The Zion Trumpet1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 12/28 Keep Awake and Ready Matthew 25:1-13 ... 12/12 Let Me...

The Zion Trumpet Greater Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church Inside this issue Church School ................ .…..3 Preach the Word .......... ......4 Pastors Desk ............... ..…....5 Inspiring Moments ........ ..…....6 Birthdays ...................... ..…....7 Happenings .................. ..….8-9 Fun Time ...................... ........10 Black History…..………….….11 Health / Social Action……....12 Commission on Finance …...13 Sick and Shut In ………….....14 Children & Youth Ministry …..15 Special Points of Interest: West Coast Conference Day of Caring and Sharing Sunday, December 9, 2019 4 pm 11th Episcopal District Institute of Christian Education January 1719, 2019 Bishop A. J. Richardson, Jr. will be speaking on Thursday, January 17th. December 2, 2018 Volume 12, Issue 12 December 23 and 30, 2018 10 am ONLY Monday, December 24, 2018 6 pm MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2018, 10 PM

Transcript of The Zion Trumpet1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 12/28 Keep Awake and Ready Matthew 25:1-13 ... 12/12 Let Me...

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The Zion Trumpet

Greater Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church

Inside this issue

Church School ................ .…..3

Preach the Word .......... …......4

Pastor’s Desk ............... ..…....5

Inspiring Moments ........ ..…....6

Birthdays ...................... ..…....7

Happenings .................. ..….8-9

Fun Time ...................... ........10

Black History…..………….….11

Health / Social Action……....12

Commission on Finance …...13

Sick and Shut In ………….....14

Children & Youth Ministry …..15

Special Points of Interest:

West Coast Conference Day of Caring and Sharing Sunday, December 9, 2019 4 pm

11th Episcopal District Institute of Christian Education January 17—19, 2019 Bishop A. J. Richardson, Jr. will be speaking on Thursday, January 17th.

December 2, 2018 Volume 12, Issue 12

December 23 and 30, 2018

10 am ONLY

Monday, December 24, 2018

6 pm

MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2018, 10 PM

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Contact Information Malory Williams, Steward Pro-Tem 727-687-6384

Kelvin Davis, Trustee Pro-Tem 727-409-8749

Rev. Robert Boyd, Clergy and 727-698-1368

Evangelism Ministry

Rev. Cherry Chaney, Clergy 561-856-6535

Rev. Clifford Tyson, Clergy 813-562-8351

Rev. Ira Whitson, Clergy and 727-258-8565

11 am Vintage Adult Bible Study 727-768-6178

Rev. Dr. Sherisse Bryant, Youth Minister 727-608-7695

Valarie Lee, Health and Wellness 727-851-5339

Anna Herring, Social Action 727-258-4769

Elouise Brown, Evangelism Ministry 727-906-7191

Patricia Needom, Class Leaders 727-896-1085

Constance Shaw, Minister of Music 727-678-1921

Rodney Davis, Male Chorus 727-327-5496

Gary / Karen Stanford, Couples Ministry 727-784-7360

Shirley Morgan, Lay President 727-815-6563

Patricia Smith-Johnson, WMS 727-459-8584

Verna Thompson, YPD 727-348-8509

Rosalind Macon, Women’s Ministry 727-492-6186

Donna Butler, Kitchen Manager 727-599-4215

Dozier Harrell, Janitorial 727-656-0302

Frederick Robinson, Sons of Allen 727-563-6054

Mable Gibson, Church Clerk 727-867-2562

Excelling Through Talent and Academics

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12/21 Anna Speaks of Child Jesus Luke 2:36-38 12/22 Angels Announce Good News Luke 2:8-14 12/23 Testimonies to the Promised Savior Luke 1:26-31; 2:22, 25-35 12/24 Live by Faith Habakkuk 1:2-4; 2:1-4 12/25 Rewards for Hospitality Matthew 10:40-42 12/26 Welcoming Children Mark 9:33-37 12/27 Wait, the Lord Will Come 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 12/28 Keep Awake and Ready Matthew 25:1-13 12/29 Multiply God’s Gifts Matthew 25:14-30 12/30 Inherit the Kingdom Matthew 25:31-46 12/31 Love as I Have Loved You John 15:12-17 01/01 Live in Love and Light 1 John 2:7-11 01/02 Live by the Truth 1 John 2:20-27 01/03 Support Coworkers 3 John 2-8 01/04 Stand Firm in the Faith 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 01/05 Do What Is Right 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 01/06 Love God and One Another 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5; 2 John 4-11

