with lCfc C PBA\P»t the shortest notice,and at tti^ lowest price* bire me a e*U, and I plea^<> mxsulf th«t I will plewe tifc public peWltn* F. SHAFKR. HtfaU^TilTBL'S FINE ART GAL.LERV.-262 Pi-nu. airuue. wheve carte de Tisit -s :urr taken of » nf-w snd V^autifnl style, Havin* recently added new back ground* and scejery to bin Gal¬ lery , I* now prepared to *uit the mo»t 'a^ltliouj. Those in *rarch of gnud picturen should rernen ber th» nnmt>er.S6a, as his pictures are i^mired by all lorer* r>f the art «»2-lra* YY OOP! WOO Dl! S*WED IN FOUR PIRCIS AND SPLIT FOR ONE DOLLAR PER OOiiD N 0 MfKKRW, Pcion Fir- V. o Mill, Corner He^toth *tre'-t a t l v,anal. ICKOHY, OAK. AND PINE W j>-D for **¦« cord leng tl cheap, by N. C. McE 'JEW. Corner Pe"enth atree* *al Oaiitii tOAL ! C OaLII COAL V.'. ^ Of all KIH i)F. on hand, AND FOR SALE BV N. O MpKvSW Uniou Fire Wood Mill, pe9 Corner SereDth street »r1 CSn*' I] FIRST RATIONAL BA!I& OF W48£I.\«TOt. Capital.ft.500.000. K^This Bake, o«Hnia<>d nnder tha National Banking Lawofth>^aj* Congt ess, is opened taia day for the tran»actoon of bu' mess, at the corner of Fifteenth and F streets.eppoit* Treasury De- partmeiit. H. D COOKE. President. Wm. 8. BPSTiKQtQg. Caahisr. seal tf F_ LRBT WARD OYSTER DEPOT. // strtrt, btlu-etn Ttrtntit h and Twenty first sts., WasBiaaroa, D C. Families supplied with the very best OYSTERS that ean be procured in this maiket. OYSTERS will be fornished in anyi quantity. PICKLED OYSTERS always on band ¦7* All orders prosaytly attended to _se 28 2w* G. COACKLEY. A MARBLE MANTELS. Large assortment constantly on hand and For Sale low for cash Person* wiahing to purchase, vill please eall and examine my stoek on b>nd. NICHOLAS ACKRK, se>fi lm* eor E and New Jer»ey arenae. JAY COOKE fc CO., BANKERS, Nc. 45a Fifteenth Street. ws shall oovrunra to rcuin UNITED 8TATE8 FIYS- TWENTY BONDS at par until fortfler notloe. V Persons desiring information eoneerning this loan ean procure at our eoanter, or a yon application by mail, circulars answering all aneellona out may arise. .. *1 BUT AVS 8SIX ALL ISIOSB OP GOVERNMENT BONDS, TBEA8URY NOTES CETIF10ATE8, AND TOUOHJU8, COIN, CURRENCY, AND EXCHANGE. AID PAT THB HieHBST PBIOM toa CER T1F1CA TB CHECKS. JAY OOOKE ft OO., Bankers, aat-tf499 Fifteentk street. p 1 L III IILItl SOLDIERS AND SEAMEN, It you would obtain immediate relief from distressing complaint, try DB. WITFIELD'8 VEGETABLE PILLS. This Is a long tried and throroughly tested reme dy, sad has never yet kited to eare. Do not suf fsr when then is a remedy within reach. Sold by 8. 0. FORD, 990 Pennsylvania avenue Washington, and by H. 000K, Alexandria, Va. Beat to any addrees by mail. Prioe M cents yer Box. For sale by all Druggists. J. YOUNG, Proprietor, IT 14 8m No. 491 Broadway. N. T. MET'S COBN SALVE. E1 IMMEDIATE RELIEF AND PERMANENT CU HE. » cent boxes for Corns only. 00 cent boxer for Oorns and Bunions. Bent by mail by D& *. BMBT. SOI Broadway, N. T. For sale in Washington by B. CALVEBT POBD, Druggist, se 7-lm 990 Penn. avenue ORPUANb' OUDjlTJVI. 96tu. 1963 . Di*: tritt Columbia. Washington County, To-urit: In thecsseof Hagh Murray,administrator of Mary Murray, dec d, the administrator aforeeaid ha*.with the approbation of the Orphaaa'0 mrt of Wash¬ ington county aforesaid.appointed frATUBDAY.the 17th day of October, 1S6S. for the final sattieaent and dUtribttioa of the personal estate of said de- eeasea. aadofthe assets in hand, as Car as the same have been collected and turned into mo nay; when and where all tbe ereditcrs axd heirs of said de¬ ceased are notified to attend, (at tbe Orphans' Court of Ws*bLngtoneoanty aforesaid,) with their claims properly vouched, or they may otherwise by law be eicludtd from all benefit in said de¬ ceased's estate: provided a copy of this order be publishtd once a week for three weeks in the Daily Eveting Star, previous to the raid i7<h day of Oc¬ tober, IHM. Test: Z. C. BOBBINS, se 'A lswSw* Register of Wills. ORPHANS' COURT. Disteict or Oolomiha. Covn/v, to uu:.In the caie of Susannah D.Uow. adaii^i»t*atr»x of Wm. Dlllow, deceased xthe admlnLtratilx aforesaid hss.wita the ayprobattonof the Otphaiij Court of Washington county aforesaid, sppointel TUESDAY, the 13th day of October, 13®, for the final oettiemeat and dist'ibutian of tbe personal estate of said tfeseased, and of tbe aseiita in hand, aa far as the sane have .»» w »» ¦ ¦¦ ¦»! h me sa ne Dare been ecllected and turatd into money; when and where all the ersditors and heirs of said deceased are notified to attend, (at the Orphans' Oonrtof Waehiagtoa county, aforesaid,) witb their claims properly vouched or they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit ie said 4eeea«ed'se tate : provided a copy of this order be aub'ished once a week for thrteweeke in the Dally Evening Star, prey ious to the said 13th day of October. NWS Zi O. ROBBiNS. se a- law»w* Register ofWilM. This IB TO eiVM NOTICE, That the sahscri- ber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Washington county, lathe District of Columbia, letter* of administration on the personal estate of Mrs. Matilda fowler, late of Georgetown, in said exhibit the same, with tbe vouchers thereof, to the tfcs »th day of Beptewbar, MBsT cSBIETI AN A EURM4NNTROUT, eeSU-lawfw* AAminiatratrix. jyOTIQE TO BUILPER8~ " JOHN H. BXBD, Measurer of Work and Material ylanaj , ; se U im* ^ V -«BM9KMtWCWWKt' r BI>rCATIONAt». \Ulfri>«>K JcVjLbB A 0 A U * M Y, BOA K)>l N PCHOOL. /or B y», in a quiet fcealU-y vii-ag* *: m.les fr W%-.hiBf :«»o by fcreuth ..ttewt i;o»d For c*t* n?a*3, address at Brtckeville. Md. IC. B. PRMTYMAN. A. M.. .i IS In Pr.nmpat :V| lB8~iiKOOkK'« KNHLImi AND FRENCH lv| Boar ire uni Iay £ch©i».No. l'»0 Penn. av., hnT«>u hfcildmg*. Th» i>iota,)«r tM irvmitenth ' ^.TPi-ftDt-ua! of it.,s Infl'itaUoa will toa- nitre* on Mot nay, rerteriher *>th, 13AJ Circulars obtained at the bo-rkftores and of thn F-ria- rip*l .<? 14-5T1* ; iVJ K. H. TOWN SEND 00N 11* CEsTaFTSR 4 i i'l o'clock p »c. > to ifive lessons in thn Art of ! Filling abd Playirir tbe Pianoforte and Or*,-*u. Ajjpvat No. 420 N str« et, near lith, oradiress i Uyrvcsh the P O. na S ;m* ! fikOROhlOWN | U FEMALE SEMINARY, A no A R DING A A l> D f > SCHOOL. 1 51 W*Sf fcTRSEr. 0MMITOWII, O. 0. The dnties of this institution will bt resumed M ;C-2ay. Sept. 7th Cir-juiirs may be obtained at ti'f Bookstores, and by addres*iuir a»-»o7m* M * H AKKQVBg, Principal, f I ''lilt UNION I FEMALE ACADEMY, Corvr nf UJA etr#»».?ii«f Xerc Vorfr ««.»**. The Fcurti entta Armail hnrrian cowapn^s Sup- teiuber 7, IMS . Circoler* st the Bookstores. eu 17-tf ~MILITARY SO BSTITUTES. ^UBSTlTLTRH' H E A L>4U A KTBKS .Th« hi*b- ^ est prices will be paid for »U Bi*TITD7Sa for l-RAFTED r>en. Those in want of Substitutes will flu* it to their interest to apu'y at tba "Itilnlli- (fence and Real Estate Ofice," No. 511 Ninth St.. uear Pennsylvania avenue. an 10 tf N. H. MILLER W*. O. BJMrtMJM 3 IKWUL1. 0 ATW£LL. IORRGST liOltiL, Kj. 464 10TB 8T., BETWEEN 1) AND B, W*»ll!!iriT(IK ClTT. SIMPSON 4" ATWELL. Proprietors. Wl*B8, LigUORa AND CjGABS OF 7HK FlNSSTQc.iL- ITT Ai.wits UlKD. Iff ME Ai.f» at all hours < nd in every style, a bUIT OF K00M8 for rept. cms 6 1m* FUK NJJlr u it E. FURNITURE. [ SAILT RECKIVINO MI BTOOK OF Pall u4 Winter Clethinf AND Cent's FiribklBf J. H. SMITH, 460 SSYIWTH STREET. IBTN. B..8ampla Goods fcr Custom Work, llonsek nepers, and those who contemplate fur- nixhing, \vill tind the lurxeet and beet assorteU stock of CABINET FURNITURE sooth of Nfw York, anil at prices which defy eom- r-etiiion. We solicit yoni piitronare. promising baigaiiis to all ROTELER k WILL?0N, Iron Hall, No 31!* PenniylTani^ a*enn«. r.c 3-lm.if between 9tn and loth sts. | ' L 0 R I 0 U 8 N K W 8 1 10.000 LAEIK3 MBN,A CO ILOHEN WANTED AT UEIL.BKUN S BOOT AND 8HUK ^TORg, .»06 Stvtnlh \trtei. vtttltT Odd Felines' Hrr>.. to bay tocie of tht>e girat barjfuius which ^o are enabled to offer « follows : Ladies' LaLMOHAL' . £] 25 to S3, hiicifH'G-il i'ER.s to -32 st', La'ti<-»' 3LlJ'PlilSi.-. jTO. *o If' a".', (;hi!iiren8'tD'H8,25' to il25, ANCLET8, frtc to Si, MtnV and Boys' I'eedfl and Bewed BOOTS, MIOK8 and (<infcK».tt a!! prices Iff Our Motto."We try to please. L HKlLBRTTN A. CO., Oc 1 2w* 506 7th St.. und«r Udii Fallows' Hall._ nFAKF. NOTICE . p X. 1 R. Grnuiue Fit. foidicrw othxr* who icre >i ptrnFfc literature 1Uh3 hb vn*ll as Racy, fchc-nld tfce Fine i^ew Bcoks just issued by Mf>eiakV£K£Tr h Ci). Tlit-y »rt perfect vj«tns her? censtitnt'.' a unigOr lit-rsry u.-ieiualled by any >-11 ii- roonced. eaciiBoca Contains ltii PAGitd of '.BAir >o Maitbk aid are .embeIli«hed wita b«iuti- iUi cue;siicj{F, cirrl'".T d>-sijr.»d and (frawnby r»* >v. Art'stn. The Firi Boj>V« will he Rent Fkkb by E*nefrsow receipt of §7 (fl'T! Al^o," Ths Mis- ceilauwu* I'auornmc Pac^aite" fbunny. Phac- tiouM md Pi.acor,cnut »i'-« Sketches Hnng«, A-;ros- t.cs. CoLUt.dronj.-f, Kusra^irxs Card Pbototjraphs. <-tc ' etc !.' Price with Card 35 centf : without card i»cei.ts. W ..I KVRiiKtr & CO , f<c1 lw* 7 ,'t Nat-tan st.. New York IV s A KM.K, CKAN1 1'k7 BRO WN PTON eT aND 1** NvxHTH HIVRR BLU* 8T0NE WORK, oon- sttrt'y a anisf8ctar.d to order, at the shortest i.ot c. afj'l lowyet ca»h prices All kinds of Tilling acu KlavirinK furnished n;xi laid with despatch. MUilOLAS ACKBR s -Jfi !m* cor E at;l N«w Jersey avenue. I 111* DBA» r ! THk DRAFTT" 18 Now all over, and t very one can now look yoang and yay iifua. An those who wish to change tbe sbact or color of the Hair should call and gets bottle ot B08WFLL 4 WARN IK'S COLORIFIC FOH COLORING THE HAIR. It will certainly rhautte tbe Hat' or Whiskers to a beautiful Brown or Blutk, witnout any wash or preparation what¬ ever It ia peccl arly adapted to Ladifa'use. It ie ao simple that it can be auplied by any one, with but little trouble. an1 witnect entaniflin* the Hair, For tale at BOSWELL'S Faucy ani Military alore, No .102 A street, near 14th. ae24 1m | Pun. Chron.] 