
The Basics of Writing Equations Using Microsoft Equation Editor Eggert Page 1 of 9 The Basics of Writing Equations Using Microsoft Equation Editor Microsoft Equation is an application within Microsoft Word (PowerPoint, Excel, etc. as well). You may use this application to create your equations and matrices for your Algebra 2B project. Getting Started: Open: Microsoft Word + New Document Type: Question using bullets, table, etc. for formatting Inserting Notation: Click: Location where you want the notation inserted Select: One of two options below Option 1 ( Equation Button ): Option 2 ( Object Button ): Select: Document Elments Ribbon + Equation ( ) + Insert New Equation Choose: Insert + Object + Microsoft Equation Why two options? Some of the equations may be easier to do with one of the options compared to the other. You will need to decide which is easier for you. Option 1 ( Equation Button ): Design Ribbon:

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Page 1: TheBasics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Basics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Editor$

The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor  

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The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor    Microsoft  Equation  is  an  application  within  Microsoft  Word  (PowerPoint,  Excel,  etc.  as  well).    You  may  use  this  application  to  create  your  equations  and  matrices  for  your  Algebra  2B  project.    Getting  Started:  

ü Open:   Microsoft  Word  +  New  Document  

ü Type:   Question  using  bullets,  table,  etc.  for  formatting  

 Inserting  Notation:  

ü Click:   Location  where  you  want  the  notation  inserted  

ü Select:   One  of  two  options  below  

Option  1  (  Equation  Button  ):   Option  2  (  Object  Button  ):  

ü Select:   Document  Elments  Ribbon  +  

Equation  (    )  +  Insert  New  



ü Choose:   Insert  +  Object  +  Microsoft  Equation  


 Why  two  options?    Some  of  the  equations  may  be  easier  to  do  with  one  of  the  options  compared  to  the  other.    You  will  need  to  decide  which  is  easier  for  you.      Option  1  (  Equation  Button  ):    Design  Ribbon:    


Page 2: TheBasics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Basics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Editor$

The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor  

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Equation  Box:    

   Interval  Notation:    

Let’s  build  the  following  interval  notation:     !|8 < ! ≤ 15    !"#    ! ∈ !  

ü Click:   Bracket  (    )  +  Bracket  (  1st  row,  3rd  column  -­‐    )  

ü Type:   x  +  |  (  Shift  +  \  )  

ü Type:   8  

ü Click:    

ü Type:   x  

ü Click:    

ü Type:   15  +  1  space  +  and  +  1  space  +  x  

ü Click:    

ü Type:   N  

ü Click:   Off  equation  

 Fractions  and  Radicals:    

Let’s  build  the  following  radical  fraction:     !"!"= !"

!"= ± !


ü Click:    

ü Click:   Box  under  radical  

Page 3: TheBasics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Basics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Editor$

The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor  

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ü Click:    

ü Click:   Top  box  of  fraction  

ü Type:   25  

ü Press:   <Tab>  key  

ü Type:   49  

ü Move:   Cursor  outside  of  radical  

ü Type:   =  

ü Click:    

ü Click:   Top  Box  

ü Click:    

ü Type:   25  in  top  box  

ü Click:   Bottom  Box  

ü Click:    

ü Type:   49  in  bottom  box  

ü Move:   Cursor  outside  of  the  radicals  

ü Type:   =  

ü Click:    

ü Insert:   Cursor  in  front  of  radical  

ü Click:    

ü Click:   Top  Box  

ü Type:   5  

ü Click:   Bottom  Box  

ü Type:   7  


Page 4: TheBasics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Basics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Editor$

The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor  

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Let’s  build  the  following  matrix:    

   1−2    3−4


   2    3−3−4


   3−1    3−4


−4    3    3−4


ü Click:    

ü Click:   On  the  right  hand  top  box  

ü Right  click:   Insert  +  Insert  Column  before  (or  after  )  -­‐    

(    )  