12/01 Fear the Lord and Live Rightly Deuteronomy 6:20-25 12/02 The Lord Alone Is God Deuteronomy 6:1-9 12/03 Rules on People Relating to God Exodus 20:1-11 12/04 Rules on People Relating to People Exodus 20:12-17 12/05 Keep the Faith and Live Joshua 23:2-6, 14-16 12/06 Rescued from Egypt, Settled in Canaan Joshua 24:4-12 12/07 We Promise to Serve God Joshua 24:16-21 12/08 Covenant with God Confirmed Joshua 24:25-28 12/09 Choose to Love and Serve God Joshua 24:1-3, 13-15, 21-24 12/10 Nothing Separates Us from God’s Love Romans 8:31-39 12/11 An Answer in Time of Trouble Psalm 86:1-7 12/12 Let Me Walk in Your Truth Psalm 86:8-13 12/13 Acts of God’s Steadfast Love Nehemiah 9:16-21 12/14 God Abounds in Steadfast Love Exodus 34:1-7 12/15 God Forgives and Loves People Numbers 14:13-20 12/16 The People Bless the Lord Psalm 103:1-17, 21-22 12/17 The Birth of John Promised Luke 1:11-16 12/18 John the Baptist Is Born Luke 1:57-66 12/19 Let It Be According to Your Word Luke 1:32-38 12/20 Joseph Obeys the Lord Matthew 1:18-25


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November 4th 7:30—Rev. Clarence Williams Matthew 7:24-27

“Rock or Sand, Where Do You Stand?” 11:00—Rev. Clarence Williams

Matthew 6:25 “All or Nothing”

November 11th 7:30—Rev. Clarence Williams Psalm 32:1-5

“Forgiveness, Can’t Live Without It” 11:00—Rev. Robert Boyd

Revelation 2:1-7 “Don’t Forget Love”

November 25th 7:30— Rev. Clarence Williams Exodus 17:8-15

“You Have to Fight For It” 11:00—Rev. Clarence Williams

Exodus 17:8-15 “You Have to Fight For It, Part 2”

Trivia Question for


Why did Paul say that “we

glory in tribulation?”

Trivia Answer for November

In Romans 5 Paul said that we glory in

tribulation because: tribulation produces

perseverance, which then creates

character, then hope. Let’s all Glory.

Trivia Question for December

In Chapter 11, Paul said that he was from which tribe?

November 18th 7:30—Rev. Clarence Williams Matthew 25:31-40, Luke 10:36-37

“Pick Someone Up!” 11:00—Rev. Clarence Williams

1 John 1:7 “Fellowship With One Another”

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The Morning Hour

“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD;

In the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up..” Psalm 5:3

“The Lord GOD...He wakeneth morning by morning, He wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.

Isaiah 50:4

Morning has always been considered the time best suited for personal worship by God’s servants. Most Christians regard it as a privilege to devote the beginning of the day to seek fellowship with God. Whether they think of a whole hour or half an hour or a quarter of an hour, they agree with the Psalmist when he said, “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD.”

A well-known Christian leader has said, “Next to receiving Christ as Savior and claiming the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we know of no act that brings greater good to ourselves or others than the determination to keep the morning watch and spend the first half hour of the day alone with God.” At first glance this statement appears too strong. The determination to keep the morning watch hardly appears sufficiently important to be compared to receiving Christ and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. However, it is true that it is impossible to maintain a Christian walk in the leading and power of the Holy Spirit, without daily fellowship with God. The morning watch is the position in which the surrender to Christ and the Holy Spirit can be fully maintained.

The morning watch must not be regarded as an end in itself. It is to serve to secure the presence of Christ for the whole day. To abide in Him, kept by Him, doing His will—this cannot be an irregular practice if we are truly devoted to Him.