'j' 0 THE P U B L 1 C . We call your attention to tbe EXCEL3IOB CITY EXPRESS, for the delivery of Packages, B*Ktr»*e.acd Merchandise. Having slates hang iu all tte principal stores at convenient iiataneee throughout tbe city, where orders may be left, will be attended to promptly. Our driven take orders from tie slates every hour, thereby raving persons from walking n long distance to leave directions for baggage to taken to the Depot and other points. Trunks entrusted to tkU Express wil be taken care of till the owners claim them and receive their checks. Principal Office 413 Peon, avenue. corne» 4S. se 211m* W M. BAftRY A 0Q.,Proptra. 1VE W 8lN»INft CLASS WILL B1 OPEN ED BY i> Prof. ALEXANDER WOLOWdBI at hU res k.ence No 316 F street, corner of 11th, by his new and simplified system. All those wfco would desire to Join that Sue class both ladies and gen- tlemen.will call daily between U aad 1 o'clock p: m.. when their voices will be tried. se 15 2w C OF WASHINGTON COMING TO BALTIMORE CAM SAVE FIFTEEN PER CENT. BY BUYING 0# SMITH BROTHERS ft CO., CLOTHIERS AND MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 40 WEST BALTIMORE STREET. oc 3 tr ^ NEW FALL Bfe FLOWERS, RIBBONS,! BONNETS, HATS, . AMD MILLINERY GOODS, or CHOICE DESCRIPTION AND GREAT VARIETY, JUST RECEIVED. Ladies will oblige me by calling and examining By stock of new VALL and WINTER GOODS be- fore purchasing, as we wish to show our goods, feeling confident they will FRANKLIN ETCHISON'S, No. 12 Center Market Space, se 8 1mbetween 8th and gth sts. j^OMETHING NEW VOR THE LADIES. v mrs foyITpatent CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER is what tbe name implies, and combining in a neat and simple form tbe quality of both. Itisregarded by physicians and others, oumpetent to Judge of its merits, with marked favor, and highly recom¬ mended For tale wholeiale and retail by WM. R. RILEY & BRO.. Bole Agents for this Di»trict and the State of Maryland, a/" No. 36 " Central Stores/' opposite Center Market. se I9-lm KNOS fc CO.'S CITY EXPRESS, fOR TH* PBLIVKRV Og. . GOODS, PACKAGES. AND BAGGAGE, i Throughout the CRt^ Qeoreetown, and to thtf | LOW AND REGULAR RATES. We check all baggage to be delivered at Railroad. *N08T CO., SI Louiriana Avimue, between 8th aad 7th streets se IS-las . SPLENDID GRAPE* " O ; . EEOMKENOALL GREEN. Samples of these AJuwu Gv«»ismay baeeeaat WiStTCT.S.Tn'ME oeive prompt atteateoa._9 bey may also be hut «» ^JRADQUARTRRB^ official. W" Otm*rmi Ordara, W- The Adjutant 0«p»nl will provide u approprl. itt n-iiti of honor for Un trcopewho, *ft#r the iiprttin* of their their wrrlOM to the QoTwunest in the present emergen*T, *nd also tor the volunteertroopefrom other States that h«vt volunteered their flarviea la the States of Penpaylvanla and Maryland. By order of the Secretary ofWtf, S. 1>. TOWNSRND, je 90 Aaaistant Adjutant finanl . DEPARTMENT Of WASH¬ INGTON. QfIm Ckuf Qnarttrwuuter, May SI, 1868. iniuii n A«miouLTD*AL iKruimi, Gap- em gains, are requested to furnish thisoKee price lists of the varioua articles of their trade. The hum shonld be directed to Lieutenant Colo¬ nel Elias M. duisi, Chie Quartermaster, De¬ railment of Washington. mj 8S-t< 1X7 AB DEPARTMENT, T f Wasxtvoto«, January a, IMS. la eoa*e«ueaoe of the pressure of butineas at the war Department, peaces for elttsens to visit the army of the Potomas will bo given at the ofSoe of i>«eat. Col. Coinad. 139 Pennsylvania arenas above Nineteenth street. GAS FITTING, Jtc. GAS FIITWRMS. Ill Have In Store, and are daily reoeivtng, OAS f IXTT7 RES of entirely New Patterns and Deaigni ir i finish .superior In stylo to anything heretofore .j£ej«d ia thia market. We invito citizens generally to eall and examine sax stock of GAS and WATER PIXTUEE8, feeling confident that wt have the beet aelooted stock ia Washington, CW All Work la the above line intrusted to oar care will be promptly attended to. aar l-tf flRS A McGHAN, STS D street, {J0UGI18, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AO. COMPOCND SIRUP OP GUM ARABIC. This pleasant and popular Cough Remedy has bera to k>Dg known and extensively used that most pertone have become familiar with its extraordinary rfflrscy. It can be bad at all the pr^cipal Drug Storea at IS and 60 cents a bottle. se ao-fcn" IMPORTANT TO SUTLERS. 8UTLEES~WILL FIND H. A. DOWNING k CO.'S CONCENTRATED CLAM TO BR A MOST VALUABLE ARTICLE FOB THBIR TRADR. Zt sells very rapidly, and Is the most eoonomieal article of diet for the offlcer's mess. It ia prepared in one minute, aad makes a most delicious Soup or Chowder. It is highly recommended by Army Burgeons. The profits are large. Por tale by BARBOUR A 8EMMS8, Bole Agents, 63 Louisiana Avenue, ae 2-ly Washington, D. 0. Important Fasts Worth Knowing* AT THE NATIONAL. BOOKSTORE, STS Pennsylvania Avenue, Between 11th and 12th sts. YOU CAN BUY: Three 60 eent Novels for 91, Six 36 eent Novels for 91, Eight Photograph Album Cards for 91, Three 50 cent Stationery Packages for 91, Six 25 cent Stationery Packages for 91. 60 eent Rooka from 28 to 46 cents, 91 Book a from 60 cents to 90 oeuts, I 91.16 Beoka from 66 eenta to 91-15, 91.60 Books from 76 cents to 91.40, 92 Books from 91 to 91-W. 95 Books from 92 60 to 94 76, A large lot of Books at half prica. A PINE STOCK OP- PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS,* BOOKS, STATIONRRY. PANCY ARTICLES, COMBS, BRUSHRB, AMBROTYPRS, Ac , Ac ,at greatly reduced priees, .ST" "'Quick sales and small profits." ¦QT Orders by mail promptly attended to. WM. F. RICHSTEIN'S National Book stops, 3Tb Pean. avenue, se 16-lm between 11th and 12th streets. Fop tine Holidays, i. 1. BIHVfllft ft CO., MABOI OP Nos. 19 aid SI RaoAD St., Naw Ton* 0PPRR POR SALR AT THRU STORE, 9ST PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, HEAR THIRTEENTH STREET, 5/6N OF THE OLD KNICKERBOCKER, THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Of IMPORTED WINES AND LIQIJOBS TO BE POUND IN THE METROPOLIS. .ALIO. FIFE GROCERIES, CAN GOODS, KITS AND KEGS Ho. 1 MACKEREL, KENNEBEC SALMON, SOUSED * PICKLED LAMBS' TONGUES PIGS' FEET, ENGLISH DUN CODFISH, Together with all the LUXURIES INCIDENT TO THE SEASON __ A M. B. A Co. are also Sola Proprietors ef BIN IN GEE'S ORLEBRATED LONDON DOCK GIN, Pit up in Quart Bottles for medicinal a.. Also, Sola Agents for OLD TOM LONDON CORDIAL GIH. BWA11 articles bought at their store warranted of the first aualtty, aad forwarded to any part of the ttty free of expense. As wa intend to ba permanently located, we f apeetfally request families to give as a eall. ARRAM M. RININORR, HRNRT T. OAPRN. WAaaxaaroi, December. 1882. a. M. RININORR A 90. hare no oonnexloa wit aav other Honae. fig-tf ROLLIN CHURCH. Agent. KENDALL'S 4IMLIVI FOE TM HlIBe a MB OLINE MOISTENS, BEAUTIFIES, ODOEATES, ItENGH THEN8, UfTIGORATES, NOURISHES, EMBELLISHES THE HAIR. KENDALL'S AMBOLINR is a rare compound stimulating extracts from Flowers, Roots, aad Herbs, for the GROWTH, RRAOTY, and PER- MANENT VIGOR of the HAIR. " Highly beneficial where the hair requires gentle stimulantDa, OH ILTON. " Have aever had anything which so perfectly answers the purpose of a hair dressing." WARREN WARD, Ha*., No. 277 Canal street, N. Y. " After being bald for seven yean your AMDO- LINR has covered the eatire scalp with NEW HAIR." Prof. JOHN SHEIA, No. 9* King street, N, T, For sale by all Druggists and Faney Goads Sealers. Put ia boxes, (containing two bottles,) price 91. ' - Manufactaxed and tor sale at wholesale by KENDALL A BANNISTER, olQ-Sm No.Sdfl B*oa ^wav, N. j. OPERA GLIS8E8 . amd FIELD GLAS8B8. Just received, the Sne»f aaiortmeat ever oQer«d in tki» city, bT . FRANKLIN A CO., OFTICUES, , 944 P nnayivante aveaua. bet.teta aad lath sts. rot P. mi sn(k.i s i 3*8 Pennsylvania avea»«v<und*T the National.) * ¦ * . ' VPRBBLttand PaRISOOnO'SFROTAOLRS eorrt ctly auited taevery eyeMght. « i a r *. ft* etaM *f] . - M meter*, 11 In great variety and at the low«at prices PROPOSALS, pBOPOSALB FOB STATIONBET. Post Owes Dipaktmbst. Bept. 15th. "MS. 8s A LID PaoroaaLS will at tho Post Office Department until the 324 <Ur of October next, K12 o'c oek M , for furnishing Stationer? for thia Dep*rtin»at for one year from thsUt day of No¬ vember. 1863. Those uoaceompanied by satisfactory testimonials of abilnv to lttlfil a eootract will not be considered. All the articles maat beDfthe very best quality, ¦ampler of which, containing at lea*t a ream of eacfe Kind of paper. mnat accompany the bide, and the Department reserves the right to retain and pa* for the same at tse price stated in the offer, or to return them, at its option. Iio bid.will be considered wher* the articles ac- company ina it are not of the kind and quality re¬ quired ty the Department, a«d spurious articles will - ubjecl the entire eid to rejection, at the pleas¬ ure of tee Department. The subjoined list specifies, as nearly as can bow be done, the amount, quality, and description oI each of the kinds cf articles that will be wanted. SftimaUd quantity for the year. 10 reams folio poet, eatin or plain finiah, faiat lined and trimmed, to weigh not leas than 17 pound* per ream 40 ream® foolaeap plain, machine, faint lined and trimmed, to weigh not less th*n j2 pounds per ream ^ 10 rea» a foolscap blue laid, faint lined, garden pat- ton, commonly known as despatch or oonsn- lar paper, to weigh not leas than 1* pounds per rf&ni U5 reams quarto *o«t, machine, plain, faint lined. three side*, par ream .1 reams best d' uble cap paper, plain, per ream 101earns cote paper, gilt, per rea*a. large sixe 5 reams note paper, plain, per ream, large aize 10 reama note paper, gilt, per ream, small siae 5 reams cote paper, plain, per ream, small Mae 100 reams envelope