THE YANKEE PANTHEON - · a former Scion of Columbia, and though she lost both her...

222 T H E W O R L D A T W A R Virtues: Conviction, Duty, Intellect, Valor The Yankee pantheon is quite possibly the youngest in existence, with most of its members less than two hundred years old. For this reason, many older Gods have made the mistake of underestimating them, but what the Yankees lack in expe- rience and tradition, they more than make up for through vigor and innovation. By the conclu- sion of World War Two, few will question their preemi- nent power among national- istic pantheons. Like the mortal population of the United States, the Yankee panthe- on is extremely diverse, serving as a melting pot for Gods of many different origins. Some, such as Columbia, are known offspring of Gods who traveled with immigrants from distant lands. Others, such as Br’er Rabbit, were indigenous deities swept into the mainstream pantheon as it developed around them. More than a few are of unknown origin, which has led some cosmologists (Loki most notable among them) to theorize that they are the spontaneous products of the collective ideals of the nation. Regardless of the diversity of their backgrounds, these Gods share an extremely progressive attitude, with individual mem- bers perpetually seeking the next breakthrough and striving for the next achievement. In this, they echo the Dodekatheon’s idea of Arete—a connection easily explained by the fact that many of the Dodekatheon directly inspired or sired the nation’s founders. But the Yankee sense of individuality is also tempered by a desire to bring about a better future both for the in- dividual as well as the community. All too often, this “community” that is supposed to prosper along with the individual has been narrowly defined to exclude many of its own members, which leads to endless ten- sion and even outright fighting among the Yankees. Still, above all this pantheon expresses optimism: the poor can be fed, the sick can be healed and any indi- vidual can achieve the American Dream. THE YANKEE PANTHEON America is replete with Axis Mundi connections to the Yankee Godrealm. Washington, DC alone holds dozens, with the White House, the Capitol, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence all with- in a few miles of one another. Some of the many sites through- out the country include the capitol buildings of each state, American Civil and Revolutionary War bat- tlegrounds and the Hollywood sign. The sheer number and geographic range of these con- nection points make an inviting target for saboteurs and for the direct assault of small bands of Axis demigods and Gods. Many Yankee Scions have been held back from the fighting to defend these national sites from a direct assault by enemy forces. This has led to an invisible war on American soil, but so far foreign pantheons have failed in every attempt to gain a beachhead. For most of their existence, the Yankee Gods have been content with isolation, concerned only with their internal conflicts and collaborations. Now, the Amatsukami attack on their outpost in the Hawaiian realm, combined with the unbridled aggression demonstrated by the Aesir, has drawn them forth into a broader context. Those who know them and their abilities rejoice—or fear—that after this war the Yankee Gods will become permanently entwined in the affairs of the world. BETSY ROSS AKA: BETSY GRISCOM, MRS. STARS-AND-STRIPES, MOM Description: Betsy Ross is a modest, conservatively- dressed, matronly woman who makes it her mission to support her nation’s home front. She is famous for the creation of the original flag of the thirteen colonies, proving to George Washington that she could cut a five-pointed star with a single snip of her scissors. She is less well-known as a former Scion of Columbia, and though she lost both her first and second husbands in the Revolutionary War, she nviction, Duty, pantheon is e youngest h most of than two d. For this er Gods stak k k k k k k k k k k ke e e e e e e ting he he he he he he he he he he h h pe - tion on on on on on n n n n n, , , , , , , m m m m m m m m m mak ak k ak k ak ke e e e e e v v v v v v v v ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig i or o a a a nd nd n n d d h he he he he e he h e e h concl cl cl c cl l lu u u u u u - - - a a a ar r r r r Tw Tw Tw Tw Tw T o, , o, o, o, f few w w w w ew w w ei r pr pr pr p ee ee ee e em mi m m m m m m m - ng n ng n ng g n n n nat at at at a tio io o io io on n na n n n n n n n n n l - ortal p po o o o o op pu u u u p la la la la l tion n n St St Stat at ates s es es es, , t th th th h h th t the Ya Ya Ya Ya Y Yan n nkee p p p p p p p p p an n n n an a th th th th the e - - di d di di d ve ve vers rs rs r e, e e e, e s s s s s se e er ving ng ng n a as a a a a a a me m m m m melt t t t t l tin in in n n n i g p po po o p p po po o t t t t t t t t t America is reple connections connections Godrealm. alone hold White H the Tomb Soldier, and th In In In In In I In In In In Ind d d de d d d d d d d i in in in in n n n in n n a an an an n an an n n m ou ou ou ou ou o ou u ou ou out t t t t t t th th th th th h h t e c c c c c c ea e each ch h c stat an n n an an a a n a d d d d d d d d Re R R R R R R R R R vo tl tl t t eg eg eg eg eg eg eg egro r o u u un u ds ds ds ds s d sign n n n n n . 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Transcript of THE YANKEE PANTHEON - · a former Scion of Columbia, and though she lost both her...