The believer who has made devotion to Christ his watchword will find in the morning hour the place where his/her holy calling is renewed. During this quiet time, his will is fortified to walk worthy of his calling. (See Ephesians 4:1). His faith is rewarded by the presence of Christ who is waiting to meet him and take charge of him for the day. “We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” (Romans 8:37). A living Christ waits to meet us.

Rev. Clarence A. and Mrs. Andrea P. Williams

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Who Started This Christmas Stuff?

A woman who was out Christmas shopping with her two

children. After many hours of looking at row after row of

toys and everything else imaginable; and after hours of

hearing both her children asking for everything they saw

on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator

with her two kids. She was feeling what so many of us feel

during the holiday season time of the year. Overwhelming

pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste

all the holiday food and treats, getting that perfect gift for

every single person on our shopping list, making sure we

don’t forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of

making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card.

Finally, the elevator doors opened and there was already a

crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and

dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff.

When the doors closed, she couldn’t take it anymore and

stated, “Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should

be found, strung up and shot.”

From the back of the car everyone heard a quiet calm

voice respond, “Don’t worry, we already crucified Him.”

For the rest of the trip down the elevator, it was so quiet

you could have heard a pin drop.

Don’t forget this year to keep the One who

started this whole Christmas thing in your every

thought, deed, purchase, and word. If we all

did it, just think of how different this whole world

would be.

-Author Unknown


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12/18 Regina Williams 12/18 Romero Dixon 12/18 Jacqueline Landers 12/18 Marcus Jones 12/18 Donnell Wilson 12/18 Kimberly Lassiter 12/19 Helena Davis 12/19 Jacqueline Wells 12/19 Derrick Turner 12/20 Annique Daniels 12/20 Garra Woodard 12/20 Tonya Phipps 12/20 Wilson Carter 12/21 Benjamin Lincoln 12/21 Todd Davis 12/21 Marshall Evers 12/21 Christopher Cain 12/21 Tamekia White 12/22 Emery DeBose 12/22 Amber Broughton 12/23 Patrick Bannister 12/23 Malcolm Butler 12/24 Tyrone Broughton 12/24 Matthias Kenty 12/24 Lynn Davis 12/24 Kelvin Davis, Jr. 12/25 Rodrick Woody 12/25 Roderick Wilson 12/25 Willie Rose, Jr. 12/25 Latoya Wright 12/25 Crystal Golden 12/26 Christopher Williams 12/26 Tensil Gipson, Jr. 12/26 Kendrick Scott 12/26 Shirley Collins-Sanders 12/27 Kiarrah Rose 12/27 Samiah Moore 12/27 Garrett Moore, II 12/28 Daphni Black 12/28 Zy’Rayla Cromartie 12/28 Reggie Reed, Sr. 12/28 Kahawna Bing 12/29 Dorothy Jones 12/29 Annette Williams 12/29 Terrace Johnson 12/29 Joshua Gilbert 12/29 James Bryant 12/30 Regina Woody 12/30 Natalie Williams 12/30 Richardo Simmons 12/30 Angie Arrington 12/30 Myles Bell 12/31 Keria McCowan

12/01 Rev. Edward Jones 12/01 Ruth Davis 12/01 Tarsha Holden 12/01 Devinn Lassiter 12/01 Rosa Lester 12/01 Keosha Kennedy 12/02 Nancy Keys 12/02 Cynthia Boyd 12/04 Latonya Leonard 12/04 Mark Murvin 12/04 Lakeshia Williams 12/04 Trisheka Jenkins 12/04 Lavatrice Newton 12/04 Deanna Newsome 12/04 Gwendolyn Williams 12/06 Amos Cowart 12/06 Delmetrice Stevens 12/06 Capers Chambliss 12/06 Quinton Spears 12/06 Antoneice Atkins 12/06 Merline Davidson 12/06 Lisa Williams 12/07 Delta Oliver 12/07 Wynee Giles 12/07 Ja’Kayla Clark 12/08 Charles Myrick 12/08 Tiffany Nelson 12/08 Stephanie Sumey 12/09 Regenia Wade 12/09 Frank Williams 12/09 Keyanni Newton 12/10 Phyllis Dorsey 12/10 Verbenia Wells 12/10 Simone Newton 12/10 Fatema Reed 12/10 Earl Robinson 12/11 Michelle McNeal 12/11 Ny’Quesha Rembert 12/11 Lauryn Griffin 12/12 Clifford Powell, Jr. 12/12 Jannie Williams 12/12 Johnny Dallas 12/12 Sadrack Renard 12/12 Ebony McCollum 12/13 Herbert Keys 12/13 Mary Scott 12/13 DeJuan Patrick 12/13 Telisha Davis 12/14 Franklin Rembert 12/14 Karen Davis 12/14 Ronald Holden 12/14 Patricia Keys 12/15 Keyoria Davis