paper, yellow and buff, royal, per ream 20reams blottiog paper, royal, per ream 23 gross Perry &. Gillott'a best metallic pens, per <0 gross metallic pens, of other manufactures, per profs , 2 gross large bairel pen handles, rosswood. per gross * 2 gross small barrel pen handles, rosewood, per gross ' 6 grow* steel tipped pen handles, per gross 500 opaqu* quill*. No. 8*. per M 24 dosen Faber's brat black lead pencils, graduated per dozen * 25 dcieo Monroe's or other manufactured, grad¬ uated perdnsen in dozen best red and blue pencila, per dozen 50 folders, ivory, 9 Inch, par dot en ¦«nn dozen red linen tana, assorted, per dosen * 10 dozen silk tartc, colors and wiiths, in hanks, par dozen 20 dozen paper weights, assorted, per dozsn 1 dozen best gold pens, par dozen 6 dozen erasers, Rodger's & gens, ivory handles, genuine, per dosen 8 dosen penknives, Rodger's &. Sons, four blades, bu~fc horn handles, genuine, per dozen 4 d o'..en office shears, il inches, per dozen « (i< yen office scitsora. par dosen lidczen inkstands, Draper's patent moveable tops, per dozen 4 dcien inkstands, cast-iron, large double, per dozen 2 dozen inkstands, cast-iron, single, per doien 2 dozen bronze, spring top inkstands, per dozen 2C0 bottles of ink, black, Maynard 4 Noyes', in quart bottles, per bottle 75 bottles ink, Cooper and Phillips'or equal, per quart bottle 100 bottles ink, zed, Arnold'a, or equal, in \ pint bottles, per bottle 78 pounds sealing wax, best extra superfine,scarlet, 20 pounds India rubber, prepared, per pound A pound* India rubber, unprepared, per pound b«0 quarts black land, per quart 40(1 pounds twine, linen, per pound 100 pounda ine, cotton, per pound 6 dozen rulers, mahoganr, round tr flat, per dozen 2 do/en lignum vita', per dozen 5 pounds sponge, best, per p:>uud iO pounds gum arabic. brat, per yound 5,iou extra large size wniteaahetf re euvelopss, very smooth and thick, 9>* by KM inches square, per hundred 1,000 small size white note adheeive envelopes, par hundred 2 C00 large size white note adhesive envelopes, per hundred 3,0t 0 letter size white adhesive envelopes, per hun¬ dred 25 < on long buff adhesive envelopes, very smooth and thick, 9>£ by 3;-£ inches. p»r hundred 25,o<0 long white or ooff adhesive envelopes, very smooth and thick, for letter and circulars, f>% by 95« inches, per hundred 3,COO bull or white aiheeive letter envelopes, very prnooth and Ibicfc, per hunlred. Tbe adhesive envel< pen must be thickly gummed, a fourth ot an inch wide round the lappels. Bach biedder must furnish with hi* proposals a sample, and but one sum pie of each article bid for. Bach article must be bl>l for. and no more than one price named for any ono article Bias not fully conforming to tbe advertisement rill not be consitered. Tbe terms and condition of the advertisement for stationery are to be incorporated in the eon- tract tor stationery ; and the bead of the Depart¬ ment will, in all cases, Judge whetner the articles tendered by the contractor are of the quality re quited by the contract. The contract will ne awarded to the lowest and bext bidder, and bond and semrity will be required for it« faithful performance. The stationery is to he tarnished as it may be ordertd by the Department, ana at tbe contract prices, whether the quantities exceed or fall ahort of those estimated. . ,. .. , Each proposal must be signed by the individual or firm mak.Lgit and must specify a price and but me price, lor each and every article named in the scbtdule. Should any articles be required which are not enumerated, they are to be furnished at tbe lowes market prices, if the Department shall see fit to order them from the contractor having the contract for elmilar articles; and if the eon tractors and the Department do not wree, then the Department may have the article fnrniahed by any other person or peraons who will fornix it at a price lower than that demanded by the contractor. Blank forms for propoaAla will he furnished at the Department io peiaons applying for them ; and. as without uniformity therein the Department would find it difficult to make a decision, none will ba taken Into cons! leration unless aubatantially agree¬ ing therewith. ,, . t be Department reserves to itself the right of ordering a greater or a leaa quantity of each and every article contrasted for, as the public service may require. Tbe head of the Department will in all oaaea decide Whether the terms of the contract have been eon plied with, and reserves the power to annul the contract upon any failure to oomply in a reaaouable time. Bonds with approved security, are to be given by the person or perauna contracting; and in case of failure to supply the article*, the contractor and hia rfureties shall be liable for the forfeiture speci¬ fied in auch bond as liquidated damages. The contract will be awarded to the loweat and best bidder : the beat bid to be determined after a careful examination for the purpose of ascertaining which bid will, in its practical results, be moat ad¬ vantageous to the Department The Department reserves to itaelf the right to reject any bid where it is apparent that a part of the article* are bid (or at very low and a part at advertisement K. BLAIR, seft-law4w Postmaster General. f^kBDRANCB OfflOB, _ U Wax Dipartmbst, Washi»otoh, October Id, 1863. Ekaibd PaorOBAts will be received at this office Until the 30th day of October next, fcr BANDING and BUSHING the 42-pounder Guns,, at the Ports and Arsenals of the United States In the Atlantic States, amounting in number to SX). more or less. The guns will be delivered at, and removed from the establii hment where the work Is to be done at the coat of the United States. Proposals for those on the Pacific Coast.about to in number.will be reoeived until the 10th of December next: and In the case of these, the guns will be delivered at 8aa Prancisco or its vicinity. . The guns are to be turned down to a true cylin¬ der for tbe length of twenty-seven inches from the rear of the base ring, prepared to take a band of the best wrought iron, the interior diameter of Shieh will be twenty lnohes, and its thickness iree inches. The vent is to be bushed with a new Bash of pure ingot copper, onp inch in diameter and about nins and a half inches long, and bored with a vent of two-tenths of an inch. Drawings of the tand put Watertown Al nal; and at the Mew York Agency. Ho. 4ft Wortn street, city or Mew York : at the Arsenal at Bridra- lurg. Pa.: and at Alleghany Ars*nal.IPittsburg, Pa ; at tbe Port Monroe Arsenal, Va.; Bt. Louis Ars«nal,'Mo.; and Benicia Arsenal, Oal. The work is to be done to the entire satisfaction of the officer who will be appointed to superintend it; and payment will be mads in fall for each gun upon his certificate of inspection and receipt. Proposals will state, the price per gan for the whole operation; describe in detail the manner in which it Is proposed to put on the band; the number they win band per month; and the time which will be required to do the whole work. The method and the time required for doing tbe work, aa well as the price, will be important elements in consid¬ ering the bids and awarding tbe contract. No bids will be considered from any parties but such as are actually engaged in the manufacture of iron and heavy machinery, and who are. in the opinion of this Department, fally prepared to exe¬ cute the work. In tbe cue of parties not known to this Department, evidence to the foregoing effect molt accompany the proposal. Bond, wi h satisfactory sureties to the amount of fifty per oentef the bid, will be required for the fulfillment of the contract; and tbe Government reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. If deemad unsatUfactory. Proposals will be endortad "Proposals for Band ing42 Pounders," an, will be addressed to Brigadier General Ue"r*e D. Kamsgy, Chief of Ordnance, Washiagt n city. GBO. D. KAMSAV, oc 3 eo'd Brig General. Chief of Ordnance pBOPOBALS P OR HOBS KS. . OaYalby Bobxac, > Qfiu of Ou Chit/ QuarUrma sift, > WAfcfiilUTOa, D. C , August ii. B6B. \ PaorosAW are solicited and will be received at to? fer gten Oity, Syracuse, N. Y., or Indianapolis Kington City, Syracu|^ Vroposal" will be conaidertd for the furt-JsMngpf Horn s in lota of not less than twenty five", (25.) The Horsea to he from filter fW to sixteen (lflli .nafStS*1' ra <nrast bg States ~mw ,. . x .la ticroi. ^,4 A PROPOSALS. ptVPOBALI !OS M U L 18. Cm«» Qcauvsrm t8TvR*6 Orrtoi. 