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    Virtues: Conviction, Duty, Intellect, Valor

    The Yankee pantheon is quite possibly the youngest in existence, with most of its members less than two hundred years old. For this reason, many older Gods have made the mistake of underestimating them, but what the Yankees lack in expe-rience and tradition, they more than make up for through vigor and innovation. By the conclu-sion of World War Two, few will question their preemi-nent power among national-istic pantheons.

    Like the mortal population of the United States, the Yankee panthe-on is extremely diverse, serving as a melting pot for Gods of many different origins. Some, such as Columbia, are known offspring of Gods who traveled with immigrants from distant lands. Others, such as Br’er Rabbit, were indigenous deities swept into the mainstream pantheon as it developed around them. More than a few are of unknown origin, which has led some cosmologists (Loki most notable among them) to theorize that they are the spontaneous products of the collective ideals of the nation. Regardless of the diversity of their backgrounds, these Gods share an extremely progressive attitude, with individual mem-bers perpetually seeking the next breakthrough and striving for the next achievement. In this, they echo the Dodekatheon’s idea of Arete—a connection easily explained by the fact that many of the Dodekatheon directly inspired or sired the nation’s founders. But the Yankee sense of individuality is also tempered by a desire to bring about a better future both for the in-dividual as well as the community. All too often, this “community” that is supposed to prosper along with the individual has been narrowly defined to exclude many of its own members, which leads to endless ten-sion and even outright fighting among the Yankees. Still, above all this pantheon expresses optimism: the poor can be fed, the sick can be healed and any indi-vidual can achieve the American Dream.


    America is replete with Axis Mundi connections to the Yankee Godrealm. Washington, DC

    alone holds dozens, with the White House, the Capitol, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Constitution

    and the Declaration of Independence all with-in a few miles of one

    another. Some of the many sites through-

    out the country include the capitol buildings of

    each state, American Civil and Revolutionary War bat-

    tlegrounds and the Hollywood sign. The sheer number and geographic range of these con-

    nection points make an inviting target for saboteurs and for the direct

    assault of small bands of Axis demigods and Gods. Many Yankee Scions have been held back from the

    fighting to defend these national sites from a direct assault by enemy forces. This has led to an invisible war on American soil, but so far foreign pantheons have failed in every attempt to gain a beachhead.

    For most of their existence, the Yankee Gods have been content with isolation, concerned only with their internal conflicts and collaborations. Now, the Amatsukami attack on their outpost in the Hawaiian realm, combined with the unbridled aggression demonstrated by the Aesir, has drawn them forth into a broader context. Those who know them and their abilities rejoice—or fear—that after this war the Yankee Gods will become permanently entwined in the affairs of the world.


    Description: Betsy Ross is a modest, conservatively-dressed, matronly woman who makes it her mission to support her nation’s home front. She is famous for the creation of the original flag of the thirteen colonies, proving to George Washington that she could cut a five-pointed star with a single snip of her scissors. She is less well-known as a former Scion of Columbia, and though she lost both her first and second husbands in the Revolutionary War, she

    nviction, Duty,

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    thehehehehehehehehehehehe pe-tiononononononononononon, , , , , , , , m m m m m m m m m makakakakakakake e e e e e

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    WaWaWaWar r r r r r TwTwTwTwTwTwo,o,o,o,o,o,o,o, f fewewewewewewewew eieir prprprpreeeeeeeeeemimimimimimimimimimi-ngngngngngng n n n natatatatatatioioioioioionanananananananananananal-

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    tltltltlegegegegegegegegrororororounununundsdsdsdsdsdssigngngngngngngngngngngn. ThThThThe e e geogogogrararararararararararaphphphphphphphphicicicicic

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  • 223222222222222222222222222222222222222332222222222222222222222222233223

    continued to work tirelessly to support the colonial militia, serving as a nurse and tending to both American and British wounded soldiers before she ascended to Godhood. Some scholars question whether Betsy Ross can be attributed full credit for designing the flag of the thirteen colonies, but whatever the truth of that, her unquestionable dedication and resourcefulness has enshrined her as the all-American mother, helpmeet and nurturer.

