the1440minutes 12 tips to improve your sleep

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12 Tips for a better sleep

Fact: we sleep a 1/3 of our lives.

Might as well have a good time doing it.

I am not a sleep doctor.
This just works for me.

1- Quit smoking

The night is usually the longest time of the day your body is nicotine deprived say 6 to 8 hours.

If you smoke and have trouble sleeping, duuuuhhhhh!!!!!

2- Try to eat light in the evening

Eat right.

Have breakfast like a king,
have lunch like a prince,
and have diner like a poor man, with one or 2 glasses of wine max.

3- Turn off TV and any electronic device (tablet, phone, computer...) at least 1 hour before you head to bed

During the last hour before falling asleep

4- Have a step by step going-to bed routine

Having a routine will signal you brain and body, it is time to turn off.

5- Reduce lighting

It will also signal you brain and body, it is time to turn off.

6- No TV, no iPad, no mobile phone, not any electronic device allowed IN THE BEDROOM. EVER!

A bed is for sleeping, naping, reading, or having sex.

Not to argue, work, game, email, surf the web, or shop online.

7- Before you go brush your teeth, and shower, open the window to renew the oxygen in the room.

8- Empty your bedroom. Remove all unnecessary furniture.

9- Practise falling asleep and waking up by taking naps as often as you can

Train your brain and your body to sign off when you decide.

10- ALWAYS read a BOOK before turning off the light.

The black ink on white background will calm you down.

11- Have a pen and paper to write down thoughts, ideas, things to do that go through your mind before turning off.

Furthermore, use it if insomnia comes to note what is keeping you awake

Also use it to write ALL the dreams you can remember. However silly they may be. Your subsconscious is talking to you, you should listen.

Keith Richards came up with Satisfaction during his sleep.

Paul McCartney dreamt the music of Yesterday.

You might get lucky.

12- and final, to clear your mind from the troubles of the day, the negative thoughts, use this quote from Winston Churchill. It works every time.


Sir Winston Churchill

Good night!

For more tips to transform your 1440 minutes

Damien Fournier+33.627.392.301Skype: [email protected]

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Damien Fournier - Les 1440 minutes