1 BntVrr>Ml2rY8Vl«oKil^tPh0*'ir*<l »'. this off"-1* i SBtll TlfSlUl, OCiObtr Jlth It 12n'clnik u tnr furnishing the Get eruuent (2.000) TWO TtfVifT BARD MO LIS t»eo«form to th* foilowmn i SPECI HOATI0N8 . All to be (14) MWIMD hands and oror in haicht j r*'2 "oand, serviceable and sui able for draught pur pot en All to be ever (3) three and under (9) nine years Of BgS. PROPOSALS. Proposals to be for'»*/five hundred and upwa-ds The full name and Post 031 ee address ol the bid¬ der must appear in the proposal. If a bid ia made in the name of a Arm the names of atl the parties mast appear, or the bid will be considered as tbe individual proposal of the party signing it Proposals from disloyal parties will not be con¬ sidered. and an oath of allegiance most accompany each proposition , _ Proposals mast be addressr* to Brigadier Gener¬ al D. H, Rccrbb,Quartermaster U. 8. Army. Wash¬ ington. D. 0.. and sheald be plainly marked "Pro¬ posals for Males " GUABANTEB. The ability of the bidder to fill the contraot > shonlditbe awarded to him, must be guarantied by twe responsible persons, whose signatures are te be appended to the guarantee. The responsibility of the guarantors must ha shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of the United States Dis¬ trict Attorney. Bidders most be present in person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be consid¬ ered. Bonds in the rom of twenty thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder upon signing the oontraet. As the bond must accompany the contract, it will be necessary tfor the bidders to have their bonds¬ men with theL:, or to have bonds signed in antici¬ pation and ready to be produoed when the contract it signed. Blanks for bonds can be procured npon applica¬ tion being made at this offlee, cither personally, by letter, or by telegraph. FORM OP GUARANTEE. We, , of the county of , and Stat* of . and , of tbe county of , and State of ., do hereby guaranty that ia able to fulfil a oontraet in accordance with the terms of his propo-, Bition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, be will at one* enter into n contract in accordance therewith. Should tbe oontraet be awarded to him we are prepared to become his securitiee,and should he fail to sign a contract in accordance with the terms of his bid, we ourselves will become tbe con¬ tracting parties in bis stead. (To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate above mentioned.) INSPECTION. DELIVERY, Ac. A11 Mules contracted for under this advertisement will be subjected to inspection, and tbose not con¬ forming to the specifications will be rejected. The Mules must all be delivered in this city within (25) twenty-five days from the date of signing the contract. Payment to be made upon the completion of the contract, or so soon thereafter as the Chief Quar¬ tet master shall 1 e inf undB Any informality in tbe bid, or non-conformance witb the terms of this advertisement, will ensure the rejection of the proposal. The mules will be awarded in lots of (SKI) five hundred each, unless the Chief Quarter snaster may deem it for tha interest of the frorernmentto vary the lumber. The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids that be may deem too feigh D, H. RUUH1K, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, oc 8-td Depot of Washington. PROPOSALS FOB STOVES, AC. III ADQf A HTER8 DUPARTMBNT OP WlSHIHOTOH, ) OrricB ok CHiir Quarterm*stkr,> W ASHi.NGTOS. Oct. 6 1863. ) Proposals m ill be received at this office until the 2»th instant for furnishing in this city STOVES and HEATERS for use in the Department of Washington, as follows: 28" or uiore wood stoves olr heaters, for heating in the most economical inanneT barracks for troop*. '1 he buildings are each lt*> feet long and feet wide, and the stoves must be of a size sufficient to thoroughly warm them, allowing two stoves for each building. 12.*i or more cooking stoves or ranges, to burn wood, each of capacity to cook for a company of about 147 men. i 5o or it ore very small cook stoves, to burn wood, each sufficient to cook for three or four persons. 2ti or more office stovts, of various sizes, to burn coal * Ali of the stovei, ranges, or heaters must be of approved patterns, and bidders will submit with their proposals an intelligent description of the articles offered, with drawings of the same. Each bidder must attach his full name and p^Rt office address, and the name of all parties interested in the proposal must appear therein. An oath of allegianc e to the Government of the United States uiust accompany eaeh bid. Bids will be opened from time t > time, and con¬ tracts or purchases made as the stoves may be re¬ quired . The rig ia reserved to accept all or any part of any bid. Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals f>r .MORK1NE, Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, oc B-td Department of Washington. SEALED PROPOSALS ARE INVITED TILL the 22d day of October, 1863. at 1J m., for fur- nistiLg tbe Sabsistence Department with it0,000 BARRELS OK FLOUR. Bids will be received for what Is Known as Nos. 1, 2, and 3, and for any portion leu than the Jli.wo barrels. Bids in duplicate for tbe different grades should be upon separate sheets of papor. The delivery of the Flour to be commene&d with¬ in one week from the opening of the bids or as soon thereafter as the Government may direct, at the rate of ton barrels daily, delivered eithtr at the Government wharehouse in Georgetown. at*the wharves, or at the railroad depot, Washington, 0. Payment will be made in certificates of indebted¬ ness, or such other funds as the Government may have for distribution. Tha usual Government inspection will be made Just before tbe Flour received. An aath of allegiance must aoeompauy each bid. No bid will be entertained from parties who have Srevionely tailed to comply with their bids, or from idders aot present to respond. The barrels to be entirely new, aaade vary strong of new materials. Mid head lined. No Flour will be received which is not frsih ground. Bids to be directed to Rol. A. BBCKWITH, A. D, 0 AO. 8., U. S. A , Washington, D 0., and in- dorsed "Proposals for Flour." oc 8-td QRDNANCE OFFICE, DlpARTMBIfT> Wabhingto*. Oct. 1,1853. Ssalbd Proposals will be received at this office until 4 r. m on the 35th of the current month of October, for 100,000 8ETS OF INFANTBY AC¬ COUTREMENTS, calibre 1.58, to be delivered in the following quantities, at tha undernamed ar¬ senals, vis: 30,0 0 sets at the New York Arsenal, Governor's Island. 2ti,noo sets at the Frankfort Arsenal, Bridesburg, Pa. 20,000 sets at the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa. 20.000 sets at the St Louis Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo. 10.0(fc sets at the U. 8. Armory, Springfield, Mass. These accoutrements are to b* made in strict conformity with the regulation patterns, which can be seen at either of the above named arsenals, aud they are to oe subject to inspection at the ar¬ senal where delivered, before being received for the Government; none to be accepted or paid for but such as are approved on inspection. he belts to be of grained leithtr, and all the stock to be the best o»k tanned. 5 he shoulder belt will be in¬ cluded in the set. , .. Deliveries must be made in lots of not;le «1 than 1,000 sets per week for a 1 contracts of 10.000 sets or under; and not less than 2.00f sets per week on all contracts for over lo,W» sets; the jlrst delivery to bemade within fifteen days from date of<*ntrct Failure to deliver at a speeibed time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the amount to be delivered atthat time. The accoutrements must he boxed in the usual manner: the boxes to be charged at cost, to he determined by the inspector. Bidders will state explicitly the arsenal or ar¬ senals where they propose to deliver, and the num¬ ber of tots they propose to deliver at each place, if for more than one. , No bids will be considered from parties other than regular manufacturers of the article, and such as are known to the Department to he fully competent to execute, in their own shops, the work proposed for. Bach party obtaining a Contract wilt he reauired to enter into bonds, with approved spreties, for its faithful fulfillment. The bepartment reserves to itself the right to reject any or all bids if not deemed satisfactory. Proposals will be addressed to "Brigadier Gener¬ al GiiiWK n Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance, Wash¬ ington," and will be endorsed ^'Proposals for In- GI0 D. RIMSiY. oc 8-Th,gat,Tu,8t Brig. Gen.,Chief ofOrdnanoe. CJBALBP PROPOSALU FOR f U RN J 8HI NO THE p Subsistence Department witb (W>) FIVB HUN¬ DRED TOMS OF BALED HAY, axe invited till the 15th day of October, 1863 The Hay to be of tha best quality, and to be delivered at the wharves at Sixth street. The Hay to be weighed at the time of dt livery, and the weight so determined to be the purchase weight. Bids Wul be required in dupli¬ cate, and no hid will be received from parties who ate disloyal, or who have previously failed with oor;tracts made -with tha Government, or from bidders not present to respond. Payment will be made I* "Certificates of Indebtedoess " A coa trsct with a r/x d bond will be required to be entered into. Bids to be directed to eol. A. BBC K- WITH, A. B. C. and 0. 8 ,223 G street. Washing ton. P.O. pROPOSALB FOR BOQFINQ VBLT. OiTiUT BCBBAU, ) Orrioa op OBiar Qoabtbrmastbb, > WAflHiRoro*, D. U.. September », 1«BS.\ titles, as it may be required from time to time, in samples ol tha quality ol fait they propose to fur- t.&liWfSEW."4" JTIBBS, ATTBjmOll f SALS. AUGUSTUS JOHNSON 80 CO. No. 889 PENNSYLVANIA. AVEN'UE, Between IIin Ik ui T#nU» street*, INVITE THE TRADE TO IN8PECT TGSI* 8 TOOK or IMPORTED UD DOMESTIC LIQUORS, WINES, SEQARS, TOBACCO, AND Groceries for the Camp» UNSURPASSED IX A^SORrMEN r AND VABIKTY ¦T ANY STOCK IN THIS CITY. OUR CONTRACTS WITH THE LARGEST PACKERS IB TBI STATES OF MAINE AND NEW JERSEY ENABLE US TO OFFER HERMETICALLY-SEALED MEATS, POULTRY, FISH, * FRUITS, A1TD VEGETABLES, AT N'vW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, AND BALTI¬ MORE MARKET PRICES. BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK constantly on hand. BEING SOLE AGENTS fob THE SALE or MESSRS. FRANK B1NINGER & CO.'S CELEBRATED BOTTLED WINES AND LIQUORS. HOMESTEAD RYE, HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, GOLD MEDAL MADEIRA, GOLD MEDAL SHERRY, GOLD MEDAL COGNAC; RIP VAN WINKLE GIN, VAN TASSELL AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, GOODSPEED A BRO.'S "OLD TOM," WE KEEP THEM BEADY FOB SHIPMENV IN IRON-BOUND CASES CONTAINING FBOM ONE TO SIX DOZEN BACH. WE INVITB CONNOISSEURS TO INSPECT OUB LABGE STOCK or CHAMPAGNE WINES, OF OUB OWN IMPOBTATION, ABO CALL THE ESPECIAL ATTENTION or CONSUMERS TO THE BBAND GRAND vin imperial at m0v3srvx, UNSUBPASSED IN RICHNESS ' i - . 1 akd , DELICIOUS FLAVOR, ,1.' ¦ft i * i £» i-- ¦. - * "7^»C '*.» t j 5 or WHICH ««.».* * \ ' . WE ABB SOLE PROPRIETORS. '«. ... - & ¦ 4 «.. 1 * ... ¦ t ..'* ' flW m t( ;i >>*, tfr" ..I; . - ¦ ;*¦: AC«MT1» JOHMON * 00 ¦- * ¦ s,. ...... Mg tf S89 FoaarrhrukUA


