The Zone Chairperson

The Zone Chairperson Suggestions for Success


The Zone Chairperson. Suggestions for Success. The Role of the Zone Chairperson can be described in three words:. Motivator Counselor Communicator. The District Governor’s Right Hand Person. Zone Chairpersons as Communicator. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Zone Chairperson

The Zone Chairperson

Suggestions for Success

The Role of the Zone Chairperson can be described in three words:

• Motivator

• Counselor

• Communicator


The District Governor’s Right Hand Person

• All wise district governors will rely on the zone chairpersons to keep them informed of any problems within clubs in their zones.

• If you are unsure whether the governor needs to know something then the easy answer is he or she probably does!


Visiting Clubs

• Each club in your zone is to be visited officially once per year for the purpose of motivating the club and sharing district information

•Prepare before your visit and be knowledgeable about the club and its projects

• Always take a membership ceremony induction with you and an invocation. You never know when you might need them!

• Be prepared to answer questions about Lionism in general, fees and dues etc.


• There is no difference between the format of a zone or club meeting

• Ensure you have an AGENDA and stick to it (there are suggested agendas in the Zone Chairperson Manual)

• Make the meeting interesting, full of information and not too long.

• Use correct meeting procedure• Remember, you are in charge!!

Zone Meetings


• You should plan to hold four zone meetings during the year (the final one may be a social event)

• We suggest you hold them after each cabinet meeting - You are the link between cabinet and the clubs - “The Communicator”

Zone Meetings


• Select someone to keep the minutes for you

• Alternate the venue, if practical to make it fair to all attendees

• Invite a speaker on a subject you wish to promote

Zone Meetings


Conflict Advisor

From time to time you may be asked to advise on disagreements within clubs. Try to remember the following: Listen to both sides Be sure of your facts If in doubt seek a separate opinion There is a club dispute resolution procedure in

the standard club constitution (Article X) on the LCI Web site.


1. Monthly Membership Report-MMR

2. Transfer Member Form

3. PU-101(Club Officer Report Form)

4. Zone Chairperson’s Reporting Form

Paper Work


Monthly Membership Reporting

You will receive a log on number and password from LCI if the governor has reported you as a zone chairperson electronically

• Check the last day of the month for current WMMR.

• Follow-up late clubs

• Use the information to track club progress. Look for trends in constant losses which could indicate problems within clubs and report accordingly


Transfer Member Form

Responsibilities of the current club

1.Complete the ‘Former Lions Club Section ‘ of the form

2.Drop the member using the WMMR or MMR

3.Send a copy of the form to the club the member wishes to transfer into

Responsibilities of the new club

1.Complete the ‘New Lions Club Section’ of the form

2.Keep a copy of the completed form

3.Report the member as a transfer.

If in doubt consult with the Membership Chairperson



• Submitted after club elections

• Deadline is May 15

• You can check on reporting clubs on WMMR site without a password



ALL cabinet officers prepare a report prior to each cabinet meeting through the cabinet secretary.

You should include:

•Membership numbers of each club +/-

•Projects being undertaken which are of interest.

•Any concerns you have regarding clubs in your zone

•Any recommendations you wish to bring before cabinet




• Zone Chairperson’s Manual (Available online)

• Local Cabinet Officers Manual and Directory

• Constitution and By-Laws (Available online)

• LCI Web site

• If all else fails, ASK

• On conclusion today a list of resources will be available


FinallyCollaborate with the district governor to ensure the clubs in the zone: Meet on a regular basis

Abide by constitutional provisions

Demonstrate sound financial practices

Conduct service projects in the community

Maintain effective internal communications and a community public relations program

Implement membership recruitment, orientation and retention program

152009 Minneapolis Convention ZC Seminar