    As a domestic Goddess, Betsy Ross has never been inactive, but World War Two has inspired her to new levels of community participation. She has been working through churches, school boards and town councils to inspire people to do everything they can to support the war. She goes wherever people salute the flag, and she teaches them how they can contribute from their own homes by buying war bonds, recycling scrap metal and sending encouraging letters to the troops. She prefers to work with people one at a time, and people tend to listen to her (and not just because she always brings fresh apple pies).

    Few Scions of Betsy Ross can be found on the front lines, but they make important contributions to the war nonetheless. They are community organizers, intelligence analysts and USO performers. They are the war mothers who make sure that everyone is well fed but that no food is wasted, and the young girls who send home-made cookies to the boys “over there.” Their efforts, though not always directly recognized, have a real and direct impact on the United State’s ability to wage war.

    Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Intelligence, Health, Industry

    Abilities: Academics, Art, Craft, Empathy, Medicine, Politics

    Rivals: Baba Yaga, Madame Guillotine, Rosie the Riveter

    Enemies: Freya, Izanami, Tsuki-Yomi


    RASCALLY RABBITDescription: Br’er Rabbit is by far the oldest God in

    the pantheon, though one might never guess it from his mischievous and sometimes childlike behavior. He is quick, sly and has an outstanding knack for getting into—and then out of—trouble. He is a bit of an iconoclast and prefers to target authority figures for his pranks, which can cause trouble within the pantheon but which makes him highly useful against the relentlessly authoritarian Axis. Originally, Rabbit was a God to the Cherokee people. Ironically, it was his tendency to stick up for the underdog that led him to attach himself to the domineering Yankee pantheon, because it was easy to find underdogs wherever they spread their empire. He worked with various Native American nations in the central plains against the aggressively expanding Federal government, and has also attached himself closely to the African American slaves of the southeast, where he guided them along the Underground Railroad for decades prior to the Civil War.

    During World War Two, Br’er Rabbit has put his talents to use fighting the threat of totalitarianism abroad. He is a cunning spy and infinitely deft at infiltrating the ranks of other pantheons, who rarely know his history and tend to vastly underestimate his capabilities. He has talked his way past Heimdall into Asgard on at least two occasions, and each time he has returned with critical information on the Aesir’s plans. He also excels at counter-intelligence, reveling in the opportunity to trick the tricksters.

    Br’er Rabbit’s Scions tend to come from poor families or disadvantaged minorities, and they tend to be quicker to run than to fight. In the war, they are spies, Navajo code-talkers and intelligence analysts. They enjoy sneaking behind enemy lines and living off their enemy’s supplies. They will take risks to do seemingly silly things, such as deface German propaganda posters or put sugar in a fighter plane’s gas tank. If they get caught, they are also the ones who coordinate the POWs and set up elaborate escape plans. There are more than a few Yankees who are glad to see these Scions pulling their tricks on someone else for a change.

    Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Manipulation, Epic Wits, Animal (Rabbit), Chaos, Industry

    Abilities: Awareness, Empathy, Investigation, Larceny, Stealth, Survival

    Rivals: The Citizen, Madame Guillotine, Uncle Sam

    Enemies: Baldur, Loki, Marishiten


    THE SPIRIT OF AMERICADescription: Sister to Britannia and Marianne,

    Columbia is one of the daughters Athena charged with redefining mortal government. Named after the explorer Christopher Columbus, Columbia is the most pioneering of her sisters, preferring to stay on the move and always seeking something new. She is a patron of travelers and a protector of immigrants. When the nation was young, she traveled with Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific coast, and then returned to draw families out along the Oregon Trail. She can be extremely aggressive in her pursuits, and often overlooks how pressing for the future carries a human toll in the present. In the final analysis, her long-term gambles have paid off, and the optimism she imparts has driven many people to achieve dreams they never thought possible.

    Columbia has seized the opportunities provided by the war to explore far-ranging corners of the World and the Overworld. She has travelled as a diplomat to Ville au Camp and Tír na nÓg, stationed troops at Iteru and the Palace of the Jade Emperor and led the invasion force to Mount Olympus. Wherever she travels, she goes with her eyes open, drinking in the new cultures and new ideas and always eager to find where she might go next.


