cr<y,~ *.rr~r*r i.

THE EVEN J N<1 STAR.»/" R»h< I rnrrrflia* in Mts«i?»'ppt <*'irn

b<'|HiibIi'0QiiA«f«n|)"acti!''nr)il Uau>.j. o'r.iiib T»o p) ihf Irterw t-. t 'J lM^lyin « rivtne fondi'inn fr«ii rh*- pf!> -t= < t'ra-linti fct tile |;«iw!ki f tvohrii'f! jrtj.-rri'N--. JM.?«« tv pl.-o liroPd tl'f f"»cr tbnt blondimantfs are

u? d in j t, tins: Bet its conscripts. and tnelatter ha\c a<*op'rri fh-- device o* tft- uecroes,t-.y placing mrpfD'inp. <>nion>, red p>-pp«r, fee.,in ih» ir fJicm f. to conceal the ei*nt of their preg-KOif tram Ibc do£e.

r®SrSineeJoLuHrowu has becomeso popnhtr,

M's. John H> ^wt prtstuimes ti> b- r*'n*r over¬bearing- lfc L:.»biiilffe. Mass., on Fridiy, :-he<rav<! birih to twn aotir. and :i daucht r, and allparries are getting on bravely.

tu>~ A countryman named Tyrrell, hailing;In m ( ( niif'riicnt. a lew da\s ago saw th«elf y hant in New York at an expense of 3* 1,000ii: inoiv y and drafts which pi<.-p,d into thepocket ot a fema!** of Wighted virtue.It^lhey pay S'2uii lor a Sioux tcalp in Min¬

nesota.fcriho Kin? of Holland edits a monthly

mngaaine.'1 he Baptists of Philadelphia celebrated

th» >r I5«ih anniversary October*7?h.f/" Pl> mouth harbor, Mass., is to be defend¬

ed t-y eight gnus, mounter! on earthworks.A pair oi Loots in Richmond cost *17.5.

fT'hK.-Tl BEEF._J f. LLTEnS'RpMR, October "tth, 1ST1.

denied Proposals w:il he lec-uve.l nnti ta-« 2 -!if,t October. JStSJ, far fu;nichw<« Fr««h Beef, «»f agf-.-d and y»b Icsome qua-ilj,f»r t:.e usi of taali.uia'.t s r! the SoMiers" Ho:ae. for one yur fromlit. f November nsx*.the B»e* to be delivered atth* C ctrp Market cn ! uss-lays ih-'.rsday*. andF*-.nruay* of srh week in sunn .^nian*-tti « as maybe from tim tr> time required l»y ttu. Secretary an.lTressurer of tbe 1'oiue and in Quarters. with uu

equal proportion of rach.inecka a ad shanks to bein ai cK,*«rK excluded ) IPayment* to b . u-ade monthly, and bind

*¦ cr rijr required for the faithful compli&nca withthe contract.Prop fist* ui'I be erdmr.ed 41 ProB.->R*lsfor Fre*h

Beet. Anl Kd;Ui Rfi to BENJ AMi N K I»i-t»r>< S.iTtj"- !'. Pece'*1 y «.ud Treasurer. SoM i-jrs'Hvme. \V arbington U ity. P. C. oe S-td


V. L£CK*H CcntiuUeo to «ive hie attea i n andcki 1 t<> th Tucin«and Repalrlajr cf Plr..rr«*F, Me)o(S< ons ¦' *»tRMi«fe%1 la thuRw^jJeily mi vie l(-5l. His systeai of Tuning bas'll H *

r«C(iT<vl "b* »pprokation of the most eiuisaatArtfu'a wh.'' bar« ri^fted up, *n<l of this aaci-:^leon'irtfsi ? o jjen-ral Lea*e T°ur r-rdera at JNO¥. BI Llfi' Fiano Ware Rotmc. 306 PeEB. a* an'- 8t>. »c 8-St*

rj7 MlJslOAL INSTKUMSNTS1 MR Cheapeat pl«c« in the Uity to set Mnaiea

Ir.str'.jtr.fDU, sur.b as Guitara, V-.olina, Vhitec. Ae-cor<l»< n1, Bwjm, l"atnb-ori»oa. Drum*. *ife« \ei r . U teelLtr with Instruction Books for alltn-^truL.^, fin* Cinitar ana \ ioton string* id atKOSW iiLL'B Kancy and Military store, SOi g¦tree*.Bear !4th. [i-ao.Chron 1 se:-4 iiut_ CON i ictlONKRY!w The BitdtnitDrG, late of Gaatier's cele-W¥ brsted Confectionery, ha* opened, in tli« ¥* N< rtbem I.ibertias. on I utre-'t. betvoeo 4taand vb » CONraUTIONt*rr and 0Y3TEB SA¬LOON . where Halk and Parties wili r>e forsUhedwith lCfc C PBA\P»t the shortest notice,and at tti^lowest price* bire me a e*U, and I plea^<> mxsulfth«t I will plewe tifc publicpeWltn* F. SHAFKR.

HtfaU^TilTBL'S FINE ART GAL.LERV.-262Pi-nu. airuue. wheve carte de Tisit -s :urr taken

of » nf-w snd V^autifnl style, Havin* recentlyadded new back ground* and scejery to bin Gal¬lery , I* now prepared to *uit the mo»t 'a^ltliouj.Those in *rarch of gnud picturen should rernenber th» nnmt>er.S6a, as his pictures are i^miredby all lorer* r>f the art «»2-lra*



Corner He^toth *tre'-t a t l v,anal.ICKOHY, OAK. AND PINE W j>-D for **¦«cord leng tl cheap, by N. C. McE 'JEW.

Corner Pe"enth atree* *al OaiitiitOAL ! C OaLII COAL V.'.^ Of all KIH i)F. on hand,


Uniou Fire Wood Mill,pe9 Corner SereDth street »r1 CSn*'



Capital.ft.500.000.K^This Bake, o«Hnia<>d nnder tha National

Banking Lawofth>^aj* Congt ess, is opened taiaday for the tran»actoon of bu' mess, at the cornerof Fifteenth and F streets.eppoit* Treasury De-partmeiit. H. D COOKE. President.Wm. 8. BPSTiKQtQg. Caahisr. seal tf

F_LRBT WARDOYSTER DEPOT.// strtrt, btlu-etn Ttrtntit h and Twenty first sts.,WasBiaaroa, D C.Families supplied with the very best OYSTERS

that ean be procured in this maiket.OYSTERS will be fornished in anyiquantity. PICKLEDOYSTERS alwayson band¦7* All orders prosaytly attended to

_se 28 2w* G. COACKLEY.

A MARBLE MANTELS.Large assortment constantly on hand and For

Sale low for cash Person* wiahing to purchase,vill please eall and examine my stoek on b>nd.NICHOLAS ACKRK,se>fi lm* eor E and New Jer»ey arenae.

JAY COOKE fc CO.,BANKERS,Nc. 45a Fifteenth Street.

ws shall oovrunra to rcuinUNITED 8TATE8

FIYS- TWENTY BONDSat par until fortfler notloe.

V Persons desiring information eoneerning thisloan ean procure at our eoanter, or ayon applicationby mail, circulars answering all aneellona outmayarise. ..




JAY OOOKE ft OO., Bankers,aat-tf499 Fifteentk street.


It you would obtain immediate relief fromdistressing complaint, tryDB. WITFIELD'8

VEGETABLE PILLS.This Is a long tried and throroughly tested reme

dy, sad has never yet kited to eare. Do not suffsr when then is a remedy within reach.Sold by 8. 0. FORD, 990 Pennsylvania avenue

Washington, and by H. 000K, Alexandria, Va.Beat to any addrees by mail. Prioe M cents yer

Box. For sale by all Druggists.J. YOUNG, Proprietor,

IT 14 8m No. 491 Broadway. N. T.MET'S COBN SALVE.E1


» cent boxes for Corns only.00 cent boxer for Oorns and Bunions.Bent by mail by D& *. BMBT.

SOI Broadway, N. T.For sale in Washington byB. CALVEBT POBD, Druggist,

se7-lm 990 Penn. avenue

ORPUANb' OUDjlTJVI. 96tu. 1963 .Di*:tritt Columbia. Washington County, To-urit:In thecsseof Hagh Murray,administrator of MaryMurray, dec d, the administrator aforeeaid ha*.withthe approbation of the Orphaaa'0 mrt of Wash¬ington county aforesaid.appointed frATUBDAY.the17th day of October, 1S6S. for the final sattieaentand dUtribttioa of the personal estate of said de-eeasea. aadofthe assets in hand, as Car as the samehave been collected and turned into monay; whenand where all tbe ereditcrs axd heirs of said de¬ceased are notified to attend, (at tbe Orphans'Court of Ws*bLngtoneoanty aforesaid,) with theirclaims properly vouched, or they may otherwiseby law be eicludtd from all benefit in said de¬ceased's estate: provided a copy of this order bepublishtd once a week for three weeks in the DailyEveting Star, previous to the raid i7<h day of Oc¬tober, IHM. Test: Z. C. BOBBINS,se 'A lswSw* Register of Wills.

ORPHANS' COURT. Disteict or Oolomiha.Covn/v, to uu:.In the caie ofSusannah D.Uow. adaii^i»t*atr»x of Wm. Dlllow,deceased xthe admlnLtratilx aforesaid hss.wita theayprobattonof the Otphaiij Court of Washingtoncounty aforesaid, sppointel TUESDAY, the 13th

day of October, 13®, for the final oettiemeat anddist'ibutian of tbe personal estate of said tfeseased,and of tbe aseiita in hand, aa far as the sane have.»» w »» .¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦»! h me sa ne Darebeen ecllected and turatd into money; when andwhere all the ersditors and heirs of said deceasedare notified to attend, (at the Orphans' OonrtofWaehiagtoa county, aforesaid,) witb their claimsproperly vouched or they may otherwise by law beexcluded from all benefit ie said 4eeea«ed'se tate :provided a copy of this order be aub'ished once aweek for thrteweeke in the Dally Evening Star,prey ious to the said 13th day of October. NWS

Zi O. a- law»w* Register ofWilM.

This IB TO eiVM NOTICE, That the sahscri-ber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of

Washington county, lathe District of Columbia,letter* of administration on the personal estate ofMrs. Matilda fowler, late of Georgetown, in said

exhibit the same, with tbe vouchers thereof, to the

tfcs»th day of Beptewbar,MBsT cSBIETIAN A EURM4NNTROUT,eeSU-lawfw* AAminiatratrix.


JOHN H. BXBD, Measurer ofWork and Material

ylanaj , ; se U im*

^ V -«BM9KMtWCWWKt' r

BI>rCATIONAt».\Ulfri>«>K JcVjLbB A 0 A U *M Y,

BOA K)>l N (¦ PCHOOL. /or B y», in a quietfcealU-y vii-ag* *: m.les fr >» W%-.hiBf :«»o byfcreuth ..ttewt i;o»d For c*t* n?a*3, address atBrtckeville. Md. IC. B. PRMTYMAN. A. M..