If your were born in


Your characteristics

show you are

Ethical, Humorous,

Generous, Dynamic and



The Turquoise


Wisdom, Nobility

Birth Flower:

Narcissus means

Respect, Modesty

and Faithfulness

12/16 Sheena Bacon 12/16 Devin Collins 12/16 Chauntea Kirnes

12/16 Lawanda Mitchell-Royal

12/17 Cedra Crawford 12/17 Conswilla “Connie” Small 12/17 Cassandra Randolph 12/17 Bradford Wade 12/17 Theresa Davis

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Prayer Line

Monday thru Friday

6 am


Access Code: 356251

All Men are invited to join us to



Are you in need of PRAYER?

The Women’s Ministry has a Prayer

Conference Line. You can call every

Monday-Wednesday and Friday at

7:00 am.

Number: 641-552-9161

Access Code: 375083

Please join us!

Trustees and Stewards

on Duty for the

Month of December

Gwendolyn Elliott

Dozier Harrell

Frederick Robinson

Frank Williams

(Please make sure your event, activity,

rehearsals (Choir and Dance), are

listed on the monthly calendar so we

can adequately provide coverage for

the building).

If your event is NOT LISTED on the

calendar, please make sure you call

the Pro Tem of the Trustee Board,

Kelvin Davis

O.L. Nicks WMS

Friday, December 14, 2018 10 am

Men’s clothing is needed. Thank you, Patricia Smith-Johnson, President

DECEMBER 12, 2018

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Would you like to

place something in

the Trumpet? If so,

ALL information

MUST be submitted

to the Church Office

by the 15th of each

month. This will

ensure that it will

appear in the next

issue of the Trumpet.

If you would like your

announcement to be

on the screen for

Sunday, the

information MUST

BE in the office on

Wednesday before it

is to be announced.

Thank you,


Choir Schedule

Voices of Praise - 1st Sunday December 02nd

Mass Choir - 2nd Sunday

December 9th

Male Chorus — 3rd Sunday

December 16th

Unity Choir - 4th and 5th Sunday

December 23rd and 30th

Rehearsal Schedule

Mass Choir December 4th

Unity Choir December 11th

Unity Choir December 18th

Mrs. Constance T. Shaw

Minister of Music

YMCA Neighbor-to-Neighbor

Christmas Program


For Children ages 2-12

Proof of Child(ren) address

and age required.

Contact: Constance Shaw

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

9:00 am—4:30 pm

Bethel Community Foundation


After 7:30 and 11 am Worship

Thank you

11th Episcopal District

West Coast Conference

Day of Caring and Sharing

Sunday, December 9, 2018

4 pm

Greater Mt. Zion will be hosting this Service and

volunteers are needed. If you would like to

volunteer please contact the Church Office.

Thank you, Rev. Clarence A. Williams

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December 01, 1955 Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on an Alabama bus, sparking the Civil Rights Movement.

December 05, 1931 “King of Gospel” Rev. James Cleveland is born. Rev. Cleveland was a gospel singer, musician, and composer. He was the driving force behind the creation of the modern gospel sound by incorporating traditional black gospel, modern soul, pop, and jazz in arrangements for Mass Choirs. Rev. Cleveland was the first gospel musician to earn a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and in 1984 he was also inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame.

December 07. 1941 Messman Dorie Miller downs three Japanese planes in the attack of Pearl Harbor.