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    Columbia’s Scions lust for travel and adventure. They tend to take positions in the military or any other organization which can send them out around the world. They join the State Department as ambassadors to both friendly and enemy nations. More than a few are officers aboard aircraft carriers and troop transports that move through distant waters. They express unbridled optimism, but they are neither naive nor unprepared, as their past adventures have equipped them well for anything the future will bring.

    Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Perception, Guardian, Industry, Psychopomp

    Abilities: Awareness, Control, Fortitude, Investigation, Science, Survival

    Rivals: Britannia, Pecos Bill, Rodina MatEnemies: Amaterasu, Freya, Susano-o


    Description: John Henry is a steel driving man—the biggest, strongest steel driving man ever to pound spikes for a transcontinental railroad. When some egghead from back East said he had a machine that could lay rail faster, Henry challenged the machine to save his job and the jobs of his crew. True to his word, he beat the machine —though it cost him. Most say he died from the labor, through some allow that he eventually recovered. In truth, this contest allowed him to achieve apotheosis as the Man Who Beat the Machine.

    Some consider his hands-on approach to be an oddity in a pantheon dedicated to progress and innovation, but John Henry embodies characteristics equally essential to the American spirit: guts, hard work and pride. He isn’t opposed to technological advancement—his labors were dedicated to building a transcontinental railroad, after all. Rather, he serves as a reminder that at the end of the day what really gets the job done is the blood and sweat of working class people. In the war, John Henry is a tireless warrior, ready to duke it out against any other God. With his enormous hammer he lays low his opponents or tears up their fortifications to make way for his own. Henry is also drawn to the use of fire and explosives, dating back to the days he laid dynamite to open tunnels for the railway. He outdoes whatever they throw at him, and if there is a cost to be paid, he will tally what he owes only after the job is done.

    John Henry’s Scions tend to approach life with a simple motto: “Knock me down eleven times, I’ll get up a dozen.” They are the war-widow single mothers who won’t give up on their dreams and the factory laborers who set production records while braving hate crimes at work. Although African American soldiers were not always treated fairly by their superiors, Henry’s Scions make damn sure they are among the first to charge the line. They are a tough lot, and each one is ready to finish the fight and damn all the consequences.

    Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina, Fire, Industry

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    they excel at food production. They are farmers, ranchers, veterinarians, doctors, aid workers and preachers. Most are extremely knowledgeable about what it takes to grow food and what it takes to nourish living beings, both physically and spiritually. They tend to be very pious people, very giving of themselves, and are frequently vegetarians. Nothing frustrates them more than the thought of someone going without food, and even if they are starving they will still share their bread.

    Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Fertility, Health, Industry

    Abilities: Animal Ken, Craft (Farming), Empathy, Medicine, Science, Survival

    Rivals: Baba Yaga, The Citizen, Uncle SamEnemies: Freyr, Hel, Izanagi, Izanami, Tsuki-Yomi


    Description: Big man, big beard, big axe, big ox—everything about Paul Bunyan is big. By the early twentieth century, lumberjacks in the East and Midwest were circulating stories about Bunyan’s incredible size and strength. They said he could do the work of a hundred other loggers, and eat a hundred times as many pancakes, too. They also said that he built mountains by piling stones around his campfire, dug the Grand Canyon by dragging his axe behind him as he walked and made Minnesota’s ten thousand lakes with his feet and the hooves of his gigantic pet ox, Babe.

    Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Craft, Fortitude, Integrity, Melee

    Rivals: d’Artagnan, John Bull, Paul BunyanEnemies: Hachiman, Heimdall, Hel, Raiden


    Description: Johnny Appleseed is a gentle God who holds all living things in reverence. Tradition has Johnny Appleseed scattering seeds at random, though in fact he carefully cultivated orchards and distributed the trees themselves rather than the seeds, often offering generous terms of credit to perspective buyers or even bartering for mere cornmeal or used clothing. He didn’t seek profit, but instead made it his mission to provide food for the needy and sustainable agriculture for his nation. He remains an itinerant God, following the fruits of his orchard throughout the country and giving advice to pioneers and farmers as he goes.

    Despite his pacifistic tendencies, Johnny Appleseed plays a crucial role in the war. As Napoleon said, an army marches on its stomach; that being the case, the armies of the United States need to do a lot of marching and, consequently, a lot of eating. Johnny Appleseed is the chief organizer and distributor of the needed supplies. He oversees the vast American operations to transform and preserve food as K-rations and mess hall grub, and then to deliver it to the farthest corners of the World, the Overworld and the Underworld.