.i IS In Pr.nmpat:V| lB8~iiKOOkK'« KNHLImi AND FRENCHlv| Boar ire uni Iay £ch©i».No. l'»0 Penn. av.,hnT«>u hfcildmg*. Th» i>iota,)«r tM irvmitenth '

^.TPi-ftDt-ua! of it.,s Infl'itaUoa will toa-nitre* on Mot nay, rerteriher *>th, 13AJ Circulars

t« obtained at the bo-rkftores and of thn F-ria-rip*l .<? 14-5T1* ;

iVJ K. H. TOWN SEND 00N 11* CEsTaFTSR 4 ii'l o'clock p »c. > to ifive lessons in thn Art of !Filling abd Playirir tbe Pianoforte and Or*,-*u.Ajjpvat No. 420 N str« et, near lith, oradiress iUyrvcsh the P O. na S ;m* !fikOROhlOWN |U FEMALE SEMINARY,

A noA R DING A A l> D f > SCHOOL.1 51 W*Sf fcTRSEr. 0MMITOWII, O. 0.

The dnties of this institution will bt resumedM ;C-2ay. Sept. 7th Cir-juiirs may be obtained atti'f Bookstores, and by addres*iuir*» a»-»o7m* M * H AKKQVBg, Principal,

f I ''lilt UNIONI FEMALE ACADEMY,Corvr nf UJA etr#»».?ii«f Xerc Vorfr ««.»**.

The Fcurti entta Armail hnrrian cowapn^s Sup-teiuber 7, IMS .

Circoler* st the Bookstores. eu 17-tf

~MILITARY SO BSTITUTES.^UBSTlTLTRH' H E A L>4U A KTBKS .Th« hi*b-^ est prices will be paid for »U Bi*TITD7Sa forl-RAFTED r>en. Those in want of Substitutes willflu* it to their interest to apu'y at tba "Itilnlli-(fence and Real Estate Ofice," No. 511 Ninth St..uear Pennsylvania 10tf N. H. MILLER


Kj. 464 10TB 8T., BETWEEN 1) AND B,W*»ll!!iriT(IK ClTT.


ITT Ai.wits UlKD.Iff ME Ai.f» at all hours < nd in every style,a bUIT OF K00M8 for rept. cms 6 1m*




Pall u4 Winter ClethinfAND

Cent's FiribklBfJ. H. SMITH,

460 SSYIWTH STREET.IBTN. B..8ampla Goods fcr Custom Work,

llonsek nepers, and those who contemplate fur-nixhing, \vill tind the lurxeet and beet assorteUstock of

CABINET FURNITUREsooth of Nfw York, anil at prices which defy eom-r-etiiion. We solicit yoni piitronare. promisingbaigaiiis to all

ROTELER k WILL?0N,Iron Hall, No 31!* PenniylTani^ a*enn«.

r.c 3-lm.if between 9tn and loth sts.

| ' L 0 R I 0 U 8 N K W 8 110.000 LAEIK3 MBN,A CO ILOHEN WANTED


.»06 Stvtnlh \trtei. vtttltT Odd Felines' Hrr> bay tocie of tht>e girat barjfuius which ^o areenabled to offer « follows :

Ladies' LaLMOHAL' . £] 25 to S3,hiicifH'G-il i'ER.s to -32 st',La'ti<-»' 3LlJ'PlilSi.-. jTO. *o If' a".',(;hi!iiren8'tD'H8,25' to il25,ANCLET8, frtc to Si,MtnV and Boys' I'eedfl and Bewed BOOTS,MIOK8 and (<infcK».tt a!! pricesIff Our Motto."We try to please.

L HKlLBRTTN A. CO.,Oc 1 2w* 506 7th St.. und«r Udii Fallows' Hall._

nFAKF. NOTICE . p X.1 R. Grnuiue Fit. foidicrw othxr* whoicre >i ptrnFfc literature 1Uh3 hb vn*ll as Racy,fchc-nld tfce Fine i^ew Bcoks just issued byMf>eiakV£K£Tr h Ci). Tlit-y »rt perfect vj«tnsher? censtitnt'.' a unigOr lit-rsry u.-ieiualled by any>-11 ii- roonced. eaciiBoca Contains ltii PAGitd of'.BAir >o Maitbk aid are .embeIli«hed wita b«iuti-iUi cue;siicj{F, cirrl'".T d>-sijr.»d and (frawnbyr»* >v. Art'stn. The Firi Boj>V« will he Rent Fkkbby E*nefrsow receipt of §7 (fl'T! Al^o," Ths Mis-ceilauwu* I'auornmc Pac^aite" fbunny. Phac-tiouM md Pi.acor,cnut »i'-« Sketches Hnng«, A-;ros-t.cs. CoLUt.dronj.-f, Kusra^irxs Card Pbototjraphs.<-tc ' etc !.' Price with Card 35 centf : without cardi»cei.ts. W ..I KVRiiKtr & CO ,

f<c1 lw* 7 ,'t Nat-tan st.. New YorkIV s A KM.K, CKAN1 1'k7 BROWN PTON eT aND1** NvxHTH HIVRR BLU* 8T0NE WORK, oon-sttrt'y a anisf8ctar.d to order, at the shortesti.ot c. afj'l lowyet ca»h prices All kinds of Tillingacu KlavirinK furnished n;xi laid with despatch.

MUilOLAS ACKBRs -Jfi !m* cor E at;l N«w Jersey avenue.

I 111* DBA» r ! THk DRAFTT"18 Now all over, and t very one can now look yoangand yay iifua. An those who wish to change tbesbact or color of the Hair should call and getsbottle ot B08WFLL 4 WARN IK'S COLORIFICFOH COLORING THE HAIR. It will certainlyrhautte tbe Hat' or Whiskers to a beautiful Brownor Blutk, witnout any wash or preparation what¬ever

It ia peccl arly adapted to Ladifa'use. It ie aosimple that it can be auplied by any one, with butlittle trouble. an1 witnect entaniflin* the Hair,For tale at BOSWELL'S Faucy ani Military alore,No .102 A street, near 14th.ae24 1m | Pun. Chron.]

'j' 0 THE P U B L 1 C .

We call your attention to tbe EXCEL3IOBCITY EXPRESS, for the delivery of Packages,B*Ktr»*e.acd Merchandise. Having slates hangiu all tte principal stores at convenient iiataneeethroughout tbe city, where orders may be left, will be attended to promptly. Our driventake orders from tie slates every hour, therebyraving persons from walking n long distance toleave directions for baggage to b« taken to theDepot and other points. Trunks entrusted to tkUExpress wil be taken care of till the owners claimthem and receive their checks. Principal Office413 Peon, avenue. corne» 211m* W M. BAftRY A 0Q.,Proptra.1VEW 8lN»INft CLASS WILL B1 OPEN ED BYi> Prof. ALEXANDER WOLOWdBI at hU resk.ence No 316 F street, corner of 11th, by hisnew and simplified system. All those wfco woulddesire to Join that Sue class both ladies and gen-tlemen.will call daily between U aad 1 o'clock p:m.. when their voices will be tried. se 15 2w







orCHOICE DESCRIPTION ANDGREAT VARIETY,JUST RECEIVED.Ladies will oblige me by calling and examining

By stock of new VALL and WINTER GOODS be-fore purchasing, as we wish to show our goods,feeling confident they will

FRANKLIN ETCHISON'S,No. 12 Center Market Space,se 8 1mbetween 8th and gth sts.

j^OMETHING NEW VOR THE LADIES.vmrs foyITpatentCORSET SKIRT SUPPORTERis what tbe name implies, and combining in a neatand simple form tbe quality of both. Itisregardedby physicians and others, oumpetent to Judge of itsmerits, with marked favor, and highly recom¬mended

For tale wholeiale and retail byWM. R. RILEY & BRO..Bole Agents for this Di»trict and theState of Maryland,a/" No. 36 " Central Stores/' opposite CenterMarket. se I9-lm


GOODS, PACKAGES. AND BAGGAGE, iThroughout the CRt^ Qeoreetown, and to thtf |LOW AND REGULAR RATES.We check all baggage to be delivered at Railroad.

*N08T CO.,SI Louiriana Avimue, between 8th aad 7th streetsse IS-las .


O ; . EEOMKENOALL GREEN.Samples of these AJuwu Gv«»ismay baeeeaatWiStTCT.S.Tn'MEoeive prompt atteateoa._9 bey may also be hut «»



W"Otm*rmi Ordara, N» W-The Adjutant 0«p»nl will provide u approprl.

itt n-iiti of honor for Un trcopewho, *ft#r theiiprttin* of their theirwrrlOMto the QoTwunest in the present emergen*T, *ndalso tor the volunteertroopefrom otherStates thath«vt volunteered their flarviea la the States ofPenpaylvanla and Maryland.By order ofthe Secretary ofWtf,

S. 1>. TOWNSRND,je 90 Aaaistant Adjutant finanl


QfIm Ckuf Qnarttrwuuter, May SI, 1868.iniuii n A«miouLTD*AL iKruimi, Gap-

em gains, are requested to furnish thisoKeeprice lists of the varioua articles of their trade.Thehum shonld be directed to Lieutenant Colo¬

nel Elias M. duisi, Chie Quartermaster, De¬railment of Washington. mj 8S-t<

1X7AB DEPARTMENT,T f Wasxtvoto«, January a, eoa*e«ueaoe of the pressure of butineas atthe

war Department, peaces for elttsens to visit thearmy ofthe Potomas will bo given at the ofSoe ofi>«eat. Col. Coinad. 139 Pennsylvania arenasabove Nineteenth street.

GAS FITTING, Jtc.GAS FIITWRMS.Ill Have In Store, and are daily reoeivtng,OASfIXTT7RES of entirely New Patterns and Deaigniir i finish .superior In stylo to anything heretofore.j£ej«d ia thia market.

We invito citizens generally to eall and examinesax stock ofGAS andWATER PIXTUEE8, feelingconfident that wt have the beet aelooted stock iaWashington,CW All Work la the above line intrusted to oarcare will be promptly attended to.aar l-tf flRS A McGHAN, STS D street,


This pleasant and popular Cough Remedy hasbera to k>Dg known and extensively used that mostpertone have become familiar with its extraordinaryrfflrscy. It can be bad at all the pr^cipal DrugStorea at IS and 60 cents a bottle. se ao-fcn"




Zt sells very rapidly, and Is the most eoonomiealarticle of diet for the offlcer's mess. It ia preparedin one minute, aad makes a most delicious Soup orChowder.It is highly recommended by Army Burgeons.The profits are large. Por tale by

BARBOUR A 8EMMS8, Bole Agents,63 Louisiana Avenue,

ae 2-lyWashington, D. 0.

Important Fasts Worth Knowing*AT THE NATIONAL. BOOKSTORE,

STS Pennsylvania Avenue,Between 11th and 12th sts.