December 10, 1950 Dr. Ralph Bunche becomes first Black awarded Nobel Peace Prize.

December 13, 1944 First Black women complete WAVE’s Officer training.

December 16, 1976 Andrew Young becomes ambassador to the United Nations.

December 19, 1933 Acclaimed actor Cicely Tyson is born.

December 22, 1883 First Black elected to Congress Arthur Wergs Mitchell is born.

December 25, 1907 Jazz singer , dancer and bandleader Cab Calloway is born. He was born in Rochester, New York to Martha Eulalia Reed, a Morgan State College graduate, teacher and church organist. His father was Cabell Calloway, Jr, and he graduated from Lincoln University of Pennsylvania in 1898 and worked as a lawyer and in real estate. His family recognized his talent and enrolled him in singing lessons at the age of 11. He is known for being an American jazz singer, dancer, bandleader and is strongly associated with the Cotton Club in Harlem, New York City.

December 31, 1975 Golf sensation “Tiger” Woods is born.

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Where Germs HIDE Germs are everywhere, lurking in household and commonly used items. The examples covered here are especially notorious hiding places for germs.

Gas Pump Handles—a study by the University of Arizona sampling gas pumps was, in a word, alarming. Researchers were astounded not only by the number of microbes present on gas pump handles, but the type of germs. A whopping 71 percent sampled were “highly contaminated” with microbes associated with illness and disease. The next time you pull into a self-service gas station to fill up, put on a pair of gloves. If you don’t have a pair of gloves, use alcohol-based wipes to clean the handles of gas pumps before use. Or, imme-diately use hand sanitizer after pumping gas.

Cellphone and Tablets—research has shown that cell phones are portable health hazards with tens of thousands of microbes living on each square inch of the them. A 2013 study performed by a British watchdog group called Which? examined 30 tablets, 30 mobile phones, and an office toilet seat, swabbing each of them for analysis. One iPad had up to 600 units per swab of Staphylococcus (a bacteria that causes food poisoning and stomach issues). The cell phones had up to 140 units of the bacteria. And, surprisingly, the office toilet seat had fewer than 20 units of bacteria. To clean your cellphone, spray an alcohol or vinegar based cleaner on a microfiber clothe and wipe down your cell phone. Then, take a Q-tip and dip it in the cleaner, but be sure not to soak the Q-tip completely (a light amount will suffice). Trace around the edges of your mobile phone, the buttons, and any other crevices. Then, air-dry for a few minutes.

Money—is the root of all evil—and it’s also the root of germs. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which can cause life-threatening blood infections, can survive on currency. Other pathogens found on money include E. coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa. How to clean your money: more and more we use debit cards as currency. If that’s your preference, all the better in terms of germs—you can wipe your debit card with an alcohol pad periodically. Place paper money on a towel; dip a soft toothbrush in a warm water and soap solution, then lightly brush one side of the money. Flip over, and wash the other side. Allow to air dry. For coins, soak them in a solution of warm water and soap; then, air dry on a towel.

Toothbrushes—Yes, it’s gross! But , according to researchers at the University of Manchester in England, your toothbrush may be the dirtiest item in your home—and you put it in your mouth every single day. The study revealed that a toothbrush can contain more than 10 million bacteria, including E. coli and Staphylococcus. The University of Alabama-Birmingham found fecal matter on toothbrushes, too. How to clean your toothbrush: Number one, don’t flush where you brush! Store your toothbrush away from the toilet. If your toilet is next to your bathroom sink, consider using a toothbrush cover, or storing it in a counter or drawer. But make sure the toothbrush is dry before storing. Placing a wet toothbrush in a dark environment increases the chance for mold growth. Also, you can use mouthwash to disinfect your toothbrush. Once per week, pour the mouthwash in a glass and allow your toothbrush to soak for about 20 to 30 seconds. Last, you should buy a replacement toothbrush every three months.