    Johnny Appleseed’s Scions all live off the land in some way. While they do not make the greatest soldiers,

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    Some suppose that Paul Bunyan was a Scion turned working-class hero, much like John Henry. Others suspect that he is an ancient Earth God who took on a new visage when he joined the Yankee pantheon. Whatever the case, Bunyan and his ox are now revered by their people. Their combined ability to alter the landscape is also a highly prized asset in war, allowing the Yankees to re-define the battlefield itself.

    Every one of Paul Bunyan’s Scions is uncommonly large and strong. During peacetime, many become professional athletes or manual laborers of widespread fame and success. But in the armed services, they are best suited to join the Army Corps of Engineers. They are the ones who redirect the flow of rivers, build up or tear down bunkers and trenches, construct tank traps and build bridges across chasms that the enemy thought never could be crossed. No one can dig deeper, cut faster or eat more than Bunyan’s children.

    Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina, Epic Intelligence, Animal (Ox), Earth, Industry

    Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Craft, Fortitude, Melee, Science

    Rivals: The Citizen, d’Artagnan, John HenryEnemies: Freyr, Hachiman, Susano-o


    Description: As far as anyone knows, Pecos Bill was never born: he simply rode in out of the desert, a fully fledged God of cowboys. He is the

    quickest draw, the slyest cowpoke and the rootinest, tootinest hombre in the Wild West. He has saddled a tornado, used a rattle-snake as a bull whip and hog-tied a giant bear. But for all that, he is a consummate loner, and due either to his own rugged individuality or to simple bad luck, he is unable to form any long-lasting relationships with anyone other than his horse, Widowmaker.

    Pecos Bill is indispensible in the war. He is extremely talented as a scout and is able to move far and wide on his steed, investigating enemy territory and surviving under even the most inhospitable landscapes of the Overworld. He doesn’t always work well with others, but he can pull off the most challenging jobs and survive the most insane risks, usually with an exuberant whoop and holler and an inimitable sense of flair.

    Pecos Bill’s Scions are charismatic and deft, but they are still uncomfortable working with others. They volunteer for service as lone operatives, often far from the oversight of their superiors. This makes them excellent army scouts, paratroopers, fighter pilots and couriers. Although they frequently have difficulty taking orders and their personal relationships end in tragedy, nobody is better at working solo to achieve the impossible than the Scions of The Cowboy.

    Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Stamina, Epic Charisma, Animal (Coyote, Horse), Industry, Psychopomp

    Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Control, Fortitude, Marksmanship, Survival

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    male counterparts, and there is the strong likelihood that the end of the war will see returning servicemen replace many of the positions now held by women. Still, Rosie will never rest until women are allowed to contribute their full potential to society.

    Rosie the Riveter’s Scions are almost exclusively women. They are fearless social activists who work long hours in the factories by day and campaign for wage equality while off duty. Others of her Scions seek to get as close to the front lines as they can, sometimes serving as WACs or army nurses. Her servicewomen daughters can wield a rifle as well as any man, and if their positions happen to be overrun, they will make sure they are the last to retreat.

    Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina, Epic Intelligence, Industry

    Abilities: Academics, Command, Craft, Fortitude, Integrity, Politics

    Rivals: Betsy Ross, Britannia, Madame Guillotine, Rodina Mat, Uncle Sam

    Enemies: Frig, Loki, Izanami, Marishiten


    YANKEE DOODLEDescription: Uncle Sam is the elected president of the

    Yankee Pantheon and the quintessential representative of the United States of America. His divine origins are unknown, but he has been around long enough to have been a hero of the Revolutionary War, and he has stated

    Rivals: The Citizen, d’Artagnan, Johnny Appleseed, Robin Hood, Uncle Sam

    Enemies: Raiden, Susano-o, Tyr, Thor


    WENDY THE WELDERDescription: Rosie first manifested as an agitator

    for women’s rights in the mid eighteen-hundreds. Although initially shunned, she continued to press her revolutionary platform until the passing of the 19th amendment of the Constitution, and is now taking the war as an opportunity to redefine perceptions of women. Her rebellious spirit and uncompromising opinions often create conflicts within her pantheon. She is the rebel among rebels, constantly pressing all her peers to the next level of social reform, regardless of what upheaval may come with it.