YOU CAN BUY:Three 60 eent Novels for 91,Six 36 eent Novels for 91,Eight Photograph Album Cards for 91,Three 50 cent Stationery Packages for 91,Six 25 cent Stationery Packages for 91.60 eent Rooka from 28 to 46 cents,91 Book a from 60 cents to 90 oeuts, I91.16 Beoka from 66 eenta to 91-15,91.60 Books from 76 cents to 91.40,92 Books from 91 to 91-W.95 Books from 92 60 to 94 76,A large lot of Books at half prica.


priees,.ST" "'Quick sales and small profits."¦QT Orders by mail promptly attended to.

WM. F. RICHSTEIN'SNational Bookstops, 3Tb Pean. avenue,

se 16-lm between 11th and 12th streets.

Fop tine Holidays,i. 1. BIHVfllft ft CO.,








Together with all theLUXURIES INCIDENT TO THE SEASON__ A M. B.A Co. are also Sola Proprietors


Pit up in Quart Bottles for medicinal a..Also, Sola Agents for

OLD TOM LONDON CORDIAL GIH.BWA11 articles bought at their store warranted

ofthe first aualtty, aad forwardedtoany part ofthettty free of expense.As wa intend to ba permanently located, wef

apeetfally request families to give as a eall.ARRAM M. RININORR,HRNRT T. OAPRN.

WAaaxaaroi, December. 1882.a. M. RININORR A 90. hare no oonnexloa wit

aav other Honae.fig-tf ROLLIN CHURCH. Agent.






THE HAIR.KENDALL'S AMBOLINR is a rare compoundstimulating extracts from Flowers, Roots, aadHerbs, for the GROWTH, RRAOTY, and PER-MANENT VIGOR of the HAIR." Highly beneficial where the hair requires

gentle stimulantDa, OHILTON." Have aever had anything which so perfectly

answers the purpose of a hair dressing."WARREN WARD, Ha*.,

No. 277 Canal street, N. Y." After being bald for seven yean your AMDO-

LINR has covered the eatire scalp with NEWHAIR." Prof. JOHN SHEIA,No. 9* King street, N, T,

For sale by all Druggists and Faney GoadsSealers. Put ia boxes, (containing two bottles,)price 91. ' -

Manufactaxed and tor sale at wholesale byKENDALL A BANNISTER,

olQ-Sm No.Sdfl B*oa^wav, N. j.OPERA GLIS8E8 .


Just received, the Sne»f aaiortmeat ever oQer«din tki» city, bT .


944 P nnayivante aveaua. bet.teta aad lath sts.rot P. mi sn(k.i s i3*8 Pennsylvania avea»«v<und*T the National.)* ¦ * . '

VPRBBLttand PaRISOOnO'SFROTAOLRSeorrt ctly auited taevery eyeMght. « i a r*. ft* etaM *f] .

- M

meter*, 11

In great variety and at the low«at prices


Post Owes Dipaktmbst. Bept. 15th. "MS.8sALID PaoroaaLS will b« at tho PostOffice Department until the 324 <Ur of October next,K12 o'c oek M , for furnishing Stationer? for thiaDep*rtin»at for one year from thsUt day of No¬vember. 1863. Those uoaceompanied by satisfactorytestimonials of abilnv to lttlfil a eootract will notbe considered.All the articles maat beDfthe very best quality,¦ampler of which, containing at lea*t a ream ofeacfe Kind of paper. mnat accompany the bide, andthe Department reserves the right to retain andpa* for the same at tse price stated in the offer, orto return them, at its option.Iio bid.will be considered wher* the articles ac-company ina it are not of the kind and quality re¬quired ty the Department, a«d spurious articleswill - ubjecl the entire eid to rejection, at the pleas¬ure of tee Department.The subjoined list specifies, as nearly as can bowbe done, the amount, quality, and description oIeach of the kinds cf articles that will be wanted.

SftimaUd quantity for the year.10 reams folio poet, eatin or plain finiah, faiat linedand trimmed, to weigh not leas than 17pound* per ream40 ream® foolaeap plain, machine, faint lined andtrimmed, to weigh not less th*n j2 poundsper ream^10 rea»a foolscap blue laid, faint lined, garden pat-ton, commonly known as despatch or oonsn-lar paper, to weigh not leas than 1* poundsper rf&niU5 reams quarto *o«t, machine, plain, faint lined.three side*, par ream.1 reams best d' uble cap paper, plain, per ream101earns cote paper, gilt, per rea*a. large sixe5 reams note paper, plain, per ream, large aize10 reama note paper, gilt, per ream, small siae5 reams cote paper, plain, per ream, small Mae100 reams envelope paper, yellow and buff, royal,per ream20reams blottiog paper, royal, per ream23 gross Perry &. Gillott'a best metallic pens, per<0 gross metallic pens, of other manufactures, perprofs ,

2 gross large bairel pen handles, rosswood. pergross *

2 gross small barrel pen handles, rosewood, pergross '

6 grow* steel tipped pen handles, per gross500 opaqu* quill*. No. 8*. per M24 dosen Faber's brat black lead pencils, graduatedper dozen *

25 dcieo Monroe's or other manufactured, grad¬uated perdnsenin dozen best red and blue pencila, per dozen50 folders, ivory, 9 Inch, par doten¦«nn dozen red linen tana, assorted, per dosen *

10 dozen silk tartc, colors and wiiths, in hanks, pardozen20 dozen paper weights, assorted, per dozsn1 dozen best gold pens, par dozen6 dozen erasers, Rodger's & gens, ivory handles,genuine, per dosen8 dosen penknives, Rodger's &. Sons, four blades,bu~fc horn handles, genuine, per dozen4 d o'..en office shears, il inches, per dozen« (i< yen office scitsora. par dosenlidczen inkstands, Draper's patent moveable tops,per dozen4 dcien inkstands, cast-iron, large double, perdozen2 dozen inkstands, cast-iron, single, per doien2 dozen bronze, spring top inkstands, per dozen2C0 bottles of ink, black, Maynard 4 Noyes', inquart bottles, per bottle75 bottles ink, Cooper and Phillips'or equal, perquart bottle100 bottles ink, zed, Arnold'a, or equal, in \ pintbottles, per bottle78 pounds sealing wax, best extra superfine,scarlet,20 pounds India rubber, prepared, per poundA pound* India rubber, unprepared, per poundb«0 quarts black land, per quart40(1 pounds twine, linen, per pound100 pounda t« ine, cotton, per pound6 dozen rulers, mahoganr, round tr flat, per dozen2 do/en lignum vita', per dozen5 pounds sponge, best, per p:>uudiO pounds gum arabic. brat, per yound5,iou extra large size wniteaahetf re euvelopss, verysmooth and thick, 9>* by KM inches square,

per hundred1,000 small size white note adheeive envelopes, parhundred2 C00 large size white note adhesive envelopes, perhundred3,0t 0 letter size white adhesive envelopes, per hun¬

dred25 < on long buff adhesive envelopes, very smooth and

thick, 9>£ by 3;-£ inches. p»r hundred25,o<0 long white or ooff adhesive envelopes, very

smooth and thick, for letter and circulars,f>% by 95« inches, per hundred3,COO bull or white aiheeive letter envelopes, very

prnooth and Ibicfc, per hunlred.Tbe adhesive envel< pen must be thickly gummed,

a fourth ot an inch wide round the lappels.Bach biedder must furnish with hi* proposals asample, and but one sum pie of each article bid for.Bach article must be bl>l for. and no more thanone price named for any ono articleBias not fully conforming to tbe advertisementrill not be consitered.Tbe terms and condition of the advertisement

for stationery are to be incorporated in the eon-tract tor stationery ; and the bead of the Depart¬ment will, in all cases, Judge whetner the articlestendered by the contractor are of the quality requited by the contract.The contract will ne awarded to the lowest and

bext bidder, and bond and semrity will be requiredfor it« faithful performance.The stationery is to he tarnished as it may be

ordertd by the Department, ana at tbe contractprices, whether the quantities exceed or fall ahortof those estimated.

. ,. .. ,Each proposal must be signed by the individualor firm mak.Lgit and must specify a price andbut me price, lor each and every article named inthe scbtdule. Should any articles be requiredwhich are not enumerated, they are to be furnishedat tbe lowes market prices, ifthe Department shallsee fit to order them from the contractor havingthe contract for elmilar articles; and if the eontractors and the Department do not wree, then theDepartment may have the article fnrniahed by anyother person or peraons who will fornix it at aprice lower than that demanded by the contractor.Blank forms for propoaAla will he furnished at theDepartment io peiaons applying for them ; and. aswithout uniformity therein the Department wouldfind it difficult to make a decision, none will bataken Into cons! leration unless aubatantially agree¬ing therewith.

,, .

t be Department reserves to itself the right ofordering a greater or a leaa quantity of each andevery article contrasted for, as the public servicemay require.Tbe head of the Department will in all oaaea decideWhether the terms of the contract have been eonplied with, and reserves the power to annul the

contract upon any failure to oomply in a reaaouabletime.Bonds with approved security, are to be given bythe person or perauna contracting; and in case offailure to supply the article*, the contractor andhia rfureties shall be liable for the forfeiture speci¬fied in auch bond as liquidated damages.The contract will be awarded to the loweat andbest bidder : the beat bid to be determined after a

careful examination for the purpose of ascertainingwhich bid will, in its practical results, be moat ad¬vantageous to the DepartmentThe Department reserves to itaelf the right to

reject any bid where it is apparent that a part ofthe article* are bid (or at very low and a part at

advertisement K. BLAIR,seft-law4w Postmaster General.

f^kBDRANCB OfflOB, _U Wax Dipartmbst,Washi»otoh, October Id, 1863.Ekaibd PaorOBAts will be received at this officeUntil the 30th day of October next, fcr BANDINGand BUSHING the 42-pounder Guns,, at the Portsand Arsenals ofthe United States In the AtlanticStates, amounting in number to SX). more or less.The guns will be delivered at, and removed fromthe establii hment where the work Is to be done atthe coat ofthe United States.Proposals for those on the Pacific Coast.aboutto in number.will be reoeived until the 10th ofDecember next: and In the case of these, the gunswill be delivered at 8aa Prancisco or its vicinity.