ü Click:   On  the  right  hand  top  box  

ü Right  click:   Insert  +  Insert  Column  before  (or  after  )  

ü Click:   On  a  box  in  the  bottom  row  

Page 5: TheBasics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Basics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Editor$

The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor  

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ü Right  click:   Insert  +  Insert  Row  after    (    )  

ü Click:   On  a  box  in  the  bottom  row  

ü Right  click:   Insert  +  Insert  Row  after  

ü Highlight:       All  boxes  

ü Right  click:   Column  Alignment  +  Right    (    )  

ü Type:   Desired  Number  

ü Press:   Arrow  keys  to  move  to  desired  box  

ü Click:   Off  Matrix  when  finished  

Other  Helpful  Hints:    

To  Edit  Equations,  etc.:  

ü Double  Click:   Equation  

ü Edit:   Equation  

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The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor  

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Option  2  (  Object  Button  ):    Equation  Menu:    

     Equation  Box:    

   Interval  Notation:    

Let’s  build  the  following  interval  notation:     !|8 < ! ≤ 15    !"#    ! ∈ !  

ü Type:   {    (  <Shift>  +  [  )  +  x  |  (  <Shift>  +  \  )  8  <    (  <Shift>  +  ,  )  

ü Click:    

ü Type:   15  and  x    

ü Click:    

ü Type:   N  }    (  <Shift>  +  ]  )  

ü Click:   Off  equation  

 Fractions  and  Radicals:    

Let’s  build  the  following  radical  fraction:     !"!"= !"

!"= ± !


ü Click:    

ü Click:   Box  under  radical  

Page 7: TheBasics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Basics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Editor$

The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor  

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ü Click:    

ü Click:   Top  box  of  fraction  

ü Type:   25  

ü Press:   <Tab>  key  

ü Type:   49  

ü Move:   Cursor  outside  of  radical  

ü Type:   =  

ü Click:    

ü Click:   Top  Box  

ü Click:    

ü Type:   25  in  top  box  

ü Click:   Bottom  Box  

ü Click:    

ü Type:   49  in  bottom  box  

ü Move:   Cursor  outside  of  the  radicals  

ü Type:    

ü Click:    

ü Insert:   Cursor  in  front  of  radical  

ü Click:    

ü Click:   Top  Box  

ü Type:   5  

ü Click:   Bottom  Box  

ü Type:   7  


Let’s  build  the  following  matrix:    

   1−2    3−4


   2    3−3−4


   3−1    3−4


−4    3    3−4


Page 8: TheBasics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Basics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Editor$

The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor  

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ü Click:   Fence  Templates  +  Bracket    (    )  

ü Click:   Box  inside  Bracket  

ü Click:    

ü Select:   Appropriate  settings  from  Matrix  Dialog  Box      

(    )  

ü Click:   OK  

ü Click:   First  Box  in  upper  left  

ü Type:   Desired  number  

ü Press:   <Tab>  key    to  go  to  next  box  

ü Continue:       Typing  in  appropriate  numbers  


Let’s  build  the  following  equations:    0)2)(5(01072





ü Type:   x  

ü Click:    

ü Type:   2  

Page 9: TheBasics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Basics$of$Writing$Equations$Using$Microsoft$Equation$Editor$

The  Basics  of  Writing  Equations  Using  Microsoft  Equation  Editor  

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ü Press:   à  once  

ü Type:   +  7x  +  10  =  0  

ü Press:   <Enter>  

ü Type:   (X+5)(x+2)=0  

Other  Helpful  Hints:    

To  Add  Spaces  Within  Equations,  etc.:  

ü Click:      (  The  1st  ab  is  a  “small”  space,  2nd  is  a  “medium”  space;  and  3rd  is  a  “large”  

space.  )  

To  Edit  Equations,  etc.:  

ü Double  Click:   Equation  

ü Edit:   Equation