The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5 Lesson Five: Yoga & Excercise The YOGA OF WEIGHT LOSS 7 –week...

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5 Lesson Five: Yoga & Excercise The YOGA OF WEIGHT LOSS 7 –week Metabolic Recalibration & Weight Management Program

Transcript of The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5 Lesson Five: Yoga & Excercise The YOGA OF WEIGHT LOSS 7 –week...

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Lesson Five: Yoga & Excercise

The YOGA OF WEIGHT LOSS7 –week Metabolic Recalibration & Weight Management Program

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Right Exercise & Right Effort

Changing diet and lifestyle is difficult enough, but adding exercise into your routine can be even more of a challenge. We look at it as an opportunity!

How to easily fit exercise into your schedule

Understanding which activity is best for you

Understanding hw long to do an exercise

minimizing gym “doubt”

Preventing injury when exercising

Staying motivated and goal orients

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Plan, Plan and Plan some more!

A few factors which lead to a successful exercise routine

Find a teacher/trainer and have them help you set your health goals

Join a group activity or program

Have a Buddy system

Make time to exercise – even 20 minutes a day can be very impactful

If you miss an activity, don’t hurt yourself by over doing it

Practice moderation with exercise

Stretch, stretch and stretch again!

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Yoga Poses for Vata Balance: Grounding

Garland Pose

Child’s Pose Upwards Hands


Thunderbolt Pose

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Yoga Poses for Pitta Balance: Cooling

Child’s Pose Downward Dog Pose

Cat/Cow Pose

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Yoga Poses for Kapha Balance: Invigorating

Sun Salutations

Triangle pose

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Best Activities for Vata

Since Vatas have a lighter frame, their bodies are better suited for aerobic activity like gymnastics (when younger). As the Vata body ages, it’s important to remain flexible through Hatha yoga & Chi Gong.

Vatas must focus on their positioning while they hold the Yoga pose in order for them to be grounded

Cycling and spinning are great activities for Vata

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Since Pittas have more moderate muscle mass, the best activity is cardiovascular & resistance training. Pittas can also maintain their body mass more efficiently, and can endure more physical exertion than a Vata. They can, however, push themselves too much, causing an injury.

Pittas must focus on the breath when practicing yoga, otherwise they may hold a pose without breathing, causing them to become frustrated and sweat!

Swimming & jogging are ideal activities for Pittas

Best Activities for Pitta

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Kaphas are built for duration, therefore they can go longer and further than Vatas and Pittas (even thought they may not be as fast as them)

Kaphas are really suited for all sports and activities, the trick is to spend more time doing the activity because it takes Kaphas a little longer to warm up

Vinyasa flow classes are ideal for Kaphas; cross country skiing or Nordic walking are also great activities.

Best Activities for Kapha

The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Tracking your ProgressWeek 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayAM Swim – 30 mins Walk – 30 mins Yoga Swim – 30 mins RestPM Yoga Walk – 30 mins

Week 2Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Week 3Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Week 4Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Week 5Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Week 7Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Week 6Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


The Yoga of Weight Loss: Lesson 5

Mobile apps to help you along the way