. The guns are to be turned down to a true cylin¬der for tbe length oftwenty-seven inches from therear of the base ring, prepared to take a band ofthe best wrought iron, the interior diameter ofShieh will be twenty lnohes, and its thicknessiree inches.The vent is to be bushed witha new Bash ofpureingot copper, onp inch in diameter and about nins

and a half inches long, and bored with a vent oftwo-tenths of an inch.Drawings of

the tand putWatertown Alnal; and at the Mew York Agency. Ho. 4ft Wortnstreet, city or Mew York : at the Arsenal at Bridra-lurg. Pa.: and at Alleghany Ars*nal.IPittsburg,Pa ; at tbe Port Monroe Arsenal, Va.; Bt. LouisArs«nal,'Mo.; and Benicia Arsenal, Oal.The work is to be done to the entire satisfactionof the officer who will be appointed to superintendit; and payment will be mads in fall for each gun

upon his certificate of inspection and receipt.Proposals will state, the price per gan for the

whole operation; describe in detail the manner inwhich it Is proposed to put on the band; the numberthey win band per month; and the time which willbe required to do the whole work. The methodand the time required for doing tbe work, aa wellas the price, will be important elements in consid¬ering the bids and awarding tbe contract.No bids will be considered from any parties but

such as are actually engaged in the manufactureof iron and heavy machinery, and who are. in theopinion of this Department, fally prepared to exe¬cute the work. In tbe cue of parties not known tothis Department, evidence to the foregoing effectmolt accompany the proposal.Bond, wi h satisfactory sureties to the amount of

fifty per oentef the bid, will be required for thefulfillment of the contract; and tbe Governmentreserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. Ifdeemad unsatUfactory.Proposals will be endortad "Proposals for Band

ing42 Pounders," an, will be addressed to BrigadierGeneral Ue"r*e D. Kamsgy, Chief of Ordnance,Washiagt n city. GBO. D. KAMSAV,oc 3 eo'd Brig General. Chief of Ordnance

pBOPOBALS P OR HOBS KS.. OaYalby Bobxac, >

Qfiu of Ou Chit/ QuarUrma sift, >WAfcfiilUTOa, D. C , August ii. B6B. \PaorosAW are solicited and will be received at


gten Oity, Syracuse, N. Y., or IndianapolisKington City, Syracu|^Vroposal" will be conaidertd for the furt-JsMngpfHorn s in lota of not less than twenty five", (25.)The Horsea to he from filter fW to sixteen (lflli


ra <nrast bgStates~mw ,. . x

.la ticroi. ^,4A


Cm«» Qcauvsrm t8TvR*6 Orrtoi. 1

BntVrr>Ml2rY8Vl«oKil^tPh0*'ir*<l »'. this off"-1* iSBtll TlfSlUl, OCiObtr Jlth It 12n'clnik u tnrfurnishing the Get eruuent (2.000) TWO TtfVifTBARD MO LIS t»eo«form to th* foilowmn iSPECIHOATI0N8 .

All to be (14) MWIMD hands and oror in haicht jr*'2 "oand, serviceable andsui able for draught purpot enAll to be ever (3) three and under (9) nine yearsOf BgS.

PROPOSALS.Proposals to be for'»*/five hundred and upwa-dsThe full name and Post 031 ee address ol the bid¬der must appear in the proposal.If a bid ia made in the name of a Arm the namesof atl the parties mast appear, or the bid will beconsidered as tbe individual proposal of the partysigning itProposals from disloyal parties will not be con¬sidered. and an oath of allegiance most accompanyeach proposition , _Proposals mast be addressr* to Brigadier Gener¬al D. H, Rccrbb,Quartermaster U. 8. Army. Wash¬ington. D. 0.. and sheald be plainly marked "Pro¬posals for Males "

GUABANTEB.The ability of the bidder to fill the contraot >shonlditbe awarded to him, must be guarantiedby twe responsible persons, whose signatures arete be appended to the guarantee.The responsibility of the guarantors must hashown by the official certificate of the Clerk ofthenearest District Court or of the United States Dis¬trict Attorney.Bidders most be present in person when the bidsare opened, or their proposals will not be consid¬ered.Bonds in the rom of twenty thousand dollars,signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors,will be required of the successful bidder uponsigning the oontraet.As the bond must accompany the contract, it willbe necessary tfor the bidders to have their bonds¬

men with theL:, or to have bonds signed in antici¬pation and ready to be produoed when the contractit signed.Blanks for bonds can be procured npon applica¬tion being made at this offlee, cither personally,by letter, or by telegraph.

FORM OP GUARANTEE.We, , of the county of , and Stat* of. and , of tbe county of , and State of .,do hereby guaranty that ia able to fulfil aoontraet in accordance with the terms of his propo-,Bition, and that, should his proposition be accepted,be will at one* enter into n contract in accordancetherewith. Should tbe oontraet be awarded to himwe are prepared to become his securitiee,and shouldhe fail to sign a contract in accordance with theterms of his bid, we ourselves will become tbe con¬tracting parties in bis stead.

(To this guarantee must be appended the officialcertificate above mentioned.)INSPECTION. DELIVERY, Ac.A11 Mules contracted for under this advertisementwill be subjected to inspection, and tbose not con¬forming to the specifications will be rejected.The Mules must all be delivered in this city within(25) twenty-five days from the date of signing thecontract.

Payment to be made upon the completion of thecontract, or so soon thereafter as the Chief Quar¬tet master shall 1 e inf undBAny informality in tbe bid, or non-conformancewitb the terms of this advertisement, will ensurethe rejection of the proposal.The mules will be awarded in lots of (SKI) fivehundred each, unless the Chief Quarter snastermaydeem it for tha interest of the frorernmentto varythe lumber.The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself theright to reject any or all bids that be may deem too

feigh D, H. RUUH1K,Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster,oc8-td Depot of Washington.


OrricB ok CHiir Quarterm*stkr,>W ASHi.NGTOS. Oct. 6 1863. )Proposals m ill be received at this office untilthe 2»th instant for furnishing in this city STOVESand HEATERS for use in the Department ofWashington, as follows:

28" or uiore wood stoves olr heaters, for heatingin the most economical inanneT barracks for troop*.'1 he buildings are each lt*> feet long and 2» feetwide, and the stoves must be of a size sufficient tothoroughly warm them, allowing two stoves foreach building.

12.*i or more cooking stoves or ranges, to burnwood, each of capacity to cook for a company ofabout 147 men. i

5o or it ore very small cook stoves, to burn wood,each sufficient to cook for three or four persons.2ti or more office stovts, of various sizes, to burn

coal *Ali of the stovei, ranges, or heaters must be ofapproved patterns, and bidders will submit withtheir proposals an intelligent description of thearticles offered, with drawings of the same.Each bidder must attach his full name and p^Rtoffice address, and the name of all parties interested

in the proposal must appear therein.An oath of allegianc e to the Government of the

United States uiust accompany eaeh bid.Bids will be opened from time t > time, and con¬

tracts or purchases made as the stoves may be re¬quired .

The rig ia reserved to accept all or any part ofany bid.Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals f>r

.MORK1NE,Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster,oc B-td Department of Washington.SEALED PROPOSALS ARE INVITED TILL

the 22d day of October, 1863. at 1J m., for fur-nistiLg tbe Sabsistence Department with it0,000BARRELS OK FLOUR.Bids will be received for what Is Known as Nos.

1, 2, and 3, and for any portion leu than theJli.wo barrels.Bids in duplicate for tbe different grades shouldbe upon separate sheets of papor.The delivery of the Flour to be commene&d with¬

in one week from the opening of the bids or as soonthereafter as the Government may direct, at therate of ton barrels daily, delivered eithtr at theGovernment wharehouse in Georgetown. at*thewharves, or at the railroad depot, Washington,D¦ 0.Payment will be made in certificates of indebted¬

ness, or such other funds as the Government mayhave for distribution.Tha usual Government inspection will be made

Just before tbe Flour i« received.An aath of allegiance must aoeompauy each bid.No bid will be entertained from parties who have

Srevionely tailed to comply withtheir bids, or fromidders aot present to respond.The barrels to be entirely new, aaade vary strongof new materials. Mid head lined. No Flour will be

received which is not frsih ground.Bids to be directed to Rol. A. BBCKWITH, A. D,0 AO. 8., U. S. A , Washington, D 0., and in-

dorsed "Proposals for Flour." oc 8-td


Wabhingto*. Oct. 1,1853.Ssalbd Proposals will be received at this officeuntil 4 r. m on the 35th of the current month ofOctober, for 100,000 8ETS OF INFANTBY AC¬COUTREMENTS, calibre 1.58, to be delivered inthe following quantities, at tha undernamed ar¬senals, vis:30,0 0 sets at the New York Arsenal, Governor'sIsland.2ti,noo sets at the Frankfort Arsenal, Bridesburg,Pa.20,000 sets at the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburg,Pa.20.000 sets at the St Louis Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo.10.0(fc sets at the U. 8. Armory, Springfield, Mass.These accoutrements are to b* made in strict

conformity with the regulation patterns, whichcan be seen at either of the above named arsenals,aud they are to oe subject to inspection at the ar¬senal where delivered, before being received forthe Government; none to be accepted or paid forbut such as are approved on inspection. *» he beltsto be of grained leithtr, and all the stock to be thebest o»k tanned. 5 he shoulder belt will be in¬cluded in the set.

, ..Deliveries must be made in lots of not;le «1 than1,000 sets per week for a 1 contracts of 10.000 sets orunder; and not less than 2.00f sets per week on allcontracts for over lo,W» sets; the jlrst delivery tobemade within fifteen days from date of<*ntrctFailure to deliver at a speeibed time will subjectthe contractor to a forfeiture of the amount tobe delivered atthat time. The accoutrements musthe boxed in the usual manner: the boxes to becharged at cost, to he determined by the inspector.Bidders will state explicitly the arsenal or ar¬

senals where they propose to deliver, and the num¬ber of tots they propose to deliver at each place,if for more than one.

,No bids will be considered from parties otherthan regular manufacturers of the article, andsuch as are known to the Department to he fullycompetent to execute, in their own shops, the workproposed for. Bach party obtaining a Contract wilthe reauired to enter into bonds, with approvedspreties, for its faithful fulfillment.The bepartment reserves to itself the right to

reject any or all bids if not deemed satisfactory.Proposals will be addressed to "Brigadier Gener¬al GiiiWK n Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance, Wash¬ington," and will be endorsed ^'Proposals for In-

GI0 D. RIMSiY.oc 8-Th,gat,Tu,8t Brig. Gen.,Chief ofOrdnanoe.CJBALBP PROPOSALU FOR fURNJ8HINO THEp Subsistence Department witb (W>) FIVB HUN¬DRED TOMS OF BALED HAY, axe invited till the15th day of October, 1863 The Hay to be of thabest quality, and to be delivered at the wharves atSixth street. The Hay to be weighed at the timeof dt livery, and the weight so determined to be thepurchase weight. Bids Wul be required in dupli¬cate, and no hid will be received from parties whoate disloyal, or who have previously failed withoor;tracts made -with tha Government, or frombidders not present to respond. Payment will bemade I* "Certificates of Indebtedoess " A coatrsct with a r/x d bond will be required to beentered into. Bids to be directed to eol. A. BBCK-WITH, A. B. C. and 0. 8 ,223 G street. Washington. P.O.


Orrioa op OBiar Qoabtbrmastbb, >WAflHiRoro*, D. U.. September », 1«BS.\

titles, as it may be required from time to time, in

samples ol tha quality ol fait they propose to fur-





Between IIinIk ui T#nU» street*,









Groceries for the Camp»UNSURPASSED





















constantly on hand.






























GRAND vin imperial at m0v3srvx,UNSUBPASSED IN


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DELICIOUS FLAVOR,,1.' ¦ft i * i £» i-- ¦. - * "7^»C'*.» t j5

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