Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the...


Transcript of Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the...

Page 1: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.
Page 2: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.
Page 3: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.

Thee and Thou

Page 4: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.

Disappearing vowels

• Mostly “i” and “e” are affected.• Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry.• Supp’d = supped

Page 5: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.

Shakespeare Pretest

• Results: 27%!!

Page 6: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.

• Take out notebook paper• Number 1-8, with 3-4 spaces in between each


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1. Fair is foul, and foul is fair…

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2. O full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife…

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3. Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t.

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4. That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold.

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5. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes

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6. Double, double, toil and trouble,fire burn and cauldron bubble

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7. It will have blood, they say, blood will have blood.

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8. I am in blood stepp’d so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er.

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• Bloody gory play

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•Ambition run wild•“Vaulting ambition”

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The Elizabethan


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Renaissance EnglandMost of the 1500s or 16th Century

•Place: England•Also known as:• Elizabethan England, Tudor


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What do you already know about William Shakespeare?

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• Elizabeth I of England

Reign: 1558-1603

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Her father:

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Her father:

• Henry VIII• The one with the 6 wives• Reign 1509-1547

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Her sister:

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Her sister:

• Mary I• Also known asBloody MaryReign: 1553-1558

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Her cousin:

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Her cousin:

• Mary Stuart• Also known asMary Queen of ScotsHer son, James VII of Scotland will becomeElizabeth’s heir and James IOf England

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• Elizabeth I of England

Was responsible for regulating the theatres.

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James I

• Stuart Dynasty• 1603-1625• Scotland

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Born in April of 1564

Grew up in Stratford-Upon-Avon outside of London in England

Son of a glover and an up and coming business man. Seemed destined to go to university.

Something changed in John Shakespeare’s fortunes, and William did not go to university.

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Married Ann Hathaway in 1582.

Had three children: Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith

By late 1580’s William was in London writing plays and acting in them.

By 1594 he was with the premiere acting company in London, the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He was with this company for the next 15 years.

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Wrote 37 plays and 2 cycles of Sonnets.

Among these are some of themost enduring plays of alltime: A Midsummer Night’sDream, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, King Lear,Twelfth Night, Henry V, and Othello.

Died in 1616.

His plays were published together in 1623 in what came to be known as the First Folio.

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Quartos and FoliosDemonstration

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About half (18 or so) of the plays published as quartos during W.S. life.

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Page 35: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.

William Shakespeare is the world’s most produced playwright, living or dead.

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Front piece of the 1st Folio edition of 1623.

800 published

233 surviving copies

One sold at auction in 2001 for 6 million dollars.

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• Three main types of playsTragedies: plays where the main

character of high status is brought low due to flaws in personality. This is often in conjunction with fate. The protagonist usually comes to some sort of self- awareness in the process. Look for when the character names himself.

• King Lear, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth

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• Comedies: plays where the main characters go through transformations that lead to personal and communal insight, yet end happily or in marriage.

• A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, The Taming of the Shrew, Much Ado about Nothing, The Merry Wives of Windsor

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• History playsa genre Shakespeare perfectedplays about an historical personage,

exploring the person’s life, trials, hopes, and dreams, as well as issues of leadership and patriotism.

• Richard II, Henry V, King John, Henry IV pts 1 and 2

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• Sub-categories:Roman plays: Titus Andronicus, Julius

Caesar, Anthony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus

• Problem Plays:Measure for Measure, All’s Well that

Ends Well, Troilus and Cressida

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• Romances:– Cymbeline, Winter’s Tale, The Tempest

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Replica at the Folger Shakespeare Library of the Shakespeare memorial in Stratford.

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Portraits of Shakespeare

Martin Droeshout Portrait 1623, First Folio

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William Marshall

Portrait 1640

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The Chandos Portrait

Circa 1630

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Anne Hathaway’s Cottage

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The Grammar School

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What is the inscription on Shakespeare’s grave? 



Page 53: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.
Page 54: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.
Page 55: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.

What were the different ticket costs to go to a play in Shakespeare’s time?   Prices of admission depended on the kind of theater. Outdoor theaters like the Globe charged—in the early days—one penny ($1.66) to get in and another penny if you wanted to sit in the balconies. (A penny equals about $1.66 by today’s standards. Other equivalents are also in current US dollars.) By the early seventeenth century, they probably charged a flat sixpence (about $10) to get in. Admission to the private indoor theaters, which catered to a more affluent audience, generally began at a basic sixpence to gain entry to the galleries. Fancy gallants who wanted to be seen, however, could sit on the stage for two shillings ($40), and a box could be had for half-a-crown ($50). (From the Folger’s Shakespeare Library)

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The Globe was built from the timbers of Burbage’s “The Theater” in 1599.

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Page 60: Thee and Thou Disappearing vowels Mostly “i” and “e” are affected. Tries to get at both the accent and the poetry. Supp’d = supped.

↑ Groundlings stood here ↑

← The inner above

The tiring house, “backstage”↓

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The world’s most produced playwright!

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A play is a blueprint for action!

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Looking for Richard

Hamlet starring Richard Burton

Romeo and Juliet Balcony scene

Staging Midsummer