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Tips for Surviving Christmas Financially Here are some tips to help get you through this Holiday Season:

1. Remember, It’s in December Every Year—don’t let it sneak up on you. Start planning in February by putting back a little bit aside each month to cover the cost of gifts. 2. Make a List of Everyone You Are Buying A Gift For and Put a Dollar Amount by Every Name. Total it at the bottom. This is your Christmas budget. The people in the mall have a plan to get your money— get a game plan for your shopping so you can keep some money. There is no excuse for financing Christmas. 3. Pay Cash—put the total from your budget in an envelope and when the cash is gone, stop spending. This will help keep you on budget because if you overspend on Aunt Sue, Uncle Harry won’t get a gift. 4. Sixty-nine Percent of American’s Bought a Gift for Themselves last year. DON’T BUY YOURSELF A GIFT! This is the season to give, not to receive from yourself. -Dave Ramsey

The Commission on Stewardship and Finance would like to wish everyone a


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Sister Betty Covington Bouey 1458 15th Street South

Sister Addie Bryant 2225 17th Street South

Brother Johnny Dallas 3126 1/2 Oakley Avenue

Sister Patricia Daniels 1391 63rd Avenue South

Sister Lizzie Donald 2520 21st Street South

Sister Dezra Flournoy-Hudson 2012 69th Avenue South

Brother Ralph Gilbert 5101 Aragon Way South

Sister Sallie Johnson 1230 40th Street South

Sister Sylvia Johnson 1035 Arlington Avenue North #307

Sister Alice Lovett 2325 Highland Street South

Sister Dorothy Walker (Prayer Only)

Ms. Jasmine Walker 1955 29th Street South

Brother Marcus Wynn 2456 16th Avenue South

Sister Sherrisse Wynn 2523 28th Street South


Mr. Corey Gibson, Sr. Bayfront Hospital, Room 487

Mister Jawan George John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Room 505

Nursing Homes and Rehabilitation Centers

Sister Ethel Eva Gulf View Health Care Center, 3636 10th Avenue North

Sister Jessie Gamble Alpine Nursing Home, 3456 21st Avenue South

Brother Eugene “Geno” Harrell Egret Cove, 550 62nd Street South, Bed 18B

Ms. Valerie Griffin Egret Cove, 550 62st Street South, Bed 306B

Sister Betty Jordan Carrington Place, 10501 Roosevelt Blvd

Brother Quentin Keys Shores Acres Rehabilitation, 4500 Indianapolis St. N.E.

Sister Darlene Dudley Westminster Rehab, 1095 Pinellas Point Drive S.

Brother Wilson Bryant Jacaranda Manor, 4250 66th Street North

Kelvin and Rosa Davis and all other Family

Members on the loss of your Aunt:

Mrs. Veda Hamilton

James Bryant, Renita Crandle, Wilson and Addie

Bryant, Pierce Bryant and all other Family

Members on the loss of your Love One:

Sister Dorothy Stephens-Bryant

Our Sincere Condolences and Deepest Sympathy

Joeline Eason—Haynes and all other Family Members on the loss of your Brother;

Mr. Willie Eason, Jr.

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The Greater Mount Zion Youth Dance Ministry

Every Tuesday through May 2019 6:15 pm

Please join us in this exciting Ministry.

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Greater Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church

1045 16th Street South

St. Petersburg , FL 33705

Phone: 727-894-1393

Fax: 727-827-4707

E-mail: [email protected]

Cross and Anvil

Human Services, Inc. 1201 7th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33705

Phone: 727-821-0285

Fax: 727-821-0002

From the Office Staff

During this time of the year, we find ourselves so overwhelmed with getting ready for Christmas that

we do not have time for CHRIST-mas. We have to find that gift that everyone else wants. We are

on-line and in line, there is just not enough time.

Stop, take three deep breaths—and remember the goodness of the Almighty God. Look around you

at the blessings bestowed upon each and every one of us. A precious eight year old child offered to

help his parents to stop stressing by reminding them to take three deep breaths.

Thank God for the little children and His SON—

the Reason for the Season.

We in the Office would like to wish each and every one of

you, the peace and goodness of God this holiday season.

God’s Blessings,

The Office Staff

Rev. Robert and Cynthia Boyd Mark and Sherrisse Bryant Ezekiel and Alyshia Harris

Rodney and PreAngela Kelly P.L. and Barbara Keys

Orlando and Felicia Pizana