    In World War Two, Rosie has been instrumental in bringing women into the workforce to replace the young men who have shipped overseas. Her influence contributed to over sixty million women gaining employment manufacturing arms, ammunition and other battlefield necessities. More importantly to her, she has changed the common perception of the capabilities of women, with many of female workers now having mastered some of the most difficult and exhausting jobs available. Even so, this is not enough: women factory workers are still paid far less than their

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    that his parents traveled aboard the Mayflower. He embodies the power and responsibilities that accompany citizenship, and stands as a reminder that freedom isn’t free. At all times he carries a complete copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.

    During this war, as with past wars, Uncle Sam works politically to organize and strategize the war effort. His chief role is to remind citizens of their patriotic obligations, especially by encouraging young men to join the ranks of the armed forces. He and his country have never been in greater need, but he has never lost a war yet and isn’t going to let the American people down now.

    Perhaps because of his puritanical origins, Uncle Sam never sires Scions of his own, but is always on the lookout to recruit the best and the brightest for adoption. His adopted Scions tend to find their way into leadership roles as brilliant generals in shiny silver helmets, honest and hardworking politicians and sharp field commanders. They are, as a rule, very dedicated and self-sacrificing individuals who are driven to great lengths in the service of their country and who inspire others to do the same.

    Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Manipulation, Animal (Eagle), Guardian, Industry, Justice, War

    Abilities: Command, Fortitude, Integrity, Marksmanship, Politics, Presence

    Rivals: Baba Yaga, The Citizen, Rodina Mat, Rosie the Riveter

    Enemies: Baldur, Freyr, Loki, Susano-o


    This Boon was first used by the Axis Pantheons to open the way for their rank-and-file to enter and seize foreign Godrealms. Since the start of the war, this power has been used even more frequently by Yankee Gods and demigods leading armies into the Overworld to liberate those same Godrealms. Because of the central role of Axis Mundi connection points, Psychopomps with this Boon are extremely prized officers in all of the major celestial armies.


    Dice Pool: Intelligence + CommandCost: 1 Legend per 2 unitsThis Boon allows a Psychopomp to open an Axis

    Mundi connection point to those who might not normally be able to pass through it. The user of this Boon must first be in the immediate presence of an active Axis Mundi connection point and must meet all the criteria for moving through the gate. If the Psychopomp would normally need to use another Boon to pass through the connection, the cost of that Boon is added to the cost of using Storm the Gates.

    When activated, this power opens a rippling portal through which even mortals and vehicles can pass into the Overworld. For each success rolled, the gate is wide enough for one unit to cross over. A “unit” may consist of either eight fully-equipped soldiers or 2 points of vehicle Mass. Thus, if a Scion with Epic Intelligence rolled 15 successes, she would open the way for 120 foot soldiers, or 5 tanks, or potentially even one small battleship. A vehicle may carry its full compliment of passengers and crew as it crosses over. The Scion may repeatedly use this Boon as long as she can continue to pay the Legend cost for each unit sent through, but may not send through any vehicle with a Mass exceeding the number of successes on a given roll—you can’t send half a B-17 through one minute and half the next minute.

    This power does not alter in any way where the connection point opens in the Overwold, so troops may still need some other way to scale the vast mountain, climb the cosmic tree, navigate the celestial oceans or deal with whatever other environment awaits them at the other end.


    The name of this Purview refers less to the manufacturing system of the United States and more to the hard work, resourcefulness and progressiveness that created that system. As is fitting for a modern pantheon, the powers of this Purview apply to the tools and devices of the modern world. The Industry Purview allows its user to do more and be more through the improvement of both techniques and technology.

    WORK HARDER (INDUSTRY •)Dice Pool: Stamina + SurvivalCost: 1 Legend + 1 WillpowerTo be industrious, one must sometimes be prepared

    to dig deep, take a few hard knocks or burn the candle at both ends. This Boon gives the Scion endurance enough to make long marches or continue working without sleep. The Scion using this power reduces fatigue penalties by 1 for each success rolled. This penalty reduction lasts for 12 hours, at which point the Scion may pay the cost and re-activate the power if he so chooses.


    Dice Pool: NoneCost: 1 LegendAn industrious person knows to seek time-saving

    innovations wherever possible. By finding just the right balance in the materials, handling the tools in a more efficient way or finding the most advantageous location for the project, this Boon allows a Scion to intuit the most productive way to work. Using Work Smarter allows the Scion to double the speed with which he performs one type of repetitive manual labor such as stacking sandbags, digging a foxhole or peeling potatoes. This